APPENDIX 1: Program Outcomes Curriculum Map

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Peace and Conflict Studies Major and Minor

Program Courses and Corresponding ILOs Demonstrate Information competency Analyze imaginatively Use skills Initiate velop problems Communicate effectively Engage tive Pursue and learning Engage and tice Contribute and

PACS 100: Introduction to Peace & Conflict Studies

HSER 120: Interpersonal Communication or CMNS 180: Introduction to Intercultural Communication

PACS 200: Conflict Analysis and Peacebuilding in the Fraser Valley

PACS 310: Conflict Transformation

CCR 100 (JIBC): Foundations of Collaborative Conflict Resolution

CCR 172 (JIBC): Balancing Empathy and Assertion

CCR 173 (JIBC): Dynamics of Power

PACS/GEOG 346: Geography of Religion and Peacebuilding

PACS 390: Directed Study (with colloquium) or PACS 391: Field Work (with colloquium)

PACS 400: Capstone Seminar

Peace and Conflict Studies (PACS) Major and Minor Program Learning Outcomes and Corresponding Courses University of the Fraser Valley

The following table illustrates which core required courses for the Peace and Conflict Studies (PACS) Major and Minor have specific outcomes that contribute to a student’s ability to meet the program outcomes. Students exiting PACS will have met all of the program outcomes through their course work, but it is also recognized that other program elective courses, and student activities, such as volunteer work, establishing a co- curricular record, co-op experience, etc. may further contribute to students’ ability to meet the program out- comes.

1. Identify and interpret the relationship between social conditions and conflicts.

Core Requirements:

PACS 100: Introduction to Peace & Conflict Studies PACS 200: Conflict Analysis and Peacebuilding in the Fraser Valley PACS/GEOG 346: Geography of Religion and Peacebuilding

2. Apply the current theories and methodologies in the field.

Core Requirements:

PACS 310: Conflict Transformation CCR 173 (JIBC): Dynamics of Power PACS/GEOG 346: Geography of Religion and Peacebuilding

3. Evaluate the roots of conflict in the Fraser Valley region, and in numerous other realms

Core Requirements:

PACS 100: Introduction to Peace & Conflict Studies PACS 200: Conflict Analysis and Peacebuilding in the Fraser Valley PACS 310: Conflict Transformation CCR 100 (JIBC): Foundations of Collaborative Conflict Resolution PACS/GEOG 346: Geography of Religion and Peacebuilding

4. Demonstrate conflict transformation skills and mediation skills

Core Requirements:

PACS 310: Conflict Transformation CCR 100 (JIBC): Foundations of Collaborative Conflict Resolution CCR 172 (JIBC): Balancing Empathy and Assertion CCR 173 (JIBC): Dynamics of Power

1 Peace and Conflict Studies (PACS) Major and Minor Program Learning Outcomes and Corresponding Courses University of the Fraser Valley 5. Employ strategies for reconciliation

Core Requirements:

PACS 310: Conflict Transformation CCR 100 (JIBC): Foundations of Collaborative Conflict Resolution CCR 172 (JIBC): Balancing Empathy and Assertion CCR 173 (JIBC): Dynamics of Power PACS 390: Directed Study or PACS 391: Field Work PACS 400: Capstone Seminar

6. Interact in a culturally responsive manner

Degree Core Requirements:

PACS 310: Conflict Transformation PACS 390: Directed Study or PACS 391: Field Work PACS 400: Capstone Seminar

7. Design strategies for developing the social, political, economic, and ecological conditions for peacebuild- ing

Degree Core Requirements:

PACS 200: Conflict Analysis and Peacebuilding in the Fraser Valley PACS 310: Conflict Transformation PACS/GEOG 346: Geography of Religion and Peacebuilding PACS 390: Directed Study or PACS 391: Field Work PACS 400: Capstone Seminar

8. Reflect critically on their own positionality and its implications during conflict and peacebuilding contexts.

Core Requirements:

CCR 100 (JIBC): Foundations of Collaborative Conflict Resolution CCR 172 (JIBC): Balancing Empathy and Assertion CCR 173 (JIBC): Dynamics of Power PACS 390: Directed Study or PACS 391: Field Work PACS 400: Capstone Seminar


APPENDIX 2: Labour Market Information

Employment Demand Research – Peace & Conflict Studies

Link/Report Location Source Quotes/Notes Skills, Networks & Knowledge Report 2005, Alliance for Conflict Resolution report • “In the past five years, peace and conflict resolution “Skills, Networks & Knowledge: Developing a programming has become an increasingly important Career in International Peace and Conflict component of international assistance work funded by Resolution” various US government agencies, international intergovernmental organizations, foundations and individual donors” (p.5)

• “It is clear that the peace and conflict resolution field is growing rapidly, both in terms of academic programs and job opportunities” (p.5)

• “Conflict-related positions will be open in a consulting, development, or governmental organizations. In addition to full-time openings, several organizations indicated they have temporary part-time and/or summer options available. The majority of participants also think that the number of positions related to conflict resolution will increase in the future” (21).

• “While degrees and/or expertise in conflict resolution is helpful, the majority of the conflict related positions also require additional skills and expertise in another sector (economics, development, health, gender etc.” (22).

• “Salaries vary given the type of organization, the skill level and experience of the particular individual, the nature of the position and the funding source…Some respondents identified entry-level as someone with a Bachelor’s degree and very limited work experience, while other organizations indicated entry level is someone with a Master’s degree and two or more years’ experience. The salaries ranged from $25,000 for an entry-level position with a Bachelor’s degree and 1-2 years experience to over $100,000 for a senior-level person with eight or more years of


experience and an advanced degree” (24).

• “Overall there is a trend for an increasing number of conflict-related positions, particularly those that integrate some other skills set and sector…people seeking careers in international peace and conflict resolution need to develop multiple skill sets and expertise to compete successfully for conflict-related work.” (p. 26).

Summary of Findings (p. 50) • International peace and conflict resolution is growing as a field with many of the employers having hired staff to work on conflict programming • Many of the positions related to peace and conflict resolution involve cross-sectoral work in which the skills are integrated into other sectors such as civil society, environment, health, etc. • While expertise and experience in peace and conflict resolution is valuable, employers place a very strong emphasis on the importance of general project management skills: including budgeting, writing, research and interpersonal skills • Having overseas experience and strong cross-cultural skills are essential requirements for almost all employers. • For most organizations there is no specialized career track for peace and conflict resolutions careers it is still evolving. • Salary ranges for the field vary significantly between different types of employers, and for local national employees vs. internationals. • To advance to a mid-level position in the field, it is necessary to have a graduate degree. United States Institute of Peace: Special Summary Report • Overseas experience is, for employers the most valuable asset education-and-professional-practice-in-international- • General project management skills – program planning peace-and-conflict and design, monitoring and evaluation, computer 2

literacy, report writing skills, budgeting, staff management, research skills, grant writing, and knowledge of the funding and policy world – and cross cultural competencies and language skills are critical. • International peace and conflict management practices increasingly overlap with more traditional work, specialized knowledge and skills, practical know-how, and political savvy • To better prepare themselves for the field, recent graduates and alumni are seeking to increase their applied education, field experience, project management skills, mentoring and career guidance.

PDF attached. Career Paths in Strategic Peacebuilding – Kroc Careers include the following areas: Institute • Law • Restorative Justice • Transitional Justice • Trauma Healing • Humanitarian Action • Government/Multi-lateral Efforts • Nonviolent Social Change • Dialogue • Education • Development • Dealing with Threats Kroc Alumni Profiles Selected Positions of Kroc Alumni: • Human Rights Officer • Project Officer • Ambassador of Romania to Croatia • Researcher and International Relations Expert • Economics Correspondent • Conflict Transformation Advisor • Director, Complaints and Legal Services • Senior Associate, International Centre for Transitional Justice • Legal Officer, UN International Criminal Tribunal

3 http://www.canadian- Canada’s Higher Education & Career Guide Employment Resources and Professions Available to Peace Studies Graduates: Careers.html “Depending on their preferences, graduates of peace studies programs can pursue careers dealing with civil rights, counseling, economic development, human rights, social justice, public education, conflict resolution, law, social work, religion, Foreign Service, civil liberties, and the empowerment of disadvantaged/indigenous peoples. Humanitarian organizations are increasingly recognizing the need for conflict resolution when pursuing community building through improvements in health, education, political representation, and economic participation. Since it is a relatively new discipline, students are usually encouraged to pursue a second major simultaneously in order to broaden their area of expertise and marketability” 1 Examples of Current Employment Opportunities in Fields 1 1 Related to Peace Studies: - University Academic Positions: Professor, Associate Professor, Lecturers - Fundraising and Development - Mediators - Mediation in arenas of government agencies, courts, nonprofits, schools and private practices. - Restorative Justice Mediators - Dispute Resolution Specialists - Ombudspersons - Violence Prevention Programs - Victim-Witness Advocates - Conflict Resolution Specialists - Environmental Conflict Resolution Specialists - Community Restorative Justice Coordinator - Off-Campus Life Community Liaison - Arms Control and disarmament - Growth & Activism Coordinator, Amnesty International - Campaign Coordinator, Amnesty International 4

- Supervisory Attorney, Equality Centre - Health Communications Managers - Work/Family & Fairness Program Coordinators - Global Health Researchers - Oxfam Sustainable Livelihood Leads - Corporates and Natural Resources Officers - Amnesty Regional Growth Coordinator – Americas - Amnesty International Capacity Building Coordinator - Greenpeace International, Deputy Unit Head: Climate - UNICEF, Executive Director: Fundraising - IIED, Public Policy Climate Change Researcher - Parent Revolution, Community Organizer - Asian American Institute, Civic Engagement Organizer - HIV Prevention & Social Behavioral Change Specialist - Women for Women International, Grants Writer - Outreach and Community Coordinator

It is evident that job opportunities vary widely in areas of International Development, Conflict & Peace, Foreign Policy Issues, Environment, Sustainable Development, Global Human Rights, Domestic Human Rights, Academics, Teachers and Activists in Peace, Conflict and Justice Studies, Peace and Security Issues, Arms Control and Disarmament, Opportunities in International NGO’s, UN, bilateral & multilateral agencies, foundations, non-profits, charities, consultancies and government institution, Economic Development, and Peacekeeping fields. Additional Resources Helpful Books and Websites

Working World: Careers in International Education, Exchange and Development, an excellent book on international careers, is co-authored by a ND alumnus.

The BIG Guide to Living and Working Overseas (with companion website). A massive international career guide with 3,045 career-building resources.

Idealist Guide to Nonprofit Careers provides links to free books, online chats and other career guidance. 5

The Peace and Collaborative Development Network is a free professional networking site for members from around the world to foster dialogue and sharing of resources in international development, conflict resolution, gender mainstreaming, human rights, and social entrepreneurship. It offers an extensive set of Resource Guides to jobs, internships, academic programs, funding, scholarships, networks, and research in conflict resolution and related fields. is the official website for the well-known book What Color is Your Parachute? A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers. The site offers many resources that focus on job-hunting and career advice.

Resources by Type of Job

Academic The International Studies Association lists open positions.

Conflict and Peace

Alliance for Peacebuilding has a comprehensive listing of job openings in the field. There is a fee for access to its job openings.

ConflictJobs, run by the Alliance for Conflict Transformation, a forum available to paid subscribers, is a leading source for jobs in conflict and overseas development.

CRInfo lists some individual job openings and links to useful career resources. Click on "Jobs and Careers."

Conflict Resolution Employment and Career Information is provided by the Northern Virginia Mediation Service, hosted by the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University.

Peace and Justice Studies Association, a nonprofit organization of academics, teachers and activists in peace, conflict and justice studies, lists jobs on its resources page. The site also directs users to helpful search tip pages.

Restorative justice, mediation, and peacebuilding jobs are posted by Fresno Pacific University's Center for Peacemaking and Conflict Studies.

Scoville Peace Fellowships provides funding for college graduates to intern at non-profit, public interest organizations addressing peace and security issues in Washington, D.C.

SIPRI, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, lists employment and internships opportunities especially in arms control and disarmament. 6

Human Rights

Human Rights Jobs lists job and internship opportunities related to human rights throughout the world.

Human Rights Resource Center lists jobs and internships/fellowship opportunities as well as training for global and domestic human rights work.

Human Rights Internet lists current job and internship opportunities related to human rights throughout the world.

OneWorld Jobs lists job opportunities around the world in human rights, environment, and sustainable development.

International Affairs and Public Policy

On the Foreign Affairs Job Board, you can search jobs, internships, grants or fellowships in international affairs, or post a resume.

Foreign Policy Association global jobs board lists jobs and internships involving international development, conflict and peace, foreign policy issues.

Current ND students can check the ND Career Center website for internship and full-time opportunities posted by the nearly 70 public policy organizations in Washington, D.C.

International Development

Catholic Relief Services offers a list of employment opportunities searchable by location and department.

Chemonics International, Inc. offers positions spanning five continents and all sectors of international development.

Directory of Development Organizations provides contact information for organizations by region worldwide. DevNetJobs posts international development jobs and consultancies, including opportunities in international NGOs, UN, funding, bilateral and multilateral agencies, foundations, non-profits, charities, consultancies, and government institutions.

Eldis, maintained by the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex (England) lists opportunities with organizations focused on economic development.


InterAction, an umbrella organization for international humanitarian and development organizations, lists jobs for its more than 160 members. InterAction also publishes Monday Developments, a bimonthly newsletter containing many job ads.

ReliefWeb, published by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, lists hundreds of current humanitarian vacancies around the world.

Nonprofit and Nongovernmental Organizations, a project of Action Without Borders, offers an extensive list of internships and job opportunities in the non-profit sector around the world. Free daily e-mails available.

Philanthropy Careers is the job section of The Chronicle of Philanthropy, listing opportunities in fundraising, grant-making, and nonprofit management. Early Career Opportunities, a special section of the site, lists jobs that require less than three years of experience.

USA Jobs is the U.S. federal government jobs search engine. Search on particular terms to find relevant jobs (for U.S. citizens).

NGO Global Network lists links to nongovernment organizations that work with the United Nations.

Coalition of Human Needs posts job and internship opportunities at U.S. organizations working to address public policy and human needs.

Directory of Development Organizations gives links to and brief descriptions of organizations by region worldwide.

United Nations and International Organizations

United Nations Jobs lists opportunities throughout the world, including peacekeeping and other field positions.

United Nations Development Program Jobs posts positions in civil society, governance, and related areas.

UN Headquarters Internships lists opportunities in New York City.

The UN Program on Youth lists internship programs offered by UN Agencies around the world.


APPENDIX 3: Comparable Programs

Peace Studies Programs in Canada: Certificate, Diploma, Undergraduate, Post-Graduate Level

Institution/Department Program/Level Entry/Program Requirements Program Focus /Learning Outcomes University of Alberta - Peace & Post Conflict Studies - Students must fulfill existing requirements in their Program Focus: Office of Interdisciplinary - Certificate Program respective disciplines - Program aims to equip students from a number of Faculties Studies – Faculty of Arts - Students must complete 27 credits (21 of which must be and disciplines with knowledge of the complexity of at senior level) from the following courses: instituting measures that address underlying sources of PPC Required Courses conflict and provide [students] with hands-on practical approaches to sustaining peace. - Program - The peace and post-conflict studies certificate is especially Link: useful for those seeking a career in government, nflict/AbouttheCertificate.aspx international governmental organizations (IGO), non- governmental organizations (NGO) and legal and business firms. , - Human Security and - Undergraduate Degree Learning Outcomes: Peacebuilding - Relevant work experience - Graduates will have a deeper insight into issues affecting - MA, PhD level - Flexible Admission human security and the factors that contribute to creating School of Social and - English Language Requirements conditions for sustainable peace. Applied Sciences - Graduates will be able to: - Program Link: - Identify sources of conflict and threats to human security School of Peace and - Apply theoretical knowledge of human security and Conflict Management arts-human-security-and-peacebuilding peacebuilding in diverse conflict or post-conflict contexts. - Develop networks to advance your work - Work effectively in local, national, and international systems, and with various actors - Work effectively and confidently in multi-cultural environments - Apply various conflict resolution strategies at the personal, organizational, and community levels - Assume an effective leadership role to set the path towards peaceful conflict resolution where necessary and appropriate - Apply critical thinking skills in highly complex situations and formulate an informed and effective response - Apply appropriate research methodologies for program assessment and evaluation purposes, with a special emphasis on action research, data gathering, interpretation, and qualitative methods. Selkirk College, - Peace Studies - Admission to the program requires the completion of Program Focus: British Columbia - Diploma, Associate of Arts levels English 12 with a grade of “C” or better. Other pre- - Program themes include: Environment, Restorative Justice, requisites depend on the electives you choose to make up Leadership, International Development, Social Justice, School of University Arts your program. Human Rights, Non-Violence and Sciences - Program Requirements include: - Program focus includes building cultures of peace through 2-year program, core courses and 14 electives interdisciplinary study, conflict analysis and transformation and service learning. - Program Structure Link: - Program combines course in humanities and social sciences diploma/courses-fees/core-courses Langara College of Higher - Peace & Conflict Studies - Successful completion of a BC secondary program (Grade Program Focus: Learning, British Columbia - Diploma/Associate of Arts Degree 12) or the equivalent, or - Peace & Conflict Studies: human conflict, violent and - Be at least 19 years of age by the first day of the first destructive conflict, and means by which it can be semester of attendance, or constructively resolved. - Successful completion of an A.B.E or G.E.D program - Detailed Program Curriculum Outlines: - Program Link: courses/programs/peace-and-conflict-studies/program- courses/programs/peace-and-conflict-studies/index.html curriculum.html

University of Toronto, - Peace and Conflict Studies, - Must be a University of Toronto undergraduate Student or Program Focus: Ontario Bachelor of Arts in the process of transferring to U of T, and have - The Peace, Conflict, and Justice program provides (Trudeau Centre for Peace completed 4.0 FCE by June 1st undergraduates with an interdisciplinary education covering and Conflict Studies at the - While not a prerequisite for program admission, students three main pillars: the meanings and causes of conflict, Munk School of Global in their first year who are interested in the program in peace, and justice; the experience of living in the context of Affairs) Peace, Conflict, and Justice are advised to take three conflict and peacebuilding; and approaches to resolving introductory courses in History, Economics, Psychology, conflict and producing peace and justice. Sociology and/or International Relations. - Topics studied are wide-ranging, allowing students to Department of Adult address some of the world’s most urgent humanitarian Education and Counselling - Program problems, and train students to deeply analyze these issues. Psychology Link: .html University of Toronto, - Community Healing and - The certificate program is available to qualified applicants Program Focus: Ontario Peacebuilding, with or without formal eligibility for admission to graduate - The Certificate program offers a solid grounding in the Graduate Certificate degree programs. It offers both day-time and evening emerging field [of Peacebuilding]. Students in the certificate Leadership, Higher and courses for maximum flexibility. will have the opportunity to critically examine the conceptual Adult Education frames and contexts of healing, reconciliation, and - Program Link: peacebuilding, as well as to explore diverse cultural and communitarian approaches to dealing with these issues. tion/Certificate_Programs.html - Program Structure: - consists of four half-courses: - one required course, AEC1190 Community Healing & Peacebuilding - three additional courses chosen from the AECD program in consultation with the certificate coordinator

Trinity College, University - International Relations and Peace - Students request entry after successful completion of at Program Focus: of Toronto, Ontario and Conflict Studies, Bachelor of least one year of study in the Faculty of Arts and Science - The Peace, Conflict and Justice studies is offered in Arts (minimum 4.0 credits). combination with the International Relations program Faculty of Arts - In addition to completing a statement of interest, students must achieve the minimum average grades in the pre- requisite courses listed below to be considered for the program - Admission Requirements: grams-courses/international-relations/program- requirements.html

- Program Link: courses/international-relations/faq.html University of Waterloo - Peace and Conflict Studies, - Must be admitted to University of Waterloo Program Focus: - Bachelor of Arts level. - Can be taken as a Honours, 4-year general or 3-year - Peace and Conflict studies explores why conflict and violence Department of Peace and general major program occur. It studies how conflict can be managed, utilized, and Conflict Studies - It can be combined with another discipline to make a joint transformed by collaborative decision-making to accomplish major. constructive ends. - Program Link: - This program seeks to facilitate real-life, hands-on “in the studies/ field” learning through internship placements as well as practical components in each course. - Peace and Conflict Studies is an interdisciplinary program that requires a combination of PACS courses and courses approved from other disciplines. University of Winnipeg, - Peace and Conflict Studies, - Admission Requirements include: Program Focus: Manitoba Master of Arts level - High standing in previous university work with a - Joint Masters in Peace and Conflict Studies minimum GPA of 3.0 in the last 60 credit hours - Analysis and resolution of social conflicts, divisions, and Faculty of Arts - Four-year BA in: peace and conflict students or related social inequalities and strategies for building community and discipline promoting social justice. - Proficiency in English Language Required by Faculty of - The program is intended to be rigorous in developing Graduate Studies research and intervention skills for resolving conflicts, peace- - Appropriate research capability demonstrated in major building, and creating a sustainable culture of human rights, research paper/thesis requiring a high standard of commitment, scholarship, and professional competence. - Program Requirements Include: Thesis Option: - 12 credit hours of core courses* - 3 credit hours in research methods - 3 credit hours in elective or practicum - Thesis proposal and defense - Thesis examination


- Comprehensive Exam Option: - 12 credit hours of core courses* - 3 credit hours in research methods - 3 credit hours in practicum - 12 credit hours electives - comprehensive examination

- Core Courses include: - PEAC 7010 Interpersonal Communication, Problem- solving, and Trust-building - PEAC 7020 Theories of Conflict and Conflict Resolution - PEAC 7110 International Human Rights and Human Security - PEAC 7120 Peace-building and Social Justice

- Program Link: e/peace_conflict/maprogram/index.html McMaster University, - Peace Studies - Admission to McMaster University Program Focus: Ontario - Bachelor of Arts, Combine - Note: Admission to the program in Level II requires the - Themes include: Peace through Health, Human Rights, Peace Honours Minor completion of Peace Studies Level I Education, and Peace Activism/Advocacy - The core Peace Studies courses introduce the concepts, skills and values of Peace Studies and shape the student’s capacities in later inquiry, research and applied coruses. - Particular emphasis on nonviolence as an overarching value and practice area, and it has developed expertise which it shares with students in the program on health as an arena for practical peacebuilding. - Classes encourage problem-based and inquiry learning processes in small groups. - More information on program structure:

Kings University College, - Social Justice and Peace Studies - Completion of first-year requirements with no failures. Program Focus: London, Ontario - BA, Honours, Major, Minor Students must have an average of at least 70% in the - Encourages critical reflection on oppression and injustice, following 3.0 principle courses, with no mark in these locally and globally, and [the program] examines theoretical principle courses below 60% and practical approaches to justice and peace. - Admission Requirements - Cross-disciplinary program (courses from sociology, politics, Link: economics, history, social work, religious studies, and others) y-programs/social-justice-and-peace-studies/module-and- - Rational for the Social Justice and Peace Studies Program: program-choices/ Mission Statement & Rational

- Program Link: y-programs/social-justice-and-peace-studies/ Sault College (Sault Ste. - Offers a 2-year diploma in Peace Marie, ON) and Conflict Studies. code=1102&cat=overview&groupcode=HSV Canadian Mennonite - B.A. and a minor in Peace & University (Winnipeg, MB) Conflict Transformation Studies [PACTS]. It hosts the Canadian School of Peacebuilding and an Institute of Community Peacebuilding. McGill University - Centre for International Peace (Montreal, QB) and Security Studies jointly with the University of Montreal. Together they offer a joint Ph.D. in Peace and Security Studies Conrad Grebel University - B. A. in Peace and Conflict College (University of Studies; Certificate Program in Waterloo, Waterloo, ON) : Conflict Management; Centre for e-peace-and-conflict-studies the Study of Religion and Peace; Master of Peace and Conflict Studies (MPACS); under construction: MSCU Centre for Peace Advancement University of Calgary - Peace Consortium - The Centre for (Burnaby, BC) Restorative Justice is a Centre for Restorative resource and research Justice (School of centre dedicated to Criminology) promoting the values and principles of restorative justice through education, research, and dialogue with academics, practitioners and community. In partnership with individuals, the community and justice agencies, The Centre was founded in 2002 by faculty members in the Simon Fraser University School of Criminology.

U. S. Programs:

University of Notre Dame du Lac (South Bend, IN) is a major Catholic university founded by the Congregation of the Holy Cross. Through Notre Dame’s Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, the university offers a B.A. and a minor in Peace Studies, an M.A. in Peace Studies, and a Ph.D. in Peace Studies.

University of San Diego (San Diego, CA) is a Roman Catholic university in the Jesuit tradition. It hosts the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies which contains both an Institute for Peace with Justice and a Trans-Border Institute. It offers an undergraduate Minor in Peace and Justice Studies. Also offers an M.A. in Peace and Justice Studies.

University of Southern California (Los Angeles, CA) USC l a peace and conflict studies minor and a human rights minor.

Eastern Mennonite University (Harrisburg, VA) is a Mennonite university with a B.A. in Peacebuilding and Development and a Minor in Peacebuilding. EMU’s Graduate School offers both a Certificate and an M.A. in Peace and Conflict Transformation. EMU runs a Center for Justice and Peacebuilding which also offers a Summer Peacebuilding Institute.

American University(Washington, D. C.): School of International Service offers a Certificate in Peacebuilding with any undergraduate major. Also offers a Certificate in International Peace and Conflict studies. It also offers an M.A. in International Peace and Conflict Studies. Hosts a Peacebuilding and Development Institute. Also, AU’s Ph.D. program in International Studies offers a doctoral concentration in International Peace and Conflict Resolution. Also offers an M.A. and a Ph.D. in Ethics, Peace, and Global Affairs. AU also has several research centers which promote peacebuilding, including a Human Rights Council, a Center for Global Peace, Nuclear Studies Institute, Justice Programs Office, and Center for Islamic Peace.

Arcadia University (Glenside, PA). : M.A. in International Peace and Conflict Resolution.

Arizona State University (Tempe, AZ): ASU’s School of Social Transformation has a B.A. and a B.S. in justice studies as well as a minor in justice studies and a certificate in human rights. ASU’s Graduate School offers both an M.S., a Ph.D., and a joint J.D./Ph.D. (in cooperation with ASU’s law school) in Justice Studies. Also offers a graduate certificate in Socio-Economic Justice.

Columbia University’s Teacher’s College (New York, NY), the graduate school of education at Columbia University, offers a Peace Studies concentration that helps teachers to spread peace education programs in secondary schools.

Cornell University (Ithaca, NY), a research university founded by industrialist Ezra Cornell, has a peace studies concentration in its international studies program

University of Colorado at Boulder (Boulder, CO) a certificate in Peace and Conflict Studies.

University of Denver (Denver, CO) has a Joseph Korbel School of International Studies that offers M.A. degrees in International Development, International Human Rights, International Security, Conflict Resolution, as well as the traditional International Studies degrees.

University of North Carolina at Greensboro (Greensboro, NC): M.A. in Conflict and Dispute Resolution.

University of North Texas (Denton, Texas) a Certificate and a Minor in Peace Studies, plus a Peace Studies concentration in the B.A. in International Studies.

DePauw University (Greencastle, IN) : B.A. in Conflict Studies.

Emory University (Atlanta, GA) : a Ph.D. in Religion, Conflict, and Peacebuilding

George Mason University (Fairfax,VA) : B.A. , B.S. , M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Conflict Analysis and Resolution. Also has an M.S. in Peace Operations.

Georgetown University (Washington, D.C.) : an M.A. in Conflict Resolution.

Boston College (Boston, MA) : a minor in “Faith, Peace, & Justice.”

Brandeis University (Watham, MA) : an M.A. in Coexistence and Conflict.

