Proud Sponsors of Muhlenberg College Athletics

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Proud Sponsors of Muhlenberg College Athletics MMULESULESssocceroccer MMuhlenberguhlenberg hhasas ggiveniven mmee tthehe opportunityopportunity toto playplay thethe sportsport thatthat I lovelove atat a competitivecompetitive llevel,evel, wwhilehile aachievingchieving mmyy aacademiccademic ggoalsoals aass wwell.ell. TThehe ssupportupport fforor student-athletesstudent-athletes hhereere oonn ccampusampus waswas beyondbeyond mymy expectations,expectations, allowingallowing meme toto bebe successfulsuccessful bothboth onon andand offoff thethe fi eeld.ld. MMyy tteammateseammates aarere mymy sisters,sisters, andand mymy professorsprofessors areare mymy rolerole models;models; I couldcould notnot hhaveave bbeeneen hhappierappier withwith mymy choicechoice toto attendattend andand playplay forfor MuhlenbergMuhlenberg College.College. - JJillianillian MMorettooretto Muhlenberg College has given me a great opportunity to become a successful student-athlete. There is nothing that can compare to the bond you make with your teammates over the hard work everyone col- lectively brings to a season and the truly unforgettable moments shared on and off the fi eld. I love nothing more than being a member of the Lady Kicking Mules, as it is a privilege and an integral part of my amaz- ing experience at Muhlenberg. - NNatalieatalie WWizelizel I cchosehose MMuhlenberguhlenberg fforor thethe strongstrong sensesense ofof communitycommunity thatthat wewe embodyembody onon ourour campus.campus. MyMy teamteam andand ccollegeollege ccommunityommunity havehave trulytruly becomebecome a secondsecond familyfamily toto me,me, andand I couldcould notnot bebe happierhappier withwith mymy deci-deci- ssion.ion. I aamm pproudroud toto bebe a partpart ofof suchsuch a strongstrong communitycommunity thatthat thrivesthrives onon bothboth academicsacademics andand athletics.athletics. MMuhlenberguhlenberg ooffersffers a ffantasticantastic ssupportupport ssystemystem aandnd balancebalance ofof competitivecompetitive andand educationaleducational opportunitiesopportunities fforor sstudent-athletes.tudent-athletes. - AAlyssalyssa MMeolaeola WWordsords ccannotannot describedescribe thethe greatgreat experienceexperience thatthat I havehave hadhad asas a MuhlenbergMuhlenberg soccersoccer player.player. PPlayinglaying oonn tthehe soccersoccer teamteam hashas helpedhelped meme learnlearn howhow toto balancebalance mymy timetime withwith schoolschool andand pplayinglaying a DD33 ssport.port. TheThe bestbest thingthing I havehave gainedgained fromfrom playingplaying soccersoccer atat MuhlenbergMuhlenberg isis thethe ffriendshipsriendships I hhaveave mmadeade wwithith tthehe amazingamazing girlsgirls thatthat areare a partpart ofof thethe - MaggieMaggie NearyNeary winning tradition mules abroad Muhlenberg Every three has the third- years, per best compos- NCAA rules, ite record in the Mules take the 19-year an internation- history of the al trip combin- Centennial ing sightseeing Conference, and cultural winning experiences champion- with competi- ships in tion. In the 2000, 2001 summer of and 2003. 2011, the team Th e Mules earned bids to the NCAA Tournament in all three of those spent a week years and received an at-large bid for the fi rst time in 2009. Since 1997, in Barbados, playing against local teams and enjoying the sights, culture and the Mules have posted a winning record in the CC in all but two seasons, beaches. Th e Mules have also traveled to England, Scotland, Italy, Germany and they have earned regional and/or national rankings in 11 of those 15 and the Netherlands during the past decade. Th eir next exciting trip is years. planned for 2014. MULES Quick Facts MUHLENBERG COLLEGE • muhlenberg college Location ........................Allentown, PA 18104 Women’s Soccer 2012 Founded .......................1848 Enrollment ....................2,225 SCHEDULE Web Site CONTENTS Affiliation ......................NCAA Division III • introduction • august Conference ...................Centennial Conference Muhlenberg College ......................... 2 FRI 31 WILKES 7:00 Nickname .....................Mules Management/Support Staff .............. 3 • september Colors ...........................Cardinal Red & Grey Muhlenberg Athletics ....................... 4 SAT 1 PENN STATE ALTOONA 7:00 Home Field ...................Varsity Field Centennial Conference ..................... 4 Wed 5 at Montclair State 7:00 Surface .........................Grass Soccer Facilities ................................ 5 Sat 8 at Delaware Valley 12:00 Capacity .......................1,200 Coaching Staff .................................. 