JUNE 23, t862. ~ PORTLAND MONDAY MORN I NO. YkPT EMBER 2. 1872. ^STAHUSIIEP YOL^ll. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. Till' PORTLAND DAILY TRESS RETREATS. JSUMMER MISCELLANEOUS. EDUCATIONAL. business directory. REAL ESTATE. this was an office she had not learned to published every day (Sundays excepted) by the _ THE PRESS. I delegate to the trim little servant. FORTMAD PI BLIMIIITC CO., GEORGES UNQUESTIONABLY Portland Business College. Agency for Sewing Machine*. When the door opened there stood John, School year will commeuco 19. W. ». radiant, but—alone! At 1(19 Exchange St, Pokti.and. HOTEL, Monday, Aug. DYER, No. 319 Middle St. All Geo. R. 15»yfs & Co.’s MONDAY MOKNING, SEPT. 2, 1872. smiling, THEFor full information, address kinds “Why, said is Dollars a Year in of Mashinos for sale aad to lot. John,” Arabella, “where Teems: Eitfbt advauco. MAIN STREET. The Best A. GRAY, Principal. B UL he ?” Known and Moat Thoroughly au16d2w_L. Repairing. LETTS. Tested “He, THE MAIN E~ST ATE PRESS THOMASTON, MAINE. Gossip and Gleanings. my dear? Who?” Oxford Normal Institute! Baker*. to Loan IU “Why, tlie gentleman.” $20,000 “Here Is published ©very THURSDAY Morning at $2 50 a South W. «. No. 19 Pearl SI. he is, my answered if in at Tills well known and favorite house has Parts, Me. COBB, dear,” John, de- year; paid advance, $2 00 a year. old, during We tire prepared to loan la sama “Kickero” or is the issue in Chill- he been remodeled FAMILY Fall Term Cominencen money “Sisero” murely. past winter, thoroughly repaired, Tuesday, Septem- from nd with new in to and $100 to any nntoaul desired, on tint icothe “What, you?” Rati:s of Advehtisino: One inch ol apace, iu supplied furniture, style equal ber 3. 1879. Bookseller* Stationers. Ohio. Professor Dowd, the principal Hotel of the Is now for clusN in “Yes—none lmgthof column, countitutes a “square.” any (lav; opened permanent HOYT, POGG A BREED,No.Ol Middle mortgages Portland, Cape Elisa- other.” and transient boarders. COURSES OF STUDY, of one of the public his pu- $150 per square first week; 75 cents per Street. beth, WeNtbrooli, or Parties de- schools, required “But you said I knew him daily The rooms are and airy, the be- Dreriug. well,” contin- week after; throe insertions, or $1 00; continu- light arrangement, SEWING t. Course. sirous ol to divers of ued less, that each room has a view MACHINE Collegiate building can also be accomm- pils say “Kickerowhereupon Arabella, nearly every other day after first week, 50 cents. ing such, upon Main st., a crying. ing street In none in the State. 2. Collegiate Fitting Course. Book Binders. odated with loans. the and that don’t asked Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; ono unsurpassed beauty, by parents rebelled, demanded “Weil, you?” John, with a sly Making it a most pleasant resorj for visitors from cit- 8. Normal Course for WM. J w ek. $1 00; 50 cents per week after. For all of Teachers. A. QUINCY, Room 11, Printer’s CEO. R. DAVIS A twinkle in his eye. ies the summer season. kinds work, heavy or light, and the most CO., their children should be allowed to say “Sis- Special Notices, one third additional. t. 10th, 1872, HOOPER Sc Old Post Mthe ami Cross Sts., Sacca- curred last week. Last the EATON, Office, winter he made an are world. The WHEELFR & WILSON’S is relia- continues fourteen weeks. For address the Said consists of a two pot accustomed to see Mr. O’Conor on his Coni Messrs. Tlds circulars, rappa. property story Brick Celebrated mined by Ham- popular house is now ready to receive economical and noiseless. It wants Rector. Exchange Street. ble, answers the au21 lmo House, 14 finished nice a with his wife to the effect that frequent down and it is here that and transient. of containing rooms, cellar, agreement trips town, ir.ctt Neill & Co., of Philadelphia. boarders, regular the household completely, and I*. F. HOYT, No. II Preble Street* good stable, carriage-house, woodshed, As. Is cent- I have often Prices from SI.00 to $1.25 per day. Up- should she kindle the scrutinized his person and linea- We have also for sale at lowest market rally located, within 2 minutes walk of P. & R. De- fire mornings for six price, MRS. M. A. Eaton School liolntcring done to order. ments in order to notice if exter- WHITTEN, Family pot, Post Office, Schools and Churches. months he possible any Wilkesbarre, Scranton, Lackawanna, and Pittston Proprietress. would do it for the same length of nal of his ANY KIND OF SEWING Inquiro of JOHN R. BABB, on Promises. proof great abilities. In stature Mr. from the of New York. Ves- Jj1 Furnitnre and had Coals, shipped vicinity Upholstering. aul6-2w* time. She just completed her part of O’Conor is rather tall and of rather a slender FOR BOYS, _ sels procured for the trim portation of coals from DAVID W. DEANE, N*. 89 Federal St. build. He dresses For Sale. the contract when he died. It is a very sad plainly, and this adds to his port of shipment*. any i*oint desired. tfapr27 REALS’ Needed in the Family can be done upon it with great- All kind* of VJphols <*ringand Repairing brick aspect. His countenance is HOTEL, er rapidity and ease of execution to than NORRIGGEWOCK, ME. dwelling house No. 28 Park st., Port- affair. plebeian decided- beginners to order. land. For is can be accomplished on any other. It has received TIIE particulars enquire on the premises; ly Irish,and of that medium stamp which is W. L. NORWAY. Tlio Fall Term commenced or to E P. KEILER, the HIGHEST PREMIUMS over all—as a SHEKWOOD, 48 Exchange st. found between the and kerne Family Goods JuyStf A who has gentry of that On the Grand Trunk R. (South Paris Maehuie—on both sides of the Atlantic. AUGUST 19th. Hair and Toilet Artieles. young lady been greatly an- R., MONDAY, island. He be taken for a Station.) Desirable House Lots. might reasonably FRESCO The School has been under the management of the i. F. SHERRY, N*. 9 BI.eh' a lot of young who or a PAINTER, Carriages from the house at train. Those who want the best Clapp’. neycd by simpletons stop successful grocer thrifty dry goods mer- every should obtain present Principal for 18 years, and boys with him milE undersigned oilers for sale a few choice Billiard and Bath Rooms; a Congress Street, opposite Old City Hall. very under her window at to “If ever I or even for a second rate MAINE. a’so, good will find a pleasant home, and receive thorough in- X building lots, located on tlie line of night »ing chant, physician. PORTLAND, Livery and Feed Stable connected with the Deering J struction. HAMLIN F. EATON. horsecacs, and within 22 minutes’walk of Portland cease to There is in that plain countenance house. WHEELER & WILSON’S love,” wishes us to say if will something WM. P, JORDAN, and Fine Post Office. Annlv to they M. E. P. 333 Refbr«5C1M,-J. T. Champlin, Pres. Colby Univer- Jewelry Watehe*. with its dry, hard lines of thought, that tells Order Slat* at 0. & Brooks, J'dl Manager. SILENT FEED WARREN stop that foolishness, enter and talk “busi- Street. sity, W. H. Sliailer, Ed. Zion's Advocate, F. O. Lib- ABNER LOWELL, 301 Congress Mtrccl. SPARROW, of labor; but the latter does not suggest liter- Congress and T. C. Portland. jy25dtl 72 Exchange at, by, Joseph Russell, llersey, Agents for Howard Watch Company. ness,” they will confer a favor. culture. There is an absence of all JS^"All orders promptly attended to. TO LEI. au22 4w ary grace my2Stf Family Sewing Machine, House For Sale or To Let. or general attraction; but we see nerve and _ Manuf*»«*rers of Trunks, Talises and of the best and most convenient in the and a AND TANK NO DTHTCU city. Richard threatens with a libel-suit calm decision there, hidden power is Luke s eainearai. ONEContaining 16 finished rooms, Libra- Wagner To Eel. aifc Carpet-Bag*. including also suggested that makes one stand in awo. CHAS.A. WARREN, ry Room, also Bathing Room with wash bowl and German that the six Mat-nines J. R. DURAN & every paper publishes spuri- From his house, rooms, in excellent repair; sold on Monthly Installments. CO., 171 Middle and water closet. Is well closeted throughout, three personal appearance, I should say (Formerly Warren & Gregg.) All kind* ef ous letter 17»NTIRESebago water; family preferred without young Sewing Machine Supplies, Silk, Thread DAY SCHOOL. 116 Federal Streets. soap stone wash tubs iu kitchen, supplied with hot purporting to have been written to Mr. O’Conor would have made a good mili- children. Enquire at 25 street. aiil5tf Needles, 8 Walnut St., Philadelphia. X A. D. in WARREN JOHNSON. to WM. II. Real Estate and Loan “I’d eat it if it was a wilderness!” he had been in close sympathy. This service cupied by Brown, Esq. (premises per- Jny20dgw__ J. II. LAMION, 133 Middle St.,cor. Crass. JERRIS, Agent. it. L. Greqo, J. B. Hamel, Jk. fect order,) has 9 finished rooms, conveniently ar- July 27-codtf was not required; hut when Mr. Davis visit- IMPROVED _jan23-ly_ ranged, will be leased for one or more years, on rea- Abbott ed New York he was handsomely entertained sonable terms, immediate possession given. For Family School, Plumbers. Good Farm for Sale. Teacher—What of is the word part speech by Mr. O’Conor, which was doing as much H. further particulars apply to E. E. UPHAM, No. 85 JAMES SILLER, Na. 91 Federal Street. J. HOOPER, PLEASANTLY located about one egg? Boy (hesitatingly)—Noun, sir. Teach- for him as to his case before a Exchange St. ^ plead jury. Aa agl4tf For Hoys, of Water Fixtures ar- SEWING MACHINE. Every description niile from Saccarappa, on the load er—Is it masculine, feminine, or neuter! a friend of Jeff. Davis one would that to contains 120 well di- suppose STE RER ranged and set np in the best manner# fcj ^ Saco-; acres, Boy (looking sharp)—Can’t say, till it’s Mr. O’Conor assist Mr. UPHOL for AT Two Storied brick would Greeley, since Hotel Lease The Sale of the Singer Sewing Machine for the year LITTLE BLUE. attended to. fs3 |r_vided. house; Jobbing promptly Wfcr-r—g=^o~wood house, and barn hatched. Teacher—Well, then, my lad, can the latter was so staunch a of the arch 1871 were — ■' 1 ■ — ■ nearly new. triend Nos. SI & 33 Free Street, -AND- Year will aiul -■—i- tell me the open Sept. 2, continue Two wells and two boiling springs; would make a you case? Boy (quickly) Oh yes, traitor; but in this instance this bond of Weeks. Stneco fte. milk or MANUFACTURER OF SCHOOLForty-Three Plasterer, Worker, good vegetablo farm, being only seven miles it’s the shell sir. seems Furniture for Sale. Send for or sympathy shattered.—New York Let- 181,260. Catalogue, address the prlncfrsl. P. FEENV, Cor. Cumberland and Frank- from Portland: plenty of wood and some timber. Parlor Suits, Spring Beds, jyl7-eod4m» ALDEN J. BLE1HEN. orchard of 125 and Will ter. Lounges, lin Sts. Young trees, apple pear. _ Mattress is, THE well known AMERICAN HOUSE, EXCEEDING T1I0SK OF ALL OTHERS be Mold low. Apply to WM. H. JERRIS, Real Excited to domestic mistress: “Oh, mini, You are into well furnished, now doing a good iiaying Estate and Loan Agen t. “getting years.” Yes, but firDauon^'h Patmt Red Louukck, En* I Real Estate Agents. please, my kitchen, mim, it do so swarm with business, situated on the corner of Middle North Yarmouth Academy, Portland, Aug. 10th, 1872. cod4w& w3t33* the years are getting into you; the ripe, mol- nmeleil Chain*, Ac. 'and India in this will be leased 52,000! JOHN C. PROCTER* No. 03 Exchange black beadles.” Mistress—“Beadles, streets, city, Susan, low years. One by one the crudities of your done. Furni- the Furniture sold on reasonable terms. A Small Farm for Sale. don’t know that word is with All kinds ot repairing neatly _land This rcj»ort indicates how well the Sew- ME. Street. you spelled a are off from the oc25-’69T T&Stf The present lessee sells intending to remove West1 Singer YARMOUTH, youth falling you; vanity, ture boxed and niaUed. ing Machine maintains it and well earned CEO. R. DAVIS A Co.. No. 301 1-2 Con- In Cape Elizabeth, only four miles T?” Susan—“Is’t, mim? well, it’s the first to S. J. at the house. early the egotism, the the uncer- Apply 1X)D(Je, Fall term will from Portland, contains *25 acres, 7 time ever bewilderment, popularity. open Wednesday, Sept. 4th 1872 gress Street. I’ve heard them called teadles!” augl4dlm __ into which hava M. \. We invite all those that are about purchasing a THEand continue eleven weeks. very nice land, has a young orchard, tainty. Every wrong you BRIJIUS, Machine to call at land for one has the To Let, Sewing D. m. A. in. good vegetables, story wandered, brought you, by knowledge ELLIOT, Principal. Silver Smith and Gold and Silver Plater. 1 house aud barn, upper rent at No. 7 Wiliuot one of the plenty good water, at the of an article in the of the mistake, nearer to the truth. Nearer SHOW CASE street; For information address, the Principal or Dr. J. M. n:ore land be bad ff wanted. Price onlv Glancing caption MANUFACTURER, best rents in the for the Call on 331 CONGRESS M. PEARSON, No. 93 Temple St., near may $1800 and AN city price. STREET, Bates, Sec. of Trustees. aul4deod«ftw3w33 to Wm. H. JERRIS, Real Estate nearer you are approaching yourself. L. 176 Commercial st. Congress. All kinds of Silver and Plated Apply Agent. Spectator, “Suppressed Lives,” Jenkins 19 1-2 Market TAYLOR, Where we shall on aul7 Sqr. (up Stairs.) 8th-dtf keep constantly hand, a full as- Ware Repaired. 3weoa&w —Gail Hamilton. Aug sortment of these Machines in the various of sighed the wish that it might refer to cam- cases made, styles Waterville Classical Institute. A good variety of always ready finish. To Lcl, A Good Brick House for Sale. memoirs written with an to col- jy Mr. B., is always ready to obtain employment Silver and Plated Ware. paign eye iMachiurs seltl on Monthly Instalments. A BARGAIN—contains ton finished BCMIXKM VOTICGS. for Scandinavian Immigrants. Those desirir g such rooms. Sc*bago water. The Fall term will begin ALNEB LOWELL, 301 Congress Street. rooms, and consular and AT Gas and Sebago; very located for lectorships appointments. help can apply as"above or at No. 10 Elm St. AGOODtenomeutofoiglitjy2G tf Call at 34 Paris Street. fTT®Machine Stitching Stamping for Embroid- conveniently and done So a man whoso business is in the of the Grand j un2tieod6m ery Braiding order. All Machine* sold Monday, September 2d. vicinity Blessings brighten as thet take their __ Trunk or New York and Boston and work done, warrauted to give entire satisfaction. For Schools. Steamers. To Xct. particulars send for Catalogue. Will be Depotsold SOT BY OLIVER GOLDSMITH. N. B. Manufacturers are invited to call low and on easy terms. Apply to WM. Flight.—The chief of blessings is PORTRAIT PAINTER. No. 50 St. Lawrence, next to corner Con- especially ag!3deodAw2w33 J. H. HANSON, Principal. ENGLISH and FRENCH SCHOOL, 430 good health, and examine our “Medium Machine.” H. JERRIS, Real Estate and Loan Agent. When woman reaches HOUSEgress st. Rent $200. Congress Street. lovely forty, without which nothing is worth the having; it August 10th, 1872. eod3w* And too a streak of Dwelling Houses ami Stores to rent. finds, late, gray, is What charm can always appreciatsd at its true value after it J. G. CLOUDMAN, of S. L. CARLETON, WHEELOCK & SARGENT, svothe her melaucholy, Inquire Stair Builder. FOR SALE ! And drive the lines is jcl3tr at 80 Middle St. Sole for Portland Bridgton Academy! silvery away? lost, but, too often, not before. Live proper- Attorney La>v, aplO Agent* and Vicinity. B. F. 17 1-9 Union 148 EXCOMUE ST. LIBBY, Street, np and The charln her ly, correct ailments before they become Furnished Rooms Let, I. B. CHOATE, Principal, stairs. House No. *21 Emery St., head ot only locks to color, jan22tf______|| IMPROVED HOWE To hide her age from seated. For C. E. HOOPER A Successors to every eye, diseases of the liver, kidneys, or without in the immediate vicini- CO., Cuslinmn Street. To steal away her lover EDGAR 8. board, and all other First Class Mrs. S. P. CHOATE, Preceptress. Eittlcileid A Cor. York A Ma- daughter’s and all BROWN, of the Wilson, And craze her is—to skin, stomach, arising from impure or WITHty City Building. Streets. house is one of the best locations on husband, dye. ! at Press Office. aul9dtf NALL TERM of eleven weeks 3d. For ple feeble blood, I)n. Walkrr’s Vin- Counsellor and Attorney at taiv Apply 1 begins Sept on tlie street ; fine Consists of circulars te neighborhood. I apply two framed House aud ell, containing ten egar Bitters are a sure and No. 80 MIDDLE STREET. To l.ct! Machines T. H. of Trustees. Watches, Jewelry, Ac. MSaidstory The editor of the Atlantia speedy remedy. Sewing MEAD, Sec'y highly Mnished rooms; painted walls throughout; Weekly says: GOOD MACHINE THREAD 2 No. Bridgton, Aug 5to, 1S72. au7deod4wool» for 5c. J. AMBROSE MERRILL, Na. 130 Mid- gas; good heated by furnace; large brick cis- After all, an editorial life has some single {^"Particular filtered well drained. pleasant jan24-ly HOUSEly repaired insidoaml Sebago water introduced, die Street. tern, ; One of the most desi- au30-4w _ about s now ottered for Rent. R. rable and convenient houses in the city; close to things it. Our model subscriber is one Warburton, 165 Middle Street. J. W. A 11. II. MCHCFFEE, Cor. Middle street line of can be seen from 8 to ft Masks and For Particulars enquire of G-reely Institute, Spring cars; P. of the pleasantest. He has subscribed for the Faces.—Ladies who mask their JOHN C. Juy2_ A Cuiou Sts. M. Terms easy. Enquire on the premises. GEORGE D. JOST, PROCTER, faces and necks with (enamels their aug27d2w 93 Exchange St. WILSON At Cumberland Center. June 19. dtt Weekly ever since it was Btarted and says his endanger SEWING MACHINES health to no The work de- will close with his purpose. plaster the best satisfaction, and are sold from ten subscription obituary no- Fall term of this institution will oominenee ceives There is but one article known PAINTER to dollars less than other fir*t-class Dissolution of Copartnership. _FOR SALE! nobody. F RESCO GIVEthirty any on the first Mol of September, with Mr. tice which we tearfully promised to insert, TO LET. machines. Aghkts Wamtbd ia various ef THE day which will restore a blemished parts M. as and Miss. M. J. copartnership heretofore existing under the complexion or 6 BRADFORD STREET. New for to whom George Seiders, Principal free of He has known ns ever since KES1DENCE, England unoccupied territory, very Blanchard, Assistant. Till*]name of Haines & Smith, is this day dissolved by charge. create external and bloom where liberal inducements will be offered. Also a number brilliancy From the reputation of our teaehsrs, we oonfldent- mutual consent,bo far as the aardewar© department is TEBBETS the time when we wore N. B. Order Slate at F. F. Coiner of Free Store and Basement of canvassers wanted in and about Portland. HOUSE, little, short, pink they have never heretofore and that ar- Halo’s, y expect that all who it a fair trial will find it concerned. The books will remain at the store occu- existed, de20 tf It. J. BELLAMY & CO. Portland Office No. 179 give dresses and our n against under the style ef J. W. STOCK- A/bs tracts from tlie Law. great good, estate of ftie late firm of Isaiah & Co., COLLECTION and REMITTANCE o WE partnership relief, I was at last Induced to invalu- nership Pape WELL A COMPANY, for the purpose ef manufac- brances to our a try your et in said County, (except tlioso of tho ad- Instructor in French at the Port- mother, speaks pleasant Windham, under Patents of 187i, 1871 A 1872, Machin- All Seamen in tho Merchant Ships be- able Syrup, and I am to say, with tbo insolvent. Interest and Dividends attended to. turing, employed word to tlia happy ministrator) represented and land II i,rl, fialinnl to rum by hamd, horse or steam power, te make longing to the United States, and cugaged in sub-editor and goes with our We will lie in session for the of receiving Capes Aprons ery Foreign host results. purpose Drain and Sewer Pipe and artificial Stone Pavement or Pacific Trade, must be engaged and discharged in and deciding such claims, at the office of Strout PRIVATE LESSONS—Office from blessing following him down the stairs. upon Hour*, and Building Blocks. th© presence of tlie Shipping Commissioner apitointed On using the first bottle my was •Sr in in said on the first Sat- Robert A. 1P.M. till 3 P. M. complaint Gage, Portland, County, Bird, Manager State and County Rights for sale, er licensed te under this Act. (Section 12.) in October, December, at 2 Portland. better, and before the fourth was finished I urday September, November, jull Apply Appleton Block, work on a Ships in the Coasting Trade are from the at 10 o'clock in the forenoon each FOR “TANNERS.” tf_ royalty. exempt and January ncqt, References: Gen. J. M. Brown, J. W. Symonds, JOHN W. STOCKWELL, provisions of the Act in so far as that their False Pretenses. was completely cured. Sew am. C owners, •lay. Stkout, Esq., The Hon. Thomas B. Reed. an23tf Me. consignees or masters may act as shipping commis- 1872. IV*. H. Motley. Portland, At the window of a Please publish for the benefit of others Portland, Aug. 15, FREDERICK A. sioners for tho above purposes. trim little villa, in a and anlG-d3w ICE! ICE! STOCKWELL, Northampton, Mass. But any person othor than a Coramirs oner under neat little suburb, one of those tiny gems of oblige Capt. Maurice Peters, Sen'r. FATIGUE CAPS ! this who shall or Augnst 1, 1872.an2dlf Act, perform attempt to perform, houses with which the great suhnrban ring au24-ded&wlt a Business for Sale. either directly or indirectly, the duties which arc Half of ELEVEN PER CENT. by London is so a villa 1872. this Act set forth as pertaining to a Com- inclosing thickly studded, WANT a man to Fac- “Shipping I can and good help medkiy Soap TORCHES! Copartnership Notice. missioner” shall incur a and shaded safely consistently recommend and SEASON penalty not exceeding five overhung by laburnums, by lilacs, corner of Greenlcaf and Streets, I tory, hundred dollars. (Section 8.) with a at the back as as a Fellows’ of will Hell such a one half the businessW^cost. undersirned have this day formed a garden big drawing- Compound Syrup Hypophosphites Burnham & INVESTMENT. copart- Everv Seaman is entitled to one-fourth of the bal- Call at the or at 229 st. Leavitt, Co., under the name and of room and a lawn in front as in a of Factory Congress THEnership style or due when table, nearly variety cases, especially for chest dis- EDWARD NIXON. ance wages him, discharged, and the re- at the secured their stock of mainder, irin the Coasting within two large; parlor window of this little eases, Portland, 14 Aug. 1872. aulStf Clubs Supplied at Low Rates;. Having HOWIES, HILTON A TAB BOX, Trade, days having successfully prescribed it in FIRST CLASS SECURITY. after his discharge; ami If in the Foreign Trade, with- Arcadia, gazing wistfully over the trim little in five after his or Bronchitis, Asthma, Debility from Liver Com- — days discharge, thiee after the there the other for tho purpose of doing a Commission and Whole- days grass-plot sat, morning, as To Whom it Concern. PITRE ICE! cargo has been delivered, whichever first. plaint, from Fevers and may sale business in Corn, Ac., and have taken the happens trim a little figure as ever Bene- Debility Debility from Flour, (Section 35.) newly-made that a has bocn Are to furnish Store No. 108 Commercial St., formerly occupied by dict could wish to his own. impoverished blood. James NOTICE, patent granted prepared A full and true account of his wages and all deduc- call Salmon, to me for a medical called Ainmoni- HAUGHTON, T. H. Weston A Co. TAKE compound tions shall be to each Seaman, or if he is to be How pretty she was in her and atod Opodeldoc, and 1 hereby all mak- STATE LOAN OF ARKANSAS. IT. M. HOWES, given morning dress, Practising Physician Surgeon. notify persons Hotels, and Ves- discharged before a Shipping to such with her fair an l or said tliat will be Families, Stores, W. K. HILTON, Commissioner, hair, her blue eyes and ing selling article, they prosecut- PERKINS, Commissioner, hours before he is off. aug31-d&wlw ed for the of sels wanted J.C. TARBOX. forty-eight paid white 1 And to there to against infringmeat tlic rights secured any quantity (Section 23.) fingers anyone see it te me said Patent. July 16th, 1872. there was new In Evert or the Globe where it by 7 Pei* Ct. Yr. Bonds. _au2d4w No Commissioner. Clerk or a look about the broad Quarter JAMES WOODS & CO., DAILY OR FOR THE (MCA DON. Thirty Shipping Employee, gold KNIGHTS, shall deman* 1 or receive or re- on her left and a is and there are few indeed where it is By SCRIBNER A Atl’s. Dissolution. directly indirectly any ring hand, something in the known, JORDAN, AT LOWEST RATES. A LIMITED NUMBER OFFERED AT muneration whatever, for or au!6d3w Agents for New England. hiring supplying any way she fidgeted with her which the Mexican Mustano Lixament takes Aug. 14th, 1872, heretofore under the Seaman for Merchant the lawful fingers not, Copartnership existing any Ship, except showed a 182 tsr ORDERS SOLICITED. name certain strangeness in its FOR SALE ! Winthrop Square, Boston. 