OPEN ACCESS The Journaf of Threatened Taxa fs dedfcated to buffdfng evfdence for conservafon gfobaffy by pubffshfng peer-revfewed arfcfes onffne every month at a reasonabfy rapfd rate at . Aff arfcfes pubffshed fn JoTT are regfstered under Creafve Commons Atrfbufon 4.0 Internafonaf Lfcense unfess otherwfse menfoned. JoTT affows unrestrfcted use of arfcfes fn any medfum, reproducfon, and dfstrfbufon by provfdfng adequate credft to the authors and the source of pubffcafon. Journaf of Threatened Taxa Buffdfng evfdence for conservafon gfobaffy ISSN 0974-7907 (Onffne) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Prfnt) Communfcatfon Fffes matter: a study of the dfversfty of Dfptera famfffes (Insecta: Dfptera) of Mumbaf Metropofftan Regfon, Maharashtra, Indfa, and notes on thefr ecofogfcaf rofes Anfruddha H. Dhamorfkar 26 November 2017 | Vof. 9| No. 11 | Pp. 10865–10879 10.11609/jot. 2742 .9. 11. 10865-10879 For Focus, Scope, Afms, Poffcfes and Gufdeffnes vfsft htp:// For Arfcfe Submfssfon Gufdeffnes vfsft htp:// For Poffcfes agafnst Scfenffc Mfsconduct vfsft htp:// For reprfnts contact <
[email protected]> Pubffsher/Host Partner Threatened Taxa Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 November 2017 | 9(11): 10865–10879 Flies matter: a study of the diversity of Diptera families (Insecta: Diptera) of Mumbai Metropolitan Region, Communication Maharashtra, India, and notes on their ecological roles ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) Aniruddha H. Dhamorikar OPEN ACCESS B-9/15, Devkrupa Soc., Anand Park, Thane (W), Maharashtra 400601, India
[email protected] Abstract: Diptera is one of the three largest insect orders, encompassing insects commonly known as ‘true flies’.