Toxicology - Toxicity and Hazards

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Toxicology - Toxicity and Hazards 73 TOXICOLOGY - TOXICITY AND HAZARDS Ronald L. Mull, DVM, Ph.D. Extension Toxicologist Department of Environmental Toxicology University of California Davis, California 95616 A great deal of toxicity data is generated and dealt with during the course of pesticide registration. I want to discuss some of these today. Toxicology is the study of poisons and their effect. Historically, toxicologists have been concerned with the harmful effects of chemicals on man or his domestic animals. However, in recent years this has expanded to include studies of the harmful effects of chemicals in man, domestic animals, wildlife, and the environment. A poison, then, is a harmful chemical, wheth­ er it be of natural origin, such as strychnine, or a synthetic one as are many of today's pesticides. How or when is a chemical determined to be a poison? An early day physician, Paracelsus (1493-1541), made the following repll to the charge that he was treating his patients with poisonous chemicals , "All things are poisons, for there is nothing without poisonous qualities. It is only the dose which makes a thing poison." So, we see that one of the basic tenets of toxicology, that the response to exposure to a chemical is dependent on the dose, is really not too new. The dose-response can be affected by many things such as; route of exposure; physical state of chemical (liquid, dust, etc.); lipid solubility of the chemical; physiological condition of the ani­ mal; previous exposure to the chemical or similar chemical; species, sex, and strain of the animal, etc. We are aware of the phenomenon of dose response in our daily lives, although we may not often think of it. Man intentionally exposes himself to many chemicals; chemicals called drugs. Numerous people frequently overdose themselves with the chemical ethyl alcohol and no doubt obtain the expected response. Most drinkers are well aware of the dose/response effect of this chemical and adjust their consumption (exposure) accordingly. This exposure may becom3 toxic if repeated frequently in sufficient doses. Another factor involved in studies of poisons is the identification of hazards. What causes a chemical to be hazardous? How is hazard related to harm? Estimation of hazard involves knowledge of the potential or proba­ bility for harm. There is no objective measure of this; one must study the facts of the situation and then make an informed, subjective determination of any hazard. An overdose with ethyl alcohol may well become hazardous to the intoxicated individual and to others in the vicinity should he begin to drive an automobile. The penalty for this provided under our laws reflect this greater hazard by their severity. Therefore, we see that the hazard of a chemical may change markedly, depending on how and when it is used. Let us examine further some of the factors which affect the toxicity of a chemical. Obviously, exposure must occur, and following this, the chemical must be absorbed into the body. This absorption will be slowed or ---------·-·---- - -- ------- ---- ----· 74 speeded, depending on such things as the route of exposure and nature of the chemical. As I mentioned previously, lipid soluble chemicals are gen­ erally absorbed more rapidly than are water soluble ones, and absorption following inhalation is generally more rapid than following ingestion or skin exposure. After absorption, the chemical will be translocated by the blood to other sites in the body or may be bound to components of the blood (e.g., parathion to cholinesterase). If the compound is water-soluble, it· will likely be rapidly eliminated by the kidney. However, biotransformation (to make it more water soluble) may have to occur before it can be excreted or it may be stored (e.g., DDT in body fat). The route of exposure may be of little or great significance. Isonazid, a drug used to treat tuberculosis, is quite independent of route of adminis­ tration, whereas, both DFP and pentobarbital are deperrlent2. Such knowledge is obviously quite necessary if thorough comparisons of toxicity of different chemicals are to be made. The most significant route of exposure to pesti­ cide chemicals in agricultural workers is likely to be thru inhalations of dusts or droplets and from skin contamination. Home poisoning usually in­ volves small children and is almost always through ingestion. The greatest exposure of urban groups to pesticide chemicals may be from "bug bombs" used in the house or from ree1idues in the food supply. One must consider the effects of repeated exposure to a chemical. Frequent exposure may result in accumulation of toxic concentrations in the body. This is shown by these data in Figure 1. Two groups of 25 men were EFFECTS OF REPEATED EXPOSURE TO A CHEMICAL / ETHYL ALCOHOL - 100 PROOF WHISKEY) MEAN BLOOD ETHANOL . % CONC. [W/V l .20 .15 AVG. 10 cf .10 2 OZ /HR/150 LB 25 cf .05 1 OZ/HR/150 LB 0 HOURS 1 2 3 4 .. Figure 1. Data from "Alcohol accumulation in humans after prolonged drinking", Olin. Pharmacol. Therap., 4: 619, 1963. 