Lincoln Planning Review, 10(1-2) (2019) 25-32

The state of in : A precarious position


Master of Planning, Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand


Cats are one of the most popular companion animals around the world, but they are also one of the most . In New Zealand alone cats are responsible for the extinction of several native species. However, management of populations and the effect they have on the environment is confounded by people’s emotional attachment to cats, and the many health and social benefits cats provide. In New Zealand, anti-cat sentiment is putting pressure on local councils to increase regulation of cat ownership in order to control cat populations and reduce their impact on native wildlife. Regulations and policies concerning cats have so far been developed by individual local councils, and as such there is considerable variation in how cats are managed throughout New Zealand. While there are national guidelines for care of companion animals, it is worth investigating whether it is time for stronger national regulations and direction on cats. As such, desktop research on cat management in New Zealand was conducted, including analysis of various central and local government policies, along with academic studies and news articles from around New Zealand. This article concludes that stronger national direction is needed and discusses what exactly should be included in such national direction.

Keywords: Companion species, Predator management, Biodiversity Policy, feral, domesticated

cat ownership regulations, improved 1. INTRODUCTION management of companion and First brought to New Zealand by European populations, or even for the total eradication settlers in 1769 (King, 1984), cats (Felis catus) of all cats (companion and feral alike) from have long been a beloved companion animal in New Zealand (Perry, 2013; The Morgan New Zealand households. Not only do they Foundation, n.d.; Chen, 2018). However, as offer companionship, but cats are also prized total eradication of cats would be extremely for their hunting abilities—particularly where costly and likely elicit negative public reaction, pest species, such as rats and mice, abound. it is perhaps neither a practical nor wise This, however, does not negate the strategy to adopt. At present there is International Union for Conservation of inadequate national direction on cat Nature’s classification of cats as among 100 of management in New Zealand, with the the world’s worst invasive species (Lowe, responsibility being left to the Department of Browne, Boudjelas, & De Poorter, 2000). In Conservation (DOC) and local councils. If cat New Zealand alone, where native species populations are to be effectively managed in evolved without exposure to land-based New Zealand, there needs to be stronger mammalian predators, cats are implicated in national direction to achieve conservation the extinction of at least six endemic species goals whilst protecting the socio-cultural (Fisher, Algar, Murphy, Johnston, & Eason, importance of cats to New Zealanders. There 2015). Cat predation on native wildlife— are numerous ways such national direction particularly native birds—is well-publicised, could be achieved, including: through with various factions advocating for stronger statutory means such as a National Policy

