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"Your Partner in "usic Iducation" The professional staff at Heritage Festivals is dedicated to providing your choir with an educational, cultural and social experience your students will remember for years to come. Heritage Music Festivals provide each high Let 1997 be your year to enjoy the school and junior high school choral director comprehensive services available from Heritage with the opportunity to enjoy a great educational Festivals, "Your Partner in Music Education. " music festival in an exciting host city with: A outstanding adjudication For detailed information about the A excellent accommodations 1997 Heritage Music Festivals, A fun social activities A well organized and operated festivals caII1.800.22J.4J67 Heritage Festivals -302 West 5400 South' Suite 108' P.O. Box 571187' Salt Lake City, Utah 84157-1187 Official Publication of tile American Choral Directors Association Volume Thirty-six Number Ten CHORALJO John Silantien Barton L.Tyner Jr. EDITOR MANAGING EDITOR COLUMNS ARTICLES From the Executive Director ....... 2 The Psychologist and From the President.. .................... 3 the Conductor: Solving From the Editor .......................... 4 Rehearsal Problems Letters to the Editor .................... 4 Using Awareness of Personality Types .................. 9 Research Report ........................ 61 Christine D. de Catanzaro, editor by Barbal'a PoLlacl, and Harriet Simons Musica Practica ......................... 63 Nina Gilbert, editor Compact Disc Reviews .............. 65 Richard J. Bloesch, editor Book Reviews ............................ 69 Stephen Town, editor Choral Reviews ......................... 75 The Relationship between COlydon J. Carlson, editor Nonverbal Communication Repertoire and Standards and Conducting: Committee Reports ................... 30 An Interview with 1997 Honor Choir Applications .... 33 Rodney Eichenberger ......... 17 and Workshops ......................... 41 In Memoriam ........................... 52 Index to the ChoraL Journal, Volume Thirty-six ..................... 53 by Scott W. Dorsey Advertisers Index ....................... 88 RE H EARSAL BREAI<S Conducting Gregorian Chant ....................................... 27 Cover art photography by John Poindexter; graphic design by Craig Stidham. by Charles W Chapman MAY 1996 PAGE 1 FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS San Diego Honor Choirs INDIANA CDA NATIONAL HONOR CHOIRS offer exciting growth opportunities for CHORAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION singers and choral directors. Singers experience ensemble music-malcing under President - Patricia Wiehe a guest conductor while choral directors observe and learn that conductor's 2435 Glenhill Drive Indianapolis. Indiana 46240 rehearsal strategies and conducting technique. Treasurer - Paula J. Alles National honor choirs have developed significantly over the years. Our first efforts with 1471 Altmeyer Road this activity involved presenting only one honor choir on a national convention program. The Jasper. Indiana 47546 lasHwonational conventions, however, have each featured three honor choirs; -- .IOWA ... CHORAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION ACDA has further expanded its honor choir program for the 1997 National Conven President - Janiece R. Bergland tion in San Diego, California. Honor choirs representing children's choirs, junior high 2534 155th Street schools, and two-year colleges will perform, and we will present the ftrst-ever Community Floyd. Iowa 50435 Secretary/Treasurer - Bruce A. Norris Honor Choir. Each will perform on Saturday, March 8, 1997; at the end of the afternoon 420 Maple Street program, me Community Honor Clioir ana-me Two-Year College Honor Clioir will- Mondamin. Iowa 51557 combine to premiere the 1997 Raymond W. Brock Endowment Composition. MINNESOTA In this issue (pp. 33-40) you will ftnd the application forms for all four San Diego honor CHORAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION President - Allan Hawkins choirs. Carefully observe the various application deadlines for participation in these choirs. 500 South Jefferson Street The success of the San Diego honor choirs lies with ACDA members. If you conduct New Ulm. Minnesota 56073 in one of these four R&S areas, I encourage you to choose your best singers to audition. Treasurer - Richard F. Edstrom 2305 Winfield Avenue. North May one of your singers be among the hundreds who will participate in this exciting Golden Valley. Minnesota 55422 portion of the 1997 National Convention. MONTANA CHORAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION Gene Brooks President - Peggy Leonardi 161 Eastside Highway Hamilton, Montana 59840 ACDA's National Honor Choirs Treasurer - John Haughey 2126 Northridge Circle 1997 NATIONAL CONVENTION Choir (Anton Armstrong, conductor) • Women's Billings. Montana 