Bryn Mawr College (Bryn Mawr, PA) : a concentration in Peace and Conflict Studies that can be added to any major

Abilene Christian University (Abilene, TX) :: M.A. in Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation

Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS) (Elkhart, IN) offers a peace and justice studies concentration in its Master of Divinity degree as well as an M.A. in Peace Studies. One can also earn a dual degree M.A. in Peace Studies with a Master of Social Work (MA/MSW).

Chapman University (Orange, CA) :. At its Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Chapman offers both a B.A. and a Minor in Peace Studies

Colgate University (Hamilton, NY) a B.A. and a Minor in Peace and Conflict Studies.

College of St. Benedict (St. Joseph, MN) & St. John’s University (Collegeville, MN) :combined, they have a peace studies department that offers a B.A. in peace studies and a peace studies minor.

Fresno Pacific University (Fresno, CA) is a university of the Mennonite Brethren that offers an undergraduate minor in Peace Studies, as well as an M.A. in Peacemaking in Conflict Studies; the graduate department of Fresno Pacific University also offers certificates in Church Conflict and Peacemaking, Mediation, Restorative Justice, School Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking, and a Personalized Certificate in Peacemaking and Conflict Studies.

Goshen College (Goshen, IN) is a Mennonite college and offers a B.A. in Peace, Justice, and Conflict Studies. It also has minors in both Peace and Justice and Conflict Transformation studies. Also offers a certificate for teachers in conflict transformation.

Goucher College (Baltimore, MD), a B.A. (and minor) in Peace Studies.

Guilford College (Greensboro, NC) is a Friends/Quaker college with a B.A. and a minor in Peace and Conflict Studies. It also offers a B.A. in International Studies and one in Justice and Policy Studies.

Hamline University (St. Paul, MN) is a United Methodist university. It offers a B.A. in Social Justice. Hamline University’s Law School has a Center for Dispute Resolution which offers several certificates in conflict resolution.

Hampshire College (Amherst, MA) is the base for the Peace and World Security Studies (PAWSS) B.A. of the Five College Consortium (Amherst College, Hampshire College, Mount Holyoke College, Smith College, University of Massachusetts at Amherst [UMASS-Amherst]).

Hastings College (Hastings, NE) . Through its Sociology Department, Hastings College offers a B.A. in Peace, Justice, and Social Change.

Juniata College (Huntingdon, PA). It has a Department of Peace and Conflict Studies that offers Programs of Emphasis (i.e., majors) leading to a B.A. in Peace and Conflict Studies; Communication and Conflict Resolution; or Peace and Conflict Studies as a secondary emphasis ( second major).

Manchester College (North Manchester, IN) has a B.A. in Peace Studies housed at the Peace Studies Institute and Program in Conflict Resolution. The discipline of Peace Studies began at Manchester College with the first B.A. in Peace Studies offered in 1948.

Manhattan College (Riverdale, NY) is a small Catholic college that offers a B.A. in Peace Studies.

Marquette University (Milwaukee, WI) B.A. in Peace and Conflict Studies.

Michigan State University (East Lansing, MI) : specialization in Peace and Justice Studies under the College of Social Sciences.

Nazareth College (Rochester, NY) : a B.A. in Peace and Justice Studies.

Ohio University (Athens, OH). Offers a B.A. in War and Peace Studies .

Southern Methodist University (Plano, TX) : an M.A. in Dispute Resolution.

Tufts University (Medford, MA) Certificate and B.A. in Peace and Justice Studies.

University of St. Thomas (Saint Paul, MN) a B.A. in Justice and Peace Studies.

Villanova University (Villanova, PA) : Center for Peace and Justice that offers both a certificate and a minor in Peace and Justice Studies.

Wellesley College (Wellesley, MA) a B.A. in Peace and Justice Studies

Whitworth University (Spokane, WA) a B.A. in Peace Studies through the Political Science Department

University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (Milwaukee, WI): Master’s in Sustainable Peacebuilding

International Programs (14 countries)

Australia: University of Melbourne offers an M.A. in International Politics with an emphasis on Global Justice and Peacemaking.

University of New England (New South Wales) offers both a Master of Letters and a Ph.D. in Peace Studies.

University of South Australia (Adelaide) offers an M.A. in Conflict Management.

University of Sydney has a Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies which offers both an M.A. and a Ph.D. in Peace and Conflict Studies. New Zealand University of Otago (Dunedin): National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies

Austria Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Studies: M.A. in Peace and Conflict Studies.

Costa Rica University for Peace/Universidad para La Paz [UPEACE] M.A. degrees in: Environmental Security and Peace (and one with a specialization in Climate Change and Security); Gender and Peacebuilding; International Law and Human Rights; International Law and the Settlement of Disputes; International Peace Studies; Media, Peace, and Conflict Studies; Natural Resources and Peace; Peace Education; Sustainable Urban Governance and Peace.

France Institut d’études politiques de Paris/Paris Institute of the Political Sciences ["SciencesPo"] (Paris): Master in International Security, and Master in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action.

University for Health and Law/Université Lille 2: Droit et Santé (Lille Cedex). Offers an M.A. in Management and Peacekeeping Within the United Nations Program.

United Kingdom Coventry University (England) has a Center for Peace and Reconciliation which offers both a postgraduate certificate in Conflict Resolution Skills and an M.A. in Peace and Reconciliation Studies.

University of Bradford (West Yorkshire, England) has both an M.Phil. and a Ph.D. in Peace Studies.

University of Lancaster (Lancaster, England) has a B.A. in Peace Studies and International Relations; M.A. in Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies; Ph.D. in Peace Studies.

University of York (York, England) offers an M.A. in Conflict, Governance, and Development; an M.A. in Post-War Recovery Studies; Ph.D. in Post- War Recovery Studies.

Germany Alice-Salomon University of Applied Sciences (Berlin) offers an English-language M.A. in Intercultural Conflict Management.

Northern Ireland & Republic of Ireland Queen’s University (Belfast) offers an M.A. in Comparative Ethnic Conflict.

Trinity College (Dublin) offers an M.Phil. in International Peace Studies

University of Limerick (Limerick) offers an M.A. in Peace and Development Studies.

University of Ulster (Magee & Derry/Londonderry) offers an M.A. in Peace and Conflict Studies.

Israel Tel Aviv University offers an M.A. in International Conflict Resolution and Mediation.

Lebanon Lebanese American University (Byblos). Institute for Peace and Justice Education, minor in peace and conflict studies.

Norway University of Troms: M.A. in Peace Studies.

Spain Bancaja International Centre for Peace and Development, Castellόn offers an M.A. in Peace and Development Studies in both English and Spanish.

Sweden University of Gothenburg: M.A. and Ph.D. in Peace and Research Development Research, both in English.

APPENDIX 4: Full course outlines for required courses

APPENDIX 5: Student-Centred Teaching Philosophy for Peace & Conflict Studies

Student-Centered Teaching Philosophy for Peace and Conflict Studies

Peace and Conflict Studies is an interdisciplinary field of study that analyses conflict and pursues the development of strategies to prevent conflict and to build peaceful societies that are sustainable long- term. More than merely avoiding violence (establishing negative peace), the Peace and Conflict Studies program at UFV aims to construct positive peace in society (social justice). Naturally, a student-centred teaching philosophy for this program is rooted in alleviating pervasive social inequities and unfair resource management through constructing society into a more just social order.

The goal of the student-centred teaching philosophy in the Conflict & Peace Studies program is to facilitate students in an intrinsic learning process, in which students inherently understand the core components of inequality and their ties to conflict, and how to address these inequalities in a robust manner. In order to do this, students will require creativity and an appetite for new ideas and for the discovery of different ways of approaching issues. Thus, spaces in the major are required where ‘big’ human questions are addressed, and where the discussion is wide-ranging, safe, and respectful of differences.

The role of faculty in the teaching process is to acquire distinct competencies, inform students of the context and intellectual framework, to guide students in their conflict analysis, and to suggest a range of possible solutions to the problems. Faculty competencies include knowledge of the field of Peace and Conflict Studies, and knowledge of the subject matter and research in the specific area of study for which he/she is responsible in the program. Instructors require excellent teaching skills, particularly the abilities to facilitate student-led investigation, to assist in resource acquisition, and to suggest approaches and methods in problem-solving. The aim is for program faculty to meet regularly, perhaps once per term, to consider ‘pedagogies for peace,’ i.e., teaching strategies that encourage debate, creativity, and respect for diverse perspectives.

Students form the focal point of the teaching philosophy at all times. Faculty members facilitate the student-led investigations of social inequities and other problems, unfair control and distribution of resources, and wars, and offer suggestions for how students could proceed to analyse and solve these kinds of problems. Using the methods of conflict analysis, students analyse the problems under investigation and expand their scope to include alternate perspectives in problem-solving, i.e., peacebuilding. Ideally, faculty members would model the principles of democratic processes and objectivity, and students would incorporate these models in their decision-making processes. To achieve this, a colloquium has been built into the PACS major (see Program Content grid in the PACS program proposal). All PACS students will participate in the colloquia during the major, and an evaluative component has been incorporated into the Practice (PACS 390/391) and Capstone (PACS 400) courses. The outcome of this training will be graduates who possess the requisite knowledge and skills to identify the conditions in which conflicts emerge, and the most effective approaches that foster the development of peaceful relationships, and sustainable peaceful societies.

APPENDIX 6: Faculty CVs

Curriculum Vitae

Date: March, 2014

1. SURNAME: Schroeder FIRST NAME: Steven

2. DEPARTMENT: History

3. FACULTY: Arts

4. POSITION: Associate Professor (B Faculty)


University or Institution Degree Subject Area Dates

University of Notre Dame PhD European History 2001-2008

University of British Columbia MA European History 1999-2001

Regent College MCS History of Religion 1995-1998

University of Winnipeg BA Psychology 1992-1994

Special Professional Qualifications


(a) Prior to coming to UFV

University, Company or Organization Rank or Title Dates

Trinity Western University Sessional Instructor 2004, 2006

University of Notre Dame Teaching Assistant 2001-2004

University of British Columbia Continuing St. Instructor 2000

University of British Columbia Teaching Assistant 1999-2001

(b) At UFV

Position or Title Dates

Coordinator of Mennonite Studies 2010 - ongoing

B Faculty, History 2006 - ongoing

Page 1 of 8 33844 King Rd., Abbotsford, BC V2S 7M8 • Tel: 604-504-7441 • Fax: 604-855-7614 • Toll-free (in Canada): 1-888-504-7441 • ABBOTSFORD • • MISSION • HOPE • AGASSIZ • CHANDIGARH


(a) Areas of special interest and accomplishments 20th Century Europe; Germany; Holocaust; Israel/Palestine; Peacebuilding

(b) Courses Taught at UFV

Course Year(s) Student Contact Descriptive Title of Course Number taught enrollment hours

HIST 335 Since 2009 24/term 5 hrs/wk History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

HIST 320 Since 2006 36/term 5 hrs/wk The Holocaust

HIST 318 Since 2008 27/term 5 hrs/wk Modern Germany

HIST 210 Since 2006 36/term 4 hrs/wk Europe Since 1914

HIST 209 Since 2006 27/term 4 hrs/wk Revolutionary Europe, 1789-1914

HIST 419 Since 2010 17/term 5 hrs/wk European Dictatorships (formerly HIST 499)

(c) Courses Taught Elsewhere

Course Year(s) Student Contact Descriptive Title of Course Number taught enrollment hours

History 112A 2006 74 5 hrs/wk History of Western Civilization

History 390 2004 12 5 hrs/wk History of the Holocaust

Page 2 of 8 33844 King Rd., Abbotsford, BC V2S 7M8 • Tel: 604-504-7441 • Fax: 604-855-7614 • Toll-free (in Canada): 1-888-504-7441 • ABBOTSFORD • CHILLIWACK • MISSION • HOPE • AGASSIZ • CHANDIGARH

(d) Other kinds of student supervision

Number of Students Program Type Year Supervisory Role

Start Finish

One Directed Studies - 9/2010 12/2010 Supervisor Religion in the German Democratic Republic

Two Directed Studies – 6/2008 7/2008 Supervisor Churches in Nazi Germany

Four Directed Studies – 6/2008 7/2008 Supervisor Nazi Propaganda

(e) Continuing Education Activities UBC Continuing Studies - Instructor: “History of Jerusalem” (June, 2000) UFV Elder College – Instructor: “Arab-Zionist Relations 1880-2009” (March 2009). Elder College, UFV, Chilliwack, B.C.

(f) Visiting Lecturer (indicate university/organization and dates) “Christians, Antisemitism, and the Holocaust,” Presented at Nexus, Abbotsford, B.C. “Non-Resistance in the Mennonite Brethren Tradition,” May 2011. Presented at Arnold Community Church, Arnold, B.C. “The History of the Mennonite Brethren Political Engagement in Canada,” May 2011. Presented at Arnold Community Church, Arnold, B.C. “Mennonite Pioneers in the Fraser Valley,” November 2010. Presented to students at Upper Sumas Elementary School, Abbotsford, B.C. “Christians and the Holocaust,” November 2009. Presented at Bakerview MB Church, Abbotsford, B.C.


(a) Research Projects Compromise for Goodness’ Sake: Rainer Eppelmann, the GDR Truth Commissions, and the Re-Formation of German National Identity Reconciliation in Occupied Germany, 1944-1955 Religion in the American Zone of Occupation in Germany, 1945-1949 Jews in Occupied Germany, 1945-1949 The MCC in Eastern Europe, 1945-1950 Prussian Mennonites in the Third Reich and Beyond

Page 3 of 8 33844 King Rd., Abbotsford, BC V2S 7M8 • Tel: 604-504-7441 • Fax: 604-855-7614 • Toll-free (in Canada): 1-888-504-7441 • ABBOTSFORD • CHILLIWACK • MISSION • HOPE • AGASSIZ • CHANDIGARH

(b) Research or equivalent grants (indicate under COMP whether grants were obtained competitively (C) or non- competitively (NC).

Agency Subject COMP $ Year Principal Co-Investigator(s) Per Year Investigator

DAAD German History C $30,000 2005 Prof. Philipp Prof. Doris Bergen (German Gassert Academic Exchange Service)

GHI (German German History C $5,000 2003 Prof. Daniel Prof. Doris Bergen Historical Mattern Institute)

Conway German History C $3,000 2000 Prof. John Conway Prof. Chris Friedrichs Scholarship in German History


(a) Sabbatical Projects

Peace and Conflict Studies (UFV) - program development Research project on the leadership of the Truth Commissions of the former German Democratic Republic

(b) Sabbatical Leave

Type of Leave Focus Dates Sabbatical Peace & Conflict 2013-2014 Studies Major, UFV Internationalization & GDR Research Project


(a) Invited Presentations Abbotsford Community Services (2013-ongoing) - Interfaith Dialogue Group Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies (2013) - Interfaith Dialogue: Presentation on the Mennonites, and discussion facilitation Elder College UFV (see above) Upper Sumas Elementary School (see above)

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(b) Conference Participation (Organizer, Speaker) - On-site Lead Conference Organizer: “Reassessing Contemporary Church History,” University of British Columbia, 25-27 July 2013. The conference was a gathering of international scholars, including: board members of the Contemporary Church History Quarterly, and alumni of the Humboldt Foundation and the German Academic Exchange Service. - “’The World Won’t Leave Us Alone’: Reconciliation and Peacebuilding in Germany, 1945-1949.” German Studies Association Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, October 2012. - “Christian-Jewish Reconciliation in Occupied Germany, 1945-1952.” 121st Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, Atlanta, GA, January, 2007. - “Beyond Guilt and Victimhood: Reconciliation in Occupied Germany, 1945-1952.” After Fascism Conference, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 19-21 May, 2005. - “NGOs and Reconciliation in Occupied Germany, 1945-1948.” Heidelberg Institute for American Studies, Winter Colloquium, Ruprecht-Karls Universität, Heidelberg, Germany, 14-15 January, 2005. - “Jus Sanguinis, Guest Workers and Immigration: Challenges to German Sovereignty, National Identity and Notions of Citizenship over the Last Five Decades.” International German Colloquium, Vancouver, BC, 30 May – 1 June, 2001.


(a) List courses, seminars, upgrading, or other relevant PD activities.

PD Description Year

Voices for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land Conference 2014

Peace and Justice Studies Association Conference 2013

Reassessing Contemporary German Church History Conference 2013

Truth and Reconciliation Canada Conference 2013

German Studies Association Conference 2012

Learning Tour of Israel/Palestine 2012 German Studies Association Conference 2011

German Studies Association Conference 2010

German Studies Association Conference 2009

German Studies Association Conference 2007

American Historical Association Conference 2007

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(a) Memberships on committees, including offices held and dates

Chair - Peace and Conflict Studies Program Working Group Chair - Mennonite Studies Curriculum Working Group Master of Arts in Teaching History (History) – Curriculum Committee College of Arts Certificate Advisory Committee Department Research Ethics Committee, History Department, September 2006-2012.

(b) Administrative Service

Coordinator: Mennonite Studies, UFV, 2010 -ongoing

(c) Curriculum contributions

Chair: Program Working Group, Peace and Conflict Studies, UFV, 2012- ongoing Peace and Conflict Studies Major and Minor Development Chair: Program Working Group, Mennonite Studies, UFV, 2009-ongoing. Mennonite Studies Certificate Development & Delivery Mennonite Studies Course Development : MENN 100, HIST 213, MENN 300, HIST 393 History courses: HIST 320, HIST 335, HIST 318, HIST 419 (revised), HIST 417 (2014) Peace and Conflict Studies Courses (2014): PACS 100, PACS 200, PACS 390, PACS 400

(g) Other service

Peace and Conflict Studies Speaker Series (2013 – ongoing) Fundraising – Peace and Conflict Studies Program (2012 – ongoing) Fundraising – Mennonite Studies Program (2009-2011) Mennonite Studies Speaker Series (2010) Co-Organizer: Distinguished Speakers Series, History Department (2007)


(a) Memberships on societies or committees, including offices held and dates Abbotsford Community Services Interfaith Dialogue Committee (2013 – ongoing) Mennonite Faith and Learning Society (2007- ongoing)

(b) Presentations “Christianity and the Holocaust,” March 3, 2013. Presented at Nexus Church, Abbotsford, B.C. “Non-Resistance in the Mennonite Brethren Tradition,” May 2011. Presented at Arnold Community Church, Arnold, B.C. “The History of the Mennonite Brethren Political Engagement in Canada,” May 2011. Presented at Arnold Community Church, Arnold, B.C. “Mennonite Pioneers in the Fraser Valley,” November 2010. Presented to students at Upper Sumas Elementary School, Abbotsford, B.C. “Christians and the Holocaust,” November 2009. Presented at Bakerview MB Church, Abbotsford, B.C.

Page 6 of 8 33844 King Rd., Abbotsford, BC V2S 7M8 • Tel: 604-504-7441 • Fax: 604-855-7614 • Toll-free (in Canada): 1-888-504-7441 • ABBOTSFORD • CHILLIWACK • MISSION • HOPE • AGASSIZ • CHANDIGARH


(a) Memberships on scholarly societies, including offices held and dates Peace and Justice Studies Association German Studies Association Mennonite Faith and Learning Society (MFLS) – Board Member Contemporary Church History Quarterly – Editorial Board

(b) Editorships (list journal and dates) German History (2013 – ongoing) Contemporary Church History Quarterly (2009 – ongoing)

(c) Reviewer (journal, agency, etc. including dates) German History (2013 – ongoing) Contemporary Church History Quarterly (2009 – ongoing)

(d) External examiner (indicate universities and dates) Trinity Western University, Interdisciplinary MA program (2012)


(a) Awards for Scholarship (indicate name of award, awarding organizations, date) - University of Notre Dame John Highbarger Memorial Dissertation Award for Exceptional Ph.D. Dissertation in History. Title: “Reconciliation in Occupied Germany, 1944-1954,” Winter 2008 - University of Notre Dame Vincent S. DeSantis Prize for Best Unpublished Paper by a Graduate Student in History for, “Mennonite-Nazi Collaboration and Coming to Terms with the Past: European Mennonites and the MCC, 1945-1950,” Winter, 2002.

Publications Record


(a) Journals

• Book Review: Francis Graham-Dixon, The Allied Occupation of Germany: The Refugee Crisis, Denazification and the Path to Reconstruction (New York: I.B. Taurus, 2013) in, German History 2014 (Oxford University Press, forthcoming). • “Reflections on the Indian Residential Schools and the Work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada,” Contemporary Church History Quarterly Vol. 19, No. 3, September 2013. • Book Review: Monica Duffy Toft, Daniel Philpott, Timothy Samuel Shah, God's Century: Resurgent Religion and Global Politics (New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2011) in, Contemporary Church History Quarterly Vol. 18, No. 3, September 2012.

Page 7 of 8 33844 King Rd., Abbotsford, BC V2S 7M8 • Tel: 604-504-7441 • Fax: 604-855-7614 • Toll-free (in Canada): 1-888-504-7441 • ABBOTSFORD • CHILLIWACK • MISSION • HOPE • AGASSIZ • CHANDIGARH

• Review of Recently Published Articles: “New Research in Churches in Postwar Germany,” Association of Contemporary Church Historians Quarterly Vol. 17, No. 3, September 2011, 23-25. • Program and Conference Report: Mennonite Studies at the University of the Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Association of Contemporary Church Historians Quarterly Vol. 17, No. 3, September 2011, 29-30. • Book Review: Shalom Goldman, Zeal for Zion: Christians, Jews, and the Idea of the Promised Land (UNC Press, 2010) in Association of Contemporary Church Historians Quarterly, September 2010: 9-11. • Book Review: Ruth Derksen Siemens, Remember Us: Letters From Stalin’s Gulag (1930-37): Volume I: The Regehr Family. Kitchener: Pandora Press, 2007, Journal of Mennonite Studies Volume 28 (2010): 274-276. • Book Review: Peter J. Klassen, Mennonites in Early Modern Poland and Prussia. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009, Direction 39, no.1 (Spring 2010): 119-120. • Book Review: Kevin Spicer, Hitler’s Priests: Catholic Clergy and National Socialism. Northern Illinois Press, 2008, Canadian Journal of History 43, no.3 (Winter 2008): 559-561. • “Mennonite-Nazi Collaboration and Coming to Terms with the Past: European Mennonites and the MCC, 1945-1950,” Conrad Grebel Review 21, no.2 (Spring 2003): 6-16 . • Book Review: Cynthia Sampson and John Paul Lederach (eds.). From the Ground Up: Mennonite Contributions to International Peacemaking. Oxford University Press, 2000, Association of Contemporary Church Historians 7, no.5 (May 2001).


(a) Authored To Forget it All and Begin Anew: Reconciliation in Occupied Germany, 1944-1954. University of Toronto Press, 2013.

18. WORK IN PROGRESS (including degree of completion)

(a) Research Project (early stage): Compromise for Goodness’ Sake: Rainer Eppelmann, the GDR Truth Commissions, and the Re-Formation of German National Identity

Page 8 of 8 33844 King Rd., Abbotsford, BC V2S 7M8 • Tel: 604-504-7441 • Fax: 604-855-7614 • Toll-free (in Canada): 1-888-504-7441 • ABBOTSFORD • CHILLIWACK • MISSION • HOPE • AGASSIZ • CHANDIGARH CURRICULUM VITAE Ms. SATWINDER KAUR BAINS 34488 BATEMAN ROAD ABBOTSFORD, BC V2S 7Y8 TEL: 604-850-0994; cell: 604-825-0724 EMAIL: [email protected]


PhD in Education – Curriculum and Theory Implementation (Candidate - 2014) Dissertation topic: Comparative Study of Canada’s Bilingual Policy and India’s Three Language Formula Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia,

Masters in Education M.Ed. (Curriculum Development) Modern Language Development in BC Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, 2004

Bachelors of Arts B.A. (Political Science) Himachal Pradesh University, St. Bede’s College, Simla, India, 1975

Senior Cambridge (Humanities) Auckland House School, Simla, India, 1972

Various courses in Mediation, Conflict Resolution, Critical Incidence Debriefing, Proposal Writing, Decision Writing, Evidence Based Hearings, Fund Development, Volunteer Management, Community Development, Financial Management, Leadership Training, Public Speaking, Advocacy, Creative Writing and Forum Management.

WORK EXPERIENCE: Jan 2004 to Present: ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR UNIVERSITY OF THE FRASER VALLEY ABBOTSFORD, BC, FACULTY OF ARTS Social Cultural and Media Studies and Teacher Education Program INCS 392 Immigration and Social Integration INCS 396 Identity, Cultural politics and social service INCS 390 Field Study India ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR FACULTY OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Teacher Education Program TEP 540 - Second Language Learning Sessional Instructor FACULTY OF EDUCATION SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY BURNABY, BC Bachelors of Education EDUC 382 - Diversity in Education - Theory, Policies and Practices.

Nov 2006 to present DIRECTOR - Centre for Indo Canadian Studies (CICS) at the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) April 2013 to present DIRECTOR UFV India June 2012 to present UNIVERSITY ADVISOR ON CANADA INDIA RELATIONS

June 2010 to Present: BENCHER LAW SOCIETY OF BC, VANCOUVER, BC LGIC appointment Committees: Equity and Diversity, Complainants Review, Credentials Review, Ethics Committee



Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC Fall 2010 – Session Instructor Designed Course EDUC 382 Diversity in Education

University of the Fraser Valley 2004 – Present Designed Courses INCS 390 – India Field Study (Undertook two successful India Study Tours 2008 and 2010) INCS 392 – Immigration and Social Integration INCS 396 – Identity, Cultural Politics and Service TEP 540 - Second Language Learning


Fellowship Fellow at Indo Canadian Studies Centre, University of Mumbai Feb 2012.

Student academic supervisor Student Internships to India from Canada: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Student Internships to Canada from India: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Student Research Assistants: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Arts 280 – 4 International Diaspora Studies student internships Jan – April 2012 Geography Honors: Second Reader Cassandra Brien March 2012

Peer Reviewed - Books and Journals

Editor: e-book. Selected Papers: Ghadar Conference at UFV Oct 2013. (In progress Dec 2013).

Editor: A Soldier Remember: Memoir of Lt. Col. P.S. Jauhal. Nov 2013. Press: Centre for Indo Canadian Studies.

Living in Fear: Violence as a Societal Scourge. Elspeth Hayworth Center for Women. (In press, December 2014)

Sikh Formations: Book Review. (In Progress – January 2014)

Book: Diverse Spaces: Examining Identity, Heritage and Community within Canadian Public Culture. Editor: Susan Ashley. October 2013

South Asian Mothers with Special Needs Children. South Asian Mothering. Chapter in Edited Volume Demeter Press. Editor: Jasjit Kaur Sangha. March 2013. p. 101-110

India-Canada Trade and FDI Bilateral Flows: Performance, Prospects and Proactive Strategies. Chapter in Edited Volume. Editor: Sarah Ahmed & Arti Nanavati, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda. March 2013. p. 19-30

Feminist Critique of Socio-religious Discourse. Understanding Sikhism: The Research Journal, Vol., 14. No. 1-2. March 2013 p. 27 - 30

Bains, S. 2003. Canadian Literature #188. Review: Of Silk Saris and Min-Skirts: South Asian Girls Walk the Tightrope of Culture by Amita Handa. Toronto: Women’s Press.

Published Research

Bains, S.2007. Indo Canadian Youth – Speak Up Consultation Report. Abbotsford, BC: CICS.

Bains, S. & Sangha, S. 2008. Child, Family and Community Services Act – Impact on South Asian Families. Province of BC: Social Policy Studies.

Bains, S. 2009. Indo Canadian Child Protection Issues: A consultative study. Abbotsford: BC Ministry of Children and Family Development.

