Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters




“There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.” Socrates


For my parents, my brothers, and all of my best friends



I sincerely express my gratitude to Fransisca Kristanti S.Pd., M.Hum., who is willing to be my thesis advisor. Her guidance, advice, and assistance have helped me to finish this research. Additionally, I would like to say my thanks to my co-advisor Simon Arsa Manggala S.S., M.Hum.

I thank all the members of English Letters Department, especially all the lecturers and staffs of Universitas Sanata Dharma for their assistance and guidance throughout my college life. It was a pleasure to be a part of this big family.

I am extremely thankful to Mr. Henricus Sumardi and Mrs. Theodora

Ernie Susilowati, who always support me in every aspect of my life. Also, to my brothers, Dionysius Samuel and Dominicus Septian, who always give many facilities and assistances, I thank you. Without my family, I am nothing.

Additionally, I give my respect to Pak Yayan, who always gives me a big financial support for my study.

Last but not least, to all my wonderful best friends, Ira, Juan, Garda, Nes,

Nova, Bagas, Aan, Abeng and Anggrid, I thank you for always giving colors in every single day of my college life.

Martinus Trionggo Deni Kurniawan




CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. Problem Formulation ...... 4 C. Objectives of the Study ...... 4 D. Definition of Terms ...... 5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 6 A. Review of Related Studies ...... 6 B. Review of Related Theories ...... 10 1. Thematic Roles...... 10 2. Values ...... 12 3. Ideological Discourse ...... 14 4. Major Ideologies ...... 15 C. Theoretical Framework ...... 17

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ...... 18 A. Object of the Study ...... 18 B. Approach of the Study ...... 19 C. Method of the Study ...... 19 1. Data Collection...... 19 2. Data Analysis ...... 20

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ...... 23 A. Thematic Roles Assigned toward Ahed Tamimi ...... 23 1. Thematic Roles Seen from Ynet News Article ...... 26 2. Thematic Roles Seen from Article ...... 28 3. Thematic Roles Seen from National News Article ...... 30 B. The Construction of Ideology in Israeli Newspapers ...... 31 1. The Identified Values in Israeli Newspaper ...... 31 2. Nationalism as Illustrated in Israeli Newspapers ...... 44



REFERENCES ...... 52 APPENDICES ...... 54 Appendix 1: Ynet News Online Article ...... 54 Appendix 2: Haaretz Online Article ...... 57 Appendix 3: Israel National News Online Article ...... 60 Appendix 4: Thematic Roles Distribution in Ynet News Article ...... 62 Appendix 5: Thematic Roles Distribution in Haaretz Article ...... 66 Appendix 6: Thematic Roles Distribution in Israel National News Article ... 70



KURNIAWAN, MARTINUS TRIONGGO DENI. (2019). The Ideology of Israeli Newspapers on Ahed Tamimi Release through Thematic Roles Analysis. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Ideology dissemination in online mass media becomes a big concern of globalization era. This movement can be seen through the phenomenon of Ahed Tamimi release. This event was so popular in the mid of 2018. Almost all over the world reported on this event, including the newspapers from Israel. Therefore, the Israeli newspapers become good object identify to be analyzed because they are involved in the events. This research has two objectives: (1) to identify the thematic roles applied on the online newspaper articles about Ahed Tamimi in Israeli newspapers and (2) to reveal the ideology of Israeli newspapers on the release of Ahed Tamimi based on the thematic roles and its values assigned to her. To accomplish the aims, theories of thematic roles, values, ideology discourses, and ideology are applied in this research. Semantics approach was utilized in this research. The methodology used in this research was qualitative method since this research analyzes each clause containing the occurrences of Ahed Tamimi thematic roles in order to see the values contained in those clauses. The finding of this research presents three thematic roles assigned to Ahed Tamimi, which are agent, theme and experiencer. All of those thematic roles are taken from total of 63 occurrences of journalist reporting text and 11 occurrences of direct quotation text. Furthermore, from the occurrences, there are four values extracted from the clauses. Those values are freedom, justice, peace and loyalty. As the agent, Tamimi injures the values of justice and peace. Meanwhile, as the theme, she is oppressed in the values of freedom. Based on the four values, the way of journalists report about Ahed Tamimi is revealed. The journalists try to create a negative image for Ahed Tamimi with emphasizing the crime of Ahed Tamimi without reporting Tamimi’s motive or reason. This fact is matched with definition of nationalism as an ideology that said nationalist will try to emphasize the bad actions of other and emphasized the good actions of themselves. Therefore, it creates a conclusion that the newspaper leans to nationalism as their ideology.

Keywords: thematic role, Tamimi, ideology, value, newspaper.



KURNIAWAN, MARTINUS TRIONGGO DENI. (2019). The Ideology of Israeli Newspapers on Ahed Tamimi Release through Thematic Roles Analysis. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Pada era globalisasi, penyisipan ideologi pada media masa daring menjadi hal yang sangat dirisaukan. Gerakan ini bisa dilihat melalui kejadian tentang berita pembebasan Ahed Tamimi. Kejadian ini sangat terkenal pada pertengahan tahun 2018. Hampir seluruh dunia memberitakan kejadian ini, termasuk koran- koran dari negara Israel. Dikarenakan mereka berasal dari negara yang terlibat dalam kejadian Ahed Tamimi ini, maka koran dari Israel ini menjadi objek yang tepat untuk diteliti. Penelitian ini memiliki dua tujuan, yaitu (1) untuk mengidentifikasi macam peran tematik yang disematkan pada Ahed Tamimi dan (2) untuk mengungkap ideologi dari journalis yang menulis berita di koran Israel berdasarkan peran tematik dan nilai-nilai yang didapat. Guna memenuhi sasaran, teori-teori tentang peran tematik, nilai, kotak ideologi dan ideologi dipergunakan. Pendekatan semantik dimanfaatkan di dalam penelitian ini. Metodologi yand digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metodologi kualitatif. Hal ini berdasarkan pada proses penelitian tiap klausa yang mengandung kemunculan peran tematik dari Ahed Tamimi secara menyeluruh. Kemudian, proses ini dilanjutkan dengan melihat peran tematik dan nilai-nilai dari klausa yang telah diteliti sebelumnya. Berdasarkan penemuan dari penelitian ini, terdapat tiga peran tematik yang disematkan pada Ahed Tamimi, yaitu pelaku, yang dikenai, dan yang merasakan. Ketiga peran tematik tersebut didapat dari 63 kemunculan di bagian pemberitaan oleh jurnalis dan 11 kemunculan di bagian kutipan langsung. Lebih lanjut, terdapat empat nilai yang ditemukan dari kemunculan peran tematik ini. Nilai- nilai tersebut adalah kebebasan, keadilan, kedamaian, dan kesetiaan. Saat Tamimi menjadi agen, dia mencederai nilai kebebasan dan kedamaian. Sedangkan saat menjadi tema, Tamimi terlihat dibatasi dalam nilai kebebasnya. Berdasarkan observasi terhadap nilai-nilai tersebut, diketahui bahwa para jurnalis mencoba untuk membuat citra yang buruk bagi Tamimi. Ini terlihat dari bagaimana para jurnalis mencoba menekankan aksi kriminal oleh Tamimi. Temuan itu dicocokan dengan definisi dari ideologi nasionalisme, yaitu merendahkan orang lain dan meninggikan diri sendiri. Setelah penemuan dicocokan dengan teori-teori yang dipakai, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ideologi yang dianut adalah nasionalisme.

Kata Kunci: thematic role, Tamimi, ideology, value, newspaper




A. Background of the Study

People deliver thoughts or interests to others using language as the

medium. By language, the process of delivering information can be done more

effectively. It is because the sender and receiver use one tools which both sides

comprehend in terms of the structure, form, and meaning. Thus, the information

from the sender can be easily understood by the receiver. With this fact, the

chance of having misinterpretation and misunderstanding is reduced.

Nevertheless, within the process of exchanging information, sometimes,

the senders include their ideology. They try to disseminate their ideology in order

to influence the receiver to embrace in the same beliefs, ideas, or perspectives.

Therefore, the sender and the receiver will have the same ideology because they

share the same beliefs, ideas, or perspectives.

The phenomenon of ideology dissemination can be found in many platforms. The most significant platform for ideological dissemination is mass media. By using mass media, the target coverage of the ideology dissemination is wider than in other platforms. Croteau states in his book about “the politicians have long perceived mass media as sites for dissemination of ideology” (2014, p. 160). A single sender and the content maker of mass media can spread an ideology to the people in many regions. With this notion in mind, the media play a big role as the tool for people to share an ideology. Therefore, the media become the representative of the ideology of particular person or group.



In this era of technology, online newspaper holds a strategic role in the ideological dissemination. With online newspaper via internet, it is easier for people to read news. In his book, Allan speak about “the mobility in accessing internet makes people tend to turn to web as the media to gain news” (2006, p. 2).

Therefore, the number of people who access online newspaper is increasing.

Moreover, the target coverage of mass media also gets broader.

With their significant role, online newspapers are used as powerful tools to

influence the readers’ mind. The journalists of the article will write in a certain

way in order to create a certain representation of the subject or object in the news

article. There is a chance where the readers are influenced and they adopt the

same ideology after reading the news article. From the headlines and the choice of

words used in the article, the reaction given in the articles reveals the ideology

toward news, either in big or small scale. The position of the newspapers towards

the event is seen from those choices.

This phenomenon happens in the news reports about Ahed Tamimi, a

teenager who slapped two Israel’s soldiers near Gaza strip. The action of slapping

was recorded by Tamimi’s mother and it went viral very quickly. Ahed Tamimi

later was arrested and jailed because of her action. On August 2018, after

undergoing her punishment, Ahed Tamimi was released. This incident of Ahed

Tamimi became a hot topic in 2018. This news always makes into headlines news

in several online newspapers from all around the world. Therefore, it shows the

importance of the topic about Ahed Tamimi release.



Almost all newspapers wrote articles about Ahed Tamimi. However, not all newspapers presented the same ideologies in reacting to this accident, especially in Israeli newspaper. The ideology of a newspaper is embedded in linguistic units. “With semantics, the meaning of linguistic units such as morphemes, words, phrases, and sentences can be understood” (Fromkin, Rodman

& Hyams. 2011, p. 140). By taking word by word or sentence by sentence from the news articles, the meaning of headlines and word choice of the news articles, the pattern can be seen in the way of language dissemination.

As the country that is involved in the accident, their newspapers especially the contributors or journalists tried to create a certain image of Ahed Tamimi. It could be seen on the part where the contributor reports the news or the events. It can be a paraphrase of the quotation by the news source or opinions from the journalists based on the news or events. It is called as journalist reporting text

(JRT). The other part is the direct quotation text (DQT). This is the part where the contributor of the article put directs quotation from the news. Therefore, the variation of ideology dissemination in the article by the Israeli newspapers about

Ahed Tamimi is reasonable to be analyzed.

The researcher chose three Israeli online newspapers as the source of the articles about the release of Ahed Tamimi. Articles from,, and are the chosen Israeli newspapers. The reason of the choice is because those three names categorized as big newspapers in Israel. The credibility of those newspapers is verified. Even, Haaretz is one of the longest running newspapers in Israel.



Observing the thematic roles from the articles from newspaper, the ideologies of the newspapers can be revealed. To relate this idea, Kuo states “if the reader studying the details linguistic of a news text, the hidden ideology from the text can be revealed” (2007, p. 297). Therefore, the observation toward the thematic role can result in the identification of pattern used by newspaper.

