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2-4-1963 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. City Traffic Box Score Warmer ¦ Tonight, .; —To Date— '. -. . 1963 IW LitHe Change Accidents :- ...... 45 54 ' Deaths ...... 0 : .. .0. . .¦; Tuesday Injuries ...... 6 _ Damages ...... $8,190 $13,912 Canadian Defense Minister Quits St. Cloud Man 740-Pound Man Dies Wants Nation Ban on Shipping JACKSONVILLE , ' Fla. (AP) - KillJ Wii l Two weeks ago, when Charles To Accept Steinmetz. weighed 670 pounds, he said: "I Haven 't got much time left. I crave food like an alcoholic Children> Self craves- alcohol ." N^Weaponj Steinmetz, 38, rdied Sunday, in a By MAX HARR6LSON ST. CLQUD , Minn.\ CAP) — A hospital. Doctors said he weighed To¦ Cuba ¦ St. Cloud , jrtan drove his wife's 740 pounds at death—a OTTAWA - The Canadian ; ¦ Near gain of 70 WASHINGTON • (AP ) /'¦ ' • —The ad- government or gov^rnment-fr- bloc's cost of supplying Cuba by cousin to church Sunda then re- 1 : Cabinet fell apart today. Defense ministration sources say ' ' i y., pounds in two weeks. they ex- xianced - cargoes aboard veSssels forcing the Communist's, to . use turned home and used a .12 gauge ! Minister Douglas Harkness, an pect Presiden t Kennedy's, long- Steinmetz complained of lung stopping at Cuba after last Jan. T. rriore of their own ships. shotgun to kill his wife^ two srhaU congestion '. ' ' advocate of nuclear weapons for awaited order against shipping to The- proposal at this . . Saturday:; It took 16 ; . . ,point is sons , and . himself. • . . men to. load him into; the Canada, resigned and indicated . '.; Cuba: tb be issued shortly, pef- The aim is to discourage non- ; watered down from an adrninistra- 7,1 tear of ¦ : ¦ ' that dissolution ; of Parliament . ii ;' " haps today. * ¦ •" '. * Communist ships from going to tion plan advanced- last fall. In-' Police learned no motive for the j a delivery truck for the trip to . j ¦i the -hospital. : near. The order is reported still un- Cuba, thus aiding the VS. effort I formahts sa id the penalties could tragedy but the investigation con- j ; . Cause; of death I tihued todaj;.. Lt: Melvin Boelz] awaited the* outcome of: an au- ¦/ Such dissolution would bring dergoing last-minute revisions. In- to isolate the Red regime of Fidel j be strengthened if the first order ' '¦ I said a lot of . people, are being topsy. ".- . ' - . April elections, with Prime Min- formants expect a main feature to Castro. Supporters of the plan say i does not produce the desired ef- ¦ ¦ister. John G. Diefenbaker seek- : ' ¦ ' ' '"¦ ¦ j questioned , "and we sliould know Steinmetz; - : who' - - ' be a bah , oh shipments of U.S. it would increase the Gornrnunist j fe cl, . '(¦: '¦ ¦( ./ ¦¦ ¦: ' ' - .; was- 68. . inches ing to; restore his Conservative j a lot more about tbe! shooting tail and 76 (inches, ardiind .. said . The shipping order has been de- .! sometime today." ; ¦ •: ' party to a clear-cut majority in: ; ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' each pound he gained; brought !' : . -; • ¦ ' ¦•;. ¦ - ... ' ¦ ' ' ' • - . "* • '.v . *i Parliament. layed time-and again .since Wash- j him nearer to death , but he ington authorities first unveiled aij Dead are Tretter, 29, hi*;! couldn 't stop. .;. - ''Other ;. people Harknesi in resigning said his four-point plan early in October ;, wife, Virginette.. , ,24. .. and . their j .;¦' ' ' smoke or drink when they worry. and Diefenbakcr's; view-s were ir- and said they intended to issue de-jj sons, Dale. 5. and Stephen , 4: . .;..; I find niyself a chicken;" ¦ • Boel z said ihere was no hole orj ¦ reconcilable: tailed .. regulations within days. ; Af the age of 8. ''Steinmetz was "For oyer two years you have Kennedy said , at: . a Dec . i other explanatidn , no : sign ,'. Of. a' - ' .12 -hews ; underweight: He. started. , gaining been aware that believed war- conference . that the i struggle, , . no .: iridicatipn anyone ; I , order would rapidly in his late teens. He heads should; be supplied the ; be ready ' , ; within' , "a/, couple -of- ; tried , to .get- out of the gun's. , range; j * to ¦ ¦ ¦ . worked .16 . .years , as a typist , re- four; weapons system s we have weeks;. ¦ • '.'¦: ' ¦ - '-' " 1 .The officer , added, however,:'.that i ¦j.\ tiring on a* medical pension in acquired which are adapted to ., U.S. . authorities have : been close^ i authorities were certain it was a 1959 "when he reached suicide and triple slaying,, with i 585 pounds. their use," Harkness told Diefen- niouthed on.: the; ¦ subject; except !I He said doctors hirn, - ' . i; Tretter firing the. gun . - ' -";¦'! told . there baker. , '-throughput this period I;.- for hinting, reasons ,foi;, delay, . One . . . . . was nothing ;: organically; ' " wrong. Police Inspector Willard Sex a-] . . believed that they would be au- was.; . the .complicated nature of ';a . : "I have no iiealth problein no di- ¦; uer .said ' the Tretlei's -.had; been ' j .. thorized at the appropriate ; time. regulation , that . could aff ect- ships ' abetic trouble—just overeating," "During; : the ; considered a friendly ' couple ,. and j last . two weeks of many countries. . Another was he said. particularly, I have made abso- the U.S.-Soviet crisis over Cuba. i' there was no history of domestic ; [ . trouble. .Tretter .worked for a meat lutely clear what I considered Ui« Cithers were the efforts to get in-, ; j minimum position f could accept, vasion prisoners and Americans i packing company here. -.;- . ; * . Jacqueline Kennedy out of Cuba. The longshoremen 's strike.':. was another factor. . Shops in New York . BIG EATER DIES .,. ' ' . Charles Steinmetz, Jacksonville, Fla., '¦ ' ' . It is known also that there is. NEW YORK - (AP I -Jacqueline said two weeks ago when he weighed 670 pounds that lie craved a split opinion . within the U.S. gdv-. Dunn to Name Kennedy* came to New York Sun- food like an .alcoholic craved alcohol , "T haven't much time left", ernment as to how effective a day for a couple of days of shop- ' ping. Her departure from Wa sh- said the 38-year-old former government clerk. Steinmetz died at shipping order would be, and that a hospital yesterday of lung congestion. He; weighed 740 pounds several maritime .countries' have ington, had been delayed for two ' ¦¦ gain (AP Photofax) . . ' •—a of 70 pounds in two weeks. ' ¦ ' - . : - ! ¦ days by: bad weather.;. . - . - - ¦ ' . . - - /' ' ¦ ' ¦ been cool to Ihe idea. . ! ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ . . , . : ;¦ : , Committee...... on . U;S. diplomats have been ex- horting maritime allies to divert their ships from Cuba. Secretary Car Goes Through Ice of State Dea n Rusk reported Fri- Taeonife Tax day that the number of non-Com- ' ; PAUL-; - munist ships stopping at . Cuba in : . ST. 'AP) — Chairman January was fewer than 15, com- Roy Qunn of the House Tax Com- mittee will appoint a subcomrriit- pared with 60 last July. r 1 tee; '-today to. consider proposed . : .¦;„, * " -:- ji' ' - - .: - amendments to the tac.ohite tax stabilization bill , and. the whole M Yoitf ^ committee -will get to work on its: NEW BRIDGE IN NEVV YORK ... Ironworkers man tem- Plane Garryint bill Tuesday. : porary structure to hang cables for the VerrazanoNarrows bridge f "A" - bill iiitroduced in the House eoniiecting;>few York's boroughs of Brooklyn; anrf Staten Island! last Friday would ; provide for a Tow-er in center background will support the BrcwklyTi side of constitutional \ amendment, with , , one section permitting voters to Douglas Harkness the bridge. The $315 million structure slated for coinplelion in Classified Navy Quits on Nuclear Weapons Issue , the w-orld's largest single span suspension bridge. repeal the amendment after 20 ; . 1965, will be years. The bill resulted from ' ' , a and several times have offered to '¦:• •/r - . lAPvPhotofax) ¦¦' - "¦ '¦ ¦' management compro- labor . resign unless it was agreed to. mise worked out by "big steel com- ~ panies and the; ynited ( Steel- "It ham become, quite obvious '(¦Mmm SAN FRANCISCO '. (APT; - 'A ' : workers ' Union. during the last few days that Slick. Ainvays Constellation car- 1 your , views Bridg ¦ ' : and mifie as to the H tig£ New e Dunn, Pelican Rapids cons*rv«- rying - . classified. . Navy. . cargo course; we should pursue for the crashed Sunday in ari instrumerit ; tive. said a five-member subcom- acquisition ' ' - of nuclear weapons . landing at fog-shrouded San Fran- ; mittee - will- consider alt sugges- for our armed . force's; are not tions, particularly those needed to cisco International Airport and ; capable of : iation. Thus it g Up in N.V. ; exploded in flames, killing four j make the, committ-ee's bill con- is with a great deal of regret that Goin ¦ ^ of the eight men . aboard. " . ]' form to the agreement of the min- I now find I must tender my res- —A new en- completed, the sooner the city can The huge, four-engine ship; ing industry and union. , NEW YORK 'AP' ignation as¦ .minister: of national gineering wonder is being rushed ; start collecting .-tolls '.- ' and getting made a norma] instrument ap-; Dunn said he will name himsel f defense. ' ¦ . . . ; to completion between two proud ,. , something back on its investment. proach and then dug its left wjng i head of the subcommittee, and "Until the last few; weeks I en- old forts that once . stood guard Both of the 690-foo t towers are . into the ground at the edge of J other members will . include ' , Hep. joyed my ¦5'._ years as a member; over New York harbor.; complete and much of the work the runway, skidding into a half- 1 Francis LaBrpsse. Duluth liberal, of your government and trust I The structure, is the $32.>million is done on concrete anchorages J moon arc that ended 300 . yards ] and Rep. Alfred France, Duluth have made some contribution to Verrazano-Narrows Bridge , 'ties- ' to which steel supporting cables ; away. The plane burst into flame; ' conservative. it and to Canada. " will be attached. The cables , most . lined io become the .world's .larg- . 1 ¦¦ ¦ span suspension bridge. expensive item of the bridge, will A spokesman for Slick ' Airways j will not be the only Harkosss said he sent the resig- est single ; said the craft was carrying , 'clas- ; It is lo be completed in 1965 , cost , $50 million. subcommittee studying a taconitc nation to the prime minister Sun- sified cargo hound for Alameda amendm cut. Th e Democratic- day, . and will arch majestically from j Work; on the - four , j along with a memorandum ' . cables each Naval Air Station across San Farmer - Labor party executive sayinp, Fort Hamilto n in Brooklyn to a yard in diameter, will begin in j he intended to make the Francisco Bay. The cargo was ; committee, meeting in Minneapo resignation public today nnd later Fort Wads won h in Staten Island. the spring and last for six; On a clear, day it will be visible " , presumed destroyed lis Saturday, decided a committee speak in the House of Commons. months. Then the vear-long job The four who perished in the ; -il- 40 miles away. of erecting the suspended span including Party Ch airman Georg< He then hinted Ih. the Diefen- ! craft , ai) Californians, were: pi- ' baker .Cabinet ' discuss- For tra\-elers approaching \ew will commence, Farr should launch its own study bad been lot Richard MaeCallum , 42 . Wal- ing dissolution of Parliament. He York bv sea. it will he aii .impos- i The executive committee hinted it When completed, the bridge and nut Creek; copilot William Coryell i hael some misgivings about tht saifl he would make public his ing landmark of tho huge me- " ¦ its approaches will be nearly 48, Bin-bank; Albert V. Aaron , 40. ' hill inli-nduced Friday. i planned statement to Commons, tropolis. , : i three miles long and have two and Lloyd Mulligan , 40, both of j The bill , the DFL. said, "appar TWO DROWN , ONE SAVED ... Car in which the todies of Philip Anderson, 19, and Paul Ver- if dissolution came, before the traffic levels of six lanes each . San Mateo. All were Slick Air- Its 4,260-foot csnter span will j ently gained impetus from ai two of three Rosholt , S.D., men drowned while goldt , 21 , inside . Jerry Hahn, 21 , swam to safely, Commons meeting at 2:30 p.m., longer than San Fran- j Until traffi c demand s it , only one ways employes , reaclied in Pittsburgh today, be Ml feet agreement taking short cut across Lake Traverse, near Photofax) ' (Jolden Gate Bridge, now level will he used. Aaron , an off-duty pilot , was between representatives o 'AP Diefenbakcr ' s Conservative par- Cisco s ' Pa., tlie longest between piers, and its i, Although a bridge . of such sixe 1 dead-heading home from Dallas . the steel industry and private Browns Valley, Minn., is pulled from water with ty came out 17 seats short of a towers will be al- ordinarily would cause consider- I Tex., as was Mulligan , the main- majority in last June ' s election. two siippoi'tinR groups. The DFL party 'believe! BROWNS VALLEY Minn. Wl - windows, operated electrically, stories liip _ . li. able excitement and feelings of tenance forema n al Slick's San , trousers and dress shirt The tem- One of the three opposition parties most 70 | that the economic future of Minne would n 't open. When the car vvas If you want to compare it with! pride , there has hardly been a Francisco shop. Their car plunged through the ice perature was lfl degrees helow Social Credit , has thrown its votes I sola should not he decided by i almost full of water and the in- zero . other big things , the center span j ripple in New York . Pittsburgh pact," and 12 feet of frigid water, «et- to the Rrivernnient in the past lo will he: One reason , The flight had originated in side pressure was equal to that keep il from defeat , , of /Course is that tl ing on the hottom of Lake Tra- outside the young men The student continued following Almost throe limes the height i the city already has four major Washington. D.C , and made stops At the tame meeting the execo , got a Diefenbnker i.s said to be. re- in Norf olk; Va., Dallas , Tex, , and (I verse. The three college men back door open, There wa.s nl- i the shore until he came lo the of Ihe Empire Stale building I suspension hritlgof: (.leorge Wash- live committee reaffirmed K small home of Pole Jensen. He signed | D a new election this tallest | Albuquerque , N.M. The big ship 't panic , , most 'no air space left, inside lhe ( il ,472 feet) , the -world' s ington 1 .1.500 feel > , Triboi -oiiRh DFL's "'traditional support of tht didn couldn ' t waken Jensen by shout- spring. He is ¦not happy with his more lh:m four , times ! (1 ,31)01 had been held over San .lose for statutory approach to the taconiti car as Hahn shoved away. ! efforts to carry on without a clear- huildiiiR ; , Bronx-Whites lone i2. 30O \ ") They climhed into Ihe hack seat ing and pounding on the door , -so the lenglli of the liner France ,. Thi-ORS Neck t- 1.800 » and the an- 4. minutes while visibility cleared tax assurances ," rather than bj and pressed their noses th the Hahn swam to a hole in lhe | cut lllajnt ily . passenger to three-quarters of a mile al the Hahn broke a window in the " 1 ,0.131. world' s longest cient Brooklyn . Bridge U ,:>!).)) . constitutional amendment, : oof , whore there was a pocket ice. His father saiel tho youth ap- shack. ship; longer than llm Grand Cou- airport. Tho government had been un- I of air . Tlie.v pulled off their coats parently pulled himself up hy Jensen gave the .youth dry cloth- lee Dam (4 . 17,T i , nation 's largest .Jerry Hahn letting his sweater sleeves freeze der lire from Die opposition par- anel said. "Well, we ing, then drove him lo a resort ties for its defense policies even concret e dam , and one-seventh all have lo go for it. " to the ice. Ho ircled Ihe ice Hoc Alt. Evero-sl. <29 , - c where Ihe proprietor telephoned before the U .S. St.'tle Department the height of Hnhn, 21 . wa.s the only one In and begnn following Ihe shorel ine. authorit ies. highest mount nin in the said wVeliicsel/ vv that Canada 028> , survive the ordeal Sunday. He He stumbled , and his swo.-iter Two hours afler the accident, world. | was dragging its feet on nrcepting swam 7.) feet , pulled himself onto froze lo tho ice , The only way lie Hahn got. to the hospital. He was nuclear warheads for U.S. '-sup- a force of 1,000 twen the ice, then ran and crawled a could free himself that (line was siifferin (j from shock arid exposure plied Hoin.-trc missiles and for The reason mile tn a is doing a rush job is purely a half lakoshore shack , to crawl out of the sweater lie ) hut attendants said his condition rockets on VNiodoo interceptor ' quicker then had nothing over liis l ight I was fair. mailer of f inanc e. The Philip Andtrson, 1> , an excellent jets a! home and iii Kurope, the bridge , started in iMfi . is s wimmer, drowned . So did Paul Vergeldt , 21 , whose last word s were, "Vou gotta help me, I WEATHER can't swim!" FEDERAL FORECAST A skinelivcr Inter founel th* VICINITY - bodies of Anderson nnd Vorgcldl Six Fishermen AND Survive/ WINONA ' Variable cloudiness lonighl and in Ihe hack sent en the car. Tuesday. Locally a lillle warmer Neither had escaped Ihe sub- lonliiht , little ohnriR e in tempera- merged vehicle . ture Tuesday, how lonighl 18-25 , IM IMII a lied in a Whealon, Minn., " hospital , young Halm told his 3 Drown After high Tuesday 25-H.>. Wreck WEATHER father ami (ianie Warden Melvin (iUl.Kt'OHT , Miss, iAP i - Six . Two of the eught were dead The The mon hod been Aboard th« LOCAL , Official ohstu vatimi s for Ihe 24 Drunken ,-ilxuit ihe tragedy : of nine fishermen who lied them- botlj ' «il a ninili crewman , who :V/-l(ioi Sen Morse nut eif Hnyoiir hours ending at 12 ni. Sunday; The young men , all of liosholl , selves together ami loapoel info a had he-en knocked eilf Hie lino din- l.a But re , Ala. She left Hint port 5: minimum , ¦¦»: S.D., and honor students a! Sout h boilint; sea when then Irnwlcr j ing Ih* rescue opcrntion. was re- Sat unlay. Maximum , le»|(i 7; piTcipilnt ion, none. Dakota State College in ' Brook- sank ^ today n| llie ordeal covered .several hours later. Smith said the Irawler began noun. o( three Official observations for Ihe 2-t ings, had ,i smirk nt a cafe north which claimed the lives The dead win e Willard Hull , 4-1, shipping water nhoul fi;.')0 p.m, hours ending at li! m. today: of Browns Valley Driving home companions unit Archie Wilson , -11 , both of Ihnl i lay. Maximum, XV. minimum. 7; nhout 2 n.m. they took a short They were In Ihe tlulf nl Mexico Pcnsiiroln, Kla., nnd We'slcy Kli A gale-like niirl h wind hit them (!imsl noon , Xi; precipit ation , trace cut across the lake , on Ihe Minne about 40 minutes before a Haslet I , :i:> , of Theodore . Ala that night , and Ihe Sea Horse AIRPORT WEATH ER sola-South Dakota horcler . Thti (cc (iiinnl cutter , hampered by 2fi foot The skipper , Max Alforei , t;t, suf- headed for port . (North Central Observation?) Is nearly M inches thick in monl waves, oould pull tin-in to snfety. fered broken ribs. After the Nike showed up nt Mnx. temp. .W at ii'"" 1 l"dn .v . PLANE CRASH . . . Firemen pour foam nn line 1 pcrsiiiini 'l were killed in I tie crash Four places In all , elicit, men lashed together Tre;ilod for shock and e.\|Hi.Mire 2'f>0 a.m Siiiiila .y, Ihe crewmen, , with a rope wer<> hoist ed from anil rdoased were min 2 nl mum Sunday. -^V ''I™!' Iho still blazing wreckage of a Slick Airways olher airline personnel suffered only slight injuries John Summers , wilh lilcbcll s nn , lasheel them- , wind calm, bn- Al ) percent , . Smith , riO. all of Ponsncola . Horse sank. rm^^ i^ism msi^mmmm ^mm»M ITFM Boat Handling Hundreds Visit -^^ EVERY jit QUf SlOfS DRASTICALLY REDUCED Course Offered I A Families, beginning boatmen or and Main il ^^^^W ^^» _^^^A,_^^Atifc^|^H9^^r^^m ^ seasoned skippers may enroll for ^^^m\\\\m\\mmm\\\\\\\\\ ^ mWm^^m^mm\\\m\Wm **W^mWW^m instruction in seamanship and Bong Site of h!smw^^j^ms^^ifrui^^mm^'>^rpr^xiSiI ^_^m\\\\\\\\\\ ^my k m^^ ^VHKr H m\\\m\r small boat handling scheduled to Choose School begin Feb. 32 Qualified members of the Wi- nona Coast Guard Auxiliary will Biernaf Burial conduct the eight-week course KENOSHA. Wis e for leads in the killing of Winona State College. The lessons Anthony Biernat suspended ground MA VL ^^^ Jt^^^^ By LESLIE J. NASOH, Ed. D. fourth of your class , it is of little are free and enrollees may regis- ^HK I Man «^^^^^ applj to a college which operations for a time Sunday as Professor of Education, use to ter at the Park-Recreation office hundreds of curious persons visit- Unlvarftty ot South*™ California normall} accepts only t3io«e in the in City Hall or at the fu st meet- ed the farmhouse where his body upper 25 per cent If thev did ac- mg-al the college. Finding your way into a college cept l-oti vou would probably be was found. f that meets your needs is compli Topics will include seamanship unhapp-v and jour chances of suc - , Th* air search for the car used cated and sometime* dift.ctiH "It cess slim' aids to navigation piloting, traf takes time and plannin g \ou fie rules pafe motor "boat opera in the -abduction and slaying of the g it thought through- 2 What type of ti am inc. d" vou tion , accident prevention and tope 4B-ycar-old Kenosha juke bpx oper- s hould be giwn continued until dark , and the Out the high school years de>iie ° When tlm decision i< made tying Training aids , slides and ate* _l__v it will be easiei lo pick a place Fedeial Bui eau of Investigation Each one of jou who can do rn! films are used in die instruction ^^^H^B Mm ^^^^^^^^^^K^^B^^^m^B^^Bmmmmenk^_____P from the 2,000 colleges universi- Booklets on tlie material covered flew two crates of evidence to lege work should go to college By colleges , technical in- Washington for examination. jour life and ties , junior w-ill be av ailable at the meetings making the most of stitutes and specialized schools for cost Theie alio were reports that ri- fulfilling your own potential vou lnted in college handbooks val) > between the Kenosha police will not OITJ\ serve yourself but Students who sucee&sfully com and shenff s departments was re- 1 How much financing is avail plele the course will be awarded y our country best able" Apply to at least one col - sulting in duplication of effort and The choic-e of a college is inv the Coast Guard Auxiliary Basil waste of tune in the investigation lege you can finance without schol Small Boat Seamans-hip cert ifi portant , not just because of the arship help Even though scholar- cafe: Biernat was abducted from a l arge expenditure of nione. involv- ships are more numerous than be- railroad station in Kenosha Jan 7 ed, but because a wrong choice fore, competition for them is get- with your high school counselor His battered body was found a may bring about delays or f ail- ting keener week ago today in a basement ores. He can determine quicklv whethei -The cost of a college education you are eligible for admission grave in the farmhouse The The choice of a college is too i« increasing Be sure you plan on giound and air search of the base important a decision to be made it 's costing more than present es- IP PRACTICAL, discuss your piopeity began last Friday and on hearsay information or be- timates show case personally with the admis- authorities ordeied it continued to- cause a friend is going to a cer- Your high school counselor or li- sions officer of the college befoie day ,, tain school The school you choose brarian can introduce you to books making an application This can A center of Sunday 's ground should he the best one for you such as the College Handbook , or save delays and needless papei search was a gravel pit several ts an individual Guide of College by Gene R woi k miles fiom the farmhouse 'll MY ADVICE to students is, be- Hawes Each gives facts and brief If your grades are lower than "We never find the kidnap car sketches i they should be for your aims and until the spring thaw , if it 's down fore trying to choose a col'ege, is Choose a college in which you there ," said Aithur Blake , a sher- to get a realistic picture of your- ability , you will have to work have a reasonable chance of suc- your way up Don't expect to make iff' s investigator. Ice on the pit is self i cess To leain more about each: fl in one jump When making a thought to be two or three feet 1 How good a student aie voir 1 Ask to see a scholastic pro- thick. It vvas only a few inches If >ou aie not in the upper one- change from one school to anoihei fi 'e of last year's freshman class particulai ly from high school to thick eaily in January, before the r WASH & WEAR^rV RAYON $49.95 V,. mami * VALUES FROM flVfe +/ "* Advertisemen t , Vour counselor or the admissions college , grades usually go down If state was gripped by extended • • R^f0^fBI km. ^ office of the College should be able subzero cold. B COTTONS FLANNELS KNITS ' TO ' " * ^72-50 you have not acquired B • • • > |^ B ___ Helps You Overcome learning |i f ^V »* f^_M'7 ¦ to supply this information You skills and study habits that pro- need to know what the competition duce satisfactory grades , you will FIRE NEAR ARCADIA fl Short and Long Sleeves JpwIjM FALSE TEETH would be like not atqune them by waving a ARCADIA , Wis (Special) - The | pH3| - NOW - Wr\ Keg. $3.95 to $4.50 . .. NOW 52.98 Looseness and Worry 2 Study the college catalogue* wand • Aicadia volunteer fire department if^^i^lf^ BFr^^m\m\\ Se.'iengtr . be or feel Ul-M- In most cases they cam be provid- There aie schools, many of them vvas called out Friday at 9 30 a rn J?" Reg . S4.95 fo $5.95 NOW $3.98 \^^m *%^mm C ^% 0\\ __^_k E? f» iLrltt______£I rtlt because of loose wobblv raine ed by the counselor or librarian junior colleges, that specialize in lo extinguish a fire at the home 1ft Reg. $«.95 to $7.95 NOW $4.98 ' teeth PASTSETH, »n Irnprpied alk»- Today' A ^'Zm M ^# ^# ¦ Hf '__l_i llne inon-acld) powder, iprlnlcled on s catalogues are far more helping students make up their de of Mr and Mrs Ajmaar Axness. «k Reg. S9.9S to $13.95 NOW $6.98 / MM * j-our plates hold, them firmer so ther readable than those of a few years ficiencies . improve their scholar west of Arcadia The fire hegan »1^ ^P^P« ^ ¦' ^ • ^ ** f? f mSmmmV feel more comfortable.. Avoid embtrr ¦¦ rasamtDt caused by loose pl»te» Oei back ship and become eligible for trans in the store oven No damage re- LANE ROSSI VAN HEUSEN ______fASTEETH todny »t any dniccounter 3 Discuss your tentative choices J J _p fer to the college of their choice sulted. MTL\\^ • FIELD &• STREAM ^KH^^^S m m 1^9^H • ^^mW^sWi $ ^« ^ ^ iftjBIBr ^ sf $L • PLEASURE KING $m %m W IPu J / ^^^^\^^M Jr ^^ ^0 i i K $AO OR If m New Easy Safe Socks, Reg» $1 **V.y D f) J jfljft lj- N0W J COMPUTE SIZE RANGE IN Du it 1^jm*j *f ^» 0} Ot\ 'Kr NATIONALLY KNOWN BRANDS W pSSi LARSON'S C.R.D. ^ ¦ ¦ / P " *r""™*' . ^mVmimmW.W ^LW , I ** "' ii ¦ ¦ REDUCING DIET PLAN TO \ny n~fc~i.if> j-'i j^.ru~ n <*I.I* j*i.. i~M<^yWv\«*'¥ wr*V^*^~M*» w'V''^>'^'~«*- *i^«'"^'*> ** J ______B^__H___^ ^^^Bt 4 __ WmKftr *^ m\\mf mmmm9 ______^H nu pD 'j HiBPilr VP -E I

mmm\ mmmm. mmW mmmWm ^L\ Mm) ^ ¦* Ik lifi*mBm\&mmmmmW*f i^ mmmW Wmmt mmmm. ^^ M ¦ ¦ mT wr$ CI IAA ¦¦ 1 (30 ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 7 /!oz. spoonfuls) 3 ^^ W I BA VI Price A T0P(:0ATS |l Overweight women and men in normal health may now lose 5-10-30 ^^Hfc fck I NOW— ^ ^ Reg. SIS.95 fo $18.95 Reg. $10 9J to $11.95 AW — wltmWSiJf pounds and more and still enjoy daily breakfasts and dinners of fine ^^______T and S12.95 to S14.9S. and $8.95 to S9.95. M WtWBR B food ... thanks to Larson' Reducing ' s Coffee Diet Plan. It s so simple _PTP|^^K ... eat regular sensible meals morning and night as outlined. But, ^ W NOW $10-95 NOW $6.95 ^ Mm jf e jf mm ^mUM J^jk 'Ek**mU* w ^ J| * instead of a heavy lunch, eat lightly and stir a heaping spoonfu l of W^^ ^m LARSON'S C.R.D, crystals in black coffee or plain tea and drink it as W'^'jP directed ... that's all ! If the plan is followed you will lose weight and y JpT inches from all over the body the same way . It's quickly noticeable '^^JjLmW\ how much overweight is gone from face, chin, neck, bust, stomach, .^"C " \

