POLYTECHNIC STUDENTS There is a new " Student" Newsdesk in the Union Executive Office. Open 1 - 2pm Monday - Wednesday PLEASE tell us about society events, gigs, news or views.

Park Lane students to face new cut Government plans to cut benefits for dole queue students and leave them penniless have sparked a major protest campaign at Park Lane College, Angry students beseiged local DHSS offices on Wednesday in a bid to uncover details of the move, revealed in a report in The Guardian newspaper. At present, unemployed people can spend up to 21 hours a 'week at college studying and still claim benefit. According to the Guardian the first victims at Park Lane. given was pretty vague," said story. the Govt wants to Her timetable totals 101/2 Ruth , include the total time spent hours. She was receiving "Students at Middlesborou- at college including use of coff- £22 per week in benefits to gh have already had their dole ee bars and sporting facilities. rent her bedsit and keep body cut. We understand that this Park Lane union president and soul together, but this has could be implemented here Ruth Passman fears even trav- been stopped, said Ms, Pass- within the next few weeks. elling time and private study man. We are hoping to keep will be added on, Park Lane students voted at least '10 people down at Many of Park Lane's 770 overwhelming opposition to this the DHSS offices during all students at present claiming threatened at a packed opening hours to keep vigil." dole would be denied it. be- OGM on Wednesday. Over 300 She said. ironically, that the cause these new measures attended. union was told that courses. would push their hours total Afterwards, 65 students visi- including some TOPS and other over the lintit. ted DHSS offices in Park Government schemes would not Sally Birch, a 22 years Place on a fact finding be hit. old studying A level English mission. and 0 level Maths is among "The information we were RAY CASTLE. Hebrew just want Leeds to do the Venice Blanks. Pre • Jane Shirley ' COLL rse. Cheap decision Assurance has been given Travel ELECTION RESULTS The fate of the Hebrew that no redundancies will be department is likely to be made in the next three It's never been a better After a late night count the covered all the university halls decided at next Wednesday's days, and that courses curr- time to get out of Leeds posts of Treasurer, General and flats and some private meeting of Senate. ently in progress will not be For the month of March. the Secretary and Cultural Affairs residences. If the recommendations of affected. University Union Travel Bur- Sec were filled for the 1982- "I have to thank a trusty the Senate Planning Committee Arabic is also likely to come eau are offering a free rail 3 session by Denise Blanks, team of friends who put in is followed, certain Hebrew under scrutiny in the near ticket with every Student Steve Brown and Guy Hollands. a lot of work canvassing for me. courses will be discontinued. future. Union President, Sea- Rail Card sold. with an unusually high turnout "I would like to register The Pro-Vice Chancellor. Prof- mus Gillen. urged for more The saving made can be of 1.827 votes. my disgust however at the essor Hogan said that this student involvement and said considerable. Say you wanted These results are provisional. total lack on interest in the does not form part of the UGC "the strength of the campaign to travel to the ends of the however until it has been hustings. cuts. He added that he support- is student reaction. It is an country, a trip to John 0' confirmed that no candidate "Denise did a lot of foot exceeded this election budget. ed the maintainance of some issue which concerns everyone. Groats via Wick (the closest slog and Steve put in a lot Miss Blanks said of her Jewish presence in the Univer- but especially Jewish stud- station) would cost you £20.30 of hard work, which shows success "I'm very pleased and I sity, which would make use ents." plus the £10 for the card, that this is a far better way of the 00,000 trust fund It is hoped that more part- while getting to Penzance would like to thank all the of running a campaign - to people who helped me." available to the Hebrew depart- icipation will be possible now to visit Lands End would actually go out and talk "I'm also pleased at the high ment- that the issue of open and re- set you back Elb plus the cost to students one to one and The reasons for cutting served business has been res- of the card. turnout which was the result test the content of my manif- Hebrew are apparently not Fin- olved. There's no restriction on the of a great deal of oinyassing. esto against their views." ancial. It seems that students SUE RYLANCE. number of Rail Cards one can Gill Newman, present Cult- He also commented on the have, and the tickets will be ural Affairs Secretary. Second- high turnout. For the hundred students on Wednesday's death march to valid for three months, so Phil Chand. Guy Holland's "It doesn't look a lot in the Conservative HQ, education cuts are a grave issue. you can pay now and go later. closest rival in the CAS terms of the percentage of the All you need for a Rail student population but it was The procession was the brain-wave of Huddersfield Poly- election. After hearing of his technic who provided a life-like replica of a corpse encased Card is a current Union Card, defeat she said: "rrn fairly much higher than last year. 1:10 and a couple of self- disappointed because I know It is a good trend which I in a coffin bearing the mortal motif "Higher Education - R-1,P," They added to the funeral effect by bringing along an portraits of the passport type. Phil could do the job I'm hope will continue next year. PETER PARKER. sure he feels the same. so the Union will become oompah brass band who treated the general public to tuneful renditions of the death march. "He's had his eye on the more representative of its On arrival at the Tory HQ a letter addressed to job for x number of years. st udents... Sir Keith Joseph was handed over, maintaining that the He was a very strong candidate, A tired but elated Steve axing of education can only prove fatal...... but Guy Hollands did more Brown said; "I've had no sleep campaigning, for the last two and a half t Mr Hollands also acknow- days because of my campaign ledged the success of his commitments. I've worked very campaigning. hard and I'm obviously pleased. "Over the last two weeks I've JENNIFER SYKES.

