being the history, genealogy, heraldry, homes and traditions of tl1e frunily of HOLLOWAY and related families originating in tho original shire of Charles River, now York County, Vir6 inia


Garland Evans I-Iopl{ins

"A people which talrc no pride in the noble achieve1nents of ren1ote ancestors will never achieve anything ivorthJ to J)e remembered '\:vith pride by rernote clescendants.n--Lord lviacauley. _


For whatever of value tl1is monograph may prove to be to those of toda~ who struggle to hold high the ideals and emulate the noble deeds of these, our ancestors; it is dedicated to my kinsman Hon. Floyd Holloway Attorney-at-Lavi and Cle~ of the Circuit Court of York County, Virginia, • in grateful appreciation of his helpfulness and interest in this undertaking.



Preface ••• •,•.• •••••••• , ••••• •·•,,.••• ••••••• • •••• ,•••.• .4 Historical Sketch of York County•••••••••••••••••••••••S The Holloway Family •• The English Ancestrr••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••8 The Armorial Bearings••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••lO The Emigrants• •• • ••••• • •••••••• • • • • , ••• • ••• , ••• • ••• • • • ••13 John Holloway, Gentleman ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 14 Descendants of James Holloway •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 17 The Caroline County Holloways••••••••••••••••••••••••••l8 (a) Descendants of Robert Green Holloway•••••••••••••••20 (b) Descendants of John William Holloway•••••••••••••••24 (c) Descendants of Addison L. Holloway •••••••••••••••• ~27 (d) Descendants of Eliza Hollov1ay Bullock.••.•••·•••••• .27 (e) Descendants of Lavinia Holloway Saunders•••••••••••29 (f) Descendants of Sarah Robert Holloway Kinney••••••••29 (g) Descendants of Eliza Holloway KinneY•••••••••••••••31 (h) Descendants of James P. Holloway•••••••••••••••••••32 (i) Descendants of Joseph Samuel Holloway •••••••••••••• 32 Tho Surry County Holloways ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 35 (a) Descendants of John Thomas Holloway••••••••••••••••37 (b) Descendants of Vvilmouth Newsom Holloway Gox •••••••• 40 {o) Descendants of James Patrick Holloway••••••••••••••42 8. The Southside Holloways ••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••••••• 43 ( a) De scend~ant s of Da11iel Hollovray •• •. •, • • •,. • • • • • • • • • .43 the Poquoson Holloways•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••45 (a) Descendants of Robert Holloway, Jr•••••••••••••••••49 (b) Descendants of Diana. Hollov1ay •••••••• •• ••• • • • • • ••• .63 (c) Descendants of Ann Holloway Moore•••••••••••••••••~65 (d) Descendants of Elijru~ James Holloway ••••••••••••••• 68 (e) Descendants of John Holloway•••••••••••••••••••••••69 (f) Descendants of Sarah Holloway Evans••••••••••••••••74 (g} Descendants of (James?) Holloway of Elizabeth . · ( City CountY••••••••••••••••••••••••75 (h) Descendants of ~Nil ton IIollotvay. • • •• •. • • • •• • • • • • • • •• 75 ( i) Descendants of Vtlllis Hollov1ay • •••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • 75 ( j) Descendants of B~arriett Hollovvay Insley •• ••••••••• .76 (k) Descendants of Thomas J. Davis•••••••••••••••••••••ao (1) Descendants of Charles Davis••••••••••••••••••••••~80 (m) Descendants of ~Iary Eliza Hollov?ay Cox •• ••• •• ••••• .so (n) Descendants ot Sarah iiollo\vay Saunders.•••••.• ••• • .81 ( o) Descendants of I-Ie ster 11ollo-rr1a.y Landrum.•"•.,••••••• .82 10. Descendants of George Hollor,ay, Jr •••• •.•.••••'"'••••••• .84 11. Relrrcecl., bl1t unconnected, families o:f Hollovvay. • • • • • • • .86 (a) Descendants of H£l:r·:.~iet:;t Hollo\va:r Ryder., •• ,,•• .. ••••• ~86 (b) Descendants cf Nancy ::·Iollo~vay FletchcI'., •••• c • •••• • .86 ( c) Descendants of Ir>n. 1Iollov1ay ...... • .. •.., • •. • .86 (d) Desc0ntlants of c.Tohn Taylor Hollo,vay •••• •. •, • • •• •. • .87 (e) Descendants of Re M. Holloway and (f} J.R.Holloway.88 Holloway Miscellany •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 89 PREFACE

This Monograph introduces o. series of historical studies of the descendants of York County, Virg·i nia., families, which the compiler intends to issue vvitl1 as much dispn.tch as possible. The ten years of study which have been spent in preparation of this material have been years of amazing discoveries of the prominent part the County of York in Virginia played in the development of the American nation, politically, religiously and culturally, Particu­ larly has the unique place of the Poquoson planters in colonial history been impressive. Probably no section of equal area has included. so many significant characters in American history as this area in the cradle days of the American nation. This series of monographs is issued with several purposes in mind. First, there is tho real desire to make a contribution to historically accurate Virginia geneo.logy. Every effort hv..s been made to verify and check every bit of information herein contained. No doubt mistakes hnve crept in, and certainly there are lines \vhich have not been followed. Perhaps someday a supplement correctinc; the mistal{es and containing these other lines can be issued. In the second place, it is sincerely hoped that the deeds and o.r~complishments of a vvorthy ancestry 1!Vill inspire emulation in thei.r dnscendants. In this, as in every ancient family, descendants are to be found ~n every area and. walk of lifo. Somo live in beautiful homes surrounded by an atmosphere of culture. Others have found the struggle harder a.nd_ 11.ave found it more difficult to hold aloft the torch of a worthy heritage •. Somo few have been defeated~ This. r~onograph leaves my study \Vith a prayer that for those or the first group it will prove strengthening; that for those of the second group it ,~ill prove cl:1allenging; s.nd it may cnf~;ender nevi hope in tho fev., of our 1-cin ivho have knovvn defeat.

The Roman numerals in the toxt indicate the number of the generation in .America. Th':) Arabic numeral simply places tho indi vi­ dual in his family group. For example~ IX. (6) means that the individual is of the ninth Amcrice.n generation and that he is sixth in his particular family. The abbreviations are those universally t1s0d. and 1nil 7 be castly understood. Abbreviations for magazines are those used by Dr. Sworn. ·- Acknowledgment is due tho many friends, members of tho family, librarians, archivist and others who havo made this Monograph possible. Especial mention should be given my efficient helpers, I.1iss Una Ak:ors., r.iiss Helen Se.vtryors and I\ir. Robert Goldstone.

vVithout the assistance of Tl~e Index of m·y inspirinc fr·1 end, Dr. Earl Greg~ Swem, and without the splendid Charles PArish Register prepared b:y Dr. Landon c. Bell, this work \A1ou.ld be much less complete. Much help has been received from The Genealogy of the Holloway Families in America by ~r. Olin E. Holloway.

Garland. Evans Hopkins Norfolk, Virginia July 1, 1940 5. A Brief Slcotch of Colonial York County

Tho oarilicst sottlcmcnts in ·what is now York: County, 'Virginia, v1ere made alon3 the York and Poquoson Ri vars sometime around. 1625- 1632. Tho generally accepted date is 1630-1632, but thoro is some evidence that settlers penetrated tho forests 0£ the narrow penin­ sula and found the high banks of the York River at an earlier date. They very rapidly ostcblishod a settlement not only on the York River, tl1on ·known as tho Pamunkc·y, but on the Ba.clc and Poquoson Rivors, In those early days the Back River was known as the Poquoson Ri vo r and Vihat is novv the Poquoson was lmown as the Now Poquoson R-'i vcr. By 1634 there ·wore sufficient residents in tho area for it to be included among tho eight oricinal shires under the name of Charles nivor. It was so callod until 1643 vvhen the nruno 11vas changed to York. The original County was much larger than the present County. Among tho counties which have come partly or wholly from York arc Gloucester, 1651: Lancaster, 1651; Now Kent, 1654; King William, 1702; Hanover, 1721; and Louisa 1742.

Tl1e early settlers o.f York County wore, for tho most part, of good English stock. Many of them were connected with tho Colonial government at Nillirunsburg. They.wore in constant contact with now arrivals from Englo.nd, both permanent settlers and government officials, and 1,,voro able to maintain a high cultural standard. The late Dr. Lyon G. Ty·lor says of them; "It is perfectly evident from tho environraont II that most of th.o sc settlers belonged to "respectable i'::unilies in England". "They ,ivcrc as a rule n1cn of good education, ~~.nd it is certain tha't no bettor set of immigrants could h.avo come to a now co11ntry for sottlcmcnti'. Thoso new settlers faced grave problems, not tho least of \"✓ hich '1vorc the Cl1iskiaclc Indians, who roamed the county, and tho mosquitoes. They wore able to conquer tho Indians, but to this day their dosconeants st111 wage incessant war against the mosquitoes. Thero vicrc also ,.volvu::i, for \Vhich rcvrards v,orc paid, and beavers 1n large numl)ors,

Tl1c 0arJ.-y settlements in the County vvoro knovm as Chisl{iaclr, now Yorlctovm; York, about throe miles bolovv Chiskiack:; and Poquoson, Vlhich sti1·1 retains its anclont nv.rac. Strangely enough, the Court House has been at one time or another in each of those settlements. Tho Court seems originally to have been held at York, then in Poquoson for a number of years followtng 1680. In 1698., tho Court was 1novod to Yorl{tovm, 'Wl~oro it has over since remained.

Poquoson was the homo of tlio majo1") portion of the Holloway family, -though some lived in other parts of tho county. The early settlers in this section retained its descriptive Indian name, moaning i'marshif or n1ov1land". Tho a.roa immediately across the Back River in Elizabeth City County was also knovm as Poquoson, usually called Old Poquoson to d.istinguish it from Poquoson, York County, frequently called Now Poquoson. Among tl'10 earliest sottlci...,s in Poquoson, York County, wore tho families Holloway, Freeman, Calthorpe, Owen, Parsons, Russell, Wados, Hinde, Bennett, Betty, Stoalccs., Wray, Symons, Privett, Lucas, Curtis, Haynoy, Powell, Brice, Thresher, 6. Qhisman, Mitchell, Yonge, ,~_tkins, Presson, Hansford, Matthews, Van Dover~ge (the Forson family ancestor), Haywnrd (Howard), and many otl1e:i.'.'s of the representative families of early Virginia history. York County., and Poquoson in particular., because it was the most popular and prosperous section of the county, was a veritable sieve throush \Vhich passed thousands of iinmigrants to the ne,~: ,vorld. Frequently these families \Vould linger a generation, sometimes two or more, in ·~{0!1 k before moving on. Intermarriages \Vith tr1e established fai11ilies vvere frequent, and it is probabie that the present inhabitants of Poquoson represent as great, if not a. greater, cross-section of early Virginia descent than any otqer people of the state. It is not possible to researcl1 the history of an e·arly county without realizing the important place of the early Parish and its ministers in the life of the county. York: was early divided into four pe.ri shes~ (1) Chiskiaclc (afterwards York) Parish, from Back or Chis1nan' s Creek to Yor~ctovm Creek; (2) Iiampton Parish, from Yorktovm Creelt to Queen's Creek; ( 3) ~-~a.rston Parish, vrhich was combined with Middleto,m Parish to form Bruton Parish in 1674; and, (4) Poquoson Parish .. someti1nes Ne\v Poq11oson, much the largest of the parishes, extending from Bacl{ River to Back (Chisman's) Creek. York Records for 1693 quote an order of the House of Burgesses, dated Dec. 11, 1692, which ordered the changing of the name of the Parish to Charles Parish. It also changed the name of the New Poquoson River to Charles River. Neither name seems to have·ever been largely used locally, though the Parish name was thereafter Charles P2rish in all official records.

York and Hampton Parishes were ordered combined by tho Council, Feb. 5, 170G, "upon reading the petition of the Parishes of York and Hampton settinr forth that the said parishes (were) so small and poor as not to be able to maintain a minister". Thereafter it ·w8.s !:novvn as York-Hampton Parish.

Tl1e late Dr. Tyler often stated that Yorl{ County was the most cultured spot in America in the Seventeenth and early Eighteenth Centuries. There is abundant evidence that this was true, Robert Leightenh.ouse had a private school in York Parish before 1697 1 when Sir Fre.ncis Nicl1olson gave l½ acres in Yorktown for a public school, This scr1ool had been cliscontinued, however., before 1724 when Rev. Francis Fontaine reported no public schools in Yorlc Po.rish. The ~.:ihaley School \Vas establisl1ed in Bruton Parish in 1706. (6W(l)78). It was Poquoson (or Charles) Parish where probably the most widespread public education in early America was made possible for the whole population. Not only did this Parish share equally with Elizabeth City County in the educational devises of the will of Benjamin Sims, but it also had Jane Culley's School which seems to have been a semi-public school under the direction of the Parish, as well as several other private schools. (See 6W(l)76-78). It is quite fitting that the new consolidated York County High School has been placed within the bounds of this old Parish where early American educs.tion was pioneered. 7. One of the most interesting events in York County history was the famous Charles (Poquoson) Parish Case which was frequently before the Council and General Court from Mar. 18, 1707 to·sept. 12, 1709. (See Executive Journal, Council of Colonial Virginia, Vol. III. The case centered around the election of a vestry. However, it seems that a more basic question was involved, viz., the question of the power and authority of the Colonial officials to keep a minister in the office of rector against the will of the vestry, and to tax the inhabitants for his support, whether they wished his services or not. This case, which the vestry finally lost, is of great signifi­ cance in the light of future events which led to the separation of church and state and the liberation of the American people.

Quakers were in York County by 1698. Thomas Story and Roger Gill, ~uaker preachers, began their Virginia ministry in York County s:t the home of Edward Thomas, Dec. 11, 1698. Meetings were also held at Scimmino in Upper York at the home of John Bates. As a result a flourishing society, holding monthly meetings, was formed in York County. Many or the Quakers of York seem to have moved to Prince George and neighboring counties, and it seems entirely probable that the Quaker Holloways of those counties, of whom several were prominent !~aker preachers, were from the York County family. (Week's Southern Quakers and Slavery). "Ne,iv Lights", the name applied to Presbyterians, Methodists and Baptist.s., found difficulty in obtaining an entering wedge in the county where the Church of England was established in fact as well as by la1-v. It was not until after the Revolutionary ;var that they were able to make much progress. Once given a footing, however, the Methodists and Baptists soon became the dominant religious groups in the County. From the settling of York, ca. 1630, to the Battle of Yorktown in 1781, no single section in the New •'Vorld played a more important part in the founding of the American nation than York County, Virginia. a.. COLONIAL COUSINS -•The Holloways of York County, Virginia, and Related Families-­ Compiled by Garland Evans Hopkins l. The English Ancest;rx The ancient family of Holloway in England seems to have been seated in County ~~iddlesex at, or shortly after, the time of the· Conquest. As the name indicates the family is of Saxon origin. The name means "the l1ollow or holy way". Its original spelling seems to have been Holleweye. From tl1is have developed many variations, most of which are still used in various parts of the world by some branch of the family. Among the spellings found in the course of this research are fioleweye, Hollway., Holway, Halloway, Hallaway, Holoway, Hollowes, Halowes and, most frequently used, Holloway. From a close study of English wills of the family, the family armory and such other articles and sources as are available to researchers in this country the following conclusions have been · reached concerning the En~lish Ancestry. Further search may disprove portions of these conclusions; but in the main they will be found to be correct. I. From an early Holloway, possibly John Holeweye, of County Middlesex descended:

II. {l) the Holloways of ICensington and Parish Islington, County Middlesex, who have given their name to the London suburb, Holloway; and the major portion of the London family. . {2) the Holloways of County Lincoln, the first of whom was probably John Holloway {b. ca, 1750). The son of this first John, was John Hardwicke Holloway, b. ca. 1790, ~ solicitor and clerk of the peace in County Lincoln. His grandson was James Holloway (b. ca. 1830) who married Marietta Calthorpe, only child of John Calthorpe of Stanhoe Hall. Their son, still living, is Henry Calthorpe Holloway, born 1856. It is indeed interesting to note how descendants of the Holloway and Calthorpe families should have become united both in England and Virginia. (3) the Holloways of Southwest England, all of whom bear similar arms, evidently migrated from County Middlesex in the Thirteenth Century. They are to be found scattered throughout counties 11Varwiclr, Gloucester., VViltshire, Oxford, Hampshire., and Somerset. The progenitors of these families seem to have been John de Holeweye found in Vlfiltshire and 'Narwick in the latter pa.rt of tho Thirteenth Century. Possibly a son of John of Wiltshire was: III. (1) Simon Holeweye (found also as Halloway) who died in Bristol, Gloucester County, in 1389. His wife was Margery. Sl1e married 2nd, Nicholas Hastynges who d. 1398. Shed. 1413. His will was probated June 18, 1389. IV. (1) John Hallewe.y, son of Simon, b. ca. 13'75, vvas survived only by a daughter (V. (1)) Margery. (2) Joan Halleway, who married Thomas Hallaway, evidently a kinsman. He d. 1452. Issue: V. ( 1) Nicholas Holloway (2) Thomas Iiollo\vay (3) John Holloway (4) William Holloway

V. ( 3) John Holloway, b. ca. 1400. It was evidently this Johr1 Hollo­ way wh.o mover1 to County Oxford from whom John Ifollovvay, probably of the ninth gene~ation from John of Middlesex, was descended. VI. (1) John Holloway, b. ca. 1555, who lived in County Oxford and appears to have had issue~ VII. (1) John Holloway, b. ca. 1580, who it is supposed was Dr, Jow. IIollowa·y of Northampton County. {2) Charles Holloway, b. ca. 1583, who later moved to London. It appears that he was grandfather of John Holloway, the Virginia lawyer. It may also be from him that Benjamin Holloway, b. ca. 1775,of Lee Place• Oxford, was descended. A son of Benjamin was Sir Thomas Holloway, K.C.B., who was Colonel-Commandant of the Plymouth D)_vision Royal Marines, Lieutenant-General in the Royal I1arine Artillery and A.D.C. to t:qe Queen. (3) George Holloway, b; ca. 1590, settled in York County, Virginia. Whether he married in England or after he immigrated to America is not known. Perhaps he was one of those bachelor Americans who found his wife among the cargo of brides. Perhaps he was among the settlers who avenged themselves upon the Chiskiack Indians in the Massacre near,what is now Yorktown in 1622, thus clearing the \VHY for himself and his fellow pioneers to make a nevv settlement and begin a new county. He had issue (perhaps among others)~

VIII. (1) James Hollow-a~r, b. ca. 1635. (The son of tho first American ancestor of the Holloways of York.) (2) George Holloway, Jr4, b. ca. 1638. (The second son of the first ftx~erican Holloway ancestor.) (4) Peter Holloway, b. ca. 1592, settled in Charles City County, Virginia.

The compiler cheerfully ad.mits thnt, while there is abundant evidence tr1at George Hollo,vay is of the Oxford family, verification of the above grouping is far from adequate. It is simply what seems most likely based on the meager information at hand. However, these few records extant, and an imowledge of the Poquoson Settlement--its characteristic groupings of families from neighbor­ ing English coD11nunities, constitute good evidence that the Hollov1ays of York County were one of the large number of Oxford families, including the Freemans and Roberts, who settled in York County in the cradle days of the nation. Further evidence of this fact is found in a careful study of the life of John Hollo,vay, Gent., who was certainly kin, possibly a great-nephew, of George Holloway, of Poquoson, York County, Virginia. 10.

Arm~i_al Bearings Claimeg by Hollowaxs of YorLCou_nty lAdapted from Burlte' s General Amory} tiodern IIeraldry had its origin in the time of the holy wars and in those uextraor(linary times of reality and ro1nance, of barbarism and civilizationi• when feudalism v;ras still the social order. Of the trappin[';s of Feudalism, only Heraldry survives.

In continental Europe, l:Ieraldry has been esteemed as a privilegf. of the nobility onl),r. In England, ho"J1ever, a coat-of-arms has alviayi been athe indispensable ap11ondage of a c;entl0man" and an object of pride anc.J_ display to tl1e English. It has been "the br-oad seal under vvr1ich tirn.e testifies to the antiquity of our race, and the purity of our blood. a

In a real sense }Ierald1-r:,r is co-existent v1ith rnan--for always men have found need of r: meana by ,vhich to identify themselves. "Every 111Hn of the cl1ildren of Israel shall pitch by his own standard with the ensign of their father's house". (Numbers, Chap. 2). Advancing ·with the train of civilization, th.e rude devices of early times hnve assumed systematic form, which we know as Heraldry.

O:riginally all arms \Vere granted by the ICin~, usually for meritorious ci vie or militariJ service. This dut~r beco1ning burden­ some, Richard III constituted the College of Arms whose privilege Vias to ~;rant and inspect tl1e arms borne by tho gent1,,y and nobility. A~out once every th·irty years an inspection was held to cause the gentry ato produ.ce and sho\V by ,vhat ~~uthority and right they challenged anc1 claimed the use of armsH.

Th.en, as now, onl:,r those to ,vhom grants had been made, or those vrho wei-1e able to sl1ow descent fro1n an ancestor entitled to armorial ensi3ns, v1ere allo\ved possession of these "incontrovertible evid.encE of honor and blood,n One of the principal show-places for Heraldry was the tourna­ ment. It Vv'as customary fo11 those v1ho participated to be attired in complete warlike habit and equippaGe• with arms emblazoned upon their shields., sure.oats and caparisons. The Esqui1')e preceded the Knight, bearing in his right hand his Master's tilting spear, and in his left tho timbre or helmet, st1rmounted by the ere st, adorned with pieces of silk--mistresses• favors, wreath or torses, tincture. of arms.

The Arms vr,ere 0 heredita!"J m::1rt:s of l1onour, regule.rly co1nposecl of certain i:inctures 2.nd figures grantecl by the Soverei3ns for distinguishing, differenc, ng and illustrating Persons, Families and Comm.unities. a Those vvl10 nre entitled to thera should cherisl1 then1 as tokens of a glorious past and emblems of ·a worthy present and a great future. As this Monograph is being issued, it seems possible that to the American descendants must fall the tasl~ of preserving the v1orthy customs and traditions of English culture. ;/ n1ore needed today than a re-empl1asis upon tJ1e family unit I 7.hat more conducive to high family life than the traditions of a noble past and aspirations for u noble ruturet 11. It should be recognized by all Americans that hereditary Coats• of-Anns should only bo possessed by those who are entitled by inheritance to possess them, It is as reprehensible to purloin this ffm1ily possession as it is to purloin any othe~, Possession can only be shown by genealogical research which proves descent fron1 arms-bearing ancestors. Psuodo-gopealogists have capitalized on the Heraldry consciousness of the American fainily to spread coats~of~arms pell~mell over the land. It is. absurd, b~t not uncommon, to find a coat-of-arms displayed by those who have no record of ancestory to establish their claim. Indeed, tho compiler has found manJ instances of arms displayed Vihere the family could not prove an ancestory of more than three 01~ four gene-rations. The County Middlesex Holloways from whom the York County family, and evidently most, if not all, of the English families of Holloway, are descended, bore arms at a very early time. As they sifted throughout England, various minor changes were effected, but the e.rms continued substantially the same. The lino of descent of the York family from these earliest Holloways is certainly through Oxford. Therefore the proper anns for the York f~ily is that hiDtorically bo~ne by the Oxford branch of the family from whom they are descended~ "Gu. a fesse, bctw. three crescents a.r. a Canton ermine. Crest--a gont 1 s head ar. ·gorged ,vith a. collar gu. charged with thr~ee c11 escents of tho first, lined of the second~ n --Burlce The historic motto of tho English Holloway family is "A Dco Lux ;:,Jostrart -- "From God is our Light. n


It may be well here to list briefly the other arms to ,vl1ich some of the related frunilics herein included are entitled. vVADE:-- The rJadc family of , County ~-~iddlesex from vJb.ich was descended Armiger Vvade of Poqttoson, YorJ.c County, bore anns: "Az, a sultiro betv,. four escallops or. Crest~ a rhinoceros ar. 0 --Burko

FREEMAN:-- Tho Freem(ln family of County Oxford, from whom was descended Henry Freoman, Sr., the silk merchant, to York in 1625, and his son or nephew Henry Freeman, Jr., to York ca. 1625, bore arms: "Gu. three lozenges or. Crest~ a demi lion ramp. gu. charged with a lozenge or." --Burke 12. .. BACON:-- The Bacon family of Hassett, County Nor.foll:, from whom was descended Col. Christopher Calthol'pe, of Brome, County Norfolk. to York in 1622, bore arms: "ar. on a fesse engr. gu. bet,v. three escutcheons of the second, as me.ny 111ullets ar. pierced sa, Crest~ a talbot' s head sa. erased gu. holdin6 in the mouth a deer's leg or. --Burke

R00K1JIO0D~-- The R.ool{vvood family of County Suffollc, fro1n whom v,as descended Col. Ch.ristopher Calthor·po, of Brome, County· Norfoll<.:, to York in 1622, bore arms: "a1.,, seA chossrook:s sa. three t,~o nnd one." --Burke

GARNISH:-- The Garnish frunil:y of l~enton. County Suffoll:, from whom v,as descended Col. Christopher Calthorpe, of Brome, County Norfollr, to York in 1622, bore arms;

iiar. on o chev. az. be·tvr. tr1ree escallops su.• a crescent or. Crest: an arm extended and erased, ar. holding a falch.ion, blacle of th0 first, hilt or. il --Burke

PY.GOt1T: -- Tl10 Pygott fiunily of Sti r·ston, from ,vhom was descended Col. Christopher Caltl1orpe, of B1"ome, County Norfol!c, to York in 1622, bore arms; • "ar. tv10 bends engI.,. gu.• " --Burke

ASTLEY~ -- The Astley family of J.1olton Constable, called by Burlce a the ancient house of Astley of Jiielton Constablei', from vvhom v1as descended Col. Cliristopher Calthorpe, of Brome, County :Norfolk, to Yorlc in 1622, bore arms~

i'az. a cinquefail er1nine 1;vitl1in a bordu:r•e engr. or. Crest: out of a ducal coronet oi-1, a plume of' feathers ih a case ar." --Burke

CALTHORPE:-- Tr1e Caltl1orpe family of Brome, County Norfolk:., from •7l1om v1as descended Col. Christopher Calthorpe., of Brome, Norfolk Cot1nty, to Yor1t in 1622, bore arms~

achequy or a.ncl az. ~ fesse ermine. Crest: a boar's head, couped at the noel{ azure, bristled and tusked or. betw·. two woodmen vii tl1. clubs over their shoulders, all ppr. a --Burke It should. be understood that these are not the only anns due those herein listed. They are only such arms as I have been able to verify by Burke's General Armory, and in each c~se, by some collaborating source. Among the many emigrants from Oxford to Virginia.was George Holloway who was in York County, Virginia, around 1635. (q.v., page 9 He may have been the Holloway who is traditionally said to have been in the second landing at Jamestown. As has been suggested he may have been brother to Peter Holloway who settled in Charles City County ca. 1635 and of Dr. John Holloway of Northampton County. The names Peter and John are constantly recurring among George Holloway's descendants.

Dr. John Holloway is shown by court records to have been in Northumberland County in 1655, and Oliver Holloway to Lower Norfollt County in 1648. Nothing is known of their possible relationship to the York County fa~ily, nor of their descendants. Other Holloway immigrants to America include: Samuel Holloway, who settled in Taunton, Mass., married March 26, 1666, Jane Brayman, by whom he had issue:--Hannah, Samuel, Nathaniel and John. It is thought this John was born about the ~rear 1668. Savage, in his aDictionary of tl1e First Settlers of Nevr Englancl;i, makes mention of a John Holloway of Hartford, who crune to Ne,v England in the ship nEliza.bethif from London 1635., age 21 years. He seems to have settled in New Haven and died there October 18., 1684, without issue.

Bald,vin, in his "1~1aryland ~¥ills" records the ·.vill of a John Hollov,ay of Calvert Cot1nty dated Nov. 2nd, 1697, vv.hich 1nentions w'ife Mathe,.v, sons John and James and daughters Eliza, Riggell anc;l I.1ary.

Volume 9 American Ancestry gives an acco1.1nt of ~Nilliam Holloway 'of Taunton., I'Iass., t.11-io married Elizabeth Holyday Nov. 171 1702, and says he was the son of Malachi.

Another Holloway immigrant, and by far the most outstanding member of i.,l1e York: Co1.1nty family, was John Holloway, Gent., probably a great-nephew, of George Holloway of Poquoson. He is length in the following section. 4. John Holloway, Gentleman (ca. 1666--d. Dec. 14, 1734)

Jo:ti..n IIolloway., one of the outstanding governmental officials in Colonial .Amer:i.ea was born in London, probably the grandson of Charles Holloway of Oxford Countj-, which ~vould. 1nak:e l1im a great nephew of George Holloway of York County. Unfortunately, the only account which gives much information about the youth of John Holloway was ,vritten by his political foe and legal rival, Sir John Randolph. From this we obtain information that he studied la.w and was admitted to practice in Ivln.rsl1alsea Court) the Court which d.ecidecl cases involvinc the domestic arranGements of the palace and of the King's holdings. He also was a soldier with I{ing ~,villi run' s Army in Ireland.

Besides his pracr.;ice of law, IIollo,vay engaged. in a business project which was a failure. Tho failure left hi1n in a state of financial ruin and to r1 eco1tp his fortune he sailed for A"'ll.erica., where he was to l)ecomo not only a wealthy man but a frunous states­ man.

Ile is supposed to r1ave gone first into 1laryland, and then to l1ave settled in York County. It is entirely probable that l1is inducement to settle in York was the presence tl1ere of near l{insmen. He seems to have settled in the upper part of York County in Bruton Parish. His ability was recognized and he soon became one of the Gentlemen Justices of the Countv., • He established a large legal practice in tl1e Courts of York, James City and neighboring Counties. Sir John Randolph said of him in his Brevi ate Book ( See I VHR, 119-123): "He l1ad practiced in this Court upv;ards of thirty years, 'vVith groat ·Reputation for Diligence and Learning; and vvas so much in the good Opinion of the Court, that I have upon many occasions known him prevail for his Clients against Reasono a.nd Arguments much st1->011gor and better than his. His Opinions were·by most People looked upon as decisive, and were very frequently acquiesced in by both Parties, those against viThom ho pronounced. being discouraged from disputing against so Authority. He practiced with much Artifice and CunninG, being thoroughly skilled in Attornoyship; But when his Causes came to a hearing, he reasoned little, v1as todiou.s in reading long Repor·ts of some Caiies, and little: Abridgcmonts of others, 01.1.t of' v1hich· he would collect short Aphorisms, and obiter sayings of Judges, and would rely ·upon them, lfVithout regarding the main Point in QU.ostion, and arb:ttra!lily affj_ria or (tony a n1atLer of Law, wb.ich had often too vioight against tho Reanon an

Ho was also active in many otl1er civic and c:ilurch activities. He was a Judge of Vice-Admiralty under Governor Spottswood. He resigned in 1718 because of opposition to his sitting in the case of one of the many pirates for whom he had served as counsel. In 1 ?22 he was nruned the .first l\layor of Vi/illiamsburg. He \Vas much interested. in the development of the town as is sho1;m by numerous records of the occasions when he was one of those appointed to supervise the Construction of Public Buildings.

