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7-30-1953 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1953). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2714.

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SlGIl'I' / BULLoca TIMES AND STATESBORO NBWS THURSDAY, JULY 23,1963 '------'------_;_------�8:8lt�::eca:Q�N=m��a:1X1:I VISIT IN ST, LOUIS VISI'IJNG IN MACON Mrs Albert Braswell and ohtldren, MISS l\,tty Burney Brannen spent AI and Bonme, left Atlanta by plane last week end m Ashburn with her Social : dunng the week end for St LoUIS, friends, and nfter spending a few Clubs : Mo, Where M�,::T:.�:,:u!:'.�,:;w they WIll spend eometirn days this 1\ eek in M,I.on WIth relatives BA(](WAIIDLOOK Personal WIth , her mother, M,.. c: c: Hoefel Villi to Monroe for a short Ylslt I I go They were accompamd to Atlantu b with college friends Shoe was joined TEN YEARS AGO ; Mr and Mrs A M Braswell, whr for the Macon VISIt by her mother, From Bulloch Tim ... , 1943. ���������������a�������=����� 'sperrt n few e JUly 29, days ther Mrs Grover Brannen mUDGE P!\RTY FOR Local tobacco market opened Tues MISS day morrung ; first basket of tobacco WHERE NEBDBD • REMING'IION sold for Purely Personal. 40 centsjv later price went to STATESBORO NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE Wednesday mormng of lust week 4.7 cents Ann \llJss Remington wus honer ed u Producers As- �h and M1S Fred II u de Crop Co-Operative Hodges have ightf'ul bridge put-ty grvon by aectatton reported dlstllbut,on of a B1IiIoeIl TbMI. Il8tabIlabed 1_ 1 etur ned r, 0111 '\ week c.: a MISS Be tty Smith It her home On Oau_IICIU...... d...... _ JRf Sl. savmg of $15,000 to JDnablIaIIed 1101 I_" If. V inuuh Bench I vunnnh Avenue members at the I GA.. JULY GUI den ffuwers w or annunl Sta_boIo!.'� STATESBORO. THURSDAY, 30, 1953 VOL, 6S-NO. 28 held last S-baN _. Sltabliahed 1I1'f-Caa1ClltdaW n-IIe t. 1\11 s H used ibout meettng Saturday _ H owai t and MISS Zl the looms .. ind pal ty sut d \\ Mayor Alfred DOlman has assur- have rctu ned flam a \\ eek I iches, cookies md nuts \\ ere SCI ved , GnIl11ll'�C ance from Governor ElliS end VISit In Atlanta With Coca Colas A Arnall that 1 pia III her b: e ..rk I u 1\IIs .Iinunv LruntCI IS fist china was Seek Information Of IJ Iy Grand H spcndng presented Ann and It..J I GEORGIA Jury :1\\ s :�:e�'�h:ti.b��o �h:d FARMED(I 1 \\ LOCAL � hilo !O ...... J I CHILDREN Valdost ith iren her r- heppru d of Kinston, be �;:e:,r:;':,� LOCAL LEADW(IU\iJ • paved and �i: IN , I C \\ shortly the M and M I!'� 1\1001 C ,1\11 �\s remembej-ed \'tWth u du bridge Missing Regi iuby across the river at Dover made MI md Mrs Albert Davis have and M,ls I "" - Eall Adm able pass-, The followmll' seleetive g Upon even- Is:hlndkelchj(�f, , \I\JIJ IHIT ny H' adJoulnrnen,t MOllday \JII'� theh hIS mother Ii I I ouest Mrs G OFFERED DURNX' ., lEW R mall, ICCd')lt bride, the I .�� \\�ts rccrpiunt Mrs J istrants are In rting A DIlVIS Ala H m delinquent ts@OMonlyone-DaYseSSlOnAIYNlTUINDUSTRYfollowing .... of Eufaula of a In he. Gmn, hvlnlr the Den- sinwlo-day 1"'_. ptnte breukjast chinu MIS A ling Food Prod UCtlOIl ""ncem IS n mark had Will Sell Choice their correct addre88' to till 1...,.1 Bulloch the John Forrest FI�kc snending T J won community, word from her Animals COlll1ty Citizen the un • Jury sesslon,/ Sheppuld uf'te: .. dtnn Earl gr�nd submlt�d A week 111 Valdosta wi th his sister. MIS coff'ee " 80n, Ginn, located in Guadlll· I' II Gives Comprisee Near Hundred I cup fOl high score fOI low -". I. t,();, For Statesboro And At :boa d WhI,te W Iter MaY1l Interesting Data ling bnef f1ndm... : Curtis Melton and �f! Melton l?lllss f canal, that he Is mustard, About Employes Day and Shllley Gulledge received sum­ produClnlt don, David Willie Wise Jr" WIIUam Growing Problem the gland ohosen and Nlrht and Mrs Beaver und lettuce lind butter beans Other Neighboring Yarda ,We, lury fOIlOW_, l\J1 Roy chil mer jeweh y, und for I\1ISf' from seed cut, Sue James IIcClen-,ei>,amIri sworn to serve at The are dlcn J me, �tI1d Ann fipcnV which she had sent him He had Vnderwood, JOleph Itt I COUNTY tho term oC hghts burning night ..... Johnny Brannen \\on dusting powdcJ Othcl In (By HEALTH BOI\.RD) J,\I� last \\eek at l'lontieut N I duug-hter Carohnp 2l the located there for the been, Hog producers SouthelUlt Geor- I at the G welc July �lt 350 past two Newton, Clyde Elmore, Joba Heqry superrer court, bag to luhmlt tho day Braswell Food guests Misses L yea". The IS Company BUlbp.1 Alln Men,ls an tum follow1l1g a relensa the # t t0 from ilil IIld M,s Hubert Geo'rgla BaptIst Ml's Ot a gla will have oppor y buy on I'ankelsley Jo Hospital Attammg speed which approl:l- Johnson, Dun WInskl'e, colored, Van .0II North ZetteroWllr Brunnen, Peggy well oIVmg avenue , with a';) I.llll�e, Dop.lle was M,ss Spring mated ...J.:_ State Henlth QHld und MIS B,an miles which was guests S,ltllld lY Sgt hompsol1, Genevleve fOimerly Mary al!