
CONTRACEPTION Why we have not yet reduced the unintended rate

›› Melody Y. Hou, MD, MPH ›› Mitchell D. Creinin, MD Dr. Hou is Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Dr. Creinin is Professor and Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of California, Davis, Gynecology at the University of California, Davis. in Sacramento.

Dr. Hou reports that she has no financial relationships relevant to this article. Dr. Creinin reports that he receives research fund- ing from Medicines360 and is a consultant for Merck.

omen spend about 5 years of their In the process, we assess the available data on Wreproductive lives trying to get pregnant the intended and potential impacts of these and the other three decades trying to avoid it.1 technologies and describe how ObGyns can Nearly half of all are unintended, best translate these data when considering and 40% of these end in .2 In the past how to incorporate these new technologies 15 years, new contraceptive options have been into practice. developed to address this staggering statis- In this Article tic (FIGURE 1). Despite these innovations, the How contraceptive technologies rate has increased con- spread in the medical community Why isn’t ulipristal tinually since 1994 (FIGURE 2, page 24).2,3 Innovations spread through communication acetate used What are we doing wrong? In this article, channels between individuals of a social net- more widely? we will review how recent innovations are dis- work, who are then given time to adopt them. page 25 seminated through the medical community As opinion leaders of a social network become in the context of three specific contraceptive early adopters of a technology, dissemina- technologies: tion of the innovation through the social net- Dr. Hou addresses 4 the question, at • hysteroscopic () work accelerates. This phenomenon is best obgmanagement.com • described by the “diffusion of innovations (Ella) theory” popularized in 1962 by sociologist • the 13.5-mg -releasing intra- Everett Rogers for agricultural applications; uterine system (Skyla). he also applied the model to public health.5 continued on page 24

FIGURE 1 Contraceptive advances of the past two decades

Contraceptive (Nuvaring) implant, Transdermal patch (Ortho Evra) 2nd generation (Nexplanon) Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (Mirena)

Levonorgestrel- Hysteroscopic tubal sterilization (Essure) releasing intrauterine system Etonogestrel implant, 13.5 mg (Skyla) 1st generation (Implanon)

1998 2001 2002 2006 2010 2012 2013 Progestin-only Anti-progestin ulipristal emergency contraception (Plan B) emergency contraception (Ella)

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FIGURE 2 Changes in the unintended pregnancy • its relative advantage compared with exist- rate, 1981–2006 ing technologies • compatibility with current practice 60 • low complexity 54.2 53.5 52.0 50.0 • high “trialability” (a potential adopter can easily attempt to use the innovation in his 50 44.7 or her practice) 40 • high “observability” (the results are easily observed and described to colleagues). 30 In contrast to new technology itself, medical evidence does not spread rapidly.

age 15–44 years 20 Data generally spread far more slowly than

Per 1,000 US women new technology, typically taking longer than 10 10 years to influence medical practice.6,7 Opinion leaders can impair the dissemina- 0 tion of data by relying on anecdotal evidence 1981 1987 1994 2001 2006 to justify their recommendations.8 Negative Sources: Finer and Zolna,2 and Henshaw25 findings that challenge these intuitive beliefs can take even longer to disseminate, allow- ing certain innovations to diffuse through the The variables he determined to be involved in medical community faster than reports of any the acceptance of an innovation are: associated problems.9

It can take 10 years How hysteroscopic sterilization or longer for data on new technology gained widespread adoption to influence medical practice Gariepy AM, Creinin MD, Schwarz EB, Smith KJ. Re- be performed more cost-effectively under liability of laparoscopic compared with hysteroscopic local anesthesia, with very high efficacy, if sterilization at 1 year: a decision analysis. Obstet Gyne- successful. col. 2011;118(2):273–279. • Compatibility with current practice. Because many clinicians were providing in-office , adding sterilization ince its introduction into the market in was a simple step. S2002, more than 650,000 Essure hystero- • Low complexity. Hysteroscopic steril- scopic sterilization procedures have been ization builds on operative hysteroscopic performed worldwide.10 This procedure has skills with which gynecologists are familiar. diffused quickly through the medical com- • High trialability. The manufacturer’s rep- munity because of the characteristics we resentatives were willing to bring the instru- mentioned earlier, which ease acceptance in ments to any office for clinicians to try in any network: their practice. The company worked with • Relative advantage compared with hysteroscopic equipment companies to cre- existing technologies. Compared with ate significant discounts for providers who existing laparoscopic sterilization meth- would perform the procedure regularly. ods, hysteroscopic sterilization was seen as • High observability. Successful deploy- a less invasive office procedure that could ment of the devices, and the appearance of

