[The Fossils of which the names are printed in italics are figured.]

Abberley Hill, Permian breccias of, Andesites near Builth, 569. 464, 465. Andesitic ashes near Builth, 571. Abbott, W. g. L., on Ossiferous Fis- Andrews, Rev. W. R., & A. J. Jukes- sures in Shode Valley near Ight- Browne, on the Purbeck Beds of barn, 171. the Vale of Wardour, 44. Additions to the Library. Prec. ISL Angrogna Valley (Italy), 256. Africa, Equatorial East, isobaric map, *4nguis frayilis, 190 & pl. x. 529. Annual' General Meeting, Prec. Io. Africa, South, occurrence of dolomite Anomalina ammonoides, 722 ; A. ari- in, 561. minensis, 722; A. grosserugosa, 723. Africa, South-eastern, geology of, 548, Anthrcwomya arenaeea, 440 & pl. xx. ; & pls. xxi.-xxii. (sections). A. elougata, 440 & pl. xx. ; A. l~vis, ' Akerites/32. 441 & pl. xx. ; .4. ovalis. 441 & pl. xx. Alaska, mammoth-remains in, 1. Anthracoptera, name discarded for .41ands arvensis, 19l & pl. x. Naiadites, 438. Aleutian Islands, mammoth-remains Anthracosla, later name than Car- on the, 4, 8, 9. bonicola, 441. Alford, O. J., on auriferous rocks from Anticlinal folds in Libyan D~sert, in Mashonaland, Prec. 8. relation to water-supply, .537. .Alluvial deposits in Matte Grosso, 99. Aplite in Ovrrardo Valley, etc. 247, AIps (Cottian), Waldensian gneisses 259: aplite-veins in 'pietre verdi,' etc. in the, 232; (Lepontine), Me- 257 & pl. xv. sozoic rocks and crystalline schists Apus, structure eompared w. triIo- in the, 285. bitic, 412 et seqq. ; diagram of eye, Altkirehe (Switzerland), marble of, 421. 287; section at, 288. Alous (Lepidurus) spitzberffensis, sec- Ammodiseus charoides, 696 ; A. gor- tions through, 427, 428. dialis, 696; A. incertus, 696; A. Arara Limestone, 91. Tleurotomarioides, 697 & pl. xxxiv. Archaeonisous - limestone, diagram Ammonites (Stephanoceras) subar- showing variations of strata be- matus, Prec. 4. tween it & Cinder-bed, 57. Amphibo[ites near Perrero, etc., 254, regions, snowdrift deposits in, 259. 475. Arias boscas (?), 191 & pl. x. Argentina, fossil vertebrates from, Anderson, Sir J., obituary, Proc. 44. 2roe. z46. 3~2 742 ~XaXL I~Drx. [:Nov. i894,

Arkan.qss novaculites~ 377 et seqq. Birmingham, snowdrift deposits seen Arnuld-Bemrose, H. }t., on Micro- at, 474. s('opic:d Structure of Carboniferous Bison priscus from Twickenham, 456, Dolerites & Tufts of Derbyshire, 458. (iC'3 & pls. xxiv.-xxv. Black-garnet schists in Lepontine Artesian boring near Windsor :Forest, Alps, 298 et segq. 152, 496. Blomefield, Rev. L., obituary,rProe. 5o. Ash, vAcanic, metamorphism of, 356 Bolivina dilatata (?), 70t ; B. textila- et seqq. rioides, 704. Ashover (Derbyshire), tuff, 639. Bolton, H., on a Goniatite from the Ashpriugton Volcanic Series, Proe. 73 Lower Coal Measures, Proc. i45. et seqq. Bonney, T. G., on Conversion of com- Auditors elected, _Proe. 6. pact ' Greenstones' into Schists, Augite, causes of change into horn- 279 ; on Mesozoic Rocks & Crystal- blende, 355, 359; in Derbyshire line Schists in Lepontine Alps, 285 ; lavas, 621. & Miss C. A. Raisin, on Relations Augite-diorite veins in pyroxenite of of older Fragmental Rocks in ~.W. Br~mdberget, 32. Caernarvonshire, 578. Augite-porphyrite dykes near SSlvs- Booysen Estate (Witwatersrand), berget, 34. boring on the, Proc. 5. Augite-syenite in Matto Grosso, 100. Borings, table of, in London Basin, Austin, C. E., obituary, Proe. 44. 513. Australia, Upper Carboniferous Bos longffrons (?) from Twickenham, boulder-beds of, 468. 456, 458, 461. Axeline, W. T., Murchison Medal Bostonites in Gran district, 23; ana- awarded to, Proc. 35. lyses, 26, 27. Bo{llay Bay (Jersey), devitrified ob- sidian, 12 & pl. i. Babaria (Libyan ), 532, Boulders found in coal-seams, 1)roe. 535 et seqq, 63. Banded gabbros in Skye, 217 & pl. Boulder-beds, Upper Carboniferous, xiii., 645 & pls. xxvi.-xxviii. of India and Australia, 468. Bargate limestone in Culford boring, Boulder Clay, at Barnton, 39; in 495; Bargate Beds of Surrey & Romford district, 446 et .~eqq. ; rela- their microscopic contents, 677 & tions to Thames Valley Beds, 44S. pls. xxxiii -xxxiv. Brandberget (Norway),olivine-gabbro- :Barge (Italy), 258. diabase, analyses, 19, 20; pyroxenite, Barlow-Jameson Fund, list of awards, analysis, 31. 1 )roc. 25; award to C. Davison, Breccias, Permian, of England, 463. Proc. 39. Brent Tor (Devon) rocks. 360. Barnton (Midlothiau), picrite at, 39; Brodie, Rev. F.B., on Discover)' of section along railway, 39. Molluscs in Upper Keuper at Barrow, G., Murchison Fund award Shrewley, 170. to, Proc. 3 6. ':Broken Beds' (Purbeck) equivalent Basalt near Bathurst (SLS.W.), 116 iu Wilts, 50.. with analysis. Brook Bottom (Derbyshire), 611; Basleity of gabbros, relative, tested by tuff, 626. specific gravities, 321. Bryozoa, see Polyzoa. Bathurst (N.S.W.), geology of, 105; ,B~ifo wd.qaris, 1"90 & pl. x. map & section, 108, 109. Builth (Radnorshire), igneou.~ rocks Bathynotus holopygia (?), 671. of neighbourhood, 566; geological Beaufort Beds in S.E. Africa, 553. sketch-map of district, 568. Becher, H. M., obituary, I~rr~c. 5 I. Bulimina afllnis, 702 ; B. brevis, 703 ; Beneden, P. J. van, obituary, Proc. 55. B. Murchisoniana, 703 ; B. obliqua, Bernard, H. M., on Systematic Posi- 702 ; B. obtusa, 703 ; B. ovata, 702 ; t.ion of the Trilobites, 411. B. polqstroTha, 701 & pl. xxxiv. ; B. Berrow Hill, Permian breecias, 465, Presli, 703; B. pupoides, 702; B. 467. pyrula, 70"2. Bigsby Medallists, list of, Proc. 25. Buschbad (Saxony), perlitie obsidian, :Bird Reef Series conglomerates, 12& pl.i. _Proc. 5. Bussoleno (Italy), 245; map of Vol. 50.] GENERAL INDEX. 743

