

GAUDETE SUNDAY Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice. Indeed, the Lord is near. Today is called “Gaudete” Sunday because today’s Mass begins with the opening antiphon, “Gaudete in Domino semper” (“Rejoice in the Lord always”): Today we light the rose candle of the , and the priest may wear rose vestments to express our communal joy in the coming of , as our Saviour. The common theme running through today’s readings is one of joy and encouragement. The readings stress the need for patience in those awaiting the rebirth of Jesus in their hearts and lives. They give us a messages of hope - for people almost three millennia ago, for people at the beginning of the first millennium and for people today. The prophet Zephaniah, in the first reading, encourages his listeners to “shout for joy... rejoice, exult” and not to fear, as the Lord is “in your midst” and will be victorious. In the second reading, St Paul encourages the early Christians to be happy and not worry, as “the Lord is very THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT near.” Finally, in today’s Gospel reading, St advises on conduct while they are awaiting the One who is to come, “who is more powerful” than John, who will baptise, gather and cleanse His people. As draws near, the Church emphasizes the joy which should be in our hearts over all that the birth of our Saviour means for us. The great joy of Christians is to see the day drawing nigh when the Lord will come again in His glory to lead them into His Kingdom. The oft-repeated Veni ("Come") of Advent is an echo not only of the prophets but also of the conclusion of the Apocalypse of St John: "Come, Lord Jesus", the last words of the New Testament. THE ‘O’ ANTIPHONS Although not highlighted on most calendars, December 17th (tomorrow) marks the second part of Advent, the beginning of the . The O Antiphons are seven precious jewels of our Catholic Liturgy, counting down the last seven days before Christmas with building anticipation. They form part of the Alleluia verse each day and the Antiphon each evening. The title O Antiphons is simply because each phrase begins with an “O”. Dating back to the fourth century, these antiphons address Christ with seven magnificent Messianic titles: O Sapientia (Wisdom), O Adonai (Lord and Ruler), O Radix Jesse (Root of Jesse), O Clavis David (Key of David), O Oriens (Dawn of the East), O Rex Gentium (King of the Gentiles), and O Emmanuel (God With Us) that are based on the Old Testament prophecies and types of Christ. Put in reverse order: Emmanuel, Rex, Oriens, Clavis, Radix, Adonai, and Sapienta, the first letters of these Messianic titles spell out the Latin words ERO CRAS, meaning, “Tomorrow, I will come”. The antiphons sum up in excellence the longing of our Redeemer, and we echo the prayers of the Old Testament faithful by also begging Him to “Come!” If we try to make our own the thought of these antiphons on their proper days, letting their ardent aspirations dominate our prayer life, our minds and hearts will surely be more closely attuned to the mind and heart of the Church as she prepares for the coming of her King.

MASS & CONFESSION TIMES OVER THE CHRISTMAS PERIOD ARE AVAILABLE IN A SEPARATE LEAFLET IN CHURCH PORCHES MASS TIMES WEEK COMMENCING 16 DECEMBER 2018 3RD SUNDAY OF ADVENT Saturday Vigil 15 4pm St Edward’s See printed copy for Mass Intentions Sunday 16 9.30am St Peter’s (Polish) 10am St Joseph’s 11.30am St Peter’s 5pm St Peter’s Monday 17 4pm St Edward’s

Tuesday 18 9.30am St Joseph’s 6.30pm St Peter’s

Wednesday 19 9.30am St Peter’s Thursday 20 9.30am St Joseph’s 4pm St Edward’s Friday 21 9.30am St Peter’s St Peter Canisius

Saturday 22 9.30am St Peter’s SYRO-MALABAR MASS: normally 3rd Sunday of the month at 4pm at St Edward’s Church Avenue Victoria. MORNING PRAYER OF THE CHURCH (Divine Office) 15 minutes before morning Mass: St Peter’s – Saturdays; St Joseph’s - daily SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confessions): ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Saturday 15th St Edward’s 3.15 - 3.45pm Tuesdays St Joseph’s 8.30 - 9.30am Sunday 16th St Joseph’s 9.15 - 9.45am Thursdays St Edward’s 4.30 – 5.00pm Wednesday 19th St Mary’s, Filey 4pm Saturdays St Peter’s 10 - 10.30am Wednesday 19th St George’s Eastfield 6pm Don’t be afraid to go to the SACRAMENT OF Thursday 20th St Peter’s 6pm (additional priests) CONFESSION where you will meet