THE VOTES Gen Sec - Brown 824 Treasurer - Blanks 768 CAS - Holland 840

Pull uut guide to Hairdressers and i-ashion inside Page Two ieti4ir- rF g 10 (4 7@EZE laTni4q Walk Out - Or Sit In? 'pc, rom'f - fa4- other campus Unions, refused like leafletting and a vigil". 7Fivi -rHE ONE tONIIAlliTvew Last Tuesday was supposed to be.a day of mass walk-outs of to do so because they did not The Union Secretary, Cul- have time to inform their mem- tural Affairs Secretary and Ar University students throughout Af'a( the country as part of the N.U.S. bers about the proposal for a Treasurer were supposed to be et ACK A'', Grants Week of Action. campus wide walk-out.this was organising the response to the However, on at least three at a meeting four weeks call for a demonstration today in itJ --rie campuses, no such mass demon- beforehand. London demanding a heavier wi4og.E flow strations occured. The NUS had stated that, to grant. At Manchester, the Students make it worthwhile, 60-70% of Elaine Goswell, the General Union spent the day letting off students would have to partici- Secretary said that all of the balloons with slogans such as pate. It was agreed by the Union members of Union Council and "Manchester University Stu- Exec. that there was no point in Executive were mandated to go. dents protest at the cut in even trying to organise a walk- but this may he illegal, as people Grants" emblazoned on the out, as there was no way that cannot he mandated to spend side. that number would support it their own money. If their At Birmingham, there was lit- here in Leeds. Jim Murtagh's expenses are not paid, they do tle response to the NUS call. A estimate was that about 500 not have to go. work-in on The central reserva- would go - only about 5%* At the time of writing, only a tion of the Bristol Road was He also said that the walk-out dozen coach tickets had been intended, but the police forbade would have to include a large sold, not including those sold to it, and the students sank back number of students being out members of Exec. into apathy. for many days for the action to Ms. Goswell felt that "Stu- II 1 L) Leeds University took no part have any effect. "As a tactic. I dents can't be bothered to do in any such proceedings. Jim am not sure how it would have something about their grants, Murtagh. the Union Vice Presi- worked out. The hest thing and they must take the consequ- Now there's a dent said that this was due to the would have been for there to ences. fact that the AUT, amongst have been different activities, MARILYN HONIGMAN funny thing Poly D„. has Did you hear the one about Allem, for jokes of a non-sexist, Laundry re-launch gear stolen the hunch of students who had non-racist nature to put in next year's Rag mag. Anyone who's to compile a Rag mag and didn't Disco equipment worth £750 know any jokes? Well the Uni- heard a good one should tell it to them in their office outside the was stolen from the Poly versity Rad did, and they've sent in time for Easter Ents Hall in the Union B out an S.O.S. to budding Dave Union Tetley bar. University students whose Leisurematics back in Septem- Block last Friday. hopes of watching their smalls ber, as they were not main- The missing gear didn't revolve in the comfort of their taining the washers and dryers actually belong to the union, Posters pulled own Union were fading faster properly, which meant they had but to one of its regular than their jeans can now become a fire and flood DJs, Steve Cook. relax. risk and had to be closed. The theft was discovered LUU is to have its own We are negotiating with Brig- late on Friday evening. The down thieves entered the block One of LUU left wing politi- give her name for fear of repris- launderette again "very soon- house Games tno relation) to hopefully before the end of through a lire exit, and broke cal groups claims it is the victim als. maintain and run the machines, term" according to Union down another door to reach the of an anti poster campaign. "People are entitled to air as obviously we can't. As Treasurer Andy Kershaw. chair store, where the equip Members of Young Socialists their views," she said, "but not they supply all the games Brighouse Leisurematics machines in the Union they -ment was kept. Student Society said advertise- in this way. They should come to DAVID HARRIS. ments for their film. Occupied see us and discuss the issue". have finally thrown in the towel have a vested interest in and transferred ownership of Palestine. disappeared minutes The film, made by Vanessa providing a good service." after they were put up. On Rcdgravc productions, was a the washers and dryers to the So students will be able to Posters damage Tuesday morning, posters fixed documentary on the plight of Union rather than face court avail themselves of the Union's on trees around the union were Palestinians in Israel. It was action over an unpaid bill other services secure in the building torn down, said YSSS members. shown in LT 21 last Wednesday of £1,75b.43 for flood damage knowledge that at 50p a wash, "Zionist influences within the evening. and unpaid rent. it's cheaper than commercial Andy Kershaw said: "We facilities, and handy for the bar Caroline Arscort, A. Sowery University were to blame" said RAY CASTLE one member. who refused to served notice on Brighouse to boot. and A. Thorpe, all SWSO candidates in this weeks elec- tions, are due to receive TINTIN No.g a bill of around £10 each for The Movies Come the damage their election post- 1 EN .3 (.., 111111111 ers have caused to the Univer- ■■ill•M sity Union. Their posters were found by II to Leeds Poly to 1, the House Manager, Reg Grav- ,ffl A huge video screen, meas- among those involved, and on eling glued to the inside walls uring 3ft by 4ft is to be Wednesday showed a video and windows of the Union and III III installed in bar lounge 3 featuring Supertramp, the Extension causing damage to at the Poly Union. Police. Squeeze and Nine Below the paintwork • only recently NI Zero. A and M's own equip- redone as part of the refur- 13 It's intended for use not ment was used, due to a tech- bishment of the Union, and 1111 only for screening TV progra- nical hitch. meaning that the windows will II+ II III IS mmes, but also feature films The screen will be available have to be scrubbed down. on video. for use by poly clubs and soc- Andy Kershaw, to whom the lc ieties. A disco camera and III Exec has been contacted by matter was reported said he i / ;a various record companies hop- extra speakers are planned add- was "disgusted by their lack ■mum aas ing to use the screen for itions. of respect for the building". promotion nights. A and M are DAVID HARRIS. Other candidates may also face bills over their posters. :.f Steve Brown, Phil Chand and 1111 Mill Denise Blanks posters were li "fly-posted" around the Univ- ersity precinct, and the author- EARN MONEY PART-TIME ities are threatening to bill En il New national weekly magazine seeks part -time the Union for their removal help selling subscriptions. at the rate of £4.50 an hour. . z.., Opportunity to earn high spare-time income In both cases, the bills will 1 promoting quality publishing venture. be paid out of the candidates Write of details now to: own pockets rather than from The Publisher. their election budgets. Technology Week, Dyke House, 110 South Street. DOWN ACROSS Eastbourne. East Susses . I Place with a view. we hear. 141 1 Lets off energy, going to certain tomtit BN21 4L2 2 Team that's always a weight? 171 with sealmeial 110) New Photocopier 3 Act in a twined because of entrance 6. Hundred in need of help become Hour exam! (131 (419 Surprise medication? 15) 4 These stones may be difficult to swallow 10. Comes vein to gather fruit, 1,7i - like old chews? 14,41 1? Hit end miss affair showing a wrongful A £40,000 photocopier is the 5 So ordinary that Ws obvious 151 conviction- (5,3,51 latest addition to the Poly 7 Gift and char go togethel, to one's 14 DedateelltIleteeight. aitit was:aid MI annoyance (71 15 Resort to tins, you might say, (61 union's printing room. 8. Sid deserts - imam! (10) 17 Catch in eppereht labtole, 151 The machine can produce 11. Going from side to side gels semi-risk 19 Dole having e thousand, here at home in before noiiday. (13) 181 plain paper copies. tickets. 13 Keep the golf course in trim with 21 It may be of light construction, but it SOUTH OF FRANCE cards and reductions, and mult- springsl (5,51 will withstand the strongest blow? (9,4) 4 berth Caravans at f25 per week, iple page documents can be 16 Rate door badly with fighting man, 18) 24 In Russia. sedly, Nolth.East..Derting 18 Try bed workers - or dictators (7) 191 per person for 4 persons. copied rapidly. 20 Properly located - that's where to bat 25 I had Maimed 10 nothing in this state Last year the poly union (2,51 (5) 22. Tapestry primarily about Re.-hard Rex 26 Belt for the frame? 1141 SELF DRIVE, TRANSALPINO spent £15,000 on printing. and soldiers 151 21 Binder trains gent roughly. (101 ENQUIRIES TEL: NEWCASTLE It plans to cut costs this 23 A kind of arrangement? (41 year by renting this machine (0632) 844365 at £8,000pa and take on outside printing to help make it pay its way. DAVID HARRIS. Page Three Brief O.G.M. Health Services SHORT AND SWEET armament. Judy Cradock said that some had even given up their That was the theme of this jobs in opposing the siting of under attack week's OGM. Although it was a Cruise Missiles. Speaking in op- position. Jeremy Minden, the short time before it became Government cuts at Leeds Uni- needed to achieve this will affect public which are not central to ex- OGM speaker, said that quorate, the meeting itself lasted versity may eventually damage Cruise missiles were needed as a four dental and 10 medicine teaching are threatened. Among about half an hour. as there were care standards for focal NHS posts. deterrent against aggression by those in danger are the already only four items on the agenda patients. To meet the remainder of the Russia. but again Seamus Gillen understaffed pathology and psy- panel. The NHS depends heavily on the cutbacks, a second round of asked the meeting not to forget chiatry sections. As soon as the meeting started university and its clinical aca- economies is being agreed for also the aggressive stance of the NHS post graduate and spec- there was a request for a sus- demic staff. Professors, senior two years' time, liable to mean USA, particularly In Central iality training is also likely to be pension of standing orders from lecturers have commitments sim- the loss of 15 further jobs at affected_ America. In fact, he said America Paul Earnshaw. He felt that the ilar to NHS clinicians_ Consultant, Senior Registrar and The University Grants Com- had been involved in more milit- issue of the 12 was the In evidence put before the Gov- Registrar level. mittee has asked that Leeds be ary interventions since the Second most important. However, this ernment's social services com- Over 70 of NHS and hon. con- allowed to maintain its medical World War than Russia. was rejected and the first motion, mittee, the University has warned sultants in the Leeds area are and dental student intake. Finally. Paul Earnshaw got his on the issue of dissenting socialist University staff, of a total 270. Prof. Woods, dean of the school chance to plead the case of the that unless more money is forth- prisoners in Russia was passed coming, it will be forced to make University staff deal with all of medicine, said he hoped Bradford 12. The circumstances without a vote, because it was cuts affecting NHS patients. child battering cases for the west • local health services would be in which they were being held noncontroversial. A moratorium has already been ern Yorkshire area, and treat a able to step into the resulting gave great cause for concern, The second motion, on the imposed on the filling of posts, to third of all psychiatric breach: and the case against them was cases for question of the rights and wrongs help meet the University's savings the Leeds area. He said economies could not be itself full of irregularities, he of Military Research in univer- target of £4.6m minimum by The University is Forced to give achieved just by cutting down on said. The whole matter rested on sities, was rather inarticulately 83 84. Clinical medicine has been financial priority to teaching and the number of test tubes used', the right of the Bradford 12 to put by Helena Coningham. She told to save Z228,000 and den- research, so some speciality med- said that Leeds University Union organise politically, and not be in tistry Eb5,000 The economies ical services available to the MARILYN HONIGMAN. was at the forefront of opposition fear of prosecution for doing so. to Military Research, and that He stated that they were simply encouragement should be given to trying to protect their basic other universities and colleges in civil rights. and that LW should following LUU's example. Seamus add its support to the campaign Gillen, the Union President, said which was already growing. N.U.S. Rally attacks 4% that for every 1,000 million Opposing the motion, a speaker dollars spent, 180,000 jobs could said that if one law were created be created in education, as opposed for one set of people, then grad- A mass protest against the with the freezing of the parental since 1962. NUS's 17.4% demand to only 80,000 in defence, The ually we would all end up on the Government's policy on student contribution scales, means that would represent a step towards motion that the Union actively slippery road to anarchy, This grants was due to take place in the majority of students will compensating for this decrease. opposes Military Research in was greeted with a certain amount London today. receive less cash next academic Union President, Seamus Gillen universities, and that the univer- of derision by most of those The demonstration, organised year than they did in 1981 - 2. emphasised the dramatic conse- sity should do the same, was present. by the National Union of Students In comparison to NUS's demand quences of the offer, which, in passed. The only other news of note is an attempt to involve students for a 17.4% increase. the 4% offer effect, amounts to a 6% reduction. The third of the four motions was the announcement that the from all over the country in the is a mere pittance. At present, Fie said: 'The increasing lack of was connected with the previous Union has a new OGM Speaker. fight against cut-backs in edu- grants are not keeping pace with opportunity which such financial one. The Womens' Peace Group Graham Wall took his seat at cation. inflation, which is currently at disincentives represent, coupled emphasised the sacrifice that the Tuesday's meeting, and on lust The protest follows the Govern- 10%. Price rises in gas and elect- with the effects of the cuts being women protesting at the siting of impression he looks as though he ment's decision to raise grants ricity only make the situation imposed is producing a nuclear missiles at Greenham will handle the job capably and by only 4%. The increase applies worse. This means that the real situation'. Common had made in the cause efficiently. only to students alieady on a value of an undergraduate grant of campaigning for unilateral dis- NICK. TURNER. full grant, which, when taken has fallen by a startling 20% SUE RYLANCE, Sir Keith Joseph on Education living, Students aren't the only Sir Keith Joseph has been dubbed nationalisation is that all expend- entry standards, and are not in scheme would have to be carefully Ones', by friends and enemies alike as iture has to come from the the habit of accepting anyone and structmed, especially to cater for Ever got the feeling you've heard the 'Mad Monk'. It is not hard to taxpayer, and there is a limit to everyone who applies. women who might want to it all before?. _ see how he came by that name. what the taxpayer can afford. Were the cuts in the Univer- withdraw from earning for many Time was running out. Ministers He gives the impression of being Another consequence is that sities really an ,attempt to save years. Like many he wants to see are busy men, and this one had on a different plane from the people feel it is their right to money, after all many of the the abolition of the parental con- given me all the time he could rest of us, whether on a higher or have a good service for nothing. savings will be cancelled out by tribution. but not, as one might spare. Nothing he had said had lower plane depending no doubt '1 regret that education is in that the redundancy bills, or were they _imagine. for the State to take over done anything to change my on your politics, or on your position; I think it is a shame. an attempt to fundamentally re- that part of the grant. No, it is the student, with the aid of his impression that here is a man degree of involvement in Edu- don't think that nationalisation is structure the University system? loan, who would be responsible dedicated to transforming our cation. He is a shy, very reserved the best choice where it can be 'They were conceived as an for that. Educational system into one of man, unusual qualities in a poli- avoided'. attempt to save money, but we Nor is there much prospect of his own liking. tician, but then he is far from But what of the assisted places are trying to use them to improve any substantial increase in the For the rest of this Govern- being your average politician. At scheme? Isn't that giving valuable the performance and structure of Grant while he is in power. ment at least, it doesn't seem as all times he gives the impression resources to a privileged few at what the Universities provide. I'm `Do remember that large num- if anything is going to stop him, that he believes passionately in the expense of the majority? not saying that the whole Univer- bers of the population are accept- what he is saying, with perhaps a '1 think it was an act of wicked, sity world can be improved. but ing a cut in their standard of JAMES MATES. hint of fanaticism there as well. wicked destructiveness to abolish certainly some parts of it can' When Mrs Thatcher won the the Direct Grant schools. Child- Without prompting he men- leadership of the Conservative ren were Ieft by Labour to the tioned his liking for a student's, Party Sir Keith became her mercy of local schools, however loan scheme, and made it quite right-hand man, playing the part bad they were. I want to increase clear that if it was his own choice of the ideologue behind the the freedom of choice to all he would have one right now. It throne, responsible for keeping children whether rich or poor. seems we should he grateful to the the party on course whatever Of course the assisted places is rest of the Education department the practical difficulties. He is a only a faint beginning to that'. for having delayed him this long. political theorist; a policy maker The noble ideas of freedom of Working your way through Coll- rather than a policy implementor. choice did not seem to extend to ege has its attractions to 'self- On coming into Government he the University system, where the help' ideology. took the job of Industry Secre- Robbin's principle that courses I suggested that by constantly tary, presiding over the sharpest should be available to all young reducing the value of the Grant decline in our manufacturing people qualified and wishing to in real terms and forcing students industries since the 'Thirties'. He take them was becoming a thing to overdraw, he was introducing was shuffled sideways into Edu- of the past. student loans through the back- cation and showed that he had In reply he harked back again door on an unofficial and highly lost none of his ability to im- to the taxpayer. He said that unsatisfactory basis. plement savage cuts with the implicit in the Robbin's principle 'I'm delighted. I'm delighted. nonchalent ease of a hunter was that the country should be After all students are there skinning his freshly caught prey. able to afford It. While the tax- presumably because they have His period in office at the payer was paying for the maintain- some enterprise and intelligence, Department of Education and ance of students he was entitled and they will find ways. Good Science has done little to stop to have a say in the standards luck to them, exactly so_ Educational standards falling. If and scale of subject places. 'The student grant has gone anything the decline has been In a more radical departure down by 13% in the last three accelerated, in the interest of the from the Robbin's principle Sir years. 13% of a grant is about tax-payer and our 'trading base'. Keith said that 'it didn't mean £150. If for three years a student I put it to him that there can that an unlimited number of were to borrow this sum every never be justification in what we students qualified by some un- year, the debt with which he or like to call a civilised society for specified standard should have a she would leave University would leaving school children without right to study whatever they be of the same order as might even enough books to study from. liked, wherever they liketrMaybe have been acceptable to buy a 'Education was nationalised it was because he was new to the motorbicycle. Not totally tripp- under the Labour Government. job, but he seemed blissfully ing as a debt'. One of the consequences of unaware that Universities have He did concede that any loans • Sir Keith Joseph Page Four ession of commitment to com- at this occasion more than too scared of the consequences the usual faces, indicating to apply for a visa, or who have monsense and care for others." \-, He then writes "would he the growing awareness among their applications continually students of the problems lac- refused, such as the more (Ian Hunter) allow Adolf LETTERS ing the Third World countries. well-known cases of Ida Nudel Hitler a platform here? 1 This was just one of a series and Anatoly Scharansky. Schar- sincerely hope not. "What right Eddar of events put on by the Soc- %k; to the ansky has now just been does John Erskine have to LAmirdS 91,(11W& tell the students whose views iety, including day-schools and P55' sentenced to a further 3 EDITOR years in a labour camp. they may hear and whose they the meetings on aspects of buds women, labour, and life. This where he has been spending may not John Stuart Mill weekend there will be a day- / AII contributions must be received most of his time in soli- wrote that "All silencing of dis- by the Sunday before publication. school in York at The Rudolf tary confinement with his cussion is an assumption Steiner School, put on by the health seriously deteriorating. of infallibility." I'm glad that John Erskine I.V ,S. entitled "Questioning Marina can be heard at Development," at which it is 8 pm on Monday March regards himself' as infallible.... reporter rang up and I spec- planned to examine attitudes 1st in LGI9 of the University because I'm not so sure. ifically said I did not want on this theme with games, New Arts Block. Yours sincerely, Aerial anything published. MARK ELLIS films and discussion. That the I cannot over emphasise Yours sincerely, Jewry Action issues of the Third World that this could not have happ- L.U.U. Soviet Group. can be .put over by use of a Grouse ened to initial students and stimulating medium means Dear Editor, even advanced students. The that the membership of this I feel compelled to make Bar Meal situation which did arise was Society are treated to social public the incompetence and mainly due to my own error. Really! Dear Sir, events which are not only insensitivity of one of your Heather M. Watson Nearly three hundred people The Editor, good fun, but which also so called reporters. Chairman of Leeds Poly Union crowded into the Refectory provide food for thought. In an article head-lined Parachute Club. last Wednesday evening for Yours sincerely, "Aerial Drama" 19 Feb. I was We would be grateful if you the Rich World, Poor World IAN BANGAY. reported to "find that my harn- Dear Ms. Watson, would make a correction to f you won't talk, then how do meal as part of the Third ess was too high" after hav- the review your correspondent World Society's week of action. ing deployed my emergency you expect the paper to get over made of the Really gig at your point of view. The informa- The purpose behind the meal 'chute. The 'chute then "billo- Leeds Poly. was to bring home to people Mo Nazis? wed out into my face badly tion we printed was given in good In fact, the gig was organised in concrete terms the vast bruising one side of my faith by a member of the Poly jointly by City and Woodhouse Sir, eAec. Leeds Student is not The discrepancy which exists in We are writing concerning face and cutting my chin." branch of the Labour Party, nutritional standards between I then had to be "taken to Times - we do not have unlimited and CND, and Labour Party an article published in Leeds resources, and cannot expect Western countries and under- Student on 2tith February. hospital". members put a great deal developed nations. Those pre- Firstly my harness was at unpaid staff to camp on people's The article alleged that there of effort into organising and sent were given a meal the correct height for the kit doorsteps until they deign to talk. was a "growing presence" publicising the event. which varied according to the I was wearing. If you could have managed to Linda Crayston and Paul of fascists in Charles Morris talk to the reporter, then none of lack of the draw some felt Secondly it was not the Broughton. that the concrete terms were Hall. As residents of this the in accuracies you claim hall we would like to inform 'chute which bruised my cheek a bit too realistic for comfort, (reported as face) but an altim- would have been reported, and your readers that this is a there would have been a chance with all due respect to Cen- eter. tral Catering. Highlight of the complete fabrication. The jou- Thirdly, my chin was not for you to emphasise the safety of Cruel rnalist concerned seems to have both parachuting in general, and meal itself was the presence of cut. members of the Society doing jumped to some rather far Fourthly, I drove myself the LPU parachute club in par- fetched conclusions. Perhaps ticular. Sports passable imitations of penguins to the hospital because I she could show us Ed and proving that Presidents had bitten my lip and needed Dear Sir, of the Union do not just fade the Swastikas and fascist one stitch. If any of your readers are away but move on, in fact, to graffitti in our communal areas. I also wish to stress that interested in joining the fight hotel corridors of power. Unfortunately for Ms. Jack- I am not qualified to train against bloodsports, please Further entertainment was son, there is none...,has she people, we have a fully Visas advise them to contact the provided by Joe Keogh and ever been to Charles Morris? qualified to train people, we Yorkshire branch at the address friends who played sonic At the hustings some mem- a fully qualified advanced have Dear Sir, below. sensitive folk songs, prece- bers of hall asked the two instructor/examiner David Ha- In 1979 a monthly average Thanks a lot, ded by the Theatre Group's left-wing candidates certain verski who has been in the sport of over 4000 Jews were Yours faithfully enactment of sketches written questions intending to show for l3 yrs and has made granted visas to emigrate Mary Goodrum. by a former member of the up their extremism and lack over 2,000 skydives. He has from the Soviet Union. The The league against cruel sports, society satirising the military of humour.--.how they succee- trained just over 100 students. position has recently deterior- 17. New Croft and complacency. By far and ded! If Paul Earnshaw would not 130 as stated, although ated seriously, and in January Kern Hill away the best performer was like to come to Charles Morris more courses have been book- 1982 only 290 were allowed Steve Skinner, a satirical folk and we think that Leeds Stud- ed. to leave, and the teaching Leeds LS 18 4Td. singer whose material was as ent should research its articles The reason i wished to of Hebrew has also recently diverse as Harvey Andrew's, more thoroughly in future. make "no comment on the been banned. but not as depressing. It Yours sincerely, incident" was: One of those who left ranged from a 1950's love Residents of Charles Morris. 1. I was sure it would be recently was 25 year-old Marina Hitler song on Rene Descartes to SIMON LAWSON. misreported. Kanevskaya who, after initially Dear Sir, Mrs. Brown's trip to Sains- EDMUND DOYLE. 2. Even had it been correctly applying for an exit visa John Erskine writes that bury's! ANDY PLAITS. reported unless the reader 3 years ago, was granted "socialism is the political expr- It was encouraging to see JULIAN COTTON. is an experienced parachutist one last year. She previously it is impossible to understand worked in Moscow as a journ- what actually took place. alist and as an English/ 3. I felt it could only be Russian translator at the instit- LEEDS UNIVERSITY UNION to the detriment of a sport, ute of Economic Information, ELECTION FOR 10 SEATS ON UNION COUNCIL which until recently, has and is now studying at the FOR SESSION '82/83 always been misunderstood Hebrew University in Jersua- Notice is hereby given that the candidates listed below have been nominated for the above erection and badly represented. Par- lem. She'll be in Leeds ARTS FACULTY (2) Proposers Seconders achuting is a lastly progres- as part of a national tour to aUTTERBUCK. Mark Bryan Hill. Paul Cassidy, Mary B DALE Margaret Elizabeth Gillen. Seamus Barran. Ann Elizabeth sing sport and is rapidly speak about her own exper- ERSKINE John Lawrence Kirsch. Michael Welter, Cristina increasing in this country. iences, and to highlight the I explained this when your plight of Sovet Jews who are KILLICK. Marcus Charles Lee, John Thomas Karen E PURE SCIENCE (2) As only one nomination was leceived, the following candidate is deemed elected AILEEN McLOUGHLIN ENGINEERING 12) PazaLand ANDREWS. Stephen Daemon Coningham, Helena Hammond, James Andrew BENTON• David Michael Diggle. Alan Dove, Ashley TO ALL BONA - FIDE GLICKMAN, Gary Paul Goswell. Elaine Chanel, Phillip JONES. Timothy Stephen Jones, Alison Caslaw, Andrew STUDENTS STOTHARD. Michael James Tweed e, Kevin Fewings, David John MEDICINE 12) As only Iwo nominations were received, the following candidates were deemed elected IAN CHAPLIN...and _TIMOTHY REYNOLDS ECONOMICS, SOCIAL SCIENCES, LAW AND EDUCATION (2) BARRETT. Anthony Charles Dunn. Geoffrey James, John F KIRSCH. Michael Terence Erskine, John L Gillen. Seamus .1 Do you know that MANCHEE, Damian Rory Neill Kelso. Fiona Carongham, Helena from March 1st THORPE. Alison Jane Gillen. Seamus Arscott, Caroline VVHITELEY George Peter James, John F 1982 until DOOMS- Webb, Philip Keith POLLING for ARTS. ENGINEERING and ECONOMICS SOCIAL SCIENCES. LAWS. EDUCATION facultres will take DAY we at place on Monday. 1501 and Tuesday 16th March 1982. at the following polling stations at the times PIZZALAND stated 104 Briggate, Leeds UNION BUILDING FOYER: 10 00a m 7 00p m on both days for all other students and for Health Students are offering a full LEVEL 7. NEW MEDICAL SCHOOL IL ST JAMES' HOSPITAL. 12 noon - 2 00n m on MONDAY 15th March ONL Y for Engineerrno and Houldsworth School students only 10% discount on all HOULDSWORTH SCHOOL. 12 noon - 2.00p in on TUESDAY. 16th March ONLY for Engineering and our menu items incl. Houldsworth School students only, Voting will be by means of a stamp on the current Union cord and will be in accordance winittweonslitulion and Pizzas, Booze, etc. Bye Laws Why not try us out We ate open Please note that a student will be permitted to vote only if he carries a current Registration Certificate, Union from 9.30e.m until 11 30p m Card Seven days a week. All you •' THE ATTENTION OF CANDIDATES. PROPOSERS, SECONDERS AGENTS. SUPPORTERS AND ALL OTHER have to do re produce a valid ■ r •-• 7, • ..itt S U card and however much UNION MEMBERS IS DRAWN TO THE CONSTITUTION IChap IV p6 Chap VII pfd. 'fat of the Cons-mutton Handbook, AND BYE LAWS (Set- VII; pal and Amendments for tittle) you spend. we will give you a 10% discount (Sgd1 MARTIN GLANCY Returning Othcer 1st Marsh 1982