district, 246 ; Waldensian gneiss seqq. ; with sponge-spicules, from from, pl. xv. Builth, 573. l~ateo (?), 191 & pl. x. Cheshunt (Hertz), boring near, 508; samples from, described, 509. Oaernarvonshire, Cambrian and pre- Chilmark (Wilts), section described, Cambrian in, Prec. 98 et seqq. ; re- 48. lations of older fragmental rocks iu Chilworth (Surrey), Bargate Beds N.W., 578. near, 681. Calamopbyllia fenestrata, 305, 306. Chisone Valley (Italy), 251. Calcaire du Brianqonnais, 304, 310. Christiania (Norway), geological map Calymene Blumenbaehii, pygidium, of district, 16. 424; C. seuaria, sections through, Church Hill, Permian breccias of, 4"~)7, 428. 464, 465. Cambrian rocks, papers on, summa- Cinder-bed, diagTam showing varia- rized, Prec. 8z. tions in strata between it & Arch,e- Cambridge, snowdrift deposit seen at, oniseus-limestone, 57. 473. Cis?ern~fera clausa, gen. et sp. nov., Camptonites in Gran district, 23; 82 & pl. vii. ; C. inconstans, sp. nov., analyses, 26, 27. 80 & pl. v. ; id. forms Frima, 80 & Canis lagopus, 202 & pl. xii. ; C. vMpes, pl. v.; id.formasecunda, 81 & pl. vi.; 201 & pl. xii. id. forma tertia, 82 & pls. v., vi. ; Capreolus caprea~ 199. id. forms quarts, 82 & pl. vi. Carbonicola ( Anthracosia) angulata, Claatic gneisses, 265, 266. 441 & pl. xx. Cleat Hills, Permian breecias of, 464, Carboniferous (?) in Matte Crosse, 97 ; 466. (Upper) boulder-beds of India and Clos des Morta Valley, sections, 305 ; Australia, 468; dolerites & tufts Clos des Morts Limestones, 304: of Derbyshire, microscopical struc- et seqq. ture of, 603 & pls. xxiv.-xxv. Coal in S.E. of England, Prec. 68. Carboniferous Limestone, papers sum- Coal Measures at Lithgow (N.S.W.), marized, Prec. 7 I. 115. Carrock Fell, gabbro of, 311 & pl. xvii.; Coal Measures, Nova Seotian, Naia. map, pl. xvi. ; sectioo across, 314. dites from, 435 & pl. xx. Carychium minimum, 184. Coal.~ams, boulders found in, Prec. Cassidulina subglobo.~, 704. 63 ; wash-outs in, Prec. 64 ; for- Castleton (Derbyshire),tuft, 625. matiou of, Prec. 65 ; marine fossils Catherine Ford (Wilts) 8oetion de- in, Prec. 66, 67 ; coal-seams in Mol- scribed, 61. teno Beds of S.E. Africa, 552. Cave-sandstone in S. Africa, 551. Cock's Tor (Devon), volcanic ash, etc, ' Central gneiss,' in Cottian sequence, of, 351,357. 233 et seqq. Col de Vento (Cottian Alps), 249; Cereus elaphus, 199. map of gnei~ exposures, 251. Chaberton, Monte, geology of, 303; ' Complementary rocks' defined, 31. map of, 309; section through, 310. Composition-fee raised, Prec. 150. Chalk, I~wer, in Culford boeing, 493 ; Concentration-hypothesis of minerals M. L., & U., in Wiukfield boring, in gabbro, 3:.)7. 497, 499. Cone-in-cone in Devonian (?) of Penn- Channel Islands, papers on the, sum- sylvania, 731 & pls. xxxv.-xr~vi. ; marized, t)roc, z :35. cones, inverted, 731 ; double coue- Chapada Sandstones, 95. in-cone, 732. Chapman, F., on Bargate Beds of Contact-metamorphism along boun- Surrey & their Microscopic Con- dary of olivine-gabbro-diabases of tents, 677 & pls. xxxiii.-xxtiv. Gran, 21; produced by Bathurst Charlcsworth, E., obituary, Prec. 47. granite, 111, 117 ; in Cottian Alps, Cheilostomatous polyzoa in Inf. 261, ~2; contact-rocks from Ca- Oolite of Shipton Gorge, 72 & pls. tans, pl. xv.; contact-phenomena iL-iv. ; in Middle Lias of King's in Carrock Fell gabbro, 331. Sutton, 79 & pls. v.-vii. Cordilleran Glacier, 5. Chert, in Brazilian Limestones, 92; ' Corduroy' structure ha metamor- compared with nowculite, ~78 et phosed tuff, 352, 744 GENERAL INDEX. [Nov. 1894,

' Corrie' glaciers, 515. forata, 689; C. vdlicata, sp. nov., Corstorphine Hill (Mid!othian), dole- 690 & pl. xxxiii.; C. sp., 166 & rite, 42. cypl. ix. Corumb~ Limestones, 9 I. therop/eron ~rodiei, sp. nov., 167 Cotham Marble, description of cha- & pl. ix. ; C. eoncentricum, 691; racters, mode of occurrence, & for- C. e. vat. virginea, 691 ; C. costuli- mation, 393; theories as to origin, feruTn, sp. nov., 692 & pl. xxxiii. ; 399 ; experiments reproducing, 405. C. drupaceum, 691; C. laticrista- Cotman's A-sh (Kent), s-ection to Shin- turn, 692 ; C. reticulomtm, ap. nov., gle Hill, 174; section along Shode 692& pl.xxxiii.; C.subconcentrieum, Valley to Plaxtol, 175. 691. Cottian Alps, d~cribed, 232; the Cottian Sequence, "234. Dakhla Oasis (Libyan Desert), 533 Council, report for 1893, Proe. I0; et segq. & officers elected, Proe. x T-I 8. ' Dark loam layer' (Pleistocene) at Cracknowl House (Derbyshire), tuff, Twickenham, analysis, 457. 632. Darlmoor granite, Proc. Iz7 eg seqg. ; Cretaceous (?) in Matto Grosso, 98; trachytes, metamorphosed tufts, & in Monte Chaberton area, 306; in other rocks of igneous origin on Libyan Desert of , 534. W. flank of, 338. Crissolo (Italy), 258. .Daru,inula globosa, 163 & pl. ix. ; D. Cristellaria acutauricularis, 713; C. 9l. var. stricta, nov., 164 & pl. ix. ; Bronni, 713 ; C. complanata, 712 ; D. liassiea, 162 & pl. ix. ; D. L var. C. convergens, 714; C. crepidula, ~zt~or, nov. 163 & pl. ix. 712; C. cultrata, 714; C. cym- Davies, A. M., & J. W. Gregory on boides, 713; C. gibba, 714; C. geology of Monte Chaberton, 303. grata, 713 ; C. italics, 712 ; C. lscvi- Davis, J. W., obituary, Proe. 44- ~ata, 713 ; C. megalipolitana, 714 ; Da~ison, C., Barlow-Jameson Fund C. oligostegia, 713; C. parallels, award to, Proc. 39; on Deposits 712; C. prominula, 714; C. rotu- from Snowdrift, with especial refer- lata, 714; C. Schloenbachi, 712; ence to Origin of Loess & pre.