213 AGENDA ITEM No. ....re.&&

North Lanarkshire Council


To: The Education Committee Subject:

Review of Non-Denominational Primary School Provision for / : Results of the Consultation

From: Director of Education Date: December 1999


This report details the results of the consultative process on the non-denominational primary school provision for Carbrain / Greenfaulds. The report recommends that Langlands Primary School should be amalgamated with Melrose Primary School in the Melrose Primary School building. The area of , which is currently zoned to Langlands Primary School, should be re-zoned to Eastfield Primary School and Primary School.


It is recommended that the education committee :

1 approves the amalgamation of Langlands Primary School and Melrose Primary School in the Melrose Primary School building. 2 approves the new catchment area for Melrose Primary School as described in paragraph 4.1 7 3 approves the re-zoning of Craigmarloch to Eastfield Primary School and Cumbernauld Primary School as described in paragraph 4.17. 4 requests that the appropriate change be made to the scheme of educational provision.

Members wishing further information should contact: Michael O’Neill, Director of Education on 01236 - 812336 Murdo Maciver, Head of Service on 01236 - 812269 ., fp&P-P 214

North Lanarkshire Council : Department of Education

Review of Non-Denominational Primary School Provision for Carbrain / Greenfaulds

Results of the Consultation

Report by the Director of Education


1.1 At its meeting on 26 October 1999, North Lanarkshire Council approved the issue of a consultative document on the non-denominational primary education arrangements for Carbrain / Greenfaulds. That document is attached as appendix 1. \'

1.2 This report covers the outcome of the consultation on that document.


2.1 The department arranged an extensive process to consult the communities affected by the proposed primary education arrangements. The proposal was advertised in the press and copies of the document were issued to interested parties, including parents, school boards, elected members, unions and school staff. School staff and public meetings were held to enable further information to be given. Finally, written comments on the proposals were invited in terms of the Education (Publication and Consultation etc) () Regulations 1981.

2.2 136 written responses to the consultation document were received on or before Thursday 2 December 1999. In addition, 9 petitions were submitted. These are listed in appendix 2, including the main points raised in each case. In addition, 170 general responses were received relating to the review process as a whole and how it affects the Cumbemauld area. These are listed in appendix 3.


3.1 The Langlands Primary School community

3.1.1 The following points were emphasised in the responses or at the public meeting in the area.

(a) Langlands is a community school which is used by everyone in the area. 21 5

The school excels in adult education and community programmes and these cannot be relocated in Carbrain. In an area of deprivation, social inclusion issues have been ignored and consequently parents will suffer this proposal is adopted. After-school classes in a variety of sports, meetings of Girl Guides and Scout groups will be lost to the community

It is inaccurate and misleading to state that the school is under-used. Classrooms which are not dedicated to primary teaching are put to excellent use by teaching staff and parents

The review process has overlooked the voluntary sector pre-school groups and the work done by the Craigieburn Family Partnership

The closure of Langlands Primary School will result in the loss of nursery provision. This conflicts with North Lanarkshire’s child care policy of providing 0 -1 4 educational facilities in all neighbourhoods

Changes to catchment areas would result in members of the same family attending different schools

The views of teaching staff must be taken into account

Since children have not been consulted on this issue, North Lanarkshire Council is not complying with the Articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

The aims of raising achievement and attaining school targets will be impossible to meet if the two schools amalgamate

The proposal to amalgamate the schools has overlooked other practical issues, difficulties in providing lunches to more children and the supervision of pupils in an overcrowded playground

The wallung route from Langlands to Melrose is unsafe for both children and adults. Children would have to cross a dual-carriageway via a footbridge, use a dark, unkept underpass and pass through a secluded, wooded area. There are dangers associated with large numbers of young children traversing a footbridge, particularly in the dark. Children from Carbrain will not remain in Melrose after school for after-school activities because of the hazardous journey home. In addition, bussing children to school is unsafe since buses are unsupervised and children are dropped at the nearest bus stop, rather than the school grounds. The proposed amalgamation will bring traffc chaos to the area around Melrose Primary School Twenty four photographs were submitted to illustrate the hazards associated with the walking routes between Langlands and Melrose. A 21 6

further 11 photographs were received from 28 pupils of Langlands Primary School

(1) The building maintenance figures, presented in the consultation document, are inaccurate

(m) Carbrain and Greenfaulds are two distinct communities separated by a busy dual carriageway. Each community has the right to retain its local school

(n) Langlands has a strong association with Cumbernauld High School and this would be lost as a result of the proposed amalgamation

(0) It would be a more acceptable proposal for Langlands Primary School and St. Joseph's Primary School to share one school building since both schools are located in Carbrain. A meeting on the viability of this option had taken place between elected members and members of the school board 1r

(p) Some other school closures have resulted in overcrowding because of an unexpected rise in the population. If new housing is built on surplus land in Cumbernauld Town, a similar scenario could occur. The lack of appropriate schooling facilities would deter families from moving into the area. In addition, the community surrounding Langlands has upwards of 50% aged population. Many of these 3 or 4 bedroomed houses will fall vacant and new families will move in.

(q) The consultation document was too negative in its comments on Langlands Primary School

(r) The Langlands School Board submitted a detailed response to the consultation document highlighting the following points:-

Before spending money on new schools north of the A80, a detailed survey should be undertaken to investigate the views of the local communities 0 In the consultation documents, Langlands Primary School does not appear on maps. This indicates that decisions have already been made and brings the consultation procedures into question 0 The building maintenance costs in the document are inaccurate and misleading The school's occupancy level in the document is inaccurate. P1 to P7 use 8 classrooms, two classrooms are used by a voluntary pre-school group, one classroom for day-care and two classrooms for nursery provision. This leaves one classroom unoccupied creating an occupancy level in excess of 90% 21 7

0 Parents, pupils and staff believe that these proposals bring no benefits. The education department should have asked for opinions at an earlier date. 0 School targets cannot be achieved if class sizes are increased or if vital resources, for example space for drama, T.V., Early Intervention, Computing, Library are removed. 0 Routes to/from school are unsafe for children and adults, especially dark, flooded underpasses. The police should have been consulted on this issue 0 The two schools are zoned to different secondary schools. Langlands must retain its close links with Cumbemauld High School 0 In the first round of informal consultations, an amalgamation between Langlands and St. Joseph’s was proposed by the Langlands Community. This was not included in the formal document. 0 No schools should be closed. The issues should be re-investigated without financial considerations.

3.1.2 A petition headed “We want to keep our school” was received from the pupils of Langlands Primary School. It contains the signatures of all pupils in the school. In addition, 149 letters were received from the pupils expressing their concerns about the proposal to close their school

3.1.3 A submission was received from Mrs. Buckel, Head Teacher of Langlands Primary School in which she raised the following issues on the contents of the consultation document:-

0 Doubt was expressed about the building maintenance figures. They reflect the cost of replacing items and were not designed to suggest that this work needed carrying out. The school is a bright, attractive and well-maintained building 0 Projected rolls do not follow the current trend. Based on the numbers attending the nursery, P 1 intakes should average between 2 1 and 24 per annum The schools are separated by a dual carriageway which is not shown clearly on the maps. The safety of sizeable numbers of children crossing a footbridge is a concern. Carbrain and Greenfaulds are two distinct communities and walking routes between them are unsafe The amalgamation would mean that 13 classrooms would be the required minimum and 14 would be essential if composite groups were to be avoided 0 All children will not benefit from these proposals since present pupils will face 2 years of disruption 0 If bussing children to school is not acceptable to parents north of the A80, why should it be acceptable to the parents in Carbrain ? 0 Social exclusion will be emphasised by re-locating community uses of the school premises to areas outwith the local community. Some of the current catchment area has been targeted by the Scottish Office for urban re- generation. Therefore, facilities should be retained in the area. The school is used widely by the community and has been at the forefront of many school initiatives because of the identified needs of local children and their parents 218

0 Future implications for primary to secondary transition have not been addressed

3.1.4 A submission was received from the E.I.S. Branch of Langlands Primary School in which the following concerns were expressed about the proposed amalgamation.

North Lanarkshire Council and the Scottish Office have identified North Carbrain as a deprived area. Many children do not have opportunities at home for activities such as drama, art, music tuition which are offered in school. All available space in the school is put to good purpose but, if the amalgamation proceeds, such space will be lost and children from this area will be affected even more. 0 the loss to the community of a school building will be incalculable. the school has a thriving Pre-school NurseryParent and Toddler Group and a Playgroup. These facilities cannot be accommodated elsewhere. 0 the walking routes from Carbrain to Greenfaulds are unsafe and asking parents/children to travel along these routes, particularly in inclement weather, is unreasonable and will only serve to underline their social exclusion. 0 The effectiveness of the Craigieburn Family Partnership, set up in the area to combat disadvantage, will be eroded. At present, Greenfaulds is not part of this initiative and therefore after-school activities, offered by the Partnership, will be affected.

In addition, three submissions were received from the Staff of Langlands Primary School. Apart from the responses covered by 3.1 above, other important arguments were the following:-

The proposed amalgamation is totally unsuitable as it contravenes North Lanarkshire’s education and social policies The children of Langlands need continued stability as many of them come from socially deprived backgrounds. They require the level of support a small school can provide. These proposals will add more disruption and uncertainty to their already disrupted lives. North Lanarkshire is in breech of 12 of the Articles of The Convention on The Rights of The Child There is a general lack of facilities for children in Cumbernauld The staff has taken a very wide view of education, looking at the needs of the child in their widest sense.

The staff submitted the following alternative proposals:-

* Langlands should remain on its present site and be further developed as a community school Existing provision should be retained 219

0 Langlands should be retained and the entire Greenfaulds area be zoned to Melrose Primary School 0 Langlands Primary should use 10 rooms in the building and the remaining rooms should be used for Pre-5, Social Work and Psychological Services. These rooms have appropriate facilities for these purposes 0 The nursery centre should be re-located into one wing in the school 0 In order to maintain a school in the community, Langlands Primary School amalgamate with Carbrain Primary in the Carbrain building 0 In order to maintain a school in the community, Langlands and St Joseph's should share the same building 0 The option described in the consultation document should be considered as a last resort only because it does not meet the needs or wishes of the community.

3.2 The Melrose Primary School community

3.2.1 Apart from the responses covered by 3.1, the following points were emphasised by the Melrose Primary School community

(a) Any amalgamation should not result in reduced quality of education

(b) Existing class sizes must be preserved

(c) The amalgamated school will be overcrowded and consequently a full primary school curriculum could not be delivered

(d) Other activities, which are currently offered in the school, will be affected by the proposed amalgamation

(e) Traffic in and around the school campus will be a danger to children

(f) Greenfaulds and Carbrain are two distinct communities and should retain their own primary schools. Community use of both schools is high and the loss of a building will have a detrimental effect on community life

(g) If the schools amalgamate, nursery provision could not be accommodated in the Melrose building

3.2.2 A petition containing 730 signatures was received from Melrose Primary School Parents' Association opposing any proposed closure of the school.