Moreover, the pattern is the crucial part to identify and reveal the ideology of the three Israeli newspapers.

B. Problem Formulation

This study aims to answer two research problems:

1. How are the thematic roles applied on the online newspaper articles about Ahed

Tamimi release in Israeli newspaper?

2. How do the uses of the thematic roles reveal the ideology of Israeli newspaper

on the release of Ahed Tamimi?

C. Objectives of the Study

This study emphasizes on the thematic roles of the online newspaper articles about Ahed Tamimi. There are two objectives from this study. The first objective is to analyze the thematic roles which are applied on the online newspaper article. This study conducts of classifying the pattern of thematic roles in the article and the values that are carried by Tamimi. The result of the first objective helps the researcher to reach and answer the second objective.

The pattern of thematic roles in the online newspaper article is used to reveal the ideology of Israeli' newspapers. In revealing it, the researcher related



the result of analyzing with some theories of ideology and language ideology, especially the values which are contained in every ideology. Furthermore, this study aims in revealing the differences ideologies of Israeli newspapers in reporting the release of Ahed Tamimi and the slapping accident toward Israel


D. Definition of Terms

Definitions of some terms used in this study are required to avoid misinterpretation and misunderstanding.

Thematic roles mean the classification of arguments into roles based on the relation with the predicate. The definition is taken from Briton and Brinton when they state that “thematic roles is a means of accounting for the function of argument in respect to the predicate” (2010, p.297).

The second terminology is ideology. The definition of ideology is a set of beliefs, idea or conception of someone or groups in society. Woolard adds “if ideology is most typically taken as conceptual or ideational concept” (1994, p.

237). Bloor and Bloor states ideology is “a set of beliefs or attitude shared by members of a particular social groups” (2007)

The third terminology is online newspaper. Online newspaper is a newspaper published through an online platform, such as a website. This newspaper only can be accessed with internet connection. Therefore, as long there is an internet connection, it can be accessed from anywhere. Compared to printed newspaper, online newspaper is more up-to-date. It is because the publisher can update it every time




This chapter provides review of some literature in order to support this study. It covers a review of two undergraduate theses and an academic journal article. After the review the researcher provides the similarities and differences between this study and the literatures above. It is done in order to avoid duplication and plagiarism by the researcher. After that part, it continues with the review of the theories which support the analysis to answer the problems of this study. Lastly, the theoretical framework describes the contribution of the related studies and theories in solving the problem of this study.

A. Review of Related Studies

The first related study is an undergraduate thesis entitled “Revealing the

Ideology of the Newspaper through the analysis of the Uses of Thematic Roles and Propositions in the Jakarta Post and ” by Irene Ossi

Widyastuti. This thesis was published on November 9th, 2010. Widyastuti as the writer conducted a study about the uses of thematic roles and propositions found in The Jakarta Post and The New York Times. Then, the findings are applied in the research of revealing the ideology of both newspapers She applied semantic approach in her research. Moreover, the writer adopted the theories of proposition, thematic roles, ideology, rhetoric in the news, and yes-no questions.

The conclusion of the first problem is the two online newspapers have different styles in representing the object of the news. It is seen from the use of



thematic roles and proposition of each news. The New York Times tends to show the intention of the subject action. Meanwhile, The Jakarta Post tries to use more neutral diction to avoid an accusation toward the object. Then, the conclusion of the second problem is that both newspapers have different ideologies. The writer says if social values from the origin of the newspaper can influence the ideology.

Lastly, it is stated that The New York Times directly states the bad action of the object. While The Jakarta Post does not directly point out the bad action.

The researcher finds that Widyastuti combined two approaches in a single thesis. Widyastuti analyzed the thematic roles and the representation in online news article in order to reveal the ideology. Thus, she provided a lot of information to support the conclusion of her thesis. However, even though she provided and conclude deep analysis; she only analyzed two online news articles.

It can be said that this thesis lacks of data.

Even though Widyastuti’s thesis and the researcher’s thesis apply the same approach, both studies have differences. Widyastuti studied the ideology from two perspectives. She analyzed a local and a foreign newspaper. This research on the other hand, limits the perspective into one, the Israeli’s perspective, but presents several sources. Then, other difference is on the approach. This research focuses on the analysis of the thematic roles without the representation. Also, this research manages more data than Widyastuti. Thus, it is hoped to enrich the findings of the research and to give more objective explanation.

The second study is an undergraduate thesis entitled “Lexical Features

Revealing Ideological Perspective of Foreign and Local Newspapers’ Headlines



about Orangutan Extinction in Indonesia” by Belandina Moore. This thesis was published on May 17th, 2018. In this thesis, Moore conducted a study about lexical feature of foreign and local newspaper’ headlines. She aims to reveal the ideological perspective of each newspaper based on their headlines. In her study,

Moore applied stylistic approach in order to study the lexical feature of the headlines. To support the study, she applied the theories of stylistics, lexical features, semantic feature, language and ideological perspectives, and language of newspapers headlines.

After finding the lexical features of the newspapers, the writer states that both foreign and local newspapers emphasize huge concerns in protecting animal rights. Furthermore, Moore categorizes the ideology in the foreign newspapers as environmentalism because of their representation in the headlines, while that in the local newspapers are categorized as nationalism.

By reading the thesis, the researcher finds that Moore took a lot of sample data. She analyzed thirty headlines which were divided into two categories.

Fifteen headlines represent the local newspaper and the others represent the foreign newspaper. With the process of deep analysis, this thesis provides a lot of important information. Unfortunately, this analysis does not give reasons why the feeling based on the headlines can reveal the ideology of the newspapers.

Similar to Moore’s thesis, this research also analyzes the ideology disseminated in the articles. Both studies analyze each verb and the situation explained by the verb. However, there are difference in both studies. Moore focuses on the headlines of newspaper, but this research focuses on the whole



article without the headlines. Furthermore, Moore applies stylistic theory in analyzing the topic, while this research uses semantic theory.

The third study is an academic article entitled “Newspaper Ideology: A

Critical Discourse Analysis of an Event Published in Six Lebanese Newspapers” by Nada Ghannam. This academic article was published in 2012. The writer focuses on six different Lebanese newspapers in expressing the opinion of the

Maronite Patriarch on the war which broke out between Hezbollah and Israel in

July 2006. All of the six newspapers are daily printed newspaper and published in

Lebanon. However, each newspaper has different characteristic. An-Nahar and Al-

Akbhar are published in Arabic as the main language. L’Orient-le-Jour and La

Revue de Liban are French printed media. Lastly, Daily Star, and Monday

Morning are English political newspapers.

The aim of this study is to investigate how the six newspapers with different language inform the same event. Sometimes, they are in opposition even though they are reporting the same event. The writer formulates two objectives.

The first objective is about the attitude of the six newspapers under scrutiny treat the opinion of the Patriarch toward the war. The second objective is the revelation of ideologies of the six newspapers in the report of the occasion.

There are some differences that differentiate Ghannam’s research with this research. Ghannam applies two theories in this study. The first theory is about language and ideology. The second theory is media discourse. Meanwhile, this research adds thematic roles theory. Thus, the similar theories are applied about the language and ideology and the media discourse. Ghannam conducts her



study of ideology of six Lebanese newspapers with stylistic approach, while this research uses semantic as the approach to analyze ideology of three Israeli newspaper.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Thematic Roles

Brinton and Brinton borrow Frawley definition about “thematic roles as grammatically relevant semantic relations between predicates and arguments”

(2010, p.297). The thematic roles express the kind of relation that holds between argument of the verb and the type of situation that the verb describes. Thus, with that finding, the situation can be analyzed. Brinton and Brinton list down sixteen types of thematic roles, “they are agent, force, instrument, experiencer, source, goal, path, location, possessor, benefactive, factitive, patient, theme, neutral, range, and role” (p.201).

However, from those major types of thematic roles, only several types which are required to analyze the objectives in this research. Those type are agent, theme, experiencer, goal, source, and experiencer. The details of those five types of thematic roles are explained in the sub-sections. a. Agent

The definition of Agent is “the animate creatures that become the doers, initiators, causers of an action and that will take responsibility for the action”

(Brinton & Brinton, 2010, p.299). Normally, the agent is human. Therefore, often the action of the agent is connected with will, intentional and responsibility. The agent knows the cause or effect of the action. This is are a sentence that become



an example “John throws the ball to the basket.” In the example above, John is the agent. He plays the role as the doer of the action of throwing a ball into a basket.

Moreover, he has the intention to do the action of throwing the ball. Therefore, based on the sentence, the agent is John. b. Theme

Theme or neutral is “the person or thing which undergoes an action, or that which transferred or moved by the action done by agent” (Brinton & Brinton,

2010, p.299). Therefore, a theme can be referred as the object from an action. It directly receives the action of the verb. In some books about semantic, theme is also called as recipient. The example is in this sentence “Bill hits Tom very hard with a broom.” From the example above, it can be seen if Tom receives the action of hitting from Bill. Therefore, in that example, the theme is Tom.. c. Goal

Goal can be defined as the destination of the person or the thing. Brinton and Brinton define goal as “the place –to-which or person-to- whom an action is directed, including indirect object and directional adverbs” (Brinton & Brinton,

2010, p.299). There are two sentence that becomes the example “Brandt pour the water into the glass.” and “Bob goes to Utah with a train.” From the example, glass is the goal. Glass is the target for the object to be moved. Meanwhile, Utah is the destination for Bob to go. d. Source

Source is “the place-from-which or person-from-whom an action is done by agent” (Brinton & Brinton, 2010, p.299). Source is the vice-versa of goal.



However, not in all sentence, the goal or the source will be explained clearly.

Sometimes, a sentence will put the source without adding the goal. The example for the case is in the sentence “Grit comeback from his hometown.”. The source is

Grit’s hometown. It is because his hometown is the place where Grit is coming from. e. Experiencer

Experiencer is one type of recipient. The factor that differentiates it with other recipients such as patient and benefactive is that the recipient is being affected inwardly by states or actions. Usually, “the experiencer is affected in the feeling, not on the physical states” (Brinton & Brinton, 2010, p.299). To support more explanation, an example is provided by this sentence “Dydo is scared with the snakes” In determining the experiencer in a sentence, the focus is on the recipient who is affected on the internal state. From the sentence, it can be seen if

Dydo feels scared with snakes. Dydo’s internal state is affected at that time.

Therefore, it can be concluded that Dydo is the experiencer.

2. Values

Values are concepts or belief that concern in attitude and behavior. Values are very general and abstract. The definition is quite difficult to be explained.

However, in a simple way, “values can be defined as ways to life” (Feldman,


There are no certain types of values. Therefore, many aspects can be categorized as the type of value, as long as that aspects are a positive part of human life, as the example are honest, politeness, pleasure, helpful and equality.



However, in field of politics, the related values are freedom, justice, peace and loyalty. These are the explanation of those values. a. Freedom

Freedom is the concept of human being’s ability to act or decide based on their perspective without any constrain or limitation. Freedom is usually associated with the term “free will”. In politics, freedom is related with freedom of assembly, freedom of association, freedom of choose, and freedom of speech.

Moreover, freedom guarantees the rights of each individual in this world. b. Justice

Justice is the concepts of correctness based on ethic, rationality, law, religion, equality, and fairness. It is part of natural law. Justice involves the sstyem of consequences that naturaly derived from the actions that are done. The correctness is derived from a mutual agrrement. John Locke believes that justice is not the “rights” of human. Therefore, individual cannot use justice as the shield and protection to do whatever they want. Individual breaks on of aspects in justices are considered as action of injuring the value of justice. c. Peace

Peace is state of living in harmony with the absence of violence. There is concept from United Nation in 1999 about peace as the way of living. It involves values, attitudes, and behaviors that reject violence, endeavor to prevent conflict by addressing root clauses, and aim at solving problems through dialogue.

