

In the era of constant tuition hikes, increasing fees, and the de- crease in the quality of our college education, there has arisen another issue. "Although Africana Studies and Womens Studies need theirown iden- tity, they also need to interact with more traditional studies." These were the words of Provost Tilden Edelstein who spoke on Thursday, March 5th in Staller Center. The theme of his speech was "Multiculturalism." The subtle mean- ing of this statement was that in the future specific departments and pro- grams would be consolidated. For example A.F.S might become part of the History department, Prof. Rivera might become a history professor. Mr. Edelstein assured the crowd (which was composed mostly of"Af- rican-American" students who were enraged at the rumors that they could possibly lose the Africana Studies pro- gram) that the A.F.S program was safe. INNER ofW ILAuA WUiKLSU tal 4L POETRY CONTEST, MS. SUSAN ARA The question that plagued the mind of many, however, was how long would the A.F.S program be safe. "Being an African-American is MS. C.S.O ANC CONVERSATION BY SUSAN COLE BY WALTER SCHNEIDER 17 in South Africa, CONTINUED ON PG. be held on March 5 wherein the white population of that March7, 1992, marked the Fifth with assistance from Danielle Brown. country will vote on whether they support INSIDE: Annual Caribbean Students Organization The following interview was granted by the steps toward democracy that Presi- (CSO) Pageant. Jonathan Walker led the Victor Mashabela, a representative from dent DeKlerk claims to have initiated,or night in song with his rendition of our the ANC's Mission to The United Na- whether they would prefer to return to the Black National Anthem,"liftEvery Voice tions. past version of apartheid government, as SEMI-FORMAL:PG. 2 and Sing." Angela, Green and Hugh recommended by the Conservative and Lawrence were the masters of the cer- BLACKWORLD- Are white people in Neo-Nazi parties.) But I think what is emony. Green set the tone of the night, South Africa really as optomistic as she important is that the white population of "We have seven contestants. We already (the South African Government Repre- today is not the same as the white popula- ANGST AND have seven winners." The" '"winners"' sentative at the debate on Feb. 27th) said? tion of say five years ago. To the extent INJUSTICE:PG. 4 and the country each represented were as Do they really want to share power? that you can have a President DeKlerk follows: Pam Daniels, ; Sue- come about, (and) do the things he's done, FINE NEWS: PG. 4 Ann Messam,St. Vincent; HannaFrancis, Victor Mashabela - No, if that were the and he's someone who cares about his ; Colette Reid, ; Marjorie case there wouldn't be the need to go to the referendum. (There is a referendum to OnN.rvM -271 ALEX HALEY: PG 8


BY IGNACIA RUIZ started to complain of headaches.Perhaps The 4th Annual African-Ameri- All at once, it was as if no one was music of Miche Brande. food. she was too hungry to sing or the crowd can Semi-Formal was held on Febru- The evening gotofftoaslowstart;but able to suppress her or his hunger. The too hungry to really hear her. ary 29, 1992, in the Union Ballroom, no one really had been very patient; but it was cared. Everyone was too crowd Apparently, the music was too loud and although this was a semi-formal event, busy taking pictures and 1 l.Many people had not eaten lunch be- checking out her voice not as soft or pleasing as the the affair took on more of a profes- each they did not want to spoil their others outfits. At approximately cause sounds that the keyboardevoked. Atabout sional air as the night progressed. 9:45pm, The the guest speaker, Dr. Sonia appetite. 12:30am many people started to leave: ballroom was decorated in an array of Sanchez, It is the opinion of this reporter that no began speaking. Standing five more than likely for fear that they would gold, black and silver balloons. There feet tall, one anticipated this; the situation that this professor and mother of two faint from hunger. The food was served werematching table cloths and orna- spoke with ocurred is not to be considere the fault of vigoron topics such as unity thirty minutes later. It was cold and not ments. The guests were ushered to and love of one's self and the organizers of this event. The caterers one's people. very good. There is a rumor of a case of their tables and cocktails were served Shortly after Joe Mignon, ex-Polity and whoever else is resposible for the Vice- food poisoning as a result of this dinner. in the Bleecher Club. President, member of Malik Sigma Psi, downfall of this event, however, merit a What began as a very pleasant evening The dress was more formal, and a senior double majoring in Political Channel 2 "shame on you." turned outtobeanightmare. Somepeople peoplewore outfits costing anywhere Science and Africana Studies, took the At 11:30pm, appetizers were served had a good time regardless. It can always from $100 to $400. Polity Treasurer stage. His message was also of unity. He cold. Small juice boxes were given to the be a positive experience to mix with col- David Greenemost probably spent in emphasized that unity is the only way that guests as refreshments. This was an obvi- leagues. However, the community at large the $500 range. Guests were swept into the AFS program will not be abolished. ous disgrace; the insults did not stop here. would like to know what went wrong. It an atmosphere of elegance and class As the evening started to winddown, The guests were to be appeased by the was definitely a disappointment, one that from the time they walked in Their there appeared to be something return of Miche Brande to the stage. missing: we would not like to see repeated. moods were softened by the jazz/blues FOOD. It was 11pm and there was still no Shortly after her secondappearance, many : EXPLOITATION BLACKWORLD POETRY JOURNAL BY DORNEVIL PRADEL The economic policies of WILL BE PUBLISHED LATER THIS the has been using the Haitian Army, which United States of America <> was made up by the North American Haiti and others in the Caribbean, includ- SEMESTER soldiers after their invasion in 1915, to ing , has always been based respond to any kind ofprotests for change. TO SUBMIT POEMS CALL on exploitation. Anything isdone in order That is what they do to any nation in the to maintain control over their victims. region. Despite the intense poverty that is IK DUNK115Akk The economic realities of a country are in progress in Latin America and the Car- paralleled, most often, by the political AT 2-1491 ibbean, Washington is asking Cuba to situation within that particular country. join the Community of <>. Many countries in Latin America and the What free men is Washington referring Caribbean have been subject to exploita- to? There are everyday killings tion. taking place in Guatemala, Salvador, Peru, in the Haiti, for example, has never Caribbean and a myriad number of other mfl f had a chance to be free. Since Haiti's places. independence almost two hundred years In Latin America, WYLL ago, Haitians have under the been fighting another Courveture form of of Democracy, with the bless- mafl~ slavery. The United States gov- ings of Washington, there is ernment has been employing strategies in no such thing in Cuba! Socialism in Cuba attempts to realize their objective of mak- is not a fantasy, neither is it a Castrist obsession. ing Haiti economically dependent. That NETWORKING AMONG This is a way to ensure the dignity is why Haiti, throughout its existence, of the has Cuban people while been subjected to so many dictators elected intense poverty is in ORGANIZATIONS progress in the countries already OF COLOR by the law makers or politicians from the under U.S. domination. Washington White House. One can clearly understand has en- BY MANUEL BREA gaged in a war against Cuba, a country the role Washington played behind the On February 13,1992, at 8pm in expenses paid in full! As Dr Whitten that refuses to be corrupted and to take last coup d'etat against the only elected the UNITI Cultural Center, Dr. Lisa stated, "there's money floating around; orders from the White House for the past President of that country's history, by the Whitten, Associate Professor at the State you just have to find out how to get it" thirty years. One cannot ignore the obvi- people and for the people. University of New York at Old Westbury Dr Whitten discussed ous for very long: the United States does getting to With Jean B. Aristiole in office, gave an informal talk on "networking" know your professors not have as its purpose the goal of helping on a personal Washington would not be able to dictate for people of color. She described the level. When the time to obtain those poor countries to survive their bad a recom- its orders; Haitians would be able to cul- process as an exchange by which one economic situations. Ths country mendation comes around, that professor tivate their own goods and stop the impor- is mak- takes information, uses it for self-enhance- ing every effort will have more to say. She also discussed tation of the U.S. products o destroy them economi- ment, and in turn, shares it with another. from Miami. cally. maintaining contact with that professor Haiti would now be too independent That Dr. Whitten emphasized how In reference to the maltreatment after the course is over because future O• is what Washington is afraid of. Wash- important it is to participate in research received by the Haitian refugees in recommendations may be required; part ington officials are worried about having the programs that target people of color. In Guatanam base, Cuba proves of networking is staying in touch. a black independentnation directly across once again this country, a person of color has a lot that the United States of America only National conferences were also from the United States' Southern borders: more to prove.It is important that a desires to exploit Haitians on their discussed. One of the students attending in the Caribbean. sugar person of color's resume look better than cane plantations in the Dominican Re- stated that if brothers spent half the time Tosome,it isamazing that Wash- the rtesume of one belonging to the so- public. Today, Haiti's and money doing something for the com- ington is asking Haiti, a country that has flag, conceived on called "majority." the seventh day of February, in the year munity as they do at conferences, the nothing left for the United States to ex- One such program available at 1804, has only one color the color of fight for people of color obtaining equal- ploit, for a free trade market. In my view, Stony Brook is the MRAP-program (Mi- blood. People have been killed ity would have progressed further. Dr that would be a crime against this by de- norities Research Apprentice Program), mocracy makers. These Whittenreplied that they should not be poor nation. The United States does not makers of de- which providesopportunities forresearch mocracy are helped by those whose done to excess, but that they are a definite want Haiti to make progress. The United sole in the physical, life and social behavioral ambition is to maintain necessity. They provide a place where yo States would rather see this system of sciences. Once accepted into the natives of poverty and oppression. the pro- can finally hear positive things about Haiti give their blood in the U.S. owned Today, gram, the participants will be Haitians are mourning awarded people of color and not have to look for it. factories on the island, for only $3 a day, with a little less than two thousand dol- the deaths of their people, my people: the Everything on the platform will have without insurance, or any other kind of lars, eight credits, and a personalized rec- thousands of "anonymous" deaths. something positive that will uplift the benefits: they are treated as slaves. To- ommendation from a faculty member. morrow, Haitians will person of color. It will supply that boost, The United States' government dry of their tears There are many such programs across the and continue the fight with courage. to continue the fight for our people. country with similar benefits and travel |LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Semi-Formal OR Dear Editor:

