
Native for South Florida1 A. W. Meerow, T. K. Broschat, and H. M. Donselman2

In recent years, the subject of native has taken on red cedar (Juniperus silicicola), live oak (Quercusvirginiana), new significance in horticulture. Reasons for this southern magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora), gumbo limbo include the loss of natural areas to development, coastal (Bursera simaruba), and buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus) deterioration due to disturbance of native vegetation, are all native to the state. and the naturalization of exotic plants that in some cases may out-compete native species. Fortunately, relatively Arguments for the Use of Native few of the hundreds of exotic ornamentals that have been introduced into the state fall into the latter category. Two in Plants particular, Brazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolious) and A number of claims both for and against the use of native punk (Melaleuca quinquenervia) have become noxious plants have been proposed. Some claims made in favor of weeds in central and south Florida. native plants are:

Many counties are considering landscape ordinances that 1. Energy efficiency: Because native plants are adapted to require that a percentage of native materials be used our , temperatures, and rainfall patterns, they are in all future developments. Several have already imple- believed to require less irrigation and fertilization than mented such ordinances. This will result in a need for wider exotics. However, recent research does not support this availability of native plant materials. Woody landscape contention.Just because a tree is native to south Florida plant producers, landscape architects, and home gardeners does not mean that it is native or adapted to all types in Florida need to become informed about and prepared for and hydrological conditions found in south Florida. the production and cultural needs of native plants. For example, a wetland species like pond apple, Annona glabra, is not going to prosper if planted on dry, In actuality, native plants are not really new to our nursery fill. All too often, native topsoils have been removed and . Many native trees are already well-represented in water flow patterns changed during development. If such the inventories of south Florida nurseries. Such “staples” is the case, an attempt to recreate the original composi- of Florida horticulture as sea grape (Coccoloba uvifera), tion of trees and shrubs may fail. cabbage palm (Sabal palmetto), mahogany (Swietenia mahagoni), bald cypress (Taxodium distichum), southern

1. This is EES-57, one of a series of the Department of Environmental Horticulture, Florida Energy Extension Service, UF/IFAS Extension. Original publication date August 1989. Revised April 1999, October 2003, February 2009, March 2011, and May 2014. Reviewed April 2020. Visit the EDIS website at

2. A. W. Meerow, former associate professor; T. K. Broschat, professor; and H. M. Donselman, former associate professor; Department of Environmental Horticulture, UF/IFAS Ft. Lauderdale Research and Center, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314.

The Florida Energy Extension Service receives funding from the Energy Office, Department of Community Affairs, and is operated by UF/IFAS Extension. The information contained herein is the product of the Florida Energy Extension Service and does not necessarily reflect the view of the Florida Energy office.

The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Opportunity Institution authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function with non-discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations. For more information on obtaining other UF/IFAS Extension publications, contact your county’s UF/IFAS Extension office.