Therefore the United Nation make a guidance or instruction the way life filled with peace is supposed to be.



d. Loyalty

Loyalty is abdication and devotion to certain nation, country, believe, group or person. The loyalty can be seen through the act and reaction of a human being toward certain circumstances. Loyalty is virtue. When it comes on politics, loyalty is related with the abdication of an individual to the nation of birth or the home nation. e. Unclassified

Unclassified is values that do not belong to the four types of values. Due to the limitation of the scope toward the four values above, the other types of values are categorized as unclassified.

3. Ideological Discourse

Language in the media should not be seen as only text which are written.

There is something beyond the text, a hidden meaning that is put inside the text.

The media become the “power institution” where they convey their power through their product. Sometimes, the media try to create a stigma stating “we are good and they are bad”. With that stigma, the reader could be exposed to that one perspective only. It creates a polarization of a society into certain group such as

Self and Other, Us and Them,

Van Djik states if “there are 4 kinds of categorization of ideology emphasize our good properties/actions; emphasize their bad properties/actions; mitigate our bad properties/actions; mitigate their good properties/actions” (1998).

This categorization is called as the ‘ideological square’. To support the



classification of what is called “ideological square”. The analysis can be observed through the values that emerged.

4. Major Ideologies

Basically, ideology is a concept of belief system. However, the definition of ideology is more than that. Ideology is also the way of the system in world is formed. Croteau in his book states if “ideology is not only about politics, it can cover broader connotation” (2014, p.160). Relating the theory from Croteau, it can be said that finding an ideology can be searched from many aspects.

When talking about ideology, Eccleshall states there are “several types of ideologies, such as conservatism, socialism, liberalism, nationalism, ecologism and fascism” (2003). The ideology of conservatism believes about promoting and keeping the tradition of certain culture. Therefore, this ideology does not relate with the topic of Ahed Tamimi. In socialism, it talks about the equality of all the citizen in the term of economic and social. Meanwhile, the topic of Ahed Tamimi is about the struggle of occupation to redeem freedom. Therefore, the ideology of socialism cannot be used for this research. Talking about fascism, this ideology is in status quo, mean it does not exist anymore in this era. Lastly, the ecologism is an ideology that talks concern about environmental protection and improvement to the environment. Thus, for this research only the ideology of nationalism and liberalism that are suitable to be used. a. Nationalism

Nationalism is an ideology invented in Europe in the early 18th century. It is popularized by the French movement in that era, and these days, this ideology



becomes so powerful in the era of globalization. “This ideology basically is a doctrine that makes people believe that humanity is naturally divided into nations, that nations have their own distinctive characteristic” (Eccleshall, 2003, p.100).

The believers of this ideology, called as nationalist, are concerned about their own nation more than anyone else. Therefore, the nationalists extremely care about their nation and emotionally connected with the culture or every single aspect about their nation. It may cover the legitimacy, the history, or the territory of their nation.

The nationalists are very connected and committed with their nation which makes them not get along with people that come from other nation. There is a stigma that they nation is better compared to the others. Thus, it forms a connotation about “You versus Us”. It means that there is a competition between the nationalists and the non-nationalist. Therefore, because of this competition, the nationalists try to lower the opponents’ status in many ways. b. Liberalism

Liberalism is an ideology that believes in the movement of emancipating individual in every sector such as political, religious, economic and any other parts of individual activity. This ideology also embraces everyone’s goodwill in daily life. In addition, “liberalism also ensure the rights of every individual to take a part of any good movements” (Eccleshall, 2003, p.19).

In this ideology, the important terms are liberty and freedom. That is because this ideology becomes the safeguard for those two terms in every individual’ life. Therefore, the individual’s free choices as a dutiful citizen can be



secured. A human can explore the meaning of living in society more freely in the place that adopts this ideology.

Liberalism creates people that believe in this ideology, the liberalist, to be more open, tolerant and diverse and less paternalist and authoritarian. It can be said that liberalism is quite contrary with the nationalism in reacting the diversity of every aspects, especially about nationality. Liberalism focus on respecting the others choices. Therefore, it can be said that liberalism and nationalism are like beliefs that hard to be combined.

C. Theoretical Framework

The theory of thematic roles is used in order to answer the first problem of this research. This theory helps the research in analyzing the thematic roles found in the three article of online newspapers, Haaretz, Ynet News, and Israel National


By knowing the thematic roles and their meaning, the researcher uses them as the basis to answer the second problem. The detail explanation of thematic roles that have already found are analyzed through the theory of ideology and the values. The theory about values is applied in order to further analyze the set of beliefs which will reveal the newspapers’ ideology. In the process of determining the ideology, another theory about ideological discourses is used to support the analysis.




This chapter presents the steps done in the research which are organized into the object, approach, and method of the study. The object of the study explains the detail information about the object. The approach of the study discusses the tools in which the problems are examined. The method of the study describes the manner in collecting, arranging, and inspecting the data.

A. Object of the Study

As this study focuses only on the article about the release of Ahed Tamimi from prison by the Israeli government, there were three online news articles. The articles were taken from three Israeli newspaper websites functioned as an online platform to publish their news article. They are taken from https//, https//, and https// on September 3rd, 2018. At the time of accessing, the three were recommended to be accessed by the search engine as the top three Israeli online news about the release of Ahed Tamimi.

Those articles were taken from three Israeli newspaper which were Ynet

News, Haaretz, and Israel National News. The choice was considered to the aspect of the credibility and trustworthy of the newspapers. The articles taken from the three newspapers had the same topic about the release of Ahed Tamimi.

In addition, the articles were published almost at the same time. Ynet News and



Haaretz were published their article on July 29, 2018. Meanwhile, the article from

Israel National News was published on 26 July, 2018.

B. Approach of the Study

The approach of the study was semantic. With semantic approach, the researcher aimed to reveal the ideologies of the Israeli newspaper. As this research deals with hidden dissemination of ideology in newspaper articles, then it is very suitable for the researcher to use semantic approach. Furthermore, in order to get the thematic roles of Ahed Tamimi in each selected clause, this research needs the theory from semantic, especially in chapter about thematic roles. Thus, with the theory of thematic roles, the researcher examined the selected clauses to answer the first problem of in this study. As thematic roles are the sub-field of semantic, then semantic approach was applicable for this study.

C. Method of the Study

This part explains about the data processing which are used in the study.

This part consists of two subtopics namely data collection and data analysis.

1. Data Collection

First, through an assistance of search engine, the articles were searched with keyword “Ahed Tamimi Release”. After the search engine showed the result, the top 3 online articles were chosen. Next, before starting the analysis, the data were separated based on the news publisher. Thus, the article from Ynet News entitled Palestinian Provocateur Ahed Tamimi Released from Prison became the first article and was labelled as A1. Haaretz article entitled Palestinian Teen Ahed



Tamimi After Her Release: ‘Resistance Will Continue Until Occupation Ends was labelled as A2. Lastly, the article from Israel National News with title Ahed

Tamimi to be released on Sunday was labelled as A3.

The step after separating the article was selecting the clauses which mentioned Tamimi. This process was done toward the articles in a sequence. Each of the article was observed as the researcher searched for the clause mentioning

Ahed Tamimi. From the first article, there were 15 clauses, the second article contained 19 clauses, and the last article contained 9 clauses. All clauses which are mentioned Tamimi were considered as passing the requirement for the clauses to be analyzed.

2. Data Analysis

The step after the classification of the clauses, the researcher divided the findings into two categories. They were categorized as either journalist reporting text or direct quotation text. Those two categories were coded to ease the analysis.

The journalist reporting text is coded with JRT and direct quotation of Tamimi was coded with DQT.

The first article from Ynet News, only 15 clauses which passed the requirement to be analyzed. Those 15 clauses consisted of 11 clauses of JRT and

4 clauses of DQT. Next, the article from Haaretz contained 19 clauses that were categorized as 13 clauses of JRT and 6 clauses of DQT. The last article from

Israel National News had 9 clauses, and all of the clauses were JRT.

From the result of categorizations, there were several steps which were done by the researcher. First, the finding in each article was examined in order to



determine the thematic role of each clause. Then it was followed with the explanation of values from the thematic roles in each sentence.

The first step was done to reveal the thematic roles which were assigned to

Ahed Tamimi. It is done with seeing the position of Ahed Tamimi in the clause.

When Tamimi becomes the doer of actions in the clause, Tamimi is classified as the agent. Meanwhile, Tamimi is classified as theme when she is applied or assigned by actions. Moreover, Tamimi can be classified as experiencer when in the clauses her feeling affected by the actions.

After classifying the thematic roles of Ahed Tamimi, the next step was analyzing the values that carried in the occurrences of Tamimi’s thematic roles. In order to analyzing the values, an observation toward the relation between the verb with the other components in the clause is done. With seeing the values that carried by Tamimi when she became certain thematic roles, the attitude that represented Tamimi can be reveal. For example, when Tamimi became agent she did negative or positive action. Meanwhile, when she became the theme she did the vice versa.

The next step was the calculation of the frequency on the occurrences of

Tamimi’s thematic roles along with the values. This calculation was done based on the type of the thematic roles. Later, the frequency and percentage of the occurrences of Tamimi’s thematic roles were used to determine the most dominance thematic roles. The result was analyzed in order to reveal the pattern of Israeli newspapers style in reporting Tamimi on the event of her release.



To attain the second research objective, the next step was elaborating the analysis on the dominance thematic roles and its values with theories of ideological discourses by Van Djik. The dominance thematic roles and its values can be classified as certain types of ideological discourse. This step is done in order to ease the process of relating between Tamimi’s thematic roles with the reveal of newspaper ideology.

The elaboration resulted the pattern of the article journalists’ styles in reporting Ahed Tamimi. Thus, the style was compared with the definition of certain ideologies. If the style was matched with a certain ideology, then the newspaper can be assumed to adopt that ideology. It can be said that the styles of reporting revealed the ideologies of the journalists because it fulfilled the beliefs on certain ideologies.




This chapter provides the findings and discussions of the data, which are divided into two main sections. The first section is the analysis of the thematic roles that are found in the three Israeli online newspapers articles. It elaborates the findings on the thematic roles assigned to Ahed Tamimi that appear in each article. The second section is a deeper analysis about how the thematic roles reveal a set of values that results in the construction of ideology of the Israeli newspapers.

A. Thematic Roles Assigned toward Ahed Tamimi

After analyzing the three articles, there are three thematic roles, which are agent, theme and experiencer. Those appeared on the journalist reporting text

(JRT) and direct quotation of text (DQT).

Table 1. The Frequency of Tamimi’s Thematic Roles in JRT Thematic No Newspaper Occurrences Percentage Roles Agent 13 50%

1 Ynet News Theme 12 46% Experiencer 1 4% Agent 19 73% 2 Haaretz Theme 6 23% Experiencer 1 4% Agent 5 45% 3 Israel National News Theme 6 55%



Table 1 shows each article has different distribution of Tamimi’s thematic roles. The dominant for thematic role of Tamimi in Ynet News article is Tamimi as the theme and agent. In the Ynet News, there is 4% margin between Tamimi as the theme and Tamimi as the agent. Meanwhile, between the theme and the experiencer, there is a huge gap of 46%. From these percentages, it reveals the dominance of them theme and the agent as the thematic roles for Tamimi. Even though the number of the experiencer is so small, but the experiencer provides important role to the analysis in the next chapter.