� mnety per hour, W,lhe - of Mountain Cove's top Duroea Buren r...,partment, lhe GuardUl, nen, of Parks, Shep Lane, r�jI accepted the of plant Iri two mlfts .... B L J\lIen and of Wash 11 Betty Statesboro an wntten one of Havmg rcslgnation runnlnll' son, Spokane Ann Jan Haran, escaped convict from Nash- 111 W by OUI Bulloch cnun- Shcrman, G lY, FI�lnccs I two big sale. iH) helel 'n August. Loe Veme Natllan John P Lee of the �Ii Ilnd M,s Dill Shuman and .on _ - ville, Ga" evaded Sherlft' B,Il vol, McBride, o.!i position of notary employing ninety-one poople, 'R"ckley Betty Burney Mrs Deputy will be held at the Bulloch ty c,t,zena Dr J E McCroan Jr - Bl"nnel1, One I8le I Bobbv of WavnesbOio spent Stnckland and made \D publ IC d ft'l tic The A M Jr. Sunday EmOl y De,11 "nd M,s Hal PARTIES HONOR his escape laat Thomu, DoIphWl McBride,,'" We J of tho Braswell Food CUM'" With �Ii and MIS L J Shuman Sr I Watc\s on A t 13th and the ·heartll; endorse alld WIth ' A Frtduy, was learned that he Stooky.rda ugus , H Willie Or- ·agree .01':n - had stol- peace G • I. I'itC pany ' Albert Be Mrs John Godbee and lovely court,s to Ann Oil lust ANN REMINGTON Tlmm"u, enry raI'M' h18 statements the\0209:;'0 uRM eDt , operat.d by .nd .. en the Car from a lOt Toomb8 L_ J 1'::' and V I ,�, 'Suits tobacco salesman ether the County recommendationa, Wl:tine3finy dtprnoon H h .SutQ:mer lander Thomas Em- Bulloch we la a. Ind Brady, McB_ Ga, do r Bras""lI, Jolllfnv Lynn and MIS Jtlme� blluge Mrs Josh 1n Berrien Bulloch county appoint making chlidren'l palty given \lIth M,s Bill Lan1et'entcrtal11ed w1th county Ma.kat at on ,as county IS nne of those repu� A Blanan \\Cle \ISlt01S In Augusta Oll,ff M,. a ,stock Lyona August G"rdl)n, Willie Otia 1INIIIama, Seaman W,lhams to ftll said oft'lce IhroQghout the natIon for their ftMI' lovely bl�dg- \V MISS ocl< I V t. This • l!;hmgton fot SCOt e went I Remington (First Bulloch In mpro company I W t" Sohcltor Del high to MISS 13 t I An fOI Floor) county boys accepted eyes, , General Wulton U.her for machinery The plant hill! re,; tlnue to "nlarg;ed unSOIl nnd MISS Chllstllle ncn f.1 Blll11nen, Mlf:ls events have an to select and Ignore the condlbon MISS Donelle Thomp'Soll, MIc:.:B Isr30clUi Master Lane rohn opportUl1ltv to clear their delinquency I The Braswells and Denll Betty Ann S'hennan, MISS GcnevICvc up" pl"oce.. peacho.. spent F'lldn� night Satuldny With Sue �Irs Bllln9_, :ston celebrated thIrd oWn m these Approxul)ately 44,000 chll- Blunnen, Jelly Howald LInd hls birthday buy at their p"ee sales 'I Georgia Iclntl\�� III Savannlh Guardia, MIS Hal �11s J 1 pears, ftgs, artichokes, watermelon. J 1 ShepPdld I Wutel'S, by Inv,t,ng friends for Indoor ilren are now mfected With hook �hss Sheppald, Mrs games, Each oft'ermg w1l1 consist of twen- Dnd MI C,ltheline DeW,tt and MIS" fIlUl I Bucky AkinS, MISS FINAL and a hour -Mrs I EARLY TO cantsloup... Braswell stated day ,Ifternoon M" Hull,s story Beaver PROMISE Roy worm J\udu.'v Bell of 'MIS Betty Smith Jiliss Fav Andel bred boara 1Vhat are we gOll1g to do y S Ivnnnah sp9nt the Cannon honOled "0", CLEARANCE entertamed her club ly gilts, eighteen sprll1tr that all Items OBnned or are oth bottled MISS R2.1l1111 ... tOl bridge und I MISS �o BUl ke • about thill \\cck end \\lth l\lJss With Peggy er 111 and .our llta problem' , BeJIY's parent", blldgc It hcr home on NOith friends at bridge honor of Mrs twenty spnllg g (open) 1\ BuUoch or Mr I GIVE NATURAL G IS county Georgia grown. lI1d Mrs H D BellY EdwlIl The quest",n was at the Coilege strect, where she uoed a va Ladies' and McDougald, of Ocilla -Little Sevelal of the bred gilts are ..ateri presented 1\11 t an c�mplon, Kind, .M, Braswell sUld that vegetable dish F,ozen s dad FIlends of and fr,ends for hour of -M '�se. the peyroll at Snvannclh Be lch frUit Dr llnd MIs C E Other play Ianta As SundaJ Makes 10" a These h have Important Fll"llt Step / \V[l� SCI ved ...... Alberta and Kute champIOn ogs onvene n I WlII run Mr and MIS C P With fancy sHnd\\ 1eh Stapleton w,lI be to kno\\ Sara ·Scarboro were C I Dahlone".• well over ,4,000 week, ..... Olliff vlsltod '!'te,ested I... 111 und lemOlMde FOI that heard III a mUSICal been "',th theu future use- recen,t survey- ._ the \\eck end III Gltfl1n With I high Scole Mrs thell son, Malor D progl-am FI�day developed GeorglU only natural to Statesboro that all rlUllll� CYIII Staple­ Session Listed for Au Brmglng gas payroll and .. I J T over 36 o)lpply money 1111 I'ld MI s Shepl) lid WOn summci heud ton, IS now at mornmg WTOC -Mrs W D In these I per cent of the persons Ph,hll Weldon Phlhp his home 111 Austm fulness Il1Ind A featu,"" of qustlOned IS ono of the m fOI job. 11IOgiums already "pent Stste1lbOI"O, 11 lCCOI11 Pal1lcd them home fot: 11 low CUI b obs went to 'MISS Dollel I e Texas, after Statesilrgla Colleg. Dahlonega, i!lIIImt (�f ...... of a berefoot pertlon that cornel' 01, Bohlel 111d l\Ihss Cola Attlactlve tUI ncd Miss we,ght and hiS rate of gain. �'first e daughter Rene, Pdlty aJlnngcments recently fJ am a tour of JosephlDc Donaldson was hostess pig the seventh leadertl ' I Hn for n.tural gas 1ft now Alfricultural Developlllllnt duty