G e n e v a , August 4th, 1929.

S ubject L ist N o. 99


(Prepared by the Distribution Branch.)

K ey to Signs. Distributed previously.

Key to Abbreviations.

A.* Assem bly Jan. J anuary A. and A.P. Allied and Associated Powers L. of N. League of Nations Add. Addendum, Addenda Memo. Memorandum Addit. Additional Mtg. * Meeting Adv. Advisory Min. Minutes Agrt. Agreement Nov. November Ann. Annex Observ. Observation App. Appendix Oct. October Arb. and Sec. Cttee. Arbitration and Security Committee O.J. Official Journal Arrgt. Arrangement Org. Organisation Art. Article P- Page Ass. Assem bly P.A. and A.P. Principal Allied and Associated Aug. August Powers C.* Council Para. Paragraph Chapt. Chapter Perm. Permanent Cl. Council Pet. Petition C.L. * Circular Letter Plen. Mtgs. Plenary Meetings C.M. * Council and Members Prelim. Preliminary Comm. Commission Prep. Preparatory Conf. Conference Pres. President Consult. Consultative Prov. Provisional Conv. Convention Pt. Part C.P.J.I. * Permanent Court of International Recomm. Recommendation Justice Redist. Redistributed Cttee. Committee Rep. Report Dec. December Repres. Representative Del. Delegation Resol. Resolution Disc. Discussion Sec.-Gen. Secretary-General Dist. Distribution and Distributed Secret. Secretariat Doc. Docum ent Sect. Section Eng. E nglish Sept. September Err. Erratum, Errata Sess. Session Extraord. Extraordinary S.H.S. Serb, Croat and Slovene Feb. February Spec. Special Fr. ** French Supp. Supplem ent Govt. Government Techn. Technical l.L.O. International Labour Office Tel. Telegram Int. Lab. Conf. International Labour Conference Temp. Temporary Int. Lab. Org. International Labour Organisation U.S.A. United States of America ell. Co-op. Cttee. Intellectual Co-operation Committee U.S.S.R. Union of Socialist Soviet Re­ «ten. Co-op. Insti­• Intellectual Co-operation Institute publics tute Vol. Volume

,, ];std for num bering only. Used for language only. * Used for numbering only.

5 lN - 1’ 5 (F.) + 150 (ft.) 8/29. Imp. Sonor S. A. D

Dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay Assembly, League Letter , 1929 from the Paraguayan Govt 9th Sess., Sept. 1928, (M. Caballero) notifying the League of rumours of 1st Cttee. Bolivian Govt’s preparations for military action Mins, of C. 204. M. 78. 1929. VII § O. J., Spec. Supp., No. 65 * O. J., X. No. 6, p. 877 3rd Cttee. Mins, of Tel. , 1929 from the Bolivian Govt. (M. Elio) O. J., Spec. Supp., No. 67 giving details of two attacks of Bolivian troops by Paraguayan troops on and 5, 1929

C. 191. M. 72. 1929. VII § O. J., X, No. 6, p. 877 B Tel. M ay 10, 1929 from the Paraguayan Govt. (M. Gero- Buildings, League nimo Zubizarreta) refuting accusations contained Construction of Ass. Hall, Secret. Building and Library in Bolivian tel. of May 8, 1929 Letter, , 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to Members of League forwarding photographs of plans C. 191. M. 72. 1929. VII § adopted by Spec. Cttee. of Five O. J., X, No. 6, p. 877 C. L. 146. 1929 Tel. , 1929 from Bolivian Govt. (M. Elio) Laying of foundation stone giving further details of the incidents of May 4 and 5, Letter July 5, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to Members 1929 and replying to the charges brought by the of the League announcing holding of this cere­ Paraguayan Govt, in its letter of M ay 13, 1929 mony during Ass. sess. at a date and hour to be fixed by the Ass. and receipt of a suggestion C. 204. M. 78. 1929. VII § that coins of each of the States Members be O. J., X, No. 6, p. 878 placed with customary docs, in the stone and asking them if this suggestion be approved to arrange for a delegate to bring the necessary coins C. L. 145. 1929

Photographs (3) forwarded July 5, 1929 by Sec.- Economics and Finance Gen. to Members of League of plans adopted by Arbitration Clauses Spec. Cttee. of Five C. L. 146. 1929. Ann. Protocol opened for signature Sept. 24, 1923» Geneva on (A. 83. 1923, Ann.) Accession of Uganda Note , 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Members of the League and non-Members mentioned in Art. 5 of Protocol announcing receipt of notification of the British Govt, of Council, League Rep. (Annual) , 1929 by the Sec.-Gen. on the C. L. 181. 1929- H measures taken tc execute decisions of the Ass. on the work of Secret, and on work of Balances of payments A. 6. 1929 Memo., Periodical, by Secret, on Vol. issued 1929 containing detailed trade tables 48th to 52nd Sess., Dec. 1927, March, June, Aug. for 54 countries during 1925-192 7 and prov. and Sept., 1928, Geneva summary figures for 1928 Mins, of (O. J., IX , N os. 2, 4, 7 and 10) Index to Memo, on Int. Trade and Balances of Pty' O. J., Spec. Supp., No. 72 ments, 1913-1927. Vo1- 11

55th Sess., , Commerce Summary , 1929 by Secret. (Information Decisions and June 1929 by Cl. on Section) of the work of Economic Cttee.'s recomms. of Jan. and Pn Monthly Summary, Vol. IX, No. 6 1929 regarding , C. 138. M. 53- 1929. 11 56th Sess., Aug. 30, 1929, Geneva Agenda for Letter , 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to M embers of T exts of the League and certain States non-ilem forwarding Economic Cttee.’s recomms. on co , 1929 mercial policy and requesting them to ° •n C. 318. M. 109. 1929 any observs. on the principle contained

* Containing an index to be revised and co-ordinated in an index to all the Records to the 1928 Ass. C. L. 131. I929-11 Economics and Finance (continued) Economics and Finance (continued) Commerce (continued) Currency (continued) Memo., Periodical, by Secret., on Balances of Pay­ Counterfeiting of (continued) ments and on Offices, Central, on (continued) Vol. issued 1929 containing detailed trade tables Letter July 27, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to Members for 54 countries 1925-1927, prov. summ ary of of League not having sent information and figures for 1928 certain State,s non-Members asking whether they have created offices as contemplated Memo, on Int. Trade and Balances of Pay­ in Art. 12 of the Conv. of , 1929 and ments, 1913-1927, Vol.II if so, requesting information on subject of its organisation and annexing relevant Recomms. , Jan. and by Eco­ recomms. of Conf. of April 1929 and arts, of nomic Cttee. on tariff system and contractual Conv. of April 20, 1929 methods, on most-favoured-nation clause and on relations between bilateral agrts. based on the C. L. 147. 1929. II latter clause and economic plurilateral convs. respectively Recomms. April 1929 of Conf. on C. 138. M. 53. 1929. II ' C. L. 147. 1929. Ann. C. 153. M. 59. 1929. II * § Relations between bilateral agrts. based on most- favoured - nation clause and plurilateral convs. Recomms. April 1929 by Economic Cttee. on Protocol, Optional, concluded April 20, 1929 See : ECONOMICS AND FINANCE at Geneva concerning, as regards extradition, the acts referred to in Art. 3 of the Conv. of Commerce same date Recomms. June 1928, Jan. and April 1929, C. 153. M. 59. 1929. II * § etc. O. J., X , No. 6, p. 912

Tariff System and Contractual Methods Customs Formalities Recomms. June 1928 by Economic Cttee., etc. Abolition of import and export and See : ECONOMICS AND FINANCE restrictions Commerce Conv., Protocol and annexed Declaration signed Recomms. June 1928, Jan. and April 1929, Nov. 8, 1927 at Geneva for (C. 14. M. 11. 1928. etc. II and Err.) Agrt., Supplementary, and annexed Protocol Treatment, M ost-Favoured-Nation concluded , 1928 Geneva to (C. 13. M. Recomms., Jan. 1929 by Economic Cttee. on 10. 1929. II and Err.) See : ECONOMICS AND FINANCE Ratification by Austria Commerce Note , 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Members of the League and to States represented Recomms. June 1928, Jan. and April 1929, at Conf. or invited to adhere to the etc. Agrt. announcing deposit of instrument of this ratification and stating that it is Comm., Economic and Financial subject to ratification by specified States Cttee., Economic C. L. 152. 1929. II 29th Sess., July 1929, Geneva Rep., July 1929 of C. 307. M. 106. 1929. II Ratification by Luxemburg Note , 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Mem­ Currency bers of the League and States represented Counterfeiting of at the Conf. or invited to adhere an­ nouncing deposit of instrument of this Conf. April 1929, Geneva ratification and stating that it is subject Act, Final, adopted April 20, 1929 by to ratification of Conv. by specified States C. 153. M. 59. 1929. II * § C. L. 170. 1929. II O. J., X , No. 6, p. 898**

Ratification by Netherlands Conv., Int., and Protocol concluded April 20’ Note , 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Mem­ 1929 at Geneva, for suppression of bers of the League and States repre­ sented at the Conf. or invited to adhere C. 153. M. 59. 1929. II * § announcing deposit of instrument of O. J., X, No. 6, p. 886 this ratification and stating that it as­ sumes no obligation regarding overseas Offices, Central territories and undertaking to extend application of para. 3 of Art. 8 of Conv. Arts. 12 and 15 of Conv. of April 20, 1929 to all disputes concerning interpretation regarding or application therefrom whether legal C. L. 147. 1929. Ann. disputes or not C. 153. M. 59. 1929. II *§ C. L. 175. 1929. II