3.2.3 Two submissions were received from the E.I.S. Branch of Melrose Primary School in which the following concerns about the proposed amalgamation were expressed. 220

0 walking routes to/fi-om school via a high footbridge and secluded pathways are unsafe 0 the loss to the community of a school building 0 the reduction in available nursery provision 0 the two schools have different development plans and different reading schemes 0 the two schools are associated with different secondary schools and consequently have different curricular priorities

In response to the consultation document, the following points were documented:-

0 all pupils will not benefit from this change and the proposal is not in line with the department’s Raising Achievement policy 0 the loss of space as a result of amalgamation will be detrimental to the children and the wider community 0 the two schools are close together but are located in different communities 0 pre-school provision will suffer and parents of pre-school children will be i’ inconvenienced by these proposals 0 the retention by education of any capital receipts is not guaranteed.

3.3 Mr. A. Gillespie, Head Teacher of , submitted a response relating to future primary to secondary transition arrangements. He supported agreed associations between primaries and secondaries and was opposed to an open enrolment policy. In his view, if the proposal to amalgamate Melrose Primary School with Langlands Primary School is finalised, the school’s association with Greenfaulds High School should continue. Parents wishing to link with Cumbernauld High School could do so through the placing request procedure

3.4 Elected representatives

3.4.1 Councillor S. Grant criticised the proposed amalgamation for the following reasons:-

0 Carbrain West and Greenfaulds are two separate communities. Carbrain West is largely made up of low income families and is recognised as an area of special need. Greenfaulds has a greater social mix. 0 The primary schools are a vital part of local community life, providing not only education but also a focus for a large number of community groups.

Councillor Grant offered the alternative option of Langlands Primary School and St. Joseph’s Primary School sharing one of the school buildings. He argued that many parents and teachers support this proposal and that there has been no objection from the Catholic Church. 22 1

3.4.2 Councillor W. Homer’s response highlighted the following concerns:-

The consultation has been flawed from the start with inaccurate information and figures being presented The submissions from the informal consultation are not adequately reflected in the final documents Safety factors are a major concern If pre-school provision and primary provision are accommodated in different locations, this will cause hardship for parents with children attending both All schools are used by their communities. The loss of a school will result in many groups folding The alternative option of Langlands and St. Joseph’s sharing a building has positive and negative implications for the community Parents want reduced class sizes and additional pre-school provision on the existing school sites The monies raised from the sale of greedield sites north of the A80 should be sufficient to build the new school and upgrade all of the existing schools

An alternative proposal of building a new super school on a future, vacant site in Carbrain could be examined, although the site is targeted for housing.

3.4.3 Councillor F. Glavin highlighted her concerns in her response. These are summarised below.

In producing these proposals, safety was an issue which was not taken seriously by the Education Department. Parents have genuine concerns about the dangers and hardships that will befall their children, some as young as 4 or 5 years of age Some of the children who will be affected by these proposals are from the most deprived areas of Lanarkshire Council’s plans are out of step with the Government’s hture plans for education Available space in schools should be allocated to community use and also pre- 4 and pre-5 provision.

Councillor Glavin proposed that North Lanarkshire Council’s Property Department should take responsibility for school buildings. The Education Department would then occupy the space required for school provision. The un- used space could then be employed for pre-school and community use. This will ensure that the buildings are totally utilised and that parents and children are not faced with unnecessary hardship.

3.4.4 Councillor G. Murray was highly critical of the proposals for primary education in Cumbernauld, stating that all of the relevant factors had not been considered. The Education Department has completely ignored how schools evolved in the Cumbernauld area, as part of a Government led plan for providing an 222

experimental modem community. The proposals should be re-examined to make full allowance for reasonable nursery provision in every school and to minimise the distances that parents have to walk with infant and nursery children given the topography, footway pattern and climate of Cumbernauld. The Council should be advised that the present consultation with regard to closures needs revision.

In addition, Councillor Murray put forward the following alternative proposals.

Melrose Primary School should remain open with a greater emphasis on nursery education and catering for other important activities that can no longer be accommodated in their present schools 0 Langlands Primary School should share the present building occupied by St. Joseph’s Primary School. This would retain two primary schools in the one building at the heart of West Carbrain 0 The catchment area of Carbrain Primary School be slightly extended. This would allow some nursery provision in the Langlands / St. Joseph’s building Nursery provision should be spread evenly throughout every school in Cumbernauld. All schools should have 2 classrooms dedicated to pre-school provision

In his official response to the proposals, Councillor Murray made the following points:-

The statistics and proposals presented to the Education Committee are fundamentally flawed and biased against the residents of Cumbernauld The “ring-fenced” money is not as secure as had been expressed during the informal consultation meetings 0 Proposals were deliberately held back until after the local elections 0 Details of the unofficial consultation were deliberately held back until after the schools had been fully set up after the summer holidays

In line with the view expressed by the Cumbernauld Community Forum, Councillor Murray proposed that the Education Committee and the Council should consider making the ownership of all schools in Cumbernauld and perhaps in North Lanakshire the direct responsibility of the Council. The Council would then lease the buildings to the Education Department, who would be directly responsible for paying for their education usage. The use of buildings for community purposes, not directly associated with education, could then be charged to other appropriate council accounts. This would mean that the Eaducation Department would not have the sole responsibility of maintaining, heating and lighting all pimary schools. 223

3.4.5 Councillor E. Irvine submitted a response in which the following points were raised:-

0 The Education Department’s proposals for Cumbernauld as a whole should be reconsidered since they are fundamentally flawed 0 Schools form a focal point for a variety of community activities. Cumbernauld will be ripped apart by these proposals

3.4.6 A response was received fiom Rosemary McKenna, M.P. for Cumbernauld and , in which she summarises the representations made to her by her constituents. She requests that adequate time be taken to reach the correct conclusion and suggests that if a further consultation period is appropriate then the Council should consider this. The main issues in the response are as follows:-

0 There has been unanimous endorsement of the excellence of the education currently provided in Cumbernauld schools 0 Carbrain is an area of social deprivation and a local school is of prime importance in tackling the problem of social exclusion. It is also an area of new build housing which will bring more children into the area 0 Both Langlands and Melrose are highly regarded as local community facilities 0 The aims of any social inclusion strategy put the school at the heart of the comunity. Often it is the vehicle for linking all aspects of policy to tackle poverty. This along with the aim of early intervention and reduced infant class sizes must be at the centre of the Council’s strategic review

3.4.7 A response was received from Cathie Craigie, M.S.P. for Cumbernauld and Kilsyth, in which she requests that the final decision should consider the implications for Cumbernauld of the programme for primary education set by the Scottish Executive. These include the reduction of class sizes in P1 to P3 to 30 or less by 2001 and the provision of further nursery and out of school care facilties. Representations made to her by her constituents are summarised in the written response

3.4.8 Andrew Wilson, MSP, Shadow Minister for Finance, submitted a response detailing the following issues:-

0 The consultation period has been a wasted opportunity and the views of the parents seem to be inadequately considered. 0 The proposals could mean bigger class sizes and leave less space for extra- curricular activities such as music and drama. Class sizes of 25 rather than 33 should be the Council’s target as we enter the new millennium 0 Schools are indispensable community resources and often act as a community focal point 224

Not only will many children have to travel longer distances to school but they will also have to use routes which can be described as dangerous, for example through underpasses and past pubs.

3.4.9 A response was received fiom Donald Gorrie, MSP for Central Scotland. The main issues are as follows:-

The Council has failed to persuade parents that the proposals will improve the overall quality of primary provision in Cumbemauld 0 The new plan should set out a clear strategy for education at all levels in Cumbernauld and be based on educational philosophy and community needs. The present proposals appear to be finance-led and to be based on short-term savings 0 The plan does not seem to take full account of future house building in and around Cumbernauld. 0 Repair estimates for the existing schools are disputed by local people and require clarification 0 There should be more consultation with local residents to ensure that enough accessible accommodation is available for community activities.

In conclusion, Donald Gorrie suggested that the Council should draw back now, put more thought and consultation into the scheme and produce proposals which the people of Cumbernauld would support

3.5 A detailed response was received fiom the Cumbernauld Save Our Schools Campaign, requesting that the Council takes note of the following views expressed by the public:-

0 The maintenance costs reported in the consultation document are inaccurate and inappropriate as a basis for cost analysis 0 The zoning proposals are generally considered to be ill thought out and not practical 0 The consultation process is widely seen and felt to be “a means to an end” 0 Councillors and Officers should not forget that they represent the public. 0 The proposals will not only reduce the quality of education available to children but will also remove community facilities

3.6 A response was received fiom the Archdiocese of , raising the following points :-

0 School closures are not always the answer to falling birth rates 0 The proposals target the more deprived areas of Cumbernauld, as illustrated by free school meal and clothing grant figures 0 Genuine knowledge about parental response to the proposed new schools is not available. Parents may continue to send their children to their present schools 225

0 It would make more sense to halt the implementation of these proposals until the new schools are in place 0 On the evidence of other submissions from Councillors and School Boards, the proposals will not enhance primary education in Cumbernauld 0 The Church wholeheartedly supports the community, both Catholic and otherwise, who wish to retain their present primary schools and who call for a more modern provision of equipment

3.7 A response was received from the Department of Community Services raising the following points:-

0 Any school closures / amalgamations should take into account the general issue of community learning. By April 2000, the Council must produce its community learning strategy with associated local learning plans to follow thereafter. The rationalisation process should produce a situation which is more appropriate to the needs of schooling in the Cumbernauld area. It should also maintain a reasonable level of community access, to allow the Council to meet its obligations to other learners 0 The closures of St. Joseph’s and Langlands would have a significant effect on the Craigieburn Family Partnership project. The dispersal of pupils to other schools would necessitate a major re-assessment of methodology, with perhaps a greater emphasis on home visits etc. While not in itself a sufficient barrier to the proposal, this issue should be taken into consideration

3.8 A response was submitted by the Senior Management Team of Cumbernauld High School. The following issues were raised:-

At present, Langlands Primary School provides up to 25% of the secondary school’s S 1 intake. If the amalgamation proceeds as described in the consultation document, it is likely that the current Langlands pupils would transfer automatically to Greenfaulds High School. This would affect the future roll of Cumbernauld High School. Were the merged school to be located in the Langlands building, it is possible, for historical reasons, that the opposite would not happen. If an amalgamation has to take place in one of the school buildings, the retention of the Langlands building would be the preferred option 0 The proposals contain no details of plans for future primary to secondary transition arrangements

3.9 The response from The Educational Institute of Scotland raised the following specific points.

(a) The underpinning philosophy of Raising Achievement is to make a Qualitative difference to the delivery of education. A quality audit of current provision was missing from the informal consultation process. 226

The EIS does not accept that schools have “spare” capacity. The measurement of capacity on a crude number basis is outdated. It is the view of members in these schools that creative use is made of space. Schools have dedicated computer suites, libraries, drama and creative arts rooms, learning support rooms and rooms for small group meetings. Also in many schools facilities for staff are inadequate.

In relation to accommodation within primary schools, the doubling up of dining rooms for PE is outdated. Appropriate PE facilities should be addressed before decisions are taken.

The development of nursery and special needs provision must be considered as part of the consultation.