Bains, S. 2009. Indo Canadian Seniors: Recreation and Services to Combat Isolation. Abbotsford: City of Abbotsford.

Jarvis, P., Koehn, S., Bains, S., Cheema, J., Goudiraan, D., & Addison, M. (2011). "Just scratching the surface": Mental health promotion for Punjabi seniors (forums)--final report. Vancouver, BC: Centre for Healthy Aging at Providence Health Care (CHAP). Available at: FINAL_000.pdf [10/12, 2011].

Bains, S. Evaluation Abbotsford Building Connections Project. Abbotsford BC. Dec 2013

Articles in Conference Proceedings

Bains, S. 2009. Canadian Parliament Response to Diaspora and National Security. Conference Proceedings Policy, People and Peace: Democratization of Foreign Policy and Participatory Democracy in Canada, India and Beyond. Jammu, India: University of Jammu, India.

Bains, S. 2010. Silent Voices: Race Making in Academic Corridors. Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference. Dept of Architecture. The University of Cambridge, UK.

Website Development

Bains, S., Kang, K., Sandhra, S., Singh, R. 2008 - present Canadian Heritage: Ottawa, ON.


Bains, S. Invited Speaker. NGO’s and Women’s Empowerment: Indian and Canadian Experiences. Canadian Studies Centre: Panjab University, Chandigarh, Punjab, India. Feb. 2006

Bains, S. Presenter. Socio-economic Empowerment of Visible Minority Women in BC. Bridging the Gap: Human Dimensions in Science and Technology. Conference, New Delhi, India. Shastri Indo Canadian Institute. Feb. 2006

Bains, S. Presenter. Mental Health of immigrants: A Case Study. Health Disparities, Structural Violence, Social Suffering. Peter Wall Institute :UBC. Sept. 2006

Bains, S. Presenter. Indo Canadian Youth: Speak Out Conference. Abbotsford, BC: UFV. June, 2007.

Bains, S. Discussant: Policy Workshop. Multicultural Canada in the 21st Century: Harnessing Opportunities and Managing Pressures. Canadian Heritage, Vancouver, BC. March, 2008

Bains, S. Invited Keynote. 100 years of the Indo Canadian Diaspora in Canada. National Women’s Retreat, Victoria, BC. April 2008.

Bains, S. Invited Speaker: Exploring Caseload Management in the Immigrant Settlement Sector. BC Settlement and Adaptation Program Settlement Conference, Vancouver, BC. May, 2008

Bains, S. Invited Speaker. Sikhism: Contemporary Ideas and Traditional Approaches. Langley Docents Cultural Workshop. Abbotsford, BC. May, 2008

Bains. S. Speaker. Language Rich Classes: Crossing the threshold. Teaching, Learning & Technology Conference - McGraw-Hill Ryerson. Simon Fraser University May, 2008

Bains S. Presenter. Indo Canadian Seniors and Issues of Isolation. Centre for Research on Aging Annual Conference. Abbotsford BC May 2008

Bains, S. Presenter. Gandhi and his impact on the non-violence movement in the world. International Conference: Gandhi, Ikeda, King. UFV. May, 2008.

Bains, S. Presenter. Racial Identity and Cultural Politics in Post Secondary Institutions: A Case Study. CONGRESS 2008 – Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education. UBC, June, 2008

Bains, S. Panel Presenter. Canadian Diaspora in India: Policy Implications for Canada. Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, Vancouver, BC. July, 2008.

Bains, S. Invited Presenter. Punjabi Diaspora’s Historical Journey. Governor General’s Leadership Team Conference. Abbotsford, BC. September, 2008

Bains, S. Presenter: Dialogue and Debate on Transnational Immigration of South Asians: A Continuous Journey. 100 Years of South Asian Presence in Canada Colloquium . UFV. November, 2008

Bains, S. Presenter. The Role of Interfaith Dialogue in Building Communities. Interfaith Symposium, UFV. January, 2009

Bains, S. Presenter. Child Protection Issues in the Indo Canadian Community: A Community Analysis. MCFD Congress - Sharing Strengths: A Celebration of Engagement and Collaboration, Abbotsford, BC. Feb 2009

Bains, S. Presenter. Multilingualism as a Tool for the Construction of Knowledge. 7th International Imagination and Education Conference SFU. July 2009

Bains, S. Presenter. Canadian Asian Studies Association (CASA). Racial identity of South Asian Youth. Can-Asian eh? Diaspora, Indigeniety and the Trans-Pacific Conference. Vancouver. Oct 2009.

Bains, S. Presenter. Canadian Parliament’s Response to Diaspora and National Security. Conference on Policy, People and Peace: Democratization of Foreign Policy and Participatory Democracy in Canada, India and Beyond. Jammu, India: University of Jammu. Dec 2009

Bains, S. Presenter. Indian Diaspora in Canada: Threat or Strength. Seminar on Co- operative Development, Peace and Security: Indo-Canadian Cooperation. Centre for Research on Rural and Industrial Development, Chandigarh, India, Dec. 2009

Bains, S. Presenter. Punjabi Diaspora – gazing back while looking ahead. Diasporizing Punjab, Disorienting Bhangra Conference. UFV. May 2009.

Bains, S. Presenter Silent Voices: Race Making in Academic Corridors. Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference. Dept of Architecture. The University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England. June 2010.

Bains, S. Presenter There’s a Canadian Diaspora in India eh? Microlecture Series, University of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford, BC. Sept 2010.

Bains, S. Presenter. Social context of race and the personal context of identity. Critical Race and Anti-Colonial Studies Conference, Edmonton, AB. October 2010. Accepted.

Bains, S. Presenter Linguistic genocide of minority languages in Canadian schools. Canadian Asian Studies Association Conference. Ottawa. Oct 2010.

Bains, S. Presenter. FDI and Indo - Canadian Diasporas: Repatriation or remote mobilization? International Conference: India Canada Trade and FDI Bilateral Flows: Performance, Prospects and Proactive Strategies. University of Baroda, Gujarat. India. Jan 2011.

Bains, S. Presenter. South Asian families Access to Services for Children with Special Needs. Put in Into Practice – Evidence, Quality and Leadership. Early Childhood Conference, Langley, BC, March 2011

Bains, S. Presenter. Living in the margins: finding the Centre. Language and Literacy Education Graduate Conference at UBC, Vancouver, BC. May 2011.

Bains, S. Presenter. FDI and Diasporas: A case study of Indo Canadians. Transnational Punjabis in the 21st Century: Beginnings, Junctures and Departures Conference. UFV May 2011

Bains, S. Bilingual education and the place of heritage language in Canadian Studies. The Multi-languages of Canadian Studies. Canadian Studies Network. York University, Sept. 2011

Bains. S. Mental Health and South Asian Seniors. Cross Cultural Mental Health Conference. Vancouver, Oct 2011.

Bains, S. Presenter. A Hyper-masculine Sikh Discourse excludes the voices of Sikh women. Safar: Our journeys. Sikh Feminist Organization conference (SAFAR). OISE, U of T. Ontario. Oct 2011.

Bains, S. Lecture. Multilingualism and the Maintenance of Mother Languages. University of Mumbai, University Grants Commission Course for College Teachers. February 2012.

Bains, S. Lecture. Indo Canadian Diaspora: Identity and Cultural Politics. University of Mumbai, India – Fellowship Indo Canadian Studies Centre. February, 2012.

Bains, S. Presenter. The Re-Making of History in a Community Museum. Diverse Spaces Conference. Trent University, Peterborough ON. April 2012.

Bains, S. Presenter. Urban Janta colony: Improved Food Security and Nutrition. Engaging India: Human and social dimensions of science and technology. Shastri Indo Canadian Institute. University of Calgary, June 2012.

Bains, S. Presenter. Dimensions of Sikh feminism and spirituality in sangat and seva. SAFAR. Our Journeys Conference, Vancouver, October 2012

Bains S. Presenter When old becomes new and the telling is re-told: stories within museum walls. Sikhi(sm), Literature and Film conference, Hofstra University, Hampstead, New York. Oct 2012.

Bains, S. Presenter. End of Life Care for South Asians. Spirituality and Ethics of End-of- life: Finding Meaning in Life’s Journey. Chilliwack Hospice, Chilliwack. March, 2013

Bains, S. Sikhs in the community. Bridges of Faith Forum, Abbotsford Community Services. May 2013

Invited Presentations:

Bains, S. Keynote. Foster Parenting in Diverse Cultures. Fraser Valley Foster Parents Association. June, 2008

Bains, S. Keynote address. 100 Years of Indo Canadian presence in Canada. YWCA Annual General Meeting, Vancouver, BC. June 2008

Bains, S. Invited Speaker. Diversity trends in the Fraser Valley. City of Abbotsford Social Development Advisory Committee. Oct, 2008

Bains, S. Presenter. Family Development and Cultural Responses to Disability. Child Development Society: Indo Canadian Community Research Day. Feb 2009

Bains, S. Presenter. From Different Perspectives: Photographs from the Agricultural Landscape. The Reach Gallery Museum Abbotsford. May 2010

Bains, S. Presenter. There is a Canadian Diaspora in India eh? Microlecture Series at UFV. Sept. 2010.

Bains, S. Presenter. Family – the cornerstone of Indo-Canadian community living. Ministry of Children and Families. Abbotsford, Feb, 2011.

Bains, S. Keynote Address. Women hold the past, we mould the present and we predict the future. International Women’s Day. Abbotsford, BC. March 2011.

Bains, S. Keynote speaker. South Asian women – inspiration and loss. South Asian Family Association - International Women’s Day, Surrey, BC. March 2011.

Bains, S. South Asian women – violence in the home, a crying shame. International Day to Eliminate Racism. UFV March 2011.

Bains, S. Vaisakhi and its meaning to Sikhs in 2011. Khalsa Diwan Society Intercultural Vaisakhi Event, Abbotsford, BC. April, 2011.

Bains, S. Gurdwara: The Sikh Institution and Transnational Meanings. City of Abbotsford Twinning Abbotsford Building Connections. May 2011

Bains, S. Sikh Tradition and Heritage. Fraser Health Diversity Training. Oct 2011

Bains, S. Diversity in special needs. Community Living of BC. Oct 2011.

Bains, S. Philanthropy by Canadian Diaspora in India: a village improvement project. Educators without borders. UFV Nov 2011.

Bains. S. Staff Training on Diversity. Mission Correctional Institution. Feb 2012

Bains, S. Indo Canadian Community Identity Crisis. Abbotsford Mission Welcome Club. May 2012.

Bains, S. Indo Canadian Diaspora: Identity and Cultural Politics. Muenster University, Germany. May, 2012.

Bains, S. Keynote Address – Philanthropy and donors. Changing Lives Building Communities. Sept, 2012 UFV.

Bains, S. Agriculture export markets for India. Agriculture and Food Forum 2012. India Canada Foudnation, Vancouver, BC. Sept 2012.

Bains. S. Does God Exist? And does it matter? Café Philosophique. UFV Dec 2012.

Bains, S. Indo Canadian Studies Development Model. European Union's Constructions of Home and Belonging (CoHaB) Project. Muenster University, Germany, Feb 2013.

Bains, S. Weaving a Sustainable Web: Prospects for the future - India Canada Studees. Shastri Confernce Vancouver BC. Feb 2013

Bains, S. Liberation of South Asian Women: a Movement in the East. Business and Professional Women’s Club of Mission. March, 2013.

Bains, S. Sikhs – a century of life in Canada. Learning Plus, Abbotsford, BC. March 2013. Bains, S. Asian Canadian Studies: An Idea Whose Time Has Come? Over the Edge: Forming South Asian Canadian Studies. Congress, 2013. Victoria, BC. June, 2013.

Bains, S. Interviewer: Reluctant Rebellion - Shauna Singh Baldwin. Indian Summer, SFU. July 2013

Bains, S. World Religions: Introduction to Sikh Religion. Elder College, Chilliwack, BC. Oct 2013.

Bains, S. Instructional Skills Development in India. Panjab University, Chandigarh, Oct 2013.

Exhibition Curator

Bains, S. People of the Valley, Indo Canadian Exhibit. The Reach Gallery Museum, Abbotsford, BC. Sept 2008.

Bains, S. Glimpses of the East: India. Library, UFV. September, 2008.

Bains, S. Udaari Pioneer Photography Exhibit UFV. Province of BC 150 Years. Oct, 2008

Bains, S. Udaari Pioneer Photography Exhibit - The Reach Gallery Museum, Abbotsford, BC. Nov, 2008.

Bains, S. Youth Views of the Diaspora, Echoes and Angst: A Photographic Journey. Mission, BC. Feb, 2009.

Bains, S. India - a multifaceted view. Library UFV Feb 2012.

Bains, S. 100 years: Settlement and Integration of Sikhs in Abbotsford. Gur Sikh Historic Site Temple, Sikh Heritage Museum. Abbotsford, BC June 2012.

Bains, S. Punjab: the people, the places, the legacy. Sikh Heritage Museum. June 2012.

Bains, S. Evolution of the Turban in Canadian History. Sikh Heritage Museum. Jan, 2013.

Bains, S. The Spirit of Holla Mohalla. Sikh Heritage Museum. June 2013.

Bains, S. Ghadar: Echoes of the Past. Sikh Heritage Museum. Sept 2013.

Media Interviews

Harpreet Singh Show: Joy TV. Dec 4. CICS and Sikh Heritage Museum: Community Institutions and their role

Global TV BC1 – April 2013. Domestic violence against south Asian women.

Global TV BC 1 – April 2013. Politicians and access to ethnic communities – Vaisakhi.

Early Edition CBC Radio. Rick Cluff. February, 2013. Racism against Chilliwack restaurateur.

CBC Radio (French). Jan, 2013. Evolution of the Turban in Canadian History.

JOY TV: Nov, 2012. The girl child in India. Harpreet Singh Show.

RCI International – Rashi Khilani. Oct 2011. Naming rituals in the Indian Diaspora: responses by Canadians. The Indo Canadian Report The Link.

RCI International - Rashi Khilani Sept 2011. What does the National Historic Site Gur Sikh Temple mean to the Sikhs of BC? The Indo Canadian Report The Link.

OMNI TV. Jasdeep Walla. August 2011. 100 years of heritage for Sikhs. Live on location. National Historic Site Gur Sikh Temple.

GLOBAL TV. August 2011. The new immigrant experience building the temple. Live on location National Historic Site Gur Sikh Temple.

CBC TV. Afternoon Show with Lisa Christensen. August 2011. 100 years of heritage celebrations for Sikhs.

RCI International – Rashi Khilani Aug 2011. What’s in a traditional name? The Indo- Canadian Report The Link.

OMNI TV – Punjabi News with Tarannum Thind. March 2011. Writers and authors in South Asian Diaspora.

CBC RCI – Radio Canada International. April 2011. Philanthropy in the Indian Community. Rashi Khilnani The Indo-Canadian Report The Link.

CBC RCI – Radio Canada International – March 2011. Role of Women in South Asian communities. Rashi Khilnani The Indo-Canadian Report The Link.

CBC Radio. Sept 2010 – Afternoon Show with Steven Quinn – Diversity in the City of Abbotsford.

CBC Radio. May 2010– Morning Show with Rick Cluff – South Asians and civic integration.

CBC Radio. May 2009 - Mark Forsythe Afternoon Show – Immigration and Citizenship reform

CBC Radio. Sept 2009 with Priya Ramoo Afternoon Show – Udaari exhibit contributions of Indo Canadian Pioneers to Canadian History.

CBC Radio. July 2009. With Mark Forsythe - Celebrating immigrant contributions. Canada Day panel with Henry Wu on Chinese and Indian history in Canada.

CBC Radio. Jan 2009. With Rick Cluff – Indo Canadians and family violence.

CTV News. May 2008. Pioneer stories in the Indo Canadian Communities of BC

Radio Canada International - Masala with Wojtek Gwiazda. April 2008. Presence of Indo Canadian community in Canada – 100 years.

CBC Radio. Oct 2007 Early Edition with Hal Wake – Indo Canadian gang violence.

Undergraduate/Graduate Student Research Advisor:

Kaur, H. Sikh Diaspora in North America and the Punjab Crisis. Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab, India. (PhD Dissertation) April, 2008

Dembicki, C. Child Protection Issues Faced by South Asian Families – Literature Review. S. Bains & A. Chan (advisors), UFV May, 2008

Dembicki, C. Schultz, L. Baseline data collection of child protection issues with Indo- Canadian families. MCFD. June 2008

Sangha, S. Child, Family and Community Services Act – Impact on South Asian Families. Social Policy Studies, Province of BC. S. Bains (advisor), March, 2008

Sangha, S. Social Welfare and Student Internship Opportunities in Punjab, India. UFV Sept, 2008.

Dembicki, C. Isolated seniors from ethnocultural communities. UFV, March 2009

Bairagi, B. Human Rights Commissions and Boards – a comparative study between Canada and India. Punjab University, Chandigarh, Punjab, India. (M.A. in Human Rights) May 2009.

Heer, R. Canadian Diaspora in India: An Assessment of Citizenship. UFV Abbotsford and UFV India. Dec 2009. (Research Excellence Award).

Mandair, B. NGO’s in Punjab, India: Fundraising for Community Development. Developing Indigineous Resources. UFV Abbotsford and UFV Chandigarh. Dec 2009.

Singh, J. Prison Reform – lessons learned for India. Punjab University, Chandigarh, Punjab, India. (M.A. in Human Rights) June 2010.

Gill, P., Thandi, K., Grewal, T., Moundhi, M., Evaluation of Panchayti Raj in Punjab. Centre for Rural and Industrial Research, Chandigarh, India. Sept 2010- Dec 2010.

Dhatt, H. Heritage archives as a cultural tool for South Asian families. Fall research intern 2010.

Dhami, A. South Asian migration trajectory – 100 years. One year research intern 2010 – 2011. (Research Excellence Award)

Parmar, N. & Thakur, A. Diaspora speaks: Diasporizing Punjab conference proceedings. Sept - Dec 2011.

Gill. A. Pioneers and their stories – 100 years of women’s voices. Sept - Dec 2011.

Gill, S, & Boparai, A. Transnational voices – Multimedia Project. August 2011.

Dhami, A. Komagata Maru Journey Timeline. Sept 2011.

Dhami, A., Brar, K, & Pannu, J.D. Indo Canadian pioneer stories: building the narrative. April, 2012.

Gill. S., Harder, J., Kowal, J., Saini, A., & S. Matthew. Low-Tech, High Performance: Moving Families Forward One Micro-garden at a Time. Shastri Indo Canadian Institute. March 2012.

Brar. S. Community Building and Settlement. Jan – April 2012. (Undergraduate Research Excellence Award). June 2012.

Gill. A. Centre for Indo Canadian Studies Stakeholder Report. Sept 2012

Wind, S. White Canada Forever: Race in the making of the nation 1906-1909. Jan – April 2013. (Undergraduate Excellence Award). June 2013.

Gomes, D. Vancouver Province Newspaper Archival Project 1906-1918. June- Aug 2013

Pannu, J. Museum archives – multilingual project April – Aug, 2013

Gomes, D. Ref Works Data Base: South Asian Migration 1906- 1915 Vancouver Province Articles. June – Aug 2013

Gomes, D., Vohra, K. Ref Works Data Base: Dr Pandia’s Personal Documents for the Fight for the Franchise. Sep – Dec 2013.

Expert Advice:

Expert Advice to Simpson Thomas and Associates. August 2010.

Expert Advice to Shrinath and Company. Dec 2008.

Expert Advice: Provincial Assaultive Husbands Project 2009

Expert Advice to Dhindsa Palmer Law Offices, August 2011.

Expert Advice: RCMP Honour Based Violence Training April 2012

Expert Witness: Supreme Court of BC. Pabla v. Jagpal. May, 2012.

Expert Working Group Review: In the Best Interests of the Child: Strategies for Recognizing and Supporting Canada’s At-Risk Population of Children with Incarcerated Parents– December 5th, 2013

Adjudication: Adjudicator: Shastri Indo Canadian Institute India Studies Fellowship Grants 2008

Adjudicator: Shastri Indo Canadian Institute Seed Development Grants 2008

Adjudicator: SSHRC-ASU Research Applications – UFV 2008

Adjudicator: Shastri Indo Canadian Institute: Dual Country Special Programs and Language Programs Dec 2008.

Adjudicator: Shastri Indo Canadian Institute: Fellowship Grants 2011- 2012

Adjudicator: Health Employees Association of BC. Excellence in BC Healthcare Awards. March 2012.

Adjudicator: ASU Grants UFV April 2013.

Adjudicator: Ministry of Health Diaspora and Wellness Grants – CICS and U of Mumbai – 2012, 2013

Book Prize Adjudicator: Best Book in Canadian Studies Canadian Studies Network- Réseau d'études canadiennes Prize for the Best Book in Canadian Studies - 2013 Competition Pierre Savard Award

Professional and Academic Service: SERVICE WITHIN THE UNIVERSITY

Selection Committee: Research Coordinator, UFV. Selection Committee: English Dept. South Asian Diaspora Professor UFV Mar 11 Selection Committee: History Dept. Mennonite Studies Professor UFV Apr 11 Selection Committee: Diversity Coordinator. Oct 2010. City of Abbotsford June10 Selection Advisory Committee: Research Chair Assistant – Sept 2010 UFV Selection Advisory Committee: Manager, Student Life Housing and Campus. August 2010 UFV Selection Advisory Committee: Canada Research Chair on Canada India Business Economic Development May 2012/13 UFV

Student Orientation: Faculty/Research Support 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011

Speaker at International Women’s Day at UFV: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012

Dec 5 Vigil at UFV 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009

Host: Malalaya Joya: Afghanistan Member of Parliament 2008 Host: Hedy Fry: Member of Canadian Parliament 2008 Host: Chief Minister of Punjab, India – Captain Amarinder Singh 2007 Host: Visiting Scholar Dr. Harinder M. Sandhu – Delhi University 2009 Host: Visiting Scholar Dr. Satya Sharma, University of Saskatchewan – 2010 Host: Writer in Residence: Dr. Kuldip Gill – 2007 Host: Writer in Residence Program: Jaspreet Singh – 2009 Host: Prime Minister Stephen Harper at the Centennial Celebrations 2011

Planning Committee for Professional Development Day on Anti-Racism at UFV (May 4, 2010), organized by Racism and Anti Racism Network

Organizer, Host. An Evening with M. G. Vassanji. Sponsored by the Centre for Indo- Canadian Studies and the Department of English

Organizer, Host, and Reader. Writer-in-Residence Gala Event: Jaspreet Singh. Sponsored by the Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies, the Department of English, the UFV Bookstore, and the Office of the Dean of Arts

Organizer. South Asian Writers of the Valley. Featuring Ashok Mathur, Tariq Malik, Phinder Dulai, Anjali Banerjee, and UFV’s Writer-in-Residence Jaspreet Singh. Sponsored by the Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies and the Department of English

Committee Member: International Academic Mobility Program for the Diaspora Consortium (DEC). Special Initiatives Program, Human Resources and Social Development Canada. Project proposed by the International Office, UFV

Organizer, Ehsaas: South Asian Film Festival: Featuring three films on Partition, in conjunction with the course English 245: Partition Literature and Film. Sponsored by the Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies

Member: Internationalization Committee, University of the Fraser Valley Member: Centre for Social Science Research Committee and Social Research Centre Task Force, University of the Fraser Valley

Organizer. Ehsaas Writers and Readers Festival Featuring Gurjinder Basran, Tariq Malik, Anosh Irani, Kusum Soni, Jenny Ahuja and Mandeep Wirk. April 2011

Organizer: Sept 11, 2001 – 10 years later. Islamophobia – what has changed. Race and Anti Racism Network

Organizer: Ehsaas Film Festival. Sikh documentaries - Nov 2011.

Organizer: Ehsaas Readers and Writers Festival. Featuring Anosh Irani, Surjeet Kalsi, Fauzia and Paul Sungha. March 2012.

Organizer and host: National Historic Site Gur Sikh Temple, Abbotsford – 100 year Centennial celebrations. Jan – Dec 2011.

Organizer and host: National Historic Site Gur Sikh Temple, Abbotsford, Cathy Marsden: Paldi Story. March 2012.

Host: Minister of Multiculturalism BC Minister’s Advisory Council. March 21. International Day to Eliminate Racism, March 2013.

Host: It’s a Man’s Problem. Gary Thandi, MSW reports on research findings on domestic violence in the South Asian community. April 2013

Discussant - Dalit Poetics and Politics conference, UFV. April 2013.

Conference organizer Oct 2013: Ghadar Centennial Conference 1913-2013. Interpreting Ghadar: Echoes of voices.

