Director’s Message Prof. Bryan Gaensler

he recurring theme of the nothing less than to map the history NIROSETI combines several new TAnnual Report you are about of the Universe. technologies to search for SETI to read is “transformation.” signals consisting of nanosecond You will first be struck by the pulses of infrared radiation. innovative ways in which Dunlap “CHIME and NIROSETI saw “first light” early in Institute researchers are using NIROSETI are 2015, and will begin searching for technology to transform our signals in earnest later this year. approach to astronomy. CHIME and two very different The Dunlap Institute is NIROSETI are two very different experiments, but both also overseeing a very different experiments, but both epitomise the but equally important type of Dunlap way of doing things. epitomise the Dunlap transformation: the transformation The team behind CHIME (pg. way of doing things” of enthusiastic students and postdocs 5), led at the Dunlap by Prof. Keith into seasoned scientists and problem Vanderlinde, is doing something that At the other end of the spectrum, solvers. We are deeply committed

Cover was once impossible and unthinkable: NIROSETI (pg. 3) is a Dunlap to training the next generation of their telescope has no moving parts. project led by Prof. Shelley Wright scientists, not just by letting them The CHIME Pathfinder at the The power of this quintessential 21st and Jérome Maire to look for signs of lead interesting research projects, Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory, NRC, in B.C. century spyglass is not in the gears intelligent in other solar systems. but also by teaching them vital and mirrors, but in the supercomputer While the search for extraterrestrial technical and pedagogical skills. Dunlap Fellow Laura New- that sits alongside it. By processing intelligence (SETI) is more than 50 We are thrilled by our growing burgh works on a CHIME feed in the Long Wavelength stupendous amounts of data at mind- years old, most of that effort has been collaboration on professional Lab at the Dunlap Institute. boggling speeds, CHIME aims for at radio wavelengths. In contrast, development with the Institute


“Despite our for Scientist and Engineer Educators, science with the wider community. additionally for convincing me to and last summer we held another Despite our successes in this area, take up this position. successes in this highly successful—and heavily what we have achieved is only the I want to take this area, what we oversubscribed—Dunlap Institute beginning. We have plans for much to publicly thank some of the other Summer School on Astronomical more ambitious education and talented individuals in the Dunlap have achieved Instrumentation (pg. 16, 17). outreach programs in the coming from whom I have already begun to is only the Finally, we aim to transform the years, which will soon begin to learn so much: Michael Reid, who is wider community’s appreciation of take shape. one of the most inspiring educators beginning.” the Universe. The Dunlap Institute In my first few months as I have ever met; Chris Sasaki, who is unique in that we have a specific Director, I’ve repeatedly been shares my ambitious vision for the mandate from the University of impressed by the high quality of Dunlap’s future; and Alice Chow, the Toronto and from the Dunlap our scientists, staff and students, and epitome of professionalism and the family to foster public engagement have been inspired by their vision glue that holds the Institute together. in science. Whether on campus and enthusiasm. The dynamism of Finally, I want to highlight the at events like the Transit of the Dunlap Institute is a testament superb work done by our Dunlap at Varsity Stadium, the Dunlap to the inspirational role played by Fellows and postdocs, the young Prize Lecture, or our popular the outgoing Interim Director, scientists who are our “secret planetarium shows, or throughout Prof. Peter Martin. On behalf of the weapons” for research, teaching and the city at the Dunlap-sponsored Institute, the University of Toronto outreach. Most of what you will Prof. Bryan Gaensler is Canadian Astronomy on Tap T.O. (pg. 19), we and the Dunlap family, I offer a read about in the following pages Science Director for the SKA, the Square Kilometre Array have an unflagging commitment huge note of thanks to Peter for his is a result of their hard work and (artist’s rendering above). to sharing our excitement about wise leadership in recent years, and brilliant insights.


Instrumentation Research Transforming the Tools of Astronomy

U of T graduate student Elliot Meyer and a collimator lens assembly for WIFIS, the Wide Integral-Field Infrared Spectrograph. WIFIS will be used to observe extended objects like supernova remnant Cassiopeia A. Credit: Cassiopeia A: X-ray: NASA/CXC/SAO; Optical: NASA/STScI; Infrared: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ Steward/O. Krause et al.


A “Made-in-Canada” Search for Instrumentation Research Extraterrestrial Intelligence

– NIROSETI Near-InfraRed Optical Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence

f an advanced extra-terrestrial a billionth of a second in duration. on a telescope at the University of Icivilization were trying to The signals would be infrared, California’s . communicate with us, what the thinking goes, because light The observatory was the site of technology would they use? For at that wavelength is not blocked several previous SETI searches, decades, astronomers reasoned by interstellar gas and dust to the including one with an optical that ET would use radio signals, same extent as visible light; and instrument built by Wright when and so most SETI (Search for they would be nanosecond-long she was an undergraduate student. ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) flashes instead of a continuous Wright developed and built programs scanned the skies with beam because such a short pulse NIROSETI while at the Dunlap Members of the NIROSETI radio telescopes. can be made to outshine a . Institute, working with Dunlap team at Lick Observatory But a team of astronomers, In March, Wright and her Fellow Jérome Maire who was including Prof. Shelley Wright including SETI pioneer Frank colleagues began a ground- vital in developing an instrument (third from r.), Jérome Maire (fourth from r.) and U of T Drake and led by the Dunlap’s breaking search based on this capable of detecting such a fleeting undergraduate student Patrick Prof. Shelley Wright, thinks ET strategy when they installed an pulse and distinguishing between a Dorval (second from r.). is trying to get our attention instrument called NIROSETI natural signal and one that tells us Credit: © Laurie Hatch with flashes of infrared laser light (Near InfraRed Optical SETI) we are not alone.


Seeing the 01 Instrumentation Research Unseen


here’s more to the Universe than meets the eye or and it seemed likely they were relatively nearby dwarf Teven the largest telescopes. And sometimes it takes galaxies that happened to be in the line of sight with a special astronomical eye to reveal how much more. the Coma Cluster. The Dragonfly Telescope Array is a unique multi- However, in follow-up observations with a lens instrument with the ability to detect extremely spectrograph on the Keck I telescope in Hawaii, faint objects that even large telescopes can’t see— Abraham and his colleagues determined that the objects like the tenuous streams and filaments of objects are at the same distance as the Coma Cluster— material left over in the aftermath of galaxy mergers. which means they are members of the distant cluster, Dragonfly accomplishes this using ten 400mm and are not dwarfs but are comparable in size to the photographic lenses with innovative lens-coatings and Milky Way Galaxy. glass that greatly reduce internal scattered light and The new objects are an entirely new species of reflections, thereby revealing hard-to-detect structure. galaxy: large, diffuse, with much less gas and only one In observations made during 2014, Prof. Roberto percent of the found in galaxies like ours. The

01. Spectroscopic Abraham and his collaborators used Dragonfly to objects—dubbed UDGs for Ultra Diffuse Galaxies— observations of detect 47 extremely faint objects in the direction should disperse because they don’t appear to have the Ultra Diffuse Galaxy of the Coma Cluster, a vast collection of several mass required to hold themselves together. Instead, Dragonfly 44 confirmed it is a member of the thousand galaxies at a distance of 320 million Abraham and his colleagues think they may contain as Coma Cluster. light-years. much as 98% dark matter. Credit: P. Van Dokkum, The objects look like dwarf galaxies, a relatively It may be that Dragonfly has detected galaxies that R. Abraham, J. Brodie common type of galaxy, without spiral arms and much are not just barely visible, but are made up mostly of

02. Dragonfly smaller than the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies; invisible matter.


Mapping the Universe Instrumentation Research

HIME is a ground-breaking radio telescope east to west over the course of a day, CHIME Cthat will map the largest volume of space maps the entire northern sky. ever surveyed. It will provide insight into an But CHIME will also measure the redshift— epoch of the early Universe during which dark and hence distance—of distant clouds of energy first began to play an important role in the hydrogen. The result will be a three-dimensional evolution of the cosmos. map billions of light-years thick, covering half CHIME is being built in the B.C. interior the sky. by an all-Canadian team of researchers from the When you map such a large volume of University of British Columbia; the Dominion space, you generate vast amounts of data. Once Radio Astrophysical Observatory, NRC; McGill construction and commissioning is completed in University; and the University of Toronto. The 2016, CHIME will generate 1 terabyte of data team at the Dunlap Institute is led by Prof. Keith per second as it scans the sky. That’s more data Vanderlinde. (Collaborations, pg. 12-13) per second than all current consumer and web The CHIME Pathfinder prototype has been traffic combined. operating since the winter of 2013/2014, and It takes an enormous amount of computing in 2015 construction commenced on the four power to handle this much data and CHIME’s 20x100-metre half-cylinders that make up capability will be 25 times greater than that of CHIME proper. the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter CHIME does not look at individual Array (ALMA)—currently the largest radio Construction in progress as astronomical targets like galaxies; instead, it scans telescope in the world—putting CHIME of May 2015. a narrow line in the sky from due north through in the ranks of the world’s most powerful Credit: Prof. Keith the zenith to due south. As the sky moves from supercomputers. Vanderlinde; Dunlap Institute



Observational Research Transforming Our Understanding of the Universe

01. Dunlap Fellow Rachel 02. Rendering of a binary Friesen leads the Green comprising a pulsar Bank Ammonia Survey (l.) and white dwarf (GAS) which will map star (r.). According to 01 ammonia gas in star- research by Dunlap forming regions like the Fellow John Antoniadis, Ophiuchus molecular a newly discovered cloud. class of such binaries may form through a Credit: Dr. Rachel short-term interaction Friesen; Dunlap with a surrounding disk Institute of material.

