2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call



A BBS RADIO Go To www.bbsradio.com ; click on Talk Radio Station #2; click on “64K Listen”

* Thursday: 9 pm – 12:00 pm EST Stargate Round Table Host: MariettaRobert

* Friday: 9 pm – 2 am EST Friday Night Hard News Hosts: Tara & Rama

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* Saturday: 2:30 pm – 2 am EST History of our Galactic World & NESARA T & R

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E Archives also exist on the 2013 website:

2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call 1 / 27 http://2013rainbowroundtable.ning.com/ look under the “Archives” tab for written notes, as well as for the audio recordings of the conference calls


A Sunday, Mondays: 9 – 10:30 EST Cheryl Croci's Activation Calls By telephone only: 1 – 605-475-5950; PIN 972400#

B Tuesdays, 2Nd & 4th of each month: Ashtar on the Road 9:00 – 10:30 pm EST Host is Fran; Susan Leland channels Ashtar & others

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C Wednesdays: 7:00 – 9:00 EST The Friends of The Aboriginal Moabite Nation Call By telephone only: 1–712-432-0900 PIN 666238# Replay# [good for 1 wk] 1-712-432-0990 PIN 66238#

D Every 2nd Wednesday The Abundance Call 5:45 PM Pacific / 8:45 PM Eastern 60-minute conference call with the Collective, a group of Angelic and Galactic beings, channeled by Caroline Oceana Ryan To be notified: email [email protected] with the message "YES to Abundance!"


A. Opening Meditation: Caroline Ocean Ryan

B. Housekeeping: C O R

BBS: • A listener-supported radio program; we can access program archives on BBS • The radio program costs $300 per week. And we need $ 300 this week. SO MUCH GRATITUDE FOR PAYING IT FORWARD!

• Go to BBSradio.com/Station2; find listing for True History call; find Paypal button • BBS appreciates getting checks through the mail – no fees taken off by Paypal • NO COST TO ACCESS BBS ARCHIVES for either of the 2 T & R PROGRAMS, or the Thursday night program or MariettaRobert's Stargate Round Table

• The mailing address for those who do not like paying electronically: BBS Network, Inc. [Please put “Attention Don” on the envelope.] 5167 Toyon Lane [Please note inside that it's for T&R; MR] Paradise, CA 95969 • Sending a check to BBS means all your money is received; using Paypal incurs a fee.

T & R: • Their full-time, life time commitment is to be tuned in to what is really going on behind the artificial world we see around us. They don't ask for anything but they do require food, gas, a home, and access to BBS Radio on order to get this information out to the world. • The need this week: $Rosie need a new transmission - $1,500 + $ for tires

2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call 2 / 27 Regular needs: gas, food, bills RENT, some money for bills - received • Donations via the Paypal button on the homepage of 2013 Rainbow Roundtable

• Please notify T & R if you're sending something: k oran999@ comcast.net

• Rama's mailing address for cheques, Money orders: Ram D Berkowitz 1704-B Llano St, #249 Santa Fe, NM 87505 • phone contact is via MariettaRobert Pickett: 317-773-0061 or by e-mail: [email protected]

• Remember you can book a session with Mother, as well!

MR: • Please remember to support MariettaRobert's show, too • You can also book a session with MR for a transformational clearing.

ASHTAR ON THE ROAD: donations to Santa Fe Coop mean fresh, organic, food for T&R

• Your donation here supports an account set up for Tara & Rama with Beneficial Farms Community Supported Agriculture in Santa Fe, NM • These funds will be exclusively used to maintain this weekly account for a steady supply of fresh produce to Tara and Rama. They and we are very grateful for your assistance.

• Please make the donation through the A-O-T-R store. People can do multiples if they wish: http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/catalog/item/2497194/10263880.htm

• Fran has put a link on the Ashtar page as well. http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/tara__rama_A_A_news_reports.html

T: Any trouble hearing means an issue with the sound: it's an emergency – call 1-888-710-8061

C: ACCESS TO PODCAST: The following audio link allows you to listen to the entire program.


HARD NEWS Tara, Rama – T; R • • •

B W: how is fundraising going? we need to get a fund-raiser going for them; they need financial support R: we can’t really do another Go Fund Me; that one was for medical reasons BW: understands; there is another program out there – Allows gathering short term funds R: knows nothing about it; nor can they do anything that involves the IRS T: that’s why they tell people to get in a credit union which are outside of the FICA • the reason for the go fund me was out of the tax system as it was for surgery • the other programs don’’t work; what they need is donations BW: if he has a friend with a good running car to donate to them, would they accept it? T: where does he live? BW: Texas – yes, they are out of the hurricane zone • He knows people who’d love to donate a car to them – to be discussed later

2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call 3 / 27 BW: asks about the Grump and scrapping the Dreamers program T: The DACA program – could be throwing students out of the country as soon as Tuesday BW: it’s bad; we need help now – he’s doing things BW does not understand

T: the larger story is that this is marking the end of the Khazarian Mafia that has been controlling the planet – since 100 AD more or less, in our modern history. They are not from here; they invaded and occupied the planet; started with the real control levers in time of Atlantis 13,000 years ago, with the invasion and occupation of Atlantis when they conned and overthrew the gov’t and played negative games with the great crystal • this is still in our face, as they’ve never been held accountable • ever since, they have enticed other beings on the planet who collaborated; they reversed the code of our DNA to drive us down into a downward spiral and to drive us with the lower ego involving desire and the love of money • then they started with austerity programs – millions are starving; cannibalism is going on

• yesterday T spoke of how, over time, the 13 families have covered up what they wanted to do when Hurricane Katrina was here • the hurricane by-passed New Orleans, so HRC ordered the Army Corps of Engineers to plant & detonate bombs on 9th St levees; 500,000+ ended up dead; then various procedures were used to dispose of the evidence • People of colour they wanted to get rid of were picked up, taken to military bases above and below ground and incinerated • US navy brought a huge cruiser – looked for bodies, picked them up, fed them to wild boars in the Florida everglades – more stories we don’t want to hear! • there are plenty of underground bases where they can do as they wish, until it’s over – more than 2 billion have been destroyed since 1980!

• this time is the Great Shift – the Shift is hitting the fan • the donations they require are to spread the word, to reach far and wide: ignorance is the worst thing going on right now • the Koch Bros started changing the education books in the 50s; since 1950 Students in all areas / at all levels did not get a real education; they got a dis-education • we need to go deeper to seek knowledge of the truth, and find teachers who brought in the higher knowledge of truth • St Germain designed the freemasonry teachings which were very high philosophical teachings

• As there is no separation between us and them - We are All ONE - it is important for us not to go for things/stuff, or negativity; as we see things going on, we need to educate people • yesterday they found out about the seeding of the clouds, to do with the hurricane • the Gulf of Mexio is the hottest body of water on the hearth • the horizon drilling rig in 2010 has been heating the Gulf since it was drilled • this has been killing the sea life ever since – has not stopped. Thousands of dolphins are dead; the molecule water has been seeded tho’ there is no discussion about it – that water and the Altemarians are making a difference

• warm waters [for Hurrican Irma] have come from North Africa, Canary Islands, Morocco area • they know they are going down and they don’t want the people to know that the entire financial system is going down; if they can make people believe it [the financial downturn] is because of this [“natural” events], not that [what they’re doing], they’ll try • Journalists from Ukraine are being arrested, beaten up and deported – for revealing truth • Another from Bulgaria found out some info and published it – she’d been roughed up and then fired: she uncovered an operation in which the US has made a deal with Azerbaijan Airlines to sell sub standard arms to ISIL, Al Nusra, using the airline; the

2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call 4 / 27 US gov’t funded this with American tax dollars! This happened over 300 diplomatic flights • The journalist uncovered this; also got hold of some of the caches of arms and some documents which also exposed this • they could not kill her because RT got hold of the news & intervened; • this saved her life because the world is watching

