Lewis & Co Planning town planning consultants



APRIL 2021

Lewis and Co Planning South East Limited Company Number 05809390 Registered Office: Preston Park House, South Road, Brighton, BN1 6SB Registered in England and Wales

Lewis & Co Planning town planning consultants

Client: KSD Group

Site Location: Stanmer House, Stanmer Park Road, Stanmer, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 9QA

Job History: Version Date Author Checked Notes V1 12/01/21 J Pearson S Bareham

V2 02/03/21 J Pearson S Bareham

V3 22/04/21 J Pearson S Bareham FINAL 26/04/21 J Pearson S Bareham


Lewis & Co Planning town planning consultants






5. SUMMARY Page 13


Lewis & Co Planning town planning consultants


1.1 This statement is submitted in support of a request for pre-application advice for a residential-led redevelopment of Stanmer House in the village of Stanmer on the outskirts of .

1.2 Stanmer House is a Grade I listed country house that has been used for a mix of commercial and residential uses over recent years. The building has been vacant since the previous operators went into liquidation in January 2020.

1.3 For reasons set out in further detail below, the proposed development would be linked to another residential-led development within the National Park at New Pit Depot, Lewes by Section 106 agreement. Pre-application advice is sought for both developments.

1.4 A covering letter is submitted summarising this strategy and the developments proposed; however this Statement covers the proposed development at Stanmer House only.

1.5 Pre-application advice is sought on the draft proposals for the Stanmer House site, including:

• Principle of development, including mix of uses and residential-led approach; • Comments on the proposed internal layout, standard of accommodation and internal circulation; • Level of support for the proposed alteration/demolition to the rear of the property; • Proposed approach to offsite affordable housing delivery

1.6 The main pre-application documents include this Pre-Application Statement by Lewis & Co Planning, Design and Access Statement and Architectural Drawings from Morgan Carn Architects and a Heritage Statement from Chilcroft Heritage Planning.


Lewis & Co Planning town planning consultants


2.1 As set out above, the application property is Stanmer House, a Grade I listed property set within Stanmer Park and the village of Stanmer.

2.2 The property was listed in November 1954 and is an 18th century country house designed by Nicholas Dubois. Stanmer Park itself is a registered park (Grade II listed).

2.3 To the west of the main building are seven existing houses with ‘The Courtyard’ and adjoining the application building. The building contains an internal communal courtyard utilised as outdoor amenity space by these existing dwellings.

2.4 A number of other buildings within close proximity to the site are also listed, including the former Stables of Stanmer House (Grade II*), the Grade II listed Wellhouse between Stanmer House and the Stables and a Grade II listed wall to the south and west of the Stables. The site is within a Conservation Area.

2.5 Planning permission was granted in 2017 (SDNP/16/05602/FUL) for the internal alterations and refurbishment of Stanmer House to implement an additional new Use Class C1 (Hotel) use of 22 rooms. The permission was formally commenced, in early 2020 but never fully implemented.

2.6 Prior to closure the building had an existing café/restaurant at ground floor level with the rest of the building in ancillary uses and used for private functions and weddings. The building contains a number of staff residences and storage areas.

2.7 The property has had a difficult history of failed commercial occupants. The 2017 Committee Report for the proposed Hotel use stated:

“Stanmer House has long history with many recent years of neglect and decay. In the mid-1960s the house was leased to the but become vacant when the University relocated to its new campus to the east. The house and associated stables remained unoccupied for many years which lead to their significant deterioration. In 1995 the Stanmer House Preservation Trust was founded with the aim to secure the buildings immediate restoration and long term future. In 1999 the current owner, on a long term lease, undertook major


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renovation works. Planning permission was granted to convert the northwest wing of the house into dwellings. A series of planning consents were granted in 2001 and 2004 for a mixed use of the main house including art gallery and private and public function space.”

2.8 These problems persist and place a notable heritage asset at significant risk. A long term solution is therefore needed and the application proposals seek to deliver a high-quality development that will ensure the long term enhancement and conservation of the listed country house, whilst maintaining public access.


Lewis & Co Planning town planning consultants


3.1 The proposals seek to deliver an appropriate viable long-term use of Stanmer House that will maintain the property’s heritage significance and secure the long-term maintenance and conservation of the property.

