The AtlantaAstronomy Club, Inc.

Vol. D( No.3 August, 1996

7947- 7997 CeTebrating Eifty of Astronomy in AtJ,arrta

August MeetingNotice of the went will be somewhereftom $75 to $85. The The next meeting of the Adanta Astronomy Club win be facility has a pool, tennis courts, miniture golf, glft shops held at 8:00 p.m. on August 16 at Emory University's etc. The number to the lodge is (706)695-9601. A more White Hall.Our speakerwill be Dr. Dick Miller, Professor economicalstay might be in the city Elh.yay,or Blue Ridge, of Astronomy at G€orgia State University. Dr. Miller's or in the Fort Mountain StatePark area which is about 10 miles past the overlook (Contact the Park subje€t will b; "Blazars: The Most Extreme Quasa$" Service for Blazars exhibit the greatest and variability of derails). any Quasars. As a result. they prwide an excellenttest for Directions to the Cohutta Ov€rlook: the diff€r€nt models proposedfor thes€ objects. Dr Miller There are 2 setsof directionsbelow. The Cohutta will discuss and comlnre the models which attempt to Overlook is easiestwhen aproached from Ellijay. If you dercribe Quasarsin terms of supermassiveblack holes.The don't know how to get to dori'ntownEllijay follow the first extreme profErties observed in Blazars may help us to set of instructions. If you do, then skip aheadto the second determine just what is actally going on in these very set. puzzling and very remotesystems. r) DIRECTIONS TO ELLUAY From Arlanra take I-285 10I-75 North. From I-75 North, turn onto I-575 North. Follow I-575 until you seea CalendarNotes .i@ u7hi.h .--i. FAQT Fl I rIAv" A aila ^. -^ ^^d .L^ "EAST ELLIJAY' sign, you will come across a major l0 August PerseidObeerving at CohuttaOverlook intersection. Justbefore the inters€cton you will s€ea sign 15 August Ob6ervingat EgalstonHeart Camp near on the right side ofthe road pointing to the left which reads 'ELLIJAY'. Hard Labor Creek This is for children Thereis a McDonaldson the left hand side of ag€s6 to 18 years. Ifyou would like to the road. Take a left at the intersection. After crossing help with this observing,please call over a hill you will come to a stop sign. Contirue straight (770) 227-2233. over the rail-road track until you comeacross another stop 16 August Meetrng at Emory University's Whit€ sign. A car dealershipis on the right. Take a left at the IIall stop sign. About a block ahead you will come across 24 August Public Observingat Villa Rica another intersection. There will b€ a Dairy Queenon th€ left. Take a lefr at this inters€ction. Continue on the road PerseidMeteor ShowerObserving Session for about2 miles until you reachdowntown EllUay. by DougChessei, AAC President 2) I}IRECTIONS TO TEE COEUTTA OVERLOOK The Club's Perseid Meter Shower observing From the center of downlown Ellijay take s€ssion is scheduled for August lOth at the Cohutta Highway 52 west (sigls clearly mark the road). After Overlook just northrrest of Elijay. The overlook has an about 12 to 15 miles you will see the Entrance to the incredible vista for otrerving and extremely dark skies. Cohutta Overlook on the rigbt (Just Fst Mile Marker I). Only a small s€ction to the sourh is obacured.However, Take a right hto the Entranc€ ard park next to the path there are ly'O restroomsor other facilite6 so be r*amed. The which leadsto the top. observingfield is located about 30 yards ftom the parking area, but the incline is quite steep. It will be difficult to AAC Webpage bring large/heary telescopes.Members are encouragedIo byAlex Langoussis keepit simple. Bring a loungechair, picnic dimer and kick back to $atch the shower. After starting and maintaining the Atlanta For those not wanting to dnve back after the Astronomy Club's intemet home pagefor the last and Perseidsthere is a faidy large and well k€pt lodge about 5 a half, it is time to pass the responsibility