He v1as a Vestrj11na.n of Bruton Parish a.nd gave one of the ,vings of the Church. His pew is still pointed out.

He was ·rroasurer of Virginia from 1723-1734. H1.s salary in this office was 4% of all monoy received. In his lator years ho developed a serious disability which seems not only to have affected his body, but also his mind. This became more intense about ton months before his death, v'rhich forced the I-louse of Burgesses to accept his resignation bocauso athrough the infirrn.itJr and r1ealcnoss of his body and raen1ory (he) is bccon1e incapable of executing tho said office". Naturally, in his condition ho boon unablo to lee op his books properly, or to sec to tho collection of moneys duo tl1c state. It vra.s f'ound that his accounts vv-cro short 850 pounds, w"l1ich he im..rnodiatc"ty made good. Tho following month, suggesting that his disorder was du0 to the ratiguo of settling tho tobacco inspectors accounts5 the Council voted a gift of 100 pounds to be made him. 16.

He was one of the larGc land owners of early Virginia, owning land in nearly every County. Among :his holdings., be~ides his plantation in York, 1_.vere l1i8 '.:villiamsbur~ property in James City County., 3000 acres 111 nansemond (gra.nte·', 1?26), and 1240 acres in ICing 'Villirun County.

Sometime after 1720, he marr:ted Elizabetl1 Catesby Cocke, 1ft/idow of Dr. vVilliam Coclto and s:t ster of ~.!ark Catesby, the nRtura.list. She :Ls buried in Old St. Pa1..11 1 s Churchyard, Norfolk, Va.

John Hollo-vtray, who hac1 been tl10 outstanding statesinan of Virginia in the first quarter of the EiGhteenth Century despite the active opposition of some of the h1ghest EnBlish officials, died December 14, 1734, in the sixty-nintl1 year of l1is age-. Despite tl1e man-:{ V11ho have claimed descent from h:i.m, he died with­ out issue. 17. Lineal Descendants of George Holloway or Charles River Parish York County, Virginia

- - - - - * - ~ - - - 5.

Desce.nd~nt~ of Japij)_s Holloway II, (1) James Holloway, son of George Holloway, the immigrant, b. ca. 163-5, presumably after his father's arrival in York County, Virginia, married, first, Ann; and, secondly, Elizabeth. Unfortunately we do not lmow the family name of either \Vife, and it is likely we never shall. Further research into the n1any records of York County may reveal some of the many activities that must havo been cro"vded into the rather brief life of James, He lived in eventful times and in the very center of early American life. Certainly he knew personally all of those romantic characters among the early settlers of Virginia whose adventures have thrilled succeeding generations of school child­ ren. Certainly he could not have reared a ramily without himself experiencing many of the dangers and hardships of pioneer life. Men didn't live long in those days, "He was only about forty years old v1hen a court entr•y \Vas made, Jt1ne, 1675, ei:cusing him, as v1as the custom., from paying further taxes because nhe is past labors". Re died July 19, 1677. ITI. By his first wife, Ann, he had at least two sons: (1) David, b. Niay 2, 1664; and (2) James., Jr., b. June 1, 1667. There is record of b1.1t one child by his second ,rlfe, Elizabeth, a son (3) Thomas, b. July 261 1673. The family, being good parishioners of the Church of England in Charles River P~rish (which included most of the County), had Thomas christened when ten days old, Aug. 5, 1673. Of the first two sons considerable is lcnovvn. Of Thomas we know nothing. Perhaps he was one of that large number of York natives who answered the call of II vVe st vtard H 6 ! " III. (1) David Hollov,ay 1narried Elizabeth Matthews, daughter of John :Mattl1ews. It is interesting to note how very many Elizabeth Hollowayts ;· either by birth or marriage, tliere have been in York. David Hollo\vr(~· v.ras named adlninistrator of Joh.l.1 Matthews' estate, June 24, 1702, Tl1e:· inventory of his estate is listed in York \11/ill Book 18., page 58, 17~,.,:~_:., he having died May 27, 1732. J!is vtlfe survived l1im by four years, dying July 9, 1736. Issue: IV. (1) Ann Holloway, b. June 26 1 1697, d. Feb. 20, 1716 (2) John Holloway, b. Dec. 7, 1701. (q.v.) (3) Matthews (Parish Record spells it "Tu1atthas") Holloway, a daughter, b. ~1nc, 1699, d, Mar. 7, 1700 (4) David Holloway, Jr,, b. Jan. 27, 1703, d. 1789. (q.v,) (5) Elizabeth Holloway, b. Oct. 1, 1704 (6) Priscilla Holloway, b. Oct. 30• 1705 (7) George Holloway, b. Feb. 20, 1709. (q.v.) (8) James Holloway, b. Jan. 18, 1711, d. 1788. (q.v.) (9) Rebekah Holloway, b. Jan. 18, 1711 18. 6 • .7'he Caroline Countx Hollowax_s (in collaboration with Mrs. R. E. Holloway and Mrs. L. H. Bagby)

IV. (2) -- p. 17_ John Holloway, b. Dec. 7, 1701, son of David Hol~oway and Elizabeth i.1atthe\vs, left York County as a young man and settled in Caroline County, Virgj_ni'a. Ile may have lived for a v1hile in Spottsylvania County, or he may have married there. At any rate v,,e find him qualifying as guardian to his son William Holloway in Spottsylvania Records dated Oct. 7, 1746. William may have inherited property in Spottsylvania, for that county's records show that he and 1:lary, his wife., deeded property on August 5, 1755. In the deed he v,a.s described as "of Caroline County". His ,Nill, written in County, \"1as pr'obated in Caroline County in 1770. His son ~Villiarn is not mentioned in his ,vill. Nor is Nathaniel. Perhaps ~Nilliam died prior to 1770. They were evidently by a first wife, and may alread:r have been provided for at an earlier date. Issue: V. (1) ~filliam Holloway, b. ca. 1730; m. Mary (2) Nathaniel Hollov1ay (frequently signed Nathan •., and often spelled Nathan). (q.v.) (3) George Holloway. (q.v.) (4) John Holloway (Some have thought this John to be the John listed as VI. (1).) (5) Elizabeth Holloway ( 6) Susanna ("Sukey") H0lloway

V • ( 2) Nathaniel Holloway, evidently but not positively, a son of John Holloway, is shown to have·been a soldier in a regiment raised for defense of the state in 1762. (C~roline o. B. 1780). He is the only Holloway in Personal Tax Records for 1783. Among issue: VI. (1) Natl1aniel Hollo1ivay,. Jr., b. ca. 1780, lived in Hanover County, Virginia. He married, first, ____Patterson, and second, Judy Rice, Not all of the following children have been veri­ fied and no attempt is made to assign them to either wife. Issue: VII. (1) James P. Holloway, b. ca. 1815 {q.v.) (2) Joseph Samuel Hollowajr, b. ca. 1820. (q.v.) (3) Lucern Holloway ( 4) John Hollo·:,ay {5) Jacob Holloway (6) Lucinda Holloway m. ______Haynie ( 7) Sarah I-Iollovvay (8) Jane Holloi.vay (9) Susan Holloway

V • ( 3) George Hollovvay, son of John Hollov,ay, married Elizabeth CammacI~, said to have been his first cousin, evidently on the maternal side. Though John Holloway, first listed among issue given below, was not mentioned in Henry of Amherst's will, there is a paper prepared by Mrs. Virginia Farish, daughter of Robert Green Holloway, Sr., which states that George Hollo\vay and Elizabeth Cammaclt v:ere l1er great- gl'andparents. Mcilhany in his nsome Virginia Familiesrr gives George and Betsy Holloway of Caroline County as parents of Thomas Slaughter Holloway and George Holloway, Jr. Henry Holloway, of Amherst County, names these two and others as brothers and sisters in his will. The records do not indicate any other George and Elizabeth Holloway in the County. Issue~ VI. {l) John Hollo\vay, b. ca. 1760, d. 1841? (q.v.) (2) Thomas Slaughter Holloway, b. May 27, 17651 d. June 28, 18 24 • ■ ( q • V • ) . . (3) George Holloway, Jr. (q.v.)· (4) Susanna. .Hollov,ay, d. 1805. (q. v.) ( 5) Jienry I1ollolvay, d. 1810. His will, probated in Augusta County, June 18, 1810, describes him as of Amherst County. (6) Sarah Hollovvay m. F____ Slaughter. Evidently, though not positively, had issue~ VII. (1) Charles H. Slaughter, and (2) Henry Slaughter { 7) c.Tanc·y riollovw1ay ( 8) Charles 1iollov1a~{., a soldier fro1n A11gusta County in the Viar of Revolution · (9) Robert Holloway (q,v.) (10) Possibly, ______Iiolloway wl10 married ____Bell (not verified} ·

VI. ( 1) John Holloway, son of George Hollov,ay and Elizabeth Cammack, married {unverified; according to Mrs. R. E. Holloway, Portsmouth, Va.) Barbara Collavn1. Issue: lJII. (1) Robert Green !-Iollov1ay, h. 1781, d. 1849 (q.v.) (2) John William Holloway (q.v.) (3) Charles IIollov1ay, d. u~nm• (4) Addison ·L. Hollowa:y (q.v.) (5) Catherine Holloway m.,June 24, 1813, Miles Clift (6) Eliza Holloway m. John Bullock (q.v.) (7) Lavinia Hollorvay 1n, Hay Saunders of Little 1.t\Tashington, Rappahannock C-ounty, Va. (q.v.)

VI. ( 2) Thomas Slaugl1ter Holloway, son of ·oeorge and Elizabeth. Cammack .• 111arried, first, September 2?, 1796, Elizabeth l\1oore, b. Sept 27, 17110, daughter' of neuben and Catherine Iv1oorc; married, secondly, l'Iar. 2B, 1819, Ann Crump, daughter of Benjamin and Eliza Crump. Issue by Elizabeth. J\.1oore: VII. (1) Susannah 1v1oorc I-Iollov1ay, b. ~.~ar. 1., 1798; rn. Benjamin Harrison. No issue. (2) George Iiollov"ay, b. Jan. 17, 1801, d.• Aug. 4, 1826, in Huntsville, Alabama (3) Catl1erlne Price Hollov,ay., b. Feb. 26, 1803; m. John G. 1NriGl1.t:; d. leaving tv,o child1.,en v1l1ose na111es not been ~sccrtainod (4) Betsy Ann Hollor,ay, b. Sept 22, 1805; m. 1st, 1.Iajor vVillia.m Henley and had four cl1ildrcn; m. 2nd, rJilkins Vifatson and had three childr•en (5) Sarah Robert Holloway, b. Nov. 1, 1808, d. July 9, 1875 (q.v.) ( 6) Tuiary Ann IIenry Holloway, b. Sept. 1, 1811, d. inf. Oct.· 11., 1811 (7) Susan Crump Hollo111ay, b. July ·20, 1820, m. }!tar. 29, 1838, c. w. Lane of Guyandotte, Va. Had thirteen child­ ren of VTII. ·(8) was Susan A. Lane v,ho married Archibald Kinney, her half first-cousin. (q.v.) 20.

VI. ( 3) George Hollo,v?y, Jr., son of George Holloway and Elizo.betl1 Cammack, liv~d in Augusta County. He had issue, amon~ others not asc ert aineo.; VII. (1) Eliza Catherine Slaughter Penn Thornton. Hollov1ay, b. Mar• 11, 1801, d. Noif. 16, 1859. (q.v.)

VI. (~1) Susannah Hollonray, daughter of George Holloway and Elizabeth Cammacl{, mnrried Thomas Royston, III, who died in 1814. Alnong issue! VII. (1) Joanna Royston, b. 1793, d. 1872; m. Robert Green Holloway, Sr. (q.v.) (2) Richard Royston (3) John Royston (4) Elize.betr1 Royston, b. 1796, d. 1831; m. Capt. Elijah Amiss, wid. of Sarah VVy'att Royston ( 5) Sarah 1Nyatt Royston m. Capt. Elijah ?~~ratt Royston {6) Esther Royston, d. unm. (?) Rhoda Royston m. Alpheus Haynie (8) Thomas Royston, IV~ ·This line has not been explored further,

(a) The Descendants of Robert Green Holloway, Sr.

VII. (1) -- p. 20 Robert Green Holioway, son of John Holloway and Barba~a Collavm, ,1as a far.mer of Caroline County, ·virgi nia. Ile married, in 1816., Joanna Royston, b. 1?93, d. 18?2, daughter of Thomas Royston, III, and Susanna Holloway. He was a Baptist and a Democrat. Issue~ VIII. (1) Tl1on1as Hollo1vay, d. unm. ( 2) Hester Anne HolloVlray n1. Hazel ·wood Stephen Fa.ri sh Res: Port Royal, ·va. Issue: IX. (1) Anna Farish m. Everett Farish X. ( 1) George Hazel vvood. Farish m. Gertrude Coghill Res: Port Royal, Va. Issue: XI. (1) Shirley F1arish, unm. (2) Florence Farish, unm. (2) Eola Esther Farish, unm. (3) Lillie Farish m. William Shirley Res: Kearneysville, Va. No issue: ( 2) Geo1')ge Buckner Farish m. Fannie Amiss, dat1. of Cap;_­ Elijah Amiss and Elizabeth Ann Leavell. No issue. (3) John Dillard Farish m. Lelie Wade Holloway, b. 186~ dau. of Dr. Robert Green Holloway and Eliza Spindle Amiss Holloway. He graduated at V.M.I. and is a runner of Caroline County, a Bapt, and Dem. Mrs. Farish \Vas eclucatod at Gaithersburg, I1d., and is Episcopalian. Issue: X. (1) Helen Courtney Farish m. Harry D. Amiss, sv of Edmund and Angie .Amiss. Res= 4860 Chevy Chase Blvd., Chevy Chase, Md. Issue~ XI. (1) Helen Courtney Amiss (2) Edmund L • .Amiss (3) John D. Amiss 21. (2) John Burwell Farish, b. Dec, 23, 1891; m.,1934, Geraldine Anderson, b. Dec. 28, 1905. He is in the Auto Sales Business. Res; 1202 Prince Edward St., Fredericksburg, Va. Enlisted June 25, 1917, Co. rr 2nd Va. Infantry, State Militia, overseas Service. Wounded in Battle of Bois de Ormont. No issue. { 3) Robe rt 'Ii vian Farish, b. i1ay 20, 1893, m., June 24, 1925, Eloise Garti-1 of nichmond, Va. He is a printer of Port .tLoyal, Va. Issue: XI. (1) Vivian Audrey Farish, b. Apr. 4, 193 (4) Royston Amiss Farish, b. Aug. 26, 1895; m. Corrinne Gains, b. Dec. 27, 1905. Issue~ XI. ( l) Joann Farish, b. Aug. 217, 1930 {4) Robert E. Farish m. Courtney Slade of Missouri. He moved from Caroline County to Missouri. Issue: X. (1) Joseph D, Farish, Add~ 1016 Harvey Bldg., w. Palm Beach, Florida. (2) Robert E. Farish, Jr. Res~ 1319 4th Ave., · Columbus, Georgia. (3) ?!ary Bogg Farish m. T, s. Fleming, Res: 1319 4th Ave., Columbus, Ga. (5) Eugene Farish, d. unm. VIII. (3) Susan Charlotte Holloway m. vVilliam Collavm, Res: New · London, Va. Issue: IX. ( 1) ~Vil ton Col lawn m. (2) R. Sample Collawn m. ivlotlj_e Sp~ndle, Res: Bowling Green Va,, Is3ue: X. (1) Robert vV. Collawn (2) Mary Virginia Collawn (3) Vfilliam Ne~~on Collawn m. Virginia Bradley. Issue~ X. ( 1) 1'1aude Colla\"J!l m. Clen1ent Harris, dcd. She res•ides at 1.Vl1itis, ~Tirginia. Issue~ XI. (1) Clement Harris, Jr. (2) Estelle Harris m. Gauldin, Res: :f?ovvlins G·reen, ·virginia (S) ~r. Rogers Harris m. No issue. Res: Port Royal, Va. (4) Au.brey Harris rn. Louise Iv1oon (5) Virginia Harris m. ".JV. K. Ruffin (6) John Harris (7) Charlotte Harris m. Pettit ( 8) Dorotl1y Harris m. (9) James Harris m. (2) Charlotte Collawn, dcd., m. Edgar Mills, dcd. No issue. (3) Lelia Pearl Collawn, d. unm. (4) Robert Collawn, d. unm. (4) Edward G, Collawn, dee., m. Farish, vvid. No issue. ----- (5) Coleman Collavm, dcd., m. Lula Hicks (6) vifilliam Collawn {4) Dr, Robert Green Holloway, b. Hov. 18, 1832, d. Oct 13., 1919 physician of Caroline County, Virginia; m. Eliz~ Spindle Amiss, do.u. of Capt. Elijah Amiss and ·Elizabeth Anne Leavell. Issue: 22. IX. (1) Lelia \ Holloway m, John Dillard Farish. (q.v.) (2) Byrd Royston Holloway, b. Aug. s, 1871; m.,July 20, Louise Marguerite Sevvell. He was educated at Bowling Green Academy and is a farmer of Caroline County, a Baptist and Democrat. Mrs. Holloway is a Catholic and Democrat. Res: Bowling Green, Va. Issue: x; (1) Joseph Royston Holloway, unm., b. Dec. 15, 1905. Res: 805 :Massachusetts Ave., N.E., Washington, D. c. (2) Robert Green Holloway, b. Sept, 24, 1907, d. July 26, 1929 (3) Lelia Marie Holloway, b. May, 1911, m., Sept. 8, 1934, Raymond Lewis ·(4) Marguerite Louise Holloway, b. Nov. B, 1913 Res: Bowling Green, Va. (5) Roberta Estelle IIolloway, b. Jan. 3., 1918. Res~ 805 Massachusetts Ave., N.E,, Washing­ ton, D. c. (3) Robert Esmond Holloway, b. Apr. 2, 1874, m., 1899, Ida Gayle Leavell, b. Sept. 1, 1876, dau. of William Thomas Leavell and Fannie Goulder Leavell. ~/Ir. Holloway graduated at Bowling Green Academy and is a general building contractor, a Bapt. and Dem. Mrs. Holloway was educated at Fredericksburg College. She is president of the Holloway-Amiss­ Leavel Family Society of Caroline County, a past President of the Woman's Club of Portsmouth, active in church work. She is an Epis. and Dem. Res~ 75~ Broad Street, Portsmouth, Va. Issue~ X, (1) lftlilliam Leavell Holloway, b. July 21, 1900: m., first, Jessie Miller and, second., MarJ Evelyn Butler. Res: 1377 Sheridan St., N. ~v., VV'ashington, D. c. No issue. (2) Lylie Amiss Holloway, b. July 23, 1901; m., May 3 1 1931, Thomas Millard Ashby, b. Dec. 1, 1894, d. May, 1938, son of Benjamin· and Eva ~~aude Ashby of Accomac County. Res; 1928 Calvert St., N.W., Washington, D. c. Issue: XI. {l) Thomas Millard Ashby, Jr., b. Mar. 12, 1933 (2) Robert Esmond Ashby, b. Dec. 21, 1937 (3) Nicholas Gayle Ashby, b. Dec. 21, 1937 (3) Fannie Esmond Holloway, b. Apr. 8, 1905, m., Sept. 4, 1926, William P. Stewart, son of James R. and Mary L. Stewart of Ports- mouth, Va. He is a naval architect. Res~ Portsmouth, Va. (Box 727). Issue: XI. (1) Vlilliam P, Stewart., ,Jr., b, Aug. 28, 1927 (4) Marian Loui~e Holloway, b. June 8, 1907; rn. Paul Brendon Le,,ris, son of John Thomas Lewis and Helena A Delaney of Richfield Park, N. J. :Mrs. Lev1is is a graduate of the Army and Navy School of Nursing. Res: 754 Broad St,, Portsmouth, Va. Issue~ XI. (1) Ann Leavelle Lewis, b. Sept. 8, 1933 ' (5) 1.iValter Goulder Holloway, b. Nov. 29, 1908; m., Jan. 4, 1932, Mary Malinda Brinkley, b. Jan. 26, 1913. Res~ 213 Fifth Ave., Portsmouth, Va. Issue: ;{.1,. ( 1) 1Nal.t c r Goulde r Hollov1ay, Jr. , b. Nov. 18, 1933 (6) Mildred .Ashby Holloway, unm., b. Oct. 15, 1910 (4) Anne Louise Holloway, b, June 25, 1876; m. Aug. 4, 1909, William Berkeley Farish, b. June 131 18601 d. Oct., 1937. He wa~ a farmer and merchant of Caroline Co., ~ Bap~. and Dem. Mrs. Farish is an Epis. No issue, (5) V'lilliam Thomas Holloway, b, 1-Iay, 1878, d. Oct., 1936; m. Rosina Powers, b. July 1876, dau. of David and Rose Thornton Powers. He was educated at Bowling Green Academy and was for many years merchant and postmaster at Port Royal, Va,, an Epis. and Dem. No issue~ (6) Cleveland Amiss Holloway, b, Oct. 28, 1884; m. Fannie Powers, dau. of David and Rose Thornton P·ow·ers. I-ie v1as educated at Bo.v,ling Green Academy and is a farmer and merchant. He has served as a member of the Caroline County School Board and of the County Board of Supervisors. A Bapt. and Dem. Mrs, Holloway is an Epis. Res: Port Royal, Va. Issue: X, (1) Frances Poivers Holloway., unm., b. May 3, ·1913. Schoolteacher. Res: Port Royal, v~. (2) Lucille Brokenborough Holloway, unm., b. June 14, 1915. Schoolteacher. Res: Port Royal, va. (3) Cleveland B. Holloway, unm., b. June 11, 1919 (7) Dr. ·Joseph lVIinor Hollov,ay, b. Aug. 14, 1889;- m., Jan. 19, 1921, Fannie Corbin Gordon, b. Apr. 29, 1902, dau. of Robert and JWae Dickerson Gordon. Dr. Hollov·1ay was educated at vVashington and Lee University and at the Medical College of Virginia. He is an Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist. He v,as in the A.E.F., discharged with rank of Captain, Aug. 13, 1919, He is past president of the Bank of Port Royal, Port Royal, Va.; Vice President, Society of Opphalmology-Opolaryngology; Vice Pres~dent, ·Medical Society of Northern Neck of Virginia; member Fredericksburg Medical Society; Rotarian; Epis.; Dem. 24.

Mrs. Holloway is a graduate of Chatham College. She is active in the i_,VOman' s Club of Fredericksburg, State Federated Garden Clubs, tho ICenmore Association and in Church activities. She in Epis. and Dem, Res~ 401 Hanover st., Freder­ icksburg, Va. Issue! X. (1) Robert Gordon Holloway, unm., b. Oct. 21, 1921 (2) Forest Byrd Hollov,ay, unm., b. Dec. 6 1 1923 (3) Joseph Minor Holloway, Jr., b. Apr. 15, 1939 VIII. ( 5} Virginia Hollo'1'tay, b. 1829; m. Hazel\vood Farish, widower of her sister Hester Ann. Issue: IX. (1) Irene Farish m. William B. Farish. Issue; X. (1) George Hazelwood Farish m. Genevive Bradford Ros~ Washington, D. c. No issue. (2) Virginia Farish, d. unm. (6) Mary Holloway, d. unm. {?) Elizabeth Holloway, dcd., m, ____ ~,1assoy, dcd., moved to ~lissouri where their children now livo. Issue~ IX. (1) Dr. Thomas Massey, dcd. (2) Richard Massey (3) Joseph Massey (4) William Massey

(b) Descendants of John William Holloway, Sr.

VI I • ( 2 ) - - p • 20 . John William Holloway, son of John Holloway and Barbara Collawn, was born ca. 1?95. Dr. Olin Holloway in Genealogy of the Holloway Families in America states tr1at his father v,as Charles T. Holloway, "said to have been born in England0• The present v1ritor has found no evidence to prove this a correct statement. Family records and traditions concur in denying it, From Dr. Holloway's text certain errors are obvious. nJohn Vv. Hollov1ay, b. 1812" v1ould hardly have been parent to children born 1825-6-?-9. He married first Ann Colla.wn, daughter of 'Nilliam Collawn v11ho consented to the marriage bond, Dec. 10, 1821 {sec 23V202). They uere married Dec. 14, 1821 (see 39V40). By her he had one child: VIII. (1) Ann Hollov.ray m. :Majors. J. 1J\hite. No issue.

John rvilliam Hollov,ay, Sr., married, secondly Elizabeth Brumbley M:artin, daughter of Vdlliam i\1artin and Nancy Brumbley, and a sister of Dr. Thomas Martin. Sho died in 1866 and her will, dated Sept. l?, 1866, was probated Doc. 10, 1866, Caroline w. B. 1866. Issue: VIII. (2) Angelina Catherine Holloway, b. May 1, 1825, a school­ teacher in Tennessee and Edgefield Co., s. c. She died in Edgefleld, s. c., and is buried there. She is still held in honored memory by her many students. (3) Martha Thornton Ifolloway, b. Aug. 17, 1826, d. unm. (4) Mary Eliza Holloway, b. Dec. 17, 1827, d. unm. (5) Fannie Brumbley Holloway, b. Jan. 8, 1829; m. Richard GaPrett. It was at their homo that John Wilkes Booth found refuge after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. 25. It was in their barn he was captured. Mrs. Garrett's sister, Lucinda Keeling Boulware Holloway, was tutoring in the home at the time and ministered to the wounded man. Charges that the Garretts were accomplices of Booth seem unfounded. Miss Holloway afterwards wrote an account of the stay and capture of Booth which is now on file in the Confederate :Museum of Richmond, 1/a, Issue: IX. (1) Rev. Richard Baynum Garrett, D. D., dcd., m. Annie Laurie Howell. He was educated at Carson College and Louisville Baptist Seminary. He was for years pastor of Court Street Baptist Church, Portsmouth, Va. Issue: X. (1) Richard Henry Garrett m. Virginia Butt, Res: 1514 :Morris Street, ~Vinona., Norfolk, Va. No issue. He was educated at Richmond College and is an Inspector at the Norfolk Navy Yard. (2) May Garrett m. Dr. Felix B. Vdlson, Physician. Res~ Tappahannock, Va. Mrs. 11\/ilson was educated at Rich.mend College. Dr. Vdlson was educated at the University of Pennsylvania. No issue. (2) Robert Green Garrett, dcd., m. Marie Louise Bowler, dcd. (3) Nettie Garrett, dcd., m. Philip Taliaferro of Bowling Green, Va. Issue: X. (1) Corn Taliaferro (2) Katherine Taliaferro (3) Judith Taliaferro (4) Cora Lee Garrett m. ____Fritts of Austin., Texas. No issue. (5) Lillie Garrett, d. unm. VIII. (6) Lucinda Keeling Boulware Holloway, b. July 30, 1831. Among other beqt1ests, her vvill left money to the Baptist Orphanage at Salem, Va. Her account of Booth's capture is contained in tl1e appendix to this Monograph. (7) John Vfilliam Hollowny, Jr., b. June 12, 1833, d. Sept. 12, 1910, m, Bettie Susa.n Raines, b. Feb. 14, 1844, dau. of Isaac Raines and Catherine Ann Jeter. He was employed in Georcia at the· outb1-iealt of the 7far Between the States and enlisted, Mar. 18, 1861, at Bainbridge, Georgia, as a pvt., Co. G, First Regiment, Georgia Infantry, C.S.A. Re-enlist­ ed, Mar. 19, 1862 as pvt.,Co. K, Second Regiment, Georgia Ca.valry. He vvas captured, Dec. 25, 1862 and imprisoned at Camp Douglas, Illinois. He was exchanged and again captured, July 21., 1864., near Atlanta. This tin1e 110 was imprisoned at Camp Chase, Ohio. He was released June 11, 1865 upon takin0 the oath of allegiance to the United States. Issue: IX. (1) ~!Villie Birdie Holloway, b. July 3, 18'75, d. 1938~­ m., Apr. 23, 1902, Jesse H. 7vinn, b. A11s. 4, 1864, d. 1937, son of Dr. Jesse Winn and Catherine Anne Cammack. Issue: X. (1) John William Winn, b. Feb. 8, 1903, m. ___ Gayle. Ros: Fredericksburg, Va., R.F.D. iio issue. (2) Mary Jessie Winn, b. Dec. 6, 1904, m. V'lilliam Sacrey. Res~ Partlow., Va. 26. ( 3) Jo sse Hiurapsted ~1i/inn, Jr., b. Sept. 29, 1906, m. ____ Gayle. ( 4) ~✓Iargaret ~Vinn m. Roger Dunaway Holloway, son o.f ~H:tlliam Hntcho:t' Holloway. Res~ FPodcricl:sburg, Va., R, F. D. (5) Catherine Ann !_ii/inn, b, Jan, 23, 1911, d. unm. 1936 ( 6) Lt1cy DovL' 1Vinn, lJ. Oct. 5, 1912, m. George Addison Holloway. Res: Fredericksburg, ·va., R.F.D, (2) William Hatcher Holloway, b. Nov. 2, 1879, m., first, Anna L. Dunav1ay, b. Feb. 27, 18£13, dat1. of Roger Duna\.vay.;, m., secondly, YJillic Harri.s. No issue by second marriage. Res: 23 s. Chorry St., Richmond, Va. Issue~ X. ( 1) Lot1ise ,T. Hollo\ve.y, b. Aug. 1904, m. iNilliam Thomas. Res: Guinea, ~,a. Issue: XI. (1) Anna Louise Thomas {2) Dunaway Thomas {3) Laura Jane Thomas (4) ____ Thomas (2) Leonard Hollov1ay, b. A11g. 1906, d, unm. ·(;~) Roger Dunav1ay Hollovvo.y, b. ~Tan. 1909. (o.v. above) (4) George Hollov,ay, b. June 1910. (q.v. above) (5) Laura I-Iollovra.y, b, Sept. 1912, m. James Hughes of Hot1ston, Te:;eas. Res: Quantico, Va. ( 6) Eldridge I1ollov1ay, b. Sept. 1914., unm. (?) r.1ason Hollovvay, b. July 1916, unm. (8) 1/VilliamHolloway, b. Sept. 191~., unm. (9) Jnmes IIolloway, b. Apr, 1920, unm. (3) John Thomas Holloway, b. Nov. 29., 1883; m. Dec, 23, 1913, E!r1r11a s. Taylor, b. Feb. 17, 1893, dau. of Vv. F. and Errnna Taylor. Issue~ :~. (1) Francis Ford Holloway, b. Jan. 25, 1915 (2) Elizabeth Susan Holloway, b. Ivlar. 20, 1916 (3) Jomes Haywood Hollov1ay, b. Aug. 9, 1917 (4) Anna Janetta Holloway, b. Apr. 4, 1919 ( 4) Elizabeth Brumbley Holloway m, George A. Bullock. 1{o issue. ( 5) Catherine Jeter Hollov1ay, d. inf. (6) Iviattic (}rcen Hollovvay, d. inf. (7) 1\/Inry Louise Holloway; d. inf. ( 8) ·vari na Davis I-iollo1Nay m. Vernon Cannnack :Ninn, son of Dr. Jesse H. vVinn and·1n0 Anne Cammack. Ros~ 420 Delafield Place, \Vasl1ington., D. C. Issue~ X. ( 1) Vernon Ca.mmacl{ 1Ninn, JI'., m. iv1ary Elizabeth Dugan. Ros: 6000 13tl1 St., N. 1N., Washington, D. c. (2) Betty Barbara vVinn m. 1ii/alter Cauthen Hendricks of South Carolina. Res~ Washington, D. c. Issue: XI. (1) VvalteP Cauthen 1/Vinn, Jr. ( 2) Robert ~1Vinn (3) Sallie Davis VVinn, unm. (9) Nancy Martin Holloway, b. Dec. 19, 1877; m. Leslie Hartwell Bagby, b. Apr. 4, 1877, son of Dr. G. F. Bagby of King and ::iueon Co. and ~iary Thomas Courtney. Mr. Bagby is connected with the State Departn1cnt of Taxation. Issue: 27. X. (1) George Franklin Bagby, III, b. Apr. 4, 1908; m, Mildred Ilgenfritz, Mr. Bagby Vias educated at Tulane tJniversity (B.A.) and at the Y.M.C.A. Graduate School, Nashville, Tenn. {M.A.). He was formerly nn Instructor at the Georgia I11ilitary Academy and is now with the school system of Arlington Co., Va. (10) James H. Hollov1ay m, 11attie B. Raines. Res: ~-✓oodford 's, Va. Issue: X. ( 1) •Ella Elizabeth Holloway, unm. (11) Robert Mitchell Holloway, d. inf, VIII. (8) Bettie Martin Holloway, b, Apr. 2?, 1835; m. Dr. Robert H. McKie of Edge.field, s. c. Issue: IX. (1) Dr. Robert H. I\icI~ie, Jr. He was a physician witb. the AEF, after which he settled in Missouri. (2) Dr, ______McKie, dcd., of Edgefield, S. C. He was a dentist with the AEF. (3) Iaary :McKie m. Charles McKie of Augusta, Georgia (4) Richard Henry Tulcr:ie; Res: Edgefield, s. c. ( 5) ~.-iargaret I1fcI~ie m. Henry }.1cElmurry. Res~ George­ town, Georgia. (6) i:Villiam ~,IcI(ie, d. inf. (9) Lavinia Hollo,rvay, -b. July 23., 1837, d. inf. (10) Robert Groen Holloway,·b. Feb. 28, 1839; n1. Lucy A. Oglesby, vri do\v, from Oldham Co., Ity. He served in the ?Jar Between the States and was·for several years an inmate of the Confederate Home, Peewee Valley, Kentucky. In his will he remembered most of Virginia kinsmen. He v12.s employed in Texas at the timo of the War Between the States. He enlisted in Co "I", 4th Regiment, Texas Infantry and served as private, corporal and sergeant. He was wounded at the Batt,le of Sharpsburg, Md. He i.vas at AppomHttox when the v1ar closed,

(c) Descendants of Addison L. Holloway

VII. (4) -- p. 19 Addi son L. Hollo\vay, son of John Holloway and Barbara Coll awn, married, first, Belena Durrette; married, secondly, Betty Gravett, d.s.p. He was a well-to-do farmer of Caroline County and gave the land upon which Bethesda Church was built. Issue by first marriaee: VIII. (1) Helena Durrette Holloway m. v~lliam Samuel. Issue~ IX. (1) Vvilliam Samuel, J1..,. Res~ i_¥a.llers, Va. ( 2) Jol~n Henry Jiollov,ay" He moved to I{entucky vvhile still a youtb.•

{d) Descendants of Eliza Hollov1ay Bulloclc VII. (6) -- p. 19 Eliza Hollowa·y, daughte1-i of John Hollovvay and Barbara Colla;vn, married, Aug. 8, 1821, John T. Bullock. Issue~ VIII. (1) {}:Jorge Bullock m. Tu1artha Anne Bradley. issue: IX. (1) George Bullock, Jr., dcd., m. Elizabeth Brumbley Holloway (q.v.). No issue. 28.