3.2 As described above, the property has struggled to retain long-term commercial occupants and approved plans for a hotel use have not been deliverable to date.

3.3 Under the submitted plans the proposed development would deliver a ground floor café and exhibition space (with public access), alongside ten new residential units:

Unit 1 (Ground Floor) – 2-bedroom, 4-person apartment Unit 2 (Ground Floor) – 2-bedroom, 4-person apartment Unit 3 (First Floor) – 2-bedroom, 4-person apartment Unit 4 (First Floor) – 2-bedroom, 4-person apartment Unit 5 (First Floor) – 2-bedroom, 4-person apartment Unit 6 (First Floor) – 2-bedroom, 4-person duplex Unit 7 (Second Floor) – 1-bedroom, 2-person apartment Unit 8 (Second Floor) – 2-bedroom, 4-person apartment Unit 9 (Second Floor) – 2-bedroom, 4-person apartment Unit 10 (Second Floor) – 1-bedroom, 2-person apartment

3.4 The residential-led development proposals are considered to offer the optimum long-term use of the property, reflecting its historical purpose. The mix of uses proposed allows the retention of public access to the property at ground floor level.

3.5 The residential units will benefit from a residents’ lounge, access to the communal courtyard, gym, steam room, sauna, residents bar and cinema room.

3.6 The commercial use proposed (Use Class E – cafe) would offer an appropriately sized commercial unit that can complement the public use of Stanmer Park and surrounding uses within Stanmer, providing a destination for visitors and preserving public access and appreciation of Stanmer House. The


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site has accommodated a ground floor café/restaurant for many years but these have struggled to remain viable as a larger scale operation and the proposed unit would be more likely to maintain viability.

3.7 As part of the works a low-quality modern extension in the rear courtyard would be demolished and a modest two-storey extension would be added to provide additional internal space and enable the proposed development to comfortably accommodate the residential units proposed within this section of the building. These works would enlarge the communal courtyard amenity space and remove a section of the building that detracts from its overall historic character and quality.

The single storey extension (to be demolished) and proposed two-storey extension


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4.1 This Section will address specific policy areas that form a part of the consideration of these proposals.

Principle of Development

4.2 The site forms part of Stanmer village, a small settlement on the outskirts of Brighton and Hove, within Stanmer Park. The area has not been identified for any specific housing requirement over the Local Plan period due to its size but does benefit from an established residential community and some limited services. Stanmer House has already been subject to residential redevelopment, with new homes created in the north-western wing of the building and the stable block to the north.

4.3 The South Downs Local Plan is silent on this type of non-residential to residential conversion and the application will therefore be judged on its merits and compliance with other policies. On this basis, the applicants are seeking pre-application advice to guide the development and confirm that a residential redevelopment could be considered acceptable in principle.

4.4 However, Local Plan heritage policies do support proposals that can secure the ‘optimal’ viable use of listed buildings and secure their long-term maintenance. The proposals will conserve and enhance the listed building and ensure that its long term future is protected through a viable and active use that will enable continued investment in the building.

4.5 Policy SD12 (Historic Environment) supports proposals that “appropriately re- use redundant or under-used heritage assets with the optimum viable use, which secures their long-term conservation and enhancement”. In this instance, the proposed residential uses reflect the historic character of the building and enable the long-term management and maintenance of the building. The proposed café use would continue to enable public appreciation of the building at a scale that is commercially viable.


Lewis & Co Planning town planning consultants


4.6 The Pre-Application submission is accompanied by a Heritage Statement from Chilcroft Heritage Planning. The Heritage Statement contains a full assessment of the heritage value of the site and impact of the proposed development.

4.7 The proposals include the demolition of a single-storey Kitchen wing, a 20th century addition to the building and construction of a two storey extension in the rear courtyard to provide additional internal accommodation.

4.8 The proposals keep as many primary rooms throughout the building intact and incorporate these into appropriate living spaces for future residents. The existing main entrance hall and staircase are to be retained as key historic features and public access at Ground Floor level will be maintained with the retention of a ground floor café and exhibition space utilising principal reception rooms and allowing the public enjoyment of these historic spaces within the building.