There is a concern that schools which amalgamate will be overcrowded. Teachers and parents will require a very clear demonstration that quality of education will not suffer as a consequence of the proposals and that school resources are not over-stretched to breaking point.

Transport and safety of walking routes to school must be major factors in this consultation.

Cumbernauld is not a single community but a collection of communities and each should have its local school.

The school is a key factor in maintaining viable community life. It would be unfortunate if some parents “win” while others demonstrably “lose” through any programme of rationalisation.

The design of any new school building should be discussed prior to final decisions being made.

Rationalisation proposals may be undermined by the effects of placing requests and this requires to be recognised by the Council.

The effect of primary rationalisation on secondary schools must be addressed.

An additional E.I.S. response was submitted under the following sub- headings:- The Consultation Process, Educational Issues, Pre-5 Provision, Social Inclusion, Costing, Pupil Rolls/School Accommodation. The response draws the following conclusions:-

The prospect of school closures is difficult and emotional for parents, pupils and teaches 227

(m) This fact, however, should not obscure the fact that the proposals on primary rationalisation have raised a number of issues which are still unresolved (n) There should be demonstrable educational benefit for all parents and pupils. This will require improved facilities in all schools and not only in the proposed new shared campus at (0) The final paper, to be presented to the Education Committee responding to the consultation period, should address this central fact


4.1 This section summarisies the views expressed in the submissions and the response of the education department to them

4.2 Schools are not under-capacity

The view that Langlands Primary School is not under-used for primary education is not justified. Allowing for pre-school provision, its current primary roll represents an occupancy of 47%. Spare rooms are utilised effectively for art, music, drama etc. but the large activity areas in Melrose Primary School can be used for similar curricular use without diminishing the quality and diversity of education. The claim by the Educational Institute of Scotland that “spare” classrooms are employed meaningfully is not refuted. However, the fact that these rooms are not staffed on a full-time basis suggests that they are “spare”. As stated above, if the proposed amalgamation proceeds and these classrooms are used for full-time class teaching, the resources which occupied these teaching areas will be deployed elsewhere in the school.

4.3 A full curriculum cannot be offered by the amalgamated school

The view that a full curriculum could not be delivered in the amalgamated school is not accepted. The school will have sufficient space to offer all activities to children. Other schools in North Lanarkshire operate successfully with occupancy levels greater than that proposed by this amalgamation. However, it is acknowledged that there may be initial teething problems where schools have used different teachingllearning materials. A sharing of expertise amongst staff will minimise these. In addition, the temporary enhancement of staffing plus the extra staff resulting from the amalgamation will offer a wider range of expertise.

4.4 Class sizes will increase as a result of these proposals

As a result of management decisions, it may be the case that some class sizes will increase as a result of the amalgamation but all classes will remain within agreed 228

national limits. The concern about overcrowding caused by the MelroseLanglands amalgamation is not justified. Based on 1999/2000 school rolls, the combined roll would represent an occupancy of 77% and projected rolls indicate a down trend in primary school population.

4.5 Community activities will suffer as a result of these proposals

While it is recognised and acknowledged that the community makes excellent use of school facilities, the provision of primary education is viewed , in the first instance, as the major function of a primary school. It is anticipated that some of the community activities can be relocated in other school premises. The Craigieburn Family Partnership, which is based in Carbrain Primary School, promotes home-school links and encourages parents to play an active part in their children’s learning. In addition, the Partnership offers adult education courses. Since partnership with parents is promoted throughout North Lanarkshire, it is anticipated that established liaisons between parents and staff from Langlands Primary School can be maintained, irrespective of the school attended. However, it must be acknowledged that the activities of the Craigieburn Family Partnership will be seriously affected if both Langlands and St. Joseph’s Primary Schools were closed. Relocation of community activities, currently offered by the partnership, will be necessary and alternative strategies will be required if the present level of provision is to be maintained. An increase in home visits may have to be considered or transport may be offered for courses which have to be relocated. This issue is taken into account in another of the proposals.

4.6 Future pre-school provision has not been considered

It is anticipated that nursery provision, currently available in Langlands Primary School, will be relocated in Carbrain Primary School.

4.7 In general, the children in Cumbernauld will not benefit from these proposaPs

This view is rejected. As a result of these proposals, it is anticipated that all children in Cumbernauld will be educated in school buildings which are better maintained and better equipped than they are at present. It is accepted that there will be some short-term disruption as a result of these proposals. However, it is anticipated that long-term gain for all primary school children in Cumbernauld will be the ultimate outcome. It is not the view of North Lanarkshire Council that some children will “lose” while others “winyyas a result of this review 229

4.8 Walking routes are unsafe and children will be expected to travel inappropriate distances to school

It is accepted that some children will have to travel further distances to school. However, all children living beyond one mile from the amalgamated school will receive free transport. In addition, children living within the one mile limit will receive free transport if the walking route to/from school is deemed to be unsafe by the Department of Planning and Environment. Underpasses, graded paths, lighting on routes will be upgraded in accordance with the policy of the Department of Planning and Environment. The responsibility of parents/guardians in getting children to/fiom school should also be recognised.

4.9 Building maintenance costs are inaccurate

Building maintenance figures are estimates of future needs and are regularly updated. They are based on information received from the Department of Property and Housing. Any maintenance work which has been completed previously and which continues to appear on the maintenance agenda will be removed from the projected costs. It is important to emphasise that these were taken into account in the selection of a final recommendation

4.10 Primary to secondary transition arrangements have not been considered

The strong association between Langlands Primary School and Cumbernauld High School is acknowledged. Although the amalgamated primary school may be associated with Greenfaulds High School in future, placing requests for Cumbernauld High School made by parents of “Langlands” pupils will be given appropriate priority. This would prevent the separation of siblings. The issue of primary to secondary transition arrangements is the subject of an on- going review and will be on the agenda for this meeting of the education committee.

4.11 Lunchtime catering will be difficult to manage

With the increased roll, management of lunchtimes or playtime supervision will be more demanding. However, many schools have equivalent numbers of children to accommodate and have introduced appropriate organisationallmanagement procedures

4.12 Alternative proposals should be considered

(a) The consultative process raised the principle of amalgamation between denominational and non-denominational primary schools. Responses suggested that some parents viewed the LanglandsEt. Joseph’s 230

amalgamation as a viable and sensible option whereas others had reservations. The comparison of this option with the proposed shared campus for the new schools north of the A80 establishes significant differences. The new school building would be a purpose-built, modern facility with two separate wings to accommodate two separate groups of children and could function as two, readily distinguishable schools. Both Langlands and St. Josephs school buildings have been designed to function as single schools only. Consequently, there are structural and management / administration difficulties associated with amalgamation in a building not designed for this purpose. In addition, the Catholic Church has voiced concerns about this alternative amalgamation but has not made a written response on it since this option did not form part of the consultation document. The consultation document indicates that Melrose Primary School is under-occupied. The option of a Langlands / St. Joseph’s amalgamation does not solve the under-use of the Melrose building. The amalgamation of Langlands and Carbrain Primary Schools would produce a combined roll of approx. 437. This number, plus the additional spaces required for pre-school provision, could not be accommodated in the existing Carbrain school building. The proposal to retain the existing 20 primary schools and built two new schools north of the A80 is economically unsound. At present, there is limited funding to maintain schools and primary schools in Cumbernauld are seriously under-occupied. Increasing the number of schools will exacerbate the problem. The proposal to build a new school in Carbrain would be credible if the school population demanded it and if the area had no local schools. This is not the case.

4.13 Greenfaulds and Carbrain are two distinct communities with nothing in common

It is accepted that Greenfaulds and Carbrain are two distinct communities. However, it is assumed that both communities share a common aim for their children’s education and will work in harmony to achieve this. The proposed amalgamation of Langlands and Melrose in the Melrose Primary School building ensures that both communities retain a local non-denominational primary school i.e. Melrose Primary School in Greenfaulds and Carbrain Primary School in Carbrain

4.14 The views of the primary population have not been considered

There is no legal requirement on the authority to request the views of primary school children. However, it should be noted that the authority has taken account of the verbal and written responses of pupils before making final recommendations 23 1

4.15 There has been insufficient consultation

Criticisms of the consultation process are without foundation. The education department has consulted thoroughly, both informally and formally. All interested parties have been consulted during a period which exceeds by far the statutory 28 day formal consultation

4.16 Conclusions

The number of written responses which have been received on this proposal illustrates the commitment of local communities to their primary schools and the value these communities place on the education of their children. The responses also indicate clearly that there is widespread opposition to the proposal as described in the consultation document. However, in making a final recommendation, the authority has to take account not only of parental and community views but also wider educational and strategic considerations. Three aims of the Council's review were to reduce under-capacity in primary schools, to refurbish and upgrade school buildings and to enhance the quality of teaching and learning resources in schools. These will ensure that the Council makes the best use of public funding. To achieve these aims, the Council has pledged the unique guarantee that the priority for the capital receipts and savings from the review will be education provision in Cumbemauld. The education department recognises the feelings of the community and acknowledges that short-term discomfort may result from this proposal. However, the education department continues to be of the opinion that the proposed amalgamation of Langlands Primary School and Melrose Primary School will benefit all pupils in the long term. The amalgamated school will be upgraded to a modem standard and resources will be appropriate to delivering a curriculum for the new millennium. All existing education provision and community activities can be accomodated in other premises. Therefore, the education department recommends that the proposals as described in 4.17 should be implemented

4.17 Proposed arrangements

(a) Langlands Primary School be closed at the end of session 1999/2000 and the pupils at present in attendance or who would have attended Langlands Primary School transfer to Melrose Primary School, Eastfield Primary School or Cumbernauld Primary School from August 2000 (b) The catchment area of Melrose Primary School be extended to include that part of Carbrain which is currently the catchment area of Langlands Primary School (c) From August 2000, that part of Craigmarloch, which lies to the west of the Crainhalbert roundabout. be re-zoned to Eastfield Primary School 232

(d) From August 2000, that part of Craigmarloch, which lies to the east of the Craighalbert roundabout, be re-zoned to Cumbernauld Primary School in the interim (e) From August 2000, the rural area to the south of Carbrain, as described in the rural areas consultation document and including BlairIinnLuggiebank, Road, West Waterhead Cottage, Greenside, Palacerigg Cottage, Tannochbrae, Tannoch Farm, Sandyknowes, Acrecroft Farm and Greenacres, be zoned to Melrose Primary School

5 Recommendations

It is recommended that the education committee

1 approves the amalgamation of Langlands Primary School and Melrose Primary School in the Melrose Primary School building

2 approves the new catchment area for Melrose Primary School as described in paragraph 4.17

3 approves the re-zoning of Craigmarloch to Eastfield Primary School and Cumbernauld Primary School as described in 4.17

4 requests that the appropriate change be made to the scheme of educational provision

-: MWJ-P December 1999 233







This document has been issued by the Education Committee of North Lanarkshire Council for consultation in terms of the Education (Publication and Consultation Etc) (Scotland) Regulations 1981. 23 5

North Lanarkshire Council

Department of Education

Review of Non-Denominational Primary School Provision in Greenfaulds and Carbrain

Report bv the Director of Education

1 Background

1.1 At its meethg in September 1998, the education committee considered the cunent provision of primary schools in the authority and agreed that priority should be given to a review of schools in Cumbemauld.