IPEC’s member 2011- 2013: Dr. Rajnish Dhawan and Dr. Prabhjot Parmar

Host: Past UFV Writer in Residence Jaspreet Singh. Helium Reading. Oct 2013

Organizer: Ehsaas Readers and Writers Festival. Nov 2013

Host: Book Launch – A Soldier Remembers. Surrey/Newton Nov 2013

Internal UFV Committees: Indo Canadian Community Advisory Committee Undergraduate Education Committee South Asian Peer Network Association – Student Association Racism and Anti-Racism Network (RAN) 2011- present Teaching and Learning Advisory Group Academic Leaders Group Research Advisory Committee Internationalization Committee Arts Dept Heads Arts Curriculum Advisory Committee Indo Canadian Heritage Advisory Group Chair Canada India Study Program Curriculum Committee Can-EU Diaspora Group Member Educators without Borders Member Human Services Diploma Advisory Committee MA Migration and Citizenship Working Group 2010 to Present Chair MA Curriculum working group Migration and Citizenship 2012 Member Peace Studies Working Curriculum Committee 2012 - present Global Development Institute – Senior Associate Senate Graduate Studies Committee – Member 2012- present Undergraduate Education Council – Member 2012 - present Chair Racism and Anti-Racism Network – 2013 Co-Chair: Language, Identity and Migration Research Group Member: Punj-aab Research Group 2012- present Diaspora Studies Certificate Committee 2011 Panel member: Senate Graduate Committee Appeal Panel June 2013 UFV Research Review 2013 – Special Issue: Gadhar Conference papers M.A. /M.Ed. Education and Community Studies Program Working Group 2013

External committees: UFV representative Shastri Indo Canadian Institute 2012 - present Abbotsford Social Development Advisory Council – City of Abbotsford 2009-present Canadians Abroad Advisory Committee – Asia Pacific Foundation 2010 South Asian Early Childhood Committee 2009-2011 Fraser Valley Indo Canadian Business Association 2007 -present I CARE Mental Health Advisory Committee 2010-2011 Reach Gallery Centennial Advisory Committee 2010-2012 Abbotsford Building Connections City of Abbotsford Partnership Group 2010-2013 Khalsa Diwan Society, Abbotsford Centennial Advisory Committee 2010-2012 South Asian Film Festival 2011 – present Canada India Agriculture and Food Processing Forum 2012 Vancouver Fraser Valley Coalition for Women 2011 to present Member: CSN-RÉC book prize committee for 2013 - International Council for Canadian Studies Pierre Savard Award for the best book on a Canadian subject Canada India Networking Initiative: Member of Scientific Program Committee 2014 Komagata Maru Consortium Committee 2012 – 2013 Member

Professional Membership: American Educational Research Association 2011-2012 Asian Canadian Studies Network 2009- present Canadian Studies Network 2011- present Canadian Asian Studies Association 2010 - present Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education Sikh Diaspora Group South Asian Studies Association Senior Associate: Centre for Indo Canadian Studies, UFV Senior Associate Centre for Social Research, UFV 2011- present Senior Associate Global Development Institute 2011- present Senior Researcher Metropolis British Columbia 2010 - present Researcher Academics for Higher Education and Development Academic Council Council for Advanced Studies in India 2011 - present Opinion Panel Member Points of View Asia-Pacific – Asia Pacific Foundation 2011- present Member of Editorial Board Inderscience Publishers 2013 Member of Editorial Board International Journal of Border Security and Immigration Policy – 2013 Member of Review Board Journal of South Asian Studies 2013 Member Canadian Asian Studies Network 2011, 2012, 2013

PhD SCHOLARSHIPS: Pacific Century Scholarship SFU $ 10,000.00 Dec 2007 Commonwealth Scholarship BCIE $ 17,000.00 Dec 2008 Graduate Fellowship SFU $ 6,720.00 June 2010 Scholarly Activity Scholarship UFV $ 3,000.00 August 2010 Dean of Graduate Studies Scholarship $ 6,250.00 Jan 2011 Graduate Fellowship SFU $ 6,720.00 Sept 2011

ACADEMIC RESEARCH PROJECTS/GRANTS National Heritage Site “Cultural Recovery Program” Canadian Heritage – 2007 $ 35,000.00 Ministry of Children and Family Development 2008 $100,000.00 SSHRC ASU: Indo Canadian History Projects2007-2009 $ 25,000.00 BC 150 Heritage – Udaari: The Pioneer Story- 2008 $ 10,000.00 International Development Fund 2008 $ 4,500.00 International Fund 2009 $ 5,000.00 BC Child and Youth Health Research Network 2009 $ 4,500.00 City of Abbotsford 2009 – Seniors study $ 10,000.00 Canadian Heritage 2010-13: City of Abbotsford $ 64,000.00 BC Ministry of Health 2012- 2015 $ 50,000.00 Shastri Indo Canadian Institute 2012-13 PDIG $ 7,000.00 Shastri Indo Canadian Institute 2013 PRG $ 10, 200.00 Multiculturalism BC 2013 $ 2,500.00 Internationalization Fund 2013 $ 3,000.00

Joint funding: EU Canada Higher Education Diaspora Prgm 2009 (HRDC) $199,683.00 City of Abbotsford Building Connections 2010 $434,000.00 Wash with Care: Vancouver Foundation 2010 $ 32,000.00 Canadian Heritage: Sikh Centennial 2011 $ 26,000.00 ICARE Team – Canadian Innovations Grant 2011 $ 20,000.00 Canadian Heritage: Legacy Grant 2011 $122,000.00 SSHRC Connection Grant 2013 $ 23,838.00 Canadian Heritage – Anniversaries Grant 2013 $ 5,400.00


1993 - 2004 DIVERSITY EDUCATOR/TRAINER: Corrections Canada – Staff College – Fraser Valley City of Abbotsford Justice Institute Armstrong School District Abbotsford School District Mission School District Langley Memorial Hospital MSA Hospital Fraser Valley Health Authority Mission Hospital BC Council of Administrative Tribunals Women’s Resource Society of the Fraser Valley RCMP – E division Mission Community Services ICBC – Abbotsford UFV – Student Counseling Services UFV – Continuing Education UFV – Staff and faculty diversity training Human Resources Development Canada Social Services/Human Resources of BC BC Vegetable Growers Association BC Horticultural Short Course Silviculture Organizations of BC New Directions – Health Framework for BC FH Mental Health/Continuing Care/Psychiatric Care BC Coalition to End Abuse of Seniors BCCEAS Affiliation of Multicultural Agencies and Societies Provincial Steering Committee on New Directions Provincial Policy Committee on Equity in Health Provincial Interfaith Advisory Committee United Way of the Fraser Valley Board Understanding the Early Years – United Way Fraser Valley Dasmesh Punjabi School Punjabi Language Development Committee SD #34 Child Development Centre Disability Network of Fraser Valley Various seniors’ organizations in Abbotsford and BC

Sept 04 – Dec 04 INTERIM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR WOMEN’S RESOURCE SOCIETY OF THE FRASER VALLEY, ABBOTSFORD/MISSION Directing human resources, financial management and supervision of feminist organization: two transition houses, various outreach programs and counseling services. Management of proposal development, budgets, conflict resolution – employee grievance and government (Ministry) liaison.

2001 – 2003 SESSIONAL INSTRUCTOR KWANTLEN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE - LANGLEY Horticulture Diploma Program: Diversity Training for Managers

1997- July 2005 DIRECTOR – LGIC Appointment FARM INDUSTRY REVIEW BOARD - GOVT OF BC Provide supervisory and appellate duties as a LGIC member of a legislative administrative tribunal of BC.

2003 – 2007 MEMBER OF BOARD OF GOVERNORS–LGIC Appointment UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF THE FRASER VALLEY Member of Governance Board for the University.

1994 – 2006 PRESIDENT - (Private business) MULTICULTURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Provide consultation on diversity and cross cultural issues to local, provincial and national organizations on human resource management.

1996 – 2004 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SENIORS RESOURCE CENTRE OF THE FRASER VALLEY - ABBOTSFORD Management of seniors’ centre activities, financial management, staff and volunteer supervision, non-profit society and charitable organizational management. Areas of expertise: health, education, prevention of elder abuse, social programs, community events, fundraising, partnership building, strategic planning, government lobbying. Work with 5 Partner Organizations on establishing and maintaining protocols, asset/capacity building, project development and implementation, community planning and development, City of Abbotsford liaison, funding proposals, needs assessments and research, UCFV student practicum supervision and leadership development. Public awareness campaigns on seniors issues.

1999- 2002 PROGRAM DEVELOPER MISSION COMMUNITY SERVICES – MISSION, BC Initiated, designed, implemented and facilitated diversity programs for community service organization and provided outreach services. Supervised staff and managed budgets. Expertise in program development, proposal writing, partnerships and community development around race relations and immigrant settlement issues. Established community task forces, City of Mission partnerships, Provincial Ministry liaison, forums, public education, School District Mission liaison, RCMP Mission diversity initiatives, volunteer development, professional interpretation and translation program, and ESL classes.

1993-1996 PROGRAM MANAGER CULTURE AND HEALTH 2000 – ABBOTSFORD, BC Managed and implemented a provincially mandated cross-cultural mental health program as a pilot project in community outreach to immigrant families in Abbotsford, BC. Secured funding, designed programs, advocacy training, mental health consumer education and involvement, community development and solution based service delivery. Supervised staff and implemented training modules. Two years of community based research on mental health needs of culturally diverse populations. (Report generated)

1982– 2002 Initiated and coordinated various community development programs in Abbotsford/Vancouver/BC Race Relations Committees – Mayor’s Task Force & Interface Public Inquiry/Response – School District 34 Human Rights community development Media Relations with ethnic communities Conferences/seminars/forums/educational sessions Interfaith dialogue – Fraser Valley and beyond School District and City of Abbotsford partnership projects Interface between immigrants and community members Cross-cultural Parenting Courses Needs Assessments for Community Development Development and implementation of programs based on needs Project management and administration Cross-cultural education for public and private organizations United Way of the Fraser Valley – Volunteer Leadership Development Trainer – Strategic Development, Team Leadership Forums, seminars, conferences - various

RELEVANT VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCES: Educator (15 years) on diversity issues as they relate to community experiences. Community advocate, volunteer and advisor to organizations, media, public and institutions (20 years). Writer on diversity issues (15 years). Community mentor, coach and advisor to women, youth and families (20 years).

* Denotes current status Member Board of Governors-University College of the Fraser Valley *Member Abbotsford Social Development Advisory Committee *Chair Multicultural Diversity Working Group, City of Abb. Member SD #34 Superintendent’s Advisory Circle * Member Imagine Abbotsford Steering Committee Member MCFD BC Transformation Reference Group Advisor/Fundraiser Centre for Indo Canadian Studies and Research University of the Fraser Valley Board Member/Chair Women’s Resource Society of the Fraser Valley Advisor Youth Connect of UCFV Member Arts and Heritage Committee – City of Abbotsford Member Arts and Culture Committee – Spirit of Abb. Olympics ‘10 Vice Chair United Way of the Fraser Valley Founding Member Abbotsford Youth Commission Treasurer Canadian Network Against Abuse of Seniors Member BC Coalition to End Abuse of Seniors Multicultural Advisory Committee Principal Guru Nanak Punjabi School, Mission BC Founding Member Fraser Valley Indo Canadian Business Assoc. Founding member Dasmesh Punjabi School, Abbotsford BC Member Community Response Network (CRN) Member Critical Incident Stress Debriefing Team Abbotsford Member School District 34 Investigation Team on Racism Member W.J. Mouat Senior Secondary Community Advisory Cttee Chair Multicultural Health Advisory Committee – Fraser Valley Co-Chair Provincial Multicultural Health Committee AMSSA Secretary National Multicultural Health Committee CCMH *Member UFV Human Services Advisory Committee Member Abbotsford Community Development Committee Member Second Language Heritage Advisory Committee Director Abbotsford Hospice Society Member Healthy Communities Member Abbotsford Area Mental Health Advisory Committee Director SPARC BC Chair Mayor’s Committee on Race Relations – Abbotsford Member City of Abbotsford Healthy Communities Member City of Abbotsford Council/Mayor remuneration task force Member Citizen’s Advisory Committee at Matsqui Prison Founder Interfaith Dialogue Group - Abbotsford *Reviewer Canadian Literature Review Member MSA Hospital Cross-cultural Task Force Founder Indo Canadian Women’s Organization Director Western Canada Summer Games 1995 Director BC Disability Games 2003 Liaison BC Summer Games 2004 Member Adult Guardianship Legislation Community Advisory -BC Mentor Sahara Group of Women, Abbotsford

RECOGNITION: 2012 - 100 Most Influential People in Abbotsford

Nomination for Woman of the Year, 2002 Business and Professional Women’s Assoc., Abbotsford, BC

Service to Youth 2002, 2003, 2004 Punjabi Heritage School, Mission, BC

Women of Distinction, 1999 School of Social Work UBC

Community Advocacy Award 1992 Affiliation of Multicultural Agencies and Societies, Burnaby

LANGUAGES: English, Hindi, Punjabi – excellent fluency - oral and written. Urdu: verbal only.

Irwin Marc Cohen #10 - 18868 69th Ave. Cloverdale, British Columbia, V4N 5K7, Canada Home Phone: 604-575-9334 Work Phone: 604-557-4081 Cell Phone: 778-808-4817 Email: [email protected]


2013 - Senior University Research Chair, RCMP Crime Reduction, University of the Fraser Valley

2013 - Director, Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research, University of the Fraser Valley

2013 - Board Member, Abbotsford Restorative Justice and Advocacy Association

2010 - 2013 Director, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of the Fraser Valley

2003 - Faculty, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of the Fraser Valley

2013 Director, UFV Centre for Safe Schools and Communities, University of the Fraser Valley

2005 - 2013 Research Director, BC Centre for Social Responsibility and BC Centre for Safe Schools and Communities, University of the Fraser Valley

2008 - Research Associate, Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research, University of the Fraser Valley

2011 - Research Associate, Centre for Criminal Justice Research, Mount Royal University

2004 - Faculty Research Fellow, Centre for Addiction Research, British Columbia

EDUCATION 2001-2003 Post Doctorate Fellow, School of Criminology, Simon Fraser University

1995-2001 Ph.D., Criminology, Simon Fraser University (Burnaby, BC, Canada) Thesis: The Utility of State Torture in Agrarian and Industrial Societies versus Advanced Capitalist Societies: A Theoretical Model.

1994-1996 M.C.A., Criminology, University of Ottawa (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) Thesis: Shadow and Signs: The Role of the Judiciary in Gross Human Rights Violations.

1993-1994 M.A., Criminology, University of Toronto (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) Thesis: The Public and the Police: Public Reactions to the Introduction of the Metropolitan Police Force in England 1829-1830.

1991-1993 B.A. (Honours), History, Concordia University (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) Thesis: This is my Body: The Position of the Eucharist in Medieval Theology. 1

Dr. Irwin M. Cohen

PROFESSIONAL AWARDS/HONOURS 2007 Recipient of the National MADD Citizen of Distinction Award (Research, Prevention, and Education).

TEACHING EXPERIENCE Lecturer/Instructor/Professor

2003 - Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of the Fraser Valley  Crim 100 (Introduction to Criminology)  Crim 104 (Sociological Explanations of Criminal and Deviant Behavior)  Crim 210 (Youth Crime and the Youth Criminal Justice System in Canada)  Crim 240/460 (Comparative Criminal Justice Systems)  Crim 700 (Crime, Criminals, Victims, and the Criminal Justice System)  Crim 755 (Special Topics: Violent Political Crimes)

1997 - 2003 Sessional Instructor, Simon Fraser University  Crim 131 (Introduction to the Criminal Justice System)  Crim 210 (Law, Youth, and Young Offenders)  Crim 310 (Young Offenders and Criminal Justice: Advanced Topics)  Crim 413 (Terrorism)  Crim 418 Special Topics (Violent Political Crimes)

1998 - 2000 Sessional Instructor, Kwantlen University College  Crim 1101 (Introduction to the Criminal Justice System)  Crim 2330 (Psychological Explanations of Criminal Behavior)

Teaching Assistant/Tutor-Marker

1995 - 1999 Teaching Assistant, Simon Fraser University  Teaching Assistant for Crim 103 (Psychological Explanations for Criminal Behavior)  Teaching Assistant for Crim 104 (Sociological Explanations for Criminal Behavior)

1995 - 1999 Tutor-Maker, Simon Fraser University  Distance Education Instructor for Crim 103 (Psychological Explanations for Criminal Behavior)  Distance Education Instructor for Crim 413 (Terrorism)

1994 - 1995 Teaching Assistant, University of Ottawa  Crim 211 (Canadian Criminal Law)  Crim 320 (Violence in Society)



In Press Plecas, D., Cohen, I.M., Mahaffy, A., and Burk, K. “Do Judges Take Prior Record into Consideration? An Analysis of the Sentencing of Repeat Offenders in British Columbia.” Journal of the Western Society of Criminology.

In Press Cohen, I.M. and Corrado, R.R. “Counterterrorism in Canada from the Cold War to the War on Terror.” Counterterrorism: From the Cold War to the War on Terror.

2011 Corrado, R. R. and Cohen, I.M. “Aboriginal Youth At-Risk: The Role of Education, Mobility, Housing, Employment, and Language as Protective Factors for Problem and Criminal Behaviours.” Urban Aboriginal Communities in Canada: Complexities, Challenges, Opportunities. Edited by Peter Dinsdale, Jerry White, and Calvin Hanselmann. Thompson Educational Publishing Inc.: Toronto, Canada.

2011 Plecas, D., McCormick A.V., Levine, J., Neal, P., and Cohen, I.M. “Evidence-Based Solution to Information Sharing Between Criminal Justice Agencies.” Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management. Vol. 34 (1), 120-134.

2011 Corrado, R.R., McCromick, A.V., Cohen, I.M., and Freedman, L.F. “A Developmental Perspective of the Risk and Protective Factors Concerning Violent Young Offenders.” Per Una Psicologia Dell’Agire Umano. Edited by Donatella Cavanna and Alessandro Salvini. FrancoAngeli: Milano, Italy.

2010 Corrado, R.R., Gronsdahl, K., MacAlister, D., and Cohen, I.M. “Youth Justice in Canada: Theoretical Perspectives of Youth Probation Officers.” Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice. 52 (4), 397-426.

2010 Cale, J., Plecas, D., Cohen, I.M., and Fortier, S. “Repeat Homicide in Canada.” Homicide Studies. 14 (2), 159 – 180.

2009 Garis, L, Plecas, D., Cohen, I.M., and McCormick, A.V. Community Response to Marijuana Grow Operations: Towards Promising Practice. City of Surrey.

2009 Diplock, J., Cohen, I.M., and Plecas, D. “A Review of the Research on the Risks and Harms Associated to the Use of Marijuana.” The Journal of Global Drug Policy and Practice. Vol 3, Issue 2.

2008 Corrado, R. and Cohen, I.M. “State Torture.” Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict 2nd Edition. Edited by Lester Kurtz. USA: Elsevier Inc.

2008 Cohen, I.M., Corrado, R., and McCormick, A. “Policy Recommendations Regarding the Overrepresentation of Aboriginal Youth in Custody.” Horizons. Vol. 10, No. 1, 79 – 83.

2007 Sochting, I., Corrado, R., Cohen, I.M., Ley, R., Brasfield, C. “Traumatic Pasts in Canadian Aboriginal People: Further Support for a Complex Trauma Conceptualization?” BC Medical Journal. Vol. 49, No. 6 (July/August).

2007 Corrado, R.R., Gronsdahl, K., MacAlister, D., and Cohen, I.M. “Should Deterrence be a Sentencing Principle under the Youth Criminal Justice Act?” The Canadian Bar Review. Vol. 85, 539 – 568.

2006 Cohen, I.M. “A Review of the Council of Europe’s Terrorism: Special Investigation Techniques.” Police Practice and Research: An International Journal. Vol. 7 (4), 363-365. 3

Dr. Irwin M. Cohen

2006 Corrado, R.R. and Cohen, I.M. “Taking ‘Being Prepared’ Seriously: How Current and Future Leaders can Address Current and Future Terrorist Trends.” Every Officer is a Leader: Coaching Leadership, Learning and Performance in Justice, Public Safety and Security Organizations. Edited by Terry Anderson, Kenneth Gisbourne, and Patrick Holliday. Canada: Trafford Publishing.

2005 Corrado, R.R., Cohen, I.M., and Davies, G. “Social Capital and Community Crime Prevention Programs.” Social Capital in Action: Thematic Policy Studies. Ottawa: Policy Research Initiative.

2005 Corrado, R.R, Watkinson, A., and Cohen, I.M. “Theoretical and Empirical Developments in the Utilization of Psychopathy as a Predictor of Serious and Violent Young Offending.” Forensic Psychology and Law: Facing the Challenges of a Changing World. Edited by Alicja Czeredercka, Teresa Jaskiewicz-Obydzinska, Ronald Roesch, and Jozef Wojcikiewicz. Krakow: Institute of Forensic Research Publishers.

2005 Cohen, I.M. and Corrado, R.R. “State Torture in the Contemporary World.” International Journal of Comparative Sociology. Vol. 46 (1-2), 103-131.

2005 Cohen, I.M. “A Review of Russell D. Howard and Reid L. Sawyer’s Defeating Terrorism: Shaping the New Security Environment.” Police Practice and Research: An International Journal. Vol. 6 (2), 201-208.

2004 Cohen, I.M., Corrado, R.R., and Beavon, D. “Urban Aboriginal Victims of Crime and their Police Reporting Practices.” Canadian Journal of Police and Security Services. Vol. 2 (1), 387- 396.

2004 Corrado, R.R., Cohen, I.M., and Cale, J.L. “Aboriginal Resource Access in Response to Criminal Victimization in an Urban Context.” In Jerry White, Paul Maxim, and Dab Beavon (eds.) Aboriginal Policy Research. Volume 2. Toronto: Thompson Education Publishing.

2004 Cohen, I.M. and Corrado, R.R. “Housing Discrimination Among a Sample of Aboriginal People in Winnipeg and Thompson, Manitoba.” In Jerry White, Paul Maxim, and Dab Beavon (eds.) Aboriginal Policy Research: Volume 1. Toronto: Thompson Education Publishing.

2004 Corrado, R.R., Vincent, G.M., Hart, S.D., and Cohen, I.M. “Predictive Validity of the Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version: Psychopathic Symptoms and Recidivism.” Behavioral Science and the Law. Vol. 22.

2004 Cohen, I.M., Corrado, R.R., and Cale, J.L. “The Challenges Posed by Serious and Violent Young Offenders to Criminal Justice Policymakers.” In Ermino Gius and Sabrina Cipolletta (eds.) Per Una Politica D‘intervento Con I Minori In Difficolta. Milan: Angeli.

2003 Corrado, R.R, Cohen, I.M., and Marino, F. “Violent and Non-Violent Young Offenders: A Comparison of Demographics, Multi-Problem Profiles, and Psychopathic Traits.” In M. Vanderhallen, G. Vervaeke, P. Van Koppen, and J. Goethals (eds.) Much Ado About Crime: Chapters on Psychology and Law. Belgium: Politeia.

2003 Cohen, I.M. and Corrado, R.R. “Spain.” Encyclopedia of World Terrorism: 1996-2002. New York: M.E. Sharpe.


Dr. Irwin M. Cohen 2003 Cohen, I.M. and Corrado, R.R. “A Future for the ETA?” In Dilip K. Das and Peter Kratcoski (eds.) Meeting the Challenges of Global Terrorism: Prevention, Control, and Recovery. New York: Lexington Books.

2003 Corrado, R.R., Cohen, I.M., and Odgers, C. “Multi-Problem Violent Youth: A Challenge for the Restorative Justice Paradigm.” In E. Weitekamp and H. Kerner (eds.) Restorative Justice In Context: International Practice and Directions. United Kingdom: Willan Publishing.

2003 Corrado, R.R., Cohen, I.M., Glackman, B., and Odgers. C. “Serious and Violent Young Offenders’ Decisions to Recidivate: An Assessment of Five Sentencing Models.” Crime and Delinquency. Vol. 49 (2) April.

2003 Cohen, I.M. “A Review of John A. Winterdyk’s Juvenile Justice Systems: International Perspectives, 2nd Edition.” International Journal of Comparative Criminology. Vol. 2(1).

2003 Cohen, I.M. and Corrado, R.R. “A Review of Jonathon White’s Terrorism: An Introduction, 3rd Edition.” International Journal of Comparative Criminology. Vol. 2(1).

2002 Corrado, R.R. and Cohen, I.M. “A Needs Profile of Aboriginal Youth in Prison.” FORUM on Corrections Research. Vol. 14 (3) September.

2002 Corrado, R.R., Odgers, C., and Cohen, I.M. “The Incarceration of Female Young Offenders: Protection for Whom?” (REPRINT) in Thomas Fleming, Patricia O'Reilly, and Barry Clark (eds.) Youth Injustice: Canadian Perspectives. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc.

2001 Corrado, R.R., Cohen, I.M., and Odgers, C. “Teen Violence in Canada.” In Randal Summers and Allan Hoffman (eds.) Teen Violence: A Global Perspective. San Diego: Greenwood Publishers. (20 pages).

2001 Corrado, R.R., Odgers, C., and Cohen, I.M. “Girls in Jail: Punishment or Protection.” In R. Roesch, R. R. Corrado, and R.J. Dempster (eds.) Psychology in the Courts: International Advances in Knowledge. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic.

2000 Corrado, R.R., Cohen, I.M., Hart S, and Roesch R. “Diagnosing Mental Disorders in Offenders: Conceptual and Methodological Issues.” Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, Vol. 10: 29- 39.

2000 Corrado, R.R., Odgers, C., and Cohen, I.M. “The Incarceration of Female Young Offenders: Protection for Whom?” Canadian Journal of Criminology. April: 189-207.

2000 Corrado, R.R., Cohen, I.M., Hart, S., and Roesch, R. “Comparative Examination of the Prevalence of Mental Disorders Among Jailed Inmates in Canada and the United States.” International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. Vol. 23, No. 5-6: 633-647.

1999 Corrado, R.R. and Cohen, I.M. Terrorism: A Study Guide. Burnaby: Simon Fraser University Press. (85 pages).

1999 Corrado, R.R. and Cohen, I.M. “State Torture.” In Lester Kurtz (ed.) Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict. San Diego: Academic Press. (30 pages).



2014 Corrado, R. and Cohen, I. A Review of the Research Literature on the Socio-Economic Contributors to Homicide. Prepared for the City of Surrey.

2014 Davies, G. and Cohen, I. Homicide in Surrey and Vancouver: An Evaluation of Contextual Factors. Prepared for the City of Surrey.

2013 Armstrong, J., Plecas, D., and Cohen, I.M. The Value of Resources in Solving Homicides: The Difference Between Gang Related and Non-Gang Related Cases. Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research.

2013 Cohen, I.M. and Vogt, A. Towards More Caring and Restorative School Climates: Findings From the Safe School Safe Student Survey. Report Prepared for the Abbotsford Restorative Justice and Advocacy Association.

2013 Pauls, K., Plecas, D., Cohen, I.M. and Haarhoff, T. The Nature and Extent of Marihuana Possession in British Columbia. Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research.

2013 Plecas, D. Cohen, I.M., Rolleman, J., Teindl, K., and Mahaffy, A. Research Note Series: Characteristics of Offenders Arrested on Outstanding Warrants by BC Transit Police Officers. Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research.

2013 Plecas, D. Cohen, I.M., and Rolleman, J. An Exploratory Review of Block Watch in British Columbia. Prepared for RCMP “E” Division Crime Prevention and Program Support Services.

2013 Plecas, D., Cohen, I.M., Armstrong, J., and Burk, K. Abbotsford Public Safety Survey. Prepared for the Abbotsford Police Department.

2013 Shuurman, P., Ladd, G., Plecas, D., Vogt, A., Cohen, I.M., Lalonde, M., and Foote, B. Crime Prevention Strategies for Small and Medium Businesses. Prepared for the Vancouver Board of Trade.

2013 Czeck, J., Keating, K., Vogt, A., Cohen, I.M., and Plecas, D. Ecstasy Use: An Information Guide for Parents and Youth Workers. A Joint Publication of Burnaby RCMP, Burnaby School District, and the University of the Fraser Valley.

2013 Plecas, D., Cohen, I.M., Mahaffy, A., and Burk, K. Do Judges Take Prior Record into Consideration? An Analysis of the Sentencing of Repeat Offenders in British Columbia. University of the Fraser Valley.

2012 Plecas, D., Haarhoff, T., Cohen, I.M., and Burk, K. Setting the Stage for Improved Efficiency and Effectiveness: A Review of Victoria Police Department Operations. Prepared for the Victoria Police Department.

2012 Plecas, D., Cohen, I.M., and Armstrong, J. A Review of DNA Lab Requests from Municipal Departments in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia (2006 – 2011). Prepared for the Department of Justice, Government of Canada.

2012 Cohen, I.M. and Plecas, D. An Analysis of Calls for Service in the City of Langley 2010 – 2010. Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research.

2012 Cohen, I.M. and Plecas, D. A Review of the Research Literature on 24-Hour Shifts for Firefighters. Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research. 6

Dr. Irwin M. Cohen

2012 McCormick, A.V., Haarhoff, T., Cohen, I.M., Plecas, D., and Burk, K. Challenges Associated with Interpreting and Using Police Clearance Rates. Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research.

2012 Vogt, A., Cohen, I.M., and Czek, J. ‘Measuring Up’: A Self Examination of Police Receptivity to the Extrajudicial Measures Referral Database. Report for the Ministry of Justice, Federal Government of Canada. ] 2011 Cohen, I.M. and Corrado, R.R. Review of School-Based Intervention and Prevention Programs for Gang Involved Aboriginal Youth. Report for the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, Government of Canada.

2011 McCormick, A.V., Corrado, R.R., Cohen, I.M., and Thompson, S. Policing Persons under the Influence of Drugs and Alcohol in Vancouver, British Columbia. Report for Centre for Additions Research British Columbia.

2011 Cohen, I.M., McCormick, A.V., and Corrado, R.R. BCLC’s Voluntary Self-Exclusion Program: Perceptions and Experiences of a Sampe of Program Participants. Report for the BC Lottery Commission.

2011 Plecas, D., Armstrong, J., and Cohen, I.M. An Analysis of Public Complaints against RCMP in the Atlantic Region: A 3 Year Review (2007 – 2009). Report for the Atlantic Region, RCMP.

2011 Plecas, D., McCormick, A.V., Lee, Z., Cohen, I.M., and Armstrong, J. Understanding and Reducing RCMP Motor Vehicle Collisions. Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research.

2011 Plecas, D., Armstrong, J., and Cohen, I.M. RCMP Code of Conduct Cases in British Columbia: A Five Year Review (2005 – 2009). Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research.

2011 Plecas, D., Armstrong, J., Haarhoff, T., McCormick, A.V., and Cohen, I.M. Why the Integrated Municipal Provincial Auto Crime Team (IMPACT). Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research.