Credit: Dr. John Antoniadis


Hot Jupiters Come Up Dry Observational Research

team of astronomers, including Dunlap the planet’s atmosphere as the planet passed accumulate until they coalesce into a planet AFellow Nicolas Crouzet, has made the most in front of the star. When the astronomers which, in turn, attracts an atmosphere of gas. precise measurements yet of water vapour in the subtracted the light of the star from the total The theory predicts that oxygen would be the atmospheres of Jupiter-like planets beyond our light collected, what remained was the light that most abundant element—other than hydrogen and found them to be much drier passed through the planet’s atmosphere. and helium—in hot-Jupiter atmospheres and worlds than expected. Spectroscopic analysis of this light revealed would take the form of water vapour in the The co-investigators analyzed near-infrared that the abundance of atmospheric water vapour atmosphere. spectra, obtained using the Hubble Space is between ten and a thousand times less than The very low levels of water vapour Telescope, of three “hot Jupiters”—gas giant what is predicted by the core accretion theory discovered raise questions about our with very hot atmospheres, orbiting of planetary system formation. understanding of the formation of planetary Artist’s rendering of a hot close to their parent stars. According to the theory, planetary systems systems and the chemical processes involved Jupiter in orbit around a star. The Hubble could not directly resolve the form from a huge disk of hydrogen gas in planet formation—and they raise more Credit: Haven Giguere, planets; instead, it collected light from both the and dust around a star. Dust particles in the fundamental questions about the abundance Nikku Madhusudhan parent star as well as light that passed through disk accrete into larger particles, and these of both water and life on other worlds.


The Answer is Blowing in the Observational Research Intergalactic Wind


or decades, astronomers have observed indirectly: young stars Ftried to understand why galaxies trailing from a galaxy, presumably in dense clusters of galaxies have so formed from gas newly-stripped few young stars when compared to from the galaxy; and galaxies with those outside clusters. Why don’t tails of very tenuous gas. stars form in these galaxies the way But now, Dunlap Fellow Suresh they do in others? Sivanandam and astronomers from One theory states that, as a the University of Arizona have galaxy—moving at thousands of provided the first direct evidence of kilometres a second—merges with this intergalactic “wind.” a cluster, it encounters the cloud of Using the , hot intergalactic gas that envelopes Sivanandam and his colleagues 02 the entire cluster. The hot gas acts observed the light coming from dust like a wind, blowing molecular in four galaxies. The dust is known

hydrogen gas from the in-falling to trace molecular hydrogen and the 01. A composite image of the galaxy like smoke from a candle observations revealed a “wake” of galaxy NGC 4522. The being carried into a room. The result this stellar fuel trailing the galaxies as galaxy appears blue in the is a galaxy depleted of molecular they move through the cluster. image; Spitzer data hydrogen, the raw material from The result is clear evidence of shows dust which traces which stars form. ram-pressure stripping and shows that molecular hydrogen in red. This process is known as ram- the price of admission to a cluster of In the image, the galaxy is moving down and into the pressure stripping and it has been galaxies may be star formation. plane of the photo. 02. Spitzer Space Telescope Credit: Suresh Sivanadam; Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ Dunlap Institute R. Hurt


n March 2014, researchers using between the BICEP2 researchers Searching for a Ithe BICEP2 telescope at the and scientists from the Planck South Pole announced they had satellite collaboration. detected the first evidence of The Planck collaboration Signal from the cosmic inflation. First proposed includes researchers at the Observational Research over thirty years ago, the theory University of Toronto from the of cosmic inflation suggests the Canadian Institute for Theoretical First Second Universe experienced a brief Astrophysics, the Department of period of accelerated expansion— Astronomy & Astrophysics, and the of Time called inflation—in the first Dunlap Institute’s former interim second of time. director, Prof. Peter Martin. According to the theory, Launched in 2009, Planck has 02 inflation would have generated given astronomers the most detailed gravity waves that rippled view of the CMB. And with both throughout the cosmos and BICEP2 and Planck data, the left their mark on the Cosmic scientists concluded that the pattern Microwave Background (CMB), found in the CMB by BICEP2 was light from when the Universe was not the result of inflation-generated only 380,000 years old. According gravity waves. Instead, the pattern to the BICEP2 scientists, they turned out to be in the polarized had found the mark: a distinctive microwave emission from dust pattern in the polarization, or within the Milky Way Galaxy. orientation, of the CMB. The collaboration’s result doesn’t But close on the heels of that disprove inflation. In fact, it gives announcement, other researchers us a clearer idea about the nature speculated that the pattern wasn’t of inflation—as well as the nature from the beginning of time, but of scientific investigation—and the was instead from a source closer search continues for a signal from to home. Thus began a partnership the beginning of time.

01. Planck image showing the abundance 02. Planck spacecraft. of interstellar dust particles in the plane Credit: ESA - C. Carreau of our Galaxy. Lines indicate the galaxy’s magnetic field lines. 01 Credit: ESA and the Planck Collaboration


First Science from a New Observational Research Planet Finder

efore 1992, we knew of only and his colleagues used GPI to of material known to circle a star GPI image of the ring around Bone planetary system in the entire obtain the first infrared spectrum designated HR 4796A and have HR 4796A. Universe: our own Solar System. Since of a planet called β Pic b—a planet literally turned our understanding Credit: M. Perrin; then, there has been a revolution in 10 to 12 times the mass of Jupiter, of the ring front-to-back. With G. Duchene; M. Millar-Blanchaer; planet finding and, today, we have over 60 light-years from Earth. The GPI’s observations of the light GPI Team identified thousands of exoplanets in researchers determined that the reflected and scattered by the orbit around distant stars. planet’s atmospheric temperature ring, they now see that what we Most exoplanets were was 1300 to 1400°C, and the thought was the edge closest to discovered indirectly by looking planet’s gravity is 10 to 100 times us is in fact farthest. What’s more, for the effect they have on a that of Jupiter’s. their observations suggest that the star’s motion or by observing the GPI also measures the form of the ring could be affected brightness of a star decrease as an orientation or polarization of light by an orbiting planet, in the passes in front of it. waves. A star’s light is polarized same way that Saturn’s rings are But a new revolution of planet when it reflects off or is scattered influenced by its moons. finding has begun with the Gemini by a ring or disk of dust particles While GPI’s main science Planet Imager (GPI)—an adaptive- in orbit around it. Observing rings program is the GPI Exoplanet optics, imaging spectrograph— and disks around stars is important, Survey—a search for Jupiter-size and instruments like it. With because these may be planetary planets around 600 nearby stars— GPI, astronomers can see planets systems in the process of formation. the early science observations by directly, allowing them to study Using GPI, U of T graduate Chilcote, Millar-Blanchaer and others those worlds spectroscopically. student Max Millar-Blanchaer show it is living up to expectations as Dunlap Fellow Jeffrey Chilcote and his colleagues observed a ring a ground-breaking instrument.


What Distant Radio Galaxies Observational Research Reveal About Our Planet


ometimes, telescopes designed to study the Instead, it was caused by something much Sfarthest reaches of the Universe can help us closer. As light from cosmic radio sources understand our own planet. passes through the lowest layers of the Earth’s The Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) is magnetosphere, their paths—and hence their a radio telescope in Western Australia normally apparent positions—are altered by variations in used to observe the early Universe, distant density in those layers. The effect is like looking up galaxies, and stars and nebulae within our own from the bottom of a swimming pool and seeing Milky Way Galaxy. It is built on one of the sites distortions caused by waves at the surface. 02 planned for the Square Kilometre Array which, Mapping the variations revealed the shape when completed in the 2020s, will be the largest and dimensions of tube-like regions of increased radio telescope ever built. particle density. Researchers had suspected the Using the MWA, Dunlap director Prof. existence of such tubes but had not observed Bryan Gaensler and his colleagues observed them directly. The observations by Gaensler and 01. Artist’s rendering of tube- 1000 radio galaxies and quasars over a large his collaborators revealed that the tubes above the like structures aligned with patch of sky near the zenith. Normally such MWA are 500 to 700 km above the surface and Earth’s magnetic field targets “jiggle”; they change their positions in are aligned with the Earth’s magnetic field lines. Credit: CAASTRO / Mats the sky by very small amounts, and astronomers They are at an angle to the surface, following Björklund (Magipics)

use various methods to subtract the motion the field lines as they angle down to the south 02. One “tile” of 128 that make from their data. magnetic pole. up the MWA Gaensler and his colleagues tracked the jiggling With these observations of objects billions of Credit: Paul Bourke of the sources over the course of a single night and light-years away, Gaensler and his colleagues have and Jonathan Knispel. Supported by WASP found that the motion was not random, nor did it discovered something that, in astronomical terms, (UWA), iVEC, ICRAR, and have a cosmic origin. is right in front of our noses. CSIRO.