59102 San Diego, California • Children's Honor Choir Honor Choir (Jo-Michael Scheibe, conductor) (Anton Armstrong, conducror) • Community 1991 NATIONAL CONVENTION NEBRASKA Honor Choir (Earl Rivers, conductor) • Junior Phoenix, Arizona • Junior and Community College CHORAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION High School Honor Choir (Nancy Cox, Honor Choir (Douglas McEwen, conductor) President - David H. Moore conducror) • Two-Year College Honor Choir 1989 NATIONAL CONVENTION 12740 Deauville Drive (William B. Hatcher, conductor) Louisville, Kentucky • Junior High School Honor Omaha. Nebraska 68137 1995 NATIONAL CONVENTION Choir (Sally Herman, conductor) Treasurer - Clark Roush Washington, D. C. • Honor Boychoir aames 1985 NATIONAL CONVENTION York College Linon, conductor} • Children's Honor Choir Salt Lake City, Utah • Junior High School Honor P.O. Box 438 aanet Galvan, conducror} • Men's Honor Choir Choir (Rodney Eichenberger and John Rutter, York. Nebraska 68467 (Allen C. Crowell, conductor) conductors) OHIO 1993 NATIONAL CONVENTION 1983 NATIONAL CONVENTION CHORAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION SanAntonio, Texas • Children'sHonorChoir(Doreen Nashville, Tennessee • Children's Honor Choir Rao, conductor} • Eighth- and Ninth-Grade Honor (Jean Ashworth Bartle, conductor) President - Peter G. Jarjisian School of Music. Ohio University Athens. Ohio 45701 Treasurer - Mark Munson STATEMENT OF MEMBERSHIP College of Musical Arts. Bowling Green State University The American Choral Directors Association is a nonprofit professional organization of choral directors from Bowling Green. Ohio 43403 schools, colleges, and universities; community, church, and professional choral ensembles; and industry and institutional organizations. Choral Journal circulation: 18,000. Annual dues (includes subSCription to the TEXAS Choral Journal): Active $45, Industry $100, Institutional $75, Retired $25, and Student $20. One-year CHORAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION membership begins on date of dues acceptance. Ubrary annual subscription rates: U.S. $25; Canada $35; President - Randy Talley Foreign Surface $38; Foreign Air $75. Single Copy $3; Back Issues $4. 3654 Lorna Drive ACDA is a founding member of the International Federation for Choral Music. Odessa, Texas 79462 ACDA supports and endorses the goals and purposes of CHORUS AMERICA Secretary/Treasurer - Cheryl Wuson in promoting the excellence of choral music tllroughout the world. 9393 Skillman. #122 ACDA reserves the right to approve any applications for appearance and to edit all materials proposed for distribution. Dallas. Texas 75243 Permission is granted to all ACDA members to reproduce articles from the Choral Journal for noncommercial, educational purposes only. Nonmembers wishing to reproduce articles may request permission by writing to ACDA. WISCONSIN CHORAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION The Choral Journal is supported in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. President - Kevin Meidl Recognizing its position of leadership. ACDA complies with the copyright laws of the United States. Compliance with these laws is 916 South Park Avenue a condition of participation by clinicians and performing groups at ACDA meetings and conventions. Necnall. Wisconsin 54956 © 1996 by the American Choral Directors Association, 502 SW Thirty-eighth Street, Lawton, Oklahoma 73505. Telephone: Secretary/Treasurer - William H. Ross 405/355-8161. All rights reserved. The Choml Journal (US ISSN 0009-5028) is issued monthly, except for June and July. Printed in 814 West Larabee Street the United States of America. Porr Washington, Wisconsin 53074 ~ Second-class postage is paid at Lawton, Oklahoma, and additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address EdPress changes to Choral Journal. Post Office Box 6310, Lawton, Oklahoma 73506-0310. Volume Thirty-six Number Ten PAGE 2 CHORAL JOURNAL FROM ACDA THE PRESIDENT OFFICERS Time for Advocacy PRESIDENT Lynn Whitten ROM THE ACDA Leadership Conference last summer to division conventions College of Music, University of Colorado this spring, and from the November special issue of the Choral Journal to Boulder, Colorado 80309 many of the workshops listed in this May issue, ACDA continues its focus on VICE-PRESIDENT advocacy at the local and national levels. In John Haberlen School of Music, Georgia State University addition to continuing these efforts within our University Plaza organization, however, we must advocate for Atlanta, Georgia 30303 our profession in the political arena. Some feel PRESIDENT-ELECT that politics should not touch our art, but we Jim Moore School of Music, East Texas Baptist University can't afford to be uninvolved when the arts, Marshall, Texas 75670 both in education and public life, have been TREASURER held hostage recently by our federal govern Elaine McNamara ment.