Department of Linguistics, 94 W. Brighton Rd., The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43202. 1712 Neil Ave, Columbus, OH 43210. (614) 263 0870 (614) 292 4052 or 0362. FAX (614) 292 8833 E-MAIL: [email protected]

EDUCATION: Presentation College, San Fernando 1956-1962 Island Scholarship (Languages) 1962 King's College, University of London 1965-1968 University of York, England, 1968-1972

DEGREES: B.A. Honours, Class I (English) - University of London. D. Phil. (Linguistics) - University of York (Topic - "A Sociolinguistic Description of Two Communities in Trinidad").


1968-1972 Graduate Assistant in Linguistics, University of York. Feb.-Sept. 1972 Assistant Lecturer in and Linguistics, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine. October 1972 - Sept. 1978 Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine. October 1978 - August 1984 Lecturer on Indefinite Tenure (Dept. of Language and Linguistics), The University of The West Indies. October 1984 - 1988 Senior Lecturer on Indefinite Tenure, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine. September 1988 - August 1993 Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. September 1993 - Sept. 1999. Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Sept. 1999 - present Professor of Linguistics, The Ohio State University.

Visiting appointments: Jan.-Aug. 1979 Associate Professor, Department of English, University of Texas at Austin. Sept. 1982 - July 1983 Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, University of Texas at El Paso. Summer 1998. Visiting professor in the Netherlands Summer Institute at the University of Utrecht. Course taught: "An Introduction to Contact Linguistics."

Autumn 2000 Visiting Professor of Linguistics and the Center for African and African-American Studies, University of Michigan.



a) The University of the West Indies (i) Undergraduate - The Use of English (Freshman English) Language, Logic and Composition (1st Year) Language Theory I (1st Year) Introduction to Sociolinguistics (2nd & 3rd Year) Dialectology (3rd Year) (ii) Graduate Level - Sociolinguistic Theory and Methodology Creole Linguistics b) The University of Texas at Austin Rhetoric and Composition (1st Year) Grammar of English (2nd -4th Year) English as a World Language (2nd - 4th Year) c) The University of Texas at El Paso English for Speakers of Other Languages (Beginners to Advanced) Introduction to Linguistics d) The University of Michigan

Afro-American Dialects Seminar in and Creole Linguistics. e) The Ohio State University Language Change and Development (undergraduate) Language and Culture (undergraduate) Language and social identity in the US (undergraduate) Language and the Black Experience.

Introduction to Linguistics (Graduate/Undergraduate) Languages in Contact (Graduate/Undergraduate) Introduction to Sociolinguistics (Graduate/Undergraduate). Introduction to African American English (Graduate/Undergraduate) The sociolinguistics of African-American English.

Introduction to Quantitative Sociolinguistics (Graduate) Introduction to Pidgin and Creole Linguistics (Graduate) Seminars in quantitative sociolinguistics (Graduate) Seminars in morphosyntactic variation (Graduate) Seminars in Contact Linguistics (Graduate) Seminars on Creole Syntax (Graduate) Seminars in Pidgin/Creole Linguistics (Graduate)



a) Creole Linguistics, especially -lexicon creoles. African- American English. b) Sociolinguistic Theory and Methodology - Variation Theory (especially in relation to Caribbean creole situations and African-American English). c) Contact Linguistics. d) Theories of variation and change: grammaticalization processes. e) General Linguistic Theory. f) Implications of the Study of Language Variation and Change for Linguistic Theory. g) Applied Linguistics - particularly the educational applications of Sociolinguistic Research in Creole Communities, and the teaching of English as a second or foreign language. ADVISING:

Doctoral students (Dissertation Advisor):

University of the West Indies:

1. Lise Winer (Southern Illinois University). Title "An Analysis of Errors in the Written English Composition of Trinidadian English Creole Speakers". (1982). 2. Valerie Youssef (U.W.I., St. Augustine). Title "The Acquisition of Language Skills by some Trinidadian Children: An Integrative Approach to Verb Phrase Development". Ph.D awarded 1990.

The Ohio State University.

1. Hyeonseok Kang. "Variation and Change in the Vowel System of Seoul Korean." (Completed March 1997). 2. Bettin Migge. "Substratum influence and creole genesis: The case of Paramaccan." (Completed Fall 1998). 3. Tracey Weldon. "Exploring the AAVE- connection: A comparative study of copula variability” (Completed Fall 1998). 4. Steve Keiser (co-advisor with B. Joseph). "Language change across speech islands: The emergence of a Midwestern dialect of Pennsylvania German" (Completed Fall 2001). 5. Shelome Gooden (co-adviser with Elizabeth Hume). “The phonology and phonetics of Jamaican Creole reduplication.” (Completed Fall 2003). 6. Michelle Ramos-Pellicia (co-adviser with B. Joseph) “Language contact and dialect contact: Cross-generational phonological variation in a Puerto Rican community in the Midwest of the United States.” (Completed Winter 2004). 7. Robin Dodsworth. “Linguistic variation and sociological consciousness.” (Completed Summer 2005). 8. Wes Collins. “Centeredness as a cultural and grammatical theme in Maya-Mam.” (Completed Summer 2005). 9. Ila Nagar. “Language and identity: The case of Kotis in Lucknow, India.” (Completed Autumn 2008).


Current Advisees:

David Durian. Writing dissertation Marivic Lesho. Now in third year. Deborah Morton. Now in third year.

Masters Students (Thesis advisor):

Bettina Migge, 1993. “Substrate influence in creole genesis: The case of serial verb constructions in Sranan.”

Masters students (Examination advisor):

Hyeon-Seok Kang (1992); Michela Shigley-Giusti (1993), Shelome Gooden (2002).

Doctoral Students (General Examination Committee Chair).

Hyeonseok Kang. Spring 1993. Tracey Weldon. Fall 1995. Bettina Migge. Spring 1995. Steve Keiser (co-chair) Fall 2001. Shelome Gooden (co-chair) Fall 2003. Michelle Ramos-Pellicia (co-chair) Winter 2004 Robin Dodsworth Summer 2005 Wes Collins Summer 2005 Ila Nagar Fall 2008.