Meanwhile, a different distribution can be seen in the Haaretz article and this is similar with what was found in the Israel National. The occurrence of the theme is less than the agent. There is a 12% gap between the theme and the agent.

In addition, this article only has a single thematic role of experiencer. Therefore, the pattern between Haaretz and the previous article is quite different.

Similar with the previous findings in Haaretz article, the Israel National

News has a margin of 22% between the agents, as the most frequent thematic roles, with the theme. The thematic role of the experiencer is far behind with only

4% occurrences.

Analyzing the three articles, there is a similarity when Tamimi becomes the agent of the clauses in JRT. When observing the agent, the verbs such as leave, kick, slap and assault appear on all three articles. Therefore, it creates the same pattern for the agent in each article. In those three articles, Tamimi was reported of performing those four actions. Regarding the theme, there are also verbs that appear on all three articles. The verbs arrest, charge and release are the



verbs that always appear on the three articles on the occurrence of Tamimi as the theme. These appearances give big important clues to the explanation of Tamimi’s portrayal as the theme. Meanwhile, for the experiencer, the verb “become” is always assigned for Tamimi.

After analyzing the similarity, these are the dissimilarity among the three articles about their thematic roles in JRT section. First, the pattern of thematic role distribution is different. Haaretz has thematic role of theme as the most frequent thematic roles. Meanwhile, Ynet News and Israeli National News have thematic role as agent as the most dominant thematic role. The other dissimilarity is appearance of another thematic role other than the theme and the agent. Ynet News and Haaretz show the thematic role of the experiencer. Meanwhile, in the Israel

National News, the thematic role of the experiencer does not appear.

Based on the findings, it reveals that each article does not always provide similar thematic roles for Tamimi. It can be seen from Haaretz; this article only provides the occurrence when Tamimi becomes the agent. Meanwhile, from Israel

National News, they do not provide any occurrence of direct quotation of Ahed

Tamimi. To ease the observation, the table below shows the distribution and the frequency of Tamimi’s thematic roles in DQT.

Table 2. The Frequency of Tamimi’s Thematic Roles in DQT Thematic No Newspaper Occurrences Percentage Roles Agent 2 40% 1 Ynet News Theme 2 40% Experiencer 1 20% 2 Haaretz Agent 6 100% 3 Israel National News - 0 0%



In conclusion, the occurrences of Tamimi’s thematic roles are always different. Whether it happens on the JRT or DQT, the occurrences do not have the same pattern. The same thematic roles can be assigned with many kinds of verbs.

Furthermore, the context about the occurrences of thematic roles also can be different. It makes each occurrence brings certain values of the clauses in the article. Those values construct the pattern of the article’s writer that can be used as the revelation of their ideology.

1. Thematic Roles Seen from Ynet News Article

The first article is taken from https// entitled

Palestinian Provocateur Ahed Tamimi Released from Prison. This article was written by the news agencies of Ynet News with contributions from ,

Elisha Ben Kimon and Yoav Zitun.

In this article, there are a total of 26 occurrences of Tamimi’s thematic roles in JRT section. These occurrences consist of 12 times of Tamimi as the agent, 13 times as the theme and 1 time as the experiencer. In the part where

Tamimi becomes the agent, she carries verbs such as, “leave”, “assault”, “kick”,

“slap”, “take”, “weigh”, “speak”, “issue”, “hinder”, “incite”, “threat”, “throw”,

“participate” and “pay”. Some of the verbs appear more than one time in the article. The verbs leave, incite and throw is the example. Moreover, based on the observation to the verbs, half of the verbs are categorized as provocative actions by Tamimi. The target of this provocation is the Israeli soldier. One of the examples is the verb “assault”, it is found from clause (A1, JRT, C2) “who was arrested 8 months ago and entered prison in March after she was recorded



physically assaulting an Israeli soldier”. In addition, the verbs “enter” are just regular an action by Tamimi which is not harmful for other people.

In the part of Tamimi as the theme, she carries different verbs compared to the part of Tamimi as the agent. In this part, the verbs that appear are “arrest”,

“record”, “release”, “jail”, “film”, “expect”, “welcome”, “enroute”, “theme”,

“sentence”, “place” and “order”. For the verbs such as “arrest”, “jail” and

“enroute”, the verbs indicate that Tamimi becomes the target of Israeli operation to enforce the law and justice. Meanwhile, for Tamimi, the verb explain that she has broken some laws. It is applied on the clause (A1, JRT, C4) “who was jailed late last year after she was filmed kicking and slapping an Israeli soldier in the

West Bank.” From the verb “jail” in the clause can be seen the action of Israeli and the reason why Tamimi is targeted by the Israeli. Then, for the experiencer, the verb which appears is “become”. This part contains small information because the lack of occurrence. The only information that can be retrieved is Tamimi, as the experiencer, feels a huge welcome by the fellow Palestinians after her release.

Meanwhile, the occurrences of Tamimi’s thematic role in the DQT section is less than the JRT section. In DQT section, there are only 5 occurrences which consist of 2 agent roles, 2 theme roles, and 1 experiencer role. The verbs that appear in the agent part are “hope”, “talk” and “convey”. The clause (A1, DQT,

C2) “I hope that everyone comes to the press conference at 4pm” proves how the verb “hope” is not an aggression action by Tamimi. There is no harmful or offensive effect from the actions. For the theme, she is assigned with verbs such



as, “send”, “expect” and “support”. It shows that Tamimi is believed by other people to be an icon of hope.

By seeing the number of each occurrence, it shows that the theme and the agent are the most dominant thematic roles. Without neglecting the role of the experiencer, the theme and the agent bring important information about the article itself. Later, it will be useful to be used in the analysis of the ideology.

2. Thematic Roles Seen from Haaretz Article

The second article is taken from https// entitled

Palestinian Teen Ahed Tamimi After Her Release: ‘Resistance Will Continue

Until Occupations Ends’. This article was written by Yotam Berger and Jack

Khoury and published on July 29th, 2018.

For the JRT section, there are a total of 26 occurrences of Tamimi’s thematic roles with 19 times of Tamimi as the agent, 6 times as the theme and 1 time as the experiencer. In the part where Tamimi as the agent, she carries many verbs such as, “assault”, “serve”, “meet”, “slap”, “reach”, “refrain”, “say”, “go”,

“advocate”, “plead”, “pay”, “punch”, “threat”, “interfere”, “incite”, “throw”,

“intend”, “visit”, “convict” and “turn”. The verb “assault” and “slap” are the only two verbs that appears more than one time. The verb such as “assault”, “slap”,

“punch”, “threat”, “interfere” and “throw” are categorized as actions that harm other people. In this case, Tamimi does the action targeting of the Israeli soldier.

Therefore, the Israeli soldier can be categorized as the victim of Tamimi’ actions.

This is proven by the clause of (A2, JRT, C12) “Tamimi was arrested in

December a day after a video of her punching, slapping and kicking two Israeli



soldiers in a village went viral”. The clause clearly explains how the offensive the verb is because those are physically abusive.

Meanwhile, in the part of Tamimi as the theme, she is assigned with different verbs compared to the part of Tamimi as the agent. In this part, the verbs that appear are “release”, “film”, “detain”, “sentence”, “congratulate”, “arrest”, and “charge”. The verbs “detain”, “sentence”, “arrest” and “charge” explain the situation in which Israeli uphold the law in the case of Ahed Tamimi. Meanwhile, for Tamimi, the verb shows the consequences of her crime or actions. It is clearly shown in the clause (A2, JRT, C5) “She was detained for three months before being sentenced in March to eight months in jail after reaching a plea deal”. When

Tamimi as the theme, the verbs are less similar with the verbs from the previous article.

From the DQT section, the article contains 6 occurrences of Tamimi’s thematic roles. All of the occurrences in this section assign Tamimi as the agent. It can be said that 100% the thematic roles in the DQT is Tamimi as the agent. In this DQT, there are some verbs carried by Tamimi. The examples of the verbs are

“hope”, “speak”, “convey”, “answer”, and “leave”. All those verbs are done by

Tamimi. Moreover, those verbs show how Tamimi acts toward her fellows, it can be either the Palestinian or other prisoners, Tamimi carries the verbs of unoffensive actions when the theme is not the Israeli. It is depicted on the clause

(A2, DQT, C1) “The messages I am leaving with the prisoners with are that the popular struggle against the occupation will continue”. From the clause, Tamimi interacts with her supporter. Therefore, it gives another example that shows



Tamimi will only bring offensive verb if the theme is the Israeli. It seems that the report tries to emphasize the tension between Tamimi and the Israeli.

3. Thematic Roles Seen from Israel National News Article

The last article is taken from https// entitled

Ahed Tamimi to be Released from Prison on Sunday. This article was written by

Tzvi Lev and was published on July 26th, 2018. This article is shorter than the two previous articles. Therefore, the finding of Tamimi’s thematic role is more limited.

Different with the two previous articles, this article only provides the JRT on the reporting. This JRT are consist of 5 occurrences of Tamimi of Tamimi as the agent and 6 occurrences as the theme. The part that Tamimi becomes the agent, she carries some verbs such as, “hold”, “confront”, “attempt”, “provoke”,

“shove”, “slap”, “kick”, “shout”, “assault”, “interfere” and throw. Most of the verbs found in this part are categorized as offensive act by Tamimi. They are harmful for the theme, which is in this case is the Israeli soldier. It is shown in the clause (A3, JRT, C4) “all three of the Tamimi’s attempted to provoke the soldiers, shoving, slapping, and kicking them while shouting at them”.

Meanwhile, there is only a single verb that is categorized as unoffensive act which is the verb “hold”. The verbs in this part only appears one time in the article.

Therefore, there is no repetition of verb in this Haaretz article.

In the part of Tamimi as the theme, she carries different verbs compared to the part of Tamimi as the agent. In this part, the verbs that appear are “release”,

“punish”, “arrest”, “charge” and “reject”. For the verb “charge”, it appears two



times in this article. All of those verbs show the process of justice enforcement by the Israeli toward the crime of Ahed Tamimi. This clause (A3, JRT, C6) is the example “On December 19th, the IDF arrested 16-year-old Ahed Tamimi”

B. The Construction of Ideology in Israeli Newspaper from Tamimi’s

Assigned Thematic Roles

1. The Identified Values

The dominancy of the Tamimi’s thematic roles from each article can reveal the values, which the article contributors try to apply toward Tamimi’s image. Therefore, each of the article is being analyzed in order to gain the values.

Then in the last part, the conclusion is used as the medium to enter the part of the contributor’s ideology. All of the values which are elaborated are taken from the

JRT section. That is because the DQT contains very small number of clauses that contains values. Therefore, the impact of DQT is not strong enough to be examined. The identified values found in the articles are discussed further in the following section. a. Freedom

Freedom is one of the most dominant values found in the three articles.

This value means the freewill of Tamimi as human being. She can live a life that she can decide her actions and decision without being restricted by anybody. In this case, there are several clauses that support the idea of freedom as one of the values found in the articles.

As an agent, Tamimi’s actions carries the explanation of the values freedom. It is shown from the clauses in the three article that contains the value of



freedom. Furthermore, as the agent, Ahed Tamimi become the doer of certain actions. On that occasion, Tamimi brings many kinds of verbs. These kinds of verbs cover actions in daily life or actions in certain circumstances. As stated in sub-chapter A, the examples of the verbs can determine the categorization. Some of the example can be categorized as offensive actions and others as unoffensive action. Thus, from this categorization, there are pattern of this values based on the verb and its connection to the other context.