on to someone miles past the Overlook on Highway 52. The lodge is the els€. "Cohutta Lodge & Restaunnt". Ratesfor rooms the night '| The new web page editor would need an internet hard obs€rtersin the club who love to observeat the colder connection that allows posting of a home page. One can time of the year. However, memberswho are occassional page createa with severalkinds of software. Maintenance observersare welcomedand encouragedto attend. There page of the usually takes 4-8 hours a week. But the will be no guest speakers,or talk (other than the usual rewards are many. You will find youself communicating social ones). If you erloyed our Turkey Farm event this with peoplethe world over. past Spring, you will probably nol want to miss this event . Wh€n we started early last year, we were only the either. 12* club to have a web 1nge. At last count, there are now Accomodationsare Camping. Tent camping on 103. At the time web pageswere simple, drab, mostly text. the observingfield will be permitted however,there are no Now, we have colorfrrl backgroundsand graphics, sound RV hookups. Bathroomsare locatedin facilities just off the and movrng images. Thesemore complex pagestake a lot observingfield. The club will provide Hot Bwerages and more time 10 create, time that I don't have. The club Snacksduring the nights. It will be chilly, and could get deservesa first rate web page, which is why we need somewhatcol4 so dress afrf,roFately and make sule your someonewith the time, sttlls, and desire to do the job sleepingbag is up to par. riglrt. You must register before November 1"1. To We need your creativity and comprter skills! regster just send your name, address, phone Pleasecall me or Doug if your are interestedin laking on nurnber,numberof peopleattending and how many nights, this rewarding responsibility. and a check of 5 dollars per night (Made out to the Atlanla Astronomy Club) to: SidewalkAstronomy on the 4th of July Doug Chesser by Steve " Saratoga Smitty" Smith c/o AAC 2916Appling Circle Moreland, Georgia, the birthplace of L,ewis Chanblee,GA 30341. Grizzard hosts a 4th of July bar-b-q and crafts fair. This year I was allo*ed (at no charge) to set up my telescope AAC'S Fall Picnic and table loadedwith charts, books and magazinesfor Volunteers are needed to help out with the Club's fall general display. Many AAC information flyers were picnic scheduledfor Saturday.September l+,} in villa distributedto inquisitive onlookers,along with my personal Rica. We need I or 2 people to volunt€er to bring our AAC side$tlk astronomercards. griUs. We also needpeople to help s€tup. The picnic wil Hunqted5ui yie*s wcrcgilcu of dre Surrthough be held ilr l:sual &slu+r. The club w!! pror.idelot-dogs my scope"Starurtp Saratoga", which was equippedwith a for the grill. membeismay bring thier own steal6, chicken Thousand Oaks solar filter. Although the Sun was or other meat to throw on the grills as well. The picnic w l unremarkablethat day due to no sunqrotsbeing visible (t e begin around 4pm and last till whenwer. After the curse o/ the solqr minimum! -ed.), m ny people had their cookout, when darlness arrives an obEervingsession will first good look at our nearest star. I also answeredmany begin. questionsabout our hobbyand I lnow I sfErked the interest of more than a few. AAC Expeditionto the Chielhnd Starfest A humorous side-note to this: my scope is a by DougChesser, AAC President Coult€r lo-inch Dobsonianwith a red tube. It being the 4th On the weekendof October l0e-13s, membersof of July, a few people came up to me and looking towards th€ Atlanta Astronomy Club are planning on atlending the asked about " that big rocket or fir€cracker". All part of Chiefland (FL) Starfest, hostedby the Astroscopers. This being a SidewalkAstronomer I gueris! star party featureslots of obGervingunder dark and