~rva- C. sulcifera, 712; C. tricarinella, tion of Mammoth-remains, 472. " 711;C. varians, 715; C. vest ita, 711. Dawson, G. M., on the Occurrence of Crusskey, H. W., obituary, Proc. 52. Mammoth-remains in Yukon dis- Croxdale Colliery, dyke in coal-seam triet of Canada and Alaska, 1. at, Prvc. 3" Dawson, Sir g. W., on .Naiadites in Crystalline schists, papers on, sum- C(~d.formation of Nova Scotia, 435 marized, Proc. toz ; in the Lepon- & pl. xx. tine A1ps, 285. Denton, J. B., obituary, Proc. 52. Cultbrd (Suff.olk), deep boring at, 489 ; Derbyshire, microscopical structure of description of samples, 491 ; classi- Carboniferous dolerites & tufts, fication of beds, 4~. 603 & pls. xxiv.-xxv. Cuyab'~ (Brazil), section to Tapira- ' Detrital quartzites,' 380. puam Hills, 89. Devonian of Bathurst (N.S.W.), 114; Cuyab~ Slates, 90. (?) of Pennsylvania, cone-in-cone in, Cypris fasciculata, determining base 731 & pls. xxxv.-xxxvi.; in Matto of Middle Purbeek, r~4. Grosso, 95; the succession in S. Cythere ~tioostata, sp. nov., 166 & Devon, True. 74 et seg~. pl. ix. ; C. vesiculosa, sp. nov., 688 Devonian Limestonee of S. Devon, & pl. xmdii.; C. J4Zilsoni, sp. nov., microscopic structure of, Proz. 7z. 167 & 131. ix. ; C. sp. ?, 167 & pl. ix. Diabases of Carroek Fell, 813 ; of Cythereis [,ensddeana, 689; C. ornatis- Builth district, 574. sims, 658; C. o. vas'. rcticulata, 689. Diabase-porphyrite of Builth district, Cytheridea elIipsoidea, 164 & pl. ix. ; ~7. C. bieagmtta, 090; ~ b. var. nodu- DiastoTora , so-called, 83 & pl. v. /osa, nov.., O90& @I. xxxiii. ; C./n~va- Differentiation of common magma /r/I/aCa, ep. nov., 691 & pl. xxxiii. ; originating various eruptive rocks C. r '690 :; 6'.fenestrata, sp. in Gran district, 26, 31, 35; the noz., .O00& 1311. ~:Dii'i..; C. Moorei, same eont,r~sted with differentiation ep. nov., 16ii &'ph ix. ;~. retorrida, described at Carrock Fell, $26 ; fi89; ~ a~o~ndttta,,68..9; C. subper- differentiation in situ, 656. Vol. 5o.J GENERAL INDEX, 745

Dignaes (Norway), oliviue-gabbro- of Libyan Desert, 531 & pl. xxi. diabase, analysis, 19, 20. (map.). Dinton (Wilts),sections near, described, Ehrenber.qina pupa, 70~ & pl. xxxiv. 56, 58, 59; sections along railway, 'Elephant-rock' in Transvaal, 561, 60. 5~;2. Diorite, auriferous, Prec. 9. Elephas primigenius (?), 198. Diseorbina araucana,721 ; D. Berthe- Ember Lane (Derbyshire), dolerite loti, 720 ; D.B. var. Baconicu, 720 ; & tuff, 632. D eoncinna, 720; D. obtusa, 720; Endsl~igh Street Beds, position dis- D. orbicularis, 719; D. 1)arisie,:sis, cussed, 452. 719; D. pileolus, 719; D. rcsacea, Eoeeue in Libyan Desert of :Egypt, 719 ; D. rugosa, 720 ; D. turbo, 719 ; 53L D. Vilardeboana, 721. :Epidiorite, porphyritic, of Sourtou Disthene-schists in Lepontine Alps, Torn, 3-10; of Cock's Tot, 35S; ,)f 2~.~7 et seqq. W. Dartmoor, origin discussed, 365. Ditch Cliff (Derbyshire), 610. Equus eaballus, 198. Dolerite-vein in Barnton picrite, 42; Estheria Dawsoni, 437, 439. dolerite of Corstorphiue Hill, 42; Evans, g. W., on the Geology of Matte ot" Tapirapuam (Brazil), 100; al- Grosso. (Brazil), 85 & pl. ~iii. (map). tered, of Brent Tot, 361 ; dolerite :Exogyra Overwegi-series in ~ associated with Dwyka Conglome- Desert, 534, 535. rate, 555; Carboniferous dolerites Eycott group in Oarrock Fell district, of Derbyshire, microscopical struc- 313, 315, 331. ture of, 603 & pls. xxiv.-xxv. Dolomite, suggested replacement by Farafra Oasis (Libyan Desert), 535 silica, 38l, ;:~$6, 564; occurrence in 540. South Africa, 561 & pl. xxiii. (sec- Fellows elected, Prec. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, tions). I4I, I4z, I43, 144, x~ 5, x47, I48; Dorking (Surrey), section on Horsham number of, Prec. 14; names read Road described, 687. out, Prec. x48. Dove Holes (Derbyshire). 010; tuff, Felsites of Sourtou Tots, 3t3; in 629. N.W. Oaernarvoushire, 579 e/seqq. Drakensberg range (S.E. Africa), 548 ; Feisitic dyke in gabbro, Druim an diagrammafio section of, & High Eidhne, 22)6. Vetd plateau, 560 & pl. xxii. ; see- Felspars in Derbyshire lavas, 622. tion from Mont aux Sources to St. Financial report, Prec. z6. Lucia Bay, pl. xxii. Flint compared with Arkansas stone, Draper, D., on Geology of S.E. Africa, 378 et seqq. & pl. xix. 548 & pls. xxii.-xxiii. (sections) ; on Fluxion-gneisses, 267. Occurrence of Dolomite in 8. Africa, Foraminifera of Lower Greens,~nd, 51~1. 688; from Bargate Beds, 693 & Drift near Bathurst (N. S. W.), 116. pls. xxxiii.-xxxiv. 726 Druim an Eidhne (Skye), relations of Foreign Correspondents elected, Prec. gabbro and granophyres, 216 et x, 4, ~43, 147 ; list of, Prec. 2o. seqq. ; banded structure of Tertiary Foreign Members elected, _Prec.4, x43, gabbros, 646 & pls. xxvi.-xxviii. x~8 ; list of, Prec. 19. Dust (of snowdrift deposits), origin Foresto di Susa (Italy), section to & transportal, 477. Gerrardo Valley, 248. Dwyka Conglomerate in S.E. Africa, Foxes' bones, measurements of, '202. 554, 559. Frondivularia briz~formis, 709 & pI. xxxiv. Earth-movements in the Cottiaus, 271 ; ' Fundamental rocks,' papers on, of Monte Chaberton, 308; at Wadi summarized, Prec. 93. Halfa, etc., 546-547. Furka Pass, section at summit, 295. Eeca Beds in S.E. Africa, 554. Edwards, D. T., on Boring on the Gabbro bo.~es in Web,tern Isles (Scot- Booyseu Estate (Witwatersrand), land), 216 ; relations w. granophv,'e Prec. 5. in Skye, o16 et sexlq. ; banded, ib'id., Egge (Norway), analyses of camp- 217& pl. xiii., 645 & pis. xxvi.-x_xviii. ; t onite from, 26, 27. chemical analysis of same, 653; Egypt, stratigraphyand physiography coarse and massive variety, 649, 746 VXl~ERAL n~vsx. [Nov. i894,