I:c. ( 2) Nannie Bullock, d, unm. (3) Lewis Cammack Bullock, d. unm. (4) Alice Barbara Bulloclr., dcd., m. Edward Purdue, dcd. Issue~ x. (1) Lillian Purdue m. Howard Nuckols~ Res: Highland Springs, Va. (5) John Bullock, dcd., m. Florence Bulloch:, No issue. (6) Carrio Bullock, dcd., rn. Nioore Brovm. Res: Corbin, Va, Issue: X. (1) Andrew Brown m. ____ Bullock. Res: Corbin ~,a. (2) Lester Brown 1n. Robert Durrette. Res: Moss ·Neck, Va. (7) Dixon Battle Bullock, J.. unm. (8) Charles Washington Bullock. He moved to Texas and is still J.iving. (9) Elizabeth Bullock, d. unm. VIII. (2) David Bullock: m. Catherine Saunders. I-le was a soldier in ·th.e Confederate Issue: IX. (1) Florence Bulloc!c m., first, John Bulloclc (q.v. above), and, secondly, ____ Clift. Res : Vifasl1ingt on, D. C. (2) Hattie Bullock, d. unm. ( 3) Calvin Bullock, d. unn1. He v1as a soldier in the Spanisl:1-Amcrican ~rl/ar. (4) Edward Lee Bullock m. Lucy Farish, dau. of Joseph Farish and Lucy Carrick. Ho was a soldier in the Spanish American Viar. (5) Cecil Bullock m. Annie Farish, dau. of Joseph Farish ·and Lucy Carrick (6) Vernon Bullock, unm. Res: Port Royal, Va. (7) Tda B11llock, unm. (3) Lucy Anne Bullock 111. ____ Bre'"vver. Their descendants live in Stafford Co. (4) Cammack Bullock, d, unm. He was a soldier in the Confeder­ ate Army. (5) John Bullock m. Iviattie Sa11nders. Issue: IX. (1) Jaines Ec1gar Bulloclr. m. Annie Laura Greenstreet. He was a constable of Caroline County and a Deacon of Bethesda Baptist Church. Issue; ]{. ( 1) Robe1"t Allen Bullock m. fJ11lia E. Dur1"etto. Res: Rappahannock Acade1ny, Va. Issue~ XI. (1) Robert Allen Bullock, Jr. (2) Elizabeth Bernice Bullocl{ (3) Laura Blanche Bullock (4) Ruby Lee Bullock ( 5) rfcllf ord Mason Bullock (6) James Lewis Bullock, dcd. (7) Alma Gray Bullock (8) Andrew Wallace Bullock (9) Lora Mae Bullock (10) Melvin Travis Bullock (11) Nancy Jane Bullock (2) Edgar ~e~vis Bullock, dcd. (3) Andrew Judson.. Bullock m. Shirley Keilder Catlett. No issue. ( 4) 01,ayce Lee Bulloclr, unm. Res: Seminary Ave •. , Richmond, Vn. (5) John Lewis Bullock m. Bertie Phillips. Issue: XI. ( 1) Annie 1:iae Bullock (2) John Lewis Bullock, Jr. ( 3) James Ed,vard Bullock (6) Annie Louise Bullock n1. Haley H. Taylor Insue: XI. (1) Louise Hunter Taylor ('7) Ifattye I(athryn Bt1llocl{ m. Asl1ton Gustave Bi.,oadd1.1s. Issue! XI. (1) Ashton Gustave Broadclus, Jr, (8) Virginia VVa.llace Bullock, unrn. IX. ( 2) riollie Bullock, cl, unm.

(o) Descendants of Lavinia Holloway Saunders VII. (7) -- p. 19 Ln.vini f:i. Hollov1s.y, dauc;l1ter of Jol1n fiollor,ay and Barbara Collawn, married IIay Saundor,s., of Little !,V'ast1ington, Rappahannock: County, "T~1rg1n1~. _, ·" '" n -issue: "'v~LII. ( l) Ce.therine Sa1.1nders m. David Bullock, son of John Bullock and Elj_za Hollovra-;y {q.v. above) (2) Iv1attie Saunders 1a. JQhn Bullock, tTr., son of John B11llock ancl Eliza Hollovra:v (q.v. above) (3) Lavinia Saunders, d. unm.

(f) Descen~ants of Saral1 Robe1.,t Holloway I~inney

VII. (5) -- p. 19 Saral:1 Robert. Hollov1ay, daugJ.1tcr of Thomas Slnughter Holloway and Elizabeth Moor~, married Jefferson Kinney, son of Hon. Chisley Kinney and n~ary Edmunds, of Stp.unton, Va.; d. Dec. 21., 1866. Mr. l'!.inney was active :in poli.tics., serving for twenty-seven years ns Clerk of Augusta County; fo1..1rteen ycers as an of Staunton; Town Reco1"der of Staunton., 1308-184?; i·Ja.:yor of Staunton in 1839, 1842., 1846., 1849-50. IIc v1ns a Director of the Central Railroad, now· the Chesapeake and Ohio. He was also a dire~tor of the 7alley Bank, Issue! VTII, (1) Vi1,.,ginia I~i°nney, b. Aug. 30., 1830, cl. July 7, 1887; m. Henry Done.ld Vlhitcorub, h.., Eastport, Iv!aine, Feb. 19, 1826. He 1Yas a Topo;~:raphical and Civil Engineer. Issue~ 1X. (1) 1Iarr.r Ectmunds v\hitcomb, b. ,July 25, 1856; m. Dr. Hugl1 Iic.Guire Taylor of Richmond, Va.; b., Clark: County, Nov. 11, 1855 (2) Kato Hollo,vay 7t.litcomb, b. July 27, 1858, d. Oct. 28 1 1883; m. Dr. l!Villiam Perrin Nicholson, b. Iiiddlesex Count~r, Feb. 4, 1855. He v1as for many ·y-eEirs a ph-:,rsici an of Atlanta, Georgia. Issue! x. · (1) ·Perrin I\Jicholson, b. Oct. 24, 1883., d. inf., Nov. 15, 1883 so. (3) Virginia Kinney ~!'mitcomb, b. Sept, 20, 1860, m., first, Charles McGruder, b. May 1, 1856, d. Dec. 28, 1888; m, second, Edgar Dalby Taylor, b., Accomac Co., Aug. 21, 1848. They were residents of Ricl1.mond, Va. (4) Alice Vvhitcomb, b, Sept. 16, 1866; m. George Llewellyn Nicl1olson, b., Deorchasc, Middlesex Cot1nty, Jan. 14, 1864. He \Vas General r/.ianager of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Co. Issue: X. {l) I-Icnry Fm_itcomb Nicholson, b. !'Jay 5, 1895 (2) Llewellyn Dudley Nicholson, b. Jan. 29, 1897 (3) ::atherine IIollov1ay Nicholson., b. Aug. 17, 1900 (5) Henry Donald 1-~hitcomb, b. Sept. 26., 1869; m. Daisy Adelaide Cohen, b. Aug. 23, 1878. Issue: X. {1) HenrY Donald Vt1itcomb,. Jr., b. Sept. 26, 1900 VIII. (2) Dr. Thomas Hollowa~r I<:inney, b. Aug. 19, 1835, d., Nevq,ort Nevis, Feb~ 25, 1894; rn. Mary Todd Pollard of Hanove1., Co., b. Jan. 17, 1836, d. Feb. 28, 1890. He was a physician. Issue: IX. (1) Thomas Pollard ICinney, b. Dec. 29, 1859; m. Emma Lancaster Brown, b. June 12, 1865, of Danville, ,fa., vmere lie v1ns s·upe:r1intendent o.f the ..Ne stern Union Telegraph Co. ( 2) Harry Vmi tcomb I~inney, b. Sept. 5, 1861; m. Ellen I\·Iarguerite Stev_ens, b., I'1eigs Co., Ohio, Dec. 27, 1861. Res~ Lynchburg, ~,a. Issue~ x. (1) Thomas I-Iollov1a.y· ICinney, b. June 3, 1885 (2) Harry Vinton I(innc:r, b. I1ay s, 1887 (3) Judson Ste·vens Kinney, 1), Jan. 1, 1892 (4) Ellen Marguerite Kinney, b. 0ec, 22, 1895 ( 5) Pollard 1.V:i nston ICinncy, b. July 19, 1898 (6) Jefferson Badgeley I-Cinne-:r, b. Aug. 24, 1900 (3) Susan '.;Vinston I~inney, b. Aug. 10, 1865; m. James ~:ieredith ~Nilliruns, b. June 22, 1867. Res~ Danville, Va. Issue; J~. (1) t-.'Ia~J I:inney Vlilliruns, b. June 11, 1890 ( 2) Ja.rne s ~,:ierec-li th ~Villi ams, b. Au3. 20, 1897 (4) Dr, Jefferson Kinney, Jr., b. Mar. 5, 1867; m., Dee. 22, 1890, Eliza.beth Alice Due1.,son. He ·was an Eye, Ear and Nose Specialist of Roanoke, Va. Issue: )C. (1) Alice I~inney, b. Jul~r 24, 1892. (2) Jefferson Kinney, b. Dec. 11, 1893, d. inf., June 14, 1896 . (3) Jefferson Kinney, III., b. Feb. 19, 1896 ( 4) Ed,vard Pollard Kinney., b. Jan. 11, 1898 (5) Sarah Holloway Kinney, b. Dec. 30, 1868, d. Aug. 23, 1870 · (6) ~!iary Todd I~inney, b. Jan. 21, 18?1, d. Oct. 19, 1875 (7) Alice Kinney, b. Feb. 28, 1877 (8) i/Villiam :Nicholas ICinney., b. Apr. 12, 1880. Fonner­ ly resided in Danville, Va. 31. (3) Archibald Kinney, b. Feb. 12, 1838; m. Susan Augusta Lane, dau. of Susan Crump Hollo,ivay and C, 1:V, Lane, b. July 23, 1853. Issue; IX. (1) Fannie Smith Kinney, b, Sept. 22, 1878; m. Hugh Dunbn.r r~1urray, b. Aug. 20, 1868, vvho was a photog­ rapher of Staunton, Va, Issue: X. (1) Fannie Dunbar Murray, b. Dec. 9, 1901 (2) Alexander Waddell Kinney, b. Mar. 28, 1881 (3) \Tirginia v\hitcomb Kinney, b. June 4, 1889 (4) Susan Lane Kinney, b. June 30, 1891 (4) Sarah Holloway Kinney, b. Mar. 15, 1842 (5) \Villiam Nicholas Kinney, b. Nov, 1, 1844_; m. Amelia Boylcin Haile, b, Sept. 19, 1855. They lived in Staunton, Va.

(g) Descendants of Eliza Hollov1ay and Nichq_las C, ICinney

VI I , ( 1 ) - - p • 20 Eliza Holloway, daughter of George Holloway, Jr., married Nicholas Cabell Kinney, b. Feb. 29, 1793, d. Nov. 16, 1859; son of Chesley Kinney and 1.~ary Edmunds of Amherst Co. His father VITas clerk of Augusta. County, from 1800 to 1812; Clerk of the District Court of Law for· the same p0r:lod, and Clerk of the Cireuit Court of Law from 1809 to 1828. For tr1e last sixteen years of this terrn he v1as bed­ ridden and his duties were performed by his son, Nicl1olas. His father had also been mayor of Staunton in 180?. J,~r. Nicholas Kinney 1'tas a Liet1tenant in the Yfar of 1812; Deputy Clerk of the Circuit Court, 1812-1828, Clerk, 1828-1831. He \7as then appointed fir~st Clerl< of the Circuit Superior Court of La\v and Chancery and served till his death. Issue: VIII. (1) Robert Henry I~inne~r, b. Jllly 15, 1818, d. I\lay 20, 1881; m. Rebecca Rachel Wayland, b. July 22, 1822. He served as a Lieutenant in the Mexican 1~r. He was a Civil Engineer and lived in Grant County, Kentucky. Issue! 1X. (1) Elizabeth Chastain Kinney, b. Sept. 13, 1842, a. Aug. 26, 1863, unm, (2) Louis Nicholas Kinney, b. June 15, 1844, d. ____ ,;. 1n. Rosetta Tomlin, b. Feb. 22, 1853; was for ··marty years treasurer of Scotland County, Missouri. Issue: X. {l} Louis Nicholas Kinney, Jr., b. Mar. 24, 1880 (2} Alma Bernice I{inney, b. Alig. 31, 1881 (3} Charles Roy ICinney, b. Apr. 15, 1883 · (3) l'lary Ann F~inne;y-, b. :Mar. 1, 1846, d. Feb. 12, 1899, unm. (4) Dr. Charles Porterfield Kinney, b. July 9, 1849; n1., 1st, Knoxville, I~~y., I\iar. 23, 1873, Emma Virginia Simpson, b. Apr. 22, 1857, d. Jan. 17, 1874; m., ·2nd, Henrietta Race, b. Feb. 18, 1862. He \Vas a pl1.ysician of Crossville, Illinois.· Issue: X. (1) Robert Porterfield Kinney, b. Oct. 9 1 1879; m. Nora Elizabeth How, b. Nov. 7, 1881. He wa.s for many years cashier of .the Bank of Crossville, Illinois. Issue! XI. (l) Ruby Opal I(inney., b. ~.iay 18, 1901 x. (2) Cra\vford Earl ICinney, b. Jan. 22 1 1883 ( 3} l11ar~r Ada Pearl I(inney, b. I,lar, 27 , 1885 (4) Gu:-,r Louis ICinney, b. Mar. 22, 1890 (5) Gladys ·v1.rginia ICinney, b, Jn.n. 13, 1897, d. inf. July 19, 1897

(h) nescendants of Jame,s P •. Hollov1ay

VI I • {1 ) - - p • 18

James P. Hollo\ivay, sqn of Nathaniel;l 1 Jr.; m. ~1ary Rice. Issue: VIII. (1) Edward Pretty Holloway m. Elizabeth Stanley. Issue: IX. (1) George Holloway ( 2) Victory Hol lov1ay (.3) M:ary Hollo\~ay { 4) 1.Vi llif..: Hollow·ay (5) Allie Holloway (2) Alexander· James Holloviay., b. Aug. 25, 1842, d. July 9, 1916; m., Dec. 19, 1867, I'.1a~J Frances Lane, b. Jan. 5, 1850, a~au. of f{obert Thomas Lane and };1ar-J Anne Christian. Issue~ IX. (1) James ':•1/illirun Hollot¥ay, b. Oct. 8, 1868; m., Jan. 24, 1901., l'iary sv,an Harris (2) John Thomas Hollovvay, b. }/Iar. 16, 18?0; m. Louise Curtner (3) Lena Catherine IIollo\vay, b. Feb. 14., 1872; m., Jan. 16, 1901, Jesse F. Rice, b. Aug. 18, l873, son of ~Villiam David Rice and :Mar'J Frances Stanley. Issue; X. (1) Thelma Frances Rice, b. Feb. 25, 1902 (2) Emily Rice, b. Jan. 1904 (.4) Robert Lucian Holloway, b. June 10, 1875 ( 5) David Franklin IIollowa;/, b. Oct. 22, 1881; m., Feb. 21, 1911, Sallie E. Rice (6) Blanche Ethel Hollowa:l, b. I'-flay 24, 1885; m., Jan. 7, 1920, r,1alcolrn Arthur N; chqlls., son of Arthur lJicholls and Lillian Porterhouse. Issue: X. (1) Helen Nicholls ( 2) :l\'Ialcolm Arthur Nicholls (3) Virginia M?.rian Nicholls . (7) Guy r.~organ 1Iollov,ay, b. Feb. 6, 1887; m. ~,1ary Tebe Harris, da1.1. of George Tl'lomas Harris and 1!Villie Ann Beale. Issue~ X. (1) Thomas .A. IIolJ.o·way., b. Feb. 9, 1912 (2) Iviary Lena Hollov,ay, b. Feb. 6 1 (3) ~Je.rga1-,et Beal Hollov1ay, b. Feb. 6, 1918 (4) Tebe Ann Hollor1ay, b. Apr. 6, 1921

(i) Descendants of Jo~eph Samue.1._J!.Q.l::1..QY.YaX. VII. (2) -- p. 18 Joseph Samuel Hollovvay, son of Nathaniel fiollov1ay, Jr., b. ca. 1818, d •. 1-Jov. 24, 1890; married Ann l~atherine Burgess, d. May 13, 1896., daughter of Vdlliam Burgess and Sallie Flemon. Issue; VI II• ( l) James Henry Holloway, b. Dec. 2, 1847; m., Apr, 6 1 1871, Margaret Taliaf'orro, b, Aug. 5, 1845, dau. of Hfllliam Taliaferro. Issue:· · IX. (l) Floyd Valentine Holloway, b. Apr. 18, 1872; m, Grace Cafferas (2) Alfred Holloway, b. }-far, 2, 1875., d. Feb., 1904; m. Ida Corker, Oct, 20, 1900, dau. of Henry Corker. Issue: x. (1) Clyde ~ol1oway, b. 1901 (2) Chester Holloway., b. Dec. 20, 1904 (3) William Samuel Holloway, b. Oct. 29, 1877, m. Jennie Jrunes (4) Ira Bland Holloway, b. Feb, 2, 1879 (5) Cl1arles Burgess Holloway, b, Feb. 2, 1879; m., ,J11ne 20, 1906., Mnmie ,,. Bellomy, b. ~~ar. 2 1 1887, dau. of Benjam:i:n and Van.nie Bellorn:y. Issue: X. (1) Ruby HollowC4y., b. July 7, 1907 ( 2) Lola Virginia liolloway, b. ~liar. 12, 1909 . (3) Dorothy Elizabeth Holloway, b. F1eb. 25, 1911 (f?) Liary Hollov1a;f, b. Oct. 31, 1889; m. Herbert 1Halker Perkins., b. tTuly 1, 1870, son of ~3illiam and Missouri Perkins. Issue: X. ( 1) ,rirginia Elizabeth Perkins, b. Oct. 14., 1911 (2) l\'Iattie Taliaferro Perkins, b, Apr. 28., 1913 (3) Beulah tI. Perkins, b. Dec. 17, 1914 (4)'Herbert Walker Perkins, Jr., b. Sept. 5, 1916 (5) J"ames Ira. Perl{ins,· b. tTan. 10, 1925., d. inf •.• cTan, 11, 1925 (7) Robert I-Iollo,vaJr• Issue~ X, (1) James Holloway ( 2) Charles Hollov1ay (2) Joseph Nathaniel Holloway, b. Dec. 25, 1849; m. Emma Forloines, b. June 9, 1856, dau. of D. B. Forloines and Susan RusDell. Issue: IX. (1) Calledonia Loe Holloway, b. Oct. 13, 1878; m. Byron Davis., b. 1882, son of James l'I. Davis and Sallie Ann Hollo1v\ray ( See 11:-4) (2) Martha Holloway m. ____ Spicer { 3) Ltlt ie IIollolvay (4) Eva Hollov,ay (5) Bertha Holloway m. ____ ~IicGhoe ( 6) bu.11 tis Holloway (7) Corn¥ay fibllovvay (3) Sallie Ann Holloway, b. 1853, d. 1918; m. Jrunes ~.1. Davis, b, 1847, d. 1918, son of Warner Davis. Issue~ IX. (1) Edwin Davis (2) Malissa Davis (3) 1/Iinnie Davis {4) Byron Davis, b. 1882; m. Calledonia Lee Hollov1ay {See IX.-1) (5) 1:"vert Davis ( 6) 1N:lnf rey Davis {7) E. Gary Davis (8) Russell Davis (9) Lucian Davis (4) i\~a17 :Mollssa Hollo,.vay, 1J.·Nov. 9, 1B56;, m., Oct,, 18'75, Lucien J. Carr, b, Mar. 15, 1855 •. Issue~ ri. (1) Bernard Judson Carr, b. ,June 23, 1890, d. Apr. 9, 1912; m. Jentric~ B. Booth, b. Oct. 28, 1888. Insue~ x. (1) Be1~nard J\.3hb-y Carr., b. July 19, 1912 (5) Jolin D. 1-Iollovtay, b. Feb. 3, 1852; n1., 1872, cTudith Boatwright, b. 1851 (6) Robert Leo Holloway, b. Nov. 2, 1861; m,,Fab. 15, 1883, Sallie B. Criclr.enberger., b. Apr. 28, 1860, dau. or ~·Villirun C ricl~cnbergor and I oabella Rife, Issue~ IX, (1) V/illiam J. Hollov1ay, b. Dec. 1, 1883 (2) "Jannie Holloway, b. Dec. 11, 1885; m., Jan. 29, 1908, Ivorc. lTor1nson. Issue~ X. (1) Celia Johnson, b, Jan. 14, 1909 (2) Bernlce Johnson., b. !-..Iar. 2., 1910 ( 3) Ivor Le c t.Tohn son, b. r:ay fi, 1912 ( 4) lT0~1n tTohn son, b. Jan. 15, 1915 ( 5) Buelah Johnson, b. tI[\r. lJ..., lVlO (6} Alm~ Johnson, b. Oct. 17, 1920 (?) r;'iar:t Johnson, b. Doc. 31, 1922 (8) Macon JohDson, b. Aug. 7, 1925 1 1 ( 3) AI tlTu r N. Hol lovvay, b. Oct• 21., 1889; n1. , Nov• 1 19lj, Edna Caldr1oll, b. Apr-. 2, 1890, dau.• of F. r,:i. C aldvvell and 1.1agr;ie IJ1')i t t. 1 s st1e ~ :,:. (1) Louise Ilolloway, b. June -t, 1014 ( 2) Clyde Hollov1ay, b • Sept. 2, 1917 (4) Jmnes H.ichard Holloway-, b. J~:.n, 18., 1891; 1n., Sept. 16 / 191(;, :3va 11aud I~-1 rclrbau..rn, b. Feb. 8, 1904, cla.-u. Of Jolin G. Kir·c1cha1nn and ~Nillie o. Burgess~ Issue~ X. ( 1 ) C aro1 ine Hollo\va:y, b. Aug. 13., 1916 ( 2) Iielen 1Iollov1a;r, b. Jan. 16, 1918 (3) Calv·1n Hollov,ay, b. Jan. 16, 1920 (4) Allen Holloway, b. July 2, 1924 (5) Alma liollov1ay, b. Jan. 6, 1900; n1.-, Jl1n0 1-J, 1923, tTamen -~• Johnson. Issue~ X. (1) !Ielcn ,Johnson, lJ. Apr'. 22, 192,1., d, Ii1ob. ? , 1925 (2) AulJrey '-Tob.nson, b. :)ec. 18., 1925 (6) Ruby Lee I-1ollovva·y, b. Dec. 21, 1906 ( 7) Susan·· IIollovia:r 1n. }Ienry Ilarlow (B) lurges~-~ Hollor1ay ( 9) Oscar J-Iollov1ay ~he Surry County HQ).loways IV. (4) -- ..n. 17 David liollo\vay, Jr. vi1_rts evidently twice married, first to Elizabetl1 a.nd then to Frances. Tl1is compiler believes that it v1as he who established the family in Surry County, despite tl1e fact that Dr. Olin Holloway in his splendid book, Genealogy of tho Holloway Families, which deals nearly exclusively with Quaker and Northern branches of the family, ascribes that distinction to David, son of George., III, and Hannah Hollovvay. One reason is tl1~t tl1is second David, b. 18, 1690, v1ould have been old. to have raised so large a family after 1732. The second and most conclusive reason that it Vilas the former rather than the latter is the fact tl1at David, son of George, III., and fiannah, died whon eigl1t years old, July 13, 1698. The Charles River Parish Reg1ster also includes three children not shown by Dr. Hollo\rvay. ·To.:ts David of Surry was evidently a man of considerable wealth. He col1ld sell Anseln1 Dailey 250 acres on the south side of tb.o Iv1cCain Black:vtator Svll'anip ( Surry D. B. for 1761) and stilJ vn 11 t11Vo plantations and property to his sons. He lived to a ripe old age, seeing some of his chi~dren die and others move far avray, which probably accounts for the fact only three sons, Lazarus, Job e.nd Jesse, are 1nontioned in his 1·1ill, dated JulJr 17, 1789 ( Surry ·..-v. B. 12, p. 244), Issue: v. (1) Sarah Hollowny, b. Oct. 24, 1732. She was the only dauehter by tho first marriage. (2) David l-Iollovra·f, III, b. July 28,. 1737 (3) John I-Iollo,;;_ray, b. Apr. 6, 1741. Probably one of the several cToh.ns v.rho sorvccl in tho American Revolution (4) Elizabeth Hollo1:vay, 1J. Apr. 6, 1?41 (5) Lazar11s }IolloVi.ray, b. ca. 1743; m. Sarah Bror:n1, At1g. 18, 1785. }Io evidently a son, Tl10111as, who was aruninistrator of his's estate (Surpy 1~!. B. 17, p. 315}. Inventory 1nentions accou.nts vri th David anc} Joel Hollorray. Probable issue of Thomas include: (1) Estl1er :aollor1ay Rnd (2) Penelope Hollov,ay. These tv;o daughters arc mentionoc1 in the 1/Vill of I\'iills Lav:rence of Isle of ·--:/ight County (contained in Croyicr' s ~."Jilliamsburg Vvills) dated Sept. 15, 1814, and. probated Mar. 4, 1816. Fr>on1 tl1is it aDpcars that the wife of T11omas Vlfas if Ternnl·yn, v1l1.o v1as r)roba.bly a Ls.r.rrence. -· This appears to be tho T1101uas Hollov,ay ·who vvas a pensione1, in 18351 :;_, in Sussex Co. 1-Ie had so1--aved in th.a rve.r of the Revolution in the Virginia Militia. ( G) (.nnc. IIollo·trt:iJ, h. Oct. 3., 1744 (7) Isaac I-Iollo~.rr·y, 0. ,Tlll10 10, 1747 (8) Job I-follOi.'Ul~l, b. IIo:y· 17, 1?49 (9) Jesse Hollo,~ay, b. Jtlly 20, 1750, d. 1811

Tho fi1lst fot11· children recorded in the Charles River Parish .lcgister. Lazarus is n1ontioncd in l1is father's i.Yill. Tho last four ~11.,0 roeordcd in tho Albo1nnrlo Parish Register of Surry and Sussex Counties. Present-day descendants aro kno1~111 for only one of the nine children. v. (9) ... _ p. 35 Jesse Holloway married Ann. He had eight children to whom he left his esta.te. Sons., Silas and Job, wc:r-e executors of his ,vill probated Nov, 26, 1811, Issue: VI. (1) Fanny Holloway m. ___ Land (2) Silas Holloway, b. 1779 1 a. 1860 (q.v.) (3) John Holloway, private, Capt. Sampson 'Nilson's Company., 71st Regiment, Virginia Infantry, ~Na.1-- of 1812 ( 4) Susanna Hollo,vay m, ____ ICea; sometimes spelled I(oys (5) Elijal1 Hollov,ay, private, Capt, Sampson 'Nilson's Company, 71st Regiment, Virginia Infantry, War of 1812 (6) James Holloway, private, Capt. Sampson ~Nilson's Compan:y, 71st Regi111ent, Virginia Infantry, War of 1812 (7} Polly Holloway (8) Jesse Holloway, Jr, m. Sarah Warren

Of these only the descendant~ of Silas Hollo\vo.y have been definitely ascertained.