In this case, there are several clauses that support the idea of freedom as a value.

(A1, JRT, C1) “17-year-old Palestinian, who was arrested 8 months ago

and entered prison in March after she was recorded physically assaulting

an Israeli soldier, leaves Sharon prison;”

(A1, JRT, C6) “Bassem, said Saturday that he expects her to take a lead in

the struggle against Israel but that the 17-year-old is also weighing college


(A1, JRT, C8) “…Tamimi had left the Sharon prison and was enroute to

the West Bank”

The analysis begins from the first example taken from the Ynet News

Article (A1, JRT, C1). From this clause, Tamimi as the agent carries the verb of

“leave”. It means that Tamimi get out from someplace. It also can be said that

Tamimi move out from certain places. In this case, the certain place in this clause is explained by an additional thematic role of source, which is “prison”.



Therefore, in this clause, it explains the situation when Tamimi got out from a prison.

Then how the values of this clause can be said as values of freedom is because of the implicit information based on the verb and the context. As it is stated the meaning of the clause is Tamimi move out from prison, then it forms an image that Tamimi has done serving her punishment. Later on, Tamimi has got her free will in order to continue her normal life. The freedom is derived from the perspective of Tamimi in accepting and obeying the regulation as she found guilty in breaking laws.

The second example (A1, JRT, C6) also supports the statement about freedom values as Tamimi has served her punishment. Therefore, she can continue her normal life. In this clause, Tamimi carries the verb “weigh” in context of her desire to be in a college. Thus, she realizes that she has fulfilled her obligation in obeying the law that applied. Therefore, she wants to continue to pursue her study.

The example (A1, JRT, C6) more or less is similar with the first example

(A1, JRT, C1). In this clause, Tamimi carries verb “leave” too. Furthermore, this verb also brings the additional thematic roles of source with it. Therefore, this clause also can be analyzed as Tamimi has served her time in jail. Then because of her serving her punishment, she earned the freedom to do her freewill in continuing a normal life.



In order to strengthen the idea of freedom, the next examples are taken from the Haaretz article. The meaning of freedom in this article is quite similar with the meaning in Ynet News. These are the next examples from Haaretz.

(A2, JRT, C4) “Tamimi said upon her release”

(A2, JRT, C5) “Tamimi met Palestinian President at his

office in

In the first example from Haaretz (A2, JRT, C4), Tamimi as the agent carries a verb “say”. If it seen only on the verb itself, then it will be less informative. However, with seeing the context that is brought by the verb, the information can be retrieved. The verb “say” comes along with the words upon her release. It explains the time of occurrence of Tamimi saying is after her release. Therefore, it can be said that Tamimi finally can express herself through a confession in the activity of saying. In other words, she is able to do the activity after her release. Thus, she gets her freedom by being released from the prison.

The next example (A2, JRT, C5) is similar with the example (A2, JRT,

C2) explanation. In this clause, the verb that is carried by Tamimi is “meet”.

Moreover, there is additional information that explain the verb meet. This action is only like a common activity. However, this action can be done only when

Tamimi is released. Therefore, in the two clauses, the article journalists just want to explain Tamimi freedom after her release by reporting her activity as the illustration.

The values of freedom only can be retrieved through two article, Ynet

News and Haaretz News. In the last article, Israel National News, the value of



freedom is absent. Therefore, the elaboration of freedom is only based on the first two articles.

Overall, seeing from the explanation on the Ynet News and Haaretz, there is a conclusion to be made. In the part of Tamimi as the agent, the value of freedom is retrieved through several requirements. Tamimi needs to serve her penalty and finish it in order to gain her freedom. It creates an idea that Tamimi’ freedom is quite limited by her status as a criminal. However, after she finishes her sentence, it is explained the freedom that she gets. In clauses (A1, JRT, C6) and (A2, JRT, C5), the situation shows Tamimi has acquired her freedom.

Therefore, she can do many activities that are forbidden at the previous time.

However, this value only can be seen through clauses that positioned

Tamimi as the agent. In the clauses that Tamimi becomes the theme, the value of freedom is absent. Therefore, the value of freedom only can be revealed in the part where Tamimi as the subject or the doer of the actions. It seems the value of freedom only exist for Tamimi when she acts. There are no other individual or sides that provide the value of freedom, if it seen from the absence of freedom in the part where Tamimi become the theme. b. Justice

The next value found in the article is justice. In this value, it means the situation of Tamimi after serving her sentence as she is found guilty in attacking

Israeli soldier. This value talks about the attitude of Tamimi as she fulfills the obligation to be jailed as the part of her penalty.



As an agent, Tamimi’s part is absence from the value of justice. She is reported breaking many laws, rather than obeying and following the laws. It can be said that Tamimi has injured the value of justice with breaking laws. These are the explanation from the clauses where Tamimi as the agent and the clauses contain the value of justice.

Starting the explanation, a clause from Ynet News article is taken. This clause gives a support to the statement above.

(A1, JRT, C14) “She was also ordered to pay an NIS 5,000 fine”

It is seen from the context that is brought by the verb. Tamimi as the agent, carries a verb that carries certain context. In this clause, Tamimi bring the verb of “pay”, while the verb “pay” carries a context, which is “fine”. Seeing the meaning of fine itself, it shows that Tamimi has broken a law. Then for a penalty, she is punished with paying fines. Thus, this clause wants to explain implicitly the fact of Tamimi has broken laws.

Supporting the idea from the explanation in the Ynet News, these are the examples of the clauses from Haaretz that contain the value of justice.

(A2, JRT, C3) “Ahed Tamimi, …, was released on Sunday morning after

serving her sentence of eight months”

(A2, JRT, C5) “She was detained for three months before being sentenced

in March to eight months in jail after reaching a plea deal”

In the first example from the second article (A2, JRT, C3), it tells about the fact that Tamimi has finished her sentences. It is seen from the verb “serve”.

This verb brings additional information about a duration. The combination from



the verb and the additional information forms a statement about Tamimi that is finished her sentence. She fulfilled the obligation about her penalty. In any means, it can be said that Tamimi uphold the law and respect in the honor of justice.

The next clause (A2, JRT, C5) brings a brief information about Tamimi obeying the rules that applies in the law circumstances. In this clause, the verb that becomes the focus is “reach”. The verb “reach” carries an additional information about the object, “a plea deal”. This means Tamimi respecting the law by following the procedure in order to bargain for reducing her sentence.

Once again, there is absence of this value in the last article, Israel Nation

News. Therefore, the summary of the value of justice only comes from the Ynet

News and Haaretz article.

In summary, it explains the situation of Tamimi as the law breaker. From the explanations of the example, it shows the actions of Tamimi in breaking many laws with the state of physical offense to other people, in this case the victim is the Israeli soldier. As the consequences, she is accused with many counts of assault. So, as the agent in the clauses, Tamimi has position of people who breaks many laws. Moreover, because of that actions, she is detained by the authority, which is the is Israeli government.

Meanwhile, the part where Tamimi becomes the theme, the value of justice is derived from the act between Israeli government and Tamimi, in the attempt to uphold the laws. As it is informed in the article, Tamimi has completed serving her sentence as her penalty. Meanwhile, from the side of Israeli



government, they try to uphold the justice based on their perspective. These are some examples of clauses, which contain the value of justice.

(A1, JRT, C2) “17-year-old Palestinian, who was arrested 8 months ago

and entered prison in March”

(A1, JRT, C4) “Israel released from prison on Sunday Palestinian teenager

Ahed Tamimi, who was jailed late last year after she

was filmed kicking and slapping an Israeli soldier in the

West Bank.”

(A1, JRT, C8) “Ahed was charged with 12 different counts for six

different incidents in January”

(A1, JRT, C10) “Tamimi was sentenced to 8 months in prison in March.”

(A1, JRT, C11) “She was also ordered to pay an NIS 5,000 fine”

The first clause (A1, JRT, C2) contains two thematic roles. The first thematic role is theme, which is the role for Tamimi. Another thematic role is the goal. Tamimi as the theme is assigned with verbs “arrested” and “entered”. In other word, it states that Tamimi is captured and ordered by the Israeli to get into a place, which is explained by the thematic role goal. It gives further explanation about the place that Tamimi needs to get into is prison. As the result, it can be stated that the Israeli imprisons Ahed Tamimi. That is the consequence of

Tamimi’s action, which is categorized as a crime by the Israeli.

Supporting the statement on the first clause, the next clause (A1, JRT, C4) is analyzed. In this clause only, the verb “jailed” that carries the values of justice.



The meaning of the verb “jailed” is stated very clearly. It explains that the Israeli puts Tamimi in the prison because of her actions.

On the clause (A1, JRT, C8), the verb that is assigned to Tamimi is

“charged”. This verb carries a context that explains the reason of Tamimi’s imprisonment. It is stated from the clause that Tamimi was accused with 12 different counts because of her action in January. This clause supports the idea that Tamimi has done some crimes in the past. Therefore, she is committed as a criminal. Therefore, she becomes reasonable to be punished by the Israel government.

From the two next clauses (A1, JRT, C10) and (A1, JRT, C11), the verbs

“sentenced” and “ordered” are the action, which are done by the Israeli government toward Tamimi. These words show the superiority of Israel government as the authority. The Israeli shows Tamimi that she is under the

Israeli’s control. Meanwhile, from Tamimi’s perspective, she is portrayed as the powerless side in the clauses. She accepts the fate to be ordered by someone that has higher authority.

Thus, with all the explanation of the five clauses, it can be stated that in the values of justice there is a hidden meaning of the clauses. The clauses explain that Tamimi has committed actions, which are considered breaking the law. Israeli government, the side who has more power, accuses that Tamimi’s actions are crimes. Therefore, the Israeli government has the right to put Tamimi in prison.

This action shows how the powerless Ahed Tamimi is when she becomes the theme in the clauses.



c. Peace

The values of peace in this article is the situation of Tamimi threats to the peace of Israeli. Therefore, this create a statement that Tamimi injure the values of peace because of her action, as the connotation of value is always a positive thing.

This statement is supported by these example clauses.

As the agent, Tamimi is reported that she becomes the aggressor to the peace of Israeli. It has done through her action in slapping, kicking, and assaulting the Israeli soldier when they are in their duty. Tamimi has abused the value of peace with her actions. These are the explanation about the clauses to support this idea, starting from the first article, Ynet News article.

(A1, JRT, C4) “Israel released from prison on Sunday Palestinian teenager

Ahed Tamimi, who was jailed late last year after she

was filmed kicking and slapping an Israeli soldier in the

West Bank.”

(A1, JRT, C10) “…including aggravated assault, hindering a soldier in

the line of duty, incitement, threatening a soldier's life

and stone-throwing”

In the first example (A1, JRT, C4), Tamimi as the agent carries two verbs.

She carries the verb of “kick” and “slap”. Those verbs are targeted toward the

Israeli soldier as the object. With only seeing the verbs, it reveals Tamimi’s attitude toward the Israeli soldier. The action of “kick” and “slap” are considered as assaults, especially when they are targeted to living things.



In the example (A1, JRT, C10), Tamimi as the agent, appears with many negative verbs. It means her action is harming the others. The verb “assault”,

“hinder”, “incite”, “threat”, and “throw” give strong evidence on Tamimi’s intention to offend the Israeli soldier’s peace.

The next evidence is taken from Haaretz. There are two clauses that support the idea of values peace. These are the clauses from the Haaretz.