* Certified true copy, dist, to Members of the League and States C°nf. with C. L. 93, 1929 and to certain other State * Certified true copy dist. to Members of League and States repre­ ■> w - k 3 (a>’ 1929- sented at the Conf. with C. L. 93. 1929 and to certain other States with Without list of dels. C. L. 93 (a). 1929. Economies and Finance (continued) Economics and Finance (continued) Customs Formalities (continued) Customs Formalities (continued) Abolition of import and export prohibitions and Abolition of import and export prohibitions and restrictions (continued) restrictions (continued) Conv., Protocol, etc. (continued) Hides, skins and bones Agrt., Supplementary, etc. (continued) Agrt., Int., and annexed Protocol concluded Ratification by Roumania July 11, 1928, at Geneva concerning exporta­ tion of bones (C. 12. M. 9. 1929. II and Err) N ote , 1929 b y Sec.-Gen. to Mem­ bers of the League and States repre­ Ratification by Austria sented at the Conf. or invited to adhere Note July 13, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Members announcing deposit of instrument of of the League and States represented at Conf. or invited to adhere to the C. L. 160. 1929. II Agrt. announcing deposit of instrument of Ratification by Switzerland C. L. 154. 1929. II Note July 19, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Mem­ bers of the League and States repre­ sented at the Conf. or invited to adhere Ratification by Czechoslovakia announcing deposit of instrument of Note July 27, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Members this ratification and stating that it is of the League and States represented at subject to ratification or accession by the Conf. or invited to adhere to the specified States Agrt. announcing deposit of instrument C. L. 157. 1929. II of Ratification by Austria C. L. 189. 1929. II Note July 13, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Members of the League and to States represented Ratification by Denmark at Conf. or invited to adhere announcing Note July 4, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Members deposit of instrument of this ratification of the League and States represented and stating that it is subject to ratific­ at Conf. or invited to adhere to the Agrt. ation by specified States announcing deposit of instrument of C. L. 152. 1929. II this ratification and stating that it does not include Greenland Ratification by Brazil of Note July 23, 1929 by the Sec.-Gen. to Mem­ C. L. 130. 1929. II bers of the League and States represented at the Conf. or invited to adhere to the Ratification by Finland Conv. announcing deposit of instrument of Note , 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Members C. L. 184. 1929. II of the League and States represented at Conf. or invited to adhere to the Ratification by Luxemburg Agrt. announcing deposit of instrument Note July 20, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Members of of the League and States represented at C. L. 164. 1929. II the Conf. or invited to adhere announcing deposit of instrument of this ratification and stating that it is subject to ratification Ratification by France of Conv. by specified States Note July 23,1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Members of League and States represented at C. L. 170. 1929. II Conf. or invited to adhere to the Agrt. Ratification by Netherlands announcing deposit of instrument of Note July 23, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Members of the League and States represented at C. L. 174. 1929- II the Conf. or invited to adhere announcing deposit of instrument of this ratification Ratification by Germany and stating that it assumes no obligation N ote July 19, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to regarding overseas territories and under­ Members of the League and States re­ taking to extend application of Para. 3 presented at Conf. or invited to adhere of Art. 8 of Conv. to all disputes concern­ to the Agrt. announcing deposit of ing interpretation or application thereof whether legal disputes or not instrument of C. L. 166. 1929-11 C. L. 175. 1929. II

Ratification by Roumania Ratification by Italy Note July 19, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Members N ote July 20, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Mem­ of the League and States represented at bers of the League and States represente the Conf. or invited to adhere announcing a t Conf. or invited to adhere to t e deposit of instrument of Agrt. announcing deposit of instrumen C. L. 160. 1929. II of Tt C. L. 168. 1929-11 Ratification by Switzerland Note July 19, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Members Ratification by Luxemburg of the League and States represented at N ote July 20, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Mem the Conf. or invited to adhere and announc­ bers of the League and States represen e ing deposit of instrument of this ratifica­ a t Conf. or invited to adhere to tion and stating that it is subject to ratifica­ Agrt. announcing deposit of ms tion or accession by specified Stages m ent of TT C. L. 157, 1929. II C. L. 172. I929- 11 Economics and Finance (continued) Economies and Finance (continued) Customs Formalities (continued) Customs Formalities (continued) Abolition of import and export prohibitions and Abolition of import and export prohibitions and restrictions (continued) restrictions (continued) Hides, skins and bones (continued) Hides, skins and bones (continued) Agrt., Int., and annexed Protocol concluded J uly Agrt., Int., and annexed Protocol concluded n , 1928, at Geneva concerning exportation of July 11, 1928, at Geneva concerning exporta­ bones (continued) tion of hides and skins (continued) Ratification by Netherlands Ratification by Czechoslovakia Note July 23, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Mem­ Note July 27, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Members bers of the League and States represented of the League and States represented at Conf. or invited to adhere to the at the Conf. or invited to adhere to the Agrt. announcing deposit of instrument Agrt. announcing deposit of instrument of this ratification and stating that it of does not assume any obligation as C. L. 188. 1929. II regards overseas territories and under­ taking to extend application of para. 3 Ratification by Denmark of Art. 8 of Conv. to all disputes con­ Note July 4, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Members cerning interpretation or application of the League and States represented thereof whether legal disputes or not at Conf. or invited to adhere to the Agrt. announcing deposit of instrument C. L. 177. 1929. II of this ratification and stating that it does not include Greenland Ratification by Roumania Note July 19, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Mem­ C. L. 129. 1929. II bers of the League and States represented at Conf. or invited to adhere to the Ratification by Finland Agrt. announcing deposit of instru­ Note July 16, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Members m ent of of the League and States represented at C. L. 162. 1929. II Conf. or invited to adhere to the Agrt. announcing deposit of instrument of Ratification by Sweden C. L . 163. 1929. II Note July 16, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Members of the League and States represented Ratification by France at Conf. or invited to adhere to the Note July 23, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Members Agrt. announcing deposit of instrument of the League and States represented of at Conf. or invited to adhere to the C-. L. 156. 1929. II Agrt. announcing deposit of instrument of Ratification by Switzerland C. L. 173. 1929. II Note July 15, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Members of the League and States represented Ratification by Germany at Conf. or invited to adhere to the Note July 19, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Mem­ Agrt. announcing deposit of instrument bers of the League and States represented of at Conf. or invited to adhere to the C. L. 159. 1929. II Agrt. announcing deposit of instrument C. L. 165. 1929. II Signature by Turkey of Ratification by Italy Reservation made at time of (C. L. 17. Note July 19, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Members 1929. II) of the League and States represented Observs. by the following countries at Conf. or invited to adhere to the Czechoslovakia Agrt. announcing deposit of instrument Note , 1929 by the Sec.-Gen. of to States signatory or having C. L. 167. 1929. II adhered at time of reservation summarising observs. of Ratification by Luxemburg Note July 20, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Members C. L. 124. 1929. II of the League and States represented at Conf. or invited to adhere to the Netherlands Agrt. announcing deposit of instrument Note , 1929 by the Sec.-Gen. of to States signatory or having C. L. 171. 1929. II adhered at time of reservation summarising observs. of Ratification by Netherlands C. L. 137. 1929. II Note July 23, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Members of the League and States represented Agrt., Int., and annexed Protocol concluded at Conf. or invited to adhere to the July II, 1928 at Geneva concerning exportation Agrt. announcing deposit of instrument of hides and skins (C. 1 1 .M .8 .1929. II and Err.) of this ratification, stating that it does Ratification by Austria not assume any obligation as regards overseas territories and undertaking Note July 13, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Members to extend application of para. 3 of of the League and States represented Art. 8 of Conv. to all disputes concerning at Conf. or invited to adhere to the interpretation or application thereof Agrt. announcing deposit of instrument of whether legal disputes or not C. L. 153. 1929. II C. L. 176. 1929. I I Economics and Finance (continued) Customs Formalities (continued) Abolition of import and export prohibitions and restrictions (continued) Hides, skins and bones (continued) Agrt., Int., and annexed Protocol concluded July ii, 1928 at Geneva concerning exporta­ France tion of hides and skins (continued) Loan, Brazilian, contracted in France Ratification by Roumania Dispute between Brazilian and French Govts, N ote July 19, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Members concerning payment of of the League and States represented at Conf. or invited to adhere to the Judgm ent (No. 15) , 1929 by Perm. Agrt. announcing deposit of instrument Court of Int. Justice regarding payment of of Brazilian Federal loans 5 % of 1909, 4 % C. L. 161. 1929. II 1910 and 4 % 1911 and dissenting opinions of M. Bustam ente and M. Pessoa Ratification by Sweden C. P. J. I., Series A, No. 21 Note July 16, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Members of the League and States represented at Conf. or invited to adhere to the Note , 1929 by Sec.-Gen. forwarding Agrt. announcing deposit of instrument of C. 322. M. 110. 1929. V C. L. 155. 1929- II Loan, Serbian, contracted in France Ratification by Switzerland D ispute between S. H. S. and French Govts, con­ Note July 16, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Members cerning payment of of the League and States represented at Conf. or invited to adhere to the Judgm ent (No. 14) July 12, 1929 of the Perm. Agrt. announcing deposit of instrument Court of Int. Justice regarding payment of of Serbian loans 4 % 1895, 5 % 1902, 4 y2 % 1906 C. L. 158. 1929. II and 1909 and 5 % 1913 together with dissent­ ing opinions of M. Bustam ente, M. Pessoa, and Signature by Turkey of M. Novacovitch Reservation made at time of (C. L. 16. 1929. C. P. J. I., Series A. No. 20 II) Observs. of the following countries Note July 29, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. forwarding Czechoslovakia Note July 6, 1929 by the Sec.-Gen. C. 322. M. n o . 1929. V to States signatory or having adhered at time of reservation summarising observs. of

C. L. 124. 1929. II H Netherlands Note July 3, 1929 by the Sec.-Gen- to States signatory or having Health Organisation adhered at time of reservation Epidemics summarising observs. of Reps. Epidemiological C. L. 137. 1929. II Numbers, Monthly, issued 1929

Conv., Int., concluded Nov. 3, 1923, Geneva, on simplification of (C. 678. M. 241. 1924. II) R. E. 125 (8th Year, No. 4) Application of Reps, communicated in accordance with Art. 9 Finances for by the following countries Subvention from the Rockefeller Foundation South Africa O. J., X, No. 6, p. 914 Grants (3) for the interchange of public health Tunis O. J., X, No. 6, p. 915 personnel of the Epidemiological Intelligence Service and of the study of demographic and Statistics public health statistics Bulletin, Monthly, of Accounts for 1928 of Numbers issued 1929 Statem ent July 1929 by the Sec.-Gen. of June Monthly Bulletin of Statistics A. 19. I929- x Vol. X, No. 6