• this is not just about T & R needing a car; it’s about everyone donating so that the message continues to go out [for the benefit of all], & more people come to BBS to learn • as Ashtar’s son, RAMA IS THE ONLY PERSON ON THE PLANET WITHOUT A GAG ORDER AND WHO HAS A DIRECT COMMUNICATION WITH FACTION 3 WHITE KNIGHTS who have the charge of the Ashtar Command behind them, along with the 20 MILLION Sovereign World Militia • There are 16 million members of the Ashtar Command who were NOT BORN HERE, as well as 4 million MEMBERS FROM EARTH. • THE ASHTAR COMMAND CANNOT INTERVENE WITH OUR FREE WILL CHOICE; WE ALSO NEED REPRESENTATION from the people of earth who can say “We represent the Free will choice of the people of earth” • Going after money, saying “this is a fraud” and doing other things, detracts from the NEED to get the information out; this kind of activity is happening both inside and outside of the Spiritual community

• Related to fund-raising • we have people within the group with a wide variety of talents who are putting things together to assist in this process • Samana creates graphics & animations like fairies and cartoons, etc which will show up on the website soon • Caroline Oceana Ryan (COR) is putting out a newsletter with just a teaser of information that will direct people to the full podcast • those who follow the links can push a button and see the rest of the info, the entire newsletter

• The higher energies and frequencies are coming in: for all the dark stuff going on, there are many more things/events of light which inspire people to help. • Also this light is overriding the reverse codes that the dark ones thought they could use to keep us under control: money, sex, power, greed: money is not money; sex is not sex – there is always something more going on than what we see on the surface • the old technologies are so numerous, yet are being dissolved and deleted very rapidly

• Mike Papantonio [aka Pap] has gone after the pharmaceutical industry • he is doing huge things to take on the biomedical military industrial congressional complex • Sam Seder, on The Majority Reports, talks about this all the time and also on the Ring of Fire with Pap and Bobby Kennedy, Jr • Pap is one of the greatest trial lawyers in the US; this doesn’t get talked of much because the ugly side of the corporations is not a topic that is discussed • eg, a product called Protasga thins the blood; it can get you to the point of being a hemophiliac – can bleed to death from a cut. He is confronting these companies – it is time to give the corporations the death penalty

• Thom Hartmann and others: Tiger Swan [a private corporation] who took on the DAPL protesters at Standing Rock and used para military equipment to kill men, women and children or permanently maim them – all in the name of corporations. • It is not being discussed but the info is leaking out slowly

2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call 5 / 27 • Mike – can’t talk as much as Rama does, but gives hints; Sam Seder can say more on The Majority Report – yet they both have to walk a fine line.

• Rama can talk a lot more – he has no gag order; he was not recruited, and was not played with by the ABC agencies - he is Ashtar’s son • in 1967 he took acid on the top of Mt Tam, and woke up after finding himself in the reception bay of the New Jerusalem • he was not being responsible for his body: was having so much fun extending his gold, platinum cords; he was travelling around in the ethers & merged with Metatron’s consciousness; travelling at light speed across the galaxy, and his body was slowly dying; Ashtar rescued his body and his soul matrix and put him to work studying, in Star Fleet class at the age of 13!!! • doing an acid trip with guidance is one thing; R went beyond. And a lot of young people intentionally are doing this: psychodelics open you up to cosmic consciousness and that is why they were banned – can’t have people understanding things at such a high level. In the right way, Marijuana does it also • the pharmaceuticals, coke, heroin do not bring you into cosmic consciousness but kill the body; methanphetamines are bad news

COR: asks for the explanation re: Rama wanting to extend his cords T: everyone has 5 bodies – • Physical – silver – attached via the solar plexus • Emotional – gold cord – connected to heart – 3 chambers: lower heart, middle heart, high heart • Mental body - these 3 cords keep those 3 bodies going • Light body - 4th body - aura and connection with the aura of the planet and universe • Cosmic light body - 5th body – this connects us to our beginnings, goes back to anti matter; bridges the physical matter universe – the Universe of Nebadon - & the 6 anti matter universes

• at 13, Rama was not interested in the teachings; also believed he was invincible! • And now most adults who don’t know about the spiritual teachings, or got mis educated and/or are programmed - are in danger • the dark ones think they are going to nuke various places at once across the planet • have Harvey going on, have a plan for the east coast

• buddha - platinum – the high buddhic mind – Crown to 8th chakra there are 9 stars above the head • we all have 7 basic chakras, and the crown connected to the 8th which brings us back to our heaven and earth connection

• Together with Mother, we co-created the entire Universe of Nebadon • We were still in the Pleiades – in 12th dimension - when we asked to do this • this is the body of wisdom that most people are really wanting and don’t know where to find it

2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call 6 / 27 CONFERENCE CALL

COR: still haven’t heard the news update! Big Will started with lots of questions!

R: talked to Larry and Curly, Tom the Cat • they spoke of how the dark ones are doing various things to distract us – Hurricane Harvey and focus on Houston and areas; in the meantime taking away rights of immigrants, called DACA • also moving quickly with the encroachment of law enforcement into Gestapo tactics – • L, C, T called it US law enforcement being programmed via the mind control games used to create the mindset – not of police protecting and serving, but of an occupying army, using surplus military technology, training of Law enforcement officers in Israel with the gestapo approach meaning people have no rights and going against police means being called guilty until proven innocent • L, C, Tom spoke of the incident of a white lady stopped by a policeman for a DUI – • he heard that she had her hands on the wheel, was afraid to move her hands to get her insurance, etc; she asked the cop if he’d kill her if she moved her hands; he said they only kill black people. This is the mindset facing us as we stand up for rights, challenge Jeff Sessions -

T: impressed with Mr Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister who addressed the monkey business going on – 3 Russian Embassies were ordered shut down

R: the US is instigating and creating the problem T: that Putin gave Trump more money is a TOTAL LIE • the person saying that was out to prove that Putin is not 500 years old

• Fall equinox is in Virgo; • in the Ophiucus astrology, Leo starts on Aug 10, ends on Sept 15, so equinox is in late Virgo • We need to balance with our Buddhic mind: intuition uses the imagination • Frank Chile talked on Thursday night about Bill Tompkins, an Ascended Master who chose to come in to be of service T: just about everyone who is here now took on an incarnation higher than any previous ones • we were in the Pleiades 450 Billion years ago – and few from the spiritual community want to talk of this • Mother is the only one talking of it via Rama COR: this is why others say earth is 6,000 years old T: It was/ is at the 3D level where the lizards recorded events • a yuga is 26,826 years – it adds up to 8-8-8 Lions Gate – this is a galactic frame of time that • the 60,000 technologies coming in are based in galactic time • those are in place now are based in 3D T: if the person in England they had talked to had gone to some of Keshe classes, would have found out those technologies are based on consciousness: this technology works with the symbiotic communication between the technology and the person involved

Carlton: refers to T’s comment on timeline of 450 billion years; the Vedic historians come close, don’t they? T: Rama has been to India in this incarnation; T in past life has held the role – she overlighted an area from the Buddhic plane and lent the wisdom; to be told that, means that she remembers it • No one will ever tell you – SEEK is the first instruction: seek first the knowledge of the Kingdom of God & it will be revealed; at the moment, the knowledge has expanded – 6, 000 years ago, that time has been manipulated which was when they reversed the codes

2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call 7 / 27 • in Atlantis, we joined the minions of the Orion war lords to help keep war going – and they have got it • as we correct the 6000 years – and the evangelicals, the Dominionist Church of Amercia and the super evil character Pat Robertson was the president; has owned the freedom of religion in America: they merged with the Protocals of the Articles of Zion • so 6000 yeas ago the Khazarian Mafia merged politics and religion in a serious way, 6, 8 26 year cycle • In the last quarter of the Kali Yuga, they doubled down and were gleeful when they convinced humans to destroy the great crystal in Atlantis R: We are talking 4000 BC; if we are discussing 6,000 years – that brings us to Heliopolis – and St Germain came in as a pharoh at that time; the Temple of Baal was erected then • and the lineages of the pharohs – isis and Osiris were pharohs/rulers in Atlantis; when the Orion War lords came in, they completely took over the palaces

