Thanks to its universal customer-focused banking model – based on close cooperation between its retail and its specialised business lines – reaffirmed by its “A whole just for you” brand signature, Crédit Agricole helps its customers achieve all their personal and business projects. It provides them with an extensive range of services: day-to-day banking, loans, saving products, insurance, asset management, real estate, leasing and factoring, corporate and investment banking, issuer and investor services.

Serving 51 million customers worldwide, it also stands out on account of its distribution model, multi-channel customer-focused banking, and the efforts of its 141,000 employees, who make Crédit Agricole the customer relationship-based bank. DISCOVER CRÉDIT AGRICOLE GROUP

Built on its strong cooperative and mutual foundations and led by its 10 million mutual shareholders and more than 30,000 directors from its Local and Regional Banks, Crédit Agricole’s organisational model gives it stability and staying power. It also draws its strength from its values of transparency, customer focus, accountability and openness to the world and from local communities, which it has cultivated over 120 years.

Crédit Agricole’s corporate social responsibility policy lies at the heart of its identity as a helpful and responsive bank over the long-term. This is reflected in its products and services and informs the actions of all its business lines. It is a key factor contributing to overall performance and a powerful innovation driver. CRÉDIT AGRICOLE GROUP: KEY FIGURES (31 Dec. 2018)

51 million 47 141,000 customers countries employees

10 million+ mutual 30,000+ shareholders directors CRÉDIT AGRICOLE GROUP: KEY FIGURES (31 Dec. 2018)

1st 1st 1st partner to the French French insurer European economy bancassurer

1st 1st European global player asset manager in green financing CRÉDIT AGRICOLE GROUP’S BUSINESS LINES CRÉDIT AGRICOLE GROUP PROJECT

Customer project Human-centric project Excellence in customer relations Empowered teams for customers . Always offer customers a direct access to . All business lines committed to customer empowered relationship managers satisfaction and to a zero-defect culture . Transform management and organisation to . An outstanding online customer support this Human-centric Project experience and a best-in-class digital bank . Innovative banking and extra-banking services

Societal project

Commitment to society

. Offers available for all customers (EKO, LCL Essentiel) and a commitment to maintain local societal ties . CA Group climate strategy in line with the Paris Agreement, with certified implementation CRÉDIT AGRICOLE S.A. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE

Philippe Brassac Xavier Musca Chief Executive Deputy Chief Executive Officer Officer CRÉDIT AGRICOLE S.A. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE

Stéphane Priami Michel Ganzin Deputy General Manager, Deputy General Manager, Head of Specialised Head of Operations and Financial Services Transformation

Philippe Dumont Bertrand Corbeau Deputy General Manager, Deputy General Manager, Head of Insurance Head of Development, Client and Innovation

Jérôme Grivet Jacques Ripoll Deputy General Manager, Deputy General Manager, Chief Financial Officer Head of Major Clients

Yves Perrier Deputy General Manager, Michel Mathieu Head of Savings Management, Deputy General Manager, Property and the oversight of the Head of Retail Banking Societal Project for Crédit Agricole Subsidiaries S.A. CRÉDIT AGRICOLE S.A. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE

Alexandra Boleslawski Véronique Faujour Group Chief Risk Officer Corporate Secretary

Martine Boutinet Bénédicte Chrétien Head of Group Compliance Head of Group Human Resources

Serge Magdeleine Michel Le Masson Head of Group Digital Head of Group Internal Transformation and IT Audit


Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance, a leading consumer finance group, provides its customers and partners with flexible, responsible solutions geared to their needs.

With operations in 17 European countries, as well as China and Morocco, we leverage our expertise to achieve commercial success and help build up customer loyalty for our banking, retail, car manufacturing and institutional partners.

Customer satisfaction lies at the heart of our strategy. We give our customers the means to make informed choices about their plans and projects. We pay close attention to the financial health of our customers, and we support the most vulnerable through initiatives and campaigns to encourage financial education and prevent excess debt.