654; granulitic variety, 647, 650; hornblendic, of Jebol Abu Bayan, pale veins, 650, 654; gabbro of 532. Carrock Fell, 311 & pls. xvi.-xvii. ; Granopb)Te in Skye, relations with mineralo~cal characters of same, gabbro, 216 et seqq. ; granophyre- 316, 319; orderly variation from dyke intersecting banded gabbros, centre to margin, 320; chemical 1. xiv. ; granophyre of Carrock analyses of same, 323; causes of ell, 312 et se~q.; same metamor- variation, 324 ; lava-masses enclosed phosing gabbro, 334. in, 315, 331; metamorphism by Gran ulitic gabbros of Druim an ~Eidhne, granophyre, 334. 647, 650. Gaudryina baccata, 700 ; G. filiformis, Graptolite-zones, Proc. 79. 701 ; G. pupoides, 700. Gravels near Bathurst (N. S. W.), 116. Gault in Winkfield boring, 499; in Oreensand, Lower, in boring near Ware boring, 507. Windsor Forest, 152, 496 et seqq. ; Geikie, Sir A., on Relations of Basic in Culford boring,493,495; (Upper) & Acid Rocks of Tertiary Volcanic in Winkfield boring, 498, 499; os- Series of Inner Hebrides, 212 & tracoda & foraminifera of the, 688. pls. xiii.-xiv. ; & J. J. H. Tcall, on Greenstones, compact, conversion into Banded Structure of Tertiary Gab- schists, 279. bros in Skye, 645 & pls. xxvi.-xxviii. Gregory, J.W., onWaldensian Gneisses Gerrardo Valley (Italy), 246, 247; & their place in the Cottian Sequence, section, 248. 232 ; on Glacial Geology of Mount Glacial origin of Carboniferous boul- Kenya, 515; & A. M. Davies, on der-beds in India & Australia, & of Geology of Monte Chaberton, 303. Permian breccias of England, 469 ; Greisen of Carroek Fell, 313, 314. glacial geology of Mount Kenya, Gresley, W. S., on Cone-in-cone in 515 ; ' glacial boulder -clay,' so-called, Devonian (?) of Pennsylvania, 731 & in S.E. Africa, 554. pls. xxxv.-xxxvi. Glaciation, limit of, in N.W. America, ' Ground-ice' formation in Alaska, 3, 5 ; no evidence in S.E. Africa, 558. 6. Globigerina bulloides, 718; G. cre- Griim Alp (Engadine), .'279. tacea, 718. Guildford (Surrey), Bargate Beds near, Gneisses,Waldensian, 232, 239; sketch- 678. map of distribution of ~me, 238; gneiss & limestone junction at Col de Vento, 249; 'pierre verdi' in- Halfpenny Lane (Chilworth), sections clusions in, 242, 250; origin of of Bargate rocks from, 682, (i84. gneissic structure, 264; classification ' Hanging' glaciers, 515. proposed, 266 ; structure and origin Haplophragmium acutidorsatum, 69.5 ; elucidated by banded gabbros, 657. H. agglutinans, 693 ; H. depressum, Godalming (Surrey), day-seams in 695 ; H. emaciatum, 694 ; H. tblia- Bargate Beds at, 687. ceum, 694 ; H. Humboldti, 694 ; H. Gold in the Witwatersrand Series, irregulare, 694; H. neocomianum, origin of, Proc. 6o. sp. nov., 695 & pl. xxxiv. ; H. nonio- Oold-bcat4ng rocks from Mashonaland, ninoides, 695. Proc. 8 ; quartzite from Nondweni, Harker, A., on Gabbro of Carrock 3S~, 389; dolomite of Malmani, Fell, 311 & pls. xvi.-xvii. 563, 565. Hartebeest Fontein (Transvaal), sec- Gold-deposits in Matto Grosso, with tion to Vredef, Jrt, 560 & pl. xxiii. analysis of matrix-rock, 102, 103. Haslemere (Surrey), section to Maiden- Goniatite from Lower Coal Measures, head, 154. Proe. ~45. Hawksley, T., obituary, Proe. 4]. Oosml Beds of Gosau district~ '120; Hebrides (Inner), relations of basic & map, 126 ; paheontology, 134 ; geo- acid rocks of Tertiary volcanic logical horizon, 137 ; correlation w. series, 212 & pls. xiii.-xiv. English Upper Cretaceous, 147; ' Herring-bone' structure in pyroxene, physical history of, 147. 317. Gran (Norway), basic eruptive rocks High Veld Plateau (S.E. Africa), M9; of, 15 ; map of district, 17. section, 560 & pl. xxii. Grange Mill (Derbyshire), tuff, 633. Highlands, N.W., physical relations& Granite of Bathurst (N.S.W.), 107, post-Cambrian metamorphism of 110 ; on South Down (Devon), 350; rocks in, Proo. 89 ;additions to fituua Vol. 5o.] GENERAL INDEX. 747

of Olenellas-zone, 661 & pls. xxix.- Jones, T. R., on Rhmtic and some xxxii. Liassie Ostracoda of Britain, 156 & Hill, W., Lyell Fund award to, Prec. pl. ix. 35. Jukes-Browne, A. J., & Rev.'W. R. ttippurite-limestone in Orosau district, Andrews on the Purbeck Beds of 128, 132. the Vale of Wardour, 44; & W. l:[Shue], Mount & Lake (Equatorial Whitaker, on deep Borings at Cttl- East Africa), 519. ford and Wiukfield, with Notes on Ho.lloway Hill[Godalming),clay-m,ms those at Ware and Cheshuut, 488. *n Bargato Beds at, 687. Jurassic rocks in the Lepontine Alps, I]:olmes, T. V., on Sections on RomJbrd 285. & Upminster Railway, & Relat ons of Thames Valley beds to Ben der Kazoo Beds in S.E. Africa, 553. Clay, 443. Kemp's Hill (Derbyshire), 610. Holmia Kjerulfi, 671 & pl. xxxii. Kenlochewe (P~ss~ Olenellus- I-Iopton (Derbyshire), tuff, 6~3. fauna from, 66I & pls. xxix.-xxxii. Hornblende in eamptGnites, 29. Kentish Rag, equivalent, in Culford Hornblende-schistsof.L.izard comps red boring, 495. with Cock's Tor rocks, 355 et s~ I~., Kenya, Mount, glacial geology of; 364. 515; view of central peak, 516; Hospenthal (Switzerland), section do map of S.W. slopes, 517; nature scribed, 2(.}2. & age of glaciation, 520; causes Hospenthal schists, 287 et seqq. of glaciation, 522; climatic con- Hudleaton, W. IL, addresses to Medal- ditions during period of maximum lists, Prec. ~z et seqq. ; obituaries of glaciation, 5'-~.. deceased Fellows, 1~oc. 4~ et seqq. ; ' Kern' hypothesis of l~osenbusch, presidential address on Reeent Work 31, 36. of the Geological Society, pt. ii., Keuper (Upper) at Shrewley, molluscs Prec. 5g. in, 170. Huken (Norway), analysis of labrador- Keyserling, A, yon, obituary, Prec. 53. porphyrite, 33. (Libyan Desert), 552 :Hull, E., on an artesian boring at New et ~eqq., 537. Lodge (Windsor Forest), Berks, 152. King's Sutton (Northanta), polyzoa Hurst Wood (Kent), section to Shingle from Middle Lias of, 79 & pls. v.