VI. (2) Silas Holloway, b. 1779, d. Jan. 22, 18601 son of Jesse and Ann Holloway; married Nancy Anne Thompson, b. Feb. 8, 1784, d. June 7, 1883. H.1.s v1ill ,vas probated j_n 1860 ( Surry 1N, B,, 1860). He was a prominent Baptist Layman. IIis obituary in the Baptist Church paper says of him ttas a husband, father and master, he acted his part 'Wise­ ly and vtell H. Issue~ VII. (1) Robert T. Holloway tn. Susan Smith. He moved to Newport News, 'lirginia. (2) Fannie Holloway, d. 1856 (3) John Thomas Holloway, b. 1825, d, 1908 (q.v.) ( 4) Martha Hollotvay, d, unm. ( 5) Viinifred Hollovray, d. unm. (6) Susan Holloway, d. unm., Jan. 1899 {7) ::Vilmoutl1 Newson1 Hollovvay, b. Oct. B, 1818 (q.v.) {8) William H. Holloway {9) Sarah Holloway (10) Herbert Nicholas Holloway. He left Surry County and moved to Ohio. In l1is father's vdll he is mentioned as not havin[; been heard from, but is left a tract of land known a.s "the bellyacl1e tract", providing that in case he failed to return the land should be sold and the proceeds divided among tl1e other cl1ildren • ( 11) Joseph Silas Hollov1e.y. He left Surry County and moved -to Gongales, Texa·s. (12) James Patrick Hollovvay (q.v,) Nothing definite is knovm of the descendants, if any, of Robert T., Fannie, William H., Herbert Nicholas, Sarah or Joseph Holloway. (a) Descenqant.~ .of John Thomas fiol~q\Y,al VII, (3) •- p. 36 John Thomas Holloway, b• 1825, d. 1910, son of Silas Holloway and Nancy Anne Thompson; married Mary George Savedge, b. 1833, d, 1912, daughter of Ackrell Savedge and Mary Hatch. He was a member of the Surry Cavalry in the War Between the States. He was wounded in action. A farmer, he was an active Methodist, a Mason and a Democrat. Issue: VIII, (1) Col. Joseph William Holloway, b. 1866, d, 1935; married Mary Emily Hearn, b. 18G?, daughter of Martip Wilmore Hearn and Julia Jane Worlonan, Col, Holloway ,vas educated in private schools in Surry County. He 1r1as a merchant and business man. He was a member of the Board of Directors and Finance Director of the Bank of Smithfield; Secretary­ Treasurer, Smithfield Ice and Coal Co.; Director, Indepen­ dent Peanut Co.; President, Isle of Wight Telephone Co.; President and General Manager, Home Telephone Co. (25 years); Vice-President, Independent Telephone Assoc. or Va.; etc. Col. Holloway was also active in church and civic affairs. He was a steward of Smithfield Methodist Church for 40 years, being Lay Leader for several years. Among many other church offices and honors, he was active in the International Sunday School Assoc., serving in a state-wide capacity for many years. An active Mason, he was master of the Smithfield Lodge for five terms. He served the order aa District Grand Master, as Grand High Priest and as representative to the Grand Lodge and the Royal Arch Chapter- He was Director of War Savings for Isle of Wight County, serving also as Chairman for the senatorial district. He served as a member of the staff of Governor 7dlliam Hodges Mann for four years. He was Chairman of the County Demo­ cratic Committee; a member of the Council of Smith.field; Chairman, Isle of Wight County School Board. He was interested in education and social service, serving as delegate to numerous social service meetings and as a Director of the Male and Female Institute at Smithfield. !.irs. Hollo,vay was educated in ~l'fard' s Private School and \Vashingt on Private School in Isle of ·yvight Ca. She has been active in church and club work and served as Chairman of the Red dross for the Isle of Wight during the World War. Methodist and Democrat. Issuo: IX. (1) Joseph 1Villia.m Ilolloway, Jr., b, 1892; m. Thelma Remington lNest, b, 1894, dau. of Garnett Lee ~J9st and Lalloh Grady Remington of Jacksonville, Florida. He was educated at Randolph-Macon College (A.B,) and the University of Virginia (Ll.B.). He is the Acting-Director of the Bureau of Legal Medicine, .America..'rl i1edical Af.!sociation. He is a Mason, a member of Kappa Sigma and of tl1e La Grange Country Club; Meth.; politically, an independent. He served in the Naval Reserve with the Law Enforce­ ment Division during the \\brld ~.var. Mrs. Holloway was educated at Randolph-Macon 'Woman's College (A.B.) and at Columbia University. Sho was for several years an- instructor in High Schools and at the Mississippi Stato College for 58. V'tbmen. She is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, AAUW, and Natl. League of ~.Vomen Voto rs, Bapt. and Dem. Res: 78 Dover st,, La Grange, Illinois. Issue: X, (1) 7dlliam lM9st Holloway, b. 192? (2) Mary Emily Holloway, unm., b, 1895, was educated at Randolph-Macon Woman 1 s Colloge (A.B,), American Univ., and Univ,, England (~\omen's Summer School). She is an instructor at John ?.~arshall High School, Richmond, Va, She is a member of Alpha Delta Pi, the Virginia Educational Assoc., AAUW, and the RM:1AC Alumnae Club of Richmond (Presi­ dent); Dem. and Meth. (3) Thomas Martin Holloway, b, Juno 26, 1899; m. Hallam Allene Ruffin, b. Fob. 6, 1902, dau. of Minnie Elizabeth Lam.kin and Benjamin Allen Ruffin of Richmond, Va. He was oducated at Randolph-Macon College and at Univ. of Virginia. He is a Kappa Sigma, Mason, Lion, and a member of tl1e traffic club of Detroit. He is Soliciting Freight Agent for the c. & o. Ry. in Detroit, Michigan. He served in the ROTC during the 1Abrld ~Var. Dem. and ~,iothodi st • Mrs. Holloway was educated at the Virginia Randolph Ellett School (now St. Catherine 1 s) of Richmond, Va., and at VVesthampton College. She is interested in the arts and music, holding membership in several art clubs. Dem. and Meth. Res; 13115 Broadstreet Blvd., Detroit, Michigan. Issue: X. (1) Thomas Martin Holloway, Jr., b. Mar. 11, 1930 (4) William Joseph 1-Iolloway, b. July 9, 1902; m. Anne Elizabeth Foster, b. Apr. 3, 1905, dau. of William Allen Foster and Iv1artha Ellen Sugg. 1tlr. I-Iolloway was educated at Randolph-Macon College and at Univ. of Virginia. Ho is Vice-President and Genl. ~j1anager of the Home Telephone Co. of Smithfield. He is a Kappa Sigma and a Ruritan (Secretary); Superintendent of Trinity Methodist Church School; Democrat. Res; Smithfield, Va. Issue~ x. (1) Joanne Foster Holloway, b. Apr. 8, 1931 VIII. (2) Mary Ann Oneida Holloway, b. Feb. 8, 1868; married Thomas Lafayette Dashiell, b. July 12, 1859, son of Fisher Dashiell and Sarah Louise Janos. Natives of Surry County, They moved to Isle of 'Night in 1895. They are Ivloth.. and Dem, The direct ancestry of r.1:r. Dashiell l1a3 been traced in unbroken line to the year 1025. His ancestors wore of the lessor French nobility of I~onnais in the Department of Rhone. Becoming Huguenots, they refugecd to Edinburgh, Scotland., v1hcro trio name de Chicl became an;~:licized to Dasl1iell. The first of the family in America W8.S James Dashiell 1:vho settled_ in Sornersot County, ?1iaI1Yland. Ros~ Route 2, Smithfield, .,.Jirgi11:ta. Issuo ~ IX. (1) Harry Garland Dashiell, b. Nov. 30, 1888; 1n. Segar Jordan Cofer., b. Jan. 10, 1901, dau. of John I. Cofer and Mary Cary Jordan. Ho was educated at the Military Institute, graduating in 1911. He was an Electrical Engineer in Chicago, Illinois, when the 39. rvorld War came. He immediately volunteered for the duration of the War and was commissioned a Captain. Ife commanded the 3rd .Ammunition train of the 3rd Division. He served with gallantry and distinction overseas, He was lVith the Army of occupation in Germany until ~~ay 1919. He is noted 11 in Anderson's itv .M. I. in the World :;Var • Since 1920 he has been a dairy farmer. He lives at 1 nl'.~oorefield Farm·· , a beautiful estate, on Pagan Ri"t1er, Isle of :,Vight Co., \vhich was originally patented by Capt. John Moore in 1633. fie has t\vice served as Commander of George F. Dashiell Post #49, American Legion. He is a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon; a Methodist and a Democrat. Mrs. Dashiell was educated at 1firginia Inter• mont College. She is treasurer of the Isle of 1.Vight Branch, APVA, a Bapt. and a Dem. Res: Smithfield, Va. Issue: X. (1) Harry Garland Dashiell, Jr., b. Oct. 10, 1925 (2) John Cofer Dashiell, b. Mar. 181 1927 (2) Pauline Dashiell, b, Feb. 17, 1891; m. Parke Shepherd Rouse, b. Oct. 9, 1891, son of John Hans­ rord Rouse and Ida Barrett. Mrs. Rouse was educa­ ted at Smithfield Institute and Randolph-Macon.Mam, Woman's Club of Newport News, the AAUW, APVA, Bapt. and Dem~ Mr• Rouse was educated at Smithfield Institute and Virginia ~Iilitary Institute, l,ir. Rouse is in the insurance business, a :~iv1anis., Mason, Bapt., and Dem. Res: 334 59th st., Newport News, Va. Issue: x. (1) Parke Shepherd Rouse, Jr., b. July 20, 1915. Educated at Washington and Lee University (A. B. degree) (2) Randolph Dashiell Rouse, b. Dec. 30., 1916. Educated at Washington and Lee University (B. S. degree) (3) John Dasl1iell Rouse., b. Apr. 3 1 1919; now a 3tudent at Hampden-Sydney College (4) William D. Dashiell Ro~Re, b. Apr. 21, 1924 (3) Thomas Asl.tby Dashiell, Sr., m. }11inette Vellines. Res: 0a~rv1ood Terrace, Suffolk, Va. Issue: x. (1) r.'iinette Fisher Dashiellt. unm. (2) Thomas Ashby Dashiell, Jr., unm. (4) George Fisher Dashiell, b. Oct. 29, 1895, d. Nov. 10, 1918. He was educated at Virginia Military Institute. He enlisted in 1917 and was commission~ ed a Provisional Second Lieutenant of Infantry and assigned to the 11th Regiment. He was promoted to First Lieutenant of a Machine Gun Company in April, 1918. He saw overseas service in the St. Mihiel drive and at Thiacourt. He was promoted to Captain: Oct, 4, 1918, and was given command of the Machine Gun Company. He was killed in the Battle of the Argonne, Nov. 10, 1918. There is an interesting account· of his service in Anderson's "v.rvt.I. in the \tVorld War". (5) Herbert Holloway Dashiell, b. Oct. 20, 1899, d, Sept. 14, 1934; m. Anno Easloy, b. 1901, d, 1937, dau. of n1,. Edvvin !11. Ea3ley and Frances 1.1atthews. Issue: X. (1) Goorge Easley Dashiell, b. Dec. 19, 1924 (6) Sarah Onoida Dashiell 1n. Rufus Vvalter Starke. Res: Greenville, N. c. (7) Nancy Bell Dashiell, b. Nov. 22, 1904, 11nm., a schoolteacr1er of Smithfield, "'Ja. She ,:1as educated at Randolph-Macon Institute, Trinity Col1ego and Farmvillo S.T.C. Meth. and Dem. 1 (8) Thon1as Lafayette Dashiell, S1 .; m. Nancy ~~dwards vVarncr. Res: Routo 2, Smithfield, Va. Issue~ X. (1) Thomas Lafayette Dashiell, III, unm. (2) James IJuther 1Varner Dashiell 1.TIII • ( 3) ~ln!o Epruninondas iiollov.ray., b, Apr. 2, 1869, d. Sept. 301 19~j5; m. Mary Olivia Ramsey., b. Dec. 30 1 1876, dau. of John rr:-1nc is Rrunsoy and Enrrna Eugenia i'11oody. Mr. Ilol lov1ay vras a f a1... mer of Isle of Fvight County; a :Mason, Meth., and Dem. Ros: noute 1, Smithfield, Virginia. Issue~ IX. (1) Edwin Elmo Holloway, Jr., b. Oct. 28, 1897; m. 1st, Lelia Holtzman, of Luray, Virginia. Issue: X. {1) Gloria Hollo,"lay, unm. (2) Charles Thomas Holloway, unm. m. 2nd, I{ate Neivby., dau. of Benjamin F, Nev,by, Res; l~orfolk, ·virginia. Issue; X. ( 3) ]llary Anno Holloway, d. inf. ( 4) Hunter r~atherine Holloway, unm. (2) i.'Iary Ramsey Holloway, b. Apr. 4 1 1899; m. George Ben Stott. Res: Suffolk, Virginia. Issue; X. (1) George Ben Stott, Jr. (3) H11nter Holloway m. s:Nilliam E. Perkins. 11rs. Perkins was educated at Duke University. She is an Episcopalian and a Democrat. Resc 2129 ai ve r Blvd., Jacksonville, Florida. i~o iss11e. (4) Frances Holloway, unm., schoolteacher at ·dindsor, Va. Bapt. and Dem, Res~ Smithfield, Virginia.

(b) Descendants of ;:yj_lraouth Newsom Hollo1.vay Cox VII. (7) •- P• 36 rNil111011th Ife·wsom Holloway, b. Oct. a, 1818, dau. of Silas IIolloway anc"~. Nancy Thompson; marr1 ied James Thomas Cox, b. Aug. 15, 1818, (spelled Cockes on Marriage Bond), son of James Thomas Cox. They moved. frorn Surry County to Isle of Wight County. Issue~ VIII. (l) Boling L. Cox., b. :May 15, 1850; m. Nancy Chapman. Issue~ IX. (1) Herbert Cox m. Belle Scvvard, Res~ Newport Ncv:s, Virginia. Issue~ x. (1) Oliver Cox (2) Virginia Cox (3) Frances Cox (2) Eleanor Cox m. Thomas J. Seward, dcd., Res~ Sn1ithf'ield., Va. X. (1) Thomas J. Seward, Jr. (2) ~sley Seward (3) Grotello Soward (4) Martha Winifred Seward 41. (3) Ruth Cox, d. unm. (4) Richard Sidney Cox, dcd., m.· Mary B. Joyner. Ros: Smithfield., Virgi1.1ia. Issu:e: X. (1) Mary Joyner Cox (2} Richard Sidney Cox, Jr.,· Student at v.M,I. (5) iiartha Cox m. r: L. Lipscomb. Res: Crowo, Va. VIII. (2) Thomas James Cox, b. Mar. 21, 1852, d. Jan. 12, 1925; m., Mary Priscilla Pedin, b. Nov. 28, 1851, d. Dec. 23, 1924, dau. of Edmond Brewer Pedin and Caroline Matilda Driver. Mr. Cox was a merchant and farmer of Isle of Wight County. Issue:

IX. (1) James Podin Cox, b. Oct. 9 1 1879; m. Sallie Batten. Res: Smithfield, Virginia. Issue: X. (1) James Pedin Cox, Jr. (2) Louise Cox. b. 1922 (2) John Wilbur Cox, b. 1881, d. unm. Feb. 10, 1920 (3) Susanna Vrosley Cox m. Edward Clyde Cromwell. Ros: 3712 Bello Ave., Baltimore, I~d. -. •--• X, (1) Dorothy Virginia Cromwell (2) Jean Cromwell (4) Robert Asbury Cox, b. June 16, 1884; m. Elsie Holland, b. Dec. 31, 1897, dau. of Thomas Carr Holland and Grizelle Hayes. Mr. Cox was a member of the A.•. E.F., 1917-18. He is a momber of the American Legion; Masons; Dem. and Meth. Res; Smithfield, Virginia. Issuo! X, (1) Robert A. Cox, Jr., b. Nov. 5, 1923 (2) Camilla Hnycs Cox, b. Feb. 8, 1925 (3) Margaret Ann Cox, b. Aug. 6, 1931 (5) Caroline Podin Cox, b. 189 , unm. Ros: (with sister. Mrs, Cromwell of BaltimoroT VIII, (3) Sue Elizabeth Cox, b. Aug. 31, 1847; m. James ·y. Stallings. Issue: IX. (1) Robert w. Stallings m. ___ Turner, Res: Smith- field, Virginia. Issue: x. {1) Robert w. Stallings, Jr.; m. Olivia Gwaltnoy., Ros: Smithfield, Va. (2) Estella Stallings, b, Oct. 20, 1871; m. 1st, Lano. Issue: · X. (1) Smith Lru10 m. ___ Vkhitc. Res: Ivor, ,rr-:..... RFD . (2) Ernest Lane m. ___ Brantley. Res: Ivor, Va. RFD m. 2nd, ___ Bell, dcd. Issue: X. (3) Wilson B011 (4) John Boll (3) James T, Stallings, b. Dec. 18, 1873; m. Floronci ... ~ Gwaltney. Res~ Chuckatuck, Ve .• (4) Anno E. Stallings, b. Dec. 13, 1875; m. Gwaltney. Ros: SUrry, Virginia. Issue; X. (1) ?i.'lary m. ___ 1'.bst (2) Susie m. (3) ____ Gwaltnoy, a son (5) William J. Stallings, b. Apr. 6, 1877. Res~ Smithfield, Virginia. RFD (6) Susie w. Stallings m. Fenton Lano. Ros~ Newport Nows, Virginia. Issuo: X. (1) Carrio Stallings m. ___ Lanier VIII, (4) William Cox, b. Nov. 30, 1857, d, Feb. 15, 1940; m, Inez Chapman, dau. of Goorgo Dallas Chapmnn and Winnie Ida Idwards, Issue: IX, (l} Lell Cox m. John Godwin of Isle of Wight Co. Issuo: x. (1) Florene~ Inez Godwin (2) William Cox, Jr.

(c) Descendants o~ James ~atri~k polloway VII. (12) -- p, 36 James Patrick Holloway, son of Silas and Nancy Holloway, was a farmer of Isle of 1Night County. Issue~ . VIII, (1) Richard Emmett Holloway m. Joanna Tl1eodosia Pond, Issue: I}C. ( 1) Jennie Hollo,llfay, unm. Res; Smitllfield, Virginia. She is a music teacher. (2) Herman Holloway, b. May 29, 1881, a. Nov. 3, 1933; m. Elma Holland, b. Sept, 11, 1881, deu. of Daniel Byrd Iiolland and Clara Outland. Mr. Holloway was a traveling salesman, a Mason, Bapt., and Dem. Issue~ X, (1) Niartha Elma I-Iolloway, b. Sept, 29, 1917. Educated at William and Mary College and Farmville S.T.C. She is a Schoolteacher, member of Tri-K of W.&M. and Alpha Sigma Alpha, Sho is a Bapt. and Dem. (3) Gay Hollov1ay m, l-Ioward McCullen. Res: 433 }T, H, Avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. Issue~ x. (1) Vi1-a~inia TuicCullen, unm. (4) ___ Holloway, d• inf. (twin to Gay) (5) Dora.IfydenHolloway, cl. Dec. 14, 191Bl m. James Spratley Rollings, b. Jan. 18, 1890, son of Samuel Jesse Rollings and Cora Franklin. Mr. Rollins was educated· a~ Smithdeal Business Collee;e, Richmond, and is Manager of the Shipping Department, Suffolk Feed and Bi.lel Company. Ho is a member of tho Christian Church and a Democrat. Res; Suffolk, Virginia. Issue; x. (1) James Spratley Rollings, Jr., b. !~ov. 21, 1918. Student at Elon College, Elon, N. c. a. Th~ Sout~side. ~ollowazs IV, ('7) •- p, 17 Georgo Holloway, son of David Holloway and Elizabeth Matthews, him.self married an Elizabeth~ He was a large planter and it was evidently to him that John Hatley Norton, formerly of York County, then _of London, referred in a letter to his son, Hatley Norton, still in York, May 10, 1767, saying that on$ recent shipment many hogs­ heads of tobacco had turned out rotten, including those of ltr. George Holloway. • The Nortons were tobacco merchants. York County soil was said to bo very well suited to the cultiva• tion of sweet scented tobacco, which was a major crop of the early times. It may have been this Elizabeth Holloway who, as a widow, married. Pinlrethman l~usgrove, a bearer of two distinguished York names, on July 15, 1778. ~ Issue of George and Elizabeth Holloway: v. (1) ·villiam Holloviray, b, Dec. 24, 1734/5, d. 1784. (q.v,, below) (2) Bennett Holloway, b. Oct. 22, 1738. Ho is probably the Bennett Hollotvay who is listed in Bell's Old Free State as a Colonial soldier of' Lunenburg County. :His issue, if any, has not been ascertained.

V ~ ( 1) -- above William Holloway, with his brother Bennett, and possibly his father, n1oved from York County to Brunswick. Records of William and Bennett are found in the several counties surrounding Brunswick. His will, proved Nov. 20, 1784, showed him to have been a man of considerable wealth, In addition to the sons mentioned in l1is will he may have had a son 1•Villiam, who appears in the county records in the early nineteenth century. Issue as given by his will: VI. (1) Daniel Holloway, b. ca. 1760, d. 1823 (2) Jessie Holloway (3) Aaa Hollovvay (4) Caleb Holloway The following is a probable, but not entirely verified, line of descent .from Daniel Hollovvay.

{a) Descendants of Dapiol ~olloway

VI. (1) -- above ~ Daniel Holloway, whose will is recorded in Brunswick W. B. 9, p. 318, had inherited a 389-acre·plantation from his father and had lived all his life in Brunswiclc County. Among his issue! VII. (1) Isaac Holloway, b. ca. 1790. He moved to 1Yilkes County., N. c., married Polly Previtt, and had among issue: VIII. (l) Jolm Holloway, b. ca. 1825. He was a soldier of the Confederacy and was killed in the Battle of Seven Pines. He married ?Aartha Viagner, daughter of Jacob and Ann Taylor r;vagner. She died in 1906. Issue~ IX, (1) Kissiah Holloway m, __ Lyon (2) .Amanda Holloway m. Spurlin (3) Polly Holloway m. -Caudill (4) Jacob Holloway -- (5) Reede Holloway, b, Apr. 3, 1849, d. Apr. 13, 1908; m. Martha Ann Andrews, b. Apr. 3, 1849, d. Apr. 7, 1922, daughter of John Andrews and Cynthia Hollins. Issue~ X. (1) John Andrew Holloway, b. Oct, 14, 1868; m., Apr. 3, 1890, Sarah Ann Caudill, b. Jan, 5, 1867, d. July 20, 1911, daughter of Jesse and Charity Caudill. Issue~ XI. (1) Boyd Holloway, b. July 26, 1892 (2) ,Reed Holloway, b. Mar. 23, 1894 (3) Jessie Holloway, b, Nov. 22, 1895 (4) John Holloway, b, Apr. 3, 1897 (5) Osra Holloway, b, May 10, 1910 (2) Alice A. Holloway, b. Jan, 27, 18721 m, Oct. 31, 1892, Charles I, Coffey, b. July 31, 1868, son of James and Sarah Coffey. Issue: XI. (1) Elma B. Coffey, b. Aug. 10: 1893; m. L.A. Gragg (2) Mattie M. Coffey, b. Dec, 19, 1894 {3) Dewey Coffey, d, Jan. 7, 1918 (4) Dora Coffey, b. Oct. 1906 (3) William Hardy Holloway m. Alta McLean (4) Frances Holloway m. John Coffee (6) Isaac Holloway, b. May 7 1 1851; m. Rhoda Brackins, b. Sept. 4, 1843, daughter of Samue~ and Na.ncy Brackins. Issue! X, (1)' John Rufus Holloway, b, Apr. 6, 1882; m., Sept. 5, 1904, Beatrice Anderson, b. June 16, 1889, daughter of B. E. and Ezina Anderson. Issue: XI, (1) Hilery G. Holloway, b. Nov. 23. 1905 (2) I. Elmer Holloway, b. Apr. 20: 1907 (3) Grace E, Holloway, be May 28, 1909 (4) E. Mack Holloway, b. Sept. 3 1 1912 (2) Elizabeth Holloway (3) Amy Holloway m. _...... ,. Blevins. 9. The Poguoson Hollo~ays ( in collaboration v1ith r:1rs. J. Clifton Carmines)

IV. ( 8 ) ·- - p • 1 7 James Hollo\~ay, t\ivin to Rebekah., the youngest son of David and Elizabeth Holloway, married, firstr Mary, who died following child­ birth, Jtlne G, 1736. Her baby, (lJ Mary, b. May 1736, d. July 1'736, survived. her for but one month. I-ic married, 3econdly, Elizabeth \Those mRiden was probahly Owen. , Too old to fight in the Revolutionary War, James Holloway furnished sons and. civilian aid to the cause, a.s is evident from his appearance before the court of York: in 1783 where he claime_d a loss of 28 pounds 10 shillings in the invasion of York County by the British in 1781. He and his son Thomas remained members of the Parish Church after tl1e Vl/ar and 1:vere a.inong those leading citizens of' the county who signed a petition to the General Assembly asking that no changes be made in the original incorporation of the Protestant Episcopal Church as of 1?84. (3W(2)113-114). His death occurred in 1788 and his will is probated in York 17V. B. 23., pp. 155 and 152. By this will he leaves his plantation to his vdfe and after her deatl1 to Thomas. Ho left the residue ·to be divided bet1.veen · L!artha Parsons, Anne Holloway and Peter Hollowa·y. · · Issue by Elizabeth (Owen?): v. (2) Peter Holloway, b. Oct. 20, 173?, d. 1809 (q.v.) (3) :Martha Holloway., b. Jan. 10, 1739 (q.v.) (4) Elizabeth Holloway, b. Mar •. 25, 1742, d. July 26, 1749 (5) James Holloway, Jr., b. Feb. 26, 1744., rossibly the Lieutenant James Holloway of the 12th Va. Regiment, who, from some accounts, married Martha Anne Owen, a good York County name, and moved to Jessamine County, Kentucky, after the War, where lie died 1829. (See D.A.R. Lineage Boole, Vol 24., P• 51.) The fact he is not included in his father I s will would indicate that he had either died or moved away. Since the Parish records do not record his death, it is presumed he had moved so far away as to be out of touch ~~th the family. (6) I1/iary I-Iolloway, b. Jan. 30, 1747, d. Oct. 4, 1749 (7) Thomas Holloway, b. Sept. 23, 1750, d. 1791 (q.v.) (8) Robert Owen Holloway, b. June 2, 1753, d. Oct. 10, 1757 (9) '!.Villiam Hollovvay, b. Jan. 6, 1757. Possibly one of tl1e 1,i/illiams in the Revolutionary 'vVar. (10) Anne, b. Jan. 9 1 1760 (11) Sarah, b. May 5, 1764 Of the seven surviving children, definite information is kno\m about only the two sons, Peter and Thomas, and daughter, Niartha.

It 1:vould. be interesting indeed to l<:novl into which of the early York families these other daughters married, \vho th.eir descendants were, what new lands they pioneered. Perhaps some day a supplement can be issued including these lines. Or better still--some interested member of the family might finance the publication of a full history and biography of the family. lftlat better monuraent could some more wealthy member of the family leave to posterity than such a volume! V, ( 2) - - p. 45 Peter Holloway, traditionally the first person to be buried in vVestern Co1netory, 1.fessick, Virginia., married Elizabeth \vho was probably a Russell, Sho may have been a daughter of John Russell, Sr. It has been told children's cl1ildrcn that the large sycamore in the cemetery grow from the whippi:1g stick used by the dri vcr of the wagon which boro the coffin to the cemetery, it having been placed in tho ground to mark. the head of tho grave. Upon his death in 1809, he willed his plantation to his daughters, Mary and Martha, so long as they should remain singlo. Upon their marriage it was to become his grandson's, Poter Holloway Parsons. (York W.B. 23, P• ?47f Inventory, P• 767). Issue of Peter Holloway and Elizabeth (Russell?J: VI. {l) Robert Holloway, b. Oct. 13, 1765; d, ca. 1828 (q.v.) {2) James Russell Holloway, b. June 1, 1?68 (3) Petor Holloway, Jr., b. Dec. 13, 1769. Enlisted as a private, Shield's Company, 2d Battalion, 115th Regiment, Virginia !viilitia, 11\Tar of 1812. { 35V4ff) (4) Elizabeth Holloway, b. Aug. 16, 1771; m. Armiger Parsons, York: plan_ter, June 3, 1794; a descendant of Armiger Vlade, the Burgess, He was a member of Shielq!s.Company 2nd Battalion, 115th Regiment, Virginia Militia, War of 1812. ( 37V4ff). He was killed in tho Battle of Iiampton, ,Tune 25, 1813. nn Dec. 17, 1828, Mrs. Parsons petitioned the General Assembly for a pension (York Petition 9216), enclosing affa­ davits of Charles Hopkins and William Hix. Issue: VII. (1) Peter Holloway Parsons. His descendants have not been ascertained. (5) Anne (Nancy) Holloway, b. Oct. 3, 17?3 (6) !1artha Holloi.vay, b. Doc. 10., 1776; m. Edvvard Hickman, Aug. 23, 1816, with Thomas Parsons on Bond (7) William Holloway, b. Nov, 12, 1779 (8) Mary Holloway, mentioned in father's will, but not in Parish Register, b• ca. 1781; m, Thomas Cox., with Thomas Hobday on Bond. Thomas Cox was a member of Shield's Company, 2nd Battalion, 115th Regiment, Virginia Militia, War of 1812. (37V4ff) A copy of the Marriage Bond follows~

Know All Men by those presents that we Thomas Cox and Thomas Hobday and arc held and firmly bound unto John Tylor Esqu.iro Governor or Chief Magistrate of tt.10 Common­ wc al th of Virginia in the just and full sum of one hundred and fifty dollars to be pa~d to the said Governor or his succeffsors to which payment well and truly to be made we bind our Selves jointly and severally our joint and several heirs Executors and Administrators firmly by- those presents. S0ale0 with our Seals this 20th day of June, 1809. The Condition of tho above obligation is such that whoroas there in a I\Jarriagc intended to be had and Solemn­ ized bot vvocn t~l() a11ovo bound Thomas Cox and. Mary Holloway, Spinster of th() P3.r-lsh of Yorlc Hampton and County o.f York now if thcr,0 -00 no Lawful cauao to obstruct tho said. marriage then the abovo obligation to be void othcrY1ise to remain in full force and virtue.