1.2 The main concerns underpinning this decision are the following. In aggregate, there are too many primary school places and closures can be justified on value for money grounds. In addition, there exists a geographical disparity between school location and housing developments. The provision of schools north of the A80 is inadequate and pupils are zoned to relatively distant schools on the south side of the town.

1.3 In broad terms, the committee approved for Cumbemauld

(a) the development of new provision north of the A80 and the possible consolidation of existing primary schools in the town.

(b) the retention by education of any capital receipts and revenue savings from the area and their allocation to the building of the new schools north of the A80 and the upgtading of the remaining primary schools.

2 The Non-Denominational Primary Schools in Greenfaulds and Carbrain

2.1 At present, Greenfaulds is served by Melrose Primary School and Carbrain is served by Langlands and Carbrain Primary Schools. The location of these schools in shown in appendix 1

2.2 Both Melrose Primary School and Langlands Primary School require substantial refurbishment, and the ideal maintenance expenditure for the five year period 1999 - 2004 is:-

- School Maintenance Costs Melrose Primary School €654,200 Langlands Primary School €5 83,275 236

2.3 The accommodation at Melrose Primary School consists of 14 classrooms, gymnasium,dining hallkitchen, GP room, 2 activity areas and the usual ancillary facilities including toilets, storage areas, janitation facilities and offices. The school has a ramp and an extended toilet for use by physically impaired pupils. In addition, the school has an ash football pitch and generous playground and car parking facilities.

2.4 Based on a maximum class size of 30 in P1 to P3, the school has a capacity of 444 and a current occupancy level of 37%.

The current and projected roll, including placing requests and new housing, is as follows:-

Year 1999/2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Roll 164 160 150 147 143

2.5 The accommodation at Langlands Primary School consists of 14 classrooms, gymnasium/dining hall, 3 activity areas and the usual ancillary facilities including toilets, storage areas, janitation facilities and offices.The school has ramp access for physically impaired pupils although it has no lift. In addition, the school has an ash football pitch and generous playground facilities. Car parking facilities are generous.

2.6 Based on a maximum class size of 30 in P1 to P3, the school has a capacity of 444 and a current occuparicy level of 40%. In session 1999/2000, two classrooms are allocated to pre-school provision. This reduces the number of primary places to 378 thus increasing the occupancy level to 47%

The current and projected roll, including placing requests, and new housing is as follows:- -- Year 1999/2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Roll 178 152 126 120 116

2.7 Carbrain Primary School has a cwent roll of 259. Based on a maximum class size of 30 in P1 to P3, the school has a capacity of 444 andm occupancy level of 58%. At present., no classrooms are allocated to pre-school provision.

The current and projected roll, including placing requests and new housing, is as follows:-

Year 1999/2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 , Roll 259 214 184 181 178 . 237 b 3 Arguments for Change

3.1 At present, Craigmarloch, a rapidly developing area to the north of the A80, is zoned to Langlands Primary School. However, parents are reluctant to send their children to their zoned school and currently only 3 children make the journey from Craigmarloch to Langlands.

3.2 In order to reduce the number of unoccupied places in both Langlands and Mehose, an amalgamation of the two schools is an attractive option. In addition, both schools require refurbishments and maintenance costs are high. It would be more beneficial and better value to maintain one school building and redirect the available funding to upgrading the remaining accommodation and classroom resources.

3.3 Canickstone, another area of rapidly developing housing estates to the north of the A80 is zoned to Carbrain Primary School. A sizeable number of the unoccupied places in this school should be filled by children from this area. Unfortunately, this zoning arrangement is also unsuccessful. This session, 5 children make the journey fiom Canickstone to Carbrain and consequently vacant spaces remain in this school.

4 Proposals for Future Primary Provision in Greenfaulds and Carbrain

4.1 Thehtion

4.1.1 The proposals in this paper are that:

Melrose Primary School and Langlands Primary School should amalgamate in the Melrose Primary School building. The resulting catchment arrangements are shown in appendix 2.

The Canickstone areas of Cumbemauld, located to the north of the A80, should be rezoned from Carbrain Primary School to Cumbemauld Primary School as shown in appendix 4.

Craigmarloch, which is currently zoned to hglands Primary School, should be zoned partly to Eastfield Primary School and the remainder to Cumbemauld Primary School in the interim. The proposed catchment areas are shown in appendix 4.

The nual area to the south of GreenfaulddCarbrain should be rezoned fiom Cumbemauld Primary School to Melrose Primary School, as shown is appendix 3. As a result, children will attend a school closer to home. 238 . 4.1.2 The arguments for retaining Melrose Primary School rather than Langlands Primary School are as follows:

(a) There are two non-denominational pkary schools in the Carbrain area Langlands and Carbrain. Melrose Primary School is the only primary school in Greenfaulds. Geographically, it makes more sense to retain Melrose Primary School.

(b) The projected pupil rolls of both schools can be accommodated in Melrose Primary School.

(c) Melrose Primary School has easier access.

(d) The Melrose building is on one level. Therefore, access for children with physical disabilities is easier.

4.2 hdications

4.2.1 All pupils will benefit from the proposed change. The stafkg allocation to each school will be increased after the change. A wider range of teacher expertise, including learning support., will be available in each school.

4.22 The total primary school population which would attend the two schools being considered for amalgamation is 342. Allowing maximum class sizes of 30 from P1 to P7, Melrose Primary School building could accommodate 420 primary children.

4.2.3 The schools are close together. Therefore, SMelrose and Langlmds were to amalgamate most children would live within one mile of the school and additional travel would be minimal.

4.2.4 New School Rolls

The amalgamation of the two schools would result immediately in a joint roll of 342. Based on a projected maximum class size of 30, the school will have a capacity of 420. The joint roll of 342 includes existing placing requests and new housing.

Taking account of these factors, the joint roll projection would be:-

Year 1999/2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Roll 342 3 12 276 267 259 239

4.2.5 Sffig

The amalgamation of Melrose Primary School and Langlands Primary School will have implications for teaching and non-teaching staff. All members of staff will be fully consulted about their future as will the appropriate trade unions. The particular wishes of each member of staffwill be taken into account.

The amalgamated school would benefit from a temporary enhancement of staffing standards. The enhancement would be for two school sessions and, based on the joint roll figure in paragraph 4.2.4, would be as follows:-

School Teacher Enhancement

4.2.6 Transport

In accordance with North Lanarkshire Council policy, fkee transport will be provided for children living more than one mile away from their local primary school by the shortest, safe walking route. As a result of this proposal an estimated 25 pupils may be eligible for transport.

4.2.7 Community Use of Schools.

The coxnmunity makes substantial use of the two school buildings and any use which is affected by closure will be relocated.

4.2.8 Secondary Education

Further discussions and proposals regarding the implications for secondary education will be dealt with in a further paper to the education committee.

4.3 Financial Implications

4.3.1 The current budget allocations to the two schools is are as follows:-

School Melrose Langlands Total Budget €353,750 5395,193 €748,943

4.3.2 The revised budget for the amalgamated school would be as follows:- - Amalgamated School Melrose / Langlands Budget E 566,993

4.3.3 The budget savings will be €181,950. This does not include the cost of any short term staffing enhancement. 240

4.3.4 The budget entitlements shown above include the following:-

(a) Employee costs (b) property costs (c) Supplies and Services (d) Administration costs (e) Income

4.3.5 The estimated additional transport costs as a result of this proposal is €14,000 per school year.

5 Summary of Proposals

5.1 Langlands Primary School should be closed at the end of session 1999/2000 and pupils from its delineated area should transfer to Melrose Primary School with effect from August 2000 (appendid).

5.2 The area north of the A80 which lies west of the Craighalbert Roundabout and which is currently zoned to Langlands (i.e. Craigmarloch) should be zoned to Eastfield Primary School (appendix 4).

5.3 The remainder of Craigmarloch currently zoned to Langlands Primary School should be zoned to Cumbemauld Primary School. This would be an interim arrangement until a new nondenominational school is built north of the A80 (appendix 4).

5.4 Pre-school provision, currently accommodated in Langlands Primary School, should be relocated in Carbrain Primary School.

5.5 The rural areas shown on the rural map in appendix 3, currenly zoned to Cumbemauld Primary School, should be zoned to Meirose Primary School.

5.6 The area of Carrickstone, which lies north of the ASO, and is currently zoned to Carbrain Primary School should be rezoned to Cumbernauld Primary School as an interim arrangement until a new non-denominational school is built north of the A80 (appendix 4). . 24 1 b 6 Recommend ations

It is recommended that :

The Education Committee agrees to adopt the following proposals:

that Langlands Primary School be closed at the end of session 1999/2000 and that the pupils at present in attendance or who would have attended Langlands Primary School transfer to Melrose Primary School, Eastfield Primary School or Cumbemauld Primary School fkom August 2000 in accordance with the proposals in 4.1 and the maps in appendices 2 and 4.

that the rural area to the south of Carbrain, as shown in appendix 3, including, BlairhnLuggiebank, Stirling Road, West Waterhead Cottage, Greenside, Palacerigg Cottage, Tannochbrae, Tannoch Farm, Sandyknowes, Acrecroft Farm and Greenacres, be zoned to Melrose Primary School from August 2000.

this report be issued as a consultative document and made available to all interested parties.

all interested parties, including the relevant school boards, be asked to make written representation on the proposal to the Director of Education, Municipal Buildings, Kildonan Street, Coatbridge, no later than 30 November 1999 .

the Director of Education prepare a report on the results of the consultative process for consideration at a future meeting of the Education Committee.

wJ.P oct 1999

d .-H E a2 p1 c" 246





No NamelAddress Main Points

PRE 1 Mrs M Pollock, Langlands Pre-School Groups, c/o Langlands Primary Langlands Primary serves the areas of Carbrain, Greenfaulds, School, Glenacre Road, Cumbernauld , Kildrum, , Ravenswood, Westfield and with regard to voluntary sector pre-school provision and disagrees with the recommendation that Langlands amalgamates with Melrose Primaly

PE2 Ms Carol Murray, 28 Greenrigg Road, South Carbrain, Cumbernauld Does not want Langlands Primary to close would have a “horrific effect on the community” and dangerous to walk to school.