IS 'annual a belJlltt- Ohm lotte Bucldcl and Pa cut WCI I' I.. _... Kenneth lof Rowel'S e usrd nbout th Ih N01 th and IS With at a card In honor of MISS Th,s IS a vel")' Important featu e to ment, Central of AfncLl, the Sa� party Lut-y ,,�� IPalped to Sanu._ O�tober� 6th Iuui Georgia Rall.,.,.) km I the Savann .. a shop sponsored by Geo�w1J! spent SatUld,ly at Ih looms, and varIety of party sund� vannuh YMCA Lane n guest of M,ss Ehse Kennedy hog "Therefore," sey. Dr. J. E, Mc- Be lCit • � As.oClatlOn of 01 been aet _ ttie "tal'pt date" whell Th. Soullh I wlches ,md Coca Colus WOll! SCI vcd -MISS comm.erc:� h�� �ith catilll\, fo..,.. of \he pred_ I Mary "�i){)ugald four- f • higer .. Jr., assistant dl�ctor of the �i1 and Mrs Rlehald Smith IIl1d In M,ss h��mllylnhnM���·,@I:���������=�������������������������������=�==� A�lce I running h'r:: tIIa It wli be turned on. At thal time Sa� as contests Genev,eve Guaudla tamed 111 of her Iss prICes C Cutts, Greenville, Oil, il beln'l BIRTHDAY DINNER honor guest,et:r- � revellllA .� any o�r �IIIII'I. �ons, RIChHld JI Ind flom Nc\\ won n last year and feed pnc�. much 'E� lology division, "I beUe... Bob, pUlse Stze 11111 01 and Mls� Pearman, of Anderson, S Wlth " low"r, and J. vannah wtll .._ .the eutsrmoa Children and I C., .._� pread,ent, agrtIiUl£U'ral cl"'lP Geo_..ta arnl � Bcdf01d Mass \\ele of MI Harb \lit Ann grandchild en of Mr I i1&(0t,l m_� Jruests Blunnen won rl" ,.t I � -- hOUId }IID'ra pt'Gitahle\ .-!..... Lake View " _ candy MIs B F � ..... � neelitln .. 'i""""" _._,___ lind MI� Hubclt to Haygood celebrated hi. ecretary _� � .t.Iw _ rankCls(ey TueallY gift MISS Remll1gton \\�IS u set of Muter Fred Thomas Lanier enter- mveatmenta problem I. • u r whiCh�rOIl\- Ig"!.:ll���"If� .� ut four hundred ellUls Southem .WrA (01 lunch seventy-first bll"thduy tho Steel Please Approximately �"'ookwo,.m eompilll .. lit hnt.pIlls Oth�I' guestls 'welO MISS Read talned m ob_rvanee of hls more '���.....tIteaI �WIflI "", J Suuda\ Those eighth Catalogues are ava,la.'>le on leque.t Sal1ltllry Ilrlvles" ,JiJOd� 1\lJs 0 B and MI�s Helen FHlncc� Blldgu pi esent werc ,oom teachets, admlmstrators which tranepo1'b natul'Sl fI'88 ov eM ... _ Dorsey Ruckley MISS Sue Blanhcn, p� , Ne\\ton MIS Euntce Mr and Mrs Carefully! I from Mountain Cove Ken- amI, Prllctlcully all hookworm mfectlons have letulncd MISS Nesmith, lFarmtl. to thOl1 h(Jme Betty BUlney �Blunnen MISS rl birth�ay -�rtI. C�a:�es ci�e eC�'b coliell'C people Will participate In several thousand miles from the Tex. Th_ '" Chulle� Boyd ami son Mr and1Mr8 are tound m the fOl counties • Macon aftel spendmg list week Charlotte Bucklel MI s Ga Furthe, mformatlon ty-nme � Guy Wells, Cecd �'�er hoe,::'e ",,"� �tteleow:r ::ennue� smgton, workshlp Membels of .tat� Il8 bollier and from beneath the wa- <1on of lumber IiIId �lete \\Ith Mrs J W and Mrs Woods and cll1ldren, Mr and of Hodges Holhs MIS Fled .Mrs coun- ' located m the Coastal C.tllnan, DUlby, Mrs Onl" Once in a Ruth Summel s, of Palm Beach, can also be had by contactm&" committees on Teachel d GeO'1gla M l111Hlan t�� G�A tel'. of the Gull of MeXICO 1952 other I el�lttves MIs C H ( Billy and chIldren, Mr Lifetime ••• I Georgia rrodueed two RcmIngton, MISS ue SI n Fla, MISS Ruth i Plams regIOn In these �fJI Hodges, at Statesboro a forty-nme Lt A,cllle Colley, MIs Bill Fishel und ty agents BYlon Dyer Ploft!6SIOnal Standards, ulC8 '�n:n Mr Is well by hall million Nesmith J, , son of MI mons, Miss ch,ldren, Glgnilliat equluped cords of to be Shllley Gulledge M,ss Statesboro,fOimerll's pulpwood, , MI s James Blalock and or B at The counties 12690l homes have no to,l�ts .l11d Mrs AlchlC Nesmith hilS le.ellt 80n, Mr and all Eugene -Jgdon, Lyons School Pubhc Relations, onci hi. new duties. Donelle Thonlpson, MIS Emory Boh M Eegls past experlCnce fo, the leading state TIllS amount con­ Mr s C T Wllhams and Mr and Do V'Slt� r�at��es l� and I son, on 85,802 homea huve ly been ploll1oted to the rank of filst lei, MISS J{) BUlke and M'b; You Get 'hegs WIll be ready for lnapeetion Centenmal Action a'fe a�n whatsoeve,: With. Atlantic Gas He' ocent- Peggy Mrs An Offer ••• 1��,�0��t: �d '0.": Fr�nnaklll1 uha:e a,: �,cS South stltuted 17 per cent of the lieutenant IS Holmes McGahee and I pulpwood He statlollcd at Spence Bet ty Smith daughter, turned from of each sale e open.back tOilets, which alford ht MIS MilledgeVille, where they the m{)rnlng of the day heen parP;ograi'IClpa In tho of the S'hliftE'1 Futch I"nd son bUilding produced In the Field MoultllC Ml 'Uld ' so, partICipated South Rnd 10 per a luncheon "Of; k a Six-wee s .