75 allowed to consume 100 proof whiskey at different rates, and the resulting concentration of ethanol in their blood was determined periodically there­ after. Note that the group receiving 2 oz/hr/150 lbs. were legally drunk (by California law) at about 2.5 hrs. after the experiment began. This oc­ curred shortly a~er their third drink (the first drink was at zero time). Such buildup of chemicals within the body is of particular concern to the pesticide applicator because he is exposed to chemicals in concentrated form. Another factor which affects the toxicity of a chemical is contamina­ tion with a second, more toxic, chemical. A good example of this is the oc­ currence of 2,4,7,8-tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) in some samples of the herbicide 2,4,5,-T. This contaminant was found to be present in samples of 2,4,5-T which had been shown to cause teratogenicity in rats. Further study of TCDD showed it to be a very toxic chemical and also a potent tera­ togen. Since later studies of pure 2,4,5-T have failed to demonstrate teratogenicity, it is generally felt that the TCDD was the cause in the earlier studiesJ. A brief examination of 2,4,5-T synthesis (Figure 2) shows why this contaminant may be formed if there is some malfunction during the synthetic process. Those of you who are chemists will realize that I have omitted some steps in the process, but what I wanted to show was the means of pos­ sible TCDD formation. Because 2,4-D is often indicated along with 2,4,5-T a look at its synthesis (Figure 3) may also be useful. SYNTHESIS Of 2,1/-D OH OH A Cl2 $Cl V ~ \ lNaOH PHENOL Cl CICH2COOH - + OCH2COOH OCH2COO Na CI H+ yr' Cl -- I O H2D ~ Cl Cl 2,4-0 Figure 2. 76 Cl Cl ,-CH2 COOH Cl I Cl NaOH 0.,.CI NaOH o-CI BHC 245 '0/ Cl 2 ,V CH OH • • · T/ cl'' , 'c1 Cl 1 3 Cl 1 Cl Cl CICH 2COON Cl ;.81.Cl30I Cl,uONa Cl)(XCI c1...~0"0.. c1 I + I Cl"' ~ Cl NaO h I Cl~o~'CI DIOXIN Figure J. Synthesis of 2,4,5-T and possible mechanism of TCDD formation. Please note that the process is quite different and there is no possi­ bility for TCDD formation. Data from Dr. Crosby's laboratory at u.c. Davis shows that TCDD is rapidly broken down by sunlight (Figure 4. In connection with this, scientists in Florida recently reported failure to detect TCDD residues in soil which had received very heavy applications of 2,4,5-T (947 pounds per acre) over a 3-year period. Tissue from bald eagles (the eagle was assumed to represent the top of the food chain) from Florida, Alaska, Maine, and Missouri also had no detectable residues. The authors, therefore, concluded that TCDD residues present no health hazards4. A step which is usually taken fairly early in the toxicological in­ vestigation of a pesticide is the determination of the lethal dose for 50% of the test animals, or LD50. I would now like to spend a few minutes dis­ cussing this familiar term. What is an LD50 and how is it determined? Well, get a couple of rats and give them a dose of a chemical. If only one dies, that is the LD50• Right? Unfortunately, I'm afraid that some people think it is about that simple. I want to tell you how the LD50 came about so that you can have some idea of its usefulness and limitations. During the early 1900's there were generally no methods available for chemical analysis of the crude drug extracts which were used in medicine. The potency of an extract was determined by the measurable biological response in a test animal, a biolassay. It became apparent to several investigators, each working independently and with different species, that the scatter of results following treatment \llere clustered in a normal distribution about a mean. 77 PHOTOLYSIS 2,J ,7,8-tetrac//lorodi/Jenzo-p-dioxin % UNREACTED (S mg/ liter in met//ano/J in sunlight 100 80 60 40 20 0 '"----L--..J...--'----"-----------0 2 4 6 8 IRRADIATION !HOURS) Figure 4. Breakdown of TCDD in sunlight, "Photodecomposition of Chlorinated Dibenzo-P-Dioxins", D. G. Crosby, et. al., Science 173:748, 1971. Figure 5 shows a theoretical dose/response curve with 3 different chemicals. The distribution about the mean are quite similar with com­ pounds A and B but A is the more toxic.
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