-vii. Hill, 174. Kniveton (Derbyshire), tuff, 637, 638. Hyena crocuta (?), 201 & pl. xii. Kotzebue Sound (Alaska), mammoth ttypersthene, analysis of, 22. & other remains, 3, 9. Kynaston, H., on Gosau Beds of Ice-formation, underground, origin of, Gosau district (Ausuian Sahkam- 485. mergut), 120. Iddingsite, differentiated from Potluck pseudomorphs, 617 et seqq. Labrador-porphyrite of Huken, ana- Ightham (Kent), ossiferou~ fissures lysis, 33. near, 171; vertebrate fauna from Lady Down (Wilts), section described, same, 188 & pls. x.-xii. ; table of 54. distribution of vertebrate, 203. Laffan, O. B., & J. R. Leeson, on India, Upper Carboniferous boulder- Plei~ocene deposits in Thames VaN beds ot; 468. ley at Twickenham, 453. ' Inflltration.quartzites,' ,%f~0. Lagena acuticosta, 706; L. apiculata, Insect-bed in Vale of Wardour Put- 705 ; L. globosa, 705 ; L. lmvis, becks, 62. 705 ; L. Meyeriana, sp. nov., 706 & Irou-ores in Matte Grease, 98, 99, pl. xxxiv. 103; near Wadi Halfa, 534. Lagomys pusillus, 194 & pl. xi. Isobaric map of Equatorial East Africa, Lake-basins, glaciated, of Mount 529. Kenya, 519. Isopods, in relation to trilobites, 432. Lake District, petrological papers on, summarized, Prec. * t9. Jebel Ahmar Sandstone, 537, 541. :Landscape Marble, description of Johnston-Levis, H. J., Enclosures of characters, mode of occurrence, & Quartz in Lava of Stromboli, eta., & formation, 393; theories as to Changes in Composition produced origin, 399; experiments repro- by them, Prec. z. ducing, 405. ~48 GE.'~*'ER,kL INDEX, [Nov. 1894 ,

Larus (?), 192 & pl. x. Lydekker. R, on Argentine fossil Lava, quartz-enclosures in, Prec. z ; vertebrates, Proe. I46. perlitie & spherulitie structures in Lyell Fund award to W. Hill, Proc. vitreous and devitrified lavas, 11, 38. 12, & pl. i. ; Carboniferous lavas in Lyell Medal awarded to J. Milne, Derbyshire, microscopical structure Proc. 37. of, 611. Lyell Medallists, list of, Proc. 24. Lava-masses enclosed in Carrock Fell Lyons, H. (~., on Stratigraphy & Phy- gabbro, 315, 331. siography of Libyan Desert of Leeson, J. R., & G. B. Laffan, on Egypt, 531 & pl. xxi. Pleistocene Deposits in Thames Valley at Twiekenham, 453. M~.Mahon, C. A., on Trachytes, meta- Leigh Creek (S. Australia)Jurassio morphosed Tufts, & other rocks coal-bearing beds. Prec. 6. of Igneous Origin on W. Via,& of Lepidodendron in Devonian of Bath- Dartmoor, 338. urst (N. S. W.), 114. Mmna, Lake (Norway). analyses of Lepontine klps, Mesozoic rocks & camptonite & bostonite from, 26, crystalline schists, 285. zT. Lepus timidus, 193 & pl. xi.; L. Magmas, igneous, protrusion & con- eunieulus (?), 194. solidation of, 655; differentiation Lewis Glacier (Kenya), 515 ; terminal of common magma originating moraines of, 522 fig. various rocks, 26, 31, 35. Lewisian gneiss, 657. Magnesian Limestone showing rhom- Lias (Middle), cheilostomatouspolyzoa bohedra, 381 & pl. xix. from the, 79 & pls. v.-vii. Maidenhead (Berks), section to Hasle- Liassie ostracoda, 156 & pl. ix. nlere, 154. Library, additions to, Prec. 15 x. Mahuani district (Transvaal), gold- Library & Museum Committee Report, bearing dolomite, 563. .Prec. ~ z. Malmesbury Schists in S.E. Africa, Libyan Desert of Egypt. stratigraphy 556. & physiography, 531 & pl. xxi. Malvern Hills, rocks of the, Prec. Io 3 (map). et seqq. Limburg (Baden) pyroxene, analysis, Mammoth-remains, in Yukon district; 31. & Alaska, 1 ; preservation of, 485. Lingulina earinata, 708; L. semi- Manganese ore in Matte Grosso, 99. ornata, 708; L. s. vat. cra&~, nov., Manganiferous earth, associated with 708 & pl. xxxiv. auriferous beds in S. Africa, 565. Littleton Lane (Guildford), Bargate Marble of Altkirehe, ").87. Stone & Pebble Beds in, 678. Marginulina tequivoea, 709; M. com- Loess, origin of, 484, 486. pressa, 709; M. debilis, 709; M. Litton (Derbyshire), 611; dolerite Jonesi, 709; M. linearis, 709; M. & tuff, 627. Munieri, 710; M. striatoeostata, Lizard (Cornwall), papers on the, 710. summarized, -Prec. 131 ; hornblende Mashonaland, auriferous & other rocks schists eompared with Cock's Tot from. Prec. 8, 144. rocks, 355 et seqq., 364. Matte Grosso (Brazil), geology of, Llandeilo, Lower, age of andesitic 85; map of, pl. viii. ash near Builth, 572. Matte Shales, 93. Llyn Padarn (Caernarvonshire), sue- Meall a' Ghubhais (Ross-shire), Olemel- cession W. of, 581, & section, 583 ; lzts-fauna from, fi61 & pls. xxix.- succession E. of, 586; alleged un- xxxii. conformity, 588, & sections, 590, Meall Dearg (Skye) granophyre, 215. 592; geological sketch-map, 594. Meano (Italy), 251. London Basin, table of deep borings Meldon (Devon), tufts etc. of, 347. m, 513. Meles taxus(?), 201. London Clay at Twiekenham, 45,3, Jle~onacis asaphoides, 673 fig. 2 & 456. tPigl, xxxii.; M. Mickwitzics, 673 Long Sleddale (Westmoreland), de- .2. vitrified obsidian, 12 & pl. i. Mesozoic rocks in the Lepontine Alns, Lessen, K. A., obituary, Prec. 54. 285. Luxmoore, E. B., obituary, Prec. Metamorphism, post-Cambrian, in 43. N.W. Highlands, Proc. 89. Vol. 50.] G E/~ ERAL INDEX. 749