MM W ENTIRE STOCK WHITE ANO COLORED ff % BLACK PLAID NATURAL \ WHAT IT IS // ',_____^Jrf£^=iHI ______!^^^^^^^^2^)V • • LARSON'S C.R.D. Reducing Diet Plan WAS invented for coffee and tPft drink- / JP*WMIM2^^___S1 S0ME PUE UNERS \ t I nfr adulte -who want to reduce but atill stay healthy. If you are overweight f mt^mimeiSSaiSl ^lSl * V% mt *m\ * * AWmm because you eat too much and If you want to q-uirkly slim down nafel y- without / Jmll£*!!!!!!£$SEE^ being hungry all day, then you should get a jar of Larson'* C.R.D., follow the / W (***—"JNi^__^__i | Dress Shirts $ easy directions and see for yoursel f that you don't have to he so fat. j' -iy fJJjJjjjjjJJJ^^^S 1 U ^J IAOR J jM ^5 ^^ * % tW $4 50 to $5.95 S^ , OO I frfJX 9%gf ** f Yj ^l_3 _%hl^H «« Breakfast and Dinner Are Not Diet Meals I JEflt regular sensible tnoalu morni ng and night , cutting down on heavy, high l I ../' \ 1 ^ w "''l || f ' ^i calorie foods. Then , Inntead of a heavy.lunen , drink one or two cups coffee or jL' ni ¦< ' \ ,; %mm*mm ¦' '" ^-: " tea fortified with ti heaping spoonful LARSOK'S C.R.D. CRYSTALS and eat Ife^WfflawV> *\ v\ ' •••salad or other light food as directed In th« complete I',ARS0N'S , ' " u X Wlrjm ' ' 'i ',. .: C.R D. ¦ mt ' Vh -vl REDUCING DIET PLA N which eometi in every phck&g«. , Hfe; (/ 'tiM'¦¥>: ./ '^C'v:l ' - - . ¦: too UNDERFEEDING y yy ;; . ' /A^ ' tly.' , S^iA' ¦ ' ImVmWjeT ^ LARSON'S C.R.D. dissolves almost inat .fh ' V ^^ ' ap /our regular coffee or tea, •J^^MmW^' ' '"jff i¦¦ •*¦ ' ""liKimmmWmmmm(mW^rnXmrnmrnm.i((^iu9______' ' JfmW '^> ' J^B mmW^ ^ ' ' IH ' ^^ ^ ^^^-^fl^^^- ^m\w JBT ™W _^X__9___k ' Also can he taken in ' fruit Juice , ' '¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' '' ^ skim milk , water , houillon, soup or almost any ¦ §¦ " ' WmW''A • ¦' <' : i«/_l liquid, It iis superpich In protein , carbohydrate , vitamin fortified and with a ' " ¦ m" , ¦$££¦¦( $¦ .' ' : ¦ . ' ' " ¦' " ' * ¦ / :) jr , delicate swpefneHH (iiii r helps counteract cra v ing for food and helps curh Ihe *ff; '(JuS^m-lS;, ! , ' .• ¦!',',// appetite , Truly, here nt last , is a new ' : kind of easy reducing plan. M'f eWmmm ' T W i ' X '^W ; * ML ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ___¦___ _¦ _____¦____ ¦¦ I m V SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED ' - «_k ' AmrnT mmmm*} \mm\\\\\\\\\m\\\\\\\m\_H C___t_ UfflFni ^*^ ^^ • ^^ m^ **& __V_M__BlllMl L V H SPORT COATS ilK. If you ¦ ' l follow the plan faithfully your appetite Is curbed , you automatically mWFl'^Wm m 'I ' ' • ent less and ' ^Bathing Fluil your caloric Intake is decreased, Y« II should lose pounds a.nd Inches m; W' m\\ % Ql AnfC, iV*^ lw ^li VALUES $43.50 Warn with the ' vcry first jnr ,,. or return for your purchase price refund, You have tyJANTZEN •#l«l#^V^ IH TO NOW W ¦ ¦ Jr __Ki¦ I WKl VHB X *W§ nothing to lose hut the> overweight yoit elon't -want anyway, In limite-d supply, » ' if _____ -\. LARSON'S C.R.D. sells out. fast. (\el Urson 's C.R.D , today, , Mm, iJW ¦ ' ' ' ¦ " , ^Bk . ' . Re S $4.95 to $18,95 MU M W/LV C1C QC m C10 QC mSR 1 B M my m%tmMmmlmm9$24 a^am95^ n^FrnJ iffiM $3.98-$6.88 11 ™ LARSON'S C.R.D. 0x * - - «^| - - Ted Maier Drugs Third & Lafayette (Arcadia Farm lire ti& Set City R6iii?in$ ioio in ci^si 4 l ¦( ARCADIA., Wis. Special >.- ,The :( Arcadia Fire department-was call- (yed to the William WaMy Jrv farm, lire Rating ; eight, miles east of '.Arcadia on Oak ; Winona's conditional Class '.4- "fire : Ridge early. Sunday irforningi and insurance", . rating . now has . been .. stayed 6n the , but ' . . . ;|ob. fow : hours fully cbnfiriVied , ¦Mayor¦ R: K. El- flames tliat':-destroyed . the huge liiigs; said ¦ today. -..' ' barn . had'^rogresse'd- so far that ' The. ratirg is the ' :: ' result of; an • ¦inothing. could ' , . exhaustivei inspection of;.;th'e • city ., ' .• The bta?e; ' .discovered . by! Mrs, by.' ' ' : made last "September represent ;. Walsky at, Iris ,a,ni.. : destroyed tatives,. of;, the National BPafd of . the main , bdni' 106 by 32 feet; an Fire Underwriters and] the Fire 'feet;-, L attachment! SO by 36 si con- Underwriters " Inspection . Bureau. nected: cattle shed, ;30 ,by 60 feet; The survey was made, at , no cost aii:attached " ,, 16 by 32 ¦¦ ' ¦ ' ^orn crib -to' the city;-' '; :. . ''...... - ' .j'-;.-. -, ;' . feet, and two silos, each. 12 by 42 % ¦ ' ' ¦¦ : . - feef.• '. ' . . - .' , /':/¦"(¦¦ "• ¦; ': -; ¦;/ ._' FOLLOVyiNG the: last such \n- spe.ction ir» 1951, the- city -.was rat- ALL - CONTENTS ., were destroy- , ' ed Class-5 . a poorer classification .. ed . 'ih the holocaust -except -for- '"89 . which call ed: for higher fi fe insur- . head ¦ of 2-year-old Holsleilis; Wiiich ance .premiums. ..Howiver,. the city ' .- the; Walskys Vaiiaged to get. ftom promised to make certain recom- " : the cattle shed.. :V * ' - ,- - mended improvements . and A the ' :.; .Destroyed, were :39 miUv cows, .19 Underwriters-Bureau granted , a " . . calves. jarid.'2S . yearlings—these 86 Temporary Class . 4 . rating. Since " , . Holstein.s were in the barii prop- then • major'/' ^mprovemehtf have ¦ er > plus. 6,000 bales, of hay; silage: been made in the .. city.. Water 'sys- (, some corn;: all milking equipment tem •; and .fire department, .- tiie re- . including' a bulk tank - holding an ; ¦ port :pote<_r:- "" . -/' ' : ' ', ' . /Arcadia ,fire-- . Walsky _r;- farm hear . AJcadia. Rptlle. dinner . . estimated "1.500 . pounds , of wilk; , ;5*0,iDOC; UP IN ,FLAMES I. : * . ¦¦ . ¦ : : TlieseVconditions :haye been more ' " ' ' ' • ' ' ¦:..: ¦ ¦ ¦' : ' ' ' , ¦/' ¦.' ¦"'^,. ¦' ¦ ¦(: " ¦ ' . - ' ¦' . . . . .severa l pieces ' of- machinery : 'in; ; rrien vainly try to save, twe silos; center, the. last . -photo) . " , •'. . -. , -( ,( :, ; , , ; " , than. . adequately met, Mayor Elr deluding a grain drill , corn.piaster, "to go in: ari early jnoniing.. blaite ; on the William ' ' . lings said,. In ;Wa\: the /city's point corn .picker and two wagons; and score for the inspection was 2;l85. ¦' ' ' . .; the .. Usual-small .tools. kept ; a Class 5 ratings are' given to Cities ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦' /¦ ".. . rba rri-- - . "':. ./' • '; - • ' '// ; in the 2,O00-2;500 "range, -Last Sep- . ¦ Walsky estimates hi* loss. at. ' tember '. the. score was 1,746.. put- . $60 ,000 and* said it .was . partly ting .Winona ¦ Well/into the 1,500-2,- .;: .covered; by insurance. '.-. ' ¦." . 000.Cihssr 4 category; ;¦}¦¦:., '; ¦ ' . .- -Mrs : Walsky. : said:. she. 'awakened Ma y<>r : JE11 ihgs- said a further ' r e- .for; some jinknbwii reason .'.arid, saw duction- of inspection : ' . points would ; tlie red-sky : put of .- her....bedroom be / justified when the new tele- ' ' .• .- .window... - .fhe' ..entire barn.;: was . in phone alarm , system goes /into :opt ' ' •'¦ '¦'' - , ¦¦: ' ' ' ¦ ¦ liariies. • .;.;' ; . . " . , .-. --. "eratibn . . shortly. -. .' ¦:¦./. . . Fire . Chief Don . Glanzer said . the ' volunteers' took- a: pumper and wa- '/WE ;AflE VERY/ Happy With :¦ ' ¦ ¦ the report ,"/. Ellings* said. ;-"'We . tei" tank to the farm and tried to / More good , weather news: . :.] pected ; at this' time " of . the year, intermittent: light snow or freezing . ' ' .. ¦ ; ¦ ¦¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ knew , ' many- improvements/.had • save-:the . silos .by. wetting them W^i^^^^^^^^B.: ' says 'the . - weatherman ' with no.rmal rains. ' ' ". ¦/' . _ •. . ' ' - . • -..-.'.• .'' -. .;. , ... For. .the first time !in a month : been . made but we didn 't know :; - down;' but- even they .were?too. far ' daytiiiie" highs 22: 28• and nighttinie " -14 Sat- ' ' ' ' •:¦ ,' • ' ¦ '¦ ' ;¦ ¦ •¦ ' " '• above-normal [ ,.temperatures * are i . After reaching: a;low of . how; weir they : ' -gone; . . . : . - . ; . ... - . .:, , . .;• • . : to'ivs-. -ze'ro. lo . 7- /above. - ..• -;' . - .Would measure ,upV predicted; for Winona: ..and ' vicinity j . urday- morning a warming . trend The report ! One pr two brief periods ,of cold- ' says:. .the fire . depart- . IT WAS. -15 degrees below lero for. the next five: days. : set . iii' . which . 'boosted: , the ther- ment is very/good, ; . er "weather/ are Expected during ' , but .it .does say •;' when' ilicy. went to,'. The fire. There mometer to zero at noon .Satur the 'department is under-manned.'' ¦ : TEMPERATURES - will t* 5 : tb-.j the' 'five . .days; -with' - 'precipitation • to; -8 during the ¦ . :.- was a breezerbn the ridge,: but;tlie . * day,- - dropped: it- -Some '• - substantial cash Outlays ' .12 degrees above those usually ex- j averaging :;lp . tp .20 of .aii) inch In night and nbori -. . wind blew. ^he, flames away from put- it at .7. above at . would be recjujred in •order/to qual- Sunday. • ; The ' teirtperature. this . the house.;and' other buildings sp ify the city for reduction, to a Class * . ' morning.: was - .25 abdye,. At iiooh ' , they weren't ih danger; Fiiremen ; 3 . ratipg, Ellings said.; "• '. '. stayedlon'.the scene until- 5:30. a.m.: Pf esion Mrtnm today the reading was 33.;. . One . of /the major ; recommenda- Gianzei- said' they had no trouble' A freezing ' drizzle early tions , Farnier s Pickup ¦ made was that- calling;.-for ¦ getting, up the : steep . Hill to, the coated highways ;¦' in the vicinity more manpower iii;the fire dep_irt- Miss Miunsel are/shown board-' -. '" ' '., To 'F/y' to Moon / .-, PATRICE MUNSEL yiSITS WIMONA . . > - R6bert Schuler and . at ridge; the . road v-'asn't .slippery. , with : ice and made driving diffi- nfient., A five rhan company should : ' Max Conrad : : Operatic , star Patrice Munsel - and her .husband , ing, North : Central'Airlines piar^p / . .. The, y.Walskys have sheltered cult; The state, highway depart- be assigned to' each of three ¦ '¦ 1 '¦ Plunges Down In ll n ''high Winonan Hobert C. Schuler,- visited \Vinona. last ; ' Field ; "this . /morning Ior flight to Twin«. " : tiieir i remaining cattle . in. . . another Sma Cabi ments .of Minnesota . and . Wiscon- value'' wits;-At present f our ¦ 1 men (Stewardess Cmdy. Diorio welcomes( them. (l?aily. . builriiiig on their : 394-acre ; farm. -(¦ sin -reported most . highways' stip- are' ; designated • for each. weekend to attend a surprise birthday dinner for ; ' .PRESTON, Minni: A : «b rr : : ; ; . : Th is ' ¦' ' ¦ • - .'a-hd '-plan'.'-t q, - rebuild;'-Mrs. - . W.alsky pery'.;.: (' (i) ,.(,(/ /( ' ; ' " ';-'; : ;; - would niean ' : r his:rnotljer,/Mrs; C. C- Schiller, heid/at :the :;hbm« . News photo) , . • :. .;• . . • '.;• ,•'• ' ' ' : '-' .' , '¦' -' ; ¦' ' '¦ ¦ ¦ . .nier resident will be: on6V ,cf : ; V adding three meti /to said'- -this. " morning-.'". ;. - .- . •' •' - .- '• '. HitflfSaDitf a shift/ Also' of his ' ' brother/ William: "Schuler, / 726 Johnson/St;' . fobr Air ::Force ..iet pjlots- who ¦Variaile .recommendedi is.; an- . - . ) .cloudiness is predicted other Madder unit "be .STOCKTON, Minn. . Special . ,-- will cliriib - into a. small tank- tonight and Tuesday ':with a low of to , attached to • . Hose ' When an area farmer was being like; cabin -Tuesday; at Brooks J8-25 tbni ; of 23-35 , Company No; .3, the, report ' ' ,- ght and a high . 'continued.. ' fakeri to the .hospital Saturday AFB, Tex,; to start a simulat- Tuesday. . •:. Little ; temperature Another section . of the ELECTION night with; multiple cuts:, on ' ' report suggests establishment , Git*: Patrice WiinsP PMICC, Sheriff .his ed 20-day spacei -flight;; ,;;. - . change" with , scattered - light , pre of a face, :he'. . was ni»re; concerned . : complete fire prevention bureau. Hii is /34- Year-old- Capt. Merls cipitatibri is . indicated for Wedries-. ibotit the ; candy hearts - he;"had ; ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' . Hahn, swi' of . Arnold Hahn. He day ." ''; ' '" * . ' ' -;' - .. :(.; :¦ FIRE CHIEF John L. Steadman T>urchased for his two .small daii gh- v - ." \ Check Break-ins " has • fcwen in the 'Air Force 02 . • . '¦'AV y^arJ-;a'g6. :-tc^'ay.:;Wi'ndna^fia'd a said fire prevention, .activities now ters thari about., his- 6\vn ordeal... ¦ ' . :. Fihdf years;as a ' pilot, |}e , is in SittC 42-' are: supervised, by; assistant chiefs. She-riff's; . deputies :, and- ', police • George Ressie's:.;" pickup truck high of aiid a low of 20 with, 2 ' and has been flying: B47 and inches of snow bn the' gfoiind:1 All- Additiohal measures . are being W§$e +j^ ^^Ke^ each . investigated break-.ins. : Sun- haJ plunged down a steep- slope " ' ¦ ¦' ¦ ' ¦' ' ' ; . . -B-5.2 jet bombers-;. .; "-'. . :;¦ /¦ ' time h igh for the; day- was 53 in taken - /to ', hfoaden. 'activities," -/he day night and this . morninjg:.: '/ : halfway lip. slippery Haase Hill on . " ' ¦: : • .' Wh«i the test ends the foiir 1890" and. the.low -26 |n 1893. Mean said/ //' ;. ¦;: "; : . /;''( ;/// " : " , .. .'Sheriffs* deputies said .the front- Winona County; Road 110, . landing ¦ . Hei-eiondertul pilots; will have '" ;. spent Mayor; Ellings said that; the 'cost door at B, & . B Food \Market,v4065 on- its top ijh a rocky dry 'run j'1'25 , more temperature for the past -24;hours ¦ ' ' ' weathier : than: - .enough;; time/ jh : the of .meetihg/ these/additional re- ly "T. think.;.Winona s ,: is . Bth(SX:.;Goodview.-. had . been forced .' : was . 17, exactly flprrnal .: for , the tidiits ' . feet ;belbw. ;;. 'Mar : In .Munsel, .. ¦ ' woriderfur.'" Miss ; Patrice . ;''.simulated' space cabin .to get dayv •'- '"¦ - " ' " : - - .- '• ' " • '•;¦ :- . ' . -.;/ quirements in .. - full woiild exceed . open" . betWeenjTv apd-lO p.m.:. Suii- * ¦¦ . . : . - * - internationally ;' ' known operatifl'; .' .-'¦ • ' : tOT ABOUT th. c«: and head, to th« moon and back. . . the \ possible;savings in- combined .. ¦Eledtipn judges reporteid . ex- at noon .today: despite the fact . / day. . Accorying to 'the. ,o\vner,! Leo fa . . The. wave ..of. mildness extended contests were star, said; this -morning at, Mai*; - / ' ' 9-year-o!d ' •¦' Ressie - Participating in the test w ith city fire :insiii;arice - premiums'. • tremely light traffic at city/ pollin g that four - primary /. Borkowskl, . 3973 "th St., .Goodview, 3_ . managed to overfhe ' state with International spur unusual interest. Corira id Field before, she. boarded , - climb lip - the embankment " Gapt.' . Hahn . .are / Capfs. R ieh- ' ' . Other cities, in the region having 1 expected-to / apparently. nothing -was ..fefcehV ' and Palls having ;a .. hrlprning reading ' places this, morning but- expressed a . North Central -Airlines plane for . /• walk two-thirds of a mile to the ard : Furman, Philadelphia; 3ass!'4-;ratings are Rochester, - Du- ' . ..Police ; found the '.window in a ' today :6f -2 after '. a figure ,of -32 hope,, that Sunny . weather : would A P'RE-DAWN freezing/ driiila the /Twin Cities where she will . : : war door 'at Sam's Direct Service Herbert Haase ' .farm. He arrived . ::' Bernard Lukas5k, piekspn, ' - . ''/: ' ' ¦ th. ard Fargo, N-.D/ Minneapolis coated-streets' and sidewalks ¦ ¦; Sunday, . morning. . . .' .>. ;... - . bring out .more voters later in the which star iii an operetta; ' •; '." 608 Fluff>St.. -,broken " at, -4:30. aim. ttiere about 10:40 p.m. Tlie Haases . Pa., and .Paul? E. Lavoje;; FaJl and. St Paul are in Class . 3, May- wks blahied . by judges ' , ' . - .Rochester had 14- and La .Crosse • ; '¦/ ' ¦] ''/ ¦ ; ¦ with ice. The weather , was mild , siinlit ;; today, ' .Thtey believe .' the break-in called his wife .and. .an ambulance, . River, Mass. : ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ or Ellings said. /: ;¦ dW-y.X ' ' /:' : ' X; ¦¦/// '" :precincts for the small . ii:-; . . - ' ¦ (. ;: yyy:/y- (: ¦ , ¦ ' . . /y^ " in some and perfect (this morning;after th« : : occurred; shortly before, that -time. which had; the injured , man at the . . /. -Less, than .10 percent of • the - One : official. -wryly ; sug- ' turnout. . recertt. ' chilly temperatures, /Miss . . Tins '¦• 'is :-the-/sec'ohdj - break-in at; 11 ;25 p.m. C RISI NG TEMPERATURES were ' 'd /Voters had east ballots gested that serving coffee,, -and " ' registere .. Munsel wore a white . turbaa; mink.. the- service,station iduririg the past . Forty . stitches, were- taken -and accprrtpaiiied by freezing rairi that f eenitgersArrested doughnuts . at - the polling /• places boots. Her hvis- ' ' "' Ettrick Area 4-H , ' ' coat -and' high red . / ;„ li eck .and* a halL Nothing Ayas tak- this mb-rhing he was undergoing .sli.ckeri .highways ;, in ' Minnesota, might bring . more people: out to band , Winonan Robert C. Schulef. ' ' ' ¦ ' ' ' ¦- '¦ ' r ; ' : '¦ ' ' . cn this ' time, but ihv.the Ust. one X-rays, His-con ditibn: was describ- \Viscorsin • and '- .lower : Michigani On Conrad Drive; vote. * . . . . . -- - • . .;. -: - - (:~- '- ;. wore a raccoon .coat. Tlie/ couplt • ''..;•- , " ¦' ' '; ' ' .;. Officers Earned , $00- ca$h" -was- taken.- .. "SaiiriyG; .Mor- ed as: satisfactory; Power lines and trees were coat- '-' Dnl-y,'in- the .4rd VVard did; the Waved,,farewell brother,.;/: - ; . to his. ken ,. 6T;7 Terry -Lane, is the owner.- Ressie lives five miles north- EITPRICK, AVis;' Special!—Two ed with ice,'in .parts of \Visconsin. E ach Forf eits ff l) Ex-Trertpaleau number, of .A'pters exceed 10 per- William Schuler and mother,1 : ' west of here. ' ' " , Mrs. Ettrick area 4-H clubs' have elect; .- Burlington .-and .-]- . Newport,. .-yt.' ,' c'isut "• of registrations. Noontime C. , C. . Schuler, He about halfway up Haase ' ¦ ; . Two Winona teenagers were ar- . ¦ was ed, new officer s.;- . -' - . , .' ;. , . . '. . recorded .new"- lo\v;.': marks for the totals there were 370' votes '. cast hilly en route home, wheii he -lost ' rested on Conrad Drive in Win- Pedestrian Say The Mill Creek .J ets .elected Ken- season; .-26.VThe -4 reading record- crest Addition at 2:03 a.m. Sun- Man Prorrroied out " of a possible 2,450. Leading ROBERT SCHULER and Mlui ^ control land .skidded . to. the left , ' ' : Miinsel flew, from New York to neth Patterson , president ;- . -Diiane ed a,t :\Vind'sor Locks, : north of day, according- to police.. , TREMPEALEAU , Wis.. - .lames the; city , in mid-day voting' was : taking part of a -cuivert, with J^m. Goodenough; vice president; : Dar- Hartford ; Conn.; was a record low the; s third ; precinct Chicago, and then took a train her* Outside Mirror " ; ' '" . Thomas ' J. .Mar tin , IB, 562 E. Trempealeaii , ,4th Ward' He ran . oyer trees on .a .grade .al- lene. Rodenberg , , secretary-; and date; ((¦¦' ;., '; Ii. . Beebe, former . where nearly 23 percent/ of the Suriday to attend a surprise birth- for the i Howard St., and Peter P. Stanis- ; ' ¦' • most straight up and down, until Dennis Youivg; treasurer; . '" ' - • Other low readings in the North- resident, product .engineer at New 662 . registered"- voters, had- appear- day dinner for Mrs. C. C. Schuler "• - , Of Car Hit Him the lawski,.,.. 19, 207 E; Howard St,, ' vehicle stopped in the ditch. . . .' Terry . Mii.ssei-' will -be reporter east included Iiebanohi N.H., -24; Idea Farm Equipment Co,, Cold- 'iecJ/;a!' ii h'e-:'- .p'cils. , ',', '-.. . . at the. hbme of William Schuler. : ' ' On his- way to the hospital Res- were charged with separate driv- ¦Police :i 3(;e 'looking for. : a blue : and Sheldon Osgood will be sex- Caribou, Maine , "-24; Saranac Lake, ' water, - Ohio', since 1956, has been The detailed report: . / • Robert ^ Schuler , a television pro- : sie .told his wife '"*e had a . "'ter- ' ¦ ' ¦;¦ er. s license yiojatLons.i . announced he is producing or purple l954-o7 Mercury, with a geant-at-arins. Mrsi. Forrest 'Cobd- N-.V... .-so. - - .- - . . - ;.;:;. , ; ' -- .' • ' ducer, ' rible'* -time getting out of the Tehi- ¦ . Martin . was charged with per- appointed director of manufactur- Votes Registered a musical, • 'CKrysahthemurn , " rear-view/ mirror .p.n its¦ left side enbugh is the leader,' Mrs, Archie Snow fell in the northern part mitting another to use his driver's ¦ ¦ '¦' : ' '¦ •;¦ ' ' cle but finally, made it through ing, and engineering for; Barh-O- ' 1ST WARD. ' . ' which he hopes to bring to Broad- • '- broken. off.; . ((. • . • .; ..;. ; ¦ Harper , ' activity and . recreation, of WISCONSIN with Green Bay license and Stanislawski was . . . a: window. .. . . , ' ' ¦ . Inc.,. flewv London ,. ,' Wis,, PRECINCTS way in the fall. ¦¦ ' ' - , '[.'he /cat; . wii,'; involved in a hit- leader •.. reporting, about 2 inches of new chargrcd with iising the driver's li- Matic/, . ¦ according . to Curry AV, . Stbup, 1st ..'..,;. ;.;/;, .. 30 ,';• '•' .: - 829 "I: won't; be in it," Mips Mun- aiKl-nui accident at Broadway and : MRS. RESSIE said h« left lioma Ge»c Olson was . elected presi^ snow: on the ground today. . Wau- cense .of another, Each forfeited ' ' ¦ ' Huff: Street at 7 p.m, Sunday, It ' group vice presi- 2nd - . ¦:?;, y.U.:... 24 - . • . . 801; sel said; ; "It's not right for me. ' after 8. p.m. Saturday for Stock- dent of the Shake Hollow Hustlers. sauy. - Eau Claire and . Superior $30;bail in municipal court today. ; 1 si ruck ,--Edwin- P. Yach , 22 , /TS? ¦' • dent - of : A v co 3rd - ., - .-...;.... 35 821 But I hope he'll have a show for : ." • ton , lie checked the furnace at Others elected were Sheryl; Olson, each had about 1 inch. ::-• Joseph V. Hahri, La. Crosse, , ' ¦ ¦/¦ ¦ Huff , St., : at that intersection; vice president; , Corpoi-ation; , /4th . ... „, .. ,:; ;, .;.:: 62: ' ': . . 743 me later." >. - Grace. Lutheran Church, where he Ronald Olson sec- Freezing rain and sleet started Wis., forfeited ?40 bail on two ' S'ach told police he .was cross- ; retary; . Donald Nelson , - , Prior i to joining After a 45-minute flight to Wold- , , recently had been ..elected trustee, treasurer, falling, in the Milwaukee area ciiarges in municipal court, fie ' ' : : ing Broadway/ and that - the car and Jon Olson , reporter. ' NeW Idea in 1956, / '/Tofelt .y^^/lSty r3,194 r, Chamberlain Field. SclmJcr and ' and made two -purchases at a about 5 a.m. lodny! and eonfinitec! was charged with driving with - went through' a stop light and An advisory, committee to the until 6 a.m;, glazing all exposed ' Beebe was nn 2ND WARD, / .;. Miss Munsel were scheduled to be , grocery, one of them the; candy ¦¦ only one license plate on his motor ¦' - . ' ' ';- greeted by Paul Mayor George - struck him." Yach' walked to, the for his 10- and 3:-year-pld daugh- club is composed of Mines, Sel- areas. '. "' - . ' ¦:' ' " instructor at the ' -1st .... ;. .,' .-. .v. 50: ; 697 St...... , ;-: vehicle and with using the license Vavouiis and to fly hy heli- slieriff' s office and ;'{ater to police ters, ' mer Nelson , Clayton Olson aijd Or- The lowest tenipcratures Sunday lates issued vehicle. 1 University of Min- 2nd ;..;.....,... 60 . 841 then p to another where he copter to an Air Force Nike liiis- headquarters, He was not hurt; It .was believed he left Stockton leaii Wortman, A recreation.' lead- night were Green Bay's 7 below He was arrested - at head- nesota, 3rd .:..-.....,.. 75 688 . . . police agricul- ' - - ' sile base in the Anoka area . He 'brought -the rearwie-w mirror soon after that. Tlie bluff was to er will be chosen each month; and Superior 's'. 1 above. Tlie high quarters at 2:30 . ' p.m.. - Saturday; taught 4th , .,.., ., ' .. ., ,. . 42 500/ Ther* ' ': ' ' . tural engineering Schuler and Miss Munsel were lo lo police , headquarters. The mir- his' right as he ascended , and Mrs. Lawrence Olson 1 will be rec- for the past 24 hours was 92 Sun- He forfeited $10 on fhe first charge ' machinery cours- be guests at a luncheon given - by-. !." ; ror hit his chin as the car passed there was no guard rail on ' the refltion leader during this rnDnfb. day " nf Los . Angeles. . and $30 oh the second. ' Totals ;...... 204 2,726 . ¦ ' ' ¦ es and conducted the base commander. Miss Munsel ",. him, he 'said; - ; left , - . - • .- 3RD WARD : : ' iVeighbors climbed down tiie hill research on . weed 1st ;..;.,-.- ,.,, :...' .. 50 ," . . 774 wns to sing at the luncheon. . . Beab« ; ' ' afterward arid found Hie motor in control , machin- . 2nd ;... - . .-.' . ,,.;;. 60' 804 / ¦ ' ;¦ THIS WEEK Mbi Muns»l will the model still running and ery performance and grain drying. , 3rd ..,'.;,.,.;... 75 741 rehearse in St , - Paul for the Rt. 2 Harmony Scouts lf*61 ' . lights on. They described |he as- lie also '.was cnjployed for a short 4lh ' . ' : ... ,;...,... 45 i 562' Paul Civic Opera production , "Tho cent hack , time with International Harvester ," which starts a Eagles to the road as very ' Merry Widow To Receive difficult, • , as a design engineer, , Totals ' . .v. 230 2,881 week's run next Monday in the St, , from the uni- ' JIARMONY , }Vinn. - Two Har- Beelw graduated- , . 4TH WARD Paul Auditorium. Bob Wright will . versity of Minnesota with n bach- (10 mony .hoys will receive, ' the Engje 1st ...,.,..,:.,.. 598 co-star with Miss Munsel. The cast ceremonies at the elor of science degree in rigricul- 2nd ...,-,;;..,... 75 / 690 will include other noted Broadway Scout bndge at TrirCounty Oil ¦ 'engineering In 1952. He elementary school Wednesday at tiirnl , 3rd: ....-,...... , .150 662 nnd opera stars. ¦¦ ' ¦ received his Vmster degree in 4th ...„.,,...... - ' fiS : ' 500 (to ' ' - ' ' Miss Munsel said she i\o\ied B p.m. . . . ' ' ' V there In ¦ ' ' ' ' son of. :Mr. - arid Go-6p Sa les Top aKriculturnl rnRineerin _! visit Winonn again after her ' St, Ron Johnson,, i!»r,4..- , '• ./.' Mrs; Howard P. Johnson , and Den- Totals ...... 370 2,450 Paul engagement, Million 4th Time An active member ¦ o>( the Am- nis (ircihel , son of Mr. and Mrs. 'of ,' '¦ Agricultural . erican Society • . Stanley 'Grelhel ,, . will receive »l)e RUSHFOHD , Minn. tSpecial)- , he served 22 months are members of Engineers awards, Tliey Reports on 10(12 sales, to be- glyon in the Army, where he was ns- , sponsored by the volun- ' ' She stands up to be counted Troop 74 nt the . annual meeting of Tri- alijned ,l.o trjie . Contineiitn) Army teer -fire ' department, i County Cooperative Oil Association k She's in the f ight against Communism ¦ ¦ Command and wns engaged in ^JPp - -. ' nl Rushford School auditorium wheeled _^ with America's moflt powerful wen pon engineering evaluation of ^B« ' Feb, 23 at 10 a.m., will show. Ihey vehicles. t^^K¦¦» ,' • ¦ ¦ truth. Tlie tmt.r* that ia brondcant $350,000 Contracts exceeded $1 million for the fourth , every dny hy Radio Free Europe , It. , ¦'¦ - , Beebe i.s the son of Mr. and ^^SmiJf' consecutive year. ' ' " Mrs. Clifford Beebe, Trempealeau. ^^F . , Rives hope and Btrongth to 80,000 ,000 Let at La Crosse , Maurice Quale, general manag- '^^BL' -ii 'li^ jyiptivo people in Eimteni Kurnpfi distribute Lh. cnoSSK , Wis. M ~ The er, said the coo>per«live -" ______flffi k Hero in Communinrn'inB weak upot,, 3V« million gallon s of 'gas' and ¦ Mere (ire tho mlllinna in Most l)(iv. John P. Trency, Roman ed Elk Creek Clovers f AmmmmmmuBB^t Poland , , an- fuel oils in 1982. The co-op disfrilv O.ochonUivnkin in Hun^nry , Buigarin . CalholU! Ilishop of I.a Crosse M^^Kj^^^m8&¦ , ut 'CR petroleum products, fa rin sup- INDRPRN DENCE; Wis, - New IM. hold in nounced Sunday Hint uontracts ^B^Hj^^^^^H nnd Hnmnnindotermined, who can 'Inly (c(. a-$350,000 Cath- pJJes and machinery In Ipe Hush- officers have been elected hy the V^^^HH ' - chock by Soviet, troo pK . nre (lohig for ' j (>lic student center nnd chapel on ford, Winona and Houston areas. Elk Creek Clovers 4-11 Club, They H^I^^KS^^H Rn'dio Freo Europe, brofidrnating to , president; 3 ,ii-iim> lot near the main huild: The terms of' John Knhoun , nre: Mnrle Halama ^^^^^^Ka^^H| theee people, in pnn of t \v* 2' , vice president; inn of Ln Crosse Stale College, chairman of, Ihe , hoard of direc- .Jnnicc Skroch B^^^^H^^^m Freo World's major weapona thn The protect Is part of Ihe ef- tors, Clarence Rustad, Hushford, Mike Sobotfi , .sccrelitry-trensurcr , cold wnr. It is liupportcd by privn<« ' , reporter. Ernest —————W^^^^BB fort bv- Ciilholic officials lo pro-. nnd Herman Forsythe, Houston , nnd Lori K>our help. S«nd your dollar^ cnnipusek lor Catholic students. tury-lreasurer, . . , er. Ann Voss nnd .Innice Skorch ^^^^^^H^^^Mi-| today . , you'll be proud to utiuul up nre song lenders. The cluh will ^^^^^^ |^^^^HN\ p*r

