First Steps Simics/GEMS on Ubuntu 7.10 Author: Aleksandar Vitorovic,
[email protected], student of Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia This document is not a product of the Multifacet Group. It is a GEMS user contribution, and this document is provided as-is, without warranty or guarantee of any kind, and without support. This document may serve as a useful guide for many users, but is neither tested nor verified by any authors of the GEMS infrastructure. 1 Introduction This tutorial explains basic steps for users to get familiar with GEMS/Simics environment. It is idiot- proof tutorial. Basic think you should know to start simulator is showed. In every fork I decided to choose one option and explain it in detail. For further details and other options you should consult appropriate documentation. In chapter 2 is detailed installation process for GEMS 2.1 and Simics 3.0.30 on Ubuntu 7.10 x86. In chapter 3 is detailed installation process for Simics 2.2.19 on Ubuntu 7.10 x86. In chapter 4 there is different manuals for Frequently used Commands. In chapter 5 we explain how to add benchmark to your target machine and how to start that. In chapter 6 there is list of used references. This tutorial are provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 2 GEMS 2.1/Simics 3.0.30 Installation It is possible to install GEMS 2.1 based on Simics 3.0.30 on Ubuntu 7.10 x86 with GCC 4.1.3, although GEMS manufacturers internally work with GCC 3.4.6.