This year's Semi-Formal was mal was no great shock to me; but the food point. quite different from the first one I at- thing is a first. All in all, the Semi-Formal was tended last year when Dr. LeonardJeffries Anyway, despite all this, Sonia ...[not] that bad; the entertainment and the was the guest speaker. Sanchez was fantastic. [T]he woman genuineness of the people trying to get [A]s would be expected, there didn't need any speech laid out in front of things together, in my opinion, compen- w[ere] a lot of latenesses and false starts her, she just spoke from her heart and she sates for the chaos that was going on both times that I attended the semi-for- was really great to see. She spoke about behind the scenes. I guess everyone did mal. However, at the African-American the relationships between black men and try their best to make things a little better, Semi-Formal, 1992, it took until one black women; her experiences growing and I did find myself enjoying the whole o'clock in the next morning for the food to up, [and] she also read some of her evening despite everything. It's always an be served. Everybody kept apologizing poems. That woman earned whatever event at a Black Stony Brook function, I and running around the place. Needless to money she got. can tell you that. say, things appeared very disorganized. The overall entertainment at the I always enjoy a good black- Semi-Formal was good. Miche Braden, P.S.: Blackworld could probably do an sponsored event at Stony Brook, and I've who sang and played the piano, was a nice entire issue on some of the dresses that gotten kind of used to all the 30-45 minute touch while having dinner (if there was were worn at the Semi-Formal. I don't late starts, and organizers acting like they any dinner). The MC, Jacqui Bishop tried know what some people could have been don't know what the hell to do. I've gotten her best to make the guests forget about thinking. quite used to it, so this year's Semi-For- the lack of food, and she succeeded to a Amber Jacques It's A Crying Shame Dear Editor.