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Statement or biodiversity strategy, which admits that “we got hate mail, even death could give cat management operations legal threats. We upset a lot of people that are backing; or through non-statutory means, such interested in cat welfare” because of their as a national strategy or action plan. campaign to eradicate cats and make New Momentum for such a national direction is Zealand truly predator free (The Morgan already underway, with a proposed New Foundation, n.d.). This indicates that while Zealand National Cat Management Strategy stronger national direction is needed to being put forward by the National Cat manage cat populations in New Zealand, such Management Strategy Group in 2017 (National national direction must respect and provide for Cat Management Strategy Group, 2017). This the unique and significant socio-cultural article aims to explore which approach is most relationship between humans and cats, and suitable given the relationship of cats to New ensure that any measures to regulate cat Zealanders, existing cat management systems, populations are ethically and publicly and growing concerns around the issue. acceptable. Furthermore, the benefits cats provide to 2. THE ROLE OF CATS IN NEW ZEALAND human welfare should not be under-valued From 1769 onwards, cats became an when considering cat management policies. increasingly popular feature of New Zealand Numerous studies have, for instance, found households (King, 1984). According to the New that cat ownership correlates with many Zealand Companion Animal Council, in 2016 positive health outcomes. Of particular note, 44% of households owned a cat—making cats cat owners, or people who have previously the most popular companion animal in New owned a cat, have been found to have Zealand. Since their arrival, cats have often significantly lower risk rates of cardiovascular been considered an invasive pest that should disease compared to non-cat owners be eradicated to protect New Zealand’s native (Friedmann & Thomas, 1995; Qureshi, Memon, biodiversity (Farnworth, Dye & Keown, 2010). Vazquez & Suri, 2009). The mental health Several studies concur that cats are benefits of cat ownership or companionship responsible for a number of bird, mammal, and have already been well implemented into reptile extinctions in New Zealand (Bruce, many mental health and psychotherapeutic 2018; Farnworth, Dye & Keown, 2010; practices (Friedmann & Thomas, 1995; Fitzgerald & Gibb, 2001). Well known examples Quereshi, Memon, Vazquez & Suri, 2009; in New Zealand include the total extinction of Wood, Giles-Corti & Bulsara, 2005). Cats have the Stephen Island Wren in the late 1800s due been shown to reduce and improve negative to a single cat owned by the lighthouse keeper moods (including anxiety, fear, depression, on Stephen Island (Farnworth, Dye & Keown, and introversion), and are often present in 2010). Likewise, Grand and Otago skink psychiatric centres (Turner, 2017). Cat populations are believed to be at critically low companionship has also been described as a levels in Central Otago due to cat predation cure for loneliness. This is because cats often (Department of Conservation, n.d.). substitute, or replace, aspects of our social It should be noted that cats are more than networks and become additional sources of simply a conservation concern, and it is worth emotional support (Rijken & van Beek, 2011; exploring the emotional relationship between Turner, 2017; Wood, Giles-Corti & Bulsara, New Zealanders and their cats. Cat 2005). For example, women living alone tend management is a sensitive topic due to the to be significantly lonelier than those living emotional investment many New Zealanders with a cat (Zasloff & Kidd, 1994). It is for these have with the species. The strong relationship reasons that total eradication of cats in New between New Zealand cat owners and their Zealand would not only be unwise, but also is clearly seen in the public opposition to seriously unpopular. The benefits to human Gareth Morgan’s controversial ‘Cats to go’ welfare should not be overlooked when campaign (Perry, 2013; The Morgan creating and implementing any national Foundation, n.d.). The Morgan Foundation direction on cat management.

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3. EXISTING POLICIES, LEGISLATION, AND 26.4). Cats, however, have not been granted MANAGEMENT OF CATS IN NEW this protection. ZEALAND This lack of national recognition and direction for cats in New Zealand has meant Management of cat populations in New that cat population management lacks a Zealand walks a fine line between addressing uniform approach across the country. Part of conservation concerns and protecting the the problem is the difficulty in distinguishing interests of cat owners. To date, cats live in an between various classifications of cats. Under ambiguous legislative state: they are neither New Zealand’s Code of Welfare—Companion classified as a pest under a national pest Cats 2018, cats are separated into companion, management plan or the New Zealand stray, and feral categories (Ministry for Primary Biodiversity Action plan (2016), nor protected Industries, 2018). Companion cats refer to as an exotic species under the New Zealand those that live with humans or are dependent Biodiversity Strategy 2000. In general, the New on humans for their welfare, whereas stray Zealand Biodiversity Strategy (2000) has cats are defined as lost or abandoned emphasised in situ conservation, favouring the companion cats either living alone or in a group protection of native fauna rather than (colony). Stray cats may be indirectly reliant on introduced, or exotic, species. This reflects a humans for their needs. Feral cats, on the requirement under the Convention on other hand, have none of their needs supplied Biological Diversity in Article 8(h) to “prevent by humans and generally live away from the introduction of, control or eradicate those centres of human habitation (Ministry for alien species which threaten ecosystems, Primary Industries, 2018). This categorisation habitats or species” (Convention on Biological allows for different management techniques Diversity, 1992). Though clearly a conservation to be adopted to address feral cats, as opposed issue, the New Zealand Biodiversity Action Plan to stray and companion cats. Feral cats are (2016)—which showcases actions being considered to pose a more significant threat to undertaken to meet New Zealand’s New Zealand’s native wildlife than companion commitments under the Convention on or stray cats (Forest & Bird, 2018). Under Biological Diversity, including the Predator provisions of the Biosecurity Act 1993, DOC Free 2050 program—fails to address the currently considers feral cats to be a pest threats that cats pose to native wildlife. species. Once labelled as a pest species, feral Predator Free 2050 instead aims to eradicate cats may be hunted and killed, as per the rats, stoats, and possums from New Zealand by provisions of section 30B(1)(b)(iv) of the 2050 (Predator Free 2050, n.d.). Under Animal Welfare Act 1999—which allows for provisions of the Biosecurity Act 1993, a cat any animals defined as a pest under the could be labelled as a ‘pest’ in both national Biosecurity Act 1993 to be hunted and killed and regional pest management plans (Animal Welfare Act 1999; Farnworth, Dye & (Biosecurity Act 1993, part 5). While some Keown, 2010). Management of companion and regional councils have included feral cats in stray cats is generally left to the discretion of their regional pest management plans (for individual city and district councils who, under example, section 10.3.5 of the section 146a(v) of the Local Government Act Regional Pest Management Strategy 2007- 2002, may make bylaws to regulate the 2012), there has been no national pest keeping of animals. management plan targeting cats—companion While on paper the distinctions between or feral—to date. Not classifying cats as pests companion, stray, and feral cats are clear, in would make sense if felius catus (the reality it is difficult to distinguish between companion cat) was protected under the them. This is because stray or abandoned cats previous New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy can easily revert to a feral state within only one (2000), which can offer protection to exotic generation (Ministry for Primary Industries, species if they are important for economic, 2018). This means that companion cats who biological, or cultural reasons (The New are abandoned or get lost blur the boundaries Zealand Biodiversity Strategy, 2000, section