Doctoral Students (Dissertation Committee member):

Claudia Kurz. Fall 1997. Elizabeth Strand Summer 2000. Charlotte Schaengold Fall 2005 Jette Hansen (Education) Summer 2000 Khadar Bashir-Ali (Education) Summer 2004. Hannah Huey Lin (East Asian) Winter 2005. JuYoung Song (Education) Graduated June 2007. Debi Smith (Education) (Writing dissertation) Stacey Wallen (Speech & Hearing) Summer 2008 Yan Jing (East Asian). (Writing dissertation) Sarah Sinnott (Span & Port) (Writing dissertation)

Doctoral Students (Phd Candidacy Examination committee member)\ Linguistics Claudia Kurz Spring 1994. Panayiotis Pappas Spring 1998.


Elizabeth Strand Autumn 1999. Charlotte Schaengold Spring 2002. Angelo Costanzo Fall 2008

Other Departments: Srivalli Sastry-Kuppa (English): Spring 1992. Elizabeth Copley (Education): Spring 1993. John Stasinopoulos. (Education) Spring 1995 Yuko Okutsu. Education) Spring 1995 Yuh-Fang Chang (Education) Spring 1996. Jette Hansen (Education) Autumn 1999. Hannah Huey Lin (East Asian) Autumn 1999. Tsan Huang, (East Asian) June 2002. Sun-Hee Lee, May 2002. JuYoung Song (Education) February 2004. Reiko Kachi (Education) 2004 Debi Smith (Education) Masayuki Itomitsu (East Asian) Stacey Wallen (Speech & Hearing) Magdalena Mejias-Gomez (Spanish & Portuguese) July 2006. Hana Kang (East Asian L&L) May 18, 2007 Yan Jing (East Asian) August 2008 Edith Hernandez (Spanish & Portuguese) March 2008. Larysa Stephanova (Slavic) August 2008. Sarah Sinnott (Spanish & Portuguese) May 2009. Yolanda Holt (Speech and Hearing) Fall 2009

Service on Pre-Generals Paper committees (Dept-internal pre-candidacy paper committees). * Committee Chair

(The Linguistics department requires two substantial (publishable) research papers by candidates as a prerequisite for advancing to the Ph.D generals (candidacy) examination.)

*Hyeonseok Kang. Winter - Spring 1993. *Tracey Weldon Paper 1 Autumn 1994. Paper 2 Spring 1995 *Bettina Migge. Paper 1 Autumn 1994. Paper 2 Spring 1995. Shu-hui Peng. Paper 1 Spring 1993. Claudia Kurz. Paper 2 Spring 1993. Panayiotis Pappas. Paper 1 Spring 1996 Steve Keiser. Paper 1 Spring 1998. Paper 2 Autumn 1999. Elizabeth Strand Paper 1 Matt Makashay. Paper 2 Spring 1999. *Shelome Gooden Paper 1 Winter 2001. Craig Hilts Paper 1 Winter 2001.


*Shelome Gooden Paper 2 Winter 2002 Misun Seo Paper 2 Winter 2002 Charlotte Schaengold Paper 2 (Sp./02). *Wes Collins. Paper 1 Spring 2003 *Robin Dodsworth Paper 1 Spring 2003 *Wes Collins. Paper 2 2004 *Robin Dodsworth Paper 2 2004

Undergraduate Advising.

Supervision of research done on African-American Vernacular in Columbus by Tamara Snow, one of my L265 students. The research project was funded by the Summer Research Opportunities Program. It has provided a valuable data-base which is being used by my graduate students and myself for our research on AAVE.

Supervision of SROP Project undertaken by Autumn Williams, Summer 2006. A study of intergenerational differences in language use and language attitudes among African Americans in Columbus, OH.

Member, Committee for Senior Honors Thesis: Katherine Riestenberg. May 2007.

P.I and adviser for H783 Honors Independent Study: Nicole Holliday Spring 2008 (IRB-approved fieldwork on Language Attitudes in Peru)


a. Books and monographs.

A Sociolinguistic Description of Two Communities in Trinidad. Unpublished D.Phil. Thesis, University of York, England, 1972.

Predication in Caribbean English Creole. Library Vol. 10, 1993. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 420 pages.

An Introduction to Contact Linguistics. 2003. Oxford: Blackwell. 442 pages. b. Edited books.

"Language and Society", Special Issue of Caribbean Issues, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1974.

W. Edwards and D. Winford (eds). 1991. Verb Phrase Patterns in Creole and Black English, Wayne State University Press. 325 pages. (I shared equal responsibility for selecting the final papers for publication, and for critical review and commentary on half of those selected. I also wrote the introduction to section 2 of the book.)


Frank Byrne and D. Winford (eds). 1993. Focus and grammatical relations in creole languages. Creole Language Library Volume 12. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 330 pages. (I was responsible for critical review and commentary on half of the papers selected for publication. I also co-authored the introduction).

Arthur Spears and D. Winford (eds.). 1997. The Structure and Status of and Creoles:Creole Language Library Volume 19. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 462 pages. (I shared equal responsibility for selecting the final papers for publication, and for critical review and commentary on half of those selected. I was solely responsible for writing the introduction.) c. Chapters in edited books.

1979. "Grammatical Hypercorrection and the Notion of 'System' in Creole Language Studies", in Edward Baugh (ed), Language and Literature in the Commonwealth Caribbean, Carib Vol. 1, , pp. 67-83.

1980, "The Creole Situation in the Context of Sociolinguistic Studies", in Richard R. Day (ed), Issues in English Creoles, Papers from the 1975 Hawaii Conference, Julius Groos Verlag, Heidelberg, pp 51-76.

1991. "The Caribbean - A Sociolinguistic Overview.” In Jenny Cheshire (ed), English around the World: Sociolinguistic Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, pp. 565-84.

The Passive in Caribbean English Creole", In Walter Edwards and Donald Winford (eds), Verb Phrase Patterns in Black English and Creole, Detroit, Wayne State University Press. pp. 256-82.