U.S. Department of Agriculture, UF/IFAS Extension Service, University of Florida, IFAS, Florida A & M University Cooperative Extension Program, and Boards of County Commissioners Cooperating. Nick T. Place, dean for UF/IFAS Extension. 2. Low maintenance: Native plants are considered to be 4. They are generally unavailable. Even with the limited resistant to pests and diseases in Florida because they amount of in-depth knowledge on native plant propaga- have evolved under constant exposure to these organisms. tion, there are currently more than 70 nurseries within While this is generally true for native pests, exotic pests, the state listed by the Association of Florida Native to which native plants have no evolved resistance, are Nurseries, with a combined plant inventory of more than regularly introduced, often with catastrophic outcomes. 500 species. A substantial number of native species are Thus, plant diversity in the landscape is an important already represented in the inventories of “traditional” means of minimizing the risks from such pest or disease nurseries. outbreaks. Of course, any newly planted tree, whether native or exotic, will require regular irrigation until it Landscape Situations for Native becomes established. Trees 3. Ecological-educational factor: The use of native trees In certain landscape situations, native plants are particu- in landscapes preserves the state’s natural resources. larly desirable. These include: This argument is perhaps the best one for wider use of native plants. Florida’s continued increase in population 1. New development with pre-existing vegetation in places enormous pressures on our native vegetation. The which a tree canopy has been retained. Some showy educational benefits of native plant landscapes are of exotics can look out of place in landscapes in which a great value, particularly in teaching new residents about great deal of pre-existing native vegetation has been our state’s natural bounty. spared the bulldozer’s blade. In such developments, the use of additional native materials may create a more Arguments Against the Use of harmonious and aesthetic effect. Native Plants 2. Environmentally sensitive areas such as the coastal Claims made against the landscape use of native plants strand, barrier islands, and wetlands. These areas have include: suffered a great deal of mismanagement and shortsighted development. Many of the plants native to these envi- 1. They are slow-growing. Plants differ in their growth rates ronmentally sensitive areas are particularly adapted to as much as in any other characteristic. Native plants range the specialized conditions found there. The use of these as widely in this category as exotics. In many cases, slow native plants may actually help to slow further deteriora- growth rates can be improved with regulated nutritional tion of some of these environments. levels during production. Cultivar selection and evalu- ation programs also can improve slow growth rates. In 3. Public areas (parks, , nature centers). Native some situations, slow growth rates may be advantageous; plants should be a priority in public areas for their for example, slower growing trees will require less prun- environmental and educational value and are required for ing to control size or prevent interference with power restoration of disturbed areas within nature preserves. lines. Considering Site Factors 2. They are unattractive. Native plants include attractive The characteristics of the planting site must be carefully trees like satin leaf (Chrysophyllum oliviforme) and more considered when choosing native plant materials for homely species such as wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera). Both landscaping. First, some concerns relating to the past have a niche in landscape situations. history of the site must be addressed. 3. Their propagation is difficult, therefore native plants What was the original vegetation of the area? This knowl- are expensive. Certain plants become widely available edge will indicate which native plants will perform best on in the trade in part because they are easy to produce. the site. Assuming the native soil and hydrology have not This knowledge comes about through research, in both been modified, native species that once grew in a given the private and public sectors. It is true that many choice location are likely to do better when re-planted than species native species are tricky to propagate successfully, but on from very different types of native habitat. the whole, this is due to the fact that few research efforts have been applied in that direction. This is now beginning to change.

Native Trees for South Florida 2 Have the native soil and/or hydrology been modified? During development, topsoil is often removed and original drain- age patterns disturbed. Fill soil of very different quality may have been brought in to replace the topsoil removed. If such is the case, it may be impossible to re-establish the same species that once grew on the site, or it may require a great deal of maintenance to do so.

Additional consideration must be given to the present condition of the site. Does the site accumulate standing water? What is the soil type: muck? white ? coral rock? Is there salt spray exposure on the site? Will the landscape plants have to be integrated with turf, and possibly be sub- Figure 2. Pigeon plum (Coccoloba diversifola), a hardwood hammock- jected to turf-oriented irrigation and fertilization practices? dwelling relative of the sea grape, makes a fine, slow-growing urban tree. All of these factors will influence the degree of success with Credits: UF/IFAS which particular native species will perform in a landscape. The size of the lot also may restrict the use of some species whose mature dimensions require a lot of space.

Finally, certain aesthetic factors come into play when choosing natives, just as they do with exotic plant materials. What landscape functions need to be fulfilled? Should the trees primarily provide shade, barrier effects, beauty in the form of or fruit, or is low maintenance the main criterion for plant selection?