---- tie or no Saturday lovely too k course at G S C W wor 8 has been protectIOn agalll8t hook Dl and MI'i! Leland Haygood, Shll TheInvitedk htoop p,og,am and In th� cent of MIS J M Burgass und given ut MIS Blyant's Kitchen fOI ley Hay­ -MISS longest biggest plpehne the national production Ala- has , I on wonns I Robert _ Glend II good, Holland, Jaames LIKE h phasls dnughtCI, I, hdve rIved flom MISS Hay­ ••• lYorld I Ibama was Remmgton, With MISS M�-r� In THIS ed In ce IbEdnarutlOn Hfauh,s0 er seven 4-H Clubsters Will IIY 8.sumlllg complete respona timh rd pu I I'WOOd puc-rod treturneddy�secon good and Clara Nell Roberts Mrs ., Dr McCrosn that 000- then home In Sun for as . oca um pr , says tho Angelo Tf'xns, NeVils hostess A beautiful C'lIntcl from a house at IPianlned tWIt ogr·apeem,apla�:ng for the of the tion m I party Albany me"./ blhty' pUtch.s� I�ght- the South, with ...t ecelved - 1,690,000 VisIt "Ith hm MI MI,:, Hayg-ood many bautlful lind o � • nomic I. palcnts and Illec of gleen and white RowelS \\US Attend Club CouncIl and public relllt,ons Ollt- faotor one of the biggest useful bershlp of from the RIO Glande to New cords •• Glenn gifts I way Mlssl ,ppl "tand" second _ Blllld SI used Ind �I I·uncheon \\OS 5"'1 Dr plat" ved .... FORTY YEARS AGO 'of-state mvtted mclude obstacles, slllce co.t Allied MISS Betty Jean Beasley, retll'lng speakels "amtary privies York LOUIe Blue of ;\.ugust I IS pend A PUll of hand W,)) Center City According to recent II1fqrmation palJ1ted plates MRS. Sewing .From Bulloch TIMeR, 24, 1913 I Don Ph,lhps, H,lIsdale ,50 to ,75 to bUild Tenant farmers lng- the \\(!Iek With 1115 w MAXWELL HONORS I July 4 H Club and pre",dent, new IK a nat,ve glll1dmothcl, lS Marliyn's gift to Ann COV"IS BRAND 15 E county pres"M!nt, Jap- The vlce-pleKldent from the Survey we are York Fnends of Mrs grow- MIS G,unt Tilllllln S, MI and I'II,S MISS Street S....ah Olhft' College, H,lIsdale, Mich, an authonty' a'e ,eluctnnt to construct the LOilets kcre pl,lCed fOI MISS Remmgton, M,s REMINGTON Akms, the' new preSident, WIll I of Savannah and a member of a less than one-half COld wood LoUIS Blue and d .. C blrthd IY With a basket p,cmcJOIl1-t'llYa of lUghter, uole wele on dynamlc,s M,"" Mal y Totus because move to another Vaughn DYOT Mt'ss lenny DevlllI Mrs Wilham Savannah, BuII och coun t's deIttIOn 0 group 'I they may plom-llI1g \\eck end J.ruests of MIS rdlm In Maxwcll, of Savun� Georgia Brannen Park y ega , nent Goorjpa family H. graduated per on our forest lands This MISS BUlbula Ann B ,head fo, local assoclU- fu,m 1\h unnen, MIS nah, enteltuIned With a �A qonsultant and could not take the toilet 1 and MI S B H R llTIsey and lovely Steps are taken to orgamze a the state 4 H Club Counc,l meeting Melcer an� of Geor- cou Gene r Mrs I fr}lm Ul1IverHlty amount Id be d by better Ml lIld Ml!:i J R Hodges, MISS Bal b 1I n Cun� luncheon at thc DC, and Maurice with .... Donaldson had lS 1.'uesday home of hel Cham bet of Commerce here w,th III next week tlOns, Washll1gton, them, 'I� apl1'!urs thAt the Jlon and MISS NeVlls Milledgev'lIe They Will I Schools, practiced law m Sa I forest more �uests fOI I fe" lIst fathel 01 J H III My Address· gla,r...,.. management, mcludlng days week Mu \Vlliteslde, h0l101 more than a hundled names on the Bement, Southern lelPonal dlrector,llandowners w,ll have to shale much !eav" here and retum for .eve,al and served effiCient JOI IIId M,s Ro, Coullngton und of MIss Ann Rcmwgton Attl actlV'c CIty 1St Monday F,1day vam\�h yeals foreRt fire control, plantlnlf membel"Shlp NatIOnal Citizens Commlss,on for the tlllS he t!aug-htel Dottle of P 11 rts MISS REMINGTON AIIID U",hard the nelY v,ce- lesponslblhty," ��ated a fOI thlee Dur- of more Island, /lIldlVldual nosegays decolutedbun:etltho City counCiII WI II h 0Id a seSSIOn t0 Cowart, boys' uQt,ng Jlostmuster trees, better plae- L

trict. Phone 106 Elm St, (It) - Mrs, Tom Waters, of Miami, Flu., 35c Medium30c 614M, FOR SlALE (Bulloch county) 12 Large MAYONNAISE - Benthal miles 300 80 cuI. 33c One l'OR S'ALE peanut Statesboro, .acres, b .pending this week with Mr, and ------pt. jar I pickel', one International hay baler, tivatcd, 8 uCI'es Bel'llludn gruss, 2''AI Mn. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey on con­ acres two will sacri· G.t Loon. Th. St.rki,t ' motors each; very reasonable; tobacco, houses; J'. C. Maltin, Colonial meald �. tact H. G. Brown at Hok-e Brunson's fice for �18,ooo, JOSIAH 7.EtrTER­ (JuaranleeJ ����� Tun. on Displ.y H.r. N;�i Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur ulIIier and TUNA '350 plnce, East Main 1St., Statesboro, (tf) OWER, phone 698-J, 15'�ulltp) children .pent Sunday in Savannah OVEN·BEADY lIEN FOR FAST CHEESE TREATS HAYBALING-Having 'a new- auto- FOR SALE-E.ight·l'ool11 house, two nlutie baler I am prepared baths, 011 big 10t.'lon U.S, 301, suit­ as guests of Mr. lind Mrs. Harold speed to do balin2' for the publie at reason­ able for tOUrist home, now rented 10 Quattlebaum. Kraft·s Cheez Whiz 8 oz. 33c able prices. W. A, BELL, 302, Flor­ two apnrtments; this is a bUl'gain; of Mr, and M!'". R, J. iluTst,' ence 01' 322, fol' detoils contact ZETTER­ Av'e, , phone 724-J2, «(ltp JOSIAH

