Meeting : Youth Forum – Meeting No.45 A sub group of The Congleton Partnership.

Date : Tuesday 8th October 2019 Time: 3.30pm

Location: Eaton Bank Academy.

In attendance : Glen Williams (Chair), Fiona Fellows (Visyon), Cara Fullelove (CE Carers Hub), Lizzie Fry & Lisa Nixon (Friends For Leisure) , J.Money ( Community Projects) ,June Maddock ( CE Youth Services), Muktadir Khan ( Connected Communities) , Patsy Murphy ( Graham), Simone Gurbuz ( Eaton Bank Academy),Charlie Swaine (Congleton URC Youth Group) & M.Smith

Guest :

Item Agenda Item / discussion Action / comment 1. Apologies: C.Eckersley ( CHS), K.Rogers (Everybody Sport and Leisure), Mandy Simpson ( Police Youth Engagement Officer), Steve Foster ( Congleton Partnership) Jeff Cutts ( New Life Church)

2. Welcome &Introductions.

Glen welcomed everyone to the meeting. Introductions around the table.

3. Minutes of the last meeting / Matters Arising. (19.6.19)

The meeting was hosted by Graham Construction

Minutes accepted as a true and correct record.

Glen commented that it was a useful meeting with an informative presentation about the link road project and update on Graham’s interaction with local young people.

Also a useful presentation by CE Carers Hub. 4. Organisations Update.

Connected Communities ( Muktadir Khan) 4 centres now open in Congleton, priority appears to be around mental health with reportedly 1/3 of all surgeries appointments affected by this. Muka has spoken to Laura at Visyon re some joint working around this.

Comments from Muka:- My role is to facilitate, empower and mobilise the local community to address their own priorities in terms of health and wellbeing.

I am keen to explain more about the connected communities strategy and how we can work in synergy.

My role is to facilitate, empower and mobilise the local community to address their own priorities in terms of health and wellbeing.

I am keen to explain more about the connected communities strategy and how we can work in


Eaton Bank Academy – S Gurbuz. PSHE – Expanded in state sector, government character education careers leadership will become one of the 4 drivers (not just about exam results) Sexual relationship education now compulsory. EBA would welcome outsource speakers Knife Crime / Mental Health very close issues.

CE Youth Service – June Maddocks. 2 x Youth service activities Tuesday SENDS at Ruby’s Fund and Friday at Bromley Farm. These are by referral, help to build confidence, skill development ina fun environment.

Wednesday SAFE project at Congleton Library in conjunction with the police. Safety issues, try and involve the parents. Friends for Leisure – Lisa Nixon/Lizzie Fry. Usual programme of activities across for children with disabilities (5 to 18). 2 groups in Congleton. Regular activity includes bowling, baking, games etc. Looking for volunteers – Male – 16 years old for group and one to one sessions.

Graham Construction – Patsy Murphy(report) • Project has to date taken on two new apprentices. • Project took on one local young female as a summer placement. • To date the project has raised approximately £120 for Ruby’s fund. • We have assisted Marlfields Primary School with the allotment project • Carried out a presentation to Black Firs Primary School, provided them with an ice cream van for the summer event which included paying for all 360 pupils at the school for an ice cream, made donations of Odeon vouchers for the raffle. • Arranged and paid for a coach to give a presentation to on coach to 5 k, members of our team having been joining students for the runs. • I am attending Eaton Bank School to engage with students. As mentioned at the meeting I have previously been involved with Go4Set, which might suit schools/communities to get involved .

CE Adult Social Care Learning Disability Team – Sarah Jacklin.

Working with young adults transitioning from school to the community (15 to 16 year olds). It is about confidence building to get them involved in the community. Treating them as all young adults would expect to be treated, seeing past the disability. Some involvement currently with .

CE Carers Hub – Cara Fullelove. Currently running 4 groups in Congleton ( St John’s) looking for larger premises. Trying to work with Carers Trust4All, would love to go into school and talk to students. Always looking for guest speakers ( Friends for Leisure – Grahams etc) Looking for a site in Congleton for 3rd Wed of the month that would take up to 30 people. Cara will send an email to MS for circulation around the group.

Visyon – Fiona Fellows. Referral by parents and YP’s themselves. Full programme of activity will be circulated. Programme includes :- New Group Connect Session (1 hour a week), Managing Emotions, Parent in Power, Walking Group ( Sat am), Young ambassador Group/ Develop Interviewing Skills.

Community Projects – Jo Money. More of a sign poster, Community Projects is about community engagement:- 60 Things to do Play day Play area leaflet Art workshops/ Lantern Workshop Food and Drink etc. Jo is clerk to two local trusts:- Town Trust and Inclosure Trust which Jo can signpost you to for grants. Based at Electric Picture House in Spindle Street. It is a good space to do workshops with artists.

United Reformed Church – Charlie Swaine

Saturday night Youth Drop In at the church 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Fundraising to update the room.

Bromley farm Youth Club – Glen Williams.

Currently have a range of issue. Good engagement through the play area visit, new areas discovered. Mon – Youth Club Fri – Drop In, but working towards a more focused activity, some joint working with LOL. Looking to develop social skills, building confidence, long term wanting to give something back. Build aspirations give them life skills they will need.

Mike asked each group to send a paragraph of their activities so that they can be logged Send a paragraph of your and a picture of provision built up. This is also a request to groups that could not make this activities to MS. meeting. 5. Future Priorities – Discussion pre next meeting / workshop.

Engagement of parents. :-

Get more support for children at home. Jo – Organise something that kids and parents can do together. Idea – Youth Group Olympics Play events in Play Areas and Town Centre. Tree Planting Day. Go4Set – Patsy to send link Patsy to send Go4Set link. Skate Board Park – Project / Leisure Ctr Development.

6. Future Meetings:-

Tuesday 12th November , Congleton High School, 3.30pm to 5.00pm

Workshop on project ideas.