(M:arriago Bonds and Consents 1772-1849 Par•t I, Pago 95) v. (3) -- p. 45 M:artha Hollo\vay, · claughtor of James Holloway and Elizabeth (Owen?), married James Parsons, grandson of James Parsons nnd Dorothy Wade. Dorothy Wade was the daughter of Annigor Wado, Jr., and Elizabeth, and the grand-daughter of Armiger Wado, Sr., a member of the House of Burgesses in 1657, who C8llle to York prior to 1644. He is said to have been descended from Sir Armigall Wade of Bellsize, near Hampstoad, England, \Vho was father of the famous Sir William \Vada of tho Court of James I, Ambassador to Spain under Queen Elizabeth in 1584. A present day representative of the family is Sir Armagil Wade, a Government Official of Kenya Colony. Armiger Wade, Sr., left a will probated Apr. 24, 1677. Armiger Wade, Jr., a vestryman of Charles Parish, left a will probated Aug. 13, 1708. Issue: VI. (1) Mary Parsons, b. Sept. 30, 1?60 (2) Elizabeth Parsons, b. Apr. 7 1 1765 (q.v.) (3) Dorothy Parsons, b. Dec. 31 1767 (4) James Parsons, b. Feb. 17. 1?70 (5) John Parsons, b. Feb. 5 1 1775 (6) jVilliam Parsons, b. Dec.· 4, 1777 (7) Anne Parsons, b. Mar. 27, 1780. V. (7) -- P• 45 . Thomas Holloway, son of James and Elizabeth (Owen?) Holloway, heir to his father's plantation, married Amey Morris, Sept. 18, 1786, prob.ably the daughter of John Morris. He was a signer of the Protestant Episcopal Church petition along with his father. He may be one of the Thomas Holloways of Virginia listed as soldiers in the Revolutionary War. He died in 1791. His will left•his plantation to his wife, with the proviso that if she remarried, the children should inherit the estate. The will does not name the children. Among issue: VI. (1) Elizabeth Holloway, b. Aug. 17, 1787. She died shortly after her marriage to George Cox, May 17, 1819. He later married Martha Freeman, daughter of Henry Freeman and Elizabeth Presson. (2) John Hinde Holloway (q.v.) VI. (1) -- P• 46 Robert Holloway, son of Peter and Elizabeth (Russell?) Holloway. married Diana, whoso maiden name is not known, An account of the sale of his estate is found in York w. B. 12, page 104~ dated Nov. 27, 1835. Issue~ VII. (1) Peter Vance Holloway,. b. Apr. 23, 1786; enlisted War of 1812 in Capt. John·Goodall's Company, Apr. 19, 1813. (See 37V4ff) (2) Robert Holloway,· Jr.,' b. ca. 1790 (q.v.} (3) Diana Holloway (q.v.) (4) Ann Holloway (q.v.) . (5) Elijah James Holloway (q.v.) (6) John Holloway (q.v.) (7) Sarah Holloway (q.v,)

VI. (2) -- Above Elizabeth Parsons, daughter of Martha Holloway and James Parsons, married James Russell Holloway, son of Petor Holloway and Elizabeth (Russell?). Ho was a member of Shield's Company, 2nd Battalion, 115tl Regiment, Virginia Militia, War of 1812, wounded in Battle of Hampton, Juno 25, 1813. Issue: 48. VII. (1) Louis Holloway. Ho left York County as a young unmarried man and was not heard of afterwards. (2).(Jamos?) Holloway (q.v.) ( 3) ;Nil ton Holloway ( q. v.) (4) Willis Holloway (q.v.) (5) Harriett Holloway (q.v.)

VI • ( 5 ) - - p • 46 Nancy Holloway, daughter of Poter Holloway and Elizabeth {Russell?) Holloway, married Thomas Davis, bond dated Mar. 12, 1800. He was a member of C~pt. Samuel Shield's Company, 2nd Battalion, 115th Regiment, Virginia Militia, War of 1812. Tho Davis Family of York County, descendants of which arc to be found throughout tho state, particularly in York, Gloucester, Stafford, and Spottsylvania Counties, and in Woodford County, Kentucky {l2V325-6), is traditionally said to be descended from John and Thomas Davis, presumably brothers, who came to Virginia in 1623. Capt. Thomas Davis, later Major, settled in Warwick County. John settled in York County, near the James. City County border, and had throe sons from whom tho York and kindred linos are descended: (1) John, {2) Thomas and (3) 'William. Issuo: VII. (1) Thomas ,J. Davis (q.v.) (2) Charles Davis (q.v.)

VI. (2) -- p. 47 Rov. John Hinde Holloway, son of Thomas Holloway and Arney Morris, was an early Methodist Episcopal minister of York County. Existing records evidence tho prominent part his father played in tho Protestant Episcopal Church in the County after the disestablishment of the Church of England. In all probability John Hinde Holloway grew up in the Protestant Episcopal Church and was converted to Methodism by ono of the early circuit rider evangelists. Aged residents of York County testify to tho high esteem in which he was hold, and the prevalence of his name among succeeding generations is further proof of the fact. He was born ca. 1790 and may have been namod for his cousin, Hinde HollO\vay (q.v.). In 1820 he married !,1ary Anne Maney, said to havo come from Elizabeth City County. Ho died ca. 1845. His last words wore from Charles ,bsley•s gr~at hymn °Father, I Stretch ~Ay Hands to Thee". Issue of Rov. John Hinde Holloway and Mary Anne Maney: VII. (1) Alpl1eus Hollovvay, m. Frances Dixon. No issue. (2) Levin Holloway, d. unm. (Tradition says that his name was "Eleven", a customary name given the eleventh son in a. family. Tho compiler has not verified this.) (3) Thomas Holloway m. Elizabeth Landrum. Issue~ VIII. (1) Benjamin Holloway, d. unm. (4) Mary Eliza Holloway (q.v.) (5) Sarah Holloway (q.v.) (6} John Holloway, d. unm. (7) Hester Holloway (q.v.) There probably wore othor children. (~) Doso~ndRnts o/ ,R~bort_Hqllpway, Jr,

VII• ( 2) -- p. 47 Robort Hollowny, Jr,, married Mrs. Elizabeth Linton Martin, widow of John Martin. Sho was the daughter of Elijah Linton, veteran of both tho Revolution nnd the T'iar of 1812, who was doscondcd from a good Eastern Shore fnmily and settled :1.n York County around 181? with a largo famil:)r of daughters. Through the marriages of his daughters, nonrly cvo1')j... Yorlr family has bocomo related to all others. (Soc tho Monograph on tho Linton Family now being proparcd by the compiler). Robert Holloway was n private in Shield's Company, 2nd Battalion, 115th Regiment, Virginia. 1.iili tia, \¥ar of 1812. Ho participated in tho Battle of Hrnnpton. (3?V4ff) Issue: VIII. (1) Julancy Holloway (q.v.) (2) Elias Holloway, b. 1831, d. 1904 (q.v.) (3} Elijah !Iolloway, d. unm. He wa.s a private in Capt. James T. :Natki.ns' Company, 115th Virginia Militia, C.S.A. He became ill v.na_ died in Camp. (4) Robert Hollovfay, d. unm.· (5) 1.1e.ry Elizabeth Holloway, b. Jan. J..6, 1841, d. Sopt. 20, 1893 (q.v.)

Robert Hollov111ay married, secondly, Harriott Ryder, noo Holloway, (q.v.), v1ido1r; or John Ryder. Issue: ~/III. (6) John Early Holloway (q.v.) ('7) Ann Holloway ( q. v.) VIII. (1) -- above Julanoy Holloway, daughter of Robert Holloway and Elizabeth Linton, married David Martin, Feb. 16, 1849. Tho compiler has in 11:ts possession receipts from tutors which indicate that David Martin wus either a younger brothGr, or f'J. nophow, of Walter Martin, with vn.1om h.o livcc~.• Walter Martin of ifWatt 1 s Landing" was one of tho lnrgc3t slave holdors in York County. A research into the genealogy of th:is f arnily would undoubtedly rcvoal many interesting family connections. Vvl1at became of Nicholas ?1iartiau1 Jr. 1 son of the Captain Nicb.olas Martia.u who owned what is now Yorktovm.? Did he die? J:t•rom extant records it is seen that tho French a:Martiau" soon became anglicized to "~Iartian" a..nd even "Marten" and "Martin", Are these York !i.'1art,:1s possibly overlooked lineal descendants of the same pioneer ancestor fro1n vmo1n George Washington descended? Issue: IX. (1) Ellen Martin m. John Holloway, son of Willis and Polly Hollo"vay (q.v.). ?4rs. Holloway is still living in 1,Iessick, Va., one of the oldest residents of the connnunity. Issue: X. ( l) Annabella Iiolloway m. Steven Holloway, son of Robe rt Early Holloway and Mary Chesser. The Chesser family is t:raclitionally of Spanish origin ru,d is said to l1ave come into York around the break of the Nineteenth Century. Resi Messick, Virginia. Issue; XI. (1) Wade Holloway m. Bertie Firth. Res~ Messick, Va. Issue: XII. (1) Jack Holloway (2) Gene Holloway (3) Sidney Fay Holloway (2) Sinclair Holloway, unm. (3) Sidney Holloway, unm. 50.

x. (2) Edward Lee Holloway m, Carrie Insley of Isle of W:[email protected] County. Res~ Mossick, Virginia. Issue: XI, (1) Quincey Holloway (2) Opal Holloway, d. unm. (3) Frank Hollo,v::1.y r11. Hattie Insley. Res; Mes sick, Virginia. Issue; XI. (1) Steven Holloway and others i~1ary Julaney Hollo·way m. 'Nlllirun Page. Res: Messick., Virginia. No issuo. (5) Benjamin Hollov1ay m. Tillie Huggett. Res~ 1v1e ssicl{, Virginia. Issue: XI. ( l) Sadie lfolloway ( 2) Earl llolloway (6) 1:Villis Holloway m. ____ Insley, Res= !viessick, Virginia. (7) Robert Hollowny, d. 1918, unm. He enlisted in the AEF and v,as l:illed in action on the battle ... fields of France. (8) Elizabeth Holloway m. Joseph Rollins, a descendant of Joseph RaV11lins (Rollins) vvho came into tl1e County around the turn of the Eighteenth Century. Res~ l!essict:, ·virginia. Issue: XI. (1) Jeanette Rollins, unm.

IX. {2) "Nillia."11 ~lartin m. Roxanna Forrest. The Forrest family, lik:e: so me.ny others, seems to have come into York County around the latter part of the Eighteenth Century, probably from Gloucester or Matthews County. Issue: X. (1) Linwood. Martin m. Elsie Watkins. Res: J14essiclc., Va. Issue: XI. (1) Martin m. Vdlliam Forrest (2) Colbert Martin m. ( 3) La.11ra ~iiartin m. Tuioore ( 4) Thomas Martin n1. Carrie Moore. Res~ Messiclc, Va. Tulary IIartin m. Henry Bradshai;v. Res: l1iessick., Va. I3sue: X. (1) Ora Bradshaw m. (~j) Hurley Bradshav1 m. ( 4) Geoi-1ge Martin m. Anne Forrest. Their home W8.s in l~essiclr, Virginia. Issue: JC. (1) George Martin, Jr. m. Ann Pauls. They moved from Messick to Cape Charles, Virginia, where Mr, Martin engaged in the operation of a seafood business. (2) Isac.c ~t1artin, dcd,, 1n. r.laud Carpenter. Up until the time of his death. 11r. ~Iartin operated a seafood business at M:essick, Virginia. Issue; XI, (1) r,Iyrtle Martin ra. Bernard ~;Vaticins, also a Holloway descendant through his mother, Josephine Page (q.v.) who married ~Iorris Watlcins. (2) Annie Martin, unm. (3) Frederick Martin m. Lonie Bradshaw. Res: Messick, Virginia. Issue: XI. (1) Vaden Martin m. Blanche Forrest. Res; Messick, Va. 51. (2) Nannie Martin m, Irvin Dryden. Res: Tabbs., Virginia. Issue: XII. (1) Irvin Dryden, Jr. (3) Annie Martin m. Robert Holloway, Jr. (q.v,) Res: Messick, Virginia (4) Hartness :Mar·tin. Ros: l\iessick, Virginia. (4) Samuel l'iartin., dcd., m. Goldie Evans, dat1. o.f 1'Villiam Henry Evans of M0ssiclt, Virginia. Issue; XI. (1) Samio Martin (5) Henry Martin, dcd., m. Mrs. Goldie Evans MRrtin, ,ividow of his brother Sronuol. No issue. (6) ____ Martin m. Crosby Forrest. Res; Messick, Virginia. Among issue: XI. (1) Costen Forrest m. Margaret Rollins (2) Vdlliam Forrest IX. (5) Eli:;.,abeth t1artin, d. A·uG• 30, 1889; m, 1¥:i.lliam Evans, son of Josiar.i. Evans nor Blac};: ~!Valnut". His father's plantation was .. the second largest in the County. The old homestead still stands on Blaclc \Valnut, an island. off from Messick, Virginia. He dlod at an advanced ago Nov. 14, 1922. Issuei X. (1) Anne Evans, b, Majr 28, 1874; n1. Robert Havrh:ins, b. Feb. s, 1865, d. July 23, 1934, son of Thomas Hawkins and Harriett Obie of Petersburg, va. Mr. Hawkins was prominent in church activities, serving for a while as Lay Leader of Trinity Methodist Church, Messick, said to bo the largest and most highly orsanized rural church in Southern :Metl1odism. Dem. Issue: XI. (1) Marion Hawkins, b. Apr. 28, 1897; m, Emmett Page, b. Mar. 8, 1898, son of Ahazerus Page and Irene Rollins. Meth. and Dem. Res: Messick, Virginia, Issue: XII. (1) Annie Irene Page, d. unm. Juno 27, 1927 (2).Harriette Lane Page (2) Edith Hawkins, b. Aug. 15, 1899; m. Thomas Hope Watkins, b. May 18, 1898, son of Edward L. Watkins and Elizabeth Bunting. 1Yieth. and Dem. Issue: XII. (1) Roxie Loe Watkins m. Raymond Insley (q.v.) (3) Howard Hawkins, b. Oct. 1, 1901; m. Carrie Freeman, dau. of Thomas Freeman and Olive Lawson. Mrs. Havvkins was educated at tiary ~rfashington College. Meth. and Deni. Ros: Jeffs, Va. Issue: XII. (1) Anna Lee Hawkins (4) Robert Hawkins, b. Aug. 17, 1903, m. Josephine Lewls, dau. of Luther Le,vis and Josephine l}Jyatt of Fox !Iill, Va. Meth. and Dem. Res: Messick, Va. Issue: XII. (1) Dwain Hawkins (2) Barbara Anne Hawkins (3) Mary Est6lle Hawkins (5) Mary Estelle Hawkins, b. Feb. B, 1912, d. unm. Sept, 21, 1933 52.

XI. (6) Roberta Hawki11s, b, Feb. 21., 1915., unm, After graduation from High School, she attended the Businens Colloge of Newport Nevis, Met 11. and Dem. Res; 1,1e s sicJ[., Va. (2) Estelle Evans, dcd,, m. Vioodward Page, Res: Messick, Virginia. Issuo: XI. (1) Elizabeth Page m. Samuel Wornom. Res: Messick, Virginia. (2) Vernon Pago m. Virginia Forrest. Ros: Messick, Virginia. Issue: XI I. ( 1 J !.lary Estelle Page (3) Nannie Page m. Earl Lav,son. Res: ~llessick, iT"v 1rgJ.n1 • • a. I ssue: XII. (1) Earl Lawson., Jr. (2) Nan Page Lawson ( 4) Clay Page (3) Albert Evan3 m, Su.die Forrest, dau. of L, 1-~. D. Forrest and ~,Iissouri Jvatkins. Res: MessicJ{, Va, Issue: XI. (1) Eva Evans m. John Page. Res: ?,iessicJ{, Va. Issue: XII. (1) Irene Page (2) Genevive Pago (3) Carrie Page (2) Inna Evans m~ ___ ,Tohnson, Res: Fox Hill, Va. (~:S) Vaden Evans m. Evelyn Vlfatkin,s. Res: Messick, Virginia. (4) Osborne Evans m. Esther Graham. Res; 11essick., 'la. (4) Josiah Evans, IV, b. Jan. 1, 1876; m. Charlotte Belle Firth, b. Sept. 28, 1878, dau. of George ·vashington Fi1'1th a.nd Charlotte Insley. IIe is a men1ber of Jr. OlTAM and of the Reel Men. Mrs. Evans is a Pocahontas. Both are Meth. and Dem. Issue~ XI. (1) Albe~eta Evans, b. Nov. 24, 1902; m. Ernest Bradsl1a.w., b. Nov. 16, 1896, son of Jan1es Bradshaw and ~.~artha Rollins, Mrs. Bi1adshaY1 was ed.ucated at 11ary 'Ne.shington College. She is a Pocahontas and a member of the Poquoson 1.:Voman I s Club. Mr. Bradshavv served in the U. s. Navy d.1:i.ring the ~Norld. ··1ar, He is a member of the Jr. OUA1.1 and a Rec1 i!Ian. Both are r~ieth. and Dern. Res: 1'11es sick, Va, Iss11e: XII. (1) Horma Iteith Drarl3l1aw, b. May 5, 1023 (2) James Francis Bradshaw, b, Oct. lQ, 1930 (3) Joseph Scott Bradshaw, b. Oct. 19, 1930 (2) Nell Evens, b. l~ay 5, 1904; m. Floyd Durre~:-t-r; l!rs. Durrette was educated at Mary '.1/ashington College. She is a Pocahontas and a member of the \Voman I s CJ.ub of Poquoson. Mr. Durrette is a merchant. He is a Jr. OUAM and a Red Man. Both are Meth. and Dem. Res; Messick, Virginia. Issue; 53. XII. (1) Floyd Evans Durrette, b. Mar. 16, . 1923 (3) G.a~land Evans, b. Apr. 13, 1908; m. Iva v\eston, b.- Dec. 3, 1907, dau. of Pearl liVeston and Hattie Watkins, Mr. Evans is a merchant and waterman. He is a member of Jr. OUAI1. Mrs. Evans was educated at Mary Washington College. She j_s a. Pocahontas. Both are 110th. and Dem. Res~ Messick, Va. Issue: XII. {l) Mildred Lee Evans, b. 1929 (2) Hattie Bell Evans, b. 1936 (4) Paul Evans, b. Aug. 27, 1910; m, Mary Lawson, b. Nov. 15, 1915, dat1. of Isaac Lawson and Mnmie Rollins. Mr. Evans is a member of Jr. OUAL~. Both are Meth. and Dem. Res; Messick, Virginia. Issue: .XII. (1) Betty Jo Evans, b. 1935 (2) Paul Lawson Evans, b. 1937 (5) Roselyn Evans, b.· tTune 18, 1913; m. Hartness La,vson of:r:M~s.siek.,:....,V.::U.:egdm.ia.Mrs. Lawson is a Pocahontas and a member of the ~1/omrm is Club of Poquoson. ~,Ir. Lawson is employed as a sheet-metal worker at the Newport News Ship­ yard. I-fe is a Red l,ilan and a Jr. 0UA}.1. Both are Meth. and Dem. Issue: XII. (1) Hartness Lawson, Jr., b. 1932 (2) Jackie Warner Lawson, b. 1936 (3) Ashby Garland Lawson, b. 1939 (5) John Solomon Evans, d.s.p. (6) Mary Emma Evans, d.s.p. IX. ( 6) Louisiana Martin 1n. John T. Pauls. All efforts to contact descendants of this line l1ave proved fruitless. (7) Henrietta Martin m. Lee Hopkins. Res: Messick, Virginia. Issue; X. (1) Ada Hopkins m. Frank }Iy.dgins. Res: 11essiclc., Va. (2) Anne Hopkins m. John Edward Bradshaw. Res: Messick, Virginia. Among issue: XI. (1) Evelyn Br2.dshav1 m. Richard Diggs. nes; Messick, Virginia. (2) John Bradshaw (3) iviattde Hopkins m. Allen Evans. Res~ Messiclc, Va. A.mopg is sue ; XI. (1) Buelah Evans m. ____ Forrest. Res: Messick, Virginia (4) Marjorie Hopkins m. ____ Fitzgerald. Res~ Petersburg, Virginia (G) Alice Hopkins m. Drummond (8) John Robert Martin, b. 1871,---- d. 1932; m., first, Mary Rollins, b. 1874, d. 1904, dau. of JoDeph Rollins and Bettie Shenault; m., secondly, Mrs. Goldie Evans Martin, twice a widow of his nephews. He was in the seafood business. He was a Heptasoph, Meth. and Dem. Issue by first marriage~ X. (1) Athol Howard M:artin, b. 1896; m. Marion L. English, b. 19061 dau. of Leo English and Gertrude Courtney, of Kinsal•e, Westmoreland Co., Va. ~IIr. Jvlartin has been in the Life Insurance bt1siness .for twenty years. 54. He is with the People's Life Insurance Co. of D. c. He is an active me1n·ber of' the 1.~eth. Church; R11ritan, ~!iason and De1n. Mrs. Martin is a member of the \Voma.n's Club of Northumberland Co., active in Cl1urch ~..vork, and has served as Cotlnt~,r Cl1airrnan of the Anti .. Tuberculosis Assoc. Both are Democrats. Res: Heathn· ville, Virginia. Issue~ XI. (1) Ruth Lee l11artin, b. 1924 (2) Laura Unruh Martin, b. 1926 {2) Sallie Beatrice :Martin, b. June 8, 1901; m. Harry Evans, b. 1899, son of Clarence Melvin Evans and ~fiary Lo·uise Messicl{. Nirs. EvanD is an active church V11orlcer and a member of Pocahontas. Mr. Evans is a Jr. OUAM and a Red l.1an. Both Dem. and i\:1eth.• I SS,10: XI. (1) Howard L. Evans, b. 1921 (2) Mary Joyce Evans, b. 1926 (3) Betty ,Toan Ev£•.ns, b. 1934 (3) Ruth Estelle ~i1artin, b. 1898, d. inf. 1900

VIII. (2) -- p. 49 Elias Holloway, son of Robert Holloway, Jr., and Elizabeth Linton, marriecl ~1Iary Susan Amory, b. 1825, d. 1906, dau. of rrhomas C. Amory, a member of one of the distinguished York families of Huguenot descent. lVIr. Hol10,111ay v;as an ardent prohibitionist in the early days of the r11Iovement, His 0fJi)0nent s used. to say of him ttHe v,1011lcl not eat a chiclccn that roosted in an c:i.pple tree", so strong were his convictions on this subject. Meth. and Dem. His residence was at Messick, Va. Issuo: IX. ( l) 'Victoria Hollov!ay, daughter of Elias Hollo\vay and Msry Susan Amory, married VVillian1 Me~nninc Freeman., a descendant of I-Ienry Freeman, the merchant ,l\rl10 crune to York County around 1625, ancl of Col. Chrj_stopher Calthorpe, member of the Ho·usc of Burgesses. Col. Calthorpe was a collateral descendant of Lord. Fraancis Bacon. Mr. l,vas a prominent f r1.rm0r of Jeffn, Va. Issue: x. (1) x-:1ay Freeman., dcd., m. Powhatan H1.1.nt. }Iunt is an anci0nt English name, cstablisl10d. first in .ALLerica at Jamost0wn by Rev. Robert Hunt. Though he left no, otr1er IIunts, possibly relatives of his, soon follo\ved~ him into Virginia. 'T_,.-J.c f e.mily was soon established in York: and continue there in lrJ.rg0 numbers. Issuct XI. (1) Henry Hunt m. Naomi Forrest, daughter of Henry Forrest and Ce.rr:le ·Freen1an of 1'Iessicl<-:, Virginia. Issue: XII. (1) Henry Benton IIunt ( 2) Thon1as King fiunt ( 2) Calvin IIunt rn. Ari ta Moore. Res: I-lamp ton, Va. (3) Everett Runt, cc.uca.ted at VPI and novr resides in IIampton, Vj_rcinia. (4) Vfi.llj_am rlrtnt, educated. at Vl;I and no~v resides in Hmnpton, Virginia. (5) Nell1.e lI11nt 55. x. ( 2) Thomas Freeman m. Olive Lawson. The Lawson family of York moved from the Eastern Shore, probably from one of the Islands of the Chesapeake, to York soon after the War of 1812. They were a part of an exodus from the Islands which included among others, the Evans and Lintons, who were, then as now, closely allied with the Lawsons by marriage. The story is told that when Elisha Lawson, Jr., son of the original York settler Elisha Lawson, Sr., married Saphire Evans, daughter of Josiah Evans of Lucy Banks, the wedding party embarked in a boat and sailed up to Tangier Island ·where they were married by that interest­ ing cl'1aracter of Revolutionary War fame, the "Parson of the Islandsn, Rev. Joshua Thomas. ~111.,. Freeman is a ft1.rmer. He is active in church and civic life. Res: Odd, Va. Issue~ XI. (1) Lillian Freeman, unm. She was educated at lv1ary vYashington College and is a schoolteacher·• in Alexandria, Virginia. (2) Carrie Freeman m. Howard Hawkins (q.v.) (3) Margaret Freeman m. Aldrich Forrest. Mrs. For::1 est was educated at Mary vVasl~ington College. ]\1r. Forrest is a graduate of Randolph-Macon College (B.S.). He served as Instructor in Chemistry at Randolph-I.iacon, 1930-31. He is engaged in the Seafood business in Hampton, Va. Res; Jeffs, Virginia. (4) Leonora Freeman m. John Gillispie. Jars. Gillispie was educated at Mary Washington College. Res: Jeffs, Va. Issue~ XII. (1) Susan Freeman Gillispie (5) John Freeman, unm. Mr. Freeman was educated at VPI, Blacksburg, va. He is County Agent for Sl'tssex Co. Res: 'Haverly, Va. ( 6 ) Thomas F1ro , unm. (7) Myra Freeman, un1n. (3) Joseph Freen1an n1. _i_Jella Joyner. Mr. Freema...11 is active in churcl1 and civic life. Res: 1Aessiclt., Va. Issue: xr. {l) Harry F1.,ee1nan, cl. unm. (2) Thomas Freeman, m. ___ Copeland (3) Caroline Freeman, unm. {4) Joseph Freeman, unm. (5) 'Victoria Freernan, lll1m. (6) Daniel Freeman, unm. .1. \ ( .,_ ) Bernice Freeman m. Benjamin Rollins., dcd. T}:ie Rollins 111oved fr'om York Go. to Hampton., Va., "i,Vhere he cond11cted a lar4go Seafood business until tl1e tilne of his death. Res: I-Iampton, 11trgini a. Issue~ XI. (1) 11iatilda Rollins :n. Bo'!orly Johnson Res; Fox Hill, Va. (2) Victoria Rollins, unm. (5) Victo1.,ia Freem3.n m.• r.Tose11h Lat.:.rson. Res~ Hampton, Virginia. Issue: XI. (1) Vvillia.,i Lavis on, d. unm. { 2) ~aymond Lav1son 1n. (3) Hamilton Lawson, unm. 56.

