Ewan McGregor, | 352 pages | 02 Jun 2008 | Little, Brown Book Group | 9780751538953 | English | London, United Kingdom Long Way Down (TV Mini-Series ) - IMDb

Will sets the scene, describing his neighborhood, the relationship he and his neighbors have with the police, and the basics of The Rules: no crying, no snitching, revenge. Will sneaks out past his sleeping mother the next morning and gets in the elevator to kill Riggs. Buck is the person who gave Shawn the gun. Next, Dani enters. He forces Will to consider the long-term consequences of his actions, and what it would look and feel like to kill another man. Finally, Shawn enters the elevator. The novel ends on a cliffhanger , as Will debates whether to follow the rules, like all the ghosts before him, or to make another choice for himself. Long Way Down Jason Reynolds. Save Download. Although the American crew members were barred from entering , this was anticipated ahead of their arrival at the border. Upon arrival in , the team had to bribe the local authorities with a few bottles of vodka to ease their passage into the country, which they assumed would become a regular event as they travelled through Africa. However, although delays of a few hours were common, there were few significant problems at crossing points as they made their way further south. They were often pleasantly surprised by the quality of road surfaces throughout east Africa, but there were some sections through rough, bumpy or sandy terrain, as well as a small river and mud wallow. The shock absorbers bore the brunt, with both McGregor and von Planta suffering broken springs. As the only spare had been fitted to McGregor's bike, von Planta had to ride in a support vehicle while his bike was sent on ahead for repair. McGregor and von Planta also came off and damaged their bodywork, with von Planta involved in the more serious incident on a motorway in South Africa. Boorman admitted he had been "putting on a show" for a roadside garage, and braked sharply as part of a manoeuvre. Von Planta, who admits he was riding too closely, fell while avoiding a collision; he was shaken but uninjured. His motorcycle was substantially damaged, and the footage of the rest of the journey to Cape Agulhas appears only to include support vehicle and helmet cam footage, suggesting that Von Planta's motorcycle was not being used. McGregor's wife Eve, who learned to ride only as part of the preparations, joined them for part of the trip and took several falls on the sandy terrain of and , apparently without injury. In they met former child soldiers of the Lord's Resistance Army and saw the work being done to rehabilitate them. Both McGregor and Boorman had visited such centres in Africa previously. The title song was performed by Welsh group Stereophonics , and is identical to the theme with the lyric "round" replaced with "down". The soundtrack features music drawn substantially from the catalogue of Real World Records , which produced the accompanying album. Co-director of photography Jimmy Simak also acted as music supervisor and soundtrack producer for the series. On the Late Show with David Letterman 17 February , McGregor said he was not planning another trip because he found it difficult to be away from his family for such a long time, but he also mentioned wanting to do a trip from South to North America. In June , McGregor indicated that the long-discussed South American trip was still at the planning stage, but he expected that an excursion through Baja California Peninsula would take place first. Differences between the two versions are notably at the beginning the original covers their preparation with one episode rather than two , and at the end the original shows their trip from Anchorage through Canada to New York in one episode rather than two. The special edition also dedicates an episode to retrospective interviews one year later. The special edition's episodes are unnamed, but cover roughly the following:. They met with Simon in Mongolia. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This section does not cite any sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. February Learn how and when to remove this template message. Female First. First Active Media. The Sunday Times. London: News UK. Archived from the original on 4 June Retrieved 11 May The Courier-Mail. Brisbane: News Corp Australia. Retrieved 6 August Long Way Round. Time Warner Books. Boorman and McGregor's Travel Adventures. Categories : British television series debuts British television series endings Motorcycle television series Motorcycle writing Travel books British travel television series Long-distance motorcycle riding. Hidden categories: EngvarB from November Use dmy dates from November Articles needing additional references from February All articles needing additional references. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Ewan McGregor Charley Boorman. Long Way Down - Wikipedia