steady Expanding the lnowledge of the public about the skies. There iue no guest speakersor tats, just plenty of universeis a great thing about Side*alk Asuonony, and it good conversationand obeerving can be done alone or in a goup, at the end of your While the Star Party is Oct. 10-13, there really is driveway, at a school or in a ctryground For more no s€t time; one can comebefore that and stay long€r (hey, information about Sidesalk Astronomv contact Larrv is this laid back or what!). The 5 acre site accommodates Higgins at 77 0 -227 -2233. canping at a cost of $5 a nigbt 1rr site. There are 2 outsideshowers, and port-a-pottiesas well.The site is about 1STANNUAL DIE HARD OBSERVERS 6 miles south of Chiefland. There are restaurantsin town . PARTY for thosewho don't care to cook out. Plus the opportunity The club will host its first annual DIE HARD to do fishing and boating in the there is plenty to OBSERVERSparty on Friday and SaturdayNovember 8h do in the day. Only ten miles to the south lies the relnown and 9' at the Dauset Trails Natue Center near Jackon ManateePark. Georgia. For thoseplanning on going dovm on the 10' and This is a no-frills went with a focus exclusivelyon would like to participate in the carayan we will meet at (contact observing. Thrs star party is gearedmainly towardsthe die 10amat a TBD Waffle Houseon the way Doug for details).If you are interested in this outing contact Doug More on that as it happens. Chesserat 770-457-57'13 lf you have photos or even videotapeyou like to contribut€, contact Ken Poshedlyat (77O) 979-9842,ot e- AAC Meeting Minutes: July l2*, 8pm, mail to [email protected]. Fernbank Planetarium. submittedby DougChesser, AAC President From the Observer'sNotebook Members of the club enjoyed a planetarium show entitled The StarsOfAlerander. Tlte show focusedon the heavens On July 13, we had our club obsewing at Daus€t of the ancient Greeks and includ€d lore, as Trails. There was a good sized group of 19 members weu as r@entdiscovedes. pres€nt with thre€ scopes and binoculars. Everyone After the meeting about 72 membersof the club attendeda attendingwas taking a gambleon the weather. Cloudsdid quick businessmeeting. roll in mth a sprinHe or two, but we all hung in there and . Doug Chessergave a presidentsreport which included obs€rvedthrcugh potholesin the clouds. Better luck nexl status rE)orts on the club's logo development progess. trme. Doug reporteda logo or seriesof logo's should be ready to be presentedat the August or Septemberclub meetingsfor On Friday, July 19, the Sidewalk Astronomy endorsementby the membership. Doug also reported on Group held an observing at the Grifrn Kiwanis the last Executive Council Meeting. This included a Fairgrounds for the Spalding County Cub Scout troop6. summary of the ObservatoryDevelopment discussioq as There were at l€ast 100+ Scouts and their parents in well as the Advanced Sites Selection, and Logo teams. attendance. They were lined up at the telescop€sfor two Doug also announcedthe club's fall picnic is tentatively solid hous. A good time was had by all, but the b€st time schedrled for Saturday, September14' in Villa Rica, as was had by AAC membersas we warchedthe excitementin well as an announcementfor the Club's expedrtionto the the facesof the scoutsand their porents. just Chiefland Starfestin FL on October l0'. You don't know what you're missing when you o Rich Jakiel gave a Conesponding Secretary'sreport don't attend these obseruings. I \vould like to thank Smitty, Phil Sacco,Keith Cox and Bill Warren for their and announcedthat the deadline for Aueust-also Focal Point submissionswould be Augusr 2d. Rich emphasized support$rth the SidewalkAstronomy Group. Comeon out join the importanceofbeing on time with submissions. and us nex time. o Larry Higgins gavethe ftserving Chairmanls report. Ee announc€severai