(6) Sophia Freeman m. Ivey Moore. Tho Moore fa~ily of York County is descended frorn Augustine Moore, of Elizabeth City County, presumably a son of John Moore, who patented land in Elizabeth City County in 1620. One of the family, Daniel Moore, was Justice and Sheriff of York County. (7) Martha Freeman, unm. (8) Irene Freeman m. ___ Bowen; r"1rs. Bowen was educated at Mary Washington College. Mr. Bowen is Principal at Pittsville, Md. Ros: Salisbury, Md. IX. (2) ttelissa Holloway, married Robert Lee Forrest, prominent churchman, n1erchant and postmaster of Messick:, Virginia. ifr. Forrest has served as a delegate to district and state conferences of the Methodist Church over a long period of years. Res: Messick, Virginia. Issue~ x. (1) l1ary Elizabeth For1 rest m. Sledd Quinn. Res: Messiclc, Virginia. Issue: XI. (1) Margaret Quinn (2) Beulah Quinn, unm. (3) Rosa Quinn, unm. (2) Ira Forrest m. Lola Bradshaw. Mr. Forrest is associated with his father in the merchantile businesn He also takes a prominent part in church and civic life of the county. Issue: XI. (1) Carroll Forrest, unm. (2) Gray Forrest, unm. ( 3) Joseph Ivianning Hollowa·y, married Emma Evans., daughter of Josiah Evans· "of Black \Valnut n, to which estate they su.ccecde<. as owners and reared there six children, losing one when 11 you11g·. In pre-war (1859) days, "Black ;va1nut , including the island and. neighboring mainland, lacked three acres of being the largest plantation in tho County, it containing 715 acres while "Cherry Hall" contained 718 acres. These were unusually largo plantations for the small thickly populated Peninsula Counties. Issue: x. (1} Robert Manning Hollov,ay m. Saclie ~Va.tkins, Res: Messick, Virg:tnia. Issue; XI. (1) Edwin :E-Iollov:ra:1 m. Ellis Forrest. Res: Messick, Virginia. Issue; XII. (1) Edwin Hollowey, Jr. (2) Vac1on :Hopo Holloway m... Margaret :Morrison. Res: :Mossi ck, ·virginia. (3) Paul Fay Holloway, d. unm. (4) Denzil Holloway m. Doris Morrison. Res: Messick, Virginia. (5) Eldridge Holloway m. Minnie Powell. Res: Messickf Virginia. Issue~ XII. (lJ Paul Fay Holloway (2) ·vera Holloway m. Edv1ard Evans, son of Thomas Curti :1 Evans. Res: Messick, Va. Issue: XI. (1) Virginia Evans m. Granville Res: Messick1 Va. Among issue: XII. (1) Marjorie Adams (2) Granville Adams, Jr. (3) Mary Anne Adams (4) Edward Adams (2) Violet Evans m. 7ii.lliam Shackleford. Issue: XII. (1) William Shackleford 57. (3) Iris Evans m. Joseph Jennings. Res: Phoabus Virginia. Issue: XII, (lj Joseph Jennings, Jr. (3) Hope Holloway, d. unm. (4) Jolm P. Holloway, b. Mar. 22, 1889; m. Octavia \\eston, b. Mar. 4, 1892, dau. of William Henry Weston and Martha Ella 0uinn. Mr. Holloway is well-knovm in the Seafood Business, having been connected with the J. H. Miles Oyster Co. for a number of years. !1ieth. Res~ 626 Baldwin Place, lforfolk, Va. Issue;: XI. (1) William Gorman Holloway, b. Feb. 10, 1915; m. Mary Edna Savage, b. Jan. 161 1916, dau. of Xhornas F. and Emma Jones Savage. He is 11eth. Mrs. Hollo,vay is Bapt. Res: 613 11anteo Street, ~lorfolk, Va. Issue: XII. (1) Joyce Leah Holloway, b. Sept. 19, 1935 {2) Albert Vl/eston Holloway, b. Nov. 4, 1918; m. Ruth Warren Rumburg, b. July a, 1918, dau. of George and Vera Mcviharten Humburg. He is a Methodist. I~rs. Holloway is a Baptist. Res: Pennsylvania Avenue, Norfolk, Va. (3) Eva Curry Holloway, b. Nov. 11, 1922 (4) John P. Holloway, Jr., b. Jan. 21, 1928 (5) Joseph Holloway, umn. (6) Reginald Holloway, dcd. m. Nicey MnePauls (q.v.) Res: Messick, Virginia. Issue; XI. (1) Christian Holloway, unm. (2) Florence Holloway, m. (3) Rudolph Holloway, unm. (7) Albert Holloway, unm. (8~ Ernest Holloway, d. inf. (91 Annie Holloway, d. inf. IX. ( 4) Robert Holloway, son of Elias Holloway and ~,fary SU.san Amory, married Joyce Anne Forrest. Issue: X. (1) Ada :Holloway 1n. Preston Freeraan. Res: liinchville, Virginia, (2) Jennie Holloway m. Floyd Holloway (q.v.) (3) Arthur Holloway m. Res: Minchville 1 Va, (4) Robert Holloway, Jr. m. Res: Minchville, Va. ( 5) Annie IIollo1,vay m. (5) Rosser Holloway, son of Elias Holloway and Mary Susan Amory, married Martha Rollins. Issue: x. (1) Robert Holloway, d.s •. p. 1940; m. Gertie VIII. (5) -- p. 49 Mary Elizabeth Holloway, daughter of Robert Holloway and Elizabeth Linton, married Capt. Solomon Cornelius Evans, b. Ma.r. 30, 1839, d. Apr. 25, 1912., son of Jo~;i~h Evans of 0 Black vValnut" and grandson of Josiah Evans of "Luc:y Banks a, York County, Virginia. He was a planter and business man. He enlisted in the Confederate Army at Yorktown, June 24, 1861, as a private in the service of the quartermaster at Yorktown. He was a member of the crew of the Merrimac though not on her at the time of her famous battle, The remainder of his war service was on privateers and blockade runners. On one of these, the sloop Potter, ha was captured and spent a long tenn in the Federal Prison in Baltimore from which he was finally exchanged on parole. His business fi:rm was s. c. Evar1a and Son of Hampton, Virginia, Wholesalo Merchants. 58. Besides his business interest, ?dr. Evans took ·a prominent part in the religious, civic and political life of York Co. He was the leader of the small oyster planters of York and surrounding counties in many of their fights against private ownership of natural bottom. Upon several occasions he ;vns threatened. with arrest for his activities. Letters in the possession of the writer indicate that one of the hardest figl1ts in this losing struggle was in 189'7. One letter was a direct threat of legal action if he persisted in his course. His cause, and that of his compatriots, might well be a lost cause still worthy of valiant endeavor on the part of some of the younger influential citizens of the County. Issue~ IX. (1) Prof. rvilliam Elijah Evans, b. ~:{ar. 4 1 1864, d. Mar. 6 1 1900, son of Solomon c. Evans and Mary Elizabeth Holloway, wa.s one of the most gifted sons York County ever produced. Born vihile conflict still r•aged between the North and 3outh, he was destined to be one of that generation who, schooled by parents in the lore and tradition of the ante-bellum days, never made .the adjustment that required a gentleman to the manner born to put hand to the plow. Vmile scions of other York families were gradually reconcilinc~ themselves to the tasks slaves had once performed for them, he set out in pursuit of what the time of his birth denied hi1n, an educa­ tion and an adventure. ~\here he went, what he did, he never fully disclosed •. rrmen he returned some years later, he had acquired a remarkable education. The compiler, to whom of all his ancestry this one has always proved most fascinating, has been amazed time and again to learn some hitherto unkr.1.oun accomplishment of this man who died when barely thirty-six years old. Piecing bits of information togetl1er, it seems that his decision to leave·home was none too well received by his father. Under the shadow of parental disfavor he ivent to \Vhere he obtained employrnent. F1irst lie studied business, but turned later to a classical ed1ication, A retired mlnister told tl1e · compiler a fev-1 months ago that nMr. Evans could reHd Greelt better than any man I have ever lsnown. He 1-cept a Gre3:( New Testament on schooldesk". This minister was himself a te~cher in tho county at the tirae. The Late Rev. Ed.ward E. --aopkins, often referi... ecl to his splendid knowled6e of ~~~in. The unusual spectacle of a rural community in vmicl1 ls_rge numbers of peo11le still sing by note and v1hos0 choi11 s have long enjo7;-ed -.. '/ide· reputa­ tion remains a testimony to his musical ability and his genius as a music tea1 ~her though nearly half-a-century_ has passed since his dea~h. He returned homo, still in parental disfavor, especially so since the intervenlng year had not made him as temperatE:; as h.e \vas literate, and became a As a scl1cc-l - teacher he was a virorthy su.ccessor of those earlier teachers who l1.n.d made of York Cour:L~r pcrl1aps the most literate county in Colonial America. (See interesting article, r~,v(l)48ff). IIe ,vas e. stern disciplinarian but is ~-,cindly remen1bered by all those whose good fortune it was to sit in his classes. He was elected High Sheriff of York County in 1891. B~ this time the rapid pace and unfortunate habits of h~s bril·· liant life had made him physically and nervously a sick man. In 1893 he was relieved of his duties. For the short portion of his life which remained he continued partnership with his father in s. c. Evans a11d Son, wholesale merchants.· E.xhaustec" 59. from the very intensity·of the life he lived, combining as it did the classics, music, teaching, business and politics, he died March 6, 1900 . He married Catherine Julanie Bradshaw, a frail and delicate woman,. whose portrait shows her to have been quite beautiful. She died in 1894. Issue: X. (1) Floyd Garland Evans m. Mrs. Lillian Phillips of Florida. Res: Newport News, Virginia. No issue. IX, ( 2) Fannie Lee Evans, daughter of Solomon c. Evans and Mary Elize.beth Ifolloway, married Thomas Lee Forrest, b. Dec. 28, 1871, son of Lavinia Ann Martin and James Thomas For~est, member; Jr. OU.AM, Meth., Dem. Res; Messick, va. Issue: X. (1) Elizabeth Forrest, b. Bee. 16, 1894; m. James Insley, son of Littleton Insley and Virginia Chenault. Issue: XI. (1) Ethlyn Insley m. 1st., James Tracy. Issue~ XII. (1) Gerald Tracy She m.• , 2nd, Everett Ashburn (2) Garnett Insley m. Harry Sagar. Issue: XII. (1) Elizabeth Obed Sagar (3) Raymond Insley m. Roxie Lee Watkins (2) Thomas Cornelius Forrest, b. July 26, 1891; m., first, Sarah Viola Carmines, b. Oct. 15, 1888, d.· Oct. 16, 1935, dau. of Mary Frances Insley and Charles Washington Carmines; m., secondly, Mrs. Sylvia Dawson Cooper. He is a member of Jr. OUAM, Red Men, Meth., Dem. Res: Seaford, Va, Issue by first marriage: XI. (1) Hettie Leone Forrest, b. Sept. 7, 1913; m. Warren Smith Forrest, b. Mar. 1, 1908, son ot John Andrew Forrest and Alice Geneva Rollins. Mrs. Forrest graduated from the Newport News Business College. Mr. Forrest graduated f~om N.N.S.D.D. Apprentice School. He is a Jr. OUAM, Mason, Dem. and Meth. Issue: XII. (1) Viola Mae Forrest, b. Feb. 13, 1936 (2) Warren Smith Forrest, b. Mar. 12, 1937 (3) Jennings Forrest, b. July 121 1897; m. Lula Bell. Issue: XI. (1) Mason Forrest (4) Chrystine Forrest, b. Apr. 10, 1900; m. Meade Watkins, b. Aug. 15, 18981 son of Robert Meade Watkins and Sarah Forrest. The first Watkins permanently establisb ed in York County was the family of Thomas Watkins who cmne to America around 1625, from whom all of the present Watkins of the County are apparently descended. Mr. Watkins is a member of Jr. QUAM, Meth. and Dem. Issue: XI. ( 1) Del:ts. Hnll Wat~r:.ns 7 • -· ·1r ., • ( 2 ) Sy -·~vi a. .:.Je o tfr:.. ;.1 :-:..n s (5) Raymond Forrest.) t ....;., .. ,~. 9, 1903, d. Dec. l?, 1920 (6) vValter Ha.jrwr..rd Forr•03t:t b. S~pt. 4, 1907; m. Chrystal Leone Forrest, b. July 28, 1908, daughter of Robert L~ Forrest and Catha Chrystal Diggs and granddaughter of Abraham Forrest and Sarah Topping; great granddaughter· of John Topping. Mrs. Forrest was educated at Mary Washington College. He is a merchant at Messick, Va. Member: Jr. OU.AM, Meth., Dem. Issue: 60.

XI• (1) Janet Muriel Forrest, b. May 22, 1930 (2) Jessie Miller Forrest; b. Aug. 30 1 1931 (3) Bethany Estelle Forrest, b. May 8, 1933 (4) Walter Leon Forrest, b. Nov. 28, 1934 (5) Robert Lee Forrest, b. Oct. 27, 1936 (6) Lois Anne Forrest, b. May 23, 1938 IX. (3) ~Valter Evans, b. Jan. 3, 1870; d. unmarried, 1938. He was an oyster planter. Never a church member, he was for more than forty years an officer in Trinity Methodist Church School, Messick, va. He was a member of the Red t»1en, in which he served as a local leader, and also held state and national offices. He was President of the Poquoson Railway, Supply and Shipping Co., of Jeffs, Va., incorporated in 1913. (4) Josiah Evans, b. Aug. 18, 1872, d. Feb. 15, 1883 . (5) Ziporah Evans, b. Mar, 31, 1876; married the Reverend Edward Hen'.r'J Hopkins, Sr., b. May 6, 1877, d. Apr. 21, 1935, son of George Edwood Hopkins and Mft.ry Ellinor "Natkins., descended on his father's side from Col. Christopher Calthorpe, a member of the House of Burgesses, and Collaterally from Governor Nathaniel Bacon and Nathaniel Bacon, nthe Rebel n. Maternall~r he was descended from Thomas 1.:Vatlcins, progenitor of the distinguished Watkins Family of Charles Parish, and from Solomon Linton. He was educated at Randolph-Macon Academy, Bedford, Va., and at Vanderbilt University. He was for more than twenty-five years a member of the Virginia Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Before entering the ministry, Mr. Hopkins followed the water, 'becoming Captain of a schooner a.t the age of nineteen, He v1as one of the group who organized the Poquoson 1-Jntionr.. l Bank, Odd, Va., and was instrumental in the reclamation aur3. enlargement of Western Cemetery, Messick, Va., where he i8 buried. As a minister he was particularly active in the cause of ter,1perance. He served as a member of the Board of Christian Literature and on other Boards and Committees of his Church. Consecutively, he served the following pastorates; Rockfish, South Amherst, ~i1iddlesex, Kinsale, South Princess Anne, Wachapreague .. Cambridge, I~id., Guilford, Cumberl.and, :vest Hanover, and Brightwood. He was a Heptasoph, Red Man and Jr. QUAM. His school-day friend, so soon to follow him, Rev. James Love Finch, quite appropriately spoke of him in his funeral oration as aa rugged mountain peak"~ How fitting a descrip­ tion of his clear 1~eption, indomitable will, and upright character I Mrs. Hopkins has been active in church circles. She was a constant traveling companion of her husband and is affectionately remembered by former parishioners for her many visits in their homes. Res: Messick, Va. Issue: X. (1) Garland Evans Hopkins, b. Dec. 28, 1913, received his A. B. degree from Randolph-Macon College; studj.ed la.\v at T. c. Vlilliams School of Law, University of Richmc·.-1 He is a member of the Virginia Conference of the Methodist Church and has served as Minister-Director of Trinity Institutional Church, 1934-7, and as pastor of LeKies Memorial Methodist Church, Norfolk, va. He is President of the Commission on Social Welfare of the Virginia Conference; a member of the Central Committee, National Church Conference of Social 5:>rk; • 61. the Executive Committee, Association of Church Social Workers (international). Ho was formerly Executive Secretary, State Conference on Church Social ~Vorlc; and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Children's Homo Society of Virginia; the Children's Bureau of Norfolk, Va.; the Exect1tive Conunittee, Norfolk Branch, Vireinia Interracial Commission. He has been active in Child We~fare Work, founding Camp 11astin for Boys and Girls in New Kent Co., wr1ich he directed 1934-7. He is a frequent contributor to ri1agazi nes on the subject of church social relations. Mr. Hopkins has been very interested in the preservation of Virginia Ifistory. He served a.s secretary of the William Byrd Branch, Richmond, Va., APVA, and convened the Committee ,mich undertook the preservation of Adam Craig House. Ho is a member of Pickett-Buchanan Chapter, Sons of Confederate veterans. of which he is Chaplain. Ho is Assistant Chaplain-in­ Chief of tho National organization, s.c.v., and a member of the American Order of Pioneers. He is Author of Cumberland County Tax Petitions; History of Cumberland County, Va., Tho Life of Edward Carrington and various contribut0d articles in Historical r~fagazines. Ho is listed in V~ho 's Who in Genealogy. Fraternities; Sigma Nu Phi (legal), Tau I(appa Alpha and Beta Pi Theta. He married Margaret Catherine Lail of Danville, Va., Dec. 23, 1935. She is a graduate of Ferrum Junior College, Blackstone College and Scarritt College (AoB.). Before marriage she was first an Instructor at Ferrum Junior Collegej and then servej as Recreational Director for the Methodist Orphanage~ Rich.vnond, Va. IJirs. Hopk:ins is the dauBhter of David Arthur Lail and Hattie Loe Hollie. Paternally her ancestry is German-Lutheran of ~:tJestern North Carolina. Among her n1aternal ancootry is Joseph 1'Iotloy of Amelia County and, collaterally, Governor John Motley I'/Iorc­ hoad of North Carolina. Kindred families in Souther!~ Virginia include Gilen, Butcher, and Hutcherson. Issue: XI. (1) Nancy Lail Hopkins, b. Mar. 4, 1937 x. (2) Edward IIenry Hopkins, Jr., b. Sept. 25., 1917, was educated at Randolph-Macon College and the School of Business Administration, University of Richmond. H~ is in the auto service business in Richmond, Va. H0 married Frances Godsey Danby of Cumberland, Virgini&, Dec. 22 ,. 1938. Sho grad1.1atcd fro1n Flora McDonald College {B.S.) and has boon a member of the faculty or Goldston High School, Goldston, N. C, She is now in the om~loy of the u. s. Government Farm Security Program with headquarters at Cumberland, Va. Mrs. Hoplcins is the daughter of Lyle B. Danby and Fannye Talley ·Goqsey of Cumberland, Va. Her paternal great-grandfather,. Thomas Danby emigrated to Ohio from Lincolnshire, England, about tho middle of tho last century. She is also paternally a direct descendant of Benjamin Ross, brother to Betsy Ross of flas famo. Maternally, sho is a descendant of 62. the Fosters, Thorntons, Talleys and Jones of Cumberland County, Virginia. Directly in her line arc Dr. Edwin P. Talley, oarly Virginia physician, and Major-General Peter Jones, of the American Revolution. Res: Cumberland, Virginia. IX. (6) Van Delia Evans, b. Sept. 9, 1879, d. unm, 1918 (7) Mary Elizabeth Evans, b. Feb. 15, 1884, daughter of Solomon C. Evano and Mary Elizabeth Holloway, married John Ellsworth Wost., b. i-1a.r, 14, 1876, son of John Henry ~,vost and Emily Elliott of Accomack Co., Va. Tho ~/I/est of Tidewater Virginia, except fOl1 scattering of more recent families, soom to be descended rrom Capt. John West, or one of his two brothers who settled in Virginia, Nathaniel and Francis, all brothers of the Royal Governor, Lord Delaware. ~lr. \'Vost is a retired employee of the Norfollt Navy Yard. He is a Steward of Cottage Place Methodist Church; Mason; Woodman of the . 1Norld; and Dom. Mrs. ~Ne st at tended Boarding School in Hampton, Va., and is very active in church circles. Ros; 2025 Queen Street, Portsmouth, Virginia. Issue: X. (1) Esma Evans ~iVest, b. Apr. 1, 1909; m. James Rupert r~tagco, b. Oct. 16, 1909, son of Rose Elizabeth Lowe and Romie Adams Magee of Emporia, Va. Mr. Magee is a mechanic nt tho N.N.S.D.D. Company. Mrs. I¥iagoo is active in church work as a teacher and pianist. Meth. Res~ 911 27th Stroot, Newport News, Va. Issue: XI. (1) Rosemary l1agoo., b. Oct. 16, 1930 (2) lvlary Ellsworth v\bst, b. ~1ay 4., 1913; m. John 1•;iarion Thackston., b. Dec. 6, 1913, son of Herbert Allen Thackston and Anno Iola Clibourno of Farmville, 'la• Mrs. Thackston ls a graduate of Blackstone College. She is Moth. ~Ir. Thaclcston is an employee of tho Norfolk Navy Yard. Ho is a Presbyterian and Dem. Res: 2023 Queen St~, Portsmouth, Va. (3) John Linton ~M3st, b, Fob. 24, 1918, unm. Ho was educated at Norfollc College and is employed by tho Hampton Roads Transfer Co. of Norfolk, ·va.. Ros; 2025 QUecn st., Ports1nouth., vn. (4) Evelyn Rhodelia 1,VoBt., h. Apr. 25, 1923 VIII. (6) -- p. 49 John Early Holloway, son c :;. !1:)bc:i:t Holloway, Jr., by his second wife Harriett Hollovve.y Ryder, ffi,_;1.J"l:e:Lcd Emily Forrest. He was a. farmer and 1:vatcrmnn of ~Ioseick, Ve... Issu·.:J ~ IX. (l} Robert Early Holloway m. iinry CllC8SOr. They lived in Messick, Va. Issue: X. (l.) Agnes Holloway m. Austin Carmines. Res; Mossiclt, Virginia. Issue: XI. ( 1 ) r,.,1nry C arrnino s (2) Earl Holloway m. Glndys Cnrminos. Res: Messick, Va. (3) Robert Holloway ·m. Helen .Amory, dau. of Horbert Amory·and Minnie Forrest. Ron: Messick, Virginia. Issuo: XI. ( 1) Dvvain Holloviay (4) Emily Holloway m. :aolston Eva~s., son of George Evans and Rosanna Carmines. Res: Messick, Virginia. (5) Henry Holloway, unm. Res: Moss1ck, Va. (6) Mario Holloway m. Burgess Lawson. Res: Messiclt, Virginia. 63. IX. (2) Steven Holloway m. Annabella Holloway, dau. of John Holloway and Ellen Martin (q.v.) (3) Agnes Holloway

VIII, (7) -- p. 49 Ann Holloway, dau. or Robert Holloway, Jr. by his second \vlfe Harriett Ryder; married, first., William Carmines. Issue: IX. (1) Elizo.beth Carmines m. Robert Recd Holloway, son of Vdllis Holloway and Polly Forrest. (q.v.) (2) Sn1ith Ce.rmines 1n. Hester Anne vVinder. Res: 1'/Iessic:k, Va. (3) Henry Carmines, dcd., m. Fannie Saunders. Res: Jeffs, Va. (4) Berta Cnrmincs, dcd., m. VV'illiam Lawson, formerly County Sheriff. He mnrried, secondly, Ella Ht1nt. (q.v.) Issue: X. (1) .,./innie Lawson, d. unm. Ann I!olloway mar1'1ied, secondly, Robert J. Forrest. Issue: (5) Th()mv_s Eppes Forrest m. Elizabeth vVatkins. Res; Messick, Virginia. Issue~ X. (1) Edgar Forrest m. Alice Moore. Res~ !viessiclc, Va. (2) Jessie Fay Forrest, unm. (3) Anne }?arrest, unm, (4) Thomas Forrest, urun. (6) Emma Forrest, d. unm.

(b) The Descendants of Diana Holloway ------•-..------J F VII. (3) -- p. 47 Diana Holloway, daughter of Rebert and Diana Holloway, married vVilton Hollovve.y, son of James Russell Holloway and Elizabeth Parsons. 7vll ton Holloway married, secondly, Virginia Bradshaw ( see "De scend,_.1..t·. c -: o:f ~v.i.l ton Hollo,vny") • Issue of Diana Holloway and Wilton Holloway: VlII. (1) Diann ( 0 Dicien) Holloway (q.v.) (2) Virginia Holloway (q.v.) (3) Amelia Holloway (4) Rober~t Holloway {?), of ,vhose issue, if any, no record has been found. (5) Sar8b. N. Holloway (q.v.)

VIII. (1) -- Above Diana ( "Dicie") Holloway, a.aughter of Diana Holloway and Wilton Hollovl}'ay, ma.rried Elias James vvatk:ins, son of •Vincent ·Jvatkins and Nancy l'larti n, a descendant of Thomas \iVatlcins "of Charles Parish". Issue: r:c. (1) Sarah ~Natlcins m, Thomas ·Curtis Evans, son of John Evans by his second wife, Jane ______• He was a grandson of Josiah Evans "of Lucy Bank:s ''. John Evans first ·wife was Sarah Hollo-viHY (q.v. for issue). ~,1r. and Mrs. Evans were residents of Messick, Va. Be~ides the children listed below, two children died in infancy. Issue: x. (1) Sadie Evans n1. Elijah Firth. Res: I,iessick, Va. (2) Thomas Curtis Evans, Jr., d. unm. (3) Herman Evans (2) Tho1nas Elias \Va.tkins m. Iviartha Anne Cox. Issue~ X. ( 1) Diana Watkins, dcd., m. ____ :.l'{ood ( 2) Malvina ~/atlcins m. ~~John.Moore (3) Thomas Elias Watkins, Jr. 64.

IX. (3) Dinorah. Vt/atkins n1. Henry Bunting. Among issue; X. (1) Elton Bunting m, 0 1mal Huggett. Res: Messick, Va. (2) Cladio Bunting (4) Euphemia. vVatl{ins m. 1,vesley Pa~e. Issue: X. (1) John Page m. Eva Evans (q,v.) ( 2) Ada Page m. :/11.i.lliam 1~uinn. Res: r~essiclc, Va. Issue~ XI. {1) ~ivilbur Quinn, unm. (3) Vll.i.lliam Page, unm, (4) Nina Pa~e m. . (5) Selina 1/Vatkins m. vV. T, Rollins. Res; :Messick, Va. Issue~ x. (1) ·raylor Rollins m. Mary Jane Huggett. Res; l\1essick, Virginia. Issue: XI. (1) Avis Rollins (2) Selina Rollins, unm. (6) Alice ';Vatltins, unm. (7) 1Iat·'.-:i0 1Vatkins m. Pearl '..Veston. Res~ Messick:., Va. Issue~ jC. (1) Iva ~:veston m. Garland. Evans (q,v,) (2) 1\1abel ~Veston m. Goodwin Insley. Res: Messicl{., Va, (3) Ella Weston, unm. (4) Jeanette i:Veston, unm.

VIII. (2) -- p. 63 Virginia Holloway, daughter of Diana Holloway and ~Vil ton Holloway, mar:eied Henry Forrest. Issue: IX. (1) Hnrriett Forrest m. Henry Pago. Res~ 1'Iessick., va. Issue~ X. (1) Victor Page m. Bessie Forrest. Res: 11essicl~, Va. Issue: XI. (1) John Fay Page, unm. {2) Godfrey Page, unm. (3) Doris Page m. Carroll Freeman. Res: Jeffs, Va. Though this spelling of ncarroll 0 is nearly always used now in the Freeman FamilYt it is not historically correct. The proper spelling is acallowhill ii (pro­ nounced "Carroll"), the name of an ancient English family from whom descended the Presson (properly pronounced "Pressey") and Freeman families in York County. John Freeman of "the Cedars" was a son of Elizabeth Presson, Y1hose brother Ca.llowhill Presson was a prominent figure in York County around the turn of the Eighteenth Century.

VIII. (5) --- P• 63 Sarah tT. Hollowa~r, daughter of Diana Holloway and ·,vilton Hollo­ way, married. -r,Villie.m ;vainvfright,~i_of Edu\uoso;n~-,_a:·.g;1an~-sRh:. : ... of T11omas Aduston and Polly ~.vatlcins. Issue~ IX. ( 1) Ed,iva.rd ~Va.inwright n1. 11aisie Hansford. '11he Hansfords of Yor1r County are descendants of t1ajor Thomas Hansford, second in command of Bacon's Rebellion. ~,1ajor IIansford is an over­ looked Virginia notable of Colonial times about whom someon'J should write. Res: Poquoson, Virginia. Issue: ( x· •. ( 1:) .· 1Nilliam··. ~/ainv,r.ight (2) Virginia Sue Wainwright m. Richard. Phillips. Res: Poquoson Virginia • .Among issue: ;(. (1) ____ Phillips m. John Conklin

(2) Virginia Phillips m. ___ Pl!"""'!!!!_ Christian (3) Amelia 1/ifainwright., d. s.p., m.· 'vdlliam Freeman 65. IX• ( 4) Gcrt:to 'NainwriGht m. Frank Insley, son of Sarah Insley ( q. v,) and George Insley. Res: Odd, Virginia, Among issue: x. (1) Lawrence Insley (2) Thomas Insley (3) Charlene Insley m. ___ Estepp (4) Reginald Insley (5) Tl1ornas ~Vainwright, d, unm, Ife was a member of the AEF and r.ras J:rillcd in action. His body was shipped homo and is

buried in York: County o (6) Bortl1a. ·wainwright n1, Howard llf.i.lson

(c) Descendants of Ann Hollowa Moore (data submitted by Mr. Isaac H. Moore

VII, ( 4) -- p. 47 Ann 1Iolloway, a_aughter of Robert and Diana Iiollo\vay, married Edward BarnuJr Moore, S:r., a farmer of Poquoson, Va. I-Iis family of ~,1oores is to have come from the Eastern Shore. It is probably the same farnily as the York County Moores, vthose line of descent seems to be through Augustine Moore. It ,vas formerly quite frequent·. for York and Accomack families to move back and forth, intermarrying with each other frequently. They we1..,e familiarly known as aNancy and Ned". Issue; VIII. (1) Edward Barney Moore, Jr. (2) Andrew Tyler Moore (3) Thomas BenjBmin Moore { 4) Jeremiah Trmnan ri~oore ( 5) 1Nilliam Henry Moore (6) Ul·?sees F'ranltlin r.·Ioore ( 7) Crunilla Ann l\loore (8) Sarah Elizabeth Moore (9) Elkanah James Moore, b. Jan. 20, 1844

VIII •. (1) -- above Ed\Yard Da.rney Moore, J1..,.; son of Nancy Holloway and E. B. Moore, 3r., was a farmer and boat-builder. He moved to the Eastern Shore in order that his work mieht be carried on with greater success. He 1narried r.Ia~J Elizabeth I11Ioore, dau. of 'Villi am :Moore and Ivie.rtha Amory. Issue: IX. (1) '.1illiam Barney ?Joore, a business man of Cn~ancoclt, va. (2) Jeter Ivioore, \vho m., secondly, Lucy Guy. Res: - ✓illis Vharf, Virf;inia •. (3) Judson :Moore, dcd. Arnong his issue~ X. (1) Geral,7.d Ivioore rr1. ____ r1Iapp. Res: E.xmore, Va.. (2) Susan Moore m. -~-- Taylor. Res: Atlantic, Va. ( 3) Olden r,1Ioore., t1run. Res= Nevvport Ne,vs, Virginia. (4) Clarissa. Moore m~ Henry Rigsins. Res: ··_.iillis ~,~arf, va. ~:Ir. Riggins is in the marine railway b1.1siness. IIis childrer.1, some of v1l1om are now married, but for v1hom no information · blanlcs were returned, are: E-mmett, Clarence, Etta, Ollie, l.iaud, Helen, Gladys, Eula and :Mary. ( 5) Sadie r~ioore m. Dennard. l1Iarsl1.a11. Res~ ·.dllis ·.:·mart', va. (6) Ids. 1''1oore m. ·'.;. F. r1ister. Res; Painter, Virginia. (7) OctRvie Moore, dcd., m., first, Elmer Hopkins. Issue: X. (1) Ruth Hopkins (2) Minnie Hopkins ( 3) Edv,ard Hoplrins 66. (8) l!attie Moore m., first, Lee Young, and,secondly, James 1.ioore. Res; Crisfield, Maryland.

VIII. (2) -- p. 65 Andrew Tyler Moore, son of Nancy Holloway and E. B. Mooro, Sr,, m. Sarah Elizabeth Riggins. Issue; IX. (1) l~iles l\1oor'o m. __ ___ • No issue~ (2) Cleveland Moore, d. Unm. -- ( 3) Rhoda. Lee Moore, dcd., m. Tiberius Moore, aon of John ~.fooreo Issue: X. (1) ~·annie Moore m. Deagle. Res: Hampton, va., RFD. (2) Collis P. Moore m:-- Res; Poquoson, Va. (4) Edna .2. rt1oore m. VVilliam Messick, dcd. Res: Iviorrison, Va. (5) Neva PRuline Moore m. Goodwin Moore. Issue: X. (1) Robert Moore m. Sarah Lee Williams, Res; Dandy, Va. {2) Helen Moore m. Theodore Harrison ( 3) Pearl Moore VIII. (3) -- P• 65 Thomas Benjamin Moore, son of Nancy Holloway and~. B. Moore, Sr., married Awilda Callis. Issue: IX. (1) Mil ton l1ooro 1n. Evelyn ___ • Res: Norfolk, Virginia. (2) Elsie :Moore m. ___ Dickerson. Res: Newport News, Virginia.

VIII. (5) -- p. 65 William Henry Moore, son of Nancy Holloway and E. B. Moore, Sr., married Henrietta Patrick. Patrick is one of the earliest family names found in York County and has had a distinguished history. Some member of the Patri clr: family should write a history of this "first f amilyii. Issue: . IX. (1) Anne Moore, dcd~, m. Joseph Moore. Res: Dare, Virginia.

VIII. (6) -- p. 65 Ulyaees Franklin Moore, son of Nancy Holloway and E. B. Moore, Sr., moved to Great Falls., South Ca1.,olina. where he married. Among his issue were: IX. (1) Corrie Moore m. ____ Stroud (2) Charles Herbert :Moore .

VIII. (7) -- p. 65 Caruilla Ann .Moore, daughter of Nancy Holloway and_ E. B. Ivioore, Sr., married Emmott Thomas. Issue: IX. (1) Emmett o. Thomas, d.s.p. VIII. (9) -- P• 65 Elkanah James Moore, son of Nancy Holloway and E. B. Moore, Sr., married I~Iary 'Virginia Riggins, b. 1850. lvir. 1:1oore 1:1as a substantial farmer of Poquoson, Virginia. Issue: IX. (1) Joseph i',ioore m. I~atl1orine Phillips. Res: Armistead Avenue, Hampton, Virginia. IGsue; x. (1) Polly Moore (2) Diana ~lizabcth Moore, b. Jan. 27, 1871; m. John Gibbs Wornom, b. Fob. 231 1865, son of Samuel Joseph V~rnom and Susanna Fuller Cook. Mr. VVornom is a farmer of Poquoson, Va.,and submitted tho followin0 information concerning his issue: 67. x. (1) Nannie Virginia Wornom, b. Nov. 9, 1891 (2) Samuel Joseph ~vornom, ~. Nov, 6, 1893 (3) \Villie Gibbs rNornom, b. Oct. 13, 1895 (4) Isaac Leake Wornom, b. Jan. 171 1898 (5) Alvin Hope Wornom, b. Doc. 31, 1899, d. July 3, 1927 (6) Mary Fuller Wornom, b. Sept. 28, 1902 (7) Ruth Elizabeth·Vrornom, b. Dec. 10, 1905 (8) Diana Moore 1 Womom, b. Dec, 10, 1906 IX. (3) Robe:i.~t J. 1,Ioore m. 11aggie Hunt. Res: Pocuoson, Virginia. (4) Isaac Hutson ,.ioore, b, June 5, 1875; m. Eve. Bailey Carmines, b. Apr. 6, 1876, dau. of Frank w. Carmines and Sarah Camilla M:oore. Mr. r,1oore is a prosperous f arme:r of Poquoson., Va. He and Mrs. J\'ioore are prominent members of Emmaus Baptist Church and Democrats. Issue: X. ( 1) Preston Guy Moore, b. June 6, 1899; m. Vj.rgie ~,i!arie Brinkley, b. Oct. 15, 1898, dau. of Mills Brinkley a.t N.N.S.D.D. Bapt. Res:· Hampton, Va. Issue: XI. (1) Doris Marie Moore (2) LeRoy Moore, b. Nov. 2?, 1900; m. Clarice Parrish, b. May 3, 1898, dau. of Walter Parrish and Georgie . Siddons of Trevillian, Louisa Co.,. Va. Mr. :Moore is a farmer. Mrs. Moore was educated at Mary Washington College and taught school for a number of years. She is President of her Church Missionary Society. Both are Bapt. and political Independents. Res: Moseley, Virginia. Issue: XI. (1) Joseph ~emple Moore, b. Nov, 131 1927 (2) Cowles Rucker Moore, b. Mar. 5, 1929 (3) LeRoy McDonald Moore, b. June 17, 1930 (4) Calista Anne Moore; b. June 3, 1932 (5) Evelyn Mae Moore, b. Jan. 30, 1934 (6) ~~ary Elizabeth M:oore, b. Apr. 9, 1936 (7) Carroll Jamerson Moore, b. Sept. 5, 1937 (Z>) Estelle Virginia i~oore, b. N.ov~ 21, 1902; m. Stanley Alexander Malcolm, b. July 15, 1903, son of 1/Vllliam Henry 1:!alcolm and Nannie Johnson of Tennessee. Mr. Ivioore v1as educated at Virginia !i:fechanics Institute, Richmond, Virginia. He is a Credit Manager. He is a Lion, Mason, A.Ji.A. s. and Semper Idem. Ilrs. I4alcolm is a graduate of Business College. She is a member' of the Junior Woman's Club of Roanolca and of Semper Idem. Both are Bapt.~a.nd Dem. Res~ Roanoke, Virginia. (4) Lloyd Carmines Moore, b. Nov. 11, 1904J m. Ruth Virginia Green. }.,fr. ?.ioore is a draftsman. Bapt. and Dem. Res: Hilton Village, Virginia. (5) Frank Moore, b. Sept. 21, 1906; m. Ann Elizabeth ibitehurst, b. 1913, dau. of Vdlliam Miles v\hitehurst and Anno Burruss Crane. Mr. Moore is an electricj_an. He is a member ·or I.o.o.F. Mrs. Moore is a medical technologist. Bapt. Res: Hampton, Va, (6) Hutson Isaac Moore, .b. Sept. 8 1 1908, unm. (7) Carrie Allene Moore, b. Feb. ~2, 1911, unm. Educated at Averett College. Res: Poquoson, Virginia. (8) Eva Camilla Moore, b. July 1, 1912; m. Thomas Jefferson Hogge, b, Jan. 31, 1912, dau. of Americaus Franklin Hogg and Eleanor Mae Harris. Bapt. Res: Poquoson, Virginia. Issue: XI. (1) Camilla Estelle Hogge 68. (9) Elkanah James Moore, b, June 25, 1914, unm. (10) Herman Hobb Moore, b. Sept. 3, 1916, unm. (11) Shirley Wilson Moore, b. Mar, 131 1922, d. Oct, 13, 192? IX. ( 5) Buelah Moore, dcd., m. James H. Moore, dcd. Issue: X~., (1) · Kate Moo11 e m. 'Nil ton Insley. Res: Poquoson, Va. (6) Grace Moore, dcd,, m. John Hudgins (7) Grady Moore m. Mary Catherine Cummingo Res: Poquoson, Va.