I think I held my breath for the entire book, and the ending left me gasping. Truly unforgettable. View all 12 comments. May 19, Emily Books with Emily Fox rated it really liked it. If you're in a slump and you want a quick interesting read, I would totally recommend this book! It's all about the cycle of violence and written in verse. Really liked it! View 2 comments. Oct 29, Hannah Greendale rated it really liked it Shelves: national-book- award-nominee , young-adult , newbery-honor , printz-award-nominee. Click here to watch a video review of this book on my channel, From Beginning to Bookend. A haunting cautionary tale delivered in verse, in which fifteen-year-old Will is forced to consider the potential consequences of his actions as he, armed with a gun and seeking revenge, waits for the elevator in his building to reach the ground floor. That tape lets people know that this is a murder scene, Click here to watch a video review of this book on my channel, From Beginning to Bookend. That tape lets people know that this is a murder scene, as if we ain't already know that. The crowd backs its way into buildings and down blocks until nothing is left but the tape. Shawn was zipped into a bag and rolled away, his blood added to the pavement galaxy of bubblegum stars. The tape framed it like it was art. And the next day, kids would play mummy with it. View all 16 comments. Apr 13, Jillian Heise rated it it was amazing Shelves: representation-matters , 1-to-add-to-the-collection , jason-recs , yrreads , wsra-chpbk , free-verse. Will grieving his brother with a gun and a target thinking he knows what he has to do following The Rules wondering what to do who to be and what comes next. Jason Reynolds is masterful in the way he can use such sparse language in these free verse poems for such a powerful and emotional impact. I'm going to be talking about and sharing this book for a very long time. Jason's skill at putting words together that grab your h pages 67 seconds 7 floors 6 visitors Each with a piece of the story not known until now. Jason's skill at putting words together that grab your heart and head, bringing you into the lives of his characters, kids just trying their best to do what's right and live the way they've been taught, astounds me. Long Way Down is no different. This book is going to have an impact. The type of impact that makes you question what you thought you knew and how life can be. I can't wait to get my hands on a finished copy, to reread, sit with his words and turns of phrase, and find the spots that bear repeating to kids in our classrooms. I can picture the faces in my head of the former students I wish were still in my classroom so I could put this book right into their hands. View all 4 comments. Dec 01, Elle ellexamines rated it really liked it Shelves: z-read , y-notowned , 4-star , characters-of-color , y-out , x- buylist , contemporary , trauma-abuse-recovery , elle-recs-list , z-coverporn. Unfortunately, he never shot anything ever again. But my father did. This was incredible. Not only is it so emotional and well-developed, but oh my god, the writing is so good. The double meanings alone are perfect. Jason Reynolds has a way with double meanings. Look at the top quote. A camera shoots. A man can also shoot. Although paced extremely well , it was such a quick read that I didn't have time to properly digest what I was reading. They were meant for the broken to follow. The stories here need to be told. And they need to be told to teens who might be going through things like this. The verse format is a great way to spread messages that might not always get to certain teens. I'm sorry to keep mentioning this on reviews, but: I am so proud of how far we've gone. The coolest thing about this book to me, and something I don't think I really noticed until I saw my favorite booktuber's review , is that this book doesn't try to be about right and wrong. It's not that simple, and Jason Reynolds knows that. I think this book has a lot of layers that don't come through at first, but that kill you more and more the deeper you look. Blog Goodreads Twitter Youtube Feb 13, C. This was so so emotional and brutal and just wow. I'm kind of torn with what to think though because I didn't really understand the ending?! I read it twice and I'm still not entirely sure what happened. It's a book about violence and murder and it's so freaking sad. Basically Will's brother Shawn was just shot and killed and Will gets his gun and goes out for revenge. But he gets in the elevator to go downstairs and shoot this guy Things to note: A there are so so many ghosts in Will's life and this makes me so sad I just B I just got really choked up when this girl steps into the elevator and Will remembers her from his childhood This one focused on a black community, obviously, but there's so so many people who are just hurt and absolutely destroyed because someone they love was killed and the cycle goes on and on and on. Also the author's bio at the end was basically saying he's tired of kids feeling invisible and unseen and their pains ignored, but every time someone reads his books and feels SEEN and heard And this is so good. And I'm so glad there are authors like this here. I do have to admit though, some things kind of landed me in a bucket. Like I didn't understand the ending, AND the book is so shot. It's in verse, but it's like And all I kept thinking is "this elevator is taking like one heck of a long