Year-Book, Int., on Rep. , 1929 by Auditors (M. Ceresa No. 3 (1928) and M. Vivaldi) on Add. and Corrigenda to A. 19- 1929- X Int. Statistical Year-Book 1928 Add. and Err Labour Organisation, International (continued) Conf., Int., of (continued) 7th Sess., May-, Geneva Convs. (4 draft) and recomms. (4) adopted by (C. L. 88. 1925. Ann.) Intellectual Co-operation Ratification by Norway of two of Instruction of youth in aims of the League Note , 1929 by the Sec.-Gen. to Letter Oct. 28, 1927 from Sec.-Gen. to Members Members of the League and Members of of the League quoting Ass. resol. of Sept. 22, 1927 the Int. Lab. Org. announcing deposit of transmitting the recomms. of Cttee. of Experts instrument of and rep. of M. Destrée, requesting information C. L. 127. 1929. V as to measures to be taken on these recomms. and 9th Sess., June 1929, Geneva annexing the reps, adopted of Sept. 1927 of Cl., Convs. (2 draft) and recomms. (2) adopted by and of 2nd Cttee. on (C. L. 146. 1927) (C. L. 96. 1926, Ann.) Reply from the following country Ratification by Great Britain for Great Britain Austria O. J., X , No. 6, p. 953 and Northern Ireland of one of Note July 3, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to Members of the League and Members of the Int. Lab. Org. announcing deposit of instru­ m ent of C. L. 136. 1929. V

Journal, Official 10th Sess., May-J une 1927, Geneva Suppls. Spec. Convs. (2 draft) and recomms. (1) adopted by Numbers issued 1929 (C. L. 98. 1927. V. Ann.) July Ratification by Roumania of one of O. J., Spec. Supp., N os. 65 *, 67 and 72 Note July 19, 1929 by the Sec.-Gen. to Members cf the League and Members of the Int. Lab. Org. announcing deposit of Vols, issued 1928 (O. J., IX , Nos. 1-12) instrument of Index to C. L. 151. 1929. V O. J., Spec. Supp. No. 72 n th Sess., May-June 1928, Geneva Vols, issued 1929 Conv. (1 draft) and recomm. (1) adopted by June (C. L. 136. 1928. Ann.) O. J., X , No. 6 Coming into force of Note , 1929 by the Sec.-Gen. to Members cf the League and Members of the Int. Lab. Org. announcing the coming into force on , 1930 of this Conv. (Creation of minimum wage fixing machinery) C. L. 139. 1929. V Labour Organisation, International Ratification by Great Britain for Great Britain Conf., Int., of. and Northern Ireland of 2nd Sess., June-July 1920, Genoa Note July 9 by the Sec.-Gen. to Members of Convs. (3 draft) and recomms. (4) adopted by the League and Members of the Int. Lab. (20/31/51) Org. announcing deposit of instrument of Ratification by Germany of one of Note June 28, 1929 by the Sec.-Gen. to C. L. 139. 1929. V Members of the League and Members Law, International of the Int. Lab. Org. announcing deposit Codification, Progressive, of of instrument of Cttee. of Three Jurists C. L. 123.1929. V Meeting, April 1929, Geneva Rep. April 1929 of 3rd Sess., Oct.-Nov. 1921, Geneva C. 171. 1929. V § A. 12. 1929. V Convs. (7 draft) and recomms. (8) adopted by (C. L. 8. 1922. Ann.) Rep. June 1929 by Italian Repres. (M. Scialoja) Ratification by Germany of two of and resol. adopted , 1929 by Cl. Note , 1929 by the Sec.-Gen. to deciding to communicate the rep. of this Members of the League and Members of meeting to Members of League and to Ass. the Int. Lab. Org. announcing deposit C. 231. 1929. V § of instrument of A. 12. 1929 C. L. 122. 1929. V O. J., X, No. 7, 1st Mtg., Min. 2423 §

Conf., First, at The Hague on nationality, Ratification by Norway of two of territorial waters and responsibiliy of States for Note June 26, 1929 by the Sec.-Gen. to damage caused in their territory to persons or Members of the League and Members property of foreigners of the Int. Lab. Org. announcing deposit Bases of disc. (Vol. 1) drawn up by of instrument of Prep. Cttee. (3rd Sess.) on Nationality C. L. 126. 1929. V C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V * and C. 73 (a). M. 38 (a). 1929. V il Containing an index to be revised and co-ordinated in index to all Kecords oi the 1928 Ass. * Dist. with C. L. 142. 1929. V — 8 —

Law, International (continued) Law, International (continued) Codification, Progressive, of (continued) Codification, Progressive, of (continued) Conf., First, March 1930, etc. (continued) Conf., First, March 1930 (continued) Bases of disc. (Vol. II) drawn up May 1929 by Convocation of Prep. Cttee. (3rd Sess.) on Territorial Waters Letter, July 15, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to Mem­ C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V * bers of League and States non-Membere designated in the Cl.’s resol. of , 1929 and C. 74 (a). M. 39 (a). 1929. V announcing the Cl.’s decision, pending the A ss.’s granting of necessary credit, to fix Bases of disc. (Vol. Ill) drawn up by this Conf. for , 1930 and to invite Prep. Cttee. (3rd Sess.) on responsibility of them in principle to be represented thereat States for damage caused in their territory to persons or property of foreigners C. L. 142. 1929. V C. 75. M. 69. 1929. V * and C. 75 (a). M. 69 (a). 1929 V Mins, of m eeting held June 12, 1929 by Cl. 0

Cttee., Prep., for C. L. 142. 1929, Ann. 1st Sess., Feb. 1928, Geneva Cl./55th Sess./P. V. 2 (1) Questionnaire drawn up by See : LAW, INTERNATIONAL Rep. Feb. 1929 by the Prep. Cttee. (2nd Sess.) Codification, Progressive, of proposing adjournment of convocation of Conf., etc. this Conf. until the spring of 1930 Questionnaire, etc. C. 50. M. 29. 1929. V § C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V, p. 5 * 2nd Sess., Feb. 1929, Geneva C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 5 * Rep. Feb. 1929 C. 75. M. 69. 1929. V, p. 5 * C. 50. M. 29. 1929. V § O. J., X , No. 4, p. 641, Ann. 1104 § C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V, p. 5 * C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 5 * C. 75. M. 69. 1929. V, p. 5 * Rep. June 1929 by Italian Repres. (M. Scialoja) O. J., X, No. 4, p. 641, Ann. 1104 § and resol. adopted June 12, 1929 by Cl. reserving right to convene this Conf. as 3rd Sess., May 1929, Geneva soon as Ass. has voted necessary credits, Bases of disc, drawn up by deciding in principle to invite Members of League and certain specified States non- See : LAW, INTERNATIONAL Members, fixing date of Conf. provisionally Codification, Progressive, of at March 13, 1930 and requesting Sec.-Gen. Bases of disc., etc. to ask Netherlands Govt, whether it could be held in its territory Letter July 15, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to C. 232. 1929. V § Members of League and States non- C. L. 142. 1929, Ann. ** Membersdesignated in Cl.’s resol. of O. J., X , No. 7, 2nd Mtg., Min. 2433 § June 12, 1929 forwarding bases of disc, and rules of procedure drawn up by this sess. and Mins, of relevant meeting of Letter July 15, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to Members June 12, 1929 by Cl. of th e League and States non-Members de­ signated in the Cl.'s resol. of June 12, 1929 C. L. 142. 1929. V forwarding bases of disc. (Vols. I, II and III) and rules of procedure drawn up by Prep. Mins, of m eeting held June 12, 1929 by Cttee. (3rd Sess.) and Adv. and Techn. Cttee’s. Cl. on letter of , 1929 on territorial waters C. L. 142. 1929. Ann. and Mins, of relevant m eeting of Cl. and drawing Cl./55th Sess./P. V. 2 (1) attention to the passage in Italian Repres. s rep. urging Govts, to examine carefully these Rep. May 1929 of bases of disc. C. 217. 1929. V § C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V, p.7 * C. L. 142. 1929 V. C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p.7 * C. 75. M. 69. 1929. V, p.7 * Mins, of m eeting held June 12, 1929 by Cl. on Rep., June 1929 by Italian Repres. (M. Scialoja) C. L. 142. 1929, Ann. and resol. adopted June 12,1929 b y Cl. noting Cl./55th Sess./P. V. 2 (1) rep. of this sess. and conclusion of prep, work thereby and recommending action to be taken as result thereof Questionnaire Feb. 1928 by Prep. Cttee. (IS* Sess.), for submission to Govts. C. 232. 1929. V § C. L. 142. 1929. Ann. ** C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V, P- 118 * O. J., X, No. 7, 2nd Mtg., Min. 2433 § and C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. i °4 # and C. 75. M. 69. 1929. V, p. 160 Rules of Procedure drawn up C. 44. M. 21. 1928. V S see : LAW, INTERNATIONAL Replies to Codification, Progressive, from C. 73. M. 38. 1929- V. P- 119 , Conf., etc. and C. 74.M. 39. 1929- V. P- , Rules of Procedure, etc. and C. 75. M. 69. 1929. v - P- 163