(A2, JRT, C2) “a Palestinian teenager convicted of assaulting an Israeli


(A2, JRT, C11) “Tamimi was arrested in December a day after a video of

her punching, slapping and kicking two Israeli soldiers

in a West Bank village went viral”

These are the example of the clauses that contains the value of peace.

There are lot of verbs contained in the clauses. From the (A2, JRT, C2), Tamimi carries the verb “assault”. The mean of “assault” itself is a violence or physical attack targeted to somebody. In this clause, the target of Tamimi’s action is the

Israeli soldier. Thus, this clause shows how Tamimi action toward the Israeli.

In the next example (A2, JRT, C11), Tamimi carries three verbs at once.

The verb “punch”, “kick”, and “slap” are categorized as actions of physical attack.

Moreover, in this clause, these verbs are done by Tamimi to the Israeli soldier as the target. Therefore, to summarize, the image of Tamimi that is retrieved based on the clause is similar with the explanation on the clause (A2, JRT, C2)

All of those verbs carried by Tamimi have a similarity. Those verbs are categorized as actions which do harm to other people. In this case, all of those



verbs are done by Tamimi and targeted Israeli soldier. Therefore, it can be said that from those examples, there is an image of Tamimi as someone who did an act of violence to the Israeli soldier. As the result of this violence, it can be said that

Tamimi disturbed and injured the peace of Israel.

The last support is from the last article, Israel National News. As peace is the only value from the article, then, this article holds an important pact to the meaning of peace. These are the clauses from the Israel National News.

(A3, JP, C3) “On December 15th, 16-year-old Ahed Tamimi, her 21-

year-old cousin Nour Tamimi, and Ahed’s mother,

Namiran, confronted two IDF soldiers stationed in the town

to keep the peace”

(A3, JP, C7) “Ahed and Nariman were charged with aggravated assault

and interfering with an IDF operation”

In the clause (A3, JP, C3), Tamimi carries the verb that creates an image of her attitude. The verb that is carried by Tamimi is “confront”. It means Tamimi wants to engage a confrontation to the Israel soldier. However, from the clause, it is seen that the soldier is in a duty to keep the peace in that area. It creates a stigma that Tamimi disagrees in keeping peace in the area. She chooses to confront the Israeli soldier rather than to support the soldier.

The explanation of (A3, JP, C3) values is supported by the clause (A3, JP,

C7). In this clause, the action of Tamimi applied to the Israeli soldier is revealed.

Based on the verb carried by Tamimi which are “assault” and “interfere”, it shows that she does an assault and intervention to the Israeli soldier. This supports the



statement about Tamimi’s disruption in the process of keeping peace in that area.

Moreover, it creates an image for Tamimi as an icon of violence of the Israeli side.

The explanation of values peace from the three articles form a summary of

Tamimi’s position in the peace. From all Tamimi’s actions in clauses that contain peace, Tamimi can be called as an aggressor because the absence of peace in her actions.

Meanwhile, the part when Tamimi as the theme, this value is derived from the chosen clauses that show the consequences for Tamimi in disturbing and violating the peace of Israel.

(A2, JRT, C11) “Tamimi was arrested in December a day after a video of

her punching, slapping and kicking two Israeli soldiers

in a West Bank village went viral”

As the supporting evidence, the clause (A2, JRT, C11) is used. As the agent in this clause, Tamimi carries three verbs; “punch”, “slap” and “kick”. All of those verbs contain the information of violation. Thus, Tamimi targeting the

Israeli soldier creates a stigma that Tamimi is such a violent person. It can be said that Tamimi always brings verbs or actions that are categorized as offensive when they are targeted to the Israeli.

In conclusion, Tamimi as the theme, the occurrences contain two values, which are justice and peace. From the explanation above, it forms a stigma about

Tamimi that she is inferior in front of the Israeli’s. The fact that she commits a crime also bring a strong reason that the Israeli picks her as the object of Israeli’s



trial in upholding justice. Moreover, as the theme Tamimi categorized as a violent person based on her action. d. Loyalty

Loyalty is value that rarely found in the three articles. This value means the existence of Tamimi as hero for the Palestinian. Her actions show the determination of Tamimi to fight against the oppression. That fact is supported by the Palestinian. Therefore, they see Tamimi as the hero to lead their struggle. In this case, there are several clauses that support the idea of loyalty as one of the values found in the articles.

(A1, JRT, C5) “Tamimi, 17, became a heroine to Palestinians”

(A2, JRT, C12) “She has become a symbol for the Palestinian people”

From the examples above, it can be seen the role of Tamimi towards the

Palestinians by seeing the verb “become”. Her actions are considered as the symbol of hope for them. Therefore, they see Tamimi as their future leader that can fulfill their expectation to end the occupation.

2. Nationalism as Illustrated in Israeli Newspaper

Borrowing the idea of Van Djik about ideology discourses (Van Djik,

1998, p.267), the three articles apply the theory of emphasizing their bad properties/actions and emphasizing our good properties/actions. It can be stated like that because of the origin of the three articles are from Israel, meanwhile

Tamimi comes from Palestine. From that fact, the differences between the article journalists’ background with Tamimi’s background.



The finding about the contributors try to make a negative image to Tamimi can lead the ideology of the contributor. It can be said the reason of the contributors in creating a negative image for Tamimi is because the contributor and Tamimi share different background in their nationality. Most of the contributors of the articles are from Israel. Meanwhile, Tamimi is a Palestinian.

Therefore, there is a tension between the two sides. The contributor sees Tamimi as the provocateur and aggressor, because of Tamimi’s movements and actions.

On other hand, Tamimi sees her movements and actions as the part of struggle to fight against Israeli oppression.

The contributor sees Tamimi as the individual who has different ideology.

Therefore, they consider Tamimi as the rival or opponents. In the end, they through their article, they try to create a negative image of Tamimi. Thus, many people who read the article may believe the image of Tamimi based on the article and create a new perspective on Ahed Tamimi as individual. For the contributors, it becomes a success in creating their opponents get a negative image on all around the world.

Seeing the fact in the explanation about the differences between the contributors’ perspectives with Tamimi’s perspective, it covers the requirement for categorization in the ideology of nationalism, there is a statement about “You versus Us”. It means that every individual that follow the ideology of nationalism will have a negative stigma toward individual that has different ideology. It is exactly suitable with the cases of Ahed Tamimi image based on the newspapers.



Linking the fact on the two explanations above, it can be said that the contributors of the articles from Ynet News, Haaretz, and Israeli National News in the events about Ahed Tamimi’s release may adopt the ideology of nationalism.

This is because the explanation of the contributors’ trial in creating negative image for Ahed Tamimi is appropriate with the beliefs in the ideology of nationalism.

In order to see the explanation about values that construct the ideology of the newspapers, the values are categorized based on the thematic role of Ahed

Tamimi. Therefore, there are two categorize, which is agent and theme. In those two, it is already explained about the values that contained on the clauses whether when Tamimi as the agent or theme. Thus, from the explanation, it will create a pattern that forms a conclusion about the ideology of the newspaper.

From the summary of values in each article, when Tamimi become the agent, she is involved in three values. Those values are freedom, peace, and justice. Each value has a different explanation about the image or representation of Tamimi based on the journalists. It derived from the pattern that is found on each value from three articles. Somehow, the values describe the same image of

Ahed Tamimi, even though the values come from different articles.

Begin with the image that is derived from values freedom. The values of freedom from two articles, Ynet News and Haaretz, explains several images that created to Ahed Tamimi. First, the journalists describe Tamimi as someone who fulfils the obligation of punishment. From the Ynet News and Haaretz article, it is



seen that Tamimi has served her punishment. She is jailed for 8 month and prisoned in Sharon prison.

From one perspective, it seems that the journalists of the article create a good image of Tamimi. However, in other side, they also provide some clauses that shows the limit of Tamimi’s freedom. Clauses (A2, JRT, C4) and (A2, JRT,

C4) are the example of clauses that explain Tamimi as the side whose freedom is limited. In those two clauses, Tamimi finally can do some activities after released from the prison. It can be said that while Tamimi is jailed, she become a powerless side. As it seen from nationalism, the journalist wants to emphasize the power of the Israeli as the authority. It shows that Israeli government can limit the freedom of Ahed Tamimi.

The other image of Tamimi is about her violence acts. The three articles shape Tamimi as a human that do many violations. In this case, she is reported many times in the article that she has done physical attack to the Israeli soldier.

The act of slapping, kicking, throwing, confronting, and assaulting is the part of

Tamimi action. Moreover, the act of kicking, slapping and assaulting always appear on the three articles. It shows how many times the frequency of Tamimi violence act as the three action always get reported by the article journalists.

Therefore, it creates an image of Tamimi as an individual who is very violate.

In addition of Tamimi’s violence act, the fact that Tamimi attacks the

Israeli soldier gives another thought. It is stated that the Israeli soldier are on duty in keeping peace in the area, but they are attacked by Ahed Tamimi by her slapping, kicking, and throwing. Thus, it can be said, that Tamimi seems does not



like the duty of the soldier in keeping a peace situation. In other words, Tamimi becomes an individual who does not support the idea of peace.

The explanation of Tamimi’s image above is taken from the finding in values about peace and justice. The statements of Tamimi’s image as a lawbreaker and opposition of the movement in keeping peace are supported by the clauses from the article. Just like from the clauses (A3, JP, C3), it explains the situation of

Tamimi’s attack to the Israeli soldier. Thus, those all are the image of Tamimi as she is in the agent position. From perspective of nationalism, Tamimi’s position is the opposition of the journalist. Therefore, they try to emphasize the crimes of

Tamimi in order to destroy the image of Tamimi.

In the other part when Tamimi becomes a theme, there are other images that assigned to her. From the three articles, it shows the power of Tamimi is less than the Israel. The occasions of Tamimi get jailed or arrested is the prove how

Tamimi is so powerless. On the contrary, the Israel side gets the image of powerful institution. They way of Israeli uphold the law and bring justice is the evidence on the power of Israeli itself. These statements are derived from the values of freedom and justice in the part of Tamimi becomes the theme.

The next image that found in the part of Tamimi as the theme is Tamimi is figured as a criminal. This image is concluded from the values of justice and peace. She is reported doing many activities that categorized as criminal acts.

Start from kicking, slapping, confronting and assaulting are the part of Tamimi actions.



In conclusion, the three articles journalists try to create images for Tamimi with their report in the article. There are many values that are found in the article.

However, most of the values lead to certain images of Ahed Tamimi in a negative way. In the part of Tamimi as the agent, she is figured as a lawbreaker and a human that full of violence. Moreover, she is also confined when she lives her life in the prison. Quite similar with the images in Tamimi as agent, in part of Tamimi becomes the theme, she is portrayed as a powerless individual. She is a minority when it is compared to the Israeli. She is also imaged as a criminal because of her action and her arrest.

After all the explanations, it seems that the journalists of the three articles create a negative image of Ahed Tamimi. Most of images that assigned to Tamimi is categorized as negative image, starting from lawbreaker, a criminal, and a peace offender. She is also described as a minority who lacks of power. Meanwhile,

Israeli comes with the contrast image compared to Tamimi’s image. The articles try to show the strong and powerful Israeli are, with the addition of the fact that

Israeli will uphold the peace and justice.




After analyzing and examining the data, this research concludes that in the first research objective, there are three types of thematic roles of Ahed Tamimi which are agent, theme, and experiencer. It occurs 63 times from the three articles in section of journalist reporting text. Those occurrences are consisted of 26 occurrences in Ynet News, 26 occurrences in Haaretz, and 11 occurrences in

Israel National News article. Meanwhile, in the direct quotation text, there are a total of 11 occurrences. In the section of direct quotation text, Ynet News has 5 occurrences and Haaretz has 6 occurrences. While for the Israel National News, it has no occurrence because the direct quotation text section is absent in this article.