This message goes out to all of this fact, why do we always try to out-do our "active" and non-active students on each other? Don't you see that whenever campus. I think the behavior shown by one of OUR functions "comes off" we all some of the "minority" students on cam- do, because it gives us all an opportunity pus is disgraceful. From the many conver- to have fun while appreciating each others sations I've had with different people cultures? (white and non-white) on campus the re- I've been told of the days when sponse seems to be the same. We have we couldn't have concerts. But through become a class of apathetic and hard work, then and now, we are able to unapologetic people. I thought that we all enjoy such luxuries. So, I don't see the shared the same difficulties in trying to logic in fighting one another on what get through this institution geared to- groups are performing. [T]o me it is just wards the advancement of people unlike counter productive and plain stupidity, ourselves. since we don't have many options, unlike If that is the case, brothers and some other people on-this campus. We - sisters, then why are we not uniting the have to work within strict guidelines, just \ way of our forefathers and parents did imagine what would have happened if one when they didn't get the respect they of the people at one of OUR concerts fell deserved. It seems to be that some of and hurt themselves (some one was hurt OUR organizations on campus have at the "fish-bone" concert in such a man- started to "look out for self." The bottom ner), we would have "caught hell". line is, we have a problem. Now we are faced with another FREDERICK DOUGLASS Our problem lies in our inability dilemma. The University, that is suppos- to take action and stay involved. When I edly under a "financial crisis," wants to say "stay involved", I don't mean that discontinue the Africana Studies program. each and every one of us has to try and be They want to somehow include the pro- at the forefront of each activity and func- gram in the History department. This may tion. I mean we MUST stick together in sound like a reasonable offer but we ALL of our struggles and functions. For should be fighting for a Department and example, I just attended the Fourth An- not a program. People will only push you Slavery is a nual African American Semi-Formal, and as far as you let them, so let's see how far found that although there was a decent we could push them. The simple fact is turnout, I felt there was room for im- that we have been pushed too far, for too sin now, a provement. This is not taking credit away long; its time to push back. Give the from the hardworking people who put it program your full support and don't be together, they tried their best to show us a afraid of their threats. [S]how them that sin at all good time, something for which we should we can'tbe fucked with. I don't think that be grateful. But if EVERY one of OUR this is too much to ask. organizations had contributed to the event So please, le'ts show some unity times, and it would have turned out much better. I and get through this together. Let us give don't want to get into a history lesson, but ourselves, and the brothers and sisters I do [recall]... reading somewhere that we entering the University, an opportunity to a sin every- were all brought to this place called get through school the way other people America together, no matter if your roots do, without much difficulty. Remember stem from an island in the Caribbean or what Fred Douglas said"without struggle where, from the main-land (United States), we all there will be no progress". have the same roots. So,if we all agree on F. A. Mesa -F. Douglass ANGST AND INJUSTICE loved president. the rhetoric that has flowed from this the people and their hopes and dreams, Buchanan's"AmericaFirst"has candidate. The same thoughtful, precise, but most importantly their wants and quickly found mainstream supporters who and obviously self serving young man needs. But in today's elections which are think that the Bush administration's poor who wrote a letter to the ROTC that stated basically sound-bites heard around the recordon racism, homelessness,and AIDS his opposition to the Vietnam War sup- world, the only way to do this is by prom- was still too good for "those" people at ported the equally senseless Gulf War ising something to everyone. I realize that their expense. Buchanan is trying to posi- when his good looks weren't going to be this is what politics has become but it does tion himself as a political outsider against on the line. The Village Voice sights that not make it any less painful. the mainstream. Bush is a pathetic ex- a recent Clinton speech in was George Bush and Pat Buchanan overtly ample of jingoism at its best. How can a lifted from EJ. Dionne's WhyAmericans appeal to racism and reactionary blood former Reagan advisor claim to be a po- Hate Politics. What the book basically that is still coursing through America's litical outsider. The fact that there are says, but more importantly what Clinton veins. While Bill Clinton who seems to be enough Americans listening to his race is acting on is this, America felt cheated trying to appeal to everybody is lying to based rhetoric warrants a lot more atten- by liberalism and its ideology, at the same someone, and in elections the people who tion than the mainstream press has given.. time this same middle class that consti- are lied to always turn out to be those on BY PENIEL JOSEPH Meanwhile, on the Democratic tutes America felt short changed by Re- the fringe with the least political power. front, there is no clear idea of who will publican greed. So the next Democratic The leadership that this country needs so As our country's politics move win the nomination. The media, the can- presidential candidate must be conserva- desperately is missing. It has become in- increasingly towards the right, this being didates, and most importantly, the party tive enough so the he does not give our creasingly clearer with each day that a presidential election year, it would do itself has turned this campaign into a fine country away to blacks, gays, Jews, Americans realize that there is a problem, all political observers well to examine search for the man with the most unilat- and the homeless, while simultaneously but are divided on what the solution is exactly why this shift is taking place. We eral"electability". Arkansas governorBill espousing a homogenized view of the which inevitably leads into a retrench- already have a conservative Republican Clinton's campaign continues despite two liberalism that revitalized the party in the ment of the status quo which would lead in the White House, yet voters in New minor scandals, the most recent being 60's and became political death in the us into 4 more years of regression with Hampshire, two weeks ago, decided that when he castigated Jesse Jackson after a 80's. So when Clinton talks about putting George Bush. With the sorry direction he had shifted too far left and abandoned reporter had misinformed him and told first time criminal in a "community- that this campaign has taken, those who the so-called middle class. So, 37 percent him Jackson was going to campaign for based boot camps" where the first time scoff at this notion (as they did in 84 in of registered Republicans in New Hamp- someone else. The fact that his television offenders would receive education and relation to Bush) should prepare them- shire voted for neo-conservative, colum- Mic was on was unknown to Clinton. positive reinforcement he once again selves for Quayle in 96. nist turned politico, Pat Buchanan, who These minor made for television embar- sounds like a populist candidate. Some- is even more conservative than our be- rassments do not distress me as much as one who has really gotten in touch with m FINE NEWS SOUTH AFRICAN TIME BOMB IS TICKING: WHEN WILL IT EXPLODE? like President De Klerk did not threaten watched while 52.3 percent of the ster." Miss Kemp thinks a-yes-referen- to resign if his referendum were defeated. 3,000,000 white South Africans decided dum will significantly improve South Instead, he vowed to establish a republic their destiny and voted in favor ofa repub- Africa's global image. She also justified at all cost Prime Minister Verweord's lic. Prime Minister Verweord was re- the whites-onlyreferendum on the premise persistence on establishing a republic warded with an assassination in Septem- that President De Klerk has promised his was to strengthen the determination of the ber, 1966, by a parliamentary messenger white constituency that he would consult governing NationalistParty (a party com- who stabbed him in parliament. them before he implements any change. prising of Afrikaners or Dutch descen- Thirty-two years after the Re- Mr. Mashebele, the ANC Rep- dants) to continue the policy of white publican referendum, white South Afri- resentative to the conference, vividly ex- supremacy known today as apartheid. He cans are asked once again by their leader, pressed optimism about the referendum. said, "it is important forus to unite to form President F.W. DeKlerk, leader of the He thinks changes will occur in South a republic to prevent the black man from National Party, to vote on a referendum Africa, with or without the approval ofthe gaining political control in South Africa that "might" alter the political balance in referendum. He told the audience that the as he had done in such places as Rhodesia South Africa. If the March 17 referendum forces that coereced the South African BY JOE T. WILSON (presently called Zimbabwe) and Kenya." is approved, it will galvanize President Government to alleviate its get-tough This quote was taken from the October,4, DeKlerk's quest for a negotiated settle- policy on the country's black majority, White South African voters will 1960 issue of the New York Times. 'ment with South Africa's black majority. will once again induce the supporters of go to the poll on March 17, 1992 to vote on Sirde VilliersGraaffwas amem- The President has threatened to resign if the Conservative party to alter their cocky a referendum that would allow President ber ot the opposing United Party. Com- his referendum is defeated. There is wide attitudes. This party is the staunchest F.W. de Klerk to continue his policy of prised of English descendants, it vehe- spread speculation that the "political re- opponent of the referendum. political reforms. If the referendum is mently challenged the restriction of the forms referendum" will be approved. He, The world was tumulted by East approved, an interim government will be referendum to whites-only by the gov- however, faces strong opposition from and West conflicts during the period of formed; a new constitution will be writ- erning Nationalist Party of Prime Minis- the Conservative Party headedby Andries the "Republican Referendum." There ten; voting rights will be extended to all ter Verweord's Republic Referendum. He Treurnicht. were, for example, the following: the South Africans. President de Klerk has proposed that all South Africans be al- iSpeaking at a conference hosted Suez Canal Crisis of 1956, the Berlin threatened to resign if the referendum is lowed to vote on the referendum. He by the Keller International College on Crisis of 1958 and the Congo Crisis of not approved. argued: " I do not fear the advancement February 27,1992, was Miss Yolanda 1960 in which thirty African countries The last time that white South of the black man any more than I fear my Kemp, Vice Consul General of the South were being decolonized. The world did Africans voted on an significant referen- own children growing up. On the con- African Consulate in New York. She not pay much attention to the develop- dum was on October 5, 1960. White trary, both the black man and my children assured the audience that the majority of ments in South Africa at the time because voters were asked by then Prime Minister, should properly be handled in their infor- white South Africans will vote in favor of of the "Cold War" tensions between Hendrik F. Verwoerd, the architect of mative years to ensure my security in my the referendum. She said that South Af- PresidentEisenhowerof theUnited States apartheid, to vote on a yes-or-no to the old age." Prime Minister Verweord rica has endured enormous economic and and Premier Khrushchev of the Soviet question: are you in favor of a Republic of counter-argued that black voters would political setbacksresulting from the United Union. Now that the Soviet Union has South Africa, or should South Africa re- be exploited by whites if they were in- Nation's imposed sanctions. "These sanc- become the "Crumbled Union", the West main a constitutional Monarchy owing cluded in the voting process. tions," she said, "have isolated South Af- has absorbed the East, and almost all allegiance to the British's Queen Eliza- On October 5, 1960, the nation's rica from such as sports; countries around the world have gained beth II? 11,000,000 Africans, Asians and persons disrupted the South African economy, Prime Minister Verwoerd, un- of mixed race silently stood by and and depicted South Africa as an evil mon- (CONTINUED ON PAGE15) MS. CSO AFS CONTINUEDFROM PG. 1 CONTINUED FROM PG. 1

