Title: Sentencing Impact Assessment (IA) IA No: LAWCOM0059 RPC Reference No: Date: 01/01/2016 Lead department or agency: Stage: Consultation Law Commission Source of intervention: Domestic Other departments or agencies: Type of measure: Primary legislation Ministry of Justice Contact for enquiries:
[email protected] Summary: Intervention and Options RPC Opinion: RPC Opinion Status Cost of Preferred (or more likely) Option Total Net Business Net Net cost to business per One-In, Business Impact Target Present Value Present Value year (EANDCB in 2014 prices) Three-Out Status £255.57m £m £m Not in scope Qualifying provision What is the problem under consideration? Why is government intervention necessary? The law governing sentencing procedure has undergone a substantial and significant degree of change over the past 30 years and has become overwhelmingly complex and disparate. The current provisions governing sentencing procedure run to over 1300 pages, with provisions contained in Acts as varied as the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 and the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991. In practice, many sentencing determinations require the judge to have reference to overlapping, technical and complex sentencing regimes alongside the current law. Practitioners and the judiciary reported to us that they find it complex and difficult to understand the current law. This leads to delay, costly appeals and the imposition of many unlawful sentences. Government intervention is required to simplify and streamline the law in this area so as to ensure that it is accessible and avoid undue errors and delays. What are the policy objectives and the intended effects? The policy objectives are: (1) to ensure the law in relation to sentencing procedure is readily comprehensible, and operates within a clear framework; (2) to increase public confidence in the criminal justice system; (3) to ensure the criminal justice system operates as efficiently as possible.