Sophie Kinsella | 319 pages | 14 Sep 2000 | Transworld Publishers Ltd | 9780552998871 | English | London, United Kingdom Confessions of a Shopaholic (Shopaholic, #1) by

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella. She tries cutting back. But none of her efforts succeeds. Her only consolation is to buy herself something. Finally a story arises that Becky actually cares about, and her front-page article catalyzes a chain of events that will transform her life—and the lives of those around her—forever. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published November 4th by Dell Publishing Company first published More Details Original Title. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Confessions of The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic Shopaholicplease sign up. Will Luke know about the scarf that the aunt was a lie? I read Shopaholic Takes Manhattan before this one and I can't remember if it was mentioned? Abby Levac It was their inside joke, he must know because there were hints. Whats this book about? Karen This book is about Becky Bloomwood, who works at a financial magazine but hates her job. She loves to shop to the point of being obsessive and the plo …more This book is about Becky Bloomwood, who works at a financial magazine but hates her job. She loves to shop to the point of being obsessive and the plot is essentially her dealing with that as well as an interesting romance. Please disregard the previous answer by Skyril as the novel is aimed at adults so I did not think the novel was excessively profane. Also, I do not think the movie was better as it did not capture the humour and lovable characters in the novel. See all 14 questions about Confessions of a Shopaholic…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Confessions of a Shopaholic Shopaholic, 1. May 08, Rachel rated it really liked it Recommends it for: no one! So I used to work with this girl called Sarah, who was a real no bullshit kind of person. I really liked her because she was intelligent and articulate, someone I could actually hold a conversation with. She was well read, she kept up on current events and she could talk politics while maintaining integrity and respectability. When I saw this book on the break table in the back, I never would have thought that it was hers. When I found out I made fun of her. I couldn't believe a girl like her wa So I used to work with this girl called Sarah, who was a real no bullshit kind of person. I couldn't believe a girl like her was reading one of those girly indulgent drugstore bookshelf books about some cutsey flustered vunerable woman who almost manages to overcome her sweet, sugary problems by the last few pages. Over the next few days, when I would be taking my 20 minutes for lunch, I started to leaf through the book for lack of better reading material I had read the copy of People from three months prior so many times I could probably name the make-ups, break-ups, new babies and total tramps. After a few chapters I was inexplicably hooked. I had to know what else the silly little spendthrift was going to get herself into and of course, eventually out of. I read it over the course of about 4 or 5 lunch breaks. It was easy to slip into the back of my mind, underneath the homework assignments and papers and substantial literature I was in the middle of, behind the bills to pay and the jobs to keep up with. It was the easiest book I have ever read, truly light and to be totally honest, well written. The woman has an undeniable personality and voice. I haven't been interested enough to get any of her follow up books, but every time I pass them in the The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic section at the drug store, I consider it for about half a second. View all 21 comments. Aug 22, Cristina Monica rated it really liked it Shelves: humour The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic, contemporary. Rebecca Bloomwood is a funny and heart-warming heroine. Her fear of facing her ever-growing debts cracked me up every time she would receive a new letter regarding her credit. Oh, that was so much fun. Her predicament remains the same, but everything surrounding it changes. Luke disappointed me in this. He remains polite like in the movie, but his charm dissolves as you The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic from the movie to the book. View all 15 comments. I was in the library when I walked by this book, while I was looking The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic another book. I pulled it off the shelf and because I've found and read some pretty amazing book with this randomness, I thought ok. Another reason I have become a little obsessed with shopping on ebay. I thought this girl book would be fun, it would be like a new girl friend, getting to now good and bad about her, how she thinks about life So, I checked it out and I read it in about 6 hours. Reason it sucked: 1. So, her prideful continuous description of these clothes she "owned" and was in debt for became ridiculous. And her constant shopping while in debt, actually started to physically stress me out. Half way into the book I felt really sad because I know that there is so many The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic who this is their reality. This shallow mindset or consumption of caffeine, sugar, shopping, "fashion" It just seemed to glorify being shallow and reinforce that if and when you are you should keep on being so because: 3. The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic modern day fairy tale ending for could happen. Debt paid off, get the job you want, they guy, the clothes, the romance, the money, the fame It grasps on the the romantic notion of what life should be, and could be. It seem to encourage that there is nothing wrong with lying to yourself and others. It reminds of humans I know, who choose to lead the most dramatic, self indulged, objectified, diva lifestyle. Where they are the most important and beautiful person on the planet, and you'll regret being not trying to be their best friend a. I think this book glamorize this attitude, and not matter how you dress that up, there is nothing glamorous about that. And if I could give a negative star I would. But I know this is not a hateful website. View all 34 comments. I really hate slamming books, really I do. This book is the typical chick-lit that I've grown to love, and to be fair, it's a quick read. But, my praise stops there. The main character of this book, Rebecca Bloomwood, is the most annoying, daft, and ridiculous character I have ever had the misfortune to read about. I understand that she's a "shopaholic", but I've had quite a few friends who fell into that catagory that were never in danger of being as simple-minded and arrogant as Rebecca. Every ti I really The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic slamming books, really I do. Every time I put this book down, I find The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic angry. My forehead is wrinkled, and I'm snapping at my innocent boyfriend. I'll give you a hint: It isn't because I'm upset at having to put the book down! All I The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic tell you is that unless you, yourself, are ignorant, incredibly stupid, deceitful, materialistic, dishonest, and rude The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic - Wikipedia

