Legislative Assembly of Manitoba

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Legislative Assembly of Manitoba First Session - Thirty-Fourth Legislature of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba STANDING COMMITTEE on PRIVILEGES and ELECTIONS 37 Elizabeth 11 Chairman Mr. Ed He/wer Constituency of Gimli VOL. XXXVII No. 1- 10 a.m., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1988. MG-8048 . ISSN 0713-9543 Printed by the Office of the Queens Printer; Province of Manitoba MANITOBA LEGISlATIVE ASSEMBLY Thirty-Fourth Le!;isilatl�re NAME CONSTITUENCY PA RTY ALCOCK,Reg Osborne LIBERAL ANGUS, John St. Norbert LIBERAL ASHTON, Steve Thompson NDP BURREll, Parker Swan River PC CARR,James Fort Rouge LIBERAL CARSTAIRS,Sharon River Heights LIBERAL CHARlES, Gwen Selkirk LIBERAL CHEEMA,Gulzar Kildonan LIBERAL CHORNOP YSKI,William Burrows LIBERAL CaNNERY, Edward Hem. Portage la Prairie PC COWAN,Jay Churchill NDP CIJMMiNGS,Glen, Hon. Ste. Rose du Lac PC DERKACH,Leonard, Hon. Rob!in-Russell PC DOER,Gary Concordia NDP DOWNEY, James Hon. Arthur PC DIRIEDGEIR,Albert, Hon. Emerson PC DRIEDGEIR,Herold, L. Niakwa LIBERAL DUCHARME,Gerald, Hon. Aiel PC EDWARDS,Paul St. James LIBERAL ENNS,Harry Lakeside PC ERNST, Jim,Hon. Charleswood PC EVANS,Laurie Fort Garry LIBERAL EVANS,Leonarc:l Brandon East NDP FILMON,Gary, Hon. Tuxedo PC IFINDLAY, Glen Hon. Virden PC GAUDRV, Neil St. Boniface LIBERAL GllLESHAMMER,Haroid Minnedosa PC GRAY, Avis El!ice LIBERAL HAMMOND,Gerrie Kirkfield Park PC HARAPIAK,Harry The Pas NDP HARPER,Elijah Ruperts!and NDP HElWIER,Edward R. Gimli PC HEMPHill,Maureen Logan NDP KO:ZAK,Richard, J. Transcona LIBERAL lAMOIJREUX, Kevin,M. lnkster LIBERAL MALOWAV, Jim Eimwood NDP MANDRAKE,Ed Assiniboia LIBERAL MANNESS,Clayton, Hon. Morris PC McCRAE,Jamea Hon. Brandon West PC MINENKO, Mark Seven Oaks LIBERAL MITCHELSON, Bonnie,Hon. River East PC NEUFELD,Harold, Hon. Rossmere PC OLIESON,Charlotte Hon. Gladstone PC ORCHARD,Donald Hon. Pembina PC PANKRAT:Z,Helmut La Verendrye PC PATTERSON,Allan Radisson LIBERAL PENNER,Jack, Hon. Rhineland PC PLOHMAN,John Dauphin NDP PRAZNIK,Darren Lac du Bonnet PC ROCAN,Denis, Hon. Turtle Mountain PC IFIOCH, Gilles Springfie!d LIBERAL ROSE, II:Job St. Vital LIBERAL ST ORIE,Jerry Flin Fion NDP TAYLOR,HMold Wo!seley LIBERAL UIWSKI,Bill lnterlake NDP WAS YLYCIA-LIEIS,Judy St. Johns NDP YEO,lva Sturgeon Creek LIBERAL LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF MANITOBA THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON PRIVILEGES AND ELECTIONS Tuesday, September 6, 1988 TIME- 10 a.m. recommendation, as I understand it, to the Executive Council regarding the appointment, or reappointment, LOCATION- Winnipeg, Manitoba of an Ombudsman for the Province of Manitoba. The present Ombudsman will finish his first term of office CHAIRMAN- Mr. Ed Helwer (Gimli) tomorrow, and the Act allows for an Ombudsman to serve as many as two terms . The com�;r1ittee's job today ATTENDANCE - QUORUM - 6 is to make a recommendation to the Executive Council . Members of the Committee present: Mr. Cowan, Hon. Mr. Downey, Mrs. Hammond, (Committee proceedings Mr. Harapiak, Mr. Helwer (Chairman), Hon . Mr. McCrae, Mr. Minenko, Mr. Praznik, Mrs . Yeo continued in camera.) MATTERS UNDER DISCUSSION: Mr. Chairman: I call the committee back to order. Appointment of an Ombudsman (In camera) Mr. McCrae: Mr. Chairman, I wonder if the record shows that the first matter we dealt with was to have an informal discussion in camera on the whole matter of the appointment of Ombudsman for the Province Clerk of CommiHees, Ms. Bonnie Greschuk: The of Manitoba . Next I would like to move, for the record, meeting will please come to order. We must proceed that this committee recommend to the Executive to elect a chairman for the committee responsible for Council the reappointment of Mr. Gordon Earle to the Privileges and Elections. position of Ombudsman for the Province of Manitoba . Are there any nominations? Mr. Chairman: Do we have a seconder? Hon. James Downey (Minister of Northern AHairs): Madam, I would like to nominate Ed Helwer, the Member Mr. Mark Minenko (Seven Oaks): I will second that for Gimli. motion, Mr. Chairman. Madam Clerk: Are there any other nominations? Mr. Chairman: Agreed? (Agreed) An Honourable Member: I move that nominations Motion is carried unanimously. cease. Any other business? Madam Clerk: Mr. Helwer, please take the Chair. Mr. McCrae: I move that the meeting adjourn, Mr. Mr. Chairman, Ed Helwer: The first order of business Chairman. today is The Ombudsman Act . Mr. Chairman: Committee rise. Hon. James McCrae (AHorney-General): According to The Ombudsman Act, this committee makes a COMMITTEE ROSE AT: 10:45 a.m. 1 .
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