Figure 3. The geiger tree (Cordia sebestena) has spectacular orange flowers and a high salt tolerance. Credits: UF/IFAS Planting Native Trees Planting native tree species is no different from planting exotics. Amending the backfill soil (the soil originally excavated from and then returned to the planting hole) is not recommended. The top of the root ball of nursery stock should be placed in the soil at the same depth at which it grew in the field or the container. Circling roots in container stock should be cut just behind the point of their deflection to more firmly anchor the tree and prevent future root girdling. It may be necessary or desirable to reduce top growth; this should be accomplished by thinning out (the well-distributed removal of one or several branches at their point of origin), rather than heading back (cutting all top growth back to approximately the same level). Thinning Figure 1. The paurotis palm (Acoelorraphe wrightii) is a native, cuts will preserve the natural shape of the tree. clumping palm that makes an attractive vertical accent in close spaces. The trees should be regularly irrigated after planting, and a Credits: UF/IFAS mulch of organic material is recommended. A top dressing of a slow-release fertilizer can be applied within the dripline of the tree before the mulch is placed down. If rainfall is received on a regular basis in the first few months after

Native Trees for South Florida 3 planting, this may be sufficient for establishment of small Salt tolerance (Table 1) should be interpreted as follows: container stock (1 gallon size). If not, periodic irrigation High: will withstand direct salt spray and soil salinity; will be necessary. Larger plants may require a year or more Medium: should be protected from direct salt spray but will to properly establish in the landscape. The frequency of withstand slightly saline conditions; and Low: sensitive to irrigation (weekly to several times per week during the first salt on the foliage and in the root zone. few months) will depend on temperature, rainfall, and the water-holding capacity of the soil. Irrigation frequency can Under the category of Hardiness Zone, subtropical refers to be reduced in successive months. Generally, the production the transitional area between central and tropical Florida of new growth is the best indication that a tree is becoming where an occasional winter frost will occur. Tropical refers established. Supplementary fertilization 1 to 2 times per to southernmost mainland Florida and the Keys where year may be desirable, at least during the first year after winter frosts are rare to nonexistent. To illustrate, silver planting. Some native plant producers recommend using buttonwood is categorized in Table 1 as a subtropical/ fertilizer formulations with good trace mineral analyses tropical tree with a high tolerance for salt and drought. traditionally designed for palms, particularly if the native Before installing a large-scale landscape using native trees trees are being planted on fill soils. listed as tropical only, it is best to confer with your county cooperative Extension service agent about minimum winter How to Use the Selection Table temperatures expected in your area. If a particular species can be used in central and north Florida as well, this has Table 1 and Table 2 of native tree species suitable for use been indicated (Table 1). in south Florida will help in making the right choices for various landscape situations. The list is by no means a complete inventory of the subtropical or tropical tree species that are native to the state. However, the list is repre- sentative of those native trees that have proven themselves in the landscape, are available from nurseries, or are judged worthy of wider use and availability. The trees in the tables are arranged alphabetically by scientific name, accompanied by one or more common names (same list of trees in both tables).

Special attention should be paid to environmental factors such as soil pH, light requirements, and drought and salt Figure 4. The silver buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus var. sericeus) is a tolerances (Table 1). Table 2 offers information on plant very salt- and drought-tolerant species. Credits: UF/IFAS type, shape, color, flower characteristics, flowering season, and uses for the native trees listed. In Table 1, Obtaining Native Plants drought tolerance refers only to Florida conditions and should be interpreted as follows: High: will not require Native plants should not be transplanted from the wild supplemental irrigation after establishment; Medium: may without the permission of the landowner, and never from require occasional irrigation during periods of unusual public lands. In general, it is best to leave wild populations water stress; and Low: will require supplemental irrigation intact, unless the plants face destruction from development. during periods of drought. Superior clones in native populations should be identified where possible, and nursery stock propagated vegetatively Nutritional requirements (Table 1) should be interpreted as: or from seed. The advantages of seed vs. clonal propagation High: the species will typically suffer from moderate to se- is that a degree of the genetic diversity of the species is vere deficiencies of one or more elements and plant growth maintained in cultivation. and quality will be strongly affected. Regular fertilization may be required to keep these plants alive. Medium: Most There is a place in Florida horticulture for both superior plants will show mild to moderate deficiency symptoms of exotic and native ornamentals. The “native plant move- one or more elements. Regular fertilization will be required ment” should not be looked upon as a threat, but as an to completely eliminate deficiency symptoms.Low: Nutri- impetus to add to the diversity of landscape materials at our ent deficiencies are rarely encountered and fertilization is disposal in Florida. unnecessary.