Page Six

THE CALL the people in Southern Africa would realise that THIS YEAR IS THE UNITED NATIONS INTER FOR SANCTIONS the only way of doing In 1982, the United Nat- that is to remove the SANCTIONS AGAINST SOUTH AFRICA. WHA ions has called for sanc- Apartheid system. tions against South Africa. WHILE THE WORLD LOOK ON? It is ironic that the U.S.A. WHY and the UK who are opp- SANCTIONS? osing sanctions against South Africa are also the Although the majority while the population of rated by the numerous wage for the work they do. ones calling for sanctions of countries in the world Namibia is only one mill- resolutions that have been They want access to against other countries. support sanctions against ion. This means that there passed at the (IN. proper health care and to It is ironic because the South Africa, many people is one South African For more than thirty proper housing, with el- U.S.A. and the UK maint- living in Britain are not soldier for every 3 or 4 years the United Nations ectricity and running ain that they oppose aware of this. The argu- adult Namibians. South has been combating apar- water. They want to be sanctions against South ment is generally put Africa has also invad- theid. Over the years, allowed to be members Africa because of the suff- forward that it would be ed Angola and attacked a consensus has devel- of non-racial trade unions, ering that it would cause far better to try and talk Zambia, Mozambique and oped within the UN to be allowed to go on the black people of South to the white South Africa- other frontline states. By that the practice of app- strike; not to be Africa and the neigh- ns and persuade them to refusing to respect any artheid is a 'crime against tortured and murdered in bouring states. change their minds about of the United Nations humanity'. That it is prisons and on the streets how they should treat the resolutions regarding its incompatible with South when they protest about However the call for black people. military occupation of Africa's obligations under the inhumanity, the rac- sanctions against South Namibia. the racist pol- the United Nations Char- ism and the slavery of the Africa originally came No-one would dispute icies in South Africa, ter and that the struggle present system. At the from the people of South that it is far better to or the aggression against for the people sif that moment all these simple Africa themselves through talk to people and this has other countries, South Af- country for equality and "rights are being denied the liberation movement, been tried for many years rica is undermining the freedom is a legitimate to them. the African National Con- both in South Africa and authority of the United struggle which deserves Through exploitation of gress, which at that time- in other countries, partic- Nations. international support. these people vast profits ularly through the United twenty two years ago - The South African gov- In 1974, the General are made and to change was a legal organisation Nations. But the only ernment has shown very Assembly of the UN the status quo would mean with a massive following. results were that inter- clearly that the way suspended South Africa a substantial fall in prof- In addition, at the United nally the repression in- it responds to talking from participating in the its. Nations, the neighbouring creased. The killings such is to use military might General Assembly and The people of South Af- states to South Africa as Sharpeville and Soweto and aggression against also in 1974 the UN rica are continuously pro- voted in favour of apply- took place. Political org- innocent and unarmed ci- Security Council called for testing and trying to cha- ing sanctions to South Af- anisations and trade unio- vilians. a mandatory arms embar- nge conditions in their rica. ns representing the inter- In 1978 South African go. Although 128 countri- country, but they also ests of the black people armed forces murdered es have callled for econ- need and have asked Although it is undoubt- have been banned and edly true that suffering over 1000 people including omic sanctions against for our help. will be caused by apply- made illegal. There have children at a camp for South Africa and many They have asked that all been mass deportations of refugees at Kassinga in have already broken dip- the governments, peoples ing sanctions, what is not thousands of people to generally realised is the Angola. When the school- lomatic and economic and organisations in the the barren Bantustans. massive amount of suff- children in Soweto prote- links with South Africa, rest of the world cease ering that there is contin- Externally the aggress- sted about the fourth a few Western countries to have contact: diplomat- uously in South Africa ion of the South African class education they recei- including our own have ic, cultural, sporting, trad- and neighbouring states has increased: the number ve the South African blocked this. As they are ing, military, or of any because of the existence of South African troops authorities responded by the countries who are the other sort with South Afri- of Apartheid. Anyone needed to maintain their shooting them down in major trading partners ca until apartheid is crus- genuinely interested in re- occupation of Namibia cold blood - over 1000 with the investors in South hed. moving the suffering of now numbers over 100,000 of them. Over the last Africa, these measures • They have asked for this two years employers in have had little concrete because apartheid has Africa have called in the effect. survived for so long thro- police to help them control ugh the support and help the anger of their workers given to the rulers of 270 times. In spite of BASIC South Africa by the West. everything, South Africa continues to be a police DEMANDS state. The people of South Africa, who have been colonised for over 300 FRAGMENTED years are merely asking EFFORTS for the opportunity to live in their own country The West shows little and enjoy the rights concern beyond lip service and privileges that cit- for the human rights izens of a country norm- I of the people of South ally enjoy. Africa and Namibia. In They would like the