11 Instituition LEGEND University of California, San Diego University of California, Berkeley Starman Systems SETI Institute Kavli IPMU University of Washington University of Kentucky at Austin University of Texas Wisconsin Open University, University of St. Andrews, Scotland University of Portsmouth Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México University of Nottingham Cambridge University Shanghai Astronomical Observatory University of Wisconsin-Madison Max Planck Institute for Astronomy European Southern Observatory Dominion Radio Astrophysical NRC Observatory, University of Calgary CSIRO - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation University of Cape Town University of Sydney Australian National University University of Minnesota University of Chicago University of California, Berkeley Reserve University Case Western Harvard-Smithsonian McGill University University of Colorado Boulder Argonne National Laboratory University of California, Davis NASA/Goddard University of Maryland

Astronomer ASKAP MaNGA SPT-3G NIROSETI research and instrumentation collaborations which include astronomers from institutions around the world. MSAMOS Array Pathfinder – 3rd Generation Object Spectrograph South Pole Telescope South Pole Telescope Apache Point Observatory Colin Merkel Near Infrared-Optical SETI Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Australian Square Kilometre Dr. David Law Dr. Patrick Dorval (Dunlap/DAA) Ronald Gagne Multi-Shutter Array - Multiple Nikhil Mahajan Dr. Jérome Maire Dr. Dr. Brian Cherinka Dr. Prof. Shelley Wright Prof. Dae-Sik Moon Prof. Dae-Sik Moon Prof. Shelley Wright Prof. Bryan Gaensler Prof. Keith Vanderlinde Prof. Keith Vanderlinde Dr. Suresh Sivanandam Dr. & Astrophysics (DAA) and Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics are members of (CITA)

University of Arizona University of Florida Korean Astronomy and Space Science Institute Jodrell Bank Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope European VLBI Network NRAO Long Baseline Array, Very Curtin University Caltech Optical Observatories UCLA Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, NRC Thirty Meter Telescope Observatory Corporation UC Observatories, CfAO Dominion Astrophysical NRC Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Chinese Optics and Technology, Academy of Sciences Yale University Yale IRIS SoTL WIFIS and Learning ARO VLBI Dragonfly Siqi Liu Wide Integral-Field Mark Ma Infrared Spectrograph Scholarship of Teaching Scholarship of Teaching Elliot Meyer Elliot Meyer Dr. Tuan Do Tuan Dr. Jielai Zhang Telescope Array Telescope Robert Main (Dunlap/DAA) Dr. David Law Dr. (Dunlap/DAA) (Dunlap/CITA) (Dunlap/CITA) Miranda Jarvis Algonquin Radio Observatory Morten Støstad Infrared Imaging Spectrograph Faculty, postdoctoral fellows Faculty, and graduate students from the Dunlap Institute, Department of Astronomy – 2014 - 2015 Dr. Shaojie Chen Dr. Dr. Michael Reid Dr. Very Long Baseline Interferometry Very Dr. Jérome Maire Dr. Prof. Peter Martin Prof. Peter Martin Prof. Dae-Sik Moon Prof. Dae-Sik Moon Prof. Shelley Wright Prof. Shelley Wright Dr. John Antoniadis Dr. (CITA) Prof. Ue-Li Pen (CITA) Dr. Suresh Sivanandam Dr. Prof. Roberto Abraham Prof. Keith Vanderlinde Prof. Keith Vanderlinde Prof. John Percy (DAA) Dr. Mike Williams (DAA) Dr. Prof. Marten Van Kerkwijk (DAA) Prof. Marten Van

COLLABORATIONS American Museum of Natural History Arizona State University Gemini Observatory Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics Jet Propulsion Laboratory Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory NASA Ames SETI Institute Science Institute Space Telescope Stanford University University de Montreal University of California, Berkeley University of California, Los Angeles University of California, Santa Cruz University of Georgia University of Alberta University of Arizona Harvard-Smithsonian CfA Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics NRC-Herzberg University Yale UBC McGill University Dominion Radio Astrophysical NRC Observatory, University of Virginia Apache Point Observatory CAASTRO – Centre of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics Curtin University MIT Raman Research Institute Victoria University of Wellington University of Wisconsin

GPI GAS MWA CHIME APOGEE (DAA) (CITA) (CITA) Canadian Hydrogen Gemini Planet Imager & Apache Point Observatory Murchison Widefield Array Liam Connor (Dunlap/IBM) Andre Recnik Galaxy Evolution Experiment (Dunlap/CITA) (Dunlap/CITA) Green Bank Ammonia Survey Intensity Mapping Experiment Nolan Denman Philippe Berger Dr. Jérome Maire Dr. Prof. Peter Martin Prof. Peter Martin Dr. Rachel Friesen Dr. Dr. Jeffrey Chilcote Dr. Prof. Chris Matzner Prof. Chris Matzner Prof. Shelley Wright Dr. Laura Newburgh Dr. Prof. Bryan Gaensler Dr. Quinn Konopacky Dr. Max Millar-Blanchaer (CITA) Prof. Ue-Li Pen (CITA) ASTRONOMY Dr. Duy Cuong Nguyen Dr. Prof. Keith Vanderlinde (CITA) Richard Shaw (CITA) Dr. DUNLAP INSTITUTE for ASTROPHYSICS Collaborations Prof. Richard Bond 12 Dr. Peter Klages Dr. Instituition LEGEND University of California, San Diego University of California, Berkeley Starman Systems SETI Institute Kavli IPMU University of Washington University of Kentucky at Austin University of Texas Wisconsin Open University, University of St. Andrews, Scotland University of Portsmouth Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México University of Nottingham Cambridge University Shanghai Astronomical Observatory University of Wisconsin-Madison Max Planck Institute for Astronomy European Southern Observatory Dominion Radio Astrophysical NRC Observatory, University of Calgary CSIRO - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation University of Cape Town University of Sydney Australian National University University of Minnesota University of Chicago University of California, Berkeley Reserve University Case Western Harvard-Smithsonian McGill University University of Colorado Boulder Argonne National Laboratory University of California, Davis NASA/Goddard University of Maryland

Astronomer ASKAP MaNGA SPT-3G NIROSETI research and instrumentation collaborations which include astronomers from institutions around the world. MSAMOS Array Pathfinder – 3rd Generation Object Spectrograph South Pole Telescope South Pole Telescope Apache Point Observatory Colin Merkel Near Infrared-Optical SETI Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Australian Square Kilometre Dr. David Law Dr. Patrick Dorval (Dunlap/DAA) Ronald Gagne Multi-Shutter Array - Multiple Nikhil Mahajan Dr. Jérome Maire Dr. Dr. Brian Cherinka Dr. Prof. Shelley Wright Prof. Dae-Sik Moon Prof. Dae-Sik Moon Prof. Shelley Wright Prof. Bryan Gaensler Prof. Keith Vanderlinde Prof. Keith Vanderlinde Dr. Suresh Sivanandam Dr. & Astrophysics (DAA) and Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics are members of (CITA)