We innovate and invest in digital technology to provide our customers and partners with the best possible solutions and we are working with them to build a new credit experience. CA CF GROUP: KEY FIGURES (31 Dec. 2018)

€ 43.3 billion € 88.5 billion 9 million+ new business managed clients outstandings

Top 3 19 countries € 2,204 million 9,540 of European (17 European of Net Banking employees countries, consumer credit Morocco and Income China) MID-YEAR KEY FIGURES (30 June 2019)

€ 1,092 million € 11.8 billion € 90.5 billion managed of Net Banking new business outstandings Income CA CF, A SOLID GROUP

Long-term Short-term Perspective

Standard & Poor’s A+ A-1 + Positive


A presence in 19 countries € 3.5 Bn 38% of managed outstandings are

€ 2.2 Bn located in France, 30% in Italy and 32% in the remaining countries

€ 31.3 Bn 2 auto joint ventures

50% CA CF / 50% Automobiles € 28.6 Bn 19 countries in Europe and Morocco € 1.7 Bn

€ 13.9 Bn 50% CA CF / 50% Guangzhou Automobile Group Co. Ltd € 5.7 Bn in China € 3.2 Bn Consolidated data (2018)


Stéphane Priami Laurent Cazelles Christophe Grave Jérôme Hombourger Dominique Pennelier

Chief Executive Officer Chief Executive Officer Deputy Chief Executive Deputy Chief Executive Deputy Chief Executive of Crédit Agricole France and second Officer in charge of Officer in charge of Officer in charge of Consumer Finance Executive Director of Group Risk & Group Development, Group Security & IT CA Consumer Finance Permanent Control Digital & Strategy

Laila Mamou Bernard Manuelli Dominique Pasquier Cédric Postel-Vinay Valérie Wanquet

Head of Subsidiaries & Head of International Chief Executive Officer Head of Group Human Head of Group Affiliates Automotive of Agos Ducato (Italy) Resources Finance, Credit, Legal Partnerships & Corporate Secretariat BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIRMAN DIRECTOR Guy Guilaumé Xavier Musca Chairman of Crédit Agricole Anjou Maine Regional Bank Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole S.A. Clotilde L'Angevin CENSOR Head of Financial Communications at Crédit Agricole S.A. Pierre-Louis Boissière Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole Morbihan Regional Bank Henri Le Bihan Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole Creditor Insurance DIRECTORS Laure Belluzzo Laurent Martin Head of Operations at LCL Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole Charente Périgord Regional Bank Jacques Boyer Chairman of Crédit Agricole Languedoc Regional Bank Laurence Renoult Chief Executive Officer of Crédit Agricole Val de France Regional Sébastien Canesse Bank Director elected by the employees Bruno Tardieu Béatrice Grenade Chairman of Crédit Agricole Centre Ouest Regional Bank Chief Marketing and Transformation Officer, Bel, Independant Director CA CF HEADS OF ENTITIES

Pierre Adam Belgin Rudack SoYou (Spain) Creditplus Bank (Germany)

Badr Alioua AUTOMOTIVE JOINT VENTURES Wafasalaf (Morocco) Giacomo Carelli Laurent Cazelles FCA Bank Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance (France) Amir Djourabtchi Ron Droste GAC-Sofinco (China) Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance Nederland (Netherlands)

Dominique Pasquier Agos Ducato (Italy)

Gilbert Ranoux Credibom (Portugal) A MODERN HEAD OFFICE IN MASSY

Following an employee vote, our new head office has been named Gaïa (“Mother Earth”). The campus illustrates our company’s modern, innovative feature and proximity between teams from the Paris area now working together in one location.

Gaïa is a flagship for CA CF group showcases for digital know-how and innovation.

The new head office facilitates collaborative work, stimulating creativity thanks to excellent working conditions. OUR OFFERS AND DISTRIBUTION MODELS A LARGE RANGE OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES

Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance provides a spectrum of products and services tailored to individual needs.