South Africa and Namibia 1004POOMINIMP.11101111.6.- right to vote, to live 1011111110111111101121.1011.1.1.1106.11.10111. the people are differen- w here they choose. to -11011111 014106,0111111041.10. PIONT.M.P1101011.4T1 • AWN.. tiated on the basis of work where they choose. the colour of their skin. and to have the opportun- Whatever their politics. ity to study at primary, whatever their actions, secondary schools and at they are persecuted. The university. They would vast majority of the count- like to be able to take ski- . •- ries in the world rec- lled and professional jobs ognise this which is illust- and to be paid a proper Supplement I 'FASHIONING CHANGES'


Mary Quant, Ozzie Clark clothes on the ground demanding attention. Then in extensive will become even maybe this time we'll make it". Clark, Jeff Banks... names floor, with my interior design 1978. we realised we'd got it more important. Jeff agreed with recent claims business upstairs. The first day, wrong, and that that was where Looking to the international that the of Wales has a which leapt to fame in the mounted police were needed to success lay". The other opera- fashion scene, he sees the battle strong influence on the fashion fashion world, during the disperse the crowds, and I tions were shut down, and the for a sense of direction as being see 1960's, when Britain led decided, forget interior design, situation re-appraised. contended between Paris, Milan "She supplies a focal point. the way. Now twenty years fashion's the business to be in". "It was like being back in and New York, with London She lived in bed-sit land, picked on, a wiser but equally Under the guidance of Mary 1962 again, but this time with a temporarily out in the cold. up Vivienne Westwood's blouse Quant's forelady, who taught firm foundation of experience, "Yet there are so many Brit- and set a reputable stamp on the enthusiastic Jeff Banks him the technicalities of dress international contacts, and the ish designers causing sensations buccaneer look. There's a lack celebrates the opening of design, he began a workroom. promise of success for at least a in the foreign companies; the of suppressability about her; she the first provincial branch After four years, the small shop decade". talent is there". He attributes cuts across the social order, of his chain The Ware- had become an international His clothes are not aimed at a the unhealthy reputation of making a personal statement house. business, which he sold to his particular kind of woman, British fashion abroad to events with her clothes. Yes, she influ- partner in 1969 in order to begin because he does not believe in of the sixties. • ences The Warehouse; for a gig- The International Clothing categorising women. "We blew it. all of us. You see gle. I did full-length black taf- The decision to open the Company. "Our customers are individu- yourself falling prey to avarice feta ballgowns last autumn and twelfth shop in Leeds was taken "The French, who'd been left als of all ages, the common and it's a strange experience. It they were snapped up at £60 after he and his partners. standing during the early sixties, denominator being that they was so easy. We began to over- each". Michael and Maurice Bennett were coming back strongly with respect the value of money, and produce and the workmanship He sympathises with the fact had driven around Newcastle, Daniel Hechter and Cacharel. I have got taste". became shoddy. Now. however, that men's fashion shops are Manchester and Leeds. decided to move with the pre- One reason for The Ware- we're at the beginning of a new sadly lacking in Leeds. and "It was unanimous. Leeds vailing wind and began a new house's success, when the reces- social era. During great social admitted that he had often been just seemed right to us". style of finite clothes-. sion has crippled other areas of change, attitudes in artistic approached to do a collection Jeff was nineteen when he After a fire which destroyed the industry, is that. to keep worlds change as creative peo- for men. decided to start his own business an entire new collection, Jeff prices low, Jeff economises in ple look for new answers. Peo- "I'm not really interested in 1962. opened an experimental shop many overheads, but never in ple are looking to their role in though. partly because I think "I'd studied at Brixton School opposite Selfridges, called The the manufacturing or the mater- society and how they'll repres- that women should design men's of Building and Design and St. Warehouse. ial, much of which is made in ent themselves. The financial clothes, but mainly because, Martin's College of Art. We'd "I was involved in other oper- Britain. He also believes in tak- upheaval we're experiencing well, I guess I just like playing decided that the new shop ations, and we tended to ignore ing collections from young will eventually bring the next with girls hest". should contain Mary Quant, The Warehouse rather like a designers. and is certain that his advance. England always seems Janice Wainwright and Ossie parent ignoring a growing child work with Art Colleges. already to he first on such occasions- Al ISM HOMEWOOD. On Saturday, to celebrate the opening of The Warehouse, three 30 - minute fashion shows involving ten top models were staged in the Bond Street Centre.

u From the Vasitio itsuiol% Peace Corps Collection. Authentic leather flying jackets f85.99. Cotton jodphurs f14.99 Blouses and accessories from The Warehouse range.

From the American Collection Prarie Dresses from f 19.99. Skirts from f 10.99. Blouses from f8.99. Trousers from f15.99. Accessories from The Warehouse range.

AI stilirj;;G STYLE Before Local Salons at work After

more expensive at £4.60, and if Sassoon's can he safely you're happy with the length of recommended to anyone want- 1. Guppo Moda your hair but not its cleanliness. ing a good haircut. and, should a simple wash and dry is £2.30. you baulk at paying £9.50, you A perm will cost you £14. f 18 could aways go as a model and or £22, Highlighting goes have your hair cut free by one of 22 Park Row, upwards from £8 and Tinting the juniors. Leeds 1. from £6. For those of you with Sarah James Gruppo Moda Hair is at the unruly facial hair, having your lower end of the price market, beard trimmed is a snip at 70 5. Jamie's with a Ladies' Cut & Blow dry pence. Hair Design starting from £5. The corres- All these prices include VAT, ponding price for men is £3. and the Salon is open Monday to Reinforcing these amazingly Saturday, 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. 12 St. Anne's Parade, low prices are perms and colour- James Mates . ing starting from £10. My first impression on walk- 2 Five full time staff work there ing in the door was of a much and in Joanna's Hairdressing 3. Toppy's trendier hair salon than I would School. also on these premises, have expected to be found in models are always required for Headingley. After this initial penning, colouring and cuts at Schofield's surprise, however, I was soon half the price quoted above. Toppy's, the ladies hairdres- put at my ease by the general The staff are friendly, are wil- sing salon is part of the Steiner relaxed atmosphere. Not want- ling to cut your hair to any style Group and can be found on the ing anything drastic done to my you want, also offering their first floor of Schofield's. It is mousy-brown. fine hair, but own suggestions, thus ensuring bright and clean and trendy. The thinking that little could be done that they accommodate for a staff dash around all in white with it, I was pleased when wide section of the public. sporting Toppy's T-Shirts. The Jeremy (Jamie) Shackleton Sara Krishna Salon decorated in green and managed to give me a fresh. white is open to the shop, but practical and versatile style, at don't be put off, you don't have the same time livening up the 2. Oasis Hair to look the shoppers in the eye. colour with blonde highlights. Studio The salon is well worth a try. The cut cost £8, the highlighting Keith, the Manager, makes it his £9. although this would be policy to spend a long time with cheaper if cut by the other styl- customers to discuss ideas for ists. 11 Qtley Road, Oonagh Stone Headingley. various hair styles and to help I found the Oasis Hair Studio customers to look after the in Headingley highly profes- result. Keith takes as his model sional, and the staff very the progressive and imaginative 6. Vidal friendly and helpful... Leonard. styles of salons like Vidal Sas- Sassoon who was in charge of cutting and soon. But he is careful that the styling my hair made several styles should suit the individual West Riding House, suggestions and asked my opin- customer and he and his staff do Street. ion on his ideas before he lifted their best to divert customers 1 was shown upstairs to the up the scissors, so I didn't feel from unsuitable or disastrous men's salon, where IAN totally out of control. He left my cuts. decided that a crop would best hair almost shoulder-length at The qualified hairstylists I suit my hair type. 1 could the back, but taken close by the talked to were all very helpful. scarcely fail to be impressed at cars and heavily layered The service is efficient and the painstaking care and atten- through. Val then applied friendly and you pay average tion which went into what is blonde highlights "to emphasise salon prices. There are bonuses; essentially quite a simple cut. the natural movement in the at the moment they are running The price? hair". Finally it was simply a discount lasting until 13th Dare I say a snip at £8.50, the blow-dried by Lynne and March. standard price for a cut and blow A cut, restyle. conditioner slightly back-combed - making dry. I was puzzled when IAN and a lamp or blow dry would this a very practical hairstyle. asked me if I had ever had my The total cost for this would be cost £10.95. I spent four hours hair this short before - I had my in the salon for which I would £13.70 (Cut £5.75. Colour answer two days later when have paid that amount. £7.95). I was in the studio for was refused entry to one of the around 21/2 hours, during which Flick Howard-Mien scruffiest pubs in Leeds! Maybe I was plied with excellent cups of this is the problem which will tea free of charge. Although 4. Vidal bring about the downfall of Oasis has only been open for Sassoon Vidal's - their hairdressing is just over 9 months, its profes- excellent. sionalism and friendly staff have Michael Teasdale already built up a good reputa- West Riding House, tion which I am pleased to Albion Street. 7. Carlo and endorse. For some. the name Vidal Jeffrey Liz Terry Sassoon conjures up images of exclusive salons, arrogant hair- dressers, and styles that look Michael Empire Arcade, incredible on the pages of Leeds 1. Newman's "Vogue" but arc impossible to live with. In fact, with a starting "I expected someone with price of £9.50, prices compare slightly longer hair, 1 must 123 Vicar Lane. quite favourably with many admit" commented the affable Situated just opposite the other Leeds salons, although young man assigned to deal with ABC Cinema the Michael having your hair cut by one of my locks. clearly suppressing Newman Salon offers a friendly the artistic directors could cost visions of denim-clad, dandruff and very attentitive service. up to £1 6. ridden students. Actually it They give the impression that The staff are friendly and seemed like quite a disappoint- they actually care about what helpful and discuss your haircut ment to him since he informed your hair will look like when with vou beforehand - unlike me that his ambition was to they have finished with it, which some hairdressers who arc more transform a tramp. is more than can be said for a lot interested in pushing the style of Although my 'before and of men's barbers. the moment on everyone after' shots don't show a drama- They don't operate an regardless of the client's wishes. tic transformation. there is a appointment system (except for Another plus is Sassoon's policy noticeable difference in the way special treatments), but you of giving 'natural cuts' that fall my hair lies, which is the indica- shouldn't have to wait long. easily into place after washing tion of a haircut which will still There is a staff of five fully. qual- with a minimum of styling or look reasonable in a few weeks ified stylists who boast wide blow-drying. This does away time. experience in all hair-dressing with those fruitless tussles with techniques. Certainly the staff take a great brush and hairdryer as you deal of care in dealing with each They prefer to shampoo hair desperately try to achieve the before they cut it, and a sham- individual style and the prices same look that you had when are reasonable. poo, style and blow-dry will cost you walked out of the hairdres- you £4.10. A restyle is slightly ser's. Don Watson WIN A PIFCO HAIRDRYER! Is your barnet in a sad state of disarray? Look as if you've been dragged through a hedge backwards? Leeds Student offers you a transformation, 1.You've decided that you P need a new look hairwise, so thanks to if co. you... a) entrust the metamorphis to a best friend... even if it's their All you have to do first attempts with scissors and comb? b) lock yourself in the bath- * THE PRIZE * is answer this easy room, snip away - then refuse to come out after viewing the results? c) blow next month's to tackle quiz... groceries budget on an upmarket crop... then resign The Executive Unisex Hairdryer is Pifco's latest yourself to hunger pangs? design. Packed in its own rigid case, it has 2) Tired of dull mousey locks. Film at the you opt for something more adjustable heat control, blow wave nozzle, it alluring. You try a dye do it measures just 7 inches x 5.25 inches x 2.75 inches, yourself style, but the result is Leeds Playhouse awful - shocking pink. So you: and weighs only 17.25 ozs. The hairdryer itself Calverley Street Telephone 105321442111 a) wear a hat until it grows weighs only 9.25 ozs. It is the travellers dream. Saturday 20 March at 1 1.15pm out? b) buy a wig? With thanks to Pik() Limited. c) make out you're ALL NIGHT BUNUEL delighted... it was what you That Obscure Object of Desire (X) Trillions (A) wanted after all? Diary of a Chambermaid (X) 3) Ten minutes before you're La Mort an te Jordan (X) due to go out, you discover The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (AA) your hair drier is faulty, leav- including two of his masterpieces from the last ten yews ing you with a heedful of and the recently te -released Chary of a Chambermaid All seats £3, bookable in advance soggy locks. Do you: a) stick your head into the bus window slipstream en route? b) lie on the floor by the gas fire? c) hope it's raining? 4) Alarmingly, your realise your hair's turning noticeably grey. So you: a) become Grecian 2000's youngest subscriber? b) look forward to a new romantic career as the older woman/man? c) pretend it's dyed? 5) You want to win a hair dryer because.... a) your present one's so heavy you've got arm mus- cles like Arnold Schwarze- negger? b) you cultivated the ultimate haircut, and want to blow wave the quiff to match? c) you need a new motor for your Lambretta. Entries to us by next Wed- nesday, please! OASIS '..The New Solarium HAIR STUDIO tarries Tel: 789214 12 St. Anne's Parade, 11 ROAD, HEADINGLEY, LEEDS 6 Headingley, Leeds 6 MANAGED BY STAFF OF Tel 786275 VIDAL SASSOON AT A PRICE YOU CAN Imaginative hairstylesli #11%d AFFORD for SENIOR STYLISTS (IRVING, VALL. LENNARD) imaginative people CUT AND BLOW DRY - 15.75 TOP STYLISTS - 15.00 Suer,lament IV ADVERTISING MANAGER: ALISON HOMEWOOD / PROMOTIONS EDITOR: CHRISTOPHER SPRINGHAM