ately ahead under programs being ' B F3HHH^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ H^^BHV%NJMMMIMW ' ' jiSft -(Wd^ iiiauRiir.'ited by the department. ^ ^ rjlJVAjBEjSjjBKa^Hfll^HBji^i^s^,""— These programs , sponsored hy Secretary of Agriculture Orvillc L. You may be unless your husi- you 'll hear only about the policy Freeman, will encourage farmers to devote more and more of their Exclusive Primary ness is insured through an ivde- or policies that company offer*, land to recreational uses. The pendent insurance agent. An Independent insurance secretary has sniri that the de- Only an independent agent agent , however , is free to chno_e mand for outdoor activities in the hc )est l)Usiness insurance |>ol- years ahead cannot be met by Election Returns can make sure all your insura- ) publicly-owned facilities, ble risks are covered by Imrur- 'j* from hundreds offered by dltf eretit, compelinfi companies, The department will effer tech- unce. No single company can do this-because no ont^ company „, in SQDOM nical ns well ns financial assist- Difference car. GQWQRRAH ^ every type of business ant: e lo fiinncrs wishing to shift TONIGHT o//cr., h()m , anil business insurance ^ linni agriculture. , ,mur(mce The report .says niilitnry popu- 9:15 to 9:30 ' i.s the conti lining, personal ;il- STARTS ! fL lation growth la especially impor- If you buy Insurance directly tcntion of your Independent in- from • company, it's likely luranc*! agent . WED. | ^Hk Brought fo You by* the FUEL OIL First National Bank Winona Insurance Agency S IPpfe!^ fr-* At t-he Sign of the Big 1 ^. ^mm^m^ JACKIE ¦m JIM SCHAIN / jM \ SANDY OSKA^AP ?Y — ON — * .1 174 Center 5tr««» I An\mfJ[tim'' ) pho"* 3366 GLEASON If M DOERER'S 1AI A' OUR 7CTH YEAR —SERVING SINCE 1 893 U CIGOT Jl H«dlo-Dlljp«tcht< Bqulpirunl MONDAY Proxmire Bill Daily Record FEBRUARY 4, 1963 Every Fish fins The Proposes 60 At Community | Winona Funerals Two-State Deaths As Pension Age Prize at Lake Memoria l Hospital | Russell L, Miller Mrs. Inga Lind WASHINGTON UfV-Sen. Wil- MABEL, Minn. (Special)—Mrs; . Visiting hours: . Medical . arid surgical : Funeral services for Russell L. ' liam E, Proxmire, D-Wis.,. to- (no , 68, died suddenly of a patients: 2 fc. « and r fro 1:30 p.m. ¦ : Miller. Winona; State College stu- Inga Lind Eau Galle Contest children under 12) . - . ' ' day proposed lowering the So- ¦ . dent killed; in. a traffic accident heart attack Saturday evening at . Maternity patients- : 1 to 1:30 and 1 to ' , Friday, were Green ; Lea Manor . cial Security retirement age to EAU GALLE, Wis. - There was -; . t:30 p.m. (advlls only). ; near Waterloo. Iowa a fishing prize f or every person . held this afternoon at Jesup, Iowa, Last month she fell and broke 60 t-o help Reduce unemploy- SATURDAY wio brought Ln a catch at the 14th . American Lutheran Church. Buri- her hip and was a patient at St. ment annual ice fishing contest spon- ¦ .. ¦ , Admissions ' - . - al was . in.: Cedar Crest Cemetery. Francis Hospital . La Crosse, until Under.- .a bill draftedi by Prox- sored here Sunday by the Eau ; Maurice Mariner , dean of • men , Wednesday, when she was trans- Miss Lorinda L. Wunderneh¦ , 528 . ' ' mire, a person could retire at Galle Sportsmen's Club. E. Broadway. , ¦ ¦:' - ¦ was '. official. .- representative of the ferred here.; : •/' . college. Among students attending 60 and receive . two-thirds of ': Palmer Mil«s reported that 1,800 Sunday She was born Dei. 15, 1804. at fishermen competed on Lake Eau were about 30 members of Sigma Riceford , daughter of Rasmus and his Social Security benefit*. Admissions Tau Gamma,; headed- by Lowell Galle for 55 fishing prizes and " ¦ Carrie Ilousker. -; - "I'm aiming the Social Se- several attendance prizes. There Mrs. G. Dale Gjerdrum , Prairie Allen of Winona , of which Miller " ¦ Island. /; recently was named treasurer. ¦On Sept.: . !-, 1915, slie was; mar- curi ty retirement bill primari- were 60 fish caught — some of Mrs. Karl Menczel, 500V4 Center ried to Percy Lind. They made ly at unemployment," Prpx - them multiple catches by single ¦ ¦ '" ¦ ¦ " ¦ ' ' their home Mabel, fishermen — so there were enough . . '.St.- ' : - ' •: . . . in where he was niir* laid in- ' a- statement. ; • " .' Edward E. Ratajczyk , 573W. 4th WEATHER in business until his . death Sept. prizes for every successful con- ' St. 1, 1936. She continued living here testant. . ; EXTENDED FORECAST • ' . - Mrs. Lucille F. Wilber. 112414 W. ¦ and was a memher of Mabel First The boat awarded;for the largest ¦ MINNESOTA — Temperatures Lutheran Church and the ALCW. fish caught was won by Bill Back, Broadway. * , i .^-- WEATHER FORECAST .... Snow and ligh t 'part's of the.central Plateau and the Pacific north- Tuesday through Saturday averag- Survivors are: Three sons, Har- ¦ Elmwood, \Yisi.i '- with , a 12-oimce Bernard .1. Maas, 125 N. Baker snow flurries will spread from the lower Lakes' ', ' west to tlie R ockies; colder on the south Atlantic Shakopee Judge ¦:- ' ;¦( ing near normal northeast and 5 old , Fairbanks,. Alaska: Milton , silver bass, Hubert Biunner, Dur- . st...... / ., to 12 degrees above norntal west Scottsdale , Ariz„ region westward through the upper Mississippi coast and in northern Ne-w England. (AP Photo- ' - ¦ ' George Ebkel, 381 Druey Court: and Donald. Ma- : ahd , Wis., was ,thev;secbnd-place - .. and south. Normal highs 16-22 bel; six grandchildren:: two; great- valley, the northern Plains and the Plateau fax Map) ' ' .'. .. '* , winner of a S'.i^orsepower motor Mrs. Marguerite I. Nervig, 119 , .22-28 south. Normal lows 1 E. Sanbor n St; north grandchildren ; two sisters, Mrs. states tonigh t . Occasional rain is expected in after catchiing; an 8,.-onmce crap- • . . zero to 6 below north , zero to 7 George Ellestad and Mrs. Arnt Moriarty Dies rjie. An 8-ounce crappie won third :Gregg A: Marg, Minneiska , Minn. above south. One or two brief ; ijn George Ressie Sr., ' Winona: Rt. Amunrud . Mabel , and three broth- SHAKOPEE, Minn," . . . . - place.and a :22 caliber! automatic ' periods of colder weather likely. will ' , , - " ¦ -1. - ers, Tilford and Carl, Spring Grove, Funeral services . .. be held rifle for Pat Fox Elk Mound ¦ . . Precipitation expected lo average ¦ ' •';¦' ' ¦¦ Mrs. Frieda E. Erpelding. 119 E. and Oscar, Mabel. Besides her Serving in ^rme^ forces Tuesday for Joseph , James Mori- Wis., Rt. 2. - . • • ; ' . - •; '¦ ¦¦ .10 to .20 inch in intermittent husband one son,, Norman , one sis- ^ arty — veteran lawyer, Democrat, A motor offered as an attendance r : 5th St. | precipita- Oyer 400 Fish ¦ light snow or freezing ter and five brothers have ;¦ • LAKE CITY ,;Minn.-^.3.C, Een- expo3ient. ; of: river development, prize was 'won »by Dale Smith, ; Births : " died. ENS. RAY A. GRULKOWSKI,|I tion. The funeral service . will be Wed- son of Mr: and Mrs. Ray M. Grul- I1 nisi :M: Duncan, -son of Miv and and controversial judge of 8th Dis- Elk; Mound , and a r»tisserie by Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Ryan; WISCONSIN—Temperatures will nesday at 2 p.m , 677 E-. Broadway, landed ji Mi-s, Merrel L. Duncan, has com- trict Court. . . Jane Ballom, Hudson, Wis. ..Galesville, Wis:; a daughter: , . at Mabel First i kowski . average near normal northeast 4- Lutheran Church , the Rev. Bruce ' aboard the' aireraft carrier USS ; pleted the Air Force ' technical A lifelong resident of Shak«pee. In charge, of arrangements for . Discharges 6 degrees above normal extreme Boyce officiating. Burial will be in Al Brownsville : Antietam . in the Gulf of Mexico to '; training course fi>r supply.inven- Moriarty, 79, died in a St. Paul the; contest -was club president : southwest - Normal high 19-25 specialists Vat; Amarillo AFB. Orvin Zeller; , Merchants Hotel, j Mabel cemetery. Pallbearers , all ..BROWWSVILLE. Minh.;e!*feat ' Mrs. Lowell W. Barkeim and ba- will total about one-quarter inch Friends may call at Mengis Fu- Crescent' s Gittens-Leidel. . Post . n95 will enter advanced flight training ic dat a processing equipmentV- He Harold E, Flynn: The lat ter's de- .- -. 'Previous' ' contests' : ha vie ;'.fihaiiced\ ; north and one or two-tenths inch Lake«Cityi High . . . . by,...Winona Rt: 1.; / neral Home from today until iiivie of tlie. .-American .- Legion. " . - .: for ' instruction and experience in is a graduate of cisions later . voided 865 of- '. .the purchase, of a resort area';-: which . ;,' - south in recurring snow north and School. *- . V was converted by the club to a Mrs. Ronald J. G-alewski and ba'- j r . of the service. Cash prizes \vere ..-awarded- for ! flying jets,in combat¦ maneuvers. ¦ ¦ divorces Judge Moriarty had rain o - snow 'south .'-: . . ¦ ¦ ¦' ' ¦¦ " ¦' " ' - . " -" 'VHrV ' •' . '.'- . •¦ . picnic area now turned over, to ' : by. 725 38th Ave., Goodview. the largest: fish caught in five cater V. .* - , : granted . . . Hubert R. Tulius , 515. E/ Sth. St.- ' OTHER TEMPERATURES Mrs. Ida Anderson '¦ ¦ : HOUSTON Minn. -' Marlyx W. Durnie County for public use. . By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS : gories, ther e was a Spudding con- ; MINNESOTA CITY/Minn. -BM3;: : son of Mr ,; and Mrs : El- Jeffrey Kanz, 1004 AV.' 3rd St. GALESVILLE,.Wis, - Mrs. Ida Kost3r. Moriarty *ttr»rt>»d widespre.d Hiflh LovvPr. , test in which fishermen competed ; Harry H. EIH E, son of Mr . i and i mer -'.K'oster. . .has enlisted in the attention- in If»S0 ..while presiding Mrs. Frieda E.: Erpelding, 119 . Anderson 87. died Saturday eve- against, time in drilling holes, for Mrs.; Hai-ris Ellis, was .named the .' ¦ Albany. clear/* . .... ;14 -3- '- .. ning at Elmcroft Rest Home.: She : Army thioiigh the Wiriona-reeruit- over the '.' Laura . Miller and. Rubin Feb; 12 Deadline E. 5th St./ . ' ' fishing and attendance prizes. were ' sit-Lip champion at the Navy base, i:, basic P. . ?.' ¦ Ravmond , 427 Lafavette : Albuquerque/clear ... 60• : Xfi had been a . patient there several . ing station. Re will take ; Shetsky murder trials in Glencoe. ' ' '¦ , 45 20 awarded throug hout'; the aftenipon, '¦"at; Kamiseya,- Japan , during - the !•i training , a! Fort Knox. Kyi. aiid For Office Filing ¦ St. '- '; - .' - . : ¦ -; ¦ ;¦ ' ' -, Atlanta clear ...... ; ¦ months. . " Both defendants were acquitted. . . , Bismairck, clear ¦,... " 27 13 ' .. ' Winners of: major attendance ! third quarter of 1962. He did 705 I| will be assigned to the auton-aotive . Mrs. Man/Speltz, Rollingstone, i * . She was born here Aug; 7, 1873, sit-ups. Earlier in the year Ellis-i ¦ . Survivors include Mrs. . Mori- In Minnesota Towns ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' Boise: cloudy ;.; ./.,. 52 46 M priz es were Glen St. Mary. Cale- 1 ' maintcnrini 'C' field:- : " arty, ; Minn. / - " ' ' . - . - . -' - , -. ¦; ¦] daughter , of ;Mr. ,: and, , Mrs. - .John ¦ ' ¦ ' ; ' ' two;sons and two daughters. Chicago, cloudy :.' :.':.- ,"- - '15' /6 ;. . donia , a half a beef;' ."Steve Zetnlo, ! received a trophy for being the - v.: - . : Nicholas. R. ' Moravec ,' .601 ,-Cari- ! ¦ ¦ ¦. Brennegan. - She was married to : most improved rrian In a physical * Feb. 12 is the deadline for ¦ ¦ ¦'¦ ' Cleveland, cloudy : ,., 13 6 ' ' '.. Oscar Anderson Jmie La Crescent, . ' arid T. J. Kirby, St. " fH.A!fJVlEW , MirtnJ 'Specialv — candidates to f ile in annual • : , ' mona St. ' •: . / 28, 1900: He fitness show in his division: He is a Gany Hof- - : Denver, clear .;. ,..;.; . 69 39 /. died in February 1935. She lived Paul, each a half a hog and Ker- The address bf-Pvti'i March 12 elections in AVinona Ferdinand J. Kroening, St; Char- 1 , 28: 20 :.: ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ry- Sch aeffer , La Crosse, a .22 cal- 1961 graduate of Winona Senior : schulte is: US 55730931, lst-Eril; StU 2,525 Get Oral Tes, ;Minri. j Des Mojnes cloudy // here all; her life. ' ' ;¦ .; :.,. • '- . I High County's 20 townships, County . Detroit, cloudy .:. . 14 11 .. iber; rifle. School. ; ' BTR , Sch. Spt:' ."-: Command, Box Auditor Richard Schoonover: _n- . Mrs. .Emilie A. Ramelo.w ,. 2.171 Survivors include one son, Law^ James N Hohensee; sen of Mr. , : Fairbanks, fog' -¦"., .. -18 -38 . rence, . The prize for .being the oldest 2860 Fnrt Bliss, Tox . Polio Vaccine at nounced. Mankato Ave. ' Galesville. . one brother , ¦ and Mrs.- , .¦Robert The address of Dnarie Schmiede-' • ¦" ¦: Fort Worth, clear :. ,- 51 33/ .. John , Williamsburg. Va., and one man in-. - attendance was wort ,. by In general, each township will ' . Felix P. Bronk . St: Anne Hos- !' ' "' ¦ N., Hohensee, has herg is: RA 17648922, Co. F. 13th Lake City Clinic '¦ ' pice. ' . - '. ¦ - . ;¦ Helena, cloudy - .. 5. - 40 .. sister, Mrs. Jpsie Hammer, GaLes- John Ftoraff , 81, Brovvhsyille, aiid enlisted , in: t li e V elect a supervisor for three years j Honolulu, cloudv ". . 77 .70 .. ; ; Bn 4th Trng BDE ; 'BCT ,: l"SATC and an assessor, justice of the Patricia L. McNally, Dakota , ! vi Je: . ;. for . women, . 'Liz Scanlan. 75, Army through ' the j Armor, 4th Platoon , Fort TCr.ox, LAKE CITY; Minn. — A total ¦ ' " - - ' - Los Angeles, cloudy;. .8" 66 .. . Funeral Browiiiiviile. peace.ahd consable.for two years. . Minn . - . . . . ;, . .. . ! services vill be at 2 p.m. . Winona recruiting ' ' - - ¦ ' ,; ' " ' of 2,525 Lake City area residents ¦ ' Memphis^ cloudy . . . 33 22 "... I'K y ' - ' ' . :.- . - .. .; ¦ : Robert S. Hawley,. 501 " Mankatoj ¦ Tuesday at French Creek Luther- The spudding contest was won station: A : 1962 I - The address. of A'.J.e. ' - 'Ralph ' -L. rec eived Type -Iir .Sa.bin oral polio ¦ ¦ Miami , cloudy :. . ... ' . ' 78 65 .45 ' Parts of SouHiwesL Africa are Ave. ' " . - . I an Church; the Rev. Henry A. by Red Tlscher, La Crosse, with a ! graduate of Win- j Vanllouten is: AF17648148. Box vaccine at Jefferson School here Milwaukee, rain ... ./' ". 3 .01 Lease officiating. . Burial will be time of seven seconds.; Runnerup Hi gh. Friday. (/: so dry that one minin g center dis- .' . .; . 14 14 .08 ¦ in . ona Senior 1631L 3.143 Sqn:, Amarilli) AFB, Mpls.-SL . Paul , clear : the church cemetery. was Milo Munson. . - ' ¦: ':: S c h oo I. he has ' '¦ ¦ ' ' ¦' ;: ' ' ¦ Lake. City doctors were in till fresh water from the sea aiid OTHER BIRTHS New Orleans, cloudy . 52" . 36 .. i -Tex: :. . / " ./. . - • - - '"- " ' ' even condenses, some water from ' ' Fdends . may call after . 7 p .m. Other prizes: announced by con- ; been assigned to The address of Donald Cv Kahh charge, assisted: by nurses and New York , clear .. t .38 10 ; . , today at Smith Mortuary and ; Fort . Knox , Ky., auxiliary members of Lake City fog. . - ' Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald , , : ,'¦' , . after test Chairman Wayne Lottes went is: RA 17623077, Hq. Co., USAG, Omaha clear . . ./ . -37 29; - ' 1 p:m. Tuesday: at the church. A ¦' ¦ ':¦ -¦ ¦ ' ; for basic training Hospital. 4765 8th St., Goodview ; a son Philadelphia, clear .. 37 ll ' _. tO:- . * .;, ' (31651, Fort Gordon , Ga. prayer /¦¦ "/ Thursday by adoption. The' child service vi'ill be held at 7:30 j and will enter the /*' ITh ose who did not receive the Phoenix; clear . . .:.; 84 :49 .;. ' Dr. H.'VL. • Barton; La Crescent, ! was born Nov. 21:: ' p.m... • food service ca- i. CH ATFI ELD, Minn . - A :1 .C: vaccine because of bad weather Portland, Me., clear .- .,. 35 -3 the largest crappie, 7 ounces, and rreer field. . Hohensee . -.';; and road conditions" may receive ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mr. and Portland.Ore. cloudy 64 48 ,04 second largest,. .J. Hauser, HVi John T>. Hanson, son of Mrs. Ilelga . Joseph Popelka A. Hanson , Minneaipolis , has. been the vaccine at a Type III clinic at Mrs. David Steinbauer , Rochester, Rapid City . cloudy ' , 58 34 CHATFIELD, Minn! ounces;, largest sunfish ,,L- Mertes, -a daughter Jan. 25 at St. Mary's; ' ' — Joseph ARCADIA , UVis. (Speci-I) -^ EM awarded tiie Air Force Good Coh- Mazeppa Feb. 16: Lake City doc- , Salt Lake City, cloudy . 55 28 : -, . Popelka. 84, died Saturday at St. 6 ounces;, largest perch, D. Ericfc I tors will be in charge. The vac- Hospital Steinbauer is the son of son, lei-i ounces, and runner up, , Ererelt . 'A. Giienther ,' son of Mr , idiict Medal at March iAFB, Calif. San Francisco, cloudy "0 60 Mary's Hospital , Rochester. He R Guenther, is serv- cine also is available at all doc- Mi*, and -Mrs. Max Steinbauer, 355 Seattle, cloudy ...... 58 50 .09 Roraff , 9% ounces; largest north'-. and Mrs. Edwin . This award , the fourth (or Han- ¦ ¦ had been ill 3V. riionths;; :: ing aboard tlie destr oyer USS | son, is in recognition of his : ex- tors' offices. -. - . Liberty; St., and Mrs. Steinbauer Washington , clear .'..' . 40 16 ' .- . He was born ern, T. Wiebke, first; - Paul ¦ : ,'¦' in Jordan Tc-«n. Richard B. Anderson , which; has emplary behavior,, efficiency .' and Some ; were turned¦ sway be- is the former Marjori e . Will, ship, Fillmore County, . June 4; Barton , La Crescent, second/ and in causei-'6f colds. ' ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs! F. D. R. VVilse, joined the Seventh Fle^et the fidelity over a 12-year period . ¦ ^H ^H home protection tar 1878, son of Joseph . and Kate third . Far 'Cast. Anderson is scheduled your tVill/479 Mankato Ave. IMPOUNDED OOGS Popelka. He married Antonia R. Foscoe won the prize for the H ^V J ^ | money—our Fi- to visit ports in Japan , the Philip- Homebwnerf No. 1647-T-Female , white, small man Oct: 19, 1910, at Spring Val- larges:t fish, weighing 1 pound 6' . pines, the Ryukyu Islands aiid Search Teams Find 3 Shortage of Coffins I W ^^ B Policyl , to< Leonard J/ Groski, Lewiston, Mr: and Mrs. J. Edward Reiland , Villwock, Pioneer Presbyterian ' ' He— Office Blooalnitim. llll B-i_ l""' '. Minn., $25 on a charge of speed- . Friends may call at.' Stran d. 'Fu.- < The address of Pfc. Otto Pape , southwest of Saigon ' Sunday. The injured: ^* . Rochester, formerly : of Rolling- Church, officiating. Burial will be Communists were dri ven off by ing 40 m.p.h: in a 30 zone. He was were held this "morning, at in the neral Home, Strum,, beginning at so-zi of Mrs. Alma Pa pe. is; US stone, Chatfield Cemetery. 3 p.rn. Tuesday Wednesday r air , strikes and a , helicopter-borne arrested by police at East 3rd and Calvary Cemetery, Rochester. Of- Friends may call at the fumeral ' )5729459, Gtb Missile Bn, 8th Arty. , St. Charles streets at 1:35 a.m. at 10 a.m., then at the church . APO 333. San Francisco, Calif. company of Rangers . ¦ ficiating was the Rt. Rev. Msgr. home after 2 p.m. today. JCcny, Sunday. Raymond Jansen , pastor , St. Fran- Pallbearers will be The address of A.3.C. Larry Ur- The crash brought tht total of Sen Soy*- * Albert Nie- Evelyn R., Glodowski son of Mr. and Mrs. Lambert American servicemen killed in '^^ Werner J. Rothering, 3 Fairfax ' cis Catholic Church , Rochester. meyer, Albin Kadlec, Joseph Har- bick . St., on a charge of failure ¦! wood , , FO-L'NTAIN CITY , Wis. — Infant UibiciC , is: AF 17624:)7!> , CMR Box Viet Nam to 57/ 29 . of tleiti in $10 to The baby was born Jan. Ifi at St. Otto llolets Andv Groen combat. ——— stop for a stop sign. He was ar- Mary 's Hospital . Rochester , and and Robert Durfey. Evelyn Rose Glodowski , -six days , 1435. Webb AFB. Tex. —\ ' died of pneumonia today at St. f PAtient to d«ntiit: "This may .^.. ^ "w^t- /¦ ' 7* - ./ ; rested by police at Sioux Street > died there Saturday. ¦ and the Milwaukee Railroad ; Surviving are: His parents; three Alvin T. Holstad .Joseph 's Hospital , Arcadia. , hurt * HttU. I don't neve ihe : m m . \ crossing at 3:28 p.m. Saturday. brothers, Stephen , David and Wil- : STRUM. Wis. i Special i-Alvin She was born Jan. 28, at the • money." Wesley C. Mans , Harris, Minn., | liam, and two sisters, Judith and T. Holstad , 69, was found dead in hospital , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I \ * SI0 on a charge of failure to . stop ] Carol, all at home : maternal his bed Sunday morning by his Stanley Glodowski. . for a tra ffic signal. He was ar- ; grandmot lier , Mrs. John Ziegen- son John, who went to his Jiome Survivors include, her parents; , , P LA IN rested by the Highway Patrol on ] fuss, Winona , and paternal grand- lo investigate when he saw the five brothers , Steven James Da- Highway 61 at 7:50 p.m., Jan. 24. •' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sunday paper hadn 't been taken vid, Allen and Andrew , at home; Reiland , Rollingstone. in. seven sisters, Rosemary, Susan , ! Mr. Holstad was born iii To wn Margaret , Rita , Joyce, Bernadette SYLVANIA DOES , , at home: paternal SKIRTS Mrs. Terrance Corcoran of Chimney Hock son of Torsten and Theresa MINNESOTA CITY . Minn . — A and Martha Holstad. He farmed grandparents , Mr. and Mrs. John "IF YOU ASK funeral service for Mrs. Terrance there until moving to Slrinn 12 Glorlowski , Dodge, and maternal 1 - • years grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl - IT AGAIN! ! Corcoran was held this morning al ago. He lived alone. He was Cleaned M ^ , _ _JIU. M \ ME - IT St, Paul' s Church , Ihe Rev. George a member of Chimney Rock Lu- Patzner Sr., Rollingstone , Minn, Oc ^^ Moudry officio 'inR. Burial was in theran Church and wa.s treasurer Funeral services will lie at 8 and Pressed . . . k | i *w TASTES LIKE St. Patrick's Cemetery, Ridgeway. many years of the Skogstarl school a.m. Tuesday at Watkowski Funer- Pallbearers were Virgil Schaff- district . al Home, Winona, and at 9 at Sa- (CENSORED)!" ner , Steven and Joseph Glodowski , He married Lily Olson O-cl . 3, cred Heart Church , Pine Creek , \ i SBk : ; ! l fl ST 1 Robert Neumann , Anion Patzner 1914. She died 24 years ago , where the Mass of the Angels will — ONE WEEK 0HLY -— nnd Danny Corcoran. Survivors are : Three sons , Hi- lie conducted hy the Rev, Angus- ram , Whitehall; John, Strum; and tyn Sn '/k. Burial will he in Sacretl SPECIAL ENDS SAT., FEB. 9 : Mrs. Fred Ronnenberg Ellsworth , Fori Ruckon Ala.; Heart Cemetery: ratings Bw*^afff<$%*^^*^H LANESBORO, Winn. —Funeral three daughters. Mrs. Ruby Dnth- F riends may call at the funeral j -cSS|__^5^|l|SP - in j ¦ I^Wr services for Mrs. Fred Ronnen- son mid Mrs. Millard (Francest home from 7-fl p.m. today . — Free Pickup and Delivery — ^^H berg will lx; at B:45 a.m. Wednes- f I (with its fc te # » day at Watkowski Funeral home | ft | :/ Joseph's Church, m_r m^M^QmmWSm ^sm^mii/ ym^^^.SKm anil at 1.0 at St. ¦¦ " ¦¦ " ¦" ¦«_¦ If \ HALOLIGHT) m^^m Rushford, the Rt. Rev, .1. Richard ^^ M \ \ j meW^uMtMtkwi/f ^mmWtaWaMFeiten , Precious Blood Church , "" I" Lamoille, officiatin g. Burial will i CLEAN ONLY Here's Why HALOLIGHT Is Better: he in the church cemetery . WILL PAY ! FREE PICK-UP and DELIVERY \ j l^^^^^^W Frien<|s may cnUl after 2 p.m. ¦ ¦ Tuesday at Watkowski Funeral TOP BLUE BOOK PRICES- ? 4 HALOLIGHT given your eye* a relaxing rhanje i Home, Winona. The Rosary will | X« of pace J be recit ed at 8 p.m. | O HALOLIGHT protcrt.i the only set of eyes you J mW ,_____l______<° r * "I 4 5 ¦ I ¦ I .______!___ Bull»lrj ¦ I DRY ? ln ___H_^¦B^^^HS_l____i___l^-^_J ,______E|BI H » 5 HALOLIGHT .wf!en.v the abrupt darknrw immoili- < \ % Curator of Birds [ ie*r tho "llv. ¦ ! p.m, ^_3<______H______F m * *i I . A at 7:H0 mid show them th*> way 1o U ^______H______r ^^^ ^^ He'll discuss findings of studies ^Bf^^^^^^M^^^H^l^HP Mor* ¦ ¦ bettor teel h enre . in ornithology nt the museum nnd ¦ ™3^^^mMm^K^^^^^Jr coin l> In betl.r zrl university , Any Interested person | A | ELECTRONIC I inny nil end. ~ fl ¦ Dr. Warner will visit Wlnonn un- ¦ / \ Sets Orient K ItH* for coin information H f ^ R|5S* der sponsorship oif the Minnesota I HAROLD GATES and WES KITTLE \ Academy of Science nnd tho Na- u LEAFSECOND AND MAIN S No Home Service Call Charge Wh en Your TV or Rndn? ] ^* gwacBeH [ y tional Science Foundation and will S K OINS AND SUPPLIES S » Set Is Repaired in Our Shop. i nddrasn students in biology classes ! 275 W«(t Socond SI. (National Hotel} ¦ ^^^^^ ^^ ~"^ . p Phone 2222 ! 211 Eait Third Phono 3791 ** . -¦___—__—______' nt Wlnonn Senior High School al ? i regular sessions "Wednesday. . ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ if :: y ' ¦ '' :¦ ' y New Expense Account HOW DO YOU STAND, SI R? XX . XXx \/ 'C/ '^'yxX ; ' - TODAY IN NATIONAL AFFAIRS Rules Exasperating Financirjg by USXM aj Revo/f AMID MOANS and groans, upper Mid- west businessmen are scrambling to set up record ke eping systems which com ply D ^msHif with new; tougher than ever expense ac- By SEN. BARRY GOLDWATER AtTax G^d/roes count rules of the internal revenue serv- By its own arithmetic, the Kennedy admin- ¦' ' ' ¦' / '~~ ~ By DAVID LAWRENCE .-' . • _; ice. . *¦ /''' ;.(. / :¦/¦ " . ; . : /': istration will—in its first full three years in of- ¦ handed the country a whopping $27.1- . WASHINGTON — It may take/a little while before the new / :¦ • ¦. " '¦/./•' businessman as a fi ce—have ' Beiscribed. -by.- one billion shortage in its fiscal accounts. facts of tax life sink^ih and, when : they do, there may be wide- "pain in the neck," the new regulations This,,! suggest, is deficit-financing with a spread discontent as the citizens discover that a tax cut is to be accompanied by a tax rise. While the net change may be a simply mean: No records—no deduction. vengeance. But it doesn 't tell the whole story, slight reduction in taxes for the individual , the * psychology that '. Gone is the day when the businessman because the $27.i-biilion figure for total deficits entertainment-—-$50-' arid get will prevail is that the government is giving, something with one could say " in the 1962, 1963 and 1964 fiscal years is a high- it away with - -^-r-—--- . - .;¦ '-—r1—~-^- :--- - ; ' '¦ '¦ hand and taking ; . . away with it./ ' _/ / , . .ly optimistic one.: . . . .: /•' . the other. : ;¦ ' -1963, the President presented what /. In fiscal For a while it is easy enough To Your Godcf Health . .. Not only must he now spell out in his he called a balanced budget, He estimated that why, when, where; what to show that taxpayers in all records the who, there would /actually be a surplus of $500 mil- with a but every expense of $25 brackets may come out and how of it, lion m the till when it ended. slight cut in taxes, the person Allergy or more must be backed ujj with receipts, But his recent budget message who makes out; a return will paid bills rurthe like. ,;: to Congress for . fiscal 1964 have the feeling that somehow, ^ shows that the estimated defic- the government, though re- Can Cause Mortimer M- Caplin > commissioner of it for 1963. will run £8.8 billion. ducing his tax rate, is trying to internal revenue in Washington, D. C., has In other words, in winding get nearly all of it back by a said that the rules are designed to end the up with a deficit of $8.8 billion penalizing system of amend- abuses of "expense account living." Trav- where he had predicted a sur- ments to the tax rules. el and entertainment deduction's had been plus of half a billion , the Pres- The biggest source of dis- By JOSEPH G. MOLNER; M.D. ident made' slight the "wastebasket" for questionable de- a error of satisfaction . is the so-called pear Dr. Molner: more-than ;$9 billion, f' " . ductions, he said. " ./ . ve percent "floor on all de- Many people ; have sug- i This being the case, the ductions. Whether it: be a chari-V gested an operation but I . , the interest THE MISLABELING of p«r**n«» liv- American people can be nothing- table contribution am reluctant because , it ing expenses^ by a small percentage of Goldwater put highly suspicious and high- bn one's house mortgage - losses : sounds quite serious. . il y ly worried over sustained that sinuses' : bother me only taxpayers has caused the government a the President's are not cov- . . figures for fiscal 1964. In those figures, when I have a ; bad cold. ; . revenue loss estimated by Caplin at near the ad- ered by insur- i 100 million dollars a year. He hopes that ministration estimates a deficit of $11.9 billion Some relatives have sug- for the year. For the ance, or even ' the hew rul es will pick up this loss. sake of argument, let's allowance for gested that, I use salt wa- assume.that the President's figures are just as ter/snuffing it up my nose : state income Most company financial officers are faulty _ this. . year as they were last. In such a and property every morning: It seems to case, for. 'the '¦" -: revamping their expense record systems, . we would have a deficit not of just $11.9 taxes paid, the help. Ts it possible . . . ;billion but of more than $20 billion • : .' sinuses ' , to. ' affect ones : . . for just fact .remains ' ' relying on information in the press, in ' one year. that the -new . .ears?—L.M: '. '/ business publications or supplied by: busi- rule s would ness services- ' //¦/ ACTUALLY-, IT i* difficult t© btfitvt that Vne This sounds like a lot of ad- ./. ¦¦ deprive many ' President will be as wrong this* year as he was taxpayers of a vice without getting the facts. Practically all firms are iii some phase last; But there is little doubt in the minds of part of "the de- And advice without facts isn 't Of reorganizing their systems. They are fiscal experts both in and but of government ductions eh- Lawrtnc* worth much; ' . grumbling because of the expense and that the President will be wrong to some degree joved . almost since the day I have sonic doubt in this tirrie involved, and the absence of more if Congress adopts his tax program. Sen. Harry when the present income tax instance whether it is true . complete informatio n from the govern- F. Byrd, chairman of the Senate Finance Com- laws and regulations were first sinusitis, if it bothers you only /'/ mittee, for example, has already written.. A person who made when you have a bad cold. __jn«nt, predicted that ' " ' the President's $11.9-Jbillion deficit figure out/h s.. will years ago now With a severe. '- cold , the mem- will be faces some substantial changes / NOT ONE FIRM jufytyed ftlt that Itt more like $14 billion when the final a.count- THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND branes of the nose and sinuses / ¦V ' ', which will mean he will leave are inflamed and swollen, and previous expense account , form was inad- ing is rendered. . . ./; / his wife or children less money equate. The information the firms requir- The belief that the $11,9 billion figure for this interferes than had been, contemplated. w.' - 'i, th the 1964 deficit is too low stems from the fact sinus ed was enough to satisfy them that they Why should a legal document drainage;: The got the most for their expense account that President Kennedy estimated revenue re- drawn up years ago as a trust, ¦ ceipts for thei year at a figure higher sinuses, c a n ¦ /dollars, . .;.//'¦/. .¦/' ';/:- . than these for instance, suddenly be af- ache. - Biit this receipts ran in the previous fiscal year. And fected by a retroactive tax doesn 't ¦ '?- ' . . ¦' ¦;' c-all Many businessmen said that in some these estirnates allow for tax reductions of be- law . , /¦ . for an opera- tween $5 billion and $6 billion. ' ' areas—Hollywood, Miami, New York—the TO CUT through human hub- tion. / ' / . . . ' ' get tough policy may have merit. But in When the si- NOW, HOW IS thit trick performed? How i> f dr/^ Prospects its and customs and revolu- To US. nuses . remain ''conservative Minnesota and Wisconsin" lt possible : to cut taixes around $6 billion in a tionize them on the theory By DREW P EARSON and put It in wheat. tion areas are marred by clos- congested, and money'is! not thrown around loosely, one given year and colled more taxes thaui were ¦ that this is a desirable "tax re: . ; ; WASHINGTON — The Am- ed. beaches, putrid rivers, form " is to damage the party pus and con- remarked/ ; //.* .'' : * '/ taken , in during the previous year? Well ' SO DE GAULLE was net * , it s erican farmer doesn 't know it sewage - Clogged shorelines, in power. The: planned-deficit stant drainage perfectly simple—at least on ' , paper. What you about to open French doors to ' /j"It- seems like a terrific; burden for the yet,: but he will probably get lifeless swamps, and fishless policy will be vigorously de- persist.,that is do——and "what the President did—is say to your- cheap Australian and , : later, waters. .- / ¦.¦¦; Molnar . the heaviest backlash from De . bated . While the average man another mat- ;/ .reyoriue. service to impose titt.90 to 95 per- self that the business outlook is so good for the American wheat. NOTE — Jones/a key mem- ter, and can be determined by ¦' Gaulle's . veto of Britain for , of course, had may ; feel the subject is over - ./ c«int/of the 'taxpayers just/to catch a few 1964 fiscal year that the Gross National Product De Gaulle ber of the. government opera- the chances are that, examination and/or X-ray. ¦ the common market. It will several reasons for blackball- his head, ¦ v chiselers " iaid one ;tfix manage*. /¦/ will probably run as high as . $578 billion, and, probably mean cuttting close tions committee,' charged with after air the hullabaloo : about As to "operations." ¦-different .. ' - ' - .- ¦ ing Britain,: but this * was one ' consequently, tax revenues will be greatly in- to Jl.lOft .OOO.OOO of farm prod- investigating the problems of tax reductions, if he winds up : types are done. One is , to . /One '.industrialist predicted that in- of therh. the government and the nation , with tax savings of only a few creased. TTien, you take a pencil and paper and ucts . to Western Europe; What will now happen is that straighten a bent or deviated creased revenue, expected by the goyerri- figure out • that the horizon is : so bright that the though the cut won't ah come was all set to investigate wa- cents a weekr-as Jhe govern- septum of the nose, if bent so ; common market tariffs will be ment;- will be; moire thin/offset by: a loss tax receipts will run more than $6 billion bet- .at Once. - ter pollution and other health ment goes into the red by it plugs one side of . the nose, ¦ increased against all Ameri- problems when he got word ¦.' in riegular ievenu^ '.' -.' ter than they did last year, ' :/ The reason is two-fold: many billions of dollars—he blocking both, nasal and sinus / / ./ can farm products. The tariff that his committee chairman, will well the troubleVis that the whole thing is a guess oilers is al- finally say, "let ¦ drainage. Another is removal that salesmen will ; have 1. Continental Europe is hell- on American br Rep. William Dawson , - the enough alone." : .;" - / . He s^d to apd a gamble on the part of the President and bent to develop ready so high that our market . of polyps, if they are forming ? : its own food Chicago Democrat , had his For if the proposed tax plan (Polyps ; spend more 'time:' each day filling out vyhbm have proven in the self-sufficiency. in Germany has almost evap- a blockage. are more ' his advisors—all of own ideas on -running the goes through, there will be common in people with aller- ¦ ' " .' .