a&t&J "m.h'isi aTiair'T)ir'''s-'iTili- ' LOriSTIXLE. KV.t rs. 8. G. Henry & Co. would call April Election. ! SPECIAL NOTICES. We are MISCELLANEOUS. SPECIAL NOTICES. TCESDAT MORNING MARCH 20. 1801. special attention to their cash sale of assorted authorned to announce TUOMA3 J. OSBORN al COACHES A candl late for Street Inspector at the ensuing April ro-tlo- tmocrat dry good, Stella, and printed shawls, figured, traoject GREAT ! ! to a Democratic nomination. uirlS dl3 tA THE SOUTHERN REMEDIES COAIs CO I Democratic Meeting. There will be a dress, and curtain muslin, and other desirable Ai MORE GOODS! C. MILLES CO., meeting of the First and Second wards, dry goods, this morning, Tuesday, at ten August Election. NEW f We are authnrlifd to announce W. A. ELLIS as a candi- WscLaaau and Retail Dealers In COAL, kecw -- at auction-room- At 2 o'clock in ROCKAWAYS; miUj Pi-in- reports o'clock, SIX SEAT JOHN and PurLiraexi by for the purpose of receiving the date for Sheriff of Jellernon to BULL'S on souuty auhject the decblon C. T. hand tbe best qualities at tbe loweat market prlcsx the afternoon, an invoice of notions, of a Democratic convention. mj7dAwtd MEHRIIVIArrS HAESEY, HUGHES & CO. to the city convention and the FOUR SEAT ROCKAWAYS; COIVXFOUND sTOfBcee Wall street, west aide, and ooraer of Praatoa of delegates and knife cuttlery will be sold. We are authorized to announce J. W. DAVIS u a candi- PECT02XAL OF date for and Wash log too street. om .Eut Kid Third &trt, ltwAU nominating of candidates for the ward of- Sheriff of Jefferson county. SHIFTIXO TOP BUGGIES; oa dm Theater. The Doom of Deville was again We are authorized to announce O. W. MrUINNI3 as an Silk and Lace Hantllla House, fices, on this (Tuesday) evening, March 20, Independent candidate for Sheriff August WILD CHERRY! successful last night. This is the final even, at the next SLIDE SEAT BUGGIES; NATIONAL HOTEL BUILDING, GREAT FEMEDiES CF TIIE DAY. ' mrlOdlm THK SEAL OF PUBLIC APPROBATION IIA3 BEEN ErESCEIPIIOS TEICK, IX ADY1SCE. 1SC0. we do We are ing of its representation, and not doubt authorized to announce 8. 8. TIITE, as a candi- TROTTING BUGGIES; so unmistakably fixed upon this medicine, that the pro FOl'RTII STREET. THE Dan.T Dxmocbat So; M, If paid Id advanc. Dally U the date lor Sheriff ol JeiU-rs- county, at the AukuM '- -Gener- is report- its lust be honors as prietor feels It to he bis duty to call the attention of all WILL ON v faT-Th- of Cuba that day will as full of its mraidte T EXHIBIT MONDAY AN ENIIJLELT ,: nl-- f nr fifty retits pr month. SULKIES, &c, &o. those persona to It who are sutlerlng from, or threatened A new line 01 Goods in TOLU ! iifm DKMOcaa.1. 1 copy, ta, wo copies, f K each; JO ed to have tendered his resignation. first. In the sensation school of dramas it ANODYNE tori $ with. Affections of the Lungs or Throat. Iu basis Is the LADIES' WALKING SUITS, Tax great NexraLjlc, Nervous Headache tad RlwanMUe) Imli VmiT.-Pl- ntl cnpl- or w number uniler though we must MARRIED. FINE ASSORTMENT FOR SALE CHEAP AT principle Wild Cherry Bark, ar mi certainly stands Tliurs-Iay- , active of the but It contains SILK MANTILLAS, Remedy, and tha fifty, li, tlfty and over to one address taj oeni. a diuiug-roo- servant On 16th Instant, bv Rev. D. P. Henderson, Mr. A ffcj" Those having tiiNh.) K.in and Mary' also. In proper proportions, other of the most efficient pec- LACE RATES OF ADVERTISING THK LOUISVILLE DEM admit that if Miss Joey Gougenheim had not Mis J. x. Van Tkit, formerly of POINTS IS will End a good home for one by referring to Lexmgtwu, Ky. torals of the Materia Medico. Its component parts and lnlveral Courh Retuedr. OCRAT AD ERT1SERS. &. AND BO URN E17R3. tot every description of Lung FOR F.EOULAR been the chief esponent of its beauties, it Ill'RR, IIAIGIIT WHEELER'S, proportion are well known to physicians every where, aa and Throat Complaint. One acruar, ehru;el.le wekiv. per annum t" 00 J. B. Mcllvain. mrl1 dins C T. ME It R I.MAX. inese Kemedlea, after all year nrlvat aaa arw nam J would have had far less success. Her talent, DIED, the proprietor makes no secret of them, and they have met Io oo !!'m.-p- week, per annum OTPOSITE THE O Calrly before the public. Pamphleta, S oo loo UU ALT HOUSE, universal approbation of tha faculty, a general glvinf full proapect. lo do tiu.es do - of the Knoxville i i?ntl,r, the lnh the residence of the who, as h fa- The annual meeting beauty and attraction would give eclat to a far ""i''.of,u,m w- os of ail plans, and testlmonUI which can JW arld'llonal sous"., the price. i K"!". I" JeiLrsonvllle, lud., thing, prefer nslng this preparation to any prescription la every nn iovfri-ni-- $1 loc Urst Inser- IlAboox. 33 years, 1 LOUISVILLE, KY. on, M published at will take place in few Doom Deville. acd mouth and days. relied and to which Ihe proprietors aak 14 mm Ii and railroad less deserving piece than the of which they can have prepared by a druggist. the stoat rig tion ana u ceni lor sulequent oiks. His funeral ceremonies will rurlS d.iniw llobin Inquiries, r take place at the Christian lied JBrcast: will b found with ail Tn Aiiuocbciiu? candidate (1 week tor each nam. will be dealer. proprietor. days, when directors and officers A young and beautiful girl, who possesses, in Church on the corner Y riv a.ivert.eer pay quarterly: all other In advance. of Fourth and Walnut streets. In th't In confidence ask all to read the pamphlet, aa and city, ootoln nka Lsiaie and F!ttamuu Advertise nieuu. Siienti' an unusual degree, a talent for representation, thla (TuesJay) morning, 20th Instant, at 10 o'clock, Justice can be done by Commissioners'h: Sate. Patent Medicine, 1 Circus elected. MASSER'S advarUslag, excepllng that of aoto bestncal. and from theuce his or ainiliar advertising, not pol'.lebed br the year. rem.in, will be taken to his DR. JOHN BULL'S BY HUBBARD, neiy, wnica la IndlspenaabPa. Compan- & Cri ler, have canuot fail of success while ever and wherever PZVE MINUTE a.c.veniseinnis tr Charitable Institutions, f ire f- - Our friends, Vineyard James W. Graham, ton miles south of Louisville. T Bee advertIsemenL ies-, W ard and other public tueetiiifc-s-. aud sue! like, half grace united to youth and tal- a very fine lot of pure white loveliness and Ice-Crea- m FLUID EXTRACT OF just received Freezers, A3 SCNti BY sistxaa iiirm L notice end communications, inserted In edito- ent continue to exert an influence over the miAWINOH OK J. W. HUNNEWELL A CO, rial column and intended u promote private s, ai potatoes, for 6eed. They can be intere. FBAXCE, Au Iiiipi'oved'for lS39-i- 7 ami (Hsr line; tlieae only tuserxeu at the discretion of Ihe uiiud? of men. BKOADBEMS & CO.'S i Commercial Wharf, Boatos j Wall street. I ! eslitors found at No. DiUware Lotteries, deciding WITH STAMPED IKON COVERS AND BOTTOMS-TINN- S AR S A PAR LLA OEoRGt HUNNEWELL. communications wltl be Inserted unless accomri1ed So follow- Si UK LB Y 115 tar Uie real baiueo. tbe author. Jk5?We received, by telegraph, the Ul,l.Kt;U LOTTERY, OF KY. This Invaluable remedy has already carried happiness to IVIatl. Water street. New fork. detained in the Cincinnati Anna Bishop. Bold Vteatuboat Insertion There are Class 134, ONLY FREEZER KNOWN CON-- by all respectable adveniseuie uIk V rmu for Una March 19ih. 1800. q'HE WHICH Id the thousands, Is T duelers everywhere. li- - I.ir ing dispatch on Saturday: strucfed on scientiilc principles. heans of and dally living more consola- aiel cent each continuance: letters to the following 48 '23 -- true WILSON. PETER A CO, Wholesale Agents. advertae-iiiem- . l T reeuiar postoflice, for postage, il s 0J 70 ?Jj 74 Tha best and uio-- ilcsl; tion to the aillic led thau could be ail .r.l.