Bernard, Haiti; Juliet Virgin, Trinidad tion of "I Can't Make You Love Me"' burgundy dress, tailored with rhinestones not the same as being African" said Mr. and Tobago, and Lorraine Richardson of anyway. She is to be commended. down the front, was escorted by "Curtis." Edelstein. He stood on the standpoint of St. Martin. Miss Haitiperformednext. Sean Miss Trinidad sported a red vel- the American "Melting Pot" and felt that Francis was the first to compete Joe played the drums and Junod Etienne vet gown. To "accessorize" her outfit, she "Multiculturalism was synonymous with the was on the piano. The poem she orated, wore silver, glittering pumps and rhine- in the talent category. She approached the Rainbow Coalition. Troubled Land," was written by stone jewelry. She dazzled the crowd as audience to the sound of Harry Belafonte "My However, by consolidating de- Etienne. This talented artist also com- she walked across the stage. singing, Day Light Come and Me Wanna' partments and programs, the ability to posed theaccompanyingmusic. Bernard's and her escort, "Kevin," commanded at- Go Home." As the music died down, concentrate on specific areas becomes performance was exemplary..."Ce ca net tention. Francis donned a fur-lined dress, Francis strutted to the beat, dressed in a harder. The situation of the "African- straw hat and cotton trousers. She gave a !" What more needs to be said? with silversequins and whiteruffles. Miss American" is a serious matter. On the of a Banana Miss Jamaica dedicated her act Jamaica, escorted by "Charwin," wore a powerful oration of the "Life elementary, junior, and high school lev- Man." Francis played thepart of aBanana to the homeless. She dressed in tatters and royal blue sequined gown. Miss St Mar- els, African and "African-American" his- Man who was approached by a tourist. . spoke of the ills of the poor on the streets, tin and her escort,"Leo," complimented tory is not taught anywhere near to the Miss per- in her native tongue. It was a socially each other nicely. They both wore black extent that it might be taught on the col- secondly. She sang an attention conscious effort. and white. formed lege and university level. Therefore con- Shortly after, the group, Stephanie Mill's "Home" was Miss Haiti didnot grace the stage grabbing spiritual. solidation of the Africana Studies pro- Flavor (TUF), danced to a sung "oh so beautifully" by Miss St. last, however, it is fitting to describe her The Ultimate gram would deal a major blow to "Afri- Martin. Miss Mills could not have done it evening wear after all the others: her medley of upbeat tunes. can-Americans." better herself. Members of the audience dress was exquisite. Before the Casual Wear scene In hindsight we must look at the the were compelled to stand. Miss Barbados won the Best commenced, M.C. Green introduced struggle of women. Women's history was of Cos- The Swimwear category fol- Smile award. The Best Cultural Wear judges: Loyce Arther, Professor never taught in the history classroom, and Faculty Advisor to lowed. However, Miss St. Martin should award was given to Miss St Vincent. Miss tume Design although it was a general history class- Stressor Altemis, Executive Di- be noted for the ingenious way she Haiti won in the Best Talent category. AdaJio, room this was the case for centuries. Simi- rector ofPolity,LaurieRuiz, the first Miss "worked" her hat. Miss Haiti's escort was Finally, Horse announced the larly in the history classroom African CSO, and Professor Florence Cash of the soin awe that she had to keep him chained. winners: Miss Barbados was the Second history is a brief two day lecture on sla- Africana Studies Program, long may it Deejays Joe DeJesus and Mark Runner-Up; Miss Jamaica was the First very. We see what we have arisen from prosper. Wade, of Malik Sigma Psi, entertained Runner-Up and Miss Haiti was now Miss and if we are to return the scourge of Miss Barbados performed next. the audience. While the contestants CSO 1992! Miss CSO 1992, Marjorie ignorance will increase once again. The two female background changed into their evening wear. Bernard, exclaimed,"It, was a great expe- Accompanied by education is the more we Miss Barbados wore a black rience!" more diverse our dancers, Daniels swayed to a song by En learn. evening dress. She was escorted by Vogue. Messam took command of the If the solution is consolidation, her best rendi- "Ernest." Miss St. Vincent dressed in a stage thereafter. She gave then why not consolidate all departments and programs? Of course this would never happen. ANC CONTINUEDFROMPG. 1 own constituency. So the white constitu- as a political party in South Africa, one forum agreed together with the PAC and respecttotheidea thatit (theconferencce) ency is beginning to awaken. And which we sat and talked with last year, other democratic forces- - I mean, when it must 1-, somewhere instead of S. Africa. third[ly], investors came to South Africa about the idea of trying to draw in tradi- took place the PAC began to have a and said there is an economic crisis in tional anti-apartheid forces together to try problem, a number of problems that we South Africa, the war is going on (with) and come out with a common position did not expect. One problem was they did Whereas if it is in South Atnca, you are no end in sight; companies are leaving around negotiations. Eventually, there not like the fact that the meeting was in able to have full coverage more easily -- South Africa. They wanted to deal with was what came to be known as the Patri- South Africa. They were saying that they know South Africa. the ANC and find out how to remove otic Front conference. The PAC came to maybe it would have been better to have The only question would be apartheid. that It (the Patriotic Front) was some- the forum some where else. whether or not there is a particular politi- We had a situation where mem- thing attended by a lot of organizations, cal party thatis going tohave an advantage bers of Parliment, writers, envisioned black organizations. (There were in at- BLACKWORLD -Were they afraid of out fthe fact that this was being held in white people,judges, lawyers, and so forth tendance) the PAC, the South African being observed? S.ovuttAfrica, and to the extent the ANC were coming to meet with the ANC in CommunistParty,AZAPO, and the ANC. and the PAC together were free and groups of 30 at one point, 60 at another, There were more than 30 organizations. Victor Mashabela - No, like the ANC, operating.Jmean in terms of cooperating 115 at one point. We had four more There were also political parties which they're inside of South Africa; they're we wereoperating inside the country. We generals, and you know that generals usu- belong to the Bantustan set-up (the "home walking; they're campaigning. They just saw no disadvantage; and that's even be- ally have a link with the government, lands") but which, because of the held a rally in Northern Transvaal. We sides the point. (If) the PAC had a coming to meet with the ANC. What that developement of events, have begun to couldn't understand that, because our point problem with that they could have raised says is that something was happening see that there is no future in defending is that if the context is about South Afri- it with us. But that is not the problem. If within their (white people's) mind set. apartheid...[E]ven the regime is moving cans - -If an event takes place in South we look at the PAC,we fmind that there is a We should not apologize for the away from it. They sought to come with Africa, that means that your small news- component that hasyet to agree with the fact that negotions have happened. We the Patriotic Front forces to try to under- papers which cater to communities, are process and another which did not What should see that as an indication that we stand what it was they (the other members able to cover and report on the news is happening today is that it is " two have moved the mindset to such a level of CoDeSA) wanted to do. So, with the coming out of that community. Other- people". There is another group which where at least we can talk. Anybody PAC, we agreed that we needed some- wise, struggle for the hearts and minds is has formed itself, it (the PAC) has broken should know that conflict in negotions is thing similar to what we have now, (which done by the big media: people like the into factions. always there. is) called the Convention for a Demo- N.Y. Times and The Star (and) other South cratic South Africa (CoDeSA). What we African newspaperswhichcan sendpeople THIS ENDS PART I OF THE ANC BLACKWORLD- What is the current re- thought then was that a multi-party con- to report on events outside of the country. INTERVIEW. PART2 WILL FOLLOW lationship between the Pan African Con- ference ought to be held where political The people who gain out of such report- IN THE NEXT ISSUE OF gress (PAC) and the ANC? How does the parties inside South Africa, as a whole, age, the people who have access to that BLACKWORLD. ANC regard the PAC at this point? come together and deliberate on how to kind of information, begins to be a power- move forward to democracy as a country. ful group of financial newspapers, just to Victor Mashabela - We regard the PAC It is disapointing to us that once such a mention one instance of a problem, with SOUTH-AFRICAN DIALOGUE BY JONELLE TAYLOR everything that he Quad Director of Roosevelt, asked the On Thursday, February 27, a represen- million Africans, 800,000 Indians and 2 elected. "He has done If the major- two representatives what the present con- tative of the African National Congress million coloreds who will be out of the said he would", says Kemp. Presi- ditions are for a young South African. and a member of the South African Conso- process. We should be moving away ityofwhites vote affiroativelythen strength of Mashabela responded by describing the late discussed current issues of South Af- from the belief that only one section of the dent DeKlerk would have the country should decide the fate of alL" the mandate behind him to continue with torn families, violence, arrests, torture rica at a forum held in Keller International and their premature adulthood. Kemp College. Thetwomajorpartieshaveagreed Mashabela says his main reason for the reform. coming to this forum is to inform people The two representatives seem to agree agreed about these negative conditions. to negotiate for a new country. However, he also addedthat it is a country The main concern of the South African of the current situations in South on reforming S.A.intoa democratic coun- is pending of passion that can destroy andbe inspira- government, according to Vice Consul Africa,especially at a time when there is try. Exactly what that means negotiations. tional and full of hope. Kemp describes Yolanda Kemp, is the upcoming referen- not much news coverage. He also wishes this referendum and further specified nu- the South African situation as such that," dum. On March 17, the white constituents to encourage more supporters against The ANC representative such as the fol- Even though there is violence, people are in South Africa will be asked if they sup- apartheid and more for the ANC. merous desired changes constitution that still singing in the streets. Savage brutal- port the reforms that President DeKlerk Kemp explains that the ruling party is lowing: a democratic a bill of rights; ity is a savage beauty." Many persons in has initiated and if they will mandate the losing seats to the conservative party. included multi-parties; and affirmative ac- the audience moaned in disagreement of negotiation of a new government. If the "They are giving our President hell," she economic equality, past and her statement whites answer, "No," President DeKlerk says. The conservatives are claiming that tions to address the ills of the to This South African forum was orga- threatens to resign. Kemp is quite confi- the government does not have the support capitalism. Kemp did not specify as nized by the Keller International staff dent that the answer will be "Yes," other- of the whites. She admits that if there what democracy means for the govern- headedby Residence Hall DirectorWayne wise, she comments, "South Africa will be would be a general election held now she ment other than completely privatizing Blair. Professor John Williams of the beyond redeem." is not quite sure if President DeKlerk businesses. Apparently, "the government history department had the pleasure of However, her confidence was not would beelected for another term because is against nationalizing property or so- being the moderator for the evening. A enough to convince some students who are of the many different parties that would cialism." She accuses the ANC of having racially mixedaudience of approximately still having a hard time believing that the run: 'There would be a fragment of socialistic tendencies. But Mashabela 70 people attended, many of whom were majority of the whites will actually vote votes." quickly denied the accusation and ex- with questions. At the close of the for this mandate. She further explains that when Presi- plained that any capitalistic country has eager forum, all were welcomed to share in the Victor Mashabela, the ANC represen- dent DeKlerk was elected, he promised some businesses owned by the govern- by the African Stu- tative, says he is completely against the the white constituents who voted for him ment "'TheANC is in no way associated African food prepared referendum. The fact that the question is that before he actually changed the consti- with socialism," he says. dent Union. directed to only whites is considered a step tution he would consult with them. With- Changing the discussion from a po- backwards for the country. "There are 27 out this promise, he might not have been litical to a humanistic angle, Jef