Native Trees for South Florida 4

Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low high ment Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Require- Medium to Medium to Nutritional Low Low Low Low Low high High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium, Drought Drought Tolerance low High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High Light Light Medium Medium Requirement Medium, high Medium, high Medium, high Medium, high, Salt Low Low Low Low Low High High High High High High High High High High High Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Tolerance Medium, low T T T T T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST, T ST, C,ST,T C,ST,T C,ST,T C,ST,T C,N,ST C,N,ST Zone* C,N,ST,T Hardiness Hardiness

pH Soil Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Acid to to Acid neutral Alkaline Alkaline Fast Fast Fast Slow Slow Slow Slow Slow Slow Slow Slow Slow Slow Rate Growth Growth Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium

20 10–12 35–50 15–25 20–30 25–40 15–25 20–30 20–40 40–60 20–35 30–40 25–30 25–30 25–30 15–30 10–20 30–50 20–25 30–50 15–20 20–25 40–50 40–50 30–40 10–20 35–50 10–20 15–30 Height Natural Natural (in feet)

Name Common Sweet acacia Sweet Red maple palm palm, everglades Paurotis calabash apple alligator apple, Pond marbleberryMarlberry, Black Strongbark plum, bumelia Buckthorn, saffron tree tourist Gumbo limbo, cinnamon Wild leaf Satin Fiddlewood tree autograph apple, Pitch plum Pigeon Sea grape palm Silver Buttonwood Geiger tree bustic Willow-leaved Stoppers Princewood fig Strangler Shortleaf fig bay Loblolly vitae Lignum Blolly velvetseed Everglades Rough velvetseed

var. var. Name Scientific spp. spp. Acacia farnesiana Acacia rubrum Acer wrightii Acoelorrhaphe Amphitecna (Enallagma) latifolia Annona glabra Ardisia escallonioides germinans Avicennia suculenta Bourreria revoluta Bumelia simaruba Bursera alba Canella oliviforme Chyrsophyllum Citharexylum fruticosum Clusia rosea diversifolia Coccoloba uvifera Coccoloba argentata erectus Conocarpus sebestena Cordia Dipholis salicifolia Eugenia caribaeum Exostema aurea Ficus citrifolia Ficus lasianthus Gordonia sanctumGuaiacum discolor Guapira elliptica Guettarda scabra Guettarda Table 1. Height, growth rate, soil pH, hardiness zone, salt tolerance, drought tolerance, light requirements, and nutritional requirements of native trees for south Florida. for trees of native and nutritional requirements requirements, light tolerance, drought salt tolerance, zone, soil pH, hardiness rate, growth 1. Height, Table

Native Trees for South Florida 5

Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low high ment Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Require- Medium to Medium to Nutritional Low Low Low Low High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Drought Drought Tolerance

High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High Light Light Medium Medium, Requirement Medium, high Medium, high Medium, high Salt Low Low Low Low Low High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Tolerance T T T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T C,ST,T C,ST,T C,N,ST C,N,ST C,N,ST C,N,ST C,N,ST C,N,ST C,N,ST C,N,ST C,N,ST Zone* C,N,ST,T C,N,ST,T Hardiness Hardiness

pH Soil Acid Acid Acid Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Slow Slow Slow Slow Slow Slow Slow Slow Rate Growth Growth Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium

15–30 30–45 30–40 25–40 25–40 20–25 25–30 20–30 40–60 15–30 40–50 40–60 45–70 20–30 15–25 30–40 50–60 60–80 35–50 15–40 10–15 50–80 20–30 30–80 Height 60–100 80–100 70–110 60–100 60–125 Natural Natural (in feet)