PRE 3 Mrs Diane McLean, 90 Scott Drive, Greenfaulds, Cumbernauld Would like Melrose Primary to remain open

PRE 4 Ms A Laurie, 4 1 Ashiestiel Place, Greenfaulds, Cumbernauld Would like Melrose Primary to remain open

PRE 5 Ms Caroline Whiteside, 27 Scott Cresc, Greenfaulds, Cumbernauld Would like Melrose Primary to remain open

PE6 Mrs Anne M Cook, 1/R Blake Road, Cumbernauld, G67 1 AG Opposes closures, especially Langlands Primary School

PRE 7 Mr Iain Cook, 66 Ashiestiel Place, Greenfaulds, Cumbernauld Opposes closure of Langlands Primary School

PRE 8 Mr S Laird, 136 Marmion Road, Greenfaulds, Cumbernauld Opposes closure of Langlands Primary School

PRE 9 Mrs A Habbick, Chairperson, Langlands School Board, Langlands Primary School, Glenacre Road, North Carbrain, Cumbernauld Opposes closure of Langlands Primary School PRE 10 Mr P Callaghan, 57 Marmion Road, Greenfaulds, Cumbernauld Refers to the United Nations Convention on the rights of the child PRE 11 Rev B Talbot, 168 Cedar Road, Abronhill, Cumbernauld Opposes the closure of Melrose Primary School. PRE 12 Drawing submitted by Master Craig Long, Age 6, Langlands Primary Wants his school to stay open PRE 13 Drawing submitted by Master Christopher Weir, Age 7, Langlands Primary School, together with letter from concerned parent, J McLauchlan Does not want Langlands Primary to close PE14 Drawing submitted by Kathryn Vint, Age 9, Langlands Primary School Wants Langlands to stay open PRE 15 Drawing submitted by Ben Reid, Age 3, Pre 5, Langlands Primary School Does not want nursery to close

N P 4 Page 2

1 Mr & Mrs J Jack, 1 Glen Lyon Court, Craigmarloch, Cumbernauld Opposes closure of Langlands Primary School 2 Kathleen E Robb, 78 Kilbowie Road, South Carbrain, Cumbernauld Concerns regarding closure of Langlands Primary School Concerns regarding closure of Langlands Primary School and 3 Mrs M Reid, 1 Broomlands Road, South Carbrain,Cumbernauld safety of walking route to Melrose Primary Ms K M Finlay, Melrose Primary EIS Rep, Melrose Road Concerns regarding rationalisation in Cumbernauld, particularly Cumbernauld Melrose Primary EIS Branch Members, Langlands Primary School Opposes closure of Langlands Primary School F Dingwall, 17 Abbotsford Court, Cumbernauld Opposes closure of Langlands Primary School Mrs A MacGowan, 34 Beechwood Road, North Carbrain, Cumbernauld Opposes closure of Langlands Primary School 8 Mr A McEnroe, 112 Beechwood Road, North Carbrain, Cumbernauld Opposes closure of Langlands Primary School 9 Mr David A Cook, 1/R Blake Road, Cumbernauld Opposes closure of Langlands Primary School 10 Mr Brian Willis, 189 Glenacre Road, Carbrain, Cumbernauld Opposes closure of Langlands Primary School and concerned about safety of children walking to Melrose Primary. Opposes closures in general 11 Mrs A Habbick, Chairperson, Langlands School Board Opposes closure of Langlands Primary School 12 Mr J Rexter, 61 Craigieburn Road, North Carbrain, Cumbernauld Opposes any school closures, particularly Langlands Primary 13 Mrs Carol Murray, 28 Greenrigg Road, South Carbrain, Cumbernauld Opposes closure of Langlands Primary and has concerns regarding children’s safety 14 Mr & Mrs K Ferguson, 133 Stonylee Road, North Carbrain Opposes closure of Langlands Primary and has concerns regarding children’s safety 15 Mr & Mrs K Ferguson, 133 Stonylee Road, North Carbrain Opposes closure of Langlands Primary and has concerns regarding children’s safety 16 Mrs Anne Cook, 1/R Blake Road, Cumbernauld Opposes closure of schools in Cumbernuald in general 17 Mrs Anne Cook, 1/R Blake Road, Cumbernauld Opposes school closures in Cumbernauld 18 Mrs J Shaw, 14 Torbrex Road, North Carbrain, Cumbernauld Opposes the closure of Langlands Primary School 18a Mrs H Clark, 176 Stonylee Road, North Carbrain, Cumbernauld Opposes closure of Langlands Primary School 19 Master David Smith, 3 Beechwood Court, Cumbernauld Drawing from David aged 5 depicting that he does not want Langlands Primary to close 20 Ms Christine Smith, 3 Beechwood Court, Cumbernauld Opposes closure of Langlands and has fears with regards to the safety of children going to and from school 21 Mr W McTiernan, c/o Langlands Primary School, Glenacre Road Voices concern with regard to safety of walking route and opposes closure of Langlands Primary School 22 Mr & Mrs David Reynolds, 74 Kilbowie Road, Carbrain Supports “Cumbernauld Save our Schools” campaign and opposes the closure of Langlands Primary School 23 Miss Jayne Gouck, 133 Stonylee Road, North Carbrain “Strongly” opposes closure on Langlands Primary School 24 Davina McNeill, 67 Hawthorn Road, Cumbernauld “Save or Schools Campaign” opposes all school closures in Cumbernauld area 25 Mrs Anne Cook, 1/R Blake Road, Cumbernauld Copy of letter sent to Councillor Hogg, including cutting from paper, regarding Social Inclusion Commitment for North Lanarkshire” and op :s closure of Langlands Primary School.

.I I. Page 3

26 Mrs Anne Cook, 1/R Blake Road, Curnbernauld Copy of letter sent to Provost Barry McCulloch opposing closure of Langlands Primary School 27 Mrs Deborah Adams, 370 Millcroft Road, Carbrain, Cumbernauld Expresses deep concerns with regard to closure of Langlands Primary School 28 Mrs Jean McCulloch, 20/E Beechwood Road, North Carbrain, Opposes closure of Langlands Primary School Cumbernauld 29 Mrs A M Habbick., Chairperson, Langlands School Board, Langlands Re: Point 2.6 of consultation document - disputes occupancy level Primary School, Glenacre Road, Cumbernauld 30 Mr David Cook, 1/R Blake Road, Cumbernauld Concerns regarding relocation of community activities if Langlands Primary closes 31 Mrs Myra P Glass, 44 Redburn Road, , Cumbernauld Expresses concerns that the “The Convention of the Rights of the Child is not being adopted 32 Mrs Tuang-Juang Lee, clo Melrose Primary School, Melrose Road, Opposes the closure of Melrose Primary School Cumbernauld 33 Mr David Cook, 1/R Blake Road, Cumbernauld Queries accessibility of Melrose Primary School if Langlands Primary School closes and safety of walking route 34 Mrs A M Habbick, Chairperson, Langlands School Board, Langlands Queries the intake of new school north of A80. Questions why Primary School, Glenacre Road, Cumbernauld Langlands Primary catchment area has disappeared from the new catchment area maps. Also doubts statistics with regard to maintenance figures stated in consultation document 35 Ruby Welsh, Secretary, Carbrain Residents Association, 20/C States Carbrain is a deprived area and needs new facilities not Glenacre Road, Cumbernauld facilities taken away if Langlands Primary School closes 36 Mrs Anne Eaglesham, 75 Marmion Road, Greenfaulds, Cumbernauld Questions with safe walking route to Melrose Primary if Langlands Primary closes 37 Mr Andrew Cairns, 17 Broomlands Road, South Carbrain, Concerns with regard to over capacity - thnks it will have a Cumbernauld devastating effect on children’s education. States that Carbrain is a large housing estate and has no facilities apart from some shops and Langlands Primary School. 38 Mrs Anne Eaglesham, 75 Marmion Road, Greenfaulds, Cumbernauld Suggests merger between LanglandsISt Joseph’s Primary School . Opposes closure of Langlands Primary School 39 Mrs Anne Cook, 1/R Blake Road, Cumbernauld Opposes closure of Langlands Primary School and questions many aspects of the consultation document. 40 Mr Andrew Locke, 5 Forest View, Cumbernauld Concerned education will be disrupted if Langlands Primary School closes. Also states that Langlands is a focal point of the community 41 Mr Thomas Reilly, 22 Melrose Road, Cumbernauld Concerns with regard to transport to Melrose Primary if Langlands Primary closes 42 Mr Charles Bonar, 25 Marmion Way, Greenfaulds, Cumbernauld States that if Langlandshlelrose Primary schools merge there will be no nursery provision which is a vital part of the community

N P CD Iu ul Page 4 0

43 Mrs Joan Mills, 4 Abotsford Road, Greenfaulds, Cumbernauld Opposes closure of Melrose Primary School as it is the only primary school in the Greenfaulds area 44 Mrs Anne Rexter, 6 1 Craigieburn Road, Cumbernauld Opposes closure of Langlands Primary School and questions predicted population figures for area as replacement houses are being built. Has concerns with regard to pre-5 facilities in the area 45 Mr Gary J Murray, 28 Greenrigg Road, Carbrain, Cumbernauld Opposes closure of Langlands Primary School as he states Langlands is a community school and is Langlands closes it will take away the “heart of our community” 46 Mrs L Cunningham, 94 Stonylee Road, North Carbrain Fears that if Langlands Primary closes there will be no pre-5 provision 47 Mrs Laura Cochrane, Treasurer, Langlands Primary School Board, Writes on behalf of School Board - has concerns about time taken Langlands Primary School, Glenacre Road, North Carbrain, to walk to Melrose Primary (20-30 mins) - deprived area - parents Cumbernauld will not be able to afford packed lunches as children cannot come home for lunch. Has concerns about children having to carry extra equipment to school and emotional stress of children moving school as well as physical exhaustion 48 Mrs Anne Cook, 1/R Blake Road, Cumbernauld Copy of letter sent to Mr Sam Galbraith MP opposing closure of Langlands Primary School 49 Mrs Anne Cook, 1/R Blake Road, Cumbernauld Copy of letter to Education Committee opposing closure of Langlands Primary School 50 Mrs Carol Murray, 28 Greenrigg Road, South Carbrain, Cumbernauld Concerns with regard to safety of walking route to Melrose Primary School together with 11 photographs taken of route. 51 Ms Joanna Lowrie, 11 Beechwood Court, North Carbrain, Opposes closure of Langlands Primary School and has concerns Cumbernauld regarding pre-5 provision if school closes 52 Mrs Christine Buckel, Head Teacher, Langlands Primary School, Opposes closure of Langlands Primary School - disputes projected Glenacre Road, Cumbernauld maintenance costs, roll projections - has concerns about class sizes, travel (“potentially hazardous”) - transport, secondary provision and pre-5 provision 53 Councillor Stephen Grant, Vice-Convenor Housing & Property Requests at least one primary be retained in area and puts forward Services Committee, Ward 61, Carbain West and Greenfaulds, P 0 an option for Langlands Primary and St Joseph’s Primary to be Box 14, Civic Centre, Motherwell housed in the one building 54 Councillor Stephen Grant, Vice-Convenor Housing & Property States that if St Joseph’s Primary closed it would “tear the heart Services Committee, Ward 61, Carbrain West and Greenfaulds, P 0 out” of the community and suggests the option of housing St Box 14, Civic Centre, Motherwell Joseph’s and Langlands in the one building. 55 Mrs S Stewart, 177B Stonylee Road, North Carbrain, Cumbernauld Opposes the closure of Langlands Primary School and has concerns with regard to overcrowding in the proposed merged school 56 Mrs Anne Cook, 1/R Blake Road, Cumbernauld Not happy with the way the consultation process and consultation meetings have been carried out Page 5