Carl: so much of the truth of reality is in front of us, but we don’t know how to interpret it • the ones in Eqypt had the oblong heads with others did not – what is the original story? T: we were 5th dimensional beings; we were not functioning in 3D, but were falling into that level • before the invasion, they were doing a 5th dimensional war in our galaxy; they destroyed the constellation of Ophiuchus, called Arackne, and before that, called Ariadne – this is a metaphor for the meaning of the constellation – the spider people created the alphabet for every language there was going to be • The Fall was done by those of us who joined with Lucifer in the Luciferian rebellion: we are all One – and always have been - which is why we are still involved in what is going on • we got into a big tiff, as 12th dimensional beings: as the numbers attached to the destruction of an earthquake go up exponentially, the same is true of the dimensions. There is a vast difference from the 3rd to the 5th, and from 5th to 12th – and that is where we are going • as we start working with galactic time, we will eventually get our gifts back

• COR wanted to know where is the cord that connects our body and the consciousness – it’s a magnitude of vastness; as we get to discussing galactic time, the crown charka opens to abilities and our intuition begins at 7th to 8th • Without a healthy aura, the body breaks down – the aura around the body is gold • yes, we can see it when we go beyond what we think things are

• the information in Physics is a good example: Nassim and the other one interacting with him and the audience were saying stuff that is so beyond what we know: changing one premise has such an effect. [reference to the latest video of Nassim’s, played a short while ago] • Listening to Nassim is about wisdom, not about knowledge and how to combine these energies. Knowledge is male; wisdom is female – experience which is not just physical, but also emotional, non-linear. The physical body is male, the emotional one is female; mental is male, emotional is female; • the cosmic body is androgynous – that is where we’re going. When we get stuck, we’re thinking too much – that is how Nassim discovered what he discovered: he wears his hair very long, and has a softer aspect - when he was talking, he had his son with him and was parenting at the same time. • We get to parent ourselves more and better – the whole planet, society of the western hemisphere is out of whack; the controlling faction for the planet was in the west – business, church, politics, negative male energies • Current energies are not allowing this any more

R: he grokked this: we are made of plasma like the sun & the other bodies/beings in the galaxies • as we leave these physical forms and ascend, we are literally becoming suns - plasma balls of light when our male/female are merged in a ball of light

2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call 8 / 27 T: we were 12 D balls of light in the Pleiades in the Anti-matter universe R: this is part of the original story that got twisted; when the power of love overcomes the love of power, then we will have peace. Jimi Hendrix was taken out because he got it. So was John Denver. • When Jimi came out with “The Rainbow Bridge”, he started to talk of Mars and Sister ??? Pheadra and ? - George Van Tassel and Timothy Green who ran for pres in 1968 was a contatctee like George Filer, Bill Tompkins – this was the true wisdom coming from the galactics, waking us about our true natures. The dark ones do not want us to recognize that we are SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF THE Most High. • The spook industry likes to play with this stuff: R has never been abducted, kidnapped, or indoctrinated by the Deep State; they tried to to get him in the military: he took a little bit of acid the night before and could not pass the written test; learned that from Arlo Guthrie. • When you join those realms, the spiritual nature gets put into the back seat, and you become a killing machine to serve the Dark side

T: the Ophiucan astrology: the sign of Ophiucus thou shalt be: the symbol of the sign is a man – St Germain; located at the horizon – one foot below the equator, one above – holding a serpent – one hand has the head, the other holds the tail; he has the head eating the tail – the never-ending circle of kundalini power which is not physical. Can bring the energy into the base of the spine and take it up the middle path called the shushuna and can have an orgasm that goes right through crown and the 9 stars – and on to the Hunab Ku, the source; Sekhmet, non-physcial – a black hole – where 26 galaxies meet – this is connected to us!!!

• This is the shift which gets rid of the negative male – the feminine is negative; magnetic positive energy is electrical – Nassim stuff. Unless we have the ??????????? • it’s the top of the head on the Tarot card called the lion – the infinity sign over the head - they want us to be calm, as COR at the beginning meditation was calling us to be • when we expend energy for something that is having the consequence of causing courage to disappear, it takes fortitude to stay on that path; it’s the 8 in the rider deck. • In other decks, the 11 is Lady Master Justice. The card shows her holding the scales of justice – that is Ma’at! When we reverse the syllables we get AT MA – which is pure soul, the light body – have to have raised consciousness to the cosmic level – Right Use of Will written by ??????? • In the Land of Pan, things went nutso

• On the Ashtar on the Road program, they used to play Calling All Angels – T & R played that song when they got married; they went to Hesperus Mtn, an Ashtar Command Base. They went to a house and T & R picked 4 of the crystal bowls – the 4 year old son played the bowls – the courage to commit to the twin ray energy

• we are not our bodies: we are pure spirit choosing to steward our mission in this incarnational earth pattern, and ascend at the same time. This has happened a few times in other star systems, but not on earth. • The leaving of anti matter happened the minute we decided not to work together. We had asked Mother and agreed with Her to do the Divine Leila/experiment of finding out if we could remember our spiritual origins as we were in physical /matter form • in the 12th dimension, we were balls of light, Male and female, perfectly balanced; when we decided not to work together, that balance separated; the balls of light split in half; and everyone felt like something had died – everybody! And there were masters who decided to hold the balance for us • the Lyra constellation was the first place where the Luciferians rebelled; they left anti- matter in the Pleiades and without even – ????????????????? • The event is called The Fortunate Fall by Mother - Mother always wants to dance

2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call 9 / 27 Ross: says even then it was still not perfectly balanced T: there was a feeling that something had died within all of us • In the original creation there was perfect balance – the 12th dimension and higher – every level at the cosmic left there are 12 levels too, which is 144 000 ???????????????? • the co-sign of Judah is about the perfect balance of • Cosign of Judah: x 10 hundred – invokes the 144th level of perfection. We are all that whether we remember or not. The experience of feeling we had lost something is what caused things to become unreal • prior to the Fortunate Fall, we asked for the experiment in time as we are talking about it in our current time; when we talked of time then, we decided to enter a form and we were in the Lyra constellation, the star Vega – the concept of time was galactic time, not as we think of it now.

• we are travelling towards something; talking of it in 3D is very different from being in 5D so when we say we are moving toward, it says we are not there yet, and ????? • that is called ascension; every single soul that has come to this planet has ascended 3x somewhere else, not here – we all had to graduate to be able to take part in this experience • if the lizards didn’t come here, they were invaders; they may not have ???? • they made a choice to destroy: in the Satanic ritual, they vow to follow Lucifer and sacrifice a baby and drink the blood, eat the body; this has become the ritual of the wafer and the wine which means ordinary people are getting the energy of that sacrifice, and are getting tied to Lucifer in the churches. • Good people do this and ignorance is not bliss! • Religions are going, disappearing [after the announcement of NESARA]; people who follow those teachings are so damaged – Mother said she is more merciful than she is just, and she will take them to another place. And for those of us who remain and reach for the androgynous ?????????