"Tales From The Drrk Site" By Nctwrd Jakiel Ahut one month ago, there was an interesting "thread' or topic on the usenet newsgroup sci.astlo.amateur. Tided "Observing Alone Concerns", many posters described a variety of encounters while Beginner'sStar-Hops; August, 1996 ByArt Russell

Augusl normally heraldsthe "Dog Days" of Summerand brings the hopethat cooler daysmay be ahead. For astronomers,this August brings other things as well. This will be a $eat month for vie*'lng the Perseidmeteor shower. The meteorshow will peak at about2 AM on the morning of 13 August, but expeclthat we may get geat views arytime that previousweekend as well. Comeon out to the Adanta Asuonomy Club's PerseidMeteor ShowerViewing eventon the eveningof l0 August to sharethe occasionwith other club members. This eventwill take place at the CahuttaOverlook which providesa panoramic view of the horizon so bring your binoculars,picnic dinner, lounge chair, and stay for a while. August also marks your last opportunity to obsewethe greatestconcentradon ofeasy to observeMESSIER ('M) objectsas the constellationsScomius. ODhiuchus,Saqrttarius, and Scutumslip passthe zenith and begin their inevitabledescent into the weslem horizon, not to be s€enuntil n€xt year. I encouage anyoneinterested in getting a running start at their MESSIER CERTIFICATE to get out this month and scourthese for their 29 (of 110) MESSIER obje{ts.Plese give me a call ifyou are interestedin working on your MESSIER CERTIFICATE. Our Begimers' Sessionswill focuson observingthe MESSIER objectswith small scopesas a project for the next year. How many memberscan we get certifted brythe end of next Summer? Give me a call if you are interested (404-373-{ll9)! Incidentally, ar the sametime you are working on your MESSIER GERTIFICATE, you can also work on the club's Visual Impressions Program, sinceyou'll seemany of its targetsat the sametime!

This month's star hopswill indulge my passionfor globular clusters. Of the 142 glohrlar clustersI ktrow of, theii geatest concentation is in the constollationsOohiuchus and Sasittarius. This month, we'll concentrateon Ophiuchuswhich lies above both Sasittariusand ScorDius.We'll start off the summernext year w'lth the MESSIER objectsin Saeittarius. A tip to easy observationofthese objectsis to view from the darkestskies possible and usethe lowestpower eyepleceyou have. All ofthese objectsare visible in binoculars,so don't hesitateto useyours if you haveth€m as well!

Star-hoo #1. M62, NGC 6266. We begin our tour ofOohiuchus' globular cluster by $anirg in the constellationSc.onrius, First locatethe starAntares ("The Rival ofMars"),Alpha (a),Scorpii. Then locatethe next star in the custellations figwe to the south, Tau (O Scoui. Beginning at Zaa Scorpii, extendan imaginary line to the star 45 Ophiuchi. M62 is locatedabout half way along, and southof '.his line. 11162afryears veq'compa.;t and disk slalre4 ijnf riic statr:are resolvel,,insnaller telescopes.

Star-hop #2. M19, NGC 6273. Our nex stop is Ml9. To find M19, return your scopeto Tou Scorpii and,theneiend an imaginary line to the st?trThetu (e) Ophizcti. M19 lies a little more than half way along and south of this lirc, about60% of the way to ThetaOphiucht. Like M62, M19 also appearsvery compactwith no resolvedstars in smallg{"telescopes.

Star-hop#3. M9, NGC 6333.Constellation , SrarUng ar the starTheta Ophiuchi.the ne* sfarto the nonh in the constellationis 44 Oprircri. E*end an imaginary line ftom to lhe slar Sabik,Eta (ry)Ophtrclri. M9 is located about halfoay along andjust eastof the line. M9 appearsas a falnt, but distitrct, unresolvedsmudge in smaller telescopes.

Star-hon ll4. Mt07, NGC 6171. To locateM107, we onceagain retum to the constellationScorpius for our starting poirt. First, locatethe star Beta (fl Scorpii recognrzedas the highest ofeasily seen"Clows ofthe Scorpion." Frcm Beta Scorpii,lhe next star higher in the constellationis l& (u) Scorpii. Exlend an imaginary line fiom,ly'aScorpii to tlre starZeta (QOfiiuchi. Ml07 lies 3/4 of the way ftom Nu Scorpii to Ltrdjust to the eastof this line. In the club's 20 inch tel€scope, M107 app€red as a moderatesized gloh ar with many resolvedstars. A numberof outlying starswere conc€ntrated toward the west side ofthe cluster.

Star-hop n5. M12, NC,C62f8. Slart at the star Zeta Ophiuchi andextendan imagimry line to the statKappa (9 Ophiuchi. M12 lies a little lesstban ha|f w€y ftom Zeta Ophiuchi to Kappa Ophiuchi ^nd jvstto the eastof this line. In the club's 20 inch telescope,M12 appe3rsas a moderatesized globular cluster with many resolvedstars. There appearedto be a main concentrationof starswith a lessorganized patch apparentlyin the backgound to the northwestof lhe nucleusof the cluster.