57 Mrs Anne Cook, 1/R Blake Road, Cumbernauld Opposes closure of Langlands Primary and has concerns about nursery provision. States footwear and clothing grant figures and ask how can a Council with a policy of Social Inclusion propose to remove two out of three schools in an area of social deprivation 58 Ms Catherine Morrison, 80 Kilbowie Road, South Carbrain, Concerns about after school care in her community and feels that Cumbernauld local schools in her area at present accommodate the needs of many working parents 59 Ms Gillian Baird, 16 Beechwood Court, North Carbrain, Cumbernauild Opposes closure of Langlands Primary and feels that the distance to Melrose is too far 60 Mrs J Simpson, 8 Melrose Road, Cumbernauld Feels that class sizes in both primary and nursery are at capacity and would result in overcrowding in Melrose Primary School 61 Mr Iain McColl, 49 Lochinvar Road, Greenfaulds, Cumbernauld Opposes closure of Melrose Primary and feels it would be atrocious for her son to walk further every day to another school 62 Dr Michael Lesko, 113 Marmion Road, Greenfauld, Cumbernauld Opposes closure of Langlands Primary School and feels that the focus of the school on the community has not been considered 63 Mrs S Acreman, 184 Beechwood Road, Carbrain, Cumbernauld States that closure of Langlands Primary would be a loss to the Carbrain community and feel that the distance to Melrose Primary is considerable 64 Mrs Morag Bannatyne, 65 Hawthorn Road, Abronhill Opposes the closure of Langlands Primary School and states that Cumbernauld deserves smaller class sizes and a decent solid education. 65 G W Maclean, 212 1 Torbrex Road, North Carbrain, Cumbernauld Abhors the closing of Langlands Primary 66 Mr F Power, 63 Sandyknowe Road, South Carbrain, Cumbernauld States that Cumbernauld deserves smaller class sizes and a better standard of education 67 J Izett, 32 Beechwood Court, North Carbrain Opposes for closure of Langlands School 68 Mrs J Clark, 26/G Glenacre Road, North Carbrain As Langlands Primary is the “heart of community” it should not be closed as it also houses after school clubs, pre-school activities and adult courses 69 Mrs Jean Lyttle, 22 Kenmore Road, Kildrum, Cumbernauld Feels that if Langlands Primary School closes children’s education will be disrupted and being relocated to a new school would not be in their best interest 70 Mrs M Pollock, 122 Beechwood Road, Cumbernauld Opposes the closure of Langlands Primary as feels this it plays an astronomical part in the community 71 Mrs A Pollock, 122 Beechwood Road, Cumbernauld Opposes closure of Langlands Primary. Feels that the closure of Langlands would upset children and be detrimental to their education 72 Susan Kerr, 19 Craigieburn Road, North Carbrain, Curnberrrauld Opposes closure of Langlands Primary School and feels that Langlands is one of the most used schools with nursery during the day and Girl’s Brigade, Clubs and Aftercare in the evenings N cn Page 6 N

73 Lynn A Wilson, 359 Greenrigg Road, Cumbernauld Expresses concerns that if Langlands Primary School closes there will be no provision for community activities 74 Mr & Mrs R White, 334 Scott Cresc, Greenfaulds, Cumbernauld Thinks it would be wrong to close Langlands Primary School as it has many excellent facilities which would be lost if there was a merger with Melrose Primary 75 Mrs A M Boles, 2/G Glenacre Road, North Carbrain Believes that if class sizes are made bigger children’s education will be put in jeopardy 76 Mr Ross Watson, 6 1 Broomlands Road, South Carbrain Opposes closure of Langlands Primary School 77 Mr & Mrs V Habbick, 16/D Glenacre Road, North Carbrain Opposes closure of Langlands Primary and questions what arrangements will be made for transfer to High School if Langlands closes 78 Ms Jean McCulloch, 202 Beechwood Road, North Carbrain Opposes closure of Langlands Primary and states that as Carbrain has been designated as an area of social exclusion it would become more deprived if Langlands closes 79 Ms E McLaughlin, 63 Craigieburn Road, North Carbrain, Is worried that if Langlandshlelrose amalgamates what is going to Cumbernauld happen to children who need extra help. Also concerned about safety of walking route 80 Mrs M Maclean, 92 Kilbowie Road, South Carbrain Disgusted that mother and toddlers group was not included in the consultation as they occupy two rooms within Langlands School building 81 Mr Allan Graham, Secretary, Kildrum, Village, & North Branch welcomes the proposed school provision north of the A80 Seafar Branch of Labour Party, 33 Forest View, Kildrum but are concerned about proposals with regard to Langlandshlelrose and suggest that Langlands and St Joseph’s Primary have the same campus 82 Miss Samantha Reilly, 215 Stonylee Road, North Carbrain Disappointed about closure of Langlands Primary and has fears with regard to safety of walking route - encloses 13 photographs showing walking route 83 Mr A Martin, 170 Beechwood Road, Carbrain, Cuinbernauld Opposed closure of Langlands Primary School and can foresee the building and area ending up vandalised and derelict 84 Mrs Anne Cook, /R Blake Road, Cumbernauld 85 Sharon Taylor, 37 Lochinvar Road, Grenfaulds Opposes closure of Langlands Primary School 86 Yvonne Cossar, 29 Stonylee Road, North Carbrain Opposes closure of Langlands Primary School as children will lose the little independence they have gained because they will be no longer able to walk to and from school without the presence of an adult. The rapport will be lost between pupils and teachers if moved to another school .I ..

Page 7

87 Mr Brian Robb & Mrs Kathleen Robb, 78 Kilbowie Road, South Fears that if merger goes ahead, Langlands/Melrose, school will be Carbrain, Cumbernauld packed to capacity and shall have no music/drama/library facilities which according to the Parents Charter such activities should be actively encouraged - larger class sizes which is not consistent with the claims of present Government to improve education 88 Sean McEachaton, address not supplied Opposed Langlands Primary School closure 89 Melrose Primary EIS Branch, Melrose Primary School, Melrose Road, Ref.4.2.1. they consider that all pupils will not benefit from the Greenfaulds, Cumbernauld change and that building a new school north of the A80 would be to the detriment of other children. They also consider this is not in line with North Lanarkshire Council’s key policy of “Raising Achievement for all” Melrosenanglands have difference development plans, reading schemes and difference curriculum priorities since they are feeder primaries for difference secondary schools 90 Mr David Cook, 1/R Blake Road, Cumbernauld Wishes to complain strongly against the way in which the consultation process for this report has been handled 91 Mr Adam Gillespie, Head Teacher, Greenfaulds High School, Fully supports Council’s decision to rationalise primary school Athelstane Drive, Cumbernauld provision in Cumbernauld and sympathises with parents, pupils and staff who will face “their” school being closed. Makes strong representations in favour of agreed catchments for secondary schools and is against any form of open catchment in any of the Cumbernauld school. Would strongly suggest that Melrose, with its Langlands addition remain zoned to Greenfaulds High 92 Mrs Clark, address unknown & drawing from Stephanie Clark, Age 6 Wants to keep Langlands Primary open 93 Mrs Cahey, mother of Robert, c/o Langlands Primary School Opposes closure of Langlands Primary 94 Drawing submitted by Master C Milne Age 5, c/o Langlands Primary Likes Langlands Primary School School 95 E Murray, 15 Sandyknowes Road, South Carbrain, Cumbernauld Has concerns about the safety of the walking route to Melrose Primary if Langlands Primary closes 96 Karen Pirie, 103 Stonylee Road, North Carbrain, Cumbernauld Has concerns with regard to safety of walking route 97 Rev. Andrew Thomson BD, 77 Glen Lednock Drive, Craigmarloch Copy of letter to Cllr. Charles Gray. Opposes closure of Langlands Primary as it plays a very important part of the community - has concerns about new housing with increased population - Melrose and Langlands are different communities, therefore have nothing in common - safety of parked cars at Melrose Road 9s Names illegible, 12 1 Marmion Road, Greenfaulds, Cumbernauld Opposes closure of Melrose Primary as it would leave Greenfaulds area without a primary school which would discouraged couplcs with young families to move out of the area or to choose not to move into the area N U1 W Page 8 Objects to the lack of information provided on the proposed 99 Brenda Lawler, 26 Rosemount, Westerwood, Cumbernauld closures of the non-denominational schools in Cumbernauld 100 Master Allan Barclay, 173 Glenacre Road, Cumbernauld, G67 2NU Does not want to go to Melrose Primary School 101 Mr M Doig, Head Teacher, Cumbernauld High School, response from Uncomfortable with merger of Langlandshlelrose as Langlands Senior Management Team Primary is source of up to 25% of S 1 intake 102 Christine Smith, 3 Beechwood Court, North Carbrain, Cumbernauld Cannot see how children would benefit educationally and socially if there are large numbers in each class. Concerned about the safety of the walking route 103 Rosemary McKenna CBE, Member of Parliament for Cumbernauld & Kilsyth, House of Commons, London SWlA OAA Please refer to committee paper 104 Drew Morrice, The Educational Institute of Scotland, North Lanarkshire Local Association, 34 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1DA Please refer to committee paper 105 Cumbernauld Save our Schools, c/o Davina McNeill, 67 Hawthorn Road, Cumbernauld, G67 3LX Please refer to committee paper 106 Councillor Elizabeth Irvine, Ward 59, Abronhill Central & North, P 0 Box 14, Civic Centre, Motherwell, ML1 1TW Please refer to committee paper 107 Councillor William Homer, Ward 59, Abronhill Central & North, P 0 Box 14, Civic Centre, Motherwell ML1 1TW Please refer to committee paper 108 Councillor Faye Glavin, Ward 55, Balloch East & Ravenswood, P 0 Box 14 Civic Centre, Motherwell, ML1 1TW Please refer to committee paper 109 Councillor William Carmichael, Ward 58, Abronhill South, P 0 Box 14, Civic Centre, Motherwell, ML1 1TW Please refer to committee paper 110 Andrew Wilson MSP, Shadow Minister of Finance, Scottish National Party, Central Scotland Scottish Parliament, , EH99 1SP Please refer to committee paper 111 Cathie Craigie MSP, Member of Cumbernauld & Kilsyth, 6 Market Square, Kilsyth, Glasgow, G65 OM Please refer to committee paper 112 His Eminence Thomas J Cardinal Winning, Archbishop of Glasgow, The Archdiocese of Glasgow, 196 Clyde Street, Glasgow, G1 4JY Please refer to committee paper 113 Donald Gorrie MSP for Central Scotland, Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh EH1 1 9SP Please refer to committee paper 114 Councillor Gordon Murray, Depute Leader, SNP Group, Ward 57, Westerwood Carrickstone & , P 0 Box 14 Civic Centre, Letter dated 10 November 1999 - Motherwell, MLl ITW Please refer to committee paper 115 Councillor Gordon Murray, Depute Leader, SNP Group, Ward 57, Westerwood Carrickstone & Dullatur, P 0 Box 14 Civic Centre, Letter dated 17 November 1999 - Motherwell, ML1 1TW Please refer to committee paper 116 Councillor Cordon Murray, Depute Leader, SNP Group, Ward 57, Westerwood Carrickstone & Dullatur, P 0 Box 14 Civic Centre, Letter dated 18 November 1999 - Motherwell, ML1 1TW Please refer to comm;"'e paper