Davis, _n BLACK MEN, EASY TARGETS BY MICHELLE BROOMFIELD February 12, 1992. Police Of- left arm was above 90 degrees when he ficer Gary Spath was acquitted of man- was killed. He therefore could not have slaughter in the killing of 16 year old been reaching for his pistol. Blanco's Phillip Pannell. Isanyonesurprised? Some account that he felt a weapon in Pannell's consider this incident to have been just back pocket, was refuted by nine wit- another white cop taking the life of a nesses who testified that Blanco never Black youth. One might even go so far as touched Pannell's body. A Teaneck Po- to say that the life of a Black person is not lice Officer testified that Blanco told him, considered "valuable" in this country. shortly after the shooting, that Pannell's Once again,justice has prevailed left hand was never inside his pocket. for the"majority" population in a case There was overwhelming evi- involving interracial violence. Those who dence to secure a conviction of Spath. So examine history closely may realize that why was he acquitted? It may have been this is not a rarity: it is a novelty. This is due to the fact that he had a jury of his a trend that existed in the past and that has peers, all of whom were white. Also, persistently been the norm in society to- members of the jury had relatives who are day. Blacks have sought justice in the policemen. Federal courts and the Civil courts time One may assume the view from I and time again, and have come up empty- these facts that, once again, society has handed. given white cops and whites in general, PARTY Some may conclude that the ju- the "green light" to kill innocent Black dicial systemt exists only as a mirage for people. Young Black men, especially, are TILL YA' DROP Black. One minute it is there and the next said to be targeted for death or imprison- minute it is gone. Like a mirage, justice ment They are being taken out directly. for Blacks is illusory and In the span of a few years the following AMMAN unattainable.According to this stance, have been lost: Phillip Pannell; Michael Phillip Pannell never had a chance, even Griffith,; Michael Stewart; Yusef though his case was" clear cut" in nature. Hawkins; Randolph Evans and Clifford COLLEGE Phillip Pannell was fatally shot Glover. Who's next? Will it be a brother, while being chased by Officer Spath. father, uncle or best friend? FIRESIDE LOUNGE Eyewitnesses said that Pannell had his There are those who reason that hands up and was attempting to surrender. the United States upholds a criminal- in- Spath and his partner, Officer Blanco, justice system. It is undependable: inca- THUR.MAR.1:2TH claimed that Pannell was reaching for a pable of giving unbiased punishment The 9PM-1AM pistol with his left hand and thus had no question has been posed: where is this MUSIC choice but to shoot him. justice that seems to escape people of WOMEN However, expert witnesses us- color at every turn? Since it is not FR]EE BY ang physical evidence to support their attainable in the courts, then where should MEN $2 :laim, testified adamantly that Pannell's one start looking? KUL'CHA * Among thy Father's chosen people: hope. Why? I tell you why. It is because we Why are we begging white people for jobs? We need an Exorcism! You follow this The Black Nation-are a few of us who are are too busy! We use our degrees, skills Why are we so dead and buried in the lack man, six paces out of bed, six paces into Possessed, Dead and Buried, Our bodies and gistobheal,teach,andleadwhite peo. of knowledge? What did these so called work and six paces back to bed. This every are being possessed by our common ene- pie out of their sick condition. We solve schools of thought, do to your mind? It seems day practice has made your number of my. Our minds especially are being pos- theirsocal, political, economic and mili- that it has-for the most part been short- limitation: & And when a wise man looks sessed. The more we live, obey and con- tary problems. We teachthembhow to whip circuited. Dont you know white people are at us collectively, all he sees is a dead Na- form to a fettered unholy western influence, us technologically. The solution to this di- sick and tired of our dependency? Don't tion buried six foot under the white man' chances are that our numbers will rise as- lemma is to help self first. Help your moth- you want to be independent and searately foot. To be free fam this man, you must re- tronomically from few to many. Those er, father, sisters and brothers first. Let superir? Don't you remember what Eli- ject hislifestyles, values,iberties and hap who belong to the few, have given up, to con- family come first. jah, Malcolm and Garvey said, and what pines. You must rect him, ifhebe: dem- sume the western man's vibration. It is his The white man through our "loving Pro Black leaders are saying today: "Inde- ocrat, republican, moderate, conwvative, vibration ofdeceitful and ilegitimate pow- support" has technologicalized racism pendence is the firt step towards true free- liberal or religious. No matter what he er that cause the few to be Pom Dead (White Supremacy). Uncle Tom's are dom." I know there are some of us who calls himself you call him your enemy! and Bwied now on remote control. The "MAN does think they are free, but I humbly ask, if you Think this way, for your own RESUR- We too, like the western girl who not even have to be present for these house are free, then where is your free Navy, RECT'ONdepends on it! Read books on played in the movie the "Exorcist," are pos- Negroes to act accordingly. Can't you see Army, Marines, and Submarines? Black independence revolution,freedom sessed by an evil spirit. But to understand that we are a dead people buried in ignor- Where is your free land and governmen- and spirituality. Thistaskisuptoyou! The the hidden messages, we would have to ance? Can't you see that we are still being tal structures. The only freeness you have world is awaiting to see what you wil do. mathematically interchange 'spirit' with used by is im- Will you remain a scared, tired people: Possesse Dead and Buried or will you ex- 'influence' to understand. We are Dead be- whistern NOW OF W1TTU1'rYACY agina cause-we are afraid of the unknown truth. westernWSN O HT tP WAYr. orcise the white man's spirit from your The truth that appalls the few is that they are invader. Black mind, body and soul? Again, it's up to Gods and Goddesses men and women or- We need to Man, you you....Hotep! I was sent to Stony Brook, to dained to rnls wha the true and living God wake up fast are a God, digupthe graveof the living dead: created for them to govern: The Black before it is too and Black The Black Nation. Earth + the Universe. Black man, Black late! We must Woman, I am so glad that I'm back. They, real- woman when will you rise? When will prepare ourself you are the ly thought they ousted- you unauthorize the western man use of to be indepen- creator of it THE PHILOSOPHER. your power? When will you stop following dent from the all: my pre- They wanted me to remain a silent lamb his contradictory laws, policies and life- white man. cious God- locked behind the bars of White Suprema- styles? When will you? Time is of the dess. As for cy. But I was a shepherd coming after the When you permit white people toutilize essence. We the white lost sheep's of Stony Brook. I was, at the illegitimate power to govern your destiny- need to act fast man, we time, shocked to find out that I had a large you shamefully represent adead and help- created readership. The white majority of my less nation. Only a dead man, a dead I am tired him. And it readers, were those who could not stand to woman and a dead people would submis- of hearing is sorry to read what I had to write. So they sat down sively allow someone to walk over them. sick Negroes, say that due and became very angry inlight of the reali- Those of us, who are in these Euro- say: "You tothefactthat ties that I took a very strong stance on. institutions, would rather appease the tran- have to get into some of us Some said that I was "too too Black and too sitional slave master, than to be strong and the system to are Pos- too strong." Isay to my critics,if what I say fight him! Your lame excuse for not chal- fi ht- it." Tell esesse. is "too too Black and too too strong,' then go lenging these racist administrators and that to the fly P*O- - Dead and philosophize your mind with information not getting involved in the Black Experi- that got caught in the web of the spider. Buried, we are letting our "chil- because you are "too too weak." ence struggle is: 'I don't want to cause trou- The reality is-that a man being paid by the dren tell us how to live in our own home: ble, I'm here for a Miseducation." Sorry, I oppressor, can't necessarily fight the same The BlackWorld. Note to the Bl Masses mean "Education." When will you stop hand feeding him. It is your fault, Black When I say, Black man and Black Freshmen, Sophomores, fooling yourselves? Everything your corn- woman and Black man, for setting your- woman, I mean the original man and Juniors and Seniors: mon enemy has reape4 he has killed, lied, self up for dependency! When we gradu- woman ofAsia, Africa, North America, You need to sit down and draw up a work- stolen, and raped to get-in the nameof life ate, the first thing we do is go find some SouthAmerica and then some. Black is the ing model of a Black Student Congress anertyand the pursuit ofhappiness. The white person to give us a job. Are you tell- original Chinese and Japanese;PuertoRi- (BSC) that will be powerful enough to check funny thing is that-his happiness is our ing me, that you spent four years plus at a cans and Dominicans; Jamaicans and and balance your student government. misery. This man is very shrewd when it major euroversity, to go ask some white Haitians. We are Black, Beautiful and Your heads and members of this organiza- comes to tricks, lies andpropaganda. Mal- person for a job!!! Why didn't you and Original. But Black man; Black woman, tion will come from all the so called black colm called him the master of tricknology. some of your Black colleagues come up you have buried yourself too deep in the "minority"clubs and organizations. We When it comes to administering injustice with possible entrepreneurial options. This white man's frame of thought. You have need to take over the State University at Sto- totheBlackNation, he's a "BlackBelt way, after graduation, you would have the buried your soul in his philosophiesand ab- ny Brook and we will do it democratically! In the Black Nation, we have proud pleasure of building that business towards stractions. You gullibly trust and worship This Congress won't need a Polity line doctors, lawyers, teachers, thinkers, heol- prosperity. We, have been misguided, this man. He has taken possession over budget to function. All it will need is com- ers and leaders; but rm sorry to say that we miseducated and mistreated as a people. your soul. mitment and leadership. with the degrees are turning our backs on And were are heading in the wrong direc- And now its time for an EXORCISM. the worst of our people. We do not-even on a tion due to the following of white so called You need to be BAPTISED in knowledge, PS To the white spirit who cursed at the large scale, return into our communities leadership! wisdom and understandingof the ancient. Chairwoman of the Africana Studies Pro- with skils ready to help the homeles find a Black woman and Black man, have You need to cleanse your mind, body and gram, if I was you I would expediously honme;help the helpless finmd helphelp the we forgotten how to be self-sufficient and soul of the white man. If he moves six paces apologize. Leave my sister alone! And go joblss fdajobandhepthe hopeless find independent? Who hit you in the head? in a triangle, we foolishly follow his lead. take athinsome holy water. L-i i IIIII II ii i I i ii II III I I I II -i REMEMBERING BLACKWORLD IGNACIARUIZ ALEX HALEY IS LOOKING NO EXPERIENCE On February 10,1992, Alex quest even included real life experiences. NECESSARY: Haley, the author of Roots, died in a Haley booked a passage from West Af- WILL TRAIN Seattle hospital of cardiac arrest. Born in rica to the U.S. and slept each night in the FOR A NEW Ithaca, N.Y., on August 11, 1921, Haley hold of the ship on aboard between bales was inspired to become a writer by the of raw rubber. He made an attempt to tales recited to him by his elders. He did experience what his great, great, great, PHOTO EDITOR not immediately delve into his writing great grandfather Kunta Kinte, as well as career. He was a cook for the coast guard others, had to live through. IF INTERESTED CALL for twenty years. Nevertheless, Haley Haley never expected the fame had an inner desire: a need to trace his and fortune he received from this monu- BLACKWORLD AT 2-6452 OR ancestral roots. He embarked on a twelve mental work of art. His other two books, year journey, researching, travelling and A Different Kind of Christmas and The WALTER SCHNEIDER AT 2-3357 asking questions. In 1971, he won the Autobiography of Malcolm X , did not Pulitzer Prize. Roots, in itself, is an inspi- elicit the same response, nor didhis maga- ration: it proved that African-Americans zine articles. The Autobiography of TO ADVERTISE CALL could trace their ancestry to a period be- Malcolm X may now receive its due as fore slavery. Spike Lee is currently working on the Haley put his heart and soul into production of a film based on the book. (516) 632-6452 the making of this book. He travelled to Alex Haley will always be remembered Gambia, West Africa, talked with a tribal in the heart and minds of people of all griot or oral historian and researched in backgrounds. Alexander Palmer Murray over 50 libraries on three continents. His Haley died at the age of 70.