Saturday 22nd St Peter’s 10 - 11am JESUS who FORGIVES you

MASSES RECEIVED FROM see printed copy 300 CLUB WINNERS ANNIVERSARIES: see printed copy No.81 £25 No. 250 £10 REGULAR PARISH GROUPS (more information from Parish Office) RECENTLY DEAD: George Wilson, Mrs ROSARY for Unborn St Peter’s:9.10am Fridays; St Joseph’s: Thurs after Mass Kennedy, Andrew Gilson, Cynthia Overend STATIONS OF THE CROSS Fridays after Mass (St Peter’s) MASS ATTENDANCE ANGELUS Saturday morning after Mass (St Peter’s) Sundays ,St Josephs St Peter’s 11.30am 135 SACRED HEART Weekly Devotion Fridays after Mass (St Peter’s) St Peter’s 5pm 58 OUR LADY of Perpetual Help Devotion 3rd Wed. monthly (St Peter’s after Mass) St Joseph’s 10am 171 St Edward’s Vigil 74 MOTHERS’ PRAYERS Tuesdays 12.30pm (St Peter’s Parish Centre upper room) DIVINE MERCY Devotion Fridays at 2.45pm (St Peter’s Sacristy) Polish Mass (approx) 100 Total (including children) 538 LEGION OF MARY Saturdays after Exposition (St Peter’s Parish Centre)