-- by all wealth a ne. adveniaerueut, Haion March IC. ISio. 3J j, cheapest, l ecoi reuuirlng lesa the o- pa a season i2 lor one Rocr. Class IS5. March I860. labor than any ts'lng at - sal by all dealers la th city and set tr of over six uioiiUi, Kentucky people: Ros, Sawpton & Co., 19ih, Ice and less other, the same time iu the miues of California and the world combined. It Is try " cou bunt, ai..i fe' for each a Idliiona)it IUrmev, Hi ohes A Co.: 65 5:i 'iH Si 7 77 the most durable lu structure and most certain In its opera- " Uel dAwiy kept on u.e Uuaet't of the Democrat are .1 13 m 5 61 .7 ,9 71 tions. put up lu full uuart bottles, and contains the strength of Greenupsburg, Ky.; D. A. Foyer, Lexington, Gentlemen: The Brinly plow is victorious! Agent for PRICE 50 CENTS. Charped an extra (nc. France. Broadbents A Co Sole Agent for the , six tin es as much pure Honduras Sarsaparllla aa any simi- TO TIIE 1 aqnare M0 Main Ky. A i.c fKTismo kATU WcntT DdiOCUT. Eaih L r. VANCE. street, Louisville, E. KETCH AM A CO. lar preparation Oo iint or bm tDadrtion. .41 ' .... Manntacturers of Japanned aud Planished mude in America. Be-Drngg- fiu La' oonttnuance at- Wanted. Price SI per Bottle or Hx Holt Ire for S3. and Poisoned rttt-- out morning a pair of horses To of Kentucky. duUi must be civn to take and wp cYesterday the Teachers T Wls TO HIRE FOR 289 Pearl St., New York. It has been a well established years u ol rarlT r belurvtn yeai exiroa, THE BALANCE OF TUB la. t for past that alve. if away on Hancock ISoT many of the teachers of s y uoy.iA to years w A CITIZENS weatjaii cltaree tiii don. tached to a carriage ran In the year a T. lo old Sarsaparllla, hen pure and properly prepared. Is the only TO HE II I ONLY AT OFJCENTUCKY. yea'-I- will be dfcortinned servant. otntnul of advertisement There were two ladies in it. One Kentucky being deeply impressed with the im- true Panacea for all diseases originating from an Impure without t.revioue notice to o, nr tr.n any cLartfc oe madr street. HEW EA f Ev'i NEW Yov are overrno with . deluge lor Kw than one rear at the yearly ralea. JVf It MrlfTilV state of the Blood, the u.x of Meicury, Intoxicating Drinks, f th vlleat compomnda. sprang out and the other was thrown out and portance of more thorough and united action No. 31' Main tt. M'CARRELL'S, In th form of "Alcoholic Drlnka,-t- ht ! Evil HablU In Youth, Barrenn, ss, etc. ever (y, that peat of society, lUawor-Jhn-r. severely hurt. upon the subject of education, did, in conven- Goods We boldly assert that JOHN BI LK'S FLUID EXTRACT th TlMry ra m4 Us Departure of Trains. Please Take Ttfoti ce. yon as a lnxury. or they are dispensed or- OF S ARS Al'AUILI.A is the only preparation before 471 ..JEFFERSON STREET to yon a a ned A tion assembled, in the city of Louisville, rpiIE GREAT SALE ftp DRY GOODS WHICH HAS the 44 large hotel, to be called the Claren- N,-- clQ. and m either case th affect U th Kolng ll0 at the York store, 107 Fourth street, public that is prepared on strictly scii Mil principles and aasi. JEFFERSOXVILLE KAILROAD. Asso- mrti'lAv Louisville, I ganize themselves into "The Kentucky the past week. Is contuMieJ this week, lolay. (Tuesday) 15 Cases aVssorted Kr. There but on way to escape, and that ts to na as don, is now being built at Saratoga Springs. March th we will utter of uniform strength. The Sarsaparllla Is purchased with- FitOM JEFFF.FON VILLE. f the entire balance of Dress Silks. lnxury or a medicament safe and reliable ciation of Teachers." An act of incorporation K..bes, Il..slery,oiovs, guild Colored Kil.Ums, Emhrolder- - out regard to .rice; every pound, before being used, I sub- stimulant, sold Lou If and TndiaDapolU Accommodation I "00 A. K. It is located on Broadway, near the new spring. stamp ft PAPER HANGINGS jected to chemical nnder and el. which render It certain that It hast from the Legislature. By IMinasks,i. l.luen Handkerchiefs, curtains, vunain the strictest lesls, and Its genuineness Indtanapotu and Cincinnati Eastern Eiprew. r. cost has been obtained ""'. Cambrics, Jaconets, Table not been tampered with. Such aa article I The ground, including the new spring, .... uu before being used. GUSTAV F. DIETZ, fct Lou la, lndlanaHlui and Cuclunall MW Ex- then adopted the members mie all ol wbiin JUST RECEIVED $3C,000, building will involve an the Constitution uiusi uk sow imme.iisteiv 10 make room for new goods. BULL'S SARSAPAR1LLA also contains the virtues of press p. fc and with the HARK Charier' London to wit: iu MEl'IltX EK, Successor to AND FOR SALE AT OUR USUAL several Medical Roots, to IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF Cordial Gin were to hold meetings, ",r2" DUKKKE, HEATH A CO. other ether formln; the best outlay of $100,000. Which Is distilled und or Inspection Oovers-men- t, LOUISVILLE, NEW ALBANY AND CHICAGO Compound and producing the greatest Curative Agent of th British the months of July and December of each year, W3I. F. WOOD, 1 Tot Sale. known to the world. delicately flavored (nnllk any other Ola) with RAILROAD. mr!3 WEST SIDE THIliD STREET, NEAR MAIN. & aom of too? See Mr. Spencer's advertisement of his which meetings have been regularly held, aud NFAT BRICK DWELLING AND Foreign Domestic th moat valuable restorative of th vegetable) LEAVE NEW ALBAN Y. A kingdom, and Is by far th most healthy beverage regular weekly grocery sale, consisting of The leading objects of the Market. wet sl.ie. The II, .use 'is jliLl axlauL M'.tcUell Accommodation at 8:30 A. largely attended. In Sua order, con J. L, Th most eminent physician of Europe 100111 n k i and America not taiuina imi u Linn, all le, cellar, large 11 DE1TEN, Hi. John ISitlPs t. Louia Expreaa lit. 15 a. M barrels cli only Ctilraoand at fourteen kits fresh mackerel, several Association are: "the advancement of the cause T, ""xiuuery in me yard, Ac, c. Price FANCTJJOODS recommend tt us by th hale and hearty, bat ra M. 81.1.00; will rent for per Ctlcago and St. Louis N ight F.xunst at 1CH5 P. brown sugar, and a lot of brushes which have of education in our State, and the promoting annum. For particular!), tall VEGETABLE ecrlb It as a medicine where a stimulant ta required. NEW Th fernai ARRIVE AT ALBANY. mr20 M' Third Hreet, bet. Market and merchant 1ST sex will find It not only pleaswnt Cordial, Jefferson. Tailor just been received and will be closed out in profession by a closer -A- ND- jST Chicago and St. Loult Eiprpiw Mall at 8:1.. p. of the interests of the O S, but a certain relief In sufferings of a periodical character. tt- Express A.'iO a. COMBS, tTo Analytical CbtcafO and - Luoia Nlcbt at - the sale this morning. union among its members." "The Educational "Worm Destroyer BUTTONS, BRUSHES, chemists of a ranks pronoanco It perfectly Cluciniiati and fit. Louia Mail SO P. NOTICE. pur, and Lik'litii'.iic at u CLOTHIER, PENCILS, THREADS, lu restorative merits Incomparable Monthly," a journal under the auspices of the T Wol'LI) NORTHEAST CORNER MARKET AND FOURTH ST3. Is a remedy alike pleasant and effectual for the evil. There SPOOL COTTONS. WHITE tUa?The Virginia statue of Henry Clay is INVITE THK OWNERS OF HOUSES NKl'.D- - T Sold nly In quart and ptat bottle, by all DrogglsU, LOUISVILLE AND LEXINGTON E. R. Association, with a corps of able editors, has me ie(,airH ana persons to to is not the least dlOkxlty in getting children to take the GOODS. intending build call and And No. H7 Ktsrtli Street. HOSIERY. PERFUMERY. 4c. Ac. Grocer. e. For sale In Louisville tr v 1 J Paaaenfer Train No. at.- - 6 00 a. M. to be inaugurated at Richmond on the 2th of been established upon a reliable basis. This AM NOW IN RECEIPT OF MY e medicine. It is prepared In the form of Candy Drops, and WlUoo A Slarbtrd. No. tnx Mam street. stock of . ' IMI Haln Street, bet. Paaaeturer Train No. 2 at IJtl p. u Mr. will outline must suffice. I will be eaten with avidity by children of all ages. Ii de Fourth and Fifth, EDMUND C CHARLES. Oeoeral April Clay's birthday. The orarion brief historic SPK1NO AND SUMMER OOODS. STAIRS'), snyl dAwly u Accommodation Train at- 4.10 p. M Consisting stroys and expels Worms more effectually than any remedy ('i ttrossiway. New Idrk. - Har- Another leading feature is the organization PAPEK, of one of the best selected stocks of be delivered by Mr. Benjamin Johnson W1WAIUW now use, way a.1 LOUISVILLE, LOU 15 VILLE AND NASHVILLE R. R. of County Associations; hence, at the late SiiiAJJllS, In while at the same time II will In no KENTUCKY. bour. This statue was procured through the COKXICES, Ct'KTAINS, BANDS AND MIRRORS. CLOTHS, CASSZIVXEXIZiS.VIIST Injuriously the health of the child. EDWARD PEAllCE'S liall Train No. 7 0 a. M meeting iu Paris the undersigned were ap- Pictures and INGS, die, Expreaa Train No. Z (Sundays cxcpted.n... 6:0u P. exertions of Virginia ladies. pointed a committee of General Correspond- Picture Prames and That I have ever opened since I commenced business. Lebanon Expreas (Sundays excepted 6 JO a. X. ence with the teachers throughout the State, Trimmings. 