Name Common Crabwood sea Mahoe, ironwood White Dahoon holly holly Tawnyberry holly Yaupon Southern juniper Black ironwood white mangrove, White buttonwood palm Key thatch tamarind Wild Southern magnolia Sweetbay mastic False twinberry stopper, Simpson’s myrtle Wax Lancewood Red bay Sand pine slash South Florida fish-poison Jamaican dogwood, tree Sycamore Indian cherryWest palm, cherryBuccaneer palm oak Laurel oak Live Darling plum Red mangrove palm Royal

densa var. var. Name Scientific Gymnanthes lucida Hibiscus tiliaceus Hypelate trifoliata Ilex cassine Ilex krugiana Ilex vomitoria Juniperus silicicola Krugiodendron ferreum racemosa Languncularia morrisii Leucothrinax latisiliqua Lysiloma Magnolia grandiflora Magnolia virginiana Mastichodendron foetidissimum Myrcianthes fragrans cerifera Myrica coriacea Nectandra borbonia Persea clausa Pinus elliottii Pinus piscipula Piscidia occidentalis Plantanus myrtifoliaPrunus sargentii Psuedophoenix Quercus laurifolia Quercus virginiana Reynosia septentrionalis mangle Rhizophora regia Roystonea

Native Trees for South Florida 6

Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low high High ment Medium Medium Medium Medium Require- Medium to Medium to Nutritional Low Low High High High High High High High High High High High High High Medium Drought Drought Tolerance High High High High High High High High High High High Light Light Medium Medium Medium Requirement Medium, high Medium, high Salt Low Low High High High High High High High High Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Tolerance T T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T ST,T C,ST,T C,N,ST C,N,ST C,N,ST C,N,ST Zone* C,N,ST, C,N,ST,T Hardiness Hardiness

pH Soil Acid Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Wide Alkaline Fast Fast Fast Fast Slow Slow Slow Slow Slow Slow Rate Growth Growth Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium

60 45–70 20–30 35–45 20–40 35–50 35–60 10–20 15–30 20–25 15–25 30–60 20–25 25–50 20–30 Height 60–100 Natural Natural (in feet)

Name Common Cabbage palmetto, sabal palm palmetto, Cabbage plain willow Coastal Soapberry boxwood Florida tree Paradise Mahogany cypress Pond Bald cypress elder Yellow palm Key thatch palm thatch Florida palm Thatch basswood Florida plum Tallowwood tree toothache club, Hercules lime Wild

Name Scientific

Sabal palmetto Salix caroliniana Sapindus saponaria Schaefferia frutescens glauca Simarouba mahogani Swietenia Taxodium ascendens distichum Taxodium stans Tecoma morrisii parvifloraThrinax radiata Thrinax floridana Ximenia americana clava-herculis Zanthoxylum fagara Zanthoxylum N=North T=Tropical; ST=Subtropical; *C=Central;

Native Trees for South Florida 7 Notes tree. bushy thorny, Small, perfume. used for Flowers Good fall color. red Variable sites. wet for to Susceptible and manganese deficiencies. Not particularly wind resistant. sites. swampy Good for Attracts Often shrubby. wildlife. in brackish water Grows sites. Native shrub. be a large Can the Keys. to reach spp. native Several cold not all are size; tree hardy; thorny. will root branches Large directly in the ground. bark. reddish Attractive native attractive An readily Not tree. flowering available. and glossy on top Leaves bronzy below. satin with hairy also leaves Forms occur. very Leaves Has stilt roots. and leathery. tough leaf Variable bark.Attractive Good small shape and size. tree. native

Uses medians Parks; parkingShade; perimeters; lots; medians; boulevards; buffers residences; Medians; residences; buffers residences Parks; Buffers buffers Residences; (along residences Parks; estuaries); perimeters Residences parks; parking Perimeters; lots Shade; perimeters; parking lots; boulevards; residences Residences Shade; parking lots; medians; boulevards; parks residences; boulevards; Parks; residences residences Parks; parks;Residences; parking lots; medians; boulevards Flowering Flowering Season Year-round Winter, spring Spring Spring Year-round Fall Spring Year-round Fall Winter, spring Spring, summer Fall Year-round Summer Spring