Star-hop tt6. M10, NGC 6254. Starting onceagain at t!.e starZeta Ophilcri, e$end an iftrginary line to the starAlpha (a) Ophiuchi. M10 lies about l/3 of the way ftom Zeta Ophiuchi to mdjust to the eastof this line. In the club's 20 inch telescope,M10 appearedas a relatively b'nght, moderatesiz€d globular cluster. Howwer, the clusler did not appesr well orgamzedand had many starstrailing away from its nucleus.

to Star-hoD #7. M1'{' NGc 6!102. To locate Mlil, extendan irnaginary line ftom the star ,sarift, Eta (D ophiuchi,and rhe s1"r Cheleb,"TheShepherd's Dog," (p) . M14 is localednot quite2/3 alongthe wayfrombta'ophiuchi to Beta ophiuchi andjust , to the eastof that line. In the club's 20 inch telescope,Mt+ appeaiedas a;ma[ to moderatesized globular cluster' Its stars wele not well resolved but the cluster seemedweu organized. Addirionaly, a uery faint arm of stars.appeared to trail offto the northwest.

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SCar+ops' ftlag*rary lftes We'rehere to help! Here'show to reachus: Addressfor NeryMembsships, Renelvats, Magazine Subscriptions, and BookOrders: Atlanta Astronorny Club 3595Canton Road. SuttGA9306 Madetta,cA 30066

Atfant Astronomy Club Inionnstlon Lin€: 770621-re1

Intemel Home Page: http:/,lflww.mindspring.cony'-aleko/aagtro.html

Ofllcers, Board. and Cofmitlees:

DougChesser President 770!57-574€ [email protected] JerryArmstrong VP,ProgramChairman 770-9..2424€ [email protected] LarryHiggins VP, ObservingChairman 77tU-T3 PhilBracken Treasurer,Subscriptions, Books 770€41-617 [email protected] RichJakiel Ne'dslelterEditor, VIP Pr€ram zpzf362{816 [email protected] JackWamer RecordingSecretary /O4-€3e6&a EnaShelton Boerd,Obs€watory Design Chairman T70€64,2a37 [email protected] Tom Buchanan Bo€rd,Light Pollution Chairman 779sa74n4 TusharThrivikaman Board,Meeting Logisii6 T1ol70A742 [email protected] LennyAbbey Board,Asst. ProgramChairman 4443+1W labbey@mindsp{ SteveGilbreath Board zo€1915 [email protected] GinnyMintz HospitalityChairman TTU2-7ffi GinnyMauuin-Kinney Informaiion Line 77U4149€3 [email protected] Ken Poshedly Publicity,Peach State Star caze r/G9BS42 [email protected] Art Russell Library,Beginner's lnteresl Group 4L3734'119 [email protected] KenWalbum ClubGraphios 77096+9442

THEFOqAL POilNT Newsletterof The Atlanta AstronomvClub. Inc.

FROM: Richard and Jennifer Jakiel 1101Collier Road Apt. Q-l Atlanta, Georgia 30318 First Class The A dfa A.gfoorny Club Isc., the Sodhh Irrged od olded adronornicalsocidy, meds at 8:00 p.!r. a rhe ttird Fridsy of eod rncnrh at Elnory Univdsity's Vrhite Hall 6 occ$iGally sl dh€ locaticns(deck the hd line for ddails). Med$€fSb is Cp€trto all. Annu.l duesare $20 ($10 for studsrts). Dscourted sub{crid.ims10 A$qrorny (S20), asd SLy & Tel€"cope (S24) magazin€s are available S€dddu€3 to: Thc AO|nt| Arb.otromy Club, Inc., 3595 Csnton Ro.d, Soitc A9-30i Mrdctls, Gr.3(x|66.

Hd Lioe: Timely iDformatim €il lh€ niglrt sky ard adrorpmy in the Allanta a.eab availableqr a twe$ty-fourhour basisqr the A arfa Asrmomy Club hil line. 17G4L2s6l

Chs-* o|i our ASTRO disorssiod list on lhe Irtefird: AsTRo@Mind+ringcom. Also visit our Iriemet hom+page: http:/hvww.ndndlpdry..on/-deko/r0$tro.hbnl

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