4.9 The prominent front façades would be unchanged and continue to contribute to the wider historic quality of the building itself and Stanmer Park as a whole.

4.10 As is shown on submitted drawings, the required interventions are minimal and largely maintain the historic layout of the building whilst allowing the upgrade and improvement of these spaces. The heritage character of the property will be a unique selling point for prospective owners and the new homes will reflect the historic character of the building.

4.11 The proposed residential use will ensure a high standard of maintenance and management, as well as investment in the building itself to return the building to its former glory following vacancy. We consider this to offer the optimum viable use of the building following several decades of failed commercial uses. The retention of public access through the provision of a café within the ground floor provides an added public benefit.

4.12 As set out in the accompanying Heritage Statement, the proposed use is consistent with the origins of the historic building. The proposed works will not involve the separation or division of the principle rooms of the House. The most significant of these are the main entrance hall (to be maintained in this role) and the reception rooms to the south side of the building, which are to remain


Lewis & Co Planning town planning consultants

open to the public as the proposed café and exhibition area. These areas would be restored and redecorated as required.

4.13 Where changes to the existing floor plan are necessary, these will involve the insertion of partition stud walls which will be reversible.

4.14 No changes are proposed to the setting of the building to enable to the proposed development. An existing area of hardstanding is proposed for residential parking use.

Affordable Housing

4.15 As a ten-unit residential development, the proposals would usually attract an affordable housing contribution of four units under Policy SD28 (Affordable Housing). This would typically be delivered onsite, or alternatively as a financial contribution towards offsite provisions.

4.16 However, given the unique nature of the site and the likely high maintenance and management costs arising from a development of this quality and standard, the proposed units are unlikely to be attractive to Registered Providers as affordable housing units and therefore onsite affordable is unlikely to be viable.

4.17 As an alternative to financial contributions, the applicants have an opportunity to deliver offsite affordable housing units on another site under their control at New Pit Depot, Lewes – also within the National Park.

4.18 On this basis, the applicants are proposing to link these proposed developments by Section 106 Agreement so that the affordable housing contribution arising from the proposed development at Stanmer House can be met offsite at New Pit Depot.

4.19 Details submitted for the New Pit Depot pre-application submission show that the development will deliver one-bedroom and two-bedroom units, reflecting the proposed housing mix for the Stanmer House development and delivering viable affordable housing units that remain attractive to Registered Providers.

4.20 The affordable housing need arising from the Stanmer House development will therefore be met in full and can be secured by Section 106 agreement. This approach will enable the delivery of a high quality residential development in a


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Grade I listed building alongside suitable new build affordable housing units at a sustainable site for new residential development on the outskirts of Lewes.

Visual Impact

4.21 As set out above, the proposals largely only require internal alterations to deliver the proposed floor plan and creation of self-contained units.

4.22 However, the removal of a low-quality single storey 20th extension is proposed, this building previously serving the kitchen of the former café/restaurant use.

4.23 A two-storey extension to the building is proposed, with natural slate roof tiles, sand/cement render walls and painted timber windows, to match the existing building. The extension would be located within an internal courtyard and would not be readily visible from public views towards the site.

4.24 The lawned garden on the eastern side of the building will be returned to its original condition and would be publicly accessible as part of the proposed café.


5.13 The site access arrangements would be unchanged. The site and wider Park has accommodated a range of uses and events with a variety of visitors and these changes in visitor rates have been readily accommodated.

5.14 Resident parking is proposed to the eastern end of the lawned garden. This area has been utilised as an existing parking area for many years.

5.15 Refuse and recycling would be managed by the management company for the building and a bin store is proposed within the basement of the building.


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5.1 The proposals offer a viable future use for Stanmer House that will retain public access to the ground floor of the building and deliver ten new high-quality homes.

5.2 The site would be managed by a management company responsible for the long-term maintenance and management of the building. The proposed residential use offers the optimal viable use of the building following many years of failed commercial businesses and will ensure the conservation and enhancement of an important heritage asset.

5.3 Pre-application advice is sought in respect of the proposals, the principle of development and proposed approach to offsite delivery of affordable housing.

Lewis & Co Planning April 2021