1991. “Directional serial verb constructions in Caribbean English Creoles. In F. Byrne & J. Holm (eds) Atlantic meets Pacific: A global view of pidginization and creolization. 1993. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 183-203.

"Pidgin and Creole Languages", in V. Prakasam et al, An Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Linguistic Terminology, Punjabi University, India.

1994. “Sociolinguistic approaches to language use in the Anglophone Caribbean.” In M. Morgan (ed) Language and the social construction of reality in creole situations, 43-62. Los Angeles: Center for Afro-American Studies, UCLA.

1996. "Verbs, adjectives and categorial shift in Caribbean English creoles" - In Pauline Christie (ed) Caribbean Language: Issues old and new. University of the West Indies Press. pp. 12-26.

1997. Introduction (sole author). In Arthur Spears & Donald Winford (eds.), The structure and status of pidgins and creoles. Creole Language Library Vol. 19, Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 1-31.

2000. “Tense and Aspect in Sranan and the creole prototype”. In John McWhorter (ed.) Language Change and Language Contact in Pidgins and Creoles. Amsterdam: Benjamins. pp. 383-442.


2001a. “Intermediate creoles and degrees of change in creole formation: the case of Bajan.” In Degrees of restructuring in Creole Languages, ed. By Ingrid Neumann-Holzschuh and Edgar W. Schneider, 215-245. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

2001b. A comparison of tense/aspect systems in Caribbean English Creoles. In Pauline Christie (ed.) Due Respect: Papers on English and English-related creoles in the Caribbean in honour of Professor Robert LePage, 155-183. Kingston, Jamaica: University of the West Indies Press.

2002. Creoles in the context of Contact Linguistics. In Glenn Gilbert (ed.) Pidgin and Creole Linguistics in the twenty-first century, 287-354. New York: Peter Lang.

2003. "Ideologies of language and socially-realistic linguistics" In S. Makoni, G. Smitherman, A. Ball & A. Spears (eds.) Black Linguistics: Language, society, and politics in Africa and the Americas, pp. 21-39. London & NY: Routledge.

2006. “Tense and Aspect in creole”. In H. Simmons-McDonald & Ian Robertson (Eds.), Exploring the boundaries of Caribbean Creole Languages, pp. 21-49. The Press, University of the West Indies, Jamaica.

2006. “Revisiting relexification in creole formation. In Janet Fuller & Linda Thornburg (eds.) Studies in Contact Linguistics: Essays in Honor of Glenn G. Gilbert, pp. 231-252. Peter Lang. 2006. “Reduced syntax in prototypical pidgins”. In Ljuljana Progovac et al. (eds.) The Syntax of Non-sententials,” 283-307. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

2006. “The restructuring of tense/aspect systems in creole formation.” In Ana Deumert & Stephanie Durrleman (eds.) Structure and Variation in Language Contact, 85-110. Creole Language Library Series 29. Amsterdam:John Benjamins.

2008. “Surinamese Creoles: Morphology and syntax. In Varieties of English 2: The Americas and the Caribbean, ed. by Edgar W. Schneider, 693-731. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter.

2008. “English in the Caribbean” In Michael Matto and Haruko Momma (eds). A Companion to the History of the English language, 413-423. Oxford: Blackwell.

2008. Atlantic Creole Syntax. In Handbook of Pidgin and Creole Languages, ed, by Silvia Kouwenberg and John Singler,

2008. (with Bettina Migge) “Surinamese Creoles: Morphology and syntax.” In A Handbook of varieties of English: A Multimedia Reference Tool, Vol. 2. Ed. by Bernd Kortmann / Edgar W. Schneider_In collaboration with Kate Burridge / Rajend Mesthrie / Clive Upton, pp. 482-516. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter.

2009. “The interplay of “universals” and contact-induced change in the emergence of New Englishes.” In Vernacular universals and language contacts: Evidence from varieties of


English and beyond, ed. by Markku Filppula, Juhani Klemola and Heli Paulasto, pp. 206- 230. London: Routledge.

2009. (with Bettina Migge) . “The origin and development of possibility in the Surinamese creoles.” In Gradual Creolization: Studies celebrating Jacques Arends, CLL 34, ed. by Rachel Selbach, Hugo C. Cardoso & Margot van den Berg, 129-153. Amsterdam: John Benjamins

2009. “On the unity of contact phenomena: the case of borrowing.” In Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Code-switching, ed. by Kees De Bot, Ludmila Isurin and Donald Winford, 279-305. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

d. Bulletins and technical reports.

An Investigation of Tense and Aspect in Sranan and Belize creole. Report on NSF grant # SBR- 9308635. 1997.

The influence of West African languages on the TMA systems of two Surinamese creoles. Final Report on NSF Grant #BCS-0113826. December 2004.

e. Peer reviewed journal articles.

"Aspects of the Social Differentiation of Language in Trinidad", Caribbean Issues, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1974.

"Teacher Attitudes toward Language Varieties in a Creole Community", International Journal of the Sociology of Language, Vol. 8, 1976, pp. 47-75.

"Phonological Hypercorrection in the Process of Decreolization - the case of Trinidadian English", Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 14, 1978, pp. 277-291.

"'Creole' Culture and Language in Trinidad - a Socio-historical Sketch", Caribbean Studies, Vol. 15, No. 3, Oct. 1975, pp. 31-56, (Published 1980).

"The Linguistic Variable and Syntactic Variation in Creole Continua", Lingua Vol. 62, 1984, pp. 267-288.

"The Concept of 'Diglossia' in Caribbean Creole Situations", Language in Society, Vol. 14, No. 3, Sept. 1985, pp. 345-356.

"The Syntax of fi Complements in Caribbean English Creole", Language Vol. 61, No. 3, Sept. 1985, pp. 588-624.

"Stativity and other Aspects of the Creole Passive", Lingua Vol. 76, 1988, pp. 271-297.


"Copula variability, accountability, and the concept of "polylectal" grammars", Journal of Pidgin and Creole Linguistics 5:2, 1990, 223-52.