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1% N Ill II BLACKWORLD MEETS COW9URu£T7QO9S... EVERY MONDAY SUSAN R R U AT 8:30 PM IN z CENTRAL HALL Winner of BLACKWORLD'S 1st Annual Poetry Competition BASEMENT and to the finalists: ROOM 031 Retl r ciitwet akpciiel sairRen 00 ATTENTION,,, eS ie WE A g er kib 'Zoila ldt~ciilde NEED REPORTERS, Im) FOPHCjGRAIHERS,

hm AND LAYOUT PERSONNEL egl(teraft@h4, Aixi pke Smali COME TO OUR NEXT MEETING OR CALL 6enterZ &464, &0 liairope 632-6452 BLACKWORLD MARCH 9TH PAGE 9

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'...%'-I.....,...... ý.. ý.....,...... :.*:-'::::::':-:"- .-:::.:...:.-.':::!---...... of every colortoo? Apart(heid) or together i can see pain and no joy Pure reflection on destruction never brings a just due.

Kirk Dunbar

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I BY WALTER SCHNEIDER AND STEVE POLICART A BLACKEXr HISTORY LOOK AT THE BAECKPA GE! MS. THANG Dear Ms. Thang, keep your relationship alive. I have a problem. My man is Ms. Thang. driving me crazy!!!! We've been going Dear Ms. Thang, out foi about four months now. In the My boyfriend and I were friends LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? beginning he was so sweet. And I mean before we became lovers. Everything sweet. He would send me flowers. We about us is great except for one thing, sex. would talk on the phone for hours about Now, its not that he doesn't know how to IF SO YOU CAN EMPLOY everything. He would take me places. He please me with his "love tool." It's just was great...t ast tense. Now, I'm always that I like variety. And, he doesn't do MS. SUSAN ARAUZ TO DO calling him. The flowers have stopped what I like the most, oral sex. When we coming. And his idea of a night out is were just friends we had candid talks YOUR NEXT EVENTS FLYER going to the McDonald's drive-thru to about what we each liked. And I told pick up a large Lfry. homeboy what gets me going. So, I know He's a pretty good man. He that he knows I want it. doesn't cheat on me. He respects me. He My boyfriend is Jamaican, and I TO CONTACT HER doesn'tbeatme. But the romance is gone. understand that it's an island thing not to I don't want to have to ask or BEG him for "go down" on a woman. But my needs are DIAL 2-2925 flowers or longer phone calls. I want him my needs. I really do love him, but I don't to do it naturally. What can I dotogethim thing I can last much longer. to treat me the way he used to? Signed: Can't Get Enough Signed: Neglected. Dear Can't, Dear Neglected, You definitely do have a prob- BEAUTIFUL WORK AT Let me tell you girl, if your man lem. Its been my experience that yes, a lot is not treating you right, then you have to of West Indian men talk and talk about REASONABLE PRICES let him know about it Don'tjust hint at it. how they'd never eatihatkind of fish. But Tell him straight out. A lot of times, you the ones who swear the loudest are usually may think that the signs of your unhappi- the ones who are hooked on it the most. ness are obvious to him, butnine times out Maybe your Jamaican man is having an of ten they aren't. He may even have an ego problem. Perhaps while you were ART RIGHT ADVERTISING idea that something is wrong, but not friends he swore against it and is now ATTRACTS EQUALS MORE know the source of it. Let him know that trying to live up to his word. Whatever the ATTENTION MONEY you need this, that and the other thing to case, you need to talk about it Ms. Thang SUBMIT LETTERS TO CENTRAL HALL ROOM 031

