The National Synagogue - Calendar of Events

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[Secure Payment Online for Events, This year in anticipation of the High Holidays ( Yamim Noraim ) our Meals, Dues and Donations ] congregation will hope to achieve a greater level of repentance ( teshuvah ) by focusing on the theme of kavod habriot , (honor for our fellow human beings), during the month of Elul. The way we honor others is a reflection of the way we think about God, since all human beings are created in the image of God.

6:30 am Daily Minyan, followed by Talmud Study with Rabbi Herzfeld

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8:30 am Sundays & Legal Holidays

Classes with Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld


Following Mincha and Maariv during the month of Elul Rabbi Herzfeld will study the Path of the Just (Mesillat Yesharim) of Rabbi Moshe Chayyim Luzatto. Group study of this classic work of mussar (ethical improvement) is an excellent way to begin the process of teshuvah through the theme of kavod habriot.

Kiddush Lunch every Shabbat. The Shabbat lunch is FREE and OPEN to the entire community. But we do seek sponsors….

Even Before September!

Wednesday, August 31 – Rosh Chodesh Elul Day 2

6:30 am The Shofar is sounded for the first time this season! Rabbi Herzfeld has gifts of honey for all those who visit him in his office before the High Holidays. Just stop by for your sweet gift .

7:25 Mincha/Maariv followed by:

A Special Guest Lecture by Rabbi Joshua Maroof:

“The Laws and Customs of Rosh Hashanah”

Dinner will be served with this special Torah class.

Rabbi Joshua Maroof is Rabbi of Magen David Sephardic Congregation in Rockville, Maryland. He is a creative writer and poet and has authored many essays/papers addressing the fundamental issues related to Judaism.

Thursday, September 1

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7:20 pm Mincha & Maariv followed by a memorial service for the Jewish community of Anyks with a talk by Dr. Andrew Apostolou about this community. 3 Elul is the date on which the Jews of Anykščiai (Anyks) were murdered during the Holocaust. Some of the victims are memorialized in our Gelman Chapel on the Zeiler memorial board. This is the 70th anniversary of their murder. In addition to learning about this community we will recite prayers on their behalf and light a memorial candle.

Friday, September 2

7:20 pm Candles

6:45 pm Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat

Shabbat, September 3 – Shoftim

8:45 am Communal Torah Study

9:15 am Shacharit with a Dvar Torah by Ariel Troy on the occasion of her Bat Mitzvah

10:15 am Tot Shabbat, Shabbat Club and JMinyan

7:00 pm Mincha followed by Seudat Shelishit and a Dvar Torah by the Troy family

8:22 pm Shabbat ends

9:30 pm A Melaveh Malkah at the home of Josh Milner and Aliza Sperling (1422 Leegate) as we welcome in our new Steinzalts Ambassadors. Sing, relax and meet our newest friends as we escort the Shabbat Queen on her path.

Mincha and Maariv for the week of September 4 will be at 7:15 pm

Monday, September 5

8:30 am Shacharit

Wednesday, September 7

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7:15 pm Mincha and Maariv

7:45 pm A Night of Learning for the month of Elul. Welcome our newest Israeli Ambassadors from Rav Steinsaltz’s Yeshiva program with a night of multiple Torah study classes dedicated to the High Holidays. Dinner will be served.

Thursday, September 8

7:15 pm Mincha and Maariv

7:45 pm Study of the Talmud Rosh Hashanah with Rabbi Herzfeld. This class will focus on the texts from the tractate that offer us a greater understanding into the holiday of Rosh Hashanah.

Friday, September 9

7:09 pm Candles

6:45 pm Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat

Shabbat, September 10 – Ki Tetzei

8:45 am Communal Torah Study

9:15 am Shacharit with a Dvar Torah by Rabbi Herzfeld: “Laws of Forgiveness”

10:15 am Tot Shabbat, Shabbat Club and JMinyan

6:50 pm Mincha followed by Seudat Shelishit and a Dvar Torah by Yaakov Sussman in memory of Soraya Aghamolla on the laws of the shofar

8:11 pm Shabbat ends

Mincha and Maariv for the week of September 11 will be at 7:10 pm

Sunday, September 11

9:30 am Understanding the High Holidays

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Sundays, September 11, 18, and 25 @ 9:30 am

Rabbi Ben Mintz will explore the liturgical themes of the High Holidays.