2011 Plecas, D., McCormick, A.V., and Cohen, I.M. An Analysis of Police Officer Vehicle Time: The Case of Surrey RCMP Officers. Report for RCMP, Surrey Detachment. Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research.

2011 Cohen, I.M., Plecas, D., and McCormick, A.V. Taking Breaks in General Duty Police Work: The Case of Surrey RCMP Officers. Report for RCMP, Surrey Detachment. Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research.

2011 McCormick, A.V., Cohen, I.M., and Plecas, D. Nutrition and General Duty Police Work: The Case of Surrey RCMP Officers. Report for RCMP, Surrey Detachment. Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research.

2010 Armstrong, J., Plecas, D., Cohen, I.M., and McCormick, A.V. Public Safety Survey: Abbotsford, British Columbia. Report for the Abbotsford Police Department.

2010 McCormick, A.V., Cohen, I.M., and Plecas D. Domestic Violence: A Review of Burnaby RCMP Calls for Service. Report for RCMP, Burnaby Detachment.


Dr. Irwin M. Cohen 2010 Plecas, D., Armstrong, J., Tassone, L., Cohen, I.M., and McCormick, A.V. An Analysis of Complaints against the RCMP in British Columbia: 15 Year Review from 1994 – 2008. Report for Operations Strategy Branch, E Division, RCMP.

2010 Plecas, D., McCormick, A.V., and Cohen, I.M. RCMP Surrey Ride Along Study: General Findings. Report for RCMP, Surrey Detachment.

2010 Cohen, I.M., Plecas, D., and McCormick, A.V. Public Safety Survey: Burnaby, British Columbia. Report for RCMP (Burnaby RCMP Detachment).

2010 Smith, C. Shaken Baby Syndrome: An Investigator’s Manual. Edited by Darryl Plecas and Irwin M. Cohen. University of the Fraser Valley.

2010 Honey-Ray, L., Cohen, I.M., Nursey, J., Gill, R., Fik, T., and McCormick, A.V. Criminal Record Checks for the Non-Profit Sector in British Columbia. University of the Fraser Valley.

2009 Plecas D., McCormick, A.V., Levine, J., Neal, P., and Cohen, I.M. An Evidence-Based Solution to Information Sharing Between Criminal Justice Agencies. Report for operations Strategy Branch, ‘E’ Division, RCMP.

2009 Plecas D., McCormick, A.V., and Cohen, I.M. Summary of Surrey RCMP Student Ride-Along Practicum Summer 2009: Student Perspectives. Report for RCMP, Surrey Detachment.

2009 Cohen, I.M., Plecas, D., and McCormick, A.V. Public Safety Survey: Burnaby, British Columbia. Report for Burnaby RCMP Detachment.

2009 Plecas, D., McCormick, A.V., and Cohen, I.M. Summary of Surrey RCMP Student Ride-Along Practicum Summer 2009: Student Perspectives. Report for RCMP, Surrey Detachment.

2009 Cohen, I.M., Plecas, D., and McCormick, A.V. Public Safety Survey: Upper Fraser Valley, British Columbia. Report for ‘E’ Division of the RCMP

2009 Cohen, I.M., Plecas, D., McCormick, A.V, and Haarhoff, T. Police Statistics on Marijuana Drug Files in Surrey, the Lower Mainland, and the Rest of British Columbia 2004 – 2008: A Comparative Analysis. Report for the City of Surrey.

2009 Plecas, D., Cohen, I.M., McCormick, A.V., and Haarhoff, T. Police Drug Sample Submissions to the Health Canada Drug Analysis Service Laboratory and Police Statistics on Drug Offences in British Columbia 2004 – 2008: A Comparative Analysis of the Decline. Report for Health Canada Drug Analysis Service Laboratory.

2009 McCormick, A.V., Cale, J., Cohen, I.M., and Corrado, R.R. The Use of Online Pharmacies by British Columbia Residents. Report for Public Safety Canada.

2009 Cohen, I.M., Plecas, D., and McCormick, A.V. A Comparison of Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Missing Persons in British Columbia Where Foul Play has not been Ruled Out. Report for the RCMP “E” Division Major Crime Unit, British Columbia.

2009 Cohen, I.M., Plecas, D., Mahaffy, A., and Levine, J. Burnaby RCMP Motor Vehicle Crashes: 2006 – 2008. Report for the Burnaby RCMP Detachment.

2009 Cohen, I.M., McCormick, A.V., and Plecas, D. The Nature and Extent of Impaired Driving in RCMP Jurisdictions in British Columbia: A Review of Police Files. Report for the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles, Province of British Columbia.


Dr. Irwin M. Cohen

2008 McCormick, A.V. and Cohen, I.M. Time Out: A Progress Report on the Evaluation of British Columbia Lottery Corporation’s Voluntary Self-Exclusion Program. Report for BCLC, British Columbia.

2008 McCormick, A.V., Cohen, I.M., Plecas, D., and Mumford, S. School-Based Prevention of Substance Use. Report for Fraser Health Authority, Mental Health and Addiction Services, British Columbia.

2008 Cohen, I.M., Corrado, R.R., and McCormick, A.V. Why Aboriginal Students Drop Out of High School: An Exploratory Study of the Reasons and Effects of Dropping Out Among a Sample of First Nations Adolescents. Report for the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, Federal Government of Canada.

2008 Corrado, R.R., Cohen, I.M., and McCormick, A.V. School Attendance, Academic Achievement, and Retention Among a Sample of Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Students. Report for the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, Federal Government of Canada.

2008 Cohen, I.M., McCormick, A.V., and Plecas, D. A Review of the Nature and Extent of Uncleared Missing Persons Cases in British Columbia. Report for the RCMP “E” Division Major Crime Unit, British Columbia.

2008 Diplock, J., Cohen, I.M., and Plecas, D. A Review of the Research on the Risks and Harms Associated to the Use of Marijuana. Report for the Drug Awareness Branch, “E” Division, Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

2008 Cohen, I.M. and McCormick, A.V. The Role of Pharmacists in the Identification and Prevention of Prescription Drug Misuse. Report for Public Safety Canada.

2008 Cohen, I.M. and McCormick, A.V. The Misuse of Prescription Drugs by Post-Secondary Students. Report for Public Safety Canada.

2008 Mahaffy, A., Levine, J., Cohen, I.M., and Plecas, D. Kamloops Public Safety Survey: A Comparison Between 2006 and 2008. Report for the Kamloops RCMP.

2007 McLean, K., McCormick, A., and Cohen, I.M. Media Representations of First Nations in British Columbia. Report for Deputy Minister’s Policy Secretariat, Provincial Government of British Columbia.

2007 McCormick, A., Plecas, D., and Cohen, I.M. Motor Vehicle Theft: An Analysis of Recovered Vehicles in the Fraser Valley. Report for the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia.

2007 Cohen, I.M. and Plecas, D. A National Review of RCMP Motor Vehicle Accidents: 2004 – 2005. Report for the RCMP National Traffic Services.

2007 McCormick, A., Cohen, I.M., Corrado, R.R., Clement, L., and Rice, C. Binge Drinking Among Post-Secondary Students in British Columbia. British Columbia Centre for Social Responsibility

2007 Plecas, D. and Cohen, I.M. Improving Police Response Time: A Comparison of Traditional Vs. Enhanced Telecom Response Team (TRT) Approaches to Police Calls for Service. Report for the Vancouver Police Department, British Columbia.


Dr. Irwin M. Cohen 2007 Cohen, I.M., Plecas, D., and McCormick, A.V. The Nature and Extent of Impaired Driving in RCMP Jurisdictions in British Columbia: A Review of Police Files from 2003. Report for the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles of British Columbia and the RCMP.

2007 McCormick, A., Plecas, D., and Cohen, I.M. Responding to the Dangers of Methamphetamine: Towards Informed Practices. School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University-College of the Fraser Valley.

2007 Cohen, I.M., Plecas, D., and McCormick, A.V. A Report on the Automated Licence Plate Recognition System in British Columbia. Report for the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles Branch, Provincial Government of British Columbia.

2007 Cohen, I.M., Plecas, D., and McCormick, A.V. Public Safety, Victimization, and Perceptions of the Police in Eight RCMP Jurisdictions in British Columbia. Report for ‘E’ Division of the RCMP.

2007 Bhuller, G., Huitson, N., Cohen, I.M., and Plecas, D. Public Safety Survey: Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam, British Columbia. Report for ‘E’ Division of the RCMP.

2007 Konarski, C., Huitson, N., Cohen, I.M., and Plecas, D. Public Safety Survey: Comox Valley Area, British Columbia. Report for ‘E’ Division of the RCMP.

2007 Kandola, R., Huitson, N., Cohen, I.M., and Plecas, D. Public Safety Survey: Penticton Area, British Columbia. Report for ‘E’ Division of the RCMP.

2007 Sharma, R., Huitson, N., Cohen, I.M., and Plecas, D. Public Safety Survey: Terrace Area, British Columbia. Report for ‘E’ Division of the RCMP.

2007 Rasmussne, C., Huitson, N., Cohen, I.M., and Plecas, D. Public Safety Survey: Prince George, British Columbia. Report for ‘E’ Division of the RCMP.

2007 Tawana, G., Huitson, N., Cohen, I.M., and Plecas, D. Public Safety Survey: Kamloops Area, British Columbia. Report for ‘E’ Division of the RCMP.

2007 Strom, M., Huitson, N., Cohen, I.M., and Plecas, D. Public Safety Survey: Cowichan Valley, British Columbia. Report for ‘E’ Division of the RCMP.

2007 Callaghan, T., Levine, J., Huitson, N., Cohen, I.M., and Plecas, D. Public Safety Survey: Upper Fraser Valley, British Columbia. Report for ‘E’ Division of the RCMP.

2006 Cohen, I.M. and Plecas, D. The Nature and Response to Calls for Service: Surrey RCMP Detachment. An Analysis for Surrey RCMP, Canada

2006 McCormick, A.V. and Cohen, I.M. Barriers to Accessing Treatment for Problem Gamblers. Report by the British Columbia Centre for Social Responsibility.

2006 Cohen, I.M. A Review of the Research on Supervised Injection Sites. Report for the RCMP Drug Branch, Federal Government of Canada.

2005 Cohen, I.M., Plecas, D., and McCormick, A.V. A Review of the Research on the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) Program. School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University College of the Fraser Valley.


Dr. Irwin M. Cohen

2005 Malm, A., Pollard, N., Brantingham, P., Tinsley, P., Plecas, D., Brantingham, P., Cohen, I.M., and Kinney, B. A 30 Year Analysis of Police Service Delivery and Costing: “E” Division. Abbotsford, Institute for Canadian Urban Research Studies (ICURS).

2004 Cohen, I.M. and Corrado, R.R. Homelessness and Service Use Among a Sample of Langley, British Columbia Youth. Report for the Department of Human Resources and Development Canada, Federal Government of Canada.

2004 Cohen, I.M. and Corrado, R.R. The Perceptions of CAP Workers on the Use of Restorative Justice Programs under the Youth Criminal Justice Act for Aboriginal Youth in Conflict with the Law. Report for the Department of Public Safety and the Solicitor General, Federal Government of Canada.

2004 Cohen, I.M. and Corrado, R.R. Multi-Problem Profile Needs of Aboriginal Youth Referred to the Native Courtworker and Counseling Association of British Columbia. Report for the Department of Public Safety and the Solicitor General, Federal Government of Canada.

2004 Corrado R.R. and Cohen, I.M. Probation Officers’ Perceptions on the “Best Practices” and Resource Needs of Aboriginal Young Offenders under the Youth Criminal Justice Act. Report for the Department of Public Safety and the Solicitor General, Federal Government of Canada.

2004 Corrado R.R. and Cohen, I.M. A Comparison of Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Youth in Custody from the YOA to the YCJA. Report for the Department of Public Safety and the Solicitor General, Federal Government of Canada.

2004 Corrado, R.R. and Cohen, I.M. The Vancouver Shelter Research Project: Aboriginal and Non- Aboriginal Peoples’ Access to Shelters and Related Resources, Services, and Programs. Report for the National Secretariat on Homelessness, Human Resources and Development Canada, Federal Government of Canada.

2003 Corrado, R.R., Cohen, I.M., and Cale, J.L. The National Community Research Project: Attitudes and Perceptions of Policing Among a Sample of Urban Aboriginal Victims of Crime. Report for the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Federal Government of Canada.

2003 Corrado, R.R., Cohen, I.M., and Cale, J.L. Mental Health Profiles for a Sample of British Columbia’s Aboriginal Survivors of the Canadian Residential School System. Report for the Aboriginal Healing Foundation, Federal Government of Canada.

2003 Corrado, R.R. and Cohen, I.M. The National Community Research Project: Vancouver Native Education Centre Report. Report for the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Federal Government of Canada.

2003 Corrado, R.R., Cohen, I.M., Skoog, D., and Boudreau, M. Housing Discrimination and Aboriginal People in Winnipeg and Thompson, Manitoba. Report for Canadian Housing and Mortgaging Corporation, Federal Government of Canada.

2002 Corrado, R.R., and Cohen, I.M. The National Community Research Project: Overview of the Research, and Preliminary Respondent Characteristics and Perceptions of the Community. Report for the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Federal Government of Canada.


Dr. Irwin M. Cohen

2001 Corrado, R.R., Cohen, I.M., and Odgers, C. Incarcerated Youth Report: A Comparison of Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Serious and Violent Young Offenders. Report for the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Federal Government of Canada.

2001 Corrado, R.R, Cohen, I.M., and Ward, A.C. Creating Culturally Sensitive Health Care for Aboriginal Communities. Report for the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Federal Government of Canada.

2001 Corrado, R.R., Cohen, I.M. and Jonas, P. Aboriginal Residential Schools: An Overview of History, Experience, and Social Impact. Report for the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Federal Government of Canada.

2001 Corrado, R.R., Cohen, I.M., and Johnson, A. The Experience and Impact of Incarceration on Aboriginal Youth: Issues, Problems and Programs. Report for the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Federal Government of Canada.

2000 Corrado, R.R., Cohen, I.M., Robinson, L., and Laye, A. An Overview of First Nations Education in Canada: Historical Context, Present Situation, and Recommendations for a Successful Future. Report for the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Federal Government of Canada.

2000 Corrado, R.R., Cohen, I.M., Belisic, M., and Jonas, P. Aboriginal Crime and Victimization in Canada. Report for the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Federal Government of Canada.

2000 Corrado, R.R. and Cohen, I.M. A Literature Review on Issues Surrounding Aboriginal Offenders In Canada. Report for the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Federal Government of Canada.



2014 “Enhancing Police Capacity to Prevent and Respond to Crime.” Presented at the Annual Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, February.

2014 “Turnstiles and Prolific Offenders: The Characteristics of Offenders Arrested for Outstanding Warrants by BC Transit Police Officers.” Presented at the Annual Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, February.

2014 “Criminal Profile of Offenders Committing a Hit and Run Offence.” Presented at the Annual Western Criminology Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, February.

2013 “Auto Theft and other Criminal Behaviour Trends among Serious and Violent Young Offenders.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Dallas, Texas, USA, March.

2013 “Proven Crime Reduction Strategies.” Presented at the BC Association of Chiefs of Police Meeting, Richmond, British Columbia, March.

2013 “Reducing Crime in British Columbia”. Presented at the Annual Western Criminology Conference, Newport Beach, California, USA, February.

2012 “The Sentencing of Repeat Offenders in British Columbia.” Presented at the Annual Western Criminology Conference, Newport Beach, California, USA, February.

2012 “So Much for a Commitment to Evidenced-Based Policing: The Case of Crime Free Multi- Housing.” Presented at the Annual Western Criminology Conference, Newport Beach, California, USA, February.

2011 “Responding to the Police Resourcing Issue.” Presented at the Ontario Police Association Meeting, Orillia, Ontario, November.

2011 “RCMP Code of Conduct Cases in British Columbia.” Presented at the National Conference on Professional Standards, RCMP, Pacific Training Centre, Chillliwack, November.

2011 “Predictors of Arrest and Recidivism among Domestic Violence Offenders.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington, DC, November.

2011 “The Coming Attack on Police Resources.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Police Association, Ottawa, Ontario, May.

2011 “Challenges in Clearance Rate Comparisons: An Exercise in Comparing Apples to Oranges.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Toronto, Ontario, March.

2011 “The Surrey Ride-Along Study.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Toronto, Ontario, March.

2011 “Auto Theft Participation Among Serious and Violent Incarcerated Young Offenders.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Society of Criminology, Vancouver, British Columbia, February.


Dr. Irwin M. Cohen 2011 “Aboriginal Status, Mental Health, Educational, and Abuse Risk Profiles of Serious and Violent Young Offenders and their Reactions to Incarceration”. Seminar presented at the Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra, Australia, February.

2011 “Aboriginal School Performance and High Drop-Out Rates, School Based Intervention Strategies, and Disproportionate Aboriginal Youth Serious and Violent Offending: Is there a Relationship?” Presented at the 2011 Seminar Series for the Key Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice and Governance, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, February.

2010 “Reducing Police Motor Vehicle Crashes.” Innovations in Road Safety: Safe Emergency Vehicle Operation, Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police/Ontario Provincial Police, Niagara Falls, Ontario, November.

2010 “Differential Characteristics of Family Versus Partner Domestic Violence.” Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, United States of America, November.

2010 “Predictive Validity of the Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version Compared to Other Versions.” Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, United States of America, November.

2010 “Models for Police Responses When Dealing with Mentally Disordered Offenders: Getting Past Persistent Limitations.” Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, San Diego, United States of America, February.

2010 “Merging A Student-Centered, Criminal Justice Agency-Centered, and Discipline-Centered Approach to Teaching and Researching in Criminal Justice.” Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, San Diego, United States of America, February.

2010 “An Exploratory Analysis of Factors Associated with Repeat Homicide in Canada.” Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, San Diego, United States of America, February.

2010 “The Changing Nature of Auto Thieves.” Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, San Diego, United States of America, February.

2010 “Perceptions of Public Safety and Satisfaction with Police Among Two Canadian Samples.” The 37th Annual Meeting of the Western Society of Criminology, Hawaii, United States of America, February.

2009 “Evidence-Based Solutions to Improving Information Sharing Between Criminal Justice Agencies.” Vancouver International Security Conference, Vancouver, December.

2009 “Behavioural Indicators of Homegrown Islamic Jihadists.” Keynote Address I2 User Group Conference, Washington, D.C., USA, February.

2009 “Risk Factors for Unhealthy Behaviours and Attitudes Among Children and Adolescents.” Safe School Social Responsibility Survey Symposium, Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada, March.

2009 “The Role of Pharmacists in Policing Prescription Drug Abuse.” Annual Conference of the Western Society of Criminology, San Diego, United States of American, February.

2008 “Anti-State Terrorism in Canada: Are you Prepared.” Keynote Address I2 Canadian User Group Conference, Ottawa, Canada, December.


Dr. Irwin M. Cohen

2008 “The Misuse of Prescription Drugs by Post-Secondary Students in British Columbia.” Annual Conference of the American Society of Criminology, St. Louis, United States of American, November.

2008 “Really Making the Community Connection Happen: The Key to Effective Crime Reduction.” 12th Annual Conference on Community Corrections, Correctional Service of Canada, Manning Park, British Columbia, May.

2008 “Intergenerational Transmission of Risk Factors Related to the Impact of Residential Schools and their Possible Consequences on Federal Corrections.” Presented at the Mental Health Symposium: Advancing Solutions to Offender Mental Health, Ottawa, Canada, May.

2008 “An Analysis of Criminal Code Police Calls for Service 1998 – 2006.” Pacific Region Leaders’ Conference, RCMP, Chilliwack, Canada, April.

2008 “The Significance of Non-Prolific Offenders in Influencing Crime Rates.” Criminal Justice System Fraser Valley Conference, Abbotsford, Canada, April.

2008 “Attitudes and Participation in Binge Drinking Among Post-Secondary Students in British Columbia.” Western Society of Criminology 35th Annual Meeting, Sacramento, United States of America, February.

2008 “Misconceptions and Missed Opportunities: Auto Thieves and the Criminal Justice System’s Response to Offenders in a Canadian Context.” Western Society of Criminology 35th Annual Meeting, Sacramento, United States of America, February.

2007 “An Exploration of the Relationship Between Aboriginal Youth and Adult Drug Use and Youth Incarceration and Childhood Sexual Victimization.” The 2nd Biennial Forensic Mental Health Conference, Vancouver, Canada, October.

2007 “Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality Disorder and the Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version.” The International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services Conference. Montréal, Canada, June.

2007 “Risk Factors for Violence and Serious Criminality.” The Promoting Safe, Cohesive Communities for Children and Youth Conference. Vancouver, Canada, May.

2007 “Racial Profiling and National Security: Canada’s Response to Terrorism.” The 14th International Police Executive Symposium, Dubai, April.

2007 “Prolific Offenders.” The International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts Annual Training Conference, Vancouver, Canada, April.

2007 “Criminal Associations: Prolific vs. Non-Prolific Offenders.” Western Society of Criminology 34th Annual Meeting, Arizona, United States of America, February.

2007 “Characterizing Prolific and Priority Offenders.” Western Society of Criminology 34th Annual Meeting, Arizona, United States of America, February.

2006 “Psychopathy and Institutional Violence: A Six-Year Study with Serious and Violent Young Offenders.” The American Society of Criminology Annual Conference. Los Angeles, United States of America, November.


Dr. Irwin M. Cohen 2006 “Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality Disorder: Initial Results with a Serious and Violent Youth Sample.” The Annual Conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June.

2006 “Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality Disorder.” Presented at the Justice Institute of British Columbia Applied Research Symposium. Vancouver, Canada, May.

2006 “Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality Disorder.” The Annual Conference of the Western Society of Criminology. Seattle, United States of American, February.

2005 “Profiles of Serious and Violent Incarcerated Young Offenders.” Presented at the Youth Gangs and Violence” What’s Happening in BC? Workshop, Vancouver, Canada, October.

2005 “Multi-Problem Violent Youth: Developmental Risk Factors and Case Management of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Serious and Violent Young Offenders.” Presented at the Island Youth Conference, Vancouver, Canada, June.

2005 “Research, Risk Factors, and Violent Young Offending.” Presented at the Vancouver Coastal Region Probation Officers’ Training Day, Vancouver, Canada, April.

2005 “Early Onset of Alcohol and Drug Use, Alcohol/Substance Abuse, and Serious and Violent Young Offenders.” The 31st Annual Western Society of Criminology Conference. Hawaii, United States of America, February.

2004 “The Role of Social Capital in Community Crime Prevention.” The Policy Research Initiative’s Conference on Exploring New Approaches to Social Policy, Ottawa, Canada, December.

2004 “Serious and Violent Incarcerated Young Offenders: Profiles, Needs, and Attitudes towards Incarceration.” The Provincial Meeting of Youth Custody Services, Vancouver, Canada, November.

2004 “The Principles and Practices of Effective Youth Justice Programs.” Presented at the Provincial Association of Residential and Community Agencies Conference, Vancouver, Canada, November.

2004 “Risk Factors, Prevention, and Intervention for Youthful Offending in Schools.” Presented at the Vancouver School Resource Officer’s Training Workshop. Vancouver, Canada, September.

2004 “Social Capital and Crime Prevention.” The Policy Research Initiative Roundtable, Ottawa, Canada, November.

2004 “Housing Discrimination Among a Sample of Aboriginal People in Winnipeg and Thompson, Manitoba.” The Aboriginal Housing Research Conference, Saskatoon, Canada, October.

2004 “Profiles of Serious and Violent Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Young Offenders in a Canadian Context.” The Annual International Association for Mental Health Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June

2004 “Adolescent Risk Factors for Violence and Serious Criminality and Intervention Strategies.” The I Congreso De Pscicologia Juridica, Madrid, Spain, July.

2003 “Risk Factors, Prevention, and Intervention for Youthful Offending in Schools.” Presented at the Vancouver School Resource Officer’s Training Workshop. Vancouver, Canada, August.


Dr. Irwin M. Cohen

2003 “Serious and Violent Young Offenders Attitudes Toward Restorative Justice: A Comparison of Problem Profiles.” The 6th International Conference on Restorative Justice, Vancouver, Canada, June.

2003 “Criminal Victimization, Mental Health, and Service Access.” The Annual International Association for Mental Health Conference, Miami Beach, United States of America, April.

2003 “Impact of Criminal Victimization on Mobility, Residence, and Housing Issues.” The Pacific Urban Aboriginal Policy Research Conference. Vancouver, Canada, June.

2003 “An Introduction to the Phenomenon of Single-Issue Terrorism.” The 30th Annual Western Society of Criminology Conference. Vancouver, Canada, February.

2002 “Is Collective Efficacy Related to Victims’ Resource Assess Decision Making in Response to Crime?” The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, United States of American, November.

2002 “Housing Discrimination and Aboriginal People in Winnipeg and Thompson, Manitoba.” The 2002 Aboriginal Policy Research Conference, Ottawa, Canada, November.

2002 “Homelessness and Shelter Use in the Greater Vancouver Regional District: Research Project Overview.” The 2002 Aboriginal Policy Research Conference, Ottawa, Canada, November.

2002 “Psychopathy in Young Offenders: A Comparison of the PCL:YV and PSD.” The 2002 American Psychology and Law Conference, Austin, United States of America, March.

2002 “The Utility of Contemporary State Torture.” The 29th Annual Western Society of Criminology Conference. San Diego, United States of America, February.

2002 “Conduct Disorder and Serious and Violent Aboriginal Young Offenders: Examining the Role of Ethnicity.” The 29th Annual Western Society of Criminology Conference. San Diego, United States of America, February.

2002 “Conduct Disorder and Serious and Violent Female Offenders: Examining the Prevalence and Co-Variance of this Disorder.” The 2002 American Psychology and Law Conference, Austin, United States of America, March.

2002 “Female Young Offenders: Violence, Risk Factors, and Interventions.” Presented at the Yukon Crime Prevention Conference. Whitehorse, Canada, October.

2002 “Risk Factors, Prevention, and Intervention for Youthful Offending in Schools.” Presented at the Vancouver School Resource Officer’s Training Workshop. Vancouver, Canada, August.

2002 “An Item Response Theory Analysis of the Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version.” The American Psychology and Law Conference, Austin, United States of America, March.

2001 “The Rise of Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorism.” Presented at the Greater Vancouver and Fraser Valley Youth Intelligence Workshop. Vancouver, Canada, November.


Dr. Irwin M. Cohen 2001 “Girls and Crime.” Presented at the Greater Vancouver and Fraser Valley Youth Intelligence Workshop. Vancouver, Canada, November.

2001 “Serious and Violent Female Young Offenders.” Presented at the B.C. Crime Prevention Association’s Crime Prevention 2001: A Volunteer’s Odyssey. Vancouver, Canada, September.

2001 “Psychopathy, Recidivism, and Serious and Violent Young Offenders.” The Violence Risk Assessment and Management Conference, Sundsvall, Sweden, November.

2001 “Youth on the ‘Outs’: Serious and Violent Young Offenders Following their Release from Secure Custody.” The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, United States of American, November.

2001 “Mental Disorder in Serious and Violent Young Offenders.” The International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services. Vancouver, Canada, April.

2001 “Conduct Disorder in Serious and Violent Young Offenders: Examining its Prevalence and Relationship to Young Offending.” The 28th Annual Western Society of Criminology Conference. Portland, United States of America, February.

2001 “Secure Care and Female Young Offenders: The Benefits of Transparency in Processing Female Youth in Conflict with the Law.” The Restoring Justice for Women and Girls Conference. Vancouver, Canada, April.

2000 “The Road to Offending: Serious and Violent Young Offenders and Their Pathways to Crime.” The American Society of Criminology Conference. San Francisco, United States of America, November.