* Dist. with C. L. 142. 1929. V. * Dist. w ith C. L. 142. 1929. V. ** Being Cl./55th Sess./P. V. 2 (1). ** Being Cl./55th Sess./P. V. 2 (1). law, International (continued) Law, International (continued) Codification, Progressive, of (continued) Codification, Progressive, of (continued) Conf., First, March 1930 (continued) Nationality (continued) Rep. (1st) Feb. 1929 by Prep. Cttee. (2nd Sess.) Points drawn up Feb. 1928 by Prep. Cttee. (1st 011 replies received to date to its questionnaire Sess.) for submission to Govts. of Feb. 1928, proposing examination of further C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V, p. 118 * replies during its May Sess. C. 44. M. 21. 1928. V § C. 50. M. 29. 1929. V § C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V, p. 5 * Replies of following Govts, to C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 5 * Australia C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V *, p 126 C. 75. M. 69. 1929. V, p. 5 * Austria C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V *, p 129 O. J., X, No. 4, p. 641, Ann. 1104 § Belgium C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V *, p 131 Rep. (2nd) May 1929 by the Prep. Cttee. (3rd Bulgaria C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V *, p 135 Sess.) submitting to Cl. draft rules of procedure Canada C. 73 (a). M. 38 (a). 1929. V and bases of disc, for Chile C. 73. M. 38. 1929 *, p 136 C. 217. 1929. V § C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V, p. 7 * Czechoslovakia C. 73. M. 38. 1929 *, p 205 C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 7 * Denmark C. 73. M. 38. 1929. *, p 138 C. 75. M. 69. 1929. V , p. 7 * Egypt C. 73. M. 38. 1929 *, p 142 Estonia C. 73. M. 38. 1929 *, p Rep. June 1929 by Italian Repres. (M. Scialoja) 143 and resol. adopted June 12, 1929 by Cl. request­ Finland C. 73. M. 38. 1929.*, p 162 ing Sec.-Gen. to transmit the bases of disc, France C. 73. M. 38. 1929 *, p 165 and the rules of procedure for the Conf. to Germany C. 73. M. 38. 1929 *, p 122 Members, of the League and other specified States, together with the letter of March 26, Great Britain C. 73. M. 38. 1929 *, p 169 1929 of Adv. and Techn. Cttee. on territorial Hungary C. 73. M. 38. 1929 *, p 173 waters India C. 73. M. 38. 1929 *, p 177 C. 232. 1929. V § O. J., X , No. 7, 2nd Mtg., Min. 2433 § Ireland C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V *, p 177 C. L. 142. 1929. V, Ann. ** Italy C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V *, p 178 Japan C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V *, p 179 Rules of Procedure for Latvia C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V *, p 181 Note, , 1929 by Sec.-Gen. forwarding Netherlands C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V *, p to Members of the League text drawn up 185 by Prep. Cttee of New Zealand C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V *, p 185 Norway C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V,* p C. jg o (1). M. 93. 1929. V * 183 Poland C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V *, p 190 Text (draft) May 1929 by the Prep. Cttee. Roum ania C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V *, p 195 (3rd Sess.) of Siam C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V *, p 197 C. 190 (1). M. 93. 1929. V * South Africa C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V *, p 119 Sweden C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V *, p 198 Exploitation of products of the sea Switzerland C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V*,p 201 Conclusions, July 1929 by Economic Cttee. (29th U . S. A. C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V *, p Sess.) on establishment of protection of fish, 145 seals and whales Rep. Feb. 1929 by Prep. Cttee. (2nd Sess.) giving C. 307. M. 106. 1929. II. App. result of its examination of replies received to date and proposing to examine further replies at its May Sess. c .Q M 2g lg2g v § Rep. July 1929 of Economic Cttee. (29th Sess.) announcing the limitation of its enquiries C. 73. M. 38.1929. V, p. 5 * undertaken as result of Ass. resol. of Sept. 23, C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 5 * 1927 to fish, seals and whales owing to their C. 75. M. 69. 1929. V, p. 5 * economic importance, giving its conclusions O. J., X, No. 4, p. 641, Ann. 1104 § and announcing its intention to consult experts Rep. May 1929 by Prep. Cttee. (3rd Sess.) giving concerning whales result of its examination of further replies and C. 307. M. 106. 1929. II submitting bases of disc, for first Codification Conf- on C. 217.1929. V § Nationality C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V, p. 7 * Bases of disc, by First Conf. on Codification of C. 74. M. 39.1929. V, p. 7 * Int. Law drawn up May 1929 by Prep. Cttee. C. 75. M. 69. 1929. V, p. 7 * (3rd Sess.) on C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V * Publication of Code of General Convs. and C. 73 (a). M. 38 (a). 1929. V Rep. April 1929 by Cttee. of Three Jurists ap­ pointed Dec. 14, 1928 by Cl. indicating the field Conv. (draft) drawn up Jan. 1926 by M. Schucking, which such a publication should cover, giving after disc, by Cttee. of Experts for Codification a list of the categories into which the Convs. of Int. Law on should be grouped therein and making sugges­ tions as to the method of collection of the C. 73. M. 30. 1929. V, p. 210 * information needed c ly l IQ2g v App B § C. 196. M. 70. 1927. V, p. 27 § A. 12. 1929. V. App. B * Dirt, with C. L. 142. 1929. V. Being Q./55th Sess./P. V. 2 (1). * Dist. with C. L. 142. 1929. V. ---- 10 ----

Law, International (continued,) Law, International (continued) Codification, Progressive, of (continued) Codification, Progressive, of (continued) Publication of Code of General Convs. (continued) Responsibility of States, etc. (continued) Rep. June 1929 by Italian Repres. (M. Scialoja) Rep. Feb. 1929 by Prep. Cttee. (2nd Sess.) giving and resol. adopted June 10, 1929 by Cl. deciding result of its exam ination of replies received to communicate to Members of the League and to date and proposing to examine further to Ass. rep. of April of Cttee. of Jurists on replies at its May Sess.

A. 12. 1929 C. 50. M. 29. 1929. V § C. 231. 1929. V § C. 73- M. 38. 1929. V, p. 5 » O. J., X, No. 7, 1st Mtg., Min. 2423 § C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 5 * C. 75. M. 69. 1929. V, p. 5 * O. J., X, No. 4, p. 641, Ann. 1104 § Responsibility of States for damage caused in their territory to person or property of foreigners Bases of disc, by First Conf. on Codification of Int. Rep. May 1929 by Prep. Cttee. (3rd Sess.) giving Law drawn up May 1929 by Prep. Cttee. result of its exam ination of further replies and submitting bases of the first Codification C. 75. M. 69. 1929. V * Conf. and C. 75 (a). M. 69 (a). 1929. V C. 217. 1929. V § C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V, p. 7 * C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 7 * Conclusions annexed Jan. 1926 to rep. of Cttee. C. 75. M. 69. 1929. V, p. 7 * of Experts for Codification of Int. Law, on

C. 75. M. 69. 1929. V, p. 252 * Survey, Systematic, of subjects with a view to C. 196. M. 70. 1927. V, p. 103 § general codification Rep. April 1929 by Cttee. o'f Three Jurists ap­ Points, drawn up Feb. 1928 by Prep. Cttee. (1st pointed Dec. 14, 1928 by Cl. submitting text of Sess.) for submission to Govts. C. 171. 1929. V § C. 75. M. 69. 1929. V, p. 160 A. 12. 1929. V. App. A C. 44. M. 21. 1928. V §

Replies of following Govts, to Rep. June 1929 by Italian Repres. (M. Scialoja) and resol. adopted June 10, 1929 by Cl. deciding Australia C. M. 69. 1929. V 75- *, p - 173 to communicate to Members of League and to Austria C. 75- M. 69. 1929. V *, p. 176 Ass. the rep. of Cttee. of Jurists and text Belgium C. 75- M. 69. 1929. V *, p. 180 contained therein of A. 12. 1929 Bulgaria C. 75. M. 69. 1929. V *, p. 182 C. 231.1929 § Canada C. 75 (a). M. 69 (a). 1929. V O. J., X, No. 7, 1st Mtg., Min. 2423 § Chile c. 75- M. 69. 1929. V *, p - 183 Czechoslovakia Text, drawn up April 1929 by Cttee. of Three c. 75- M. 69. 1929. V *, p. 246 Jurists appointed Dec. 14, 1928 by Cl. to study Denmark c. 75- M. 69. 1929. v- * ,p- 184 C. 171. 1929. V. App. A § M. 69. 1929. V Egypt c. 75- *, p. 191 A. 12. 1929. V. App. A Finland c. 75- M. 69. 1929. V *, p. 193 France c. 75- M. 69. 1929. V *, p. 1 9 7 Waters, Territorial Germany c. 75 - M. 69. 1929. V *, p. 166 Bases of disc, by First Conf. on Codification of Int. Great Britain Law, drawn up May 1929 by Prep. Cttee. c. 75- M. 69. 1929. V *, p. 200 (3rd Sess.) on C. 74. M. 39. 1929. v * Hungary M. 69. V c. 75 - 1929. *, p. 207 and C. 74 (a). M. 39 (a). 1929 India c. 75 - M. 69. 1929. V *, p. 209 Ireland c. 75- M. 69. 1929. V *, p. 210 Conv. (draft) drawn up Jan. 1926 by M. Schucking, Italy c. 75- M. 69. 1929. V *, p. 210 after disc, of Cttee. of Experts for Codification Japan c. 75 - M. 69. 1929. V *, p. 211 of Int. Law on Netherlands C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V. p. 193 * c. 75- M. 69. 1929. V *, p. 218 C. 196. M. 70. 1927. V. p. 72 § New Zealand c. 75 - M. 69. 1929. V *, p. 217 Letter, March 26, 1929 from the Adv. and Techn- Norway c. 75 - M. 69. 1929. V *, p. 214 Cttee. (M. Seeliger) for Communications an Transit quoting the resol. of its 12th Sess. re Poland c. 75 - M. 69. 1929. V *, p. 227 garding , Roum ania M. 69. 1929. V c. 75- * , p - 2 3 5 C. 218 (1). M. 96. I929- v Siam c. 7 5 - M. 69. 1929. V *, p. 236 South Africa Note, June 25, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. forwarding t0 c. 75- M. 69. 1929. V *, p. 163 Members of League text of Adv. and Teem. Sweden M. 69. 1929. V c. 7 5 - *, p. 236 C ttee.’s letter of March 26, 1929 on Switzerland C. 75, M. 69. 1929. V *, p. 237 U.S.A. C. 75 (a). M. 69 (a). 1929. V C. 218 (1). M. 96 (i). I929- v *