- .; expense.account forms. This, he said; will past .that they view the business future of the 2. Britain's entry was a test orated . ; •: probe. Now it probably will . ' possible many individuals who . will be gies.i Or there may. be surgery mean less selling tijne with resultant few- country /vith far -rosfer glasses than conditions case, which, was to pave the Of course, it's for not be made. , /; and many retaliate adversely affected, .on the sinuses , proper, to .re- ,: er sales, less: company profits and, final- warrant. Iii fact, - the $8.8-biIlion deficit for way for subsequent entry by the United States to non-profit institutions will find : . high tariffs ; against move diseased membranes and , : " , ' 1963 resulted from just, this kind of overopti- the: United 'States.^ with THE ROLL CALL of th« it hard sledding. Tax rules op- Iry less (taxes./-. ;•// French and German products, New Frontier, as Boy Scout aid: drainage; liiistic figuring, coupled with accelerated govern- The chief econ omic stum- erate in so many; different sec- OPERATORS OF ;r«sfaur«ntt, ban, bling block to Britain 's entry but this is not the way to Week approaches, shows that that there are bound to be ment spending. . . unity against tors SO THERE'S nothing gaintd ' ; was the fact that common- build Western all but one member of the some who benefit or who are in arguing over whether to clubs and similar places¦ advance the saitie} ¦ Communism. ' 9e_bU wealth partners ." cabinet were either, scouts or " . - ' /argument/ Althougli all businessmen sur- PRIVATE ECONOMISTS . and kn»wled ^ — Australia, , not materially affected:. Grati- "have an operation until you * .; / Canada, New Zealand Rep. Bob Jones who comes active in scout work .The Pres- 'however , , - " •;/¦ congressmen can argue " until they*re blue — would missile-city of Hunts- tude in political life,: . know 'what if anything, . there veyed said that they do hot plan curtail- g e t their from the ident himself was a member is less important than dissat- ' ¦¦ ¦ ' - ¦' in.'/, the . - face : that the e con o m i .e.. indi- , is fearful that with of Troop 2. is to do. - ments of/ expense account spending, res- wheat, butter , ville, Ala: Brphxville, N.Y., isfaction. Those who are hurt . Nlany so-called " cators and; conditions generally , point to a water, water everywhere, the later district vice sinus cases" , taurants a.iid:: clubs' said that they are/al- $565 billion rather wool into the chairman of will be vocal. Those who will are due to allergy or to con- Gross National Product of United States may soon be the Boston council and finally ready feeling the pinch. than the . $578 -. billion - envisioned by the Presi- common mar- be moderately benefited will stant irritation from fumes— running out of water to drink. a member of the executive be indifferent. dent. And they , can make the most of the fact ket at low boards • and I deliberately include to- . The manager of a private club in Mil- tariff rates, " that the President, in fiscal 1963, estimated the HE HAS BEEN working Dean Rusk , secretary of bacco fumes. Many a sinus •Myaukee said that since Jan. 1 about 3 too. :¦ THE admlni»tr«tlon's gambit victim " has stopped per GNP -at a figure $16 billion higher than the with his friend from Minne- state, Was kuot-tieing cham- is that there will be more mon- smoking cent of the club's members have dropped This had the sota, Rep. John; Blatnik , re- long, enough to find that . the mark it attained. pion in the early 'twenties in ey overall to spend , and that ¦/ out because of the new regulations. The President from vigorous oppo- garding the problem of water Atlanta , Ga. "phlegm " and "catarrh" and . But none of them can stop the s it ion of this •will bring prosperity and ¦' club expects a total 10 percent dfop ''be- arriving at his Own estimate of what will hap- pollution. Douglas Dillon , secretary of thus decrease unemployment. coughing disappear. . . ¦ French farm- Consider the chlorinated cock- the treasury, ' be- lore this whole thing 'is over.'.' ' pen and incorporating that estimate into the na- ers; and the was an executive But there s a difference tail that pours out of the board member for ten years in tween a "planned" deficit , tional budget. The trouble will develop, if the French farm faucet. Most likely, it contains AFFECTING PRIVATE clubs is a re- Congress of the United States adopts the Pres- Plainfield . N.J. such as is being proposed , and bloc is just a jigger of sewage dumped in Robert McNamara, secretary quirement that to deduct club dues the ident's appraisal of the situation and fails to Pi«r»on strom in those deficits of the past which as by communities upstream , a of Defense, was an Eagle came naturally as the business facility has . to be used more than 50 per- program of $98.8 bil- at Deputies as cut back on the spending the Chamber dash of insecticide from the Scout in Troop 3, Piedmont, curve turned downward. De- 7 1964 . (•he American farm bloc is in MEN cent for business. Then only that portion lion offered for fiscal farms, perhaps some chemi- Calif. liberately to plan to put the How do you stand , sir? the U.S. Congress. cals and contaminants from a of the cost attributable to business use can ' J. Edward Day, postmaster government into the red by France has the support factory. general , was a Scout in be deducted. That is, 60 percent business .30 a Spring- many billions serves notice on price on whea t of $2 Not the least frightening field , III. everybody. It means that use—60 percent deduction. which is a healthy radioactive wastes, 40 bushel, may be PAST 82 price somehow there has to be a Ireublei with GETTIN G UP NIGHTS Restaurant and bar operators are con- IN YEARS GON E BY margin over the $1. raising the possibility that fu- ORVILLE FREfMAN, s«c- psychology of spending rather support on American wheal. ture ulcers might glow in Ihe rctary of rains In BACK, HIPS , LEGS . . cerned because they expect a curtailment agriculture , was Star than saving on the new tax re- Ten Years Ago . . . 1 953 However, the German wheal dark . Scout in Minnesota Troop 24. ductions. But the confusion lirednets, 105! OF VIGOR "' by businessmen of the spending on per- bushel. ChauiKey Safranek was elected president of support price Is $3.15 a Purifying plants to try to Stewart Udall , secretary of that may result from the far- 't exactly qualify as a bus- And French farmers, under clean the drinking water by the interior sons who don the Winona Rod aJid Gun Club at its 15th anni- , was a first class reaching penalties that the new Kie common market policy of mixing in more chemicals ' to Scout in Arizona, where his Jt you are a victim of thesa iness relation. No longer will the business- versary meeting at the Red Men's Wigwam. tax law would Impose could eymptoms then your troubles man be able to pick up the tab for sev- free interchange, can get the coun teract the chemicals f rom f ather, J ustice Le vi Udall , was cause a period of hesitation in Firemen tested "Winona 's newest fire engine for benefit of this high German upstream. The unsavory solu- ¦awarded scouting 's highest may be traced to Glandular eral friends just because a business Vi hours, pumping out an almost continuous the economy which would be Inflammation, Glandular In- .support price. In oiier words, tion which finally spews out honor — the Silver Beaver costly all around, acquaintance was along. stream of water, from the Mississippi River. Cost they can grow ' wheat at a of the tap is barely drinkable. award. flammation is a constitutional Economic discontent has of the new pump truck is $17,575. $2.30 price in France and sell The danger to drinking wa- Luther Hodges, secretary pf disease cnd"mernv_ oiof uimooiutmost ••<¦ **"» "W 1 ?•» Exec, Director Business Mpr. Into the area , the center found |fi .„,,„„, ,.f„, Publisher row margin of popular votes In imporunce in menu f«r «l«i)#ul»r and Editor A Adv, Director itself with plenty of service- men, pastries and fruit punch , 194a. your lift. No Inllimifi illtn, One Hundred Years Ago . .. 1863 There are other instances oblifttion, W. .1. C'CHE ADOI.PH BRISMER II. G. H YMW The German Hinging Society is making prep, but srottly short of young ' Managing Editor City Editor Circulation Mgr. hostessed. . of adverse impact of policies aratlons to give a grand Masquerade Ball at ¦ ° or voter discontent. Herbert their Hail which is designed to eclipse anything I EXCELSIOR MEDICAL aiNIC I B. II. 1I A »ECK F. II, KhAoai L, V. ALSTON Hoover was elected by a huge [o.pi, « Mio j of the kind heretofore held In this city. TRAGIC STOPPBR carrying al- Contposfno Supt. Press Supt. Engraving SupC, majority in 1020 , j Cxctltlor 9)>rlnf * , Mo. j ¦ MIAMI l^i - A truck driver most every northern state and I (•ntlimim t,\ni\l mt wi tl •nei .i M. GLEE G RISWOLD GOKDOH HOI.TK Soil, Goldwater says JTemilcnt Kenne- lilt a power pole and broke it some southern states, But In l ytur Ntw FKCE look. I im IntimlU lnl Chief Accountant Sunday Editor In half , then sped uway. l!>:iO his party lost control of • lull Informitlon (rlatu Cluck Bt>) l dy is trying to squeeze Congress out of the The accident created a huge iQHirnli o R«elat-c«lB(i «l»n Internal Revenue Service is applying to mile on two busy stroets. sion, He to do I KAMI J had had little I I the taxpayer, Jack Golden , 61, arrested w ith Its origin , as the whole AOBHIII I Tho Associated Press Is entitled exclusively J to the use for republication of all th« local ¦ "So lake advantage of this offer now—•learn the rumba , Inter ;uul charged with cure- world wns Involved in an eco- news printed in this newspaper as well as all less driving and leaving nn ac- nomic readjustmen t , but the IT0WH J Bobby Kennedy is fining lo argue his twist , jitterbug, cha-cha-eha—you will not only be- cident scone said lie did so A,P. news dispatches. ' , voters took their grievances first case, If tliat fellow keeps il tip, he s come a nuirtf pro ficient dancer, but a more popular because, "I didn 't want to out on hln administration just i,.„ j A Monday, February < , 196S going to go far In the legal profession. date." cause a (ruffle j am." l.h« name , i^ __ _ jJ(___B______r Blair Area Girl «0rt ' lf500 Fishermen Scout Leaders Kjjf:** .>» t ______H______i BUSINESS MIRROR Plan Day Camp Bw__?: .______* .* Catch 75 Trout ETTRICK , "Wis. (Special(-Plans ^^rfl^^^l^^^^^^^^H were made for Girl Scout day camp by executive board mem- Af Independence Today s Problems bers of Girl Scout neighborhood INDEPENDENCE , Wis. — Sev- nine, Friday afternoon 3t the home enty-five trout ranging upward in of Mrs. James Davis, Blair, neigh- size to 17 inches were taken by borhood chairman. The meeting / - v^^ Mi^iii ^l^pi BiTWBWW^B^^^^^W^^WWH ^^M" an estimated 1,500 fishermen u lio Vvas conducted by Mrs. Milan By GRETCHEN U. LAMBERTON competed Sunday in the fifth an- By SAW DAWSON Skuhdberg, La Grosser assistant nua] trout fishing contest spon- AP Business News Analyst director of Riverland Council. *Tni-lE. January- cold spell was hard on animals as well as 1 ' sored by the -Elk Rod & Gnu NEW YORK VAPi-Just 15' years' Tentative plans were made to humans. On . my son s Indiana farm the lambs and the wife and the children, whi le Club. - . ;ij;b The Associated Press hold camp June 17 through 21 , at riding horses are cared for by his he takes care of cattle herd , the pigs and the rest Attendance Was described by ¦launclied a business neWs colurrin! a suitable site in the Blair area , ihe beef It noted that businessmen were of the farm. In a letter from my daughter-in-law she said , "I've contest officials as good, consid : with Scouts from 7 to 17, from cring the fact that fishing was complaining of many problems a! Whitehall; Blair , and Ettrick been in the most awful lamb mess- They started coming Jan. 6. par- , bring them into done in near-zero weather iviih a home and abroad. ticipating. Mrs. Davis was It's been 15 below zero and of course we had to named we'd go down to the garage four strong wjncl blowing throu ghoul ; On February 3, 1948, these in- registrar. Registrations must be the house. For several days High, times a day '(' ' around, midnight) and milk the ewes, the afternoon. cluded:. taxes and the dim- made by May 22. Camping hours the last time ming chances of a congressional will be from 9:30 then bring up tlie milk and bottle-feed il . to the babies. Dare a.m. to 3:30 p.m. " THE SHOTGUN awarded for drive to cut them; a , profit The possibility and I have both become expert milkers. crippling siege of a nursery unit for our bare hands we the largest fish went to Darwin squeeze in steel; a with Senior Scouts in charge, She went on , "When that: got lob Col d . , Bradley, Blair , Wis;, weather; fear; that Europe was I had both .Janie and Gimpy, aiid runner- of bad discussed, as a means for just brought the ewes to the house. up was .: Virgil Meinking. La would clamp down oft the influx of leaders in the utility roorri off the kitcheii , Janie for who are mothers with small chil- plus their babios, Crosse, who also received a shot- American goods; consumer pre- dren to bring five days — I just put her out today. She had twins in the sheep occupation with high, prices, in- their children to and I had the gun for a brown trout weighing camp. pen lone of the lambs was partially frozen>;; almost a pound. cluding the rising cost of educa- frozen twin in until we finally had to put- him to A fee will be charged each girl the kitchen There were about 30 rainbows tion ; and the; prospects of a re- sleep today; he couldn't walk because of nerve damage to his to cover a part of the cost of food , ¦ ¦ ¦ —one of them the winning catch cession starting later in the year frozen front legs. " ' ¦'. - .'.. ' . ¦/• program supplies and accident in- " —brought in and the rest were (it did) . surance. Wearing apparel was browns. She continued , "So it was sheep, But the lambs are .so ' Ther* hav*. been a. lot of " chang- Mr, and Mr*. Garald E. Myart discussed. If enough register , in- Winners of the next eight ' ' ¦ darling; " es -in the 15 years. :Mianyji L the " . * . '". , /. : . ' ' (Klng 'i I.lualo) . termediates wishing to complete like having triplets, - .each of prizes for fishing were, In order: Knowing that John Waldo of Ge ne Schaffer, Chippewa Falls, problems are called by diffeVeni the Fun in the Out-of-doors re- which had to eat every three Witoka has some »6 dairy cows names. Statistics used then look assisted m serv- quirement for first class rank, hours — only before I could Wis., a .22 caliber rifle; Bruce Jeanette Kokott, Crowley, Arcadia, and calves 1 asked him if they'd Recsie Fountain City, -Bob pretty puny alongside today's. But ing. ' . may do so. No camp may be con- , Wis.; feed them I had to milk the had any trouble this cold spell. Bensend , Whitehall , Wis., and the : February 1948 picture shows Sam Dawson at Desk The bride is a: graduate of Ar- ducted with fewer .than 25 girls or mothers. You should SMELL- He said that when a some remarkable likenesses to Gerald Myers if calf was Tare Lund,VEau C|aire, Wis., in New York A. P cadia High School and is employed . leaders are not available, Mrs. our house —, horrible! Well , borri the other 30 below zero 1963 reflections along with some Skuhdberg ¦ each a 200-pound hog; Ttoland Celebrating 25th "(Anniversary : as a secretary at Fogina, Kostner . said. She pointed out 'anyway,' 1 successfully taught night he didn 't want to lake a complete turnarounds ' ' : that girls who . Holtan, Whitehall; Richard Wet- . ¦/ o)' Business Column .. Exchange Vows k Ward law firm at Arcadia. The . have /not reach- four larftbs to nurse, one by chance, so picked up the baby in that earlier:- February (lie ed the fourth grade zel , Winona; Roy : Pietrick, Eau , (Special) bridegroom is proprietor of Myers in school are one, and now have all four of calf and -brought it home arid president of a bi# electrical equip- ARCADIA Wis. — St. not eligible to attend established Claire, and Roy Aanerud ,- Pigeon ' '¦ was Bakery at Arcadia and independ- therh outside with their moth- put it behind the furnace in the ment company said the U.S. tax continued climb worried some of . . Stanislaus: Gatholic Church -camp. " ./. '• Falls, Wis., 20-pound , turkeys. the experts: : decorated with white chrysanthe- ence. ers. Two more to go, and then basement until the little thing policy was drying up venture cap- ¦ ¦ :. Mrs..v'Everett •'. ' ' -- . ' " . Hanson and Mrs. I' m going to sell the blasted ' dried off and got on its feet. THE TOP attendance priza, a ital. The U.S. .Treasury was re- mums for the marriage Jan. 28 of Ray '.- Nereng!"'Blair;- Mrs. S. B Mow it' s $47 billion and many Miss Jeanette Kokott and Gerald ¦ . h- 14^foot aluminum boat,.went - to ' ported fearful that a drop in pcr- " ' ¦ -fo Report.(¦ ' ' ers, Whitehall , and Mrs. Ben /'¦He.' '. . ' have.just given up worrying . , . ; '¦; E. Myers. . ; Executiv e /. werit. 'bii 'fo say that he places , great store: by the 250- Ernest Sc*oter^Tnrtepehaeiic^.!-so.nal' . and ; corporate incomes Washington was provoked be- Erickson and Mrs.. C- A . Brye. Et- watt infra-red bea t lamps which throw of Mrs. 'Eleahore ' -.' Christiansen, i might cause : a big - . Parents are Mr. and /Mrs:- Joseph : out a lot beat and . _ federal deficit. cause the Havana - International On Study at Retarded trick, attended the meeting. keep things , warm and dry. John has put into his dairy; barn a Whitehall , won the 3-horsepower Congressiona 1 plans to cut income P: Kokott , Arcadia Ut.. 2 , and ; Mr. Ettrick Girl Trade Conference was: deadlocked ; ¦ , Minn. - . Gerald F. Scouts are making "calf maternity ward" which consists of individual calf cribs, motor; Greg Gamroth , St. Fran- taxes. Republican senators said , ' .'• and Mrs . George Myers, Crandon , WYKOFF plans for the area-wide and "economic nationalisni is on Walsh , Minneapolis, executive di- annual each one . with an overhead heat lamp. This calf nursery results cis, Wis., a 200-pouhd hog, and might be vetoed by President Har- .. wis..,; cookie sale. Chairmen for the rise in Europe and Latin rector of the Minnesota Associa- Ettrick in fine care for newborn calves aiid gives the animals a good Mrs. Louie Schoenberger, Ihde- ry. S. . Truniah because .of the America.''" Today the Western The Very Rev. Joseph J. Andrze- tion for Retarded Children , will are Mrs. Raymond Erickson and start in life. Last winter a cow that was about to calve got a-way pendehce, a clothes dryer. Treasury outlook. Mrs. Minard : world doesn't hold confabs in Ha- .jewski per formed. the double-ring spealc at a meeting of the Fillmore Stenberg, Money and. wandered down into the woods and had her calf oh a ten- David Baumgartner Independ- Steel executives '. ".eompiaiined- vana and tbe worry is over the ceremony. Tradition al organ music raised by the , County Association at 8:15 p.m. sale. is used ; for below zero night: Though they found: it quite " soon the calf's ears ence, 2 years, 2 months old , was that profits were being squeezed split of/Europe into rival blocs was -played by Sister M.. Aq uilla, Wykoff Public maintenance/aiid improvements to were, frozen and she was named "Frosty-Ears the youngest boy fishing wort a by rising labor/ costs when they • " Feb. 12 at the "// threatening to cut U.S. exports. .; . who accompanied St. Stanislaus School/ ' ¦ ' . • ./' .¦ Camp Ehawee, established camp Rushford farmer - Bob Bollmari who raises both pigs and baseball bat, . The youngest girl, needed funds foi- new and more A slice in appliance prices 15 Catholic . School choir in a hymn. to Mr.-. .Walsh's tajk , 'The Public's near Mindor. dairy cattle also uses the 250-watt heat lamps to keep the baby w as . Donna McKeith, Galesville, expensive niills. Too: they were years ago was ascribed to new the Blessed Virgin, and G-crald Attitude Toward" the -Mentally Re- pigs warm. These last cold weeks he installed ah extra.lamp for Wis., 1 year, 9 months. worrying about an expected drop manufacturing techniques, now - ' Pehler, son of Mr. and Mrj, Greg- have, In: charge of arrangements for in the.high demand for their prod- tarded," will be based on find- good measure. The old sows seems to nd trouble keeping ¦' termed automation. ory Pehler/ who sang " On This ings of a inajor study published St. Mary' s Seniors warm this frigid Weather but baby pigs: which are subject to the contest were. Cliff' Kampa, ucts.- It was noted that Columbia Unl-. Day 0 Beautiful Mother. " club president, and Willie Stnieja , last month by; the Minnesota ARC pneumonia must be given extra shelter and warmth. Housewives wire happier ; be- versity, in the first year of Gen. secretary-treasurer. ' THE BRIDE, given HI marriage and the Minnesota welfare depart- Told of Continuing cause some- food prices had just Eisenhower s tenure as its presi- dent announced that tuition would by her father , wore a white floor- ment. The study, based on inter- dropped. Butter , which had been , j length gown of peau de sole fash- views with a sample of 900 Min- Link With around $1 a pound in New "York , rise 33 per cent in the fall and College dorrnitory rents 17 per cent. ioned with, fitted bodice, modi- nesotans, is the first undertaken in was down to 93 cents. The ladies any state to determine public at- ;The success of the St Mary's Inflation was a big topic—war fied* scoop neckline ; dipping to a V College Alumni Association Debaters Post also were cheered by the an- ; titudes and information concern- de- nouncement that the nyl0n it temporary? at the back, and long sleeves The pends on good communication 4 Killed in : stock- ing mental retardation. skirt '.' • formed Of unpressed box ing supply should catch up: with And the February 19.M mirror , among/ alumni arid the/college, pleats -extended into a . chapel Clem Jos wick, Rochester, Internal Record bi 6-4 demand before the end of: l948. reijected fashions. Christian Di- /. trains A crown of iridescents held Bad . weather ,Was in the news or 's New Look was changed lo ;' ;- .; J udith Ronningen Revenue agent and a member of AW record was posted by the that February 3, too, for tying up her bouffant veil and she carried a the college's alumni board , said something called "fly away, " with cascade of American Beauty, red ¦ Nicaragua Vinona Senior High School debate transportation and cutting steel a shortened skirt and a flattened: Plans \Yedding Saturday night at the cohege. roses. Her pearl necklace and ear- ¦ squad in the eighth annual St. Olaf production. A fuel association said bosom. Is that a bit like the just ' ' ¦Mr. He addressed a clinner meeting MANAGUA , ..- 'Nicaragua (API- demonstrators who . battled wiih College Invitational Speech Tour- that the bi reason 129,000 homes ¦ rings were gift, of .the bridegroom. . and Mrs! Lester ' C. Ron- ' K ahiiounced 1933 line? •. '/. . - . Mihii,, an? at the Student.Union at which 187 Three .-men and an infant were police and troops for three hours. nament . at . Northfiel d, Mihn.:, Sat- had been out of fuel for " a few ¦ ¦ ¦' The bride's sister , Mrs. George ningen of Pine Island , , And the mirror dutifully record-/' " ' seniors were inducted into the as- killed and eight persons were Fifteen rioters also * were jailed. urday, ';. "' Nehasil , Detroit , as maid of honor pounce the engagement of their , hours to a few days was the worst ed a study by the National Better ,, sociation by Brother;!. Basil; FSC. wounded as. Nicaraguans voted Order was restored after Aguero Bloomington High School was weather in a generat " : /wore a streetr iength blue peau de daughter, Judtih Ann to Jeromie St, ' ion. Business ¦: Bureau of bust-develop- . , son of Mr. and Mrs. Mary s president: Sunday to extend the Sbrnoza fam- and the authorities declared a the debate win n erarid Hibbing Government agencies poured out ; soie dress fashioned with modified Houglum »-Two ing estrogenic creams, concluding Herbert Houglum, Kenyon, Minn. hundred 34 persons attend- ily's 31-year rule .of their Central truce and the opposition- leader won the sweepstakes award. record statistics : Personal in- scoop neckline which dipped to a ed including seniors; alumni that the bureau leans to . the feel- / : Miss Ronningen, a granddaugh - board American nation. agreed to remain under house ar- Coached by Robert Neujahr , the comes hit a high of $1157 hillion, : , three - quarter length ; ing that inflation¦ is temporary. V back members, recent graduates, chap- The clash between National rest. Police dropped deiharids that ¦ • ' " ' ¦ ' Winona affirmative team of Bar- iiow its $447 billion. The U S. gold \ . . ¦-. , . - sleeves and knife pleated skirt. Her ter of Mrs. Sjul Lien, 603 Olm- . stead St., is a graduate of Wana- ter presidents; wives of alumni of- Guardsmen and 300 anti-Somoz Aguero go to jail after he agreed bara Ferguson and: Richard Tezak stocks rose to a high of $23 billion In Puerto Rico, .the . sun shines rose puff headdress held a circular ficers and faculty members. Broth- demonstrators erupted during cut- to advise his followers to give up as Europe 's reserves sank. Today 36o days a year. Temperatures . veil mingo High School and is ¦ and negative. Tony Schina and She carried blue tinted pom- er J. Raymond , FSC/director of and dried balloting which gave the demonstrations. "...' - Carole "Van Thomma, it's $15.9 billion ' here becaiise/of average 76 degrees Fahrenheit, pons and white baby chrysanthe- employed at Security State Bank each finish- . of Wanaihingo. Her f|ance is a alumni relations, was master of the presidency to Rene Schick Gu- ed with records of 3-2, the flow to Europe . Installment with only a .six-degree -variation - ...'";.; mums and wore a pearl necklace ceremonies, James Carroll, tuerrez, candidate of the Somoza- Schick , an mx-prot*ssor who graduate of' : Kenyon High School Wino- Schima participated in extempo- credit : passed $6 .billion and its between winter and surnnier. and earrings, gifts of the bride. na ,' alumni association president, run Liberal party.: takes office May i. was called and is employed at the Coast-to- a Somoza puppet by the opposi- raneous speaking and Lee Turner ¦ The bride's brother - in -law , welcomed seniors. ¦ ¦ " ¦ ' ' Coast Store at Kenyon. A spring Dr. Fernando Aguero Rocha, put in radio speaking. ' ' ' :- . '.: •*:::. . .' - - - -I ' . George Nehasil, Detroit, was best After the dinner , guests attend-. tion which claimed the family wedding is planned. opposition leader Who had called him in to hold the seat until one Tonight the Winona squad will FREE! Expert help in planning man and Marcel Guza, Independ- - ' " . - • • '¦- . ed the Augsburg Co'.lege-St.jMary 's compete in the Region I high I { , brother-in-law of the bride, basketball game in the Redmen for a. boycott of the :national elec- of them could run again. ence WIST INDIES CLUB school debate tournament at Ro- and building your personal¦ ¦estate! j tions, was placed under house ar- A new Jaw prevented «utgoirig ¦j ' ' - -- ' ' - - ¦ ' ushered. ETTRICK, Wis. (Special) — gymnasium; ¦ ...... :t .. . -g ;, rest. He was charged with inciting President Luis Somoza from suc- chester. • '. . /"-- - . - - "' '/"": An important part of my work is to help ! West Indies Community Club will .;V-. Afiwf iimfc-- Mrs. Kokott selected a navy ceeding himself or being succeed- ./ The:winner and .runnerup of the ______H______k people make their hopes and ambi tions j frock with matching accessories meet Tuesday at .8 p.m. at Four regional meet will be entered in tome true. With my special training in l Miss Chinatown; USA SCHOOL CLUB ed by any member of his family. I mmwmmmrmL estate and the bridegroom 's mother wore Corners Night Club. Officers will has insisted he will the state tournament at the Uni- /¦BKt^fS:/^ planning, T can help you build: the | ¦WHITEHALL Schick, 53, an olive green winter cottoai dress be elected. Is Shirley Fong, 20 ,. Wis , (Special)— act independently, but he has versity of Minnesota Feb. 15-16. . t 'mMBjjfc /:/:. 'ih//0§ future securit y you want for your family: j The Pigeon Falls school club will . ./¦¦H ,: ,^^S »:. Gairor write rnc: . j with brown accessories. Their cor^ (AP)-A spent most of his career scrying g^: sages were of pink tea roses. BITTERSWEET CLUB SAW FRANCISCO Ha- meet Wednesday evening. A pro- ' ¦ . ROGER -KEMP - - " ' ¦ " :/" | waiian beauty, the Sornozas. His term as presi- Ohio has more area used for Xm^mW^m^P .B. ' . LAKE CITY, Minn. (Special)— Shirley Fong, 20. gram will be presented by the ; :. .^ : .' - . . 174 E. 5th Street, Winona , Minn. j, has been chosen to. reign as 1863 dent expires in 1967. horticulture specialties than any H^^^ gfc .ig . A NOON bridal dinner for SO Bittersweet Garden Club will Sth and 6th grades, The voters also elected 3 vice other state. It has 36.2 million guests was served at Club .3 with meet Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the Miss Chinatown , U .S.A. . ¦ . . presidents, 16 senators, 54 deputies square feet under glass. California W$S&]ml r—V GROUP HEALTH MUTUAl, INC. /^^FK. , a wedding cake centering tiie brid- home of Mrs. Johnson with Mrs. Sixteen lovely Chinese-Ahnerican CEDAR VALLEY MEETINGS '¦ / and town councils throughout the is second with 30.7 . million square I- J%fyfT Ifc^, .) ' \ , 35 Y*ort Strong / |fe_j_| \ al table. Mrs. Charles Carhart , Dorothy Kalleen as assistant host- girls vied for the honor in Sunday CEDAR VALLEY, Minn. (Spe- Xpy* country. feet. 1<«_K mm. '/ M Hom«Offifli-St Pn.rl , Minn. _ Trempealeau , and Mrs. James ess. night's sixth annual beauty and cial)—The Israelite Bible study : ^ \ talent contest ,: the highlight of San group of Cedar Valley Lutheran ' y fm. I TT I kkB#^ilTltf ^Hffim ^^^wwlttwm ^«^mwA ^«5Bfft ^ Francisco s yearl Chinese New Church will meet at the Raymond Year's celebration. Anderson home in Pleasant Valley Miss Fong, who attends the at 8 p.m. today. The Moab Bible University of Hawaii, impressed study group will meet at the ^^a.o.o.^.- the judges with a modern inter- George Gellersen home at 8 p.m. -^ pretive hula. Wednesday. f/ Z' j ef Q .%. ' ¦ ' ' . il o v? ¦ ¦ %y *\ . ¦ GET.TO-OBTHER CIRCLE MERCHANTS BUREAU ^^^ ' ' ' . • ty.- ^^T ^^H______i (" * .. .. Gct-to-Gether Circle will meet, The forthcoming February Dol- Hlfc'P^P^ m^^^ / ^^^e^mmmmmmmmmmmmm. ^V^^B ^^l at the home of Mrs/ Bernard Bo- lar Day and the Easter parade of VI land, 463 Harriet St., Tuesday at fashion will be discussed at a , SkMt^^imt'' W r mWWWmmmm ^^mw ^^^^^mLWm B H H ¦$i x 8:15 p.m. meeting of the Winona Chamber &i ' Awcoairii^mM Bi ^r ^^f ^^^^^ ^ of Commerce Merchants Bureau at * mmmmmffllt'i * if ^^mmmmmVm\\\\\m\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\^^ ^^ ^^^^^^H MARY CIRCLES , jRHI__f_R. tmF*mm&mm&mtm/mm¥mmm¥mmmm m9m ^^____H______H^^^B B , (Special)— 8 a.m. Tuesday at the chamber ' *\ ^^^ WHITEHALL Wlsi bureau chair- Mary Circles of Whitehall Meth- Albert Hemmesch, man , announced. odist . Church will meet Tuesday at fl p.m. at the home o. Mrs, Norman Friske, Mrs. Lowell Lar- mm son will give the lesson. mm m m mm ^^^^^ ^^^! ^^TTT ^ ^^^ T^ ^! !^^^ j' LADIES AID N«we.f Holr Sfyl ln l, ""WEAR EPSECIALLY PRICED St, Martin 's Lutheran Churdi KI PW C PP I KIft I B.OYS , Ladles Aid will meet Wednesday nt\Yf ^rKi nVl Aj ds a„d Sty|ing Book),, m^f%'W"rg\mmi nt 2 p.m. in the church basement, A FREEI With ADORN QUILTED NYLON COTTON Hostesses arc Mrs, Frcida Bub- AAT litz, Mrs, Robert Larson, Mrs, C0A Henrietta Fritz and Mrs, Christ SPRAY JACK" £88 BLOUSES _ __i ' 7~oo. Va(u05 wr , ,,„,„„ . slm , Nlmps, Minis will lie shown and lunch (,,l),-,r with double button trim- KtoUor or Move , Fnsl , careful : ^ _ n M' , 1 T will be served by Mrs. Georne med pockets. Chomc from ' "_ XT' '"" '°" ¦? ' dclivrry. Y l, NG SLEEVE : Gappa and Mrs. Albert Kddy. Red . Black , T..n,„oiSe or , ° . X""' '"'"" " "' '"' '''"'"' lrAQTIIMPsVr3IUirlC Knits« , C ingham*^ boy collar, While only. 'Sl/.m ¦ Bci XM ,¦ k W Jf»rewelry, WOMEN'S FELLOWSHIP It costs less Broadcloth* ,W to ,1(1. Plcnts, Imr and em- Ywf*$**j9w» y«ur OSSEO, Wis. (Special ) — The I nf ill" ! |>V Valentine! Sire* 5 lo 13 JtWLLnT '.idcr v Iriins. ©SW ^W^ Women 's Fellowship of Osseo AAA I'i . ~S^^X ^ to burn the best ! SHIRTS : iparkling collection Congregational Church will meet limited Qupfillflei k'vkhrc with :> or more rows ' : ' 7 ^ A of m. The topic /\|| ar« I ^^ : p^r accessories Thursday nt 2; 30 p. , , mulching nurings. ^<\V'-wi /' Sa\,. I n^f jeweled cnl- will be stewardship. The regular with l,98 Vqlue» " culated to accent her FlOCked PatielS 1 X\rXT monthly supper will he served at R *-^\ : nnd GIRLS' °0' slinbl,- .¦inhossrd . ~f~\ lJ J y J Vnlcntiiic finery . . . !) p.m. by the Mines. Vnrn Van HEAVY DUTY CORD UROY Wn. dam,.. vv n bcr heart! Choose: NOW 1.00 \X§~ \ Iv ' Tassel , .John Allen, Irvin Void , STANDARD ^yjty Wrfi't!' i\ tvom 1,lstrou8 Pearls . Grant Colby, K. C, Fox , ltnwlpiffh L **mJb*&r ZZt/lZ " " : shining crystal, gold nnd COTTON SUPS : PANTS ^44 \v\Kty\ if ' \ Perry, Roy Itiphenbcrg., Howard 350 W. Third In Winona silver with bright color GIRLS' EASY CARE 2,98 Val.« Mm 1 .98 Value* + MM <^ vA // I Kiltclson , Ray mond (Jehres mid ^. Plion* 3373 KIHHIIC back wnisl fur tiigh-iigiKs. ~ ~ c "»"» y $mXJ L Pearl BablnRton, fll, Bouffant skirts. f\ m% w* #? f"C " *« ^ Fbnn.1 Lined Corduroy A \V^\ d¦ Re0 191 Vo.uM DRE55E5 / \ \\C A «P i up ««^ PANTS .... N w sprl / /A v^T. Jl 1 J ,o i4 ^22 - ' - m ,a x Dr. €. %V. Grilled for ^ 4.M «•»«; Whimsey Hats / J \c^ \ Vv, Ph's 2 3.00 66 m *> .*» 2.^9, '« ami 111 ChoaU Building Phon« 441 7 JL1 Jm i "O Vo'»** Several styles in a vnricty of Sizes 4-14 ' Vgluv. ,!,, -. Upun t0to J,V3 o« colors. " * BIG RBOUCTION OF ft . Modern Chiropractic "~ ~~~~ ~~ Ki iiu pint Quality .' Beacon BLANKETS l.UO^ m H yy Wt ~ 8t and Electrotherapy " " We h«ve taken „,„• entire stock «.- n * A..r». M 'nd s WILLIAMS Monday thru Friday » «.m. to 5 p.m. TEA TOWELS DISH CLOTHS i'SS^" " Sale Ends This and STATIONERY Op»n Friday Evening 7-9 by Appointment 1 BOOK Cloiod Saturday 4 f °> 1.00 4 ° 33C ^-S -5" Sal. Save Now. minium i inn inn iiiii mi mi iim i im HIM 1— "— i i i m any softener_ worth its salt «3^^i£K«HXW I \r, wo , th Miiii/>Ay y '' ""t i \ CULLIuAN Ngj // formulated *e the •xuctlng specific*. '' ! \ It't ihe only softner salt Jf **' Jjf < of the in water conditioning . . . AND, it's i Hon* great*** nam* ^wj lfj l ML*, $» t fortified with CUL-STERL to samtizt * | tha only softener salt / jp** U fymQMj V- your softener as it regenerates. % ______!_S7r'i ^JH_S___f '--