2000 “Female Youth Who Kill: Profiling Canadian Female Youth Convicted of Murder.” The American Society of Criminology Conference. San Francisco, United States of America, November.

2000 “Risk Assessment in Young Women: Special Issues and Considerations.” The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Conference. New York, United States of America, October.

2000 “The Need for an Integrated Risk/Needs Instrument for Multi-Problem Youth.” The NATO Advanced Research Workshop. Krakow, Poland, August.

2000 “Needs/Risk Profile of Violent Young Offenders in British Columbia: The Need for an Integrated Multi-Service Instrument.” The Youth Violence: Approaches to Evaluating Needs and Risk Management Conference. Vancouver, Canada, May.

2000 “Predicting Recidivism in Young Offenders: Utility of the PCL:YV.” Presented at the Annual International Law and Psychiatry Conference. Sienna, Italy, July.

2000 “Risk Factors Associated with Recidivism Among Serious Young Offenders.” The 27th Annual Western Society of Criminology Conference. Hawaii, United States of America, February.

2000 “Female Youth in Custody: Social Control Revisited.” The Western Society of Criminology Annual Conference. Hawaii, United States of America, February.


Dr. Irwin M. Cohen 1999 “The Prediction of Violence in Female Young Offenders.” The Conference on Risk Assessment and Risk Management: Implications for the Prevention of Violence, Vancouver, Canada, November.

1999 “The Deterrent Effect of Incarceration on Serious Young Offenders’ Intentions to Recidivate.” The 1999 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Canada, November.

1999 “Serious Young Offenders’ Attitudes Toward Restorative Justice Principles.” The 1999 Conference Psychological Perspectives on Young Offenders: Identity, Mental Disorder, and Violence, Dublin, Ireland, July.

1999 “An Exploration of Clinician Supported versus Unsupported ADHD Labeling in Incarcerated Youths: Prevalence and Policy Implications.” The 1999 Conference Psychological Perspectives on Young Offenders: Identity, Mental Disorder, and Violence, Dublin, Ireland, July.

1999 “Identification of Psychopathy in Adolescents: The Utility of Two Measures.” The 1999 Conference Psychological Perspectives on Young Offenders: Identity, Mental Disorder, and Violence, Dublin, Ireland, July.

1999 “Violent Girls: The Role of Gender in Violent Young Offending.” The 1999 Conference Psychological Perspectives on Young Offenders: Identity, Mental Disorder, and Violence, Dublin, Ireland, July.

1999 “The Measurement of Identity Constructs Among Serious Young Offenders.” The 1999 Conference Psychological Perspectives on Young Offenders: Identity, Mental Disorder, and Violence, Dublin, Ireland, July.

1998 “An Analysis of Six Sentencing Models of Youth Justice.” The International Conference of Law and Psychology, San Francisco, United States of America, October.

1998 “The Deterrent Effect of Sentencing on Young Offenders’ Perception of Future Recidivism.” The 1998 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington, United States of America, November.

1997 “A Profile of State Torture and Its Sustainability in the Contemporary Period.” The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Diego, United States of America, November.

1997 “A Multidimensional Validity Analysis of the Mentally Disordered Construct.” The 7th European Conference on Psychology and Law, Stockholm, Sweden, September.

1995 “The Relationship Between Age and Violence Among Mentally Disordered Offenders.” The Annual Canadian Psychiatric Association Conference, Victoria, Canada, October.

1995 “Stress in Recent Immigrants to Canada Manifested as Psychiatric Illness and Criminal Behavior.” The Annual Canadian Psychiatric Association Conference, Victoria, Canada, October.


MA Criminal Justice Graduate Student Supervisor Gary Bass. A Review of the Development of Crime Reduction in British Columbia. Senior Supervisor. Graduated 2007.

Parvir Girn. An Alternative Response Model for Marijuana Growing Operations: The Electrical Fire and Safety Inspection Initiative as a Case in Point. Second Supervisor. Graduated 2007.

Tamar King. Measuring Progress: A Review of ONYX: A Voluntary Support Program for Youth who are Sexually Exploited. Senior Supervisor. Graduated 2007.

Ineke Schuurman. Automated License Plate Recognition. Senior Supervisor. Graduated 2007.

Chantal Perrault. The Nature and Extent of Unsolved Missing Person Cases in Saskatchewan. Second Supervisor. Graduated 2008.

Kim McLandress. Evaluating Restorative Justice in Schools: Best Practices and Implementation Strategies. Senior Supervisor. Graduated 2009.

Darren Caul. Municipal Police Governance in Canada: An Examination of the Relationship Between Board Structure and Police Independence. Second Supervisor. Graduated 2009.

Briggitte Goguen. A Study of RCMP Officers’ Views and Experiences of Crime Reduction Strategies. Second Supervisor. Graduated 2009.

Colleen Kerr. Closed Circuit Television Surveillance: Effectiveness, Implications, and Recommendations. Second Supervisor. Graduated 2009.

Neetu Kaloti. Community Perception of Indo-Canadian Gang Violence. Senior Supervisor. Graduate 2009.

Benoit Maure. Financing Sri Lankan Nationalism: The Canadian-Tamil Connection. Second Supervisor. Graduated 2009.

Donald McRae. To Breach or Not to Breach: Youth Probation Officer Decision Making in British Columbia. Senior Supervisor. Graduated 2010.

Catherine Dawson. Police Perspectives on the Capacity of the Canadian Police System to Respond to Child Pornography on the Internet. Second Supervisor. Graduated 2010.

Jordan Diplock. The Relationship Between Age and Crime. Second Supervisor. Graduated 2010.

Brian Foote. An Examination of the RCMP Auxiliary Program. Second Supervisor. Graduated 2010.

Brian McKenna. The Social Construction of the Fear of Terrorism. Second Supervisor. Graduated 2010.

Michael Sekela. A Review of Uncleared Missing Person Cases and Police Response in Alberta. Second Supervisor. Graduated 2010.

Kimberly Williams. Tactics, Timing, and Constructing Deviance: Implications for Law Makers and Law Breakers. Second Supervisor. Graduated 2010.

Sandra Mahaffy. Are Sentencing Practices Becoming More Lenient in British Columbia. Second Supervisor. Graduated 2010.

Lori Pruce. Examining the Role of Culture in Rehabilitation Programs for Aboriginal Offenders in Canada. Senior Supervisor. Graduated 2010.


Dr. Irwin M. Cohen Rupe Sunner. Academic Dishonesty in North American Universities: What Do We Know? Second Supervisor. Graduated 2010.

Brian Young. Examining Juvenile Intensive Support and Supervision Programs: A Search for What Works. Senior Supervisor. Graduated 2010.

Shelby Aylen. Counting Crime: How Crime is Counted and Measured in Canada: Eliminating the Erudition Paradox. Senior Supervisor. Graduated 2010.

Kevin Burk. Tangled Webs: The Relationship Between Transnational Organized Crime and International Terrorism. Senior Supervisor. Graduated 2011.

Ian Parks. An Examination of the Criminal Justice System’s Response to Property Offenders in Abbotsford, Britihs Columbia. Second Supervisor. Graduated 2011.

Erin Osterberg. Human Sex Differences in Police Officer Work Activity and the Gender Similarities Hypothesis. Second Supervisor. Graduated 2011.

Colette Squires. Changing Their Minds: Restorative Justice and the Development of Moral Reasoning. Senior Supervisor. Graduated 2012.

Mike Pedrosa. What’s Promising? An Assessment of Compstat Principles within a Crime Reduction Model to Identify Best Practices for British Columbia Police Agencies. Senior Supervisor. Graduated 2012.

Paul Pabla. Police in UN Peacekeeping Mission. Senior Supervisor. Graduated 2012.

Gabriel Theron. The Role of Email in Cybercrime with Specific Reference to Canada. Senior Supervisor. Graduated 2012.

Rob Parker. Police Investigative Interviewing in Canada. Senior Supervisor. Graduated 2013.

Steve Rai. Fear of Crime and the Continued Relevancy of the Community Policing Model. Senior Supervisor. Graduated 2013.

Kevin Kunetzki. Independence in Civilian-Led Investigations of Police. Senior Supervisor. Graduated 2013.

Jillian Harris. Covert Incapacitation: A Distinct Sexual Assault Tactic. Senior Supervisor. Graduated 2013.


UNIVERSITY SERVICE 2013 Member, SAC for Director of the School of Business, University of the Fraser Valley

2012-2013 Member, Research Option Advisory Committee, University of the Fraser Valley

2012 Member, SAC for Canada Research Chair on Immigration, Citizenship, and Refugee Protection, University of the Fraser Valley

2012 – Member, Peace Studies Program Development Team

2011-2012 Member, SAC for Vice-Provost – Associate Vice President Academic, University of the Fraser Valley

2012 Presentation – Causes and Explanations for Domestic Abuse – Elder College Series, University of the Fraser Valley

2011 Member, SAC for Asscoiate Dean of Students – College of Arts, University of the Fraser Valley

2011 Member, SAC for Asscoiate Dean of Faculty – College of Arts, University of the Fraser Valley

2011-2012 Member, Research Option Advisory Committee, University of the Fraser Valley

2011-2013 Chair, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University College of the Fraser Valley Instructor Probation Committee – Hayli Millar

2010- Chair, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice Graduate Program Committee, University of the Fraser Valley

2010- Chair, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice Sessional SAC Committee, University of the Fraser Valley

2010-2011 Member, Research Option Advisory Committee, University of the Fraser Valley

2010-2011 Chair, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University College of the Fraser Valley Instructor Probation Committee – Amanda McCormick

2005 - Senior Supervisor for 14 MA Major Papers, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of the Fraser Valley

2005 - Second Supervisor for 11 MA Major Papers, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of the Fraser Valley

2009 - Member, UFV, Research Advisory Council.

2010 - Chair, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Selection Advisory Committee for Faculty, University of the Fraser Valley.

2004 - 2010 Member, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Selection Advisory Committee for Faculty, University of the Fraser Valley.

2010 - Chair, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Selection Advisory Committee for Sessional Instructors, University of the Fraser Valley. 22

Dr. Irwin M. Cohen

2004 - 2010 Member, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Selection Advisory Committee for Sessional Instructors, University of the Fraser Valley.

2006 - 2008 Chair, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University College of the Fraser Valley Instructor Probation Committee – Amy Johnson

2001 - Interviews with Newspapers, Radio, and Television on Crime, Young Offenders, Juvenile Justice Issues, Aboriginal Issues, and Terrorism.

2006 Moderator, Chilliwack Law Commission. “Sentencing and the Criminal Justice System.”

2005 Guest Speaker, University-College of the Fraser Valley Practicum Advisors Appreciation Day. “The Threat of Anti-State Terrorism in Canada.”

2004 Chair, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University College of the Fraser Valley’s Graduate Program Development Committee

2004 - 2005 Member, Interim Graduate Studies Committee, University-College of the Fraser Valley

2003 Reviewer for the International Journal of Mental Health

2002 Conference Panel Chair. Moderator and chair for the session on terrorism at the 29th Annual Western Society of Criminology Conference. San Diego, United States of America, February.

2006 - External Supervisor, 3 MA Dissertations for the School of Criminology, Simon Fraser University

1996 – Present Member of Simon Fraser University’s Institute of Mental Health, Law, and Policy



Name: Hayli Anne Millar Address: Unit 406 – 33065 Mill Lake Road, Abbotsford, B.C., Canada, V2S 8E6 Telephone: +1.604.744.8811 Cellular: +1.604.226.0659 Skype: Palaverbar2 Email: [email protected]; [email protected]


DEGREES Ph.D., in Law, The University of Melbourne, Australia, 2007. Specializing in comparative transitional justice and the legal accountability of state actors for mass violations of international humanitarian and human rights law in the context of protracted political conflicts in South Africa and East Timor (Timor Leste). Field research conducted in Australia, South Africa, Guatemala, and the United States. M.A., Criminology, Simon Fraser University, Canada, 1990. Specializing in the application of Canadian criminal law in remote northern and predominantly indigenous communities. Field research conducted in the Northwest Territories. B.A., Criminology, Simon Fraser University, Canada, 1985. Focusing on criminal justice.

PROFESSIONAL TRAINING COURSES NVivo 10; Filing Freedom of Information Requests; Peace Operations Negotiation Course; Conflict Resolution and Mediation Courses; Instructor Development Training; Cross-cultural Awareness Training.

PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS West Coast LEAF member (2011); BC Civil Liberties Association member (2007-2008); Elizabeth Fry Society member (2007-2008); American Society of International Law member (2006-2007); Mediation Yukon member (1994); Northern Justice Society Board of Directors (1989-1994).

RESEARCH INTERESTS International and comparative criminal law; international and transnational crimes; international and domestic criminal justice policy and criminal justice reform; diversity and criminal justice; rights-based approaches to development.

CURRENT RESEARCH PROJECTS In the Best Interests of the Child: Strategies for Recognizing and Supporting Canada’s At-Risk Population of Children with Incarcerated Parents (McCormick (author), Millar (lead investigator and report contributor on international law and Canadian policy and practices) and Paddock (report contributor on American risk factors, policy and practices); UFV School of Criminology and Criminal Justice and the UFV Centre for Safe Schools, 2013; Fraser Fund Grant $25,000) The Palermo Protocol and Canada Ten Years On: The Evolution and Human Rights Impacts of Anti-Trafficking Laws in Canada (Co-investigator with O’Doherty and SWAN Vancouver, 2013- 2015; Law Foundation Grant $20,000) Criminal Justice Decision-Making and the Best Interests of Children Whose Parents are in Conflict with the Law, Research Notes and Policy Briefing Series (2014-2016) examining Canadian and comparative international best practices in relation to whether a child’s best interests are taken into account at various criminal justice decision-making stages, arrest through to release and reintegration. Canadian Youth Online And Cyber Safety, including a ($7600 CAD) Social Sciences and Humanities Research Canada (SSHRC) Aid to Small Universities Grant to support A Scoping Study on our Current State of Knowledge and Promising Practices to Respond to the Internet- Initiated Exploitation of (High-Risk) Canadian Youth and contributor to the co-development of a School of Criminology and Criminal Justice SSHRC Insight Grant Application (2013-2015).

COUNTRIES OF EXPERIENCE Australia—living, field research and volunteer work; Bangladeshresearch consultation; Canada—living, research and professional work; Guatemala—field research; Jordan—living and professional work; Nepalresearch consultation; Philippines—living and professional work; South Africa—field research; United States—field research.

LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY English—excellent verbal and written; French—basic verbal and written; Spanish—basic verbal and written; Arabic—slight verbal only


2011 to Faculty, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of the present Fraser Valley, Abbotsford, Canada, August 2011 to present Develop curriculum and instruct criminology and criminal justice courses with a particular focus on human rights, diversity and the criminal justice system. Develop and teach undergraduate courses including Comparative Criminal Justice Systems (CRIM 240); Multiculturalism, Conflict and Social Justice (CRIM 311); Terrorism (CRIM 400); and, Techniques of Crime Prevention (CRIM 418). Supervise Master of Arts Criminal Justice students’ major papers in relation to comparative international law reform and transnational crimes (human smuggling, human trafficking, criminal sentencing and alternatives to incarceration).

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2010 International Gender and Law Writer/Editor, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Manila, Philippines, February to September 2010 (intermittent) Working with ADB headquarters in Manila, Philippines, researched and wrote gender case studies on ADB funded projects across diverse investment sectors with an emphasis on the identification and analysis of promising practices and lessons learned. Also, researched, wrote, and edited specific segments of the Gender and Development Cooperation Fund 2009 Progress Report.

2009-2010 International Gender and Law Writer/Editor, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Manila, Philippines, June 2009 to March 2010 (intermittent) Working with ADB headquarters in Manila Philippines and the International Organization for Migration Mission with Regional Functions in Dhaka, Bangladesh, substantially re-researched through desk research and re-wrote for publication three country studies (Bangladesh, the Maldives, Nepal) and an unpublished regional study (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka) assessing states parties progress in implementing their obligations under the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Convention on Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Women and Children for Prostitution. Presenter at two regional consultation meetings in Kathmandu, Nepal (mid-June 2009) and Dhaka, Bangladesh (end-January 2010). The reports generated joint regional recommendations that were used to advocate for a comprehensive inter-governmental review of the SAARC Trafficking Convention with a view to improving its effectiveness at the SAARC Summit in Bhutan in April 2010. In July 2010, the SAARC Governments agreed to revisit the Convention.

2007 to 2013 University-College Professor of Criminology, Vancouver Island University (VIU), Nanaimo, Canada, January 2007 to July 2013 (.5 permanent position; on leave August 2011- July 2013) Developed and instructed a broad range of undergraduate criminology, criminal justice, law and human rights courses emphasizing the connections between theoretical knowledge, empirical research, policy and practice and the acquisition of employability skills.

2004-2005 Sessional Instructor (part-time), Department of Criminal Justice, Camosun College, Victoria, Canada, September 2004 to April 2005

2000-2005 Full-time Doctoral Studies, Law School, The University of Melbourne, based in Melbourne, Australia (2000-2001); Amman, Jordan (2001-2002); Melbourne, Australia (2002-2003); Manila, Philippines (2003-2004); Victoria, Canada (2004-2005)

2002 Research Consultant, UNDP−Jordan reporting to the Secretary-General, Ministry of Planning, Amman, Jordan, May to June 2002 On behalf of the Ministry of Planning, researched and formulated two briefing documents for a high-level diplomatic development cooperation meeting seeking multilateral and bilateral donor inputs to support the Government of Jordan’s nationally developed strategies for economic growth (Social and Economic Transformation Program) and poverty alleviation (Enhanced Productivity

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2001 PhD Thesis Field Research in Guatemala, South Africa, and the United States, September to November 2001 Conducted qualitative interviews and site visits with approximately 50 representatives of human rights organizations, diplomatic missions, truth commissions, government, academic and research institutions concerning state accountability and the effective redress of past serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law.

2000-2001 Volunteer Researcher, Women Asylum Seekers/Refugee Policy Project, Amnesty International-Melbourne, Australia, August 2000 to January 2001 Worked as part of a voluntary legal-human rights research team to gather baseline data for an advocacy campaign on the treatment of gender persecution claims by Refugee Tribunal decision-makers.

1997-1999 Special Advisor to the UN Resident Coordinator in Jordan, Office of the UN Resident Coordinator, Amman, Jordan, July 1997 to December 1999 As the first appointed Special Advisor pursuant to the UN Secretary-General’s 1997 A Programme for Reform, developed and managed the Resident Coordinator’s office providing support to the Resident Coordinator and 14 resident UN agencies to improve the effectiveness of inter-agency programming and common premises/shared services at the country-level, including follow-up to global conferences, development cooperation assistance, and UN system advocacy. Conceptualized, contributed to, and managed project-specific research consultancies, visiting international research missions, in-house research, and publications. Served as inter-agency focal point for heads of UN agency meetings and thematic working groups on the common country assessment; community development; education; gender; human rights; mine action; and UNAIDS. Prepared and administered the annual workplan and budget accomplishing successive budget increases. Developed a successful $70,000 (United States Dollars) inter-agency human rights funding proposal.

1997 Research Consultant, UNDP-Jordan, Amman, Jordan, February to June 1997 Researched and wrote a project document on ‘Enhancing Technical and Vocational Training and Employment Opportunities for Jordanian Women’. The project document advocated a gender and development skills-based model of community college technical education linked to labor market needs to enhance technical-vocational educational opportunities and employment for young Jordanian women.

1997 Research Consultant, National Center for Human Resources Development, Amman, Jordan, January to April 1997; July to November 1996 Reporting to the President of the National Center for Human Resources Development (NCHRD), conducted statistical research, prepared research reports, and contributed to the preparation of funding proposals to support the World Bank supported national education program of reform. Lead author of a research study and funding proposal to promote young women’s access to and

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retention in post-secondary social work education in the kingdom.

1996 Research Consultant, Queen Alia Fund for Social Development Small Business Development Center, Amman, Jordan, November to December 1996 Developed an action plan to support the acquisition of resources for a Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) supported small business development database and library of informational and training resources to empower women engaging in micro-enterprise.

1994-1996 Instructor, Department of Criminal Justice, Camosun College, Victoria, Canada, September 1994 to August 1996 Developed and instructed a variety of first and second year university-level criminal justice courses. Served as acting program Chair for one semester while the Chair was on leave.

1992-1994 Chair of Humanities and Social Sciences, Yukon College, Whitehorse, Canada, January 1992 to July 1994 As the first appointed Chair of Humanities and Social Sciences, assisted the Dean with management of the Arts and Science Division including the recruitment and co-supervision of full and part-time faculty, budget preparation, program planning, and student advising. Contributed to the research and design of new academic programs including a four-year social work degree program for First Nations students and a two-year women’s studies program. Served rotationally as acting Dean while the Dean was on leave.

1989-1994 Program Developer and Convener-Instructor, Northern Justice/Criminology Program, Yukon College, Whitehorse, Canada, July 1989 to July 1994 Designed and implemented a two-year university-transfer Northern Justice and Criminology program. Developed and instructed seven of twelve Northern justice and criminology courses. Collaborated with criminal justice agencies and non-governmental organizations concerning the development of applied justice training initiatives, including Justice of the Peace Level I, the RCMP First Nations Special Constable program, a Conflict Resolution Certificate program, and, a Corrections Officer Basic Training program. Developed a successful $57,500 (Canadian Dollars) funding proposal supported by the Yukon Law Foundation for the establishment of a permanent Northern Justice library collection.

1994 Research Consultant, Kwanlin Dun First Nation, Whitehorse, Canada, March 1994 On behalf of the Kwanlin Dun First Nation, conceptualized, researched, and wrote a project document and funding proposal for the establishment of an alternative community justice project. The funding proposal was successful and the Kwanlin Dun First Nation entered into a two year, $680,000 (Canadian Dollars) tripartite funding agreement with the Yukon and federal governments.

1992 Research Consultant, Mediation Yukon, Whitehorse, Canada, March 1992

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On behalf of Mediation Yukon, conceptualized, researched and wrote a successful project document and funding proposal for a ‘Comprehensive Conflict Management Programme’ encompassing a territory-wide, multi- dimensional strategy of staffing and conflict resolution training, public advocacy, and service delivery. A Toronto-based philanthropic organization funded the $93,000 (Canadian Dollars) proposal.

1987 Master’s Thesis Field Research, Northwest Territories, Canada, September to December 1987 With the support of the Territorial Court of the Northwest Territories, gathered and content analyzed sentencing transcripts, interviewed judges, and observed circuit court proceedings in relation to judicial sentencing practices vis-à-vis accommodating the unique cultural and geographic circumstances of Northern and Indigenous offenders in relation to sexual assault offences.

1985-1988 Teaching Assistant and Tutor Marker, Simon Fraser University (SFU), Burnaby, Canada, September 1985 to June 1988. Provided in-class and distance education instructional assistance for various undergraduate courses.

PUBLICATIONS AND TECHNICAL REPORTS Integrating Human Trafficking and Safe Migration Concerns for Women and Children into Regional Cooperation. Review of the SAARC Convention on Preventing and Combating Trafficking of Women and Children for Prostitution and the Current Status of Implementation in the Region. Asian Development Bank, Philippines. (2009). [principal author]. Integrating Human Trafficking and Safe Migration Concerns for Women and Children into Regional Cooperation: Review of the SAARC Convention and the Current Status of Implementation in Bangladesh. Asian Development Bank, Philippines. (2009). Available: bangladesh [principal author]. Integrating Human Trafficking and Safe Migration Concerns for Women and Children into Regional Cooperation: Review of the SAARC Convention and the Current Status of Implementation in the Maldives. Asian Development Bank, Philippines. (2009). Available: children-regional-cooperation-saarc-convention-maldives [principal author]. Integrating Human Trafficking and Safe Migration Concerns for Women and Children into Regional Cooperation: Review of the SAARC Convention and the Current Status of Implementation in Nepal. Asian Development Bank, Philippines. (2009). Available: children-regional-cooperation-saarc-convention-nepal [principal author]. Facilitating Women’s Voices in Truth Recovery: An Assessment of Women’s Participation and the Integration of a Gender Perspective in Truth Commissions in Helen Durham and Tracey Gurd (eds.), Listening to the Silences: Women and War (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2005) 171-222. [author].

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Enhancing Technical and Vocational Training and Employment Opportunities for Jordanian Women. United Nations Development Program, Jordan. (1997). [author]. Princess Rahma College of Social Work Program Evaluation Report. (1996). National Center for Human Resources Development, Jordan. [principal author]. Kwanlin Dunn First Nation Alternative Community Justice Project. Yukon. (1994). [principal author]. A Comprehensive Conflict Management Program for the Yukon. Mediation Yukon. (1994). [author].

UNPUBLISHED THESES Ph.D. Dissertation: Millar, H. (2007). Standards for Effective Transitional Justice Decision- Making: Lessons from South Africa and East Timor. University of Melbourne: Melbourne, Australia. M.A. Thesis: Millar, H. (1990). Judicial Reasoning in the Northwest Territories: An Exploratory Study of Sexual Assault Sentencing Decisions, 1983-1986. Simon Fraser University: Burnaby, Canada.

ACADEMIC AWARDS International Post-Graduate Research Scholarship, University of Melbourne, 2000-2003; Melbourne Abroad Postgraduate Travelling Scholarship, University of Melbourne, 2001; Northern Affairs Canada Northern Scientific Training Grant, 1986-1988; Simon Fraser University Graduate Research Fellowship, 1987; British Columbia Post-Secondary Scholarship, 1986-1987; University Scholarships of Canada Post-Graduate Award, 1985; Simon Fraser University Undergraduate Open Scholarship, 1984.


300-400 LEVEL COURSES Canadian Human Rights and Civil Liberties (SFU teaching assistant) Crime Prevention (UFV; VIU) Criminal Justice Systems: An International Perspective (VIU) Law and Human Rights (VIU) Law and Society (VIU) Minorities and Criminal Justice (SFU tutor marker) Multiculturalism, Conflict and Social Justice (UFV) Philosophy of Law (SFU teaching assistant) Political Terrorism (UFV; VIU; SFU tutor marker)

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100-200 LEVEL COURSES Comparative Criminal Justice (UFV) Indigenous Peoples and the Canadian Criminal Justice System (Yukon College) Introduction to Canadian Law and Legal Institutions (SFU teaching assistant) Introduction to Criminology (Camosun College; Yukon College) Introduction to the Canadian Criminal Justice System (VIU; Camosun College; Yukon College) Issues in Criminal Justice (Camosun College) Law Enforcement (Yukon College) Law, Youth and Young Offenders (VIU; Camosun College) Psychosocial Explanations of Criminality (VIU; Yukon College) Research Methods in Criminology (Yukon College) Sociological Explanations of Crime and Deviance (VIU; Yukon College) The Administration of Justice (Camosun College; Yukon College) Women, Crime and the Criminal Justice System (VIU)

REFERENCES References and a portfolio are available upon request.

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M. LaFever, Ph.D. ; Curriculum Vitae

Marcella LaFever, Ph.D. Communications Department University of the Fraser Valley 33844 King Rd. Abbotsford, BC V2S 7M8 604-504-7441x4392/707-896-4200 [email protected]


Dec. 2005 Ph.D. Communication Area of specialty: Intercultural issues in group process, planning and public decision-making University of New Mexico, Albuquerque

May 2002 M.A. Communication Studies Primary area: Intercultural & International/Development Communication Secondary area: Media & Technology California State University, Sacramento

May 1977 B.A. Sociology / Minor - Social Welfare San Francisco State University

Doctoral Dissertation LaFever, M. (2005). Relational dimensions of intercultural communication for public dialogue and decision-making: A case study of modern day treaty negotiation in British Columbia. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.

Master’s Project LaFever, M. (2002). Increasing Hmong co-culture participation in community decision making: A case study for third-culture building in the Sacramento Bahá'í community. Unpublished Master’s Project. California State University Sacramento.