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117 Councillor Gordon Murray, Depute Leader, SNP Group, Ward 57, Letter dated 19 November 1999 - Westenvood Carrickstone & Dullatur, P 0 Box 14 Civic Centre, Please refer to committee paper Motherwell, ML1 1TW 118 Councillor Gordon Murray, Depute Leader, SNP Group, Ward 57, Westenvood Carrickstone & Dullatur, P 0 Box 14 Civic Centre, Letter dated 25 November 1999 - Motherwell, ML1 1TW Please refer to committee paper 119 Councillor Gordon Murray, Depute Leader, SNP Group, Ward 57, Westerwood Carrickstone & Dullatur, P 0 Box 14 Civic Centre, Letter dated 29 November 1999 - Motherwell, ML1 1TW Please refer to committee paper 120 Mrs A M Habbick, Chairperson, Langlands School Board, Langlands Primary School, Glenacre Road, Cumbernauld Raises concerns about the Craigieburn Family Partnership 12 1 Jim McGuinness, Head of Community Services, Buchanan Business Park, Stepps, Glasgow Please refer to committee paper NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL : DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION


No NamelAddress Main Points Petitions submitted by:

122 Children of Langlands Primary School, drawings and letters, (149 in total) opposing the closure of their school The children do not want their school to close

123 Staff of Langlands Primary (20 signatures) Please refer to committee paper

124 Staff of Langlands Primary School (16 signatures) Please refer to committee paper

125 Staff of Langlands Primary School (20 signatures) Please refer to committee paper

126 Signatures from pupils of Langlands Primary School Please refer to committee paper

127 Signatures from pupils of Langlands Primary School, together with Concerns with regard to safely of walking route to Melrose copies of 11 photographs Primary School if Langlands Primary closes

128 Letters from Melrose Primary School Board (37 in total) Please refer to committee paper

129 725 Signatures from Melrose Primary SchooVParents Association Please refer to committee paper

130 Staff of Langlands Primary School (20 signatures) Please refer to committee paper 257




No NameIAddress Main Points 1 OCCUPANT/74 Stonylee Rd,North Carbrain,G67 2LT Against Proposed School Closures 2 Occupant/65 Cardowan Drive,Blackwood,G68 9PA Against Proposed Scool Closures 3 Martin Davies 18 Alder Road Abronhill Against School Closures 4 Mr & Mrs R Campbell, 6 Springfield Road, G67 2RD Against Proposed School Closures 5 Catherine Fle&g,S 1 Southfield Road,Balloch, G68 9DZ Against children sharing facilities between ND and RC Schools.. 6 S. O’Neill ,54 Gartcarron Hil1,Balloch G68 9BS Against School Closures 7 Mr B Duncan, 27 Roadside,Cumbemauld Village Against school closures 8 Debbie Convery, 260 Cairntoul Court, Eastfield, G68 9JT Childrens future will be affected if school closures go ahead. 9 Mrs L Timothy, 17 Edenside, Westerwood Childrens future will be affected if school closures go ahead 10 Jacqueline McShane, 14 North Berwick Avenue,Carrickstone Vale Childrens future will be affected if school closures go ahead 11 Kim Fuentes, 26 Darley Road, Carrickstone, G68 OJR Childrens hture will be affected if school closures go ahead 12 W.L. Paterson, 20 Buchan House, Seafar, Cumbemauld Childrens future will be affected if school closures go ahead 13 Mrs Karen Pirie, 103 Stonylee Road, Nth. Carbrain G67 2LR Childrens future will be affected if school closures go ahead 14 Ms Carol Murray; 28 Greenrigg Road, South Carbtrain G67 Childrens future will be affected if school closures go ahead 1s Mrs Helen Walker, 34G Glenacre Road, Nth Carbrain, G67 Childrens future will be affected if school closures go ahead 16 Laura Cook, 66 Ashiestiel Drive, Greenfaulds, G67 4AT Childrens future will be affected if school closures go ahead 17 Nicola Rooney, 18/S Main Street, The Village, G67 2RS Withhold any public consultations on school closures until there has been a full review including adequate nursery provision. 18 Mrs B Duncan, 126 Roadside, The Village, G67 2SG Withhold any public consultations on school closures until there has been a full review including adequate nursery provision. 19 Liz Mullen 5 Top Lane Condorrat G67 4EE (Petition), Children having to travel longer distances in winter. 20 H.Smith, 254 Spruce Road,Abronhill, G67 3DU Withhold any public c including adequate nursery provision onsultations on school closures until there has been a full review. 21 N.Thorburn, 2SA Spruce Road, Abronhill,G67 3DU Withhold any public consultations on school closures until there has been a full review including adequate nursery provision. 22 B.Marran, 64 Achey Road, Condorrat Withhold any public consultations on school closures until there has been a full review including adequate nursery provision. 23 Mrs M,Forbes, 6E Glenacre Road,North Carbrain,G67 2WY Withhold any public consultations on school closures until there

1 has been a full review including adequate nursery provision. 24 Mrs Allen, 8 Smithyends,Cumbeniauld Village Withhold any public consultations on school closures until there has been a full review including adequate nursery provision. 25 Denise Parr, 29 Cedar Road, Abronhill, G67 3AP Withhold any public consultations on school closures until there has been a full review including adequate nursery provision. 26 Mr or Ms De La Rim Riquelnie, 307 Greeiuigg Road,S.Carbrain, G67 Withhold any public consultations on school closures until there has been a full review including adequate nursery provision. 27 Mr David Perry, 291 Glenacre Road, N.Carbrain G67 2PF Closing Schools & Transferring to other Schools. 28 Mr & Mrs Forbes , 116 Glenhove Road, G67 2LB Halt school closures 29 Mr T.Stirling, 63 Marmion Road, Greenfaulds G67 4AW Resident for 30 years, population has downheld, Should we not be building more schools. 30 Mr Paul Brown 33c Clouden Road, Kildrum, Cumbernauld G67 2EP Against increased class sizes. Against closing the Village school. 31 L Bennett, 47 Craigieburn Rd, Carbrain Halt school closures 32 Mrs E Mclaughlin, 63 Craigieburn Road N.Carbrain Cumbernauld Putting children in danger 33 Ms C Bonar 25 Marmion Road, Greenfaulds Retain all schools No closures 34 J.Sweeney 78 Ivanhoe Road, Greenfaulds, G67 4BH No schooI closures. 35 Alison McConnell, 73 Mannion Road, Greenfaulds, G67 Opposition to larger classes 36 A.Grant 140 Glenhove Road G67 2LB Make existing schools smaller 37 Mrs R.McCann 76 Medlar Road,Cnauld Overcrowded Classes 38 F.Gingel1 82 Craigieburn Road, North Carbrain, Cumbernauld Against school closures.. 39 Mr F.Allan 18 Pirie Road Abronhill Cumbernauld Against school closures 40 M.Gibbons 26 Pine Grove Abronhill Cumbernauld Against Disruption 41 Francis Walsh 37 Gean Court Abronhill Cnauld Proposals do comply with Best Value. 42 Mrs M. Brown 14 Castbum Road, Whitelees,Cnauld Against Children moving from one school to another 43 Mrs E. McGarrity 10 Beechwood Road Nth Carbrain G67 2NW Opposition to school closures 44 Mr T Heraghty 375 Greenrigg Road Cumbernauld Against Overcrowded Schools 45 Mr & Mrs Compton 18 Larch Ct, G67 3BD Schools in the district are what makes us a community 46 Mr J. Wilson 68 Pine Place Abronhill Cnauld Children with learning difficulties will not receive same standard as they have at the moment. 47 Ms Marilyn McKay, 29 1 Oak Road Abronhill Against school closure.. 48 Mr & Mrs K Ferguson 133 Stonylee Road N.Carbrain Cumbernauld Refuses to send her children to school if Langlands closes 49 Ms Flora Reid 32 Hawthorn Road Abronhill Cnauld Halt School Closures 50 Mrs S. Allison 54 Maple Court Cnauld G67 3NA Local Authority taking away Parents right in choosing their choice school where there children are educated. 51 Paul Brown 33C Clouden Road Kildrum Opposition to school closures 52 C.Smith 3 Beechwood Road North Carbrain Cnauld Increased class sizes fro other schools not affected by closure

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53 M.Murray 207 Whitelees Rd, Abronhill Against school closure 54 Miss N.Mahon 33 Cedar Road Abronhill Cumbernauld Increased class sizes 55 Mrs J McKeown 179 Craigiebuin Road Cumbernauld Opposition to school closures 56 I-Iardo Basuki 146 Ivanhoe Road Cumbernauld Halt to School Closures 57 Mrs E. Brown 58 Hawthoni Road Abronhill Cliildrens safety 58 McGinley 58 Ashiestiel Court Greenfaulds Opposition to school closures 59 Ms Helen Walker 34E Glenacre Road North Carbrain Requesting smaller class sizes GO M & Mrs Robert MacFarlane 7 Stonylee Road Carbrain Opposition to School and Local Youth Club Closures 61 Mrs M.Devlin 23 Pine Court Abronhill Reduced class sizes. Against closures 62 Mrs K.Forbes 14 Almond Road Abronhill G67 3LP Against school closure 63 Mrs E.Raeburn 4E Corbiston Way Kildrum Against re-routing children to other schools 64 John Bremner 19 Alder Road Abronhill C’Nauld Against children travelling longer distances 65 Mrs Karen Barr 126 Torbrex Road North Carbrain G67 2JS Against School Closures 66 Kay Braid 16 Stirling Street Halt school Closures 67 Ms Catherine McSharry 23 Chestnut Court Abronhill Disrupting Pupils 68 Mr or Ms M.Tully 17F Clouden Road Kildrum Children should be able to walk to school. Not rely on a bus 69 Mrs C.Wilson 27 Ashiestiel Court Greenfaulds Cumbernauld Spend money in updating shools. 70 Evelyn Sproul No Address Given Withhold any public consultations on school closures until there has been a full review including adequate nursery provision. 71 Hannah Friary No Address Given Withhold any public consultations on school closures until there has been a full review. 72 W.Finlayson No Address Given Withhold any public consultations on school closures until there has been a full review. 73 David A.Cook 1R Blake Road G67 IAG Opposition to school closure 74 Mr E.Canavan 174 Glenhove Road G67 2LE Opposition to school closure 75 Cynthia Boa1 24Birkenburn Road G67 3QS Against children changing school 76 Raymond Hunter 27 1 Oak Road G67 3LF What happens to classes? Smaller class sizes? 77 Mrs J.Gray 153 Stonylee Road Cnauld Against schools and local clubs closing. 78 Mr & Mrs Macdonald 4 Fairford Drive Greenfaulds Overcrowded Local School and redundancies 79 Mrs Hadley 65 Scott Drive G67 4LS Overcrowded Classrooms 80 Rose Rodriguez 206 Beechwood Road G67 2NR Traffich’arking Problems 81 Elaine Milne 28 Kilbowie Road Cumbernauld Against merging schools 82 Mr & Mrs J MacComick 22 Sandyknowes Road Cnauld Children benefit from smaller class sixes 83 Mr J.McCartney 102 Birch Road G67 3PA Small Classrooms 84 Mr Clyde Taylor 37 Lochinvar Road Greenfaulds Against School Closures 85 Mrs Hirrel 135 Maclenhose Road Kildrum G67 2EA Concerned that children will have to walk through the underpass.