1 have in my employ Cutters who understand their bust. GREAT Having of neas to twrt'ccilrn, and 1 have no hesitation In saying Dr. John Bull's BARGAINS Lebanon Accommodation (Sundays excepted).... S:J0 P Jfca?" Mr. Lovell Rousseau was elect edSi.'Ue the a.'oncv two of the lareest Wall Pir.er Fm. that with reference to organizing, in each county porium In the Last. I have I'atier lor the I am fully prepared to get up any garment to order e.Ual lo IN suitable plainest anv city. is at all practicable, a County Asso- 01 1 guarantee my selection to be house In the Light Carriage Senator in the Fifteenth district ye;erJay where it iiacuiiis. at In my Mammoth Clothing Room a choir-- StBagsy nanufictory, Look to Your Interest- - leat as conn lete as anv In Louisville, and I am selling my von' can find without opposition. Though nominated by the ciation. Being unacquainted with many of the woou.- - u. as tue Kime "ni.iiiiv can be purcnaaed lu assortment of Men's, Boys' and Youth' CLOTHINU AND King of Pain Killers the L ' First St., betweeu Market And TL people are avare tLs.t D. O H Are, No. teachers, we seek au interview with them city. I have secured the stl pertntendeuce of tha best and i K. laui.iu wjuua. niris .Hins DRY GOODS! Jefferson, Opposition there was no disposition (o contest nio t experienced r lu the i ll v. ami am ore- - 'I'HK SCBSCRIEER HA VINO PURCHASED THE LOUISTILLK. KT, is i i27 Mais street, u the oldest, largest and most through the public press, which nlwajs pan- to execute all orde rs with promptness aud ! Is A new AMERICAN REMEDY, and is an effectual and A Sl.H k of Durkee, A Co., (17 be- guarantee Great Attraction Heath Fourth street, Keep constantly on hand Urge assortment his election. He is a gentleman of fine ability, to educa- Sattslacl.on. speedy cure for CHOLERA, CHOLERA MORBUS, RHr.C tween Market and J. rlerson, will oiler r'Jt sale on Mondav, ot Bock, ciperieuced aanafacturer of trunk and simi- friendly the great cause of Country persons Ma ways. Buggies, Sulkies, my merchant', or residing In the cotintrv, LARGE IMPORTATIONS!! cli Mi, the entire Stock now on Iran i, at greatly li Ac, of own manufacture, all of large experience, and will do his constituents tion. Thus we would respectfully urge their warning articles in my line are purlieularly requested to MATISM, GOUT, BOWEL COMPLAINTS. DYSI'EPSY ced prices. Most of Goods are adapted pres- lar articles In aT&il the to the which I will sell as low aa can be purchased elsewhere. the city. They should call and examine my assortment beture else Carpeting:, Oil SUMMER COMPLAINTS, ent season, and will he sold at sueh as Im- immediate action. Let some two or more i,iirchuin;r Floor Cloths and CRAMPS, COLIC, SORES, CUTS, pri.es wdl Insure All work warranted tot one year. Re JV. honor in the Legislature of the State. where. W. I'. Wknkdiot. mediate sale. The Urge St ocx of Curtains. Damans s. Shirt, pairing don prompt-- y themselves of the rare opportunities afforded -, BCRX3, SCALDS, BRU1SE3, CANCERS and TUMORS, teachers in each county call a meeting at some niv?0,l Third St., east did- bet. Main and Market. House Furnishing' Goods. ink's, meetings. I. Miens, lXjil.es. Napkin., Linen Towels and tn good style. ugol HEADACHE and TOOTHACHE, and all other Aches that w'hall kinds of Domestics, will be sold od VERY LOW Ly ilr. O'Hare. To country and city mer- fey"The sale of dry goods, notions, &c , suitable time and place, and proceed at once MARSHAL, I, &, at IMano-I'orte- g DICKINSON, flesh is heir to. r Tax Na.W TORK TKlBUNg tan of offers to organize County Associations, by the elec- WHOLESALE chants he peculiar advantages in hit takes place and at L. Kaliii KVFRY DFSrRlPTIlW FOR $ RETAIL DEALERS, Dr. MoCLINTOCK'S officers, StIP The above Preparations procured from drug;,-W- tion of the usual aud adopting such U at very low prices by r i No. 79 FOURTH STREET. BET. MAIN AND MARKET. can be CARPETS, wholesale department, while in the retail line & Co.8, No. 4'J4 Main street, and 111 be con p. and country stores Mattings. Rues. Druggets. Windo ' Shades, Uo-- TONIC ALTERATIVE : constitution and as, in the judgment d. faci.ds 4 00., TiJ HAVE NOW OPEN A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT everywhere. siery, SISUP liii2? Main street, bet. Second and Third. KnrtfnTt U Gioves and Embroideries. "We lave no hesitation In recommending to cannot be equaled. Whoever wants to n J ail grades Carpeting, Floor W Dr. JOHN BULL'S Principal Office Louisville, Ken- those who ts ducted by tht? auctioneer, I. Grau- - of the Association, may be proper. Let this J II of Curtains, would preserve their health a free use of Rugs, Mats, Window Shades, Cornices. Bands, Cotton tucky. the best punrv.uai carpet-ba- g be in W mrdAw3mlus medicine known to in.Jern science, vlx; Dr. wTj travel, whether with a small or a We cannot too strongly uree merchant s done time for the State Association, which ViolliiN, Flute Sheeting, Pillow Cotton, Towels. ine Cloth, India Mat- C James nui. and Guitars. ting, Roottng enniprlslng a fine selection of Black and Colored, Figured, lnt.a.k's Alterative Sirup." meets in July next. Other States have their DKSCRIl'TIoN OF THE ABOV Cocoa do. Pilot Duck. do. Tarpaulins, Stair Plain. Plaid Striped, snantmoia trunk, need go no further than to the l.n'KRY Rods, Linen Sheetiug, Pillow Linen, Table do. Napkins. A Family Necessity. and with all other Goods In the store, The NEW YORK LEDGER say of and buyers generally to attend this sale, as ht hoie.-al-e or retail bv luu-- l be e.,;d lo make room for a new Stock of Goods. Associations with their county auxiliaries iu ii 1). Fruit Napkins, and, in fact, every article In the House Thi following speaks for (treat Western Trunk Factory Mr. P. FAULDS A CO., Furnishing statement Itself: (ExtraH Dr. McClintock's Diarrhea of O'Hare. they will find everything necessary for their why S19 id hue, which we shall sell as low as auv house Cordial: successful and harmonious operation, and Main street, bet. Seco and Third, Western " In lilting the kettle from the Are, It caught and sc aided STLl'IIELV II K "Our lliri'ii Ijouisvllle, K in the country. Merchants sold at small advance. ill Ell. confidence lu the efficacy of Dr James McCllntock' His manufactory is a credit to Louisville, l-- J nir9 A buaineps, and at their own prices. not Kentucky. MARSHALL A DICKINSON, my bands and person very severely one hand almost to a Successor to Durkee, Heath Co. DarrheaCr-n- Is unn.iun.ie.1. Everv bo.iv .houad uavs u. should meet with extensive patronage. Luiu-dre- It is high time that this old Common- 3Ielodeon8 Organs. mrl8 Ne. 79 Fonrth street, bet. Main and Market. crisp. Tbe torture was unbearable. Ii was an awlul sight. It la Ihe prescription of an eminent physician." and Mustang Raymond A Tyler, 74 Fourth street, agenda for Kea of workmen are employed, and thoi.auds wealth should awake to her true interest and M ALF- - The Liniment appeared to extract lie We direct attention to the card of MesRrs. riMIK BEST QI ALITY OF F.LOPKONS AND tocky. of dollars week!y disbursed. As a Caiatter ol t2T position in this regard. Kentucky, with her a. an. Ire t! gah- lor sale t J. H. SCHROEDER & SON. pain almost Immediately. It healed rapidly and left no surll dtf com- scar of 4U0 thome Weller & Parker, wholesale grocers and ad- IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN account. Charixs Fostir, Broad street, Phila Halr-Dre- Malr-Dy- priJe, and to subserve economy, intelligence and with her social and civil ! Halr-Dje- ! will consult their best Laterests in pur- mission merchants, Sixth street, between Main vantages, should not be behind other States. Violin and Guitar Strings. FOR EI OX AXB DOMESTIC delphia." It is a truly a wonderful article. It will cure any case of Swelling, Burns, Stiff Joints, Eruptions, or Spring 1860. Styles! WM. A. BATCHELOR 3 HAIR-DT- chasing of Mr. O'Hare. and Their stock of groceries are Upon her instructors devolves the movement. I.'VKRY DESCRIPTION OF THE AHOVF, FOR SALE Market. 