Flower Flower Charac- teristics Showy, fragrant Showy Insignificant Insignificant Insignificant Insignificant, fragrant Insignificant, fragrant Insignificant Insignificant Insignificant Insignificant Insignificant Insignificant, fragrant Showy Insignificant Flower Color Flower Yellow Red White Yellow Whitish-yellow White White White White Green White White White and white Pink White Shape Oval, round Oval Upright, clumping Round Oval Oval Oval Oval Round Round Oval Oval Round Round Oval Plant Type Plant Evergreen Deciduous Palm Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Deciduous, evergreen Deciduous Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Common Name Common acacia Sweet Red maple palm, Paurotis palm everglades Black calabash apple, Pond apple alligator Marlberry, marbleberry Black mangrove Strongbark Buckthorn, saffron plum, bumelia Gumbo limbo, tree tourist cinnamon Wild leaf Satin Fiddlewood apple, Pitch tree autograph plum Pigeon var. var. spp. Scientific Name farnesiana Acacia rubrum Acer wrightii Acoelorrhaphe Amphitecna (Enallagma) latifolia Annona glabra Ardisia escallonioides germinans Avicennia suculenta Bourreria revoluta Bumelia simaruba Bursera alba Canella Chrysophyllum oliviforme Citharexylum fruticosum Clusia rosea diversifolia Coccoloba Table 2. Plant type, foliage and flower color, flower characteristics, flowering season, uses, and notes for native trees for south Florida. for south trees native for notes and season, uses, flowering characteristics, flower color, and flower foliage type, 2. Plant Table

Native Trees for South Florida 8 Notes jelly. fruit used for Edible Broad Good seaside plant. spreading. slow-growing Excellent palm. native A silver- Good seaside plant. variety is widely leafed grown. by defoliated Frequently geiger beetles. some with species, Many edible fruits. used for wood Hard cabinetwork. ficus often native This as an its life begins epiphyte. fig without aerial A native for Well-adapted roots. south Florida. areas. wet for A good native northernOnly for part of south Florida. tree. slow-growing A small, native A drought-tolerant tree. hammock tropical A small, with some shade tree tolerance. salt-tolerant attractive, An south for native coastal Florida. is that tree A small native available. not readily can be weak. Wood be tree- shaping to Requires like; weedy.

Uses parks fruit; buffers; Edible medians; Residences; parks; parking lots parks;Residences; medians; boulevards; parking lots parks;Residences; boulevards parksResidences; parksResidences; residences Parks; shade Parks; parks;Residences; boulevards shade; parks;Residences; boulevards parksResidences; shade; Residences; parks boulevards; shade residences; Parks; parking lots; Parks; residences parksResidences; problem buffers; Parks; tree Flowering Flowering Season Summer Summer Summer Year-round Year-round Spring, summer Spring, summer Summer Year-round Summer Year-round Spring, summer Spring Winter, spring N/A Year-round

Flower Flower Charac- teristics Insignificant Showy Insignificant Showy Insignificant Insignificant Showy, fragrant Insignificant Insignificant Showy, fragrant Showy Insignificant Showy Showy Insignificant Showy Flower Color Flower White White Orange, purplish-green Orange White White White Orange Yellow White Blue Greenish-yellow Yellow White Red red Yellow, Shape Round, spreading Single- trunked Round Oval Round Oval Oval Spreading Round Oval Round Round Oval Oval Oval Round, spreading Plant Type Plant Evergreen Palm Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Common Name Common Sea grape palm Silver Buttonwood Geiger tree Willow-leaved bustic Stoppers Princewood fig Strangler Shortleaf fig bay Loblolly vitae Lignum Blolly Everglades velvetseed Rough velvetseed Crabwood sea Mahoe, hibiscus spp. Scientific Name uvifera Coccoloba argentata Coccothrinax erectus Conocarpus sebestena Cordia Dipholis salicifolia Eugenia caribaeum Exostema aurea Ficus citrifolia Ficus lasianthus Gordonia sanctumGuaiacum discolor Guapira elliptica Guettarda scabra Guettarda Gymnanthes lucida Hibiscus tiliaceus

