2014 Annual Report
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FOXBOROUGH, MASSACHUSETTS CHAMPIONS AMONG US ANNUAL TOWN REPORT 2014 TOWN OF FOXBOROUGH Whereas a number of inhabitants belonging to the Towns of Wrentham, Walpole, Stoughton, and Stoughtonham, have represented to this Court the inconveniences that they labour under on account of their distance from the places of Public Worship in Several Towns to which they now belong and have earnestly and repeatedly requested that they may be incorporated into a Town, namely Foxborough, Norfolk County. INCORPORATED: June 10, 1778 POPULATION: 16,963 ELEVATION AT CORNER OF SOUTH & SCHOOL STREETS: 300 feet above sea level AREA OF TOWN: Approximately 21 square miles NUMBER OF MILES OF ACCEPTED ROADS WITHIN THE TOWN: 89.9 linear miles NUMBER OF MILES OF STATE HIGHWAYS WITHIN THE TOWN: 15.29 linear miles NUMBER OF MILES OF UNACCEPTED ROADS WITHIN THE TOWN: 5.19 linear miles TOTAL REGISTRATION OF VOTERS: As of December 15, 2014 G- U. GR PARTY MA INTER AMER INDEP. PCT# DEM REP UNENR LIB CNST RAIN USA INDEP 3rd PIRATE REFORM INDEP PTY TOTAL 1 501 263 1,277 4 2 1 1 1 2,050 2 553 333 1,442 5 2 1 1 1 2,338 3 544 323 1,461 4 1 2 1 2,336 1 4 492 349 1,442 7 4 1 4 2,300 5 428 322 1,348 2 1 2,101 TOTAL 2,518 1,590 6,970 22 1 11 1 3 5 1 1 1 1 11,125 SENATORS IN CONGRESS Edward J. Markey (D) 218 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510 Elizabeth A. Warren (D) 317 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510 CONGRESSMAN, FOURTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Joseph P. Kennedy, III (D) 1218 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 COUNCILLOR, SECOND DISTRICT Robert L. Jubinville (D) 487 Adams Street, Milton, MA 02186 STATE SENATOR IN GENERAL COURT, BRISTOL & NORFOLK DISTRICT James E. Timilty (D) State House, Room 518, Boston, MA 02133 STATE REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL COURT, FIRST BRISTOL DISTRICT Fred “Jay” Barrows (R) State House, Room 542, Boston, MA 02133 236TH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TOWN OFFICERS FOXBOROUGH, MASSACHUSETTS TOGETHER WITH THE REPORT OF THE SCHOOL DEPARTMENT AND TOWN ACCOUNTANT / FINANCE DIRECTOR FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 236TH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TOWN OFFICERS FOXBOROUGH, MASSACHUSETTS TOGETHER WITH THE REPORT OF THE SCHOOL DEPARTMENT AND TOWN ACCOUNTANT / FINANCE DIRECTOR FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2014 Dedicated to 6DPSVRQ³6DP´*RUGRQ%HUQV and his parents Dr. Scott Berns and Dr. Leslie Gordon This \HDU¶V)R[ERURXJK7RZQ5HSRUWis dedicated to Sam Berns and his parents, Scott and Leslie, not only because of their accomplishments and contributions GXULQJ 6DP¶V VKRUW OLIH RI VHYHQWHHQ \HDUV EXW IRU their selfless willingness to share, embrace and involve our community in their journey. ³6DP OLYHG DQ H[WUDRUGLQDU\ OLIH ZKLOH DW WKH VDPH time he lived an ordinary life of a Foxborough High School teenager. His impact on the world will be felt for decades to come.´ This statement by )R[ERURXJK¶V 6XSHULQWHQGHQW RI 6FKRROV best describes how RQHER\¶VOLIHKDVLPSDFWHGVRPDQ\ Sam was born with and battled an extremely rare disease called Progeria, which was little-known in Foxborough. One of only 250 children in the world to be diagnosed with this disease that causes premature aging, Sam and his parents garnered national and worldwide attention as they fought to find a cure. Humble and quietly stated people, 6DP¶V parents assembled a team that identified the gene that causes Progeria. Their research and clinical trials continue on, developing treatments and searching for a cure. In Foxborough, 6DP¶V interests, activities, public service, accomplishments and honors were extraordinary indeed. Starting as a Tiger Scout, he earned his Eagle Scout Rank his junior year and took pride at his induction, thanking his adult leaders for teaching him to be both an inspiring leader and an effective follower. Sam and his parents were approachable and grounded in our community. Working alone or with his many friends, Sam supported numerous causes that Foxborough holds so dear, walking the Relay for Life, counseling in the Ahern¶V Summer Instrumental Music Camp, replacing 9HWHUDQ¶V flags at Rockhill Cemetery, marking trails at our State Forest, working his Cub Scout Pancake Breakfasts, manning his booth at Founders Day, visiting seniors at our Doolittle Home, and cleaning up Camp St. Augustine. In the course of his Middle and High School years, Sam earned prestigious academic awards the way some of us collected baseball cards back in the day: the Francis Toomey Award, Presidential Awards for Outstanding Academic Achievement and Excellence in Academics and Art, and the Citizenship and Leadership Award to name a few. Sam earned Highest Honors each year and, with an intense love of math and science, ventured beyond the walls of )R[ERURXJK¶V schools to compete in regional