If you review the prayers in advance of the holiday, it will help you have a meaningful prayer service….

Tuesday September, 13

7:10 pm Mincha and Maariv followed by a Synagogue Board Meeting. All are welcome.

Wednesday September, 14

7:10 pm Mincha and Maariv followed by:

Open Beit Midrash night with Rabbi Herzfeld and the Steinsaltz Ambassadors—

Dinner will be served. The Steinsaltz Ambassadors will study about the upcoming holidays.

Rabbi Herzfeld will study the sources and laws in rabbinic literature that relate to the topic of kavod habriot . Emphasis will be placed on how Jewish law encourages us to place kavod habriot at the center of our relationship with Hashem.

Thursday, September 15

7:15 pm Mincha and Maariv

7:45 pm Study of the Talmud Rosh Hashanah with Rabbi Herzfeld. This class will focus on the texts from the tractate that offer us a greater understanding into the holiday of Rosh Hashanah.

Friday, September 16

6:58 pm Candles

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6:45 pm Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat

Shabbat, September 17 – Ki Tavo

8:45 am Communal Torah Study

9:15 am Shacharit with a Dvar Torah by Adam Bashar. Adam is a refuge from the genocide in Sudan. He now lives in Israel and is the head of the Sudanese Refugees living in Israel. He is volunteering in Washington at the Holocaust Museum for three months.

10:15 am Tot Shabbat, Shabbat Club and JMinyan

6:40 pm Mincha followed by Seudat Shelishit and a Dvar Torah by Rabbi Ben Mintz: “Akedat Yitzchak, the Binding of Isaac.”

7:59 pm Shabbat ends

Mincha and Maariv for the week of September 18 will be at 7:00 pm

Sunday, September 18

9:30 am Understanding the High Holidays with Rabbi Mintz

Rabbi Ben Mintz will explore the liturgical themes of the High Holidays

10:30 am Annual Cemetery Trip

Bus leaves the synagogue at 10:30 am and is free of charge.

It is customary to visit the graves of loved ones before the High Holidays. Our congregation visits the Synagogue’s cemetery with services at the cemetery led by Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld.

Monday September, 19

7:00 pm Mincha and Maariv

7:30 pm Rahel Berkovits is coming to Washington to launch her new JOFA TA SHMA Halakhic source guide on A Daughter’s Recitation of Kaddish. Reciting mourner’s kaddish for a

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parent stands at the heart of the Jewish bereavement experience. While traditionally this public recitation has been seen as a son’s responsibility, a daughter reciting kaddish is not a modern concept. The halakhic literature addresses questions such as: May a daughter recite mourner’s kaddish? May she recite kaddish alone or must it be in conjunction with a man? Should her kaddish be said aloud or quietly?

Pizza Will Be Served.

Rahel Berkovits lectures in Mishnah, Talmud and halakhah at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem. She has published entries in the CD-ROM, Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia and lectures widely in both Israel and the on topics concerning women and Jewish law. Ohev Sholom is thrilled to be the first synagogue in the U.S. to earn the prestigious ENERGY STAR label for a house of worship Tuesday, September 20


Honey and Tickets Give-Away

Corner of Connecticut and K

12:00-1:00 pm

Web Everyone should feel welcome in our Synagogue, whether or not they can “afford” a seat and whether or not they have pre-existing knowledge of Judaism. To demonstrate how serious we are about this belief, everyone is invited to join Rabbi Herzfeld in Downtown D.C. as he blasts the Shofar and gives away FREE HIGH HOLIDAY TICKETS together with FREE Honey from Israel. The honey is intended to symbolize that our synagogue wishes to We're proud to be affiliated with The spread sweetness in D.C. and wishes everyone a sweet new year. Also look for Othodox Union and the busy bees dressed up in costume helping Rabbi Herzfeld. Volunteers to The Rabbinical Council of America help Rabbi Herzfeld are needed….