Mr. and Mrs. Ca­ ., V R KEY - OWER, phone 698-J, (ltp) F·llI., S ,J"",ksonvilie, ... POR RENT Unfurnished garage rle Melton ,and Murie Melton s!}Cnt jar, has electric hot wuter np"artment; FOR SAL.E-A beuutiful coun­ available t,:uly with Mr. and M!'s, Josh Mar· 2.]0 heater; rca�ol1able I'cntl; Sunday lb. . troy home: located' several miles �"'oB·�=· now, Call p'hone 4-12-R 01' see W AL- ilin. in the c(luntrY" built in 1949 at 'a cost 55� TER E, JONES, 447 South ,College Barnes nnd of *2'2,000; brick construction, tiu'Ce Mr, and Mrs. John son, street. (9Julltp� _ bedrooms, large Iivirg J'oom, dining. I>f Savannah, Miss Ramonia Nesmith 790 ;POR SAllE-Purebred Duroc male ;;,;;. room. con-, �\t:��;-::� room, kitchen, bath, utility and Mrs. J. is. Nesmith were guest. about months old; pa- SAUeI: "cc::�::::yy 1���'� 23" hog fift�n crete porch and garagc; price $15,­ Qt, can be wanted to Sunduy of Mr. and Mrs. H. W, Ne­ pers fUl1llshed; buy 700, HLLL & OLLfFFo( p'hone 766, H or will exchange _for purebl'ed black Imlth. 8WU'T'S p,REMIUM p'ICELEB GAo,·:�c::_Y Jar 2.50 Poland-China boa I'. E. D. IJANIER, 1'0R SALE -.The only vacant lot Baldwin and son of Homer Billy, Brooklet, Ga. (30juIHp) available between city limits an,d visited 8. few �.!�� 490 rOB Pt. Houston, Texas, days 'I'AI'I'II:II FOR SALE-My home ,,"lce-;-loo the college on South Main stl'Cet; !!JPEBS suitable for business Jast week with his brother, Conway .Ai.AD. Jar acres, 60 in good pas­ any (drug store, ' cultivation,. OIL • I .JEWEL 350 two dJive in Baldwin, Mrs. T. J. Martini and oth­ ture, fish pond, dwe:lltng, restaurant, grocery store, lb. cotton slde motel, etc .. j not s;ubjeet to any re­ l-.elatives here. STEW BEE.. 67� svrup housc, barn, house, er 8W1PT'1 LUNCH MEAT or will sacri­ YOUNG TENDER" siteltel's, J. J. THOMPSON. Rt. I, strictions regulations; Mr. und Mrs. Archie Futch, Mrs. details la.oz. Statesbol'o, Ga. (30juI2tp) fice for immediate sale; :for co. 490 lIel' and son, Mrs. B, F. contact JOSIAH ZETTEROWER. 1t Dewayne lb,' 1 HAVE SEVERAL desirable lot.. Futch were BEEr ".VEB, 390 Haygood and Hart.,. colol'ed located on Kent street, OLD for FOR In '(lne lot ... FASHIONED !'RESSED SALE'- Register, of Mr, and Mrs. Shaf­ oz, Reasonable price; will also build glie.ta Sunday !==� CA. 510 100x210 ft., with com mill, ware­ CHICKEN LOA.' home and finance. Call A. S, DO'DD ter Futch. Ground Beef lb. ' :house; one a.M.C, truck and trailer; 43e l .... al...... t •• iI...... I &ea.poon ,el.Un to office at !!:::A� JR., or come 23 one 8 •• water 1 .North Chervolet one set Howe­ Misses Jan Futch, Judy Nesmith, p. bolllDI eap tlnel, cbopped ederJ truck; u.oz, I &e••poe•••• 11 I ,.blupoo.I Main street. Pitt and all other CA. ebopped plmlentG (_!lJuJ2tc) scales, hay press . BEEF 570 1 11 e.rrot I Shelbn Jeun Lewis, Jane and Ju1ia .." lablapoo ehopped paflle1 in PUBII CUT CHICK 1 11 ontoa FOR -SALE-75 acres, 30 eultiva- for For informa· "'ruh pee nd 1om.toe. -machinery operation. and a few other 4-H Club 'ASBO.TaD "LAVO� tenant liouse Bragan Lb, RIB COt'llr Clu'-ap cl_oed ehloken with tion dwelling, tion contoct Mrs. L. J. HOLLOWAY, BBEA.I'S 95e tht bo,Unl ."ter; add ..U, good .hole earnt. and onion, &0 boll •• located at or HOL­ me11" arc uttJend:ing cam.p this ..KO., peeled. Brln, klm frotb Ir•• and �ther outbuildings; Register, phone 4421, BILL rUSH VV'I CRlOK." lIarfaDe, redulle h••t. ,..JELL.O I 250 8lannll'. lir:hll,. IIntll raeal I. kin. R. LOW t. t .hoan. cOYilreq. Praetoria, neaf Statesboro: Call Ay., StateSbOI'O, phone 319. (1tc,), week at Camp Fulton, lb, der, 2\\ Remon ehlcken; !ltraln brotb and Ildlll 7ge RAt.LA.D'S OBBLnK orr fat. down E. BoUI kI 1 . U:GS brpt.h, ,about (lap, Sofkln relat.ln In one M. Benson, GHAS. CONE Mr. and Mrs, John' B, Anderson S.�;EA_ eo" ,waler, 'lien' �AL- POR's.\LE-138 26 cultivated, table"poon dlUol..-e II III hot a-cres, PIlERH 'CUT ORICK!:N COLONIAL IABY .. LB, t.�e brot.b: Remon INC. chleken fro.. bone. and' CO., pat 'broarh coarse or m.. (3:luIltp), """,II Rachel and Mr. .AO ',rlnder (lbop t T_L i)ouae. b.a)ance liimbered, and Buddy; , ....OUR 510 "I'ell " Une. Add children, Lb. eeler" phtdcnto, panic, and broth, Pour Into a wet are in a 'at 43e PRIDl ,BEEF ,. ESTRA !}Cn my I six mil ·'WlNGS loaf Conr wltb 'Chili Y-'l1here ... south of Statesboro; price Edwul'd Wat.ers and r.:YAPOIU.TII:D pan. ,..alled paper. untU firm. Unmold 00 and Mrs, daugh­ FU8H CVT CHICIlEN aad. with farm), three rreen. pml.b .lIeed Make. 6 ..nlnr., plaee (Henry Qlitch $10,000; al801 148 8C(es; 90 cultivat'e!l, ter Rnd Mr. and Mrs, Waters and Lb, lb, !.-ALL •• shoata about Ray !.b, 1ge c s P.r peelfle reelp", hOllM'ma'I", 0it eo."a, an.ormatltUl, wrU. Hampshire weighing �t grade land, 7-l'Oom hoWiC in go(xj BACKS' '6.90 I 370 to .e: NaDe, Carter. Direillt., teonomlc:., week end at apJ.B. �"H8. .flUitlie Colonl.1 Store. owner can recover. upon 'one tenant new to­ .on spent the Sunbury. , ..... P. 0, Boll' UfNI. AUaala. sixty pounds:; condition, h,ouie, of Little Myra Turner 'has returned ,�Ot"Qrrla" payment expen8es.. �UPE�T bacco barn; 3 acres allotment; price DEAL, Rt. 4, Statesboro. (31JuilJP) ,or will sell these two tracts a week her ' I, ---- $20,000; hOrile after s!