70 Cents and Accrued Interest. THE of fees payable under the Act. (Section 7.) presence precedence of all similar preparations. lie 22-d2w Deceased Seamen’s wages and effects must be ac- there, and betrayed, Aug J. BUBLEIGH A CO. unmistakaoly—the bride. transcendant merits have obtained for it a counted for to tho Commissioner. Breakfast was over pop- IN THE VICINITY OF BOSTON, A No. 14 Cross In these Bonds the “faith and credit of the Shipping (Sections and done. John’s Office, Street, was dissolved mutual consent. 42 to 52.) ularity seldom reached by any med- State are solemnly and irrevocably pledg- August. 24th, by arm-chair (emuty) stood by the proprietary Either Is authorized to settle the affairs of the Every person who not being in the United States fire-place. CITY OF Or a. C. PROCTER. Oft St., ed for the payment and Redemption of party John’s breakfast icine. In its infancy the fiat of its success was GROCERY & PROVISION Exchange late firm. Service, and not being duly authorized by law for the cup (empty also) stood on STORE, the Principal and Interest on each and in the -PORTLAND. MAINE. J. will continue the business at purpose, goes on board any ship about to arrive at the table. And John himself was to pronounced wide-spread endorsement will of trade, Including Stock, Fix- PORTLAND, eyery Rond.” Burleigh Clothing gone good ATOTICK is hereby given that the Joint Standing mrl2di.tf the old stand, 81) Middle st. the place of her destination, before her actual arrival, the to remain all the dull which it received from ture, and Team, doing a business of $45,000 a ^" she has been city long, day. physicians, WITH Committee on out new to whom C. L. will continue the samo busines at 111 and before completely moored, without veterinary with lease To any per- laying streets, THE Ingalls “It is so said the little matron to year. Kent $400. 21 years. was refered the etition orSam’l J. Anderson and Middle street. of the master, shall, for every such of- dull,” surgeons, horsemen and the offers a permission public generally. son business, tho above splendid incur a not “it is not so dull! John meaning others, praying that that portioa of Emery Street JOS I AH BURLEIGH, fence penalty exceeding two hundred dol- herself; won’t come No one now (hinks of chance. For apply to 801 Washington lietween shall be liable to questioning its claim to particulars i>ing West Commercial Street anil Salem Arkansas C. L. INGALLS. lars, and imprisonment for any pe- home to dinner to-day I dare say Boston, Mass. D. W. CLARK Central Railway, six again, be considered the 8TIIKnr, _ijMtf I?:®..1?** discontinued except so much thereof Aug 2©-d3t riod not exceeding months; and the master or (it’s only cold meat if he does); and I shall Standard linament of Atner- ne< ossary to accommodate foot person in charge of said Ship may take any such per- ifft- ..■■■inlh passengers BY be all the It is so dull.” au36-deodl wA wit DEALER IN son so on board as afbroea* into by myself evening. _ Notice to Friends and tlic Public. wli? e?t Commercial st reet to Salem at., going 1, custody, and Notice of delivor him up forthwith to constable oi Four hours later there was a knock at the to one in behalf Emery street at its junct- Copartnership. police An Essential of do not give money any Win/w—J®footof Endorsement, e Loveliness.—To be en- "^eet.oii the Special Mortgage officer, to be by him taken bei any Juatlce of the door of the trim little villa. IVLEASEof the Monntfort street A. M. E. Church, unless uftbnrin daydai or^S)mTScrcialof Thursday, September next, at SI o’clock d m to undorsigned have this day formed a copart- Peace, and to be dealt with ac©oiding to the provi- tirely beautiful the hair should be abundant they have a book Rat-tat! Sharp and quick it like signed by their splendid endowment ol Lands, Railroad THE under the lime and style of A. T. sions of the Act. (Section 62.1 sounded, au20tf JAMES H. Pastor. pledge nership the knock of a man a and lustrous. This is essential to MADISON, Station Homes and all MOSES A CO., of on the No hours after ar- in hurry. absolutely Js££?rf Rolling Stock, other property for the purpose carrying peraon within twenty-mnr the i ruirr thY for the the faithful payment of intoreet ana princi- Stovo and Tin business, in all its various branches, rival of any Ship at any Port in the United States, Rat-tat 1 complete loveliness. The most regular features, Brotherhood. .nd if they »hall this a and have then on board Aged .djudg.’, wlTt "dVe?"di£ pal, making taken tho store 120 Exchange St., opposite loing such Ship, shall solicit any Sea- It was the postman. “Miss Arabella the most brilliant aud continue that portion of wid the man to become a complexion pearliest YEARLY meeting of the Brotherhood will be EmrrvT It,t'> *nd fi* tUe Printers' Exchange. lodger at the house of any person tut hr law the Entire Smithson ? why, it is for me,” said the little teeth A held at tho on damages required A Full Supply Guaranteed A. T. MOSES, for hire, nor take out of such fail of their due effect if ths hair lio City Building Saturday, 31st, DOUBLE AND UNDOUBTED SECURITT. letting lodgings Ship matron to the trim little day of at 7 of Of- Ang. 1872. H. S. THRASHER. any effects of any except under his servant who had Aug. o’clock, P. M.,for the choice Season at the Lowest Rate*. 1st, Seaman, j»ersonal thin, tlry or harsh. On the contrary the plain- ncere and such other as cojbo before anli eod Sw direction and with the of the masler. answered the door, “and John’s business mav Interest and at tho Union permission writing too. them. Per payable April Ostobsr, (Section 63.) be the est face, if it be but surmounted by luxurian Order, Jn- Trust Company In New York. What can matter?” J. B. Scc’y. sam-lTu7chAUTUY’ Every except the master and apprentices and silken is to the ,, HUDSON, HENRY V. Let Me Once More ! person “Mr Dear Arabella: tresses, apt impress behold Portland, Aug, 22d, 1872. an23 NEWHALL Maps, Pamphlets and Circulars giving full partic- Speak who shall bo employed or engaged on board of any Thinking you JOHN F. SEASON TRICE FOR 1872. ulars of this Loan can would be dull I er with a sense of actual beauty. That frown- RANDALL, bs had by addressing the ▼easel belonging to any citizen pf the United States, to-day, have decided to bring Committee on who the of 15 Horse Power En- Laying Out New Streets 10 lbs. a day, from May 15th to Oat. 15th. $5 undersigned, unhesitatingly recommend these thanking good people Portland, shall ba deemed and taken to be a “Seaman,” and someone to dinner-some one ornament of her sex is, happily, within the Stationary au « « " for tke last sea- you know ing 28 dtd 15 7 Oft bonds. WHILEtheir kind patronage through every description of such vessel shall be considered a an well, old and true friend. 1 am woman, and as gine aud for *. WILLIAMS dr son, I would invite and all who are to have any within sure you reach of lovely being discrim- Boiler, Sale, 20 t BOSTWICK, any, Ship the meaning and for the purpose of this will do ftteani, Gns op Writer done, to call and your best, lor I Notice. lee will l>e delivered earlier than lfth May a ad alar 49 Wall New York. Piping Act. (Section 65.) may tell you in confi- as she is lovely, she long aga discovered Bankers, St., see if I will not them the best satisfaction both lsn 1 inating NEW thaa 11th Oet., at the same ratt.wtr as duriag give This Aet will go into effect on the 6th of Au- cvcry lie stationary with firebox Boiler may certify that I have this given south' as te of work. I have also day r?oCe.j'-t 'lay gets such a cozy that Lton’s Katiiairon was the sure means A Engine, day my the season. meh27 prise, style and promptness gust. All Shins clearing on and after that date little dinner as of Wi" son, John E. Dunn, his time to trade and aplt WM. E. WOOD, 67 Exchange St. hand you can him if like. '°M '0W THIS do on a lotot excellent Hose, whieh I shall sell at will be to have tnelr crews accord- give you it. No for * J business for and that I shall required engaged ' securing preparation the Hair ever rGERRl'sH^'^: himself, not claim any Augl-ood«Sfcw8w reasonable old ones also neatly husband, John.” au231m 81 rate; repaired. ing to its provisions. a tithe of its Commercial Mo. of his earnings, nor nay any debts of his ICE MARKET K. 288 Fore N. 1>.—Six enjoyed and no won- St.,’Portland, contracting, HOUSE, STREET McDonald, st., Copies of the Act may bo procured at this Office. sharp.” popularity, from an«I after this date. Foot of Plum sf. since it aug9dtf aug27-dlw From that time till 5 ::50 m. bustle der, produced such results. Hants Cumberland. .Tulv 27th, 1872. AND up p. gratifying for Sale. and to the Witness, D. W. TRUK. JOHN N. DUNN, commotion and high jinks in the cooking Applied waste and barren of tin CARGO of SUPERIOR OUND WHITE TEETH, HEALTHY GUMS, CHARLES P. KNAPP. places PENNSYLVANIA jy29-d3wlaw* Cleansed. line reigned in the trim little villa. it fructifies aud A MASTS, will be sold cheap, either I No. 32 Street. AND SWEET BREATH, are secured con- Clothing supreme scalp, enriches them with a single nr la Exchange S' by And came it stant use sf 1 F. ft. Commissioner. when then the hour new aud L- TAYLOB. Plano lor Cleansed anu Kepairod at short notico, Shipping appoiuted ample growth. It is nut, of ,« Sale. to a tla was with an course, ‘"jniy* nn. hi. CLOTHESAnd all kinds of goods dyed in a thorough man aug 27-diw exultant, albeit a slightly flushed, SEVEN Thurston’s Ivory Pearl Toothpowder. pretended that it will do this if the ca- Octave, Rosewood Chickering Piano, Her. Also Second-hand for sale. face the of the tri- 1 Clothing (at gastronomic Piano for A with carved and six It is the best Rentriflce known. thought for Sale. legs Agraffe treble, only For Sale—Hill Stone and Bolt. All orders will roceive prompt and faithful atten Staves in store for “the old and true friend” pacity reproduction is extinct, but so months in use, superb in tone, and as new. Is : Spruce aud umph long P“n0 good Sold by and Dealers in Faney Goods. Pries tlon. Heading as it remains that forW» on eaiy offered at $410. Burr Stone, and Druggists sale by whom her husband was to bring home) that wonderful rehahilitant will N“^n"r’‘CU',,T0CtaTe Chickering’s original price $800. Bolt for ule kv 28 and 50 seats per bottle. WILLIAM BROWN, Address Box 512, Maine. BERLIN MILLS CO. BERLIN MILLS Arabella ran to the door to answer her hus- the of an27 eod3w M. G. PALMER. Brunswick, ASET F. C. WELLS & CO., 64 Federal st., Fob CO., assuredly propagate germ the hair into au28 dTh S&Tu 3t Portland, Aug 28, 1872. dlw* »u283 Fifth District—WILLIAM MeOlLVMRT. We not rely upon large and enthusiastic break in wealthy buyers fruit, sailed.) candidate for representative. apparently ready to piesea at mo- any who realize a PHILADELPHIA—Ar J G ment and with the surf over the Underwoods, profit of thousands 29th, barque Norwood, TO OOXORBM. and and forcible The Galveston one of the beating whole. llarkness. sclis PORTLAND W. D. FOB B»PR1M*NTATITX« meetings eloquent speeches News, strongest cotton Bath; Mary Means, Parker, Calais: LITILt & Gen. Near it was a hale of with two man ou of dollars annually, should give up a very Co., Agents II. BURLEIGH. Mary Louise, Lowell, Bangor. First District—JOHN To supporters of Groeley in Texas, says: “If into the surf. The men alone. achieve the victory we shall be it drifting on shore small part of their gains to the proprietors. Ar 30th, ship Wallace, Jordan, Liverpool. OBSERVATORY. For Maine and New Second District—WILL!AM P. FRYE. made for their rescue. Cld 30th, schs Albeit Hampshire. we understand Mr. Greeley’s sentiments, he preparations Two ropes Mr. Freeman does not to have acted Clarence, Allen, Portland; Sept 2-i*3w-08tf G. BLAINK. our hundreds of workers to one was tied appear M M Taunton. Third District—JAMBS proud of, Republican were organized; Capt. Josiah Morriman, Tabbutt, NO STRANGER should leave the without is a secessionist, and .always has been." from but to hare exercised Cld 29th. schs Susan *ity District—SAMUEL F. HERSB Y. Clarke, and to the other Mr. Bussell Bunre unworthy motives, Stetson, Yates. Portland : S the Hill. From the Fourth must do their utmost from this time until the Wilson, Walls, Boston. visiting Observatory, Munjoy’s The News that D. while ten or fifteen men manned each. toward Cupola, 227 feet above the seen tho en- Fifth District— BUGBNE HALE. Bridgton says Henry Hardly humane feelings the blueberry pickers. Ar at Deleware Breakwater sea, may be RIPE been 28th. barque Carrie tire the ocean to the CASCO BA close of the 9th. of that who has hereto- had these preparations completed when from sch city, horizon, Y,with polls, Monday, September Corson, Esq., town, Wyman, Boston; Fannie Pike, from Calais. its 365 the WHITE 80 miles For Senator*. the bale of cotton came ashore, and two men A Savings Bank has been at Gor- ELIZA BETH PORT—Ar Islands, MOUNTAINS, fore acted with the has organized 27th, brig George Amos, distant, and with the powerful TELESCOPE mount- Y H. It is to know that our friends are Democratic party one white and one were Portland ; sch Cumberland—HENR BURGESS, gratifying colored, saved. A ham N. under a charter the last Johnson, Caroline Grant, Haskell, ed in the Cupola, 30 miles distant in di- A. wave broke over the now H., granted by Providence. objects every CALEB CHAPLIN, taken the stump for Grant and and wreck, near the shore rection be seen. awake and at work in their localities. We Wilson, with the board of offi- may distinctly The view s here are CHARLES HUMPHREY, off two or three persons. Legislature, following Sid 29th, sell Caroline Grant. Rich, Portland. aaid to be for elderberries is effective service. washing These were unsurpassed beauty and variety by any3 HENR Y PENNELL. doing man on NEW YORK-Ar 29tli, brig Josie, Cien- invoke them to double effort and re- caught by the the lines and rushed cers: President, Warren Noyes; Secretary and Pettigrew, in the World. only 24 days; sclis Sophie, Robinson, Podes River. Androscoggin—JEREMIAH DINGLEY, Jr, the surf to the taken fuegos, Congress Street Car passes every 15 minutes. through shore, care of by Treasurer, Clias. N. Tubbs; Directors, Warren SC, 7 days; Minnie, Hudson, JESSE DAVIS. newed on the eve of the most the and to the Jacksonville; Henry, July 4-sn tf energy impor- How Do It. ladies, conveyed hotels and Merritt, Addison; Isrcal Snow, Heal, Ab- MA Y. they Several were Noyes, John E. Willis, Itufus F. Ingalls, J. P. Rockland; Kennebec—JOHN houses. saved in this way when ide Weld. Sylvesler, Norwalk; Statesman, Cole, from WANTED, AMBROSE H. ABBOT. tant political contest ever fought in Maine. A. S. IXLAUnXLd FIREWORKS! FOB WHICH Bethel, Aug. 30,1872. the wrock got to the breakers, and went to pieces Evans, Twitcholl, Stephen Gordon, Shulee, NS; Magenta, Hopkins, and Charles Heath, about 9 and Warren, Knots—MOSES WEBSTER. Let our watchword in town in Maine To the Editor of the Press : o’clock, men, womsn and children, Wesley Wight. Bangor; Alabama, Meservcy, Calais; Geo FOB THE POLITICAL CA.11PAIU.X. every Gilman, Perry, Kate Fall A FAIR Lincoln—ALMORE KENNEDY. pieces of wreck of all shapes and sizes were in Rockport; Grant, Grant. PRICE WILL BE PAID. I notice in the Argus of this morning, un- River; Judge Low, Hersey, Providence; Saxon,Lord, until the close, be:—Not toe defeat one surging mass, drifted in and New Sweden.—We have the most encour- Clubs and Individuals supplied with Rockets, Can- Oxford—FNOCH C. FARRINGTON, polls only by surf, Fall River. W Sush parties as esn der the head of were for or furnish them will JON A THAN X. MAR TIN. “Telegraph,” that there which seemed to enjoy the cruel sport, the men sclis Louisa A dles, Bengolas, Ac., Ac., processions please BUT THE ANNIHILATION OF THE ENEMY. aging accounts from New Sweden. The warm, Ar30lh, Johnson, Mahlman, Hills- address P. O. Box 1431 on the lines worked in to saro boro 12 M S meetings Portland, Me. septg-dAwtf Penobscot—JOHNB. FOSTER, large and enthusiastic Greeley and Brown bravely trying days; Hathaway, Cole, Sackville, NB; Chinese Ijanterns in the sufferers at the risk of their own damp season has forced vegetation forward vig- St John, NB. Torches, evory style, Flags, JOSEPH L. SMITH, lives. It Evelyn, Crowley, for the “Israniand his in this the afternoon and eve- that all Alio ar E Transparencies, Ac., Ae., Campaign. MAINE JOHN KIMBALL, policy deserve the very meetings place is estimated but one or two on the raft orously, and the crops are most abuudant. 30th, ‘bar.iuo C Litchfield, Crockett, from CENTRAL RAILROAD. KHA W. sclis E CHARLES highest credit.”—Horace of the 29th and that were saved. About this time there was a life- Brunswick, Ga; Mary Staples, St John, NB; CUTTER, HYDE «te CO. Greeley. ning inst., many leading Wheat harvest began on the 26th of August & Albert. L. DUNNING. boat eleven George Woodbury, Bangor; FA Sawyer, 02 SPECIAL Piscataquic—CHARLES The brain, the the senUf the pres- were and containing coining into the break- CHAU NOT STREET, BOSTON, NOTICE! P. heart, Republicans present participated. and the is and oats Reed, Bangor; Ida L Howard. Harrington. Sagadahock-ROBERT CARR. ers. were made to the on yield unusually good, Kye Portland; HOLE MA!UTFAt TtUEtlS OF ent Democratic party is the rfebel element Signals people hoard EF Treat, Nickerson, Bath; Revenue, Waldo—JOHN S. BROOKS. The whole article looks like a Joke” to clear of the were secured before that date in order. Morse, do; “Stupid keep wreck, which was success- good Kate Foster, Merriman .UnrshalPs l*atent J. M. COFFIN. at the South, with its Northern allies and The Harraden, Calais; Georgia, Illuminating Caudle* to the here. There was a an- fully done. first breaker they cleared safe- Portland. •tick ForMt. Washington-JOHN CRANDON, It is rebel at the core to- people meeting Kineo sympathizers. ly, the second landed them on the and Doli.y Vabden, though as a Cld 30th, ship Nile, Newcomb, E House HORACE HARMON. nounced in the Democratic to be held beach, popular name, Antwerp; brig day. .. .It woald come into power with the papers the third tipped the boat over. Three has proved very unprofitable to manufacturers Miller, Parker, Alicante; sch E C Gates, Freeman, jylf-2m Send for Price List. ftloosclicnd York—JOHN E. BUTLEE, passen- Jed Lake. bate, the the wrath, the mortill- that day, and posters upon stores, trees and gers got caught under the boat and are and dealers in dress goods, many of whom have Jacksonville; Frye, Langley, do; Maid of the H. chagrin, ... .. CYRUS HOBBS, supposed Mist, Baltimore; Nellie for Y>_J to have been lost, and the remainder were been driven to the verge of in- Cassidy, Belle, Keene, SKIN DISEASES. ALBERT G. O’BBION. ration of ten bitt r years to impel and fences invited the people to come out and hear saved. bankruptcy by Elizabeth port; Florida, Thompson, Boston. Large numbers of were on the in stocks of this class.—New York For County Commiaaioner. its steps-Whatever chastisement people beach vestmg large Passed through Hell Gate 29tb, sells Win H Rowe PERRY’S IMPROVED and for guide the Hon. James M. and Hon. C. M. some COMEDONE PIMPLE CW JI872, sale at the station in Thayer all day, with idle others on'the Tribune. from for C II this cltr Chtmbcrland—EDWIN C. TOWNSEND. may be deserved onr national we curiosity, Philadelphia Bucksport; Rogers, Mavo REMEDY.—The Skin Medicine of the Ago. Is war- 1 Horee K*'lroaJ by sins, .. Office of GEO. D. ROAK. DePew, of New York, upon the issues of the J Ol/tiu, <* 1CW Wli.Il the same result will occur to those e.iii«uciui>uii,ici lonuuni, »» n oargeni, aargent, ranted toeure Flush Worms. H. HOLDEN Androscoggin—WILLIAM most hope this and humilintion Precisely for Pimples, Eruptions disgrace heavy hearts looking for some token of friends New York Boston; Hudson, Chase, do for Rock- and Blotched of the face. Sold all J. M. Kennebec—OR RICK HA WES. To add attractions to the a who have invested so in disfigurations by LUNT, Gen’l will be to us.”—[Horace Greeley. day. bill of fare who were on and largely the Dolly Var- land ; J W Glover, Holbrook, do for do: Irene. Lind- Supt. Knox-J. W. TR US SELL. spared board, many hard at work. Druggists. Depot 40 Bond st., New York. Portland, Aug 31, 1872. band of music was The beach is strewn deu sey, do for Machias; Red Jacket, 'Averill, Port John- sep2te20 Lincoln—DAVID CHAMBERLAIN. promised. Notwithstand- with wrecked stuff for a party._ son for Providence. For .Tlolh Oxford—WILLIAM CHASE. all the efforts to a mils or more, as well as with cotton mat- Patches, Freckles, Back Fires. ing get up great meeting by bales, Passed do 30th, schs Challenge, Port Second National Bank of Penobscot— WILLIAM H. CUES LET. of Armstrong, and use PERRY’S MOTH AND FRECKLE large posters scattered the for resses, pices furniture, clothing and all sorts Johnson for Bostou ; Tbos from Newark for TAN, Portland, Piscataquis—C. A. PACKARD. through region STATE NEWS. Stewart, LOTION. The well known reliable and harmless Back fires have not hitherto beCn unknown miles and of debris. The main part of the wreck lies to- Portland; Florida, Thompson, New York for IN BENEZER COLB Y. twenty-five around, “drummers” Boston; for Brown Discolorations of the face. Pre- LIQUIDATION. Sag&iaftoc—E gether in one mass of shivered \V II French, Hoboken for do. remedy FISHER. in politics, but the recklessness and “to and it was one of the huge timbers, Sargent, I>r. B. C. Washington—LEONARD despera- running fro,” broken into PROVIDENCE—Ar 29th, sch pared only by Perry, Dermatologist, 49 SECOND York—JAMBS F. BRACKETT. literally kindling wood. It is al- Onward, Wheeler, Bond New York. Sold A Dividend, from the Assets of this tion with W'hlch the are now set- quietest days we have had in the village for ANDROSCOUOIX tOIMl'T. New York. St., by* Druggist everwhere Psuk of Democracy most impossible to conceive of that of nielli® Sixty Dollars per share, has hesn de For County Trrusurer. the season. “No strains of martial music pile Ar 30th, sch Ida Ella. Wilbur. MWtSS Hiklw-tim wl2 clarod the them is as but a few Ttie Journal says the Auburn shoe business Pembroke. by Directors, to Stockholders of PENNELL. ting beyond all precedent. About splinters being short hours before Sid sch Geo record of Cumberland—THOMAS the or broke the stillness of the is Small are 28th, Kiiborn, Stanley, Philadelphia; August 31, 1872, payable at the Bank greeted ear, the noble steamer Metis. Near the wreck a moderately active. buyers plenty. MAINE CENTRAL ofJ Portland"’ Androscoggin—A. F. MERRILL. the time of Horace visit here sat Isaac Merritt, Bates. New York. RAILROAD COMPANY on and alter 2d. 1872 Greeley’s they summer air.” the alter loon about man well in Belter classes of than are .Monday, Sept. Kennebec—ALANSON STARKS, During wrapped blankets, who was mourn- goods formally going PAWTUCKET—Ar 30th, schs Free Wind, * one hundred and South. Western trade is dull. Frisbee, Knox-EDWIN SPRAGUE. abandoned, probably at the sagacious old titty persons assembled in ing the loss of his wife. She was with him till Portland; Arcturus, Wentworth, Bangor. CONSOLIDATED LOAN. Portland, Sept 2d. 1872.^ LINCOLN. Pattee’s Hall to almost in shore on a NEWPORT—Ar sch ^^Cmhler. Lincoln—NATHANIEL man’s their claim of the State. listen to the New York ora- cotton bale, when a wave AROOSTOOK COUNTY. 29th, Grcciau, Coombs, Hobo- F. E. SHA W. suggestion, ken for Fall River. the Oxford— tors. More than one half of these were Re- took her ten feet and she was lost. He Expressly Authorized by Legislature. Penolucot—HORACE J. NICKERSON. This was a dreadful away On Friday, August 23d, while Mr. George F. In schs sacrifice, but it was nec- was saved and sat port 29th, Paran, Robinson, from Machias; WANTED. publicans and women. No enthusiasm was unhurt, there he were iMcaHHJum— rr tsiiu jj kj i-n. watching Huckius of Presque Isle, and men, tak- Franklin, Brown, from Foss, from The Maine Central Railroad Company now offers in a each wave in and Bangor; Roamer, Y W. BOVET. essary order to be in situation to a manifested the not a cheer returning hope yet in fear of son for sale a limited amount of its Sagadan oc—HE NR feign during afternoon, ing supper, his little Willie, aged six years, Calais; Governor, Torrey, and Diadem, Harris, do; Seven Cor Cent. Con- TMRST-CLASS Coot Makors, at seeing her body washed ashore. He would not solidated run Waldo—H. H. FOBBES. ghastly kind of death-bed triumph in case of for Greeley, and the name of Brown not got upon the hay cart at the door, when the Nellie Doe. Richardson, Irom Bangor ; Henry, Dob- Bonds. Said Bonds hare forty years to A A. S. 77 US SARGENT. go away, but sat all day long bin. and Julia Newell, from Calais. a.al are, by express authority of the Legislature of scl'2-|ltf... FERNALD’S, Washington—IGNA mentioned, and as for the receiving sympa- cattle started and he fell out, and the wheel Spear, »1 Middle st., stairs. York-ZOPHAR R. FOLSOM. a small Republican majority. So they began evening meeting thy and kind words of the VINEYARD-HAVEN—Ar 28th, Cbimborazoo, Maine, secured by a joint and several mortgage on up we have to learn where it was hundreds, watching passed over bis head, it so that he liv- brig yet held. The the waves in silent sorrow. crushing Coombs. Boston for Baltimore: schs Northern the Railroads, franchises ami all the property, real For Register of Deeds. with one accord to concede their ed half an hour. Light, opponents leading Republicans present do not to A only Plummer, New York for Machias; Centurion, and (>ersoual, of the following united Railroads, to Wanted. Cumberland—HENRY C. HOUSTON. propose gentleman reports that he was on a Blodg- about five thousand as a vote for and to piece The Sunrise that Messrs. Holmes ett, Port Johnson for Boston; M E Pearson, Pendle- wit:— LA S' S PRAGUE. majority, prepara- Greeley give the Rebels of wreck with two ladies and a says Bros., good Tin-Plate and Androscoggin—SI through child, strangers ton, do for New 0NE Sheet-lron’Worker at the ballot box what failed to to him. He did from Vermont, have purchased the Cochrane Portsmouth; Benaveuture, Knight, The Maine Central, Portland Sc Krune- NUTTEU Kennebec—PRENTISS M. FOOLER. tion for contrasting those modest figures with they gain by the all in his power to keep them Bedford for Booth BROS. A CO., mill at and erected a bay. bcc, Nomrmt & Kennebec, Andro- 'L,,. 