1 J wholesale or retail by D. P. FAULDS A WINES AND LIQUORS, Rheumatism. For Horses, It should never be dispensed To them is committed the sacred and responsi- at CO.. -- large and complete, and advise country Main street, bet. Second and Third. BOURBON, RYE, SCOTCH AND IRISH WH1S with. One Dollar's worth of Mustang bas frequently saved No. 100 Fourth St., No. 100 THI ORIGINAL AND BEST IN TH WOtLLDU tUicwixig is the officers se CIOAKS, CARDS and BAKfc" HsUr-Oy- tsafTh lift of of ble duty of this thorough organization. Let a valuable horse. It cureaGalds, Sprains, Rlngbane, Spavin Tha Ir Uarnsleass sxwsl ReUaJtl o merchants and the trade generally to give them STORES. No. in Wall street, Louisville, K.n i LOUISVILLE, KY. Kb wb t fce iSerent wirds for tie election to be held the teachers act with promptness and decision, Accordeons and riutluas. tucky. inrlsuii and Founder. Eewart 0 imitations! Sold In all parts of ALL other are mere Imitations, and should M arotdsal a call and examine their stock. Messrs. W. k aud our State will be placed on equal footing the habitable globe. If n Monday, March 19, lfciXi: Mrs. J. A. you wish to eaeap ridicule. firm busi- with other leading States of the Confederacy. If S',9 Main stroet. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! uirtOdlAwlim BARNES A PARK. Proprietors, N. Y. BEATTIE First Ward, First P. are geutlemea of integrity and GRA Y. RED. or RUSTY HAIR dyed Instantly to bsaa U Precinct Judjres E. L. each teacher feels the duty is his, and acts at INFORMS THE LADIES THAT SHE IS IN RE-- 1 ( ral sad natural brewa or black, Brown and E. L. St oil; ness qualifications. Consignments entrusted soon, very soon, there will bean efficient & ceipi her without th least Injury t Clerk Charles Gay; once, ALWAYS DYEING YET LIVING . MARTIN & A Foul Stomach Aalr or skin. to their care promptly attended to. CRUMBAUGII, rs riteo.ci.YTiT Indicated by a bad taste In mouth, par- Sheriff A. J. Powers. will be Association iu most of the counties of the UtTHINO CLEANSED AND COLLARS RESTORED the srnzNo stock or FIFTEEN MEDALS and DIPLOMAS have awarded work V u.N CHEMICAL. FlUNC'l I'Ll.S (Successors to Martin & Penton), ticularly In tbe morning. The tongue is furred, aud gener- ba First Second State, doing its appropriate and to Wm. A. Batchelor sine Visa, and over SO.0M appllcatloas) Ward, Trecinct Judges J. after- I., ally there Is a lack of appetite, accompanied with naust a PARIS MILLINERY, IST" An affray occurred yesterdiy with the State Association in forwarding t those who have garments hv fa tin',' spoiled, INTo. have beea mad to th hair of th patrons of thi buboos) L. Hemming and T. B. Frand; Clerk W. ol contemplated. As lie a. Ids made spoiled, or othervvie soiled, 90 and headache. All these disagreeable symptoms may be COMPRISING A FULL ASSORTMENT OF ALL AR- Dye. noon between Mr. J. G. Dodge, of the firm of the great jects requested il.ive r. l. nor throw them aside IN Fourth. Street, relieved by using WILSON'S HEADACHE PILLS, prepared WM. A. White; Sheriff J. G. Arnold. in the resolution, will the teachers be so kind As useless, tut nave them well cleansed and well dyed- HAVK Silk Rtes, 5. 7. 8 and flounce; TICLES APPERTAINING TO THE TRADE. BATCUi.LOK'3 HAIR DTI produce a color not J. G. Dodge & Co., and Mr. Thomas, of the KU li aiW- and sold by B. L. FAHXESTOCK A CO., Drug- as llrLK ami ctieckt-- fillkt; Wholesale to be distinguished from nature, aud la not Second Ward, First to report their organizations to the Central Frorn tar, pslnt or grease spots, or any such thing. per plain fancy warranted to Precinct Judges J & To J. culort J do; gists, and proprietors of B. L. Fuhnestock's Vermifuge, No. Ladies' Dress Hats made to order. Injur In th least, however long may firm of Anderson Thomas, in the store of Committee at this place? a std! of pure cleanliness each garment I briug; blncbuil 's i black "to, It be continued, aad Conne'J and M. G. Holmes; Clerk Fred Then, adding new luster to the primeval shale ISfat Bayltre Foulard Silks; 60, corner of Wood and Fourth ltreets, riltsbug. Fa. mrt dly Mm. A. th Ul effect of bad Dye remedied ihe tnvtg Mr. Dodge. The lie was given to Mr. D., who In behalf of the Kentucky Association of L what I consider my business and trade. J. BEATTIE. hair orated i'oulttrd Hilki, In great variety; Wilson, Peter A Co., Louisville, Ky, and John D. for life by this splendid Dye. Frisch; Sheriff J. M. Wells. 6, 7 ami 9 tluuncPd r A drawing-knif- and a Teachers. My manner of cleaning and dyeing is both Haivtfe U'ibs Park, O- agents. at once resented it. 7 Cincinnati. - wholesale Sold at retail by Made. sold, or applied (In nine s A improvement to tire and iuster ol cloth ; 6, and flounced Grenadine do; SPRIAG private room) at th Wist Second Ward, Second ci:. i tet 7 lCO. STUCK! Precinct Judges A. billet of wood were the weapons, and both A. ii. Ml KI'HV, Committee. ii being the fruit of much labor and toil, ft, aud 9 liareKe Anlaid do; all druggists and country dealers generally. mr20 dHAwl lfiO. Factory, 233 Broadway, New York. L. KUliKUl'tf, ) 1 il.ge much advantage when others might spoil. OrKnudy and Jaconet Robes, from 5 to 12 flounces; Kendell and . W. Read; Clerk D. G. Ku h Organdies; CO.,1 Sold In all cities and towns of the United Statos by parties were considerably bruised and wound Marcb lsU). printed A. & Kt., i:. And truly there Is nothing more worthy ones note Lawns, .laconetM aud C'liintzea; Holloway's Fills. JAEGER list and Fancy Goods Dealers. Sheriff Augustus Hat tell. HU( k ;Silk Mantles ed. The difSculty arose from certain business Than adilihc new value to vest, pants or coat ; aud Humous Lirt boats are not more necessary at sea than this I.lle Direct Im,ortera of and Dealers In None, Th genuine ha ihe nam and address, "f will gam him the smiles of Economy's self. Lace Point-- Mantl and Mrtndareens; anoa a Third Ward Judges Warnick Wreck of Hungarian. Medicine. The from scurvy, steei-n- engraviTir Lynn and transactions. The the And add to LU. pocket an Increu.-- of pelf. btella and M.t Mmwls; exemption and other scorbu- French l ulna, Bohemian Glass and Queens on four aid's, of the ho od M a Coleman Daniel; W. F. The particulars of the wreck of this vessel ftom-- IMueapple and Barere Wrttppliitfi; tic aftectlous of tbe late exploring expeditions. Is attribu- BATCHKLOH, 1.13 Broad wav. New York, and .A a. Clerk frown; She. iff No garniit, though faded and soiled be Its face. French and Knyli-,- 1'oplms; ware, Mosara. nusoa A SUubu-- Louis Hie. itLy Memphis papers an- .l table to the antiseptic action of Holloway's Pills. K. T. T. Summers. Si dm Death. The will never, perhaps, be ascertained. No one M.oii eer be banished from one lu disgrace; iMneappie ip ladines; FOR STEAMBOATS. U.jTELS AND FAMILIES, Because, for a trirte ulch all may In No. 80 New ai..rd, Travcllu lire Good. new fabric; asT" bull at tbe manufactories. Maiden Lane, Vox. 111! , nounce the sudden and unexpected death, Thurs I c and L1 F.url Street, bet. Market and Jtjfh-trm- Fourth Ward Judges on board, wo far as is known, was spared to la color and leanliuesa both are restored. t, rvanl' Good, a larjie slock; York, and No. Ut Strand. London, and by all Druggists, al Brandreth's Tills rs. Barsaparilla. S. K. Richardson Mourning Lu pen's; ON HAND (AND TO ARRIVE) THE tweoty-o- son of vou your Goods, LARGEST Oiri cent box of Brandreth's Pul I war M. day morning, of Henry J. Holmes, Jr., Then while consult piine and yonr pride. Kmbroideriei and Lace Goodn; lie. 62',c and $1 per box. nirSUdtiAwl HAVEi best assorted stock of the above In and J. Siephens; Clerk tell the fate of his companions. All went Economy lauu-h- Go.! mis citv J. Downing, And till she shakes her old side, Parasols, J'arasoletlt s nestern ii lported from th manct- - rantad to contain mor pur Sarsaparida thaa any dollar Mr. Henry Holmes, one of the most promi- H..W strange aud Kans; countrv. direel beat S. S. Triplet L J. down together, and sleep together in the same pacing would te the circumstance Alexandre's Kid and Silk Gluven; ones of France, E aiid, Bohemia and Belgium, our bottl of Barsaparilla. All who are tulng Sarsaparllla. Ii work acre not sent lo me paid lu advance. es let of Memphis. He Uobierv.a full stock; Boy' Wear Id gTeat variety; THE BEST are low aa low in the eastern cities aud persona them Pills, Fifih nent and respected citizens At low vant of China, Gli Uueenswaxe, or sabstilut Brandreth's and take on each night. Ward Judgg watery grave. It seems, however, that the A Persons having Garments to be Cleansed aud uuliorm prices. House uniishing Matlaek and i" or Colored HARTIX A I ds will please cad our pur- The effect will be found superior to th bottled article. A Dix; was stopping in Canton, Mississippi, at the should call at J. 11. M'lN ItiO.M ER V'S, be-- k CRUMBAUGII, BEYOND QUESTION st.s:k before Henry