24 OBG Management | August 2013 | Vol. 25 No. 8 obgmanagement.com the confirmation test, were visualized and What this EVIDENCE means for practice described easily as clinicians spoke to other clinicians, helping with dissemination. Hysteroscopic sterilization has its advantages, including a very high Despite these features, however, new efficacy rate among women who meet all the criteria for successful data suggest that hysteroscopic sterilization occlusion. Among these criteria is confirmation, by hysterosalpingo­ is less effective than laparoscopic steriliza- graphy, of occlusion 3 months after deployment of the microinserts.10 tion. A successful Essure procedure requires: However, the efficacy of hysteroscopic sterilization is inferior at • visualization of both tubal ostia on hyster- a population level; therefore, it should not be used indiscriminately. oscopy Rather, hysteroscopic sterilization may be a better option for wom­ • successful deployment of the microinserts en for whom itself carries a high risk, such as women at the appropriate position with complicated diabetes or severe cardiopulmonary . While we await similar studies or further trials that evaluate • hysterosalpingography at least 3 months population-based estimates of pregnancy rates, women consider­ later (with use of an alternate form of con- ing sterilization should be counseled accordingly. traception in the interim) • demonstrated tubal occlusion by the Essure devices (not by tubal spasm) on hysterosalpingogram. likelihoods, including rare events (eg, preg- Although 5-year data collected by the nancy after sterilization), in the absence of a makers of Essure (and posted on their Web randomized trial. site) show a very high rate of efficacy and a A decision analysis assigns women to failure rate of 0.17%, these data come from outcomes based on their intended method women who completed all of the required of sterilization, mimicking real-life situations steps for successful sterilization and study created by the multiple steps required for follow-up. successful completion of the procedure and confirmation of sterilization. When the prob- How hysteroscopic sterilization abilities of failing these steps are taken into compares with the laparoscopic account, 94% and 95% of women choosing A decision analysis approach hysteroscopic sterilization in the office and determined that Gariepy and colleagues created an evidence- OR, respectively, would be successfully steril- 94% and 95% of based clinical decision analysis to estimate ized within 1 year, compared with a success women choosing the probability of successful sterilization after rate of 99% in those who opt for laparoscopic hysteroscopic a hysteroscopic procedure in the operating sterilization. The estimates of hysteroscopic sterilization in the room (OR) or office versus laparoscopic ster- success include 6% of women who would office and OR, ilization. A decision analysis, which includes attempt hysteroscopy but ultimately be steril- respectively, would the range of data available to assess differ- ized via laparoscopy, and 5% of women who be successfully ent outcomes, is the best methodology to would decline further sterilization attempts sterilized in 1 year, provide population-level information about after hysteroscopic sterilization fails. compared with 99% of women opting for laparoscopic How limits on access can sterilization prevent widespread use of effective contraception

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. lipristal acetate as emergency contracep- Access to emergency contraception. Committee Opinion U tion (EC) was introduced to the market No. 542. Obstet Gynecol. 2012;120(5):1250–1253. in 2010. As was noted in this Update in 2011,

obgmanagement.com Vol. 25 No. 8 | August 2013 | OBG Management 25 UpdatE contraception

in the . Although use of EC What this EVIDENCE means for practice increased from 4.2% in 2002 to 11% in 2008,12 When counseling women of reproductive age about contraception, even women with a knowledge of EC do not 13,14 offer them an advance prescription for ulipristal acetate and advise always use it when needed. them of its greater efficacy, compared with progestin-only emer­ Use of ulipristal acetate, in particular, gency contraception. remains limited because it lacks one impor- tant requirement for rapid diffusion—access. Although it is clinically superior to the pro- ulipristal acetate is more effective than proges- gestin-only method of EC, is compatible with tin-only emergency contraception and main- current practice, and has both high trialabil- tains this efficacy for a longer period of time.11 ity and high observability, access to the drug Despite these clear advantages, ulipristal ace- remains too complex for easy dissemination tate is unlikely to realize its full potential. due to its prescription-only status. Because Data related to EC as a public health women can now obtain progestin-only EC benefit have been largely disappointing. over the counter, the use of ulipristal acetate is Increased access and availability have not likely to remain low unless the access barrier yet reduced the unintended pregnancy rate to this effective oral EC regimen is reduced.

Skyla versus other IUDs: What the data reveal

Offer women of Gemzell-Danielsson K, Schellschmidt I, Apter D. A ran- Skyla meets the prerequisites for rapid reproductive age an domized, phase II study describing the efficacy, bleed- diffusion; it is highly compatible with- cur advance prescription ing profile, and safety of two low-dose levonorgestrel- rent practice and easy to place and use. Of all for ulipristal releasing intrauterine contraceptive systems and Mi- these characteristics, the relative advantage acetate emergency rena. Fertil Steril. 2012;97(3):616–622.e1–e3. granted by its size is most likely to promote its contraception diffusion through the medical community.