Alternative Images JUST OPENED Like all big towns, Leeds has other stock. Particularly inter- ling much of its production to the usual cluster of chainstore esting are the unusual, and very London and other major towns. TOGS boutiques, a tour of which can glamorous party dresses, which Hidden away in Kirkgate is unisex fashions for Jeans and Casualwear. leave you feeling uninspired by can be set off by the innovative Funny Wonder Clothing, a tiny Levis, Wranglers, Lee, Easy, etc. shop which specialises in the clothes. flabbc -2.asted by the and cheap accessories on sale. Denims, Canvas and Stretch. prices, and wondering why you An additional bonus is t0% dis- authentic 'Retro '50s and '60s bothered to leave the first shop count on production of valid clothing. The old-stock shoes Many more makes to choose from. as you see the same garments union cards. and garments are alt new, and Come to Togs - Opp. Cigarette kiosk, time after time, Down in the red-light district are brought in from Europe, as County Shopping Hail, County Arcade, Leeds. In this sartorial desert how- of Call Lane. X Clothes was well as over England. A special ever, there is the occasional begun in 1977 by two ex-Poly feature of the shop is the oasis of originality - it is just a Fine Art graduates, who now brand new clothes designed by question of knowing where to also have shops in Sheffield and Alison Cawkwell, and made up find them. Manchester. They, too sell their in authentic fabrics from the Other Clothes in the Empire own designs, together with a few period. Arcade aim to cover new exclusive names, such as John- Although there are some ground, with their range of son's. They pride themselves on clothes for men, the range tends CITY GIRL clothes that are designed and their freedom to be as rough or to be directed more toward latest in Ladies Fashions manufactured by the owners. precious as they choose, and the women, simply because genuine These original designs are not prices are very reasonable. As old garments for men tend to he Very keen prices. mass-produced. and change the biggest shop of the com- more difficult to unearth, and regularly. They also sell clothes pany, they accommodate the more expensive to manufacture. County Shopping Hall, from a few select designers such cheap clearouts in both clothing On the cost side, the clothes are County Arcade, Leeds as Vivienne Westwood's and footwear. Street Clothes, reasonably priced, with all dres- . "World's End" range. Second- their wholesale company ses below £20. reverses the usual pattern by sel- hand clothes are carefully cho- ALISON HOMEWOOD sen so as to be compatible with

!tor, 06 4, 0 0 FA if '9 ,tc• O

PROMOTIONS STAFF ti ps MICHAEL TEASDALE SARAH JAMES Customised Cowry Arcade STEVE WROTH twat fv4P1ww.33406 -Shirts & Sweatshirts NO minimum order cualton printed 5, t-shirte Si sweatshirts. SARA KRISHNA SWEATSHIRTS (5-95 or 2 far PIO T•shirra from L1 99 )(PRES prints single colours from any original artwork_ but can also print from other sources such es photoipsph. Order from 1 10,000 by calling in, or "phoning for a leaflet r- — Other 10% CLOTHFS student 04.0, discount /.1A1 Clothes (-- 10 Empire Arcade Leeds 1 is what Tel. 444459 it says.

How often have you seen signs saying

LEVIS £8.99 etc and when you get into the shop the only ones they have are size 26 faded flared seconds?

FMP Clothing, Hyde Park Corner only carries Perfect Levis, Wranglers, Lois, Lee, Lee Cooper, Inega, Smak, Walkers in sizes 26/8 - 36/18

Cheap-rate dry cleaning for students, e.g. trousers. skirt 90p_ Mohair yarn 24 cols 69p per 25 grams . Clearance of Winter stock 42 Call Lane, Leeds 0532 454555 i.e. Lois Cord - (12.99 15117 Chapel Walks, Manchester 061 832 9806 Inega Cords - f9,99 and f12.99 47 Leopold Street, Sheffield 0742 20805 VIOLENCE and strikers. Hundreds of thousands of shop IONAL YEAR FOR THE MOBILISATION OF CONTINUES floor workers including Although we have only some white shop floor 'ES IT MEAN TO LIVE UNDER APARTHEID completed two months of workers joined in the LENI MAUNDER REPORTS. 1982, South Africa has al- protest strike. Four days ready been very much in later thousands of blacks the news. We saw the marched illegally through brutal torture of Steve Johannesburg at the FOR The Charter was adopt- World War, South Africa Kitson. a British subject, weekend under the flag who was visiting his fath- FREEDOM ed by the four sponsoring was mandated by the Le- of the banned ANC, organisations as their pol- ague of Nations to admin- er, who has been a singing freedom songs at Early in 1955 the Afri- icy and became a manifes- ister Namibia. political prisoner in South the funeral of Dr. Aggett. can National Congress cal- to of their struggle for South Africa was in fact Africa for 17 years. We Abroad following the led for 50,000 volunteers .freedom. instructed to return the saw a leading churchman news of Dr Aggett's from all sections of South land to its indigenous who was hospitalised after death, the Dutch gover- African society to go amo- The Freedom Charter owners. But since that being beaten up in det- nment announced that it ng the people and to coll- announced that: time, Namibia has become ention, and we have seen would be working to get ect freedom demands to "We, the people of South effectively a part of the brutal murder of St- all Dutch companies to be incorporated into a Africa, declare for all our South Africa, even though even Kitson's aunt who boycott South Africa, bre- common programme for country and the world to since 1966 Namibia has was acting as the family's aking ranks with other South Africa. Thus began know: become the responsibility life-line with David Kit- Western governments. one of the greatest cam- -that South Africa belongs of the United Nations. son in South Africa. This is of significance, as paigns in the history to all who live In it., In 1970 the United Nat- apart from the historic of the Southern African black and white, and that ions declared the presence There have been reports links between Holland liberation - movement. no government can justly of South Africa in Nam- of many hundreds of det- and the South African Demands flowed into the claim authority unless it ibia illegal, South Africa ainees disappearing after Afrikaaner community, offices of the ANC from is based on the will of still remains in occupation being picked up by the many major multination- every corner of South all the people. of Namibia with a large South African authorities. als have their headquart- Africa: From Africans, -that our people have been military force. February brought the ers in Holland. from Indians, Coloureds a- robbed of their birthright In 1976, the UN adopted murder of Dr Neil Aggett The continued violence nd democratic Whites: fr- to land, liberty and peace the resolution that in detention - a white and repression of the Sou- om workers and peasants: by a form of government there should be free medical doctor and a trade th African government from shopkeepers and int- founded on injustice and elections under the super- unionist, who was the first has led the ANC and ellectuals. Inequality; vision and control of the white person to have been SWAPO to extend their These demands were in- that our country will nev- UN held for the whole murdered in detention (ie protest to armed struggle. corporated into the Free- er be prosperous or free of Namibia as one pol- internment without trial). Their ultimate aim is dom Charter which was until all our people live itical entity. Five years Dr Aggett had given that peoples of all races unanimously adopted at in brotherhood, enjoying later the elections still up his job in a hos- should live together as a 'Congress of the People' equal rights and opportun- have not been held due to pital in Soweto in order equals in South Africa held in Cliptown near ities. the stalling of the South to work as a union organ- and Namibia; in peace Johannesburg. on 25 and -that only a democratic African government. The iser. and in justice. 26 1955. The Con- state, based on the will last set of talks between This is important not gress was convened by of all the people, can all concerned broke down In response to the death only for the people of the African National Con- secure to all their birth- due to South Africa of Dr. Aggett there was South Africa and Namibia. gress, together with the right without distinction walking out, Following a unity of action that It is vital to the states South African Indian Con- of colour, race, sex or this SWAPO called for shook the apartheid re- neighbouring South Africa gress, the South African belief. comprehensive sanctions gime. On the 11th of who are being continually Coloured People's Organ- And therefore, we the as the effective means February there was a attacked by South Africa isation and the Congress people of South Africa, by which the international countrywide strike for half and who remain in pove- of Democrats (an organi- black and white together. community could force the an hour to protest at the rty. There is the further sation of whites support- - equals, countrymen and South African government death of Dr Aggett and at implication that the con- ing the liberation move- brothers - adopt this Free- to end its longstanding the continued detention flict could escalate so far ment). The congress was dom Charter. And we pl- illegal occupation of Nami- of leading trade union as to en-danger world attended by 2.888 dele- edge Ourselves to strive bia. activists, union members peace. gates from all over South together, sparing neither Africa. strength nor courage, un- ANTI- til the democratic changes APARTHEID SOC T set out here have been WEEK OF ACTION K - won. 8th - 12th March The rest of the Charter was divided into ten sect- ions with headings such Ole as; "The people shall gov- ern" or "Ail shall be eq- ual before the law -.

ILLEGAL OCCUPATION Namibia has a long his- tory of colonial occupation and oppression. It was occupied by Germany for 1884 to 1920, when following the defeat of Germany in the First

Page Eight Lawrencian Love ....Wreckless Nostalgia...

PRIEST OF LOVE film are spoilt by hackneyed ODEON camerawork and a cliched use Priest of Love is based on a of flashbacks. There is also biography of D.H. Lawrence. an excessive amount of what mainly concentrating on the last is meant to be emotive six years of his life. It music, which merely telegraphs starts with the public burning every 'meaningful' incident of The Rainbow. the allegedly in the clas(sicl Hollywood trad- obscene book at the time, ition with members of the Purity On the other hand, the (or should that be Puerility) film is subtle throughout League in attendance. Much in its use of humour with of the film concerns the vol- Penelope Keith as the Hon atile and passionate relation- Dorothey Brett. getting many ship between Lawrence and his of the best lines, in a role wife, Frieda. not dissimilar to those she Ian McKellan and Janet plays on T.V. Sunman are very convincing Far too much emphasis in the- leading parts, as the is placed on Lawrence's des- film chronicles the journey cription of the sexual act of the Lawrences to New in his novels, neglecting his Mexico, at the invitation of an treatment of relationships whi- American art patroness lAva ch are not overtly sexual. Gardnert_ Evidence for this can be found Lawrence seems to have left in the advertising campaign, his homeland embittered with "He was D.H. Lawrence the constraints that English she was his Lady Chatterley" censorship has placed upon In the end Priest of Love is him, and finally gravitates to a flawed though amusing Italy, where Lady Chatterley's insight into D.H. Lawrence's Lover was written, and where character, and will appeal to he was to die. many people who enjoy reading Priest of Love is a very his books watchable film. The director, To be fair it has reawakened Christopher Miles is obviously my interest in Lawrence's a devotee of D.H. Lawrence, books, which can't be bad. but unfortunately. many of the serious, intense moments in the ZIYAD GEORGIS.