University of Arizona University of Florida Korean Astronomy and Space Science Institute Jodrell Bank Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope European VLBI Network NRAO Long Baseline Array, Very Curtin University Caltech Optical Observatories UCLA Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, NRC Thirty Meter Telescope Observatory Corporation UC Observatories, CfAO Dominion Astrophysical NRC Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Chinese Optics and Technology, Academy of Sciences Yale University Yale IRIS SoTL WIFIS and Learning ARO VLBI Dragonfly Siqi Liu Wide Integral-Field Mark Ma Infrared Spectrograph Scholarship of Teaching Scholarship of Teaching Elliot Meyer Elliot Meyer Dr. Tuan Do Tuan Dr. Jielai Zhang Telescope Array Telescope Robert Main (Dunlap/DAA) Dr. David Law Dr. (Dunlap/DAA) (Dunlap/CITA) (Dunlap/CITA) Miranda Jarvis Algonquin Radio Observatory Morten Støstad Infrared Imaging Spectrograph Faculty, postdoctoral fellows Faculty, and graduate students from the Dunlap Institute, Department of Astronomy – 2014 - 2015 Dr. Shaojie Chen Dr. Dr. Michael Reid Dr. Very Long Baseline Interferometry Very Dr. Jérome Maire Dr. Prof. Peter Martin Prof. Peter Martin Prof. Dae-Sik Moon Prof. Dae-Sik Moon Prof. Shelley Wright Prof. Shelley Wright Dr. John Antoniadis Dr. (CITA) Prof. Ue-Li Pen (CITA) Dr. Suresh Sivanandam Dr. Prof. Roberto Abraham Prof. Keith Vanderlinde Prof. Keith Vanderlinde Prof. John Percy (DAA) Dr. Mike Williams (DAA) Dr. Prof. Marten Van Kerkwijk (DAA) Prof. Marten Van COLLABORATIONS American Museum of Natural History Arizona State University Gemini Observatory Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics Jet Propulsion Laboratory Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory NASA Ames SETI Institute Science Institute Space Telescope Stanford University University de Montreal University of California, Berkeley University of California, Los Angeles University of California, Santa Cruz University of Georgia University of Alberta University of Arizona Harvard-Smithsonian CfA Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics NRC-Herzberg University Yale UBC McGill University Dominion Radio Astrophysical NRC Observatory, University of Virginia Apache Point Observatory CAASTRO – Centre of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics Curtin University MIT Raman Research Institute Victoria University of Wellington University of Wisconsin GPI GAS MWA CHIME APOGEE (DAA) Canadian Hydrogen Gemini Planet Imager & Apache Point Observatory Murchison Widefield Array Liam Connor Andre Recnik Galaxy Evolution Experiment (Dunlap/CITA) (Dunlap/CITA) Green Bank Ammonia Survey Intensity Mapping Experiment Nolan Denman Philippe Berger Dr. Jérome Maire Dr. Prof. Peter Martin Prof. Peter Martin Dr. Rachel Friesen Dr. Dr. Jeffrey Chilcote Dr. Prof. Chris Matzner Prof. Chris Matzner Prof. Shelley Wright Dr. Laura Newburgh Dr. Prof. Bryan Gaensler Dr. Quinn Konopacky Dr. Max Millar-Blanchaer (CITA) Prof. Ue-Li Pen (CITA) ASTRONOMY Dr. Duy Cuong Nguyen Dr. Prof. Keith Vanderlinde Prof. Keith Vanderlinde (CITA) Richard Shaw (CITA) Dr. ASTROPHYSICS ASTROPHYSICS DUNLAP INSTITUTE for Collaborations (CITA) Prof. Richard Bond (CITA) 13 Dr. Peter Klages (Dunlap/IBM) Dr. DUNLAP INSTITUTE for ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS


Training Transforming the Next Generation

of Scientists 01. U of T undergraduate student Miranda Jarvis during the 2014 U of T Summer Undergraduate Research Program in astronomy working with Suresh Sivanandam on a component used in the development of the WIFIS spectrograph.

02 02. Students in the Professional Development Program workshop of the Institute for Science and Engineer Educators, hosted by the Dunlap Institute. The Dunlap is the first international chapter of the ISEE.


2014 Summer Undergraduate Training Research Program

“I learned how to formulate questions.”

“[Presenting my research] was essential practice and preparation for the world of academia.” “It was incredibly valuable to learn how to read papers, or more specifically how to extract the most valuable information.” “Getting feedback on my abstract from my peers was especially important.”

rom May 5th to August 22nd, 24 The program included an inquiry- Fundergraduate students from universities based course, collaborative meetings, and across the country took part in the annual a weekly meeting to discuss the latest Summer Undergraduate Research Program research papers from scientific journals; in astronomy at the U of T. it included workshops on giving scientific The students worked on their own presentations, figure-making and abstract- research projects with postdoctoral writing; students also took part in a fellows and faculty in the Dunlap discussion panel about their post-graduate Institute, the Department of Astronomy careers in and out of astronomy. & Astrophysics, the Canadian Institute for In short, the students experienced— Theoretical Astrophysics, and the Centre in a summer—what a career in science for Planetary Sciences. would be like.


2014 Introduction to Astronomical Training Instrumentation Summer School

– August 10 - 15


During the 2014 Introduction to Astronomical Instrumentation Summer School, students from 12 countries experienced a unique week of lectures, labs and mentoring with U of T and invited instructors, all of whom are specialists in the development of astronomical instruments. The week included a visit to the David Dunlap Observatory.



Public Outreach Transforming Public Engagement in Astronomy 01. Prof. Keith Vanderlinde speaking at TEDxToronto 2014 about studying the early Universe from the South Pole.

Credit: Johnathan Ball

02. A planetary system discovered by the as seen in the U of T planetarium. Since May 2014, U of T

02 graduate students and postdocs have presented 33 live public planetarium shows, 23 of which were sold out, with a total attendance of 779. 18 DUNLAP INSTITUTE ASTRONOMY ON TAP T.O. for ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS

Astronomy 01 on Tap T.O. Public Outreach

niversity of Toronto astronomers aren’t necessarily interested in attending Milky Way Galaxy, the spacecraft 01. Dunlap Fellow Suresh are connecting with a whole an hour-long talk in a lecture hall. rendezvous with comet 67P, and more. Sivanandam explains U spectroscopy to the new audience with an event that lets With this audience in mind, There have been a total of three crowd at the Tranzac members of the public quench their Astronomy on Tap T.O. is a lively events in the past year, at two different Club in downtown thirst for astronomy. night of engaging talks, audience venues, with approximately a hundred Toronto. U of T astronomy lectures and participation, demonstrations, prizes, attendees each night. It’s a great way of planetarium shows continue to enjoy and stimulating conversation in a bar serving up the wonders of the Universe strong attendance, but Astronomy on in downtown Toronto. It’s a night of in a way that both astronomers and the Tap T.O. is aimed at a new audience: astronomy without scientific jargon and public enjoy. individuals who don’t necessarily have complicated graphs, and with plenty Astronomy on Tap originated in a scientific background and for whom of time for people to connect with an New York City and is now held in astronomy isn’t a primary interest, but astronomer over a pint. cities throughout North America. U of who are engaged in the world around So far, audiences have enjoyed talks on T’s Astronomy on Tap T.O. is sponsored them, and are curious and eager to a wide variety of topics including: dark by the Dunlap Institute and organized learn about many subjects—including matter, dark energy, the Multiverse, super- in collaboration with the Department astronomy. It’s also aimed at people who massive black holes at the core of the of Astronomy & Astrophysics.


The Universe in Your Hand Public 01 Outreach

n 2014, the Dunlap Institute astronomy events, including Imade it easier for the public to GASA AstroTour talks, ASX Star connect with U of T astronomers Talks, planetarium shows, Sidewalk through a new e-newsletter and a Astronomy, Astronomy on Tap T.O. re-launched outreach website. and special events. For years, the Graduate Also in 2014, the Dunlap 02 Astronomy Students Association Institute launched a redesigned (GASA), the student-run outreach website that lets the public Astronomy & Space Exploration quickly find the event they’re after. Society (ASX) and the Dunlap Whether people want to explore Institute maintained their own the night sky through a telescope, lists of people interested in enjoy a planetarium show, hear a outreach events. In 2014, those talk, or book a speaker, they can lists were consolidated so that quickly find out how, often with subscribers now receive a single a single click of their mouse. The monthly e-newsletter, called the website—— 01. Event Horizon Event Horizon, which contains is a portal into the universe of e-newsletter.

information about all U of T U of T astronomy. 02.