: ^ -O^^^e • FAMILY SIZE ^ ^ ^ ^ ^M j I CULLIGAN at 3600 ^H^ \ ^ FAVORITE For Salt Delivery ^ Wlth Ev.ry Bag i ^Ss ^ ^ ^ ^r AT YOUR STORE | ¦ L_ _ _ - ¦ {if ' -~«r -, , U-J_-__1U «_W«1!» I^^ ' _> « - - afc * >. sr-Vrm->'<*tKP't™-&' <"— s - ><

tt SPECIAL I 4 j 1 I | 1 For Food, Fun, 'i OLD FOOT BRIDGE , . . Remember this foot bridge of Dacota street to the south side of Lake Winona near Wood- ^ L T ^ Fine Beverages § across the Western half of Lake Winona. It ran from the foot ]a\vn Cemetery. Chicago , Great Western tracks in foreground. *- TH,S ¦ ¦ ___r______m A Sit f, 1 1 # ¦. K t I AA >, - S^ », '^ WEEK SV Visit Our I ^1 ^^^^ j Captain's Quarters £/ * | Tm Afl«^!T CHI CKEN DINNER Teto Room m?i^^^™"'v;.:<.^ 'x r f lfjf l §} 0/) ^W"""Js I | n | Lfifiill Ut 0 f/mVt0 l^M 4 mouth-watering pieces of tfjflAA 1 Y^ * golden brown chicken, 9lUU & V Annex Bar I ft french fries, cole slaw and I fa * roll I I A New Safari Room * I CARRYOUT ONIY 1 WILLIAMS HOTEL 8 JAJL Qouy iihJ^.JtiidwL I I Ray Meyer, Innkeeper H Highway 61 and Orrin Street 1 I <% 5? " -Us Stir Up Compliments | I I VL/\ Yesterday's | W/ffi Our Fine % I ^OHd Service Methods 'i *\*ix „ I **Wili' Are Out-dated . I WINE | I. ^JP . ^ I wo^MwnsEu. too! I |Mqp<«S 1 Every time a new car appears, tome new I ¦ f ' . .c—^> I 1 service methods are needed. Our nrw»ch- 1 ' % anics keep right up with the changes, in ft MOST GOMPLETE STOCK I § order to keep your car in top shape. Bring U IN THIS AREA ! | I I It in nowl I ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ - Phone 4970 —— f I • - : ' • ' ¦ 1 * mm CALLAHAN'S i ^HinSAM'S J tSSl\j2y SER vicE 8 LIQUOR STORE | I I Leonard J. Tschumper % 1 608 Huff Phone 9834 f 119 Main Open Fri. to 9 P.M. Sat. to 10 P.M. i ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ® _. ' i ' f * >*. - >» - •* ' | i RS j*-;8:- r-*8>:k;_^^^

Present Furnace wt inF Bryant Automatic | U %%\ ^( •J ^ | | flg|k Conversion Burners Y°oJ.\ ^ J I ^^

CROWD AT PICNIC .. . Here is a picture of the parked cars and 6,000 persons. Both photos were supplied by G. L. | cars at a Winona County Farm Bureau picnic at Farmers Curtiss. I I Community park on June 14, 1923. Checkers counted 2,500 i ^^^i ^i w ^r M M v ^^. i ¦ H v RADEMACHER'S I IH Ad^MBgAI^ ^ ^^^^^^^ ^ ^^ ^^ H tit*' I I 59 Waal Second Straal | i^^^^^^^^^^^^ ffi ^ H I , ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ; .ft^>;>JA>i&'JS«4Jf»:'r_t*.*_'w: :«* >X V«.M .¦ *.: .• . ¦: ¦ ¦ • >.¦>.¦>.¦****«... ,.- ,.. TTTT^^^^^^ ^^^^* ::Jl feV SVTTCK-v&^s^s^?^»-«v,r:sr^ * ^^^^^^^^^g^a^g^'NV^^ ;iJ^^K^^,-™.' **™.**.*^,^;^^^' ^^^^^^^^P^i4H__Bl^_w^______l , ' i Ii Phone 3321 |\ j Dial 3321 ' I hls I To Place I( m There' s nolhft pi neat like horm — f or plchirw lo fake with flash. Especially with a now Brownie Slnrmlle p ^^plP flra l^^ mHB y° ( By 10 A.M. to & ' I roo,nV0"r H,n,RRlln" build 'mi Place ' UnBJ'tW n,H'^'llyfiol<1 [n Rky- "' f . Your H l ^ l ffl i V(>r>iion , Th nrow.iie Starmite is amnll . lifllit , mul simple <« Bi'idfio. {;' llff |1 ' ' >-^^H^ fi to KI for „vcn the children lo use. The flash unit built ri^ht In , ' Vo,,r l r hissinjj dress tier doll just the enmern usea the low-cosl , peanut-sized AG-l liullis . j ; Your I | II mm^^Wm-^&iW ' ^'Pi "" ' ' > i JHHk VHkL \ 'if \' our whole fnmily onfinfiecl in nn ol : I | j y n(lvniic nfler twh shot . There s automatic i nll»mi conn, nllvo. They are ll,e kinds of plelures vou find .w.\«' "' UlC «>»" ' % ( ¦¦¦RL IB^W ¦;\ • ' • douliUvexpoaiire prevent ion , Just, ami nnd shunt for I lie S ^ram&||A j almost anywhere you look around your home, any day, easiest pictures ever. So stop in this week and net Marled Ad | ' I News Want Ads ' 5 ______B_i_ffli __l___S___k. "ny '-'V('n'l)f:' Ani1 ^X'y re all picture:, that are MI easy tailing indoor fiirnily pictures, No time like riRlit now! [ I For Publication the • I I BUY — SEU — RENT —TRADE f on 1 1 ^ " ¦ • ¦ % amRhCL o)/? ^ Main Same Day. Want Ada Serve You Besi , : IJ f 3 C Street ' * | ' ^ H H || ^ K ||| - L «M. _«.*._ -:* »:fc^>*._^^ K^^JMttftrafrtt^^^ jjw__tiwnwii__^^ House of the Week Building in Winona 3 Remodeling 1»« dollar volumo . ...$^4,975 Residential ;...... 6,675 er Commercial ...... :- , '' 83,300 , Public (non- C^rrf Permits Only taxable) ...... 675,000 New houses y ? By JULE S .LOH . • " - . - ^ J-59 Statistics Volumt MIIII data." ,. Following textbook logic to the 1M2 ...;;/ . ' ;.,: ..;.3) a9,iU extreme, a family ought to have . A: four-bedroom ranch with m Ones Issued grow until two houses side by side: One for I-'/i h*ths > living room, din- A tree continues to daytirne and evening activities, ones ing; room, family room, cof- : Three permits for house iempdel- death. Some botanists believe for sleeping. fee room, : ctnter gallery, ing were the only ones issued last trees die only from such causes week by the city engineer 's office: as disease and injury unconnected Because, when you think about kitchen, double garage, .op- ' it, the two [unctions are entirely tional screened porch, base- With a listed total valuation, of jvith age. separate,. ment. Contains 2,205 square $1 , 100, last: week's permits raised Few would care for that kind of feet of living area in over- the year ' s new building total to opulence, but architect Herman H. all dimensions of 91 feet - 8 $764. 975.. There has been one new York, a craftsman attuned to the inches wid« by. - 41' -. feet V Inch house permit. issued- needs and Avants of contemporary deep.. ' ' Last year at this time the dol- produced lar volume of new building was ..society , has in effect the .fy.l.Sd'p- and no house permits had same thing in an even more logi- ¦ cal way. been, written- STYLISH SIMPLICITY: A minimum number of materials ' rear terrace, divides, the house into sleeping , and living areas. . Last week' s - permits went to HBHHHHHI^K^«r> TODAY'S 'HOUSE of the Week, blended in tasteful patterns give this luxurious four-bedroom If the lot. is large enough , garage floors could be located on the. Mrs. ; Mildred Wager , 428 . E. San- ' ¦ ¦ ¦ District Building born St., and J, O. Reinhard ,: 405 ¦ FOR EVERY J-59 in the "series; is a luxurious ranch elegant character. A gallery, stretching from front door to -side. . . " " . (^ ranch with four bedrooms in a E, 5th St., both for kitchen remod- ¦ KITCHEN! s eling, first- R 7 completely separate wing, remov- the estimated to.cost ^H One handle saves MW- handsome 12 foot by li $100 and the second $5O0 : and to ed from the hustle and bustle of a foot ' . H time and water m.K ' mal dining room and breezy Volume Dawn B. Eugene Gough , 511 Hiawatha ¦ ¦ ¦ . vacuum cleaners and delivery men for a- Mm ' " - ' MP¦^¦ -. g foot by 9 feet 4 inch coffee room '. -A $12.5 million drop in the Blvd., foi; a 5500 interior remodel- .^^Mmmt^^^mMmMM ^^m* as well as the din of after dark : "- - - ' entertaining. a(jjpining the kitchen. valuation of building permits 'is-. ing job. \. ::- . ' - . . - •, . . ' ' sued in the six-state district of The only .gas permit- -was issued ¦ - . 'A;gallery, -stretching from front HOUSE has a full ¦: ¦' THE base- the Minnea polis Federal Reserve to Superior Heating & Roofing Co. , ' door to rear terrace, divides the¦ nt, though the laundry house into two: distinct parts. '. - ' me is lo- Bank in 1962, compared with the for an installation for Allyn Rup- ¦ cated on the main level for add- ' pert; 467: E.. Sanborn , St. . only one unusual feature previous year, has been reported ' This is ¦ ¦ .:* ¦ - ¦ ¦ convenience. A . ed ¦ : lounging ¦-ter- hy the bank in its .'.annual in a truly fine home designed for and ' ' •_ play . terrace iii . report the couple who have compromised race the. oh building activit y in the dis- - rear are included¦ ¦ as part of the ' . .'-_ ¦: Property Transfers ] H * J. KRAM . '.- . long enough with crowded -rooms ' ' ' ': ' trict.. :: • _ and crammed " closets and are design- . : The 174 reporting cities in the • l.'n;;--\yij]ipna-. Plumbing & Heating ready at least to reward theni- . 'Architect York is known for his district reported perniits totaling . . County *v 520 Center St. Phone 73W ¦ refu] attention to exterior , selves' ; '-with, the horne . they 'd he ca detail , $516,876,551 .in . -19.62. ?For ' the " WARRANTY DEED ' " . content to live out their lives in. aIid this house is a fine example of year of 1961 the total "was $5'29,; " .:'Henfy . B, Olson et ux to Oliver T. ftjs distinct style. He uses a mini- ¦ ¦' ' • ' ¦' " ' " O.ales .el .uy-t ot It and E '/i d.' LW 15, •362,46.2; ., :, '. . . : :, ..(/¦;. ,(¦;¦ ;: .-Kramer ' s. A'dd. .to Winona. the , ¦ : - THIS HOUSE has all extras mum number of materials, creat- More than half of the/ overall . ' Nellle .£." . Christopher to Lambert A. ' right down to the raised bathtub ing interest instead through unus- total was reflected in permits is- Reglin et ux—Lot 9; BlocK 2, Foster 's Add. See Us For there r and tastefu l patterns. lo Winona. ' " •¦:' _ ina tiled alcove. Yet is noth ual sued in live Miniicajiolis-St. ' Paul Harold S. Wooden "et ux lo Home Buyei-i, ing ostentatious about it:! on the '.'Dignity comes: from a warmth metropolitan area where, last Inc.-Part of Gov't Lot .1, Sec. 27-107-7 .. ¦ . contrary, its main characteristic is Arns Odeeaard el ux in. Htmy F. Zollr 0f colors blended With nature," hc year's , total was S287,829.4.8, man ef u'x-E ; . n It. _qt N. 161.7 .It . ol • a; quiet sort of dignity both inside ¦that., sgid. "If stone is used in this down a. little more than :$3 . mil- part of O.L. 3, Goodvlew Subd. ' ol ¦ ' ¦ Lot 5, Subd. Sec... 20-107.7, . lying- ,S. ' cl, and out. kouse, the trim should be white lion from 1961. ¦"; ¦ ' . /'//::'( ' optional features- - and West ol John. .St . • - A number of vyjth an accent color dra^n from (' The district covers all ri'r v-art* Robert A. Rdlbieckl ct ux lb Donald B. :a screened porch: (which K' os ct ux—Part or , NW'.u ' ol -SW' .i o> such as a color, in the stone. . of Minnesota, . Nortli and . South conld be added at any time) , an : Sec. 13-107-3. - ' Good landsca ping; also is impor- Dakota , . Jt6iitana, ; Michigan and ¦ Lora C. Loppnow ' to. Milo, A^- Loppnow ./' .' 'doorway.' from the gal- . • alternate - tant," he said , '-and the best job Wisconsin . ct ux—Lois 8 arid 9, Bactielder 's "Add. to lery to convert the fourth bedro>om St. .Charles.- :-' . . . . usually is done by a landscape .' Gomparative totals for. severnl •" ' -a sicle location for . CONT RACT FOR - DEED . ... kEAVY SHEET into a study, architect." . . Minnesota and Wisconsin cic added . ' ;' ' ' ' " ¦ p . St.: Ocvd ' .: ". ..;:.,' - i... '6,131.055 s, is<«Si; . - ' - Paint.lhe ceiling.. of a room be- SiSf&^ ¦¦ ' - Our Specialised Services . Overall dimensions are;92 . feet . 8 jesigii and there is little or no : the' garage, "tdtals ' .2 ,205:. 88ji are feet in over-all ..later. Also, an aHemale side location is shown V/INONA ' ;...... :.. '. ._,SS».' U7:..3.4£-' ,»I9. fo re doing the walls. If you do Lea- . '.'1 559:9(18 . - inches wide by 46 feet I inch deep pasted space. The bedroom wing '• .. dimensions of 92'<)* wide by 46'1" deep. The for the garage doors if the lot is large - enough. Aibct ¦ IW.m , the walls; first , you may splatter Also Include: area , not count- Austin -.- ;.:. ' ; r ¦wn ini and the total living is a good example. Ma'ii 'k'ato ' .V " -;.- . ....^r j, , an adjoining bath, and a c : Thenatural coloring matter in built-in vanity all arranged to take Japanese cedar shakes and shingles is sol- WINONA BOILER none of the space. away from the mbasha Co, NFO ( uble in waler and wiir stain the roorn and leave it free for interest- Or Sell Your Home paint applied over Ihem unless ing furniture arrangement. : Full study plan informali oh on architect-designed ': (louse Men f ecrr Elects Lake Citlan water is prevented from enter- & STEEL CO. Home Building ¦ ; A door leads to the private this/ *of l " n • the Week, is included in a.50-Cent baby blueprint. With it in hand you ing. ;A( iriinirnum ot two heavy ' : / ¦ ' ¦ lounging terrace, a truly elegant . LAKE:: - ; ' ¦: Minn - /;(/ Phone :SM ¦/:¦:(/ ¦ —i. ¦ ¦ . • Cabinet Work ¦ - . can obtain a contractor's estimate. .CITY ../-• Cwain ! c : By HAL BOYLE NFO , at a meeting at.; West , :A1-J water out - Moislurc - inside the likewise have excellent closet fa- of: the most popular House of the Week issues; ; bany. ' ¦¦ For Complete 'f er.sbnal.irtd cilities , and there '.are . iwo linen v NEW YORK ; (AP)— Things.:a house should be given a chance Building Servfce Contract closets—again designed for ' effici- Send this coupon to the Daily .News or you may purchase the cpjtimnisl (night never know if he Also elected were llarlan . io esciipe by installing exhaust plans or the bookie) at the information counter at the Daily News Schroeder , Kellogg, vice- chair- Cans in the kitchen and opening ent , use 'of space; . ... . didn 't open his : mail: ' McNALL Y . v Unlike many: plans, the family Enclosed is 50.cents for baby blueprint J-59. . Q "It's more of a woman's world man; Mrs. Harry Schlotfeld, 'Wa- bathroom . windows after bathing I SAYE iJP TO I BRUCE hasha ,-secretary ; Frank Bigelow and :: CONTRACTOR room is accessible not only from Enclosed: is Jl for '^YO©R HOME" book let : Q every day. A . recent , magazine , showering. Check the house -^- :'^v : BUILDING Elgin ,; treasurer, and Fritz Dose; exterior to be sure there ;^V, \M% ;- ,: ;. Phone 8-1059 the kitchen but . also the formal poll .in' Tokyo, once a bastion of are no ^ ' ¦ ' ' trustee for three years. spots. ¦ where .. water from rain ; 304 Lake Street dining room. ¦NAME ,.;. - v.lV....v.,.';.... .:..' . i -....;, . ,... . .^.' .,...... ;.;/..;...... „v. .. ' male: strength ,, "found that more . :of Members . on the commodity melting snow can get in.. . ^ SJN A huge fireplace with an old than half of younger. Japanese ' . ' FUE ^^ STREEr ...; , ' : ".: -,...... 1....V..:...... ;.,../...... ¦board s' . , will be ,, elected ,; al' ; the. fashioned wood box dominates the husbands - 'fear" their wives. ' far wail, built of brick. If you go Prosperity note: U.S. families group s Pebruary meeting. CITY'"-:-: .:. ;.,.:.;. ' ...... ,;....';..¦;.'¦ ¦:,. ' ' in for Early American design , the . . STATE . ' with life insurance have an aver- Install a "Shell Head" shape of this room lends itself well age protection of $14,300—but this . . . . ¦ • ¦ • • Accounting Business i .. . , ' . . . . '.. . . . I / DIAL V fo beam ceil ing and colonial fire- isn!t enough to send two kids place. I any case, architect York through college comfortably. to On the House Openedyat St. Charles Pays suggests wood paneling for the Test this theory on your friends: i ^#irX H Use other three walls; It is said that the nose of a. right- . DOVE.R-: Minn.—An: income,lax The kitchen is centrally located , handed *.person points to the right , and accounting , business ' is being & serving all the rooms and only: a and the nose of a left-handed per- opened in St. Charles ' and . Eyola ¦ ¦ 4578¦' ¦''¦ ' j , - ' J ^'j ^/¦' ¦ ,' : "*o*K / "yy few steps away from both front son points to the left* by - John- R. Dorey. of; Dover. The feERAMlfG^ and rear entrys. It is large, but ef- Mow to Use Those office Vill be in . tlie . Jensen build- : ^_OIL BURNER ficiently designed to save steps. History lesson: Only one physi- ing\jn St. Charles and will , be open ::; ;;.; ;; TItE y/( Folding doors conceal both the cian served on the U.S. Suprenie Wednesday nights and all day Sat- i_^ If CiUALITY pantry and the laundry. \ Court. Me was Dr. Samuel Free- urday until 9 p,m. In Eyota Dorey I for added *¦¦«>___ REPLACE YOUR PRESENT Vital Hand Tools man Miller, appointed by : Presi- will be in the Theodore Steinmetz ELECTRICAL THE GALLERY also should be OIL BURNER FQR V I jf AP Newsfeatures of splitting the , stock .if this ,is dent Lincoln , and he served for 28 real estate office Monday and Fri- furnished as a room—an ideal years: , ¦; ; T done along the grain. day nights. Dorey, graduate in ac- ; | '^ Vour/^^G^-*^ A, W | J| REPAIRS place, su g g e s t s globe-hopping No matter how many power tools Our quotable notables: "Men ' R home!. 9 ! ' ' ' ¦ ' ,ns,a,Ud are in your home workshop, there o On the other hand, the clench- counting from the University. r deconithc iinn • In making a hole in wood, with so that , if necessary, it can be No one knows when the dog he- ' ¦ Plumbing Esifmates ST an awl , the edge of the tool should removed and replaced at a Inter came man's best friend , but Egyp- in the space, suggests the Na- . BIG HEART VL be pushed into the wood across date, although this' is unlikely lo tians kepi dogs at least 5,(100 tional Paint , Varnish and Lac- u ,an t0 the grain, as there is a possibility occur for several years. years ago. Today there are nt least quer Association. M when y° P 1/ 13(1 distinct breeds. Advcrihemenl CHANGES AT ETTRICK Health note: Since mental hos- KTTRICK , Wis. (Special)-Mrs. pitals in 12 states unlocked their doors , only half as many patients Oscar Anderson of tho South Beav- Does BLADDER ^^ ¦ ^^ er Creek area has moved to Et- have tried to escape 'as when they """ ^'" rLl 1 ~~^ trick to the basement were restrained by lock and key. occupy ll was President IRRITATION dwelling on Main Street vacated Theodoro Roos- MAKE YOU NERVOUS? by Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bliili a evelt who observed , "A man who Alter .1, ronimon Kidney or ISIiKklrr li • XnJX §Mr-JrSS-j-^— lias never gone to school may rluUona n((eel U1. len as iimnj voiniui n and children , The Blahns have men »immHy mukpyou lenkunil nrrvoui former Gerald Slice- steal froni a freight car; hut if he fioni loo frrqiuu; , liurnln-j «r Itrhinn purchased the has a nrlnctlnnbothittr andhlihi .Bnmndiirllv , hy residence. university education , he ion mtr |t)> _ »ltrp onri Mjf/rr f rnin JIc/i 'l - ¦ may steal the whole railroad. " ¦ chrvi i nr>rk»(i|\« nnd ('el old, tlrrd, rlf. ¦ pr«A ^r(l , In ««rh Irrltnl/nn. (.'YiVrux The bigger the "heart" — N EW HATS FOR OLD luiintlj- lirlntd f»ot , relrixln* «-niii|nrt In niiDMU Irrltnlli ) . «rrnin In aLroni, arid If that straw hat yon love so Approximately 400.000 tourists nrhir? and br anatlmlo pain rrlltf. (Jul the better the Housepowerl much has faded , you can make it visit Puerto Jt l co each year. OVHTEJC «t drillilati. Knfl halter f«»t. look like new again by Riving It A\\<\ the "lu-nrt " nf your home let ui give your home n Hoiiw- a cont of enmnel in your most wii in); bjMcui is the d'cciric lerv- power Kiting lo show u h,u ncctU ico cnirii iK c . Mil isn ' t higenough , to be done Ui let you Amtrlea ' i larnul Silllna flatterin g color with one of those operat e all handy self-spraying cans, Remove OO F*" vmi cun 'l tiring in all llie elec* the lights and appliances you TOILET TANK BALL any dust by going over (lie lint ¦= ',. P^ -J 11icily needed for loday 'i living, need or wunt ,, . in any one lime, k