I hate wallowing in senti- and the nice young people who forces of law and order are ment. Wreckless Eric never think singers shouldn't swear patently incapable of bringing made it and probably never and were sulking because the criminals to justice. It cries Gigs will: but I can still remember band hadn't gut four synthes- Cinema out for more serious treatment. when he was making his bid isers and a master tape. Michael Winner has done little for fame in 77, with me a He's had a chequered career DEATH WISH ii more than scratch the surface, fresh faced Innocent who cou- has Mr Eric Surfing into ODEON portraying Bronson as the hero ldn't even spell feminism. view on the crest of the (Stiff) of indivi ' endeavour, but and thought a women's room New Wave, he was immediately Is Hollywood really so short giving hint a salutory slap on was Just like a mens room. doomed to second division of fresh ideas that it has to the wrists at the end After but without the stand-up bits. status by the Big Men on keep rehashing anything that all not even Charles Bronson Last Saturday I rediscovered the first Stiff Tour, Ian Dury, was vaguely popular the first can hope to kill nine people the Indian Summer of my Elvis Costello, Nick Lowe, time round? On the evidence in a matter of days and get adolescence, and I still think Eric tried again the following of Death Wish Li the answer away absolutely scot-free. he's great. Beginning with the year, but was pipped again, this would have to be 'Yes'. Both Bronson and Jill Ireland classic rocker ''Roll over Rock- time by Lene Lovich (arty There is nothing new in (who plays his girlfriend) are Ola" he romped through most one out there remember Lene this film. Both the plot and unconvincing. Bronson is gett. of his old favourites (hampered Lovich?) and that Akkron darl- the theme are almost carbon- ing too long in the tooth to by the fact that yet again ing Rachel Sweet Following copies of the original, and keep up the macho image of he's working with a new this he banged out one of the both are as unsatisfactory. his earlier films. Isn't it bassist-Buzz of the Runiour), cheekiest albums ever - a doub- Make no mistake. the first about time he settled down to and put in more energy than le greatest hits ("But he Death Wish was very popular some serious acting? Jill Ire- Depeche Mode, Soft Cell, hasn't had any mommy" "Qui- (box officer returns exceeded land is not a good enough the Human League and their et James"), and generally f40 million)....it is already the actress to carry any part, synth-producers could put tog- flickered on the brink of most watched film in London.... even one as simple as this. ether combined on a good musical oblivion, resurfacing to but for the same reasons. No doubt if she wasn't night. blow Judy Tzuke of the stage Once again Bronson suffers Bronson's wife in real life He's still a professional, at the Bodington Ball. having members of his family- she would still be doing bit and mixed numbers with remin- He's split with Stiff - raped and murdered (this time parts in Charlie's Angels. isces from his days as a apparently they sacked his it is his daughter and house- The rape scenes were sever- student in Hull. Close to the band without actually mention- keeper) by a gang of extre- ely cut by the censor, for which knuckle, they gave everyone ing it to him then stood him mely unpleasant youths. Hav- we should all be grateful. present a remembered glimpse in front of a load of session ing no more confidence in There was quite enough explicit of the not-so. distant past, very musicians and told him to do a the Los Angeles Police Depar- violence already to keep us much in the same vein as disco album. Which is a bit tment than he had for their 'entertained' There will always his classic Reconne2 Cherie. like asking Petula Clark to cover New York colleagues in the be a market for violence discoursing on the pleasures something by the Dead Kenne- original, Bronson sets out to get on the big screen, but this of "a woman's hand that dys, and didn't go down too his own revenge. lacked any of the suspense isn't your mothers, and isn't well. There's a couple of singles From there on the action or clever action shots that we 'veering a rubber glove.. slid- in the pipeline, which will follows Bronson's hunting and have come to expect from ing down the inside of your tro- be distributed by DJM. and killing of the muggers_ ...plenty better class thrillers. users. hopefully another tour of the of opportunity for blood and This would have been a disa- The audience - made up of a mid sized venues. He'll be gore, most of it gratuitous. ppointing T.V. movie. . .why mixture of old hacks and first coming back to the Univer- The theme is an impertant anyone should want to pay to time voyeurs, made sure that sity next term, and if he's as one. Whether individuals are see it is beyond me. the Tartan Bar, so often a good then as he was last morally justified in seeking musical graveyard. actually Saturday. only a burk wouldn't their own revenge when the JAMES MATES. came alive as a venue, and go everybody danced, except those Calverley Street, drowning in nostalgia shock. PETER PARKER. LEEDS Tel: 442111

Laid 1 3 PLAYHOUSE Book also at University Union AUSTICKS THE MATCHMAKER Record Tnerptpa tAbleita Shop eat • olov esti autsteln .14411 t•noing Sunday al 7 30p rn STUDENT STATIONERS nornng urgint 10 Commo•icar, 482 Wilt own • *son Ioa•nihsm,rwar .N0 THE TIN DRUM (X) IUS4 4/L4,1.4100g ,4U CAP b. 05•1211 w.non, best kodedo langungr tam 172/4 WOODHOUSE LANE, LEEDS 2 nnini .114p/Prbf• Gu ardian Monday at 7 Mu nl torinnolorr diOrwled 1•144‘110noil refrpaun irft0us gr,rdr■ctarn poonr1 FAR FROM THE MADDING See our expanding display of Vo,r1,hte. Pont CROWD Ili) 18 Maio, 10 Apfd ['roma' only 75,, NEWSPAPERS : MAGAZINES : JOURNALS DUET FOR ONE JAZZ Tom Keralptisto Sunday at Z1701 m GREETINGS CARDS : PERSONAL & FILM THEATRE T im Wtitteliead s 401.941 dl t1 Ibp BORDERLINE Winionlfrpg Tann, p lingo &nil nom. EDUCATIONAL STATIONERY UP IN SMOKE (X) Sley• 041,4• Gem fun, Mid. Mun, Pipepre Church and Chung 0111-.0 n1000 Oust will team kionliey rsaitenemod Nvciona each O.O. ORDNANCE SURVEY MAPS & GUIDES have you rolling In tfin 4rsie% In nit, U MVO it,"01 to* 11 11 15µ.141 SlUgig4 C2 Orders welcome for specialist magazines NOW ABOUT THESE WOMEN MUSIC THEATRE Monday March 8a.m. to 5.30p.m. Telephone 456550 (X) n 7 30p aa moms. Bariamdo FIRES OF LONDON Matches and Masses....Pookies & Plays...

each other (but are not allowed provide the comic centre of to) while aged spinster Miss the play, they by no means Drama Van Huysen (thankfully) is not dominate the proceedings or involved with anyone and even have a monopoly on so on... . the laughs. but are part of a All this tortuous complicat- very strong cast- THE MA1%.:HMAKER ion is supposed to create This includes such Playhouse THE PLAYHOUSE a parody of nineteenth century old - timers as Anna Lindup playwriting, although to me (Ermengarde) who played the The Matchmaker, the Play- there is rather too much simi- vivacious and stroppy Linda house's present production by larity to the originals and rather in "Enter a Free Man" this Winsconsin born Thornton Niv - too little travesty of them time in quite a different en Wilder, has a confusing, for the play to strike. home role, Victoria Hardcastle (Irene if not profoundly complex with a convincing send -up. Molloy) who fulfils willfully history. It was based on John That aside, however, "the and buoyantly a more demand- Oxenford's A Day Well Spent Matchmaker" has undoubted ing role than her previous and has itself since inspired entertainment value, provided one as Florence in "Enter the musical Hello Dolly, As if not least by clerks Cornelius a Free Man" and James this is not enough. Tom Stopp- and Barnaby (David Delve and Tomlinson. (Horace Vanderg- ard has based his latest play, Andrew Fell), who decided elder) who is described as a On the Razzle on He's Out to take a day off and go in "familiar face to Leeds Play- for A Fling. search of adventure, or "pudd- house audience." To match the complicated ing" as they decide to code The Matchmaker does not history. The Matchmaker boas- name it. At last excitement set out to reveal any earth- ts a farcially complicated plot: strikes the lucky pair in a shattering truths, but ends Horace Vandergelder wants to milliners shop. "Pudding!' • with a simple and uplifting marry Mrs. Irene Molloy. shouts the comically round- message. As a production, Dolly Levi wants to marry shouldered and gangly Barn- It is more enjoyable than mean- Horace. Apprentice Cornelius aby from under a table, ingful and well worth and visit Hack) has his eye on Mrs. his head ' draped exquisitely if only for the standard of Molloy Mr Vandergelder's with the fringe of a plush the the production. niece Ermengarde and Ambro- blue table-cloth. se Kempler want to marry Although Delve and Fell FRAN STARY. and the Carry On films into legendary advertising aria The one shatnbolic amalgam. B' side "Turkish Bath" is MUSIC FOR THE MASSES Local far stronger, sounding almost TARTAN BAR They are in ghastly bad Preview taste, possess no subtlety French in parts, and discusses MONDAY 22ND FEBRUARY Bands and consequently can be trem, in depth the stigma of obes- Pookie Snackenburger, some endous fun, either husking in ity "I'm so fat, I need a DALE HARGREAVES' Arriving part way through of whom used to be with the streets or in the foyer Turkish Bath, before declaring FLAMINGOS Chumbawambas set I was sur- the Piranhas or some such of a major concert. that "Fat is where it's at!'' BAR prised to find the audience South Coast Hipsters, are Unfortunately, their debut The "A" side will leave you sitting mesmerized by a tape a triumphantly awfull group single, "Just One Cornetto" cold, the "B" side will was a crowded The scene consisting of various sixties A large "band" they have for- goes only a little way towards probably grab you. and live Beckett Park Bar, complete records. saken the stage (frightfully capturing the enthusiasm and Pookie snackenburger will kill with plastic cups, pinball mach- This was enthusiastically re- amusing-quote courtesy of Jae- pleasure of Pookie Snackenbur- you. ines and passionate crowd. ceived and the group began cker at the Edinburgh fest- ger live. Bob Andrews, of Gra- See them playing in the From a set with a name playing for the second time, ival pretentions incorperated) ham Parker fame allegedly audience at the John Cooper like this I expected dated with an assortment of musical for the pavements of South produced the single and should Clarke/Linton Kwesi Johnson Jazz Rock. However Dale instruments. if they can be England and France. They sue for defamation there is gig next Wednesday, tickets Hargreaves Flamingos, a five described as such, since an combine the worst of Bad on production, only a loose from The Record Shop and on piece band (three guitars. incredible sound was produced Manners, Inspector Clouseau cacophonic version of the the door. keyboards, drums) have a New with only the aid of a toy Wave/Rock feel with recognis- trumpet, plastic saxaphone. able roots in Sixties R&B plastic tambourine and drums. and soul. A neat guitar/drum In spite of this, their rhy- sound is held together by thmic, jungle type music enter- strong vocals from Dale. Un- tained the audience, who watc- Buyone fortunately the keyboards of hed half-stunned, and bemused Peter O'Grady were drowned but definitely interested, as all out by drowning rhythm. but the members of the band proved pleasant when they proceeded to take off their did break through in the empty shirts and daub themselves spaces. with messages, at which point Most of their songs were an alert OTT fan called out a bit too run of the mill, from the crowd - "Where are with titles like No Escape the balloons?" and Don't Walk Away. They Allan (sorry. Duncan) Whalley, proved themselves, though. toy trumpet player extraordin- with an excellent interpretat- aire, told me their preoccup ion of the Walker Brothers ation with the heart (which The Sun Ain't Gonna shine features substantially in the anymore, and came back video) was intended to parody with a strong encore in the groups who themselves had not hit Pretty much experience of love but Flamingo from which I assume still felt able to write "mean- they take their name. I felt that the loyal foll- ingful" love songs- This criticism was supported owing could have done without by the next band Saz-Index the aggressive, self-conscious who introduced a "cynical" posturings, such as "Thank- love song about teenage heart- you. those of you that bother break. They performed a loud. from to listen" and "one of these brash energetic set but lacked days I'm gonna put a hammer originality, although the dru- TRAVEL BUREAU, through these Pinball machin- mmer kept a tight sound es." (An admirable sentiment UNION BUILDING, together. admittedly). By the time Perfect Past I'll forgive them though, LEEDS UNIVERSITY. came on. a lot of the on the condition that they audience had dispersed and COST £10.00 play Pretty Flamingo again for they received an indifferent the brunette in the pink Once you do, you'll be able to enjoy travelling about response. T-shirt . the country for half-price until the end of Septemb(”-* STEPHEN McCUE. KAREN BUTTERWORTH. Buy your Railcard in .\ larch and you'll - not only travel liar half-tare- \ ■ell give you Aps, return ticket, valid during .\ laid] 1982. Yoti can Ped6e06/710elith use your free LiekeI Icy ,.c.,;0 anywhere in the 58 62 Francis St. Leeds 7 country you like by mull See the special leaflet detaik. cT/Le etacient:5 Aoice And get yourelt a tree trip ;oon. rot Sood dirisAt at This is the age of the train Mon to Sat 9-30 -2 -00ani Sundays 9 30-Midnight ■ Page Ten Sport • Sport • Sport • Sport • Sport • Spor