Event 2016 CHIME Horizon (Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment) Expected dates First Light beyond April 30, 2015 for the development and commissioning of instruments, commencement of observation projects, 2016 2016 and education WIFIS MSAMOS events at the Dunlap (Wide Integral Field (Micro-Shutter Array, Institute or involving Infrared Spectrograph) Multi-Object Infrared Dunlap astronomers First Light Spectrograph) and educators. First Light

July 2016 2015 SPT-3G Dunlap Institute (South Pole Telescope Astronomical - 3rd Generation Instrumentation Camera) First Light Summer School


Faculty Associated Faculty Profiles Prof. • Cosmic magnetism • Time-domain astronomy Bryan Gaensler • Interstellar Gas Prof. Director • SKA Roberto Abraham

• Observational cosmology • Galaxy evolution Dr. • Communicating astronomy to • Dragonfly Michael Reid non-scientists • Education and Education & Public outreach with Outreach Coordinator planetariums • Star formation Prof. Dae-Sik Moon

Prof. • Large-scale structure in Universe • Infrared & optical • Compact objects: Keith Vanderlinde • Pulsars and Fast Radio instrumentation »» Black Holes Assistant Professor Bursts • Supernowvae and »» Neutron stars supernovae remnants • Microwave-Radio »» X-ray binaries instrumentation • Gamma-Ray bursts • VLBI, CHIME, SPT

Prof. • Galaxy formation Prof. and evolution Shelley Wright • Optical-Infrared Ue-li Pen Assistant Professor instrumentation • IRIS, OSIRIS, NIROSETI, SPIRou • Dark matter • Pulsar VLBI • Current position: • Neutrinos • Black hole physics Asst. Professor; UC San Diego • Dark energy • Associate Director, CITA


Dunlap Dr. John Dr. Jeffrey Dr. Nicolas Dr. Rachel Fellows Antoniadis Chilcote Crouzet Friesen Profiles

• Millisecond and binary • Exoplanets • Transiting exoplanets • Star and star cluster pulsars • Gemini Planet Imager • Exoplanet atmospheres formation • Binary neutron stars (GPI) • ASTEP and XO projects • Protostellar disk • Pulsar scintellometry • Gemini Planet Imager formation and evolution Exoplanet Survey • (GPIES) • Green Bank Ammonia • Lenslet-based integral- Survey (GAS) field spectrographs

Dr. Jérome Dr. Laura Dr. Suresh Maire Newburgh Sivanandam

• Optical and infrared • Sub-millimetre • Galaxy formation instrumentation Instrumentation and evolution • Exoplanet imaging • Early Universe • Optical-infrared (Gemini Planet Imager) cosmology instrumentation • High-Angular • Dark energy • MSAMOS, WIFIS Resolution (SLODAR) • ACTPol, CHIME • High-Time Resolution (NIROSETI)

23 DUNLAP INSTITUTE POSTDOCS, for ASTRONOMY & GRAD STUDENTS, ASTROPHYSICS STAFF Postdoctoral Fellows Alumni (Departures from 1 May 2014 to 30 April 2015)

Profiles Dr. Shaojie Dr. Brian Prof. Peter • Interstellar medium and star formation • Polarization of absorption, scattering Chen Cherinka Martin and emission by dust • Dragonfly, Herschel Space Observatory, JWST, Planck • Current position: Professor; CITA, U of T

Dr. Tuan • Galactic centre and Milky Way Galaxy satellites Do • Adaptive optics spectroscopy • Optical-infrared • Galaxy formation and • Astrometry instrumentation evolution • TMT IRIS • Integral-Field • Integral-field • Current position: Research Scientist; Spectrograph Optical spectroscopy UCLA Design • SDSS-IV/MaNGA • VPH Grating, IRIS, TMT Dr. Quinn • Exoplanet orbits and characteristics • Star and planet formation and evolution Konopacky • Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) • GPI Exoplanet Survey Dr. Peter Dr. Duy Cuong • Current position: Asst. Professor; UC Klages Nguyen San Diego

Dr. David • Galaxy formation and evolution • Integral-field spectroscopy Law • OSIRIS & SDSS-IV/MaNGA • Current position: Assistant Astronomer; Space Telescope Science Institute

• Heterogeneous • Star formation, computing exoplanets, stellar • Galaxy evolution • Real-time data parameterization Dr. María • Interstellar medium processing • Optical-infrared Montero- • Blind Ultra-Deep HI Environmental • Southern Ontario Smart instrumentation Survey (BUDHIES) Computing Innovation • SDSS-III/APOGEE, Castaño Platform (SOSCIP) SDSS-III/MARVELS, SDSS-IV/APOGEE-2 24 DUNLAP INSTITUTE POSTDOCS, for ASTRONOMY & GRAD STUDENTS, ASTROPHYSICS STAFF

Graduate Students Staff Associated with the Profiles Dunlap Institute Angela Choi* Department Manager Liam Connor Colin Merkel • 21cm cosmology: • Cryogenics »» dark energy • CMB Alice Chow »» large-scale • SPT-3G structure Business Officer »» re-ionization • Fast radio bursts • Pulsars Rob Figueiredo Nolan Denman Andrey Vayner IT Technologist • Cosmic Microwave • Early galaxy formation Background and evolution • Early Universe • Active Galactic Nuclei Gautum Patel* • Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations Financial Officer • CHIME

Ronald Gagne Heidi White • Adaptive optics • Galaxy evolution Chris Sasaki • WIFIS • Molecular gas studies Communications Co-ordinator • SPT-3G • Education and outreach

Etsuko Mieda Hugh Zhao* • Galaxy formation Systems Manager and evolution • Adaptive optics • Instrumentation * Jointly with Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics 25 DUNLAP INSTITUTE AWARDS & HONOURS for ASTRONOMY & TALKS & CONFERENCES ASTROPHYSICS

Mar 2015: CIFAR Cosmology and Gravity Annual Meeting, Large-Scale Structure and Awards & Honours Turbulence with Wide-Field Radio Telescopes, Banff, Alberta Apr 2015: Kavli Futures Workshop on Citizen Science, Flares, Pulses, Burps and Bursts: The Dynamic Radio Sky, Oxford, UK Dr. John Antoniadis Mar 2015: TalentEdge Fellowship, Ontario Centres of Excellence Dr. Laura Newburgh Aug 2014: Cosmo14, 21cm Cosmology with CHIME, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Sept 2014: DRAO Symposium in Honour of John Galt, Calibrating CHIME – or – Bootstrapping Talks & Conferences our Way Towards a Measurement of Dark Energy, Penticton, British Columbia Oct 2014: University of Miami Colloquium, 21cm Cosmology with CHIME, Miami, Florida, USA

Dr. John Antoniadis Nov 2014: Princeton University Cosmology Lunch Seminar, 21cm Cosmology with CHIME, Princeton, New Jersey, USA Apr 2015: 2nd Scintillometry Workshop, Algonquin Radio Observatory Dec 2014: 21cm Cosmology in the 21st Century, CHIME: Foregrounds and Calibration, Tempe, Dr. Jeffrey Chilcote Arizona, USA

Oct 2014: Dunlap Astronomical Instrumentation Discussion Lunch, Development and Apr 2015: KIPC Cosmology Seminar, 21cm Cosmology with CHIME, Chicago, Illinois, USA Commissioning of the Integral Field Spectrograph for the Gemini Planet Imager, Toronto, Ontario Apr 2015: SUNY Buffalo Seminar, 21cm Cosmology with CHIME, Buffalo, New York, USA Mar 2015: GSFC Planet Talk, Revealing Exoplanets through High-Contrast Imaging with the Gemini Planet Imager, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA Dr. Michael Reid Mar 2015: Notre Dame Astronomy Colloquium, Revealing Exoplanets through High-Contrast Nov 2014: Teaching and Learning Symposium, Your First SoTL Project, Toronto, Ontario Imaging with the Gemini Planet Imager, South Bend, Indiana, USA Dr. Suresh Sivanandam Apr 2015: Western: Centre for and Exploration, Revealing Exoplanets through High-Contrast Imaging with the Gemini Planet Imager, London, Ontario Feb 2015: CfA SSP Seminar, Infrared methods for the study of galaxy formation and evolution, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Dr. Rachel Friesen Feb 2015: Toronto Colloquium, Infrared methods for the study of galaxy formation and Sep 2014: Filamentary Structure in Molecular Clouds, Tracing the mass flow in clustered star evolution, Toronto, Ontario forming regions, NRAO, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA Feb 2015: Carnegie Lunch Talk, Infrared methods for the study of galaxy formation and Oct 2014: CIERA Astrophysics Seminar, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA evolution, Pasadena, California, USA

Nov 2014: Astronomy Seminar, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario Mar 2015: UCSC Colloquium, Infrared methods for the study of galaxy formation and evolution, Santa Cruz, California, USA Dec 2014: Colloquium, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia

Dec 2014: Colloquium, NRC-Herzberg, Victoria, British Columbia Prof. Keith Vanderlinde Dec 2014: Early Science from Low-frequency Radio Telescopes, The Canadian Hydrogen Feb 2014: Seminar, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario Intensity Mapping Experiment, Tempe, Arizona, USA Prof. Bryan Gaensler Mar 2015: Astronomical Tools for Big Data, Wide-Field Radio Astronomy and the Dynamic Universe, Tucscon, Arizona, USA


Dr. Michael Reid Conference & Scientific Oct 2014: McMaster University’s Integrated Science Program, Planetary Transits from Meeting Presentations Venus to Kepler, Hamilton, Ontario Mar 2015: TEDxUofT, Yes, You Can Do Science, University of Toronto