time to get to the bottom and I would've just taken the stairs after the ghosts started getting in". But ahem. Shsuhshssh cait that's not the point. View all 18 comments. This was that. This book caters perfectly for younger readers. Jason Reynolds writes a story that is gripping, easy to read and many young people, especially young black boys, can relate to. Those individuals who came from households and grew up surrounded by gangs, gun violence and grief and who have all been painted with the same brush in the media. Because the truth is, people are the way they are for a reason. What is their background? What traumas have these individuals suffered from? Have they been given the opportunity to deal with it in a healthy manner? I loved the format this was told in. So does he follow the rules or carve out his own path? The simplicity of it was beautiful. This is what boggles my mind slightly, I guess. That the writing was so simple, effortless, yet stunning and full of lessons. The style worked incredibly well. I loved it! View all 10 comments. Dec 25, Laurie Anderson rated it it was amazing Shelves: ya , racial-justice. Jun 30, Chelsea chelseadolling reads rated it really liked it. Such a fast and powerful read. View 1 comment. I wanted to focus on supporting as many new-to-me black authors as possible in February, and Jason Reynolds was at the very top of my list. This man has a writing voice that absolutely needs to be heard. The rules that say the only fair response to the wrongful death of a loved one… is revenge. That said, I still absolutely loved this book and cannot wait to see what Jason Reynolds releases next. You can find this review and more on my blog , or you can follow me on twitter , bookstagram , or facebook! Jan 14, Kelly and the Book Boar rated it it was amazing Shelves: becoming-groweds-up , skillet-to-the-face , liburrrrrry-book , really-for-kidlets , denied-the-arc , read-in Books that give a voice to a population who so often is rendered voiceless. A book that I read in less than half an hour due to its written in verse format. A powerful book. Every star. Nov 11, Korrina OwlCrate rated it it was amazing. That was incredibly powerful. Jul 16, Lauren Lanz rated it really liked it Shelves: contemporary , author-of-colour , young-adult , poc-rep , 4-stars. Long Way Down was masterfully written, with an ending that left me breathless. The tragic event has left him hurt and confused, with the addition of a broken mother to account for. No crying 2. No snitching 3. Within the few minutes it takes the elevator to descend, William will have to decide whether he intends to carry out the revenge he originally sought out for. While the prose of these two books are certainly different, I found Long Way Down slightly superior because of the narrative in verse. The punch seems to land harder whenever I read a story told in poems. It is a constant reminder that the protagonist is only fifteen, being put into a situation many could never imagine. It was so easy to fly through the pages with such a powerful voice to follow. The way things wrapped up was so, so incredible. It gave readers plenty of room to think and reflect on the novel as a whole, while still managing to remain a satisfying conclusion. Feb 19, Rachel Reads Ravenously rated it it was amazing Shelves: hardcover , poetry-or-verse , young-adult. But the world don't wanna see no kids, and God ain't no pushy parent so he just folds and snaps us shut. In the best possible way, this book was utterly heartbreaking. When Wil's brother is killed in a gang related shooting, he does the only thing he knows how to do: follow the neighborhood rules. So he gets a gun and decides to kill the person who killed his brother. But what he doesn't expect is an elevator ride filled with the past, and to face what he hasn't had to face until now. His writing style is effortless to read, and yet packs a huge emotional and important impact. This was such a powerful read, I hope readers everywhere and of all ages teen and up read it and are affected by it in a positive way. After three book wins in a row, I'll be a forever Reynolds reader. I'm having a hard time processing all the feels right now so this was a shorter review than I usually do. Just read the dang book! View all 8 comments. Jan 17, Whitney Atkinson rated it really liked it Shelves: read-in , in-verse , ebook. I downloaded this intending on possibly getting to it sometime, but I opened it up out of curiosity and ended up reading the entire thing in about an hour. I don't have too much to say other than I think this is a really effective coming of age story about how violence and toxic masculinity affects so many young black teens. Reynolds writes really honestly and the directness of this is such a well-needed nudge in the side. My only issue is that I struggled with the plot of this book a bit becaus I downloaded this intending on possibly getting to it sometime, but I opened it up out of curiosity and ended up reading the entire thing in about an hour. My only issue is that I struggled with the plot of this book a bit because I'm not a fan of books that require the suspension of disbelief, and this straddled that line throughout its