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Technical Tips Online, Vol. 5, 2000 Successful culture of salina on a solid medium Zhiyong Yang, Qingqi Zhang and Zhengkai Xu

National Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics, Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, 200032, China

Keywords: Microbiology, Purification methods

▼Dunaliella is a genus of unicellular wall-less green alga other autoclaved components to the final concentra- with extraordinary tolerance to some severe stresses, such tion; pH adjustment is not needed. as salinity, pH and light intensity (Ref. 1). Dunaliella has, The plates are poured when the melted medium has cooled for a long time, been an attractive organism for the study to about 558 and can be stored unwrapped at room of the mechanisms underlying stress tolerance. However, temperature for 1–2 days before use. progress in the molecular study of this organism has been Culture preparation rather slow, which may be because there is no reliable For each plate, 100 µlofD. salina liquid culture (103–108 method for culturing the transformed algal cells on solid cells ml−1) were added and spread gently and evenly medium: the plating efficiency of Dunaliella using the pre- with a glass rod. The cell density was counted under a vious published method (Ref. 2) is unacceptably low.The microscope using a standard hemocytometer. Individ- solid culture of wall-less cells is also useful in studies of other ual colonies of D. salina become visible 1–2 weeks after unicellular green . For instance, wall-less mutants of plating (Fig. 1). are frequently used to improve transforma- tion efficiency. However, we have noticed that it appears to Rationale be difficult and/or inconvenient to culture such cells on Three innovations have led to the final success of this any available solid media. Thus it is imperative to inno- method. vate a convenient method with high efficiency for plating Dunaliella as well as other wall-less green alga cells. Here, 1. The use of phytagel in the culture of wall-less algal we report a new solid medium designated SGM (sodium- cells. Some impurities in agar have been reported to be chloride- and glycerol-containing medium) on which the toxic to Chlamydomonas, which is similar to D. salina viability of cells can reach up to 63%. (Ref. 4). We have tested the effects of various solidify- ing agents on D. salina. The results showed that this Protocol organism would not grow efficiently on agar or even Medium preparation electrophoresis-grade agarose products. Phytagel, how- The medium has the following composition: 0.25 M NaCl; ever, apparently has only minor effects on the growth 1 M glycerol; 10 mM NaHCO3; 5 mM MgSO4;0.3mM of D. salina. µ CaCl2;0.2mMKH2PO4;0.2mMH3BO3;7 MMnCl2; 2. The concentration of the solidifying agent is critical to µ µ µ 6 MNa2 EDTA; 1.5 MFeCl3;0.8 MZnCl2;20nM the viabiliy of Dunaliella cells (Table 1). Single colonies CoCl2; 0.2 nM CuCl2. It is similar to a liquid-culture of this organism seem to grow better as less phytagel is medium described by Chitlaru and Pick (Ref. 3). used. The optimal concentration of phytagel is 0.1%, In addition, 0.1% phytagel (Sigma) is included in SGM as a because this concentation gives both good growth of gelling agent. D. salina and reasonable hardness of the solid medium. To avoid precipitation during autoclaving, the NaHCO3 so- 3. Glycerol is included in the solid medium for Dunaliella. lution is autoclaved separately and then added to the Phytagel was found to be unable to solidify in the pres- ence of 1 M NaCl, which is needed to maintain the osmolarity at the optimal level for growth of D. salina. Corresponding author: [email protected] Moreover, phytagel would not solidify in medium in

1366-2120 c 2000 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S1366-2120(08)70152-1 23 Technical Tips Online, Vol. 5, 2000 Technical Tips

FIGURE 1. Dunaliella salina colonies growing on solid SGM medium. Products used Phytagel from Sigmad

which NaCl was completely substituted by glycerol. Ta b l e 1 . Effects of gel concentration on the This problem was only solved by decreasing the con- viability of Dunaliella salina cells centration of NaCl to 0.25 M and adding 1 M glycerol to the medium to meet the osmolarity requirement. Gel concentration (%) Cell viability (%) Agar Phytagel The method presented here not only allows unprece- dentedly high plating efficiency of wall-less D. salina cells, 0.1 7.6 63.3 but also eliminates the need for additional supporting me- 0.2 0.1 7.7 dia, which are common in routine procedures for plating 0.3 0 0.2 0.4 0 0 other wall-less algal cells (Ref. 5). With this successful solid- culture method, single colonies of Dunaliella can be conve- niently obtained and so molecular and physiological stud- ies on this organism can be carried out on a more-reliable with different phenotypes will also be greatly facilitated us- and -uniform genetic background. In addition, it will surely ing such a solid medium. We believe that the significance of accelerate the development of a reliable transformation sys- this method may not be limitated to Dunaliella; with some tem for this organism. Furthermore, screening for mutants modifications, it might also be applied to culturing other

24 Technical Tips Technical Tips Online, Vol. 5, 2000

wall-less unicellular , or even other unicellular 3 Chitlaru, E. and Pick, U. (1989) Selection and characterization of organisms, on solid media. Dunaliella salina mutants defective in haloadaptation. Plant Physiol. 91, 788–794. 4 Keller, R.L. (1995) Methods in Molecular Biology: Plant Cell Electropo- Acknowledgements ration and Electrofusion Protocols. Nickoloff, J.A. (Ed.)., Humana Press This peer-reviewed article can be cited as: Yang, Z. et al. Vol. 55, 73–79. (2000) Successful culture of Dunaliella salina on a solid 5 Kosuke, S. et al. (1998) High-efficiency transformation of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by electroporation. Genetics 148, 1821–1828. medium. Technical Tips Online ( T01940.

References 1 Zamir, A. (1992) Molecular biology of Dunaliella. Avron, M. and Ben Products Used Amotz, A. (Eds.). Dunaliella: Physiology, Biochemistry and Biotechnol- Phytagel: Phytagel from Sigma ogy, CRC Press 195–203. 2 Lers, A. et al. (1990) Photoinduction of massive β- accumulation Phytagel: Phytagel from Sigma by the alga Dunaliella bardawil Plant Physiol. 93, 389–395. 25