Clerk S, S foundering of the vessel was witnessed off Jefferson street, 96 el- - here in city. All Goods sold warranted MLs; Sheriff J. a. 1.1 mrll Fourth street, wecond door lioiu Market. this box of th LIFE ADDITION PILLS ts warranted equal ieen inir.i rourin, norm siue. nothing made and W. K HAGAN A CO., of Troy, New York, have given us A No. 1 qualm-- . Country to Z . settles. time of his death, and was about commencing trimmed In the style and merchants wid please call and Cipe Sable by two, brothers named Nickerson, neatest at the shortest notioe. I leok out for bargains A. JAEGER A Co S. two dollar bottles SarsaparilU. Try on of thee Mis, h in guarantee a rtemeinoer, for publication following unsolicited opinions of some al Sixth Ward Jmrjres J. Clement and David Raymond, ni. BROADCAST-SOWER- the feil Moiart HalL "hose main actlv Ingredient ts alkaloid of Sarsaparllla. the practice of medicine in Missis whose observations are thus recorded by the mrl7 .1. H. MONTGOMERY CAHOON'S ! Wright; Clerk G. Megowan; T. of the highest toued Journals In tbe land, all commenda Tak on Pill every third day, yon who are now Sar- I. Sheriff sippi. Mr. Holmes was twenty-Ev- e years of oair.g Trainer, Yarmouth (N. S.) Tribune: To Southern Me- tory of HxiMSTkxii's InimUaUe HAIR COLORING: 4 NEW STYLE OF COLORED PHOTOGRAPH. saparllla or any other tonic remedy. Drop all these for and Western the abovi aY will Ust ages, more age, a graduate of the University of Miosis that for bstauiltul thau Ihe thirty days, and as these Pill la the ptac 'r-- At three o'clock a man named Barry Nick- Machines invented A superior Hair Button Ivortype, has gotten up thereof for fine rchant. Hungarian and Hemp as well as all Restorative.' Journal. at Caubalm. Lovers of cigars will be eippi, had studied medicine in the cities of on ex- Seds, kinds of Oral 11AHHIV GALLERY Um. The cost will be nfly ctnts, and their wort a taew erson, residing Cape Sable, descried, In the moat pertect maimer. For sale wholesale and retail " takes precedence of all Herinqfirti Repub Expressly by It other." to meet the wants of tln.se who desire a sand dollar. glad to learn that Mr. D'Urso Las just received Ne York Philadelphia, was a very prom- actly in the direction of the reef known as ESPECIAL small Colored Picture, Ivory-- tj and IMPORTATIONS A CO. but who object to the Principal Office No. inrlSdiw PITKIN. WTARD lican. L,e on T K4 Canal street. New Tor. ' Horse Race," what he took to be the lights FOR THE account of its evanescent nature. by Wilder, another importation f this delicious brand, ising and much beloved by all who W e oner It to public J So. ts Main street. Louiavina. at- - student " Has triumphantly won for Itself tbe name 'tmntt'u-ble- the with entire confidence and by ad reapectabie of a steamer. These lights, when first seen, Its permanency, same lvorv-tlp- dean meotcine. IttMuAwlus finely favored, and in all respects the best cigai knew him. SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE nun AND BURGLAR and at t price aa the were stationary, and remained immovably in CARPETS. CURTAINS AND LINEN'S; "Sarahirian. Icl for the price ever importe'L The is IN " price vert the same position for more than half an hour; TABLE LINENS, TOWELS AND NAPKINS; " We The Hoot of all Evil " ILHNiril.E CHINTZ, FKENCH REPPS; would advise our readers to buy nothing but the moderate and smokers chould lay in a supply New Rates to the foir Eastern Cities. they appeared to move very swiftly in a PROOFHAVE IN STORE THE SAFES1CELEBRATED BURKS Is TBI venom of disease Instilled Into the syne at by early then SATIN DAMASK AND lillOC sT ELLE; BARNES' dill, original inimitable Hair Whig. As we PERSIAN WINK CLOTHS, KRUl'f NAPKINS; I Safes of rent sites, fur sale low. Ritorativt."Troy abuse, InduUjenc and exces of any kind. This moat b predicted on Saturday morning, says northwesterly direction, and in the course of S. A Y SADDLERY! for future use. Merchants, and THO. II DEN. HI CK AND MuTCH DIAPERS; "A truly valuable preparation, tested Ly time aud ex eradicated from the system without delay not a moment ten or fifteen minutes became once more sta- INDIA MATTING; nirUdAar bit Main street. dealers in cigars, should by all means try thi the Cincinnati Gazette, the freight agents of AVDOH'iiA 4 should be lost. The penucv.as sue qf mercury tionary. Mr. Henry Nickerson, who resides FLOOR from 3 to 2i feet wide; Beaton Ledger. R. E. MILES' will aot do the several Eastern lines got together after it; nay. tt Injure rather thaa cure. TRIESEMAR L 1 and 1 most excellent article. Mr. D'Ur6o's stock ol on A T N K YV Y O It K Is only reliable for restoring gray to Fish Island, states that he first saw the PKICE9I Toilet Soap, "It the article hair WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I your ouly chance. A perusal of the book " HUMAN confectioneries, nuts, fruits, &.C., is large and 'Change, and agreed to the following new now oc- light in the position which the wreck IIITE & S1YXALL, OP .LOUISVILLE MANUFACTURE Its original color. family Journal. FRAILTY, or PaTstoLosicat Rsuaacaxs," Illustrated wtia rates on , of a well selected stock. We advise country flour and fourth class freight from cupies, at fuur o'clock, and comprehending ... " bas most 7Voy colored eairravlna-s- will explain everything. It win coat 499 M A I N H T K E E B Sale. It a extensive sale." Timet. Saddle, Harness & Trunk Cincinnati to the four Atlantic cities: that some unknown vessel was in distress, 'three doors west of the Bask of Loulsvll'e, For yon 25 cents. merchants to give him a call and examine his " Rejoice I ye with gray hairs and bald beads, for the in- - aroused his son and his neighbor, crossed iu AT McCARRBLL'8 MCSIC STORE. JEFFER Sold by Dr. BARROW. 19 Bleecker NsW All Rail Ra l and Witter. mrll KY. DEPOT side, street. stock before purchasing elsewhere. north between Tlilr.l an. t'oioih .,,,1 vmitablt will restore tbe former to original beauty, and MANUFACTORY, D. Flour. lti class. I lour, 4tu Hay. a fishing skiff the inlet which divides the also at Mrs. Young's Variety Store, on Jetterson n.,rih '.i.te its York, and JOHN PARK, Cincinnati. U Price J cents. To OO no 6I SOUTH SIDE OP MAIN STREET, New York (I 60 4i between Second and Third streets. At place cover the latter with a luxuriant growth." Troy Budget I0. Sent free everywhere. fctt ilAwla Spring I lu Oo 1 island from Cape Sable, and in the hope of UaTor.r.TATiorj either these Beactiftl Goods fob Gf.ntlkmen's lo Kion ii ii wanted i, .in m o.u uy me uoien or uy me gross ut prices ai mrl Between Second and Thtrd. To Hiuadelplila... J 45 tf 40 attracting the attention of the crew, exhibited or the following Pensioners in Kentucky. ip tor the quality as they can be purchased of the East " If you wish to have the real color. Instead of the dull, Qennine Schiedam Schnapps. Clothing. We invite attention to the card of lo bailluiore SO 40 I'l ern tuaiiuiacturers. Also, a limited of shaviinr a lighted lantern from the highest point of INVALID'S PENSIONS. iiuantitv rough look which e Imparts, use UiimstreeC Da. Vtxnxmvxca'i Scuixbwjs This is a further reduction of 10c per bar- f"ao, w ai iiiiru iu um as goou aa any ever sold in mis mar- t JAMES E. Aaoauno Scanam. Ta Mr. Strain, merchant Temple, be 1IIARI.ES W. SMITH, At tailor, Masonic Un'l that could found. ABltOTT, LATEX ALSOP, THOS. BRY-- inrlSdi which Invigorates roott of Undersigned ha mad an arrangement with John Matt an. Thomas A. Ireland. William KuselL died the the hair and makes Fourth rel on flour, and 5c on fourth class freight. The lights of the unknown vessel continued Jniv CARD AND SEAL ENGRAVER. Co, of New York, th proprietors of this celebrated artlcla street. This gentleman has on hand a lsjO. It young again, no matter bow much It may be faded." to be visible until when they dis- REVOLUTIONARY. A FACT FUX.LV SETTLED, of Schiedam Schnapps, to become their Aent, and respect- stock of the most beautiful French, English and No. Tl THIRD STREET, EAST SIDE, ' JfjayThe corner etone of the new Catholic appeared, probably in consequence of the fall Win. Bond. Joel John.