! ¦ 1 -- ¦ Nsm&ja&i^ K-^ ' •' • -i" — — —

i Cotter Cops 13 th Bemidji Stuns St Clpud; With 62-44 Romp Huskies vs. Tech Tonight straight victory and 9th m a row . .'. '.By.' AUGIE KARCHER tonna' 62-54. lo end a six-game .win- undisputed R a vou x Conference By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS , ning-; string ahd/run the Winhawk Championship- at ft o c h e s i e f in the Minnesota Intercollegiate Daily News Sports Editor St. Cloud State, which; may have ] ' bounced 's Ramblers/ sporting the mark . . to "-6: St. .Mary ' s made , a de- Lourdes and Winona High enter- gotten caught peeking around the ; Conference, St. John s Cotter . Minnesota Duluth best won-lost record of any Win- termined bid but fell to unbeaten tains Albert Lea in. a Big Nine lest. corner at tonights game with Concordia 79-76, Macalester 70-54, Ham- Basketball ona basketball team, stands .J '3-4 Migsburg 70-63 to even its record Saturday St , • Mary's is host lo Michigan Tech , hope's. -to . upset thei do^ed '62-44: victory at 9 y , and lowly Winona Slate;; air Hamline and Winona; Slate is home line edged - Gustavus Adolphus . today, thanks lo a - : Northern State Conference leaders j tripped ', pelix Sunday , afternoon tcr ' beating Loras; Friday, blew a to Beijiidji State which' upset St. and wipe out the Sat- 68-65- and St. Thomas over St ' :¦ memory of ] MIAC at Wabasha./ halftime- lead Saturday and . sue Cloud Saturday. • . / / ¦/;. :¦'." urday night's 54-30 upset loss at Loras, Iowa, 55-52. in other Scores The Rambler ,yictory. their sec- climbed " lo- Moorhead State .6T-K6: ' Bemidji State. ;' . / activity. EAST . COTTER HAD no - great difficul- ' game Moor- j - ' arid in' three days , was achieved That was /the Warriors '. 12th : loss Bemidji used a tight defense; In another NSCC . Princeton 70, P<:nn 5!. -; ty- in turning back Bi-State leader North- 1 ' 71. while Winona 's other three , varsity in .M- 'starts. ;. ' and ball ' control ; lo handle the head nipped Winona 67-66. Providence 102, Niagara ght trav- St. Felix for the second time this land , Wis., clipped . Bethel 75-71 in, Bowling Green -' «S0, -Canlslui .«. quintets all suffered defeats Satur- Winona State .Tuesday ni . - ' . - Ihiskies, who dropi>ed to a 5-2 Wesl Virginia 6 8, Pitt: 67. ' season. - non-conference 74, day night in one of the most dis- els to Superior State.and St . Mary s ' : NSC . record4 behind Tech's 5-0. one overtime in; a Creighton »!. St. - Bonavenlure • .Bob Judge and Sam Czaplewski ¦• ¦ 74, Boston College 41. weekends of the basketball Wednesday:lakes oii Hamline in St . . game.. . ' '.-. Holy Cross astrous combined for :rV points The Beavers led 29-26 at halftime St. Joseph's (Pa.1 74, St. Peler'i (N.J.) ' - .' . ' Paul in the first ' season. " period as the Ramblers spun anil . .went ahead fbr good at 45-43 fAyyret poured in 47 M- Friday night ('otter goes after an ed to Craig B rown -SB; Dartmouth 4'. WINONA HIGH tumbled to Owa- oil Ken Hansen 's hook shot.¦ ¦ ' a 19-7 margin in the first eight ' . .. s . .points' , to-, pace ' "St, John s to its Kavv 80, Manhattan ,71. J 15 St. John's (N.Y.) 47, 'Arrty 41.. . minutes. Judge had ir of those Dave Sjoblad led the Bemidji liclory. The 5rll guard hit of/ (J. ; free ; Connecticut . 95, . Vermont points and finished with 17 for -one sliocker with 15 poinis. while .lack 27 field shots and 17 pf 24 Rhode. Island 1 .04, Colgati 77, ' 47. • of his . best . - .individual productions Harrison had 14 for St. Cloud. throws for the . top*individual scor- ; Boston U. 75, in. third got 14, for Concordia. - .. . • y,i Georgia Tech 74, Alabama 51. quarter when St. ,F:cliK: outscored Mississippi State 73, LSU «. Augsburg ran up a .17-28 half- ; - Cotter 17-1.3.; ' Auburn il. . . Vanderbill .St. > . time lead and went on to beat : St. ; Kentucky »4, F lorida 71. The Eamblers held, ' ^^^^^n^m^i^^^^H . - ' ¦ ¦ - . a -"5:21- mar- Mary's rairly easily. Dan ^rider- Duke 77, North Carolina «.. . . • ' 84,. North Carolina -$t»tt XI. gin . at the intermHsJon as- , they son had. 23 for ' Augsburg.. Al AV'il.- ' Virginia controlled the:boards all the way. Clemson 7V, Wake Forest 70. ' liaitis 14 . for St; Mary's. Villanova 57, Memphis Stati S4. . It was - .48-38 -going into the .final Tennessee 94, Georgia 45. period but the JRaniblers limited . Duluth moved up to :a second . iMIsslssipp'l- Hi- ' TuJine 84. ^^mEM Florida Southern IJ. St- Folix to three meager baskets w^^mplace tie with St. Thomas¦ in the i iVIiaml , (F|a.);-99, '¦ ¦ ¦ ' .MIAC : both with 6-2 .- records; .- • MIDWEST to 'hwart any attempt at a rally. . ' Roger Hanson led the Bulldogs ' Augsburg 70, St. Mary 's «. . . ¦ " • ¦ ¦ * ¦ -:• COTTER AGAIN was plagued with;2fl points. SI. - John' s 79, . -Concordia. ?». . . ' . ' ' Duluth 70, Macalester 51.; . by ee thi-p\y shoot mq. /'miss- A CHEER; FOR PLAYER ... Gary Player waves .his : cap . Hamline 48, Sustavus Adolphus 4S. " Lysak- Loras (Iowa) 57. ing/ -.'.(> chances in 40 tries. Si . in aekhowledgement of' the . .applause ; that: greeted , his birdie 4 ;. Moorhead vi/on on Pet* SI. Thomas S5, Felix, had' no er's; ' ;t\v6 free throws; with ' .l."> sec- .Bemidji 54, "St. Cloud 50.. .bcl fei- luck, muffling . .on . tlie lfilh hole at Indian Wells .Country.' Club Sunday that save .Moorhead 47/ Winona 66. - 18 Of 32. * ..:, - ' ' onds left, Winona missed several I Wis.) 75, Bethel 71 (OT). -.-¦ him -a tie vvith .lack - Nicklaus.' -in the Palm Springs Golf Classic . Northland The Yellow:jacekts . . . golden scoring chances after that . Soulh Dakota State S3, State College ot colild solve ¦ . ' Joining ' in .the applause is former President. Dwight .Eisenhower , " .Iowa ' 73.. :r - the RamWer defense for onlv 15 Don /YVerniager got 2] forMoor- 77, North Dakota-' 41. ' Monday, February 4, .1963/ Morningside . basket? , though ' they got 515 shots; seated between tourney queen .lane Powell and tournament presi- . ' ' head and Lysaker 20. Ly le. Papen- South Dakota 45, North Dakota State 41. ¦ ¦ ' ¦/- .. 'Page' 10 .-: /. ' ¦ (S.D.) 76, Dakota Wesleyan 44 . They averaged onlv 26 pof cent '-; dent Robert McCulloch. »nd Ireland , had few at the Pitt Field House to its ' - feet . - ten won Satiirdav. . - ' to win but -it ; ference and a team which has ) feil s-horf. as ho'A'ed U four , same as Player. , .'' , ' ;", .'No '. 3 Duke.',:;15-2. took North ' COPENHAGEN (AP — Power- his 160-pound; crown , against . Luis ;; National Guard 54-52. Merchant; worries Saturday night, .as - thei r . been in The Associated Pres-s Top /screaming. . . : Rodriguez ,; an - ' Carolina . 77-69; , No. 5 " Arizona :• fid- Emile Griffith , fresh from his exiled : Cuban, next ; {oppled Rollingston e R7-35. . Nickiaus, 23, tooR his firial- unbeate-n, teams '; rolled up their • Ten . several times : this season. " month. Curyis ; But hold—t-here's a thistle on the Slate; "16-2; defeated Texas West- - .. technical: knockout victory over defends his British Pete Pokis notched 14 points, anc round blowup ' good-natur.e.dlv.. , ' Empire welterweight champion- play. No basket , no basket. As the ern- '63-60 ; No . 6 Georgia Tech , ¦ ¦¦• ¦ ¦ Ed Kohner 10, to give Watkins its "1 guess,'I. didn ' t , know how: to ' ' wl' ' "¦Denmark' s- Chris Christensen , ship against England's Tony ¦ j Pitt students, who had already l b -l . u pped Alabama 74-38: No. scoring punch. Bob Welch and P.or act with . a five-stroke. lead ," :'. he McCLENDON GETS [ hoisted Roman to their shoulders 8 Colorado , 12-3. bumbled Okla- pointed today toward two defenses Smith in London Feb. 12. ] Richter bagged 15 and 13 respect . smiled. "I; ha.i'e never ,.had . a five- tittle Ramblers HIKE NEW PAC T j for a victory march , screeched in homa 77 -(18; No. P .\fississii H>i of his world middleweight cham- ively for Westgate. , Griffith, who now lives in New stroke lead . . .before. - -I' - . know 1 i.protest (lie referee ruled that just ; State,, l-1-l ; . rhnviied Louisiana pionship in the next four months. Roger Leorhardt fire-d in 2- played loo. conservatively , '' BATON ROUGE La. > .P — ' hard-hitting Virgin Islander York , was very tough on Christen-j . . i before Roman shot, two of his Stale 73-6K and Nr> . , 10 Wichita , The points, but a second half rally fel ' Charles McClendon , who steer- ' . signed to: meet Brian " Curyis of sen. He sent'the Dane . to the can- ' Most of I\'icklaus>-trouble came Triumph 3547 ; ' teammates. Tim . Gr.gimcli .. and 14-5, druhbeiL Tulsa 66-38. Illinois , " vas in the third round short as Bud's Bai\ fe!l to its lOtl from sand traps. -Typical , was his ed Louisiana State to an (i-l-l Ben Jinks , had called time. No. 4! bad ;m open date, and Stan- Wal es on the Welshman 's , home with a jar- ' ' | ring- 'left, and-.right t'o the head-,' He' defeat. Dave Vail counted lfl time: blast oul of the ninth hole .trap WABASHA , /Minn- ' Special'/ — ; season and a Cotton Bowl ! There was one seco nd left , , time ford. \n/ 7, had' its game , with grounds early, in Jure. He came to for Nationa l ' . had- Christensen groggy , again in- Guard , and Rich M . when he was two under for the Colter 's '"B" squad out-scored Wa- l championship in. his first year ' for one -more shot ' , ' But this time Washington Slate . canceled be- . terms with jack Solomons, the Mahon added 13 as head football coach , got a ' the fifth round with a- 'swinging j . first- , nihe. Jinks' jumper , fell short. So in- cause/ of bad weather. British promoter , shortly after Merchants had three men scon basha St. Felix. '"B s;' 19-7 /in the ; $1 ,000 annual ' pay- raise and a ' ' smashing Christensen with pile right 1,o the jaw. At the end of , the hike a Sunday duffer,; he hit a " stead of a 69-6B Pitt -victory. West Ningamy hopes ol an unbeaten - in double figures;,is they trouncci middle quarters and . .went on. to j new 5-year contract Saturday. , driving lefls and rights' , to: end seventh , (.lie; challenger's tace i iverlg. -shot that carried only. ' 2(1 Virginia won 68-67. season -.vere blasted bv Provj. Rolling-stone. Bob Utrso-ii led llu win 3.V27 Sunday :nt/'Wabasha . ! The: LSU Board of Supervi- •'I " their, bou t in the ninth round: ; was blotched red: . ; ; ' ' feet , leaving him fiO feet from the felt real bad. said Timmnns deuce 102-76. The defeat Af the way with in poinis. Bob Cyert. s.or ' ! sors 'boosted his pay to $19,000 - ' an understatement: "1 know ' ' In the decisive ninth , round , pin. ; 'le needed three putts . for a The Little .Ramblers / .trailed 10- ' . in . Purple Eagles after . a I fi-game ed IK points, and Mike Sawyer 1 a year. -The now contract ' re- time was out when Roman scored ¦ winning streak, int-luding ' Referee , Robert Seider of Swit- Griffith rocked Chris with a left double bogey six. ' . , .' .' 5 nl the/first quarter's ejjd but ; 10 this • " - , ' zerland stopped the bout as '. CIn-is- and then a " right . The Dane for the winners , . , rallied lo pull ' it put." ,: " r ^^ | placed a three-year agreement because , those were the 'ins(ruc- ) season, left Cincinnati and Chi- ' ¦ ' Nex t Sunday ' Player ., played badly but : had with two years yet to run. , _ - . tensen, slumped 'helplessly against crashed on his back. When he got ' the playoffs-star . Bill Browne Uoiis I signalled from the bench. " : cago Loyola , the only unheal en with Watkin s meeting MeVhant some I nil "If luck , loo. , which he led the scoring with \ ¦ the ropes in a fight (lint was billed up at the count of nine, lie walked ! 11 points lor Colter. 1 1 j " I've never seen a crazier fin- major te.-ur.s in the country , for . the junior middleweight title into another series of shattering and Westfjate doing battle with Rol •. , ' / although Griffith i.s -the- ' recognized punches . He took compulsory limestone. - Colter 'B' 135) SI. Felix 'B- (17) ' a Nat'l Hockey League I. It pf tp lg 11 pf tp , ch&mpion in this division on3y in elgfit count , standing groggilv. LoJlnikl 0 0! 0 LIndgrsn 3 » 1 i Hawk Tankers Austria, The World Boxing Asso- Once again. the champion ' TO RECEIVE AWARD • W.. L. T. PT GF GA Lte 3 1 0 ? D.Foley 0 I 1 0, ' ¦Chlcaqo , ,. 35 u . 11. « U5, 111 Pelowtkl 10 3 4 Glomskl o « a o ciation recognizes Denny Moyer .stormed in and Christensen 's cor- ARCADIA , Calif. UPr-Smne! .Val Toronlo .,. .. . .; J5. il I SI 14J 131 Kulas 15 . 4 T.Foley 0 0 I 0i 1 - of Portland, Ore. as the -fit lo- ner, t ossed in Montreal .,. - . 31 . \i -IV 51- 151 111 Pellowjkl ooio Chick 3 3 • » the towel. Griffith enzuela is scliedtiled to receive tin 'roll , J U ' ' .Det , . , V , 11 . 53 134 135 Holing 10 0) Fllcek 3 1 « s Bow to Austin holdejv weighed 152 pounds 1 : ' M' and Christen- 14th annual George Woolf emo. r Now York H n t 37 140 144 Stolid 0 0 10 Roemer 1 0 o i STEINBMJEITS- ] : Griffith is expected to defend sen .1-5 1 . ia] .lockev -Award Tuesday.- ' Boilon 10 3»: 13 33 131 314 Browne 4 1 j 11 Kennebck ] 1 2 « AUSTIN', Minn, t Special)—Aus- ) 69 West Third Street \ SATURDAY'S RESULTS Leal 110 1 Bill • 1 O \ tin 's Packers sel one pool record Chlcaqo 3, Monlrnal 3 (ti«)'. Allaire 0 0 10 Wodele 0 • a 0 New Yofk 1, Boston 3 (ti«). Bambenek 0 0 1 0 Arem 0 0 1 0 Saturday in defeating Winona 6fi- Detroit A, Boston A (t|e|. Krotgcr 0 0 10 22 in a Bi g Nine Conference swim- SUNDAY'S RESULTS Totali 10 |H 37 1 Montreal .», Detroit 3. Totals 13 » 34 35 ming dual. : ______Hoilftn 4, York 4, > Bffii'J I fBI mf ^^ Wm Ml E7 K3P I . Urn. COTTER 'B' S 10 ? 11—JS Austin 's Fisher swam the 400- MEN S SALE ' Chicago 3, Toronlo 1. ST. FELIX 'B' 10 1 4 10—3 7 > yard freestyle race in 4:44,9. The Packers won first in all events ex- V Selected Short Lines cept Ihe 200-yard freestyle relay. / Winona won that , hut both teams were disqualified , i Hornets , Winona Topple In the "R" team meet suffered a 49-46 loss though win- FREEMAN SHOES ning tlie 200-yard medley relay nnd 1BI NYLON 200-yard freestyle relay. Joe Kind- Regular $11 ,95 to $12.90 \ All-Stars 4-3 lay look a first in llie 200-yard free- style and Tom Fititllay first in the OWATONNA , i M inn, Special ' finals in the last "' a minutes, 100-yard breast-stroke. - Tho Winonn Hornets , leaders Despite Ihe rough play, only 0 SAF-T-MILER TIRES JOO-VARD MEDLEY RELAY—I. Austin > ,; nf Iho ,S»nl|i(»ni MiniK'Siila two , pe/iall Now $|29o < ien were, (Barber, Fisher, Ha-ss, Thompsanlj J, Wi- $8* Hockey LenRiie, odKcd the All- both against the All-Stni j-, in t l|e nona (J. Sanders, Otrlach, Hoclt, Jacob- ____^^^ OTH ER SIZES Stars 4- .1 here . Sunday alteriioon , .second period. sen);) ;T ~fl:53,4 . JOO-YARD FREESTYLE-l. ~Lerild (Al) in Die ;uii )iifii S-M All-Star name. Tli« Ilorncls meol seoond- 1, RBssert (W)j 3. T . Sanders IW)/ 4, $_J The llurnols Riunrfl a 'Mi lirM 'Plac€? . .Owrtioniin al (Hvalonna at, Strand (All T—7iU.4. [ DISCONTINUED PATTERNS JOYARO FREESTYLE—I. Fssher (A); J period lend and stretched il lo i! p.m. ' Snlurdny and take on 1, Cirabow (W)/ 3. Vogel (A); A. Peara (W), ¦\ ,'1-D before Ihe AlkSl nV.s could Nort h Mimkalo nl 2 p.m, bo-re r \14j. Atso AT JOO-VARD INDIVIDUAL MEDLEV-1. ¦ ¦ Mm Mm muster their first coal in Hie $ 90 aW ROCK BOtTOM Kimrlny in llieir final reiiiilnr Lee (All I. Osland (Al; 3. Johnson (Wli 1022 third period . season games, The Sunday fra- 4, Oauslad (W)| T—7:34,5. DIVING-1. Wuerti (All 1. Rltland (All S ¦ » ¦¦ It was a rniikli and n c;i.s could di-ti'iiiiine Die (enRiie ( JARMAN . 7 y ¦ ¦ 1. Edslrom (Wli 4. Stover (Wl, ^T PRICES busy (ine for the net-tender. 1- . c|iiiinp)onslii|>. 100-YARD BUTTE RFLY-1. Allen (All 1, Hod IWII 3. Anderson (W)i 4. Dahl (A); Winona Ronlii* Billy Bniiilicnclt Wlnon* IA) Pei , All-Start ill T-l!l0.1. was credited with' fit saves , :M ll/imticiioh , O Gray 100-YARD FREESTYLE-I. lerud (A)/ W ^ ^^ B 4.70 x 15 PLUS TAX AND USEABLE CAS INO of then) in tbe first period. , Noeik« RD Suchomel 7. Mass (Al: 3. Spall (Wli 4, Kane (W)| ( Wright ARCH-PRESERVERS Morkc-n LD Data T-i5«.», ) (irny, lending for the All-Stars ,, Murnon . C R. Melnon 100-YARD BACKSTROKE - 1, Barber had .'iii slops , of those 'JO in the Nelson .. . LW . V , Thlcitn (All 2. J. Sanders (W)i 1, L». (AH 4. Mostl y brown »hocles. C»rioll RW D. Potllar Rnssl (Wli T—HOl .4. ^t 'fl tf%QA V Iinal pi'i'iiul. WINONA SPARES: Mooilv, Flannary, 400-YARD FREeSTYLE-1. Fisher (All " Limited *ixe* , Regular *^ U iMk " 't miss this fabulous buy ! Drive in today ! Tom Moody and j.nncr (' ar- ' Mulh, Cirlh, liol.inrl, Magirn. 2. Thomsen (All 3 , Riisserl (Wli 4 . T. ( NOW J Don ALLSTAR SPARE: Fall, Llndell, S«a- Senilnis (WJJ T-4:4I.1, Open 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. — Saturday* 'til 5;00 p.m. roll .scored Winonn 'is lirsl t \y> ycy, Mil , Slunlon, Wallar*, Erl(l(ion , i.y- 100-YARD BSEASTSTROKE —I. Fisher / prices to $28.95 B %Jf ( Hiials , Ihe latter on an assist OIH , llralllireih, Sutheri. 5 «ha«fer> (All 2. Gerlnch (Wli 1. Rogers (Wli 4. ' FIRST POIllon SCORING: Wln-Nloody Oslnntl (A); I rum Ito^er Miiiison. (unnttMtd ) i:A?i Win—Carroll (Mi»riton) 13:10. pnnalllcti Nona, The CiiiTOll-MiitiMin coiiibine \ MEN'S SHEEP-UNED SECOND PERIOD SCORING; Carroll POPULAR RACES / j;ol iinolliei' in tho second pcrjnd (Munion l «:)i. Penallloi', A-S—ISraitbralh and aft or Sudioinel scored lor (rnurililri'i)) A-S~P. Lyont (roushlnal. OCKANPOIIT , N, ,1. W—Mon. E2) the Slurs in 1 fi seconds ol llie TH IRD PERIOD .CORING, A-S—Such- nionlli Park r<»|i(ii'leil t(u|ny-a to- ' ) 90 I%ALIV1 - omcl (unatilntai* 'ilSl WIn—Munsnr* (un- SERVICE tal nl l llll. iioiiilnuliinis inr tlu < WINONA'S LARGEST & FINEST DRIVE-IN TIRE SERVICE lliinl , Munson soloed lor \\'ino- /inlllMI ) 10:15; A-S-R. \rV«llcr> (urumljt- . ( ) mi 's I mi lib goal and liis third •rt) IJ:1U A-R-Sulhira iLyonnl ' 17:13. truck' s two SHin .iimi iiu os lor 2- Snow Shoes 8 Puna lllaii Npm. NOW 10B-116 Weit Socotid Street "Since 1917" Phone 2847 yenr-olds next Mininici ' Sap- point. STOPS: BarntHnik IW) JI U u—,11 — the Tho All-Stai's picked up Iwo Gray IA-5) IS II lo—11 ling and Iho Sorority Slakes, Schueler |HHHP!H||Hjj|B-flHBH0^^HMIiV|HBfl ^ins Oilers Tumble Ilittle Winhawks To Canton Five | B Ski Jumping Standard! Oil lost its second con- 1 BroS5S*^^^!^^^^^,^8^T^-.^^^^ secutive game of the season Sun- Notch Bin Row r day, 107-95 to Cantor, OWATONNA; Minn! 'Special) Canton led by one at halftime-; ~j '^s^ffiSy^M^^U^^^J Tournament arid outscored the Oilers 23^4 ,; Winona High's undefeated sopho- 1 and 33-29 in the fin ar two quar- more ; basketball team posted its ( John Schueler topped the jump- NO. 1 CLEAN WISCONSIN BURBANK )) ing event and Jim Bambenek Jr., tersi 13th consecutive victory Saturday Gary Goetzman and Gwen Goetz- Fred Beck again paced the * night by downing Ow atonna's Standard attack with 39 poirts. man won downhill honors Sunday ¦ sophomores 46-34, in the Winona Winter Carnival ski- Rog Leon hardt added 29. :, Hugh Vahn 'atter -and' The Little Hawks dutscored ing tournament at tlie Goetzman . . Mike Henry, in . each- fired in 27 . - points for the J Owatonna 12^2 the third period , Bki area on East Burns Valley ¦;¦';¦ ¦ ¦; ' RUSSETS ' winners. ; holding the Papooses scoreless . . road. :" - '. ' . . until the final rriinute of the pe- ; ¦ : The meet was delayed from Win- Standard Oil is now 6-2 for the i '' ' ¦;:- ' : season. Can ion (is -4-0. riod. l,:' : -% t :' . ' ' *»*&. 'Jt'Oc "- ' )V ter Carnival week because of cold ii Bill Squires was high with 16; ^ ' weather. ' ¦' Bg^ . . points, . six in the third quarter i J ; ' :¦ LJ DESPITE temperature * barely bursti . jtbove freezing Sunday, the event Bentley, Iverson Winona (461 Owatonna (J4) )) H It irt tp lg It pl tp [ • FRESH MISKR0O0MS • ROMAINE off and drew about 100 Holan 0 0 1 . 0 Marshall 3 1 } < Larson 1 1 0 5 Relgel 115 1 / # JUMBO FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS )) spectators; including Winter Carni- Stoa 0 0 0 O Ertrnan 1 0 1 4 val royalty. -V Soek 1,396 Set Squlrti I i 1 14 Halm 10 1 1 j BROCCOLI ENDIVE Schueler leaped 62 and : 58 feet Duran 10 1 - . 4 YuH , 1 J 1 4 • • ) SPRING ; GROVE, Minn. ( Spe- OolrJbarg 0 J 1.1 Turgaant 0 0 1 0- to score : 64 points for the jumping . • -». - » ' ' AV ACADOS CHERRY TOMATOES cial) .:— Rodney Ben tley and Odell : Ba* .. I . 7 Hamnn a 0 It ) • • f title. Second was Greg Bambenek despite temperatures barely " . ", Bailey 1 0 0 7 . steurnagl J 0 1 10 SKIIMG F UN ... Young and old turned out ment was finally held Iverson broke the Seeling 0 0 0 0 .. with 48-61 for 63 points and third bcwling jackpot . * -^ -—- — \ CAULIFLOWER LARGE ORANGES (( - -, Sunday for the grand opening of the Goetzman above ' zero. Here one budding Olympic skier (at at the Spring Gro-ve Recreation Addlnglon 2 11 5 Totali 14 4 16 34 • • Greg G-oetzman with 50-49 for 55 . MeVe/ 0 . 0 1 0 ski area on East Burns Valley road where the left ) tries his hand at the sport. At. least , he Center Thursday night with a com- Tews ' ' - 0 0 0 0 DRY FIGS SPINACH BEANS J jwirits. . . . • • • doesn't have far to fall. (Daily News Sports Photo) bined score of 1,396 for three Kreuier J 1 0 .7 In downhill, Jim Bambenek wjis oft-postponed Winona Winter Carnival ski tourna- Urness 0 ¦ 4 ¦ 14 games plus . .* L handicap. — ; - clocked in :21.4 and :19.5 to wiri Bentley rolled ' - . 224-215-254-^-693 Totals' IS U f .44 - ¦; / ¦¦ ¦¦ Uie junior division . Second was scratch plus 36 pins handicap to WINONA . 11 IS 11 7—44 I SWEET JUICY THIN SKIN (I OWATONNA . . , ;¦ ;. 7 . 17 1 :•—34 John Carter, :25.6 and :20.8; and --¦ ' give him a ; 729. Iverson - * ¦ ¦ ¦ notched :. . : . - . third, Greg Goetzman , :27.3 a n d a; 649 scratch series with a 256-191- :21.5. 202, .The team . needed 1,333 to Bi Ten Standings break the jackpot. g GARY GOETZMAN won men's - - Houston A hew bowling league was. or- «.. L. Pet. downhill with times of" : 17.7 and . Illinois ...... :.. 4 o r.obo ganized named the "Houston Indiana ...... ; 1 1 . .750 GRAPEFRUIT :17.5; Steve Boiler was second, County - Classic" :I9.0 and : 19.4, and Stan Ledebuhr, ^ . Teams entered Ohio Stata ...... i...... 4 J .4*7 : are from - ''Caledonia , Spring Grove, MINNESOTA ...... 4 t .Ui "-. third,' - - ':-21,l' .and' -;:l9:l. ' , Michigan ...... ;.,...... 1 J .400 . . . * Houston, and La Crescent. - The - '.: - .' Gwen. Goetzman, 1:06 , won the Iowa ...;....., 1 J J00 .. . teams bowl on Sunday afternoons, Michigan Stale . ....'...... J' S .500 * . • girls 'dowmhill. SharonMarggjroff rotating from city- to city, Northwastern ..;...... 1 4 : .JJ3 unti l WISCONSIN ;...... i..... 1 J .J50 " : , '2:15 - , and Christine TO 59* {: was second ¦ ' ' Horseshoe Bar of Houston , Mum., Irene Bronk and Helen Nelson they have met 12 times. Purdue - ,. :;.....,.- ...... 0- ,, 7 .000 Johnson, third , 2:20^ .;• : , one of three Houston teams com- captured the all-events titles as Judges were Hubert Bambenek Winona City fowling Goetzman and Robert Boll- peting in the the 1963 "Winona Women's City Ceorge touriiameat, ",holds the top spot in ¦' er-.. '-- bowling tournament wound up •• . the team event today after the Grand opening- of the ski . area Saturday at the Winona Athletic conjunction with the first 48 of 214 teams entered shot ¦ ¦ ¦ ' was held in last weekend at the Keglers Lanes. ciub. ' :¦ : " ;¦ j__ . ' tournament. . -:; ..; . ; Shooting on . the second squad There were no changes on the Saturday night, the Houston five late Saturday, night shift ...... - ' 1 | L smashed 2,819 with 4O0 pins handi- ¦L >(&j*< /^V t9_____r W mmmit W-l U Ri^Lu^ F^^^^B cap. Their top bowler was Roger THUS THE singles champion- Happel \ylUv-206—535.;. . ship, .Vent to Cornelia Podjaski With .605 arid the d6ubles crown Red Christopherson fired a 258- ' ' ¦ OF THE TOP 10 in the e«Hy 'Nelson. - Bronk was plucked off by Marlys Meyer 617 Sunday for the Trojans to leaders, two others are also from and Pat, Brangnnth-'-l,-176. ;~- lead the Kings and Queens Mixed ' Beer in seventh Houston — Schlitz pace and finished/ with 2,687, well All-events winners were an- bowlin g league at Westgate Bowl. place arid Ace Telephone in 10th: liernice Viola Overland bagged 178-481 down the list. . nounced this mornin g by /Winonai County Abstract , of Wesb with Williams, secretary , of the Wi- for Double 0. The Trojans counted ' Hengel opened his series gate Men s League holds second 246 and tacked on 195-173 as Bounc- nona Women 's Bowling Associa- 734-2,095. Bill : .Atkins of Trojans 795 recorded Sunday. ¦¦ ¦: place with 2, ers; rolled 2,662. tion . . ' •/ y . - ';|-. ,W ' ' . . bad .. a -244 . game. was Len Strange with - l§=i§§i^N^J^^ _ll______ll______¦ • TT^T . . . • Top scorer, Sixteen more teams take the who howls :at ; St.' ' J^^^ ^^HI^^^H In the Westgate Guys and Dolls , had 422 free sticks. . . Mrs. Bronk ,. . 511 His club slides tonight. They include the ' League, Carroll Colbenson rapped In third place is Hal-Rod Lanes Martin s Lanes, won the handicap 553 for Ferguson-Col benson and high-scoring Dale's Standard five trophy with 1,698 for her nine ' ' ¦¦ from the Westgate Classic, games..Second was Irene . , Quentin . . SchrnitZ ; hit . ,202 " foir : Pozanc Schmitz-Schacht which totaled 734- with ; I,6ft7i Mrs. Br-bnk was" not TOU RNEY LEADERS SCORES ^- PAGE U entered in the optional prize list 2,149. Leona Lubinski had a 520. ' Ken Schreiber rapped 190-503 for Horuthoe Sir - Houiton Merdi. l.Bit in all-events. -'. -.' . .* Knights: and Pat Hopf 509 for Winona County. Abstract Co. Wnlgaft - Men's . - ...... J;7M MRS, NELSON, Winona' s high Lucky Strikes in the Senior High Hal-Rod Lam» - City." - Hal-Rod.. J770 average women's bowler for four Boys League at Hal-Rod Lanes. WetmersWIrcli Shell • Westaata - Balfaiz Wins Men - - .:...... :... ,.. 1,7«» totaled 1,601 for Lucky Strikes counted 769-2 ,213: '*\'. . . . straight years, Merclianh Nat'l Bank - the scratch title. In second place In the Sienior High Girls League American - Wejfgaf* ....;.I. 1,731 Winona I m. Agency - Eaglei with .1,566 Were Mrs. Bronk and at Hal-Rod, Patty Weigel walloped ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Hal-Rod . ¦;. - ... ' ..-:. ',;.: . . - . ... -.' i,nt Ski Tourney Lucille Weaver. ; 171-461 for Alley Gals. The Un- lehllti Beer - Houston March..,. 1,7J1 (.pA^rympE^mW knowns took tegm laurels with 646- Top Score - Bay State • ST. PAUL, Minn, (to-Bob Keck Tentative low payoff in singles , Westgata .., , :: ...... 1,715 ' ¦¦' .1,829. Blanche's Tavarn • VFW - of ; Oconomowoc leaped 169 feet will be 521 and in doubles 1,025. OUYS A DOLtS Hal-Rod -..,. -..:, .• •;.,.:-. .' .:' ..' .- . ...' l.llt Sunday in leading Wisconsin en- Wests«te DOUBLES W. L. Ac* Tel ephone - Houston Merth- 1.S9S Ferguson - Colbenson .....;. 44 U trants Jn the ski jumping compel Les Krege .: ...... 1«H14 186—44* Hutchlrijon r Lucdlk* ...... 14 JJ tition held as part of the St. Paid Irene Bronk ...... us 183 17S-S23 Schmlti - Schatht .... ' _ _ - no—1083 c . m iov . , - Ralriu . Storjveen ...... ;;:..- .leiyiivh of the H-R City looy with 2,770 in- Winter Carnival. Margaret Kaelmor. . 1<« 140 157—481 Foster . . Colbernon. ....;.... ,14 35 Keck also had a jump of 159 Pat E/Hngfiuysen ... 139 134 171—4*3 Emrnoni - Lublrsicl . . IS J4 cluding 188 free pins. Hal Biltgen 130—1056 KINOS 4 QUEEMJ was high with 561. feet to finish eighth in Class A Irene Pozarie ...... 16> 145 15J-4W Cottage Cheese 49 Wtstgite W. L. ¦with 199.3 points. John Balfafiz of Marian Fort 151 155 113—429 . Doutle O'l .....:....,...... , I 4 Only two bowlers could muster 126--1645 lata Pour ..:. 3 , 4 600 aniong the 240 individuals Minneapolis won in Class A on Maria Cocker ..;..;. 1J« 103 138—367 ' ' ¦ ' TroUns 5 4 . " " shooting: Saturday and Sunday, jumps of 183 and 177 points. Ethel Bell-la ...... 13B 143 17V-460 : Big Four:. ,...;:.... .;. s 4. 316—1043 - - - Fou r Musketeers ...... 4 J Billy Olson of Eau Claire was Irene Schultl ' .-; 147 153 135—435 A:ORJSH itl ^. S'^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' . Let** and Rights - . .. -. ... ». . ¦« ' THEr WERE BI li Blanch-arcl of 10th in Class A, earning 196.3 Helen Selke ..:...... 133 173 151—479 SENIOR HIGH BOYS 106—1028 Hal-Rod - . '-. -: W. L. Golden Tigers who socked 6L7 with points on jumps of 156 arid 146 feet, Vera Bell 160 133 155—4<4S HanClcapi . .,...... ,: ....., » J a '267 game after 169-181 openers Lloyd Severud of Eau Qaire was Joanna Troke ... 134 141 155-420 • • . ' :• ; Kngitits:. :.:.: ¦...;...:.¦:¦: i s and Fraui .Hengel who had an error- sixth among the veterans on leaps . 1 54—1022 - 'Lucky . -Strike* . ,.. *:...:....:. 7 S .' Gen Chuctina ...... IW 144 159—409 c Pin- Smashers :...... 5 7 less 614 for the Bouncers, both Denise, Myska 117 136 133^-3SS of 133 and 103 feet for 160.4 points. ¦ ¦ ' Bowling Bomber* ..:...... 4 I out of the Bay State Milling loop Elwood Ramsfjord of Duluth took :- . ' «4—1019 Allay Cats ..„.'.. -4 , I from Westgate. ' Barbara Gila .....:. 1*1 125 13*—382 SENIOR HIGH OI RLS first. *; Janice Neltike lie IBS 152-457 PORK LIVER 19 | H»l-Rod W. 156— 995 ¦ L. Blanciard started his big game Tom Johnson of Eau Claire plac-. Oo Oettert .:;.;.....',.:..;,. I 4 Winifred Sheridan .. U< 161 159—437 I unknown* 8 4 with four straight strikes, left a ed seventh in the Jujiior Class on Betty B iltgen ...... 74J 152 l«-4J7 ' ¦ ' f Pin Ops :.. -. 7 J . 4-pin in the. fifth frame, and then jumps of 141 and 139 feet, Kurt - . . 90— 984 PURE RES H Strlkette* . 7 5 Betty Jauewskl ..., 14) 141 102-390 Allay Gall 1.7 came back with five more strikes. Anderson , also of Eau Claire, was Carol Jackals ,. 141 152 134—4:9 Bowlerettes 1 it His mates, however, couldn 't keep ninth with leaps of 137 and 126 143— 961 Carolyn Prenof . - ...: 130 'in m—379 Ad\rtrtti*m»nt - .- ' "' ¦ ' feet and David Arhseon of Wiscon- Diana Ulbrach .' . - .. .. 131 114 121-369 i sin Rapids was lOtli , leaping 128 . 300— 948 Shirley Prondilnikl 14] lit 111-388 C and 131 feet. Orlane Kittle 141 113 129-410 Science Shrinks Piles 146— 944 Mebel Wltjant 108 106 104—318 Ann Schenack 151 104 124-381 »3 9 Pro Basketball Ground Beef... New Way Without NBA 336— 935 Surgery Jeanette Modjeikl .. tt 127 90—315 EASTERN DIVISION Nancy Langowskl . Ill 138 109—358 W. L. Pet. OB VALUE SLICED 358- 931 HORMEL'S Boiton .... '...... It 17 MS Elaine Bambenek . 130 127 120—397 Stops Itch—Relieves Pain Syracuu 10 14 .)]< 8 tm Vm, T.rk, N. T. (Sp«>i.i) Carol Neltr\e . ... 101 113 86—303 /^C - For tha to thorongh that tnffereri mad* Cincinnati 19 17 .SU 10 124— 921 Naw York .. MMj first time science haa found a new astonishing . IS 19 .1*1 Bri an: 117 171 108—406 statenvents like "Pile* WESTERN DIVISION Shirley leafing: substance with the aaton- hava ceased to be -a problem 1" '« Joan Huffman 111 127 128—366 Los An . clei - .... 13 ,74« 150- 921 Ishing ability to shrink heraor- The secret is St. Loul> . J4 13 .SU n _ a new healing sub- ¦ Virginia Schumlnikl 116 130 137—183 Detroit Jl U ,38_ JlVj rholds, stop itching, and relieve stance (Bio-Dyne*)—discovery of Shirley Squires . ai7 168 147—457 San Franctxo 10 55 ,3M Jl< i 66— 921 pain-without surgery. a worJd-famons research institute. Chicago 19 31 MS IS Betty Sleveri 14 115 130—319 In ease after case, while gently This substance 3i now available SUNDAY'S RESULT S Monica Schlldknecht 146 113 117—173 relieving pain , actual reduction In tuppotitory or ointment form Boston 137, Detroit 118 . 109- 911 (airinkage) took place, under the name Praparati *-* . Cincinnati 125, Syracuse US. if * Chicago 110, San Francisco 101. SINGLES Kaat amazing o. all-reanlburere At all drug countara. New York UI, Los Angol.i 95. Carol Jackols 191 174 161 71- 599 ______l______i^_ri Helen Selke 186 179 154 38- 557 Shirley Squlr/s 183 171 171 74- 351 Carolyn Prehot 177 131 152 90- 550 Les kra.0*/ 136 503 14* 66- 547 SAVE ON PASSENGER-TRUCK-FARM TRACTOR Irene Poianc 165 197 119 54- 547 Betty Jauewskl 143 111 1S9> JO— 544 Pal einnghuyien ... i«5 m 147 so- S44 147 171 114 96- 540 v >J ^^^ ^mm L Ethel Batiste . jLm^^^^^^^^^^^^^^F mmmmm: '•$' M Mr* n^^ ___i'>^ Fmwt* **m * ^^SP* taaamMmi4^L., ^^^B____V ^. ' -Jl ^^ ' mm ___i Irene Bronk 171 166 153 44- 534 (m^J^-- ': : ¦- ^%. ^^K ' : ¦:m ^mW 'mmW Nancy langowskl , fcl l 'XCtfs/Fhf ^/^"' '^fj l!^f . oJ/ A WT - Barbara 011a 151 133 lie ««- 498 ^ < ' ^^ ^^ Joanne Troke 141 138 117 84- 491 Jeanett* Modleskl 109 114 111144- 491 Betty Blltqen . 147 161 141 14- 415 f Winifred Sheridan 116 141 1«1 54- 411 " x Monica Schlldknecht , 154 11* 1*1-84- 475 J^v ( ^ x^^ } ^j M Virginia Schiimlnskl 118 147 104 61- 471 SHkfc. %., X +>!? SmmmAWg^^V MM ^\rfl M L Janice Noltike 141 144 11! 71- 471 N Shirley Prondilnskl >-117 141 1l« 74- 470 ! ../ Diana ejlbrech Hi »» 10* HO- 448 ^Plfc|j^. — .^^r^m. #B %_fl LOOK AT THESE EXAMPLES OF BIG SAVINGS! Elaine Bambenek . 141 111 W 94— 441 , Dozen Carol Neltike 96 110 130 118- 454 ^^^ ^Jih ^mmm%*0 %^^ Hfli M Shirley Braatl . IM IM 1»» *«- <" ^^ 7.50x14 | 8.25x20 10-38 Margaret Kaslmor HI 111 101 70- 414 REGULAR SERVICE DUAL FARM TRACTOR SUNSHINE CRACKERS ' f I FAVORITE VARfET/ES Li»t $1 3.85 LUt $51.60 LUt $73.15 Finger Won't YOUR COST YOUR COST YOUR COST Slow Conley Hi-Ho's °° 29 Nabisco Thins 39 BOSTON W1 — Pitclier-plvolnmn SUNSHINE SNACK SPECIAL IT'S CHOP SUEY WEATHER — IA CHOY | $36.12 j $54.86 Gcno Conloy, shniRglnR off a pre- $9.70 diction! he would be fiklelliwd three (*Ove r tha counter carry-out prle«) weeks or more, wns due- bnrk in 29c New York Snturtlay nnd Iilntod he Cheese-Its - Soy Sauce - 12e might bo plnylnj? basketball nRnln ALL SIZES PRICED LOW! today. SUNSHIME KRISPY LA CHOY — ECONOMY" SIZE Tho two-sport major lemffiier snld Open 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p .m. — Saturdays 'Ml 5:00 p.m. his fractured right finger wns not .serious Frlriny iiifiht. after lie re- & 31c iSs. 19e turned to his Foxboro, M EIRS ., trail- Crackers Soy Sauce er home nnd had the Boston Red Sox cancel an appointmen t with a specialist al the Boston hospital lo- SE CE dny, KALMES C'onley uti/fered tho Injury play- WINONA'S LARGEST A FINEST DRIVE-IN TIRE SERVICE ing for the New York Knlckerbock' ^ crs cf the Niilknnl nnskctbnll As. 108-1J 6 W«.*r Second St. BERNARD KALMES, Prop. Phone 2847 soclatfon afininnt Loa Angeles Wednesday. ¦*^SiILMAflASfcSJfc J a fractional g a i n: ¦; Chrysler WINONA MARKETS PRODUCE 1 PM; New York touched a 1962-63 high as it ros« (AP) well over a. point. Interest Conflict Reportfrd by CHICAGO — Chicago Mer- Stock Prices Brisk Demand AT&T also attracted ronewed WINONA MIDGET Swift A Company cantile Exchange—butter st eady ; ¦ ¦¦ : Buying hours ire. from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Abbott t 78.'¦ ' . ¦ ' Jones - k L 51% investment demand and moved ¦ ¦: wholesale buying prices un- ' ¦ SKA TERS TUMBLE Monday through . .Friday: • A2liedCh 45'/s Kennecot . 74',. ahead fractionally. * - . ' ' ¦- . ' Wesl ' midget hockey team Charged Over These quotations apply as ot noon today. changed; 93 score AA 57' 2 ; 92 A prs Winona s arriving alter closing lime All livestock Allis Chal 17 Lorillard 45% 57V.; 90 "B 56>/i; 89 C 55',i; cars Prospects for cwitinued heavy was eliminated from the region- will . be. properly cared for, weig hed and Amerada. 120'.4 Mpls lion 89% For Top Issues, al midget tournament: Saturday priced . 