LaFever, M. & Samra, H. (2014). Student Responses To Persuasion: Motivations For Engaging In Research Outside The Sciences At A Teaching-Intensive University. Proceedings 2014 San Antonio International Academic Conference.

Naimi, L & LaFever, M. (forthcoming). Advancing peace: The Bahá’í Faith in Nazi Germany and present day Iran. In Peace Issues in the 21st Century Global Context. Camridge Scholars Publishing.

1 M. LaFever, Ph.D. ; Curriculum Vitae LaFever, M (2013). Book review: Indigenous screen cultures in Canada. Native Studies Review 21(2).

LaFever, Marcella (May 2012). Book review: Emotions in Multiple Languages Journal of Language and Social Psychology 31(2): 231

LaFever, M. (2011). Empowering Native Americans: Communication, planning and dialogue for eco-tourism in Gallup, New Mexico. Journal of International & Intercultural Communication 4(2). 127-145.

LaFever, M. (2011). Communication and Culture Clash in America’s “Indian Country”. Communication currents: Knowledge for communicating well 6(3). Available online at http://

LaFever, M. (2010). Experiential learning for group communication: Volunteering with Habitat for Humanity. In D. Worley, B. Huggenberg, D. Worley, & M. Elkins (Eds.), Best Practices in Experiential and Service Learning in Communication. Dubuque: Kendall Hunt.

LaFever, M. (2010). Cross-cultural learning styles. In C. S. Clauss-Ehlers (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural School Psychology. NewYork: Springer.

LaFever, M. (2009). Include their V.O.I.C.E.: Tips for Teachers of First Generation Students. Faculty Voices: Sharing our philosophies of teaching Vol. VII. Turlock, CA: California State University Stanislaus.

LaFever, M. (2009). 9P Planning. Overcoming Roadblocks to Collaboration in Intercultural Community Contexts. Proceedings: International Workshop on Intercultural Collaboration (IWIC). International Conference; Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA.

LaFever, M. (2008). Managing exams: Preventing student-instructor conflict . Spectra 44(8), 17.

2 M. LaFever, Ph.D. ; Curriculum Vitae LaFever, M. (2008). Communication for public decision-making in a negative historical context: Building intercultural relationships in the British Columbia treaty process. Journal of International & Intercultural Communication 1(2), 158-180.

LaFever, M. (2008). Relational dimensions of intercultural communication in public dialogue: Lessons from the Ktunaxa Nation, British Columbia and the government of Canada. Saabruecken, DE: VDM Verlag.

LaFever, M. (2007). Intercultural issues in public dialogue and deliberation. SIETAR BC News Bulletin 2(3), 5.

LaFever, M. (2007). Student voices. Faculty Voices: Sharing our philosophies of teaching Vol. V. Turlock, CA: California State University Stanislaus.

Varma, R. & LaFever, M. (2007). Importance of Gender Homophily in the Computer Science Classroom. IEEE Technology and Society 26(2), 43-47.

LaFever, M. (2006). Preparedness handbook for community planning: Communication for participatory planning in culturally diverse communities. Golden, BC: Purcell Crossing Consultants Group.

Varma, R. & LaFever, M. (2006). Motivating women in computer science education. In E. Trauth (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Gender Information and Technology. Hershey, PA: Idea Group.

Varma, R. & LaFever, M. (2004). Communication climate and satisfaction in the computer science classroom. Proceedings: Women in Engineering Programs & Advocates Network (WEPAN) National Conference, Albuquerque, NM.

LaFever, M. & Neal K. (2003). Enacting public journalism at the Navajo Times: A content analysis comparison with the Gallup Independent. Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication. Available at A3=ind0309&L=AEJMC&E=8bit&P=4246642&B=--&T=text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1&header=1

Academic Involvement & Achievements

• Program Working Group; Professional Communications Major; University of the Fraser Valley • Program Working Group: Peace Studies Decgree; University of the Fraser Valley • Indigenous Studies Advisory Committee; University of the Fraser Valley

3 M. LaFever, Ph.D. ; Curriculum Vitae • Research Advisory Council, representative to Library Advisory Committee; University of the Fraser Valley • Information Literacy subcommittee, Library Advisory Council, University of the Fraser Valley • Panelist, Bridges of Faith Conference: City of Abbotsford & Abbotsford Community Services • From Challenge to Change: Write Your Story; Project developed with Abbotsford Multicultural Society and English Corner Club at University of the Fraser Valley. • Human Dignity Coalition, Abbotsford Community Services • Bahá’í Global Forum at UFV; Faculty Advisor to student organization • Diaspora Certificate working group; University of the Fraser Valley • Reader; Honors Thesis Melissa Kendzierski; "Imagine UFV: A look at sustainable campus community development"; University of the Fraser Valley. • Mentor; Faculty Mentor Program, California State University Stanislaus • Faculty Advisor, Upsilon Kappa Delta, Multicultural Sorority, CSU Stanislaus • Outstanding Teaching Assistant, Division of Developmental and Instructional Communication, International Communication Association, New Orleans, LA, May 2004 • Outstanding Poster Award: “Magic the Gathering: An Ideological Analysis of Visual and Textual Themes”. National Communication Association Annual Conference, Miami Beach, FL., November 2003. • Sally M. Casanova Pre-doctoral Scholarship 2001-2002. California State University • Graduate Equity Fellowship 2001-2002. California State University, Sacramento

Current Research

Culturally responsive classroom practices and assessment tools for working with aboriginal students.

Intercultural public dialogue: Use of 9P planning model.

Instructional Experience

Faculty: University of the Fraser Valley Communications Department; January 2010 - present Introduction to Workplace Communication Professional Report Writing Oral Communication Instructional Skills for the Workplace Advanced Oral Communication Intercultural Communication Intro to Academic and Workplace Communication End User and Technical Documentation

Full-Time Lecturer: California State University Stanislaus Department of Communication Studies; Sept. 2005 - December 2009 Intercultural Communication First Year Experience Seminar Group Discussion Processes Professional Interviewing Honors Communication Public Speaking

4 M. LaFever, Ph.D. ; Curriculum Vitae Advanced Interpersonal Communication

Instructor: Bahá’í Institute of Higher Education (BIHE) Online Course; Elementary Writing; Department of Linguistics; October 2007 - present

Sessional Instructor: University of Calgary Department of Communication & Culture; Winter 2005; Summer 2006 International & Intercultural Communication Spoken & Written Discourse

Instructor: University of New Mexico, Albuquerque Department of Communication & Journalism; Aug. 2002 - Dec. 2004 Interviewing Public Speaking Small Group Process

Instructor: University of New Mexico, Albuquerque Teaching Assistant Resource Center; Center for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Assistant Instructor -Teaching a Basic Course; Fall 2003; Spring 2004 Organizer CASTL/Preparing Future Faculty Conference Workshop Design & Facilitator -Activating Students in the Classroom; April 2004

Guest Lecturer: Solano Community College, Fairfield, CA Department of Criminal Justice; February 2003 Intercultural Communication Issues in Police Interviewing Intercultural Issues in Community Policing

Professional Presentations & Community Service

Student responses to persuasion: Motivations for engaging in research outside the sciences at a teaching-intensive university. Presentation for the Scholarly Sharing Initiative October 30, 2013; University of the Fraser Valley

Values loss and impact on identity. Facilitated workshop as part of the UFV Indian Residential School Day of Learning, September 18, 2013

Education Under Fire: An Introduction. Presentation for the Reach Gallery Spring Film Series, Abbotsford, BC. March 2013.

5 M. LaFever, Ph.D. ; Curriculum Vitae Teaching Matters: Working with International Students. Workshop presented for UFV Centre for Teaching and Learning, Abbotsford, BC. February 2013.

Applied Feminist Theory: Working the frontline against violence against women. Presentation for UFV commemoration for National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, Aboriginal Gathering Place, Chilliwack, BC. December 2012.

Golden Community Foundation, Golden, BC.:Vital Signs project. Research Consultant and Housing document writer. Summer 2011.

Bloom’s Taxonomy vs. the Medicine Wheel. Session presenter for Indigenizing by Design: teaching and learning workshop. University of the Fraser Vally June 7, 2011.

Abbotsford Community Services: Human Dignity Coalition. Consultant/Researcher for Winter 2010 community dialogues process. Use of 9P planning model.

Iran today: The dynamics of peace and change. Recruited speaker, Dr. Michael Karlberg from Western Washington University and worked with UFV student organization to develop display for Human Rights Day, December 10, 2010.

Kinesics is more than body language: Learning the five functions of non-verbal body movement. Presenter, National Communication Association annual conference. San Francisco, CA. November 13-16, 2010.

Building bridges between generations of scholars: Midlife entry into the professoriate, or “I’m too old to be a young star!” Panel member, National Communication Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. November 13-16, 2010.

9P Planning: A model for public consultation. Presenter, Association for Bahá’í Studies 34th annual conference. Vancouver, BC. August 12-15, 2010.

Challenge to change: Write your story. Writing project for UFV students in collaboration with Abbotsford Multicultural Society (AbbyFest). Organized and coordinated with English Corner Club - UFV student organization.

6 M. LaFever, Ph.D. ; Curriculum Vitae

Children affected by HIV/AIDS. Consulted on speech development for Maryam Farzanegan (UNICEF, Innocenti Research Center, UCLA), Presented for Global Health Seminar; San Diego State University, Oct. 29, 2009.

Setting the Table: Group communication workshop for the Golden Community Food Bank Board of Directors. August 2008.

A kindly tongue: Greetings around the world. Course designed for age 6 - 14 for the Kootenay Bahá’í Spring School, Selkirk College Campus, Castlegar, British Columbia. May 2008.

Including marginalized groups in community development decisions. Engagement model presentation to the East Kootenay Organization for Human Dignity. Cranbrook, British Columbia. June 2006.

Survey design consultation and design. Meth-amphetamine Task Force, Golden, British Columbia. April 2006.

Employment Interviewing Skills: Staff Workshop; Golden Community Resources Society, Golden, British Columbia. Summer 2006

Women of the Maquiladores: Movers in Community Development; Co-presented with Christine Hollis, M.A., MPH. Sponsored by the Golden Women’s Resource Center, Summer 2003.

Competitively Selected Conference Papers

Indigenizing the academy: Instructor-learner communication theory @ the edge. Presentation for Canadian Communication Association at the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Congress 2013. Victoria, BC. June 6, 2013.

Conflict Theory and peace practices: A case study of Baha’i faith persecution and response in Nazi Germany and Iran. Presentation for Canadian Peace Research Association at the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Congress 2013. Victoria, BC. June 8, 2013.

Spirituality effects: Talking about the spirit in classroom instruction research. Presentation at Qualitatives annual conference, St. Johns, NL; June 2012

7 M. LaFever, Ph.D. ; Curriculum Vitae Bloom's Taxonomy vs. the Medicine Wheel: Balancing Knowledge, Emotion, Physical and the Spirit in Instructional Communication. Workshop delivered at the Communications Articulation Committee conference host at University of the Fraser Valley. May 2012.

Modifying Bloom’s taxonomy of learning domains to include spirituality: Is it possible? Presented at Indigenizing our academy: From the inside out. University of the Fraser Valley conference. February 2012.

9P Planning: Action research for increasing representation of diverse groups in the Abbotsford public dialogues. Presented for Scholarly Sharing sessions; University of the Fraser Valley. March 2012.

Planning for social change: Advancing community diversity dialogues with the 9P planning model in Abbotsford, British Columbia. Presented at Western States Communication Association annual conference, Albuquerque, NM; February 2012

Bloom’s taxonomy vs. the medicine wheel: Indigenizing instructional practices to support social change. Presented at Western States Communication Association annual conference, Albuquerque, NM; February 2012

Updating instructional theory: Indigenizing Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives. Presenter People of the River Conference, Chilliwack, BC. April 2011

Replacing R.O.P.E.S.: A successful experiment in team-building through volunteering with Habitat for Humanity. Organizational Communication Division. Western States Communication Association, Annual Conference. Phoenix, AZ. February 2009.

Involving marginalized groups in community development: A model for building long-term intergroup relationships. International Communication Association, Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. May 2007.

Communication for public decision-making in a negative historical context: Building intercultural relationships in the British Columbia treaty process. International Communication Association, Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. May 2007.

A model for crossing borders in community development: Hearing marginalized voices. Borderlands division, Western Social Sciences Association Annual Conference, Calgary, AB,Canada April 2007

8 M. LaFever, Ph.D. ; Curriculum Vitae

Community ethnographies in the city: Using student research teams to partake in the festival of knowledge. Canadian Communication Association, Annual Conference, Toronto, ON. June 2006.

Inclusive public dialogue: Changing communication strategies to increase participation of marginalized cultural groups in planning. Canadian Conference on Dialogue and Deliberation (C2D2). Ottawa, Ontario, October 2005.

Including First Nations: Public Planning and the Communicative Enactment of Citizenship. Canadian Communication Association, Annual Conference, London, Ontario, June 2005.

Participation and Public Decision Making for Non-Dominant Co-Cultures: Critical Issues and Freiré’s Dialogical Action. Presented for the National Communication Association, Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, November 2004.

Crisis in Community Identity: Switching from an Industrial Landscape to a Consumer Landscape in British Columbia. Presented for the Canadian Communication Association, Annual Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 2004.

Increasing the Participation of Non-dominant Cultural Groups in Public Dialogue: Development Communication Experiences in North America. Presented for the International Communication Association (Intercultural Communication Division); Annual Conference, New Orleans, May 2004.

Changing Communication Structures to Enhance Community Development: COPS and Cultures. Presented for the Communication Theory and Research interest group; Western States Communication Association. Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM: February 2004.

Control and Resistance through Humour: Canadian Identity Representations in Relationships with the United States. Presented for the Intercultural Communication interest group; Western States Communication Association. Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM; February 2004.

Uses of the Internet in Culturally Isolated Communities, Media Gratifications, and Participation in Public Decision Making. Selected for the Western States Communication Association 2001 Annual Conference. Long Beach, CA

9 M. LaFever, Ph.D. ; Curriculum Vitae

Competitively Selected, Co-authored Papers

Varma, R. & LaFever, M. Computer Science and Computer Engineering Programs: Are They Minority Friendly? National Association of Science, Technology and Society (NASTS), Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD. February 2004.

LaFever, M. & Enright, K. Chief Gosnell’s Speech to the British Columbia Legislature: A Cluster Analysis. 9th International Conference on Intercultural Understanding and Communication, July 24-28, 2003: California State University, Fullerton.

Enright, K. & LaFever, M. The construction of the female in the climacteric advertising genre: Where are we after 100 years? Presented at the New Mexico Women’s Studies Conference, Socorro, New Mexico, March 1, 2003.

Conference Panels (Panel Coordinator and/or Presenter)

Planning for Social Change: Advancing Community Diversity Dialogues with the 9P Planning Model in Abbotsford, British Columbia. Presented at the Western States Communication Association conference, Albuquerque, NM. February 2012

Bloom’s taxonomy vs. the medicine wheel: Indigenizing instructional practices to support social change. Presented at the Western States Communication Association conference, Albuquerque, NM. February 2012.

Building bridges between generations of scholars: Midlife entry into the professoriate, or “I’m too old to be a young star!” Presenter, National Communication Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, November 2010.

Universal design and cultural sensitivity: Assignments for intercultural communication courses. Presenter on panel: Researching dis/ability across the discipline. National Communication Association Annual Conference. San Diego, CA, November 2008.

Getting ahead of the curve: Investigating the impact of location and space in intercultural relationships. Presenter and Panel Coordinator; Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research (SIETAR), Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM. 2007

Planning for economic development: Changing public decision-making processes to be culturally inclusive. Presenter and Panel Coordinator: Intercultural communication in the

10 M. LaFever, Ph.D. ; Curriculum Vitae borderlands: Changing societal systems for cultural sensitivity. Borderlands division, Western Social Sciences Association Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM, April 2005.

Overcoming a Culture of Exploitation: Public Dialogue at the Borders of Native American Land. Presenter and Panel Coordinator. Looking Back at Conflict, Moving Forward to Peace Through Public Dialogue. Peace and Conflict Division, National Communication Association, Annual Conference, November 2004.

History of Communication Studies: As if women counted. Presenter and Panel Coordinator, Forgetting out history again: Women in communication. NCA First Vice-President’s Panel, National Communication Association, Annual Conference, November 2004.

Increasing the Participation of Non-dominant Cultural Groups in Public Dialogue: From Lived Realities to Theoretical Understanding. Presenter, National Communication Association, panel on qualitative research. Annual Conference, Miami Beach, FL., November 2003.

Spirituality, Worldview and Communication Theory: Does it matter? Presented to UNM Department of Communication & Journalism conference Widening the Lens. Presenter and Panel Coordinator. University of New Mexico, April 2003.

Poster Presentations

9P Planning: A culturally responsive model for intercultural public dialogue. SIETAR USA (Society for Intercultural Education Training and Research) annual conference. Spokane, WA. April 15-17, 2010.

All Students Use All Styles. Enhancing Teaching and Learning: Lessons from Social Psychology. Claremont Symposium on Applied Social Psychology. Claremont, CA. March 28, 2009.

9P Planning. Overcoming Roadblocks to Collaboration in Intercultural Community Contexts. International Workshop on Intercultural Collaboration (IWIC). International Conference; Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA. February 21, 2009.

Forget the retreat: Habitat for Humanity an effective alternative for team-building, Scholarship and Creative Activity (RSCA) Week, 2008. California State University Stanislaus.

11 M. LaFever, Ph.D. ; Curriculum Vitae

Seismic Design: A holistic model for intercultural dialogue and deliberation. Facing Complex Issues Together, Canadian Conference on Dialogue and Deliberation. (C2D2). November 2007, Vancouver, B.C.

Magic the Gathering: An Ideological Analysis of Visual and Textual Themes. National Communication Association Annual Conference, Miami Beach, FL., November 2003. Winner of Poster Excellence Award.


APPENDIX 7: Library Resources

Peace Studies Program Proposal Library Collections and Services November 2013

A. Library Facilities

The Abbotsford campus library is located in the Peter Jones Learning Commons, close to the Writing Centre, Instructional Media Services, food services, and a computer lab with more than 70 stations. The Abbotsford campus library is a bright and attractive facility, offering quiet and group study rooms, audio-visual viewing stations, numerous study carrels, wireless computer access, and computer workstations for student research. A 26 seat instructional lab with printing facilities is available for teaching library classes and is used by students when not reserved for instruction.

The Chilliwack campus library is located in the Canada Education Park. Surrounded in glass, the new library is an attractive learning space with plenty of bright and natural light as well as a variety of informal learning spaces for students and faculty to use, such as: 2 bookable group study rooms, 22 quiet-study carrels, 4 group work tables, 2 areas of soft-seating, an instructional computer lab that will act as a drop-in lab for students when not booked by Learning Commons partners (Library, Writing Centre, Math Centre, Teaching & Learning) as well as 16 desktop computer stations and wireless access throughout the entire space.

Library Hours

The Abbotsford campus library is open year-round. In response to student requests, the library expanded its weekend hours in Fall 2006. Hours for the Abbotsford campus library from September to April are:

Monday - Thursday ...... 8 am - 10 pm Friday ...... 8 am - 6 pm Saturday ...... 10 am - 6 pm Sunday ...... 12 pm - 6 pm

Hours for the Chilliwack campus library from September to April are:

Monday - Thursday ...... 8 am – 8:30 pm Friday ...... 8 am – 4:30 pm Saturday ...... 10 am - 4 pm Sunday ...... Closed

Both libraries offers reduced evening and weekend hours May through August.

B. Reference Services

The UFV Library provides excellent reference services to students, faculty and staff at UFV. We pride ourselves in our service levels, providing students with a high level of individual attention. Our 2005 UFV Library Collections and Services for Peace Studies (November 2013) Page 2

LibQual+ survey results identified two of our strongest areas as “Employees who instill confidence in users” and “giving users individual attention.”

Reference librarians are available to answer in-person questions during almost all of our opening hours. In addition, we offer reference service by telephone, fax, and email. We also offer 30-minute appointments with our reference librarians on request. To view our online request forms, see:

Email: Reference appointment:

From April 2011-March 2012, we answered 28,672 reference questions, and this is typical of the volume of questions we handle annually.

Since September 2006, our reference services and hours have been greatly enhanced by our participation in a Collaborative Virtual Reference service called Askaway, which provides online reference service using web-based software. Askaway is coordinated by the BC Electronic Library Network and its partner libraries. The current hours for this service are:

Sunday - Thursday ...... 10 am - 9 pm Friday - Saturday ...... 11 am - 5 pm

Students and faculty are able to chat with a librarian both on and off campus and receive synchronous assistance with their library and research needs.

AskAway statistics are up over 95% over last year, primarily because of the introduction of the new AskAway Qwidget (see image at right). Qwidgets are mini-chat boxes that participating libraries can place anywhere on their web site, putting AskAway right where patrons need it. UFV added Qwidgets to the Library web site in Spring of 2008. UFV Librarians answered 877 questions from April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013 (245 days of actual service).

C. Internet Services

1. Library Web Site

The UFV library has an extensive web site which provides a gateway to our library collections and services. Our online catalogue (SIRSI I-Link) is available on the internet with such enhanced features as book jacket photos, tables of contents, bestseller lists, brief synopses and much more. UFV Library Collections and Services for Peace Studies (November 2013) Page 3

Students may view their own library accounts to review checkouts and fines, renew materials they have checked out, and place their own online holds and campus-to-campus transfer requests. The web site also provides access to our online journals and databases, research guides, helpful tutorials, and information on our services and policies.

2. LibGuides UFV Library has recently added the LibGuides application to our list of resources. LibGuides enables us to create attractive, multimedia subject guides, share knowledge and information, and promote library resources to the UFV community. Librarians have created Libguides for Peace Studies, Political Science, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Psychology, American, Canadian and British and European History, as well as one to highlight our Heritage Collection.

This is an example of how information is organized in the Peace Studies LibGuide. Please note the tab titled “ Dr. John and Erna Friesen Donation”, which highlights the generosity of a local family, the Friesens, and their support of the Peace Studies collection in the Abbotsford campus library (more details about this donation are available under section E titled “Collections”.

3. Services to Students at a Distance Students at a distance get the same high level of access to collections and services as on-campus students. Full details about services to students at a distance are available on our web site:

D. Library Instruction

1. The library has a strong program of providing introductory and research skills classes for students. In the 2012/13 academic year we conducted 262 library instruction sessions. These classes introduce students to the library’s collection and resources; emphasis is placed on concepts, strategies, and skills necessary for finding and evaluating information in a particular subject area or discipline. The Abbotsford library has a computer lab with 26 workstations, providing a hands-on learning experience and the Chilliwack library has 22 workstations in their new lab. 2. Librarians meet with each section of BIO 111, BUS 100, CMNS 125, CMNS 155, and ENGL 105. Students in the first two courses receive a seminar focusing on resources and strategies that will help them successfully complete their labs (biology) and semester-long research project (business). For the latter three courses, librarians meet with each section twice: the first time UFV Library Collections and Services for Peace Studies (November 2013) Page 4

students receive a tour of the library, after which they complete our Online Library Assignment1; and the second time students participate in a seminar focusing on research concepts and strategies related to a particular assignment. These opportunities lay a foundation for further instruction within the disciplines. 3. We view our library instruction efforts as part of a larger, institutional goal toward developing information literate2 students, a developmental process that takes place over a student’s entire academic career, with multiple opportunities to develop and demonstrate competencies. As such, we rely on and work toward cultivating collaborative relationships with classroom faculty in the pursuit of this goal, and welcome discussions with individual faculty and with departments.

E. Collections

1. Books and Videos The UFV Library collection has been developed over a number of years to support all the programs offered by the university. The overall library collection statistics are summarized below. These counts represent materials in a variety of formats, and in all subject areas.

Collection Overview (All Subjects) May 2013

Item Type Count of Holdings

Audio-Visual (VHS, DVD, etc) 10,176

Books (Circulating, Reference, Heritage, etc.) 174,614

Electronic Books (ebrary, Netlibrary, myilibrary, 138,355 Springer, Sage, etc)

Periodical Barcoded issues 135,006

Full Text Electronic Journal titles 67,737

Licensed Databases 111

1 This is an integrated tutorial and assessment designed to introduce students to basic research tools (the UFV Library Catalogue and Academic Search Premier) and concepts (keyword and subject searching, Boolean connectors). Results for each student completing the assignment are emailed to the course instructor. See it in action at (you can complete it as a guest). Any UFV instructor may request access for their students and view the results of their students. 2 Information literacy is “knowing when and why you need information, where to find it, and how to evaluate, use and communicate it in an ethical manner” (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, 2005). Information literacy is related to a number of broad educational outcomes, such as critical thinking, problem solving, numeracy, and ethical reasoning. UFV Library Collections and Services for Peace Studies (November 2013) Page 5

a. Dr John and Erna Friesen Peace Studies donation: The Friesens gave a substantial gift to UFV Library to build a Peace Studies collection in 2009. This gift has allowed us to purchase approximately 115 monographs to support the proposed program. A variety of topics are covered in this collection such as nonviolence, civil societies, peacemaking and peace building, cultures and the psychology of peace, reconciliation, religion and conflict resolution among others. A complete bibliography can be found on the Peace Studies Libguide:

b. Number of Items in the Library Collection by Subject Area Description Total Peacekeeping 104

Conflict management 449

Peace-building. 122

Civil society 136

Reconciliation 102

Forgiveness 34

Christianity and politics 73

Peace Research 8

Peace - Psychological aspects 7

Dispute resolution (Law) 52

Mediation 72

Intercultural communication 287

International relations and culture. 30

Nonviolence and Christianity 5

Mennonites and Peace 7

Mennonite Central Committee 5

Peace Studies collection total: 1,493

2. E-Books The library collection now contains more than 74,000 electronic books from Netlibrary, ebrary, MyiLibrary, Ebsco and Early Canadiana Online (ECO). UFV Library Collections and Services for Peace Studies (November 2013) Page 6

These e-books are accessible by students and faculty both on and off campus. Recent e-book titles in the collection relating to Peace Studies include:

Beyond the mushroom cloud: commemoration, religion, and responsibility after Hiroshima / Yuki Miyamoto. New York : Fordham University Press, 2012. Communities of peace: confronting injustice and creating justice / edited by Danielle Poe. Amsterdam ; New York, NY : Rodopi, 2011. Dilemmas of intervention : social science for stabilization and reconstruction / edited by Paul K. Davis ; contributors, Claude Berrebi [et al.]. Santa Monica, Calif. : RAND, 2011. Overcoming obstacles to peace: local factors in nation-building / James Dobbins [et al.]. Santa Monica, Calif. : RAND Corporation, 2013. The politics of change in Palestine: state-building and non-violent resistance / Michael Bröning. London ; New York : Pluto Press, 2011. Psychological and political strategies for peace negotiation: a cognitive approach / Francesco Aquilar, Mauro Galluccio. New York : Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2011. Refusing to be enemies: Palestinian and Israeli nonviolent resistance to the Israeli occupation / Maxine Kaufman-Lacusta ; with a foreword by Ursula Franklin. Reading, U.K. : Ithaca Press, c2011. Remembrance and reconciliation / edited by Rob Gildert and Dennis Rothermel. Amsterdam ; New York, NY : Rodopi, 2011.