-.1- Witt.erill Laltimer, John G. A ND CANNOT BE SUCCESSFULLY CONTRADICTED, Button Trawler. fully solicits a call from purchaser to examine the arUcsa, orpier, Andrew Parker, Thomas Poor, JY that MERW1N A GALE'S Is place buy BIT. MAIS AND MARKIT STRUTS American cloths, cassimeres and vestings, de- Thomas Simpson, the to the everywhere. He take pleasure tn stating that tbeea Schnapps are ad- Church to Thir- of the mast to which they were attached. As in Si rom:. John Taylor, Jovph Walker, Win. i" Sold Price Fifty Cents and One Dollar I.ottlavillec, Ky. be erected at the corner of Tlielr by signed day dawned, the hull of a large steamship was Harris Ryan. motio is moderate proilts and extensive business! A bottle. no IS deodAweowlr VISITING CARDS mitted th most eminent physicians throGfboat th especially for the spring styles. The and lias been adhered to throughout sT neatly E:igrd 7 teenth and Market streets, was laid Sunday dan- HALF PAY PENSIONS. tlielr business career ed. Union to be th beat article of the kind ever offes--d for ass. cutting and designing department of this plainly discern&ble on the "Great Rip," a iu mis place, and tney are pleased to lind that the citizens mvlldtf with imposing ceremonies. The societies, gerous ledge about two miles southwest of Ann Brunt-r- , widow of Heurv; Ellen Clever, widow of Ol iaiUlsV e atmreclate tlielr m.i e of or l.okt a well as aavltur received th h Itiheat eocomiuaot prats. is nam: Elisheth Ellington, widow of Daniel; pat,v Flora. This accounts fur the Inrie axle tliev am ,lilv ..iri., regards superiority by celebrated establishment under well known fore-ma- mizzen-ma- ! a of quality, ad th prtactasi gr formed of the church, were out in full, and t'ape Sable, the gone, .rincrlr wl.low of M in. Il.illald: l.llev I or, wi.lou..l while thev tec--l thankful for the libera! nnir.iiu. I.e.,... no.. COLLAR FACTORY. STOVES AND TIiaWAHE Kan-i- ol" 11.: upon cars la Ue southern country. Mexico, Cuba, Ac and artistic cutters, and a guarantee to give and smoke-pip- e only standing, and the sea James: Hood, widow X. children of James them. They assure their friends and customers that the procession was a magnificent one. Rev. Featheririli: Jane S. Kenne.lv, widow of Thomas: Mary ery ellort will be made to merit a continuance of the FRED. SCIXAULXE, It Is th best known remedy for Diarrhea. Bhsnmsflssa. entire satisfaction is awarded to each gentle- making a constant breach over the ship. The l.iun, widow ol Win; Nancy Madl.-n- widow of Jo.; Laviua same. E. STOKER, Mr. delivered occasional sermon, following Jefferson street, between Preston and Jackson flout. Diseases ot th Lnnary Organs, Ac. Ac, aad I a Spalding the rigging of the main-ma- Lad Miner, wow ol John p.; Phebe Morgan, widow The stvles of new (JlMins lino liwt i .., man who The the appearance, of William: of Harrisun K. UNDERSIGNED KEEPS ON well a wholeoom aod dellclocs beverace. patroniies the establishment. and all Catholic clergy assisted in the ceremo- children Robinson; child of rpHE CONSTANTLY HAND MANUFACTURER OF according to the statements of our informants, .a. hariah Mllitti; .erllda Lite, widow of Joshua; Sarah La lies' very fine Kl.l Gaiters to lace; a large asssortment of Collars, wholesale and retail. Copper, Sheet-Iro- n Ware, ADtoAiid w LLDIR. Arent, public are invited to call and examine his Ward, llM'.rer..- un a ne oners Tin and leSdAv nies. The building will have a front on Mar- of being crowded with human beings, to the widow ol Jonathan; Ellen Meek, widow of Jamer,; Children's healllitul heeled t.nrlon to sell lower than auv utner estabi Loulavui a. Petgy Au.leix.ii. widow of William; Margaret Alllisoii, l'atent Leather Congress tiuliers lor little boys, together nient In thlsClty or In the West, and warrants bis w TlOOFINO AND HOUSE WORK DONE AT THE SHORT- - of goods for pants and be- w stock coats, vests, 00 number of between fifty and nixty a supposi- Idow ol Samuel: l.illillv l!a,ll Williams, of KeiMilsr equal In every respect to any made East or West, AU or- est notice, and dealer In Moves and llollow-- are. ket street of feet, and run back on Thir- Alloy. enl'iM.- ! .' yvllle. Palmer'sVegetable Cosmetic fore making their selections. Fit, tion we see no reason to discredit. About half War isli al shell, Kv. Address win ue sold very cheap lorcasli. uers pri'inpuy attended to Stoves repaired, and ail km, Is of Jobbing Work done at Lotion C. IL BAKKLEY. MERWIN A (1 ALE. mrldAwam FRED. SCHAULIE the shortest notice and al Ine lowest prices. Rxxovx Pimples and all other blemish c from th fWe and teenth 100. Its estimated cost is ?2o,U(K). main-ma- l.,in,l fabric and price warranted to give entire an hour after sunrise, the was seen Ilolllltv Slid Pension I'l,,,,, i,...,.l No, 4.1 Market street, betweeu Third aud Fourth, parts of person. 1 other the smoke-pip- e West side Flov.l, between Market and Jeiiersoti streets, mrls Sign of American Flag. I.ouUville and Nashville 'oinpnny, S3U satisfaction. Collections to the amount of about J 1,000 to go overboard, the disappeared the Hallrond .o. Main Street, It cores Chilblains by one application. Louisville, Kv., (Box ooioi P. (J.,) who can furnish Im- General Freight Agent's Oihce, Louisville, Mar. 8, '60. BETWEEN CLAY AND HANCOCK. OPPOSITE THE tAomuvA soon mizzen-mas- t portant were taken up, of which the Sons of i'rin con- afterward, and the followed informal ion in each case. mri7 Trial of Flows. EAGLE FOLNDEKY. It cure every variety of Untamed. Itching or trrttatla Hoop Skirts. John M. Robinson & Co. are about ten o'clock a. m. fel5d3m Lonsviux. Ki. Disease of the Skin. tributed 200. Bow manufacturiDg a large stock for the The spectacle is described by those who WALKER It cures Warts without faiL See direction. KGBBS, & CO.'S o H,,.,l . cures witnessed it, as one of terrific TIllAs-D- . - i..y It the most desperate rases of Tetter. XxaiaiM Spring trade. Their Skirts Lave attained Gustav Deitz, No. street, grandeur the public trial of Plows, on THrrtf'- i ISaTMr. V, tile T2d lust., if tbe pi EXCELSIOR the larxe amount of evidence to substantiat thee tacts. sea around white with breakers, the doomed Evergreen ZSTiirseries weather ,,, 1VORYTYPF.S. PHirTOPRAPHS. great popularity, as they use only the very between Fourth and Fifth, has one of the finest heavily as peratlons. It Thursday be not a tit dav the i, NOTICE TO Cab. Mze l'hotora,hs made in the It has restored to society thousands that have led year ship rolling surge after surge broke Twelve Miles Eaat of Louisville, will take place on the next day (FRIDAY). This nlowinf SKIPPERS. of the Art. at our t man h will of seclusion on account of some nnslshlly eruption of th V t est tempered watch spring steel, and each assortments of foreign and domestic goods against her iron sides, the spray dashing in O.V LOVlSriLLE ASD FRAXKFORT RAILROAD be conducted under the ausnieesof il,e AND AFTER MONDAY. MAIU'II im lsAI en Fourth aud Filth. , Nuau" v. .inn y rariuers tmo, wiiu me single purtiose 0NF will he received l.,n,,vllle mi.. N WEBSTER A BllO. face. volumes to the Light of bcr LA KG - at the Loop is fastened to the tapes by means of a and in consisting in of and AVE NOW ONEOFTHF. EST NURSKR- cloning tne good uua II ea o ir P un. mi, not lo ..r vllle Railroad Depot dally (except Sun.lsys) from o'cioc notions the city, part t W sevenlv-tlv- e J It cure Sore about th boh and mouth by a few appd the billows pouring in ceaseless cataracts over II u he Ninth or est. Having s juo.mo. umm up me ieiuiauou Ol any llnUVIdUal IllailU- a. M. until 6 o'clock p. m., till lurther nonce. uxmtn loop instead of the ordinary they oiler on as good terms IS therefore expected callous. clacp. cabas, cutlery, dressing cases taclurer. It that irener. Shippers will please send no Freights lo i her decks. The violence of the sea during be had in L'nlon general of asS Mf arrive Thus efiectually preventing the annoyance of tan the a toik Fruit :A, m cuirriiieiiMin competition, eacn one arranging the Depot uo--r the closing hour (S o'clock;, as they can n It cures th Barber's Itch without falL and jew- .1 Ornamental Trees and Shrubbery, embracing ery- the use of a suitable team of mules or horses. Hour ,, be received work boxes, hooks and eyes, needles, the morning and the early part of the day was ng - y alter this time. It care Boms, Scalds, Bruises, Old the tapes being constantly cut. Their skirts to to best supplied Nurseries. Their meeting o CIOCK, a. M. mrdlm B. L SWOPE, General Freight Agent. XIEIVIOVAL ! Sore Ac ta many elry, &c. It is entirely new, having just been so great that no attempt could be made to ap- trees are ol line sue and form, and ol most