duration. I understand the meaningfulness of the actions that occurred, but it's still just a personal preference. I wish this was written in a traditional format, I just don't seem to click with a story as much whenever it's written in verse. It was still a beautiful read and I definitely appreciate the message of it. Dec 17, Lilith Black Bee rated it really liked it. The subject was about I found the concept of this book very interesting, maybe the first of this kind for me. Feb 19, Imane rated it liked it Shelves: ya. But as he takes the elevator down, with a gun tucked in his pants, it stops on each floor and a ghost from Will's past enters, all victims of gun violence, but will that be enough to change his mind? I was not expecting it at all and was a little bit annoyed. View all 11 comments. Jun 22, Christy rated it really liked it Shelves: four-stars , audio , new-to-me-author. This is written in verse and narrated by the author. I highly recommend. Dec 12, April Aprilius Maximus rated it really liked it Shelves: Really powerful and unputdownable. Aug 18, Brandice rated it liked it. Long Way Down is the story of 15 year old Will, whose older brother was just killed. This was a short read, written in verse. While Long Way Down is the story of 15 year old Will, whose older brother was just killed. Jan 23, Kassidy rated it it was amazing Shelves: release. Extremely powerful and important. I absolutely loved the poetry. Jun 11, Mariah Roze rated it really liked it. Upon arrival in Tunisia, the team had to bribe the local authorities with a few bottles of vodka to ease their passage into the country, which they assumed would become a regular event as they travelled through Africa. However, although delays of a few hours were common, there were few significant problems at crossing points as they made their way further south. They were often pleasantly surprised by the quality of road surfaces throughout east Africa, but there were some sections through rough, bumpy or sandy terrain, as well as a small river and mud wallow. The shock absorbers bore the brunt, with both McGregor and von Planta suffering broken springs. As the only spare had been fitted to McGregor's bike, von Planta had to ride in a support vehicle while his bike was sent on ahead for repair. McGregor and von Planta also came off and damaged their bodywork, with von Planta involved in the more serious incident on a motorway in South Africa. Boorman admitted he had been "putting on a show" for a roadside garage, and braked sharply as part of a manoeuvre. Von Planta, who admits he was riding too closely, fell while avoiding a collision; he was shaken but uninjured. His motorcycle was substantially damaged, and the footage of the rest of the journey to Cape Agulhas appears only to include support vehicle and helmet cam footage, suggesting that Von Planta's motorcycle was not being used. McGregor's wife Eve, who learned to ride only as part of the preparations, joined them for part of the trip and took several falls on the sandy terrain of Malawi and Zambia, apparently without injury. In Uganda they met former child soldiers of the Lord's Resistance Army and saw the work being done to rehabilitate them. Both McGregor and Boorman had visited such centres in Africa previously. The title song was performed by Welsh group Stereophonics , and is identical to the Long Way Round theme with the lyric "round" replaced with "down". The soundtrack features music drawn substantially from the catalogue of Real World Records , which produced the accompanying album. Co-director of photography Jimmy Simak also acted as music supervisor and soundtrack producer for the series. On the Late Show with David Letterman 17 February , McGregor said he was not planning another trip because he found it difficult to be away from his family for such a long time, but he also mentioned wanting to do a trip from South to North America. In June , McGregor indicated that the long-discussed South American trip was still at the planning stage, but he expected that an excursion through Baja California Peninsula would take place first. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the TV documentary series. For other uses, see Long Way Down disambiguation. BBC News. Retrieved 4 August Retrieved 24 September Archived from the original on 16 October Retrieved 19 October Archived from the original on 17 December Retrieved 4 January Retrieved 7 June Long Way Round - Wikipedia