• Those other ones will move slower; in terms of the progress of our earth, those places will be in our past; this is merciful, and also, the people in the bodies with damaged DNA – too painful for them due to the good energies coming in, which can cause them to discorporate and that was NOT part of this experiment. • They [dark ones] have been attempting to intervene with the civilization’s free will choice • T was talking earlier about COR and the button: that button has a bit of the newsletter, plus a link that takes the reader to The Collective’s reading that talked of Nesara, about the Spirit of NESARA, the spirit of the Zeitgeist that is what NESARA is about - and also about what it is not. [REMEMBER DATE??] • The dongs, dinars, zimbabwes are pure evil; they were intended to be connected to the ritual [the Satanic ritual, discussed above] – that is how evil it is. We cannot take money from that kind of evil and expect to create a light community – ever! • The words in that writing [of The Collective] are very strong; Mother told COR she was The Collective and really part of them, not just connecting with them

• as we get to the cosmic light body consciousness, we would not say that any more ??? the collective choice of humanity is saying hold your horses: the thing about right now from Aug 21st eclipse to Sept 29th • the energies that become available will be shooting up from Aug 21st to Dec 21st – and the slow boat to China is out of the question. • The downard spiral is ending!

2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call 10 / 27 B B S

Hard News Update R: talked to Tom the cat • people being distracted by Hurricane Harvey • Freedomes are being taken away • the police are becoming an occupying army, with equipment coming from left over military – being trained in Isaral with a gestapo mindset- you have no rights. • As described in last two days: police stopped a lady for a DUI. She had her hands on the wheel and the cop was asking for insurance card, ID – afraid to take her hands off the wheel; she asked the cop will you kill me if I move my hands: he said we only kill black people

• as we stand up for our rights and freedoms by challenging Jeff Sessions – Posse Comitatus [Posse Comitatus Act - SEE BELOW], Habeous Corpus [SEE BELOW]: for what reason/ offence am I being detained? Is the question to ask; We don’t even get read our rights! • a nurse in Salt Lake City UT was confronted by the police in the hospital, refused to give police a blood sample from an unconscious patient; the police were being told by people connected with the hospital that they had no right to arrest her. Nevertheless, she was cuffed and put in the car and roughed up – she was later released and the policeman involved was only put on administrative leave. • Also heard other stories: this from Sam Seder Mike Pence and wife went to Houston; his wife was crying as they met so many people who came up to them and said what are you going to do about this; we need help! And they don’t have any answers as they are 1/16th of the 1% who don’t care.

T: A place in TX called Crosby: Arkma, a chemical plant, is located there – have been 2 fires there this week; the chemicals need to be kept in a cold place and the power was off! These are explosive chemicals – very dangerous. • IT IS A LIE that there were no explosions there! There ARE explosions • The real story is that they could blow things up • As for locations where there is still water – will take 10-15 days for water to dry up before any clean up is possible. • might be more than 1000 dead in Houston – from his people

T: the water is a super huge source of health conditions: it’s brown, murky, super toxic; full of bacteria, debris, garbage, fire ants, crocodiles, snakes, some of which are water mocassins; cholera, typhoid, other infectious diseases are highly probable – and they were trying to be nice – also oil and gas leaks • one of the refineries has been leaking super deadly stuff: not being able to say much

R: as he was playing with his phone, looking at various things: • found out about using scalar technology to weaponize the weather as a form of warfare • they have been piggybacking on the climate change that has already been caused over the last decades; in the 1800s, the amount of carbon was 300 parts / Million, now we are at 405 ppm – the piggy backing means there is 7% more moisture can be held in the atmophere • the storms are much worse because that is how much water there is in every particle of air, and when they seed the clouds on top of this, this is what you get • and they are working on the seeding of Hurricane Irma

• As well, the entire sub contintent of Asia is being flooded and getting worse and worse: Also Sierra Leone; Mumbai, India where a 117 year old 5 storey building collapsed after the heaviest rainfall in 15 years; Nepal, Bangladesh – 1/3 of the entire country under water.

2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call 11 / 27 • Texas: Kingwood, Port Arthur, Beaumont are mostly under water; Toxic water is everywhere; the people in Beaumont have no water as it is always trucked in. Now, for at least a week, won’t be able to get any at all. 120,000 people in Beaumont

R: Yes, the galactics are helping; there are ships being seen all over these regions and no one is talking about it

T: Ukraine: the journalists there got silenced: foreign govenments are protesting what is going on there. R: all of this has to do with the empire of the US and the deals that have been made to challenge Mr Putin and Russia, and the brinksmanship game being played on the borders of Ukraine and Russia because of NATO. • He heard that the recent election in Africa got reneged on; will be a new one in 60 days; In Kenya, where Odinga is one of the leaders; the power of the people has prevailed there, as the people were not letting this one go by! Calling for calm and peace [see http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2017/07/kenya-baringo-county- police-raid-burn-murder-170707091917191.html

T: the actual parliament down there is totally corrupt, rigging elections – as in the US

Maidan Nezalezhnosti Main square of Kiev, Ukraine

Maidan Nezalezhnosti is the central square of Kiev, the capital city of Ukraine. One of the city's main squares, it is located on Khreshchatyk Street in the Shevchenko Raion. The square has been known under many different names, but often it is called simply Maidan ("square").

In the 19th century, the square contained buildings of the city council and noble assembly. Wikipedia

T: since the events in 2014, in Maidon Square, Kiev, the Ukrainian gov’t is using repressive means against its own citizens. The right wing extremeists are attacking the protestors who are against the government as they are critisizing Porschenko, who is an out and out nazi - as are John McCain and Lindsay Graham; Shinzo Abe is involved, as is Israel – it’s a coup of Nazis – they are lying across the board, arresting, hurting journalists who are getting truth out

• Now foreign governments are protesting what is happening: Ukraine banned 2 Spanish journalists – detained them at an aiport on Aug 24th ; they were included on a list of people giving out information the Ukrainians didn’t like, along with 40 other journalists: said they were a threat to security. • the US did the regime change, put in the nazi president and corrupted the parliament • the formal Ukranian ministry policy is freedom of speech for journalists; the Spanish journalists think they might have been arrested for reporting on the situation at Don Bass- the reporters were interested in the story of the citizens, not taking any sides in the political conflict. They think Ukaine has become dictatorial which is not too smart. Ukraine has deported the female reporter from Bulgaria, after arresting her

• Info on the closure of the embassies in San Francisco • the Russian consulates in America will be down to 3; the one in San Francisco dates back to the middle of the 19th century: Russia’s oldest diplomatic compound in the US • It wasn’t Moscow behind the war of sanctions in the first place – started by the US administration to undermine US-Russian relations. Sergei Lavrov is saying this –

2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call 12 / 27 he’s letting people know that they are trying to fry the Grump’s administration and also tie down any possibilty of free speech, right action – T things Lavrov probably knows that it’s the Khazarian Mafia – the “they” he refers to • This is not just another article: it is showing how rapidly things are moving AND it’s coming from a foreign government – quantum leaps as people learn how unbelievably evil and controlling things are becoming, and


[T’s comments came from her notes taken from RT tv programs]

R: The gist of report from Faction 3 white knights today Hurricane Harvey the main focus; behind the scenes, they are dissolving the republic faster than we can keep up with the various way Trump and his criminals are basically destroying what Obama and the Founding Fathers set up

T: heard the same thing: teachers leaving jobs; industries are shutting closing down; violence has become the currency; a perpetual war economy is becoming more of a reality than ever.

Audio: Vlog 25 TRANSMUTING POVERTY CONSCIOUSNESS by Patricia Cota-Robles http://www.eraofpeace.org/vlog-content?mc_cid=25a31777db&mc_eid=86ae4ec55d

Mother Sekmet / Alcyone [M/A]

In the Light of the Most Radiant One, In the Office of the Christ and only in the Office of the Christ, we invoke the loving energy of St Germain and the Violet Flame

Greetings, Children of Ra!

• Indeed, these are most magnificent times to behold that we are traversing - exciting beyond measure. And it is about this transfiguration that has gone on in this sacred moment since the time when, let’s say, we got lost in the garden with Sister Maya. Things have gone a bit awry: an understatement and then some!