Dr. Shaojie Chen Dr. Suresh Sivanandam Jun 2014: Summer Conference, The Infrared Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) for Jan 2015: Winter Conference, Wide Integral Field Infrared Spectroscopic Survey of Nearby TMT: Volume Phase Holographic Grating Performance Testing and Discussion, SPIE, Galaxies, AAS, Seattle, Washington, USA Montreal, Quebec Prof. Keith Vanderlinde Dr. Brian Cherinka Jun 2014: Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Mar 2015: MaNGA Science Meeting, Data Access with CAS and SAS, SDSS, Lexington, Experiment, Mississauga, Ontario Kentucky, USA Sep 2014: Presentation to CIfAR Board of Directors, CHIME & SPT

Dr. Jeffrey Chilcote Oct 2014: TEDx Toronto, The Edge of the Universe from the End of the Earth 2015: American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 225, #423.03, The Gemini Planet Imager Feb 2015: Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment, Stanford University Dr. Nicolas Crouzet Aug 2014: Towards Other Earths II, Water Vapor in the Spectrum of the Extrasolar Planet HD Apr 2015: University Lecture Series, Science at the South Pole, Markham, Ontario 189733b, Porto, Portugal Apr 2015: University Lecture Series, Science at the South Pole, Oakville, Ontario Sep 2014: SCAR Open Science Conference, Four years of photometry from Dome C with ASTEP South, Astronomy & Astrophysics from Antarctica, Auckland, New Zealand

Dr. Rachel Friesen Education Outreach Talks May 2014: The Olympian Symposium on Star Formation, Tracing the mass flow in clustered star forming regions, Paralia Katerini’s, Greece Dr. Rachel Friesen June 2014: The Early Phases of Star Formation, First ALMA views of H2D+ and small-scale Sep 2014: Exploring Our Solar System, Goldhawk Park Public Library, Toronto, Ontario structure toward clustered star-forming cores, Ringberg, Germany Sep 2014: New eyes on our origins: the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, Prof. Bryan Gaensler Dunlap Observatory Summer Program, David Dunlap Observatory, Richmond Hill, Ontario Mar 2015: Radio Polarimetry and the Magnetic Universe, Department of Physics, McGill Nov 2014: New eyes on our origins: the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, University, Montreal, Quebec Royal Astronomical Society, Mississauga Branch, UTM, Toronto, Ontario Apr 2015: Radio Polarimetry and the Magnetic Universe, Dominion Radio Astrophysical Apr 2015: How are new solar systems born? Runnymede Public Library, Toronto, Ontario Observatory, Penticton, British Columbia Prof. Bryan Gaensler Dr. Laura Newburgh Jan 2015: Astronomers spot cosmic radio burst happen live for the first time, July 2014: SPIE Conference, Calibrating CHIME: A New Radio Interferometer to Probe Dark ABC Radio National Energy, Montreal, Quebec Mar 2015: How The Universe Will Get Us In The End, University of Toronto March 2015: APS Meeting, 21cm Cosmology with CHIME, Baltimore, Maryland, USA Mar, Apr 2015: Recurring radio spot on astrophysics, ABC Sydney


Dr. Laura Newburgh Sept 2014: Dreaming Big with Big Telescopes, Astrotour public lecture, University of Toronto, Publications

Nov 2014: Dark Matter vs Dark Energy, Astro On Tap, DAA/Dunlap, Toronto, Ontario

Dr. Duy Cuong Nguyen Peer Reviewed Publications Oct 2014: Searching for Earth Two: How Astronomers Hunt for Exoplanets, Leaside Public Multi-wavelength, Multi-Messenger Pulsar Science in the SKA Era; Antoniadis, J., et al., 2015, Library, Toronto, Ontario Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array, PoS AASKA14-157

Dr. Michael Reid On the formation of Eccentric Millisecond Pulsars with Helium White-dwarf Companions; , 2014, ApJL, Vol 797, L24 May 2014: Let’s Leave Earth, University of Toronto Space Design Contest Antoniadis, J. Probing the neutron star interior and the Equation of State of cold dense matter with the SKA; Jun 2014: Misconceptions about the Big Bang, Beaches Public Library, Toronto, Ontario Watts, A., … Antoniadis, J., et al., 2014, Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Sep 2014: The Lifecycle of Stars, Yorkville Public Library, Toronto, Ontario Array, PoS AASKA14-043

Sep 2014: Misconceptions about the Big Bang, Gerstein Science Library, University of Toronto Testing Gravity with Pulsars in the SKA Era; Shao, L.,… Antoniadis, J., et al., 2014, Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array, PoS AASKA14-042 Oct 2014: Life in the Cosmos, David Dunlap Observatory, Richmond Hill, Ontario The timescale of low-mass proto-helium white dwarf evolution; Istrate, A. G., … Antoniadis, J., Oct 2014: Misconceptions about the Big Bang, Toronto Centre Royal Astronomical et al., 2014, A&A Vol 571, L3 Society of Canada The MaNGA Integral Field Unit Fiber Feed System for the Sloan 2.5 m Telescope; Drory, N.,... Nov 2014: Life in the Cosmos, Pierre Elliot Trudeau Secondary School, Markham, Ontario Cherinka, B., et al., 2015, ApJ, Vol 149, Issue 2, 77,24 Nov 2014: Misconceptions about the Big Bang, University of Toronto Alumni Association, Overview of the SDSS-IV MaNGA Survey: Mapping nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Port Credit Arena, Mississauga, Ontario Observatory; Bundy, K., ... Cherinka, B., et al., 2015, ApJ, Vol 798, Issue 1, 7,24 Feb 2015: The Sky Tonight, Gerrard Ashdale Public Library, Toronto, Ontario P-MaNGA: full spectral fitting and stellar population maps from prototype observations; Mar 2015: Misconceptions about the Big Bang, Mississauga Centre of the Royal Astronomical Wilkinson, D., ... Cherinka, B., et al., 2015, MNRAS, Vol 449, Issue 1, 328-360 Society of Canada The First H-band Spectrum of the Giant Planet β Pictoris b; Chilcote, J., … Konopacky, Q., Apr 2015: The Clockwork of the Cosmos, University of Toronto Senior Alumni Association Maire, J., Millar-Blanchaer, M., et al., 2015, ApJL, 798, L3

Apr 2015: Misconceptions about the Big Bang, Cawthra Park Secondary School, Gemini Planet Imager Spectroscopy of the HR 8799 Planets c and d; Ingraham, P., …, Mississauga, Ontario Chilcote, J., Konopacky, Q., Maire, J., Millar-Blanchaer, M., et al., 2014, ApJL, 794, L15 H2O Abundances in the Atmospheres of Three Hot Jupiters; Madhusudhan, N., … Dr. Suresh Sivanandam Crouzet, N., et al., 2014, ApJL, 791, 9 Dec 2014: Seeing Beyond Red with Cool Technology, Astronomy Public Tour, University of Toronto Transit Search from Antarctica and Chile-Comparison and Combination; Fruth, T., … ., et al., 2014, PASP, 126, 227 Prof. Keith Vanderlinde Crouzet, N Jun 2014: Cosmology, Cell Phones, and Video Games, Mississauga RASC Water Vapor in the Spectrum of the Extrasolar Planet HD 189733b. I. The Transit; McCullough, P. R.,… Crouzet, N., et al., 2014, ApJ, 791, 55

Water Vapor in the Spectrum of the Extrasolar Planet HD 189733b. II. The Eclipse; Crouzet, N., et al., 2014, ApJ, 795, 166


An Ammonia Spectral Map of the L1495-B218 Filaments in the Taurus Molecular Cloud: The spectral variability of the GHz-peaked spectrum radio source PKS 1718-649 and I. Physical Properties of Filaments and Dense cores; Seo, Y.,… Friesen, R., et al., 2015, a comparison of absorption models; Tingay, S.J., … Gaensler, B. M., et a;., 2015, The arxiv150305179S Astrophysical Journal, 149, 74 (9 pages)