6 Sun 9 at Gwynedd-Mercy 12:00 Year Built ......................1943 (resodded 2009) Wed 12 at Messiah 7:00 • management • the mules Sat 15 * at McDaniel 4:00 President ......................Peyton Randolph Helm Seniors ............................................. 7 Wed 19 * at Haverford 4:00 Dean of Students ..........Karen Green Returning Players ........................8-11 SAT 22 * JOHNS HOPKINS (Homecoming) 3:00 Athletic Director ............Corey Goff Roster ............................................. 10 TUE 25 SCRANTON 7:00 Assistant Director ..........Megan Patruno Newcomers .................................... 11 Sat 29 * at Dickinson 1:00 • october S.W.A. ..........................Megan Eddinger 2010 Review .................................. 12 WED 3 * BRYN MAWR 4:30 Athletics Phone .............(484) 664-3380 Schedule .............................back cover SAT 6 * WASHINGTON COLLEGE 4:00 Athletics Fax .................(484) 664-3035 • history Sat 13 * at Franklin & Marshall 6:00 Head Athletic Trainer ....Steve Nemes All-Time Records ........................... 13 WED 17 * SWARTHMORE 7:00 Assoc. Athletic Trainer ...Lindsay Porembo All-Time Results ........................14-15 SAT 20 * GETTYSBURG 4:00 Asst. Athletic Trainer .....Sara Talarico Coaches’ Records ............................ 14 TUE 23 MORAVIAN 7:00 • soccer Postseason History ......................... 15 Sat 27 * at Ursinus 7:30 Head Coach ..................Leslie Benintend Honor Roll ..................................... 16 Alma Mater ..................Cortland State ‘92 Series Records ................................. 16 * Centennial Conference game Record at Muhlenberg ..186-111-26 (17 seasons) Overall Record ..............192-122-28 (18 seasons) Assistant Coaches .........Scott Mang Connect with the Mules Wolfgang Hochleitner Heather Kemp There are several great ways to keep up with the Mule women’s soccer team in 2012. Office Phone .................(484) 664-3382 E-mail [email protected] • on the web 2011 Record .................6-10-2 (3-6-1 Centennial) • on facebook Letters Returning/Lost ...14/5 Starters Returning/Lost ..8/3 • on twitter @muhl_sports and @muhl_wsoc All-Time Record ............214-143-29 (.592) • on youtube First Season ...................1991 CC Championships .......2000, 2001, 2003 • blog • sports information • live stats Director ........................Mike Falk (most home games) Office Phone .................(484) 664-3232 Fax ................................(484) 664-3477 • live video E-mail [email protected] (most home games) Assistant Director ..........Emily Novak Credits: The 2012 women’s soccer yearbook was produced by the Muhlenberg College Sports Infor- Office Phone .................(484) 664-3168 mation Office. Editor, Mike Falk; Assistant Editor, Emily Novak; Photography, Amico Studio, Bill E-mail [email protected] Johnson, Jim O’Connor (, Lisa Youngentob ’12 and Muhlenberg Sports Information; Printing, Muhlenberg College Copy Center (484-664-3229). MAJORS Founded: 1848. Named for EDUCATION Accounting * Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, CERTIFICATION American Studies patriarch of the Lutheran Church PROGRAMS Anthropology * in the American Colonies. Pre K-4 Art * Affiliation: Private, affiliated with 4-8 • Art History Secondary (7-12) • Studio Arts Lutheran Church. Location: Allentown, Pa.; 55 Biochemistry PREPROFESSIONAL Biology miles north of Philadelphia and 90 miles west of New York. PROGRAMS Business Administration * Health Professions • Entrepreneurial Studies Academic Emphasis: Liberal arts Prelaw • Management and Organization and preprofessional studies. Studies Religious Vocation Preparation • Arts Administration Full-Time Enrollment: 2,225; • Marketing 43% men, 57% women. COOPERATIVE Chemistry * Student-Faculty Ratio: 12-1. PROGRAMS Computer Science * Admission: Highly selective. Dentistry Dance * Over 4,500 applicants for a class Engineering Economics * of 600. The single most impor- Medicine English * tant factor is high school record. Music Certification • Writing Entering freshmen are strong Occupational Therapy Environmental Science performers academically and give Optometry Film Studies evidence of the potential for positive impact on the college community as extra- Physical Therapy Finance ROTC French * curricular contributors as well. German Language & Literature Application Deadlines: Cooperative Program, Jan. 1; Early Decision and Regular SPECIAL ACADEMIC German Studies * Decision, February 15. Muhlenberg values the energy and enthusiasm Early Deci- PROGRAMS History * sion
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