As each occurrence brings values inside it, there are a pattern of Tamimi’s thematic roles. From the findings, most of the time, as the agent, Tamimi brings offensive verbs. These verbs are always targeted to the Israeli. In addition, when

Tamimi becomes the agent, she breaks and injures the values of justice and peace.

Meanwhile, she will carry unoffensive verbs toward people of Palestine and her supporter. As the theme, the verbs that are applied to Tamimi show the oppression by Israeli. Additionally, that oppression limits and cages the value of freedom that

Tamimi has.

Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the newspapers’ ideology is nationalism. This conclusion is supported by the facts that are found from the three articles. It is showed from the newspapers’ attitudes are similar with a



connotation in nationalism, which is “You Versus Us”. In addition, as their attitudes are matched with the attitudes of nationalists, it strengthens the conclusion that the newspapers adopt that ideology

The pattern of Tamimi’s thematic roles creates a stigma about the newspaper. The newspapers try to lower the status level of Tamimi with creating a new negative image for her. The way they emphasize the crimes of Tamimi is the evidence. Moreover, the Israeli government positive image is emphasized by showing the power of Israeli in upholding the justice upon Tamimi.

With correlation between the stigma of the newspapers and the theory of ideology, it reveals the ideology of the newspapers is nationalism. The fact that the newspapers try to lower the Tamimi’s status level is matched with the attitude of a nationalist. As the newspapers are on the same side with the Israeli, they try to emphasize the negative of Tamimi. It is because as the nationalist, they think

Tamimi is their opponents. Therefore, the newspapers believe there is a competition between them and Tamimi. On the other hand, the way of newspapers reports the Israeli punishing Tamimi creates positive image for


Additionally, to improve the analysis of ideology dissemination, this research suggests the future researchers to examine from other perspectives. It can be taken from the non-Israeli newspaper. Moreover, the next researchers can try to compare the ideology between the Israeli newspapers with non-Israeli newspapers based on the analysis of Ahed Tamimi’s thematic roles.



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Appendix 1 Ynet Online News Article

Palestinian provocateur Ahed Tamimi released from prison

News agencies and Ynet|Published: 07.29.18, 08:39

17-year-old Palestinian, who was arrested 8 months ago and entered prison in

March after she was recorded phsyically assaulting an Israeli soldier, leaves

Sharon prison; her mother, who was also arrested for filming and posting the incident, is also released.

Israel released from prison on Sunday Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi, who was jailed late last year after she was filmed kicking and slapping an Israeli soldier in the West Bank.

Tamimi, 17, became a heroine to Palestinians after the December 15 incident outside her home in the village of Nabi Saleh was streamed live on Facebook by her mother and went viral. She was 16 at the time.

Speaking in front of the microphones before her supporters who had turned out to welcome her, Tamimi issued a brief statement. “I am grateful to everyone who came to welcome me today. I hope that everyone comes to the press conference at

4pm so I can talk in more detail and convey my message and that of the female prisoners who sent me messages all over the world. Thank you," she said.



Her mother, Nariman, who was also arrested during the assault on the IDF officer last December for filming the incident and posting it on Facebook.

An Israel Prison Service spokesman said Tamimi had left the Sharon prison and was enroute to the West Bank. On the eve of Tamimi's release from prison, the father of the Palestinian teen provocateur, Bassem, said Saturday that he expects her to take a lead in the struggle against Israel but that the 17-year-old is also weighing college options.

In Tamimi's village of Nabi Saleh, supporters prepared for Sunday's homecoming, planting Palestinian flags on the roof of her family home and setting up hundreds of chairs for well-wishers in the courtyard. Bassem said Saturday that after her release from prison, "we expect her to lead and we will support her to lead" in the fight to end the "occupation." He did not say what this would entail.

Meanwhile, Israeli troops on Saturday detained two Italian artists who had painted a large mural of Ahed Tamimi on Israeli security barrier, according to local activist Munther Amireh and amateur video posted online. Ahed was charged with 12 different counts for six different incidents in January, including aggravated assault, hindering a soldier in the line of duty, incitement, threatening a soldier's life and stone-throwing.

According to the indictment, which was filed at the Judea Military Court, Tamimi threw stones at Israeli security forces, threatened them, participated in violent rioting and incited others to participate in the clashes.



Nariman Tamimi was also indicted for her involvement in the assault, as well as for another incident she was involved in along with her daughter. She was also charged with incitement to terrorism on Facebook.

21-year-old Nur Tamimi, Ahed's cousin, who took part in the assault, was charged with aggravated assault of a soldier and hindering a soldier in the line of duty.

Tamimi was sentenced to 8 months in prison in March. The plea bargain concluded that the months during which she had been placed under arrest would be included in her overall setence. She was also ordered to pay an NIS 5,000 fine.

Her mother was ordered to pay NIS 6,000. Ahed Tamimi's trial began January 31.

The testimonies of the company commander and soldier involved in the incident were revealed mid-January.,7340,L-5318750,00.html



Appendix 2 Haaretz Online News Article

Palestinian Teen Ahed Tamimi After Her Release: ‘Resistance Will Continue

Until Occupation Ends

Ahed Tamimi, a Palestinian teenager convicted of assaulting an Israeli soldier, was released on Sunday morning after serving her sentence of eight months. "The resistance will continue until the end of the occupation," Tamimi said upon her release. After briefly addressing reporters, Tamimi met Palestinian President

Mahmoud Abbas at his office in Ramallah

Tamimi, 17, from Nabi Saleh in the West Bank, turned into a protest icon after she was filmed slapping an Israeli soldier. She was detained for three months before being sentenced in March to eight months in jail after reaching a plea deal.

At a press conference Nabi Saleh, Tamimi, who is under probation, refrained from saying whether she would slap the Israeli soldier again, but was vocal about issues ranging from the demolition of a Bedouin village to the Gaza protests to Israel's nation-state law.

“The messages I am leaving with the prisoners with are that the popular struggle against the occupation will continue,” she said, “and I convey a message that the prisoners call for Palestinian national unity, as well as a call for support for the residents of Khan al-Ahmar and the residents of Gaza and support for the continuation of the March of Return.”



“Al-Quds [the Arabic term for Jerusalem] was and will remain the capital of the

Palestinian people, and that the Palestinian people is the foundation for the struggle for its freedom,” she said.

Tamimi went further, advocating for a boycott of Israeli media. “I do not answer questions for Israeli media because I cannot speak for the Israeli media and its conduct.”

As part of her agreement, Tamimi pleaded guilty to four counts of assault, including the videotaped slapping of an Israeli soldier. In addition to the eight month jail sentence, she was to pay a fine of 5,000 shekels ($1,437). "Ahed

Tamimi is a role model and an example of the popular Palestinian struggle for liberty and independence," Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said during a reception for Tamimi.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan congratulated Tamimi on her release in a phone call, lauding "her bravery and determination to fight." Tamimi was arrested in December, a day after a video of her punching, slapping and kicking two Israeli soldiers in a West Bank village went viral.

Tamimi's father, , said that the family was aware that she has become a symbol for the Palestinian people, including the youth, and she intends to visit many Palestinian cities, including Bethlehem, in the days after her release.

"Tamimi's long detention stemmed from political motives than from legal reasons," Tamimi's lawyer Gaby Lasky said on Thursday, adding "legal proceedings are not intended to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and instead



of sending minors to prison for resisting the occupation, the time has come for a courageous leadership to free us all from the chains of the occupation." Her initial

January indictment included 12 charges going back to 2016. The indictment included five counts of assault against security forces, including stone throwing.

She was charged with assaulting a soldier, threatening a soldier, interfering with a soldier in the line of duty, incitement and throwing objects at a person or property.

Last June, a parole board rejected Tamimi's request for an early release. The Shin

Bet security service issued an opinion in the case opposing her release. "The statements she has made about the case indicate her radical ideology, [and] along with the security situation in the area, [this] demonstrates her potential for danger if she receives an early release," the Shin Bet wrote. The court also convicted

Tamimi of incitement over statements she made in the video of the slapping incident: “I hope everyone will participate in the protests because that is the only solution to reach a result. Our strength is in our rocks and I hope that the entire world will unite to liberate Palestine because Trump announced a decision and they need to bear responsibility for every response that will come from us –

Whether it is a stabbing attack or suicide bombing or throwing rocks, everyone needs to do something and unite in order for our message to reach those who want to liberate Palestine." from-israeli-prison-1.6315634



Appendix 3 Israel National News Online News Article

Ahed Tamimi to be released from prison on Sunday

Soldier-slapping teen Ahed Tamimi will be released from Hasharonim prison this upcoming Sunday. Following her release, Tamimi will hold a press conference at the illegal Bedouin outpost of Khan Al Akhmar, which is scheduled to be demolished by the IDF within the next month.

On December 15th, 16-year-old Ahed Tamimi, her 21-year-old cousin Nour

Tamimi, and Ahed’s mother, Namiran, confronted two IDF soldiers stationed in the town to keep the peace, following the outbreak of riots in the area.

During the encounter, which was filmed, all three of the Tamimis attempted to provoke the soldiers, shoving, slapping, and kicking them while shouting at them.

Neither of the soldiers responded to the provocations, and none of the three

Tamimis was arrested at the time. The video recording of the incident went viral, sparking a backlash from Israeli nationalists who demanded the three be punished for their assault.

On December 19th, the IDF arrested 16-year-old Ahed Tamimi during a raid of her family’s house in . Israeli authorities later arrested Nour Tamimi,

21, and Nariman Tamimi. Ahed and Nariman were charged with aggravated assault and interfering with an IDF operation. Ahed was also charged with throwing stones at Israeli security forces.



In June, the Parole Board rejected Ahed Tamimi's appeal to reduce her sentence by a third after her appeal had been opposed by the Shin Bet on the grounds that she was a dangerous and ideologically motivated criminal and that her sentence should serve as a deterrent.



Appendix 4 Thematic Roles Distribution in Ynet News Article

Journalist Reporting Text (JRT) Clau se Supporting Clauses Roles Verb Values Notes Num Roles ber 17-year-old Palestinian, who was arrested 8 months ago and entered prison in Tamimi’s free A1, March after she Source: will after she JRT, Agent Leave Sharon Justice has done was recorded C1 Prison serving her physically sentences assaulting an Israeli soldier, leaves Sharon prison; Israeli Agent: government Israeli 17-year-old acts in order to governme Arrest Justice enforce a law Palestinian, who nt as Tamimi has was arrested 8 Goal: committed Theme Prison months ago and crimes entered prison in - A1, March after she Agent: - JRT, Record Tamimi’s Unclassified was recorded C2 Mother physically assaulting an An obligatory Goal: for Tamimi as Enter Justice Israeli soldier, Prison she is found leaves Sharon Agent guilty prison; Theme: Tamimi’ action Assault Israeli Peace threats to the soldier Israeli peace Israel released Israeli Agent: government from prison on Israeli A1, carries out the Sunday governme Theme Release Justice justice for JRT, nt Palestinian Tamimi, after C3 Source: she serves her teenager Ahed Prison Tamimi sentence Israeli Israel released government Agent: acts in order to from prison on -Israeli A1, Jail Justice enforce a law Sunday governme JRT, Theme as Tamimi has Palestinian nt C4 committed teenager Ahed crimes Agent: Tamimi, who Film Unclassified - -Tamimi’s



was jailed late mother last year after she was filmed Theme: Tamimi’ action Kick kicking and Agent Israeli Peace threats to the Slap slapping an soldier Israeli peace Israeli soldier in the West Bank. Tamimi, 17, Reaction of A1, Experienc Palestinian for became a Experien er- Tamimi as the JRT, Become Loyalty heroine to cer Palestinian symbol of C5 s Palestine’s Palestinians hope Bassem, said Agent: Bassem Theme Expect Unclassified - Saturday that he (Tamimi’s expects her to father) take a lead in the Theme: A A1, Take Unclassified - struggle against lead JRT, Israel but that C6 Agent Theme: A the 17-year-old Weigh college Freedom is also weighing option college options Speaking in front Theme: Speak - Her Unclassified - of the Supporters Agent microphones Theme: - before her Issue A brief Unclassified - A1, supporters who statement JRT, had turned out to C7 welcome her, Agent: Her - Theme Welcome Unclassified Tamimi issued a Supporters brief statement.

