History Class VII


Aurangzeb’s successors were known as Later Mughals.

The invasions of Nadir Shah in 1739 and Ahmad Shah Abdali in 1761 shook the . It could not become stable again. INDEPENDENT KINGDOMS ON THE REMAINS OF THE MUGHALS-

The Mughal Empire was in ruins. Many regional kingdoms rose which were under the Mughals. The Governors who had served the Mughals broke free and become independent units. The three largest provinces to become independent were Awadh, and Hyderabad.

AWADH— In 1722 the Mughal Emperor Muhammad Shah appointed Saadat Khan as governor of Awadh. He suppressed the zamindars who did not pay revenue. The rulers of Awadh improved the financial condition of the government. They had an efficient and organized army. They developed Lucknow as a major centre of culture and art and also as the capital of Awadh

BENGAL— The Mughal control under Murshid Quli Khan, who was appointed as the governor of the province. He commanded the revenue administration of the state. He brought about changes and ordered major reassessment of the revenues of Bengal.

HYDERABAD—Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Jah was the founder of the Hyderabad state. He brought skilled soldiers and administrators from northern . He appointed mansabdar and granted jagirs

THE RAJPUTS- The Rajputs revolted for many reasons. By 18th century, these rulers had become independent of Mughal authority.

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History Class VII

Sawai Raja Jai Singh founded the new capital at Jaipur, the Pink City. The Rajput power declined because of infights and disunity.

THE SHIKS— The Sikhs of Punjab rose to power and became an organized political community under the Sikh gurus. The ninth guru Teg Bahadur was beheaded by . Guru Govind Singh founded Khalsa movement to fight Mughals.

The five sacred symbols for all Sikh men.

KESHA OR HAIR- as symbol of spirituality.

KANGHA OR COMB- as cleaning out bad thoughts.

KARA OR BRACELET- to stop an act that was wrong.

KACHHA OR UNDERWEAR- as a symbol of high moral character.

KIRPAN OR DAGGER- to uphold the truth.

Maharaja Ranjit Singh of the Sukerchakiya misl brought the whole area to the west of the Sutlej River under his control.

The Sikh kingdom was established with the capital at Lahore in 1799.

RISE OF MYSORE—Haider Ali became the ruler of Mysore from 1760 to 1782.He was a great administrator and excellent warrior.

In the first Anglo-Mysore War (1767-69), Haider Ali defeated the English.

In second Anglo-Mysore War (1780-84), he proved his mettle.

After the death of Haider Ali his son Tipu Sultan succeeded him in 1782.

He was also an able ruler. Trade and industry were encouraged and farmers were well looked after.

THE MARATHAS—- was a brilliant soldier and leader. Groups of highly mobile, peasant- pastoralist provided the backbone of

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History Class VII the army. Shivaji organized and used these forces to challenge the Mughals.

WAR WITH AURANGZEB: Aurangzeb sent Shaista Khan to capture Shivaji. But Shivaji wounded Shaista Khan and defeated the Mughal army.

Raja Jai Singh was sent by Aurangzeb to crush Shivaji. The fort of Purandhar was seized and Shivaji had to sign the Treaty of Purandhar.

In 1670, Shivaji rose against the Mughals again. He raided Surat and recaptured a lot of booty. He also recaptured many forts he had surrendered as per the treaty of the treaty of Purandhar.

ADMINISTRATION UNDER SHIVAJI—Shivaji was a successful administrator. His council of eight ministers, called the ashtapradhan, counselled him on all important matters.

Peshwa, Senapati, Nyayadhish, Majumdar, Pant Sachiv, Sumanta, Mantri, Dandadhyaksha

REVENUE—The main source of income was land revenue. It was fixed through assessment.

CHAUTH-One –fourth of the total land revenue was collect as tax, in return for not plundering their areas.

SARDESHMUKHI-One tenth of the total land revenue was paid as tributary tax to the Sardeshmukh or the Maratha Chief.

ADMINISTRATION OF ARMY—Shivaji’s army was well-trained and the cavalry. He also constructed strong forts which were guarded by special officers. The Maratha had an organized military under the Peshwas.

PESHWAS—The Peshwas controlled the Maratha power from 1713 to 1761.

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History Class VII

BALAJI VISHWANATH – Took advantage of Mughal Emperor Farrukhsiyar’s weaknesses and forced him to return all the Maratha territories.

BAJI RAO-He was called’ Fighting Peshwa’.

BALAJI BAJI RAO- Under him the Maratha power was the greatest.

THIRD BATTLE OF PANIPAT—It shook the Marathas. In 1761, a fierce battle was fought between Ahmad Shah Abdali and the Marathas. Ahmad Shah Abdali defeated the Marathas. This was like a blow to their power and prestige. Balaji Baji Rao died due to this shock in 1761.

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