INSTALMENT LOANS Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance offers solutions for financing goods or services with fixed repayments over a defined period. There are two options: a personal loan via direct sales, and a point-of-sale loan related specifically to the purchase.

REVOLVING CREDIT Revolving credit - available via the direct channel or at the point of sale - provides customers with a sum of money that can be re-used to finance more purchases as soon as the borrowed amounts are reimbursed. The maximum repayment period is determined by the amount of credit granted.

LOAN REPURCHASE (CONSOLIDATION) Loan repurchase is a finance solution that replaces multiple existing loans with a single consolidated loan. A LARGE RANGE OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES

LEASE PURCHASE Lease purchase is used to buy cars and other types of goods, such as tablets. The customer pays a monthly lease and has the option to purchase the item at the end of the contract.

LONG-TERM LEASE Long-term leases are used to finance corporate car fleets and cars for individuals. Servicing and maintenance is include.

INSURANCES Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance offers its customers a wide range of insurance solutions to provide cover for goods purchased or financed via its partners (extended warranties, top-up car insurance, etc.) or purchased independently (funeral expenses, etc.).

SAVING In Germany, Austria and Italy, Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance offers online saving products to institutional stakeholders and individuals via the European passport facility. DISTRIBUTION: MULTI-CHANNEL APPROACH


• Multi-channel approach • Home appliance, furnishings and home improvements • Branch networks/Web/Phone/Direct marketing • Vehicles, boats


• Crédit Agricole French Regional Banks • Joint ventures with major car manufacturers: FCA • LCL Bank, GAC-Sofinco. • BforBank • Specific partnerships • Crédit Agricole Italia • Point-of-sale financing • Crédit du Maroc •








Support group Crédit Agricole retail banks Strengthen Group's synergies with an increase of 42% from 2015 to 30 Sep. 2019 of the to reach leadership in consumer credit managed outstanding for CA Group Retail Banks (+€ 5.8 Bn), and a 1.5 pt increase in consumer credit market share for the French Regional Banks

Enhance customer experience A digital model focused on customer satisfaction, with a digital production share of 37% & satisfaction by accelerating our digital (vs. 16.1% in 2015) and all entities in the Top 2 of customer recommendation1 transformation

A reinforcement of partnerships: launch of a joint venture with Bankia in Spain, extension of Strengthen our car finance and other the Banco BPM agreement in Italy, new agreements with Ikea (Italy & France) and Tesla (NL & partnerships France), renewal of partnership with FCA and growth of our automotive activity

Improve our profitability through Increased operational efficiency, driven in particular by an investment mutualisation programme, and the development of products enhanced synergies and asset light model RWA optimization asset-light

Stronger employees engagement and a modernized working environment, particularly with Modernize our organization the grouping of Paris region teams on the new Massy "Gaïa" site and deployment of home & the way we work office. Implementation of innovation labs in the entities. Gender equality index in France: CA CF granted a 93/100.

1 Customer Recommendation Index mesasured by Ipsos institute, Sep. 2019 NEW CHALLENGES TO ADDRESS

demanding Long lasting low Slowdown in Cost of risk Technological Strengthening of interest rates business normalisation changes and new regulation economic that create uncertainty household impacting net income comers on consumer context for our margins consumption and growth increasing pressure on protection, payments automotive sectors margins and insurance impacted

New usages Payments Digital New mobility Energy transition New use vs. property Integration of Increasing place of digital solutions in mobility challenges financing offers and data in our lives and to invent for optimizing and household and payments processes people transportation equipment A STRATEGIC PLAN TO WORK EVERYDAY IN THE INTEREST OF OUR CUSTOMERS AND SOCIETY OUR PURPOSE AND OUR VALUES…