Native Trees for South Florida 9 Notes not May tree. A small native available. be readily holly. Red-berried native in boggy sites. Grows holly. tropical A native, Selected varieties available. pyramidal-shaped A tough tree. dense-Slow-growing; wooded. coastal best in warm Grows areas. . Slow-growing has a weeping tree This form. has large, tree hardy This leathery and showy leaves flowers. sites. wet Good for silveryAttractive leaves. messy have trees Female fruit. can be shrub that A native a small tree. pruned into Root suckers be weedy. Can and stains profusely masonry. the for tree A small native Keys. sites. wet Good for wilt laurel to Susceptible disease. sandy of dry, tolerant Very soils. changes, of grade Intolerant above irrigation, and traffic system. the root Uses parksResidences; perimeters; Parks; residences shade residences; Parks; parks;Residences; buffers parks; Perimeters; buffers residences; parks;Residences; boulevards Shade; parks; perimeters; buffers residences; parks;Residences; medians shade; Residences; parks; parkingboulevards; lots; medians parks;Residences; shade; buffers; perimeters; medians shade; parks;Residences; medians; boulevards parkingShade; perimeters; lots; medians; residences parks;Residences; medians; boulevards parks;Residences; buffers; tree problem Shade; perimeters; buffers residences; parks;Residences; shade; boulevards shade; residences Parks; buffers; residences; Parks; boulevards Flowering Flowering Season Spring, summer Spring Spring Spring, summer Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring, summer Spring Summer Spring, fall summer, Year-round Summer, spring Year-round Spring Spring Spring

Flower Flower Charac- teristics Insignificant Insignificant Insignificant Insignificant Cone Insignificant Insignificant, fragrant Showy Insignificant Showy, fragrant Showy, fragrant Insignificant Insignificant, fragrant Insignificant Insignificant Insignifcant Cone Cone Flower Color Flower White White White White Brown Greenish-yellow, yellow green, Green White White White White Greenish-yellow White White White Green Brown Brown Shape Round Oval Oval Oval Pyramidal Round Oval Single- trunked Weeping, spreading Oval Oval Round Round Oval Oval, round Oval, round Oval Oval Plant Type Plant Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Palm Deciduous Evergreen Deciduous Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Common Name Common ironwood White Dahoon holly holly Tawnyberry holly Yaupon Southern juniper Black ironwood mangrove, White buttonwood white palm Key thatch tamarind Wild Southern magnolia Sweetbay mastic False stopper, Simpson’s twinberry myrtle Wax Lancewood Red bay Sand pine slash South Florida densa var. var. Scientific Name Hypelate trifoliata Ilex cassine Ilex krugiana Ilex vomitoria Juniperus silicicola Krugiodendron ferreum racemosa Laguncularia morrisii Leucothrinax latisiliqua Lysiloma Magnolia grandiflora Magnolia virginiana Mastichodendron foetidissimum Myrcianthes fragrans cerifera Myrica coriacea Nectandra borbonia Persea clausa Pinus elliotti Pinus

Native Trees for South Florida 10 )