* Dist. w ith C. L. 142. 1929. V. * Dist. with C. L. 142. 1929. V. Law, International (continued) Codification, Progressive, o f (continued) Waters, Territorial (continued) M Points drawn up Feb. 1928 by Prep. Cttee (ist Sess.) for submission to Govts, on Mandates C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 104 * A Mandates C. 44. M. 21. 1928. V § Iraq, British mandate for Recognition of Iraq Govt. Replies of following Govts, to Letter, , 1929 from Persian Govt, Australia C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 117 * announcing its recognition of Iraq Govt, Austria C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 119 * on , 1929 as result of Cl.’s consent to British Govt, to draw up a new judicial Belgium C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. HQ * system for application in Iraq Bulgaria C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 121 * Canada C. 74 (a). M. 39 (a). 1929. V C. 298. M. 101. 1929. VI Denmark C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 122 * Egypt C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 125 * Estonia C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 126 * Finland C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, P- 155 * France C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 158 * Germany C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 108 * Opium, Traffic in Great Britain Cttee., Adv., on C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 163 * 12th Sess., Jan.-Feb. 1929, Geneva Hungary C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 166 * Rep. Feb. 1929 of India C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 166 * Ireland C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 166 * C. 33. 1929. XI and I, Err. * § A. 16. 1929. X I Italy C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 167 * O. J., X, No. 4, p. 649, Ann. 1106 § Japan C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 167 * Latvia C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 171 * Rep. March 1929 by the Canadian Repres. (M. Netherlands C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 176 * Dandurand) submitted * , 1929 by the Cl. noting the rep. and resols. of this sess. New Zealand C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 176 * Norway C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 172 * C. 96. 1929. X I **§ Poland C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 181 * A. 16. 1929. X I ** O. J., X, No. 4, p. 536, Min. 2381 ** Portugal C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 183 * Roumania C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 184 * Siam C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 187 * Conv. and Protocol concluded Feb. 19, 1925 at Geneva (C. 88 (1). M. 440/1925. XI) South Africa C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 105 * Preparations falling under Arts. 8 and 10 of Morphine and its esters Sweden C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 187 * Letter , 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to Members U.S.A. C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 128 * of League which received his letter of Jan. 11, 1929 *** informing them of resol. adopted Rep. Feb. 1929 by Prep. Cttee. (2nd Sess.) giving by Health Cttee. (14th Sess.) that recomm. result of its examination of replies received of its 13th Sess. regarding benzoylmorphine to date and proposing to examine further and similar substances should apply to all replies at its May Sess. esters of morphine without exception, while reserving right to exempt esters of innocuous C. 50. M. 29. 1929. V § character C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V, p. 5 * C. L. 169. 1929. III C. 74. M. 39. 1929. V, p. 5* C. 75. M. 69. 1929. V, p. 5 * Ratification by Venezuela O. J., X, No. 4, p. 641, Ann. 1104 § Note July 9, 1929 by the Sec.-Gen. to States represented at Conf. or invited to adhere Rep. May 1929 by Prep. Cttee. (3rd Sess.) giving announcing deposit of instrument of result of its examination of further replies and submitting bases of disc, for first Codi­ C. L. 141. 1929. XI fication Conf. on C. 217. 1929. V § Rep. March 1929 by Canadian Repres. (M. Dan­ C. 73. M. 38. 1929. V, p. 7* durand) subm itted * March 7, 1929 to Cl. request­ C. 74. M. 39. 1929, V, p. 7* ing Sec.-Gen. to send out letter to States not C. 75. M. 69. 1929. V, p. 7 * having adhered to this Conv. or not having ratified it, a.sking them their intention and the Resol. adopted March 1929 by Adv. and Techn. difficulties in the way thereof Cttee. for Communications and Transit drawing C. 96. 1929. XI **§ attention of first Codification Conf. to certain A. 16. 1929. VI ** points concerning O. J., X, No. 4, p. 536, Min. 2381 ** C. 218 (1). M. 96. 1929. V * * Fr. text, 2 Err. ** Adopted with amendment. Dwt, with c. L. 142. 1929. V. *** Not numbered. — 12 —

Opium, Traffic in (continued) Permanent Court of International Justice (continued) Seizures of drugs Judges of Letter , 1928 from the Sec.-Gen. to Members Election of of the League and to States parties to Opium Recomms. (draft) March 1929 by the Cttee oi Conv. of 1912, quoting the resol. of Ady. Cttee. Jurists appointed to study the revision of the (nth Sess.) asking them whether they can Statute of the Perm. Court of Int. Justice furnish other Govts., on request with facsimiles instructing the Sec.-Gen. when issuing invita­ of tels, concerning smuggling transactions and tions to National Groups to nominate candidates with particulars of persons concerned (C. L. 115. for election as judges to request them to 1928. X I.) satisfy themselves that candidates have certain Replies from the following countries specified qualification and to attach to each Switzerland nomination a statement of the career of the persons nominated O. J., X, No. 6, p. 885

C. 142. M. 52. 1929. V, p. 3 § Seizures in the following territories C. 166. M. 66. 1929, Ann. 10 U. S. A. A. 9. 1929. V. p. 3 * Note , 1929 by Sec.-Gen. communicat­ ing 9 declarations transmitted by U. S. A. Pensions scheme for Registrar and Govt, through intermediary of Netherlands Regulations, adopted Sept. 30, 1924 by Ass. Govt, of seizures made Jan. 19 to May 4, 1929 for (O. J., Spec. Supp. No. 21, p. 35) in different towns of U. S. A. and on board the S.S. Algic Resol. (draft) March 1929 by Cttee. of Jurists appointed to study revision of Statute oi C. 253. M. 90. 1929. X I the Court, for adoption by the Ass. amending Art. I, para. 5 of

Organisations, International C. 142. M. 52. 1929. V, p. 8 § Relations between the League and the Institutes and C. 166. M. 66. 1929, Ann. 10 Bodies set up under its authority A. 9, 1929, V, p. 9 * Note June 1928 by the Sec.-Gen. submitting to the Ass. rep. of the Cttee. of Three (A. 12. 1928. XII) Err. to Resol. adopted Sept. 30, 1924 by Ass. constituting the regulations for A. 12. 1928. XII. Err. A. 9. 1929. V * C.P.J.I., Series D, No. 1, p. 30 ** and Add. § Rep. June 1928 by the Cttee. of Three (M. Scialoja, Loh and M. Antoniade) appointed , Salaries of 1928 by the Cl. giving the results of its examina­ Resol. adopted Dec. 18, 1920 by Ass. fixing tion and reproducing the memo, of the Sec.-Gen. with few modifications (C. 296. 1928. XII, A. 12. A. 9. 1929. V, p. 22 * 1928, O. J., IX, No. 7, p. 898, Min. 2194) C .P.J.I., Series D, No. 1, p. 28 and Add. § Err. to A. 12. 1928. Err. Resol. (draft) March 1929 by the Cttee. of Jurists appointed to study revision of Statute of the Court, for adoption by the Ass. fixing the salaries, allowances and indemnities of judges

C. 142. M. 52. 1929. V. p. 8 § P C. 166. M. 66. 1929- Ann. 10 A. 9. 1929. V, p. 8 *

Permanent Court of International Justice Judgm ents Competence of Judgment No. 14 Letter , 1929 by Cttee. of Jurists (M. van See : FRANCE Eysinga) appointed to study revision of Statute Loan, Serbian, issued in France of Perm. Court of Int. Justice announcing its Dispute between S. H. S. and French Govt, decision to subm it to Cl. M. R undstein’s memo, on regarding payment of

C. 142. M. 52. 1929. V § Judgm ent No. 15 C. 166. M. 66. 1929, Ann. 12 See : FRANCE Loan, Brazilian, Federal, contracted in Memo. March 1929 by one member (M. Rundstein) Dispute between French and Brazilian Gov of the CtTtee. of Jurists appointed to study revision regarding payment of of Statute of Perm. Court of Int. Justice to this Cttee. proposing extension, without modification Rules of (C.P.J.I. Series D. No. 1 and Add.) of this Statute, of Court’s jurisdiction by the signature by States preferring to have recourse Arts. 71-74 0j to spec, jurisdiction in certain disputes, of declara­ Text revised, adopted , 1926 byCou tion recognising the Court’s obligatory jurisdiction as an appeal tribunal from awards given by spec, a . 9 . 1 9 * ; ; arbitral tribunals C .P.J.I., Series D, No. 1, p. 33 and Add. S

C. 142. M. 52. 1929. V, p. 14 § * Dist. w ith C. L. 143. 1929, V. C. 166. M. 66. 1929, Ann. 6 ** Fr. text, see p. 29. permanent Court of International Justice (continued) Permanent Court of International Justice (continued) Statute of Statute of (continued) A. 9. 1929. V, p. 14, * Protocol of signature of (continued) C.P.J.I., Series D, No. 1 p. 7 and Add. § Accession of U.S.A. to (continued) Protocol of signature of Rep. March 1929 by Cttee. of Jurists appointed to study revision of Statute submitting draft Accession of U. S. A. to Protocol for signature by the States signatory Communication, Feb. 19, 1929 from the Govt, of the Protocol of Dec. 1920 and by the of U. S. A. to States signatory of this Protocol U. S. A. regarding the latter’s accession summarising their replies to its note of subject to the reservations formulated in Feb. 12, 1926 and expressing the opinion the resol. Jan. 27, 1926 that an informal exchange of views as contemplated by the 1926 Conf. ought to C. 142. M. 52. 1929. p. 15 § lead to an agrt. concerning C. 166. M. 66. 1929, Ann. 11 A. 11. 1929. V, p. 5 * C. 114. M. 40. 1929. V § C. 166. M. 66. 1929, Ann. 2 A. 11. 1929. V, p. 3 ** Rep. March 1929 by British Repres. (Sir Austen O. J., X, No. 4, p. 779, Ann. 1123 § Chamberlain) and resol. adopted , 1929 by Cl. requesting the Cttee. of Jurists Note Feb. 19, 1929 from Govt, of U. S. A. appointed to study revision of this Statute to Sec.-Gen. forwarding copy of to examine position as to the accession of C. 114. M. 40. 1929. V § U. S. A. and to make suggestions to facilitate C. 166. M. 66. 1929, Ann. 2 C. 120. 1929. V § A. 11. 1929. V, p. 3 ** O. J., X, No. 4, p. 779, Ann. 1123 § C. 166. M. 66. 1929, Ann. 1 A. 11. 1929. V, p. 1 * Conf. Sept. 1926, Geneva O. J., X, No. 4, p. 564, Min. 2399 § Act, Final, concluded Sept. 23, 1926, by

C. 166. M. 66. 1929, Ann. 4 *** Rep. June 1929 by Italian Repres. (M. Scialoja) O. J., V II, No. 11, p. 1565 § and resol. adopted June 12, 1929 by Cl. adopting rep. of Cttee. of Jurists and an­ Decision March 9, 1929 by Cl. on proposal of nexed draft Protocol, instructing Sec.-Gen. British Repres. (Sir Austen Chamberlain) to to reply to U. S. A. ’s note of Feb. 19, 1929, communicate Mins, of Cl.’s meeting of to annex thereto this resol. and rep. and same date to U. S. A. Govt. draft Protocol of Cttee. of Jurists, to make same communication to signatories of Pro­ A. 11. 1929. X , p. 3 ** tocol of Dec. 16, 1920, to annex U. S. A.’s O. J., X, No. 4, p. 565, Min. 2399 § resol. of Jan. 27, 1926 and to submit to Ass. rep. and draft Protocol and to place question Docs, issued June 1929 by Sec.-Gen. regarding on its agenda C. 275. 1929. V § A. 11. 1929. V ** A. 11. 1929. V * O. J., X , No. 7, 2nd Mtg., Min. 2435 § Letter, July 12, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to States signatory of this Protocol forwarding rep. and draft Protocol drawn up by Cttee. of Resol. adopted Jan. 27, 1926 by the Senate Jurists appointed to study revision of Statute of the U. S. A. agreeing such accession of Court together with U. S. A.'s resol. of subject to the reservations stated therein Jan. 27, 1926 and announcing placing of this question on supplementary agenda of Ass. C. 142. M. 52. 1929 § C. 166. M. 66. 1929, Ann. 11, App. C. L. 144. 1929. V A. 11. 1929. V, p. 9 * C. 192. M. 96. 1926. § Mins, of m eeting held March 1929 b y Cttee. of Jurists appointed to study revision of the Statute, concerning Letter Jan. 27, 1926 from U. S. A. Govt, C. 166. M. 66. 1929. V quoting this resol. and announcing that U. S. A. accession will not be given until Mins, of meeting held March 9, 1929 by CL signatory Powers shall have signified regarding their acceptance of reservations contained A. 11. 1929. V, p. 1 ** in O. J„ X, No. 4, p. 564, Min. 2399 § C. 166. M. 66. 1929. Ann. 3 C. 192. M. 60. 1926 § Protocol, draft, submitted March 1929 by the Cttee. of Jurists appointed to study revision of the Statute of the Perm. Court of Int. Clause, Optional, annexed to (C.P.J.I., Series D, Justice for signature by the States signatory No. 18 Add.) of the Protocol of Signature of Dec. 16, Ratification by Panama 1920 and by U. S. A. regarding Note July 3, 1929 by the Sec.-Gen. to Mem­ C. 142. M. 52. 1929. V, p. 17 § bers of the League and States mentioned C. 166. M. 66. 1929, Ann. 11, App. in ann. to Covenant announcing deposit A. 11. 1929. V, p. 8 * of instrument of C. L. 132. 1929. V — i 4 —