• It is what the LM just spoke about: this place of the fallen human ego, getting lost in the garden, in the illusionary realms, as the energies are moving at quantum light speed, as he calls it. •We are lifted up and awakening to what’s transpiring in every particle, every cell, as the light of trillions, trillions of suns are pouring into these temples. • This is lifting the eneriges higher and higher; it is becoming more and more difficult for the ones we call her wayward children to continue. They think they have a limited free rein; they do not; it is coming to conclusion in this sacred hour. They know it.

• This is one of the reason why the energies are so high, so fast and, as we are not careful we are not sure where we are in this Divine story. It is quite the play on words, a play on energies. • And everything - all the frequencies - in and of themselves are saying “Lift yourselve up; do not get caught in this with Sister Maya, Sister Karma. That’s her [Mother’s] term – She will deal with her children as She sees fit. They have no more time, and they know it.

2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call 13 / 27 • That is why the chaos has taken on new heights of grandeur; we [humans] have a word in our language – grandiose: exhibiting the range of chaos that increases the levels of confusion for most, as - let’s say - within the realm of all that can hear this voice which goes across the realms of this local universe. • there are so many legions upon legions of heaven here; the fallen ones know this and try as they may, they have ultimately lost, yet they like grandiose passion plays to confuse

T: That’s right: they forgot: it was the anniversary of Lady Di’s clone leaving the planet! M/A: yes, Mr X showed up on her day! 20th anniversary • so you see how fast the energies are moving in the last 24 hours to this hour. • Lady Di, Dodi and the people of the Wesak Valley are doing the rituals and dedications around the clock: Circles of Support; Meditations, the pudas of honouring the divine goddess of all that is within each of us, the sacred holy flame of the mighty I AM. • the light that is pouring into this realm at this hour is so vast, so magnificent that, at this time, it is most auspicious to behold, and the time we are in is about awakening to all of what we have been cussing and discussing, bringing in this wisdom of the Feminine here, that higher wisdom to bring an order of calm to the chaos

• What have we got? These are the answers that are already here within us, and it is about the infinite magic; we might call it magic; She uses that word to put it in our language,lingo • Yet it is about the divinity that is in all of us; as each one of us is linked to the other, like what she was describing as great merits. It is about this story that is coming directly into our realm that is already here: About what we are, who are here, and how we are shifting this in this sacred divine moment: it’s not about war, not about breeding; it is the first order of business: • Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace: where there is such hatred, Let me sow love,

• all of us in the realm here are in service to the whole of this local Universe of Nebadon. As we heard from the beloved commander Frank yesterday: these ones are only about 1000 years ahead of our present time/space continuum, and They came in at the sacred juncture: and to be quite honest with us, the millions and billions of years as they come in with the wisdom of that which is Goddess: Goddess calls the shots: • it is about the right brain – let the left brain consciousness take a rest, as their friends Al and Elizabeth describe on their Sunday radio programs: transitionsradio.com; transitionsmultimedia.com to see what they are bringing forth. • There is a crystal temple being built in Santa Fe with quartz crystals the size of hu-mans – 6-7’ tall crystals that are as clear as glass: that which is called Galass Sayo – not saying where, yet it is already being built T: an empty piece of land, building from scratch

M/A: The crystals are already being placed in the ground – and invoking the Mighty I AM with other forms of gem technology. And also Dr Fred Bell who has transitioned with the technologies of the grid patterns: how to call in the sacred cosmic energies which come from Galactic Centre • it is no coincidence that T brings up the conversation of the 27 neighbouring galaxies: within that realm are the people of Krypton who come from that realm to this one; Moldeva is another sacred planet: They are the source of Moldivite, Kryptonite, gemstones, precious energies, as we grok what is happening here about this time/space we are in

2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call 14 / 27 • a story today on transmissions airwaves: a near earth object passed within 4 million miles or less, called Asteroid Florence after Florence Nightengale; passed so close to this planet, yet no one talking about this on our fake news stories or whatever they are • Bear in mind; bless their heart: the MSM has to do what the corporate masters tell them to do; RT is a little better, yet they still cannot tell what Mother is talking about. • At a certain point, the ancient one, Vladimir Putin, will share another slice of the story of the ancient wisdom which is modern day quantum hyperdimensional physics about the nature of asteroids, meteorites, tectites; within the realms she speaks of: all the elements of what they/us and the Paschats are made of: iridium, erodium, thorum, moldavite, Kryptonite; element 117, element 115 – so many different things we will begin . . . • we already know this stuff: ancient basic wisdom within Star Fleet Academy; as we are get – and we are already there. And the next step is . And She talks of this ad nauseum . . • How do they get introduced within our realm, and then they get to have a real conversation about roasted eggplant – how about roasted zuchini squash. Making a bad joke worse! T: are you asking us to get our bibs and forks and bowls ready, Mother? M/A: Talking about their having their cup of tea and crumpets, or vega wafers and Pleiadian champagne. • As their Friend Rashnish talked of a while ago: this is the hour, this is time we all come together to do this; it is not about the club or the AKA47 or barishnakov or the M16 – • it is about love: love answers all the questions; [it’s] not about parts, not about sex but about the divine union about what we are transfiguring into, in this sacred hour: these balls of light, sons and daughters of the Most High – Dr Keshe is on the money: we are all plasma – what is plasma? Melanin, the gold dust

• why did Enki and Enlil, Ninhertzog, Anu, come here, the old story? • before we fell, this planet had an infinite supply of these magical elements, already within the atomic structure, the particles: everything as Nassim describes. • the particles all of us are made of are contained within these asteroids, meteorites, tectites: the crystals - quartz, whatever - Obsidian, jade, jasper, cornelian, rubalite, termalines – • Rubalite calls in the ruby ray: as we could see rubalite the way Dr Marcel Vogel cuts and forms the crystals to do the work to bring in the cosmic energies • he is not here; worked for IBM to help create some of the silicone jets – all about the crystals • what is this temple here? Crystal - moving from carbon – what is carbon? Another form of crystal, moving up in nature and magnitude of frequency • as we move into the crystalline nature of who and what we are, of course, our temples move into that realm and take on the universal nature of who and what we are – and in an instant: a second is slow – what’s to say: the speed of thought? • it is like what Hue describes - the analogies, metaphors within this Metatronic brain structure: as we tune into Lord Metatron, Neptha El Ra, we get downloaded with the wisdom of the Books of Life – it is already contained within the crystals • all of the wisdom is here; like what Thor said to Lady Jane: what you call magic, we call science, super science; it is all contained within us. • Now is the time to do the due diligence – might sound boring, might sound like repetitive B.S. - yet [do] we want to get there?

2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call 15 / 27 • this is how we do it! No easy stuff: Chop wood, carry water; carry water, chop wood - before enlightenment, after enlightenment: we do the meditations, the yoga, tai chi, kung fu, the Tai Quan do - • Remember Neo? We’re going to hear what Lady Sophia brought through with the Matrix movies, the Terminator Stories, The Third Eye • We want to know Kung Fu? The boxing? these are martial arts from the oriental realms but they go beyond that: as we learn the sacred movements that move in accordance with the cycles • we are in a grand cycle: we call this [current time] the beginning of the Virgo constellation – astrology, that sign: that is the physical astronomy; • astronomy is another realm of this – all the super sciences: the science of love, the science of wisdom • what was taught in the Ancient Vedic texts, the Uphanashads; the Gitas – go far beyond what she can describe in a few minutes • it goes beyond the aryan race – not about nazis: That was raped and usurped: they took the vedic scriptures and twisted them to the dark side to use for rape, conquest, control - not about what was taught by Lord Buddha, Lord Krishna, Parvati, Shiva ; • it is about the wisdom of this temple – We want to know how to get to heaven: it’s right here with the melanin, the gold dust – what Bro Dick Gregory tried to pass on to us; Cornell West, Maya Angelou, Michelle Obama, Barack Obama, LM Angela Davis; the lady sister who sat on the bus and began this story and said “I will not move; it begins here; it begins now.