28 Knox—G. W. WHITE. sword, but will their iu in good courage and aid them to retain their privilege Caribou, large Ar schs Nellie for Market Square. the give suffrages Sep- 29th, Chase, Bailing, Baltimore A lice«l« A' _ Lincoln—JAMES A. REED. larger majority of 1868,—but still the building for the manufacture of starch. scoggin Farming- tember to Perham and and in Novem- hold, but they were lost. potato Portland: Etta May,Dix,Calais for A M ton R. Eastern Frye, Bridgeport; Railroad*. Oxford—SUMNER NEWELL, Dist't. Grant fires on. It soon became evi- Some of the rescued They are putting in the machinery and will Bird. Merrill, Windsor, NS. for New York II W For Rent. " swept ber to the hero of Lookout were on the beach look- ; ASA CHARLES, Wsstern j Shiloh, Donelson, have th« mill in readiness for the Wellington. Thompson, im Port Johnson for dent that new ing among the rubbish,to see if some operation by Boston; The security is ample. No better or safer invest- Tenement of Seven or Booms: Penobscot—AMOS E. HARDY. territory must be abandoned ! Mountain, the Peters- perclianee Laura* Bristol A Eight gss and Yicksburg, Wilderness, time the potato crop is harvested. Marion, Clifford, for New ment for trust funds can be made. W. HALL. and of their goods were not saved. Manv of the Bedford; neighburho<>d. °'*r foot Piscataquis—M. in to save a chance for the burg Appomattox. The Republicans are Howard, Wooster. Bangor for do; Fickett, are of the of Waldo—GEORGE E. BRACKETT. order pale ghost rescued are and hrussed The editor of ihe North Star, following the Virginia, They denominations of $100.’ $500, $1000 MyrUe«WApp;iyntrf°. _Portland, Penobscot—AMBROSE C. FLINT. is well for the loss saved The Gazette says the firemen’s muster, to Isabella, Farnliam, Orlaud. Hoi ace is to wring victory out of fifteen or dence, says: paid having fourteen CJlrl Wanted. GETCIIELL. lives with her. There was a take place at Rockland next month, seems des- BELFAST. Piscataquis—ASA It was a on heavy sea even ten rough night the and we running in a Sa.rvlanoc—CYRVS IV. LONGLEY. thousand majority in a State that Sound, and it was almost to tined to be one of the largest displays of the FOREIGN PORTS. house-work small family, were both a little sea-sick and were at impossible approach the g ll£g*ucral* eoo«I Waldo-B. II. FIELDS. up the vessel with life boats. kind ever witnessed the Eastern shore of At 16th L F . j>, cook, washer and ironer. has been heralded far and as sure for time of The wind blew along Malaga ult, brig Munson, Munson, for trjWages throeJ*b* dollars a Washington—M. II. WILDER. wide, the collision. Our stateroom was aft, heavily United States. week. Apply at 3 from the northwest a southeast Maine. Deering York—HORACE II. BURBANK. a and we did not hear the and against gale COOK COUNTY. T>. • iop2-3t* Greeley, State concerning which Greeley collision, the first •f wind of the Sid fiu Havana 22d, barque Lizzie, Wotton, North we had of night previous, The Rockland Gazette a description of For Clerk of Courts. editors knowledge the disaster was the call occasioning gives of Hatteras. have rhapsodized and Greeley corres- of the a very high cross sea. a visit to the at Clark’s which MAINE CENTRAL K. K. Coui.lt- Cumberland—DANIEL W. FESSENDEN. steward in the saloon for all the passen- quarries Island, Cld 23d, barque Cuba, Potter, Falmouth. Capt. Osgood of the shows that a business is done. Sid ftn Lost. Androscoggin—D. C. ATWOOD. pondents have seen visions and dreamed gers to put on their life-preservers, as the steam- yacht Flcetwing, gave large being Sagua 20th ult, sch Eddie Waters, Potter. one hundred dollars to divide the suffer- North of Hatteras. doted,. 7*. Oxford—J.S. WRIGHT. er was sinking. We each on a among The store of Win. E. Currier of was between the dreams—you are hea; tily welcome. But it put life-preserv- ers. Camden, Cld at ult. 0«,^"rd^ ^,erhv°ni3J8t Aok11*^ er and took a on Liugan, CB,30tli brig Adele McLoon, for York Steamers’ For Sheri IT. cork-filled mattress and went broken into the night of Saturday, 24th The Providence. LEEDS Sr FARMINGTON B. R. O’s warehouses, sn makes one almost to see re- The scene was awful and AtlanticAtlJnt??- anil Galt a pity you, you out into the which we found heart-rending to draw was robbed of mo3t of its contents Wharves, sack coat, containing (\imbsrland— W. L. PENNELL. saloon, nearly till- money At Port Caledonia, CB, Florence I Hen- in the a those engaged in the and can 2ist, brig pocket teamster’s account of no value Kennebec-ASHER H BARTON. duced to such extremities when ed with panic-struck men and half saving perishing, and goods to the value of $150 were taken. derson, NORTHERN PACIFIC K. It. 7-30 to book, you were, women, be realised those who Henderson,for New York; sch Parepa,Pack- any one except the owner. Knox—ISAAC HOLBS. and out in only by have experienced tor do. until Mr. dressed, many crying great distress OXFORD COUNTY. ard, Whoever will return the book to Lincoln—JAMES E. MORSE. Greeley’s visit, wrapped up so com- and like trials, Fathers for their EUROPEAN & N. AH. R. B., Gold 6’, William Chase, alarm. We both climbed up on the hurri- looking children, * ® 8treLt’ WlU ** husbands for their a at the of 8uit»wJr rewarded. Oxford—L. 1). STACY. fortably in warm hopes aud cheered by so cane deck safely, and found several other* al- wives, mother for her Norway iafagitated prospect ajmilitia [Latest by European steamers.! 16Sept^dtf Psnobscot—JOHN If. WILSON. a son for his father a muster sometime next CHICAGO, DANVILLE & VIN- there. It was then child, and sister for her month. Arat 17tli many ready 5 o’clock by my Liverpool inst. Devonshire, Havener, Piscataquis—MOSES W. BROWN. bright anticipations. brother. It beggars The base ball CENNES R. R. TRK K A. MILL watch, very dark and rainy, and a part of the description. Norway club liava challenged Philadelphia. Gold. 7»* Sagadahoc-PA A Y. Win. E. he knew Cld 17th, John Waldo—SAM CEL NOR TON. time hailing very hard. Several off Sheridan, Boston, says the Oxford club to play a match game on the Sidney, Bartlett, Philadelphia. “I hope the time will come when the jumped nothing of tile disaster which had overtaken Off Isle of Wight 17th, Rome, from Philadel- CENTRAL IOWA R. R. Gold. 7>* Gentlemen’s Washington- ISAAC WILDER. into the sea and disappeared, and others were fair grounds, Saturday, Sept. 7th. Otis, Garments soldier who the vessel until there was a phia for Antwerp. York-EDMUND WARREN. fought with Lee and Johnson with difficulty restrained. Mr. Bliss stood great rumpus out- by side of the stateroom: “I F1NOBSCOT COUNTY. Ar at Cardiff 17th, Louis Walsh, Curran, and An- ATCHISON, TOPEKA A S. F. Gold 7’a wilj occupy as proud a position iu the side for some but all at rushed out and For County Attorney. my time, once he dis- drew Johnson, O’Brien, I9th, Marcia C CLEANSED, I found that the steamer was and I hur- The store of J. C. Grant of Wiun, was enter- Hamburg; C. WING. hearts of the American people, as the appeared, and suppose he jumped into the sinking, Day, Chase. Hornesaud. FOR SALK BT Androscoggin—GEORGE ried my wife into the life-boat. There was too ed Friday night and the money draw smashed soldier who fought under Grant and Mhcr- water. I did not sec him afterward. Sid 17th, Caroline Lamont, Bowker, Galveston. Dyed Brown, Blnck, Blue-Black mauy of us in the boat. We had open with a hammer. About $5 in fractional Ent for We were tossed about at the of the proceeded ldg 17th, Louis Walsh, White, for Callao; and man.’’—Hobacs Gkmiiky. at Vicksburg in 1871. mercy to the was Jans J & BARRETT, Blue, waves and rain nearly laud when the sea caused currency taken, aud the elothiug overhaul- Southard, Bishop, Rio Janeiro. bW^N for over an hour, when, as it rough AND PRESSED, READY FOR our boat to over and we were ed, some of whioh was tukeu. Sid fm Penarth 16th, Ella S WEAR. grsw we saw a on Watch tip all thrown in- Thayer, Thompson, Bankers and Brokers. lighter building Hill, to Helicon, No REPUBLICAN MEETINGS. The Three Per Cent. Delusion. as it the water. It was a terrible moment. There Havana; Rogers, Bombay. Ripping required. Warranted not to crock proved afterwards, and soon after could SAGADAHOC COUNTY-. Sid fm Cadiz 12th were a few of us who could swim and inst, Proteus, Chapman, for New 100 MIDDLE STREET. AT FOSTER’S DTE see the land plainly and that we were only Messrs. York. HOUSE, The Democracy now have so small a fund drifting or ten succeeded in Bangs, Weston & Co., have been mr8»N mwf towards it. Just before we saw eight laying hold of the Sid fm Bordeaux 16tli Jy23eodnew tf 24 the land a making additions to their ex- inst, Halcyon, Work, New Union St. of sloop boat. wife was not them. large previously hopeful delusions that it is a pity to destroy passed us so near we those on board My poor among Orleans. “The Woods are Full of ’em.” thought Mr. Sheridau here tensive lnmber manufacturing establishment Sid fm see and we became very much the Texel 17th Alice for any of them. But have too might us, all shouted as loud as we agitat- in Bath. inst, Buck, Snow, GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN they already but ed and hid his face in his hands. In a moment Newcastle aud Bombay. WE ARE RECEIVING could, they did not appear to discover us THE been on he resumed in a The Times long permitted to dwell the mislead- and on. broken voioe: “I have no says that Messrs. Goss & passed Soon after she passed us we phys- Sawyer ical is of are a steam mill in their SPOKEN. Gen. B. F. Butlfb will speak at ing notion that a change of three per cent, of saw the lighthouse on Watch Hill, and floated trouble; iny grief elsewhere. I have tel- Bath, putting up WINDOW_FRAMES- egraphed to Providence to learn if yard to aid them more orders July 13, lat 9 37 N, Ion 24 53, from Limerick 2. on towards it, and the deck struck the beach at my poor girl rapidly infilling ship Latlily Rich, ON EXHIBITION AT Village, Monday afternoon, Sept. the vote of 1868 from the was for the class of for LARGEST STOCK popular Republican 8 and all made for the among those who were taken there the vessels they have been so suc- Hamburg Valparaiso. at 1 o’clock. o’clock, shore between by July 20, lat 12 N, Ion 28 Ellen Unitcd.Stafco Hotel and Market to the Democratic side would the latter the immense which cutter. Among the pathetic incidents ot the cessful in building for the past four or five W, ship Goedst>ecd, Square, at give seas, by many were swept from Cardiff for Yokohama. -OF— Biddbford, Monday evening, Sept. 2, City disaster, I remember well the death of lit- years past. At the psesent time have no PORTLAND, MB. success in the Presidential back and forth sevoral times before were two they Aug 1. lat 50 Ion 13 P Hall. election. If the they tle less N, W, ship Pendleton, from and some children. All hist than five vessels on the stocks in different Cardiff for rescued, were carried out beyond evening they played Bombay. A Hon. Justin S. Morrill will at aggregate remained just the same as four about the of forwardness. lat great want supplied In taking out wimlow sashes speak reach and drowned. The deck was saluou, prattling gaily with the pas- stages Aug 14, 47, Ion 37, ship E W Stetson, from Lon- without instantly and don for New York. removing the stops or arting bead, hmtee FINE FOREIGN 4th. it is a broken sengers, in each Saco, Wednesday, Sept. years ago, true that such change would up by the surf, and the beach was seemingly wrapped up WASHINGTON COUNTY. there is no maringor defacement of the it other. When bed time came finishing, Yarmouth, 5tb. strewn with the wreck and debris that bad one of them said, has the hearty approval of all who examine it. Thursday evening, Sept. give the Democracy a majority of the popular float- 'tiss Mr. Nathaniel Higgins of Calais had a valua- ed ashore before ns, and several me, mamma, tlss me, for I ant to Tlte public are invited to call and see it Brunswick, Saturday evening, Sept. 7tli. were injured going ble horse and stolen a few since. operated and I saw them wagon days in mil and anv one vote, but did auyoue ever stop to consider by the floating planks and timbers while in the sleep,” no more alive. This SPECIAL site; wanting a WOOLENS! G*n. J. R. Hawley-, of Conn., will speak at The town treasurer of has NOTICES. PAYING surf. Lines of men with linked morning their bodies were washed ashore on Wesley paid the GOOD, BUSINESS, how chances in a million there hands were — at many would on FOR — Portland, Monday evening, Sept. 2d, City- formed this beach in each other’s arms. bounty forty-four bears killed ill that town Can reaching fardown into the surf, to grasp clasped They Secure Territorial Rights Hall. be for the to ba so distributed as to were as the season. The Stomach changes and save those whom the surf threw beautiful in life and their countenances present as aa Avenger. for of the up within any portion United States, on r ATT A VTA H’TVftmn nr > nn bore a as apalication 5th. their reach who placid smile if their death was The steam whistle at For breach of the to the -— Buckfield, Thursday, Sept. give them a majority of the electoral college? were too much exhausted to pain- West Quoddy Head, every laws of health that we undersigned at the place of exhibitou, or our MAillJUU ITAII less. Our boat was in Canton, Friday, Sept. 6th. save themselves. capsized close to the shore and operation 24 days in succession in commit the stomach iufficts a address, Worcester, Mass. The lose this three it was Aug- penalty. Headache, Republican party might a sad sight to us who had our ust, on account of the thick LUTHER A ICrer ottered in thla Hon. Israel Washburn, Jr., will speak at Mr. Pardon F. Brown gained fog. biliousness, nervous tremors, const GREENWOOD, city. cent of the vote of 1868 in says: lives when we witnessed tli« of ipatation, colic, Sole Agents for the United States. Bolster’s per popular the struggles those The school committee of Mills, Tuesday evening, Sept. 3d. I heard the collision and soon after who,unable to withstand the Pembroke, publish heartbnrn, nausea, debility aud mental depression June 26st, 1872. auSO-lwsn* three States of and dressed terrible undertow, in the school statistics of Hon. Gbo. M. Robeson will speak at Massachusetts, myself and put on a and were drowned in our Sentinel, interesting are only a iew of the punishments whieh an Imported for life-pre*erver, went very faces. Their uplift- that town its outraged Expressly Us, without out on the stern iu rear of the ed hands and congratulate citizens upon stomach Biddeford, Monday evening, Sept. 2. Iowa, losing the electoral vote of state-room saloon and faces will haunt me is capable of u »on us. To BUTTER! ! despairing the gratifying success which has attended the imposing bring BUTTER! To which wo call the 3d. and found a group of twenty or to my Mr. Goruam, Tuesday, Sept. those States or affecting by so much as one thirty passen- dying day.” Sheridan is much pros- abolition of tho district back this vengefhl organ to its normal condition—to gers collected of them and trated the shock which system. CHOICE Bangor, Wednesday, Sept. 4. there, many ladies, by he received. pi cate, and it—there is in YEK.nONT BIJTTEK, vote the result. From some without life YORK COUNTY. invigoiate regulate nothing Attention of Hon. H. L. general present ap- preservers. Soon after I got Gentlemen. Dawes will speak at the wide world so potent as a course ot Hostetter’s JUST RECEIVED the is there, some one, I it Burton The aud South pearances Republican party not to lose thought wasCapt. The Los* of the outbuildings part of the house of AND FOR SALB BY Windham, Monday, Sept. 2d. said the boat was Metis.—The awful disas- Stomach Bitters. Under the of this benefi- sinking, and we must jump Daniel O’Connell of Berwick, were burned operation Freeport, Tuesday evening, Sept. 3d. even the three per cent so much insisted upon overboard and swim ter to the steamer on Island cent corrective S. NOW IS THE TIME to save our live*, and most Metis, Long Sound vegetable and tonic the gastric juice J. (ROCKETT, TO SELECT, all Monday.__ lyI7-sn S3 Commercial Frvebubg, Wednesday, Sept. 4. but it lose much mors without endan- immediately jumped over into the by which twenty-two is the last becomes a pure and healthful solvent and resumes it* if_ SI. might raging persons—this At we and soon sank have Bethel, 5th at 2 sea, many and I natural flow. The offect is the same ou Thursday afternoon, Sept. gering its ascendency. disappeared, estimate—lost their lives, causes a thrill of MARRIED. the biliary clung to the flag staff until it fell over pain PIANOS. “WEBER” aud other emi- o’cl'Hjk. and 1 all the secretion, and in fact en all the fluids of the was thrown into the water through community, and one turns from body PIANOS. “ among others that and the Anal result is the removal of or nent makers, 6th at 2 o’clock. •. every Andover, Friday afternoon, Sept. The people •( the United States know were still astern t.hfl rumiial rtf fV>.t ■o»A>>fnl In painful Goods in struggling of the steamer. Bii.lgton, Aug. 17, Alphonzo York, of Naples, nm>lcaaant svmntmi nci'HKinnmi l*v tlm wVwlHnnu a,< PIANOS. Sold by ED. B. Many Stock Gen. Stewart L. will at General all about was and Miss Lizzie A. of ROBINSON, Woodford, speak Grant—have known There considerable and shouts for where the Kidlon, B. tionof tlio digestive organ. 3 outcry responsibility for this wholesale mur- In AmruM.n.. Amr. Hnrii/*.** F. Fn.rn1;aTn \iin_ Cahoon Block, opposite That eannot Cumberland 2. from those City nail, be duplicated, and an Centre, Monday, Sent. him since Bonelson and Vicksburg; they help about me, but the who myl7 AT REDUCED PRICE? by leaving early ladies, der rests. Of course a me f. Butler- eornly order we Gray, 3d at 2 o’clook. nearly all jumped overboard correct judgment cannot can tako more Tuesday afternooD, Sept. do not know his slanderers, and do not together, calmly In Biddeford, Jas. If. of and Miss Haydn Association. he made until a Brown, Monroe, 2 displaying wonderful fortitude and up formal has Jennie M. Bridoton, Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 4th, at care to know them.*’—Horace Greeley. courage,few investigation Bickinore, of B. Members are requested to meet on Monday Even- FOR of those near making of been but wc In FERBOTATES, TINTYPES, Time and o’clock. any cry distress. Soon had; confess that the statements Biddeford, Aug. 25, Goo. G. Boston and Silvery at 8 at Common Pains with Garments a of ing, o’clock, Council Room, City and the Chromo piece the side of the steamer, five or six of the Johnson, both ol Saco. Ferrotypes, go to A. S. Davis * Co Gun. John M. Harlan, of Kentucky, will speak at Reward of Merit. surviving passengers and the to consider the of than after the Fall feet long, in which there was a grated win- testimony Building, subject attending the No. 80 Middle St., near comer of Exchange. trade commence.. 2d. of the of Hebron, Monday, Sept. dow, floated on which I captain the colliding if tes- Musical Convention to be holden at au20 d3mo sn AVe call attention of The Boston Transcript does credit alike to by me, succeeded in schooner, UIldE). Bangor Sept* expressly partita In the habit Gray, Tuesday, Sept. 3d. millinir nivself. and found it timony given under the 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th. of going to Bostou and New York its head and heart in circumstances lias any who hare the mis- Bridoton, Sept. 4th. saying “The Greeley though every wave dashed over it. I Schlotterbeck’s Moth & Freckle Lotion ! fastened weight, place of the A full attendance is desired. Bring your “Jubi- taken idea that a Good Garment aaunot b« feet the Capt. Burton, steamer, in fn made in Hon. Wm. P. Frye will speak at Democratic papers of Maine are no match for my through grated window, whieh left this city, Aug. 31, of consumption, Mrs. Sarah lee Books.” no desirable A safe and sure for Portland. We have hands free to positiot. The of the W. St. John, 26 years. papers remedy removing Tan, Pimples, my others,-and assisted two captain aged [Massachusetts .I.. Hiram, Monday, Sept. 2d. the able and influential Republican journals help s#p2-sn It FRED H. Rlntnh.....7 ladies ou my raft, one of whom had a of schooner says that he was run into. He hailed please copy.] CLOYES, Sec’y. Kezar Falls, Tuesday. Sept. 341. babe services rendering 1t soft and fresh,and toil a mak- of that which us the four months under one [Funeral Monday afternoon, at 2 o’clock, imparting EVERY State,” gives opportu- arm and a little tiie steamer to blk purity. Price 50 cents FACILITY 4th. girl of lay by, but finding his vessel not at No. 30 Oxford street. Relatives and friends are For per boU*e. Fiiyeburg, Wednesday, Sept. two years by the other band. I Sale Cheap. nity, demanded by our inherent modesty, to managed to he made for New iuvited to attend. Prepared by you Bethel, Thursday, Sept. 5th. from washed sinking London. This state- 3000 PRIME quality 32 inch Molasses Shooks keep myself being off with my In Decring, Aug. 31, John A., son of Charles and A. 6th. call attention to that infallible barometer of ment to be and heads. G. MCllliOTTKKBEiK & Canton, Friday, Sept. feet through the grates, and held the two ladies appears corroborated by some of the Lucre: ia H. Barker, aged 2 years 8 mouths. CO., A. L. HOBSON. and Put Me. Frederick Douglass will speak at circulation of oil with my hands. The babe was soon washed passengers. The steamer In Lisbon Falls, Aug. 24, Fred C., eldest son of Apothecaries Chemists, tland, Making First-Class public opinion—the political Stonington offered Portland, 2, 1872. eod3w sn Work! from its mother’s Silas and Emily E. Plummer, aged 19 years 9 months. Sept For sale by all Druggists. If South Windham, evening, 2d. away grasp and lost. The her myHsn and can Monday Sept. journals. In no since the es'.ab- assistance, but without In Mrs. Sarah billy convince all that It Is no campaign rest of us managed to on the Capt. Burton, stop- Brunswick. Aug. 24, W. Forbes, vagus idoa Steep Falls, Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 3d at keep raft, one of to 55 but lishment of the Pbess has its circulation the ladies washed off ping ascertain the condition of his de aged years. Caucus. reality, by GIVING US A CALL. o’clock. being four times and re- vessel, covered again dined the offered The Republicans of Yarmouth are requested been so great as now. We are now and have by great exertions. help. The first knowledge of Bridoton, Wednesday, Sept. 4th. The water was cold DEPARTURE OF OCEAN to meet at Union on very and we were all the real state of affairs was STEAMERS Hall, Wednesday, Sept. 4, BONDS. Dr. Ge41rgb B been for twe months more of developed when the NAME FROM Boring, of Salem, Mass., will speak printing copies chilled I then FOR PATH 1872, at o’clock P. to nominate a through. discovered that our steamer 7J M, candidate to began to settle in the water. The 31 State of Maine ... W. 1\ at both our and editions than have support was attached to the hurricane deck Sarmatian.Quebec.Liverpool... .Aug represent the towns of Yarmouth and North «•* daily weekly by City of Brussels—New York. 31 Yar- CHI8AM, a with which I officers of the Metis one of the .Liverpool.Aug Kennebunk, Thursday ovoning, Sept. 3th. ever before been quite largo row, hoped to se- disregarded first Republic.New York.. mouth in the next Portland jj's Has full of this issued from the office. This ladies Liverpool_Aug 31 Legislature. Charge Branch, and all who have cure the from being washed off rules of It was South Berwick, Friday evening, Sept. 6th. again, navigation. their duty to keep Columbia.New York. .Glasgow.Aug 31 au31-td Per Order of Town Coin. Bath tried him will indorse the fact is, worthy of mention as an indication of and signalled to those on the <;'K fully above. Enoch Foster, Jr, Ksq., of will in hurricane deck to Clear of vessels. This Malta.Boston.Liverpool Sept S Bethel, speak us off if sailing obligation is nat- of New the of take possible, and after on this City \rork. .New York. .Liverpool. .. 