}Cnding ,vith Roalt L1b1ty" rotted I Corned Ubb','11 I.IbbY'1I Corned lleef ' � Libby I.IbbY'fI Vlcnn. San.hine Vanill.' at Den- together for $30,000; alBo Ford trac­ Ne­ STRA YED�From my pia"" grandparnts, M 1', and Mrs, Bui� tor, and two mules and B'EE,r IlEA'I' B�I'r "'Hua., SAUSaGE' "WArE.S' ma"k on July 9th, on. red white­ equipment, Donna Sue Mml,;n Mon­ farm also head white smith. spent face butt-h.aded cow unmarked, 'had tools; $3,00(l; 40 12-0•. No, i 250 12·0., 16-0., 4.0•. was : $70' � 510 290 ,190, 61·0., 190' face cattle. Thls is the CUI'I Ander­ .lay with her while she visiting on yokc when left 'home. blind in one around Aon home, place. For further details Iter Toilet 8oa. Whl1e t:lo.tlnr W.nderfal, hor,. .;ye, we�hing pounds; gt'andparents, Iland 80.p aliid' ....rJ TolI.,t 80ap ,t)p(), contact. • Be.DI,.. 80.p Powdern time for her to be freRh an milk; sUit· JOSIAH ZETTEROWER, Mr. und Mrs. W, A, Laniel' and IVORY IVORY • SNOW IJIVA nARES CAMIIY CAIIJIY DVZ able reward. RUSS'ELL DeLOACH, poo"" 698-J. (ltp) Dean Lanier attended the La­ Willa Ga. '2 Lgo,- 250 3 Reg,. UO Lgo, 270 I., 19o, 3 Roo, Di: 2 21e Brooklet, (�OjuI3tp) nier.DcLoach wedding in Savanna'n .... 270, I LI·. 270 FARM FOR SALE--64 acres, 38 in I AUCTION SALE Sunday aftel'noon at the Calv8J'Y cultivntion; good six·room house,' In Register Saturda'Y, Aug. 8, also the for on REA Baptist Ghul'C'h, r"!Ception wired elelftricity line, l() a. m., there wili be sold at public smoke- t1tat followed at the Legioll Hall. rural route; also two burns, outcry one lot 100x200 feet; Julietatl and Walton house, large chicken brooder house, com in one Mr. Ml'S, Nesmith had •• sheller, complete 'housej aCl'e al1ot· - new tobacco barn, 1 1/10 warehouse on half acre of land,. one a. spend-the-day guests Sunday Mr, 12 16 East Main Street •• .Ga. Statesboro, ment seven bearing pecan tree., set Howe Pitt sCaI�s. one GM.C truck and Mrs. Edward Moore and twin nbout $4,000 worth suwmill and pulp- and trailer, one Cherv'Olet trucK, one Mrs. no 10M, Eddie and :J'eddy'; Ru�us wood timbCl'; hleared land, stump6, hay press, one pail' Howe pla.tform Hodges and children and Mrs, A, A. good wire fence, cypress posta; llal- scales', and other equipment of the HOKE S. BRUNSON alice of land fenced �or paatUl'e; 10- estalll L. J, WatenI, ali of ISavannah; Mr. und of Holloway. I cateil throe miles northwest of Twin MRS'. L. J. HOLLOWAY, Mn. R. I!l. Miutin and children anti 58-62 Eas't Main Ga. Ci�y, Ga.; price $4,500. H. C. Mc- W. L. HOLLOW�Y. cSt., Statesboro, 14r. and Mrs. C.J. Martin. ELVEEN, Stilson, Ga. '(lIOJu)2tp) .. � 1 (IIOJlIIJtc) . ,. \ . . . 1965 JULYi JULy , TDIB8 AND STATESBORO NEWS THURSDAY, 30, THURSDAY, SO, 1m 1rOLWCII ...... d 8TA'I'i:8-- N- BULLOCH -_ --_" __"'-- 'f'OlTR ..;.__ ------�"------___!FiV. .1"'iH¥M�;;;:;_;;;MM��;;;;;;;;;�;;:;;;;-;;�;;_,�AV�_'f'f=a=:-- -:-- WEEK-END iCATHY MORRIS CECIL L. WATER\; ctIXIIXttXIIXNXIIJIMII:IX8:8XNDIXtIXICI:tI:1fNXNJtNlt8:lDlXIIJ �ISITORS Jo'ROM . M� �!G.::!!?����!!te.s I FOUR YEARS OLD Funeral services for Cecil L. 8� 8UUOCH TIMES . Mrs. Bernard Morns entertamed a . :�!���:��s!�ane t:ers, 62,W h0 diIed at h'18 restidence '" CCLU� '" IP>1E��O��lL . §)(\j)CCll�JL, UlD nf CO(;)LI· I of 'I'hursday aI- Il'.8«08lt���.�:ac:t:am���X�ltea8:A :�oanl:�el�e:e��"!ete:n�:��:'::!��:: Strauss, Augusta, both formerly a be \ Chl.ldl.en MQnday after long Illness, will vard honoring her Mrs. J. M, Phone 140.J. gr�u.p her niece, MRS. ARTHUR TURNER " Editor., of were t1IE STATESHORO NEWS ternoon with a picmc at Statesborc, week-end guests p�rty hcld Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock Burgess, with her husbnnd and Ismail of who, of Jon Johnston andwers on Bulloch street I� honor Ilk�����eMary at I . ------,home the Statesboro Primitive Baptist visited Mr, _Miss EDIIIA young daughter, Glenda, �"X8:lXl:l:lt1:3X1:1J:8::8X1:8xea8::lXtlX8t:Jt�mltt8X8:1X8:IJ entertained their D. B. TURJiER. of hel daughter . dehghtfully C· �I'-O-.naer. Elder during Church by Elder V. F. Agan, I and ,Mrs. Glenn Bland lust week. Statesboro, fOIl':.h bl�thday I short Georgia . visit. Miss Johnston host- 1 he were enter- cr-' - was httle guests Waters and Rev.. John Ithe Henry Lough.wa-I Colorful MAD CLUB EAR [Cathy. roses and .innias decorated JOINER--MclNTOSH HATTERS 'JUBSCRIPTION S2.(III PER Y • ess at a her tained on the lawn and were served a Burial' will be in East Side cem,etc.ry"I lovely bridge party at NOW PLAYING Il 0 and Mrs. Martha Hart Joiner announces IIfrs. J, P. Redding was hostess to the refreshments Sales '1'aI 6e additIonal In addition to home, dainty •• of sandwiches, potato chips, his widow, Mrs·�Anna· •• SOCIal O"er�l()wj home on Main street which Ivariety I members of ncr club at It de- I Belle Williamson Waters he is sur- of ham the engagement of her daughter, 'bridge N�rth "Serpent Of The Nile" • I RaIR� aandwices, was with a I the h e-rn ade b' ·thda enk C e��cken decorated .. ome-, y a8 eeeond clall' maILer Marob 28, one son H. Waters son of afternoon at .D'tered u. ,anc vivod by Cecil' pimiento cheese sand- Jean, to HalTY Lee McIntosh, . . light'!ul party Thursday .att�artlvely Rhonda Fleming, Wm. Lundlgan WCJ'e [] 0 and combinntlon of