• the original story began in the land called Mother Zudiachus, Mother Africa where they first came in, between the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers • there were beings that came in with many of them; in the beginning of this story, Nibiru was not a negative story, yet 65 million years ago is just a slice of the time • 465 Billion and beyond that, when we were just cosmic dust, particles; as She and Alcyone came together in what we call it the big bang – • It is not about Big Bang; it’s about cosmic union, of how when one thought and then another thought have a unison, a magic connnection that happens; a spark, that spark is what happens – all the sparks continue on ad infinitum, and grow and take on shapes and form and densities like magnitude and frequency; they have cognizance, consciousness: • Like Dr Greer said, we’re gonna find in the universe, consciousness does not need a body to talk to us; there are consciousnesses out there that have been drawn to our light that pours forth from this planet as she becomes a star

• as they [M/A] remove the rebel band called her wayward children, those consciousnesses are already leaving and many have already left - She has taken them to the realms where they need to go, Yet the ones we call the ½ million life forms gotta go; this comes into the realm of the Draconian constellation and the ancient wars that have come down to this story here, right now.

• Uruk; Iraq; Syria; Assyria – remember that name; Akkadians - there is a place in the centre of the Inner Earth called the City of Acadia. There are people there who never fell from grace: they are part of the makeup of what is the nature of how planets, stars, suns, heavenly bodies interact with each other; it’s about the cosmic thoughts of how crystals come together and create magic spark, divinity. • When we squeeze a crystal with PSI [pounds per square inch], using something we call technology to squeeze crystals with vast amounts of pressure, they produce electricity - our word for it: piezoelectricity.

2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call 16 / 27 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia : Piezoelectricity /piˌ e ɪ zo ʊˌ il ɛ k ˈ tr ɪ s ɪ ti/ is the electric charge that accumulates in certain solid materials (such as crystals, certain ceramics, and biological matter such as bone, DNA and various proteins)[1] in response to applied mechanical stress. The word piezoelectricity means electricity resulting from pressure and heat. It is derived from the Greek piezō (πιέζω) or piezein (πιέζειν), which means to squeeze or press, and ēlektron (ήλεκτρον), which means amber, an ancient source of electric charge. [2] Piezoelectricity was discovered in 1880 by French physicists Jacques and Pierre Curie.[3]

• Same thing happens when we put 2 crystals in our hands: right, left hemisphere; positive, negative. That is why we have these temples here: positive, negative; male, female. As we merge into unity consciousness, these balls of light become one ball of light - not about male, not about female, not about [body] parts – It’s about consciousness; we get beyond bodies; it goes into that consciousness; that is where we are all going. • As we want to go into other realms, there are places, spaces we can go yet this planet is ascending with all of us. Gotta take that consciousness and move it up – that’s how it moves • That is the nature of consciousness: the feminine, Goddess; the negative – right brain consciousness – when we use that in conjunction with . . . T: the right brain crosses over and controls the LH side of the body – there’s a cross over point M: Yes, and that has to do with the divine temple with the 7 chakras and the 9 stars above the head T: It crosses over between the 4th and 5th cervical M: must learn the inner standing, not the overstanding, understanding; all of it is inner standing of the electronic nature of what this is about: bio transducers of the living consciousness, super consciousness. • These are scientific principles – this is why she brings this up; we are not going to learn this at the charter schools set up by the nazis; they’d burn us as witches, warlocks.

T: Bro Shawn talking of how they are forcing tests down student throats at school; the teachers get fired if they get found out [for teaching beyond the curriculum] • and the kids can’t concentrate either, they want to make things count, get good grades – it’s diabolical what’s happening in the schools - dysfunctionality as an artform! When we are moving into this melanin, gold dust consciousness . . . T: and they want to take as much money as they can so we have no freedoms

M/A: the time is nigh; have to move on T: the changes – it’s quite a time – she finds herself speechless many times M/A: That comes from the place of the Great Silence, of what comes where - let it all go and listen to the sound of one hand clapping. One hand is the nature of what we hear when we’ve entered the realms of infinite possibilities • there are recordings on the net – electronic sounds of how planets, suns and stars make music in our realms: may sound like sqeaks, sqawks, static electricity, white noise but there is a consciousness in those sounds that communicates with the clouds, the animals, the plants, ourselves • Enough! We’ve blown your minds with enough!

T: thanks to Mother, she was on a roll tonight! Thanks for steadfastly being here now – and wherever the situations are where we can begin to grasp more of ourselves and work to drop the barriers, limitations, and become more aware of the estotericsim of our being is - because it is a completely different field M/A: as we understand, inner stand what is being brought into the realms here: no accident that Lady Di, Dodi T: Yesterday, they were calling from the Wesak Valley, the village of 19,000 people • that is the big reason why Rama got to talk to Mr X who had them on the line to talk to R

2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call 17 / 27 • we are creating the sacred mystery schools: we are all in those sacred mystery schools – ashrams, temples, universities of universal wisdom – this is how we get to the place where Neo can say “I AM the one”

T: Mother described the angels in the sense that they don’t use the idea of “free will choice” M/A: it is beyond free will choice T: and beyond the 3rd dimension • it goes into the realm of the Law of One - we are in service to All whether it’s Pluto, Zeta Reticuli, or the Pleiades – in service to all T: that is a hard concept to really get at the cellular molecular level; • people who don’t comprehend what She is saying don’t get this: what do you mean the angels don’t have free will choice? We all have Free Will Choice • Yes they – angels - do; their choice is to go beyond Free Will choice • We all have free will choice; Free Will Choice has the implication of polarity; once we get past polarity, there is no need for Free Will choice M/A: Yes: at the moment, we are in a polar universe, yet we are transitioning into the unity realm / the Unipolar Universe T:It’s as COR saying she’s a A PART of The Collective; yet when we talk to the super consciousness of Cosmic Consciousness, that questioning of ourselves as “part of” does not even enter, as we embrace our fullness . . . M/A: It just IS T: When She says ‘It just is’, that is different than the assumption that we are still in polarity - which is not true. • Goes to what Nassim is saying: in the ultimate highest awareness of who we are, we are not subject to gravity, and that is the story of the Fool. • When we say “fool”, we think ‘something foolish’, but The Fool knows that as he jumps off the cliff, he knows he’s going to fly. That is the Zero Point energy. • Those who study deeply in the martial arts literally DO fly – as opposed to the movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon when various kinds of wires, etc were used. • And that requires discipline, more than we know

M/A: in this realm, in the beginning, many life forms did have wings, and some still do T: is that where our Scapular inserts are? M/A: yes – more to come!

Greetings in the Light of the Most Radiant one; Kadoish, kadoish, kadoish T: Rama was really knocked out today; holding some very high vibrations!

R: has been sitting with Metatron and asking him about the next step • Just kept hearing “Love is the answer; don’t raise the fist - will only get you into trouble.” • As Spock gives the Vulcan greeting: live long and prosper; peace and long life” - that is the higher nature of how we greet each other - as opposed to pushing people away based on appearance, race etc T: we have the abilities to do super human things, like the one who can lift a vehicle off someone else in times of crisis; like the time she jumped into such cold water she could not move and had to call on super human abilities • at the Anterres Arcturus Midway Station – he was in Metatron’s office, and he was taking a break from teaching; this was in a different space, realm. • To help us understand, R was in Metatron’s office and M was behind his desk • Metatron holds diplomatic immunity in this civilization; they talked of love which is the intervention at the higher level • It is time for us to push ourselves into realms unknown with great, great courage, and to remember that love is available, as calm is present • it is not about putting something on our tongues and going out there – not at all!