(d) De~cendapt_s of Eli.iah Jame.s Hollowa;v: VII. (5) -- p, 47 Elijah James Holloway, son of Robert Holloway, Sr., and Diana; married Frances Dixon, July 26, 183?. He is often referred to as Junior, but the custom in that day was to call the youngest of two men in a neighborhood ·with the same nrune, "Junior" and the· older man, "Senior". Issue: VIII. (1) 'A'i2,t I-Iollov1ay, b. Apr. 5, 1840, d. i;fa.r. 17, 1894.; m. Arinthia Susan Watkins, b. July 191 1842; daughter of Sarah .Anne Linton and Henry 1Natk1ns, He was a merchant of Jeffs., Virginia. Dem., M:eth. Issue: IX. ( 1) Alvina Frances IIollovvay m. Thomas T1I. vVood, dcd. He was a successful merchant of Hampton, Virginia. Issue: X. (1) Hazel Wood (2) Nellie Wood, unm. (3) Dr. Thomas VVood m. Dr. Wood was educated at 1¥.illiam. and Mary College and the ].~edical College of Virginia. He practiced for a number of years in Newport News. He is at present convalescing from a nervous break­ down. Res: Hampton, Virginia. Issue: XI. (1) Thomas Wood, Jr. (2) Sarah Elizabeth Holloway, b. Feb. 10, 1868; m. Rev. John D, Hosier, b. June 24, 1863., son of Joshua R. and Mary Ann Hosier of Hampton, Virginia. I~Ir. Hosier was educated tor the ministry at Hampton Academy, Randolph-~'1acon Academy, Bedford, Va., a~d. Randolph-r:iacon College, Ho sorved very offectiv, as a l~ethodist pastor throughout Virginia. He is now retired and is living in the old Hosier home­ stead in Hampton, Va. He is a Mason, Red Man, Odd Fellow, l,iiooso., Democrat, Issue: X. (1) J. Russell Hosier, b. Sept. 26, l.900. He was educated at Randolph-Macon Academy and at Randolph-l'•1acon College. Ile is an Atto~eJ.:~· and Counscllor-a.t•la\v in Hampton, Va, Mr., Iiosicr is a f1iason ana~ an Eagle i Tuleth. and Dem. (3) Elijah Holloway, b. Apr. 30, 1881, d. Oct. 2, 1891 (4) Henry Wirt Holloway, b. Nov. 9 1 1873; m. Margaret . Sedgwick of Richmond, Va •.• d. s.p. Educated at Randolph-Macon Academy, Bodford, and Randolph- r~~acon College, he.- became a nov,spaperman of Richmond, Virginia. (5) Willard Holloway, b. July 18, 1877, d. July 31, 18'79 69. IX, ( 6) Florence Holloway, b, 1880; m. Albert Sydney Vhite, son of ~,Vise and Elizabeth Vllite. Mr. ~,\hite is in his second term as Sheriff of York County. He is prominent in the.... civic and religious life of the community. Res: Odd, -Vi-:rginia. Issue; X. ( 1) Jae le . ~\l\it&··,;.:·.-, b. 1910, d. 1925 ( 2) Albert Sydney Fl'rhite"<<:·, Jr., b. 1922 (7) Grace Holloway, b. Apr. 7, 1885; m. Bernard Phillips b. Oct. 25, 1884, son of John V~sley and Evelyn Bailey Phillips. Mrs. Phillips was educated at Blackstone College., is a Pocahontas, t1eth. Dem. r,1r. Phillips is e. member of Red 1Aen, Jr. OUAM, ~.feth., Dem.

(e) The Descendants of J~hn Hollo~aY VII. (6) -- P• 47 John Holloway, son of Robert and Diana Holloway, married, first, Sa.rah EvPns., daughter of Josiah Evans "of Lucy Banks", liay 25, 183'7; and, secondly, Frances Dixon Holloway, widow of his brother, Elijah James IIollov,a.y. The first i\frs. Holloway was 1rilled in a tornado. To marry the second 11irs. Holloway, it vvas necessary for the couple to go to North ·carolina as it was against Virginia La,v to marry a brother's v1Tidow. Issue by first marriage: VIII. {l) James Holloway, b. Feb. 29, 1845, d. June 1, 1908. (q.v.) (2) Diana Frances Holloway (q.v.) (3) Elizabeth Holloway (q.v.) Issue by second marriage: (4) John Franklin Holloway, b. July 21, 1852, d. Dec. 21, 1908 (q.v.) (5) Mary Anne Holloway (q.v.)

VIII. (1) -- above James IIolloway, b. Feb. 29, 1845, d. June 1, 1908, son of John Holloway and Sarah Evans,; married, July 11, 1875, J:1arth.a Louise l•'orrest, b. Jan. 5, 1857, d. Jan. 15, 1939, daughter of t.Tohn Forrest and Louisa Weston. Issue: IX. {1) }iiary Lizzie Hollov:ay, b. Aug. 22., 1879; m. Henry Jefferson Phillips, b. Sept. 18, 18751 son of John tVesley Phillips and Evelyn Bailey Carmines. He is a farmer of Odc1, VP .• , a lietl-1. and Prohibitionj_st. lVIrs. Phillips is active in church vvor~:~, a member of the VI.C.T.U., Jleth. and Prohibitionist. Issue: x. (1) Evelyn Louise Phillips, b. Apr. 9, 1907; m. Henry Vernon Forrest, b. Aug. 6, 190?, son of Annie Virginia Saunders and John Tl1omas Forrest. ?:Irs. Forrest was educated at •Farinvi l. ·•.e S. T, C. and taught school before her marriage. She -~s a 1ne1nber of the Poquoson ~Voman I s Club (treasu1~er). .. Forrest; is employed b·J the C. & o. Ry. :Meth. Res~ Odd . ., Virginia. Issue~ XI. (1) Marilyn Louise Forrest, b. Sept. 2, 1935 X. (2) Mary Holloway Phillips, b. Feb. 4, 1909; m. Linwood Irving Burcher, b. Sept. 22, 1900, son of Sallie Wray and Charles Burcher. Mrs. Burcher is a member of Poquoson Woman's Club. Mr. Burcl1e1... is the cashier of the National Bank of Poquoson. Membe~ of ~.1anons, Odcl Fellows, Red Men, Jr. OUAM, and Ruritan. Meth. Res: Odd, Virginia. Issue: XI. ( 1) Linl"IOOd Cornell Burcher, b. ~Iay 10, 1929 (2) Jean Wray Burcher, b. Apr. 6, 1930 (3) Henry Jefferson Phillips, Jr., b. Sept. 29, 1910; .m. Pa11line Presson, b, 1918, da11. of I-Ierbert Presson and Lessie Foxwell of Seaford, Virginia. Res: Morrison, Virginia. Issue: XI. (1) Donajd Phillips (4) James Wesley Phillips, b. Sept. 15~ 1914; m. Katherine Green, 1:}. ~oct. 20, 1914, dau. of Thomas Groen and Lucy Elizabeth Wroten. Res: Seaford, Virginia. Issue: XI. (1) Nancy ~cid Phillips, b. Apr. 29, 1938 (5) ~lwood Glenn Phillips, b. May 1, 1916, unm. (2) Lucy Holloway, b. Nov. 20 1 1881; married Wade Hampton v\hitson, son of Elizabeth Parker and 1N:i.lliam V~hitson. Res: 300 6th Avenue, Portsmouth, Virginia. Issue: X. (1) Virginia Vvhitson, R.N., educated at .Emory and Henry C-0llege (A.B.) and Scarritt College. Active in Methodist Young People's Work. { 2) :Marvin VIJhi t son {3) Louise \~itson (3) Joseph Hollo,vay, b. Sept. 2, 1889; m. r,!.amie Edwards, dau. of Sallie Moore and Frank Edwards. Res: Poquoson, Virginia. Issue: X. (1) Joseph Holloway, Jr •. m. (2) Benjamin Hollo1t1Tay VIII. (2) -• P• 69 Diana Frances Holloway, daughter of John Holloway and Sarah Evans; mar:;.,,j_ed Silas Ferguson. Their home was at Jeffs, Va. Issue: IX. (1) Ida Ferguson m. ~--- Clarke. Among issue: X. (1) l1Iargaret Clarke m. Alvah Riggins~ ?:1r. Riggins is active in the business and civic life of the community, He is cashier of the. Citizens Bank: of Odd. Res: Odd., Virginia. Issue: XI. (1) Lena Lee Riggins (2) Louise Clarke m. ____ Test (2) Silas Franklin Ferguson, dcd., m. Lessie Insley {r:_.v.) Issue~ x. {l) James Ferguson m. -----""'l~ r;'lartin. Res: Jeffs, Va. (2)· Frances Ferguson m. Alvah :Moore. Res: Jeffs, Va. (3) Anne Ferguson m. ___Keitly •. Res! LaSalle Avenue, Hampton, Va. (4) ~Jilliam Ferguson m. Sally Nevrton. Res: Jo.ffs, Va. issue: x. (1) Joseph F1erguson (2) Edward Ferguson (3) Mary Pearl Ferguson (4) Elizabeth Fe~~uson 71.

IX. (5) Mary Ferguson, b. July 281 1882; m. John Hoffler, b, _June 9, 1875, son of Thomas H. Hoffler and Sarah Powell. Res: 2022 High Street, Portsmouth, Virginia. Issue: X. (1) Rachel Hoffler, b, Mar. 10, 1907, unm. (2) John Powell Hoffler m. Evelyn L, I 1anson, b. Mar. 26, 1914, de.u. of James T. I •anson and Emma vVarron, Res: 414 i1t. Vernon Avenue, Portsmouth, Virginia. ( 3) Warren Iioffler., b. Dec. 5 1 1912, unm. (4) Ida F, Hoffler,-b. May 9 1 1914; m. Owen D. Green, b. Jan. 25, 1907, son of Luther c. Green and Alma Dawson. Res: 218 Sixth Avenue, Portsmouth, Va. Issue: XI. (1) Beverly Joyce Green (5) M. Pauline Hoffler, b. Feb. 25, 1919, unm. (6) Helene M. Hoffler, b. Feb. 25; 1919, unm. (6) Edward Ferguson m. Sadie Insley. Res: Jeffs, Va. Among issue: X. (1) Frances Ferguson VIII, (3) -- P• 69 Elizabeth Holloway, daughter of John Holloway and Sarah Evans, -married William Topping, son of John and Sally Topping. Their home was a.t Jeffs, Virglnia. Issue: IX. (l) Sarah Topping m. William Hunt, dcd. Mr. Hunt was for a number of years the representative of Poquoson District on the York County Board of Supervisors.· He was a successful farmer and business man of Jeffs, Va,, tak:ing an active interest in all civic enterprises. Issue: X. (1) '!ft/illiam Hunt, ~rr. m, Amelie. Forrest, dau. of Frank Lee Forrest and l.Thmna Hopkins. 1v1r, IIunt is a farmer of Jeffs, Virginia. Issue: XI, (1) Hilda Hunt ( 2) tiissouri Hui1t ( 3) Amelia Hunt· (4) Charles Hobday Hunt (5) John Hunt (2) Charles Hobd.ay Hunt m. t11arie Ellen Insley. Tl1eir only child died in infancy. Res: Jeffs, Vireinia. (3) Robert Hunt m. ___ ~iieredith of Petersburg, Va. Res: Jeffs, Virginia. -Issue: XI. (1) Ruth Hunt (2) Sally Hunt (4) Frederick Hunt m. Juanita Carmines. 1v1rs. Hunt was educated at Mary Washington College and before her marriage was a teacher. Res: Odd, Virginia. Issue: XI. (1} Frances Hunt (2) Frederick Hunt, Jr. (5) Louise Hunt m. Sigsby Moore. Res: Jeffs, Va. Issue: XI. (1) Louise Moore (2) Marguerite Moore (6) Elizabeth Hunt m. Wilton Wilson. Res: Poquoson, Virginia. Issue: XI. (1) Terry Wilson (7) Harry Hunt m. l,ielvin Hunt Res: Jeffs, Virginia. (8) Elwood Hunt, unm. 72. ' VIII. (4) -- P• 69 John Franklin Holloway, b. July 21, 1852, d. Dec. 21, 1908, son or John Holloway £Uld Frances Dixon, married Martha Susan Carmines, b. June 22, 1859 1 d. July 22, 1939, dau. of Smith and Margaret Carmines. He was a prosperous farmer of Jeffs, Va., an Odd Fellow, Meth. and Dem. Issue: IX. (1) John Hinde Holloway, b. Sept, 21, 1878; m. Nettie Wilson, dau. of vVilton 1iVilson and Octavia Cox. Res: · Jeffs, Va. Issue: X. (1) Maggie Holloway, d, unm.· (2) Pearl Holloway m. James Evans (3) Elam Holloway (2) \IV:i.lliam Smith Hollo,vay, b. Dec. 23, 1881;. ,m. Rosa ~Vilson. Res: Jeffs, Virginia. X. (l) Earl Holloway m. Virgie Forrest (2) Preston Holloway, d. unrn. (3) Lillian Holloway, d. unm. (3) Maggie Holloway, b. Sept. 1, 1882, d, unm., Apr. 10, 1900 (4) Edward F. Holloway, b. Mar. 10, 1885; m. l~ayme Howard of Hampton, Virginia. Res: Jeffs, Virginia. (5) Sarah Holloway, b.- :May 11, 1889, d. inf., June 10, 1889 (6) Elijah Holloway, b. Feb• 1, 1891, d. unm., Jan. 28 1 1908 (7) Floyd Holloway, b. May 18, 1894; married, June 1, 1921, Jennie Holloway, b. Mar. 9, 1896, dau. of Robert T. Holloway and Joyce Forrest (q.v.). For more than a snore of years, he has been County and Circuit Court Clerk for York County. r~tr. Holloway was educated at Smithdeal Business College, Richmond:;College, and at the T. c. vVilliarns School of Law., University of Richmond. He was first employed with the Virginia Electric and Power Co. and afterward by the Atlantic Coast Line Railway and the Chesapeake Telephone Co. His first venture into politics was in 1915, when he was defeated as a candidate for the office of Commissioner of Revenue. In 1919 he was a success.ful candidate for the office of Clerk, and has been re-elected at each successive election. He is also.Commissioner of Accounts for York County. He served as a delegate to State Conventions of the Democratic Party in 1928 and 1936. On December 20, 1932, he was admitted to the bar of Virginia, a.nd qualified to practice before the State Supre1ne Court on Jan. 4, 1933. He has extensive practice in counties, being prohibited by law from practicing in York, where he is Clerk. Among the most notable cases in which he has participated was that of Benjamin Taylor, indicted for threat to kidnap. This was one of the first cases of its kind in Virginia, and in it Mr. Holloway proved his ability as a lawyer by the able manner in which he directed the interests of his client. Mr. Holloway is a Steward in the Yorktovm Methodist Church. He is a lilason; Red f:lan, Jr. OU.AM. Ile was recen-~ 2:~· elected \Vorthy Patron of York Chapter 110, of the Eastern Star. He is a member of the Virginia Peninsula Association of Commerce and of the APVA. He has served as President of the Yorktown Chamber of Commerce and of the York County Red Cross.· He has rendered conspicious service to the Colonial National Park.and to the Yorktown Sesqui­ centennial. During the World War he was first to register with the Poquoson Magisterial District for service. '13. Biographical sketches of Mr, Holloway are to be found in History of Virginia Democracy by Robert c. Glass and Carter Glass, Jr., and in History of Virginia, Vol. IV, by Bruce. The Glasses say of him "In his present position as Clerk or the County he is malcing an excellent record and his interest in politics is that of a progressive and broad•minded citizen • ••• he has many social qualities which make for popularity among those with whom he is associated." Mrs. Holloway is veey active in church and social circles. She is also well known among sportstolk, especially for her interest in golf. She is a. frequent c-ompetitor in tourna­ ments throughout the state. Her hobby is York County antiques, of which she has an unusual and valuable collection. Issue: x. (1) Hilda Forrest Holloway, b, Dec. 12, 1922, a student at Mary Washington College (2) :Martha Evelyn Holloway, b. Aug. 16, 1924., a st1.1dent at Blackstone College (3) Floyd Holloway, Jr., b. Nov. 21, 1928 (8) Ernest Linwood Holloway, b. July 21, 1897; m. Margaret Hudgins. Mr. Holloway enlisted in the Navy for the World War on July 181 1918, at Norfolk; Va, He was honorably dis­ charged f~om the Navy, Sept. 30, 1921. He was awarded a Victory Medal, Button and Atlantic Fleet Clasp w.s.c. After his discharge he resumed his farming in Jeffs, Va., where he now lives. He is a Meth., Dem., Red Man and Jr. OUAM. Issue: X. (1) Katherine Holloway (9) Harry L. Holloway, b. Oct, 1, 1900; m. Beatrice Insley, dau, of v. Sidney Insley and Lucy Saunders. Issue: x. (1) Margaret Holloway (2) Harry T. Holloway, Jr. VIII. (5) •- P• 69 Mary Anne Holloway, daughter of.John Holloway and Frances Dixon Holloway; married John Henry Forrest. Their home was at Jeffs, Va. Issue: IX. (1) Stephen Forrest m. !tfartl1a Jane Evans. Res: Jeffs, Va. Issue: x. (1) Mamie•Forrest m. Milton Hoffman, dcd. 7bile at work in the River, Mr. Hoffman was killed in 1939 by a bomb dropped by an airplane. Res: Messick, Virginia. Issue: XI. (1) Mary 1'.~ilton Hoffman (2) Maywood Forrest m. Sarah Newton. Res: Jeffs, Va. {3) Leona Forrest, d. unm. (2) Tilton Forrest, unrn. (3) William Daniel Forrest m. Martha Firth, dau. of Charlotte Temple Insley and George Firth (q.v.). Mr. Forrest is a farmer of Jeffs, Virginia. Issue: X. (1) Mary Forrest m. - ...... ----~ Reevely. Mrs. Reavely was educated at Madison ~ollege; Mr. Reevely graduated from William and Ma.ry College. He has ~aught school for several years and is now principal at Toano, va~ Res: Toano, Virginia. (2) Felton Forrest, unm. (3) Helen Forrest m. John Benjamin Graham. Res: Messick, Virginia. Issue: XI. (1) Gloria Forrest Graham (2) John Benjamin Graham, Jr. X. (4) Nannie Forrest m, Elwood Forrest. Res: Jeffs, Va. Issue: XI, (1) Nancy Lee Forrest (5) Cecelia Forrest, unm. ' IX. ( 4} Mary Elizabeth m. Alonza Moore. Res: Jeffs., Va. Issue: x. (1) Arita Forrest Moore m. Calvin Hunt (q.v.). Res: Hampton, Va. (2) Edwin }Aoore m. Esther • Issue: XI, (1) Barbara June Moore---- .. (5) John Forrest m. Saunders, Res: Poquoson, Va. Among issue: X, (1) Vernon Forrest m. Evelyn Phillips. Res: Odd, Va. ... (2) fannie Forrest m. Randolph Rollins. Res: Jeffs, Va. ( u (3) Magruder Forrest (6) Rhoda Forrest m. George 1¥1oore. Res: Poquoson, Virginia (7) Lloyd Forrest m. Anne· vvatlcins, dau. of Meade vVatkins and Sylvester Forrest. Res: Messick, Virginia. Among issue~ X. (1) l.1elvin Forrest m.·Lavinia Joyner, Res: Messick, Va.

(f) De~cendants of Sarah Holloway Evan~ VII. (7) -- P• 47 Sarah Holloway, d. 1858, daughter of Robert and Diana Holloway; mar~ied, Feb. 24, 1845, John Evans. He was a son of Josiah Evans "of Lucy Banks" and inherited the "Lucy Banlcs·' plantation. 1!e ·was a farmer and waterman. Issue: VIII. (1) Eiary Eli·zabeth Evans (q.v.) {2) Frank Evans (q.v.) VIII. (1) -- above Mary Elizabeth Evans, daughter of Sarah Holloway and John Evans; married Robert Watkins, son of vailiam Watkins and Eliza Linton. He was .a farmer o~ .Jeffs, Virginia. Issue: IX. (1) Edward Hope Watkins, d. unm. (2) Maggie Lee Watkins m, Benjamin Phillips. Res~ Jeffs, Va. Among issue: X. (1) Robert Phillips (3) John 1Natkins, unm. ( 4) ~/.illiam Vla.tkins., unm. ,s) Henry Watkins m. Ida Cox. Res: Jeffs, Virginia. Issue: x. (1) Grace Watkins m. Calvin Topping. Res: Jeffs, Va. Issue: XI. (1) Gertrude Topping (2) Ida Rose Topping VIII. (2) •• above Frank Evans· son of Sarah Holloway and John Evans; married JAartha ("Patseyni !Jla.rtin. They lived in Messick, Va. Issue~ IX. (1) John E~ans Ress - Messick, Virginia (2) William Evans Res: Newport News, Virginia (3) Sidney Evans Res: l1IesS'iclt, Virginia. (4) Robert Evans Res: Messick, Virginia (5) Lemuel Evans Res: Messick, Virginia ( 6): Oas:te Evans m. ___ QUinn (g) Th,e. Eli,zabeth C,ity Count:y: Hol;L.9.~Bl~ VII. ( 2) -- p. 48 (James?) Holloway, son of James Russell Holloway and Elizabeth ~arsons, lived in Fox Hill, Va. He married Sarah, whose last name is not known. It is probable that his name was James, but this is not positively known. He was a fanner and waterman. His children frequently visited their relatives in York County. No descendants of this line have been contacted. Issue: VIII. (1) Jruues HollowaJr., d. unm. (2) Hinde Holloway, d. unm. (3) Sade Holloway ( 4) l'Iartha Holloway m. John Hansford. Issue: IX. ( 1) John IIansford., Jr., d, unm. (5) Deniza Ifolloway m. Joseph Jett

(h.) Descendants of 1/dlton Hollowa.x VII. (3) •- P• 48 Wilton Holloway, son of James Russell Holloway and Elizabeth Parsons; married, first, Diana Holloway, daughter of Robert and Diana Holloway, by whom he had issue (q.v.). He married, secondly, Virginia Bradshaw. Issue: VIII. (6) Charles Holloway Res: Phoebus, Virginia (7) Eliza IIolloway

Unsuccessful attempt has b0en made to contact these descendants.

(i) Descendants of Willis Holloway VI I • ( 4 ) - - p • 48 Willis Holloway, son of James Russell Holloway and Elizabeth Parsons; married Polly Forrest. He v\Tas a ,vaterman and lost his life by drowning. Their horne was in riiess:Lclt, V~~reinia. Issue: VIII. {l) John IIollo·way m. Ellen r::.a.rtin, daugl1ter of David Martin and Julaney Holloway (q1v~) (2) '·Villiain }Iollov1ay ( CieVe) (3) Robert noed Jiollci.1ay n1. Sarah Elizabeth. Cannines, da.u. of ~Iilliam Carmj_nes and Ann Holloway. Their descendants l1ave not been ascertained. VIII. (2) -- above 1N.illiam 1Iolloway, son of Willis Holloway and Polly Forrest, thrice married. IIe v1as a 1nen1ber of York Rangers, C. S. A. , having enlisted, Ja.n. 28, 1862. He lived at r-:Iessick, Virginia. By his first wife, Virginia Ta:ylor, he had i. ss1.1e: IX, {l) Robert :Holloway 1n. Sarah Ft1J··r11an. Issue: x. (1) :rdaggie Holloway m. Floyd Rollins. Res: Messick, Va Issue: XI. (1) Carroll Rollins m. ____ Evans (2) Margaret Rollins m. Costen Forrest (2) Naomi Holloway, dcd., m. Floyd Fo~rost. Res: Massie 1rirginia. Issue: XI. (1) Flossie Forrest, unm. 76. X. (3) Maynard Holloway m. ____ Insley. Res: Messick, Virginia. (4) Robert Holloway, Jr. m. Annie Martin. Res: Messick, Virginia. (5) Bertie Holloway m. John Forrest. Res: Messick, Va. Issue~ • XI. (1) Dale Forrest IX. (2) 1Nilliam Holloway, Jr., m. Van Ferguson. Issue: X, (1) Pearl Holloway m... ____ Insley. Res: 11essick, ,,a. (2) Norman Holloway m. ____Hopkins. Res: ~;lessick, Va. (3) Virginia Holloway m., 1st,--~- Forrest and, 2nd, _Shackleford. Issue by first marriage: ~X~I-.-i(~l..... ) David Forrest (4) Stanley Holloway m. ___ Martin (3) Holloway, d.s.p. m. James Thomas Furman William Holloway m., secondly, Sarah Page, dau. of Obadiah Page, Sr. (.?) • Is sue ~ (4) Julaney I!olloway m. Gilbert Firth, Res: Messick, Va. The Firth family is said to have come to York County from New Kent County, where they were established before the Revolution, Res: Messick, Virginia. Among issue: x. (1) Carletta Firth m. Lloyd Hogg (2) Meredith Firth, unm. (3} Mary Firth, unm. (4) Virginia Firth m. Robert Page (5) Elton Firth m. Elizabeth (6) John Firth m. Nora Firth (5) Albert Holloway m. Jane Insley, dcd. IIe was dro·11ned. Issue~ x. (1) Raymond Holloway m. Hurst Forrest. Res: Messick, Va. (2) ~~-- Ilolloway, unm., enlisted in u. s. Army ( 3} Sally ]tlargaret Holloway m. Hildrey Insley, Res; Messick, Virginia. Among issue: XI. {l) Albert Insley (2) John Insley (6) Thomas Curtis Hollo,vay m., first, 1Aattie Belle Vlatlcins; and, secondly, Mary Newton. Res: Messick, Virginia. William Holloway m., thirdly, Lucy Callis. Issue~ (7) Henry Holloway m. I~iartha Firth. Res: Messick, Virginia. Issue: X. (1) Ormond Holloway (2) James Holloway m. Jocelyn Evans. Res: Messick, ,Ja. (8) Grace Holloway m. Albert Martin. Res: Messick, Virginiao (9) Charles Holloway Res: I11ess1ck, Virginia

(j) Despendants of Harri!tt Holloway I4.slez VII. (5) -- P• 48 Harriett Holloway, daughter of James Russell Holloway and Elizabeth Parsons; m, Gilbert Insley. Their home was in Messick, Va. Issue: VIII. (1) Littleton Insley, Sr. (q.v.) (2) Sarah Insley (q.v.) (3) Ella Insley (g,v.) (4) Alice Insley (q.v.) (5) Charlotte Insley (q.v,) ('6) Virginia Insley (q.v.) {7) Hal.lie Insley, d. urun.

VIII• ( l) -- ·above Littleton Jehu Insley, Sr., son of Harriett Holloway and Gilbert Inslay; m. Alice Virginia Shinault of Gloucester, Co,, Va, Issue: IX. (1) Littleton Insley, Jr., unm. Mr, Insley has been very active in the worlc of Trinity Methodist Church. (2) Willis Insley m. Mary Jane Huggett. Res: Massie~, Va. (3) Harriett Insley .m. Peter Wainwright. Res: Poquoson, va. (4) Leslie Insley m., 1st., Silas F. Ferguson (q.v,); m., 2ndly, John Burnett. No issue. Res: Jeffs, Virginia. (5) Geneva Crooks Insley, b. Mar. 13, 1889; m. Robert B. Quinn, b. May 11, 1890, son of ~Villi~ Thomas ·~·~uinn and :Mary Adelina Forrest. Mr. Quinn is a merchant of Mes·sick., Va. He is a Jr. OUAM, Rod Man, and Odd Fellow; Meth. and Rep. Issue: x. (1) Robert Vance Quinn, b. Mar. 22 1 1914; m. Effie Linell Carmines, b. Sept, 2., 1915, dau, of J, Clifton Carminet and Effie Clyde Hopkins. Mr, QU.inn is a mechanic at the N.N.s.n.n. Co. He belongs to the Jr. OUAM and is a Ruritan; Meth. and Rep, Issue: XI. (1) Betty QU.inn, be 1956 ( 2) Ballard Shina.ult Quinn, b. Aug. 16, 1915; m. J.{a.l''Y Louise Topping, dau. of Rosser James Topping and Carrie Virginia Topping. (3) Littleton Harold Quinn, b. Apr. 18, 1920. unm. (6) 1~/ilton Insley m. T~ate 14oore. Res: Tabbs, Virginia. (7) James Insley m. Elizabeth Forrest (q.v,) (8) Virginia Belle Insley m. Clayton Forrest, son of William I, Forrest and Sarah Frances Watkins. They moved from York Co. to Hampton, Va., and live there at present. Issue: x. {l) John Forrest, unm. (2) Doris Forrest m. Judson Black. Res: Hampton, Va. Issue: XI. (1) Judson Black, Jr. (3) Sa.rah Forrest, .unm. (4) l\1ildred Forrest, unm. VIII. (2) -- above Sarah Insley, dau. of Harriett Holloway and Gilbert Insley; married, George Insley, son of John Insley. They lived at l\iessick, Virginia. Issue: IX. (1) Frank Insley m. Bertha Wainwright. Res: Odd, Va. (2} Mary Ella Insley, unm. (3) Raleigh Insley, unm., (4) Ray Insley m. Nancy Wainwright. Res: Poquoson, Va, (5) Josiah Insley, unm. (6) Virginia Insley m. Callie Hunt. Res: Poquoson, Va. ' VIII. (3) -- P• 77 Ella Insley, dau. of Harriett Holloway and Gilbert Insley; married, Skidmore Page. They lived at Messick, Va. Issue! IX. (1) Josephine Page m. 11orris Viatkins. Res: Messick, Va. (2) Emma-Page m. Roy Forrest. Res: Jeffs, Va. (3) Mary Page m. William Joyner·. Res~ Messick, Va •. (4) Toss Page m. William Evans, son of Clarence Evans. Re·s: Messick, Virginia (5) Corrie Page m. Arthur Graham. Res: rJiessick, Virginia .(6) Cora Eage, d. unm. (7) Ursele Page m. John Furman. Res: Messick, Virginia (8) Annie Page m. ~ivilliam Firth. Res: ~Aessick, Virginia VIII. (4) -- P• 77 Alice-Insley, dau. of Harriett Holloway and Gilbert Insley; married, Maxwell Insley, son of William Insley. They lived at Messick, Virginia. Issue: IX. ( l} Joseph Insley, d. unm,. (2) I-rving Insley m., 1st., Jane Holloway, dau. of Robert Reed Holloway; m., 2ndly, Mamie Insley, dau. of James Insley. Res: Messick, Virginia. (3) Maggie Insley m. Willia Holloway, son of John and Ellen Holloway. Res: Messick, Virginia. (4) Deanie Insley m. Ropey Jordan. Res: Messick, Va.