vigorous, W. W. YOUNG, case operating like manic, on application can be had at all the retail houses throughout healthy growth all warranted true to name, and are ""18 efta proach the ship. Not even a t, it is far Secretary J. C. F. Club. mor than has been effected by Le South and West. Sold only at wholesale. opened. Mr. Deitz imports his goods direct superior in sue and vigor to those furnished by the Irre- 1860 crniiva i860 the appneatioa for aflirmed, could have beeu got with safety sponsible traveling pediars and acents w ho have Hooded trass, Brandeis Crawford, years of th best known remedies. tiie country from North. The Ranaway, T. & R. & from lurope, and offers them at very low pri- environed the varieties are bettei SLEVIN CAIN, It I the great Skin Purifier of age. Then is astonishing Low rapidly a truly through the breakers which the adapt. to this and more southern localities, and can be Utb INSTANT. FROM the wast flSIt ces. Everything in the way of variety goods had at prices as low or lower than are charged by these ained HEN, "WHOLESALE GRAIN DEALERS. mor money oa worthies article, put procure at one th valuable medicine comes into general use. It agents. the slave ol Collin Throckmorton, of Daviess p..nn!, king of alL Prepared only by y, Ky. REMOVED TO THK NEW WAREHol'SK ON them may be Lad at his store, and we advise all to Liberal discount will be made to those buying largely lor Said Slave was hired on said boat, and yt HAVE t Stain's Demand on Morocco. The ter- liberal a ?uiith corrwr of Min and First .tirfru. SOLON PALMER, is but a little over a year since Dr. John Bull their own use or for rsile. reward will be nald lor his return to n,e ,,. (f DRY GOODS sVsjrUxt pay highest of Lim No pains will spared to pack (erslirned. Iaiulsvine Kv W DEALERS will the mstriift price all kind give a call before laying in their spring ritory, "acquired by the Spanish arms," the be securely, so as to trans at tl. l our or any gWiippius No. tt West Fourth street. Cincinnati, 0k commenced the port any country, 417 Main street, lira.n iivt're at More al good pulut For . manufacture of his Compound to part of the and In ail things to give S. BENEDICT A No. touth tide, above Sixth, tht? Kiver. sale In Louisville hv K. n,.....i TT?. stock. perpetual cession of which is demanded by the eral ilisti to tin dealing i tu trilo Druggists lb tin Louisville, Ky. .Iris Alt i BRANDEI9 CRAWFORD. sur.,y. rectoral of Wdd Cherry, and now it would be They invite those wishing anything In tine rail ua a. government of Spain from that of Morocco as their In New Books. ARB NOW OPENING A VERY LARGE and examine their stock, or to address them at Louisville yE AND ! difficult to find a town of any note in the Mr. Cowell's Entertainment. The enter- one of the conditions of the peace desired, is or (I'lia'inon's l'ototti. e, Jetterson coiintv, Ky. TR. OLDHAM AT OREYSTONE'8, Ac t complete assorimsul ol Wonderful Rapidity The Great West Holiiibv House. to be defined by a line drawn from a point two AsY I'l iced Catalogues '"yodjrratbL f. 2 d2ruw 1" SPRING. FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, Y"B HAVE IH'OVERED A NEW METHOD 0 thi promised land in the eye of mllliou, both la In United States where it is not known and used, tainment of Mr. Cowell at the Masonic Tern le, Life and Travels; bv Humboldt. Pijuturiifihs, by which we are to GLOVES, VARIETIES AND NOTIONS, if ritl.i old world and th new. fertile soil and a-- and its wonderful powers acknowledged, and kilometres west of Tetuan, northwards to the Home Pastimes, or Tableaux Vlvanta. l thf iu ut tn ratt of, lorty per minute, aiil aril Iu nutrnlacaat was of its class by far the best ever given to a I Femme. or Woman; bv Mlthelet. embracing almost every article in our line. We oiler extra. itif at cacti by Hie thousand, or bv portunitie for development are great source of redoubt of Isabella II, and the Straits of Gib- ordinary lu ."3 cenU flvt ccuU th It in many instances by physicians themselves. SPRINa STYLES The Fate of Sir John Franklin. inducements to purchasers, and respectfully Invite kill; U hiindrt-ti- Mitle thus cheaply will bv Louisville audience. The mantle of the fa. her Home Encyclopedias thtr attraction But along lu beautiful streams thavw hire. Lafayette Journal. raltar. The southern limit is to be the range ror 1880, of Knowledge, Ac the attention of our customers and the citv and touutrv tur iHxjkk illLUiraLioii, ttlnumn, buiueta car iti, iiiclusuiif to Young Fur Traders; by Ballyutliie. trade generally. lettcpt, anU a variety ot pu tlx Tall an th3iu malaria of the most deadly todueoc. which a th great has fallen gracefully upon the son. Lord of mountains bounding the valley of Tetuan, Round the World; by d tlAw 4 T. A R. SLE VI A -- --A., do. til CAIN. IIAKhlJ u A LLLKI . drawback of that splendid region, end must ea BQ?Merchant8 visiting this market are ad- and which is the commencement of the exten- A.T CRAIG'S, The World of Ice; by do. At remain for Lovell and Lady Bell were so irresistibly 1 III many years to cum. Emigrants and sive commonly known Coiner 'our und Main Street. ""'T JXO. W. CLARKE'S, Moiart Hall. Card. other who contan. vised to call on Sandford, Duncan Co., and mountainous district as A 100,000 Thotographs in oneHinuta plate In k comic that the house was in a broad grin the CRAIG'S LOUISVILLE STYLE OF SILK AND rMIE UNDER9IONED WOULD settlement that section will do well to provide the Riff. The sea forms the northern and east- A . Dress H it is I MOST RESPECTFULLY certainly the prettiest and Strawberries ! A call the of all who intend building, 'IMIIS IS NO CANADIAN YANKEE themselves with the only cure that ha yet ef- examine their large and very desirable stock time luosl artistic of anv yet introduced. Strawberries attention to the tact KNT beea found whole that he was visible. Billy Barlow ern boundaries. The district thus marked out executed In T I. YONOL0VE, BOWLING-GREE- cuai amueteruiiiie-- i mat styieand quality ol my I IKlcK. I ficient, speedy the slimiest lime. xnrfQ KY., OFFERS i the every body, and see how it is done; and certain we mean Dr. J. HOSTaTTlR'S f fancy dry goods for the spring trade. Their is a long quadrangle, from thirty to thirty-fiv- e . for Sale mtv of the .ri.,ii., ..r . to yrouipiiieM. oi execution snail not lie excelled; was perfect in dress and the intonations of voice ' nuve 1th the experience, and mv facilities. I am n you want the be.t Pictures in the art. CELEBRATED BITTERS, which have hundred I .T FINISHED A SUPERIOR QUALITY OF OLD rianis wnirn been se eded with ihe fo nresent and, at same encapest, snatched stock of descrip- miles in length, and from four to seven rum the best varieties cultivated, i,ali,in.t.a prepared to orier liberal Inducements, which will full the time the cad al from an untimely grave. Their fancy dress goods, of every were admirable. Men's Drab Otter Hats, the liiicsl lu the market (.rest h nn I , operation upon th dhyeaj Mrs. Hicks, as a vocalist, at nure. Prt.-- ... and entire satisfaction. THE STAR PICTLKK ALLAH l is (according to the indentations of the A. CRAIG'S, taken lo Keen them 2...... i.. a. o. organ la soon felt tion, certainly beautiful. They also have shore) doteii; $1 to per 1 am also constantly receiving best M'hit- - tsd Main street, near Fourth. jrsl tlv to be beneficent, without m Comer Fourth H hundred; no orders desired lor less than the quality ol V. OSTKR, betas el!3-4- especially in ballads, has the sweetest, clearest and Main st. r I Wallace's celebrated hoop skirts. in breadth. Besides a considerable portion of """" "' "7 vaneiy iri7 as cioiit. irom mv own uuarrles. an. invite a who are fU violent. STOCK. FINE FELT HATS, interested to examine the .lUality.specimens ol which may For sal by Druggist aad Dealers generally voice we have heard for a long time. Mr. mountain, by far the great er'part of it is at pres- 'F BLACK o eeu tne r ewy OCR and silver color, la very large, and all ol A FAMILY OF ui columns and portico of tue Laiulaville Co GREAT SAB.OAZXa'S p&Children are quick to learn and strong Hicks with Lis concertino, executes with ent morass and jungle; but by clearing and the latest SERVANTS FOR SHE! more can be furnished with Stone of anv dimen. AT TUB to draining, the whole of the plain, or nearly so, (INSISTING OF A LIKELY NE'IRO WOMAN. sious at nouce, on The Silver remember whatever concerns their comfort, skill and perfection upon the instrument than years jf short and Ihe best terms. Threads as oi age, who Is a itood Cook. Washer and dtl AC C Waica Tim might be converted into extremely ftrtile land, fIMtA ELING HATS A NOT HER INVOICE JUST KE-- It GOT LEM AN. CHEAP LACE STORE, Introduce Into the hair prevent thoosnndA at and they Lave pretty come to the who roner, and her two boys; one 10 vearsold, and uii avJA generally any other person has ever appeared here. capable of producing rich crops of various ceivK i. I hev are the only hat which cau b worn wilb urpas-e- tor excellence of disposition 99 gentlemen from wearing whiskers and atouatacaea; aasj "UJloll. had only ol and trainlngtf FOURTH STREET. conclusion that they won s a dining room servant. The other a Hue child lYIasonlc. 