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between companion, stray and feral (Griffiths, 4. ESCALATING TENSIONS Poulter, & Sibley, 2004). False identification of The risks that cats pose to the protection cats not only reduces the effectiveness of pest and conservation of New Zealand’s native control operations, but may also spur negative wildlife is not ground-breaking news. However, public reaction if companion cats are mistaken campaigns such as those by the Morgan for their feral counterparts. Stray cats, Foundation to label all cats, companion and therefore, are in an ambiguous territory and feral alike, as pests have been gaining traction require a unified management approach from in public spheres. Recently the town of Omaui both DOC and territorial authorities (Farnwoth, in the Southland region of New Zealand moved Dye & Keown, 2010). to completely ban all cats in the township in Various councils, community groups, NGOs, order to protect native birds (Chen, 2018). and even government organisations (such as Those opposed to such campaigns often raise DOC) approach the issues of identification, de- concerns that labelling cats as pests may foster sexing, and general cat population negative public perceptions of cats and, in management in different ways. For instance, some cases, promote cruelty towards them Part 2 of the Wellington Consolidated Bylaw (Kerridge, 2019). Conversely, those 2008 regarding animals was updated in 2016 to campaigning against cats often overlook the enforce compulsory microchipping and strong attachment between owners and their registering of all cats within Wellington City companion cats, thus putting cat owners on limits. Companion cats in Wellington must now the defensive. Clearly there is opportunity for be registered either on the New Zealand a nationwide strategy or policy statement to Companion Animal Register (NZCAR) or co-ordinate management of cat populations another council approved microchip register and reduce their impact on native biodiversity, (Wellington City Council, 2016). Similarly, whilst also prohibiting inhumane actions Palmerston North City Council adopted its towards cats. While cats are clearly a threat to Animals and Bees Bylaw in 2018. This bylaw conservation efforts, management of their requires all cats born after July 1st 2018 to be populations must be ethically acceptable and microchipped, registered, and de-sexed. It also done with caution (Kerridge, 2019; Farnworth, limits the number of cats residents in urban Dye & Keown, 2010; Medina et al. 2016). areas can keep to three cats per household In 2017, the National Cat Management (Palmerston North City, 2018). Microchipping, Strategy Group (NCMSG), made up of although an effective means of distinguishing members from Local Government New between companion, stray, and feral cats, is Zealand, the Morgan Foundation, the New not currently mandatory across New Zealand. Zealand Companion Animal Council, the New The Code of Welfare for Companion Cats 2018 Zealand Veterinary Association (NZVA), does suggest minimum standards for caring for Companion Animal Veterinarians, and the companion cats, and includes Royal New Zealand Society for the Prevention recommendations to de-sex all cats, except for of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), developed a those kept by a registered breeder for proposed New Zealand National Cat breeding purposes. The Code also suggests Management Strategy. Their aim was “to lobby that “cats should be identified with a local and central government to enact useful microchip” (Ministry for Primary Industries, legislation that facilitates sustainable humane 2018, p.22). Currently, cat owners are not cat management” (National Cat Management legally required to follow these Strategy Group, 2017, p.5). The proposed recommendations. However, evidence of a national strategy addresses the conservation failure to meet a relevant minimum standard issues around cats, whilst also seeking humane in the code may be used to support a and sustainable population controls that prosecution under the Animal Welfare Act respect the relationship between New 1999. Zealanders and their beloved cats. However, critics have been quick to suggest that statistics used in the strategy are unreliable and have