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FRIDAY, MARCH 13TH: HIGH SCHOOL GROUP TOUR, VOLUNTEERS NEEDED REMEMBER KNOWLEDGE IS THE KEY THAT OPENS THE DOOR WHEN OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS, DONT BE LIKE THE ARTY WITH THE ZOBI E SATURDAY, MARCH 14TH:UNION B] )AMAGE:$3 W/ID, $5 NON-STUDENT, $ TIME:10-2AM ING A BOOK TO DONATE TO THE AF AND GET A DOLLAR OFF mm I tc A "r•rr^ 7 "7 MS': VIGIL FOR rAKRTY: MALCOLM X NY BROOK BY MUSICA LORENCE T LAW The Brothers of Malik Sigma of Malik Sigma Psi, Joseph Mignon, nar- Psi organized a vigil in memory of the rated the skit. He began to explain FRI. MAR. 13TH assassination of Malcolm X. Although Malcolm X's life as a child. He explained the weather did not cooperate, a number that early in Malcolm X's life, he was not FUNDRAISIER FREE of people did. one of the more positive influences in Upon arrival, candles were dis- society. However, during a time of incar- PROCEEDS To, TESTING BY RONKIN tributed. Beforebeginning the walk, Hugh ceration for armed robbery he began to Lawrence, the President of Malik Sigma change. Malcolm X began corresponding MOTHER IIALE'S 6-9PM Psi, spoke of Malcolm X and the reason with Elijah Muhammed, who was the HOUSE CALL NANCY for the third annual vigil. Lawrence ex- leader of the Nation of Islam at the time. plained that Malik Sigma Psi was named As the vigil ensded, Malcolm TIME: 9PM-1AM FOR RESERVATIONS for El Haj Malik Shabazz. Due to the X's speeches were performed and the W/o427-0055 efforts of brothers of Malik Sigma Psi, his times in which he lived were remem- COST: 1.i,%M H/1D beliefs and traditions are remembered. bered. In closing, Hugh Lawrence spoke Lawrence also explained that during the of Malcolm X's accomplishments and his Wiia HE vigil, one should engage in introspection. views. Lawrence also stated that between A prayer was said. himselfand Mignon there is constant com- The walk led the crowd from the munication with El Haj Malik Shabazz's front of the Administration building, widow, Betty Shabazz, whoprovidedthem around the Roth pond and into the Unti- with much insight. Cultural Center, where a skit on the three Before leaving, all were re- stagesof Malcolm X'slife was performed. minded that this night was done in re- Once inside, those in attendance sat and membrance of Malcolm X's assassina- reflected. After a time, a former President tion, which occurred on February 21, 1965. FINE NEWS C.S.O: FALL (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4) ndependence. The world will be watch IN REVIEW ing all major developments in this whites- only referendum. Let Us hope the time BY DONNA FLETCHER bomb dose not explode in South Africa. The Fall semester began with With that in mind, I leave you with this the customary "Welcome Back" party poem. followed by the Fashion Show. The show was held on October 26, 1991, in the WHEN THINGS CHA-KLA Union Auditorium. The designer repre- By Morris W. Sethro sented the "Shades of You" modeling agency in Brooklyn. The show was cho- When things cha-kla reographed by Crystal Clarke and Juliana It cha-klas for the blind St. Prix. The M.C.s were Hugh Lawrence It cha-klas for thecrippled and Lorraine Richardson of the Malik It cha-klas for the deaf Sigma Psi Fraternity and Gospel Choir, It cha-klas for the dumb respectively. The "after party" was held It cha-klas for the rich in the Bi-Level with Cyril Hutchinson, It cha-klas for the young a.k.a "DJ.Smooth C",selecting the lyrics It cha-klas for the old of Calypso,Hip-Hop and Reggae. It cha-klas for the black Caribbean Day commenced on It cha-klas for the white the morning of November 25 in the Fire- It cha-klas for the nation. side Lounge. There were dance contests, (it a food sale and a t-shirt sale. The Carib- When things cha-kla bean American Youth Steel Band, from The goat and the sheep Brooklyn, made up of students in the six Pasture in the same field to twenty age range,performed for the The eagle and the pepperbird spectators. Their performance was well Fly the same height received. D.J.Kulcha and D.J. Smooth C The cat and the dog entertained the crowd. Eat in the same dish. The days' events led into a Cul- tural Show in the Union Auditorium at program and other participants, held an the Miss C.S.O 1992 Pageant to be held When things cha-kla 7p.m. There were acts from the club , Outreach Program on November 24th. on March 7, at 7p.m. in the Union Confusion takes the land "Fruits of the Motherland " and a play by The Outreach Program entertained the Auditorium. There will be a party in the Many voices are heard AdaaJio entitled, "Licensed to Kill". The underprivileged children from the home- Bi-Level with DJ. Smooth C. In April, Very few are the truth play was written by Donald Cumberbatch. less shelter in Stony Brook and other we will be having Caribbean Weekend on It takes men and women Joe DeJesus and Mark Waide, of Malik adjoining areas with Arts and Crafts and April 10,11 and 12. The weekend is filled Christians and Moslems SigmaPsiFraternity, performedaReggae an Introduction to African Dance and with lots of surprises so stay tuned for The young and the old act. The audience demanded an encore. Culture . C.S.O was also one of the co- more information. Mothers and fathers The party was held in the Bi-level with sponsors for K wanzaa. The club prepared Anyone who is interested in join- To sit and fix L.P. International from Brooklyn. the refreshments for the event held on ing the organization may attend meetings The Caribbean Students Organi- December 6th. held on Tuesdays, at 9p.m. sharp! *cha-kla: fall apart zation , in collaboration with the A.F.S. Presently, we are preparing for V1 ACK HT1TORV MONMT ARTS ATR I,] I I I /



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pro ( L3L41(' 'Clt• y MUSIC REVIEW: B.D.P AND M.C. LYTE