1ht following niorhlng: 9K) B 57U; 89 C 57. ; ' ¦ spending for space age defehss . HOGS- Am Can 47Vs M inn MM 60 . helped such issues as . Boeing, When it lost to Rochester . La Crosse Tower fat htxjs discounted 20-40 cents per. hun Eggs steadier ; wholesale buy- A:mM&Fy 24 . Minn P&L ''. -Ai 3 ¦ /* Injured as The Mayo City team deieated ; MADISON. Wis. — A Green Bay . The hog market Is steady. ing prices unchanged to V. higher ; J General . Dynamics and United Strictly meat, type- additional 50-40 cents) A.rnmi 20 /i Mon Chm 52% at the West End rink. ' 70 , per cent or better grade A Aircraft to fractional gains. Winona 4-0 television company employe has dredwelghi. A.T&T;.- .-: 122V. Mon Dk U 40% Trading Active Winona goalies had 40 stops , been Good hegs.gtoarrows and gilts— . whites 36./a : mixed 36' ; mediums s Steels were unchanged to slight- accused of haying a conflict Aaiaconda 47 /» Mon Ward ZV/s '' ; 160-180 - : ...... ¦ ... . 13. 75-I4 .7i 35; standard s 33V NEW YORK (AP) - Brisk de- ly lower. ¦ ' . . , Rochester 11. Six penalties were of interests tn his recent vote as a 180-JO0 ...... ;...... '.: . - ,. - .' . . '. 14 . J5-15.00 .; ¦ dirties 32V_ ; Avrch Dan — Nat Dairy 64V_ . :. • _ Winona, four to Ro- : 15 00 checks 30'i. ;.( ' ' ' mand for selected issues high- C&O's loss came on proliptal^ Streak Ends assessed member, of the state aeronautics 200-V2O ...... v. . .. . " * ArrncoSt 53% No Am Av 63V* chester. ¦ 220-340 ...... ;... V...... U .50-15.00 lighted a mixed stock rria(rket ing as the railroad took control By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS commission to grant a high tower 240-270 ...... :. 14 .00-14.50 Armour . 46V8 Nor Pac ' 40V2 13 CHICAGO (AP> — (IJSDA) — early this afternoon , Trading was of Baltimore k Ohio as scheduled. - Angeles Lakers have construction permit to a La Crosse 270-3O0 ... ;...... 25-14.00 Avco Corp» 24?B No SI Pw 35% The Los television company. ,- . 300-330- ...... M3.00-13.25 Potatoes arrivals 279; -on track fairl y active. •: B&O continued extremely inac- lead in . 330-3(50 ...... '. ',;...... 12 .75-13.00 1 BethSteel . 30% . N .w'st Airl , , 41 . : a comfortable »Ms game Nanied in an . . . 330; total u.s, shipments for Fri- ¦ Gains and losses of most key tive'. - * ¦ Division of the Na-. action filed in the Good sows— ' Boeing Air 40 Penney ' " . ' .- 45% r the Western Dane county- circuit court was Don 270-300 ::,.,.- ...:...... la.3S-l3:50 day 56'3- Saturday 3.6; ; Saturday stocks \\ ere: f rom fractions to The Pq\v Jones industrial aver- Association. . But 300-330 ,-,.- .. 13:00-13.25 "¦ Brunswick 18% Pepsi Cola 49% ' ' tional Basketball Meyer Victor Lo\e, Green Bay television an- ...... 5: i oki —¦ supplies moderate; de- about . :a -joint age at noon was off ;M ' -at 683,14. the takers aren't breathing as 330-360 ,...;, 12.75-13.00. ChiMSPP 10'/_ - Phil* Pet .4»Vs average nouncer; who cast the deciding 360-4O0 12.50-12.75 mand for russets slow, round ..reds ¦ The Associated Press Prices wer* generally j higher on ¦" - as they should. ' Chi&NW . 14% Pillsbury . 57'.. - . easily ¦ 400-4_ 6" ...,...... ;-...... ,. 12.00.12:50 moderate; market , for russets of ; 60 stocks at noon was un- the American Stock Exchange. ' ballot for nea rly a year. The com- • ¦ 450-500. - ..:. 11.75-12.00 . Chrysler 86 : Polaroid 140?a Jerry . West, the Lakers All- , ..;... 4.05: Minnesot a North Dakoda Red changed at 256.5 ffith industrials Trading was moderate. '' ¦ - pulled a hamstring mission last month declined to rer Slaiis— . . Cities Svc- 60^ Pure Oil . ,19^8 ¦ Star guard . : In Glove Bout consider decision: - . . 450-tlown - ...".; 9.25 River Valley round reds 2.10-2.35. up .1, fails off :.8,. and utilities! Corporate bonds Were irregular. '' 's its . . . 450-up ' Comw Ed. 48'i RCA 62% ' ¦ ;. muscle iri his left Sunday Special! , ...... B.25- IIS up* .5.. U.S; government bonds . howed " CHATFIELD . Minn: ' — Representatives of private Hying . Thin arid unfinished hofis .. d Iscounted ' ¦¦¦ ' ConsCoal. 39^g lle Steel 122-95.loss:to the New York . Knick- " ' NEW YORK ;i.AP> ' ' p 3H% Billy Meyer was the .only: Winona interests . in. the Eau Claire area : - CALVES . ; — AVSDA)- ¦Cont Active buying was apparent in scant , change. Can W. Bex Drug 31% ' ' ' ' . erbockers. The veal: market , .Is steady. . • • ' ¦ ¦ - ¦ Butter offerings en top grade am- • ¦ - - . ' ' fighter to. win Saturday night as brought -act Son -to set aside a deci- - ¦ ' ' Chrvsler, Genera l Motors nad . '. .:• - ¦ -v vi was driving . in for a layup . 'Top choice .;.. ../...... -. . . . . •'3 t.M ple; grade "B" ContOil .55% Rey Tob - 40% ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ eliminations for the' sectional Gold- sion of the state commission grant- Choice ...... 29.W-30.0O irregularly distrib- ; • • - , . ' """ '". -: CHICAGO; f APi — No wheat, sudden I felt it ' ¦' ' Deere 5.7% Sears Roe ., "tiVs AT&T. . ; ' : when all of a ' staged • Good '. . .. ,' . - .:...... - ... ;.:. .: 24.00-38.00 uted, . Demand spwtty. en Glove tournament were ing -a permit for the construction ' ' ' " ' Rails slumped on average,, due corn or' oats sales; Soybeans No. give, " West explained.; "I can't Cornmerclal to gocxl..¦ .... : . l 1 8.00-21.00 Wholesale prices on bulk Douglas 28 Shell Oil 36 as part of an amateur, boxing card. of a ; 1.629-foot-hi gh transmission Utility ¦; . .. . ,..:.,... 1 4.OO-17.O0 ¦ cartons 2 yellow 2.70. : put any weight on it and every- . ( ) ' ¦; ' • ' ' DpwChem 59H Sinclair 39,Vs considerably to a 2-poiht fall by . . ' Meyer scored a knockout over tower near Galesville in Tieinpea: Boners . and culls .;. ... ,... 15.OO-down . .fresh , . • .;: i. . Chesapeake Soybean oil Wtn. ; '" - ¦depends- -on how things go ^ CATTLE duPont 243% Socony .. 61% & Ohio. thing . ChatfieldY Bob Ferguson in . 1:26 lean county-. Creamery, 93 score; 'AAi; sa 3 .- in the next few days." Los Angeles The c»rtle market : All.classes steady to 1 KastKod il3% Sp Rand im Aerosp aee issues were mostly Barley : Malting choice : XM- : of middle- strong. 59 cents; 92 score (A). ' 58 /i-58%; ; - ' ' ' : play until Wednesday. of . the first round a' Circuit Jodg. Richard Bardwell ' ¦ ¦ Ford Mot 43H St Brands 68 higher. Steels lost early firmness 1.33n; feed 1.00-1,12n. , . . .; does not weight bout ., : Dryfed titers and yearlings— 90 score - IB> • :5SV4-58%v ' ' ' . The setback snapped the Lak- has deferred hearing on the ap- ¦Extreme "top ' : -..:... -•. 25.00 GenEIec 77ai. St. - Oil Cal 65'/s and ea sed. Motors, honferrous; Three * other Winona middle-; Choice to prim* 33.OO-J4.0O j . Cheese offerings of fresh chfM- st NEW YOKK i AP) — Canadian : ers' eight game winning streak. peal , pending the filing of briefs ' GenEoois 84^ Oil Ind 52% niefals . aiid electrical equipments weights , lost/ on the fliers' request to transfer the Good fo choice .....; 31.00-23.00 'dar style light ; aged ample. De: - wef e' irregulah ; - dollar in New York today 92.7813, It was also the first success for Comm. 10 good T6.0O-18.50 . ' ' ' ¦' ' ¦' ¦¦ CenMills 33 St Oil :iiJ 60 . ¦ Carlyle Puteibaugh dropped a mand irregular. .. •• • . .- . . " ' Kame. as previous day. - ' . . ¦ New York in eight game-s. In oth- trial to the. Eau Claire circuit utility . . .:...... : -|«.oo-down GehMot 63V4 Swift & Co.4W GM made a historic high with : ¦ split decision to Wayne tilring, of ' ¦ ¦' !¦ ' ¦ Dryfed hellerj— . - ' . . " . ' . .Who l esale . ,s ale s, v American ' • Boston defeated Detroit court . '" . • ' GeriTel 24»'4 Texaco : 61 . - , . er games. Chatfield. ¦ Extreme top ...... 24.00 cheese !whole milk), single dais- : MENACE The pilots claim that the high Choice to prin* . .._.:.- ..... 53.00-23.50 ,^ Ins DENNIS THE 137-128. Cincinnati downed Syra- - ies . Iresh :39'i-44(' Goodrich 47' Texas 63%. Ray Coleman of Rochester tower will be . Good ' fo* choice ... . ,... 20.50-22,75 cents; : single ! cuse 125-115 and Chicago beat a dangerous obstruc- Comm. to good ...... 16.00-18.00 Goodyear ' 34 Un Pac 35V« knocked oiit Bruce Volkman in ihe - ' daisies aged 49-52; flats aged 48-"i ¦ tion in a widely used route for ' Utility- '. ,' . . ,,....;.,....'..: IVOO-down. GouidBat 387 5 - . San Francisco 110-108. second round and ¦ Mike Greeley SJ'i; processed American paste- /«. Un Air Lin 34 s . Gene Conley of the Knickerbock- visual fligJit; between Minneapolis Cows— . ' Gt No Hy 44-'i _ USRub 44'/a was deeisioned. by Vic Hall of Ro- Ex treme top . ; '.: ...... 15.25 urized 5 lbs 39-42; domestic Swiss ; fracture and Chicago, and Eat/ Claire arid Commercial ...... 13.W-14 .2J ' Greyhound _ ers, who suffered a chip chester.- " (blocks '. ' - .grade- "A" '47-50;. grade 34' U S Steel ^.rls of his right uidex fing er Thurs- La Crosse. They asked for an in- Utility ...... 12.00-13.50 Homestk 48> . West Un , :''8'1% . • With the addition of bantam- Canrieri and cutt-ers ...... 12.50-dowri "B" 44-47 grade ,"C" : 41-44; .' . . junction to prevent '• - . the construc- " ¦ ' day night, played with his index weight Ron Greeno, Winona will Bulls- . .; ' Wholesale egg offerings of large IBMach 420% Westg .: El . 35?/i ' .. and middle fingers tap«d togeth - tion, of the tower pending a final Bologna. . . .:..'. ... - .' . - . ¦.- '....¦ . . 15.00-14.50. •IntHarv , 53' s . 'Wlwbrth '. -MVa > send a full team tp Rochester for : .....:,...... U.OO-15.50 more than ample. Demand quiet 11 '- " ¦ ruling on:their appeal. Commercial IntPape-r 7 " ¦ er. He scored- points. . . • Golden Glove semifinals and . . Light thin ...... U.SO-down today: 18 s Vng S v T 90Vi the John Bowers, assistant attorney . In Saturday 's games, Los An- finals , in Mayo Civic A uditoriiini (Wholesale selling prices based general representing the- state, op- Froedtert Malt Corporation. cents for delivery : geles whipped St- Louis 103-97 and Wednesday night. on exchange and other in mid posed the/change of venue and Hours;. 8 ' p.m.' to .4 p.m.: closed Saturdays Volume February; young hens 8-14: lbs : Syracuse beat Cincinnati 117-113. Submit sample before loading. sales, v.. ' : San Francisco faces Chicago hi Judge Bardwell allowed a; Week for No; 1 barley - . . ' SI.0S -; ' 37,' .2; offerings fryer-roasters 4-8 ' ' ¦¦ . New York, spot .quotations, fol- San Jose, Calif, in tonight' only filing brie-is by., the parties on the -No. 2 barley : :...;¦ ...... " :«5 " ¦ ' ¦ lbs 37' 2; young turkeys 8-14 lbs s No.. .-J barley ¦-. ....,...... ' .,. . .'0 low: :-;;• - . . "; ' ' joint. Th omas.'¦: Barlatid of Eau ' - . : 34 '' ':' • ' roung toms:-14-22 ¦ lbs ' 34Va,- came. Stevens Point . . . . No. 4 barley .. ,. .. uv. . . .85 . . . - Mixed . colors: extras- <47 lbs- *. . Claire and J , Curtis McKay of i 22-24; lbs- 36-36>i , 24-26. lbs 36H--37, Winona Egg Market miri ' :ii? _>3.S; extras medium (40 1 TWequdn ,; members of the state leg- areVage) 26-28 . lbs" 37-37-/.. 28 lbs . and up , (These quotations apply as ol lbs 34-35; smalls (35 lbs ¦ ' '¦ ' ' : ' /'' >¦/¦/¦ islature appeared for *the com- 10:30 a.m. today) ) 37V_38; - ' ' . ' ¦' ' '¦¦ ¦ average ; 32-33.; standards 34-36; Slays Unbeaten plaining .fliers. , . ' . . . . iS-rade A (tumbol ... .. ;.,..,...:. . . .34 ' 1 ' ¦ ';¦ ... -.29 checks Sl'i -a .^. ;• /; Curtice to Geach ASSOCIATED PR ESS The television s+ation which s»- •Grade A (large) ...... By THE : Grade A (mediurn) .y:.;.... ;.:,..:. .25 -Whites; ' (47¦ ' ¦ ¦ - ¦ - . ext ras 'lbs mini , Stevens Point; .retained an *uii'- cui'-d the construction permit- "is • Grade B: ' ,'. .. -. /..'.:'. ,.. .:.;. - ...... 25 ' ¦ ¦ ¦ 6> . -3'8^.;;. extras ' medium. " Lima Defeats bleniished record in Wisconsin WKBf-TV of La Crosse. It told the : Grade C .::. ' , . - .fsri- ..;. -. '..' .... '. .18 ' : . <46 lbs average i 34-35 : top quality (47 ¦ State College. Conference 'by de- commission that it needs a higher lbs Af Santa Barbara Bay State Milling Company min) . 37-40 ; tnediums '41 lbs ay '-' Luther 60-42 feating VViscdnsin-Milwaiikee 81-67 tower for competitive reasons. Fly- • Eleva tor "A" Grain Prlcej j (AP) er'age);-34H:36'.. ;"; (36 lbs, ¦/ : SAJWA BAFBARA; Calif. Saturday night for its seventh vic- ing interests opposed the proposal Hours: 8. a.m. 'to 3:30 . p.m. " . smalls BI-STAI-E / ':¦ r- ; ¦ - ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ; -Cactus Jack Curtice, fired last (Closed Saturdays) ' . . . . average ! 33-34 ; peewees 26-27. . ! : ¦ W L ; W-L tory and Eau Claire cl imbed out at public hearings held by the com- . .. $2.24 '. No. 1 northern spring wheat . . .Browns: extras (47 min ); WalHsha St.-F . 7 I "P'na'la.ska Luth. 2 7 " . . fall by Stanford University after ,* ... 2.22 lbs of the loop cellar with a 70-61 tri- mission. No. 2 northern spring wheat . ' ' 1 Rollingstone T, 7: 2. Caledonia Lor. .2 < 21 years as a niajor college foot- No. 3 northern spring wheat ...... 2.IS 37-38fj' ; top .quality (47. Ib min). umph over Stout despite 40 points The ch allenge of Love's vote was § Lima Sac.H. 7; J Hokah St. P. 0 • ball coach, is moving into the No.' 4 northern' spring wheat . ..' ... .2.1* '37>- -_ -39'I 2: mediums ( 41 .lbs" aver i . by Fred Seggelink of the losers. contained in an amended complaint Nov 1 hard winter: wheat. ... 2.09 . relative quiet of* small school .;. age) 35-37; smalls (36 lbs aver- LIMA, Wis. 'Special); — Sacr«d ¦ ¦ ¦ Plattevilie handed an '83-72 ; loss received when the case was open- No. 2 hard winter wheat. . -.... * 2.07 . competition. . -• ' • • ' .| ' • : No. 3 hard winter wheat. . . .,..;.;. 2.03 age); 33-34; peewees 27-27! : . . Heart of Lima defeated Onalaska . to Whitewater, the defen ding cham- ed. Mo. 4. hard winter wheat ...... 1.99 ' ¦ Luther 60-42 Sunday in a Bi-State The University of. California at pion and now in last place. River Nd. 1 rye /; .::. '. ' .. . .- ..' .. ...' .: 1.22 NEW YORK (AP) :,(USDA )- ¦- Steffen , Whitewater, 27, and Ron No. 2 rye .. ;. ...., '.. 1.20 — Conference basketball game. . Santa. Barbara announced Satur- Falls had an easy tim< subduing ¦ Dressed . poult ry.' .;' Northeast carlot day that Curticei, 55; will taJce oyer Karripstra.' ' Plattevilie.- 23'. . Lima led 17-15 at the quarter Superior 90-61. ,i and trucklot turkeys, grade '('/A ' its football program immediately, WSCC STANDINGS but trailed 30-27 at the half- The La Crosse lost to Illinois Tech ' W , L. Pet. and U.S, grade- *'A" , ready-to-copk winners outscored Luther 15-6 in Stevens VoM - ... ,' ...,... 7 0 1.000 LIVESTOCK —m He'll inherit a team with 20 .Te- 65^59 in nonconference action , and J i ————«——-^———.——— —..—— mmmmm Oshkosh ...... '. ;::' 4 1 .800 frpzen : ¦atten tion .'. focused largely the third period. «— . ^ turning lettermen: that won two Oshkosh was idle. ? Plattevllde ...... 5 _ .714 SOUTH ST, PAUL pn toms . 22 lbs. and over, with of- Bob- Brnnef hit 14 points . John y r ' ' AT THE -' " LA CROSSE ...;...; '- . SOUTH ST. PAUL, Minn. W,—(USDA1- M£M6ER KM WJ SW W3W WH£S WIIOOI^ THERWWET8R, and lost , eight .-last - . season. .' The Other high scorers ia a night.of .... 4- 3 .til ferings , firmly -held. . ' " ¦/. Baiter 13 and Al White U for River F JII S ...... 4 3 . .571 Catlle . 4,500; calves l,S0O;mo Homton—Houiton |^Clty-Hal-Rod Eaglet—Hal-Rod 20.00; canner and cutter 15.00-18.00; vealers Virgil Benun . .:. :. . U4 1*4 15»—43> John Sherman ...... 167 17« 1M—534 Ray Schreiber . . . . 147 135 154—4S6 and slaughter calves about steady;, high Paul Klaln -,.... 1« 17« Hi—44* Lao Kemp ...... 13411« 119—345 Tom Braion 13» 174 14»—441 choice and prime vealers 33.00-35.00; . few Paul Wa«lewiti .Jim LoKen ...... 157 in lsj—4ss Wm. Armstrong ..;. 170 15C.139—459 .... . 132 130 134—394 36.00; good and choice 27.00-32:00; good and ...... 144 191 157—494 Vern SpiKer .. Roger Happel ...... 180 Ml 30i-53J Ken Krohse ...... 177 144 120—443 choice slaughter calves 24.6o-28.00; feeders ArnoW BrelfloW ;., 126 214 141—501 Bob Kramer ' ¦ ¦ ¦ - ' ¦¦ . Kennttti Lokeii'. - .... . 160 UJ.147—4« ...... 121 162 144—42? scarce. . ' - . . •' . ' . .' ' .: B03 SOS 811—400—181» 743 875 745—268-2433 735 747 701—398—2511 Hogs 10.000; trade fairly active ' after; BURMEISTER OILS - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ WJWONA COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. WESTOATE TEAM . . - -start; prices on barrows and gilts 4 Clfy—Hal-Rod •low . . Wtjtgatt Men i—Westgate American—Weitgate as well as sows mostly ready with Fri- . ' Dick oalewskl .. .:. 164 193 131—490 loh .Beyirj . :;.: . IM 170 134—«• Fran He-ngel ...... 157 184 136—477 s average; around 100 head .1-2-210-240 Jerry Eskelson ..... 183 1SI 1SJ—473 day' Tony WinezewsW . . . 137 IM 1«4—4»» Paul Ga rdner ...... 175 148 ie»^-472 »b barrows and gilts 16:25j most 1-2 180- Jim Bambenek . . ... 734 IS9 124-.40I Noal Hoist ...... 17J «! 13»—4«» Harry Brenden 142 144 14*— 432 340 lbs 15.7S-Ie5.00; mixed 1-3 - 180-240 lbs Don Heyer . ... .;' .' ;. 132 170 118—410 Ltn Stronsa : ...... IM I7i u»—511 Bernle Zenler ...... 165 137 154—456 15.50; 240-27* lbs 14.25-15.25; Frank' Braun , ..,... 140 164 193—497 15.25 to mostly ...... lie 17J 1«l—4» Bill Blarachard .. : .. 176 151 144—493 14.00-14.50; .shipment - Mo. -3 Ron Oraaa ... . 749 8«)4 718—380-2451 3-3 270-300 .lbs . 744 «« 747—422—J7»5 ; 815 764 751—341—2571 : 13.75; few 1. 2 and medium WILLIAMS ANNEX 365-378 lbs HA.L ROO LANES ¦ ¦ CHRISTENSON DRUGS 14.50-15.75; 1-3 300-400 lb sows Legion—Hal-Rod ¦' • . .:- ' 160-190 lbs City—Hal-Rod 4-Clty—Hal-Rod 12.50-13.50; 500- Ray Meyer :.. 182 1B4 115—483 13.00-14.00; 2-3 400-500 lbs Hal Biltgen IM _ 11 152-J61 Nell McManimon . 145 134 179—478 600 lbs 12.00-12 75; feeder: ptgs steady To 50 Hans Hanson ...... 151 13) 167—445 Curt Rustad , . 111 152 ;; ' OM « Kaeliler . 112 Hi lil-SlO 168—431 cents lower; choice 120-160 * lbs mostly (} By Sounders ' and Ernjf Mark Wodieskl . .... 755 116 137—40» Bert Jeenien . 113 Bo* Jandl .,:...... 15S 117 200—52J 144 123—402 14.00; few 160 lbs 14 ,50. 1 Len Bernatz ...:... 142 IV> 133—445 MaynarcS Rustad , 113 90 324 trv Sctiawa .. ,..:..: ; 176 113 H5-524 123— Sheep. 3,700; trade on . slaughter lambs Carl Klagge . .. 133 153 183—468 Arvin OVerby . 135 195 14B—478 . koatr Biltgen :...... 144 -170 144—462 ; 762 Til 735— 374—J4-4J slow, steady to 25 . cents lower; slaughter 840 148 874— IBB—2770 617 757 741—444-2559 ewes and feeder lambs steady; load choice WASON'S SUPPER CLUB EWIL'S MEN'S WEAR ' WEIMERSKIRCH SHELL VFW—Hal-Rod and prime 91 (b 1975; choice , and, prime -Weitgate ¦ Men'*—Westgata Classi*—AC slaughter lambs' 19.00- Ralph Bambenek . . 188 143 173—309 Paul PI alt Jr -. " . ' 85110 lb wooled Jim WelmersWrch .. 156 16* 147—44» . 176 131 HI—498 19.50 ; several loads 114 lb westerns 19.25; Bob Schewe , 114 136 149—399 Bob Bell Ches Wlciek 1S7 IW 121—410 ..... 135 165 113—493 .50; good 16.00- Bill Hohmeisler .... 131 302 159—491 Ralph Palbickl good and choice 17.00-18 Roger Wahl 150 181 ltl—524 ¦ ¦ .-...151 181 187—519 I7.O0; cull 12.00-15.00; cull to good slaugh- Henry Yackel . ',, .. . . 165 »7S 225—565 Jerry Nelson 107 131 173—411 Gary Baab 170 IB? ui—520- 00^8.00; few choice and fancy Joe Stolpa . 139 149 142—420 Dick Laszewskl .... 179 168 144—491 ter ewes 6. M«rv Nlemeyer .,... IK 183 157—SOS wooled feeder lambs 18.75; most choice and 1 727 110 148— 240-2645 748 774 »88—142—2554 Bl» 131 779-320—274» fancy , 17.00-18.50; good and choice 15.00- BOXER'S BUB'S BEER -- ' MERCHANTS NAT'L. BANK Bay State—Westgate 17.00. . . . . Anierlcait—V/eslgafe Retail—Hal-Rod Cec Klefter 109 147 133—389 CHICAGO • , IJ7 I5B Lyle Turner ...129 181 170—480 tHli Skeeti 167-462 Mel Plelmeler 160 137 134-^-431 CHICAGO r/f, -(USDAO— Hogs 6,000; Orval Hilke . ' 136 143 192—470 Ed Drw/all 129 160 150—439 . Merlin Wohlert . 149 159 156—464 butchers steady lo strong) 1-2 190-220 lb C. Mueller .... 147 17» |<>—4»i Arnle Wicbaeli , 130 181 134—445 Wm. Art Pflughoe-lt 133 124 173—430 butcher s 16.25-1675; mlxe-d 1-3 190-220 lbs OJI Osca r Swenson 137 118 181—434 Herb R 110 153 117—480 ¦ Dan Elchmann ; . . 150 169 168—487 16. 00-16.50; 22 0-260 lbs 15.50-16.25; 2-3 250- Herb Page) 200 174 177-5J3 Adolph Schreiber . 136 184 155—475 I 701 )3l 764—430-3431 280 lbs 15.00-1575; mixed 1-3 300-400 lb 139 808 111—2K2-373I 461 124 790—244—2J39 SUNBEAM BAKERY sows •1375.14,25; 400-SOO lbs 13.00-14.00. WINONA INSURANCE AGENCY FIVE SLACK CROWS Elks—Keglers Cattle 11,000; calves none; slaughter Eagles—H» l-Rod Summer—Westgate Clyde Cfsewsld , 134 113 120—387 steers strong to JO cents higher; load lots JOhii SaraJjtede , 177 152—4W Bob SlachowllI 140 113 143—398 , 16* John Orlowskl 174 102 152—430 mostly primes 1,200-1,300 lb steers 2775- Dewey Clinkscales 164 IS6 154—47-4 Joe Ctenan 185 180 135—500 . Dewey Grossell .... 180 160 130—470 37.50; bulk high choice end prime 1 , 100- Mylet Veugren .. . . UT 131 I M—37 » Laverne Buchholi .. 118 113 120—351 Lloyd Walling ... . 107—371 1,375 lbs 26.50-27.00; bulk choice 900-1,15(1 Joe Oraikovwskl . ... 17S 186 171-53.2 HS't4f Bob Wfeciorefc 145 145 167—457 Don Dooney . ... 170 121 159—457 ' lbs 25.25-36.SO; good 23.50-2475; load lots Merv Schulta 14B 14,1 154—46.3 Bob D ennis . 133 170 184—487 775 147 468-516—2614 high choice and prime. 850-1,025 lb tellers 7»« (II 731—3»4—2734 721 723 741—343-2533 ' EARL'S TREE SERVICE: BERNBE'S D-X ?A.25-26.50; bulk choice B5O-1.050 lbs 24 .75- NANCY Bv Erni. Bvshmiller SCHLITZ BEER 14 .25- American—Westgate VFW—Hal-Rod 25.75; utility and commercial cows Houston Merchants—H-ouiton 00, Nort Overland . 145 )20 14J—54» Harold Skroch .... 127 121 168—418 16. Dila Comstotk . \1K 131 128—3B» Sheep . 600; slaughter lambs weak; pack- Vern Otis 149 173 130—453 Geo orazkowskl ... 133 139 141—432 Pete Wheatoff . 14« 148 155-431 100 lb na- Lester Hold en 107 133 98—340 Al Blt-tner 155 159 137—451 »ge choice and prime around »!re<» Redmatin 11? 118 117—304 tive wooled ilnughter l«mbs 20.00; good Clltl Hoel 169 I8I 165-516 Bernard Gerson ... 138 129 134—403 Oene Schroeder isa 149 145—471 and choice 80-100 lbs 1 8,00-19.50 ; cull fo ! Earl Bunke , ... 113 138 157—408 I Marty Wnuk 132 186 157—475 Roger Johnson 141179 149—511 705 848 7)3-360-3424 ! 484 736 759-354—1533 good wooled slaughter ewej 6.00-S.OO . 734 775 7I4-SIW— 371! : PAPPY'S BAKK EN CONSTRUCTION CO. TOP SCORE VFW/—Hal-Rod Commercui!— Hal-Rod Bay Slate*-Westgate Carrol Bakken 1)7 184 151—454 John Meyerhoff , 119 148—411 Olck Percy 133 163 173-4 61 IS* Bob forsythe 91 8] 154—328 Laverne Buchhotz , 148 173 139-4,60 Herb Kelm HO 136 179—415 Ken Felne 137 109 139-173 Oava Klnow ikl 304 142 151-4,96 John Enters 134 154 111-419 Amoi Bakken 124 147 144—417 Ralph Hubbard 166 151 l«-«5» LaVern Sentry 184 111 148-513 Jerry Heme . . 166 146 163—475 Carter Wins WillyMirqunrdt .. lis 148 Marv Nlemoyer 1«] let 16S-«7I 1^4—411 437 469 743—480-3521 , 787 718 743-146—3671 »0I 778 775— 344— 172J OOLt>EN BRAND FOOD PRODUCTS BLANCHE'S TAVERN CENTRAL MOTORS VFW/—Hal-Rod 4-Clty-Hnl VFW-Ha l-Rod Rod Jim Johnson 141 lis 141—427 Earl WancK 133 166 1S9-45I tC Bell , Ml 180 112-497 Wayn-e Oallaa 140 17 113-370 Al Felll IIS 143 147-401 Phil Kerslne . ,., 14) 307 125—449 v Harvey Krago HI 131 158—430 Over Brennan Mill Reed , 113 16,8 139-440 Chris Welfenbach , . 141 163 149—4II J Fred Brensel .... 139 177 135—451 John Oroskl . , 14 1 1»» 125— 464 NEW VORK (AP) - Hurricane Jo* Lewlnmkl , . 16! 142 144-451 I 1 Geo Goetiman . 135 16* 141—453 John Poieeic ., i4i 177 168—4f0 Gone Zeches 17 1 IBS 191-543 I 411 111 714—196-251) 49>6 138 741-104—)623 Carter is thinking about title 3)6 884 768—118—1716 SUNSJHINE CAFE ffKlits , liL/l i( looks like the mid- ACE TELEPHONE CO. WINONA PLUMBING* CO. j Commercial—Hal-Rod Houston Merchants—Howslon j Leglon-Hal-Rod Jerry- Anderson 134 153 134—440 dlcwoiRhL conlcnde-r is slill more REX MORGAN, M.D. By Dal ,. ,..-.,-..-,, . ,»_¦ » ,!..,••—-. ¦•¦ . Burns ... »2» 151 148—4)1 ) Marv Nelson . . 145 111 114--471 >• .' _^ | Murray LoRo-y Grocnwood . 143 101 143-397 than a year away from big busi- . , 14.) 122 137-436 'Don Oils >16 154 158—441 I Gov Attract Roge r Brorlng ... 135 121 115—341 ness. Allen B remsellt »»• 134 153—441 Syl Ulla 143 154 177—500 I Rob NOgosek Ill 133 138—373 Cliff HrJfl 1« 157 156—413 ; Jim Hlldebrandt ,. . 166 131 131-454 Jim Hermei 147 131 143—451 The wild-swingi ng mtiscleman , Elmer Wright 1J9 17ft 153—490 Tom Orankowikl , , lfil 141 147-450 480 461 707—458-3301 744—«4_74fl fas tsl-m—Ull N..) f M 740 *7) WINONA NAT't - SAVINGS BANK from P«»ftt\sr>ii, , won a lop- OOLDEN TIGERS WATKINS PILLS sided ; K ot C-Kegl ers lO-ifliind decision ov«r Oo- Bay State—WeitjMe Lefllon-eiel-Rod 1 Rimer Kotiner 163 l!< 147—Alt 1 Boh Tliruni HI 141 149-41! Mm Oram! II) I*) 147-4)1 moo nti'tinnn nt Madison Square Bob Trent 1)8 117 141—401 i Mcrlyn VonBargt n 131 131 158-410 Roflfer Zohren , 155 IOS 107-347 CiardiMi , Inn not before he Rave Carl Wager . . 115 lis 133—4J» I Dick Schulli HI 117 183- 441 I Rollle Tutt .... 15* 111 111-387 Dave Hon»itr»!>n UJ ,j, w_ot Jim Englwth 134 120 150—404 Jerr* Meier . . 149 134 178-463 his handSers a terrific scarp . 17) 183—477 Bill BlancharK 11* 181 167~4K.^ Jim Ehleri 14) 181 144-51) ' Carl Fischer 118 Brennan , a back-pediillinj; safe- 757 714 130—344-7W.« 71) 715 B07--350—7 *05 755 676 737-14O-3S0O SPR IMOER tICNS lM>xpr for eifjl it nninds , BIO YElUDi i WARNER - SWASEY HOPTO Bay Simla—Wdslgalr- I Relall-Hal Rod Com m'fclal—H*l Rod suddenly nailed the 4-1 favorite Arl Spellr 113 201 117—111 John Somers 1*4 144 137—4l» i V«rn Thill 134 136 113-177 Willi i\ rifilil. lo Die jaw Hint xenl Sam Barn 111 214 159—104 Oeo SchnolrJer . .. 117 142 145-474 I Ben Jumbick 171 184 173-480 Stan Kolinor is 1 147 US— 433 l oan Pnyhylskl .,. 161 125 111-406 Ron Sprlnoirr 110 133 134—459 Curler sl uRKeriii f. to llie ropes, Ev SchulH 151 134 93—180 I Ken Vaughn . *S6 137 I47-4J0 ' l-erry Scheldeqtjer 142 141 153—474 (iomco couldn 't do much more BrV OultK . 17 r. 1J4 188—««• I Ed Kauphusmen 201 168 157-510 John Stnrelbei 150 145 154-451 113 132 754—354^2474 81)0 71S 704-11Q-1S17 737 7)9 733-344-3413 about II and blew his chance for SUNBEAM CAKE! KEWPEE LUNCH ¦ OLD DOC'S an, Retail-Hal-Rod Eautet—Hal-Rod H.ay Slate—/Veslgale Otherwise il was Carter by a Walt Wonne |A» 144 140—4)1 «eo Ora/dowikl »31 131 111-))* ! Al l.rlh 141 111 111-457 Byrla Tschumpor 143 147 171—4I» Don Brokaw 142 1)3 140-4)7 Bob Gaveri 151 H3 118-186 hii fj e iiuit 'Kin In a fiRliI that jjninwl Geo. Km trier 13« 115 10)—*04 Brad Jotinvon . 112 187 149-SIK Ror»«rl McCorrnlck 115 IS5 111-401 him no prestige but sonic experi- Run Fls k MO (77 1JJ~«I> Wllfnn (l«rfl«r , V* 144 151- 444 Om. Weniel 170 )3» 117-411 , (' B y Ed Dodd OnrdOlt Ny««th . 14-4 134 160—458 Mike Somalia lt» 161 146-41C Rey- BambeneK 155 165 138-458 ence The officials lind ai'ler 714 117 733—404—1468I 111 771 711-304-3514 77S 754 S93-3S4-3Mr< ahead by the following scores: ¦ ¦ OSi l SHORTY'S BAR-CAFE BLOCK-BUSTERS referee, Toddy M artin fl-l ; .Indue Bay StAle—Wailgere VPW.-Nal-Rod ft ay Sta|e-Wi»loate Bob StachoivllJ IS) 174 130—378 BUI Ont J Ind 1)0 101 183-154 I Jlrr* Douolas 133 187 141-481 Frank Forbes 7-3 and .ludfie Rill John Rnebletkl 95 133 140—aso Boh Kow»| 101 111 131-341 I Rel pH RlKlqers 104 121 111-338 flechl B l-I . The AC cart! had Cur- Arne Rvfl 94 139 109-332 Jlrn Kenlor , DO 130 143-443 llnti Wlccinresi 134 134 128-411 Bit ZekfJCikl HI 174 HI-4B0 I Willard .Anderion .. 141 17) 147-471 Hoi-old Dei () 121 114 138-341 ler nhc-nd 7-3 , Tom Bemcup 1«1 Hi 113—501 Born Jasinwikl . , 111 138 143-471 Hmrry Brenden 137 171 118-431 Carter , who weighed IM ' *, 717 741 713-414-3647 111 171 755-104-3514 64! )31 471-413-3148 pounds lo Hreniui n's iri7 *« , has a BOUNCER'S ' BUB'S BE en SCHMIDTS mm ' Bay Slele-WeilgeH American—Weslgate I Clan B--R4dmen winning, streak of five an<| a \fe-i Fran Hnngol 71» 195 1)31-414 Howard RockWall 151 18S 111-434 Ed Uruble 111 127 113-361 record. He has sewed 11 knock- Jos Clrrjun Ml 156 ior—410 Jake Konkel , lit 174 137-441 1 A| relerman . 81 lot 107-394 Wally T hlele 131 IIS 17»-344 Rollle Henson 111 140 144-4*4 I R|ch Prancls 9M06 83-111 oulx. R retinan 's l ocord Is 52-B-5. Pafa Commlnge '38 144 HO-403 Jerry Jo>|ms«o 14l 131 135-4*1 R07 Schaupp II 113 88-181 Boh Dennis 144 111 W4-H1 1 Clar Rorinenberg , 14) 168 135-440 Francis Holer .. 141 144 147-440 MCKINLEY WIMS •01 133 4n-334-)4*l )31 U32 663-131-3590 51S 147 540-714- 1403 WtNON/V MILK CO . MIKR'S FINB FOOOf FDSUN1AIN ORKW SALISIMUIV , IMrf , i^-Top-soed VPW—Hal'RiHl Tues. —Men's—Weslgriefe VpW-Hal-Rftrt ed Clumk MeKinloy, the, nation 's Haroia 6ran<1t 140 137 l*-a—4S7 Jerry R uhofl 194 170 149-4P) Leu Mueller 144 111 163- 410 James Kramer , 117 170 (3-4-301 Tim Worm « M4 I44-4QJ R»ni# We/larsilt 111 16 143-334 No 1 mnnteur, defeate'd tiene Alvln Bremen 133 131 ll 1*—3(1 Clar Brilnlng , HI 147 111-SPJ La urence Cade ., 173 111 111-340 Scott , ranked eighth, lo win the Wally Conrad 126 )40 131-419 Vern TI4III 133 134 150-41H , Al Ahranis . . 130 111 154-110 fourth annual Salisbury Interna- Ches T»»IT »» ,., , 167 154 14 7-310 Botf Ha>n»» .. )« 181 187-511 nn»l> Cade 144 lfl I40--4H JJ1 739 7*9~404-)63| ?41 7tl 754-3)1-1313 442 401 711-316—3114 tional Tennis Tournament .Sunday, (Plrst Pub. Monday, Feb, 4, 1143) fechnicfll Instruction 35 parm Imp lements 48 Radios, Television 71 Houses for Sale 99 Aate ol Minnesota¦ ¦- .') . is. . " ~ ^ ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ County of Winona ) . In Probata Court BULK TANK—SM ' salT^DarirKoolTl years exPERT"l\'ORk on «ll"fv anlf^diorfr WAT^HA ST. -r>iear W -K. School. One^f ' ' . pair. All . mokes. WINONA FIRE & •he better homes ¦ ¦ No. 15,507 * . Want Acte eld. John Hilllg, tndpendeinct,' Wii. Tel, . Be sure . ar.r) see tnis ¦ ' ' . In Re Estate of \55F3, (Waumandee) , : POWER CO., 54 E. 2nd St. Tel. SOOi 4-be-droorr» home, large, family sije kifchien Used Can 109 U».d Cart - XQ9 _ ^. ~' _ ; . . ... _...... _ _„„_ „_. .______Marie E. Boe, Decedent. " " ' ¦ ' wit* new cabinets, ' dinin' . GOOD USED rear tractor tires—11-38, 4- F6R BETTER RADlb Tvr"SERVICE . . o room; rxceo- D0D06—19*9 Coronei, In good »h«(>t. . Order for Hairing on Petition for Admin- ¦i-HIGM^ - ' ;tion,illy nice liv ' nq ' rooo-i, hot :v/at* " ^ ¦ ¦• ¦ ¦ ¦ pty, . SW.M pair and: up- Aik for Leo at . ' -• ' Bteia's TV Service r . STATION WAGON . • . | *100 Tel,J!.4111...... ¦ ' .; ¦: " . ; istration, Limiting Tlmt to File Claims Start : ¦ ¦ ' , heating system, full bast-mrnl J ( Here - ' 6(M0. ", . . 43 W. Bellevjew Til. 7.476 , ^nd gei- 19^' Chp-Tolct VrpB . ssrnner w^gon . lhat' i : ' ^ ' and for Haarlho Thereon __ ~~ - ~ ~~~~ rag«. For appoinftrenl see or call FOKD~i9S7 conv»rfiWe, Falrian* SCO, J : : BLIND ADS UNCALLED FOR- ' " " in . excellent condition. tt' i Jully . equip- '- POR CLAY fCUIPMENT Wlnonoti Fines!^Electronic Repair : wrIMtn W«rrantv on motor, new Martin Boa having filed herein ». p»- E—3, 14, J5, 32, -51, JJ, 34. 38, 60, 61. BARN ' ped: A barenln «t . y**r tltlon lor general administration stating OAK RIDGE SALES «. SERVICE :! tor All Makes . W r STAH R :-V v ¦ ¦ tap: May b* i**n at Winont N«1tornl that said decadent died Intestate and • ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ SCHOOL Wlnnelske. Minn. . Till' ~'> 788J J74 W. '- " " ; . ¦;- . & Savlngi Bank. Tal . 3M1 i itt«r . 1, -.' ¦ •¦;: TIC E" ' ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ • A H"' Don Ehmann TV Service _ Me_rk : ' , Tel. 642S $995 ' ." ¦ - ¦ - - • , • NO . : ^ ^ T«i. net- , . . . ;; :¦ - - . :. - - - . . . praying that Sydney G. Johnstone be ap- ! -This newspaper will ' 980 W. Fifth . administrator ; ba responsible tor At Home In Spare Time T*t «303 pointed only ont Incorrect .. ¦ Authorized Dealer for NYSTROM' IT IS- ORDERED, That the hearing . Insertion- ol any Low monthly payments includ» S V: classified advertisement ADMIRAL - MUNTZ - ZENITH had on February 27, 1943, at published In _ ATTENTION! Crifyjler-Plymouth „ thereof ba tha Want Aa section standard text books and in- ' M9f50 FORb 11:15 o'clock A.M., before this Court In . Check your ad USED TELEVISION SETS - consoles and and call 332T If a correction must Completely furnished home for ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' the probate court room In 'the) court • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ b* struction . Credit for subjects portable!- Th* ill* and ityl* you want : ¦ ¦ • " ' » 4-do tied. J bcdroorrn and bflth comeletely. . guardian-of -the ;above ' Business Opportunitits 37 ¦ RANGES, WATER HEATERS^tilating Wanted—Real Estate ; and : The named Ward, U-2 , CAN have i your clothes expertly' .' .tal. ' • ' .' Fountain. Cily, Wis, ' : .;. 102 ¦ equipped with shower. Water pur-rip, viz. : The Merchants ' National Bank of . . • equipment gas, oil or electric. Expert | _T , ' TcI.- .. 8-3649- pump hou se optional wllh : unit. ihqulra ¦ j . lored by WARREN BETSINGER, Tai- ^ ^ " ' ~ ~ ¦ . . . Winona, having made and , (ilea in this ETc ^LTENT OPpbRTUNiTY i) tike . service. RANGE OIL BURNER CO. 907 1 V/ILL PAY HIGHESf CASlTpRiCES ' - . - 4th; - ¦ " ' . '¦ ' . ' . - ' ' . I lor-, •«', _ ' \AI; 3rd. , Stop Today. . ¦ 3930; W. ; . ; . * . ' Courl its ; final account, together with its ¦over .3 well «.»t»blisrved ruril routes. _ E. 5th St, TeL 7479. Adolph MIChal.owskl. j FOR YOUR,CITY PROPERTY * ' "" ' ^ ' ;' petition representing' that said guardian- ELGIN WATCHES . as low as S19.9sT You " Tel. ^ 4484 . • • . .' • _ New Car* . i - . can be. the nicest Valentine in* the world Hay> Grain, Feed 50 Typewriters 77 ¦:/'HANK VJ EZEWSK ihlo , has . terminated and praying that ; building. In - " :I; * at this , price. See. Prank at RAINBOW fAVERN-^-Frams tavern good " ' ^59 FORD GALAXIE ~ said, account be . examined, adjusted and ' 3 >esl rooms. . License Includ- BMrED ^"^!^—Also^ Var cornr~He>rbert ~ " . (Wlnonal .Only Real Estnte; Buyer) rE _ P SALES, part! and servlca by Vour !¦ . JEWELERS , next to P.O ' condition, fYPEiw)TERS"^nct add ing'^achTnirTor ' ¦ allowed by this Court,, and that . . said .. . .; . . Gilmanton, N»ldner, Lewislon, M>nn. * . .. T«l, tits ant , 7093 ; P.O. Bo* 3a% ' -dpor, radio, -heater, francnUad Jeep daaier. F . A; XRAUSEf ed. In the Village of WiS-_ - _ Sale*or rent. Reasonable fates, de- T ' ¦ ¦ guardian be discharged ; PREVENT , . FROZEN ' " fal '~" frl* %" / CO.,; So. on . Hwy..*).. T«l . .5155. ' . ' * PIPES with wrap Owner is selling because ot .llna SATED OAf~5TRAW-for «aler~ Glenn - . livery. See us lor all your office aupplles, : - '/¦' autornalic transmis- . . IT IS ORDERED, That said petition - (Silmonton, ¦ . ¦ \ . around In sulation tape, also electric health . Sam Aase* . WiJ., . Babcock, ' Utica, Minn ' ¦ .- • ' desks, flies or office ' chairs. . Lund Type- •• " WE NEED ; MORE HOUSES '" ¦ ' " ' ¦ be heard and saia account examined , and , tape, in. ' ill . 'lengths. *ROBB BROS. ' . . . A sion, power steering, "Auction 'Saies '- . - • ' . . .' - - owner. wriler • Co. Tel. .5222 , , - . / adjusted by this Court, at the probate : STORE,- 574 E: 4th . Tel , . 4007. ^ to sell. January sales power ¦ 'brake's;¦ two- ; ^ ' Articles for Sale 57 ' ~ ' " " hay« \ / . , AUViN KOHNER court room In the court house in ihe ' Insurance . -; 38 •SAY . sbss, ftlve yourself and "foirr^ofiici City of. Winona. , County ot Winona. State .OKAY GIRLS—you can stop in.about Tues- . - ~ slatt a break with a new Underwood. bceii excellent: Phone \_f.: : (one finish, Another . AUCTIONEER, City, ana jM»« licensed: 1 day to your oijr" Ol : us for ot Minnesota; on the 28th day ol February, "ODen" "surprise package." B^oM'R ^WsE^12x5