' Metapyrigeu-gneisses,' 266. Nerin,'ea-limestone in Gosau district, ' Metasumatic quartzites,' 380. 128, 132. Mica-diorite el South Deron, 351. New Lodge (Berks), artesian boring mineral replacing olivine, at, 152, 491;. 616 et seqq. :Newton, E. T., on Vertebra(e Fauna Microdiscus Meeki, head-shield, 414. from Ightham fissure, 188 & pls. Microtus (=Arvicola) agrestis, 197 ; x.-xii. M. amphibius, 196; M. arvalis, Valley, erosion of the, 541. 197; M. glareolus, 196; M. gre- l~*odo~ria (Dentalina) brevis, 703; galls, 197 & p1. xi. ; _31. ratticeps, N. Fontannesi, 707; N. limbata, 197 & pl. xi. 707 ; N. (,bst~nra, 707 ; N. prisms- Middleton (Derbyshire), 611. tics, 707 ; N. Rcemeri, 706; ~N. tenui- Miliolina agglutinans, 693. costa, 707 ; N. xiphioides, 707. Miller's Dale Station (Derbyshire) 1%ndweni (Zululand), auriferous dolerite & tuff, 631. quartzite from, 388, 389, 564. ]YIilue, J., Lyell Medal awarded to, ~N'onionina scapha, 724. Prec. 37. Nova Scotia, Na/adites in Coal-forma- Minniuglow (Derbyshire), 610. tion of, 435 & pl. xx. Miocene in Libyan Desert of Egypt, Novacuhtes, origin of, 377 & pl. xix. 535. :Nubian Sandstone in Libyan Desert, Moel Ooronwy (Caernarvonshire), sec- 533, 546. tion across, 597. l~'umber of Fellows, etc, in 1893, Prec. )Ioel Tryfaen (Caernarvonshire), suc- x4. cession at, 5~0. Mokattam Beds in Libyan Desert, Oberalp Pass (Switzerland), 287. 535. Obsidian, perlitic cracks, etc. in, 11, Molluscs in Upper Keuper at Shrew- 12. Icy, 170 ; in lghtham fissure, 182, Oldham, R. D., on Comparison of 1~3. Permian Breceias of Midlands with Molteno Beds in S.E. Africa, 552.1 Upper Carboniferous Glacial De- Monckton, H. W., on a Variety of posits of India and Australia, 463. Ammonites (Stephanoeeras) sub- OlenelloiJ~, subgen, r~ov., (4{k~; 0. ar- armatus, Young, from tim Upper mafas, sp. nov., 669 & pl. xxxii. Lias of Whitby, Prof. 4; on Pic~ito Olenellas-zone, additions to fauna in & associated rocks at Barnton, near N.W. Highlands, 661 & pls. xxix.- Edinburgh, 39. xxxii. Monk's Dale (Derbyshire) tuff, 6.'29. Olntellus asaphoides, 415, 416, 423; Moraines, old, on Mount Kenya, 518, 0. gigas, sp. nov., 666, fig. 1 & 520; terminal moraines of Lewis pl. xxxii. ; O. Gilberti, 671 & pl. xxxii. ; glaeier, 522 fig. 0. inlermedius, sp. nov., 666 & Murehison Fund award to G. Barrow, pl. xxxii. ; 0. Lapworfhi, 662 & Prec. 36. pls. xxix., xxx., xxxti. ; O.L. var. don- Murchison Medal awarded to W. galus, nov., 664 & pl. xxix. ; 0. rer T. Aveline, Prec. 35. culatus, sp. nov., 665, 673, fig. 2, & ~urehison Medallists, list of, Prec. pls. xxx.-xxxi. Olivine-crystals, perlitie cracks in, 3lus Abbotti. sp. nov., 195 & pl. xi. ; 374, 375; in Derbyshire lavas de- M. sfflvaticus, 194 & pl. xi. scribed, 611; pseudomorphs after, ~lustela rob~ta, sp. nov., 200 & pl. 613, 614. xi. ; 21[. mdgaris, var. minuta, 201 Olivine-dolerite of gobel Burka, 533 ; & pl. xi. of Derbyshire, 624. Mustione (Italy), 250. Olivine-gabbro-diabases of Gran dis- ~dyalina, restriction of name, 438. trict, 18 ; analyses of same, 19, 20 ; 21Iyodes lemm~s, 196 & pl. xi. ; M. contact-metamorphism by, 21. torr 196 & pl. xi. Oolite (Inferior) of Shipton Gorge, polyzoa from, 72 & pls. ii.-iv. Ntes (Norway), bostouite-bteceias, 25. Oolite, silieified, 93. Naiadites in Coal-measures of /Nova Ordovieian rocks, papers on, summa- Scotia, 435 & pl. xx. ; synonymy of, rized, Prec. 78. 439 ; ~. carbonarius, 440 & pl. xx. Oasi:'erous fissures near Ightham, 171 ; Name8 of Fellows read out, Pr~. plants and invertebrata in, 181; 148. ~erteb:'ate 'fauna from same, 188 750 Gz~zaxz IN DF.X. [-NOV. I894 ,

& pls. x.-xii. ; table of distribution Pitchstone, porphyritic, of Sandy of vertebrata, 203. Braes, 368. Ostana (Po Valley), 276. Planispirina obscura, sp. nov., 693 & Ostracoda, Rhmtic and Liausic, of pl. xxxiv. Britain, 156 & pl. ix. ; of Lower Plant, J., obituary, Proe. 52. Grecnsand, 688; from Bargate Beds, Plants in fissures at Ightba,n, 181. 688 & pl. xxxiii., 725. Plaxtol (Kent), section across valley Ouachita stone, 377 et seqq. at, 174; section to near Cotman's Owen, R., portrait presented by Ash, 175. E. Swain, Proc. 14~. Pleeotus (Vespertilio) auritus (?), 193. Paheozoic reached at Culford, 490, Pleistocene deposits at Twickenham, 495 ; in Ware boring, 507. 453; mammalia, molluscs & plants, Pal4 (Italy), 247. 458 ; (?) at Ightham, 171. Paradiso massif (Cottian Alps), 240; Plioeene in Libyan Desert of Egypt, gneiss from margin of, pl. xv. 535. Parkinson, J., on Leigh Creek Jurassic Polymorphina amygdaloides, 715 ; Coal-measures, Proc. 6; on Physical P. communis, 716; P. compressa, & Chemical Geology of Interior of 716 ; P. eoncava var. dentimarginata Australia, Proc. 7. nov., 717 & pl. xxxiv. ; P. frondicu- Patellina antiqua, sp. nov., 718 & larioides, sp. nov., 716 & pl. xxxiv. ; pl. xxxiii. ; P. eorrugata, 718. P. gutta, 715; P. oblongs, 716; Peach, B. N., on Additions to Fauna P. regina, 717 ; P. rhabdogonioides, of Olenellus-zone in N.W. High- sp. nov., 716 & pl. xxxiv. ; P. soro- lands, 661 & pls. xxix.-xxxii. ria vat. cuspidata, 715. Peak Forest (l)erbyshire) pseudo- Polystomella aculeata, 724. morphs after olivine, 614. Polyzoa from Inferior Oolite of Ship- Pellice Valley (Italy), 257. ton Gorge, 72 & pls. ii.-iv. ; from Pen-cerig House (Radnorshire), sec- Middle Lias of King's Sutton, 79 & tion near, 575. pls. v.-vii. Pengelly, W., death announced, Proe. Portmge Flags (Pennsylvania), eone- 143. in-~one in. 732. Pennsylvania, cone-in-cone in Devo- Portland Beds, j unction with Purbeck nian (?) of, 731 & pls. xxxv.-xxxvi. at Chilmark, 48 ; at Wockley, 49. Pergensia amphoralis, gen. et sp. nov., Potluck (Derbyshire), 611; pseudo- 75, 76, & pls. ii., iii. ; P..qaleata, sp. morphs after olivine, 613. nov., 76 & pl. iii.; P.jugata, sp. nov., Pre-Devonian in Matto Grosso, 88. 