3. Reference Collection The library’s print reference collection offers a number of resources to support courses in this program, including these recent acquisitions and classic reference titles:

Aggression and conflict: a cross-cultural encyclopedia ...... HM 136 L46 1994 The encyclopedia of peace psychology ...... JZ 5533 E634 2012 V.1-3 Literary themes for students--war and peace: examining diverse literature to understand and compare universal themes ...... PN 56 W3 L48 2006 v.1-2 The Mennonite encyclopedia: a comprehensive reference work on the Anabaptist-Mennonite movement...... BX 8106 M37 v.1-5 Nonviolent action: a research guide ...... HM 278 M33 1997 The Oxford international encyclopedia of peace ...... JZ 5533 O95 2010 V.1-4 The Palgrave international handbook of peace studies: a cultural perspective ...... JZ 5538 P358 2011 The state of the Middle East: an atlas of conflict and resolution ...... G 2205 S6 2008 The state of war and peace atlas ...... G 1046 R1 S65 1997 Women, peace and security: at a glance ...... HQ 1233 W674 2003

This collection is complemented by our subscription to quality electronic reference sources such as Sage Knowledge, Blackwell Reference Online, Oxford Reference Online Premium and the Gale Virtual Reference Library, which provide 24/7 access to a growing collection of several hundred electronic UFV Library Collections and Services for Peace Studies (November 2013) Page 7

subject-specialized encyclopedias from prestigious academic publishers including Greenwood, Elsevier, MacMillan, Oxford, Sage, Wiley and Gale.

4. Journals The UFV Library has approximately 74,000 journals in our print and online collection, of which the vast majority is available online from any location via our proxy server. The size and breadth of this journal collection was at one time undreamt of by most academic institutions. Print and online journals are listed in our online journal list ( Our collection of journals specifically related to Peace Studies includes:

Peace Studies ...... 100 titles Political Science ...... 144 titles History ...... 522 titles First Nations ...... 28 titles Philosophy ...... 94 titles Christianity...... 138 titles

a. UFV Holdings for Highest Ranked Journals in field of Peace Studies Title ISSN UFV Holdings Conflict Management and Peace Studies 0738-8942 FT3: 1973-4 Journal of Conflict Resolution 0022-0027 FT: 1957- Journal of Peace Research 0022-3433 FT: 1964- Political Psychology 0162-895X FT: 1979- African Affairs 0001-9909 FT: 1996- Human rights quarterly 0275-0392 FT: 1979- Journal of Political Philosophy 0963-8016 FT: 1997- Ethics 0014-1704 FT: 1938- International Journal of Intercultural Relations 0147-1767 FT: 1977- Journal of community & applied social psychology 1099-1298 FT: 1996-

5. Research Databases The UFV Library provides access to more than 100+ research databases and 51 open access databases, which provide indexing for journals, books and book chapters, government documents, statistics, conference proceedings, and more. Many of these databases provide at least some full text for journal articles, but we also take advantage of OpenURL link resolver technology. With the “Where Can I Get This” feature, students and faculty can find out with one click if an article is available from any of our databases, whether the journal is held in print at UFV, and which other post-secondary libraries have holdings of this journal, at which point they can easily place a request to get a copy of the article from one of these libraries.

3 FT = Full-text holdings 4 1973- : the dash after the year indicates we have current holdings. UFV Library Collections and Services for Peace Studies (November 2013) Page 8

The following databases are relevant to the Peace Studies program. a. Primary Databases Humanities Full Text This database provides full text plus abstracts and bibliographic indexing of the most noted scholarly sources in the humanities, as well as numerous lesser-known but important specialized magazines. Taylor & Francis Online Journals This database includes the full text of over 1300 scholarly journals published by Taylor & Francis. All subjects, including social sciences, humanities, science and technology. Sage Journals Online This database provides full text of peer-reviewed journals published by SAGE; coverage includes criminology, health sciences, business, history, sociology, and psychology; with a U.S. focus. SocINDEX with Full Text This database offers comprehensive coverage of sociology and related social sciences disciplines. Cambridge Journals Online This database provides full text access to Cambridge University Press journals in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities; with an international focus. DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals This database provides access to thousands of free, quality-controlled scientific and scholarly journals from academic, government, commercial and non-profit organizations. The focus is international and all languages are covered. b. Secondary Databases Academic Search Premier: This multi-disciplinary database provides full text for a multitude of journals, including many which are peer-reviewed. Historical Abstracts with Full Text This database covers the Peace Studies of the world (excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450 forward, including world Peace Studies, military Peace Studies, women's Peace Studies and the Peace Studies of education. This database provides selective indexing of historical articles from more than 1,800 journals back to 1955, and access to the full text of more than 316 journals and more than 138 books. JSTOR This is a multi-disciplinary database of archived scholarly journals. Subjects include: business, political science, philosophy, Peace Studies, life sciences, literature, music, art Peace Studies, health sciences and more. UFV subscribes to these JSTOR Collections: Arts & Sciences I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII. Project Muse This database covers the fields of literature and criticism, Peace Studies, the visual and performing arts, cultural studies, education, political science, gender studies and economics.

UFV Library Collections and Services for Peace Studies (November 2013) Page 9

Oxford Journals This database includes over 240 full text journals in a broad range of disciplines. UFV subscribes to the current file, with coverage usually starting in 1996. Philosopher's Index This is a bibliographic database with informative, author-written abstracts covering scholarly research in all areas of philosophy from more than 50 countries, dating back to 1940. PsycINFO This database provides abstracts of scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations in psychology and related disciplines.

6. Course Consultations Library consultation is a required component of all new course approvals at UFV. Each new course outline is reviewed by the liaison librarian and detailed recommendations for collection development are given. We also analyze student interlibrary loan requests by course and circulation statistics and use this to inform our acquisition decisions.

7. Interlibrary Loans If an item is not available from the UFV Library, students and faculty may request it from another library. For journal articles, the “Where Can I Get This” feature within our research databases offers easy access to our request forms. This system of direct requesting provides a very quick turn-around time for students and faculty (1-3 days for articles, and 1 week for books). We combine this with an online delivery system called Relais, which delivers scanned articles to our ILL department. Recently, we have been able to deliver articles directly to the student or faculty member’s desktop.

Students and faculty may also take advantage of our online book, article and video request forms at

We offer students and faculty 100 free interlibrary loans per year, but will increase this number as needed. Although most requests can be filled from within B.C., they have obtained items from as far away as Japan, Germany, Iceland and Great Britain.

8. Reciprocal Borrowing Agreements UFV students and faculty may also take advantage of direct borrowing from other postsecondary libraries in B.C. and across Canada.

a. COPPUL The UFV library is part of the Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries (COPPUL). COPPUL is a consortium of 22 Western Canadian post-secondary libraries, which in turn has collaborative agreements with 3 other Canadian university library consortia. One direct benefit for faculty and students is the ability to obtain a library card and borrow material from virtually any public post- secondary library across Canada. UFV Library Collections and Services for Peace Studies (November 2013) Page 10

b. South of Fraser Agreement Since 2005, UFV has enjoyed a partnership with Simon Fraser University, Douglas College, and Kwantlen Polytechnic University to provide free reciprocal borrowing privileges to students and faculty from our institutions.

9. Consortial Memberships

UFV library is a member of a number of library consortia. This membership provides a variety of benefits to our students and faculty such as participation in consortial licensing of databases and electronic collections, reciprocal borrowing agreements, and access to library best practices and expertise.

• Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN) • Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries (COPPUL) • British Columbia Electronic Library Network (BCELN) • British Columbia Electronic Health Libraries Network (BCEHLN)

Prepared by Mary-Anne MacDougall November 2013 Peace Studies Donation by Dr. John and Erna Friesen Resources available at the UFV Library

Abu-Nimer, Mohammed. Nonviolence and Peace Building in Islam: Theory and Practice. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2003. Print.

Ackerman, Peter. A Force More Powerful: A Century of Nonviolent Conflict. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2001. Print.

Aghion, Anne. My Neighbor, My Killer. New York: A. Aghion, 2009. DVD.

Anderson, Mary B. Do No Harm: How Aid Can Support Peace--or War. Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1999. Print.

Appleby, R. Scott. The Ambivalence of the Sacred: Religion, Violence, and Reconciliation. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2000. Print.

Bainton, Roland Herbert. Christian Attitudes Toward War and Peace: A Historical Survey and Critical Re-Evaluation. Eugene: Wipf & Stock, 2008. Print.

Barash, David P. Approaches to Peace: A Reader in Peace Studies. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. Print.

Barash, David P. Peace and Conflict Studies. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 2009. Print.

Bell, Daniel M. Just War as Christian Discipleship: Recentering the Tradition in the Church Rather than the State. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, 2009. Print.

Bercovitch, Jacob. Conflict Resolution in the Twenty-First Century: Principles, Methods, and Approaches. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2009. Print.

Bercovitch, Jacob. Resolving International Conflicts: The Theory and Practice of Mediation. Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1996. Print.

Bonney, Richard. Warriors After War: Indian and Pakistani Retired Military Leaders Reflect on Relations Between the Two Countries, Past, Present and Future. New York: Peter Lang, 2011. Print.

Boulding, Elise. Cultures of Peace: The Hidden Side of History. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 2000. Print.

Brock, Peter. Pacifism in the Twentieth Century. Syracuse, N.Y.: Distributed by Syracuse University Press, 1999. Print.

Brockopp, Jonathan E. Islamic Ethics of Life: Abortion, War, and Euthanasia. Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press, 2003. Print.

Brown, Nathan J. The Struggle Over Democracy in the Middle East: Regional Politics and External Policies. New York: Routledge, 2010. Print.

Brown, Tricia Gates. Getting in the Way: Stories from Christian Peacemaker Teams. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 2005. Print.

Cejka, Mary Ann. Artisans of Peace: Grassroots Peacemaking Among Christian Communities. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 2003. Print.

Cohen, Lenard J. Embracing Democracy in The Western Balkans: From Postconflict Struggles Toward European Integration. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011. Print.

Consortium on Peace Research, Education, and Development. Global Directory of Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution Programs. Fairfax, VA: COPRED, 2000- . Print.

Cortright, David. Uniting Against Terror: Cooperative Nonmilitary Responses to the Global Terrorist Threat. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2007. Print.

Coward, Harold G. Religion and Peacebuilding. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2004. Print.

Christie, Daniel J. The Encyclopedia of Peace Psychology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. Print.

Crocker, Chester A. Turbulent Peace: The Challenges of Managing International Conflict. Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace Press, 2001. Print.

Darby, John. Violence and Reconstruction. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 2006. Print.

Docherty, Jayne Seminare. The Little Book of Strategic Negotiation: Negotiating During Turbulent Times. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Print.

Douglas, Tom. Scapegoats: Transferring Blame. New York: Routledge, 1995. Print.

Duffey, Michael K. Justice and Mercy Will Kiss: The Vocation of Peacemaking in a World of Many Faiths. Milwaukee, Wis.: Marquette University Press, 2008. Print.

Dyckman, John M. Scapegoats at Work: Taking the Bull's-Eye Off Your Back. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003. Print.

Galtung, Johan. Peace by Peaceful Means: Peace and Conflict, Development and Civilization. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1996. Print.

Galtung, Johan. Searching for Peace: The Road to Transcend. Sterling, VA: Pluto Press, 2002. Print.

July 11, 2013 Peace Studies Donation by Dr. John and Erna Friesen 2

Gandhi, Mahatma. The Essential Gandhi: An Anthology of His Writings on His Life, Work and Ideas. New York: Vintage Books, 2002. Print.

Gärtner, Heinz. Obama and the Bomb: The Vision of a World Free of Nuclear Weapons. New York: Peter Lang, 2011. Print.

Gilligan, James. Preventing Violence. London: Thames & Hudson, 2001. Print.

Gittings, John. The Glorious Art of Peace: From the Iliad to Iraq. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. Print.

Glassman, Bernard. Bearing Witness: A Zen Master's Lessons in Making Peace. New York: Bell Tower, 1998. Print.

Gopin, Marc. Between Eden and Armageddon: The Future of World Religions, Violence, and Peacemaking. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. Print.

Gopin, Marc. Holy War, Holy Peace: How Religion Can Bring Peace to the Middle East. New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press, 2002. Print.

Gordon, Hayim. Education for Peace: Testimonies from World Religions. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1987. Print.

Harris, Ian M. Peace Education. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 2003. Print.

Hauerwas, Stanley. Living Gently in a Violent World: The Prophetic Witness of Weakness. Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP Books, 2008. Print.

Hauerwas, Stanley. The Peaceable Kingdom: A Primer in Christian Ethics. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1983. Print.

Hedges, Chris. What Every Person Should Know About War. New York: Free Press, 2003. Print.

Herr, Judy Zimmerman. Transforming Violence: Linking Local and Global Peacemaking. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1998. Print.

Hertog, Katrien. The Complex Reality of Religious Peacebuilding: Conceptual Contributions and Critical Analysis. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2010. Print.

Hillman, James. A Terrible Love of War. New York: Penguin Press, 2004. Print.

Holmes, Robert L. Nonviolence in Theory and Practice. Long Grove, Ill.: Waveland Press, 2005. Print.

Hunsinger. George. Torture Is a Moral Issue: Christians, Jews, Muslims, and People of Conscience Speak Out. Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2008. Print.

July 11, 2013 Peace Studies Donation by Dr. John and Erna Friesen 3

Jeng, Abou. Peacebuilding in the African Union: Law, Philosophy and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. Print.

Johansen, Robert C. A United Nations Emergency Peace Service: To Prevent Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity. New York: World Federalist Movement-Institute for Global Policy, 2006. Print.

John Paul II, Pope. The Saint for Shalom: how Pope John Paul II transformed Catholic-Jewish relations. New York: Crossroad, 2011. Print.

Juergensmeyer, Mark. Gandhi's Way: A Handbook of Conflict Resolution, Updated with a New Preface and New Case Study. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005. Print.

Juhnke, James C. The Missing Peace: The Search for Nonviolent Alternatives in United States History. Kitchener, Ont.: Pandora Press, 2004. Print.

King, Martin Luther, Jr. A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1991. Print.

Kleiderer, John. Just War, Lasting Peace: What Christian Traditions Can Teach Us. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 2006. Print.

Lederach, John Paul. The Little Book of Conflict Transformation. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2003. Print.

Lederach, John Paul. The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. Print.

Lederach, John Paul. Preparing for Peace: Conflict Transformation Across Cultures. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1996. Print.

Lederach, John Paul. Reflective Peacebuilding: A Planning, Monitoring, and Learning Toolkit. Notre Dame, IN: Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, 2007. Print.

Lederach, John Paul. When Blood and Bones Cry Out: Journeys Through the Soundscape of Healing and Reconciliation. Oxford, N.Y.: Oxford University Press, 2010. Print.

Lee, Steven. Ethics and War: An Introduction. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012. Print.

Leiter, David A. Neglected Voices: Peace in the Old Testament. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 2007. Print.

Little, David. Peacemakers in Action: Profiles of Religion in Conflict Resolution. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Print.

July 11, 2013 Peace Studies Donation by Dr. John and Erna Friesen 4

Long, Michael G. Christian Peace and Nonviolence: A Documentary History. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2011. Print.

Macgregor, G. H. C. The New Testament Basis of Pacifism and the Relevance of an Impossible Ideal. Nyack, N.Y.: Fellowship Publications, 1960. Print.

Mancini-Griffoli, Deborah. Humanitarian Negotiation: A Handbook for Securing Access, Assistance and Protection for Civilians in Armed Conflict. Geneva, Switzerland: Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, 2004. Print.

Marsden, Lee. The Ashgate Research Companion to Religion and Conflict Resolution. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2012. Print.

Massaro, Thomas. Catholic Perspectives on Peace and War. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2003. Print.

Mertus, Julie. Human Rights and Conflict: Exploring the Links Between Rights, Law, and Peacebuilding. Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace Press, 2006. Print.

Meyer, Matt. Seeds of New Hope: Pan-African Peace Studies for the 21st Century. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2009. Print.

Miner, Roger P. In Harm's Way: East German Latter-Day Saints in World War II. BYU Religious Studies Center, 2009. Print.

Nagler, Michael N. The Search for a Nonviolent Future: A Promise of Peace for Ourselves, Our Families, and Our World. Maui, Hawai'i: Inner Ocean Pub. ; [Berkeley, Calif.]: Distributed by Publishers Group West, 2004. Print.

Nalepa, Monika. Skeletons in the Closet: Transitional Justice in Post-Communist Europe. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Print.

Ndura-Ouédraogo, Elavie. Seeds Bearing Fruit: Pan-African Peace Action for the Twenty-First Century. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2011. Print.

Nelson-Pallmeyer, Jack. Is Religion Killing Us? Violence in the Bible and the Quran. London: Continuum, 2005. Print.

Oppenheimer, Martin. A Manual for Direct Action. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1965. Print.

Philpott, Daniel. The Politics of Past Evil: Religion, Reconciliation, and the Dilemmas of Transitional Justice. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 2006. Print.

Philpott, Daniel. Strategies of Peace: Transforming Conflict in a Violent World. New York : Oxford University Press, 2010. Print.

July 11, 2013 Peace Studies Donation by Dr. John and Erna Friesen 5

Pillari, Vimala. Scapegoating in Families: Intergenerational Patterns of Physical and Emotional Abuse. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1991. Print.

Ramos-Horta, José. The Art of Peace: Nobel Peace Laureates Discuss Human Rights, Conflict and Reconciliation. Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion Publications, 2000. Print.

Roberts, J. Deotis. Bonhoeffer and King: Speaking Truth to Power. Louisville, Ky.: Westminster John Knox Press, 2005. Print.

Rogers, Mark M. Pursuing Just Peace: An Overview and Case Studies for Faith-Based Peacebuilders. Baltimore: Catholic Relief Services, 2008. Print.

Rynne, Terrence J. Gandhi and Jesus: The Saving Power of Nonviolence. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 2008. Print.

Sawatsky, Jarem. Justpeace Ethics: A Guide to Restorative Justice and Peacebuilding. Eugene, Or.: Cascade Books, c008. Print.

Schirch, Lisa. The Little Book of Strategic Peacebuilding. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2004. Print.

Schlabach, Gerald. Just Policing, Not War: An Alternative Response to World Violence. Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 2007. Print.

Schrock-Shenk, Carolyn. Making Peace with Conflict: Practical Skills for Conflict Transformation. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1999. Print.

Sibley, Mulford Quickert. The Quiet Battle: Writings on the Theory and Practice of Non-Violent Resistance. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1963. Print.

Sider, E. Morris. A Peace Reader. Nappanee, Ind.: Evangel Pub. House, 2002. Print.

Smock, David R. Interfaith Dialogue and Peacebuilding. Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace Press, 2002. Print.

Stanford, Barbara Dodds. Peacemaking: A Guide to Conflict Resolution for Individuals, Groups, and Nations. New York: Bantam Books, 1976. Print.

Stassen, Glen Harold. Just Peacemaking : The New Paradigm for the Ethics of Peace and War. Cleveland : Pilgrim Press, 2008. Print.

Thiessen, Janis. Manufacturing Mennonites: Work and Religion in Post-War Manitoba. Toronto: University of Toronoto, 2013. Print.

Toft, Monica Duffy. God’s Century: Resurgent Religion and Global Politics. New York: W.W. Norton, 2011. Print.

July 11, 2013 Peace Studies Donation by Dr. John and Erna Friesen 6

Tongeren, Paul van. People Building Peace II: Successful Stories of Civil Society. Boulder, Colo.: L. Rienner Publishers, 2005. Print.

Tutu, Desmond. No Future without Forgiveness. New York, N.Y.: Doubleday, 2000. Print.

Tutu, Desmond. The Words of Desmond Tutu. New York: Newmarket Press, 2007. Print.

Volz, Stephen. African Teachers on the Colonial Frontier: Tswana Evangelists and Their Communities During the Nineteenth Century. New York: Peter Lang, 2011. Print.

Wallensteen, Peter. International Sanctions: Between Words and Wars in the Global System. New York: Frank Cass, 2005. Print.

Wallensteen, Peter. Peace Research: Theory and Practice. New York: Routledge, 2011. Print.

Wallensteen, Peter. Understanding Conflict Resolution. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE Publications, 2012. Print.

Walzer, Michael. Just and Unjust War: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations. New York: Basic Books, 2006. Print.

Weiss, Thomas George. The United Nations and Changing World Politics. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2010. Print.

Werner, Hans. The Constructed Mennonite: History, Memory, and the Second World War. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2013. Print.

Wilcox, Clifton W. Scapegoat: Targeted for Blame. Denver, Colo.: Outskirts Press, c2010. Print.

Wink, Walter. Peace Is the Way: Writings on Nonviolence From the Fellowship of Reconciliation. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 2000. Print.

Wittner, Lawrence S. Rebels Against War: The American Peace Movement, 1933-1983. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1984. Print.

Yoder, John H. (John Howard). Christian Attitudes to War, Peace, and Revolution. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Brazos Press, 2009. Print.

Zartman, I. William. Peacemaking in International Conflict: Methods & Techniques. Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace, 2007. Print.

Zinn, Howard. The Power of Nonviolence: Writings by Advocates of Peace. Boston, Mass.: Beacon Press, 2002. Print.

July 11, 2013 Peace Studies Donation by Dr. John and Erna Friesen 7

APPENDIX 8: External Peer Review

APPENDIX 9: Student Survey


The purpose of this survey is to assess the level of interest of UFV students in a proposed new program in Peace and Conflict Studies.

This survey is voluntary, and it should take only a few minutes to fill out. Please be assured that your privacy will be fully protected and all your responses will remain confidential.

Please do not fill out this survey more than once. We need to make accurate projections based on student responses.

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Steven Schroeder, Program Working Group Chair, at [email protected] or Sylvie Murray, Program Development Coordinator, at [email protected].

What is Peace and Conflict Studies? Peace and Conflict Studies is a well-recognized interdisciplinary program of study that examines the root causes of violence, and peacebuilding methods that foster enduring, positive change. Over 400 Peace Studies programs exist in colleges and universities throughout the world and many of those programs are at the graduate level (i.e., Master’s and PhD).

What will you study in the Peace and Conflict Studies courses? In this program you will study, in classroom settings, how factors such as personal viewpoints, social injustice, and territorial claims contribute to conflicts at the personal, communal and international levels. A colloquium and practicum component will supplement academic learning, and provide skills and hands-on experience in conflict transformation and reconciliatory work.

What will you do with a Peace and Conflict Studies degree? Upon graduation, you will have acquired the intellectual and practical tools required to address the widespread violence in our world today. These tools will be applied in your personal relationships, and your vocation. Particular careers that require these skills regularly are: education (teaching), law, government, relief work, development, counseling and mediation. If you go on to serve in the police force or the military, you will find it absolutely necessary to have at your disposal a wide range of options when dealing with threats to individual and public safety and security.

1. Including the courses you are taking this semester, how many credits have you completed?

a. Fewer than 30 b. 31-60 c. 61-90 d. 91-120 e. 120+ 2. What credential are you currently pursuing? a. Bachelor of Arts b. Bachelor of Arts, Criminal Justice c. Bachelor of General Studies d. Bachelor of Arts, Global Development Studies e. Associate of Arts, general or specialization in: ______f. Diploma/Certificate in: g. Other:

3. What specialization(s) are you currently pursuing (declared or intended)?

Anthropology Major Minor Extended Minor Applied Ethical and Political Philosophy Minor Communications Minor Criminal Justice Minor Extended Minor Economics Major Minor English Honours Major Minor Extended Minor Geography Honours Major Minor Extended Minor History Major Minor Extended Minor Latin American Studies Minor Extended Minor Media and Communications Minor Extended Minor Philosophy Major Minor Extended Minor Political Science Major Minor Extended Minor Psychology Honours Major Minor Extended Minor Sociology Minor Extended Minor Other:

4. A. If a Peace & Conflict Studies degree became available at UFV, would you take it?

Definitely Probably Maybe – not sure Probably Not Definitely Not

B. Please specify which option you would select: a. Major b. Minor c. Extended Minor

5. If a Peace & Conflict Studies degree had been available when you began studying at UFV, would you have chosen it?

Definitely Probably Maybe – not sure Probably Not Definitely Not

6. If you were planning to complete your degree elsewhere, would you consider staying at UFV if a Peace & Conflict Studies degree were available? a. Yes b. No 7. Do you have any comments for us?

Thank you for your participation in this survey. Peace and Conflict Studies Student Interests Survey Report

Q1. Including the courses you are taking this semester, how many credits have you completed? Mean: 3.04 Response Value Frequency Percent Graph Fewer than 30 1.00 53 13.15 31-60 2.00 97 24.07 61-90 3.00 96 23.82 91-120 4.00 94 23.33 Greater than 120 5.00 62 15.38

Total Valid 402 99.75 Missing 1 0.25 Total 403 100.00

Q2. What credential are you currently pursuing? Mean: 3.23 Response Value Frequency Percent Graph Bachelor of Arts 1.00 202 50.12 Bachelor of Arts Criminal 2.00 43 10.67 Justice Bachelor of General 3.00 20 4.96 Studies Bachelor of Arts Global 4.00 11 2.73 Development Studies Associate of Arts 5.00 5 1.24 Diploma 6.00 28 6.95 Certificate 7.00 21 5.21 Other 8.00 70 17.37

Total Valid 400 99.26 Missing 3 0.74 Total 403 100.00

24/03/2014 Peace and Conflict Studies Student Page 1 3. What specialization(s) are you currently pursuing (declared or intended)? (To select more than one Mean: - option per field, please hold down your "Ctrl" button on your keyboard and click the options that apply to you) Response Value Frequency Percent Graph --- 1.00 2 0.50 Anthropology 2.00 25 6.20 Applied Ethical and 3.00 0 0.00 Political Philosophy Communications 4.00 23 5.71 Criminal Justice 5.00 53 13.15 Economics 6.00 4 0.99 English 7.00 41 10.17 Geography 8.00 26 6.45 History 9.00 33 8.19 Latin American Studies 10.00 1 0.25 Media and 11.00 12 2.98 Communications Philosophy 12.00 9 2.23 Political Science 13.00 36 8.93 Psychology 14.00 78 19.35 Sociology 15.00 53 13.15 Other 16.00 85 21.09 Dont know 17.00 15 3.72 Not applicable 18.00 27 6.70 Total Valid 385 95.53 Missing 18 4.47 Total 403 100.00

3. What specialization(s) are you currently pursuing (declared or intended)? (To select more than one Mean: - option per field, please hold down your "Ctrl" button on your keyboard and click the options that apply to you) Response Value Frequency Percent Graph --- 1.00 4 0.99 Honours 2.00 13 3.23 Major 3.00 200 49.63 Minor 4.00 76 18.86 Extended Minor 5.00 37 9.18 Dont know 6.00 23 5.71 Not applicable 7.00 38 9.43

Total Valid 319 79.16 Missing 84 20.84 Total 403 100.00

24/03/2014 Peace and Conflict Studies Student Page 2 Interests Survey Report 4. If a Peace & Conflict Studies degree became available at UFV, would you take it? Mean: 3.00 Response Value Frequency Percent Graph Definitely 1.00 44 10.92 Probably 2.00 68 16.87 Maybe - not sure 3.00 163 40.45 Probably not 4.00 100 24.81 Definitely not 5.00 28 6.95

Total Valid 403 100.00

5. If a Peace & Conflict Studies degree had been available when you began studying at UFV, would you Mean: 2.97 have chosen it? Response Value Frequency Percent Graph Definitely 1.00 47 11.66 Probably 2.00 66 16.38 Maybe - not sure 3.00 161 39.95 Probably not 4.00 96 23.82 Definitely not 5.00 27 6.70

Total Valid 397 98.51 Missing 6 1.49 Total 403 100.00

24/03/2014 Peace and Conflict Studies Student Page 3 Interests Survey Report Q6. If you were planning to complete your degree elsewhere, would you consider staying at UFV if a Peace Mean: 2.09 & Conflict Studies degree were available? Response Value Frequency Percent Graph Yes 1.00 108 26.80 No 2.00 149 36.97 Not Sure 3.00 146 36.23

Total Valid 403 100.00

24/03/2014 Peace and Conflict Studies Student Page 4 Interests Survey Report