“Another look at the copula in Black English and Caribbean creoles.” American Speech, 67(1), 21-60, 1992.

"Back to the past: the BEV/Creole connection revisited." Language Variation and Change 4:3, 311-57. 1992.

"Variability in the use of Perfect have in Trinidadian English: a problem of categorial and semantic mismatch." Language Variation and Change 5, 141-87. 1993.

Property items and predication in Sranan. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Linguistics Vol 12.2. 237-301, 1997.

"On the origins of African American Vernacular English - A creolist perspective. Part 1: Sociohistorical Background". Diachronica XIV:2, 305-344, Fall 1997.

"On the origins of African American Vernacular English - A creolist perspective. Part 2: Linguistic Features." Diachronica XV:1, Spring 1998.

“Irrealis in Sranan: Mood and modality in a radical creole” Journal of Pidgin and Creole Linguistics 15:1, 2000, 63-125.

“Contact-induced change: classification and processes.” Diachronica 22:2, 2005, 373 – 427.

“Some issues in the study of language contact.” Journal of Language Contact (JLC) Vol. 1. First Thema Issue: Language Contact: Framing its Theories and Descriptions, 2007.

“The influence of Gbe languages on the tense/aspect systems of the Surinamese creoles” (Jointly authored with Bettina Migge). In B. Migge and N. Smith (eds.). Transatlantic Sprachbund? Special issue of the Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages, Vol. 22:1, 2007.

2008. “Processes of creolization and related contact-induced change”. Journal of Language Contact (JLC) Second Thema Issue, 2008.

f. Editor reviewed journal articles.

"Phonological Variation and Change in Trinidadian English - the Evolution of the Vowel System", Society for Caribbean Linguistics, Occasional Paper No. 12, June 1979.

"The Creole Continuum and the Notion of the Community as Locus of Language-, in J.R. Rickford (ed), Sociolinguistics and Pidgin-Creole Studies, Special Issue of the International Journal of the Sociology of Language, Vol. 71, May 1988.


"Common Ground and Creole TMA" Guest Column, Journal of Pidgin and Creole Linguistics 11:1, 71-84, 1996.

"Creole Typology and Relationships". Guest Column. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Linguistics 11.2, 313-28, 1996.

“Creole formation in the context of Contact Linguistics”. Guest Column. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Linguistics 12.1, 131-51 (1997).

"Creole studies and Sociolinguistics". Guest Column. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Linguistics 12:2, 303-318, 1997.

"Re-examining Caribbean English creole continua" In English-to-Pidgin Continua ed. by Salikoko Mufwene. Special edition of World Englishes Vol. 16, 233-79, Spring 1997.

“Variation Theory: A view from creole continua” Cuadernos de Filología Inglesa 8, 219-37, 1999.

“The other Englishes: A Contact Linguistics perspective” Anglistica, Vol. 3:1, 201-17. (1999), English and the Other, Ed. by: Marie-Hélène Laforest and Jocelyne Vincent.

“Language contact: issues of classification and types of process.” Review article on the occasion of Sarah G. Thomason (ed.) Contact Linguistics: A wider perspective. Diachronica XVII:Im 139-158.

“Language Contact in Amazonia and Australia.” Review Article. Language 2007.

2007. “Some issues in the study of language contact.” Journal of Language Contact (JLC) First Thema Issue: Language Contact: Framing its Theories and Descriptions, 2007.

g. Reviews, squibs and comments:

Review of “Grammatical Relations in a Radical Creole”, by Francis Byrne, Lingua Vol. 76, 1988, pp. 258-269. (Editor reviewed). Review of “Pidgin and Creole Languages”, by Suzanne Romaine, Lingua, 1990. (Editor reviewed). Review of Suzanne Romaine "Language in Society: An introduction to Sociolinguistics". Language 74:3. (Editor reviewed). Review of "Toward a new model of creole genesis" by John McWhorter. To appear in Language in Society. (Editor reviewed). "Languages in Contact." Web page for the LSA Website "The field of Linguistics", coordinated by Geoffrey Nunberg and Thomas Wasow. (Peer reviewed). “Throwing out the baby with the bathwater?” Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 2 (2), 96- 97, 1999. Review of Yaron Matras & Peter Bakker (eds). The Mixed Language Debate. To appear in Language.


h. Papers in proceedings (Editor reviewed).

"A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Negation in Trinidadian English", in L. Carrington (ed), Studies in Caribbean Language, Society for Caribbean Linguistics. 1983.

“Serial Verb constructions and Motion events in New World creoles.” In Arnold Zwicky and Brian Joseph (eds), OSU Working Papers in Linguistics No. 39, 1990, 109-48.

"Toward a model of morphosyntactic variation in a creole continuum." In Katherine Beals et al. (eds.) 1994. Papers from CLS: the parasession on variation and linguistic theory. Chicago Linguistic Society. pp 321-34.

"The problem of syntactic variation." 1996. In Sociolinguistic Variation: Data, theory and analysis: Selected Papers from NWAVE XXIII, ed. by Jennifer Arnold, Renée Blake, Brad Davidson, Scott Schwenter & Julie Solomon, 177-92. CSLI Publications, Stanford University.

Accepted for publication

"Caribbean English-lexicon creoles: History, structure and use." To appear in Arthur Spears (ed.) Language in the African Diaspora.

“Revisiting Variation between sa and o in Sranan. To appear in Lars Hinrichs et al (eds). Variation and contact.

“Contact and borrowing.” To appear in Handbook of Language Contact, ed. by Raymond Hickey.

Winford, Donald & Ingo Plag. To appear. " language structure subdatabase." In: Michaelis, Susanne & Maurer, Philippe & Haspelmath, Martin & Huber, Magnus (eds.), Atlas of Pidgin and Creole Language Structures Online. Munich: Max Planck Digital Library. (Available online at http://apics-online.info/feature/)

Under review:

“Social aspects of language contact.” To appear in Yaron Matris and Peter Bakker, eds, Handbook of Contact Languages. Field of Linguistics series. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

In preparation:

Winford, Donald & Ingo Plag. To appear. "Sranan Tongo." In: Michaelis, Susanne & Maurer, Philippe & Haspelmath, Martin & Huber, Magnus (eds.), Atlas of Pidgin and


Creole Language Structures, vol. II: The language surveys. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

“Creole Tense/Aspect systems.” To appear in Robert Binnick (ed). Tense and Aspect. Oxford Handbooks in Linguistics. Oxford University Press.