Upgrade our customer experience through Mobilise for society Further engage and empower customisation, innovation and the environment our employees and digitisation Contribution to Crédit Crédit to Contribution Agricole group group Agricole ° N 1 in Customer € 1 Bn new business Employee engagement & recommendation Recommendation Index from « green financing » index + 2 pts vs. external benchmark pillars

Contribute to Group retail bank Strengthen our core business Shift our operating model leadership in consumer finance and leverage on to be more efficient and agile, together Business and amplify synergies consumer trends with Crédit Agricole

From € 5 to 6 Bn outstandings + 1 pp in consumer credit market share for Cost/income ratio <46% Crédit Agricole retail banks in France in car leasing CUSTOMER PROJECT: CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE FOCUS ON CA CF 2022 ACTIONS CA CF ambition Be N°1 in customer satisfaction

Build a best-in-class Make a step-change Become a customer experience in scaling innovations « data-driven » company

• Further digitization of customer Implement data use cases journeys • Capitalise on our Datalake and Appointment of “Customer • • • Disruptive technologies: AI, Datalab Champions” Open Banking, API, etc. Reinforce and extend data skills and • Implementation of tools and • • Innovation culture usage throughout the organisation processes to personalise the • Deployment of Labs Use full potential of data to improve relationship with customer • customer knowledge and care (CRM, DMP, listening platforms, etc.) SOCIETAL PROJECT: SOCIETAL COMMITMENT FOCUS ON CA CF 2022 ACTIONS

Support energy transition through green financing of mobility and household equipment offering preferential terms, and contribute to circular economy Green CA CF NL and France signed a partnership with Tesla. financing GAC-Sofinco grants financing to purchase GAC electric vehicles in China.

Extend access to credit to all customers and offer them appropriate support The BU France dedicated team (12 staff) has provided personalised support to over 18,000 most vulnerable customers since 2013. Inclusive finance Since 2016, we have been facilitating access to credit for temporary workers in France with Fonds d’Action Sociale du Travail Temporaire (Temporary Labor Social Action Fund).

Collaboration with innovation clusters, partners, start-ups, universities, accelerators, etc. in order to strengthen our roots in local/regional economies We signed a partnership with CentraleSupélec engineering school (Paris- Innovative Saclay). ecosystems We have organised our 2nd group start-up contest in Europe (Start & Pulse). HUMAN PROJECT : FURTHER ENGAGE AND EMPOWER FOCUS ON CA CF 2022 ACTIONS

Become a sustainably recognised employer • Deploy the gender equality index in all our entities • Promote quality of life at work, CSR, diversity and equality of gender Transform our organization • Reinforce employee engagement and to empower further employees employer branding • Foster new managerial practices Empowerment and project mode working Digitise our HR processes • Strengthen the participatory (as part of major corporate and journeys approach projects) and the bottom-up approach (to solve dysfunctions) • Recruitment: video and cooptation (Keycoopt) • Dematerialisation of the payslip (Peopledoc) and HR process support (Peopleask) • Training: mobile learning, gamification SUPPORT THE GROWTH OF CRÉDIT AGRICOLE GROUP RETAIL BANK

CA CF ambition Help Crédit Agricole’s retail banks in France gain 1 percentage point in consumer credit market share by 2022

Commercial animation Digitisation of our offer New innovative solutions with local banks Further bring our expertise Finalise the deployment New growth drivers by addressing to the French regional banks of Digi Conso 3.0 and offer consumer expectations (leasing, split via a personalised roadmap the subscription of a consumer payment, loan consolidation, etc.) with Conso 3.0 loan within 15 min OUR ACTIONS TO STRENGTHEN OUR BUSINESS PARTNERSHIPS

Large partnerships Car financing • Leverage our agreement with Strengthen our financing models by Banco BPM in Italy and FCA complementing our product offering • Start our business with Bankia in and distribution channels to better Spain support car manufacturers and dealers