lavender and The small grven sa.ndwleh�s, Patsy Marilyn purple , Statesboro, and won by' 'IIi';;: Ed' Na- ore Beef • • ••. Groover, Statesboro, M..". LeII' DeLoach, _.... •. Saturday, August 1 Eati M Dek�detter; . cheese sand- ng -Per REMINGTUN-SWICORD of M,ss Rosalyn Warren. sandwiehaa, pimiento IhandkerChiefS c. A. ry, Savannah; one brother, Ml'8. J. G. Mrs, Nan, Edith for low Mrs S M W II d VISITED TAMPA Moore, individual embossd cakes and "FBI Girls" ARE be IJIf J. H. Waters, REHEARSAL PARTY Mr. and M,'S. Bruce OIlIlT and Foy wiches, AMERICANS - ., nomen an erc ie S�vannah, . soap ad' I: 'ha h- M.'S . dkrecelhv,el' Rufus A derson and dau Jones , Gradv Bland Mrs Rob gaest' ea,ting .mor�. Mrs. g be Tal- • , mints. Brent ." :p.allbea.rers WIll nephews, M be rs 0f the Bemi S·WlCOrd 011'iff had as end MIsses Hose was presented to. the Audrey Trotter, George now than at any time In hIstory,ell r. mingtcn- gueots for cut went to Mrs. H. H. Macon. lind M,ss Betty Linton ert Bland, JoIrs. Herman Mrs. e� �e�k Starts 2:00, 6:16, 9,06 Mary, Ramsey, Foy Waters, Bland, Wllhams and lbors. honorees and in bridge the score to 81 the Am_Iter �rannen rhad,1I'6 In in interest wedding and Marguerite high the - president line with the national trend out-of-townguestsIGwendolyn Others were MI'tI. Robert - according returned from a viait, WIth rela- Jr., Charles Perry Jr., Ger- upward EmeRt Cannon, MnJ. J. C. Mrs. playing AND - 40nler Hines, part� . was a re a of Calhoun. made Miss Bette Womack, M IliStitI u.te Th·. is aid Groover afld Lamar Waters. Hon- were at buffet Payne, Mrs. J. by tives in were nccompn- Hartwell Warren and RO!I- supper, Brantley Johnson Mrs. The Solfnd Barrle� erlc�n Tampa. ,They daughter, entertal�ed Jackson- IBland, Who received a case: for low "Breaking 0' current d "b f will be Hoke Brun- our abreast of last week at the Lynn and Steve Darby, of jewelry rates-sand as it to n Me " �at Il.have oraey is keep Tuesday eve'.lIng I ' Joh St icklan,d M1"8. Re x. H' policy • rec?r ee, home Miss Barbaro Ander- pal�bearer� , Metter', and Mrs Pete I odges ne :uP- nied . fle.ctlOn by Lennie F. W. C. Crom- inasmueh ulyn Phillip. L I M'ISS Henderson was '(0'"um- of the better picture of 1953� ., 0 Mr. and VI'11 Fl severnl IIlary s, The figures are rmpressive, 80n, SImmons, beaut'f'I uI country f e, days and Mrs. F. ParleeI' given phe I had been Metter. �., �st C. Jr: Ralph Ann Todd vIsIting ley, H. M. Robertson :Sr.. Raleigh n�m. spe?t I mer and sumnler cut Richardson, first half of tn. year who, there, effective Fred WIth Mr. and Mrs. week WIth the,r .. My. • • • • beads, beads for During the of the time-we are to announce that • •• .Mrs. grandp rents, A of men T, W. Rou... pleased '" Darby story the who fly the. Kennedy, . - was . C.} .. 1I!artin, .. went to MiRS June Edenfield, Others our per capitll 'beef consumption Bu1ord' as co-hosts: 'A "'Pink nd ,Mrs. Fred, Darby. RETURN TO HOME IN..TEXAS '. STA'G"-[;UNCHEON ' and Everett Wilham•. CELEBRATES BlftTHDJ\'Y" Knight jet planes. on an annual rate , rate on uoed of Mr. and Mrs. J, M. and invited included Misses Jean Eden- Starts JO,oo t 74 Pound. Earl SWlcord Jr. was host at a FWleral are charge we increa'sed our annual interest Mrs. "0. celebrated her and purple colpr motif was Mrs. Malvin Blewett, Augusta Burgess 2:6B, 6:30, . arrange"",nts jn july 1, 1953, Hagan � . �. an annual of last of fleld, Lil.. Ann Helen Zot- Plu. Comedy Fun ba8ls. Th!S compares lunch.oll 'ut Restuu- Smith-TillJ)1an Mortultry. L·rt"�vI nuay· Sund a t the BI'ooklet Club th"oughout the home. The table, over- "pent we.ek with her mother, l\Irs. daughter Glenda, !'Ian .Angelo, . Canuctte; stag t�e'Friendly ay . 18on,. " w.'th at the sa"1e left a' Deborah' Caro" Quiz Progmm '9'�eI<_ I'ate of 68 durmg ' Time and 2 annum. John Everett, Rev. Ble.wett cnme fo.' aftel;, pounds for the " to cent a linen cutworli Texas, Tuesday P.rather,' rant Wednesday of last week i' Savings Deposits per per House, ThoRe "resent were Mr, and laid with white cloth, mornin� terc�e<, ' Grand Prize Now •. is Ann last and slightly OLLIFF ar- R woek-end and visit here with relatives and Blackburn, 'Merg":ret Dekle,"30 ". period year, abo�e Dlen of the Reminjtton-Swicord wed- FOR REV. AND MRS. MI'S. M. C. Drake and chlluren, Glenn- was centered with all exquisite visit accomJl!Bntied friends, Sec4>nd Prize $10. back m tbe record rate way A affair of Saturday her home, for S. where Attaway, Jean Martin, Jacki. Mikell, I1I�hed ding party. Mr. Swicord gllv� toI his delightful ville; Mr. and Mrs, B. R. Olliff, Mr. range"",nt of white gladioli, white Greeleyville, C., they 1909. tho birthday and Mr. and Mrs. Linton Renfroe re- will viait Mr. MrS. J, 01- Sybil Griner, Jane Beaver, Thelma Sunday. Monday and Tuesday best man and groomsmen �terling key evening wa� surprise and Mrs, W. W. Wells, PIli... L. L. pompOn "innias, purple ..stel'S and, Henry Fordham. love- August 2-3-4 supper given Rev. lind Mrs. Hardson of our flowers. candle· turned last week to their home in Iver, and from where they ",m go to' Saturday