BY ANDRE BARRETT with KRS-1. "Duck Down" is also a albums, BDP does not grow with this The hardcoreLyte breaks out in slammin" song that was made to pump in album; theyjustkindoflevel off. Idonot "Search for the Light", a track by the ****- slammin' your ride with its booming beats. After know if they have peaked or what. What- King Of Chill thatslams with some dope ***- good this song, the tracks begin to fade a little ever it is, I hope it is not permanent. beats. The best song on Side I and my **-fair bit. It picks up again with "Build & own personal favorite,is "PoorGeorgie." *- poor Deliver", a dope track, by Kenny Parker, MC Lyte: ACT LIKE YOU KNOW This one is a slamming track that talks 0*- no comment! that talks about the issue of white people ***1/2 about a boy named Georgie who eventu- being called "devils." KRS definitely Written by MCLyte,ProducedbyWolf& ally kills himself while driving drunk. Boogie Down Productions: SEX AND drops some science about this contro- Epic Dee Jay Doc does the production work on VIOLENCE- *** versy. This side ends with a very funny Co-produced by King of Chill, 45 King, this cut and it is excellent. Written, Produced and Arranged by cut called "13 and Good", a wild story Dee Jay Doc, DJ Master Tee, Pal Joey 2 Side 2 of this album goes into KRS-ONE about abrother who sleeps with a girl who and the Audio Two definite overdrive with Lyte reaffirming Co-produced by Kenny Parker, D- he thinks is 21, but is really 13. The her status as one of hardest female MCs Square, Pal Joey and Prince Paul endeig of this song will really bug you Everybody'sfavorite female MC out. Her verbal assault in "Kamikaze", out. It's definitely ill! returns with her third album, "ACT LIKE brings back memories of Lyte when she Once again, the Blastmaster On Side 2 of the album, most of YOU KNOW." I must admit that it took first came out in '87 ripping up shop. The himself, KRS-1 is back with his sixth the songs basically cover subject matters me quite a while to pick up this album 45 King tears up the production with album, "SEX & VIOLENCE": another that havealkeady been discussed on previ- because her first single,"When In Love", some slamming beats. Lyte starts to get collection of hip-hop hits for the people. ous album'. Songs like "Say Gal", that sounded so R&B. I mean I liked the song real ill on the cut "Like A Virgin" which BDP has gone through some major talk about girls who scream rape, (Le.: and everything, but I feared that my talks about her first sexual experience. changes sincethe "Live" album dropped "Classic Example of A Date Rape: Tribe favorite female rapper was trying to enter She flips out on "2 Young 4 What", a in the summertime. For one, KRS went Called Quest") to "How Not to Get cross-over heaven: a place where many track that discusses a woman's sexual through a nasty divorce with his wife Jerked", a track describing the dos and rappers go but few return Iie: Heavy D, fancy for 17 year old kids. The lyrics are Ms. Melodie. This led to the dismissal don'ts of the record business (i.e.: "Show Big Daddy Kane, etc }.Fortunately, this backed by that slow Big Daddy Kane of Harmony, Ms. Melodie's sister, from Business: Tribe"). The only track on Side was not the case; I was pleasantly sur- sample from a "Tasteof Chocolate". Its the group. D-Nice and Scottie Morris, 2 that really stands out because of its prised. definitely kicking!! long time members of the group, are no content is 'The Real Holy Place", a rivet- MC Lyte covers a lot of subjects I think that this album simply. longer down with BDP; Jamal-Ski ing acappelapieceby KRS-1. Itdiscusses on this album: everything from drunk slams. Other than the cuts done by the signed with Warner Brothers. I do not religion and its misuse, in the manipula- driving to AIDS. Side 1 starts off with Audio Two, who I think should really know if all of this upheaval within BDP tion of the black man. One line that is "When In Love", a swinging track that stop trying so hard with their wack drum has hurt them musically, but it certainly particularly thought provoking is when talks about the ups and downs of young beats from '87, the album hits from all has not helped. KRS saysrepeatedly,"Ifyourslavemaster love. This song definitely has an R&B angles. This is really MC Lyte's best The album starts off with a wasn't a Christian, you wouldn't be a swing to it thanks to the production of album to date. Her lyrics are better and live-recorded cut called "The Original Christian!" Wolf & Epic. Their remixes on BBD's she seems to have grown a great deaL Way". It's a dope jam with slammin' The album as a whole is a good album took it to another level "Eyes on This is a must buy! beats by Kenny Parker and D-Square. one and worth picking up. But its just The Soul", another dope track by Wolf & Freddie Foxx kicks the funky lyrics that: good. Unlike their previous five Epic, goes into the life of a crack head. THIS WEEK'SRECIPE BY MARIA GARCIA I

FLAN ("Custard") Ingredients: 1 dozen eggs, 2 cans con- medium pot with hardened caramel. (5) densed milk, 1 1/2 cans evaporated milk, Repeat step (4) with remaining ingredi- 1/2 tsp. vanilla, 1/2 lb. sugar, 1 pkg. cream ents. (6) Place medium pot inside large cheese (12 oz.) pot. Make sure the water in the large pot Utensils: 1 large pot, 1 medium cast iron covers half the medium pot (7) Total pot, blender. baking time is one hour. Bake flan at 400 Directions: (1) Place 1/2 lb. sugar in the degrees for the first half hour. Turn knob medium pot on low heat. Keep stirring down to 300 degrees for remaining half sugar as it liquifies (becomes caramel). hour. (8) After one hour, turn oven off. Be careful, sugar burns easily. Spread Leave flan in oven for another half hour, caramel all around the pot. When sugar then remove from oven and place on stove is totally melted, put pot in freezer until for another half hour. (9) Remove me- hardened. This step can be done during dium pot containing flan from large pot the day before actual baking, or you may containing water. Place in refrigerator for put large pot in the refrigerator overnight atleasttwo hours or overnight. (10) When instead. (2) Turn oven on to400degrees. serving, the flan must be flipped over onto (3) Fill large pot with water (about 1/4 a serving tray. full) and set to boil. (4) Blend 6 eggs, 1/ My sincere love and thanks tomy Mom, LSAT/GMAT/GRE/MCAT PREPARATION 2 cream cheese, vanilla, 1 can condensed Josefina Garcia, for contributing this GRADUATE SCHOOL ADMISSIONS COUNSELING milk. 1 can evanorated milk for about 2 recipe. Thanks MOM!! A40 minutes, Classes for the June GRE and LSRT begin this week - CM19F OM9I IMPU9 J

STONlY BROOK 427-0055

"'THE,AF/u1iC 3 k-A- 4~ 4 ~ 4 4 .4 ,. , .. -. ~~#t a ~ * W 4 '4-a ~ 4-~~ 14'** 44* *4-at.. * -a -a. -a,. ~44~t 4-at 4-a . 4 Sanger 314, Hate perpetuatesHate. Love pepetuatesLove. Peace, Intellect PTEhO9Q5LS

To David, Where's our Ice Cream? Tracy, Linda, Toli

To My Sorors: The best is yet to To Brothers of Phi Beta come...ha! ha! Sigma, No one knows where his 00-OOP! Thanks for all your support nose goes when the doors Spr 89- #3 We are truly brothers and are close. sisters of the blue and white. From Leopold To Sensai, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. How's Angelica and To Ladies of Zeta Phi Beta, Sorcerress? Kevi Kev, EE-I-KEE. It's just few, but Sexy Female I miss you big brother. Or it's true blue and hard should I say "little" big working. Little One, brother? rm going to miss you Washing those knives and Love Sis Cindy, we will be hanging forks? Wonder if I should tough Dom. add the spoon? To Stony Brook, Home Alone From Ish Get your acts ready. Lip Sync & ShowTime at the Toli, Tracy, & Linda, Brook are Apr. 16th. Audi Hope- I have April 10th marked tions till March 31st. Call Wish I were a ninja man down on the calendar. Darryl & Byron at 3565 or Then I could fight Peanut Butter and Jelly Errol at 3546. To hold your hand. Peace, the Alphas. Guess I'll have to confess Dolores, Don't take a ninja to be the We're glad you're back and To STAT. 014, best. feeling better. OO-OOP! Only if Harriman Hall's Kirk Dunbar Luv Ya! walls could talk. Oh boy. From Smack Bunny, To Sue We tried grapes. We tried It's getting kind of warm for To Carolyn, strawberry jelly. What's turtlenecks. What ya tryin' I can't believe you did it. next? to hide Cuz!? Still luv ya. I'm hungry. Acey-Tray Cuz Bush Hunta

Virginia Slims, Betty Boop, To Gregg, Welcome to the Brook! Hey, what about some I really want to get to know Knock 'em out the box! Millepede. My treat. you. Venus Maria K. To Tracy-Anne, To all the girls in Douglas LASO members, Wha'ts all those red marks 320, Hey, where did they go? on your face? Oh by the I'm sorry for all I did and Come back, we need you! way, tell the Fishman I said hope we can live happily for hi! Lovey, Ha- Ha! Spr. 92., Dori, Wendy, Ridgie. Words could never fully Donna express.... Thank You. To Marjorie, Crabtree Congratulations Ms. CSO, Rupert, It was no contest No man is an island unto To D.B.B. "Extreme", Cyn, Sheryl and Susan himself. Stay strong Black Happy Birthday! man while the world goes "Mikey" and "Vain" '06 marching on! Take Six...Get It Kirk Dunbar Amman Staff Beware Public Enemy Number Shake your One. Running things in '92 P.D.P Happy Anniversay March 13th (I'll be good to you)


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r\ i r- T Iir r nr \ A BLCK HISTORY



_ N FE6 H Tlr,, TtLoUEZAL 2NONT-^ r Ffj Eg5:tAC jt U V ULJIN 1 EKA NEEDED

TO HELP WITH DISPLAY OF THE NAMES PROJECT AIDS MEMORIAL QUILT, TUESDAY, MARCH 31ST. Do w1 wo°&-0 0, THROUGH THURSDAY, APRIL 2ND. CALL WARD GAREE, CAMPUS Islooking for anew logo. RESIDENCES, 2-9004 FOR MORE 10 INFORMATION. Forlýftlol-cNap6lcon--lnro:c-'Ontact--for-, GxilFann.oatr- 6_'352-9197.6 327 -441 IS Entý11-,de dl I .1 F"VE-mV .. F=-