he 13.5-mg levonorgestrel-releasing Ease of placement versus Mirena T intrauterine system (Skyla) boasts a Clinical information about Skyla is cur- smaller frame and a narrower inserter than rently available from two sources. The first is the two intrauterine devices (IUDs) already the product package insert, which includes on the market (ParaGard and Mirena), a selected data from the product’s Phase 3 study. lower amount of levonorgestrel than the other This study included 1,432 participants, of levonorgestrel-releasing IUD (Mirena), and whom 556 (38.8%) were nulliparous and 540 3 years of continuous contraception. Both of (37.7%) were treated in the United States.20 the IUDs that predated Skyla are backed by The second source is a published, peer- data supporting their efficacy and safety in reviewed Phase 2 trial comparing Mirena nulliparous women,15–18 but a number of cli- with two smaller, lower-dose levonorgestrel- nicians and opinion leaders have stated that releasing devices, with the lowest-dose Skyla’s smaller frame and inserter make it product corresponding to the marketed Skyla an ideal IUD for the narrower cervical canal product.21 In the Phase 2 trial, all 738 women and smaller endometrial cavity of nulliparous given Mirena or the smaller devices experi- women,19 including Gemzell-Danielsson and enced successful placement, with 98.5% of colleagues. placements achieved on the first attempt.

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(P = .22). The smaller device and inserter, What this EVIDENCE means for practice therefore, may have no clinical advantage. ObGyns have done much to increase the use of long-acting reversible contraceptives such as the IUD (Mirena, ParaGard), the Adverse events were similar etonogestrel implant (Implanon, Nexplanon), and the injectable The data on adverse events are similarly contraceptive depot acetate (Depo-Provera). misleading. Investigators in the Phase 2 We applaud this success and urge ObGyns to continue prescribing study found that the lower-dose levonorg- these options. estrel-releasing IUDs had an 8.6% rate of In addition, if we want to have a positive impact on the unin­ ovarian cysts and the Mirena had a 22% tended pregnancy rate, we need to increase awareness of, access rate (P <.0001). However, the Phase 2 study to, and use of the most effective contraceptive options in our included a pelvic ultrasound examination at community of providers and among our patients. We also need to every visit, and ovarian cysts were included eliminate barriers to use of the most effective methods—eg, dis­ as an adverse event if the size was 3 cm or cussing ulipristal acetate with our patients and providing advance prescriptions. We also need to be cautious about adopting some greater, regardless of symptoms. innovations, as the data for Skyla and Essure illustrate. They may Complaints of abdominal or low abdom- be terrific options for very specific populations of women, but indis­ inal pain were as common among Mirena criminate use may, paradoxically, increase the rate of unintended users as among users of the smaller devices, pregnancy. so this finding likely represents asymptom- atic, clinically irrelevant cysts. Most ovarian cysts found in users of the Investigators rated placement for the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system smaller devices “easy” in 455 of 484 (94.0%) are asymptomatic.22 women, compared with 219 of 254 (86.2%) women given Mirena (P <.001). Most of the Fewer Skyla users developed women given the smaller devices rated their amenorrhea pain with insertion as “mild pain” or “no Bleeding patterns differed between the prod- A comparison of the pain,” compared with those given Mirena ucts. Users of the smaller, low-dose device first-year (72.3% vs 57.9%; P <.001). Adverse events reported slightly more spotting and bleeding rating from Phase 3 were similar between users of the differ- over the course of a month. In the Phase 2 studies reveals that ent products, except that significantly more trial, at the end of 3 years, only 12.7% of Skyla about 190 of every women were classified as having an ovarian users achieved amenorrhea, compared with 100,000 Mirena cyst among Mirena users than among users 23.6% of Mirena users. The amenorrhea rate of the smaller, low-dose devices (22% vs 6%; for Mirena was very similar to the 20% rate users would become P <.0001). reported in earlier studies,23,24 but the rate pregnant in the first for Skyla was even lower (6%) in the larger year, compared with Little difference in “clinically relevant” Phase 3 study. 410 Skyla users effects The claim that Skyla has an advantage over What about efficacy? Mirena or ParaGard falls short on closer If there are no real advantages to be gained inspection. Although a clinician may prefer from the size of the device and inserter in easy insertion and a patient with no pain, terms of pain, and no real improvement in only very difficult or severely painful place- adverse effects or bleeding patterns, what ments have clinical relevance. about efficacy? Investigators rated only 4 of 254 (1.6%) No direct comparisons are available, but Mirena insertions as “very difficult,” compared if the devices are evaluated in terms of their with 4 of 484 (0.8%) for the smaller devices first-year Pearl index rating from Phase 3 (P = .46). Further, women found Mirena studies for approval in the United States, then insertion to cause severe pain in only 17 of among a cohort of 100,000 users, about 190 254 (6.7%) insertions, compared with 21 of Mirena users would become pregnant in the 484 (4.3%) placements of the smaller devices first year, compared with 410 Skyla users.

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All IUDs are considered highly effective dependent contraceptives such as the pill, contraceptives, but small relative differences Skyla is the least effective of the highly effec- can have a large impact on a population tive methods available. If the device has any level if the methods are not used correctly real benefits in comparison with the other or patients are not counseled appropriately. IUDs, they must be better demonstrated with Although it is more effective than user- additional data.


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Don’t miss the September 2013 installment of the Update series! “Update on technology” What you should know before implementing new technology Barbara S. Levy, MD Vice President of Health Policy American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

Coming next month in OBG Management!

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