P. caroliniana P. Notes partsBark and other tree stun fish. been used to have the Keys. to Native for deciduous tree Large bark. Exfoliating moist sites. for substitute A tropical cherry laurel ( small A very slow-growing, palm. native but A fast-growing, short-lived comparatively tree. long-lived A wind-resistant, oak. edible. are Fruits tree stilt-rooted A native in salt or or shrub growing brackish water. potassium, to Susceptible and boron manganese, deficiencies Small plants tree. Our state transplant. to difficult are potassium to Susceptible Texas deficiency and palm decline Phoenix around areas in wet Grows lakes and ponds. a soap-like contains Fruit used in some material countries. tropical informal as a large, Useful hedge. in exposed Does well is New foliage locations. reddish. often webworm Mahogany briefly. tree defoliates Uses medians residences; Parks; shade; residences; Parks; boulevards shade residences; Parks; parksResidences; parks; Shade; residences; boulevards Shade; boulevards; parks residences; parks;Residences; boulevards Parks residences; Parks; perimeters boulevards; parks;Residences; parkingboulevards; lots; medians; perimeters Parks residences; Parks; boulevards parks Perimeters; parks;Residences; boulevards shade; parks;Residences; medians; boulevards; parking lots Flowering Flowering Season Spring Spring Spring Summer Spring Spring Spring, summer Year-round Spring Spring, fall summer, Spring Winter, spring Spring Spring Spring

Flower Flower Charac- teristics Showy Insignificant Insignificant Insignificant Insignificant Insignificant Insignificant Insignificant Insignificant Insignificant Insignificant Insignificant Insignificant Insignificant Insignificant Flower Color Flower Whitish- white, lavender, lavender Green White Yellow Green Green Greenish-yellow Yellow Yellow White Green White Green Yellow Greenish-yellow Shape Spreading Oval, round Round Single- trunked Oval Spreading Round Round, pyramidal Single- trunked, columnar Single- trunked Round Oval, round Oval Oval Round Plant Type Plant Evergreen Deciduous Evergreen Palm Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Palm Palm Deciduous Deciduous Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Common Name Common Jamaican fish- dogwood, poison tree Sycamore Indian cherryWest palm, Buccaneer cherry palm oak Laurel oak Live Darling plum Red mangrove palm Royal palmetto, Cabbage sabal palm plain Coastal willow Soapberry boxwood Florida tree Paradise Mahogany Scientific Name piscipula Piscidia occidentalis Plantanus myrtifoliaPrunus Pseudophoenix sargentii Quercus laurifolia Quercus Virginiana Reynosia septentrionalis mangle Rhizophora gia Roystonea Sabal palmetto Salix caroliniana Sapindus saponaria Schaefferia frutescens glauca Simarouba mahagoni Swietenia

Native Trees for South Florida 11 Notes habit growth Pyramidal Has small, when young. leaves juniper-like habit growth Pyramidal Has soft, when young. feathery leaves. and shaped Must be trained a tree. into palm native A slow-growing native A slow-growing palm. Rarely cultivated. slow-growing excellent An palm. Not widely native available. from vigorously Sprouts Good nectarbase. source bees. for edible fruits. stems, Spiny Thorny. Has recurved prickles. has lime aroma Foliage when bruised. Uses shade; residences; Parks; boulevards shade; residences; Parks; boulevards parks;Residences; boulevards parks;Residences; medians parks;Residences; medians parks;Residences; medians residences; parks; Buffers; shade residences Parks; parks perimeters; Buffers; residences Parks; Flowering Flowering Season Spring Spring Year-round Spring Spring, fall summer, Spring Spring, summer Year-round Spring Year-round

Flower Flower Charac- teristics Cone Cone Showy Showy Showy Showy Insignificant Insignificant Insignificant Insignificant Flower Color Flower Green Green Yellow White White White Yellow Yellow White Green Shape Oval, pyramidal Oval, pyramidal Round Single- trunked Single- trunked Single- trunked Round Oval Round Round, spreading Plant Type Plant Deciduous Deciduous Evergreen Palm Palm Palm Deciduous Evergreen Deciduous Evergreen Common Name Common cypress Pond Bald cypress elder Yellow palm Key thatch thatch Florida palm palm Thatch basswood Florida plum Tallowwood club, Hercules tree toothache lime Wild Scientific Name ascendens Taxodium distichum Taxodium stans Tecoma morrisii Thrinax parvifloraThrinax radiata Thrinax floridana Tilia Ximenia americana clava- Zanthoxylum herculis fagara Zanthoxylum

Native Trees for South Florida 12