Evidence for Grain Growth in the Star-forming Filament OMC-2/3; Schnee, S., … Friesen, R., et First light of the Gemini Planet Imager; Macintosh, B., Konopacky, Q., ... Chilcote, J., Maire, al., 2014, ApJ, 444, 2303 J., Millar-Blanchaer, M., et al., 2014, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 111, 12661 G11.92-0.61-MM2: A Bonafide Massive Prestellar Core?; Cyganowski, C., … Friesen, R., et al., 2014, ApJ, 796, 2 Galactic cold cores V. Dust opacity; Juvela, M., … Martin, P. G., et al., 2015, Astronomy and Astrophysics, in press, arXiv:1501.07092 The James Clerk Maxwell telescope Legacy Survey of the Gould Belt: a molecular line study of the Ophiuchus molecular cloud; White, G., … Friesen, R., et al., 2015, MNRAS, 447, 1996 Joint Analysis of BICEP2/Keck Array and Planck Data; BICEP2/Keck and Planck Collaborations, … Martin, P. G., et al., 2015, Physical Review Letters, 114, 101301 The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: constraints on prestellar core properties in Orion A North; Salji, C., … Friesen, R., et al., 2015, MNRAS, 449, 1769 The next-generation BLASTPol experiment; Dober, B. J., … Martin, P. G., et al., 2014, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 9153, 91530H The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: evidence for radiative heating in Serpens MWC 297 and its influence on local star formation; Rumble, D., … Friesen R., et al., 2015, MNRAS, 448, 1551 Planck 2013 results. XXXI. Consistency of the Planck data; Planck Collaboration, … Martin, P. G., et al., 2014, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 571, A31 The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: SCUBA-2 observations of circumstellar discs in L 1495; Buckle, J., … Friesen, R., et al., 2015, MNRAS, 449, 2472 Planck intermediate results. XIX. An overview of the polarized thermal emission from Galactic dust; Planck Collaboration, … Martin, P. G., et al., 2015, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 576, A104 Physical and Chemical Characteristics of L1689-SMM16, an Oscillating Prestellar Core in Ophiuchus; Chitsazzadeh, S., … Friesen, R. K., et al., 2014, ApJ, 790, 129 Planck intermediate results. XX. Comparison of polarized thermal emission from Galactic dust with simulations of MHD turbulence; Planck Collaboration, … Martin, P. G., et al. 2015, Revealing H2D+ Depletion and Compact Structure in Starless and Protostellar Cores with Astronomy and Astrophysics, 576, A105 ALMA; Friesen, R. K., et al. 2014, ApJ, 797, 27 Planck intermediate results. XXI. Comparison of polarized thermal emission from Galactic dust Another shock for the Bullet cluster, and the source of seed electrons for radio relics; Shimwell, at 353 GHz with interstellar polarization in the visible; Planck Collaboration, …Martin, P. G., et T.W., … ., et al, 2015, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 449, Gaensler, B. M al., 2015, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 576, A106 1486 (9 pages) Planck intermediate results. XXII. Frequency dependence of thermal emission from Galactic Estimating extragalactic Faraday rotation; Oppermann, N., … Gaensler, B. M., et al., V., 2015, dust in intensity and polarization; Planck Collaboration, … Martin, P. G., et al., 2015, Astronomy Astronomy & Astrophysics, 575, A118 (25 pages) and Astrophysics, 576, A107 Limits on low frequency radio emission from southern exoplanets with the Murchison Widefield Planck intermediate results. XXVI. Optical identification and redshifts of Planck clusters with Array; Murphy, T., … Gaensler, B. M., et al., 2015, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical the RTT150 telescope; Planck Collaboration, … Martin, P. G., et al., 2015, Astronomy and Society, 446, 2560 (6 pages) Astrophysics, in press, arXiv:1407.6663 The low-frequency environment of the Murchison Widefield Array: Radio-frequency interference Planck intermediate results. XXVII. High-redshift infrared galaxy overdensity candidates and analysis and mitigation; Offringa, A.R., … ., et al., 2015, Publications of the Gaensler, B. M lensed sources discovered by Planck and confirmed by Herschel-SPIRE; Planck Collaboration, Astronomical Society of Australia, 32, e008 (13 pages) … Martin, P. G., et al., 2015, Astronomy and Astrophysics, in press, arXiv:1503.08773 Modelling of the spectral energy distribution of Fornax A: Leptonic and hadronic production Planck intermediate results. XXVIII. Interstellar gas and dust in the Chamaeleon clouds as seen of high energy emission from the radio lobes; McKinley, B., … Gaensler, B. M., et al., 2015, by Fermi LAT and Planck; Planck Collaboration, … Martin, P. G., et al., 2015, Astronomy and Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 446, 3478 (14 pages) Astrophysics, in press, arXiv:1409.3268 Serendipitous discovery of a dying giant radio galaxy associated with NGC 1534, using the Planck intermediate results. XXIV. Constraints on variation of fundamental constants; Murchison Widefield Array; Hurley-Walker, N., … Gaensler, B. M., et al., 2015, Monthly Notices Planck Collaboration, … Martin, P.G., et al., 2015, Astronomy and Astrophysics, in press, of the Royal Astronomical Society, 447, 2468 (11 pages) arXiv:1406.7482


Planck intermediate results. XXX. The angular power spectrum of polarized dust emission at Measurement of Galaxy Cluster Integrated Comptonization and Mass Scaling Relations with intermediate and high Galactic latitudes; Planck Collaboration, … Martin, P. G., et al., 2015, the South Pole Telescope; Saliwanchik, … Vanderlinde, K. et al., 2015, ApJ 799, Issue 2, Astronomy and Astrophysics, in press, arXiv:1409.5738 article id. 137, 14 pp.

Planck intermediate results. XXXII. The relative orientation between the magnetic field and A Measurement of Secondary Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies from the 2500 structures traced by interstellar dust; Planck Collaboration, … Martin, P. G., et al., 2015, Square-degree SPT-SZ Survey; George, … Vanderlinde, K. et al., 2015, ApJ 799, Issue 2, Astronomy and Astrophysics, in press, arXiv:1409.6728 article id. 177, 22 pp.

Planck intermediate results. XXXIV. The magnetic field structure in the Rosette Nebula; Planck Optical Spectroscopy and Velocity Dispersions of Galaxy Clusters from the SPT-SZ Survey; Ruel, Collaboration, … Martin, P. G., et al., 2015, Astronomy and Astrophysics, in press, arXiv:1501.00922 … Vanderlinde, K. et al., 2014, ApJ 792, Issue 1, article id. 45, 17pp.

The Three-mm Ultimate Mopra Milky Way Survey. II. Cloud and Star Formation Near the The Redshift Evolution of the Mean Temperature, Pressure, and Entropy Profiles in 80 SPT- Filamentary Ministarburst RCW 106; Nguyen, H., Nguyen Luong, Quang, Martin, P. G., et al., Selected Galaxy Clusters; McDonald, … Vanderlinde, K. et al., 2014, ApJ 794, Issue 1, article 2015, Astronomy and Astrophysics, in press, arXiv:1504.02246 id. 67, 16 pp.

Polarimetry with the Gemini Planet Imager: Methods, Performance at First Light, and the SPT-CLJ2040-4451: An SZ-Selected Galaxy Cluster at z = 1.478 With Significant Ongoing Star Circumstellar Ring around HR 4796A; Perrin, M. D., … Millar-Blanchaer, M., Chilcote, J., Formation; Bayliss, … Vanderlinde, K. et al., 2014, ApJ 794, Issue 1, article id. 12, 14 pp. Konopacky, Q., Maire, J., et al., 2015, ApJ, 799, 182 Evidence of Lensing of the Cosmic Microwave Background by Dark Matter Halos; Non-reviewed Contributions Madhavacheril, … Newburgh, L., et al., 2015, Accepted to PRL The Infrared Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) for TMT: Instrument Overview; Moore, A. M.,… Precision Epoch of Reionization Studies with Next-generation CMB Experiments; Calabrese, E., Wright, S., Chen, S., Do, T., Meyer, E., et al., 2014, Astronomical Telescopes & Instrumentation … Newburgh, L., et al., 2014, JCAP 8, 10 The Infrared Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) for TMT: Volume phase holographic grating The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Lensing of CMB Temperature and Polarization Derived performance testing and discussion; Chen, S., …Meyer, E., Wright, S. A., Maire, J., Mieda, E., from Cosmic Infrared Background Cross-Correlation; Van Engelen, A., … Newburgh, L., et al., et al., 2014, Proceedings of the SPIE, 9147-334, Astronomical instrumentation, Montreal 2015, Accepted to ApJ The Infrared Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) for TMT: Reflective Ruled Diffraction Grating The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Measuring Radio Galaxy Bias Through Cross-Correlation Performance Testing and Discussion; Maeyer, E., Chen, S., Wright, S., Maire, J., Mieda, E., with Lensing; Allison, R., … Newburgh, L., et al., 2015, Accepted to MNRAS et al., 2014, Astronomical Telescopes & Instrumentation Increasing Engagement and Understanding Using Interactive Planetarium Shows; Reid, M. et The Average Properties of CaII and NaI Absorbing Galaxies from Stacked Quasar Spectra; al., 2015, Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario. Schulte-Ladbeck, R. E., Cherinka, B., 2014, American Astronomical Society, Tracing Ram-pressure Stripping with Warm Molecular Hydrogen Emission; Sivanandam, S., The Gemini planet imager: first light and commissioning; Macintosh, B. A., ... Chilcote, J., Rieke, M. J., Rieke, G. H., 2014, ApJ, 796, 89 Maire, J., Millar-Blanchaer, M., Konopacky, Q., et al., 2014, Proceedings of the SPIE, 9148, Analysis of Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect mass-observable relations using South Pole Telescope 91480J observations of an X-ray selected sample of low-massgalaxy clusters and groups; Liu, … Gemini planet imager integration to the Gemini South telescope software environment; Vanderlinde, K. et al., 2015, MNRAS 448, Issue 3, p.2085-2099 Rantakyro, F. T.,… Chilcote, J., et al. 2014, Proceedings of the SPIE, 9149, 91492B Constraints on the CMB Temperature Evolution using Multi-Band Measurements of the Sunyaev The integral field spectrograph for the Gemini planet imager; Larkin, J. E.,… Chilcote, J.K., Zel’dovich Effect with the South Pole Telescope; Saro, … Vanderlinde, K. et al., 2013, submitted Konopacky, Q. M., Maire, J., et al., 2014, Proceedings of the SPIE, 9147, 91471K to MNRAS Letters, eprint arXiv:1312:2462 Observations of Beta Pictoris b with the Gemini Planet Imager; Chilcote, J., ... Konopacky, Q., Galaxy Clusters Discovered via the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect in the 2500-Square-Degree SPT- Maire, J., Millar-Blanchaer, M., et al., 2014, Thirty years of Beta Pic and Debris Disks Studies, 27 SZ Survey; Bleem, … Vanderlinde, K. et al., 2015, ApJ 216, Issue 2, article id. 27, 21 pp. On-sky performance during verification and commissioning of the Gemini Planet Imager’s Mass Calibration and Cosmological Analysis of the SPT-SZ Galaxy Cluster Sample Using Velocity adaptive optics system; Poyneer, L. A., ... Chilcote, J., et al. 2014, Proceedings of the SPIE, Dispersion? v and X-Ray Y X Measurements; Bocquet, … Vanderlinde, K. et al., 2015, ApJ 799, 9148, 91480K Issue 2, article id. 214, 16 pp.