I'm having a hard time processing all the feels right now so this was a shorter review than I usually do. Just read the dang book! View all 8 comments. Jan 17, Whitney Atkinson rated it really liked it Shelves: read-in , in-verse , ebook. I downloaded this intending on possibly getting to it sometime, but I opened it up out of curiosity and ended up reading the entire thing in about an hour. I don't have too much to say other than I think this is a really effective coming of age story about how violence and toxic masculinity affects so many young black teens. Reynolds writes really honestly and the directness of this is such a well-needed nudge in the side. My only issue is that I struggled with the plot of this book a bit becaus I downloaded this intending on possibly getting to it sometime, but I opened it up out of curiosity and ended up reading the entire thing in about an hour. My only issue is that I struggled with the plot of this book a bit because I'm not a fan of books that require the suspension of disbelief, and this straddled that line throughout its duration. I understand the meaningfulness of the actions that occurred, but it's still just a personal preference. I wish this was written in a traditional format, I just don't seem to click with a story as much whenever it's written in verse. It was still a beautiful read and I definitely appreciate the message of it. Dec 17, Lilith Black Bee rated it really liked it. The subject was about I found the concept of this book very interesting, maybe the first of this kind for me. Feb 19, Imane rated it liked it Shelves: ya. But as he takes the elevator down, with a gun tucked in his pants, it stops on each floor and a ghost from Will's past enters, all victims of gun violence, but will that be enough to change his mind? I was not expecting it at all and was a little bit annoyed. View all 11 comments. Jun 22, Christy rated it really liked it Shelves: four-stars , audio , new-to-me-author. This is written in verse and narrated by the author. I highly recommend. Dec 12, April Aprilius Maximus rated it really liked it Shelves: Really powerful and unputdownable. Aug 18, Brandice rated it liked it. Long Way Down is the story of 15 year old Will, whose older brother was just killed. This was a short read, written in verse. While Long Way Down is the story of 15 year old Will, whose older brother was just killed. Jan 23, Kassidy rated it it was amazing Shelves: release. Extremely powerful and important. I absolutely loved the poetry. Jun 11, Mariah Roze rated it really liked it. I read this book because it was suggested to me as a YA diversity book. I really enjoyed it. This book is written in a poetic form and is easy to follow. The main character is fifteen-year-old Will and he witnesses his brother Shawn get shot and killed. This makes Will mad and he wants revenge so gets a gun and rides an elevator up to the seventh floor to kill his brother's murder. As the elevator travels upward it keeps stopping and new "ghosts" people from his life that have passed away get I read this book because it was suggested to me as a YA diversity book. As the elevator travels upward it keeps stopping and new "ghosts" people from his life that have passed away get on. They all talk him through his choices and if killing his brother's murder is really such a good idea. I really enjoyed this book and suggest it to everyone! Feb 27, Faith rated it it was amazing Shelves: overdrive , audio. Three rules: no crying, no snitching and always get revenge. Shawn has been shot and killed. Will has Shawn's gun under his second hand shirt as he rides down in the elevator on his way to kill the boy who shot his brother. On each floor, a ghost from Will's past enters the elevator bringing back memories good and bad. Will he get revenge when he reaches the lobby? This was very original, perceptive and moving. Written in verse, the audiobook was perfectly narrated by the author. I listened to this in one sitting and am in awe of Jason's narration and the life he breathes into this story simply by the way he speaks. This novel takes place over the course of one minute, in an elevator, as Will faces those whom he's lost due to gun violence as he's contemplating taking revenge on someone who recently murdered his brother. The way this story is structured and told is absolutely magnificent in the way it builds tension, leaves you on the edge of your seat, wondering what's g I listened to this in one sitting and am in awe of Jason's narration and the life he breathes into this story simply by the way he speaks. The way this story is structured and told is absolutely magnificent in the way it builds tension, leaves you on the edge of your seat, wondering what's going to happen next. I have to get my hands on a physical copy because I am eager to see how Jason structures his poems to create such a vivid story. TW: Gun violence, murder Short, but so powerful and thought-provoking. A must read IMO! The entire book is written in verse and covers the time span of 60 seconds, all starting with an elevator ride. Who gets on, and more importantly who gets off, is what makes this read so powerful. Storytelling at it's best!! View all 9 comments. Oct 09, joey thoughts and afterthoughts rated it it was amazing Shelves: physical-arc , arc-review. And damnit to hell because Long Way Down just set the bar pretty high for other poetry books. Speaking to the verse and I don't know if all poetry is like this so I could be grossly misguided on this front , what I appreciated the most was how it read like a fully formed story stripped of frivolity where only the bare-bones -- the meat and potatoes -- of the story remained. It's almost wizardry how so much power can come from such few words. I'm honestly at a loss for words as to how to review this kind of book because is this really a fictional story? I mean, it may be, but Long Way Down is yesterday and today and tomorrow. That in itself is what makes