VIII. (5) -- p. ?7 Charlotte Temple Insley, dau. of !Iarriett Holloway and Gilbert Insley; married, George Firth. They lived in Messick, Virginia. IX. (1) George Washington Firth m., 1st., Mary Graham; 2ndly, Carrie Insley Holloway,. widow or Ed. Lee Holloway and dau. of Josias Insley. Res: Messick, Virginia. Issue: x. (1) George Washington Firth, Jr.; m. Martha Powell. Res: Messick, Virginia. (2) John Firth m. Hattie Powell. Res: lilessiclr, Virginia.. Formerly a baseball player for Virginia League and other professional baseball teams. One of the great thrills of the compiler's boyhood was to ,vatch "Johnny" Firth's drop win baseball games for Parksley of the old Eastern Shore League. (3) Margaret Firth m. V'dlliam Rowe. Res: Messick:, Va.

( 4) .,,,,,,.,,.._~- Firth tn. ..-ii-,._,,....__ Holloway (2) Elijah Frank Firth m. Lavinfa Forrest, b. Feb. 14, 1880. Res: Jeffs, Virginia. Issue: X. (1) Beulah Firth, b. 1900; m. John Bunyan Forrest. Res: Jeffs,,, Virginia. Issue: • · XI. (1) Talmage Bovmtan Forrest, b. July 11, 1921 (2) John Bunyan :Porrest, b. 1924 · (3) Jack Nathan Forrest, b. Jan. 10, 1927 (4) Anne Temple Forrest (2) Cora Lee Firth, b. Jan.• 1, 1903; m. Ira Smith. Mrs. Smith was educated at Mary Was11ington College and William and Mary College. She is Director of Public Welfare for York County. Res: Poquoson, Virginia.. Issue: XI. (1) Zella Anne Smith 79. X. (3) Charlotte Temple Firth, b. Dec. 21, 1908; m. Rev. Clinton Traynham Topping, b. Sept. 30 1 1902. :r~•:· r:✓ .-~ J.1r. Topping was educated at Randolph-Macon College (A.B.). He is a member of the Virginia Annual:1. Conference of the Methodist Church and has served as pastor at st. Martin's, Md., Sandston, Va., Dinwiddie Courthouse, Va., Cambridge, Md., Wachapreague, Va., Norfolk, Va. Issue: XI. (1) Larry McNeil Topping, b. Apr. 111 1932 (4) Carolyn Forrest Firth, b. Aug. 6, 1918, unm, IX. (3) Belle Firth m. Joseph Evans. Res: Messick, Virginia. (q.v.) (4) 1\Iartha Firth m. William Daniel Forrest. (q.v.). Res: Jeffs, Virginia. (5) Josephine Firth m. William Pauls. Res: Messick, Virginia Issue: X. (1.) Ida Pauls m. I\'.night Ward. Res: Massie~.~• Among issue: XI. (1) Anita Ward m. Res: Newport News, Va. (2) Agatha Ward m. ___ Rollins. Res: Messick, Virginia. (2) Ernest Pauls m. _.,_,.__ Insley. Res: Messick, Va, (3) ~--- Pauls m. Florence Insley. Res: Messi~k, Va. (4) Nicey Mae Pauls m. Reginald Holloway. Res: Messick, Virginia. ( q.v.) (5) Violet Pauls (6) Belle Pauls m. ___ Lowenstein. Res: Baltimore, 1/faryland. (7) Marie Pauls (8) John Pauls, d. unm. (9) Maggie Pauls, dcd., m. ___ QUinn (6) James Firth m. Izora Forrest, Res: Messick, Va. Issue: x. (1) Emily Firth n1, Wallace Smith. Res: Jeffs, Va. Mrs. Smith was educated at Blackstone College; Mr. Smith attended Vvilliam and Mary College. He is a farmer of Odd, Virginia. Issue: XI. (1) Audrey Smith m. Dowell Topping, son of Rev. L. P. Topping and Rosanna Hopkins. Mrs. Smith was educated at Farmville 8.T.C. Res: Jeffs, Virginia. (2) June Smith, unm. (7) John Firth, d. unm. ~ VIII. (6) •- p. 77 Virginia Insley, daughter of Harriett Holloway and Gilbert Insley; m. Jacob Booker Insley. They lived in Messick;~• Issue: IX. (1) John Booker Insley m. Mary Newton. Res: Messick, Va. (2) Herbert Insley, dcd. m. Maggie ____ • Res: Messick, Virginia. Issue: X. (1) Herbert Insley, Jr. (k) ~ascendants of Thomas J 1 Davis VII. (l) -- P• 49· . Thomas J, Davis, son of Anne Holloway and Thomas Davis; married, in 1873, Gilberta Lucas. He was a farmer of Poquoson, Va. Issue: VIII. (1) Elnora Davis, d. 1918; m., first, L. o. Frank, m., secondly, E. B. Moseley. No issue by first marriage. Issue by second marriage: IX. (1) Elizabeth Moseley m~ Ralph I~emp. Res~ Newport News, Virginia. (2) Cora Davis m., first, Tilford Crandall; m,, secondly, Smith Drummond. Mrs. Drummond was for a number of years a teacher in the York County schools. No issue. Res~ Denbigh, Virginia. (3) Anne Lavinia Davis m. William Llewellyn. Issue: IX. (1) Ruth Llewellyn m. Frank Hopkins. Res: Newport News, Virginia. (2) Mabel Llewellyn m. Claude Hotaling. Res~ Vooraville, N. Y. (4) Alexina Davis m. John Topping, No issue: Res: Poquoson, Virginia. (5) Charles Thomas Davis m. Lillie Martin, dau. of Thomas Martin. Mr, Davia is a merchant at Halfway House and operates a farm in Poquoson, Va., where he resides. Issue: IX. (1) Thomas Vdlbur Davis m. Cora Elliott (2} Myrtle Davis m. ____ Covington

(l) Descendants of Charles Davis VII. (2) -- P• 48 Charles Davis, son of Anne Holloway and Thomas Davis; married, rirst, --~---; m., secondly, Mary Anne Cussie Greenwood. He was a farmer of Poquoson, Virginia. Issue by first marriage: VIII. (1) Harr~ett Davis

(m) ~escendants of ~an Eliza Ho~lowai Qo~

VII. (4) -- P• 48 Mary Eliza Holloway, daughter of Rev. John Hinde Holloway and Mary Anne Maney; married Enoch Cox, son of George Cox and Martha Freeman. · He was a farmer of Jeff a, Virginia. Issue: VIII. (1) r,[artha Eliza Cox, d.s.p., m. \ Topping (2) Sarah Cox, unm. (3) Enoch Cox, Jr. m. Amelia Ellen Hopkins, b¥ June 23, 1870, d. Apr. 5, 1903, dau. of Rev. Edward Hopkin3 and Amelia Ellen Freeman. Issue: IX. (1) Ruth Cox, unm. Miss Cox was educated at Farmville s.T.C. and Madison. Now a teacher in Poquoson High School. Res: Jeffs, Virginia. (2) Edward Cox, unm. Mr. Cox was educated at Randolph­ Macon College (A.B.·) and University of Virginia ..(:M.A.) and is a teacher in Poquoson.High School. Res~ Jeffs, Virginia. 81. VIII. (4) India Cox m. Decatur Carmines, a farmer of Jeffs, va. Issue: IX. (1). Mamie Carmines m. Pelham Phillipa. Res: Jeffs, Virginia. (2) O'Dell Carmines (3) Decatur Carmines, Jr. (5) !fester Cox m. 111A:)sley Freeman. Res: Jeffs, Va. Issue: IX. (1) William Freeman m. Octavia Wilson, dau. of Wlllirun Wilson and Elizabeth Evans. Issue: x. (1) Calvin Freeman m. _____ Res: Jeffs, Virginia. Issue: XI. (l) Delmar Freeman (2) Joseph Freeman, dcd., m. Lula ~orrest (3) John Freeman, dcd., m. Sarah Carmines (4) Martha Eliza Freeman m. Henry ·/vainwright, son ot John Thomas Wainwright and Elizabeth Bradshaw. Issue: X. (l} Lloyd Freeman m. Caroline Bradshaw. Res: Jeffs, Virginia. (5) Anne Freeman m. Sidney Carmines. Res: Poquoson, Virginia. (6) Emma Freeman m. Jesse Dry.den. Res: Jeffs• Va. (7) Thomas Freeman; d. unm. (·8) Benjamin Ii1t-eeman m. ____ Insley. Res: Poquoson, Virginia. (9) Edward Freeman m• Bertha Forrest. Res: Jeffs, Virginia. Issue: x. (1) F1 orrest Freeman m. Frances Sparrow. Res: "Teff s, Virginia.

(n) Descend.ants of Sa~ap. Hg,lloway Saun9-_e~s VII. (5) -- P• 48 Sarah Holloway, daughter of Rev. John Hinde Holloway and Mary Anne Maney; married, William Saunders of Elizabeth City County. Issue: . VIII. (1) '.idlliam Saunders, Jr. m. Susan 11aney. Issue: IJC. (1) Sarah Saunders (2) Etta Saunders (3) Nathaniel Saunders m. -~-- Hogg, dau. of William Hogg. Res: Hampton, Virginia. (2) Sarah Saunders, d. unm. (3) Jackson Saunders, d. unm. (4) Thomas Hinde Saunders m. Henriotta Cunningham. Issue: IX. (1) Anna Saunders m. George Saunders. No issue. (2) Etta Saunders m. Milburn Saunders (3) Lottie Saunders m. Robert Judkins Messick, son of William Messick and Sarah Carmines. Res: 229 44th st., Newport News, Virginia. Issue: x. (1) Florence Messick m. ____Clay. Res: 301 Fergusson Ave., Hilton Village. Va. (2) Anna Messick m. Dr. Charles Copenhaver. Res: Littleton, N. H. x. (3) Jane Messick m. ~--~ Stultz. Res: 229 44th Street, Newport News# Virginia (4) Virginia Messick, unm. (5) Yl.l.lliam Curtis Messick (4) Thomas Saunders, dcd., m. ____ Hogg, dau. of William Hogg (5) George Saunders m. Grace Nuckols, They live in South Carolina. (6) William Saunders (7) Sophia Saunders m. ____ Parker. They live in North Carolina. ( 8) ~Kary Saunders (9) Frank Saunders, d. unm. VIII• ( 5) Mary Elizabeth Saunders m. Zach Todd of Elizabeth City County, Issue: IX. (1) Lee Jackson Todd m. Kate Carmines. Res: Hampton, Virginia. RFD (2) Sarah Todd, d. unm. (3) Dora Todd, d. unm.

(o) Descendan~s of Hester Holloway Lapjirum

VII, (7) -- P• 48 Hester Hollov1ay, daughter of Rev •.John Hindo Holloway and Mary Anne Maney; married Robert Landrum. Issue~ VIII. (1) Robert Landrum, Jr. m. Res: Hampton, Va. RFD. Issue~ IX. (1) Walter Landrum (2) Kenneth Landrum, dcd. m, ____ Nettles {3) William Landrum {4) Missouri Landrum m. William Hunt. Issue: IX. (1) Thomas Hunt m. ____ Watkins. Res: Fox Hill, Virginia. Among issue: x. l l) Herman Hunt (2) Grayson Hunt m. ____ Saunders, Res: East Hampton, Virginia (2) Robert Hunt m. Ellen Dixon. Res: Odd, Va. (3) Ella Hunt m. William Lawson. She was his second wife, his f.lrst·wifc having been Berta Carmines, dau. of Ann Hollov,~y and William Carmines, Mr. Lawson was Sheriff of York County for many years. He is now retired and lives at Je!fs, Va. Issue: x. (2) Louise Lawson m. Clarence ~~oore. Res: Jeffs, Virginia. ( 3) vVilliam Lawson m, Mr, Lawson was educated at William and Mary and R{llldolph• Macon Colleges. He teaches school at East­ ville, va. Res: Eastville, Va. (4) Linwood Lawson, unm. He was educated at William and Mary College. (5) Irella Lawson, She was educated at William and Mary College. ( 6) Irene Lawson m. Perry Williams. She was· educated at FarmYille S.T.C. Res: Jeffs, Virginia. IX. ( 4) Mary Hunt m. Thomas Amory, son of Capt. Frank Amory and Elizabeth Messick. Mr •. Amory 1s 111erch.ant and postmaster at Jeffs, Va. He is prominent in the civic and religious life of the community. Issue: X. (1) Thomas /mlory, Jr., unm. He was educated at William and 1.tary College and is now Assistant Cashier of the Poquoson National ·Bank. {2) Marshall Amory, unm. He is in the merchantile business with his father. (5) Anne Hunt m. Arthur Watkins. Mr. Watkins operates a stone-masonry at Jeffs, Virginia. Issue: X. (1) Robert Watkins, unm. Mr. watkins was educated at William and Mary College and SChool of Jurisprudence. He is an Attorney­ at-law. Res: Jeffs, Virginia. (6) Lee Hunt m. Oscar Dryden. Res: Odd, va. Issue: X. (1) Dr. Spencer Dryden. He was educated at Vl/illiam and Mary College and at the Medical College of Virginia. He is a practicing . physician. · (2) · Dryden m. Alden Page (7) William Hunt, dcd·., m, Sarah Topping {q,v,) (8) Benjam'in Hunt, d. unm. ~ (9) John Franklin Hunt, b.- .Aug. 6 1 1873; m. Missouri Frances Forrest, b. Sept. 11, 1880. Mr. Hunt is a builder and contractor. Issue: x. (l) Dr. Benjamin-E. Hunt, .a Specialist in Gynecology and obstetrics of Hampton, Va. Dr. Hunt graduated in medicine at Medical College of va. (M.D.) in 1924, where he was a member of Phi Beta Phi. He graduated at the University of Pennsylvania (M.Sc.) in 1932. · (2) Dr. John Franklin Hunt, Jr., b. Aug. 7, 1902. He is a dental surgeon practicing at Jeffs, va. He was educated at the Medical College of Virginia (D.D.S.).· (3) Alva Francis Hunt, b. Aug. 17, 1907, is a Civil Engineer. He graduated at the Georgia School of Technology in- 19~~- (4) Sarah r.1issouri Hunt, b. Oct, 6 1 1914, was educated at \i\Tilliam and Mary College (B.s.). 84. 10. ~~scondants or George Holloway, Jr. II. (2) -- P• 9 (English Anceotcr VIII - 2) George Holloway, Jr., b. ca. 1638, is mucn more difficult to trace through his deseondants than his brother. Most of his descen­ dants have moved out of tho county, many of them, no doubt, pioneer­ ing westward as~ ..:.the nation developed. The compilc11 hopes that this monograph will ssrve as a gonoalogical source-book for tho doacen~ dant~. George Holloway, Jr. Vihat is knovm is here recorded, and (a ·--~-~ _ !rified po~sibilitios arc suggested. But even this is but <' ..... a.1·1 indication of t:a,,ft many ancestors of this first family • .:: ,- .. \V.e do not know whc_~·George Holloway, Jr• married, but he had a :·· ·ist one son, seemingly tvvo. Issue: I.:O.t;~.-·>:~·.. ) G?orge Holloway, III, b. ca. 1660, d. c.Tune 13, 1714 ..~.) vVilliam Hollo1'vay, b. ca.. 1662, who may possibly be the · · progenitor of the Hollov,a.:ys of I(ing and Queen County. He had 100 acres listed on the Quit Rent Roll of 1704. This might also be Vdlliam Solloway who left Virginia to enter the Queen's Arn1y, Niar. a, 1709. (S0e 19V24). III. (1) -- above George Holloway, III, married, first, Hannah {sometimes Anna or Annah), who died Oct. 20, 1701, Issue: IV. (1) James, b. Jan. 16, 1685, d. Nov. 27, 1705 (2) Charles Holloway, b. Apr. 15, 1688 (3) David IIolloway, b. Aug. 18, 1690, d. July 13, 1698 (4} George Holloway, IV, b. 4ug. 18, 1690 (5) Mary Holloway, .b. J1.p1e 4, 1693, d. prior to Dec. 13, 1695 (6) I,1ary I-Iolloway, b~ Dec. 131 1695 George Holloway, IIT, married, secondly, Eliznbeth. Issue: (7) Elizo.botl1 Holloway, b. Sept. 8 1 1704 (8) Dianah Holloway, b. Doc. 4, 171 • (9) Sa.rah Holloway, b. Dec. 2, 1713; d. Apr. 13., 1714 Tho latter two may have been the children of George Holloway, IV, by a wife also nemod Elizabeth.

Here ends t1-.o verified descent from Geor&o Holloway, Sr. There follow certain unverified conclusions which have been ma~c after a careful study of tho records.

IV. ( 1) - above James Holloway, though not yet twenty-one when ho died; evident­ ly had issue: v. (1) James Holloway, Jr., b. ca. 1705. This seems a reasonable conclusion when tho Pa.rt sh Records carefully studied, Each other knovm James Holloway can be eliminated as the father of James Holloway, Jr., hero listed, except the above. Further check may disprove this thoory, but at present it seer11s most tenable. It is probably his inventory which is listed in York \V. B. 21, P• 304, 176'7. Issue: VI. (1) James Holloway, III, referred to in Parish Rocords as "James Hollov,ay, ,Jr.", b. ca. 1730 85.

VI. (2) John Holloway, b. ca, 1?33. Ho enlisted in the 7th Company, Virginia Regiment in tho French and Indian Yv'o.r. He is described in tho records as twenty-two years of age nnd a planter of York County.

VI. ( 1) James Holloway, III, enlisted in tho 7th Company, Virginia Regiment in tho French and Indian War, Ho is described as twenty-five years of ago and as a planter of York County. He married, first, Hannah (Hinde?). Issue: VII, (1) Hinde Holloway, b. r.1ay 9 1 1754 James Holloway, III, married, secondly, Elizabeth Parsons. Issuo: (2) Lucy Holloway, b. July 18 1 1762 (3) Armiger Parsons Holloway, b. Nov. 19 1 1772 86. 11. ~ELATEDJ B~T UNCONNECTED, FAM~LIE~ OF HOLLOWA~ These families are included in this study because it is highly probable that they are kindred families of the one which has been presented herein. Perhaps descendants will be able to connect their families from information obtained from this monograph

(a) Descendants pf Harriett Hollp~ay Ryqer I. Harriett Holloway ~J given as the maiden name of the wife of John Ryder in York Marriage Records. It is possible that she was a daughter of Rev. John Hinde Holloway. Among issue: II. (1) Harriett Ryder m., first, ____ Amory; and m., secondly, George Watkins, son of William Watkins and Eliza Linton. Issue: III. (1) Rev. George w. Watkins, a retired minister of the Virginia Annual Conference of the Methodist Church, (2) Mary Watkins m. ___ Callis All attempts to reach these descendants have proved unsuccessful.

{b) Nancy Holloway Fletcher I. An unidentified Holloway had issue~ II. (1) Anne (Nancy) Holloway, of York County, Virginia, who married John Fletcher in 1809, Issue unknown.

(c) pe~endants of Ira Holloway I. Ira Holloway of Surry County, probably a member of the Surry Co. branch of the family herein cataluguedJ was a soldier of the Confederacy. I-Ie married 8.:1..rah A. Bradley. PJnong his issue: II. (1) Sarah Elizabeth I{ollOWRY, b. 1853, d. Dec. 31, 1935; m, Charles vv. s:nac1:elford, of Suff0lk, Virginia~ Issue: III. (1) Peter H. Shacltelford. Res: Portsmouth, Va. (2) I\1innie L. Sr1nckelford m. ____ Mongan. Res: Suffolk, Virginia. (3) Edward B. Shackelford. Res: Suffolk, Virginia, (4) Ira B. Shackelford. Res: Suffolk, Virginia. (5) Phillip B. Shackelford. Res: Suffolk, Va.RF--n. (6) Brooks D. Shackelford. Res: Richmond, Virginia. (2) Eugene c. IIolloway m. Mittie ___ • They settled in Monroe, Louisiana. Issue: III. (1) Mercer Holloway (2) Eugene c. Holloway, Jr. (3) Douglas Holloway (4) Jasper Holloway (3) Samuel B. Holloway m. Elizabeth Cuthriel. They settled in Enfieldt N. c. Issue: III. (lJ Vernon Holloway (dau.) (2) Samuel B. Holloway. Jr. 87. (d} Descendants of John Taylor Hollowa.Y (From information submitted by James T.'-Hoiioway) I, John Taylor I-Iolloway, whose parents are not known, was born in England in 1803, traditionally about fifty miles from Liverpool. He immigrated to America. He married, first, Raminti Adams and settled in Virginia. Issue: II. (1) John F. Holloway, unm. (2) David H. Holloway m. Pattie Clements. Res: Pleasant Shades, Virginia. r·ssue: III. (1) John Hollo·way (2) Martin Holloway (3) Clarence Holloway (3) George w, Holloway m. Mary Grigsby. Res: Purdy, Virginia. Issue: III. (1) William Holloway (2) Sidney Holloway (3) James Holloway (4) Pearl Holloway m. Rollins. Res: CullavilJ,· Virginia. (5) Esther Holloway (6) Dora Holloway (7) Lena Holloway (8) Minnie Holloway (9) George Holloway (4) Charles F. Holloway m. Ida Saunders. Res: Richmond, Va. Issue: III. (1) Bascan Holloway (2) Jessie Holloway (3) Carrie Holloway (4) Bessie Holloway (5) \Yllliam Henry Holloway m. ~Aaggie Lee. Res: Callavil;te·.; V:l:,:,g'in:i.a, Issue= IIT. (l} Bernard. Holloway ( 2) William Holloway (6) James Taylor Holloway, b. Juno 4, 1868; m. Nancy Parrish, b. 1887 dau. of Martha Mingo and Robert A. Parrish. Mr. Holloway1 is a Heating Contractor. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias and Mrs. Holloway is a Pythian sister. Both are Meth. and Dem. Res: Lawrenceville, Va. No issue. (7) Celia Anne Holloway, b, Oct. 20 1 1852, d. Mar. l3l 1928; m. John R. Clements, b. Doc. 25, 1849, d. Sept. 10, 1896. Issue: III. (1) Sidney Garfield Clem.ants m. Mattie Anderson of Jackson, Alabama. Res: Emporia, Va. Issue: IV. (1) Dorothy Clements (2) Sidney Garfield Clements, Jr. (8) Harriett Holloway (9) Sally Holloway (10) Rebecca Holloway (11) Antoinette Holloway 88.

(e) ~ascendants of R. M, Holloway {This information submitted by Charles.Holloway of Columbia, N. c.)

I. R. Holloway was born in Oxfordshire, England, and probably lived a part of his life in County Middlesex. He immigrated to America in the early part of the Nineteenth Century. Issue: II. (1) James Holloway (2) uettie (Elizabe'._. ..:1?) Holloway (3) R, ~,1. Hollovlay, b, 1\Iay 13, 1847, d. }.iar. 22, 1912; m. Louisa Baten1an • Issue: III, {l) Charles Holloway, b, Mar. 1875, Res: Columbia, North Carolina. Issue! IV. (1) Lillie Mae Holloway. Miss Holloway ia employed by Smith-Douglas Fertilizer Co. of Norfolk. Res: Norfollc, Virginia. (2) Walter Holloway, b. Nov. 1878. Issue: I''.!, (1) l1aggie Holloway (3) Louis Fulton Hollov,a.y, b. Jan. 1883 ( 4) Fanny l!olloway, ·b• Aug. 1890 (5) Maggie Louisa Holloway, b. 1894

~) Descendants of Jesse R. Holloway

This letter is printed in full because of its potential value to Holloways .descended from this line. Is this one of the Jesse Holloways mentioned herein?

"In reply to your letter of the 7th :instant. request­ ing some infonnation regarding one Jesse R. Holloway, will say that Jesse Holloway was my grand-father and lived in Bunker IIill, W, Va. Ho with his family moved from there in 1835 a.ncl settled in Georgetown, Ver. Co., Ill., where he died in 1854. Respectfully, Geo. 1/~ Holloway (of Danville, Ill.) 89. 12. HOLLOWAY MISCELLANY

1. William Holloway of Brunswick County appeared in Court and made oath concerning his service in the Revolution, Apr. 4, 1782. It was probably the same William Holloway whose will is probated in Brunswick w. B. # 2, p. 429. 2. Reuben Holloway of Virginia was a soldier in the American Revolution (Virkus, II, p. 95) 3. Abraham Holloway of Virginia m. Rachel , {~irkus, II, P• 304}. ---- 4. John Holloway of Amelia County m~ Sarah TUcker, June 1804. 5, John Holloway was a Justice in Northampton County in 1652, 6. Prince George QUit Rent Rolls for 1704 11st Edward Holloway and Edward Holloway, Sr. ?. Virginia Holloways listed in the Roster of Virginia as soldiers in the American Revolution include: Archibald Holloway, 2 Va. State Regiment George Holloway, 6 Continental Line. 10 C~ L. Charles Holloway, r. c. L., 10 c. L. James Holloway, see Henrico Pensions John Holloway, received Bounty Warrant Lieut. James Holloway -- 12 c. L. John Holloway ... 4 c. L. Sgt. Thomas Holloway .. _ Wagon I.faster Thomas Holloway -- Sgt., Infantry Thomas 1Iollov1ay -- of Sussex County Ensign 'William Holloway, Amelia County Sgt. V!lilliam Hollo,vay -- 5 C. L. a. There is a record, p. 409, Hardesty's Historical and Geographical Encyclopedia, Special Virginia Edition,of Richard A. Holloway, presumably of Surry County, who was a member of 13th Virginia Cavalry, C.S.A. He was captured at Gettysburg and held in prison at Point Lookout. 9. Tyler's Magazine, Vol. VI, p. 110, states that Jesse Holloway was certified as giving aid to the American Rev1.:.lution before a court for Brunswick uo11nt·y, 1-aecorded in Brunsv~-1ck o. B. Apr. 23, 1782. 10. INFORMATION

Undoubtedly there will be many readers of this MonoGraph who will desire to go more fully into the history of their particular branch of the family, and its related families, than has been possible in this brief study. For their help and convenience the compiler is glad to offer the following information and services: (a) Research on Related Lines The Compiler plans to issue Monographs similar to this about other York County, Virginia, families. Among the studies contem­ plated are: (1) Cavalier Calvacade--The Calthorpe Family; (2) Renowned Rebels--The Bacon Family; (3) Poquoson Planters--The Freeman Family; (4) vVatlrins of Charles Parish--The ~Natkins Family; ( 5) The Linton Linl-c--The Linton Family; and others on the Hopkins, Evans, Crockett, Messick, Howerd, Page, Lawson and other York County families.

(b) Biographica~_and Historica~ Besides the series of genealogical monographs, the compiler is gathering information for fuller accounts of some historically significant personages, places and events of York County history. At present work: on the folloliving is nearing completion: ( 1) John IIollo\vay, Gentleman--a biograp~y of the Colonial Statesman. (2) Colonel Christopher Calthorpe--a biography of the scape­ goat son of a noble English family who found iron and honor in a new and pioneer land. (3) A Church Histo!'j~ of York County, Virginia--descri?ing the parishes and churches of the county from earliest times to the pre sent.

(c) Coat-of'-Arms The compiler will be glad to furnish photostatic copies of any of the arms described in section 2. These photostats may be framed and displa:led, either decorated or plain., or ma~/ be used as guides for paintings of the arms by professional hera.ldist. The price of ~acl1 ph.otosta.tic copy is ~~2.00. ·. A high-g1"ade, hand-decorated, reproduction of the 9-r1ns1 suit- able for framing, can be furnished by the compiler for $10.uo.

(d) Famil~[ Trees The compiler ·will ar1'lange, diagram and have ·01ue-printed or photostateo, the direct lineage of any person i,vhose family is considered in this monograph. Suitable for framing. Each· lin_e age, ~:;5. 00. (e) Ge~ealogical Re_sea~h The compiler is not n professional genealogist and has only a limited amount of time to give to historical study. However, he will be happy to make his files available to descendants of York families who are desirous of completing direct or collateral lines. The only cost will be for time and stenographic service involved in arranging and copying the records requested. The compiler will be glad to make suggestions. as to reliable genealogists or heraldry artist to any who are desirous of such information. Gratis, Address Garland Evans Hopkins 833 Fairfax Avenue Norfolk, Virginia -----·- ·• ~- - ______....,_. .. _. __ ------__.,__. .. _....,._ -·------Announcement Over the past ten years I have collected extensive notes on a number of Virginia families, not full or entirely verified. They might be found helpful by descendants who are tracing their lines, or by persons interested in genealogy. Type'-11.rritten copies are available at the follovnng prices: 1. Descendants of Lieut. Stephen Hopkins of Rhode Island who settled in York

County in 1781 N ------2. Descendants of Henry Freeman, to York 1622 through his great-great grandson John Freeman of "The Cedars"~ ------

3. Descendants of Josiah Evans of· 0 Lucy Ban1r.s ii, the ancestor of the York ·••)c''•3 50 Evans family ------11 . 4. Descendants of Elijah Linton, ,vhose many daughters united in kinship most York County f~~ilies ------• 5. Some Descendants of Christopher Calthorpe ------s. Some Descendants of the English Bacon Family in• America ------7. Some Descendants of the Wade Family of York County- - - ...... ------a. Some Descendants of the Parsons Family of York County ------~~;3. 50 9. Some Descendants of the Presson Family of York County - - ... ------$3.50 Send check ,vi th order and allow two weeks for copying.