1ST RECEI ED yet. In tea nunutet, CRlSTADyRcyS ULCELSIuR t take anything for kinds. It is not. however, these few square yet W T EVVEI.S DTK. lot walking. Addresa, through V. 0 T AND REGALIAS FOR Fine Linen at Sue, 0c; Dr. lllr20 I'egrees. procured ets worth wouia render very fiber as worms but Bull s Vegetable Worm De. THe Brinlt Plow Victorioi s. As will miles of productive soil that can be coveted v cir-- .i n . " can be at the Watch and Je "TwV ed M. elryStoreof WM. E.KNDK1CK at IV: DARK AS by a country which, like Spain, has such vast I.1FFEE- - Morning Cans al 7 worth tl NI0I1T. Btroyer. It suits their be seen by telegraph, in another column, the ut:;. Tl Third at., bet. Main Marn- -i i tastes exactly, and, at Iw and Fine b,ack Orai.e C, liars al 2Jc, worth 60c; And subtract twenty years a- unfilled tracts within its own limits: and, An English-Germa- n from tn apparent of th the same time, is the most efficient remedy'for 3UU mala choic Academy Hue black Ir SI: Individual. The Brinly plow, at the State Fair of , lm.s) onet Insertions 10c a yard: triumphant result of even supposing the whole of the new African 120 BE OPENED ON THE arm OF MARCH. 18c... vards Ja at Worms ever yet discovered Vmeennei Gazette. UflLL Prein Collars wiiu real Valenc. Da. CHILTON'S ANALYSIS held at Baton Rouge last week, in a trial of province would the basement of the English Baptist Church on Venitian Blind Factory, Lac at reclaimed and cultivated, it CHOICE II Hands at luc a vard, poTAToES-so- o DHLS PINK EYE AND NE- - street, between Seventh and r:ol,th Heinle etc., etc. Proves this Dye to be aa for the hair aa It la a si, aim, k I'olaloes, landing per mail .he common English The Ladies are respecting Invited to poet says : plows from all ports f the country, carried off not pay the cost of its reteutiou. The neigh- boat, and for sale and German branches. Lath., Greek examine the onderful for It beautifying Jaipropertlea. Ladle UThe . win lie oo.is at CUAS. F. UAUCUJft'SS' Cheap Lace store, whoa borhood is a bad one, and a strong guard rinicn aiso lauglil. beauty "Beamy uuadonted. adorned the wont the premium. .Mr. T. E.O. Brinly has recently AND'W BUCHANAN A CO. tans roni 16 to tW per quarter. JOIIX F. IIAUVEY, "! No. tt Fourth street. so materially depends npoa th color f be n - would required by the new possession. lo send their children to this lnsfltu- No. 4yR wealth of hair" will And this sa article that theytl -- '" but beauly disfigured with unsightly pimples ton are Invited to - MAKKKT STHKKT, located in Louisville, and already orders are The idea is to form Ceuta, Tetuan, MOLASSES. apply to the rotcssor, al the school- NORTH SIDE. BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD, LAU' XOTICE. AFELY USE. -- Melillia, prime Molasses; rxmi, dally iroui lo lu o clock a. H. and um : to 4 o'clock c. s. mtiirsn. - H and other skin diseases, is worse , than no pressing bins from all parts of the couutry. and the Chafaiinas Islands, into a Captain-Generalc- U. G. VoN HOXAK. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY, LaU nf franXji-rt- Ky. LaU BvwiinMrrt. aV AST Sold everywhere and applied by all V1- - nirlS of rrinsus. beauty. Palmer's Lotion should be it would Proiessor. T ESPECTFCLLY INFORMS HIS FRIENDS AND THE CRISTADORO. No. Astor y. used in The Kentucky Farmer Las long appreciated although assuredly be MARSHALL HALBERT A CO. Iky public he may be found ttie over 1MOHE2IEAD Hons. S. that al above di BltiaQS, Edward Wilder. UA ,.. to Spanish revenue. is Messrs. Watson A ttlourter's frurulliire Wareroouis, where Mala .Lret .i w u all such cases. "It never fails." burdensome It also CO. ATTORNEYS AND Ua, do Fourth the Brinly plow, and we are glad to find the is Oils dav dissolved. John C. Mason he is prepared to make to order, and will keep on hand. e-- COUNSELLORS AT LAW, sueet. sr 17 a Tetuau, like would be "1 i.ki's Ouiipowiler and Imperial said that t'euta, declared Tea: lis Interest to James F. Robinson, .Ii ., ol Georgelow n, Ky. nltlan Blinds ol every sue, color ami ouallty usual to the LOl IXVILI.K, KY. use. great demand In Zi Black Tea; In store and for sale Tie business A d Boarding. I for it in the South. the a free port. London Timet. bv of the Brm of Geo. 8. Moore Co. will be trade; also, to Repair, Repaint and Kemui old Blinds at MOREUEAD A BRIOOS n Psivate have three good mrll MARSHALL HAI.I'.I.HT A CO. by Moore, Wheeler A Robinson, MESSRS. WILL PRACTICE who will continue the short uollce. From a practical knowledge of the business, partnership In held lu city of riatnlence, or Wind. Southern States, where it has been used, it bisluess at the old stand George S. A .546 s the Conns Ihe person rooms which I will hire indi- of Moore Co Main and by strict attention lo lt,he hoN-- lo give satisfaction to ouiovnie, and in Ihe Appellate Federal Courts held In Maui are annoyed and even by to families or GEO. S. MOORK. C. MASON, L. WHEEL-E- aud distressed th Brin-ly'- s Arnold speaks of earning genuine man- J. J. who may deal with him, and merit a liberal palronr.ge. rankiort. In the absence ol one a of will occurrence of takes precedence over all others. Mr. 60 boxes Eastern Dairy Cheese; Louisville March 14, Into In retiring from the old cash, relaluer either Flatulence, or wind la th stomach aad viduals, with boarding. . Prices reasonable and terms del dly the of both. hood by steadily serving out the perils boy- .to isnea nutmeg do; S. Moore A 1 attention This of ttin of Co., cheerfully recommend Messrs. ST PROMPT GIVEN TO THE COLLKC bowei. arises from Impaired digestion, and foe of HIRAM M.ijr.UtE. establishment is on Main street, between boxes N. Y. Cream do; Wsire, Wheeler A Kobinsou, their successors, as gentlemen Ari'KNTloN hood. 15 I...S OK CLAIMS. Otlke oa Jetlersoa street, between ton In th mucous of th Brl7J3 Third tt, bet een Chestnut and iroxes Pineapple do; wjrthyoi the patronaxe latelv bestowed on the old tirm. membrane ailmeolary caaaL broadaar. Brook and Floyd, where IU eutor and Futh. lasdn farmers and the trade boxes Holland do; J11N C. MASON. (iio. S. M oak, Louisville, Ky ; J. L. HIBBiTT A SON. ay restoring tbe necessary to to th PkktT-- A Fresh English Cracknels and Crackers everv W stoatch.th niind too vigorous and active serves of description; WhsitIR, inchester. Kv.; J. F. KoHHsoN, Jk , Georgetown, render paluful IqSJ. N. Collins sells the generally will find, at all times, a full assort- New ork Dairy Butter; Cranliernes; Maple W ian BlHlr lb symptoms lupaswlU. lest of coal at his only lo consume the body to which it is joined, Molasses and K'. MOORE. WHEELER A ROBINSON, holesale Gro- SUGAR Kanawha Salt Agency. Honey; Smoked, Dried and Pi. kled Fish of all kinds; IS cers, Produce and Commission Merchants, Sole Agent for 7S hhda prime Sugar: id permits th food to go throua-- Its natural orocaaa Third Jeffe-fo- ment of the various sizes Farmers will find gross t FULL AND RKOULAR SUPPLY FOR SALI AND at cmce. street, between Market and as the richest jewels are soonest found to Mason's Challenge Blacking: Just received and lor tie Star Nail Works, man utac tured from pure Charcoal Iron, SO bbls Powdered and Lru.hed Suear? by. digestion. 'eu A. FuNDA'S Family Grocerv, ant Agents il. dilnbuUou Give hint your ordrs. it to their interest Mr. a for the sale ol Cold aud Hot Blast Pig Iron, No. In store and for sale bv W. C. BROOK3. Aent, sT tn dtf to give Brinly call. wear their settings. trii for sala LoaUvfTi. o.w i Fourth Malu street, Louisville, Ky. iurl7 cUm icrla MARcilALL HALBERT A CO., 32S Mats St. JaM dlyl Third street, between Main and V ktCim tvii 1,. aUir. lull AlsAbA