…Tamimi had Tamimi’s free Source: will after she A1, left the Sharon Agent Leave Sharon Justice has done JRT, prison and was Prison serving her C8 enroute to the sentences Goal: Theme Enroute Unclassified - West Bank West Bank Ahed was charged wit Israeli government Agent: A1, h 12 different acts in order to Israeli Theme Charge Justice enforce a law JRT, counts for six Governme as Tamimi has C9 different nt committed incidents in crimes January, Assault A1, …including Theme: Tamimi’ action Hinder Agent Israeli Peace threats to the JRT, aggravated Incite Soldier Israeli peace C10 assault, Threat



hindering a Throw soldier in the line of duty, incitement, threatening a soldier's life and stone-throwing Theme: Throw Tamimi’ action …Tamimi threw -Israeli Threat Peace threats to the stones at Israeli security Incite Israeli peace security forces, forces threatened them, Tamimi’s A1, provocation to participated in the Palestinian Agent JRT, to follow her violent rioting Theme: C11 action in Participate - Fellow Peace and incited threatening Palestinian others to Israeli peace participate in the Tamimi has committed clashes crimes An obligatory A1, Tamimi for Tamimi as Goal: JRT, was sentenced Theme she is found Sentence Prison Justice guilty in C12 to 8 months in attacking prison in March. Israeli soldier she had been A1, placed under Agent: An obligatory Israeli for Tamimi as Theme Place Justice JRT, arrest would be Governme she is found C13 included in her nt guilty overall setence Agent: An obligatory She was also Israeli for Tamimi as A1, Theme Order Justice ordered to pay Governme she is found JRT, nt guilty an NIS 5,000 C14 Theme: fine Agent Pay NIS 5,000 ustice fine



Direct Quotation of Tamimi (DQT) Clau se Supporting Clause Roles Verb Value Notes Num Roles ber I am grateful to A1, everyone, who Experien To be - Unclassified - DQT came to cer , C1 welcome me today I hope that A1, everyone comes Theme: Agent Hope Unclassified - DQT to the press Everyone , C2 conference at 4pm …so I can talk in A1, Theme: more detail and Talk My DQT Agent Unclassified - convey my Convey (Tamimi) , C3 message message …so I can talk in Agent: more detail and Female convey my Prisoners A1, message and that all over the world Theme Sent - Unclassified - DQT of the female Theme: , C4 prisoners who Message sent me Source: All over messages all the world over the world “we expect her Tamimi’s abdication to to lead and we Agent: A1, her nation in will support her Expect The Theme Loyalty efforts of DQT Support Palestinian to lead" in the resistance is , C5 s fight to end the supported by "occupation.” the Palestinian



Appendix 5 Thematic Roles Distribution in Haaretz News Article

Journalist Reporting Text (JRT) Clau se Supporting Clauses Roles Verb Values Notes Num Roles ber Israeli Ahed Tamimi, government A2, …, was released Agent: carries out the JRT, Theme Release Israeli Justice justice for on Sunday C1 soldier Tamimi, after morning she serves her sentence Israeli government Agent: a Palestinian acts in order to Israeli A2, Convict Justice enforce a law teenager governme JRT, as Tamimi has convicted of Agent nt C2 committed assaulting an crimes

Israeli soldier Theme: Tamimi’ action Assault Israeli Peace threats to the soldier Israeli peace Ahed Tamimi, …, was released An obligatory for Tamimi as A2, on Sunday Theme: she is found Agent Serve Her Justice JRT, morning after guilty in sentence C3 serving her attacking sentence of eight Israeli soldier months Tamimi’s free A2, Tamimi said will after she JRT, Agent Say - Freedom has done upon her release C4 serving her sentences Tamimi met Palestinian Tamimi’s free A2, will after she President Theme: - JRT, Agent Meet Freedom has done Mahmoud Abbas Endorgan C5 serving her at his office in sentences Ramallah Theme: Tamimi’ action Tamimi, …, Slap Israeli Peace threats to the turned into a soldier Israeli peace A2, Agent protest icon after Theme: A JRT, Turn protest Unclassified - she was filmed C4 icon slapping an Agent: Israeli soldier Theme Film Tamimi’s Unclassified - Mother Agent: An obligatory A2, She was Detain Theme Israeli Justice for Tamimi as Sentence JRT, detained for governme she is found



C5 three months nt guilty in attacking before being Goal: Jail Israeli soldier sentenced in March to eight The process of months in Theme: A Tamimi’s side Agent Reach Justice jail after plea deal to appeal the reaching a plea punishment deal Tamimi, …, Refrain - Unclassified - refrained from Say - Unclassified - A2, saying whether JRT, Agent Theme: Tamimi’ action she would slap C6 Slap Israeli Peace threats to the the Israeli soldier Soldier Israeli peace again Theme: Agent Advocatin Go Unclassified - Tamimi went g for a A2, further boycott Tamimi’s free JRT, advocating for a will to C7 boycott of Israeli Theme: A influence other Advocate Freedom media boycott people to follow her belief Tamimi pleaded guilty to four A consequence A2, counts of assault Theme: for Tamimi as Four she is found Agent Plead Justice JRT, including counts of guilty in C8 the videotaped assault attacking slapping of an Israeli soldier Israeli soldier An obligatory Theme: A for Tamimi as A2, she was to pay a fine of she is found Agent Pay 5,000 Justice JRT, fine of 5,000 guilty in shekels C9 shekels ($1,437) attacking ($1,437) Israeli soldier Turkish President Recep A2, Tayyip Erdogan Congratula Agent: Theme Unclassified - JRT, congratulated te Endorgan C10 Tamimi on her release in a phone call Tamimi was A consequence for Tamimi as Agent: arrested in she is found A2, Theme Arrest Israeli Justice December guilty in JRT, soldier a day after a attacking C11 Israeli soldier video of her Punch Theme: Tamimi’ action Agent Peace punching, Slap Israeli threats to the



slapping and Kick soldier Israeli peace Location: kicking two A West Israeli soldiers in Bank a West Bank village village went viral Tamimi’s she has become a Beneactive A2, abdication to symbol for the Experien : Become Loyalty her nation is JRT, cer Palestinian Palestinian adored by the C12 People people Palestinian She was Agent: A consequence Israeli for Tamimi as Theme Charge Justice charged with Governme she is found assaulting a nt guilty soldier, threatening a A2, soldier, JRT, interfering with a Assault C13 soldier in the line Threat Theme: Tamimi’ action Agent Interfere Israeli Peace threats to the of duty, Incite Soldier Israeli peace incitement and Throw throwing objects at a person or property she intends to Intend - Unclassified - visit many Tamimi’s free A2, Palestinian Theme: Agent will to visit and many JRT, cities, including Visit Freedom observe the Palestinian C14 Bethlehem, in condition of cities the days after her the Palestinian release



Direct Quotation of Tamimi (DQT) Clau se Supporting Clause Roles Verb Value Notes Num Roles ber The messages I am leaving with the prisoners A2, Tamimi’s with are that the Theme: DQT Agent Leave Loyalty abdication to serve popular struggle Prisoners , C1 her nation against the occupation will continue A2, Theme: I convey a Unclassifi DQT Agent Convey The - message ed , C2 message Theme: A A2, I do not answer question Unclassifi Agent Answer Benefactiv - DQT questions for ed , C3 Israeli media e: Israeli media A2, because I cannot Benefactiv Unclassifi Agent Speak e: Israeli - DQT speak for the ed , C4 Israeli media media A2, I hope everyone Tamimi’s effort to Theme: Agent Hope Loyalty gain support in her DQT will participate Everyone , C5 in the protests fight I hope that the A2, entire world will Theme: Tamimi’s effort to DQT Agent Hope Entire Loyalty gain support in her unite to liberate , C6 World fight Palestine



Appendix 6 Thematic Roles Distribution in Israel National News Article

Journalist Reporting Text (JRT) Clau se Supportin Clauses Roles Verb Values Notes Num g Roles ber Soldier-slapping Agent: Israeli Israeli teen, Ahed government governme A3, Tamimi will be carries out the nt Theme Release Justice justice for JRT, released from Tamimi, after C1 Hasharonim Source: she serves her prison this Hasharon sentence upcoming Sunday im Prison Theme: Tamimi will hold A press a press conference A3, Conferen at the illegal ce JRT, Agent Hold Unclassified - Bedouin outpost Location: C2 of Khan Al Illegal Bedouin Akhmar Outpost On December 15th, 16-year-old Ahed Tamimi, her 21-year-old cousin Nour Tamimi, and Tamimi’ A3, Theme: Ahed’s mother, Confro action threats JRT Agent Israeli Peace Namiran, nt to the Israeli C3 Soldiers confronted two peace IDF soldiers stationed in the town to keep the peace all three of the Tamimis Attempt attempted to Provok Tamimi’ A3, provoke the e Theme: action threats Agent Shove Israeli Peace JRT, soldiers, shoving, to the Israeli Slap Soldier C4 slapping, and peace kicking them Kick Shout while shouting at them A Agent: A3, … the three be consequence Israeli Theme Punish Justice for Tamimi as JRT, punished for their governme she is found C5 assault nt guilty in



attacking Israeli soldier A On December consequence A3, 19th, the IDF Agent: for Tamimi as JRT, Theme Arrest Israeli Justice she is found arrested 16-year- C6 soldier guilty in old Ahed Tamimi attacking Israeli soldier A consequence Ahed and Agent: for Tamimi as Israeli Nariman were Theme Charge Justice she is found Governm A3, charged with guilty in ent JRT, aggravated assault attacking C7 and interfering Israeli soldier Tamimi’ with an IDF Assault Theme: action threats Agent Interfer Israeli Peace operation to the Israeli e Soldier peace A Charge consequence Agent: for Tamimi as Ahed was also Theme Israeli Justice she is found A3, charged with govern guilty in JRT, throwing stones at ment attacking C8 Israeli security Israeli soldier Tamimi’ forces Theme: action threats Agent Throw Israeli Peace to the Israeli soldier peace In June, the Parole The process Board rejected of Israeli A3, Agent: Ahed Tamimi's parole board JRT, Theme Reject Parole Justice appeal to reduce to oppose the C9 Board her sentence by a Tamimi’s third appeal


Underlined : Tamimi as the agent and the verb that is carried by.

Bolded : Tamimi as the theme and the verb that is carried by.

Italic : Tamimi as the experiencer and the verb that is carried by.

Roles : Referring to Ahed Tamimi as the focus.

Supporting Roles : Someone else