Permanent Court of International Justice ( continued) Permanent Court of International Justice (co. Statute of (continued) Statute of (continued) Protocol of signature of (continued) Revision of (continued) Ratification by Panama Conf. Sept. 1929, Geneva Note July 3, 1929 by the Sec.-Gen. to Members Convocation of of the League and States mentioned in Letter July 12, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to ann. to Covenant announcing deposit of Members of League inviting them to instrument of Conf. to be convened in accordance with C. L. 132. 1929. V annexed rep. adopted June 12, 1929 Revision of by Cl. and requesting to be informed Cttee. of Jurists to study of name of their repres. Rep. March 1929 by British Repres. (Sir Austen C. L. 143. 1929. V Chamberlain) and resol. adopted March 9, 1929 by Cl. requesting this Cttee. to examine the present situation as regards the accession- Rep. June 1929 by Italian Repres. (M. Scia­ of U. S. A. to the Protocol of Signature and loja) and resol. adopted June 12, 1929 to submit suggestions to facilitate its by Cl. deciding to convene on Sept. 10, accession 1929 a Conf. of States parties to Statute C. 120. 1929. V § to examine amendments thereto proposed C. 166. M. 66. 1929, Ann. 1 by Cttee. of Jurists A. 11. 1929. V, p. 1 * C. 274. 1929. V § O. J„ X, No. 4, p. 564, Min. 2399 § A. 9. 1929. V, p. 1 * O. J., X , No. 7, 2nd Mtg., Min. 2434 § Sess., March 1929, Geneva Letter, March 20, 1929 from this Cttee. (M. Van Eysinga) to I. L. O. in reply to Letter, July 12, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to Members the latter's memo, of March 7, 1929 of League forwarding rep. drawn up by Cttee See : PERMANENT COURT OF INTER­ of Jurists NATIONAL JUSTICE C. L. 143. 1929. V Arts. 14 and 423 of Rep. March 1929 by Cttee. of Jurists appointed Interpretation of Dec. 12 and 14, 1928 and March 9, 1929 by Letter March 20, 1929 by Vice-Chairman Cl. to exam ine this question making various (M. Van Eysinga) requesting the Sec.-Gen. proposals for the improvement of the Statute to submit to Cl. the two reps, and draft either by amendment to the text thereof or Protocol drawn up at this sess. and the by adoption of recomms. by the Ass. in execu­ memo, of M. Rundstein and of the I. L. O. tion of the provisions thereof and suggesting thereto and its letter in reply to the I. L. O. a procedure for the bringing into force of its proposals C. 142. M. 52. 1929. V, p. 1 § C. 142. M. 52. 1929. V, p. 2 § C. 166. M. 66. 1929, Ann. 12 C. 166. M. 66. 1929, Ann. 10 A. 9. 1929. V, p. 2* Memo. March 7, 1929 by I. L. O. to this Cttee. on interpretation of Arts. 14 and 423 of Treaty of Versailles Rep. June 1929 by Italian Repres. (M. Scialoja) and resol. adopted June 12, 1929 by Cl. adopting See : PERMANENT COURT OF INTER­ this rep. deciding to instruct Sec.-Gen. to NATIONAL JUSTICE forward rep. of Cttee. of Jurists to Members Treaty of Versailles, Arts. 14 and 423 of of League and States mentioned in Annex Interpretation of to Covenant and to request Supervisory Comm, to rep. to Ass. on measures proposed in para- Memo. March 1929 at M. Rundstein to this 14 thereof Cttee. proposing extension of Court’s C. 274. 1929- 1 § jurisdiction A. 9. 1929- V. P-1 * See : PERMANENT COURT OF INTER­ O. J., X, No. 7, 2nd Mtg., Min. 2434 § NATIONAL JUSTICE Competence of Texts proposed March 1929 by Cttee. of Jurists appointed to study revision of this Statute 0 Mins, of C. 166. M. 66. 1929. V those Arts, which it considers should be amen e

Rep. March 1929 at this Sess. on accession C. 142. M. 52. 1929- V. P- 10 § of U. S. A. to the Protocol of Signature C. 166. M. 66. 1929, Ann. 10, App^ of the Perm. Court of Int. Justice A. 9. 1929- v > P- 11 See : PERMANENT COURT OF INTER­ NATIONAL JUSTICE Treaty of Versailles, Arts. 14 and 423 regarding Statute of Interpretation of Protocol of Signature of Letter March 20, 1929 from the Cttee. of Jur® Accession of U. S. A. (M. van Eysinga) to I. L. O. announcing its c Rep. March 1929 at this Sess. on revision elusion that it is not com petent to give of Statute of Court sion to the recomms. suggested in the • • memo, of March 7, 1929 and that e See : PERMANENT COURT OF INTER­ attention should be drawn to the ma ^ NATIONAL JUSTICE its decision to submit this memo, to Statute of C. 146. 1929- V § Revision of C. 166. M. 66. 1929, Ann. Rep., etc.

* Dist. with C. L. 144. 1929. V. * Dist, with C. L. 143. 1929. V. — 15 — p e r m a n e n t Court of International Justice (continued)

T r e a t y of Versailles, Arts. 14 a n d 423 regarding (contd.) Interpretation of (continued) s Letter March 20, 1929 from the Cttee. of Jurists appointed to study the revision of the Statute Saar Basin of the Court requesting the Sec.-Gen. to submit Comm., Governing to the Cl. the I. L. O.s memo, of March 7, 1929 Reps., Periodical, of and its reply thereto No. 37 (Jan. i-, 1929) C. 142. M. 52. 1929. V, p. 1 § C. 166. M. 66. 1929, Ann. 12 O. J., X, No. 6, p. 954 Financial situation of Memo. March 7, 1929 by I. L. O. to the Cttee. Budget for fiscal year 1929 (, 1929-March 31, of Jurists appointed to study the Statutes 193°) of the Perm. Court of Int. Justice drawing Estim ates for their attention to the lack of co-c rdination Text approved March 1929 by Governing between these Arts., expressing opinion that Comm. * the Court is the proper body to give an authoritative interpretation thereof and re­ Summary, , of questing the Cttee. of Jurists to recommend O. J., X , No. 6, p. 966 the Cl. to consult the Court thereon Slavery C. 146. 1929. V § Conv. concluded Sept. 25, 1926, Geneva for suppres­ C. 166. M. 66. 1929, Ann. 5 sion of (C. 586. M. 223. 1926. VI) Press Accession of Hungary Collaboration in the org. of peace of Reservation made , 1927 by the Hungarian Govt, at time of (C. L. 50. 1927) Conf. of Press Experts, Aug. 1927, Geneva Observs. of the following countries Resol. (ist category) adopted Aug. 1927 by this Conf. on questions concerning communications South Africa (A. 43. 1927) Note July 23, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. to States Resol. adopted March 1929 by Adv. and Tech. having signed or adhered to the Conv. Cttee. for Communications and Transit (13th at time of reservation summarising Sess.) on effect to be given to observs. of C. L. 182. 1929. VI C. 143 (a). M. 55 (a). 1929. V III § Accession of U. S. A. O. J., X, No. 6, p. 916 Reservation , 1929 by U.S.A. Govt., etc. (C. L. 71. 1929. VI, Ann.) Publications, League Observs. of the following country List, 1929, of numbered docs, contained in the O. J. Denmark of 1928 (O. J„ IX , Nos. 1-12) Note July 27, 1929 by the Sec.-Gen. to O. J., Spec. Supp. No. 72, p. 63 States having signed or adhered to this Conv. at time of this reservation sum­ marising observs. of Publications, Obscene, Traffic in C. L. 178. 1929. VI Letter , 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to Members of Germany League and non-Member States signatories of Note , 1929 from the Sec.-Gen. to Conv. of Sept. 12, 1923 quoting resol. of Cttee. States having signed or adhered to this on Traffic in Women and Children adopted by Cl. Conv. at time of this reservation sum­ on June 11, 1929 and requesting them in accordance marising observs. of therewith to communicate any additional informa­ C. L. 133. 1929. VI tion on extension of traffic in obscene publications Netherlands and on measures taken to suppress it Note July 3, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to States having signed or adhered to this Conv. C. L. 190. 1929. IV at time of this reservation summarising observs. of C. L. 135. 1929. VI Norway R Note June 26, 1929 from the Sec.-Gen. to States having signed or adhered to this Conv. at time of this reservation sum­ Relief U n io n , International marising observs. of C°nv. and Statutes concluded July 12, 1927 at Geneva C. L. 125. 1929. VI establishing (C. 364 (1). M. 137 (1). 1927. V) Sudan Accession of Luxemburg Note July 1, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to States having signed or adhered to this Conv. Note J u l y i3> 1929 by the Sec.-Gen. to Members at time of this reservation summarising of the League and States represented at Conf. observs. of or invited to adhere announcing deposit of C. L. 134. 1929. VI instrument of South Africa C. L. 149. 1929. II Ratification by Venezuela Note , 1929 from the Sec.-Gen. Note July 9, 1929 by the Sec.-Gen. to Members to States having signed or adhered to this Conv. at time of this reservation of the League and States represented at Conf. summarising observs. or invited to adhere announcing the deposit of instrument of C. L. 179. 1929. VI C. L. 140. 1929. II * Not reproduced. Slavery (continued) Note, July 15, 1929 by Sec.-Gen. forwarding to Ass. the rep. adopted June 14, 1929 by Cl. and informa­ tion communicated by Govts, since 1928 Ass. on suppression on their territories and relevant laws T and regulations regarding A. 17. 1929. VI