' ¦ ' ' DICK TRACY By Chester GoyW

• ¦¦'¦ ' ' " 'V .: ' By Mort Walker

' ¦" : THE FLINTSTONES .' ' :. " .;. By Hanna-Barbera ;

RIP KIRBY By John Prentice and Fred Dickenson

¦ ' ' ¦ " ¦ ; ' ¦:. : /:¦ ' / . BV phlc Young

' ¦ ¦ ¦' " - '¦ ' . . By^ilfon Canniff IPL ABNER - ; , - By Af Capp ¦;¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦: ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦;:. ' ' :..-• ¦:. . ' - .' : - .. ' , V • . . • . ' - . . ' • . ' . '.' ' ' .. .. . :' ' -' ' . '•' : ¦ . ¦ " . " • . • ' ¦: ' .• '.' .

,% Vk NEW HIGH ,N VALU E . , <^x " * "*" " * NEW L(JnYYA/ IN PRICE * IB I * jf Jff i H j j * WKKF ^ ( FEATURING "CAN'T MAR" PLASTIC TOPS xS______l______9-F i______^^^E^^^lH______-_____i__ I*S*-

H» Vi^iF '" ~0*4*MmM6m^** "fc , Ss. * y *¦ ^H K ^ ^ ^y*» t ^f&Kf/^ ^*^

Emmm * * " > A T * ¦* *f -4%,\ .'> ' * ^if J^* JHL A** ^^^^V'** ^^H^^^^ « JCF JM '• - ' ' * **^ jl'H^ II^ ^'AL *^ r\ ^mU^^ ¦HHE_l ; ¦ ^ '^ I JN ^ ^ ¦ " ' ^ I M PP- ¦ ¦ T ¦ - ¦ - ' '^#^'^?£^ 1 ¦au^WBWJPW^.. ¦ I^^^^- - *S««P^¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ '¦ " ' v;.v ^¦ ^ ^7^_ . _^ „ . , , ^gtitm- .y . ^•¦-*. ' ¦:• - *>, •• *- ^^-^. - >-' , ~>dw^^¦'^WmammLt ^^^ P Some th ings you just shouldn 't be without

Sometimes families, in an ef "fort to keep within a budget, go ^arviroc without many of the big and little things that make life worth living , . . sacrificing the security of "having" without MllMeSOla Load aiid Thrill waiting, scrimping and saving. They miss the many social UilGtS IQU

and business advantages that come with a nice home , .a PERSONAL LOANS h car smart clothes and other modern comforts, ' ° ' newer , ^ il ? , !„ i ^^^ I^ i ^Ss.T^ crRcncios , doctor ;mtl hospital hills. Con- mi 1 KROEHLER You Need Not Wait . . , the magic of modem financing "'" "'nn * ' ^J NTS R l CCD available at Minnesot a Loan and Thrift can open a wonder- riV^ , f? f, ; • • , , . Double Dresser & Mirror, ^ l ousoliilii tion ol hills and p.i .vnu-nts minced i»st;ii)mcnt pm-duises .-mil I> II CI-,-111 .-1- Skylark hy Kroehler tlio exciting. hlend of the tinst ! m e fa! new life to you—enabling you to have more of the things3 °" > try /*l« 4- ' ItlR lulls inifi delib , iTc.'iliiifi ;i fjn\ilcr rush I S OP tlio ridings, the hold hoauly the Skylurk liod room M CCI dHQ 1/^651 you need and want NOW—without waiting until you have iWV1'1' 0I" (|(" income. || nui te possesses. osmetics ' "t ' ' ¦¦ C can t niiir tho an l Mar " __ _¦ ¦¦ » i % f\f\ BUSINESS LOANS . , . jl plastic td|) Hiirfaci's won 't sc niti'li. Sif t is compliMcly K >vU saved the cash, without dist u rbing savings. Don' t postpone ' ¦ *r ¦ %C Wirier loniis I nr liirm ind (1,'in v ,is \\,'|| .is I diMtproofofi , ..iind so licautu'ul us on ly n Safin | , ; ^^ the satisfaction this new credit concept can bring to you, humors- mi0- Thrift > 1*6 Wnlrtot Phono 8-2976 tot-l your inmi or installment minnd Friendly Low Term i Al Eml Thitcl ond Fronklin Free Customer Forking In Rear