On-sky vibration environment for the Gemini Planet Imager and mitigation effort; Hartung, M., Characterizing the correlation between column density structure and magnetic fields; ... Chilcote, J., et al., 2014, Proceedings of the SPIE, 9148, 91480N Soler, J. D., … Martin, P. G., et al., 2015, Highlights of Astronomy, 16, 384

Magnetic Fields in the Milky Way Halo; Mao, S. A., … Gaensler, B. M., et al., 2015, Highlights of Gemini planet imager observational calibrations VII: on-sky polarimetric performance of the Astronomy, 16, 403 Gemini planet imager; Wiktorowicz, S. J., Millar-Blanchaer, M., ... Maire, J., Chilcote, J., et al., 2014, Proceedings of the SPIE, 9147, 914783 Gemini planet imager observational calibrations V: astrometry and distortion; Konopacky, Q. M., Maire, J., Chilcote, J., et al. 2014, Proceedings of the SPIE, 9147, 914784 Calibrating CHIME, A New Radio Interferometer to Probe Dark Energy; Newburgh, L., … Klages, P., Recnik, A., Vanderlinde, K., et al., 2014, Proc. SPIE: Astronomical Telescopes + New results from the first exoplanet survey in the Canadian High Arctic; Law, N. M., … Maire, Instrumentation J., Sivanandam, S., et al., 2014, Proceedings of the SPIE, 9145-, Astronomical instrumentation, Montreal Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) Pathfinder; Bandura, K., … Connor, L., Klages, P., Newburgh, L., Recnik, A., Vanderlinde, K., et al., 2014, Proc. SPIE: The Gemini Planet Imager; Graham, J. R., ... ., ., GPI/GPIES Team, Maire, J Millar-Blanchaer, M Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2015, American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting 225, 423.03 Open Source Cloud Computing for Transiting Planet Discovery; McCullough, P. R.,... Gemini Planet Imager observational calibrations I: Overview of the GPI data reduction pipeline; Nguyen, D. C., et al., 2014, 224th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society Perrin, M. D., … Maire, J., Millar-Blanchaer, M., Chilcote, J., Konopacky, Q., et al., 2014, Proceedings of the SPIE, 9147, 91473J A Pipeline for the Analysis of APOGEE Spectra Based on Equivalent Widths; Afron Williams, R.,... Nguyen, D. C., et al., 2015, 225th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society Gemini planet imager observational calibrations II: detector performance and calibration; Ingraham, P., ... Maire, J., Chilcote, J., et al., 2014, Proceedings of the SPIE, 9147, 91477O The APOGEE-1 Catalog of Keplerian Orbit Fits to RV Variable Sources; Troup, N. W.,... Nguyen, D. C., et al., 2015, 225th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society Gemini Planet Imager Observational Calibrations III: Empirical Measurement Methods and Applications of High-Resolution Microlens PSFs; Ingraham, P., … Maire, J., et al., 2014, A Study of Statistical Binaries with SDSS/APOGEE; Nguyen, D. C., et al., 2015, 225th Proceedings of the SPIE, 9147-282, Astronomical instrumentation, Montreal Meeting of the American Astronomical Society

Gemini Planet Imager Observational Calibrations IV: Wavelength Calibration and Flexure Two for the Price of One: SB2s in the SDSS-III/APOGEE Survey; Chojnowski, S. D., Correction for the Integral Field Spectrograph; Wolff, S. G., … Maire, J., et al., with the GPI Nguyen, D. C., et al., 2015, 225th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society team, 2014, Proceedings of the SPIE, 9147-279, Astronomical instrumentation, Montreal New results from the first exoplanet survey in the Canadian High Arctic; Law, N. M., … Gemini planet imager observational calibrations VI: photometric and spectroscopic calibration Sivanandam, S., 2014, SPIE, for the integral field spectrograph; Maire, J., ... Chilcote, J., Millar-Blanchaer, M., Konopacky, Q., Optical turbulence profiling with SloDAR in the Canadian High Arctic; Maire, J., Meida, E., … et al., 2014, Proceedings of the SPIE, 9147, 914785 Sivanandam, S., et al., 2014, SPIE, A near-infrared SETI experiment: probability distribution of false coincidences; Maire, J., et al., The development of ground-based infrared multi-object spectrograph based on the 2014, Proceedings of the SPIE, 9147-173, Astronomical instrumentation, Montreal microshutter array; Moon, D.-S., Sivanandam, S., et al., 2014, SPIE A near-infrared SETI experiment: instrument overview; Wright, S. A., … Maire, J., Meyer, E., Wide Integral Field Infrared Spectroscopic Survey of Nearby Galaxies; Sivanandam, S., Dorval, P., et al., 2014, Proceedings of the SPIE, 9147-18, Astronomical instrumentation, Moon, D.-S., et al., 2015, AAS Montreal Calibrating CHIME: a new radio interferometer to probe dark energy, Newburgh, L., … Optical turbulence profiling with SloDAR in the Canadian High Arctic; Maire, J., Mieda, E., Vanderlinde, K. et al., 2014, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9145, id. 91454V 18 pp. Wright, S. A., Sivanandam, S., et al., 2014, Proceedings of the SPIE, 9145-, Astronomical instrumentation, Montreal Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) pathfinder, Bandura, … Vanderlinde, K. et al., 2014, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9145, id. 914522 20 pp. SLODAR instrument for characterizing an Arctic site; overview of the experimental method, design, and performance; Mieda, E., Maire, J., Wright, S. A., Moon, D.-S,…et al., 2014, SPT-3G: a next-generation cosmic microwave background polarization experiment on the South Proceedings of the SPIE, 9145-334, Astronomical instrumentation, Montreal Pole telescope, Benson, … Vanderlinde, K. et al., 2014, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 9153, id. 91531P 21 pp. Submillimeter Dust Polarimetry with the BLAST-TNG Telescope; Galitzki, N., … Martin, P. G., et al., 2015, AAS, 225, \#328.09




01. Prof. Bryan Gaensler giving his first public talk in Toronto during a special Earth Hour AstroTour. Credit: Charles Zhu

02. Former Dunlap Institute interim director Prof. Peter 03 Martin, family and guests, including members of the Dunlap family, at a dinner in February 2015 acknowledg- ing Martin’s leadership of the institute.

03. Michael Reid speaking at the 2015 TEDxUofT on the transformational power of science and astronomy Credit: Russell Wu 32 04. Students enjoying the 2014

05 Introduction to Astronomical Instrumentation Summer School.

05. Trifid Nebula

Credit: Amy Tran

06. In Michael Reid’s PMU 199 class, first-year student Amy Tran operating a remote-con- trol telescope to capture an image of the Trifid Nebula.

Editorial: Chris Sasaki Design: Sovereign State

May 2014–April 2015 Unless noted, all photographs: Dunlap Institute


06 With the announcement in April 2015 of federal funding, Canada has now become a partner in the Thirty Meter Telescope, to be built in Hawaii. Credit: TMT National Observatory