3 86 Mrs H Doherty 39 Chestnut Avenue G67 3NT Class sizes reduced. Childrens Safety. 87 Mrs A Tolland 20 Pine Court Abronhill GG7 Think Again about school closures Unhappy about children having to use dark dangerous underpasses. . 88 J.Foster SO Scott Drive Greenfaulds G67 4LD Iiitegrating 2 Socially different areas is unfair. Also concerned about supervision to and from new schools s9 Mr R: Mrs AD Whyte 5b Ashiestiel Court G67 4AU Halt ScIiool Closures. 90 Mrs P.Morrison 64Waverley Cres Greenfaulds G67 4BG Against increasing School class sizes. 91 Mrs S Carniichael 150 Birch Road Cumbernauld Halt school closures 92 Mrs R Benton 95 Torbrex Road Cumbemauld G67 2JX Halt school closures 93 I MacNeil96 Glenacre Road N Carbrain Cumbernauld Against children travelling distances to school 94 Mr Kevin Tatton 42 Elm Drive Abronhill G67 3LW Considering moving out of area if these proposals are approved 95 F & M Maginnis 27 Marmion Road Cumbemauld G67 4AN Against children using the paths in the CarbraidGreenfaulds area 96 Mr P. Mahon 132 Cedar Road Abronhill Cumbernauld Reduce classrom sizes 97 Mrs C Major 15 Lilac Hill Abronhill Cumbernauld Against children walking to new schools 98 Mr T. Symington I50 Stonylee Road North Carbrain Cumbernauld Halt School closures 99 Mr & Mrs John McMillan 35 Broomlands Road Cumbernauld Proposals would end the childrens choice of school and destroy their community 100 A.Stevenson 5 Hazel Road Abronhill Cumbernauld Against children moving school as this is very stressful 101 Mr John A Cunningham 55 Broomlands Road Cumbernauld G67 2PU Mr Cunningham is dissapointed at the lack of support shown by their MP MSP and Local Councillors. I02 Agnes Swallow 69 Torbrex Road Carbrain Halt Proposed School Closures 103 S.Chalmers 21 Lamerton Road Kildrum Cumbernauld Halt Proposed School Closures 104 Ms M.Campbel1 18d Tarbolton Road Kildrum Cumbernauld Halt Proposed School Closures 105 Mr & Mrs Branney 11 Stonylee Road North Carbrain G67 2LP Halt Proposed School Closures 106 Mrs S.Forrest 47 Broomlands Road Cumbernauld G67 2PU Halt Proposed School Closures 107 J.McCormick MBE 85 Kilbowie Road South Carbrain Cumbernauld Object to schools closing in any area of Cumbernauld 108 Mrs A Reid 39 Broomlands Road South Carbrain Cumbernauld Against closure of local schools. 109 Mrs A Barbour 93 Rowan Road Abronhill Cumbernauld G67 3BX Oppose closures of all schools 110 Mr & Mrs Moncur 5 I Medlar Road Abronhill Cumbernauld Oppose school closures. 111 Mr & Mrs McGlynn 329 Greenrigg Road G67 2PN Halt Proposed School Closures 112 Mr John Connelly 16 G Clouden Road G67 2HY Government should to put money into use of surplus accomodation to reduce class sizes and adequate nursery provision. 113 Mr or Ms R.M.Wallace 49 Melrose Road Greenfaulds Cumbernauld Concern regarding children having to travel further distance to and from school 114 Ms Mary Scott 88 Kilbowie Road South Carbrain Cumbernauld Concern regarding children having to travel further distance to and from school

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115 Mr R.Blair 5B Clouden Road G67 2JG Halt Proposed School Closures 116 Ms Catherine MacDonald 129 Maclehose Road Kildrum Cumbernauld Against Catholic and Protestant schools being integrated

117 Ms Fiona Ross 50 McGregor Road Seafar G67 1JH Money should be used to upgrade existing schools. 118 h4r or Ms T.S. Ionta 125 McGregor Road Cumbernauld Halt Proposed School Closures 119 Ms hlargarct Caldwell 42 Chestnut Place Cumbeniauld G67 3NW Against children walking long distances to and from school 120 Mr J.Mallon 1 16 Ailislie Road Kildmm Cumbemauld Halt Proposed School Closures 121 Ms P.Boyd 1 12 Almond Road Abroiiliill Cuiibemauld Does not want her childs educationn disrupted. Against larger class sizes and overstretched teachers. 122 Mrs C Costford 3 Glenhove Road G67 2LG Halt Proposed School Closures. Less cutting back to save money. 123 Mrs M.Campbell9 Lochinvar Road Greenfaulds GG7 1AR Working parents rely on neighbours/relatives in the area to act as contact in their absence. This would disappear if the children were moved to other schools. 124 Ms P.Baird 27 Lilac Place Abronhill Cumbemauld Against children travelling to other schools ie unsafe routes distance. 125 Vincent McBride 34 1 Greenrigg Road Cumbenauld If anything happens to children, council, will be to blame./court action against council. 126 Deborah Cowie 48 The Auld Road, The Village, Cumbernauld Aginst school closure 127 Laura Smith 16F Tarbolton Road Kildrum Cumbemauld Aginst school closure. 128 W McKeown 9 Beechwood Road North Carbrain Cumbernauld The schools are part of the community and close to home. 129 George & Isobel Clark 34 Waverley Crescent Greenfaulds G67 4BG Why can council close schools in an area which is still growing. 130 Melanie Aitken 30C Glenmore Road Cumbernauld Promise pre -5 placements, then take away the facilities and deprive our children of education. 131 Mr A Love 52 The Auld Road Cumbernauld Against school closure.. 132 Mrs Cochrane 38 Gean Court Abronhill Cumbernauld Education will suffer. Adapting to new surroundings. 133 I Campbell 49A Cathkin Crescent Carrickstone Cumbemauld When will the residents of Carrickstone, Westenvood,Craigmarloch be consulted as to whether or not they want a new school, will not be moving children. 134 Yvonne Myrney 32 Kenmore Road Kildrum Cumbemauld Against school closures 135 J & S Foster 80 Scott Drive Greenfaulds Cumbernauld If you have children of your own how would you react(not as a Director of Education) but as a regular parent.

136 Mr J Given 25 Pine Grove Abronhill Cumbernauld Total objection - children starting nursery and school both have to be there at the same time, travelling. Irresponsible, unacceptable and undesirable closures. 137 C.Norris 26c Glenacre Road Cumbemauld (Petition) We call on NLC to keep our schools open and review how best to

5 use educational capacity throughout Cumbemauld to provide smaller class sizes and other benefits to local children. 138 L.Brown 96 Medlar Road Cumbeinauld Secondary schools should not be closed in Cumbemauld. 139 Mr & Mrs John Sloss 305 Greenrigg Road G67 2PN Objecting to children having to walk quiet underpasses and along roads to school. Also overcrowded classes and lack of parking at schools. 140 M.Macintyre 10 Lochinvar Road Cumbernauld Halt Proposed School Closures. 141 Mrs Jacqueliiie Pearce 32 Glen Lochay Gardens Cuiiibernauld Letter from Provost Barry McCullocli askiiig if the Education Letter from Councillor Barry McCulloch Dept. would consider jointly zoning the Glen Lochay area to both Eastfield Primary and the new ND Primary school. 142 Davina McNeill67 Hawthorn Road Cumbemauld G67 3LX Letter from CUMBERNAULD SAVE OUR SCHOOLS CAMPAIGN. Against cutting costs . Totally rejects the administrations recommendations tabled at the Education Committtee on the 19th October 99. 143 Councillor Gordon Murray 29 Binniehill Road, Cumbemauld G68 9DT Against school closures. 144 Paul Brown 33 C Clouden Road Kildrum Cumbernauld Doesnot agree with closure. class sizes.. 145 M Duncan Cumbernauld Village Playgroup The Wynd Cumbernauld Against closure 146 V Lennox Cumbernauld Village Playgroup The Wynd Cumbernauld Against closure 147 T Wright Cumbernauld Village Playgroup The Wynd Cumbernauld Against Closure 148 A Hannah Cumbernauld Village Playgroup The Wynd Cumbernauld Against Closure 149 E Andrew Cumbernauld Village Playgroup The Wynd Cumbernauld Against Closure I50 M Lang Cumbernauld Village Playgroup The Wynd Cumbernauld Against Closure 151 J Kitte Cumbernauld Village Playgroup The Wynd Cumbernauld Against Closure 152 Brenda Lawlor 26 Rosemount Westenvood Cumbernauld Detailed in committee report 153 Drew Morrice LA Secretary The Educational Institure of Scotland Deatiled in committee report North Lanarkshire Local Association 345 West George Street Glasgow 154 Cumbernauld Save Our Schools Campaign c/o Davina McNeill67 Deatiled in committee report Hawthorn Road Cumbernauld. 155 Councillor William Carmichael Ward 58 Abronhill South P 0 BOX14 Deatiled in committee report Civic Centre Motherwell ML1 1TW 156 Rosemary McKenna MP for Cumbernauld & Kilsyth, House of Deatiled in committee report Commons, London 157 Councillor Fave Glavin Ward 55 Balloch East and Ravenswood P 0 Deatiled in committee report Box Civic Centre Motherwell ML1 1TW 158 Councillor William Homer Ward 60 Carbrain East P 0 Box I4 Civic Detailed in committee report Centre Motherwell MLl 1TW

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159 Councillor Elizabeth Irvine Ward 59 Abronhill Central & North P 0 Deatiled in committee report Box 14 Civic Centre Motherwell MLl 1TW 1GO Donald Gorrie MSP for Scotland Scottish Parliament Edinburgh Detailed in committee report 161 Andrew Wilson MSP Shadow Minister of Finance Scottish National Detailed in committee report Party Scottish Parliament Edinburgh EH99 1SP

162 His Eminence Thomas J Cardinal Winning Archbishop of Glasgow Detailed in conunittee report. The Archdiocese of Glasgow 196 Clyde Street Glasgow G! 4JY 163 Councillor Gordon Murray, 29 Binniehill Road, Cumbernauld. Detailed in Committee Report 164 Councillor Gordon Murray, 29 Binniehill Road, Cumbernauld Detailed in Committee Report. 165 Councillor Gordon Murray, 29 Binniehill Road, Cumbernauld Detailed in Committee Report 166 Councillor Gordon Murray. 29 Binniehill Road, Cumbernauld Detailed in Committee Report 167 Councillor Gordon Murray, 29 Binniehill Road, Cumbernauld Detailed in Committee Report 168 Councillor Gordon Murray, 29 Binniehill Road, Cumbernauld Detailed in Committee Report 169 Cathy Craigie MSP Constituency Office, 6 Market Square Kilsyth Deatiled in Committee Report. 170 Jim McGuiness, Head of Community Resources Detailed in Committee Report

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