sFiles Admin Quick Start Guide Set up Salesforce with SharePoint using sFiles



Prerequisites ...... 1

Install sFiles app from the AppExchange ...... 2

Run the Set Up Wizard ...... 3

Add sFiles to your Object Page Layout ...... 4

How to Enable Custom Domain in Salesforce ...... 5

Create App Registration with Azure Active Directory for sFiles ...... 6

1. Get your redirect URI ...... 6

2. Register App ...... 7

3. Get Application and Directory IDs ...... 8

4. Generate Secret ...... 8

5. Grant Permissions ...... 9

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In order to successfully install and set up sFiles and connect your Salesforce org and SharePoint online, you must fulfill the following prerequisites:

1. Have custom domain enabled in your Salesforce org. (How to enable custom domain in Salesforce) 2. Be a Salesforce administrator in your org. 3. Have permissions to create App registrations in your Azure Active Directory. Azure is used to grant permissions to access your SharePoint sites and files.

If you do not have permissions in your Azure AD, please work with your Azure AD using the section in this document, “Create App Registration with Azure Active Directory for sFiles.”

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Install sFiles app from the AppExchange

Install sFiles app from the AppExchange

1. Install sFiles from the AppExchange. (https://appexchange.salesforce.com/appxListingDetail?listingId=a0N3A00000FR4atUAD) 2. Click Buy Now (If you are not logged in to Salesforce AppExchange, it will say Get it Now).

3. In the installation screen, select Install for All Users.

4. Once installation completes, you will receive an email.

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Run the Set Up Wizard

Run the Set Up Wizard

While the set up can be configured manually in Salesforce, we recommend running the wizard for step-by-step instructions.

1. Click the gear icon on the top right of the Salesforce page you installed sFiles in and click Setup. 2. In the Quick Find , type “Installed Packages.” 3. Click the Configure link next to the sFiles package.

4. Click “Step 1: sFiles Configuration Wizard” to get started. At this point, ensure that you either have administrative access to your Azure Active Domain with the ability to create App registrations, or you have followed the instructions to set up an app registry with your Azure administrator 5. Follow the steps to finish setting up the integration. The wizard will automatically move on to the

“Object Setup Wizard” after finishing the configuration step. (If you encounter issues during install and set up, please contact the email address included in the welcome email.)

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Add sFiles to your Object Page Layout

Add sFiles to your Object Page Layout

Once sFiles is set up in your org you can add the sFiles component in your record’s page layout. In order to do this, navigate to your record (for example an Opportunity record inside the Opportunity object), and click the gear icon on the top right.

Drag and drop the sFiles Browser component into your page layout, and click Save.

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How to Enable Custom Domain in Salesforce

How to Enable Custom Domain in Salesforce

A custom domain is required in order for the sFiles Setup Wizard to function. Creating a domain for the org by clicking the gear located in the upper right corner of your org, and click Setup. Type “My Domain” in the quick search in the setup view, and click My Domain under Company Settings.

Check the domain availability and register your domain. For more information refer to Salesforce’s documentation on Domain names (https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=domain_name_overview.htm&type=5)

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Create App Registration with Azure Active Directory for sFiles

Create App Registration with Azure Active Directory for sFiles

If you are not a Salesforce administrator and an Azure Active Directory administrator, you will need to ask your Azure AD admin to create an app registration for sFiles to connect Salesforce to SharePoint. 1. Get your redirect URI

(Salesforce Admin) You will need to give your Azure AD admin your Salesforce redirect URI during app registration. To create this URI, follow the steps below.

Your redirect URI is created in the following manner: https:///services/authcallback/sFilesProvider

In order to get your salesforce domain, in your Salesforce org, navigate to your Setup, in the quick lookup box, search for My Domain and click on My Domain. Your Salesforce domain name is the value in the box “Your domain name is.”

Example: if your domain name is “mycompany.my.salesforce.com” the redirect URI is https://mycompany.my.salesforce.com/services/authcallback/sFilesProvider

Please have this redirect URI ready for the next steps.

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Create App Registration with Azure Active Directory for sFiles

2. Register App

(Azure Admin) Follow the link to create a new registration for your integration app: https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_IAM/ActiveDirectoryMenuBlade/RegisteredApps

Click “New Registration.”

1. Give your app a relevant name like “sFiles.” 2. Select “Accounts in this organizational directory only” for account type. 3. For your Redirect URI, select “Web” and paste the URI generated by the Salesforce Id in step 1. 4. Click Register.

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Create App Registration with Azure Active Directory for sFiles

3. Get Application and Directory IDs

Once the App is registered, copy and send the Application (client) and the Directory (tenant) IDs to the Salesforce admin.

4. Generate Secret

1. Navigate to Certificates & Secrets and click New client secret. 2. Enter a relevant description, such as “sFilesApplication.” 3. Select Never in the Expires selection, and click Add. 4. Copy and send the generated client secret to your Salesforce admin.

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Create App Registration with Azure Active Directory for sFiles

5. Grant Permissions

1. Navigate to API permissions and click Add a permission. 2. Select Graph, and select Delegated permissions and add the following: Files.ReadWrite.All Sites.Read.All User.Read 3. Click Add Permissions

Provide the Salesforce admin with the Application (client) Id, Directory (tenant) Id, and the generated Client secret. Using those values, the Salesforce admin can run through the set up wizard to finalize setting sFiles up in Salesforce.

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