Household equipment E-commerce • Extend existing partnerships and gain Launch new products and services new ones on a pan-European level tailored to the needs of e-commerce • Forge new partnerships to support the players: split payment, revolving credit, energy transition of our customers lease, loyalty program FACILITATE OUR CLIENTS LIFE AND LEVERAGE ON NEW CONSUMER TRENDS Our ambitions (new business in 2022)

• Rental with option to buy or long-term € 750 M € 3,8 Bn Take key positions in the car lease on new and used vehicles New business in long-term lease rental market supplemented by services and insurance with FCA Bank products

Targeted markets New business Become a leader in the rental • Be a forerunner in the rental of home in priority € 800 M of home equipment and equipment products and underwriting electronic products additional services

• Define and capture the market potential of Market potential Explore opportunities subscription offers in the automotive and around subscription offers home equipment sectors > € 10 Bn CA CONSUMER FINANCE 2022 AMBITIONS IN FIGURES

+€ 22 Bn +1pp € 1 Bn managed outstanding vs. 2018 in consumer credit market new business to reach € 111 Bn in 2022 share for Crédit Agricole retail from green financing banks in France



• Optimisation of the online process • Comprehensive range of financing, • Development of new mobile apps insurance and innovative service solutions L’INNOVATION• Introduction AU of CŒURelectronic DE NOS signature capability L’INNOVATION AU CŒUR DE NOS SOLUTIONS ET SERVICES SOLUTIONS• Financial ET education SERVICES approach and excess • € 240 M investments in IT and digital debt prevention technologies from 2017 to 2020


• Self-funding rate 84 % (30 Sep. 2019) • Banking networks • Second European player in euro •L’INNOVATIONCar manufacturers AU CŒUR and DE dealers NOS L’INNOVATIONdenominated AU marketplace CŒUR DE NOS consumer loan SOLUTIONS ET SERVICES SOLUTIONS ET SERVICES • Specialist retailing securitisations (4 transactions  € 2,300 M in 2018) • Deposits collected: € 9 Bn (30 Sep. 2019) INNOVATION AT CA CF

Innovate with internal challenges Enhance innovative ecosystems

International Digital 1st Group Ideation International Data Hackathon Academy Challenge Modelling Challenge

Innovate with our communities Innovate with start-ups

With our customers With our employees

Build innovative structures Innovate with our partners Dedicated to Regional Banks and LCL SUPPORTING VULNERABLE CUSTOMERS


• In France, Italy and Germany, Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance helps students to learn how to manage their budget responsibly.

• In Germany, Creditplus Bank also supports the EVA Association, which provides various workshops for the under-privileged.

• In France, Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance has supported over 18,000 vulnerable customers, by drawing up personal financial health statements and by teaming up with partners such as Points Passerelle Crédit Agricole, the Crésus association or Crédit Municipal de Paris. A RESPONSIBLE AND COMMITTED GROUP


• Promoting financial education

• Preventing customers from excess debt

• Innovating with start-ups

• Supporting the energy transition through green financing


Direct distribution 21 branches

Point-of-sale financing Home appliance Automotive (Viaxel) N°2 in consumer finance in France Partnerships SHAREHOLDING • Crédit Agricole’s retail banks • Institutions: GMF, Crédit Social des Fonctionnaires, 100% Crédit Agricole S.A. AG2R La Mondiale, Fastt… • Distribution: Fnac-Darty, La Redoute, Castorama, KEY FIGURES (2018) Décathlon, Le Printemps, Orchestra, Roche-Bobois, Managed outstandings: € 31.3 Bn Ligne Roset, Mobilier de France, Ikea, Culligan, 2,900 employees Printemps, Apple, Waterair… More than 4 million customers • Car-motorcycle: Mazda, Piaggio, Polaris, Tesla…

Brokerage Créditlift Courtage AGOS

Direct distribution Around 230 branches Web and mobile (Agos4Now)