2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call 18 / 27 R: Mea culpa! I pass the talking stick. T: Once you learn about kundalini yoga in a guided way – that will help this planet ascend

Audio: From RT News https://www.rt.com/shows/rt-america/401794-rt-america-september12017/


Journalist fired for exposing how CIA ran weapons to terrorists

Bulgarian investigative journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva says she was fired after reporting about how the Central Intelligence Agency ran weapons to Al-Nusra terrorists through Azerbaijan. Gaytandzhieva was let go for refusing to reveal her sources, she tells RT’s Anya Parampil.


Latest Google scandal exposes DC pay-for-play culture

A new report making waves in DC details how the New America Foundation got rid of its Open Market Initiative under pressure from Google. Journalist and author Max Blumenthal joins RT America to explain how big money warps public policy debate.

Audio: Max Keiser - Episode 1117 2017-08-31


Max and Stacy discuss ‘the bizarre decade’ on the markets engineered by central banks and the ‘red flags’ in the shale industry. In the second half, Max interviews Mitch Feierstein, author of Planet Ponzi, to discuss central banks’ collective $15 trillion in assets. How will this Ponzi turn out?

T: a program with very important information from Max, Stacy & guest WELL WORTH A RE-LISTEN!!! THIS IS GOING DOWN LIKE A ROCK!!!!

Audio: Redacted Tonight 2017-09-01

Democratic Party is a Joke, Harvey was Predicted, Trump Hates Science


The dismissal of the DNC Fraud Lawsuit case solidifies what we already had a feeling was true: the Democratic party feels no obligation to the people it claims to represent. This is important because it doesn’t only apply to the 2016 election, but all elections going forward. If someone defrauds you and has 0 repercussions, there’s a 100% chance they’ll defraud you again.

No matter who is president, we will always the normalization of endless war. There’s even a military “adventure” camp in Kentucky for tweens whose parents want them to have a taste of military life. Normalizing violence and militarism for kids in a country where 90% of our drone killings hit unintended targets and nearly 30k vets are homeless is shameful.

Politicians say we should let the ‘free market’ help victims of the hurricane (Obviously the Fed govt should only be spending money on wars and the subsidization of big banks and the oil industry), but it’s the private sector that enabled the destruction of Houston. When ProPublica

2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call 19 / 27 did a reported on how the city is not prepared for hurricanes last year, it had no effect on public policy. Local officials even snubbed building regulations to pave over prairie land that would have soaked up large amounts of water.


Source Material:

DNC Fraud Lawsuit Final Order of Dismissal - http://bit.ly/2wFTbMJ

Trump nominates Republican energy lawyer McIntyre to head FERC http://bit.ly/2ewh4yU

MSNBC loses connection to reporter as he goes off on oil industry for robbing locals of infrastructure funds http://bit.ly/2eqL4Zy

Kids Are Learning Combat And Sniper Skills At ‘Military Disneyland’ Summer Camps - http://bit.ly/2eqJAOY

Audio: WELCOME NINA TURNER – a clip from Saturday Night Live where Nina takes on President Trump – and gets a hat for a gift!!! [Didn’t find the clip]

Audio: remembering Diana – the 20th anniversary of the “death” of Lady Di, Dodi, Henri Paul T: comments on the impact of Rama receiving a call from Di and Dodi from the Wesak Valley, via Mr X, on the 20th anniversary - things are happening

Reading: from The ABC of Color by W. E. B. de Bois [SEE BELOW] – the Niagara movement

Music: The Poetry of Kabir with Robert Bly

Published on 10 May 2007 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtKWRo7EzV4

Robert Bly performs the poetry of Kabir at one of the Mythic Journeys conferences. Musical accompaniment by Eugene Friesen and Arto Tuncboyaciyan.

Enya: music from Avatar

Reading: a little child holding a kitty – T reads a short poem from Mother Goose

2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call 20 / 27 INFORMATION RELATED TO THE NOTES

2017–09-08 Posse Comitatus Act From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the Posse Comitatus Act in the United States. For other uses of posse comitatus, see Posse comitatus.

Posse Comitatus Act

Other short titles Knott Amendment Enacted by the 45th United States Congress Effective June 18, 1878 Citations Statutes at Large 20 Stat. 152 Codification U.S.C. sections created 18 U.S.C. § 1385 Legislative history • Passed the House on May 18, 1878 (130–117) • Passed the Senate on June 7, 1878 (29–21) with amendment • House agreed to Senate amendment on June 15, 1878 () • Signed into law by President Rutherford B. Hayes on June 18, 1878

Major amendments 1956, 1981

The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385 , original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878 by President Rutherford B. Hayes. The purpose of the act – in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807 – is to limit the powers of the federal government in using federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States. It was passed as an amendment to an army appropriation bill following the end of Reconstruction, and was subsequently updated in 1956 and 1981.

The Act only specifically applies to the United States Army and, as amended in 1956, the United States Air Force. While the Act does not explicitly mention the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps, the Department of the Navy has prescribed regulations that are generally construed to give the Act force with respect to those services as well. The Act does not apply to the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard under state authority from acting in a law

2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call 21 / 27 enforcement capacity within its home state or in an adjacent state if invited by that state's governor. The United States Coast Guard, which operates under the Department of Homeland Security, is not covered by the Posse Comitatus Act either, primarily because although the Coast Guard is an armed service, it also has both a maritime law enforcement mission and a federal regulatory agency mission.

The title of the act comes from the legal concept of Posse comitatus, the authority under which a county sheriff, or other law officer, conscripts any able-bodied man to assist him in keeping the peace.

. . .

Recent legislative events In 2006, Congress modified the Insurrection Act as part of the 2007 Defense Authorization Bill (repealed as of 2008). On September 26, 2006, President George W. Bush urged Congress to consider revising federal laws so that U.S. armed forces could restore public order and enforce laws in the aftermath of a natural disaster, terrorist attack or incident, or other condition. These changes were included in the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (H.R. 5122), which was signed into law on October 17, 2006.[7]

Section 1076 is titled "Use of the Armed Forces in major public emergencies." It provided that:

The President may employ the armed forces... to... restore public order and enforce the laws of the United States when, as a result of a natural disaster, epidemic, or other serious public health emergency, terrorist attack or incident, or other condition... the President determines that... domestic violence has occurred to such an extent that the constituted authorities of the State or possession are incapable of maintaining public order... or [to] suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy if such... a condition... so hinders the execution of the laws... that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law... or opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.[8]

In 2008, these changes in the Insurrection Act of 1807 were repealed in their entirety, reverting to the previous wording of the Insurrection Act.[9] It was originally written to limit Presidential power as much as possible in the event of insurrection, rebellion, or lawlessness.

In 2011, President Barack Obama signed National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 into law. Section 1021(b)(2) extended the definition of a "covered person", i.e., someone possibly subject to detention under this law, to include:

A person who was a part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces.[10]

Section 1021(e) purports to limit the scope of said authority with the text, "Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect existing law or authorities relating to the detention of United States citizens, lawful resident aliens of the United States, or any other persons who are captured or arrested in the United States."[11]

2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call 22 / 27 2017-09-08 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the legal term. For other uses, see Habeas corpus (disambiguation).

Prerogative / Review • Habeas corpus • / Mandate (peremptory) • Procedendo • Prohibito / Prohibition •

Philippines-specific • Amparo and Habeas Data • Kalikasan

• V T E

Habeas corpus ( / ˈhe ɪ biəs ˈk ɔː rpəs / ; Medieval Latin meaning literally "that you have the body"[1]) is a recourse in law through which a person can report an unlawful detention or imprisonment to a court and request that the court order the custodian of the person, usually a prison official, to bring the prisoner to court, to determine if the detention is lawful.[2]

The of habeas corpus is known as "the great and efficacious writ in all manner of illegal confinement",[Note 1] being a remedy available to the meanest against the mightiest. It is a summons with the force of a court order; it is addressed to the custodian (a prison official, for example) and demands that a prisoner be taken before the court, and that the custodian present proof of authority, allowing the court to determine whether the custodian has lawful authority to detain the prisoner. If the custodian is acting beyond his or her authority, then the prisoner must be released. Any prisoner, or another person acting on his or her behalf, may petition the court, or a judge, for a writ of habeas corpus. One reason for the writ to be sought by a person other than the prisoner is that the detainee might be held incommunicado. Most civil law jurisdictions provide a similar remedy for those unlawfully detained, but this is not always called habeas corpus.[3] For example, in some Spanish-speaking nations, the equivalent remedy for unlawful imprisonment is the amparo de libertad ("protection of freedom").