“Pidgins and Creoles.” In Terttu Nevalainen and Elizabeth Closs Traugott (eds.) Handbook on the History of English: Rethinking Approaches to the History of English.

“On the unity of contact phenomena: the case for imposition.” To appear in a Festschrift for Robert Nicolai.

Ongoing research:

The study of creole formation and its relationship to other outcomes of contact. Toward a unified theory. The role of West African languages in creole formation in the Caribbean. The integration of linguistic and psycholinguistic approaches to language contact phenomena. “The sociocultural organization of language use in the African-American community of Columbus, Ohio. Investigation of the verb complexes of Sranan and Belizean Creole. Based on fieldwork conducted in 1992, 1994 and 1995. Work on the notion of grammaticalization and the mechanisms of decreolization and language change in creole continua. Analysis of morphosyntactic variation in creole continua. Description of the grammar of predication in Caribbean English Creoles.


"Our Creole - a new look at our language and its place in our culture.” Fourteen half-hour Radio Broadcasts on the English of Trinidad, done jointly with L.Carrington and D. Solomon. "The nature of Creoles" - Lectures presented in the In-service Diploma in Education programme, U.W.I., St. Augustine, 1974-1976. "Social class speech differences and their implications for communications" - Seminar for Catholic Clergy, Mount St. Benedict, St. Augustine, 1974. "Language Variation in Trinidad" - Phelps-Stokes Symposium on Development of Human Resources and Communication in Small-scale Societies. January 1975. "The instrumentalization of creole languages, with special reference to Belizean Creole." University College of Belize, February 1992.


"Approaches to copula systems in creole languages." Dept. of Linguistics colloquium, University of Texas at El Paso, February 1990.


"Multiple analyses: the case of copula variability in creole continua." Linguistics Department colloquium, State University of New York at Buffalo. April 6, 1990. "The BEV/Creole connection revisited." University of Texas at El Paso, January 1992. "Re-examining creole continua." Special session on the Pidgin to English continuum. Conference on world Englishes, University of Illinois, March 1994. "On the problem of non-phonological variation." Panel discussion at NWAV 23, Stanford University, October 1994. "Creole Tense-Mood-Aspect systems." Colloquium at the University of the West Indies, Trinidad. March 1995. "Variation Theory: a view from creole continua." Plenary Session Talk at NWAVE XXIII, University of Pennslyvania, October 1995. "Caribbean creole TMA systems and the creole prototype." Department Colloquium Series. Linguistics. Ohio State University. February 23, 1996. "Re-examining the origins of AAVE: a creolist perspective." New York University. May 4, 1996.

Martin Luther King day Guest lecture: “Continuity and change in the development of African American English”. University of Michigan, Dept. of Linguistics and Program in Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Friday Jan. 16th, 1998.

Workshop: Creole formation in the context of Contact Linguistics. University of Michigan, Dept. of Linguistics, Friday Jan. 16th, 1998.

Conference talk. On the origins of Intermediate creoles. Symposium on degrees of restructuring in creole languages. University of Regensburg. June 23- 28, 1998.

Discussant for three papers at the workshop on Anthropology and Creole Studies, Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Philadelphia, December 1998.

“Creole Tense/Aspect systems and Creole Typology”. Workshop on Creoles and Typology, Conference of the Association for Language Typology. University of Amsterdam, August 1999.

Invited speaker at the World Englishes Symposium, Finland, September 2006. Declined for health reasons. My intended paper “The interplay of “universals” and contact-induced change in the emergence of New Englishes” will appear in the published anthology.

Plenary Speaker: Symposium on Language Contact and the Dynamics of Language: Theory and Implications. May 10-13, 2007. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig. “Processes of creole formation and related outcomes of language contact.”

Plenary Speaker: Session on “Englishes in Contact.” Anglistentag: Annual Conference of the German Association of University Teachers. September 2007.

Plenary Speaker: Conference on Transmission and Diffusion. Radboud University Nijmegen. “The Dynamics of Imposition”. January 2008.


Language Contact Workshop. GLOW Colloquium. Centre for Research in Linguistics and Language Sciences, Newcastle University. March 29, 2008. Title: Dynamics of Imposition: creole formation and related contact-induced language change.

Centre on Multilingualism, University of Hamburg. December 11, 2008 Title: Processes of creole formation and related contact-induced language change.

Keynote address: Conference of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics. San Francisco, January 2009. Title: Processes of creole formation and related contact-induced language change.

Stanford U. “On the unity of contact phenomena: The case for Imposition.” Friday, November 20, 2009.

Buckeye Language Network 2009-10 symposium Sociolinguistic research and socially responsible linguistics. Friday January 29 2010.

University College, Dublin. “Irish English in the context of Contact Linguistics.” Thursday March 11, 2010.


Participation in preparation of the Revised Dictionary of Jamaican English, Second Edition, Edited by F.G. Cassidy and R.B LePage. Pilot Sociolinguistic Investigation of Tobagonian English (1976). Unpublished.


1972 Conference on Creole Languages and Education, St. Augustine, Trinidad. 1973 Conference of the Society for Caribbean Linguistics, Cave Hill, Barbados. 1975 Conference on Pidgin and Creole Languages, Hawaii (Paper Presented:"The creole situation in the context of sociolinguistic studies"). 1976 Conference on New Directions in Creole Studies. University of Guyana. 1977 Fourth LACUS Forum, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. 1978 Sociolinguistics Programme, Ninth World Congress of Sociology, Uppsala, Sweden (Paper presented: "Hypercorrection and the notion of "system" in a creole language situation"). 1982 Symposium on "Cultural Integration in the Caribbean" - in honour of the bicentennial of Andres Bello's birth. Kingston, Jamaica (Paper presented: "The concept of "diglossia" in Caribbean creole situations"). 1984 Fifth biennial Conference of the Society for Caribbean Linguistics. U.W.I., Mona, Jamaica (Paper presented: "Aspects of fi complementation in Caribbean creoles").