Rabbi Herzfeld also has gifts of honey for all those who visit him in his office before the High Holidays. Just stop by for your sweet gift.

All content © Copyright 1997-2011 Ohev Sholom - The National Developmentally Different Adults Pre-Rosh Hashanah Program Synagogue. Design & Hosting by EMES Consulting LLC 7:00 pm Domain registrations compliments of

The Torah frequently admonishes us: “Remember that you were once

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strangers in the land of Egypt.” The test of a community is the way it treats its most vulnerable members. In this spirit, our congregation is proud to connect with Developmentally Different adults in the D.C. area and especially those from the Jewish Foundation for Group Homes. Residents of local group homes join with us for a pre-holiday program. Dinner is served. Bring your children and help them learn about this mitzvah.

Wednesday September, 21

7:00 pm Mincha and Maariv


From Rabbi Dr. Dovid Katz

Rabbi Dr. Dovid Katz will focus on the laws of kavod habriot through the case of a question brought to Rabbi Ezekial Landau, author of the Nodeh Beyehudah , the chief rabbi of Prague in the 18 th century. There will be a Chinese food before the lecture.

To properly prepare for this lecture (and for the High Holidays) Rabbi Herzfeld will be leading two sessions that will study the rabbinic sources that relate to kavod habriot , honoring other people. (On Wednesday evening, September 7 and 14.)

Rabbi Katz is the Rabbi of Congregation Beth Abraham in Baltimore and he is a professor of Jewish history at Johns Hopkins University and the University of Maryland. Rabbi Katz’s weekly lectures on Jewish history in Baltimore draw hundreds of people from a cross section of Baltimore’s Jewish community. In addition to his rabbinic duties, Rabbi Katz served as a contributing editor to the Artscroll Schottenstein English Translation and Commentary of the Babylonian Talmud.

Thursday, September 22

7:00 pm Mincha and Maariv

7:30 pm Study of the Talmud Rosh Hashanah with Rabbi Herzfeld. This class will focus on the texts from the tractate that offer us a greater understanding into the holiday of Rosh Hashanah.

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Friday, September 23

12:00 pm Torah on the Hill with Rabbi Herzfeld meets in Senate Russell Building Room 167. The topic will be: Inspirational Ideas from the Rosh Hashanah liturgy. Light lunch will be served. All are welcome.

6:47 pm Candles

6:45 pm Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat

Shabbat, September 24 – Netzavim-Vayelekh

8:45 am Communal Torah Study

9:15 am Shacharit with a Dvar Torah by Josh Milner

10:15 am Tot Shabbat, Shabbat Club and JMinyan

6:00 pm Warm up for the High Holidays in the main sanctuary with Josh Milner by practicing the tunes we will sing on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

6:30 pm Mincha followed by Seudat Shelishit and a Dvar Torah by Rabbi Herzfeld:

“The Laws of Rosh Hashanah”

7:48 pm Shabbat ends

Mincha and Maariv for the week of September 25 will be at 6:50 pm

Pre-Selichot Kumzitz-Singing and Selichot Prayers

10:45 pm - 1:00 am

It is customary to recite penitential prayers (Selichot) in the days leading up to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Traditionally, Selichot prayers for the first night take place in the middle of the night. We follow that custom. (In the days following, we will recite Selichot just prior to our morning prayers.) There is a special energy and excitement to these prayers as we begin the liturgy of the High Holidays with this service. It is a time for soulful reflection.

Pre-Selichot Kumzits-Singing with Rabbi Eli Kohl of the University of Maryland

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10:45 – 11:45 pm

Prior to the recitation of Selichot, we prepare spiritually by gathering for spiritual, soulful preparation with Rabbi Eli Kohl.

The sweet sounds of Jewish prayer and study, not to mention the guitar, are emanating from the Maryland's College Park campus as Rabbi Eli Kohl and his wife, Naomi, began their service five years ago as Torah educators at the Hillel as part of the Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus.