this book important even if it doesn't offer any cookie cutter answers. And should it? I say nay. Although paced extremely well, it read so quick that I guess I didn't really have time to properly digest what I was reading as I just needed to know how it ended. That's completely on me though and shouldn't discount this story for the range of timely discussions it offers. And I actually don't know how to properly rate this so let's just go with mid 4's for now. Full review to come. Feb 26, Emily rated it it was amazing Shelves: audiobooks. This book was absolutely phenomenal. The audiobook, which is narrated by Reynolds, was especially good. I'll also get hung up on which words to emphasize, the proper cadence of phrases, and trying to figure those things out takes me out of the book. Reynolds' narration solves those problems for me, plus it's just superb. Wh This book was absolutely phenomenal. While I can understand some people's issues with the brevity of this book It took less than 2 hours to listen to the whole audiobook , I think it lends the story a sense of urgency. I had no issues with character development, or any of the other criticisms short books tend to get. In fact, I was impressed with how much development we got given the fact that the book is so short. This was a very visual, very sensory read. We follow Will as he rides down an elevator, on his way to exact revenge and kill his brother's murderer, and on each floor a new ghost join's Will, each of them victims of gun violence that he knows. It felt like a play to me, with these characters entering the "stage. As Will descends, it seems likely that he will end up in one or the other. Reynolds examines the impacts of gun violence in lower income, urban black communities, and how they're often cyclical in nature. He looks at each character with empathy, something so often denied to black people in America. It's a beautifully written, incredibly powerful book. View all 5 comments. Do you think Shawn wants Will to avenge his death? Do you think Will goes to shoot Riggs? Why or why not? Support your response. Do you agree or disagree and why? Readers also enjoyed. Young Adult. Realistic Fiction. About Jason Reynolds. Jason Reynolds. Books by Jason Reynolds. Articles featuring this book. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the TV documentary series. For other uses, see Long Way Down disambiguation. BBC News. Retrieved 4 August Retrieved 24 September Archived from the original on 16 October Retrieved 19 October Archived from the original on 17 December Retrieved 4 January Retrieved 7 June Retrieved 9 September Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman will film in coming months". Motorcycle News. Retrieved 25 June Adventure Bike Rider. Retrieved 28 May Boorman and McGregor's Travel Adventures. Try to identify some of the root causes of the epidemic. What could be done to solve this problem? Long Way Down explores the perpetuation of a cycle of violence and the theme of revenge. Will is fifteen years old and facing the challenge of making adult decisions that may have lasting consequences. Think about a time when you were faced with a moral dilemma. What choice did you make? Write a narrative poem or narrative essay about your own experience. Because poems often include meter and sound devices such as alliteration, onomatopoeia, repetition, assonance, and rhyme—including internal and slant rhyme , we often talk about the musicality of poems. Try adding a musical element to the novel or a section of the novel. You may choose to create a soundtrack for the text using existing music, or you may want to create your own beats to accompany a moment or moments in the text. Will notes that his brother idolized the rappers Tupac and Biggie. Choose a hip-hop or rap artist to research and profile. How do their personal experiences inform their music? What message do you think they are trying to convey? Choose one of their songs and analyze it the way you would analyze a poem. At the beginning of the novel, Will reflects that the story he is about tell will either make readers want to be his friend or not want to be his friend at all. After you finish the book, write Will a letter telling him which one is true for you and explaining why. It may be reproduced in its entirety or excerpted for these purposes. Home 1 Books 2. Read an excerpt of this book! Add to Wishlist. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Members save with free shipping everyday! See details. A cannon. A strap. A piece. A biscuit. A burner. A heater. A chopper. A gat. See, his brother Shawn was just murdered. And Will knows the rules. No crying. No snitching. He gets on the elevator, seventh floor, stoked. Or does he? As the elevator stops on the sixth floor, on comes Buck. Buck, Will finds out, is who gave Shawn the gun before Will took the gun. Buck tells Will to check that the gun is even loaded. Bigger huh. When they were eight. And stray bullets had cut through the playground, and Will had tried to cover her, but she was hit anyway, and so what she wants to know, on that fifth floor elevator stop, is, what if Will, Will with the gun shoved in the back waistband of his jeans, MISSES.

Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds, Paperback | Barnes & Noble®

They were often pleasantly surprised by the quality of road surfaces throughout east Africa, but there were some sections through rough, bumpy or sandy terrain, as well as a small river and mud wallow. The shock absorbers bore the brunt, with both McGregor and von Planta suffering broken springs. As the only spare had been fitted to McGregor's bike, von Planta had to ride in a support vehicle while his bike was sent on ahead for repair. McGregor and von Planta also came off and damaged their bodywork, with von Planta involved in the more serious incident on a motorway in South Africa. Boorman admitted he had been "putting on a show" for a roadside garage, and braked sharply as part of a manoeuvre. Von Planta, who admits he was riding too closely, fell while avoiding a collision; he was shaken but uninjured. His motorcycle was substantially damaged, and the footage of the rest of the journey to Cape Agulhas appears only to include support vehicle and helmet cam footage, suggesting that Von Planta's motorcycle was not being used. McGregor's wife Eve, who learned to ride only as part of the preparations, joined them for part of the trip and took several falls on the sandy terrain of Malawi and Zambia, apparently without injury. In Uganda they met former child soldiers of the Lord's Resistance Army and saw the work being done to rehabilitate them. Both McGregor and Boorman had visited such centres in Africa previously. The title song was performed by Welsh group Stereophonics , and is identical to the Long Way Round theme with the lyric "round" replaced with "down". The soundtrack features music drawn substantially from the catalogue of Real World Records , which produced the accompanying album. Co- director of photography Jimmy Simak also acted as music supervisor and soundtrack producer for the series. On the Late Show with David Letterman 17 February , McGregor said he was not planning another trip because he found it difficult to be away from his family for such a long time, but he also mentioned wanting to do a trip from South to North America. In June , McGregor indicated that the long-discussed South American trip was still at the planning stage, but he expected that an excursion through Baja California Peninsula would take place first. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the TV documentary series. For other uses, see Long Way Down disambiguation. Full Cast and Crew. Release Dates. Official Sites. Company Credits. Technical Specs. Episode List. Plot Summary. Plot Keywords. Parents Guide. External Sites. User Reviews. User Ratings. External Reviews. Metacritic Reviews. Photo Gallery. Trailers and Videos. Crazy Credits. Alternate Versions. Rate This. Episode Guide. Two guys take a trip of several months on motorcycles. Available on Amazon. Added to Watchlist. Top- Rated Episodes S1. Error: please try again. The Best Horror Movies on Netflix. Find an example of figurative language that you think is especially effective and explain why it is significant. In this moment, do you think he is doing the right thing? Through flashbacks, Will shares memories of his brother. What do each of these memories reveal about their relationship? When the first ghost enters the elevator, Reynolds includes a time stamp at the top of the page. How much time elapsed between the first stop and the bottom floor? Why do you think Reynolds includes these indications of the passage of time? Do they inform or complicate your understanding of the text? How does Will recognize the first ghost that enters the elevator? What message do you think he is trying to convey with his words and actions? What questions does she have for Will? What message do you think she is trying to share with him? Why did Uncle Mark start dealing drugs? Why did he keep dealing? How did he die? Why do you think Uncle Mark wants Will to act out what will happen when he follows the rules? What message is he trying to convey with his words and actions? Does Will understand what his father is trying to show him? Frick is the only ghost to enter the elevator whom Will does not know. How is he related to the story? Why do you think he visits Will? The last person who enters the elevator is Shawn. What does Will tell his brother? How does Shawn respond? What rule do both brothers break? Do you think Shawn wants Will to avenge his death by shooting Riggs? Explain your answer. The last words in the book are a question. How do you think Will answers this question? Where do you think Will will be five years after the end of the book? Extension Activities 1. Research the epidemic of gun violence in America, specifically looking at gang-related gun violence note: the Chicago Tribune has excellent special reporting on gun violence in Chicago. Try to identify some of the root causes of the epidemic. What could be done to solve this problem? Long Way Down explores the perpetuation of a cycle of violence and the theme of revenge. Will is fifteen years old and facing the challenge of making adult decisions that may have lasting consequences. Think about a time when you were faced with a moral dilemma. What choice did you make? Write a narrative poem or narrative essay about your own experience. Because poems often include meter and sound devices such as alliteration, onomatopoeia, repetition, assonance, and rhyme—including internal and slant rhyme , we often talk about the musicality of poems. Try adding a musical element to the novel or a section of the novel. You may choose to create a soundtrack for the text using existing music, or you may want to create your own beats to accompany a moment or moments in the text. Will notes that his brother idolized the rappers Tupac and Biggie. Choose a hip-hop or rap artist to research and profile.

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