5 Leeds & R Oxford as follows: tendency political feeling. We under- being .Sept Farmington It. County for over an urally thrown vessels Nevada.New York. JAMES piece of wreck hour, we were haul- upon propelled by steam. .Liverpeol.Sept 4 CUNNINGHAM, Andover at P. M. stand that our in the State are China.New York.. (Guaranteed) 6’s Corner, Monday, Sept. 2, 7J colleagues ed alongside and the two ladies, the little Again, the captain was in Liverpool_Sept 4 girl criminally negligent Silesia.New York. 5 Hanover Village, Tuesday, Sept. 3, at 7* P. M. also a of and were all taken off not .Hamburg_Sept Portland A Rochester R. R. J’» OKINHAWKES&Co enjoying corresponding degree pros- myself the hurri- on his MASON & upon hooking pumps and ascertaining to City of Bristol.New York. Liverpool... .Sept 5 btjildb:r, Kumford Center, Wednesday, Sept. at cane deck. I discovered three oases of Califor- Maine 4th, 7* perity. a whether his vessel was Columbia.New York. .Havana.Sept 5 Central-Consolidated, 7’s __ wine certaluty P. M. nia floating near us, one of which I secur- making any Nebraska.New C Nos. 290 & 292 water. of this York—Liverpool.Sept Central Railroad or Gold 7’a Congress ed and broke open, and we all drank a Instead he sent the mate to City of Paris.New York. 30 PREBLE Iowa, Street, Greenwood City, Thursday, Sept. 3th, at 7J “Every one who choosrs lo live by pu- little .Liverpool... .Sept 7 STREET, and found it revived us I also make an occular 7 Northern Pacific R. Gold Y-SO’s Opposite Preble P. M. or or with considerably. survey. The needed informa- Moravian.Quebec.Liverpool.Sept It., Houte, Portlamil. gilism gambling harlotry, a blanket from the box Villede Paris.New York 7 got which I put over tion have been obtained in Havre.Sept All orders for jobbing and building promptly at- Danville A IV. B.-VTe Gilead, Friday, Sept. 6, at P. M. nearly every keeper of a tippliag-liousr is might five minutes Calabria. New York.. 7 Chicago, Vincennes employ men In make 7$ my wet clothing and tliongh it was wet it help- Liverpool_Sept tend to. jun5 entf Beet and thas a valuable in R. .... Bethel Hill, Saturday, Sept. 7, at 7J P. M. politically a Democrat.”—Horace Greeley. ed to me warm. We then made a good many lives would Olympus.Boston.Liverpool_Sept R.Gold 7’s auaidlw keep tem- Russia.,New York. 11 "°rL_ .Liverpool... .Sept _ shelter have been saved. FOR porary from the driving rain, the best Trusting to appearances and Wyoming.New York. .Liverpool_Sept 11 SEVEN BOLLS SALE nr The Democrats are to have Charles Sum- we could of the loose stuff on the and MoroCastle.New York. For wreck, relying on ttie staunchness of the vessel was .Havana.Sept 12 for and ltro. Snip. and at Them.” found it quite a protection. When the deck egg “Up ner to speak in Maine, it is said. In former the blunder which the H. M. B. struck the beach 1 into the magnified disaster. From Coal— Scveu for H>' HKKUESHOFF, jumped surf with twenty-five Stove- PAYSON, I., 'J.OH.Nthe keel Bristol, One week from we shall “move the have never been to ami reach the tenor of all the accounts that Miniature 9. sidiooncr vaclit I.ANTHE, to-day upon campaigns Republicans others try the shore, and have reached Almanac..Ncptcmhcr cents tons being fifty less when not delivered. 32 o. m., built by him in lS7n,win- able with the most fervent to secure out again by the surf. X a the carelessness and Sun rises.5.26 Moon rises..,., 3,40 AM r the works.” The Democratic lead- appeals carried caught float- public, inefficiency com- j Exchange Street, of the prite wHhout time enemy’s anil washed Sun sets.6.32 | High water .11,15 AM These price, arc low, as must be allowance, ing spar, after being out three bined were *nnnal of the N. Y. his services, which proves that his envenomed the causes which led to the terrible Yacht r-i„. J, .!**1 regatta ers and their liberal allies expect defeat. Two times I finally reached the shoye in safety,^ evident to everybody. PORTLAND. miSti. “• Mietsm fine order, and ready for im- hate makes him a more Demo- The two ladies who were result, mediate use. Can be seen at self-sacrificing with me ou the raft JOS. II. August 16-dtf is Bristol until Sept. 3. months since if wa believe their saved. X did not POOR & BltO. au31-3t they did not, crat than his devotion to the of were both learn the names of principles the The Museum of Anatomy MA.Ki]STE 30-en tf either of them, but the little who had sur- and Medical NEWS. Aug stories. Their the girl, only hope now is to break party ever led him to in was drowned in Republican display vived so far, the surf oil the Science.—To our citizens who visit a Boston, As the season for Bowel FAMILY force of that defeat its behalf. beach. Complaints, such as Diar- BREAD! by reducing the Republi- visit to this institution will prove very interes- PORT OF Custom Made Boots Mr. Edwin Turner,the well-known Insurance PORTLAND, rhea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Colie, &c., is at can bslow that jng. And the rare collection of we would our majority of last year. To this “A purely selfish interest attaches the agent of this city, like Crowley, the mate pf specimens, hand, again give good advice, act wise- It. natural 31. Try All Widths, Lengths & Sizes, criminal, aad dangerous the I-exington, owes his life to the of and artificial, display ponsjijerahle me- Naturilaj, Aug ly, and lay In a store of Dr. Hiclntll't Syrup. For end they will put forth the most lewd, ruffianly, buoyancy -FOR- desperate a cotton bale. it ARRIVED, the it safe to the Democratic When became evident that chanical skill, and one hour in I)r. Jour- reason, that is and reliable, at all times, rlasses party.”—Horace spent Steamer New York — effort. Whatever can be done the boat must be Dlrigo, Johnson, passengers very pleasant, containing no and does uot A GREAT families by the most abandoned, having gift him- linin’s Museum will give a better idea of the and mdse to Henry Fox, opiate, many prefer burin? their Women and Greeley. self with a life preserver, he went produce Costiveness. Fail uot to try it. in to Men, Children, oyerbourd, Steamer New York, St John, NB. via A l.™*1 heating up t2ME reckless the basest to » organization of the human Winchester, juu28sn dam by baking, provided can lying, by appeal passion and soon got upon hale of cotton, to which lie body than will days Eastport for Boston, they get something different As good aa can be made, always on hand at my store Col J. F. Milleb, Col. A. W. Bradbury from the common Baker's Bread that and all the clung for several hour*, until washed off in of reading and study, The models are accu- Steamer New Brunswick, Pike, Boston for Eastport is ‘raised so 132 Middle Street. and prejudice by disreputable A Book lor baking a new kind of loaf that I and Horace Jordan, as a trinity, will canvass the surf at Watch Hill, when be was rescued rate and and St John. NB, Every ITIan. ?iVC£'think will«,"?1,,,w and beautiful, there are natural curi- Sch please any parson that likes good sweet augiflJcodSw JI. €S. I»ALTIi:r. to a wli 'se from the shore. a Grace Webster, Hume, Georgetown—coal6 to home tricks known party history for the northern of Cumberland by assistance He had for The “SCIENCE OF or SELF-PRESERVA- made Broad that lias not had its towns county osities. it must certainly be useful to have a Rolling Mills. LIFE, go,sines. all companion in that terrible voyage Mr. C. TION,” a Medical Treatise o» tb# Cans# and Cure of lt are it is a record of The Sch intrepid, Littlejohn, Boston. ioiTn ?,r\.f H'at "sing speak very fraud, injustice the week for the Democrats. of Attleboro’. The bale oc- of onr wonderful mechanism. Exhausted Premature in twenty years present Young rolled over knowledge H# Sch Zingo, Poi>e, Boston. Vitality, Decline Man, Ner- have never bought an. and at last Mr. too that lives the laws vous and Physical Debility,HjiKX'hondria. Ca" »' 'he 330 two latter will devote themselves casionally, Young became according to of nature and Sch Hibernia, (Br) Impoteney, o. IS**™’ Bakery cf.ngress and will be d me to the utmost dur- gentlemen Coggins, Westport, NS—dry fish or oirJot violence, much exhausted to it and Geo Trefetben & Co. Spermatorrhoea Seminal Weakness, and all other Carts, and for to im- get upon again hung is to be and to a loaf of hamilr •£»**•* enquire CARRIAGES, fervently the now somewhat physiology likely healthy happy, diseases arising fropi the errors of ysuth sr tke in- Bread, au.l if it ,(oes not as exhorting to a rope with his teeth, while Mr. Turner got Sch Vanguard, Cameron, Southport. above prove NEW AND SECOND ing the week. to a sousd mind in a sound discretions or excesses of mature jears. This is in- rccomended your will be refunded. HAND J present the former his hands to aid him in liis feeble tenure. enjoy body. CLEARED. money penitent Democratic mule while upon Ig- deed a hook for every man. Thousands have been BI-AKE. It is lhat the Democratic leaders Fortunately the bale rode the sea norance is commonly the cause of error. An Sch Star. (Br) Davidson, Hall NS. this work the true to health and _a,ustf__IRVING reported fitted by long experience will appear in tfte pretty easily, Day Ifarbar, taught by way hap- Turner and were enabled to Sch Ethan Allen, Blake, Philadelphia—J Nick? It is the cheapest ana best medical work ROBERT~ FARRAR. and bljth Young hour spent in Dr. Jourdain’s of piness. Por a have to send into the rural towns of character of a reformer of the Gallery Anat- erson. ever an Sale at Bargain. planned severest type. reach the surf they were drawn out up- published, and the only one this class of ills Snocesnor to F»rrmr A Ifttpje omy 397 Washington street, will Sen Canton, worth 180th much Adam., on the the (list that Boston, open Rankin, Boston. reading. edition, revised, en- PROVISION store—one of the l>eit locations in the counties of who shore,almost wpre fejjpueu. bomul in large numbers claquers, of to of larged, illustrated, beautiful French cloth. Portland. A smell saleable stock. .Sold n ac- “General Grant never has brrn beaten, Mr. C. C. Adams of New York, was his the eyes many facts the utmost im- Holiday, Sept* 1, A Mo. 16 mid 18 Portland 'pri Price only $1, Sent by mail post-paid on receipt sf count of isavlnr I* sold wiiiihi tsa Street are to use and the ate. Must any means to swell the Democratic and he never will hr.”—Horace Oree/ev, way to Newburyport, Mass., accompanied portance. ARRIVED, price. Address PEABODY MEDICAL INSTI- days. and Sch Lottie Beard, Perry, Philadelphia—coal to P S 4 BuInnoU POHTLAND by tw« hoys Arthur aged eight years, Carl, TUTE, No, Street, Boston. Mass., er Dr for parSsalars ear tire at Jones’ Msrket.37# Csn- Jyiitf vote. We warn &PKRCO. __ our Republic tn friends to be six soris ot the firm of Max who arrived in W. H. PARKER, Assistant Physician. N. B. 1 DANIKB JONHS. is a of years, »|r. Wi8P!r!)> "f STRAKospn, the steam- Sch Geo H Bank The grsasat. jsl-y Tms campaign caricatures. Nash Kennedy, Keene, Quoro. author may be consulted on the above as on their Randall & AVierum of New York. 4? ship on lias engaged the fol- weli as all guard to defeat this of the China, Tuesday, OUTSIDE—A bound diseases skill and purpose has shown the follies and weaknesses of Hid time of the he fastened a life-preser- for hrts deep brig, in.j requiring expeuiknce. disaster, lowing narped artists concert season sn now as and also whicli is maras-dly enemy they have done in the past and and good II. G. in a hundred ludicrous ver afpiiud his own person, to commence at Steinway Hall, He lit! MEMORANDA. great two from lb: Mile. one around ttje ijoydr jl}(‘V leaped 0ar)otta Patti, Signer Mario, Mile! of from Calais for BANK OF PORTLAND. AWNINGS bring their designs to Their labor but it remains for the Ar


Death oe a Singular Creature.—A The of mouarclia. 8.5-20’s do SACiARAPPA. singu The hearing on the bill in equity, Portland, NEW YORK. meeting American securities—U. 1865, old, 931; THE PRESS. lar ami who has been car 31.—Count Minis- 1867,92ft; dolO-40*, 884; new 5s, 89$; Erie Railway SALES. mysterious creature, and Portsmouth railroad vs. the Boston Vienna, Aug. Aiulvassey, — Saco, 40. ter of has issued a circular let- I_AUCTION•———--—... r- ed for on at for mon Foreign Affairs, J1WI the poor-farm Deeritig and to restrain the Maine, respondent corpora- ter to Ausbran Ministers at European courts, Lom>ox,Aug. 31—2.00 P. M.—Consols closed at 928 than twenty and has been the o for ami account. Large iliiiUlitig. iron mid Copper Magnificent Republican Demon years subject tion from locating its track at North Berwick Tin- fllotis !) Isas ter. conveying the assurance that the approaching money MONDAY MORNING, SEPT. 2, 1S72. American Securities— U. S. 5-20’s 1865. old, 93}; do Kettles, at Auction. frequent newspaper paragraphs, died at tha so at Berlin of the Emperors of Austria Ac, near the station of the former as to inter- meeting 1807, 92|; do 10-40s, new 5s, 894. Erie 88}: * Railway at 3 afternoon. Who he was o and Germany ami the Czar of Russia, are not WEDNESDAY, Sf.pt 4th, p. tn., we shall stration. place yesterday fere with and affect its business, 40$. sell (lie injuriously directed the interests of France, ami ON large Building No 1)1 Portland st, to n whence he is a Lives against Liverpool. Aug. 31-11.00 A. M.—Cotton main or be removed at the came, mystery. Twenty-twi which was for was Only Twenty-Two hear- quiet i option of the purcliaaer, assigned Saturday, post- that Emperor Joseph sympathizes and steady; Middling uplands do of CITY AND VICINITY. the in one stating lod; Orleans lOld; I Also a lot Brieks, Balance Seale and years ago people portion of what ii until some future Messrs. J. and with that nation. He also states that Rusia sales bales. Weights, A Whole poned day. Lost. tily 10,000 I one Copper Kettle, three lr..n Kettles, one FurmerH* Village Illuminated. now the town of Duel were at find and Austri alike deserve the Ac. Sale ing, puzzled E. M. Kand are counsel for petitioners ;j \V. L. prompt develop- Auk. p. M.-o0tt„n cloud Kettle, Screw Press, positive. ment of the civilization and Liverpool, ualan3»—l.po Is HAILEY At Till! PRIiHlt ing their cows dry when drove at Tin wealth of Turkey. firm; Middling 10U; do Orleans lokl sales F O. CO., Au(ii«aovr». up night Putnam, J. H. Drummond and Geo. C. Yeaton 3000 bales 3 be obtaiaod at the Periodical Depots of Fes- A later dispatch declares that the above state- 12,000 bales, including for speculation and Sept td May buckets were and shelled New York, 31.—Tlic is the senden Brancll & Co., AIR.’ soap-greas* robbed, for Aug. following relative to the Austrian export. Bros., Manpiis. Ilobinson, REPUBLICANISM “IN THE responding corporation, statement made the officials of the .ment Emperor apocli- Glendeiining, Moses, Hender- com stplen from their bins. No amount o by Neptune 2 P. M — Breadstufts quiet and Andrews, Weutworth, Co: ryphal. steady. Beef, Gls. and Chisholm on all trains that run out of Steamship 6d. DESIRABLE HOTEL *on, Bros., disclosed the u util one mom Rochester & Nashua Railroad.—Messrs. JlexicHU News. Lard 41s, watching theft; The full list of officers and crew the passengers, 31—United States city. & of this of City of 25.—The re- Frankfort, Aug. 5-20*s 1802 AT AI’tTIOA. At of Pillsbury. “The Woods are Full of 'em.” ing, late in the fall, a woman, ou going to the Hitchings Lynch city, contractors tlie steamer Metis shows that 1G3 persons Mexico, Aug. Cabinet Biddeford, at — were on mains 96}. At Saco of L, Hodgdon. bam to a for and thc4S of rail- board. One hundred and forty-one are unchanged. milk, discovered repulsive human be grading building kmiles at 9. we shall At Waterville, nf»l. S. Carter. alive. The bodies of the other 22 have been Diaz refused to accept amnesty and has lied THURSDAY, Sept. 5th, 3 M., in the The black hair hai road betwaen Rochester and N. ON•*“11 the Hotel situaiwl on the north corner of At Gorham, of News Agent. ing liay-mow. long Nashua, H., found. from to the mountains, from whence he is supposed Flag Promiiou- Many have been reported to-day Middle and India and known a* the St. Law- At Bath. ol d. O. Shaw. ICni»iug—'Torchlight received orders to to be ENTERTA INM ENJ S. streets, grown close down to his eyes, which were having commeuce'operations, various sources who were lost. making his way to California. Losada is rence House. At of W. F. sliur; thought Said house contain* al*out 40 rooms, Lewiston, Stanwood, Firc Work«-Spfffhc*-lTubouuil» at and hai in his adherence to the wa* and both feet had been and lu put on a gang of men last and the The Metis Disaster. Tepic given thoroughly renovated aud addition* made leas piercing; frozen, Saturday, Federal than four fil i:utliu»iu««iu. Government. years ago, ami i* well arranged with mod- dragged himself along on his hands and knees work will be prosecuted with vigor. The well- New 31.—The schooner which ern Kfw Adrrrlinriuenta York, Aug. The hall of Congress was totally destroyed by improvements, Sebago water. gas, At. It it sit- To-Day. collided with the Metis was the Nettie CITY HALL. uated on two He could not give any account of himself, am known ability of those contractors is a sure Cushing fire on the 23d inst. principal straeta, of away acceaa to all from York. The business portions of the Thoinaston for New captain A amount of new city, three minute*’ walk SPECIAL NOTICE COLUMN. though he had the organs of speech and the in guaranty that the building of this important large business compelling rtomu. r. It. Saturday night was a grand occasion for the says that he was run into. Hs hailed the his Depot, Boston, English and Halifax Association. personal attendance will prevent the depar- steamers. Horae ears Haydn of telligence to use them,had scarcely over spoken line will be pushed with all (possible speed. steamer to his vessel was not pass the door to all part* of the Republican^ of the tine old village Saccar- lay by,but finding ure of United States Minister Nelson for the city. I his in the The Stomach as an now property, hands of an energetic Avenger. himself to the sinking, made for New London where she He will business can be appa and their wide awake neighbors of Cum- confining monosyllables “Yes,1 Saco ami Hiddeford. present. probably leave on the 1st of CHAS. B. mai, made one f the beif paving in- Shooks for Sale—A. L. Hobson. is. JEFFEllSON,.MANAGER terest in the of and “Don’t.” For over October. city Portland. It will u- sold on easy berland village and the country round about. “No,” twenty years Robeson will at The car- terms without AUCTION COLUMN. Secretary speak Biddeford body of the woman picked up and It is believed hero that reserve. The property can b« exam- while he has been on Lerdo will sustain some s the farm, all efforts to ried to as the ined at time Ac—F. O. For time the Republicans there bad get instead of at as Newport has beon identified wife Guseman's course iu the business of the mixed any upon application to the auctioneer* Building, Bailey A Co. Monday evening Kennebunk, or E. him to or account of of G. A. a victim of the Metis disas- H. tJILLESri E. l'luin st. splendid campaign flag ready to run out, ami speak give any himseli announced. Howard, commission, as it is known here that Gusemau NEW ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN. previously who was before. A ONE NIGHT ONLY. tr. 4». HAlUil A CO., Auctioneers, have once. was ter, married but 2 days body had instructions to raise ths waited for au occasion. General failed, except He subject ti question in the Insurance—W. I). Little only Already supposed to be Mrs Howard bad been sent to ftiigluendtfotdtd A Co. tits of commission in order to delay settlement. Banks bad been there and sec- incoutrollable anger, which would Iasi Sharon Elderberries Wanted. inaugurated his IHMELLANEOUR NOTICES. Springs, where the funeral was to he The session of J. a t several preliminary Congress begins Mm IMUUUBV o.. ond Red River campaign, losing bis voice in the days, yet in the most paroxysms ol held to-day, when the mistake was discovered. 4th. Wanted—A. S. Fern aid. Both Sept. he refused to wore rings with the same initials. The an For Rent—Geo. It. first battle. Our friends took of the rage speak. When punished foi LTo restore the freshness of the Federalists, old Juarist organ, sup- Davis A Co cognizance complexity, The Journars from Watch Hill to- Sept. 4tli. sums of his despatch ports the nomination of and he is Wednesday, To Let—80 New at. and resolved to do one but filthy practices lie maintained hi; use Rubicel. au30 3t Grant, says Commission Merchants, High meeting better, they night says there is no new waifs from the Me- expected to visit Mexico next silence. He was unable to and lived limn tis. spring. Barque for Mat an-/.as. did not expact to go a ten strike over the ardent work, It is reported that the body of a lady has Confidence in the Government is Goldthwait at 11 Market wants been returning Second Nat l Bank—W. N. Gould. reformer. like a beast than a human being. In the hot- Square, discovered imbedded in the sand a mile and business baa improved. east of the one visible. Maine Central Notice. test of summer he would be in his room for fall goods now arriving every day, wreck, foot only being A LrCTIC)X KKUS ltailroad—Special A special train was advertised to leave here days ileei Jas. and in order to McMurohie’s carpet bag was reclaimed JOSEPH | Lost—Coat and Book. burrowed in a of and il get it will close out his summer NO. it IXCUANtiE RTRKKT. at o’clock. It was 8) before Abe two bunk, pile bed-clothing, from the plunderers. The jewel case had been MINOU TEI.EGItA.11M. engines stock of Boots aud low MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES. was measures that he could Ik Shoes at astonishingly robbed of its 18 I’rof. pulled and coughed off with the twenty cars, only by vigorous contents, except gold rings. Agassiz and party, have arrived at San N.xt halsw Mer.bants’ Exebsilgi’. Hawkes & Co. forced and other relics from the bodies not Francisco. Clothing—Oriti crowded with the Ar- out of his nest. It was the custom oi prices. Clothing JOSEPH S. BAII.EY, OEO. W. PASKER. Pioneers, Continentals, yet fouud, are in the of Burton Goldthwait—Boots and shoes. the to take the custody Capt. dollars worth of JEFFERSON Kefeuenccs— Mwsrs. II. J. .ml Him. tillery, Iron and keeper him out daily into open the the miss- Eighty-thousand property Libby & Co., l, Pennsylvania ried out for his usual he uttered the & Co. about introducing has district. CoiiiuiImIou Merchant ami Auctioneer number as high as 1800. As the train approach- airing, been reclaimed by a Mr. Walker. new called the Portland shirt. Gentle- word The asked him if he shirt, The condition of the few sufferers A Ziberach manufacturer of ladies shoes in O 111 Uengrai4 *t.. will aell every evening a ed Cumberland Mills, there was a glare of light “England.” keeper remaining large men favorable. SUPPORTED BT A A. n assortment of Staple amt Hoods. came in want of > fitting shirt should herejis Mr. McBrien is still lame, Philadelphia, has failed. His liabilities were Faacy Gov. J. R. from the torches of the Westbrook and from England, and he replied “yes.” perfect Hoods will be sold ike in Hawley, Club, and his wife suffers from sovere bruises. Mr. $12,000. during day lota to suit “Would like to back there?” asked the tty them. purchasers at wholesale priaes. Cash advanced on II OF the illumination of tlio paper mills and many you go Nutting’s child has fully recovered. All are The CONNECTICUT, International Mill, at White Pine, Nov. Full Dramatic description of g<»ods. Coisignmeuts not limited. was the and he re- cared for in the kindest manner Company. private residences. Some of the beautiful dwel- keeper. “Yes,” answer,” Wasted immediately, at Oriu Hawkes & by the hotel was destroyed by fire Friday. Loss February 11. IMS. dtf Will address the and with and $250,000. in that and the between fused to answer any more questions. Since Co.’s, 25 women to make Fine White Shirt*. proprietors, supplied clothing The steamer China lings village along way the sailed for China Saturday, that not a monejj by guests. the two were time word has escaped him. It is 290 & 292 Me. having $2,662,000 (?) in treasure on board. Annual Sale of 4 anti CITIZENS OF PORTLAND, villages most tastefully decoated Congress street, Portland, A discourse making appropriate reference to SCALE OF PKICES : Army lolliiug and illuminated. •supposed he was brought here by some vessel au 28dlw the calamity was preached in the parlor of the The Chinese are said to he fortifying the IN Eqnipaxe. and turned adrift. The last twoor three weeks Larkin House this Rev. Arthur mouth of the river Portao. ... dii At Cumberland Mills the morning by Admission Of) Ddpot artekmastr’h torchlight proces- Potts of New York. Qi Ofki«m, he lias remained curled in his and al- Pardo, the new President of Peru, was inau- sion was formed, the Westbrook Club, number- up bunk, JBFFKRUONVILLR, IRD., August 7, 8K73. FLUENT HALL, Of the 155 persons on hoard the Metis, 107 gurated Aug. 2d. He is very popular. Reserved Seats 1.50 his meals were served to him a ing about 75 the escort. though regulerly are saved, 22 bodies have been found and 20 are MAT ILL be sold at nubile miction :tt the l>enot torches, forming Capt. The in Peru are priesthood becoming un- "▼ Indiana, on Tumi Charles W. Bean’s of they seemed to be untouched. The physicians BY TELEGRAPH. now missing. S^T^Tlic sale of Rsssrvsd Seats will take place at Jeffersonville, commencing Monday 3d. lusty company pioneers, popular. President Pardo sent one to the calla- day, September 10, 1172, at 10 o'clock A. nude Evng, Sept. Nnnfi of Au- M., 30 strong, came next followed by the Continen- were puzzled to ascertain the nature of the dis- the Dead. boose for using obsene language. Stoekbridge’s, 156 Exchange street, on Monday, the direction of Captain J- F. Rodgers, M. S. K. AT 8 O’CLOCK, U. S. a if he had and were unable to The is a list of the doad so far as gust 26th, at U A. If. Army, large quantity of now. unservlceauble tals, Major Melcher commanding, the Artillery, ease, any, pre- following The Indians made a raid upon the whites MATTERS IN MAINE. identified:—Mrs. W. E. wife of Mr. and damaged Clothing, Canq> and Garrison Equip- scribe for and so that creature Sheridan, near the city of Rasairo, Chili, killing Doors opeu at 7J, Curtain rises at 8 P. M. in JlllflC B1 PORTLAND BAKU. aline company of boys under the direction of hint; singular Sheridan of tho Globe A. twenty age, consisting part of Theatre, Boston; persons and carrying off many whole families. 