See what's new with book lending at the Internet Archive. Better World Books. Uploaded by lotu. Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass. User icon An illustration of a person's head and chest. Sign up Log in. Web icon An illustration of a computer application window Wayback Machine Texts icon The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic illustration of an open book. Books Video icon An illustration of two cells of a film strip. Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker. Audio Software icon An illustration of a 3. Software Images icon An illustration of two photographs. Images Donate icon An illustration of a heart shape Donate Ellipses icon An illustration of text ellipses. The secret dreamworld of a shopaholic Item Preview. EMBED for wordpress. Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! On the face of it, Rebecca Bloomwood has it all. Confident, single and happily living in desres Fulham, she's a financial journalist who spends her days writing articles advising other The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic on the importance of budgeting and prudent investment. Her private life is a different story though; Rebecca manages The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic own finaces in a way that would make most of her reader's hair curl. For Rebecca. There are no reviews yet. Be the first one to write a review. Books for People with Print Disabilities. Internet Archive Books. Scanned in China. The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic/Confessions Of A Shopaholic | Shopaholic Wiki | Fandom

It is a chick-lit novel by Sophie Kinsellaa pen-name of Madeleine Wickham. It focuses on the main character Rebecca Becky The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic, a financial journalist, who is in a serious amount of debt through her shopping addiction. Rebecca Bloomwood lives in a The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic in fashionable FulhamLondon, that is owned by her best friend Suze's wealthy, aristocratic parents. During a visit to Surrey, her parents order Becky to shape up and cut back on her spending spree or make more money. On her way to a press conference held by Brandon Communications, Becky notices a sale sign in the window of the Denny and George shop. Becky sees this as a unique opportunity but realizes that she has left her Visa card at the office and asks the shop assistant to reserve the scarf until she can retrieve her credit card. The assistant reluctantly agrees to hold it until the end of the day only. Upon arriving at the press conference, she is greeted by a staff member of Brandon Communications, who mentions that there's been some surprising news in the banking field and asks Becky her opinion on the news. Becky has no idea what the woman is referring to and has to feign knowledge. After the staffer leaves, Luke Brandon, head of Brandon Communications, realizing that she was feigning knowledge of what was happening, tells her that one financial group recently bought another, and it was recently rumoured that Flagstaff Life was going the same way. She asks her friend Elly Granger if she can borrow some money, but Elly has none. Luke hears Becky ask for twenty The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic, and stops the whole Press Conference just so he can hand a twenty-pound note to her, once she has made up a story of needing the money to buy a present for her aunt who is in The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic. Later on during the week, Becky's flatmate Suze asks her to go to a restaurant with her and her cousins, including Tarquin. There, Becky sees Luke and his parents having dinner. Luke's stepmother, Annabel, comments on Becky's scarf, and she politely thanks her. Becky claims that her aunt gave it to her in order to avoid Luke being suspicious. Luke runs into Becky after that The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic asks her to come shopping with him at Harrods. Initially she enjoys shopping with him for luggage, helping Luke choose the best purchase. After he reveals that the luggage is actually for his girlfriend, Sacha, Becky is very upset thinking that he humiliated her. She tells Luke off that she feels he's used her and not treated her with respect. Suze and Becky happen to be flicking through a magazine and see a The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic of eligible millionaires, which includes Tarquin and Luke Brandon. Tarquin asks Becky out, and compliments Becky on her scarf. While Tarquin goes to the bathroom, Becky sneaks a look at his checkbook, and is unimpressed by the content. Tarquin returns and Becky is sure he saw her looking at the checkbook. Becky gives up trying to date Tarquin, as he is just not her type, even if he is very rich. Throughout the story, a man named Derek Smeath, who is the manager of Becky's bank, is constantly trying to get hold of her so he can set up a re-payment schedule for her overdraft. Becky always has some excuse as to why she cannot send a cheque or meet with Mr. Smeath and The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic assistant, Erica. The excuses range from a broken leg, a dead aunt, etc. Smeath that Becky is unable to repay the overdraft. He becomes quite insistent upon setting up a meeting with her. Unable to come up with any more excuses to avoid meeting the bank manager, Becky goes back home to hide at her parents' house, telling them the bank manager is a stalker. Becky learns that her next door neighbors made a financial decision based on advice that Becky had absentmindedly given them and stand