1986 Sixth biennial Conference of the Society for Caribbean Linguistics. U.W.I., St. Augustine (Paper presented: "The passive in Caribbean English creole"). 1987 Conference on the Social Context of Language Change. LSA Institute, Stanford University, August 1987. 1988 LSA Conference, New Orleans (Paper presented: "Copula variability and the concept of polylectal grammars"). Seventh biennial Conference of the Society for Caribbean Linguistics, Nassau, The Bahamas (Paper presented: "Verbs, adjectives and categorial shift in CEC"). 1989 NWAVE XVIII, Duke University, October 1989. (Paper presented: "Another look at the copula in Black English and Caribbean creoles"). LSA Conference, Washington, DC. (Paper presented: "A re-examination of auxiliary ordering in Guyanese (and Jamaican) creoles.") 1990 Conference on the social significance of creole situations. Pomona College, March 1990 - By invitation. (Paper presented: "Sociolinguistic approaches to Caribbean creole situations") Annual conference of the College Language Association, Ohio State University, April 1990. (Paper presented: "Rediscovering the roots of Black English Vernacular") Conference on Serial Verbs, The Ohio State University, May 1990. (Paper presented: Serial verbs and motion events in New World creoles”). NWAV XIX, U. of Pennsylvania, October 1990.(Paper presented: “Decreolization, modality and the creole prototype”). 1991 LSA/SPCL, Chicago, January. Paper: "Directional serial verb constructions in Caribbean English Creoles." NWAV XX, October. University of Pennsylvania. Paper: "Beyond the copula: the BEV/Creole connection." AAA, Chicago, November. Paper: "New perspectives on the BEV/Creole connection." 1992 LSA/SPCL, Philadelphia. January. Paper: "Toward a more adequate account of GIVE serial verb constructions in Caribbean creoles." (With Frank Byrne). SCL, University of the West Indies, Barbados. August. Paper: "Attributive Predication in Sranan." NWAV XXI, October. Paper: "Variability and change in the use of Perfect have in Trinidadian English: a problem of categorial and semantic mismatch." 1994 LSA/SPCL, Boston, January. Paper: "The verb complex of Belizean creole." Conference on World Englishes, University of Illinois, March. Paper: "Re-examining creole continua." Chicago Linguistic Society, April. Paper: "Toward a model of morphosyntactic variation in a creole continuum." NWAV, Stanford University, October. Paper: "On the problem of non-phonological variation." 1995 Conference on African American English. University of Massachusetts. March 31-April 1. Paper: "Decreolization, Divergence and Dialect Distance in African American Vernacular English." NWAV XIII, University of Pennsylvania, October. Paper: "Variation Theory: a view from creole continua." Plenary session address. 1996 LSA/SPCL conference, San Diego, January. Paper: "TMA in a radical creole: the case of Sranan." SCL conference, St. Maarten, August. Paper: "Irrealis in Sranan: Mood and Modality."


1998 “Creoles and contact linguistics.” Symposium on Pidgin and Creole Linguistics in the 21st century. SPCL/LSA, January 1998. “Substrate influence in Sranan: The Tense/Aspect system.” Presented at the Conference of the Society for Caribbean Linguistics, August 1998. 1999. "Sranan TMA and creole genesis: A substratist perspective. Presented at the meeting of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics. Los Angeles, January 1999. “Creole TMA systems and Creole typology.” Presented at the Conference of the Association for Language Typology, University of Amsterdam, August 1999. 2000. “On the typology of creole TMA systems. Evidence from Caribbean English-lexicon creoles” Presented at the conference of the Society for Caribbean Linguistics, Jamaica, August 2000. 2001 (In absentia) "Creole formation: inputs and dynamics". NWAV conference, U. of N. Carolina, October 2001.

2002 "Constraints on contact-induced change: Borrowing vs substratum influence reconsidered." SPCL, Jan. 2002.

“Creole formation and second language acquisition.” Conference of the society for Caribbean Linguistics, Trinidad. August 2002.

2003. Restructuring in creole formation and second language acquisition. Conference of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics, Atlanta, January 2003.

Surinamese Creole TMA and substrate influence. Conference on New Ways of Analyzing Variation. University of Pennsylvania, October 2003.

Gbe influence on the TMA system of the Surinamese creoles. NIAS workshop on “Transatlantic Sprachbund?” University of Amsterdam April 23 – 26, 2003.

Commentary on Relexification in creole formation. NIAS workshop on “Transatlantic Sprachbund?” University of Amsterdam April 23 – 26, 2003.

2004. Re-examining relexification in creole formation. SPCL, Jan. 2004, Boston. Reduced syntax in pidgins. Invited talk. Workshop on small utterances, Wayne State University.

The expression of potentiality in the Surinamese Creoles. Society for Caribbean Linguistics. Aruba, August 2004.

2005. Future and possibility in the Surinamese creoles. SPCL, Jan. 2005, Boston.

2006. “Revisiting ‘sa’ and ‘o’ in Sranan.” Society for Caribbean Linguistics, August 2006.

2006 “Variation between ‘sa’ and ‘o’ in Sranan.” NWAVE 35. Ohio State University. September 2006.

2007 “On the unity of contact phenomena. Workshop on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Code-switching. Ohio State University, December 2007.


2008. Language Contact Workshop. GLOW Colloquium. Centre for Research in Linguistics and Language Sciences, Newcastle University. March 29, 2008. Title: Dynamics of Imposition: creole formation and related contact-induced language change.

2008. Centre on Multilingualism, University of Hamburg. December 11, 2008 Title: Processes of creole formation and related contact-induced language change.

2009. Stanford U. “On the unity of contact phenomena: The case for Imposition.” Friday, November 20, 2009.

2010. Buckeye Language Network 2009-10 symposium Sociolinguistic research and socially responsible linguistics. Friday January 29 2010.