GOOD FIRST TIME TRY ONE-ALL DRAW FOOTBALL ever all too often, the ball was LADIES RUGBY UNION played around the cramped The four points Leeds did as the star of the learn. The Leeds University 1st XI 1 York penalty box with no- York 30 score were the first taken from try was set up from a touch York University 1st XI 1 one willing to take the init- Leeds 4 penalty taken by Captain York this season. iative to shoot. Isherwood, slipping the ball to The recently formed Leeds The lack of experience in the On Saturday the University Ironically, York scored first Robinson who was finally forced Ladies Rugby Union side made Leeds side was apparent in a firsts played a lethargic York when they caught the Leed's over the try line by virtually en impressive debut this Sunday scrappy first half which left team but did not take full defence unawares with a sudden the whole Leeds team. at York, despite a harsh score- them twenty-nil down. However advantage and should have fin- break on the left. The ball was The team performance based line. The Leeds team, having there was a dramatic improve- ished up the victors. played accurately through the on sound tackling, good coach- had only three weeks practice, ment after half-time with Leeds The game's pattern was quick middle of the defence for the ing and a sense of what the were not daunted by a York visibly gaining confidence en- to emerge with the Leeds York right winger to slot it game demands, provides an side who have three years couraged by their try early in defence and midfield going un- home in spite of a lunging excellent basis for the team to playing practice and a reputa- the half. challenged and finding them- tackle from Lavelle. build on in the future. tion as one of the best Rugby The try scorer Paula Robinson selves with a lot of time and Leeds resumed their pressure Union teams in the country. has already established herself JULIA BROWN. space in which to play, How- and should have scored a couple of goals before half-time but had to be content with the vga-4/0 FIRST ROUND WIN one equaliser just before the 0 9070(- AFTEr break. The York goalkeeper LADIES' VOLLEYBALL court appeared to wane but failed to hold a fierce shot this was mainly through a Mt■fei-I ) E.V.A. Student Cup, from Wilson and Sherlock, foll- lack of action as York struggled 1st round owing up provided the tap in rotir4i ?!' to test them with worth-while from close range. Leeds Poly 3 attacks. However the overall York University 0 The second half saw York performance and subsequent slightly more adventurous but There was no bridge in the result were especially rewarding Kavanagh dominated their centre shape of a bye to the later as Leeds were without their forward and thwarted their stages of the E,V.A. Student mainstay, K. Gregson who had tactics of high balls down the cup so Leeds were obliged to an injured ankle. Intelligent middle, resulting in a 1 -1 use the stepping stones, the distribution of the ball by the draw at the final whistle. first of which they perfunc- setters enabled Leeds' front- The good points to come torily skipped over last Thurs- court to prove their worth in from the game were firstly day. The short visit to York attack and gave an indication the return after injury of Simon was a mere formality as the of the depth of talent in the Couning who resumed his one scores in this one sided match side. man battle against the whole testify: 15 -2,15-1, 1 5 - 2. Leeds Poly girls are there- of the opposition. Secondly was Leeds needed only 38 minutes fore still chasing three titles: the attitude of the team in to trounce a very inexperienced the B.P.S.A. Cup. the E.V.A wanting to do well perhaps and uncoordinated York side Cup, and the Division Two due to the increasing pressure whose brightest contribution to National League Championship, for team places from players the fixture was the multi- although it now seems unlikely returning from injuries and those coloured assortment of socks that they will topple their rivals, putting in good performances in they displayed. L.A.I., to achieve the latter. the 2nd XI games. On one or two occasions, JAMES HOOKE. Leeds' concentration in back- JIM WRIGHT


SCIENCES, LAW & ENGINEERING CANDIDATE: TIM JONES ARTS Proposer: Alison Jones CANDIDATE: MARK CLUTTERBUCK EDUCATION Seconder: Andy Caslaw ECONOMICS. SOCIAL SCIENCES, LAW AND EDUCATION Proposer: Paul Hill The proposed cutbacks in education will affect all engineering Seconder: Mary Cassidy CANDIDATES ANTHONY BARRETT students, as departments withdraw facilities. Therefore it is essential Proposer: Geoff Dunn that the Union actively fights to oppose the implementation of any * Vote for positive action to protect our education. Seconder: John James of these cuts. * Vote fur maintenance of vital facilities like minibus, For someone who is committed to doing this:- nursery. welfare and greater access for Disabled Students. Re-elect me, to enable me to continue working for greater Union VOTE TIM JONES * Vote for pursuing campaigns of groups like Amnesty, democracy. Third World, Anti-Apartheid, C,N.D. To represent your views. * Vote for greater community links including increased Action VOTE grant. BARRETT ENGINEERING * VOTE MARK CLUTTERBUCK * Thank you CANDIDATE: GARY GLICKMAN Proposer: E. Goswel I ECONOMICS. SOCIAL SCIENCES, LAW AND EDUCATION Seconder: P. Chand CANDIDATE: M.T. KIRSCH Proposer: J. Erskine I have been involved in union activities since I came to Leeds and ARTS Seconder: S. Gillen have acquired a good insight into how the Union functions and why it CANDIDATE( MARGARET DALE sometimes doesn't. The Union Council is the body which ensures that the union runs To pot an engineers view on Union Council. Proposer - Seamus Gillen smoothly, and that the maximum number of services are VOTE GLICKMAN Seconder: Ann Barran available to its members. It also keeps the executive "in order" and therefore an active, and not puppet, union councillors are need- ■ VOTE FOR! ed. My record shows that I can fulfill ENGINEERING Continued effective action against the cuts. CANDIDATE: DAVID M.J. BENTON Real support for groups such as ACTION and LASH ECONOMICS, SOCIAL SCIENCES, LAW AND EDUCATION Proposer: A.M. niggle Commitment to Third World and CND issues etc. CANDIDATE: RORY MANCHEE Seconder: A.V. Dove Proposer: F. Kelse Seconder: H. Coningham I am standing for U.C. in order to try to involve some 2,000 engineers more in the running of the Union. I feel THE CUTS - As a Union, we need to tight the cuts that threaten that Leeds engineers have been underrepresented in the Union ARTS us, as well as the University. Effective action is required. administration. If you agree go along to the polling station CANDIDATE: JOHN L.H. ERSKINE THE WIDER ISSUES - The Education cuts are only a parl of and Government policy affecting social services. Students cannot remain VOTE BENTON DAVID M.J I Proposer: Mick Kirsh isolated in society. Seconder: Rip Winter VOTE FOR AN EFFECTIVE UNION ENGINEERING CANDIDATE: STEPHEN D. ANDREWS Vote for a labour candidate committed to positive action against the ECONOMICS, SOCIAL SCIENCES, LAW AND EDUCATION Proposer. H. Coningham ruts. unemployment and nuclear weapons, and for an effective, c flic• CANDIDATE: ALISON JANE THORPE Seconder: J.A. Hammond lent Union. Proposer: Seamus Gillen VOTE LABOUR Seconder: Caroline Arscott VOTE ERSKINE I I oppose the education cuts which affect every department and every student. Since this is the major Issue facing ihe I want to tee an wive, fighting union. Our 1st priority is to fight council neat year. I will devote large amounts of time to help the cuts, building on the commitment and support generated by the resolve this crisis. occupation. But other campaigns need support - Bradford 12, Vote for Action not Words. Eland Rd !candling. CND. VOTE ANDREWS 1. Vote for someone who is committed to fighting the curs. ARTS VOTE SWSO CANDIDATE: CHARLES IQUICK VOLE ENGINEERING Proposer: J. Lee CANDIDATEs M. J. STOTHARD Seconder. K Thomas ECONOMICS, SOCIAL SCIENCES, LAW AND EDUCATION Proposer: K. Tweedie CANDIDATE: PETER WHITELEY Seconder: D. Feutngs The Manifesto has not been put in becauu it was not vile Proposer: John James wntten so there! Bring the Union back to reality Seconder. Phil Webb Besides we ate sick of his bloody stupid letters. Stop the militant action already shown by the present Council Publicise Union activities and actions so the council may be held For SENSIBLE and MODERATE representation.- accountable. VOTE WHITELEY I MJS.

• Sport • Sport • Sport • Sport • Sport • S RUGBY FINAL PRACTICE FOOTBALL defence who have conceded only Leeds Polytechnic 2nd Xi 5 eighteen goals this season. Sub- Frank Morton Sports rugby Sheffield University 2nd XI 0 sequently, frustration crept into competition. the Sheffield play, eroding their On this cool but bright Satur- initial disciplined and organised Tenacity, determination and day afternoon, Leeds Poly faced approach enabling Leeds to tot- skill were shown in abundance up to their mid-table opponents ally dictate the play. by the Chemical Engineers rugby hoping for a sound victory It was inevitable that Leeds sevens squad as they won that would give them a boost would score again, Clever ball through four difficult rounds to for the B.P,S.A. Cup Final play by Duffy. Sinclair and win the competition. looming up on Wednesday. Day saw the latter rifle the hall Leeds faced U.M.I.S•T_ in the Shortly before kick-off, Leeds into the net from twelve yards first round of the competition manager Gerry Steward had im- to make it 2 - 0 and a few but prospects were not very pressed upon his players the minutes later Sanderson made it bright at half time when Leeds need to treat this match 'as if 3 - 0 from the penalty spot. were 6 - 0 down, however it were the final' and for the In the second half, Leeds two breaks and a penalty by first half at least, he was not to Poly relaxed and allowed the Mallarrj in the second half saw be disappointed. opposition to come back into them through by 15 6 to face With Sinclaire playing in mid- the game, though at no time did Southbank in the second round. field due to Ridge's absence, Sheffield pose any real threat. This was the most difficult Leeds had to adapt their style Leeds flourished when sub- match, but after a hard game, of play: keeping the ball on the stitute Robbins cracked in a Leeds were through to the semi- ground a lot more and not terrific shot from eighteen yards, finals by the narrow margin exercising Day's usual aerial Shortly afterwards Day scored of 10 - 6. dominance to the same degree. Leeds fifth, when the keeper Birmingham were tipped to However, Leeds were still caus- could hardly take the the win the competition. However, ing the opposition all sorts of sting out of his close range Leeds came through in fine problems and after only ten shot. style, playing some of the best minutes a move up right ended Leeds manager Gerry Steward sevens rugby to steal two quick with Lever poking the ball can take some comfort from tries early in the first half. In into the net from only six this Leeds performance though .Es the second half Birmingham nar- yards. his team did become rather rowed the gap with a run under Leeds were striking the ball lethargic in the second half, the posts but a reply by Eames about well and came close to something which they cannot sealed the game 18 • 6, scoring on several occasions_ In afford to do against Liverpool A quick try by Green on the contrast the Sheffield attack Poly in the Cup Final_ LEEDS SORT 'EM OUT right flank In the early seconds were making no impression on ROSS F. IRWIN. of the final versus Norwich the solid and competent Leeds Leeds University Reserves 3 fore the break, Vas scored a was soon wiped out following delightful goal from the edge some bad handling by Leeds. Jonny Calvert and Ross Leeds Postal 2 of the area. This meant that Leeds were Welford (Sports Editors) wish It has been over three years The second period was a behind by 6 - 4. However to apologise for any upset that since the University has beaten contrast to the first: Leeds knew Leeds were gaining ground and may have been caused by the a postal side, so perhaps the SPORTS they could win and it showed confidence as the first half unfortunate publication last jinx has finally been broken. PHOTOGRAPHERS in their commitment. It was continued and from a scrum week of an outdated hockey - Heartened by a run of three therefore no surprise when Leeds gained a half-time lead PLEASE MEET IN photograph. wins. Leeds pressed forward Weterfield put the students up of 10 - 6. The second half was When no current sports photos optimistically the pace of Walsh LEEDS STUDENT 3 2 after 70 minutes. Leeds a half of no compromise by are available, earlier ones are troubling the opposition consid- now managed to create and either side until in the last OFFICE - occasionally taken from the files erably. However it was the miss countless chances and in seconds of the match, Mallard UNIVERSITY UNION and used instead in order to postal side who scored first. cluing su they always left the made a blind side break to make the pages less monotonous After thirty minutes the re- FRIDAY 12th MARCH doubt that the Postal side could sprint fifty yards and score in to read, but due to the regrett• serves fell further behind to a snatch a point. This was well the corner thus clinching the 1.00p. m. able nature of last week's near post header. At 0 - 2 illustrated when the referee match and the competition for photo, we will try to ensure the cause looked lost for the awarded a penalty against the Leeds by 14 points to 6. that such a mistake does not postmen are not in the habit reserves ten minutes from time. occur in the future, M. JONES. of delivering gifts. Yet by half- Fortunately, the penalty was time, Leeds were level. First, missed and Leeds reserves Fanning connected with a deli emerged worthy winners - by cate through ball to lob the 3 - 2. COMFORTABLE VICTORY 'keeper. Then five minutes be. STEVE QUILTY. MENS LACROSSE strong centering from Foxton conceded three easy goals early Leeds University 16 and Blyth ensuring possession in the second half. Leeds came Urmston 3 from the start. A good lirst out of this bad spell to add TENPIN ROLLS ON half saw the University leading six goals to their tally in the Another impressive perform- by nine goals to nil with pros- last quarter of the match. L.U.U. Tenpin Bowling players were chosen to play for ance by the mens lacrosse pects of a crushing victory by The variety of scorers in the Club Tournament Report the U.A.U. team in a represent. team ensured a comfortable vic- Leeds side shows that Davies' ative match against the Welsh full time. This year, has been, so far, tory over a weak Urmston side. absence can be compensated. National Team, these being Aly However, Urmston were a very good year for the Uni- Although Leeds were without though his superior handling Moteno for the men and Diane allowed to come back into the versity Tenpin Bowling Club. star forward Huw Davies, Urm- game in the second half. With will certainly lie needed a- Thompson and Nicola Doe for In the round of student invit- the ladies. The U.A.U. cham- ston too were without several Foxton tiring, more midfield gainst a stronger side, Man of the ational bowling tournaments the regular players and clearly match: M. Jones .Neville of the pionships wound up the com- possession went to the oppos- club has been represented in all missed them more than Leeds match: A. McNeerey. petitions for the first term, ition, Leeds 'keeper Elder of them, throughout the country, did Davies. seemed to be totally out of After Christmas we come to by at least one team/individual of the year with Leeds strong midfield totally touch with the game due to his TIM JONES. the busy time and not without some success. outplayed their opponents with inactivity in the first half and a tournament virtually every The first of the tournaments weekend • and even two on some was a doubles tourney run by weekends! The first was a Trios , Nottingham University in which . at Hull, they were Pete Forsyth, 1.4r we had our only total failure 1- • - Andrew Ward and Aly Moreno, and failed to pick up any tro- bowling as Leeds University I , phies_ Next came the Sheffield won their qualifying group and Singles which was won by our were only beaten in the semi- Venezuelean Star Aly Moreno final by the best performance of who bowled over a 190 average the day la game of 596 by on the day to lift this title in Sheffield). the face of some very fierce the only event still to come competition. It was in fact this term is our own Leeds Aty's first time in a tourna- Doubles where, obviously, we ment on behalf of the Uni- hope to do well. Next term versity, so it was a most notable there is only one event, the success, Liverpool Fours, not historically This was followed the next our best venue but one in which 4 by the Finals of the U.A.U. ..,_ day we hope to do better this year. rit41 rr ..k... _ championships in which our Finally, a word about the 4Sir4 '7" Ladies Team, compromising U.C.T.B.A. Championships,. Hav- Diane Thompson, Nicola Doe, ing won our zonal group we Julie Keays and Jackie Howes. went Into the test eight, and on bowled (particularly in the fours winning our 1.s final against 1111111111111 00.... ,14111111116111111;V- team sub-event) brilliantly to Brunel we went to the semi- take the overall title. Our mens final , .. but for news of this • , — ' -1114 ••• team didn't do quite as well, and the final please see the • . managing only 5th overall. As an article coming next week. additional bonus three of our