21-did U. C. the Iron Zouaves died and never divulged the secret of his life. August 11,646 Uniform Coats; Galleries reserved for Ladies. Hayes, esq., of Ligonia, Hcmeuway, piano maker, Boston; Mrs. Marv Those who knew him best he was not id- Mrs. G. W. 4,767 Trowers, foot; and an improvised club of colored men; in all say [Special to Press.] Wilson, Williamsburg; Howard, 1,305 Laura East James Trowers, tnouulcd; about 400 torches. The Portland Band furnish- iotic, but were unable to determine whether he Meeting at Centre Fryeburg—Mnn Meet- Rome; Brasher, Boston; FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Portland & Ogdeusburg R. R 2,724 Shirts, flannel; Attention llarberger, Newark; P. H. Field, Geneva; 13.235 Jackets, Artillery! was insane or was the of a remarkable cavalry; ed the principal music, though there was a deaf- subject ing Wednesday-Nomination—Mother Henry Cross, Providence; James McMurchie, 7,589 Jackets, artilery: The members of the Republican Artillery are noti- of Sack ening drums. perversity disposition. Chicken. do; C. H. Bliss, do; two children of Mrs. Gar- 18,755 Coats, lined; fied 3 room at rat-a-patof Cary’s Farrign Exporn. EXCURSION. to meet this evening at Ward ward 7J J. S. two children of 31,619 Sack Coats, utiliiied; the to march to rard, do; Eaton, Boston; HALL’S o’clock to consult with reference to Leaving procession Saccarap- The State the re- 31.—Gov. Perham made a HARBOR, NS. Schr Day Star—10 bbls 49,684 pairs Boots and Bootees; visiting Augusta, Fair.—We-acknowledge Fryeburg, Aug. Arthur Wierum, broker of Brooklyn, the latter 5 do meal. via pa, the train proceeded with the bulk of the flour, Bridgton and Harrison nnd Return 1,003 Forage Caps, Tuesday. A full attendance is important. of tickets of invitation to most effective and to an enthu- were in charge of C. C. Adams, who made ceipt complimentary stirring speech Fareiga Impart*. P. & O. 1C. Sebago Lake, Sougo And various other articles. Capt. Commanding. passengers. was wide awake.— cverv effort to save them but tliev died in liis R, Per Order Saccarappa the Tenth State Fair to be liolden at siastic audience at Centre this af ter- WESTPORT NS. Sell Hibernia—660 Th“ terms of sale will be state*] In the catologues, Bangor, Fryeburg in water qtls pollack, River nnd Long Pond. house the main street was arms the from exposure. 65 do codfish to Geo. Trefetheu. which can be obtained at this office. Nearly every along noon. music was furnished the Sept. 17th to 20th inclusive. The arrange- Excellent by Prize By order of the Quartermaster General. Municipal Court. brilliantly illuminated. It is said that some Fighter*. On and after Monday, July 22, 1872, and until fur- menis tor tuis exmmuon are now com- Band. C. II. HOYT, iuny Fryeburg A of men were ther notice, the steamer “SEBAGO” will leave JUDGE MORRIS PRESIDING. men vied with their delegation sporting in Albany Boston §tock l.iat. and Greeley Republican friends and Sebago Lake on arrival of trains ag8-deodl5t Captain Depot Quartermaster. pleted, and everything promises a large and Next Wednesday Congressmen Dawes yesterday on their way to Canada to see Ed- station, morning SATURDVY.—Jolim Mulloy. Single sale. Fined in burning candles, that [Sales at the Broker’s Board, Aug. 31] trom Portland and North Conway, for Naples, Bridg- evidently conceding successful fair. citizens have taken will at wards and Chambers light. It is probable that $30. Appealed. | Bangor Frye speak Fryeburg. Eastern ton and Hariison. the inevitable election of Grant is a thing to be Mace and O’Baldwin will meet in the same Railroad.108$ hold of the in a liberal ami John a staunch unan- Returning, will leave Harrison at 2.00 i\ m. con- Registered Municipal Fox. Cleaves. enterprise manner, Locke, Republican,was with Edwards and Chambers for Sales at Auction. thankful for. There was a profuse display of ring and fight necting with afternood trains for Portland and North are determined to make the occasion an honor imously nominated as candidate for Rcpresen- in Hill Gov. Hawley in Fluent Hall Tlii* liven- the stakes Arey’s hands. Manufacturing Company.145$ Conway. tire works in town, so much so that we thought ii'/i flwi T.orricluturn fjiia oflnrniiiili York to Eastern Maine. The Society offer $0000 in Paper Collar Patent*. Manufacturing Company.1860 Fare from Portland to Harrison and Re- BONDS. ing. the were to out-do the Bate* Manufacturing Company.107 Saccarappa people trying one the lib- turn, 82 OO. premiums, well and judiciously divided among Only hundred and fifty attended The of Walter Hunt being the origin- Franklin City and County Bonds registered un- We that to some misunder- Portland of patent Comi>any, Lewiston.118J regret owing display Tuesday night. The sqnare on And at rates from all stations on MISSOURIder the laws passed at last session of the the several branches of our no one eral mass addressed here by al patent paper collars and cuffs and bos- Eastern Railroad .108$ corresponding Legis- industries, meeting to-day line of P. & O. R. U. latuer. Semi-annual Interest and as the in front of the was crowded with and the of Andrew A. Evans for Boston A Maine Railroad.137 Coupons i'riusipal standing to the engagement of City Hall, platform peo- overlooked. The for horses Gen. of Oiho oms, patent This offers to the seeker the for State being purses trotting Cary, reversible have been sustained arrangement pleasure provided by taxation, and paid by the ple, the sidewalks jammed full, the cuffs, by .Judge finest inland excursion in New Eugland, abounding State Treasurer iu New York. There is no Gov. J. R. of must indeed, peo- are well and the of the [To the Associated Press.] New York Slock and exi*nse Hawley Connecticut, speak arranged, programme Blatcbford of the United States Circuit Court. .Tlosiey market. iu ana varied and a de- for and no tax swarmed all over the town. beautiful scenery, affording collecting deduction. Present indebt- ple literally four Waldo Zebrns. sail of miles most inter- edness small in Flnent Hall this evening. The citizens of days’ fair gives abundance of attraction in Legal Ku-Kluxiag i« Sooth Carolina. N»w York, Aug. 31—Morning.—Gold at 112*.— lightful sixty-eight through is and therefor* easily paid and must re- The at the stand was called to order lake and river The main so under meeting this conventions of Money at 4 per **ut. Sterling at loti @ esting navigation. passage the registration laws of the Stale. particular. The work of fitting up the Belfast, Aug 81.—Separate A Columbus, S. C., special says that Bill Lu- Exchange the devious channel of tlis famous Bonds Portland are anxious to hear this distinguished by George W. Hammond, of Cumberland 109$. through Sougo, recommended for safety as well a* profitable- esq., Fair Grounds is the and Liberal of cas and Ned Harris (colored) were yes- tourists for its will alone ness, tsu cent nearly completed. 221 cattle Democratic] Republicans hanged Stocks easier. State Stocks easy. among Jcbarming novelty, hearing per internet, and selling at soldier and statesman upon the issues of the Mills, and Hon. Thomas B. Reed introduced, terday, for the murder of John and repay the visitor for time and money spent on the rates that give of a In stalls and 210 horse with accom- Waldo were held here to-day and fully Simpson The are tht of Southern secur- prospect profitable advance stalls, ample comity to following quotations This is a who was received with Mr. Reed Pat Murphy. Owing the ropes being im- ities: trip. prices. good opportunity to convert Gov- applause. Committees of conference were modations for sheep, swine, poultry and agri- attended. ap- the had horrible Ample time for dinner at Bridgton or Harrison. ernment Bonds into those more remunerative. Or- day. __ _ properly adjusted, culprits Tennessee 6’s, new. proceeded to speak of the pending contest as 73$ Excursion train leaves Port land at 7 30 a. x, ar- ders and attended t*>. cultural have been The aud the following nominations were lasting ten minute*, in ef- 6’s, new. 81 inquiries promptly Brief Jotting*. implements, provided. pointed struggles, desperate Virginia riving baak at 7.10 p. m. the most important that ever took place in this forts to free themselves. Missouri#**. 93 CHARLES FI. other of Fair Grounds are unanimously adopted by both bodies: For Sen- Excursion train leaves North Conway at 6.05 A. x. HABKKS, Wc understand that the Haydn Association appointments ,the North Carolina new. He stated the issues 6’s, 21$ back at 8.05 1*. M. rach22 dtf *JS Exdiniigr at*. Cortland country. briefly involved, most J. N. Harnioo of Thorndike and Daniel arriving will out the oratorio cf the Messiah complete. The ia-door exhibition will ators, South Caroliua 6*s, new. 25$ J. bring showing that it was the HAMILTON, Supt. essentially prolonga- be in O. Goodell of of The were the and time the held Norombcga and City Halls, and the Searsport; Judge Probate, Another Horror. following quotacions of Government P. & O. R. R. Flags Transpnranccs, some during holidays. tion of the contests of 1864 and 1868. To fail Steamship securities: Williamson of of Portland, July 10, 1872. Jy30tf every lett. r.l at Association will meet at Wigwam—one entrance fee admitting to all. Joseph Belfast; Register United States d.tcripUon, The Haydn to-night of success would lie to lose all that had been coupon 6’s, 1881.116$ OF OSGOOD'S. Most of A. Fletcher of United States 5-20’a Council Fluent the railroads and steamboat lines in Probate, Augustus Nortb'port; 1862.114$ au28eod3t 12 Market the Common room,having given in those. Amid the of rockets United States 5-20’s Square. F.rtlanu. gained shooting the animals and Register of Deeds, John P. Ames of Belfast; THE STEAMSHIP BIENVILLE 1864.114$ State, carry articles for exhibi- United 1-20’s 1872 Excursions 1872. Hall to the Republicans. and the inconvenience of the fresh wind, Mr. States 1865, old. 114$ tion and at half fare. Entries County Commissioner, Russell A. Treat of BURNED AT SEA. United States 5-20’s n*w. Dissolution oi' The contractors at the General in- free, passengers 1665, 113$ Copartnership. Hospital Reed with and gave to su- United St at*s 5-20’s 1867. 113* spoke difficulty, way and all letters of should bo addressed to of Frankfort; Sheriff, Joseph Sanborn, Jr., of copartnership heretofore existing under the form us that there was only 500 feet #f lumber inquiry United States 5-20’s Arm name of Duran & Johnson is this dis- perior force when the Republican gun in the Belfast: 1?S8..113$ THE STEAMER THE day I). M. County Treasurer, Horatio H. Carter United States 5’s, new.111$ sovod by mutual consent. in the dry house which was burned on 'Friday, to and the music of Dunham,'Assistant Secretary, Bangor. square began speak the of Belfast. Thirty-four Persons Drowned. United States 10-40’s., *oupoa... ► ...... ill* The affairs of the late Arm will be nettled by either re- and that the los* did not exceed $25. Our hand broke Currency 6’s.. .. .112$ I>artuer, at the old stand. in. The procession then marched Hotel Akkivals.—There were 30 guests Krpublienn NoiiainnlioiiM. had his information that there was a The following were the quotations orStocks: J. R. DURAN. porter up the street and when it came in front of the from abroad at the Preble House on Charles Saturday 31.—The Western Union Telegraph C*. 72* Houghton, T. II. JOHNSON. much from one of the foremen. Bangor, Aug. Republicans to-niglit Aug. 30, via Kew West, Aug. 31.— larger quantity stand the new banner was run out and floated and them C. E. and J. Havana, Pacific Mail.744 Portland, July 29th. 1872. Sunday; among Ilsley in caucus nominated as candidates for Jefferson arrived here this morn- There was a seizure of at the Adams Repre- Capt. Maury N. Y. Central and Hudson River consolidated.... 99$ HIVING BEEN THOROUGHLY FITTED liquors out superbly in the fresh breeze. Cheer upon O. Frost and C. W. St. Geo. from N. P. He that the Hubbard, Louis; sentatives to the Tlios. N. ing Nassau, reports Erie. Having transferred our interest in business ot House also one in the legislature, Egery, 48* the Saturday afternoon; cheer the and the whole R. H. Bienville, which ho commanded, Erie THE and greeted flag, square Blagdcn, London, Eng.; Wallace and Silas C. Hatch aud A. Wood. steamship preferred. 70$ ^OB manufacturing selling and in the after- Henry from New York for was burned at morning at the Boston boat; ablaze with the four huudred torches, and the Mich. Aspinwall, Harlem.117* wife, Detroit, 8sit Accident. sea on the 15th inst. of the Michigan noon the same was at the west Thirty-four pas- Central.!15$ Trunks, Valises, Traveling1 Bags, etc., process repeated houses and stores a Lake Shor* & brilliantly lighted presented At the Falmouth Hotel there were 02 arriv- seugers and crew are yet unaccounted for, al- Michigan Southern. 90$ Excursion Season, end of Bangor, Sept 1.—This afternoon as Harry Illinois Central. 132 AT Vaughan’s bridge. scene which we are told the goodly never Stewart L. Woodford and though some may have been picked up by a village als, including neph- Chicago A North Wssteru. Will take to desired Hon. E. B. French, Second Auditor of the Hunt and J. Jenksof Boston, L. W. Chapman passing vessel. The Bienville left New York 74$ parties any point at reasonable before witnessed. ew, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Henry L. Dawes, Pitts- Chicago A Northwestern preferred. 90 rates, inquire of of Dover, N. H., John Edward Fan- on the 10th of for and when A Rock No. 171 Middle Treasury Department, is spending his vacation Mr. Thomas, August Aspinwall Chicago Island.110* Street, Coinpartive quiet being again restored, field, Mass.; S. P. Dinsmorc and George O. in lat. 25 Ion. 74 at 3.45 A. on the A Fort in Maine. ning and Timothy Lynes of this city,were fish- 12, 15, M., Pittsburg Wayne. 96$ TO Reed continued his a was speech few moments. Glaris, New York; E. R. Blackwell, Philadel- 15th fire discovered among the cargo. The were th* for on Pusliaw Pond a flaw of wind following quotations Pacitie Rail- & CO. There were 27 intentions of marriage record- ing capsized Steam and water were turned on road HARRIS, ATWOOD Hon. John A. Peters was next introduced. He phia; Noah Brooks, N. Y. Tribu ne; J. S. Oliver immediately securities: MESSRS. J. ed with the Clerk in There were their boat and Lynes was drowned. He was by steam fies, which after a few revolutions Central Pacific R. DURAN & CO., City August. over half an hour in his own inimitable and Mr. and Mrs. John pi bonds.101$ June 20, 1872. spoke wife, Champaign, III.; broke down and could not be worked. Union Pacific do. Je2* 70 deaths the mouth. about 23 years old. His body has not been re- Capt. *8$ Wc would command them to past style, rounds of cheers about once a L. N. Thos. S. Otta- Union Pacific stock. 35* cheerfully our custom- eliciting Blake, Orange, J.; Scott, Maury then ordered the batches battened, hop- ami solicit for them a A of the First Parish Society covered. Union Pacific land grants.80# ers, continuance of the liberal parish meeting minute. Ho of the enthusiasm of the wa. to smother the and at the same heretofore extended to spoke New Catholic Church. ing thereby fire, Union Pacifi* income bonds. 87 Excursions to Wolf boro patronage us. will on 9th. The time fire were used between decks be held Monday, September occasion as a better than he could extinguishers Jy»l-aod2w-la DURAN <& JOHNSON. being speech B. B. Killikelling, Cambridge, Mass.; Frank New York, Aug. 31.—Gold dull and firm at will continue closed for the The corner stone of a new Catholic church and steam kept on. The file gained, however, 112* AND church present. make because it was the of all. He P @ 112$, sustained the short interest. Stocks al- speech Thayer and John P. Thayer, Rochester, N. and at fi o’clock the an by Rpal Estate for Salt* in Yarmouth. Marietta Ravel is with Flora is to be laid here next Sunday with appropriate rapidly captain, fearing most neglected; Erie 48* g 49$. Pacific Mail 75$ @ coming Myer’s next reviewed the character of Mr. James G. John H. Hil- from stored in the hold if rilHE 2 homestead Greeley, Y.; Butler, Providence; services Bacon of Portland. explosion powder 74$. The bank statement shows a decrease in loans story house, and lot. containing theatre lltli. by Bishop remained in the ordered do Centre Harbor. A acre or land, of late of Yar- September his character the are at the St. Jul- they ship any longer, of3, $616,200; specie, $1,804,700; do legal 14 Philip Torrcy, comparing vacillating during ton, Springfield, O., stopping tenders, will lie The old board of directors of the Portland Two Prize Fight* nt Carapobello. the six boats launched and the passengers and #1,502,300; do deposits, $7,413,100; circulation in- mouth, deceased, sold at a low price ifapr.li.il war with the persistent quiet services of Gen. ian. crease ▼ i— for soon. Said estate is situated ar the Falls crew began to embark. At half-past 7 Capt. $103,300. All markets dull and unchanged. Village, Glass Works have been re-elected. Eastport, 30.—A took on the main street near the Pont office and Grant. He proceeded to notice the nomination Otis Allen, Springvale; C. S. Furlong and Aug prize fight place Maury was forced to leave the ship, being the Academy, of Portland and Rochester Railroad and ship yards, and is one of the most pleasantly situated Gen. S. F. Cary of Ohio, ?he “champion” a at for five hundred dollars a last one on board. One of the boats of Mr. Greeley at Cincinnati by free trade Charles Crosby, Boston; D. JMellen, Rochester, Campobello, side, capsized Domestic iflnrkciM. locations iu the country. Enquire of the who never earned a dollar by about half a mile from after leaving the ship and from seven to ten of Alton CHARLES HUMPHREY. workingmen, convention by fraud and by the Democrats, in N. Y.; Charles Concord, N. H.; M. Wal- Witclipool, opposite New York, 31—2 P. M.—Ashes at 8 25 Bay. West, the two were Aug quiet Yarmouth, 1872. manual is advertised to address his fel- Several boats left here this inmates, including women, for pots. Cot ton in good demand and Aug. 26th, nti28-c*wl&wltn* labor, pursuance of a bargain made in New York las* Great Falls N. Bos- Eastport. morning drowned. $c higher; lace, H.; Phillip Brady, market closing firm; sales 1141 bales at 22c for Mid- at Hall which at three o’clock for and found there FARE REDUCED! low-workingmen City to-night, fall between Mr. Greeley and leading Demo- ton M. White and St. N. E. Witohpool, The capsized boat was and bailed out dling uplauds. 72185809 Flour Musical ;G. lady, John, B.; righted Flour—receipts bbls; Two People Everywhere means the of Mr. a and readied Cat Island in less active but sales Excursions a week, supporters Greeley. crats. He said it was a nomination that no- G. N. large party of sporting men from Portland, safety. The other firm; 11,000 bbls at 5 57 (jg 6 30 commencing Pliinney, Wilmot, J.; Joseph Reed, Saco; for Western and 6 80 00 Are invited to our new Mr. the mail- St. Providence and other boats, except one, reached Eleuthera Island, a su|>erfine State; @ 7 for com- examine tolleclion of Church Early Saturday morning Buck, wanted a few Eben S. M. Boston, John, places, mon to extra Western and Wednesday, August 11 III, 1872. body except Tammany Republi- Ross, Lynn; Hayes, Clinton, Mass.; distance of 150 miles from the scene of the dis- good State; 7 05 @ 7 85 for Music, entitled to carrier, found a little sick boy insensible on Ex- a who had come over from the good choice do; 7 85 @ 9 #0 for common to choice cans and Democrats in New York, and set of William Day, New York; are at City Hotel. Eastport during aster. The missing boat has not been heard Until further notice a White Wheat extra; 6 95 @ 9 10 for common to good change street. He ascertained his residence in the South. He next stat- night Among them was Sol Aaron, brother but it is was picked a conspirators tersely from, supposed up by extra Ohio: 7 15 @ 10 25 for common to choice St. THE Home fob Young who as an was adrift Train STANDARD. and took him home. ed the record of Gen. Grant’s ml ministration— Women.—The ladies of Barney, Shepard Brown of St. John, and passing vessel, empty boat Louis; market closing steady. Southern flour quiet Special Passenger have interested themselves in the establish- near Eleuthera Island with a life preserver in and steady; sales 750 bbls at 7 25 @ 9 50 for common Will leave Rochester for The following gentlemen, wall known iu musical cir- The concert of the and secure re- others. Portland WKDItKK opening Army Navy its efforts to the 15th amendment—to One at to fair 9 55 12 00 for to choice contribute Sentences or Anthems to it. of the boats, in attempting to land extra; @ good do. Rye RAYS and SATURDAYS at 4:45 p ns., 01 cles, Tunes, its Union will take Nov. 14th. Mrs. Lillie ment of a “Home for Women’’ in Port- The was formed at five when Flour firm sales 476 bbls. at 4 20 5 place duce the national debt and taxation—to punish Young ring half-past Eleuthera Island, was capsized and nine ware ; @ 05. Corn Meal on arrival of train from Alton pages. sales 225 bbls at Bay. Mrs. C. A. Mr. M. W. Whit- land, say the plan is to a comfortable about one hundred had around the Mrs. Brander and her three quiet. Whiskey firmer; 93$ @ 93$c This arrangement will enable passengers H K Oliver, L H Southard, C P Moulton, Barry, thieves—its Indian policy—;ts successful treaty provide gathered drowned, including of Wheat leaving Morrison, children. At 1.30 P. M. the Bienville Grain—receipts 37,051 bush; Spring Wheat Portland by the 7:li a. m. train to make the trip L W Wheeler, Ns titan Barker. M Slaton, the celebrated and Mr. Kotzsclimar and house, for any and all The at seven o’clock. The exploded less active and lc and in ney, basso, with England, the it had given in the cheap boarding ring. fight began higher moderate export de- across the entire length of tbs beautiful T H Tanner. A C Gutterseii, G M quiet and immediately sunk. When the fire was Winter and Mosros, will take young women of good character, dependent on were of mand; quiet irregular; we quote sales J II Tenney F C Cushman, L W Ballard, part. South and the prosperity its even hand had giv- principals Kelley Haverhill, Mass., first discovered it was to l>e in the at 1 56 1 60 for No 2 in supposed @ Spring store, 1 61 @ 1 62 S F Merrill, W P Dale, Otto Steamer New from St. due here their own resources, who come for employ- and of Providence. seconds where a was for No 1 do. 1 56 63 for Winter Lake Lobb, York, John, en the country, its generous of amnesty, Timony Kelley’s forehold, large quantity of powder @1 Red Western,1 65 Winnipesaukee Dr. M. J. S. Martiu. policy 1 72 for Amber Western and 1 Muugcr, Wesley was about suited to women as such. In this Home but it to be between decks over ® 73 @ 2 00 for White early ou Saturday morning, detained He did not sense of ment, were Jim and John Walker. stored, proved In the new and The E«litor» are etc., etc. believe the sober McKay Timouy’s do ; sales 44,000 bush at l 61 for No 2 aud elegant will find friends to them the boilers and among the cargo. The passen- Chicago twelve hours by the storm of Friday. the would Horace strangers ready give seconds were Pat Shepard and James Galla- North Western Sprint; afloat. 