Leading position in consumer finance in Partnerships Italy • Distribution (Ikea, Mondo Convenienza, Unieuro…) SHAREHOLDING • Automotive (Honda, Piaggio, 61% Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance Suzuki, Zero Motorcycles…) 39% Banco-BPM (3rd Italian bank) • Banks (Crédit Agricole Italy and Banco BPM) and institutions KEY FIGURES (2018) Managed outstandings: € 13.9 Bn 1,960 employees Around 2 million customers CREDIBOM

Direct distribution Web 2 branches

Leading position in automotive point-of- Point-of-sale financing sale financing service in Portugal Automotive Home equipment SHAREHOLDING 100% Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance Partnerships • Car-motorcycle (Mazda, Benecar, Auto Leandro dos Santos, So Barroso and Fornova) KEY FIGURES (2018) • Distribution (La Redoute and Rainbow) Managed outstandings: € 1.7 Bn 370 employees Around 200,000 customers CA CONSUMER FINANCE NL

Direct distribution Web: Findio, Interbank KredietDesk (company/customer) and MoneyCare (brokers’ platform) Leading position in consumer finance in the Netherlands Point-of-sale financing Automotive and two-wheeled vehicles SHAREHOLDING Home equipment 100% Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance Partnerships KEY FIGURES (2018) • Tesla Managed outstandings: € 2.2 Bn • Piaggio 280 employees • Volksbank More than 100,000 customers Brokerage CREDITPLUS BANK

Direct distribution Web and mobile (app. CreditPlus4Now) Network of 17 branches

Point-of-sale financing Leading position in two-wheeled Automotive and two-wheeled vehicles vehicules point-of-sale financing service Home equipment in Germany Partnerships SHAREHOLDING • Home appliance (EMV, Küche &Co, Miele…) 100% Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance • Motocycle (Suzuki, Piaggio, Triumph…) • Institutions (Check24, BW Bank…) KEY FIGURES (2018) Managed outstandings: € 3.6 Bn 530 employees More than 400,000 customers SOYOU

Direct distribution Network of 2,000 branches

Point-of-sale financing Based in Spain Automotive Home equipment SHAREHOLDING 51% Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance SoYou will operate early 2020 all over Spain, allowing CA 49% Bankia (4th Spanish bank) Consumer Finance to support its business partners in the fourth largest consumer finance market in the Eurozone. KEY FIGURES (2018) 41 employees WAFASALAF

Direct distribution Web and mobile 44 branches

Leading position in specialised financial Point-of-sale financing institutions in Morocco Automotive Home equipment SHAREHOLDING 51% Attijariwafa Bank Partnerships 49% Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance • Banks (Crédit du Maroc, Attijariwafa Bank) • Distribution (Marjane) KEY FIGURES (2018) • Home equipment (Ikea) Managed outstandings: € 3.2 Bn • Auto (Daimler) 840 employees • Institutions (Wafa Assurance, RCI Maroc) Around 440,000 customers Brokerage FCA BANK

Point-of-sale financing Automotive

Brands Located in 17 European countries and in Fiat, , , , Morocco , , , Ram, Chrysler, Ferrari, , Jaguar, , , SHAREHOLDING Morgan, Harley Davidson, MV Agusta, Erwin 50% Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance Hymer 50% Fiat Chrysler Automobiles

KEY FIGURES (2018) Managed outstandings: € 26.8 Bn 2,150 employees More than 1.4 million customers GAC-SOFINCO AUTO FINANCE

GAC-Sofinco operates throughout China without any local branches but with 450 employees in the field (advisor, finance officers, etc.).

Automotive financing products and services to more than Based in China 2,000 dealers: GAC-Honda, GAC-Acura, GAC-Toyota, GAC- FCA, GAC-Mitsubishi et GAC-Motor. SHAREHOLDING 50% Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance 50% Guangzhou Automobile Corporation (6th Chinese carmaker)

KEY FIGURES (2018) Managed outstandings: € 5.7 Bn 510 employees More than 700,000 customers