Transit and Communications Rep. June 1929 by British Repres. (Sir George Grahame) and resol. adopted June 14, 1929 by Cl. Cttee. Adv. and Techn., for deciding to forward to Ass. communications received 13th Sess., March 1929, Geneva on suppression of slavery and authorising Sec.-Gen. Resol. adopted March 1929 by to communicate to Ass. the laws and regulations forwarded to him and any supplementary in­ C. 143. M. 55. 1929. VIII § formation received O. J., X, No. 5, p. 853 § C. 209 (1). 1929 § and C. 143 (a). M. 55 (a). 1929. VIII § A. 17. 1929. VI O. J., X , No. 6, p. 916 O. J., X, No. 7, ist Mtg., Min. 2421 §

Navigation, Inland Suppression in the following territories Law, Private, in British Colonies, Protectorates, Protected States and Mandated territories Competence of Courts in matters of collisions Memo. Oct. 13, 1928 from the British Govt, Questionnaire June 1928 by Cttee. on Private giving, further to his memo, of July 1, 1927, Law in Inland Navigation (4th Sess.) on information as to measures taken to sup­ press slavery in Palestine, Transjordan, the C. L. 180. 1928. VIII and Fr. Err. § Straits Settlements, Sarawak, the Falkland O. J., X, No. 6, p. 943 Islands, Sierra Leone and Fiji

A. 17. 1929. VI Letter Oct. 26,1928 from Sec.-Gen. to Euro­ O. J., IX , N o. 12, p. 1958 § pean Members of League and to Soviet Govt, forwarding this questionnaire, for reply before Jan. 1, 1929 Letter Oct. 13, 1928 from the British Govt, forwarding C. L. 180. 1928. VIII and Fr. Err. § A. 17. 1929. VI O. J., X , No. 6, p. 928 O. J., IX , N o. 12, p. 1958 §

R eplies from the following countries Memo. , 1929 from the British Govt, giving information concerning Sierra Leone Austria O-J , x No. 6, p. 944

A. 17. 1929. VI Belgium O-J , X, No. 6, p. 944 O. J., X, No. 6, p. 883 Bulgaria O.J , X, No. 6, p. 944

Letter May 29, 1929 from British Govt, for­ Czechoslovakia O. J., X., No. 6, p. 952 warding A. 17. 1929. V I Denmark O. J., x., No. 6, p. 945 O. J., X, No. 6, p. 883 Finland O. J., x., No. 6, p. 946 Portuguese Colonies No. 6, p. 947 Letter , 1929 from the Portuguese Govt, France O. J., x„ forwarding legislative decrees * and introduc­ No. 6, p. 948 tion to Legislative Decree No. 16199 lately Great Britain O. J., X., put into force in Portuguese Africa Greece O. J., X„ No. 6, p. 948 A. 17. 1929. VI No. 6, p. 948 O. J., X, No. 6, p. 879 Hungary O. J., X., No. 6, p. 94s Spanish Colonies Latvia O. J., X., Letter Feb. 15, 1929 from the Spanish Govt, Luxemburg O. J., X., No. 6, p. 949 giving account of measures taken in Norway O. J., X., No. 6, p. 949 A. 17. 1929. VI O. J., X, No. 5, p. 833 § Netherlands O. J., X., No. 6, p. 949 Sudan Portugal O. J., X., No. 6, p. 949 Letter April 15, 1929 from the Sudan Govt, for­ warding information supplementary to that Roumania O. J., X., No. 6, p. 95° contained in its letter of May 29, 1928 regarding slavery in Spain O. J., X., No. 6, p. 946 A. 17. 1929. VI O. J., X, No. 5, p. 833 § Sweden O. J., X., No. 6, p. 95° No. 6, p. 951 * Not reproduced. Switzerland O. J., X., Transit and Communications (continued) Transit and Communications (continued) Navigation, Inland (continued) Passports, identity papers and transit cards (cont.) Law, Private, in (continued) Recomm. adopted by Passports Conf. Liability for damage caused by collisions (C. 423. M. 156. 1926, Ann. 19) Questionnaire June 1928 by Cttee. on Private Letter April 20, 1928 from the Sec.-Gen. to Law in Inland Navigation (4th Sess.) on Members of the League and Costa Rica, aaking, at the request of Adv. and Techn. Cttee., C. L. 180. 1928. VIII and Fr. Err. § before Oct. 1, 1928, information on action O. J., X., No. 6, p. 928 taken on C. 133. M. 48. 1929. V III C. L. 65. 1928. V III § Letter Oct. 26, 1928 from Sec.-Gen. to Euro­ pean Members of the League and to Soviet Replies from the following countries Govt, forwarding this questionnaire for reply before Jan. 1, 1929 Australia C. 133. M. 48. 1929. VIII O. J., IX , No. 12, p. 1982 * § C. L. 180. 1928. VIII and Fr. Err. § O. J., X, No. 6, p. 928 Austria C. 133. M. 48. 1929. V III O. J., IX, No. 12, p. 1983 §

Replies from the following countries Belgium C. 133. M. 48. 1929. VIII O. J., IX , No. 8, p. 1329 § Austria O. J., X, No. 6, p. 931 and O. J., IX , No. 8, p. 1329 ** §

Belgium O. J., X, No. 6, p. 931 Brazil C. 133. M. 48. 1929. VIII Bulgaria C. 133. M. 48. 1929. V III O. J., X, No. 6, p. 932 Bulgaria O. J„ X, No. 5, p. 861 §

Czechoslovakia O. J„ X, No. 6, p. 943 Canada C. 133. M. 48. 1929. VIII O. J., IX, No. 8, p. 1330 § Denmark O. J., X, No. 6, p. 933 Czechoslovakia C. 133. M. 48. 1929. V III Finland O. J., X, No. 6, p. 935 O. J., X, No. 5, p. 861 §

France O. J., X, No. 6, p. 936 Denmark C. 133. M. 48. 1929. VIII

Germany O. J. X. No. 6, p. 929 Estonia C. 133. M. 48. 1929. V III ** O. J., X, No. 2, p. 305 * § O. J. X. No. 6, p. 938 Great Britain Finland C. 133. M. 48. 1929. V III

Greece O. J. X., No. 6, p. 938 France C. 133. M. 48. 1929. V III O. J., X, No. 6, p. 927 Hungary O. J. X., No. 6, p. 938 Germany C. 133. M. 48. 1929. V III Latvia O. J. X., No. 6, p. 938 O. J., IX, No. 12, p. 1979 * §

Luxemburg O. J. X., No. 6, p. 939 Great Britain C. 133. M. 48. 1929. VIII O. J., IX , No. 9, p. 1414 § Norway O. J. X., No. 6, p. 939 Greece C. 133. M. 48. 1929. V III O. J., X, No. 3, p. 473 * § Netherlands O. J. X., No. 6, p. 939 Hungary C. 133. M. 48. 1929. V III Portugal O. J. X., No. 6, p. 939 O. J., IX, No. 12, p. 1984 §

Roumania O. J. X ., No. 6, p. 940 india C. 133. M. 48. 1929. VIII O. J., IX, No. 12, p. 1984 § Spain O. J. X., No. 6, p. 935 Irish Free State C. 133. M. 48. 1929. V III Sweden O. J. X., No. 6, p. 941 O. J., IX, No. 12, p. 1985 §

Switzerland O. J. X., No. 6, p. 942 Italy C. 133. M. 48. 1929. V III Japan C. 133. M. 48. 1929. V III O. J., IX , No. 12, p. 1985 **** § Passports, identity papers and tran sit cards Persons w ithout nationality, identity papers and Latvia C. 133. M. 48. 1929. V III travelling docs, for Luxemburg C. 133. M. 48. 1929. V III Letter , 1928 from Sec.-Gen. to Members O. J., IX, No. 12, p. 1987 § of the League which have not given infor­ mation on action taken on the recomms. of Netherlands 3rd General Transit Conf. and to States C. 133. M. 48. 1929. V III ***** non-Members represented at this Conf. asking them, at the request of Adv. and Techn. Cttee. (12th Sess.) to forward before Nov. 1, 1928 * Also containing part of reply concerning emigrants in transit and information as to action taken on the recomms. persons without nationality. ** Further reply. of this Conf. for issue of (C. L. 66. 1928. VIII) *** Extract only from reply concerning general and miscellaneous questions. Replies from the following countries **** Also containing part of reply concerning emigrants int ransit. ***** Being an extract from 3 replies, 2 of which contained in Roumania O. J., X, No. 6, p. 928 O. J., IX , No. 8, p. 1331 and O. J., X , No. 3, p. 476. - i 8 —