LIFE ASCENDING Prayer Group: 2nd Thursday monthly 10am (St Joseph’s bungalow) OFFERTORY COLLECTION EMMAUS Scripture Sharing fortnightly 2pm Thursday afternoons (St Edward’s) St Edward’s 4pm: £170 SVP (St Vincent De Paul Society) 7.30pm first Monday of month (St Peter’s Parish Centre) St Joseph’s 10am: £242 UCM (Union of Catholic Mothers) 1.30pm (winter), 7.15pm (summer- St Peter’s 11.30am & 5pm: £281 Gift Aid envelopes total: £613 time) third Tuesday monthly (St Peter’s Parish Centre) Standing orders (weekly av.): £524 PARENTS & TODDLERS Term- time weekly Mondays 9.30am (St Joseph’s Bungalow). Polish Mass £30 PRAY & PLAY Adoration of Blessed Sacrament & fun activities for children aged Total: £1,860 0-9 (with adult). Monthly 2nd Saturday (but check) 10-11.30am (St Edward’s Hall) Cheques payable to St Peter’s church CRAFT GROUPS: St Peter's 7-9pm last Tuesday of month (Parish Centre); St Joseph's normally 2-4pm fortnightly (bungalow). TOILETS. St Peters located the Parish BARROWCLIFF CHURCHES TOGETHER LUNCH 12pm to 1pm Centre (across the car park); St Joseph’s every 4th Tuesday of the month at Wreyfield Methodist Church porch & St Edward’s toilets(near OUR LADY’S PRAYER GROUP 1st Thursday of the month 2pm to 4pm sacristy) are located in the church building . PARENTS ALWAYS accompany your at the house of a parishioner (ask for venue). ICONOGRAPHY GROUP Thursdays, fortnightly 2-4pm, with breaks at children to the toilet when in a church. term ends (St Peter’s Parish Centre). ST PETER’S CHURCH IS OPEN at certain times during the weekdays. Call in & say a BOOKINGS of our Parish communal areas should be made only prayer & light a candle. CCTV in operation. through the Parish office, thus avoiding double booking and upset. VISITORS SIGN BOOK IN PORCH CHRISTMAS CRIB is in place before the altar. Bring the children and say a prayer before the child of . TREE OF REMEMBRANCE There are name tags to write the names of loved ones who we wish to remember this . Come up into the Sanctuary and hang yours on the . ADVENT PARISH RETREAT DAY ADVENT CONFESSIONS in the run up to Christmas at St Peter’s, St 10.30am to 2.30pm on Wednesday 19 Joseph’s, St Edward’s and also at Filey and St George’s – see previous page December (note change of date) in St Peter’s for times. Cleanse the stable of the soul for Christmas. Parish Centre, led by Fr Albert. Names to list GOLDEN WEDDING CONGRATULATIONS to Dave & Kath Greig of please to give an idea of numbers.. Woodville Avenue, who celebrate 50 years of marriage this weekend. BLESSING OF THE BABY BENE MERENTI MEDALS have been awarded to a married couple of our parishs by Pope Francis. We will present them in the New Year. We congratulate IN THE MANGER both Chris and Sue for their well-merited recognition. Scarborough Parishes Next Sunday you are invited to bring rejoice with them for their witness to faith, hope, charity and marriage. the infant from your crib at home to Mass, and have CHRISTMAS RAFFLE Sunday 16 December (today) after 11.30am Mass the baby/crib blessed. Then in St Peter’s Parish Centre. Prizes: 1st £100; 2nd case of wine; 3rd £15. Tickets to take the blessing back to in the porch. Book of tickets £5. Proceeds to St Peters Restoration Fund. your home as you place ST AUGUSTINE'S SCHOOL CHRISTMAS CONCERT 7pm Tuesday 18 the infant in the crib. Dec. at Westborough Methodist Church, with the talented Junior, Senior & Male Voice Choir, Junior Jazz Band, Orchestra, SAJO and special guests. Christmas THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT music & celebrations. Tickets from school or on door, £5 adults, £4 children. CAROL SERVICE AT ST EDWARDS 4pm on Friday 21 December to raise money for a new ramp from St Edward’s back door, as the current one is JOY too steep for wheelchairs. & mince pies in the hall afterwards. CHRISTMAS 2018 MASSES FIRST CONFESSION/FIRST COMMUNION PREPARATION 2019. (Monday 24 Dec): Meeting for all Parents and Catechists 7pm on Thursday 24 January 2019 in St Peter’s - 5pm (Carols 4.30pm) St Peters Parish Centre. Parents with children in non-catholic schools wanting St Joseph’s - 8pm (Carols 7.30pm) St Peter’s - Midnight (Carols 11:30 pm) their child to receive 1st Holy Communion are invited also to attend. You will be Christmas Day (Tuesday 25 Dec): given a Timetable of dates and an outline of the preparation programme. St Edward’s - 8:30am WEDNESDAY WORD NEWSLETTER is given to each child in Primary St Joseph’s - 10am School – Living God’s Word at home, parish and school – check the school bag! St Peter’s - 11am. (not 11.30am) CHRISTMAS CARDS & Nativity Sets available at Piety stalls. Also, Advent EXCERPT FROM candles & calendars, Rosaries, children’s books and other devotional items. Drop down dew, ye heavens, from above, PARISH 2019 CALENDARS sample copy in the porch. If you wish to order, add and let the clouds rain down the Just One. your name to the list. Cost £2 Be comforted, be comforted, my people: ST PETER’S 2019 ROTAS will be drawn up soon. Additional readers needed thy salvation cometh quickly: for Sunday Masses. Also, we need extra members for serving Refreshments why art thou consumed with grief: after 11.30am Mass. Contact the parish office. New Rotas available on Sunday for sorrow hath estranged thee: 30 December. I will save thee: fear not, SAVE YOUR STAMPS Used stamps are again being collected for the HCPT for I am the Lord thy God, (Hosanna House and Children's Pilgrimage Trust), a UK based charity which the Holy One of Israel, thy Redeemer. helps disabled and disadvantaged children and adults to pilgrimage to Lourdes. Refrain: Isaiah 45:8 She will place boxes at the back of each church for your used stamps. RAINBOW CENTRE Special Winter Appeal for tinned meats, eg. stew, corned beef, ham, chopped pork etc. Leave at the Rainbow centre or at one of our churches. There is need for greater support for the Centre in the colder months. CHRISTMAS CLEANING at St Peter’s Church will be on Fri 21 December after 9.30am Mass. Some extra help would be much appreciated. NEWSLETTER & THE NEW GDPR FREE ENGLISH LESSONS from North Yorkshire County Council Adult LEGISLATION The Diocese has informed Education (earnings cap applies). Appointments for assessment will be held on us that the Catholic Insurance Service has Thursday 20 December at 2.30pm or 7pm. To book, phone 01609 780780. instructed that, under the new GDPR HOUSEBOUND If anyone wishes to see a priest, get in touch. (General Data Protection Regulation) MASS INTENTIONS see bottom left re new Data Protection regulations – legislation which is now in force, we can please note, consent for names to be printed should be written, not verbal. no longer publish names of those who are ill, without their written consent (they alone RETIRING COLLECTION next weekend at all Masses for flowers for Christmas. can give it). Likewise, Mass Intentions for DIVINE MERCY PRAYER GROUP No more meetings before Christmas – those who are living should be listed as a resumes 4 January. Private Intention with surname of donor CHRISTMAS CARDS left at churches please look and take any that belong to you. (if given). Although this is a pastoral blow for us, we must be compliant. Deceased COMUNAL at back of our churches – consider signing can still be named, so please be specific this and making a donation as an alternative to sending individual cards (donations when submitting. PLEASE CONTINUE TO to Friends of the Holy Land) PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE ILL PRAYER INTENTIONS OF POPE FRANCIS DURING DECEMBER Evangelization: In the Service of the Transmission of Faith: That people, who are involved in the service and transmission of faith, may find, in their dialogue with culture, a language suited to the conditions of the present time.