76 & pls. ii., iv. ; P. jugata, var. bi- Prestwieh, J., portrait presented by, gibbosa., nov., 76 & pls, ii., iv.; Proc. 2. P. ma~or, sp. nov., 74 & pls. ii., iii. ; Prilchard, :Rev. C., obituary, Proc. 42. P. minima, sp. nov., 74 & pls. ii., Protoearis ~larshi, 413. iii. ; P. nidulata, sp. nov., 73 & Pseudomorphs after olivine, 613, 614. pls. ii., iii. ; P. porifera, sp. nov., 75 Pulvinulina elegans, 723; P. Kar- & pls. ii., iv. steal, 723; P. punctulata, 723; P. Perlitic and spherulitic structures, Schreibersii, 723. sequence of, 10; perlitic cracks in Purbeck Bedsof the Vale of Wardour, quartz, 367 & pl. xviii. 44; diagram showing vertical suc- Permian breccias of Midlands, com- cession, 64; comparison with those pared with Upper Carboniferous of Dorset, 65 ; list of fossils, 68. glacial deposits of India & Aus- Purtiall (Deccan), siliceous pebble tralia, 463. from, 381 & pl. xix. Perosa (Italy), 251. Pyroxene, rhombic, in Derbyshire Perrero (Italy), 254. lavas, 620. Phthanites, radiolarian, in Cottian Pyroxenite of Brandberget, analysis, series, '268, 269. 31. Picrite at Barnton, 39. ' Pietre verdi' series in the Cottians, Quartz-enclosures in lava of Strom- 233 et seyq. ; ' pietre verdi' inclu- boll, Proc. ~; quartz in Carrock sions in gneiss, 242, 250; veins of Fell gabbro, 318; quartz-vein in aplite in'p. v.,' 2571; 'p. v.' in Mon4e tufts near Meldon, 349; perlitic Chaberton area, 307. cracks in quartz, 367 & pl. xviii. ; u 5o.] OENERAL INDEX, 751

quartz-reefs in Silurian of Bath urst, Sand (Pleistocene) at Twickenham, 113. analysis, 457. Quartzites, origin of some, 377 & Sandy Braes (Antrim), perlitic pitch- pl. xix. ; classification of, 380; stone from, 367 & pl. xviii. auriferous, from 1%ndweni, 388, Sandy Dale (Derbyshire), 62l. 389. Santa Cruz, Barfs dos Bugres (Brazil), Quartzitic induration of surface-rocks, section near, 9t. Prec. 7. Sue hirsuta, 417. Quaternary in Matte Grosso, 98. Sawyer. A. R., on rock-specimens from South Africa, Prec. I44. Radiolarian phthanites in Cottian Saxicola 6~'aanthe (?), 191 & pl. x. Alps, 268, 269. Schists, conversion of compac~ green- RaintM1 in Equatorial East Africa, stones into, 279. 529; in Pleistocene Egypt, 5t2, Scotland, petrolo~cal papers on, 5~3. smumarized, Prec. Io7. 'Rain-spot' breccia, near Llyu Scotophilus pipistrelhJs (?), 193. Padarn, 591. (Libyan De~rt), wells :Raisin, Miss C. A., & T. G. Bonncy, in, 539. on Relations of Older Fragmental Serpentine, altered, in Cottian Alps, :Rocks in :N.W. Caernarvonshire, 244, 249; pre-Tria~ic ill Monte 578. Chaberton area, 307; aluminous, Ramulina globulifera, 717. of Was Tor, 363. ]~a~ta temporaria, 189 & pl. x. Shap granite, _Prec. II 9 et seq?. Ranff~fer (---=Cervus) tarandas, 199 & Shingle Hill (Kent), section to Cot- pl. xi. man's Ash, 174; section to Hurst Rauchwacke in Lepontine Alps, 288 Wood, 174. et seqq. Shipton Gorge (Dorset), polyzoa from Ravensdale Cottage (Derbyshire), tuff., Inferior Oolite of, 72 & pls. ii.-iv. 630. Shode Valley, ossiferous fissures in, Realp (Switzerland), section near, ~. 171 ; sections, 174, 175 ; history of, 293. 172. Red Beds in S. Africa, 551. Shrewley (Warwickshire), discovery :Report of Council for 1893, Prec. Io; of molluscs in Upper Keuper, 170. of Library & Museum Committee, Shrubsole, G. W., obituary, l~roc. Prec. lz ; financial, Prec. z6. 47. Rhmtic ostracoda of Britain, 156 & Silieifled wood in Libyan Desert, 534, pl. ix. 536; origin of, 545, 547; in Red -Rhinoceros antiquitatis, 198 & pl. xi. Beds of S.E. Africa, 552 ; silieified :Rhyolites of Was Tot, 363; of oolite, 92. Tardree, 368; of Builth district, Silurian rocks, papers on, summarized, 573. _Prec. 78; Silurian of Bathurst Richmond (Surrey) boring, Neocomian (N.S.W.), lll. limestone from, 685, 6~6. Skye, relations of gabbro & granophyro Ridge (Wilts) section described, in, 216 et seqq. ; banded structure 51. of Tertiary gabbros in, 645 & Riebeckite in granophyre of Skye, 219. pls. xxvi.-xxviii. River-terraces, age of, 449. Sligachan, Glen (Skye), 218 et seqq. Rizama Sandstone, 93. Snow, disappearance by melting & Romford (Essex) map of district, evaporation, 48 I. 444 ; section near, 445. Snow-drift, deposits from, 472; form- Rosa, W. ,}'. C., on the Geology of ation of, 475; hardening of, 479; Bathurst (N.S.W.), 105. fine texture of deposits, 482; ab- Rotalia Beccarii, 724. sence of stratification, 482. Russbachthal (Salzkammergut), Gosau SSlvsberget (Norway), olivine-gabbro- Beds in, 128. diabase, analyses, 19, 20; geol. Rutley, F., on the Sequence of Perlitie structure of the hill, 21; pyro- & Spherulitic Structures, 10 & pl. i. ; xenites, etc. of, 33, 34. on the Origin of, certain Novaculites Soret's principle discussed, 3'26. and Quartzites, 377 & pl. xix. /Sorer pygm~as, 192 & pl. xi. ; S. trap garis, 192 & pl. xi. Saiga antelope at Twiekenham, 459, Sourton Tors (Devon), tuff's, felsites, 4fi0, 462. etc. of, 338; map, 339. 752 GENERAL INDEI. [Nov. I894,