Transit and Communications (continued) Transit and Communications (continued) Passports, Identity papers and Transit cards (continued) Station, Radio-telegraphic for the L. of N. (continued) Recomm. adopted May 1926, etc. (continued) Legal questions arising in connection with (continued) Letter April 20, 1928, etc. (continued) Note , 1929, etc. (continued) Replies from the following countries (continued) Letter March 4, 1929 from the Swiss Govt forwarding New Zealand C. 133. M. 48. 1929. VIII C. 103. 1929. VIII § O. J., IX, No. 12, p. 1987 § A. 13. 1929. VIII * Norway C. 133. M. 48. 1929. V III O. J., X , No. 4, p. 754, Ann. 1116 (a) * O. J., IX , No. 8, p. 1330 § Rep. March 1929 by Polish Repres. (M. Zaleski) Poland C. 133. M. 48. 1929. V III and draft resol. submitted 1 9 2 9 to O. J., X , No. 2, p. 308 § Cl. on C. 116. 1926 § Portugal C. 133. M. 48. 1929. VIII A. 13. 1929. VIII O. J., IX, No. 9, p. 1414 § O. J., X , No. 4, p.550, Min. 2392 § Siam C. 133. M. 48. 1929. VIII O. J., X, No. 2, p. 311 * § Text of above-rnent. draft resol. as revised by Cttee. appointed March 8, 1929 by Cl. South Africa C. 133. M. 48. 1929. VIII and as adopted March 9, 1929 O. J., IX, No. 9, p. 1414 ** § C. 116 (a). 1929. VIII § Spain O. J„ X, No. 5, p. 861 *** § A. 13. 1929. VIII O. J., X , No. 4, p. 553, Min. 2393 § Sweden C. 133. M. 48. 1929. VIII O. J., IX , No. 12, p. 1988 § Rep. Supplementary, March 1929 by Polish Repres. (M. Zaleski) on behalf of Cttee. ap­ Switzerland C. 133. M. 48. 1929. VIII pointed March 8, 1929 by Cl. and resol. adopted Venezuela C. 133. M. 48. 1929. VIII March 9, 1929 by Cl. noting the solution sug­ gested by Legal Adviser to meet the Swiss Govt's request for guarantees and the Swiss Govt’s acceptance of these practical solutions Right to a Flag of States having no Sea Coast forwarding to the Ass. the notes of the Legal Declaration signed April 1921 at Barcelona recognis­ Adviser and of Swiss Govt, with the request ing that it agree to an observer being attached Ratification by Spain to the station in times of emergency and consider the adoption of a resol. on Switzer­ Note July 16, 1929 by the Sec.-Gen. to Members land’s responsibility in the sense indicated in of the League and States represented at in the Legal Adviser’s note, and transmitting the Conf. announcing deposit of instrument these notes and this rep. to the Adv. and of Techn. Cttee. for Communications and Transit C. L. 150. 1929. VIII C. 116 (a). 1929. VIII § Station, Radio-telegraphic for the L. of N. A. 13. 1929 VIII Legal questions arising in connection with O. J., X , N o. 4. p. 553., Min. 2393§ Note March 1929 by Secret.’s Legal Adviser (M. Buero) setting forth these questions and Letter Dec. 29, 1928 from Adv. and Techn. Cttee. suggesting solutions to meet the Swiss Govt, s to Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co., London, to the request for guarantees if the League operates Compagnie Générale de Télégraphie sans fil, Paris, and to Telefunken Gesellschaft für Drahtlose Télé­ such a station in times of emergency graphié, Berlin, requesting their opinion on cost of C. 102. 1929. VIII § establishment of a short-wave post and on expen­ A. 13. 1929. VIII **** diture for its maintenance and working O. J., X , No. 4, p. 751, Ann. 1116 **** § A. 13. 1929- VI11

Note March 4, 1929 by the Swiss Govt, accepting Letter Jan. 2, 1929 from Marconi Wireless Telegraph in reply to the Secret.'s Legal Adviser’s note Co. to Adv. and Tech. Cttee. stating that they of March 1929, the practical solutions suggested, w ill reply in due course to its letter of Dec. 29, i92® while making reservations on various questions A. 13. 1929- VIII of principle and annexing draft modus vivendi for operation of the station by the League Letter , 1929 from Compagnie Générale in times of emergency de Télégraphie sans fil, Paris and the Telefunken C. 103. 1929. VIII § Gesellschaft für Drahtlose Télégraphié, Berlin, A. 13. 1929. VIII ***** submitting joint proposal in reply to Transit O. J., X, No. 4, p. 754, Ann. 1116 (a) *****§ Adv. Cttee.’s letter of Dec. 29, 1928 Amendments notified March 9, 1929 to Cl. by A. 13. 1929- VI11 Polish Repres. (M. Zaleski) on behalf of Cttee. appointed March 8, 1929 to study Proposal May 18, 1929 from Compagnie Générale Swiss’ Repres.’s amendments to draft resol. de Télégraphie sans fil, Paris and the T e l e f u n en submitted on that date Gesellschaft für Drahtlose Télégraphié, Ber m, for establishment of short-wave post C. 116 (a). 1929 § A. 13. 1929- VIIL A. 13. 1929. VIII O. J., X, No. 4, p. 553., Min. 2393 § Rep., General, July 1929 by Adv. and Tedii^ Cttee. to Ass. summarising result of its 5 11 * Also containing part concerning emigrants in transit and persons without nationality. on techn. and financial questions concern!. ** Also containing part of reply concerning emigrants in transit. *** Indexed in June Subject List, re-inserted for completion. A. 18. I929- VI11 *■*** Engl, text slightly amended. ***** Amended in accordance w ith C. 116(a). 1929. * Am ended in accordance w ith C. 116 (a). 1929. — 19 —

Transit and Communications (continued) Women and Children (continued) Straits, Regime of Protection of Children (continued) Forces, Naval and Air, in Black Sea Courts, Juvenile (continued) Letter , 1929 from Straits Comm, drawing Rep. June 1929 by Canadian Repres. (M. Dan- attention to incident of , 1929 which durand) and resol. adopted June 12, 1929 by Cl. it considers contrary to Art. 2 of Straits Conv. approving rep. of Child Welfare Cttee. (5th Sess.) and requesting interpretation of this Art. deciding to communicate the questionnaire appended thereto to all Govts., whether Mem­ C. 297. M. 100. 1929. VII bers of League or not C. 270. 1929. IV § A. 15. 1929 Treaties, Conventions and Engagements, International O. J., X, No. 7, 2nd Mtg., Min. 2429 § Texts of engagements registered by the League during the following periods Resol. adopted April 1929 by Child Welfare Sept. 20, 1928-Oct. 11, 1928 Cttee. (5th Sess.) approving a questionnaire (Treaties Nos. 1842-1854) on this question for communication to all Govts, and deciding to study later the question Treaty Series, Vol. LXXXI, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the institutions which enforce decisions of C. 169. 1929. IV § A. 15. 1 9 2 9 Minors, Foreign Conv., Int., for assistance for w Letter July 30, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to Members of League and U.S.A. forwarding draft ext. drawn up by Child Welfare Cttee. (5th W omen and Children Sess.) and requesting observs. thereon before Protection of Children Dec. 31, 1929 Children, Illegitim ate C. L. 148. 1929. IV Status of Letter July 29,1929 from Sec.-Gen. to Members Rep. April 1929 by Child Welfare Cttee. of League and States, non-Members quoting (5th Sess.) announcing its adoption of draft resol. of Child Welfare Cttee., approved drawn up by Legal Sub-Cttee. and recom­ June 12, 1929 by CL, and requesting them in mending its communication to all Members accordance therewith to inform it of changes of the League with the request that they in laws on the subject and to treat illegitimate submit their observations thereon before child as well as legitimate child in question Dec. 31, 1929 of protection and assistance C. 169. 1929. IV § A. 15. 1929 C. L. 186. 1929. IV Rep. June 1929 by Canadian Repres. (M. Dan- durand) and resol. adopted June 12, 1929 Cttee. on by Cl. approving rep. of Child Welfare 5th Sess., April 1929, Geneva Cttee. (5th Sess.) and deciding to communicate Rep. April 1929 of draft appended thereto to all Govts, with C. 169. 1929. IV § request that they submit observs. thereon A. 15. 1929 before Dec. 31, 1929 C. 270. 1929. IV § A. 15. 1929 Rep. June 1929 by Canadian Repres. (M. Dan- O. J., X, No. 7, 2nd Mtg., Min. 2429 § durand) and resol. adopted June 12, 1929 by Cl. approving rep. of this Sess. and Text (draft) adopted April 1029 by Child instructing Sec.-Gen. to take certain action Welfare Cttee. (5th Sess.) on proposal of on Legal Sub-Cttee. C. 270. 1929. IV § C. 169. 1929. IV, App. II § A. 15. 1929 C. 302. M. 103. 1929. IV * O. J., X , No. 7, 2nd Mtg., Min. 2429 § A. 15. 1929. IV

Resols. adopted April 1929 by Return to homes of children and young people Agrt., Int., for C. 169. 1929. IV Letter July 30, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to Members A. 15. 1929. of League and U. S.A-. forwarding draft text drawn up by Child Welfare Cttee. Courts, Juvenile (5th Sess.) and requesting observs. thereon Questionnaire adopted April 1929 by the Child before Dec. 31, 1929 Welfare Cttee. (5th Sess.) on C. L. 148. 1929. IV

C. 169. 1929. IV, App. Ill § Rep. April 1929 by Child Welfare Cttee. A. 15. 1929 (5th Sess.) announcing its adoption of a draft text of such an Agrt. and recommending communication of this text to Members of Rep. April 1929 by the Child Welfare Cttee. the League with the request that they forward (5th Sess.) announcing its adoption of ques­ their observs. thereon before Dec. 31, 1929 tionnaire drawn up by its three rapporteurs and recommending its communication to all C. 169. 1929. IV § Govts. A. 15. 1929 C. 169. 1929. IV § A. 15. 1929. * Dist. with C. L. 148. 1929. IV. ----- 20 -----

Women and Children (continued) Women and Children (continued) Protection of Children (continued) Traffic in (continued) Return to homes of children and young people (contd.) Cttee. on (contd.) Agrt., Int., for (continued) 8th Session, April 1929, Geneva (continued) Rep. June 1929 by Canadian Repres. (M. Dan- Rep. June 1929 by British Repres. (Sir George durand) and resol. adopted June 12, 1929 by Grahame) adopted June 12, 1929 by the Cl Cl. approving rep. of Child Welfare Cttee. approving the rep. and resols. of (5th Sess.) and deciding to communicate draft Agrt. to all Govts., with request C. 276. 1929. IX § that they forward their observs. before A. 14. 1929. V Dec. 31, 1929 o. J., X , No. 7, 2nd Mtg., Min. 2430 § C. 270. 1929. IV § A. 15. 1929 Resols. adopted April 1929 by O. J., X, N o. 7, 2nd Mtg., Min. 2429 § C. 170. 1929. IV § A. 14. 1929. IV Resol. adopted April 1929 by Child Welfare Work of the League Cttee. (5th Sess.) returning to its Legal Sub- Arts., Selected, concerning Cttee. the latter’s draft text* for amendment on the lines proposed Lists, Fortnightly, of C. 169. 1929. IV § Numbers issued 1929 A. 15. 1929 July 1 Fortnightly L ist of Selected Articles Text (draft) adopted April 1929 by Child Vol. 1, No. 12 Welfare Cttee. (5th Sess.) after amendment Summary, Monthly, of by its Legal Sub-Cttee., of Numbers summarising the work of the League C. 169. 1929. IV., App. I § during 1928 (Monthly Summary, Vol. VIII, C. 301. M. 102. 1929. IV ** Nos. 1-12) A. 15. 1929. IV Index to Monthly Summary, Vol. VIII, Index * Traffic in Cttee. on 8th Sess., April 1929, Geneva Numbers summarising work of the League Rep. April 1929 of during 1929 C. 170. 1929. IV § June A. 14. 1929. IV Monthly Summary, Vol. IX, No. 6 * N ot reproduced. * Issued as Ann. to Monthly Summary, Vol. IX, No. 4, omitted from ** Dist. with C. L. 148. 1929. IV, May Subject List.