A FAMILY PRAYER BEFORE THE CRIB OF BETHLEHEM O Divine Jesus, the heavenly message at your birth

was 'Peace on earth

WHAT IS A CHRISTINGLE? and good will to all.' Christingle means Christ -Light . Christingle services take Bring your peace, your joy place in many churches at Christmas to celebrate the coming and your happiness of Christ, the light, into the world. The ceremony is thought into our homes this Christmas. to have originated in Germany in 1747 from a Moravian Bless all the members of our family: Church (one of the oldest Protestant churches). The minister gave children at the service a lighted candle with a red ribbon those at home and those around it. This represented Jesus being the light of the world and the final who will be absent this Christmas. prayer of that first service was "Lord Jesus, kindle a flame in these children’s Inflame our hearts with your love. hearts, that theirs like Thine become". The custom spread around the world. Keep us close to you and each other, In Moravian churches, the Christingle Service is usually held on the Sunday now and throughout the year ahead. before Christmas or on Christmas Eve. In recent years the service has been Amen. revived in Britain by the Church of England. At the services children and adults exchange a gift of money for a Christingle. The money raised is given to families in need. HOW TO MAKE A CHRISTINGLE 1. Make a small hole in the top of an orange. Place a candle in the hole. 2. Cut a square of foil and place at the base of the candle (to catch the wax). 3. Thread fruit (glace cherries, raisins, grapes), and nuts (peanuts are easy St Peter Canisius, SJ (1521-1597) to pierce) onto four cocktail sticks. Canonised and declared Doctor of 4. Push the cocktail sticks into the orange to surround the candle. the Church 1925 by Pope Pius XI 5. Tie a piece of red ribbon around the middle of the orange. GOD WITH US SYMBOLISM  The orange is round like the world  The candle represents the light that Jesus brings to the world  The red ribbon goes all around the whole 'world' and is a symbol of the blood Jesus shed for all  The four sticks point in all directions and symbolise North, South, East and West - they also represent the four seasons  The fruit and nuts represent the fruits of the earth, nurtured by the sunshine and rain PRAYER AS WE PREPARE FOR ‘BREXIT’ God of eternal love and power, save our Parliamentary democracy. Protect our High Court of Parliament and all its members from partiality and prejudice; that they may walk the path of kindness, justice and mercy. Give them wisdom, insight and concern for the common good. The weight of their calling is too much to bear in their own strength. Therefore we pray earnestly, Father, send them help from your Holy Place, and be their tower of strength. Lord graciously hear us. Amen.

SUNDAY SMILE: What is the most popular wine at Christmas? “I don’t like sprouts!”