to miss out on thousands of pounds in a windfall resulting from a bank The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic. Becky is horrified by being partly culpable and sets out to make things right by writing an article that exposes the bank's duplicity. The article is a success, and leads to Becky appearing on a daytime television show, The Morning Coffee. Luke is angry with her, believing she wrote the article just to get back at him for treating her poorly. Becky and Luke square off during her appearance on The Morning Coffee. After arguing with Becky, Luke concedes that she was right, and announces that Brandon Communications will no longer be representing that bank. Becky The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic a regular slot on the show and finally talks to Mr. After apologizing for her behavior, she and Smeath agree to set up a meeting to work out her financial debt. Luke invites Becky out for a seeming business dinner at the Ritz Hotel. When Becky arrives at their meeting, business is not on the agenda and instead they eat their fill of the food and end up spending the night at the Ritz together. Becky has to miss yet another meeting arranged with her bank manager, but he writes and tells her this can be postponed, as due to her regular slot on television, her finances are now rosy. But the bank The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic, Derek Smeath, will continue to keep an eye on her account. Becky Bloomwood : the main character and protagonist in The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic story. Although she works as a financial journalist, she also has significant debts concerning her credit cards and her constant overdrafts. Despite it, nothing stops her from buying new clothes, shoes and new items which others think are unnecessary. Susan "Suze" Cleath-Stuart : Becky's aristocratic best friend who keeps an eye on her spending spree. She is described as blonde and is an even worse shopaholic than Becky. In Shopaholic Abroadit's revealed that Suze and Alicia have a bitter history and of which she blamed the latter for wrongly getting her fired just because she was originally up for promotion by Luke. He is described by Becky as being 6'4, dark hair and dark eyes. Luke originally dated Sacha de Bonneville before dating Becky. Alicia Billington : Luke's employee at Brandon Communications and is described by Becky as being blonde and long-legs. This earns her the nickname Alicia Bitch Long-Legs because she's selfish and uncaring of others. She was responsible for an incident that got Suze wrongly fired just because she wanted the promotion for herself. Alicia and four others involved in her scam are later fired by Luke for her plans in ruining Brandon C. Graham and Jane Bloomwood : Becky's parents who are extremely cautious of their spending and tells her to shape up by cutting back on her spending spree or make more money. In " " Becky learns that Graham had a previous relationship with a woman named Marguerite and that she had a half-sister named Jessica "Jess" Bertram. Philip : Becky's boss at Successful Savings who hasn't promoted Becky and chosen Clare Edwards instead due to her lack of responsibility. Clare Edwards : Becky's co-worker whom Philip had promoted based on how she takes her job seriously. She later replaces Becky as a financial expert in " Shopaholic Abroad ". Derek Smeath : Becky's manager at Endwich Bank. He is described as polite and professional, but also persistent whenever she refuses to meet him for a meeting. In the end, she and Smeath work out a meeting with each other. Tarquin Cleath-Stuart : The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic cousin whom Becky tried to date, but realizes he's not her type. He and Suze later get married in " Shopaholic Ties the Knot ". They have three The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic. Tom Webster : Martin and Janice's son. He originally was dating Lucy until she dumped him in " Shopaholic and Sister ". They have plans to adopt first, which even Becky fully supports, but Janice insists they have a natural child first. She later dumps him at the beginning of " Shopaholic and Sister " and hasn't been heard from since then. Elly Granger : Becky's other friend who only makes her appearance in this novel. She asks Elly for some money, but she has none. Sacha de Bonneville : Luke's French girlfriend whom he buys an expensive luggage set The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic on Becky's recommendations at Harrods. She later dumps him at the end of the first novel, also making her a one-time character. One review considered it to be clever that Kinsella begins each chapter with an ominous letter to Becky from her bank. Readers seemed to like Becky, care about what was happening to her, as if for a friend. Women identified with the character and her situation. Reviews encouraged readers to 'stick to' these earlier books in the series, considering them better than the later books which appeared to have been written The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic quickly, although they would still satisfy those already faithful to the series. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For the film adaptation, see Confessions of a Shopaholic film. This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. Learn how and when to remove these template messages. This article consists almost entirely of a plot summary. It should be expanded to provide more balanced coverage that includes real-world context. Please edit the article to focus on discussing the work rather than merely reiterating the plot. August Learn how and when to remove this template message. This article's tone or style may not reflect the encyclopedic tone used on Wikipedia. See Wikipedia's guide to writing better articles for suggestions. Main article: Confessions of a Shopaholic film. Archived from the original on 20 January Retrieved 5 August Sophie Kinsella. Can You Keep a Secret? Hidden categories: Webarchive template wayback links Pages with citations lacking titles Pages with citations having bare URLs All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from May Articles to be expanded from August All articles to be expanded Wikipedia articles with style issues from August All articles with style issues Articles with multiple maintenance issues EngvarB from September Use dmy dates from September Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. 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