South :Down (Devon), talcs-diorite of, rocks, 212 & pls. xiii.-,iv. ; Tertiary 3"50; granite-outcrop, 350. gabbros in Skye, banded structure South Joggins (Nova Scotia), Coal- of, 645 & pls. xxvi.-xxviii. measure shells from, 437 & pl. xx. Textularia agglutinans, 699; T. gra- Special General Meeting, l)roc. 15o. men, 698 ; T. minuta, 698 ; T. pr~e- Specific gravities as a test of relativo longs, 698; T. sagittula, 698; T. basicity of gabbro, 321. trochus, 699 ; T. turris, 699. Spencer, J., obituary, Prov. 5I. Thames Valley Beds, relation to Spermophilus, 194. Boulder Clay, 448 et ~qq. ; Pleisto- Spheroidal structure in rocks at cene deposits in Thames Valley at Grange Mill, 634. Twickenham, 453. Spherulites in Skye granophyre, 22.0, Thompson, B., on Landscape Marble, 221. 393. Spherulitie and perlitic structures, Thrust-planes in the N.W. ttighlands, sequence of, 10. Proc. 9o. Spiroplecta annectens, 700; S. bifor- Tissington (Derbyshire), 610. mis, 700. Titaniferous iron-oxides concentrated Sponge spicules, in Bargate Stene, in highly basic rocks, 318, 323, 324. 680, fi83. Toadstone, derivation of term, 604. St. Lucia Bay (S.E. Africa) section to Torridon Sandstone, Pivc. 94. Mont-aux-Sources, Drakensberg, Trachytes of Sourton Tors, :345. pl. xxii ; anthracite at, 553. ' Trap-amygdaloids' in S. Africa, 551. St. Martha's Chapel (Chitworth), Triar)hrus Beckii, with antenna, 425, Bargate Beds near, 681. 426. Staden Low (Derbyshire), 620. Trias (?) in Mutts Grosso, 97. Strahan, A., Wollaston Fund award to, Trilobites, systematic position of the, Proc. 34- 411 ; formation of head-shield, 413, Striated stones in Permian breccias, 417 ; bending-round of 1st cephalic 466; rocks on Mount Kenya, 520. segment, 416 ; eyes in, 4:~0 ; dorsal Stromboli, quartz-enclosures in lava organ in, 422 ; anus in, 424 ; limbs st, Proc. z, of, 424 ; classification, 4~0. Stur, D., obituary, Proc. 55. Tritaxia tricarinata, 6~J. Surface metamorphism in S. Aus- Trochammina s~uamata, var. limbata tralia, t5.oc. 7. nov., 697 & pl. xxxiv. Sus scrofa, 200. Tropidonotus natrix, 190. Susa (Italy), 245. Truncatulinafalcata, 721 & pl. xxxiv ; Swain, E., ~resentation of R. Owen's T. Haidingerii, 722; T. lobatula, portrait, z'roc. 14z. 721; T. variabilis, 721; T. Wuel- lerstorfi, 722. Table Mountain Sandstono in S.E. Tufa deposits in S. Africa, 564. Africa, 555. Tufts, volcanic, of Sourtou Tom, 340 ; Taboleiros (Matto Grosso), sandstone of Meldon, 347 ; of West Okement of the, 98. River, 349, 351 ; ' corduroy' struc- Taddington Field (Derbyshire), 610. ture in, 351; Carboniferous, of Talpa eur.op~ea, 192. Derbyshire, microscopical struc- Tan-y-gralg (Radnorshire), section ture, 603 & pls. xxiv.-xxv. south of, 572. Turnford boring, [08. Tapirapuam Hills (Brazil), section to Twickenham (Middlesex), Pleistocene Cuyab~, 89. deposits at, 4,53 ; sections, 455, 456. Tardree (Antrim), rhyolite of, 367, Tyndall, J., obituary, t)roc. 4 I. 368. Teall, J. g. ]=[., & Sir A. Geikie, on Banded Structure of Tertiary Gab- Unconformity, alleged, E. of Llyn bros iu Skye, 645 & pls. xxvi.-xxviii. Padarn, 568 ; section. 592. Teffont Evias (Wilts), sections near, Underground-ice tbrmation, origin of, described, 53, 55. 485. Terrace, the, E. of Draken~berg (S. Upminster (Essex), sections seen on Africa), 549. railway to Romford, 443. Terraces in Thames Valley, 448 et seqq. Ursus arHos (?), 201 & pl. xii. Tertiary volcanic series of Inner 1Lie- Uructhn (Brazil), crystalline rocks at, brides, relations of basic & acid 88 ; iron & manganese ores at, 99. Vol. 50.] GENERAL INDEX. 753

Vaginulina arguta, 710 ; V. legumen, Water-supply in Libyan Desert, in 710; ~ neocomiana, ep. nov., 711 relation to anti,'linal folds, 537; & pl. xxxiv. ; V. sparsicostata, 710, in Lower Greensand south of Val Bedretto, rocks in the, 299. Windsor, 153, 155. Val Canaria, rocks in the, 297. Watts, W. W., occurrence of" perlitie Valley-glaciers, 515. cracks in quartz. 367 & pl. xviii. Valvulina conica, 701 ; V. ft, sca, 70l. Wenlock Beds in Ware boring, 507. Variolites, papers on, summarized, West Okement River (Devon), tufts, Proc. i2 4. etc., 347. Veetian Sand in Vale of Wardour, 62. Whitaker, W., & A. J. Jukes-Browne, Verneuilina triquetra, 699. on Deep Borings at Culford & Vertebrates, fossil, fr, pm Argentina, Winkfield, with Notes on those a~ ~roc. 146; vertebrate fauna from Ware & Cheshunt, 488. Ightham fissure, 188 & pls. x.-xii. Whitby (Yorks), Ammonites subar- Ves#ertilio 2Vagtereri, I92 & pl. xi. matus from, Prec. 4. Vilanova y Piers, J., obituary, Prec. Windsor Forest (Berks), artesian 54-- boring near, 152, 496. Vipers (Pelias) berus, 190 & pl. x. Winkfield (Berks) deep boring at, Virgulina subdepressa, 704; V. sub- 496 ; water from the, 499 ; chemical squamosa, 703. analysis ot" same, 501. Voicanie series, Tertiary, in Inner Woekley (Wilts), section described, Hebrides, relations of basic and 49. acid rocks, 212 & pls. xiii.-xiv. Wollaston Fund award to A. Strahan, Vonzo (Cottian All~s), 241. Prec. 34. Vredefort (Orange Free State), sec- Wollaston Medal awarded to :K. A. tion to Hartebeest-Fontein, pl. xxiii. yon Zittel, 1)roe. 3z. Wollaston Medallists, list of, Prec. z I ; Wadi Halls (Egypt), 533 e/seqq. recipients of awards from fund, Wadi ~'atrun (Egypt), Miocene of, Prec. 22. 536. 'Wonder Holes' (water-holes) in Waldensian Gneisses, 232-239; sketch- Malmani dolomite, 5fi3. map of distribution, 238. Wood, silicified, in Libyan Desert., Walford, E. A., on Bryozoa from In- 534. 536; origin of, 545; in Red ferior Oolite of Shipton Gorge Beds of S.E. Africa, 552. (Dorset), 72 & pls. ii.-iv. ; on Chei- Woodbury Hill, Permian breccias of, lostomatous Bryozoa from the 466, 467. Middle Lias, 79 & pls. v.-vii. Woods, l:f., on I~eous Rocks of Wardour, Vale of (Wilts), Purbeek neighbourhood of Builth, 566. Beds, 44; geological map of dis- trict, 47. Yellowstone Park (U.S.A.), perlitic & Ware (Hefts), boring near, 501 ; de- spherulitie structures in rocks from, scription of samples from, 503; 11 & pl. i. classification of beds, 506. Yukon district, (Canada), mammoth- Was Tot (Devon), rhyolite, etc., o5 remains in, 1. 362. 'Wash-outs' in coal-seams, Prec. 64. Zittel, K. A. yon, Wollaston Medal Wmer, from Winkfield boring, clio awarded to, Prec. 32. mical analysis, 501..


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