Page Twelve L.U.U. J. SOC. L.U.U. CLASSICS 'T f._ J.1,-; I li-;). Fancy dress Purim Fair, Mon 5 poets for only £2.50. Linton . -'••• • L, 2,1 _ 8th, 8.30, Hillel - tickets 25p. Kwesi Johnson, John Cooper :[`, . Theatre CND SOC. Clarke, Seething Wells, Little Debate: Multilateralism v Brother, Pookiesnacken- GRAND Unilateralism postponed burger! Wed 10th March, until 12th March, 7.30, R.H. 8.30. Tickets from Union (459351/440971) Evans lounge. Record Shop or on door. March 9-20th, Opera North, A YOUTH FOR IRISH ANTI-APARTHEID WEEK Midsummer Night's Dream 8th - 12th March, Films and on 9th, 12th. FREEDOM Lunchtime meeting organ- talks. PLAYHOUSE (442111) ised by WAG, speaker from Mon 8th: talk by A-A Rep. Film - Six days in Soweto - Until 13th March, The Irish Freedom Movement. RSLT 22, 6.30. Matchmaker. Thurs 11th March. 1 pm, Tues 9th: talk by SACTU Rep. Tues 8pm; Wed - Sat 7.30pm. Leeds Poly Block D. Room 202. Film - We are All Workers - LEEDS POLY THEATRE L.U.U. REVOLUTIO- RSLT 22, 6.30. GROUP Wed 10th: talk by SWAPO NARY COMMUNIST Rep. Film - The Struggle in Present: Godspell in Union SOC Namibia - RSLT 22, 6.30, Ents Hall (City Site). Mon 8th - ABC 2 Present Rosie the Riveter on Thurs 11th: talk by ANC Rep. Until Sat: Prince of the City, Fri 12th March. Tickets £1 Thurs 11th in Swarthmore Film - Forward to a People's 12.45, 4.05, 7.35; Support: from Info Point. Centre, 7.30 - £1,50. Fri 12th Republic. Cinema 3.35, 7.00. March RSLT 21 1 pm - 75p. Exhibitions daily 10 -4 pm all Beyond. Next Week: week- RSH, Union Ext., Refec, Sun: 4.35, 8.00; Week: 2.15, SHEILA WALSH HYDE PARK (752045) Foyer. 5.35 Discos Concert at St. Columba URC. Until Sat. Taxi Driver, 8.25, National demo. Sun. 14th & Shock Headingley. 7.30, Sat 6th Blow Out, 6.30. March. Coaches from Parkin- Sun: 2.45, 6.10, 9.00; Week: March. Tickets on door - 75p. Late night show Fri & Sat 11 POLY CAVENDISH HALL son Steps, 7.45 am. Tickets 3,45, 7.00. WOMEN'S CENTRE pm: Carrie. Disco, Fri 5th (tonight), Beck- Flat 14, 23 Cromer Terrace. from LUU Travel Bureau or Sun for 6 days (not Wed): The ett Park Bar, late bar - 50p. Mon 8th March, 5 pm: Talk from A-A meetings and exhib- 8.30, ABC 3 Long Good Friday, POLY LANGUAGE SOC. and discussion on co• itions - £3 return. Thunderbolt & Lightfoot, Until Sat: Arthur, 1.45, 4.00, 6.15, 8.40; Sup- Disco, Brunswick Terr. Union counselling - women and 6.30. Bar, Tues 9th. Late bar until stress. All women welcome. LEEDS POLY VE Wed only: The Man Who Fell port: 3.30, 5.45, 8.05. Next Week: Torn Between 12.00 - starts 8.30. ETARIAN SOC. to Earth, 2.30 & 7.15. POLY GLIDING CLUB SCIENCE FICTION Ramble in Otley/ Two Lovers, Film Festival, 8th - 12th TOWER (458229) Disco, Brunswick Terr, Thurs area, Sun 7th March. All wel- Sun: 3.55, 7.45; Week: 1.15, March. Until Sat: Death Ship, 2.10, 12th, 8.30. Late bar until come. Phone Sue Roberts - 4.55, 8.45 & Mon 8th; Thunderbird 6 5.25, 8.40 & Phobia, 3.45, 7.05. 12.00. 757716. Last Snows of Spring, RBLT. Next week: Red Nights of the Sun: 2.05, 5.50; Week: 3.05, THIRD WORLD SOC. L.U.U. NIGERIAN SOC. Tues 9th; Phantasm RBLT. Gestapo. 6.45. Film: Alan Wicker's Vicious Social and Cultural Evening, Wed 10th; Star Trek - The Sun: 3.40, 6.45; Week: 1.20, Spiral. 1 pm, RSLT 21, Mon Senior Common Room, Fri Movie RSLT 21. 4.20, 7.20. LOUNGE (751061) 8th. Raiders of the Lost 5th, 8 pm.,. with food, dances, Thurs 11th; Time After Time & Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Until Sat: fashion display and disco. 5.45, 8.10 RSLT 21 Sun: 5,15, 8.15; Week: 2.50, Ark, Late bar until 12.30. Tickets - Next Week. Tess, Fri 12th: The Ultimate War- 5.55, 8.55. £2, £2.50. All welcome. Mondays 75p only, Sun: 3.30, 6.45; Week: 7.10; rior RSLT 21. Sat: 4.30, 7.45. TOWCAS (UNEMP- All start at 7 pm. Tickets on ODEON 1 (30031) LOYED GROUP) 1750inn. Union Ext. at lunch. Until Sat: Priest Of Love, 2.10, COTTAGE ROAD Disco, Tues 23rd, 7.30, Lip- Members: 50p, season ticket - 5.05, 8.00 (LCP - 7.20) (751606) man. Late bar with music by 71 Next Week: Absence of Until Sat: Arthur, Cant 6.00, Streae Hi-FL Non-members: 60p, season Malice. LCP - 8.00. ticket - £2. Sun: 2.00, 4.15. 7.05; Week: Fri late show: Born to Boogie 1.55, 4.40, 7.25. & Pink Floyd at Pompeii, GENERAL ASSEMBLY; ODEON 2 10.45. Misc. School of English, Mon 8th This and next week: Death Next Week: An American March, 1,15 pm in Foyer. Dis- Wish II, Werewolf in London & Elton cussion with staff and stu- 3.15, 5.50. 8.30 (LCP - 7.40) John in Central Park, LEEDS POLY ENTS dents about cuts in English ODEON 3 Sun: 4.40, LCP - 7.10; Week: Present Norman Tinsel Male Dept.., Voice Choir (very funny). This and next week: Fort 6.00, LCP - 7.35. Beckett Park Bar, late bar, CONSERVATIVE SOC. Apache The Bronx. PLAZA (456882) Tues 9th FREE. Special General Meeting: 2.15, 5.10, 8.15 (LCP - 7.30) The usual stuff. AGRIC. SOC. Elections of delegates to Yorks. Region, Mon 8th 1 pm, ABC 1 (451013) Annual Dinner Dance, Castle LUU FILM SOC. PRR. Also ice skating trip to Until Sat: Torn Between Two Grove, Cottage Road. 17th Fri. 5th: Written on the Wind, Bradford, Thurs 11th, 5.45, Lovers, 1.25, 5.00, 8.50 & The March. Tickets from Commit- RBLT. Parkinson Steps. Last Snows of Spring, 3.05, tee Members - £7. Tues 9th: Blood of Hussain, 6,50. CAMPUS CRUSADE RSLT 21. CAVES OF MULU Next Week: '10'. Wed 10th: Penthesitea, RSLT A trip to Borneo. Proceeds to FOR CHRIST Sun: 2.50, 7.25; Week: 4.00, 21. Mexico '82 and Ghar Parau Lecture by Dr. Monty White 8.25 & All start at 7 pm. Check for Foundation. Fri 51h (tonight), on Creation/Evolution. Thurs Private Beniamin, Sun 5.10; 7,30 Leeds Town Hall - £1.50 11th, 1.05 pm, RSH . Week: 1.50, 6.10 details. The Matchmaker

Women against Conservative Whatever, whatever DLT. Blackout, Bubbles and Bounc- Absent without leave; Mr. ing Bottoms. With love to V & wimps starting soon. OTC Pen. ***** P, from all at 61! ***** ***** Tories come and Tories go Congratulations Chris and Hark, yoghurt cartons listen- ,Classified but one stays all night ***** One of you is bad, F.S., let Nicola on the forthcoming ing for sounds of moving ***** alone 2177 - love S.F. event! Long live Tesco! wardrobes! Love 11/12. For whipping sessions, ***** ***** ***** Stompers snakes, and magnetic frogs I like the new jacket, John! Don't pin tails on Solly's don- Never mind about the "Deep Stompers apply Peteypoos. Stompers Mobile Disco key. Throat" Cleo - it's better for ***** -It at 41- 4 4 ***** sucking Bobby's helmets - Leeds 620385 Room for Medics available. Elections for V.P.B P. Vote for Quote of the week: Sarah Happy Birthday, love Kelso ***** Contact Fiona Carey-Wood. Summer in America? See ROB WILLIAMSON. says "It's better with a rubber Road and its visitor ***** hose". ***** BUNAC table every Friday in 2X2 is 2, Huh Sal? ***** Congratulations Pongy & Pig- Union Extension. ***** let! Has the wardrobe moved to Granby Place? Love 11/12. ***** VIBRATIONS 4e-qii'(To-1 Something on your head! ***** Sat. Rack. Mayville Boys. Records and Cassettes 1/0 0 Keep up the running John L. NS Personal Tortoises spotted on the ***** Current LP's from f1 .99 Cheers, love Mouse. Ridge! ***** f1 49 Dr. Laye is a function of state. ***** Selection of cassettes from Boysie specialises in ***** Murray Mints good for flat con- traception by radiation, Collectors Items Andy Smith f* *k off. voices - Paul, buy Funsize a ***** **it** box - Barry and Basher. Waltman Thanks for being Love is... Little John and 5 Hyde Park Corner you land you, and you). Don't ***** Raspberry Ripple. Records ordered on request feel unwanted coz you aintl Puddles, thanks for the thank ***** Rent-a-pillow. you. Don't mention ill Mrs. Nightingale rings a bell_ Tel.• 743136 Andy Kershaw; Muesli Shoes; Aire Action * MARTIN KEENER * RADIO AIRE * 5.15 - 8.00p.m. * MON./FRI.

Pteduced by Hamilton Press Patten Building Doti Flood Lytham Si Armes Lance Tat Lytham 739125 Published by Leeds Student. 155 Woodhouse Leh., Leeds LS2 3E0 Tel 105331 39071 Elegistesed with the Post Office as I newspaper