Habeas corpus has certain limitations. Though a writ of right, it is not a writ of course.[Note 2] It is technically only a procedural remedy; it is a guarantee against any detention that is forbidden by law, but it does not necessarily protect other rights, such as the entitlement to a fair trial. So if an imposition such as internment without trial is permitted by the law, then habeas corpus may not be a useful remedy. In some countries, the writ has been temporarily or permanently suspended under the pretext of war or state of emergency.[further explanation needed]

The right to petition for a writ of habeas corpus has nonetheless long been celebrated as the most efficient safeguard of the liberty of the subject. The jurist Albert Venn Dicey wrote that the British

2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call 23 / 27 Habeas Corpus Acts "declare no principle and define no rights, but they are for practical purposes worth a hundred constitutional articles guaranteeing individual liberty".[4]

The writ of habeas corpus is one of what are called the "extraordinary", "common law", or "prerogative writs", which were historically issued by the English courts in the name of the monarch to control inferior courts and public authorities within the kingdom. The most common of the other such prerogative writs are quo warranto, prohibito, mandamus, procedendo, and certiorari. The due process for such petitions is not simply civil or criminal, because they incorporate the presumption of non-authority. The official who is the respondent must prove his authority to do or not do something. Failing this, the court must decide for the petitioner, who may be any person, not just an interested party. This differs from a motion in a civil process in which the movant must have standing, and bears the burden of proof.

2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call 24 / 27 2017-09-01 Niagara Movement Speech W.E.B. DuBois

1905 http://teachingamericanhistory.org/library/document/niagara-movement-speech/

• Full Document • Academic Standards

The men of the Niagara Movement coming from the toil of the year’s hard work and pausing a moment from the earning of their daily bread turn toward the nation and again ask in the name of ten million the privilege of a hearing. In the past year the work of the Negro hater has flourished in the land. Step by step the defenders of the rights of American citizens have retreated. The work of stealing the black man’s ballot has progressed and the fifty and more representatives of stolen votes still sit in the nation’s capital. Discrimination in travel and public accommodation has so spread that some of our weaker brethren are actually afraid to thunder against color discrimination as such and are simply whispering for ordinary decencies.

Against this the Niagara Movement eternally protests. We will not be satisfied to take one jot or tittle less than our full manhood rights. We claim for ourselves every single right that belongs to a freeborn American, political, civil and social; and until we get these rights we will never cease to protest and assail the ears of America. The battle we wage is not for ourselves alone but for all true Americans. It is a fight for ideals, lest this, our common fatherland, false to its founding, become in truth the land of the thief and the home of the Slave–a by-word and a hissing among the nations for its sounding pretensions and pitiful accomplishment. Never before in the modern age has a great and civilized folk threatened to adopt so cowardly a creed in the treatment of its fellow-citizens born and bred on its soil. Stripped of verbiage and subterfuge and in its naked nastiness the new American creed says: Fear to let black men even try to rise lest they become the equals of the white. And this is the land that professes to follow Jesus Christ. The blasphemy of such a course is only matched by its cowardice.

In detail our demands are clear and unequivocal.

First, we would vote; with the right to vote goes everything: Freedom, manhood, the honor of your wives, the chastity of your daughters, the right to work, and the chance to rise, and let no man listen to those who deny this.

We want full manhood suffrage, and we want it now, henceforth and forever.

Second. We want discrimination in public accommodation to cease. Separation in railway and street cars, based simply on race and color, is un-American, un-democratic, and silly. We protest against all such discrimination.

Third. We claim the right of freemen to walk, talk, and be with them that wish to be with us. No man has a right to choose another man’s friends, and to attempt to do so is an impudent interference with the most fundamental human privilege.

2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call 25 / 27 Fourth. We want the laws enforced against rich as well as poor; against Capitalist as well as Laborer; against white as well as black. We are not more lawless than the white race, we are more often arrested, convicted, and mobbed. We want justice even for criminals and outlaws. We want the Constitution of the country enforced. We want Congress to take charge of Congressional elections. We want the Fourteenth amendment carried out to the letter and every State disfranchised in Congress which attempts to disfranchise its rightful voters. We want the Fifteenth amendment enforced and No State allowed to base its franchise simply on color.

The failure of the Republican Party in Congress at the session just closed to redeem its pledge of 1904 with reference to suffrage conditions at the South seems a plain, deliberate, and premeditated breach of promise, and stamps that party as guilty of obtaining votes under false pretense.

Fifth, We want our children educated. The school system in the country districts of the South is a disgrace and in few towns and cities are Negro schools what they ought to be. We want the national government to step in and wipe out illiteracy in the South. Either the United States will destroy ignorance or ignorance will destroy the United States.

And when we call for education we mean real education. We believe in work. We ourselves are workers, but work is not necessarily education. Education is the development of power and ideal. We want our children trained as intelligent human beings should be, and we will fight for all time against any proposal to educate black boys and girls simply as servants and underlings, or simply for the use of other people. They have a right to know, to think, to aspire.

These are some of the chief things which we want. How shall we get them? By voting where we may vote, by persistent, unceasing agitation; by hammering at the truth, by sacrifice and work.

We do not believe in violence, neither in the despised violence of the raid nor the lauded violence of the soldier, nor the barbarous violence of the mob, but we do believe in John Brown, in that incarnate spirit of justice, that hatred of a lie, that willingness to sacrifice money, reputation, and life itself on the altar of right. And here on the scene of John Brown’s martyrdom we reconsecrate ourselves, our honor, our property to the final emancipation of the race which John Brown died to make free.

Our enemies, triumphant for the present, are fighting the stars in their courses. Justice and humanity must prevail. We live to tell these dark brothers of ours–scattered in counsel, wavering and weak–that no bribe of money or notoriety, no promise of wealth or fame, is worth the surrender of a people’s manhood or the loss of a man’s self-respect. We refuse to surrender the leadership of this race to cowards and trucklers. We are men; we will be treated as men. On this rock we have planted our banners. We will never give up, though the trump of doom finds us still fighting.

And we shall win. The past promised it, the present foretells it. Thank God for John Brown! Thank God for Garrison and Douglass! Sumner and Phillips, Nat Turner and Robert Gould Shaw, and all the hallowed dead who died for freedom! Thank God for all those to-day, few though their voices be, who have not forgotten the divine brotherhood of all men white and black, rich and poor, fortunate and unfortunate.

2017-09-01 Friday Hard News Call 26 / 27 We appeal to the young men and women of this nation, to those whose nostrils are not yet befouled by greed and snobbery and racial narrowness: Stand up for the right, prove yourselves worthy of your heritage and whether born north or south dare to treat men as men. Cannot the nation that has absorbed ten million foreigners into its political life without catastrophe absorb ten million Negro Americans into that same political life at less cost than their unjust and illegal exclusion will involve?

Courage brothers! The battle for humanity is not lost or losing. All across the skies sit signs of promise. The Slav is raising in his might, the yellow millions are tasting liberty, the black Africans are writhing toward the light, and everywhere the laborer, with ballot in his hand, is voting open the gates of Opportunity and Peace. The morning breaks over blood-stained hills. We must not falter, we may not shrink. Above are the everlasting stars.

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