Rabbi Kohl received his ordination from . He was a mentor in the YU mechinah program, helping students make the transition to campus. Some of his favorite times have been teaching kindergarten at Ramaz in City and leading Israel tours.


12:00-1:00 PM

Gather in our beautiful, historic sanctuary for Selichot services led by Josh Milner

Sunday, September 25

9:30 am Understanding the High Holidays with Rabbi Mintz

Rabbi Ben Mintz will explore the liturgical themes of the High Holidays

2:00-5:00 pm JEWISH NEW YEAR’S BASH in SHEPHERD PARK Ring in the (Jewish) New Year with us at Ohev Sholom – The National Synagogue. Festivities will include, shofar blowout competition, moonbounce, obstacle course, cotton candy, honey tasting, Challah baking, face painting, giveaways, arts & crafts, music, prizes and more!

Monday, September 26 through Wednesday, September 28

Selichot will be recited at 6:10 am


This year we are honored that Josh Milner, David Eisenman, and Yaakov

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Sussman will lead our High Holiday services.

We invite you to join us for communal dinners on both nights of Rosh Hashanah. (If the reservation is made by Monday 9/22, then Dinner is $12 for adults and children under 12 are free; after that, cost is $15 for adults, and $12 for children.) Please email your dinner reservation to [email protected] or call our administrative office at (202) 882-7225.

Everyone is welcome to participate in our High Holiday services. The more people that join us the better chance we have of getting our prayers answered. Prayer is like a symphony. Every individual brings his and her own unique talents to communal prayer. The mixture of different voices is what makes communal prayer so special. So, please join us. We need you to join with our prayers.

To reserve your High Holidays seat call the office for more details or email [email protected]

Rosh Hashanah

(Begins Wednesday Evening, September 28)

Candle lighting at 6:39 pm

Mincha & Maariv at 6:45 pm

Communal Dinner following services. Please make your reservations by 9/22.

First Day of Rosh Hashanah

Thursday, September 29

Morning Service at 8:30 am

Shofar Blowing at 10:30 am

FREE ALTERNATIVE Service at 5:00 pm

For those looking for something a little different. Try this relaxed and intimate setting. Discussion, songs, and highlights from the prayer service. No membership required. IT IS COMPLETELY FREE. No solicitation of funds.

Mincha at 6:00 pm will be followed by Tashlikh. The congregation will walk together to Rock Creek Park for Tashlikh. (Tashlikh is a spiritual service symbolizing repentance recited at the waterside.)

Maariv at 7:15 pm

Light candles after 7:36 pm

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Communal Dinner following services. Please make your reservations by 9/22.

Second Day of Rosh Hashanah

Sunday, September 30

Morning Service at 8:30 am

Shofar Blowing at 10:30 am

Candle lighting at 6:36 pm

Mincha and Maariv 6:40 pm

Shabbat Shuva—Parshat Haazinu

Shabbat, October 1

Mincha at 6:15 pm

Rabbi Herzfeld’s Shabbat Shuvah Discourse at 6:35 pm

Havdalah at 7:37 pm

It is customary for the Rabbi of the Synagogue to give a major address every year on the Shabbat between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. This Shabbat is known as Shabbat Shuva, the Sabbath of Repentance. This year Rabbi Herzfeld will discuss: “Treating other human beings with dignity as a pre-requisite for repentance: laws and nuances.” Sources for this class will be made available on Rosh Hashanah for you to review and study in preparation.

Sukkot is coming!

Sign up for your Sukkah meals in the shul and order your Lulav and Etrog. Contact our office for more info.

Youth Announcements

Babysitting will be available on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur for children under seven. There will be a $20 fee per child, per day. Pre-registration is required to

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[email protected] by September 14. Thursday, September 29 8:30 am - end of services Friday, September 30 8:30 am - end of services Friday, October 7 7:00 pm - end of Kol Nidre Saturday, October 8 8:30 am - end of morning services, during Ne’ilah

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