Administrative Service:

University of the West Indies

1972 - 1973 Faculty Representative, Joint Consultative Committee of the Faculty of Arts and General Studies. Faculty Representative, Entrance Committee of the Faculty of Arts and General Studies.

1973 - 1976 Member, Editorial Board of Caribbean Issues. Faculty Representative, Advisory Committee on Sport.

1974 - 1975 Chairman, Unit of Language and Linguistics, St. Augustine. Campus Representative, Inter-Faculty Committee on Language and Linguistics.

1975 - 1976 Chairman, Advisory Committee on Sport.

1977 Member of the Executive Committee of the West Indies Group of University Teachers. 1977 - 1978 Member, Faculty Sub-Committee on Assessment and Promotions. Ex-Officio member of Faculty Sub-Committee on Assessment and Promotions.

October 1980 - Faculty Representative on the Executive Committee of the Faculty of Arts and July 1981 General Studies.

1986 - 1987 Timetable Representative, Faculty of Arts and General Studies.

1987 - 1988 Elected Faculty Representative on Assessment and Promotions Committee.

1987 - 1988 Departmental Representative, Board for Higher Degrees.

The Ohio State University


Service to the Department: 1988 - 1989 Member, Departmental Speakers Committee. Member, Departmental Colloquium Committee. Member, Departmental Affirmative Action Committee. Volunteer, OSU Mentoring Program.

1989 -1990 Chairman, Affirmative Action Committee. Member, Self-study committee. Member, Working Papers committee. 1990 - 1991 Chairman, Library Committee. Member, Self-study committee. Member, Affirmative Action committee.

1991 - 1992 Chairman, Library Committee. Member, Self-study committee. Member, Affirmative action committee.

1992 - 1993 Chairman, Library Committee. Member, Self-study committee. Member, Affirmative action committee.

1993 - 1994 Acting Chair. Winter Quarter. Chairman, Library Committee. Member, Speakers Committee.

1994 - 1995 Chairman, Library Committee. Member, L201/202 curriculum committee. Credit evaluation coordinator. Dept. representative on search committee for new Librarian.

1995-1996 Chairman, Library Committee. Credit evaluation coordinator. Member, L201/202 curriculum committee.

1996-1997 Chairman, Library Committee. Credit evaluation coordinator. Member, Promotions and Tenure committee.

1997-1998 Credit evaluation coordinator. Member, Promotions and Tenure committee. Member, Library Committee.

1998 - 1999 Credit evaluation coordinator. Member, Promotions and Tenure committee. Member, Library commitee. Chair, committee on Academic Enrichment proposal for Sociolinguistics.


1999 - 2000 Chair, Graduate Studies Committee. Member, Promotions and Tenure committee. Member, Library commitee.

2000 – 2001 Chair, Graduate Studies Committee, to Summer 2000. Member, Library Committee. Chair, Committee on Academic Enrichment proposal for Sociolinguistics. Peer evaluation of teaching. Member, Diversity Committee.

2001 – 2002 Chair, Tenure and Promotions committee. Member, Graduate Studies committee Fall ’01 – Summer ’02. Member, Diversity committee. Member, Library Committee. Member, LCC.. Peer evaluation of teaching.

2004 – 2005 Member, Library Committee. Member, LCC. Member, Promotions and Tenure committee. Co-chair, Working Papers committee. Chair, Sociolinguistics Search Committee.

2005 – 2006 Member, Library Committee. Member, LCC. Member, Promotions and Tenure committee. Co-chair, Working Papers committee. Chair, Sociolinguistics Search Committee. Chair, Diversity Committee.

2006-2007 Chair, Sociolinguistics Search Committee. Chair, Diversity Committee. Chair, Promotion and Tenure committee.

Service to the College:

Member, Committee on curriculum and instruction Autumn 1992 to Spring 1993. Member, Twenty-fifth Anniversary Planning committee. Spring 1993 to Autumn 1993. Member, Twenty-fifth Anniversary Executive committee. Spring 1993 to Autumn 1993. Participant, Humanities Session: Academic Planning. June 1991. Member, College Investigation committee. Feb. 1994 - present. Alternate Linguistics Representative, Faculty Fall 2006 – 2007. Linguistics Representative, Faculty Senate Fall 2007 – present.

Participant in Focus Group discussion on faculty development in the College of Humanities, under the auspices of the Commission on Faculty Development and Careers, April, 1998.


Service to other Colleges.

Member, UTEC multi-age Foreign Language Education working committee (College of Education).

Affirmative action and mentoring activities.

Mentor to African American Student. 1989 - 1990 (Copy of certificate of appreciation included). Volunteer, Mentoring Program 2001 –2002. (see letter and certificate of appreciation enclosed). Sponsor for Tamara Snow, an undergraduate student in the Summer Research Opportunities Program, Summer 1992. Affirmative action representative on search committees for appointment in Spanish and Portuguese, 1995 and 1998. Chair, Diversity Committee, Dept. of Linguistics. 2005-2008. Supervision of Summer Research Opportunity Program project on African American English, conducted by Autumn Williams, Summer 2006. Member, LSA Committee on Ethnic Diversity in Linguistics. 2003 – 2006.

Administrative positions held.

Acting Chair. Winter Quarter. 1994. Graduate Studies Chair, 1999-2000.

Honorary appointments.

Research Fellow: Foreign Language Center. Member, Foreign Language Advisory Board. Research Fellow, Center for African Studies. Adjunct Associate Professor, Dept. of Black Studies, April 1997 - present. Affiliate member of the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity.

Editorships and service as reviewer for journals etc.


Editor, Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages, Sept. 2001 to present.

Appointments to Editorial Boards.

1986 - 2000. Assistant Editor, Publications of the Society for Caribbean Linguistics. 1990 - 1992. Member, editorial advisory committee, American Speech. 1994 - 1997. Member, editorial advisory committee, Journal of Pidgin and Creole Linguistics. 1997 - 1999. Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Pidgin and Creole Linguistics. 1999 - 2000. Member, editorial advisory committee, American Speech. 2004 – present. Member, Editorial Board. Journal of Language and Contact.