158 @ 1 60 for new Win- STEADIER Vj. O. of Uoilou. country put Greeley in. gers and crew lost all their baggage and saved FIT. WASHINGTON. E.MI'RMti.Y, information in to advice ter Rod Western, 1 60 @ 1 62$ for new Amber Wes- K. Regular services were resumed at the Con- Grant’s it would down and regard employment, gher. The fight lasted about half an hour. the clothe* had on. H. PALMER, offhLngs, place—that trample nothing except they Capt. tern. Rye «miet and firm; sales 4500 bush; old State stopping at Wolf boro and Centre Harbor, get a good in cases of introduction to Christian Ten rounds that the of Nassau treat- of whose gress Square Universalist church yesterday. the man who more than other had difficulty, were fought. Maury reports 85c in store. Barley dull. Barley Mlat unchanged; dinner on board the boat, and raturn same ar- former publication 1,500,900 copits have been disgrace any people day, sold. and of influences a ed the shipwrecked and ministered to Corn—receipts 228,550 bush : Corn a shade firmer riving in Portland at 7:15 p.m. Excursion Tickets A Pullman car is hereafter to be run on the saved its and it renown anti 'society places worship, ,iu First and second rounds Kelley went down; kindly integrity given their wants. Vice Consul Saunders has cared aud in fair request; sales 216,000 bush will be sold good for three days, for the accommoda- favorable to their suc- at62(^'C3$c While to the wants of Eastern road trains which arrive here at 5 Had been word, happiness and first blood for first knock down for for steamer Western #3 for sail 64 tion of those who wish to at the fol- designed supply •httrusfheirs. fame abroad. Horace Greeley Presi- Timony; for the. seamen. Anna Brown, one of the res- mixed; @ 74$ ; @ may stop over, Schools and IW" Singing Conventions. Its of cess. 65c for Yellow do; 66 @ 70 for White do. Oats—re- 1115 [>* IUUf* largs supply o’clock p. m. dent in the Union would have been sun- Kelley on third round. cued, became insane and was left at Eleuthera new Sentences, Motets and render an 1861, ceipts 68,625 bush; Oats a shade firmer; sales 49,- Portland to Alton Bay anil return $3.00 Anthems, |it It is a if well Island because she could not be found when the excellent The body of Augustus Williams, one of the dered; had lie been President in 1864, he would project conducted may work Fourth round Timony drew blood again. On 000 bush at 44$(gJ 44$c for Western in store and Portland to Wolf boro orCentre Harboror much and party left Nassau. The steamer Anna and afloat; 45 @ 49c for Ohio. quiet and In buvers return,.3.30 Book for Quartette C hoir*. liackmen who was drowned Friday was recov- have He good relieve parents and friends of the tenth round hit Timony a straight Eggs compromised by paying $400,000,000. Kelley schooner Dandy were despatched the Amer- favor; 35 @ 42c for new; 24 25c for 25 rffi WM. H. much and tlicir by Western; TURNER, Superintendent. Price Per Doz.. $13.50. For ered Saturday, and an inquest will be held this could not think the wanted this anxiety, daughters coming to counter blow on the eye and a crosa counter on ican consul to search for the boat. Out 26c for State and Pennsylvania; 26c for Jersey. Coal Portland, Aug. 13, 1872 istf $1,50; 1.25, specimen people change. missing copies will for the to the from quiet at 3 75 @ 5 00 for Anthracite per be^maiicd, present/post-paid, morning. to the enthusiasm of the city, much annoyance and many mor- the jugular and knocked him out of time.— of 127 passengers on board the Bieuville thirty- cargo. Hay address. Alluding occasion, unchanged at 11 00 (§J 11 50 for shipping and 13 50 any the al not to mention the exorbitant four are unaccounted for, including nine lost at Rev. Mr. Ridgaway, formerly pastor of Mr. Peters said: the woods are full of dangers, When time was called Timony was senseless. 17 50 for retail lots. Hops 1871 at 15 “Yes, Eleuthera. The bodies of six were re- steady; quoted E. often made those who furnish such persons (a} 35c; 1870 at 10 @ 15c: 1869 at 10@ 20c; 1868 at 10 We also commend our new Mnarkliug Kubira, society, preached at the Chestnut Street M. and is full of the woods that charges liy Immediately alter the first there was anoth- and at James Point. The them, Saccarappa covered buried £ 15c. Leather quiet and unchanged; Hemlock sole, Hamburg Edges, (35 cts) for Sabbath schools, Pilgrim's Harp, (60 Church The house was crowded a home. er for a of between schoauer William McGee took of the Bueuos and Rio cts) for Vesrties, and Hour of yesterday. are full of them.” When Mr. Peters oonclud- temporary flight purse money, Baker thirty-four Ayres Grande light middle and heavy Ringing. ($1,0$) for Schools. with hearers. In the afternoon lie of and James of Portland. survivors on the 24th for Baltimore. A sub- weights at 27 @ 29c: Cal. and Orinoco 26 @ 27c. Wool High preached ded three times three were given for the flag, Bangor Hayes and at The Episcopal Convention —The scription was started in Nassau for the aid of unchanged; pulled quotod 52$^70c; Texas Hamburg Insertions. OLIVER D1TSON from WiUsin .. ..,1 c^alrnr TW*. fifty- There was some 3s CO., Boston. Acts 4:13. ono round lasting fiftaen min- the sufferors. 45 @ 48c; California 26 (a* 38c. Coffee quiet; sales 800 Rio at 15 C. H. DITSON & York'. a third annual convention of the Protestant bago @ 18c in Gold. Sugar firm; fair to CO., New On Saturday John Deelian, teamster, living land Hand added much to the pleasure of the utes, Baker badly punishing his opponent. Although twenty-two embraces the names of church for the diocese of Maine will good refining quoted at 8$ @9ic: sales of 800 boxes 31d«£w2w dW«&S w34 t« on York was taken with a fit on Com- Episcopal was no disturbance and all those who were found dead, a dispatch says AUGUST 24th, 1872. _aug street, occasion by its appropriate music. Soon after There the wlmlo thing Havan at 8 (g 8$c. Molasses (lull and firm. Rice la bo held at St. Luke’s Cathedral on that it must be remembered that a great many firm at Petroleum firm at To the mercial street and fell from his jigger. His Mr. Peters his the Tuesday was carrried on in an manner. The 8$ @ 9$c. 11c for crude We open this day County Commissioners for the concluded speech torchlight orderly were rescued in a condition and that and for refined. and of the week. The dying 23$c Provisions—Pork firmer; sales County of June Term head was cut the and he was Wednesday present 1 llv. 1 nibll WICil IUI1UTIC13 iCll U'CIU Cumberland, badly by horse, organizations were reformed and proceeded to Jl Jlrt lUUilJ scores Have mea aim are dying rroin results convention will commence to-morrow 13 6000 IST'J. insensible for of an hour. morning in tlie steamer for Bsston. This from prime do; 00 for old j also 1000 bbls mess for Oct. YARDS upwards the which was filled and on its prize light exposure. 14 20. train, quickly at with Beef quiet: sales 100 bbls at 5 OO (S! 7 00 ex- Respectfully represent the undersigned inhabitants Yacht W. B. Col. Jos. Holbrook, ar- half-past eight o’clock, morning prayer. was a new sensation for but the uni- 8 00 10 00 for extra of the town of Ford, way back. Eastport, Am plain mess; @ do. Beef hams Freejsirt in said County, that on the At 11 will deliver his an- IuTrAtignllou Ordered. rived on on her return o’clock, Bishop Neely steady 2200 @ 34 00. Tierce Beef dull at 12 00 a) eighteenth of March 1871, they presented u here Saturday morning, How were there? That versally expressed opinion was that they didn’t day peti- many imaginative nual Washington. Aug. 31.—The acting Secre- 15 00 for prime mess; 17 00® 19 00 for India do. Cut tion to the Selectmen, to tcit, the of to Boston to M t. Desert. She was address, after which the Holy Communion HAMBURG EDGES Municipal officers voyage caught who Mr. in his care to see another one. of the has to the gov- meats firm at 11 @ 14c for hams, 7c for reporter accompanied Greeley will be celebrated. will be said tary Treasury telegraphed shoulders; in t.liA fttnrm Fri 94c for kettle ren- called, In Durham, thence nearly opposite of Jot ham Wood Island. by Bishop Fredericton, aster to the steamer Metis. wicked trampling dered; also 1000 tierces for Sept at 94c; 250 tes do 12 37 Johnson's dwelling houss, and running westerly Greeleyites remorselessly The services on will he at the usual I-2c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c, 1.2c, services were resumed at Wednesday 9 3-16; 500 tes buyer do at 94c. Butter quiet at 10 land of widow Chase, and laud of Levi Cates Religious yesterday cliildrcu and women under Fifteen Hen Murdered or Wounded, and @ through screaming shrieking K.30 in the and 5 in the after- 15c for Western; 20 @ 20 for State. Cheese at 42c, SOc, etc., etc. to the dwelling houses of said Levi Cates and Sewall the Park street Unitarian church. hours, morning, 12'r E O It L. O Cl IC AI,. quiet foot. Hut not that of 12® 144 tor common to prime. Nasal This Is the of ever Heed, both in said town of Fr that said Mu- having power magnify- noon. Stores—Spirits largest line these goods ofl'urcd at eport; The time between these hours will lie Fifteen Missing, at 51 Rosin officers did and refus** saw SYNOPSIS OF WRATH Bit REPORTS FOR TnE FAST Turpentine steady @ 514c. sternly at 4 20 retail in nicipal unreasonably neglect ing we the judgment of those who for this city, aud as to prices wo can anti do sell match between the accept with the business sessions of the con- TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. strained. Tallow quiet; sales 150,000 lbs' at 81® to lay out said town way as prayed for In said petition Regatta.—The rowing occupied them low the cr iwd, and they set the number at 5,000, 9f. as as any wholesale or retail house in tlio from that day hitherto.’ boats of the U. S. steamer Powhatan, which vention. There will probably be a full atten- War Dkp’t, Office Chief Siexal) Enthusias- Freights to Liverpool firm; per sail, Corn, 84; per city. An examination of our goods will convince Wherefore’your petitioners pray ysur Honor’s to which is doubtless a fair estimate. Topf.ka,Ivan., Aug. 81.—The Commonwealth Officer, D. C., > out said town for In was on account of the storm of Fri- dance of the and an and Washington, steam, Grain 9 @ 9}. lay way as prayer! said petition. postponed clergy, interesting lias the Indian news from you of the fact. tic individuals saw seven or eight thousand. following startling Sept. 1. (7.00 1\ If.) 1 Signed by LVEI A. CATES on afternoon. It was session is looked for. Colei ado: Chicago, Aug 31.—Cattle—receipts 1747 head; the day, took place Saturday profitable market is and 8 others. Whatever the number was, we arc informed Northerly to westerly winds aud clear weath- active and strong; prime to choice steers as an enter- E. If. of Fort arrived in this devised the officers of the ship Stanley Larued, es will on over the New wore selling at 6 40 6 6 00 6 Texas by who prevail Monday Kng- @ 65; good @ 25; at STATE OF that it was double the size of the crowd Lost at Lizzie of St. city last from Colerado. He 3 00 3 butchers stock 4 00 Our aud MAINE. tainment for some of their friends in the city, Sica.—Brig True, John, evening Denver, land and Middlo States; northerly and westerly @ 50; @ 4 70r shipments 2.- Hosiery Glove Sale still that on last a 070 head. ss. went to see Mr. Banks. Jn point of enthus- sailed from Turks’ 16th of reports Monday government team winds with clear weather for the Soothern Cumberland, a of ladies and were Island, Febuary the and quite party gentlemen consisting of six mule wagons loaded with Hogs—receipts 7433 head; market, firm and higher At Court of County Commissioners, be- the was States east of the Mississippi; generally clear Continues at anil The race was iasm, Republican meeting twenty last, for the States. She lias never been heard for Fort at470 @ 5 15 for common to extra; 8814 Extremely guti holden at Portland, within and for the on boaid the ship at the time. army supplies Lyon, was proceeding weather from the Ohio to Lake Erie shipments times as as the Democratic Valley head. County of Cumberland, on the first «.r and four great meeting. from since. Hope has tardily yielded to de- along Dry Creek, between Carson and ; Tuesday June, open to any of the boats of the ship, City ani the upper lakes, with southerly to westerly Sheep—receipts 539 head; market quiet aud steady Low Anuo Domini, lb72, to wit, at an adjournment there- It was in every respect a success, Fort Lyon, under command of Steve Prices. oars gratifying spair. On board this as chief was Bryon, to winds and at 4 50 5 25. of on the 20th day of August, Anno Domini, 1872. entered: the second and third cutters, 12 brig, mate, and winds; easterly southerly partial- @ the held there for wagoo master, while in Valley Creek the weather for the north-west. On the foregoing Petition it and being largest meeting years. Emery T. 50 years. He ly cloudy Chicago. Aug. 31.—Flour in good demand for being satisfactorily under command of Masters Eliding Dyer, aged belonged train was mired in sand. While thus detained ship- shown to the Court, that tho Petitioners are each, was a to those who went ping, but offerings are light; extra new 5 95 res|*nn- It certainly surprise to His rel- a band of 200 Spring @ COYELL & COMPANY. sible and that a is Day, the barge, 14 oars,under Ensign Delahay Cape Elizabeth, (Ferry Village.) Arrapahoe warriors, under com- 6 25; White Winter7 00 @ 8 00. Wheat in fslrdemand hearing expedient, It is hereby the of an or- mand of their ag24eodtf ORDERED, That the there with expectation attending atives have alive a that in some chief Little Baven, made an at- hut lower rates; No 1 at 1 22® No 2 do County Commissioners will and the C the coxswain. kept hope way Spring 25; meet at the House of captain’s gig, oars,with tack which in and Foreign closed at 1 18* 1 seller No 3 Dwelling Levi Cates, on Thurs- meeting. news equals outrage ferocity any- cash; 174 Sept; do at 1 10. two and a dinary political would he had of the crew. But more day, October 10th, 1872, at It)o’clock, A. M„ and that The course was from the stake-huoy, thing in the annals of Indian massacre. The Corn in fair demand but lower rates; No 1 Mixed at Commissioners’ Notice off there was not the Petitioners give notice to all i*r*>n* Everything passed quietly, than six months have and no voice were 384 for regularc; 39c for freshcae! ; 39c tor sell- interested, miles in the direction of Falmouth gone by, wagons burned, and all their contents 38} @ of Hem y II. Wescott, late of Portland, an attested of quarter The Selection*. er do 36c Oats by causing said Petition and this so far as we can learn, any exhibitions of row- conics that were carried off. Fifteen men be- ftpnninli Sept; 40}c Oet; rejected quiet, weak J in the of Cumtorland, repre- Order of copy total distance four and a half miles. ffom the gloom to denote that they are couldtbo INSTATE County deceased, Court thereon, to be served ujnm the Town Foroside; aud lower; Ns 2 at 26c; rejected 204«. Ryo q net and sented insolvent. longing to the train were left wounded and 1.—The latest official returns No 2 at Cleric of Freeport, and also up of wbs at dyism. and the friends settle down in the Madrid, Sept. weak; 574 @ 58c. Barley excited and priors The been by posting copies The signal given 5.50. The barge got alive, pain- dead on the field. subscribers, having apjiointed by the the same in three in and make bloody Bryan was skinned of the elections for the Cortes show that 241 higher; Fall sold at at outside public places said Town, If the of Westbrook don’t ful that see no more 68@70c; closing fig- Probate Court for said Commissioners to re- the best send-off and turned the stake at Republicans conclusion they shall them alive from bead to foot the Be- No2 Provisions County, publishing thu tame three weeks successively in the fi.8.20, by savages. radicals, 75 republicans, 14 alphonista and ‘J ures; 054. unchanged. Mess Pork ceive ami examine all claims of creditors the a all will 14 75. against Maine State Press, a nowspai*r in Portland, in in the first of good showing September 9th, sigus in this life. Some collision, or or fearful sides these victims 15 more men are conservatives and have been elected. Lard; Summer at 8}e; Winter 84c. Whiskey estate of said H. printed and came 38.02, winning prize leak, missing. dynasties the Henry Wescott, hereby give no- the first of said and each of the other t. of a tlior- are to into stoady at 90c. publications, fail, for we never so many evidences storm has them and no one waf They supposed have been carried China and tice that six months from the second day of July A. to be at least before the time of .$75. The time of the second cutter was 40.40, swept off, Japan. Lake Freights—Wheat to Buffalo 11 ® 12; to Kings- notices, thirty days awake and earnest captivity. * ]>., 1872, are allowed to creditors to present ami said at which time and place, (after it has of was ougly wide people. left to unfold the Mr. D. was much San 31 —Steamer ton 19. meeting; aud the second prize 845 given to the mystery. The train was under escort of Lt. McFarland Francisco, Aug. Alaska, prove their claims against sai l estate, except those of shown that the above netlee from bbls bush been satisfactorily h&s When the torch light organizations reached all who knew and his loss it of China and Sapan, arrived to-day. She Receipts—3,000 flour, 78,000 wheat, 332,- the Administrator, and that will meet to exam- the Commissioners will crew. The third cutter took the third respected by him, the 6th IT. S. cavalry with 100 men, but be- 006 bush bush they been duly given,)* proceed to prize— brought of tea aud 675 corn, 86,000 oats, 5,000 bush Ryo, 24,- ine the elaims of creditors at the office of M. in said the Portland and Rochester the process- nine miles in the rear at tho 21,385 packages packages Thomas view the route set forth Petition, and other a of was to depot, ing the time of 090 bush barley. 41.05; and present 813 given deplored. of silk, bound and the Giveen E*i No. 38 Exchange St., on the routes and roads connected and after £25_in the massacre, no could be afforded. overland, following pas- Shipments—3000 bbls bush Portland, therewith, such — ion was reformed and hand, protection flour, 161,000 wheat,200,- tirst of the months of which camo in in 42.28 proceeded by sengers: D. and six 000 Tuesday October and Novem- view, they will give a hearing to the parties and their the crew of the gig, Sodden Stanley was with the escort and when it Capt. Partridge Japanese bush corn, 3,000 hush bush rye, ber A. an Death.—On Sunday morning Cor- for oats,0,000 3,000 D., 1872, and January A. IX, 187J at twelve witnesses at some convenient place in tho the en- marched to making impos- Boston, and \V. P. Simcs and Everet bush vicinity the were distributed guests headquarters, reached the scene of the savages Capt. barley. o’clock noon. when ami where all and After prizes nelius Grady, a single man, aged 40, and em- slaughter Fraser, wife and child. |>crsons cor|»orat iuna inter- or so. I ing appearance. were just over a hill whirling Cixcixnati, Aug. 31.—Flour 6 75 RICHARD W. may appear and show it a social for an hour retiring beyond, unchanged @ ROBINSON, ested, cause, any they have, joyed hop as a on the Bosteu & Maine Yokohoma dates of the 7th state that the 7 06. Pork In demand and Arm WILLIAM M. tho of said ployed ledgcman their tomahawks and shouting in mad glee over light holders at SARGENT, why prayer Petition should not be trran ed Powhattan will leave this morning for a The Aoed Brotherhood.—The Broth- Kiota exhibition on New Year’s 13 75. Lard In fair demand and kettle Attest:—I). W. The Aged railroad, was found dead in his bed at Michae tlicir fiendish work. re-opens Day. Arm; held at Commissioners. FESSENDEN, Clerk. A has been with a summer 8}c. Bulk Meats are au28-law3w W of the far as it is reported. It at their annual on Saturday passport system adopted, 9c; steady; shoulders Portland, Aug. 28th, 1872. Copy Petition and Order of Court thereon. cruise cast as Eastport, erhood, meeting O’Neal’s on Sninmer where he boarded at clear rib sides at street, guaranty of $300 as a nine qua non for foreign- 04 @ 6}; 8j Q 8Jc; clear sides Attest:—D. W. FESSENDEN, Clerk. her absence orders will evening, chose the officers: Presi- 94 9 Bacon quiet and shoulders is expected that during following The men who slept in the room with him, saj I.awlessnrs* in Norlli Carolina. ers, who will not be allowed to transact busi- 9}e. wssk; at 740; 35w3w the ; clear rib sides 104; clear sides ___ he forwarded from Washington ordering dent, Robert Dresser; Vice Presidents, ward 1, ness, especially peddling, until the JOJc. Sugar cured Yew for Hats ! lie roae at half past three o’clock, filled bis pipe New York, Sept. 20.—A special to the Times Japanese Jiams firm at 17c. Live Hogs steady at 4 50 @ 5 25.— Styles Small 1'iirm Mr. Jo- Edward ward government a agrees to their anil S»or«* for Sale. vessel to some station or special duty. Waite; ward 2, Wm. Gurney; 3, from N. U. S. Mar- by treaty open Whiskey in fair dtmand at 90c. and smoked it; then went back to bed. Wher Raleigh, C., says Deputy to hare received a lot of nobby styles Turban will Wm. shal country foreigner. Visitors will l>e treated /CONTAININGUacrw, good buildings consisting a well-known coast pilot, Duran; ward 4, James Todd; ward 5, Roach and Edward Smith, while in the Tolbpo. Aug. 31.—Flour steady. Wheat in good WE for Fall 1872. Call aud sea them at of seph Edwards, they arose they found him dead in bed. Coron accordingly, but no will be offered Blocks, house, stable, store and coopers shop, about discharge of official duties, were attacked impediment demand; No 2 White Wabash 1 75; No 1 White Micli- 100 fruit east in the vessel. Henry Tricky; ward 6, N. O. Rice; ward 7, L. by to the of trees, all in gixnl flourishing condition. go cr Hall was but an wa.- alsiut 50 meu who shot arm expenditure money. SWEETSIR’S BEEACIIERV- called, thought inquest Roach through the The School ami mill near, and excellent neighbor- From the officers and crew of the G. S. Boyd. Edward Gould,S. R. Aud- line of telegraph between Nagasaki and very indication* Chase, The who was callet and heat him nearly to death. Smith was also hood, situated in Nason’s Mills Liiuington. on the unnecessary. physician a distance of 600 has been 312 Congress Strcrt. visit to Portland. itors; Secretary, John B. Treasurer, beaten. Edward a friead of Yokohoma, miles, mail stage road from Liminfon to Port and. Good Powhatan have enjoyed their Hudson; was death was the reault oi eruelly Wilson, uncertain whether established, aud when the new instruments are aug27-eo<12w title All will be sold at a a Elisha Roach, was shot in the bowels and given. bargain. their here has created lit- Trowbridge. Treasurer’s report.—Pres- fatally received -— or Certainly presence of the brain or heart disease. communication with ...... — improved demand; Enquire of J. L. DAVIS. Eagle, An- of congestion Gradj wounded. Commissioner Cox says he is unable High Mixed 45 @ 454; Sept. low Mixed at Bonny tle flutter of excitement the ladies; and ent number members, 209; admitted last will be made. buyer 47c; drew J. Davis, cor. of Madison ana Anderson streets, among had no friends in hut a sister reside! to execute the and calls on the U S. Mar- 444 @441; \ ellow White no BURKETT’S last Portland, laws, The trouble with Corea is 4«4c; 48c; grade 434c; COCOAIKE, Portland. au29wt/33 tbe of between year, 20; died yoar, 15: paid to the shal Japanese rapidly damaged 38c, Oats No 1 at exchange courtesies theshipand sick, in for assistance. unchanged; 31c; reject- in Boston. becoming critical, and China has declared that ed 24c, Universally acknowledged the on shore and #47.39; deposited Savings Bank, $154.00; in Found. people has been frequent in the eveut of war will side with Corea. Buffalo she Freights—to 5J@6c; to Oswego* 101® 11c; hands of the Treasurer, funds In The Best and into the enclosure of tho subscriber, Aug. pleasant for both parties. $1.90; bank, The Pioneers.—We understand that tliii Fatal Railroad Collision. Foreigners are eager to aid Japan, and upon Kingston 10 ® 104, Cheapest Ilair Dresfting 3 The owner can have the same by is the return of the Mikado with his fleet of Receipts—2000 bbls flour, 49,009 hush wheat, 37,000 CAME10th, sheep. _ of stalwart men filling ii] eight $543.96._ company rapidly Fitchburg, .11.—Last about 7 bush corn, 20,000 hush Promoter of the Growth and property »l '“-' We would say for the information of schol- Aug. evening vessels from a tour of of the south- oats. Beauty af the proving to its maxium number. A few more men- a on the Clinton inspection ‘"SamI^uiuNTUN. Mysterious.—About half-past 5 o’clock Err o’clock, gravel engine Boston, ern Shipments—1000 bbls flour, 32,000 tush wheat, 66,- 1872. ars in the Grammar to take provinces, some definite action will betaken 000 hush Hair in the World. Cumberland, Aug. 26th, au27 wit* schools, who are 5ft. 10 be admit and Fitchburg railroad, ran into a freight train corn, 10,000 hush oats. a young son of acting heiglit in. and upwards—will in reference to Corea. the study of this that the text day afternoon, Deputj between Pratt’s Junction und Dbtroit, 31.—Wheat up History term, ted if is mads A1 Fitchburg, badly The who at Yed- Aug. steady; extral81;No mo who works at the engim application immediately. the policemen murdered persons 1 at 1 64 @ 1 Amber 146. Corn OTHER conpov ND book is to be furnished the School Marshal Williams, injuring gravel engine. The firemen of the do have been 64; Michiganl steady SOMEBODY through members and those to enlist in tliii Charles to cuptqred and executed. 474c. Oats in good demand at 35c. house of the Saco & Portsmoutl wishing freight train, Reiniek, in attempting A possesses the and will be re a Portland, large business has been done in silk bbls bush peculiar which so the Committee, ready'in few days. was so during Receipts—2000 flour, 19,000 wheal, 0,000 properties exactly I* asserting tbrougb paper* that gentlemen are , company for the are invited to Is hurt that he died two hours af- Railroad at Turner’s Island, wa campaign, jump, the past hush corn- suit the various conditions of the have been ordered, and when received Company, ter. was about of and un- fortnight. human hair. nearing dirty Straw and Panama Hat*. A* a They this at the Pioneer He twenty years age Shipments—1006 bbls 43,000 bush wheat. gen- near the turn-tahk present evening headquar TMc <4cncvn Tribunal fiour, For Bale all su at one half retail found on the ground married. by Druggists. eodly uu29 eral thing they have looked nice may he had price. Teachers lying 31— Cotton ununtally and white , tors, llol stairs. We under CiIAnt-KSTOX, Aug. Ann; Middling up- an condition. He was taken t< J Congress street, up this for will be informed of their arrival. in insensible Geneva, Aug. 31.