competitions, bringing home awards beyond the reach of most. Sam competed on the school debate team and was elected to Student Council. He was heard early each week in his public broadcasts to IHOORZVWXGHQWVGXULQJWKHVFKRRO¶VPRUQLQJDQQRXQFHPHQWVWhen he moved up the grades, he returned to train the younger students to continue. His love of sports led him to play baseball and then to umpire in the Babe Ruth League. Sam will always be remembered for the deep passion he felt for the Foxborough Music Program, and for the passion he inspired in return, playing his snare drum in the marching band, a special drum harness engineered to help carry his load safely. Outside of Foxborough, Sam raised the bar of commitment and achievement to a level seldom seen at any age. As he worked with his parents toward a cure for Progeria, he toured our country with speaking engagements in programs such as TedMed with the National Institutes of Health, NICU Leadership Forum, National Public Radio¶V ³$OO7KLQJV&RQVLGHUHG,´ the Sundance Festival, the Katie Couric show, and ABC Primetime. The HBO full length documentary based on his life, ³/LIH $FFRUGLQJ WR 6DP,´ received worldwide recognition, was shortlisted for the Academy Awards, and earned an Emmy Award. Honored at the Patriots, Red Sox, Bruins and Celtics games for his efforts, Sam was completely on his game when fans at each venue rose to their feet for ovations. Through his efforts, well over a million dollars was raised toward research for a cure for Progeria, with 6DP¶Vaunt, Audrey Gordon, executive director of the Progeria Research Foundation, spearheading the drive. )ROORZLQJ6DP¶VSDVVLQJ in his junior year of high school, classmates spanning the broad spectrum of 6DP¶V life, student-athletes, artists, musicians, scientists, self-proclaimed ³band geeks and bros,´ and simple down-to-earth friends, stepped forward and DVNHGSHUPLVVLRQWRQDPH)R[ERURXJK¶VQHZartificial turf field the ³6DP%HUQV&RPPXQLW\)LHOG,´ 6DP¶V classmates said Sam exemplified what community means to them and wanted the entire town to remember this. Within the heart of our field and our community of Foxborough, Sam will live on, continuing to inspire all who come to play, compete and gather as individuals or as a community, and the band will sound that much sweeter. DHVSLWH 6DP¶V QDWLRQDO UHFRJQLWLRQ DQG VWDWXV WKH WUXH philosophy of Sam and his parents is best illustrated by RQH RI 6DP¶V FODVVPDWHV. When asked about Sam, he would simply shrug and tell you, ³<DKLW¶VMXVW6DP´Because of this, Foxborough may best remember Sam¶V ³Philosophy of Life,´ so confidently and eloquently expressed by Sam in his list of the four most important things to do in order to have a ³+DSS\/ife´: 1. %H2.ZLWKZKDW\RXXOWLPDWHO\FDQ¶WGR because there is so much you CAN do 2. Surround yourself with people you want to be around 3. Keep moving forward 4. Never miss a party if you can help it )URP6DP¶VLego creations to his time singing on stage with famous rock stars, Sam always kept it real, and Foxborough is grateful. For Scott and Leslie¶V selflessness in sharing Sam with us in such an open and loving way for so long, Foxborough is privileged. We dedicate a small portion of our history to you. ³%H%UDYH´«6% Dedication: Selectman James J. DeVellis Artist Drawing6DP¶VFOassmate Matthew Stamatov (class of 2015) Family Photo: Sean Fine In Memoriam 2014 During the year we were saddened by the deaths of the following former town employees. David Berglund Highway Department Patricia Cameron School Department, School Nurse Christopher Ienello School Department, Substitute Teacher Frederick Krug Inspections Department, Electrical Inspector Paul F. MacDonald Foxborough Police Department Elizabeth Moreshead School Department, SPED Bus Driver Jane Nixon School Department, Career Services Bruce Norton School Department, Substitute Teacher Lee Prosser School Department & Volunteer @ Council on Aging Marie Sullivan School Department, Cafeteria Worker Albert Viscardi School Department, Teacher Maurice A. Williams Foxborough Commission on Disability 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS TOWN CLERK Population, Registered Voters, Congressmen & Senators ............................................. inside front cover Elected Officials ....................................................................................................................................... 1 Appointed Town Officials ....................................................................................................................... 2 Appointed Boards and Committees ......................................................................................................... 3 Vital Statistics from 2000 to 2014 ........................................................................................................... 8 Town Clerk Receipts and Payments .......................................................................................................