Other service to the profession.

Member, Advisory Panel for Linguistics Program, National Science Foundation, 1998 - 2001. (Responsibility for reviewing an average of 120+ grant proposals per year.)

Member, Program Committee, Linguistic Society of America. Jan. 1997 to Dec. 1999.

Member, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Panel 2003.

Member, LSA Committee on Ethnic Diversity in Linguistics. 2003 – 2006.

Ex officio member, Executive Committee of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics.

Reviews of journal articles and conference abstracts.

I have reviewed numerous articles submitted for publication in journals as well as books. These included papers for the Journal of Pidgin and Creole Linguistics, Language Variation and Change, Language, Diachronica, Journal of Language Contact, Language in Society, and Cahiers Linguistique d’Ottawa.

I was the referee for abstracts submitted to several conferences, including the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics and the Society for Caribbean Linguistics, NWAVE, and others.


a) Linguistic Society of America b) Society for Caribbean Linguistics. c) Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics

Offices held and service to professional societies.

1984 - 1986 Secretary-Treasurer, Society for Caribbean Linguistics (elected).

1986 - 1988 Secretary-Treasurer, Society for Caribbean Linguistics (re-elected).

1990 - 1992. Member, Executive Committee, Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics (elected).

Jan. - Dec. '93. Acting Secretary/Treasurer, Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics (appointed).

August 1996 - 1998. Vice-President, Society for Caribbean Linguistics (elected).


August 1998 - 2000. President, Society for Caribbean Linguistics (elected).

Consultation (industry, education, government)

Consultant for Bloomsbury Dictionary Project. A Dictionary of Caribbean English. August 1997 to present.

Other professional service (proposal reviews, evaluations, etc.)

Reviews of grant and book proposals.

I have reviewed many grant proposals for NSF and NEH. I have evaluated proposals for the Guggenheim Fellowship.

I have reviewed several book proposals for Routledge, Cambridge University Press, Blackwell Publishers etc.

I have done many evaluations of candidates for tenure and promotion or for appointment at institutions such as Indiana University, University of California San Diego, the University of Michigan, the University of Chicago, the University of Toronto, and New York University.

Service as external examiner.

External examiner in Sociolinguistics to the University of Guyana. 1992 - 1998.

External examiner for M.Ed. course, University of the West Indies, Trinidad. (ED 640: "Language, Linguistics and Caribbean Education.") 1994 - present.

External examiner for ED 640 (as above) and "Modern English Syntax", University of the West Indies, Jamaica. 1997 - present.

External Examiner for Ph. D. dissertation “Gender, Space and Linguistic Practice in an Indo-Guyanese village” by Jack Sidnell, University of Toronto, November 1997.

External Examiner for MA thesis, “The historical foundations of March 1999. creole genesis theories”. University of the West Indies, Jamaica.

External Examiner for L610 "Selected topics in Caribbean Language Structure," University of the West Indies, Jamaica. Summer 2002.

External Examiner for L620 "Dynamics of language variation," University of the West Indies, Jamaica. Summer 2002.

External Examiner for PhD dissertation “Predicate marking in the Bahamian basilect – An integrated approach.”


University of the West Indies, Jamaica. Summer 2002.

External examiner for MPhil. Thesis “Relative clauses in Jamaican Creole”. University of the West Indies, Jamaica. Winter 2003.

External Examiner for PhD Thesis “Substrate language influence on Fall 2004. Kriol”. University of New England, Australia. External Examiner for L600 "Issues in syntax and phonology" University of the West Indies, Jamaica. (Annual review of examination and scripts). External Examiner for L620 “Dynamics of Language Variation”, University of the West Indies, Jamaica. (Annual review of examination and scripts). External Examiner for L610 “Selected Topics in Caribbean Language Structure”. University of the West Indies, Jamaica. (Annual review of examination and scripts).

External examiner for Ph.D Dissertation by David Holbrook. University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad. (2004 – 2006).

Service to the Community.

Participation in videotaped interview (March 25th) for Public Forum on "Ebonics" to be held on April 5th 1997.


University of the West Indies:

Several Research and Publication Grants. Value approximately $500 each.

The Ohio State University:

• Fall 1988. Publication Grant-in-Aid of $800 from the College of Humanities. For Publication of Verb Phrase Patterns in Black English and Creoles. • Summer 1989. Grant-in-Aid of $650.00 from the College of Humanities. For fieldwork on in New York city. • Spring 1991. Seed Grant of $15,000 from the OSU Office of Research. For fieldwork and research on the verb complex of Guyanese and Belizean Creoles. • Fall 1991. Grant-in-aid of $1000 from the College of Humanities. For fieldwork in Belize. • Spring 1992. Supplement to Seed Grant, $2,500 from the OSU Office of Research. For fieldwork in Suriname. • Winter 1999. Targeted interdisciplinary seed grant (jointly with 5 other faculty). $104,222. To establish a computerized data-base of spoken language. • Autumn 2007. Dept. of Linguistics Targeted Investment Initiative Grant of $5,650.00 to support a Workshop on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Code-Switching. • Autumn 2009. Dept. of Linguistics Targeted Investment Initiative Grant of $4,900.00 to support a Workshop on “A comparative Syntactic Approach to the Historical Development of the Creoles of Suriname.”


• Autumn 2009. College of Humanities Grant of $5,000.00 to support a workshop on “A comparative Syntactic Approach to the Historical Development of the Creoles of Suriname.”

NSF Grants.

• Fall 1993. National Science Foundation Grant of $79,925. "An investigation of the verb complex of two Caribbean creoles." • Feb. 1995. National Science Foundation Grant Supplement: $20,320.00. • NSF Grant # BCS-0113826 (($116,486.00): "The influence of West African languages on two Surinamese creoles." October 1st 2001 to September 30th 2003. • Supplement to NSF grant BCS-0113826 ($15,411.00). October 1st 2003 to September 30th 2004.

Proposals not funded:

“Social networks and linguistic variation in the Guyanese creole continuum.” Submitted to the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, 1996.