—Alexander Cocklmrn, lands lofc. summer, they were nearly all done over at stand that the Pioneers are to street and Dr. Buzzell sum going Augusta Auother Collision. arbitrator for did not assist at his home on Glark England, yester- S A VAX xAtf, Aug. 31.—Catton quiet; Middling up- GUN POWDEli Tuesday. R. 1.—The steamer day’s The land 1 SWEETSIK’S BLEACHERY, Harper’s Bazar.—This beautiful a blow were visible over tie Providence, 1., Sept. sitting, being indisposed. counsel 194c. weekly moned. Marks of of both Ag ency of the N arragansett, from New York for Stonington, nations were also absent. Mr. Waite Mobilb, 31.—Cotton and 1143 Congress Ntreci. is a welcome visitor to the parlor consciousncs Nomination.—The of Aug. quiet nominal. .VII EES. publication left eye. The hoy, who recovered Republicans Deeriiq collided with an unknown schooner iu the of the American has DU POST POWDER counsel, gone to Chamon- NewOruiaxs, Aug. Sl.-Cotton August 20-snmUw for the week has nix. firm; Middling* circle. The number ensuing yesterday, is unable to make any explanation unanimously nominated Andrew Haines, Esq. Sound Saturday night, about 11.15 o’clock. The Nothing new transpired at the session of 22s. and Blasting, uplands Rifle, Sporting *** t Lancas- wa Stroudwater engine had been reversed and the shock did The discussions turn a for T*u want n nice or Tin been received by Fessenden Brothers, He says the last thing lie can recollect of village, for Representative t , yesterday. daily upon at Wholesale and Retail, also Agent Phstogrniih slight injury. The captain of the steamer multitude of details which to a decis- Typ*> go to A M. l«l MkIdle Street. ter Hall and D. Wentworth, 337 Congress, cor- the Legislature. It is a nomination that wil pertain European Hurtle!., UIT.HAR'S “Ol'Al.I.V” MeKonny.’s leaving the machine shop with the fireman charges the schooner with and im- ion, but the business of the tribunal is advanc- suddenly Lqsdqn. Aug. I.. BAII.EY. He w&rrents them a* as can l>c made in Port- ner of Oak street. The the full vote. 31-11,30 A. M.—Consols 921 fo10 (3. good matter will be inquired into. command party properly changing her course. ing satisfactorily. ana account. igonep yUT.Thss AS Kxehnuije Si. And. ag5-eod tf »n POETRY. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS RAILROADS. STEAMERS. Wishing. r* Ihr llonornblr 4'hnrlr* W. Million _STEAMERS. onr tf ihr Ja.lirr* of IhrIVuprrmr A CHILD’S «ONO. Juili' PORTLAND & OGDKNSBIRG R. R. rial C-ourt of ihr Atale of Maine. ATLANTIC For I wMil were a Peaks’ Island. King-tin*! primrose, iindorBignai, Nathan Webb, Attorney of thi CHANGE OB' TIME. FOR A in the State* of BOSTON. bright yellow primrose blowing spring! I1HEUnited Am*rica, for the U*»trict o The MUTUAL Peak'* Inland stooping bought above me, bUine, heiu* thoreto by tho Honorabb INSURANCE COMPANY. On and after Monday, July 15th, and Nieuiubom 4'oinpnuy. The bee to love authotlMd, CHANGE wandering me, attorney (tenoral of >aid Uuitad State*, rmiioctfiill' until further notice, trains will run OF TUHE The fern and moss to creep across, that the (ORGANIZES IN xn follow*: "IKAtllH oiireseut* laid United State* ar* dcairou* 6 r 1112.) And the elm tree for our A. king! lurchH.iujf, for the erection of a and M. P. M. P. M. battery fort, Leave K X I' U K S Fntil Further lertaiu tract of laud situated in the town of 51 WALL Portland, 7.30 1.1* *.3* S, Notice elm C»i* STREET, Corner of Nay—stay! I with 1 were an tree, Elizabeth, within th* limiu of the William, New. York. Leave N. Conway, 6.0* 12.30 4.33 leave* State of Maine CAPTAIN A. S. A grout elm tree, with green gay! Kiundcd and Jonuectiug with train* aud Steamer* te and from OLIVER, SUPERIOR MI lofty dcecribud a* follow*, riz: Heginning a 4114 Cbarl0r r ^:t!.NTHE SEA-601 The wiuds would set them dancing, ^Company, submit th. Statement of it. affair. Boston aud the East. Will leave Ah. end of Custom in. point 011•°Utherly side of the road leading t< on following House Wharf daily fur STEAMERS The aan and moonshine glance :he Steamer for aud at Portland Head House, eleveu hundred iee “Sebago,” Naples, Bridgton Har- Everfre.li Landing, touching June.' Undine on The bird* would house among tho boughs, Light and JOHN BROOKS and trorn the road known as the Premium. ree.lT«l on Marin. Bi.k. from llt tS71. to 31st :i*on, Waterford connects with 1.1* P. M. traiu and aft.r June *tE, S7i, at «.4t and HOMRIOAI., couuty shore road,then© January, D.comber, 1871. ST <„ 777 K1 lu-l*»-t. \ at.,M ana..Z And sweetly sing, at road Pr«miumn on Policiev not marked off 1st from Portland, at Lake. I. 15 and 3.1* P. M. southerly right angles with said Light House It is not a January, 1871, ‘> Scbago Having ooiumoUioua Cabin anti which may temporary reliel 03,7675 18 leave St&U Room oc- seven hundred and fret to a stone wall, belli] to physic givs STAGE* Returning Landing at 11/9 A M will run I wish I were a robin, thirty the sufferer for the first few do but Evergreen ooiumoriatlonii, alternately, 0—ne! tho southerly oflaud of B. Dyer cs, which, from Total muount of Marina Premiums. and 3 P. M, and Jones’ Lauding nt y.u# and 11 is a’ leaving or wr*a, everywhere to boundary Benjamin continued use Piles and kindred 69 Connect with 1.1* P. M. A robin a little go; thence four hundred feet said wall to thi brings diseases to >7,446,432 M., and 2.00 and 5.I5P. M. hold or easterly by aid in the nor is it a ATLANTIC Through forest, garden, ; invalid, doctored Hquoi No Polieie. liar, been issued Lift At East aiul On and afUr Julv will run a WHARF, Portland, sea-shore ;tlience northeasterly by to lam weakening upon Bi.k.; nor upon Fir. Ki.ks cJsconneotod with Baldwin. Tuesdays, Thursdays Satur- 1st, Morning ami And ask no leave or pardon, tliejsca-shore which, under the popular name of “Bitters” is f* Marine for DAILY, (SUNDAYS now owned the United States ana occupied th< 1 Risks. days Sebago, So. Bridgton, aud Bridgton. Evening trip in pleaiant weather, Custom EXCEPTED) Till winter comes with thumb* by by extensively palmed off on the as leaving icy Portland Heart thence west seveu liun public sovereign rem- Premium, marked Off from lit At House Wharf at 7.13 A. aM. and 7.11 P. and Jones’ A.T 8 O'CLOCK Light House; January, 1871, to 31.t December, * .* for Kezar Palls and M, I‘. *1. To ruflie up our wing! cdie**'. but it is a most powerful Tonic and Losses 1871, 9o,-ii5,i9-517, 793 >4 Baldwin, daily Cornish, dred and fret to the poiut boguu at, paid during the same period ®9 7qK 0en Porter. landing at 7.30 A. M. and t.OU P. M. leave forty containin] alterative, pronounced so the 00 K,tu.r’lil'g INDIA WHARF, whim nine or with the by leading medical Returns of Premiums and Fare down and bask 33 shildron half Boston, acres more less, together right o authorities of London and Expenses, >973 21184 At souls, price. M' taken at Where should I and has ——- for Denmark and *“•01.80. Freight Well—toll! fly to, thereto. Paris, been lone The Company lias the following Assets, rix Brownfield, daily, Bridgton. law to in the way used by the regular of Special arrangements can bo mads by to rat™P' Where go sleep dark wood or dell? owner of said tract of physicians other countries witi At, for North applying That the sole land is sup wonderful remedial "d °tLW Fryeburg, daily, Lovell,and Lovell. the I*. BILMNCR. Aaral Before a day was ever results. °“T'1541,11 S404k,‘ *M«,840 00 jettfcltf J.w .. _" and believed to be, one Benjamin B. run twice from North to Capt.__ B. COVVrR JK., (Jont'ral Home eoiuee the rover posed Dyer, Lo^S^l^tSksrindmh^^0"' iy*Stagos dally Conway Agent.ineh.TOtf resident of said Cape Elizabeth, and capable oi con Real Estate and Bonds and GLEN HOUSE and mother’s Dr. Wells Extract of Mortgages, 917 rnn no CRAWFORD NOTCH. THE For kisiw-sweeter this the same tract to the said United Jurnbeba and notesand claims ▼eying States. Tha Interest, sundry due th. Comnauv estimated at 6.0d A. M. international Than any other B. retains all the medicinal virtues Premium Notes aud Bills company, 3S6 ,ju « Passenger* by traiu from No. Conway, steamship coT tiling. the said Benjamin Dyer, owner as aforesaid c r peculiar to the plant Beceirabl. will arrive in ham. and must be taken as a in 2,405,937 95 Boston in season for 3.00 p.m. train, William Ailing said tract of land, from disagreement in t ) pcrmaucut curative agent. Cash Bank. Ka'.lparl, Calais regard 274,345 01 Springfield route,or Sound Steamer for New York and and Hi. John, Digby or from some other cause to this an I Is thrrr wnnt of notion in Gie price applicant, your I.iver & South. By the 12.30 p. in. train will connect in to the said United States hath refused an 1 Unless Total Amount of Windaarand unkr.own, Nplcenf relieved at once, the blood liecomei Assets, 37 Boston with 9 p. in. train for New Halifax. still does refuse to said tract of 114,800,812 York, via Shore A of the Boston Traveller, convey land and th 3 Impure by deleterious scrof- and Line. STEAMER MAGNET! correspondent of thereto sccretious, producing Springfield And the 4.39 p. ui. train right way to said United States; wlierefor 2 ulous or skm irom 8UMMEII diseases, Blotches, Felons, Pustules “ pa'd ‘° tho hoUera or their North Conway, arriving in Boston next AliRAN GEMENT writing from relates the follow- this applicant respectfully vour Honor t 3 hereof; early Rye Beach, prays Canker, Pimples, &c&c. legaf representatives^m SaM!S££?ita1S5?3 &,nmJy morning, in season for all trains South and West. order notice of this application to be published i *>« to and rcstori ™lecmed and paid to the liolders or their THREE ing: some newspaper in Portland, nearest to where sai i! .iTane- cleanse, purify leva?representatives “opin'd sf thereof, J. HAMILTON, Superintendent. Will leave HOUSE TRIPS PER ! the vitiated blood to action. of February next, from which .late all interest thereon CUSTOM WEEK 1 witnessed last soon after the tract of land lies, once in each week for the < healthy wall (S^The certificates to bfnrmb^? „t.h®,Sif.th Freight trains leave Portland evening, space at time of payment, and cancelled. Upon certificates which daily at 6.30 A. M. WHARF, daily, Sundays exe.p* four months, which n dice shall contain an e tou n Oyspcpstir "loinnrh f uules! were Usualis ue i (in r«lred sirtnWorSoms. rui) tor r.l,;,,, and North at for On ami arrival of the eastern train via accurat „®a.Te prcmmins; such payment of interest and will be in Conway 11.36 A. M. ed, Evergreen Laturing, touch alter MONDAY, passenger of the said tract of wit is aided the is yn ^<1 redemption gold. Jones’ the July is but one description land, together digestion promptly system debilitated °ntte net earned of the Portland, ing.at UBdiug, as V 3# a. "t, SteamcT. of Intrrnatioii- a little which the name of the of vit!l* of the ^ lor premiums Company, for the July 15,1872. h Portland, episode supposed owner, and snail e w,,!, ? f°rce, poverty Blood, Dropsi yearend’imMSltefemb^^18Dde«i»red’1871, whlch eertifieate. will be issued on ■! ’m., aa't l 30 and 3 p. ta. al Line will leave which have requii ca* General and after tho Second of Itnilroad Wharl scene of a domestic drama with I all persons interested in said lands to come forwar 1 IcDdcncy, Weakness ®r Lassitude. April next? Tuesday Returning will leave at 1*.U foot ot State 1 ake it to Evergreen Landing St., every Monday, the on a to be in said and file r assist Digestion without it wil a. m., and 4.43 at been made familiar. Among passengers day specified notice, thei reaction, p. in., teuchiug June.’ 1.ending at Wednesday and Friday, at #.W> o. if impart youthful to the Bv order of the w n 11 a. m. and 5 m. and with objections, any they should have to the propose j vigor weary sufferer. Beard, riitmuw a p. re., for Eaatport and St John. was a very pretty stylish young lady, J. D. GO WEST ! Fare purchase. Have you weaknrM of the InteatineiH JONES, President. CHART poTtwvv.?,v^*,c«,‘*^y-. down and back *3 cents. Returning will leave St. Johi and luscious brown eyes, hair and bril- And this U. Eaatport entire big jetty applicant further pi that at the tim e You arc in of Chronic W. H. MOOBE, 2nd Viee-Pres’t. Private iiarties accommodated on same ays danger Diarrhoea or the dread can by applying*r 1 * days. liant As she entered the hall iu said a be ful S.ThAWLE?T,frllVfceJWt6"4’ You save $4 on each Ticket board. complexion. specified notice, jury may empauncllei ., Inflammation of the Bowels. jun2Stf Connections made at Eaatport for St. Andrew. in tlio manner now JOHN she came face to face with a tall young man provided by law, to assess tl 0 Take it to allay irritation and ward oft* tendency t< W. Robbinaton, Calaia. Woodstock and Uoulton. value of fcaid lands at their fair MUNGER, Correspondent, who had been here market value, an 1 inflammations. Connectiona made at St. John f r Annan- of elegant appearance all 166 Fore Digby, damages sustained by the owner of the lands t 0 Have Office, St., Me. by yJa •lia, Windsor, N. for a or two. He started baek: “You you weakne»« of tlic Uterine oi Feb. 7, 1872. dim-eodiim&wfiw Portland, buying Kentrillc, Halifax, S., Predoriek- day appropriated, by reason of such an ton, appropriation; Urinary Orgniin f You must instant re For Shediae, Ainhetat, Charlottetown, P. E. L, and that such 1 procure —■■ Blanche? When and did you other and further may bo h;u and is ihe Airiiiigcuicnt. disappointed; 1872. «u26dtf 29 Market making best connections and quickest S* A. M.. and J* P. M. and The is an immense success. 13th Square. tune of route from stern, resolute, yet unhappy. story NATHAN thousand in press.- any Bangor, Leave at WEBB, aild checked from Cushing’s Island, touching Peak’s Island of which this forms a is as follows: of United < coining money. AGENT! i Cook Baggage Bangor to and not II. 13 A. the States for the District )f'* a Wanted. Chicago, and 3.1* I*. M. portion, Attorney wgAX’n^?xeIight€dWAN h.M Pvorvtolinpn n W-1 if v- w M, ■ subject to Custom House exam man is a of St. Maine. mat on. Tickets down and back 25«. Children half The favorite Steamer The wealthy young lawyer lisher, 3 School Boston. 4 T No. 33 Free Street, For full price. St., afc3J-4w particulars enquire at Railway Station Private parties can be New Brunswick. Two or three ix Apply to or of the accommodated by applying Jail,., years STATE OF MAINE. *■ any Companies agents in New nd. to the on E aug27-dtf C. W. GODDARD. Fire and Marine. Engl Captain board. Je13tf NV I S T O K he courted this girl, raved about ss.: D. H. ago her, Cumberland, Agents Wanted BLANCHARD, oppo. Preble Heuse, vowed that without her life would be a bur- Upon the foregoing applicasiou by Nathan Web No. 282 Congress St., Portland Me. CAPT. DEEKING, of the United States WM. den, and fairly took her by storm. Her par- Attorney of America, it havir For FLOWERS, Eastern Agent, been made to appear to me, that the said applicant 5 GOODSPEED’S Boarders aug28-tf Me. PROCURE TICKETS Railroad Wharf, UI-7 KUU 1U1 Wanted. Portland, vu w a lillllC sue Bangor, every Tuesday ujjpuoiu OUU) a authorized r'1!an.l Frid.vlj*T* ,t duly aaent of said United States » GENTLEMAN and wife or two gentlemen can PR1NDLE & evcn'ngs. ten o'clock, for Rockland smiled and he was Presidential Book a hie happy. Soon, however, make the same, and that the matters of fact therei Campaign be furnished with front rooms MANGAM, Managers. -1?1*. Sedgwick, So. West A and good board, • 9u‘tlntv .P*®.r Harbor (Mt! set forth are true and that Qian irantiant ar «.KU ».ntl--«_j"__a-J MAINE CENTRAL Desert,) she tired of him, threw him aside, and mar- the said application coi EVERY CITIZEN WANTS IT. _ RAILROAD^ Millbridge, Joneanort and Machiasnort. tains an Wl ried smother man. He accurate description of the lauds propost E. C». Machiasport every Monday found that his un- SNOW, of *n Capital.$500,000 OO Lewiston, Bath, Roekland, Augusta uated with the legal gentleman, and f dlows shall have to the any point desired, at the lowest rate*, at the old purchase by said Unite * Lost Readfield, Winthrop, Skowh.gan, Bangor,* Matta- projKised at 1 :B0 and reliable Union Tieket of 1872. liiin everywhere, urging her love upon States of said lands, publication of a true and a wamkeag p. m. Agency -Portland, May 15, him, by MEMORANDUM A*"cU-..645,417,91 for her tested copy of the same and of this BOOK, having on the fly Portland for Lewiston, Bath and Augnsta 5-39 d disclaiming any regard husband, and application ord< HEALTH leaf the once in each for the A inscription, G. W. SAWIN, Gloucester. hi. INSIDE LINK! him to with her. like a thereon, week, space of fot r -- W. I>. imploring slope He, in the Mass. The finder will be rewarded leav- Liabilite..17,611,73 Portland for Lewiston yia LITTLE & CO. mouths, Portland Daily a new: liberally by Danyllle at * :20 p. m. sensible man and a Press, ing it at the Commercial House. au30d3t* —TO— good husband, having I»ai*er published in Portland, nearest to where tl e T,,e most ponuiar medicine f-»r nerrons 49 1-9 trouble Trains Due at Portland. Office, Exchange Street. been cured of his has re- land lies, the last to on (the source of aU other folly, steadfastly publication be Monday, tl 0 ailments.) is « R“"'i-.87,772,99 fourteenth of October next. DODD’S ami rrmn 13 pulsed her, but learning of his presence here day NERVINE, Invigorator. Girl Wanted. Augusta,, uam ana Lewiston at* :35 a. m. Reliable information cheerfully fhrnisliod at -A. O Dated at in For sale Bonds and first lien on 11 without his Portland, the county of Cumberlam by all druggists. Price One Dollar. 62 Mortgages, Real E»-' From Oldtown, wll i»4t jNT_G wife, she tried the desperate as- Winter Street, to do House-work in a small tale worth Mattawamkeag, Bangor, Skowhe- umec._ apCdAw the seventeen thday of June, A. D*. 1872 aug5 t4w gan, three trips per sault last whose ATfamily. -lw Mate Bonus owned*342,225,00.135,175,07 Waterville, Augusta, Winthrop, Ueadfleld. Bath week. evening, ignominious defeat C. W. iag29 by 00 and Lewiston at 3:15 WALTON, 1 Company.37,870 p. m. I have chronicled. I mot her last summer Justice of tho The Records of Tests owned by unincum- From at Supreme Judicial Court. k! Company, Augusta and Lewisten at *:45 p. m. Steamer A true of ••. boston CITY OK RICH- witli lur copy and order of Justice < Boy Wanted in a Store .28,000,00 Saratoga, husband, in their honey- application °* Drug CallpK:* loans dudn’ Houlton, Calais, Bangor, A a., 1:85 c- will loava Supremo Judicial Court thereon. M toirell, 9IasR., jroren (secured).25 033 58 a ^a°m ?fU,NI>',(';i:t- Kilby, and then seemed more learn the business. Good reference re- Interest dne —AND— Railroad * fool or moon, nothing unlike- W. Drug and accrued.' .31^6 78 For Mt harf, State at., Fessenden, Clerk. * * Kinee, Maosohead lake M.ll a.*, than _Attest._D. N. F. B TOquired. Premiums in course of Lake, Monday. and ly that she should cherish any fondness U R N H A M, S ue, collection and train for at ;«Trry Wednesday To the Honorable Charlon W. Apply by letter toP, O. Box No. 613. au28d3t* Dexter, arriving Dextar at 8:ta a. m. At —-:-- Friday at 1* o’clock for Walton.on ^ transmission. 46 301 oo o Eveniugs, her but who can * 8 clock stage leaves (fir fbot of PIIIL A rejected suitor; predict of the Justices of the Jndicin 1 Bills Receivable Greraville, Lake, DELPHIA Niiiuatn, Monday, iiadinst., for as Auprcnie L, NEW TITRRSNE (secured) for Marine, in- where take steamer Bangor, (or the vagaries of love? All’s well that ends Court of the Atnte of Maine. Lost. land and Fire you for Mt. Kinoo, arriving at *iU limit,) at superior te all others. It Premiums.36 885 05 5:30 m. touching Rockland, and the gave p. Passengers can by stopping over night at Binoolnyllle. well, result thus far h s the Nathan 1 a pereeutare than in or near the Companies for Ro-insurance. Steamship Line. Belfast, Searsport, Sandy proved undersigned, Webb, Attorney of th 0 higher any morning August 27th, fr£In °5!ler .2,OOoloo Dexter leave Portland at 1.00 p. m. and take etage I edit, Bucksport. W and a United States of other wheel of common St. Jt'hn Steamer one Office Furniture. interport Hampdei. beleagured Benedict perfect Joseph. THE America, for the District < f finish. TUESDAY, office, diary, containing Fixtures, Ac.4 ]25 03 next morning. Returning, will leave thereto and Price List $45 and other Whoever will leave the Stock Notes to Bangor every Monday, Maine, being duly authorized by the Honort ^ Pamphlet by papers. saniv (secured) subjeefc sail.....’. .soo’ooihoo For Dover and Foxeroft lake 1:00 m. train. and ble at the Press office p. Pas- Wednesday Friday Mornings at 9 o’clock, touce Attorney General of said United State: r E. BURNHAM, York, Pa. shall be liberally rewarded. ticketed Leave each ™ How to make Tomato Fios.—Pour boil- ,, sengers through. Fare $5.00. port every WcdVy St Sat’d’y. *n? naraecl landings, arriving at Port respoctfully represents that tho said Unite 1 aug28-lw* Through Tickets are sold in Portland at Station land at 5 o slock P. M. water over the tomatoes in order to re- States are aug5t4w Total Assets.... ing desirous of for the erection of n--—-- — —- *643,417,91 and at Horse purchasing Railroad Office for Houlton. Calais and For mrther particulars of Ross A move She then them fort and a certain tract of inquire Stun* skins; weigh and place battery land, situated i Lost! St. John, fare *8.00; and to Halifax *13.00. rant, 179 Commercial er the town of liabilities. St., Cyrus Sturdivant, Gen- them its a stone with as much as Cape Elizabeth, within the limits of tt • J. M. General From 3 wai Agent. jar, sugar State of Milwaukee & Ladies* Silver marked Haven. The I.iJNT, Superintendent. Long Wharf, Boston, p.m. Maine, bounded and described as follows Northern Watch, Losses in Augusta, 26, 1872. From March you have tomatoes, and let them stand two finder will be rewarded preess of adjustment. July augljtf PinsStrset Wharf, Phila- Portland, I7th, 1973. apl7 Beginning at the sea shore on the division line tx A suitably by leaving the All *15,511,80 same at other delphia, at II a. m. days, then pour off the and boil it and tween the land to C. 32, corner of Free and Centre sts. claims.2,099,93 syrup, belonging George Tbompeoi 17,611,73 Insurance on* half the of skim it until and the land Aug 2‘J, 1872. au31d3t* KNOX & rate Norfolk and Baltimore and no scum rises. Then pour it recently bought by the United States < ] Railway LINCOLN RAILROAD. sailing veesela. Washington", America, of Asa T. thence said *627,896,78 over the tomatoes and let them stand two Webster, by divisio for th* W*at D. C. Line. lino West rods and five JOHR Direct rail Freight by th* Ponn. B. R., and Sonth Steamship as fifty-two links; thence Nort F. WILLIAMS, President.. route to Wiscasset. Now days before, then boil and skim and a half SHORT TINE. by eouueeting lines forwarded free of Commission. again. twenty-eight degrees West ten rods, (the* ; Damariscotta, of this After a third time are fit to linos the laet two V“*-Pr"'i‘1™‘- Waliioboro, Steamships Llnesall from they dry, if the being written in said George C FEMALE TEACHER A. LARRABEE,ai?vM0°RE’ Warren and Rockland. PASSAGE, TEN DOLLARS. end of Central weather is Thompson’s deed, as recorded in Wharf, Boston, if iet them stand in Cnmberland Regii From change of oars between Portland 3..W p. good; not, of Chicago & Milwaukee t< Trea8“rer- .No For Semi-Weekly, *. for NOR- Hie until try Deeds, Boook 216, page 465); thence Nort C. H. and Rockland. Freight or Passage, apply to FOLK and svrup drying weather. Then place eleven East LANGDEAU, AnnsSf"' BALTIMORE. degrees five hundred and thirty feet C. H. Steamers leave Rockland for all points on the Pe- on or STEELE, of ■ ■ u- Steamships:— large earthern plates dishes, and put thence North throe i Green & Sup’t Agencies. nobscot WHITNEY tk T— sixty-eight degrees, East, hun Bay Menasha. WANTED rivor, Machias, Mount Desert Vinal Haven. SAMPSON, Agents, Cant. W. A. Hallett. them in the sun to which will take about dred and feet to low water line in haa been examined and Hurricane and Dlx Islands. ^£W*nee** dry, thirty Ship Cove » a Company admitted to Ju23-ly 70 B.ei.n fUlUam Crane," Capt. Salomon tins course one a Grammar School. One of do business in this Leave Long Wharf, Ilowea. a alter which them down in small being hundred feet Southward fron experience pre- State by the Insurance Commis- Maine Central Depot, at 7.00 A. and 1.00 Winslow week, pack tho where the ferred. Capt. Loretand. jHiint Northerly boundary ot sab [ FOR sioner. Cant. Geo. H. woodea boxes, with fine white between at Press at 12 m Hallett. sugar Thompson’s line iutersects the water Apply office, to-day, Saturday.J Stages connect at Rockland, for high line » Camden, Llncoin- D- each thence tho sea shore Aug 31-dlt Fo>t“- layer. by easterly and southerly to th 5 ville, Northport, South Thomaston and St. George, CUNARD LINE point begun thirteen acres more At Rockland for at,containing or lesi > daily. Union, Appleton end Wash- of HAIL *Wmhtagtn. together with right way thereto. JNO. w. ington. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. STEAMERS S.F7^rhLadrvW“frSuTe.Norfulk b, That the owner of said tract of land is 1 MUNGER, Agent, At Thomaston for St. Free to All suppose BUSINESS ! George daily. Freight forwarded flora to and Samples and believed to bo one At Warren SAILING FOR Norfolk Petersburg George A Thompson, a res: for Union, daily. LIVERPOOL. Richmond by river or and dent of said At Warren rail; by the Pa. A Tenn C&i>o Elizabeth, and capable of convoi A PARTNER WANTED, for Jeftcrson and Whitefleld, Mondays, " , At all the the same tiact to the said and at Tennessee, Jla- Drug Stores. ing United States. NO. 166 FORE Wednesdays Fridays. Calling Quoenstowa, Murk Har. Poh"* OT" tlle That the said STREET, At Se'‘board auii /too- C. owner as $1500 or $2000 to Into well es- Wa.doboro’ for North HoFt lf «•n V"Ta:-to George Thompson, afort capital, go * A°*• point* in North and Adamson’s said of said tabll.hed Wakloboro’, Washington, South Carolina. W'K’HTWfc Balsam tract of land from disagreement in re WITH business in this city. Correspond- and Liberty daily. Steamers appointed to sail * 0>,io M. MM H M-i 1 w MW or ence Washington and Adamsou’s Balsam gard toprice from some other cause to this appll and full investigation solicited. Portland, Me. A* New Castle for Bristol and Pemaqnid, dally, pfaeetf }V?st' Adamson’s cant and to the said Unite*! States L. E. au27- Trains DIRECT FROM Balsam unknown, liat 1 Address, S., Portland, Post Office. 3 wood f dail-T alul freight taken at Sow rites. BOSTON Through rates given to South and West. Adamsou’s "WHY Balsam refused and still does refuse to au28tf Hne convey said tract < f A. COOMBS, Snp't. MALTA, Tues. Sept*. SAMARIA, Tues. Oet. 1. Passenger accommocalions. Adamson’s Balsam land and the of thereto to _jy29dtf_O. righr way said Unite l VMPUS, Tues. Sept. 1*. MALTA. Tue*. Oct. 8, “eluding Berth and Meals to Norfolk Adamson’s K Balsam States. line J15.9*. Wanted. BOSTON & MAINE SiBEKA, Tues Sept. 17 Tuos.Oct. 1.7 « hours; to Baltimore $15, time Adamson’s Wherefore this RAILROAD. OLYMPUS, 65 hours* Balsam applicant respectfully pra^ A HECLA, Tues. Sept. 24. Tues. Oot. 22 I*or further Information te Adamson's to order FEW good ring spinners. at W. K.DA- SIBERIA, apply XT Balsam your Honor, notice of this application to l 3 Apply Summer E. Adamson’s in some A NA, 1879. 53fPassengcrs smbark at the Cunard Wharf. Easl SAMPSON, Agent. Balsam published newspaper in Portland, nearet t Saccarappa. aglS-tl' Arrangement, July 1st, Central to Boston. [1 Boston. Adamson's SUFFERING Bulsam where said tract oflaud lies, once in each week fc r June3tt_33 Lr/. the Trains leave P. S. & P. It. R. Adamson’s Balsam space of four months, which notice shall cor For Sale or Sta- Sc Rent. for Cabiu, $80 $100 Gold, According to Waldoboro Adamson’s WHEN Balsam tain an accurate description of the said tract of lan 1 g!?:f!7«*l*!Mtiun, Portland, Bostor, *6.11, *».1» and Damariscotta ! with No. US Oxford St., with Se- .o M., 3.301, 6.00t P.M. Accommodation. Adamson’s Balsam together the nanre of the an 1 supplied 1 4.15*, (express) Steerage, $30 supposed owner, HOUSE water and Gas. t» B. Adamson’s REWARD Is Balsam shall require all persons interested in said bago Apply STEVENS Returning *7.30, 18.30 A. M *1''30 (1*KAAA lands t ) Jr., or J. K. Pier P.M Currency Adamson’s come forward on a to be Merrill, Smith’s Commercial St. *3.15,6.00t (express) offered for a Balsam day specified in said notice For First ami file ag!3-tf Rochester, Altou *6.1*. A. M. Trip April QO. Adamson,s better REMEDY than ADAM- Balsam their if shall to th ____ Bay, objections, any they have, Manchester and N. Summers appointed to sail Adamson jj SON'S BOTANIC COUGH Balsam projiosed purchase. Concord, H„ via C. A P R R The Steamer CHARLES And Junction, 6.15* A. M., 3.30* k M. FROM NEW Adamson’s BALSAM, for the enru of Balsam this applicant further prays, that at the tim s YORK. " O D G H T O Colds, Vessels Wanted. Manchester and via N, Alex Farnhaii Adamson’s Sore Balsam specified in said a Concord, Lawrence, 9.10* A M Jr., will Coughs, Throat, Croup, notice, jury may be cmpanuell© I 6.15*. 11.10* A. CHINA, Wed. Sept. ABYSSINIA. Sat. Sep.14 Master, leave Atlantis Adamson's in the manner now Lowell, M., 3.301, 4,15* P M Bronchitis. Soreness of Lungs, Balsam provided by law, to assess th To load CALABfeLA.Sat.S cj f. Wod. 18 ;W harf, Asit of India St.. Portland Isuuiber at Portland, Ban- Milton and Uuk.ii, 9.10* A. M. 3.301. 4.15* P. M CUBA, Sopt, Adamson’s Asthma, Whooping Cough, ami Balsam value of said lands at their fair value market value RUSSIA, Wod. 11. at. 6 'S*r» Machias. Caluis, and NOTE.—The 6.15* A. M. train arrives in Sept. —"j^mm^—^every Wednesday, o’clock A Adamson’s all diseases of a like nature. Balsam and all damages sustained the owner of the land Montreal, Boston in Waldoboro, touohlneat by Southern Ports, for theRiYcr Platte. time to connect with Passage from BostontoN York ¥’’‘,r Boothbay and Round Adamson’s More titan 35000 bottles sold and »o reason of such Shore Line at 11.1# for New Money,'includingtare Pond at A. Balsam appropriated by appropriation; am l Also, To load at the South $80, $130 livery Saturday T M.. for Damarkcotta Adamson’s not that such other Coal, Pictou,Lingan, and Port York, and the West. 9.10* A. M. train con- Cabin, $10f, gold—according to accomuioda- at a failure yet. Balsam and further proceedings may be lia< I Caledonia for New turn. touching Boothbay and Hodgsdon’s Mills. in York, Boston, the Sound ports, nects with the 3.00 P. M. Route Steerage, *30 Currency. Tickets t* Paris, *11 Adamsou’s The following are a few of the Balsam pursuance of the provisions of an act of the Stab and St. Springfield aud Sound Waldoboro John, N. B. Steamers for New York ami the South. Gold, additional. Return Tickets on favorable term at* A. TV! every Thursday Adamson's names of those who have used Balsam >1 Maine entitled “An act for the t< 3 301 P M M., and Damariscotta relinquishment BIRD, PERKINS & JOB. traiu with the 9.00 P. M. train for Passengers cnbark at Cunard Jerso, every Mondav at * A Adamson's this Gov. Balsam I he United States in certain of title to ,AO New York via Shore Wharf, J i“tef«Mdlate RemedyMrs. Cony; cases, lands fo 103 State St., Boston. 27 South New York. or line. City. wti’k landings, connecting Adamson's Mrs.Hon. W. utes of stations on the coast St., SpnBgfield »KCllIn* ttt James Bradbtiry; Balsam light aud waters of thi The Portll>"‘i. »l>d with the Adamson's Anson P. ■irate, jy29-u3mo above trains leave P. S. A P. R. R. Station BostonRn.Vrfn *V MainevTl^i'w" and Eastern Morrill, Ex-Governor; Balsam approved February 18, 1871, amended bv at root of State Railroads, arriving la Adamson’s tct. entitled “An street, where tickets can be PREPAID Mrs. Col. Thomas S. Lang; Balsam Act to amend Chapter six hundrw This purchased STEERAGE PASSAGE, the road is located the richest aud and baggage checked. nnon JL- Adamson’s Hon. J. J. Eveleth, of Balsam md forty-nine of tbe private laws of one tbousam through hrom traln'foT Boetom Mayor “ms* of the state of Vessels trains Liverpool, Glasgow, Queenstown or Dotty to Adamson’s llev. hundred ? populous portion Wisconsin.- Wanted. bctwcon Portland and Boston 'i ticket, mdd at Augusta; Dr. Torsey, of Balsam sight seventy-one, relating to light houses miles (^Freight Boston or New York, *34 hrough tho offices of the Boston * Adamson’s Kent’s Fifty are already finished, and earn- aaily. CUItliENtiY. Mn me an.1 Hill; Rev. Dr. Ricker; Balsam approved February 20,1872, as may be t< equipped, Passengers booked to all *f th* United Eastern and on board requisite ing interest from local business alone. The balance To Coal from New York and part, Slate*. Railroads, Bnstea Adamson’s Rev. E. Itev. C. F. Balsam :ynvey to said United States a and absolute titli freight Passengor station in Drafts issued *n Great Freight and taken E.Martin; good is under contract to be this Boston, Hayinarket Square. Britaia and Ireland for £1 Poat";. passengers as low as by Adamson’s —--«... completed and the Philadelpliia to Portland and other other ruvte. Penney; Rev. G. W. Balsam oi w«r year, Freight station, Causeway streot. and For and any Inquire of Quinby; iron is now laid at the rate of a east. upwards. Freight Cabin passage apply Adamson's Bev. Wm. A. all being half mile 1pei points *Aeconi moi lation. Drew; Itov. H. F. Balsam -hereto, against persons whatsoever, and so wii at the Company’s Office. 80 State Street. For steer- HARRIS, ATWOOD & iver day. ROSS & Extracts of Roots and Herbs which CO., Adamson’s Wood; Col. F. M. of Balsam pray. STURDIVANT, almost invaria- tFast Express. at 99 State Drew, Sce'y The BontlH arc issued at the mar_6thdtf bly cure the age passage, Street, Boston. Co“”erei»* »*• Adamson’s State; Hon. .J. T. Woodard, State Ba'sam Dated at Portland, in the County of Cnmberlam rate of only 179 Commercial st. following complaints;— ^Mondays, Wednesday* and Fridays. JAMES* Portland, April 16, 1973. Adamson s Librarian! md State of $18,000 mile ALEXANDER, Agral.* Col. Geo.W. Stanley, Balsam Maiue, this fifteenth day of Jiiue. a. d per upon the Road, full; W. MEKU1TT, Superintendent, jn2dly Adamson’s President First Nat. '872. Dyspepsia, Heart Burn. Liver and Bank; SW. Balsam NATHAN WEBB, finished and Loss of Complaint Voeton. Adamson's equipped* Appetite cured a few Tor Lane, Sec. Senate; Warron L. Balsam attorney of the Unitod for the District o by taking bottles. PAYSON Nova States, They bear interest at the rate of TUCKER, Agent, FOR Halifax, Scotia. Adamson's Aldcn, and 10,000 others toonu- Balssm Maine. 8 per cent, per IsHMRitnde, Low Spirits and 353 Commercial Street, Portland. HEADSTONES FOR NA- annum, payable June and sinking Sensation PROPOSALSTIONAL MILITARY Adsamon’s merous to mention. Price 39 Balsam December, Free of Gov- Ayer’s cured at once. J une,24, 1872. jun21tf CEMETERIES. ernment and arc ottered Sarsparilla, Adamson’s cents Tax, for the present at 021 _ War per bottle. For Sale by Balsam STATE OF MAINE. and Department, ) DIRECT! Adamsou’s all accrued interest. 4iEr?JCtiu,n"??imPle8»Blotclje«» and all impuri- EASTERN AND QrARTHRMASTKR GENERAL’S OFFICR, ( Druggistsaml Medicine Deaf- Balsam ss. Salea le FOR PURIFYING THE Ues of the biood, PORTLAND, SACO, A Adamson's ers. Cumberland, Securities taken in at the mar- BLOOD. bursting through the skin or other- Wasui.nuton, D. t*72. The new Sample bottle and Circu- Balsam the exchange C., August 1, ) side-wheel Steamship U]ion foregoing application by Nathan Webb ket rate, and any further rftacillj by tho directions on the F A L M Adamson’s lars free. F. information furnished on following PORTSMOUTH R. R. ---... .w. O U T W. KINSMAN. Balsam of the United A bottl’eCUred mn.niug MIC paTCB in I1B H, built ex- Utorney States ot America, it havini application, personally, or letter. medicine that cures national for the Adamson.s Proprietor, Maine. Balsam wen by cemeteries as required law to be ad- pressly route, will leave Augusta, made to appear to me, that the said ii is a real public blessing. by Adamson’s JOHN W. PEKKINS & CO. Balsam applicant aild Urinary in- SUMMER dressed to the Quartermaster ;Atlantic Wharf ‘duly authorized agent of said United Slates to make Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Bla<^er Derangement ARRANGEMENT. General, Washington, Adamson’s W. F. PHILLIPS & CO. W. ^lle convince the most Balsam he same, and that the matters of fact therein Greeuleaf, Norris & Co.. makes positive cure of a Adamson's W. & sei 8koJdicaler bottle. t 0 all Auguxt by one Agent difficulties are more than is single cemetery. ..toil, Prince Edward’B x\ ag3-eod3m ]«rsoijs interested in the lands therein dcacrib- system, which under- prevalent generally sup- his *• island* and •iPAfV/V/wnnted now,to sell GRANT 4k WII, posed in the and will the Tbe Itonds required will be, in ’with d, especially to C. SON and mine health and settle in- young, they find Quaker 16,0.. amount, twenty (2t) George Thompson GREELY & BROWN CHARTS Bitters a sure per cent, of the whole amount of each contract. THE herein as owner to troublesome disorders. remedy. Boston for Portmonth .and ^rr»e'.ils PEOPLE’S MEDICINE. named, supposed requiring them tc Just WHAT people will A Portland at t7.30 All ome buv. Also, Beat New V£?v® proposals receive*l by the Quartermaster Gen- forward in the Supreme Judicial in Eruptions of the skin are Nervous Difficulties, *“•»*• M., t3.15P. J6.00 P. Court, Englnud Township Mup, World ut one Neuralgia, Ac., spood- 31. M., eral will be opened on the of OI.D DOCTOR ’ortland.in the county oi the appearance on the sur- uy relieved. wb.U0 r. 31. 12th, day October, 1872, ^ ftOODHCK’g Cumberland,on Friday, the Oval Steel New at noon, at the office of the stations on Nova .Scotia Railwiiv i> ,f.w» tt Engraving. face Leave Quartermaster p^,?f/te?.;?;.Tnf»„ln*np,n:AA0* lghteenth day of October,A. D. 1872,at ten o’clock in Dutton Hole^^our of humors that should Portsmouth for Portland at 19.35 A. M, 110.40 General, Cutter and Silk and Linen Swellcil Joints and all Scrofula 4. Washington, D. C., in presence of bidders, and eon- A berth su he forenoon, and file their if Sewing _. Internal M., t2.48P.JE 8.00 P ■“•mumg *7 objections any they shall Thread. at once derangements Afflictions removed or t5.55P.JL, % Jt,*10.05 P. M tracts will be State Booms and meals ROOT AND HERB ave to the Apply Ageuts’ Headquarters. are the determination of these same greatly relioved by this inval- Loate Lnldeford for awarded to tbe lowest rcsiwnsiblo bid- extra. BITTERS 1 proposed purchase by said United Stales D. L. humors to some uable Portland at 8.00 A. M., return- For and GUERNSEY. Pub. H., internal medicine. der* as soon as a of the freight further am.lv k. r t said lands, by of a true Concord,N. orgau, or organs, whose action tliev ug at 5.20 P. M. comparison samples an.! information PP y * J THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. publication and attested Aug 6-4w And derange prices can be B. COYLE, Atlantic J opy of tlie same and of Boston, Mass. and whose substance disease ami Bronchi tin. and "Pullman ear train. completed, provided the samples are dr., Wharf, or application this order tlicrc- they destroy. i€8 Catarrh, Convulsions, Hyster- sleeping express N. B. This deemed once in Ayer’s Sarsaparilla cured or much relieved. suitable by tbe of War. jnneltf JOHN PUKTEOUS. Tli§ beat n, each week, for the space of four months expels these humors from ^um*a^ Morning, does not run Secretary Agent. dpriug & Hammer iTIedicine trcr Free to the blood. Monday All samples should be marked in j t riie Portland Daily a Book Agents. When they are gone, the disorders nornhig19 distinctly order ottered to the public. Press, newspaper published produce they Brrnthina, Pain ivi tlio Lungs, Side to prevent 1 nearest to where We will send a disappear, such as Ulcerations the Liver tAccommodation train. mistakes, Maine Portland, the land lies, the last handsome Prospectus of our New of le‘"triable cured a few List* of the Co ublication to be on illustrated Stomach, and bottlesb m^ of by taking Mail train. cemeteries, witli tl;c number of graves Steamship Monday, the fourteenth day ol Family Bible nearly 500 fine Kidneys, Lungs, Eruptions Eruptive the Quaker Bitters. § in They are with < containing Diseases the St. each, together with full as to condit- prepared •ctober next. Scripture Illustrations to any Book Aeent. free ot of Skin, Anthony's Fire, Rose or tFast Express. information NEW Urea care from the best Date-1 at Female in- ions, requirements, &c., will lie furnished on ARRANGEMENT. Portland in the County of Cumberland Auuress national i'uoiismne Co., Phila.. Pa Erysipelas, Pimples. Pustules, Blotches, Boils, 'Ru- v p*®cnlt Derangements, (almost I^TThe Pullman appli- Roots, Herbs, Barks and * and vl°hifion of the Sleeping Car Express Train ar- cation in to the t he seventeenth -lay of June, A. D„ 1872. jnylOtlw mors, Teller, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ring- J organic laws,) writing Quartermaster General, SEMI-WEEKLY See«Is. They the Ulcers and hidies to ives at and from the Washington, D. C. LI1NK invigorate C. W. WALTON, worm, Sores, Rheumatism, Neuralgia twPE^wS0this tbe,Amer*can yield readily departs Depot of the Maine STIMULATE Pam in the invaluable medicine—the Bitters. Envelopes STOMACH, Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court. Bones, Side, and Head, Female, Weak- Quaker Jentral Railroad, in Portland. containing poprosals, to he Indorsed THE TORPID LIVER and 1 roiM.sals for headstones lor “d Francm.Ia A true copy of application anil order of ness, Sterility, Leueorrheea arising from internal ul- a*1* the Blood and diseases inci- N. B. The 6.15, M««’ of diseases which are South Paris at 8.15 A M. and 2.50 P. M. SALAD OIL Retqieetfully, free by mail. described in tills work than S. DANA HAYES, State Mass.” 3n»®Jdl"““*0rt‘ Accommodation from So. Paris at 7 P. Assayer, Manufactured WELLS’S CARBOLIC ever fell M. only by TABLETS, perhaps to the lot of mortal man. Pullman Palace PRINCE A- FLINT «& GOLDTHWAIT, Props., Salem, Mass. For It treats Drawing Room and Cars COTTON, Importers and 1 P. Coughs, Colds and Hoarseness. on Sleeping Agents, FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. HALL CO. Nashua, N. H. Proprietors. Lost Manhood, Nervous and General 1 re attached to the and Mail Trains between For sale all Debility Express Mass. by druggists, TABLETS present the Acid in cembina- W. P. Sent free on *ortland and Montreal. SOLD BT THESE receipt of stamp. Athlrcss jyleod&eow d eow w w28 2m X tion with other efficient remedies, in a popular HASTINGS, ILALLOCK trains run to MEDICAL INSTITUTE. Express through Montreal without J. W. PER-KINS . —OF THE— and afler ami heated Monday, Jfay 20th, moke, gases from the furnace on their sorr A MONTH trains leave to the smoke ’OOD lor sale at No. 43 A 7 per cont. bond for sale on one easily made with Stencil :“'n"r~7:7ill>i|2' I'assonger Portland vay stack, or chimney come in con- HA coin'Vj'c.d Lin —’ street. mortgage /and HIGHEST w j.JI’|r Rochester and intermediate stations 1 act with Also Dry Edgings Key-Check Dies. Secure Circular ■ of the, grest roads running from —on PREMIUMS in the CITY OF giadually decreasing temperatures of and Samples, free. S. M. Vt. New at 7.15 A. JI., aud 1.30 P. M., vater. M. H USB. the third largest road in New York State. The most Spencer, Brattleboro, a,‘d State PORTLAND. making !___Y. desirable augl9-4w Fair» in irectconnectlon at Roches.er with trains for Boston While doing with bond of all the Midland issues, the A Standard Preparation, endorsed the most re- 18G9land average work, coupled a good aftording by ver Boston & Jlaine and Eastern ltiiilroada. Also mgine, it will steam for 150 MUSIC BOXES! MUSIC largest income and promising the greatest profit. li nble Physicians, and its astonishing curative supply indicated horse BOXES! powers 5 onnect at, Rochester with Mover and K>wer. Price, 8ft and interest a tested by thousands who have used it. All IiiMirniiicuiH P^™enNJth°eCuToVp!,Xnd%heaTd?d Winuiniseogee We Agents Wanted for War- (atlroa.1 for Alton Bay, and with Groat We will guarantee that this bailer will believo them one of the safest and most It is a sure, quick for all diseases of the • Portsmouth, shew 30 profit- remedy ranted. 1 alls and ltailroad for >er cent, more AZ bl* investment* oft ered in this in male or Conway Conway. ]K»wer with the same weight of cnal XVrZtXt iXSLSS market for years. I rinary urgarts existing temale, Irritation Leave Rochester for produce son mi* ns fiowerfal an Prof. Fowler’s Great Work fc?iunrsl Portland and way stations at ban any boiler of the same surface in a^unumtsthatof a 1 and thoxa Inflammation of Kidneys or Bladder, Gravel, Dia- Pricc Iist8 ’ .30 A. heating the ianotorte. till a house with full 6unt mail- M., and 12 M. and will continue to do as soon melody Reddish Sediment in si.; in saia hS narket, so, long as At is at 33 COURT STREET and des, Urine, Thick, Cloudy On Womanhood and their H&ra?’ gressT"/"saidgress ward, and those The 7.30 train with sel«t UUi ALLEN, STEPHENS & Co Manhood, Mutual Inter- wanlLiri“t;.Engi,,‘:residing in ward connecting down trains on Do- ised, and we will back our guarantees with Gov- •artre so that It ,kj**• rine, Mucous aim Involuntary Discharges from its , r and slock, may relations; Love, LawR, Power, etc. will sell to be 0,1Cs2 Wiuui|,iseogce, and Portsmouth, Great Falls ern mknt Bonus. rethra, Retention or Incontinuenceof Urine, Chron- Send for ami paid for in Install- toTon Vaughn s‘t nd BANKERS, specimen pages circulars, with terms. Conway Railroads, and tlie 12 o’clock train mak- The durability of this boiler is than Chime Catarrh of Bladder, and all Chronic Maladies of the National ments. Mum,ay * greater any Christmas, Address, Publishing Co. Phila.Pa. au!9Mw igdirect connection at Rochester with trains ■ ither for the reason is that no cold 1 rino-Geuital Wild ofcm^text'taSS"STefat ten from water is allowed Nc"Ycar-in Hte ears of SOLE AGENTS FOR THIS Organs. month, o’clock i„ the 1 ■oston, Boston at 7.30 in your LOAN, tliere to forenoon.thenand leaving A.M., via Boston & o come contact with the intensely heated SuIR?the Uelighled Fossale by all Druggists and Dealers in Mediciu also have the for this State give in their votes tor * lame, ami at 8.30 A. surfaces, Rare Cliance for Agency lor the Governor o/the State .j. via Eastern Railroads. lie feed water being heated as it ascends 0 ery where. Agents. CELEBRATED '6 Leave gradually BAND a* FIVE to the State Portland for Saco River at 6.20 P. M. rom the lower to MENMUVTi'NS IS, and .'!Lrl?!AKS'PLCTES, a full INSTRIT*DU- ST. we will r ^P^Htatives tbeupiiercoinpartmeut. assortment of otht>r <•..*. noeodly28 pay you $40 per week in cash, Leave Saco River for Portland at 5.30 Now York, if Comity A. M We would especially call the attention of Railroad Jyljdtf AGENTS,you will engage with us at once. TreasurerCommtesioner, Stages connect as Everything s'- follows: , nen to the following facts, that while this :iie8.te,,orj'ci^,(-'AL MEKc»A«r>i«:Ki Proposals for Dredging in Dux- furnished and expenses paid. Address McPhail s At Gorham for West running A. ssnassssareass."' Gorham, Standish, and No i loiicrwith coal or woo* 1 the sparks are neutralized, Commissioners Notice. F. ELLS &■ CO., Charlotte, iflich. Pianos, imington, 83 Mass. The daily. j ml none have ever left the smoke or C°'’ bury Harbor, aul9t4w leading instrument manutacturod in the United At Buxton stack chimney, (Opposite Centre for West Bomiv vliicli in itself a ilieCr.’onrt llmie.? undersigned have been appointed by the PROPOSALS will be received at this office until States. a ad Buxton, Ea deB is most valuable advantage, nevci Sje’d*’’ J| 10 arsg ; Limington. daily. , realized. of Probate for Cumberland Com- o’clock A. on the of j^gasssasa? lefore THEJudge County, M., Tuesday Ilth, day Tho At Centre tvaterhoro’ for decide ui>on all eptember AGENTS WANTED—for the Lives of Remember 144 1-2 Aldermen ot said will be in Limerick, Par- ourselves to missiohers to receive and claims next, for about 22.000 cubic yards of Exchange St. city open session msheld and Newfield, Confining practice and not theory we ^« in »t the Ward Room (entrance on Ossijice, Tuesdays, i against the estate of Joseph H. Burnell, tatc of Deer- rcitging the South Channel of Duxburv Haroor Myrtle st.,) in Citv Thursdays and Sat- nwite all parties in want of Steam Boilers to give us teasfree.— cod&wt from alternate the late firm of E. A. Pers-m, tc make _T4!_?m___dc20 Buiiding, nine o’clock in the forenoon to rdays, returning days, call. ing deceased, and also against desuriug propoiials fur this work one CeUtl clock in the afternoon on each of the Waterboro’ for W. T. full line of Burnell & Co: « tr> th' his GRANT GREELEY three secular ,1 Limerick, BROWN CO., General choice ne undersigned, at of- VU FEEL rarsonsfield, Agents, 1-Me,rV,rt '-VT'T WEAK AND LANGUID TN jays neat preceding such of tdy del** For thin purpose they wili be ift session at the of- J'1 Co"Kres* St., I’ortlan Me., V. Gen’ U’ S’ A- said wards, HEAD I U. S. am! WORLD for 1*72. Best U. S Send for Circular and secure at once. Ad- ng lists. PERCIVAL BONNEY. Engfoeer’s Ofilee, T' territory They will cure. I selling map ever _ Jyl2-0*w3w_ Portland. certainly Per Order H. I. REMOVAL! published. Also, Aug.27,1872. i an27-M dress. ZIEGLER cts McCURDY, 274 Main Street are are of choice ROBINSON, City Clerk. New Charts of all Presi- more Nauseous They composed emollient minis Argus and Advertiser | Pictures, Medicines for Seminal Weak- r Springfield, Mass. au 24-4w t made on the finest of three copy. mirier* I 'Initial Candidates, ness Piles kid, different sires1, and 29, Q Campaign priace a NO Incontinence of Urine and £ anford’s are worn with ease Aug au30-dtd I Goods and ( o r Protap- Improved and comfort. Sold 1872._ _ i Religious Charts, rov *u* Uten' Old Dr. HAW LEY'S Refrigerators. by l)rmJ.Hst»rugjsts sewing ' quarter of a Cen- Price 15. 2U and 30 cents each. silk and linen thread. Best Asssrt- IMPOBTBBS A experience hat a ORIXUBBS OF tura perfected local cure su-edu The three of excellence which I to in 100 to and sea-et. points elaim, are- F. C. WELLS & C'O.. Goods Willis’ Block FO 1C ment U. S. $ $200 per month permanent Local treatment and Housekeeping J °*orri1nrem".VB