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been used to paint a negative image of cats cat population in the suburb of Strathmore. (Kerridge, 2018). This resulted in a slow decline in the stray cat colony, showing that compassionate 5. POSSIBILITIES population control methods can be effective if While the current Code of Welfare— given the chance (Mussen, 2015). In other Companion Cats 2018—perhaps does not go countries TNR has become standard practise far enough in legislating responsible ownership for major animal welfare organisations, such as of cats in terms of microchipping, de-sexing the American Society for the Prevention of and so on, the strategy proposed by NCMSG Cruelty to Animals, and the Human Society of does appear to strike a middle-ground the United States (L.A. Unleashed, 2009). approach to cat management. NCMSG’s call Stronger requirements for nationwide de- for “useful legislation” is warranted, and New sexing and neutering of cats should also be Zealand could benefit from mandatory included in a national direction. Such legislative requirements regarding cat requirements should not aim to fully eradicate management. Such mandatory requirements cats from New Zealand, but rather to bring the could be enacted through a National Policy national cat population under control. At Statement, and may include regulations such present there are no statutory requirements as: the compulsory microchipping of all cats for companion cats throughout New Zealand nationwide; stronger de-sexing and neutering to be de-sexed or neutered (Farnworth, Dye, & regulations; the creation of a regulated cat Keown, 2010). Certain cat shelters, such as the breeding programme; and investigation into Cats Protection League and the SPCA, require the effectiveness of humane population cats to be de-sexed before they are rehomed, control of stray cats, such as trap-neuter- but this is not currently a legal requirement release (TNR) programmes. It is important that (Cats Protection League Canterbury, n.d.; the adopted regulations placate public desire SPCA, n.d.). If requirements for microchipping, for humane methods of cat population control, TNR, and neutering were made mandatory in a as highlighted by Mankad, Kennedy and Carter legislative document such as a national (2019) who found that “public perceptions of management strategy, uniform management what is and isn’t in the best interests of cat of cats across New Zealand might just be welfare do not always align with veterinary possible. definitions of care and welfare” (Mankad, 6. CONCLUSIONS Kennedy & Carter, 2019, p.316). TNR programmes may be a viable option for Though clearly a conservation issue, the future management of cats in New Zealand. As issue of cat management should not, and opposed to trap to kill programmes, which realistically cannot, be addressed without tend to spark public outcry, TNR programmes respect to the socio-cultural role of cats in New take stray and feral cats, de-sex them, and Zealand society. National guidance for return them to their area. Using this method, minimum standards of care have been given the population of stray and feral cats will through the Code of Welfare—Companion slowly decline over time, without causing Cats 2018 as directed under the Animal public backlash over perceptions of inhumane Welfare Act 1999, but these minimum treatment. Some studies have found that TNR standards of care are not legally enforceable. is more effective because it does not open up To date, central government has provided little cat territories to new stray or feral cat in the way of mandatory regulations regarding populations, as happens if the original cat cats. If New Zealand is to achieve conservation inhabitants are euthanised. Therefore, goals then it is necessary to have stronger although it takes a long time to achieve, TNR regulations around cat management and has more effective results (Levy, Gale & Gale, ownership nationwide. However, such 2003). In 2014, Wellington SPCA and regulations should not be at the expense of the Wellington City Council set up a pilot project to emotional attachment many New Zealanders investigate the effectiveness of TNR on a stray feel towards cats. There is room then, for a

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