CHIEFS OF STAFF General of the Air Force, Henry Harley Arnold General John D. Ryan General , Jr. General Carl Andrew Spaatz General George Scratchley Brown General Nathan Farragut Twining General Charles A. Gabriel General Hoyt Sanford Vandenberg General Curtis E. LeMay General Thomas Dresser White General John P. McConnell

NAMED AWARDS Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, Paul W. Airey General Daniel James, Jr. Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, Arthur L. Andrews Katherine Johnson Lieutenant General Frank Maxwell Andrews General Leon W. Johnson Mrs. Henry H. Arnold (Eleanor Pool Arnold) General David C. Jones Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, Thomas N. Barnes General George Churchill Kenney Captain Steven Bennett Lieutenant General William Ellsworth Kepner Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, James C. Binnicker 2nd Lieutenant David R. Kingsley General Frederick C. Blesse Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, Richard D. Kisling Milton A. Caniff General Lawrence Sherman Kuter Brigadier General Frederick W. Castle Sergeant John L. Levitow Technical Sergeant John Chapmann Lieutenant General Glen W. Martin General Lucius D. Clay, Jr. John L. McLucas Lieutenant General Laurence C. Craigie General John Charles Meyer General Wilbur L. Creech Colonel and Mrs. Meredith Mynhier Senior Airman Jason D. Cunningham General Lauris Norstad Major General Howard Calhoun Davidson Captain Leland F. Norton General Benjamin O. Davis Lieutenant General John Nowak Colonel George E. Day General Jerome F. O’Malley Colonel James H. Delaney Lieutenant Colonel Ellison S. Onizuka Raymond F. DeVoe, Jr. G. Verne Orr, Jr. General Robert J. Dixon Captain Harl Pease, Jr. General Charles L. Donnelly, Jr. Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, Gary R. Pfingston General James H. Doolittle Airman 1st Class William H. Pitsenbarger General Russell E. Dougherty 1st Lieutenant Karl W. Richter Alwine H. Doyle Captain Edward Vernon Rickenbacker General Ira C. Eaker Brigadier General James R. Risner Thomas O. Edgar General Bernard A. Schriever General Richard Hastings Ellis John H. “Jake” Schuffert Chief Master Sergeant Richard L. Etchberger Corporal Frank S. Scott Zachary Fisher Robert C Seamans, Jr. John and Marion Fouty General Louis T. Seith Dr. Robert F. Fuller Captain Lance Peter Sijan Brigadier General Harold H. George Colonel Lowell H. Smith Lieutenant General Harold Lee George Lieutenant General Paul E. Stein Mark and Ilamae Gibson Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. David E. Sterling Major General Barry M. Goldwater John C. Stetson Lieutenant Colonel Virgil Ivan Grissom Brigadier General James Stewart Brigadier General Brian S. Gunderson Colonel and Mrs. Ben Stogner Chief Master Sergeant Duane D. Hackney W. Major and Mrs. Homer Hall Major and Mrs. Anthony Tansik Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, Donald L. Harlow Dr. and Mrs. David Tansik Major General Reginald C. Harmon Susan Tansik Colonel Kenneth W. Hedlund, M.D. Brigadier General Harrison R. Thyng Mary Jo Hedlund Lieutenant General William Henry Tunner Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. Harry B. Herb Frank Turner Major General Lovic P. Hodnette, Jr. Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. Neil W. Wallace General Bruce K. Holloway Lieutenant Colonel Edward Higgins White, II Major General Jeanne M. Holm Major and Mrs. Frederick R. Wilson Colonel Charles W. Hostler Eugene M. Zuchert


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