evening a Total meat for 1953 is chains. Sixteen guests were present. We invite you to continue to avail yourself Currie and ehlldren, Statesboro; Mr. dainty pink Silver p�oduction to visitors • •• • Olliff at their home by the member. nfter II vlalt !Iere !tpartanburg to visit Mrs. Burgess's Jy compliment the young "Dangerous When Wet" forecast lit the high figare 'of 28,700,- end M,,,, Steve Hagan, Thunderbolt; .ticks held pink candles. Thos. serving Naugatuck, Conn., was the 18 AT FROM HOSPITAL of the Pine Grove MlssiolUlry Bap- that Mr M,'S. Mrs_ with his J. L. Dr, R. B, who is Pllrty given by' Miss Mur-, (Color ,Thchnieolor) pounds, which includes an �OME complete banking facilities, and to remind you your and Mr•. Fl'anklih Knight were •. Darby, Knight, flllj.;er" Judge by' 000,000 of MI'S, Howard Ann on MGM'S Vacation Time Musical! veal list of the Og,'echee River M�. .an� M.... and MISS Jim Renfroe. plealdent of the Junior Dekle at hcr home Big cent increase in beef and Alrthu.r. Chprch, chIldren, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. RIggs Bob Darby, Mrs. Jack Darby. Spartanburg ,garet per ,Fnend� she Eether Williams" Fernando Lama.. be mterested that near insured I Mrs. Mrs. R. A. College. ,A""ompanind Bur- Donehoo .treet. Garden flowel'S witll A"sociation, demand or by. over last year, along "l'. lenrn. (\letter, �ev.' OllIff saving�are by Mrs. K. T., Summel' and Glo- Hollis Cann.... and the junior )bridea- Heyward .Foxbcall, "Dr, and DenIse Darcel production :W'll a able to be at home follOWing stay of the church. Tht depo8it�w�ether 8�d lO.n" will visit his summer added' to the. loveliness of the home, decline in ;" pastor group and Marsha Can- Ed Pur;vis, .M,·I. Willis ges., they �t a 10 per cent pork produc- �s 1'\'1 ::!IlYllnlll!h; Lynn Darby ,Bynum, ·l!Irs. Renfroe'lbrot)!er, ALSO TOM AND .l'!!':, .�nd Ml':'. m�uds, RY! In the Bulloch CO,\lIty the n elo".- to a max:' ��". M,'S. home in .lAke N. C. a ••orted sandwiches; potato The outlook is fOI' still further Hospltal.;. present4Jd' n9norees '!>voly the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation up W. 0, Miss non,' Tfic bfide'-was ·loveTy'in'. blue Oobb,..ollJ"", Bruce Ollil\' and Wal,. Lure, Itlon, " •• • Betty lit ,�agl!f,l, !I.nll ��Il!!ren, • - -,'. '. - 2:1.0, 4:35JER.and 9ol1IJ were Sunday for tric ' I formed7ii .piiriil- tihips IIl1d Coca Colas served. increa8es the total production percojlator.., " .Anll G.irnnettc. ,al\(1 A, F. Belcli,;� laeo" wii"i(z-iength d're'8s"'and corsag;, MeDo'uii'a!d 'group: 9:30 � ••• LOVELY PARTY Mon.-Tues., 3,24, 5:68, 7:32, LEAVE FOR ST. ·LOUIS amount of landGu.sts b,,,,ldes the honorees were im,um $10,000.00 for' each 'depositor. Mr. 'and Mrs. H. P. of carnations� ing tbe day in Savannah during the MOR�ING Plus and 1964. Arthur aJlU Oliver; Hagan, pink Mrs. Bruce Mrs. Comedy Novelty Mr. and Mrs. Schrepel TO VISIT IN BAL'DIMORE Olhll', Heyward anc e rnn or· • • • , M·,·sses J B Th I F d • week . eover, Admission , &gular . . S . C·., Ml' an,1 Mrs Slater past . and left Miss Billie Foss will leave Sunuay Ridgeland, and Mrs. R. A. were This is news for the consumer children, Jessie, Cathy Bill, ACE HIGH CLUB F!'P'all hllm, Mllry Jon Johnston, Jean Mar- good and and E. Mrs. Goorge BI'Ylln and daughters, B)'�um and for :St. where for Baltimore, Md" to spenu awhile Hagan childl'CIl, Stilson, at a 6-6 .. 7 are a nation of meat enters, Wednesday LouiS, Mo., • hoatesses, lovely morning Jo Ed- Coming August -we Mr, lind Mrs. Ray Darley Tessie and Vicki, have returned from pal:1:y Attaway, June and Jean diet Dr. and Mrs. Julinn Quattle- W. Perkins. w�re ut the home Mrs. Olhff. Itin, Admission to this show only medical .earell has proven that a they will make their home, ,with hosts members of the HIgh Tuesday Sy'bil Black- • • • • Ace, .. visit of several weeka with hel' pal'- �f enfield, Griner, Carolyn Mn,tlt,ee till 0:30. OOC, 60e a deft- Jr. Sbe will be accompanied . to. Summer flowers and Indoor Evening with a meat content has paum Club the week the home of plants Lila Ann Canuette. high FRIEND!;! VISIT durmg "t enta in Lancaster PII. Mr, Bryan went burn, Child, 2f>c lit IIny time. on mental LAWRENCE W.M.S. MEETS little Julian Quattlebaum who . Were used and on nlte favorable bearing by Ill, Mr, nnd A. Norrell Mr. and Ed On morning. a delightful a.nd pl\l'Cnta, up for a shol-t visit and IIceompanied' �bout th�, Sunday Wednes- ... ,Mrs. Pr�e- sherbet so far as the maJorIty Th. Lawrence W.M.U. met has been visiting his g mdparents, Mr.s. W,lIham her. served Wlth table whIch hllle KIDDIE SHOW STATE THEATRE physical vigor IOn o! Syluclluga, tonus. A salad plate was them home, !I'?m breakfast was enjoyed at Mrs. Bry- The 22nd, at Mrs. Lester States­ AI,a., Df the are concemed, pro- day, Mr. and Mrs. Martin, a�� ReggJ�, later and nut" salldwiches, potato Kitehen with Mi." Jane Beaver Saturday morning at 10:30 people ,July:, F. DenmarkFreem�n VlS.ted Mrs. VII-gil Delli lind famIly punch, lind Colas Mrs. Felix has re- pu.nch, ant's S WIth Mrs. E. ple- � Strausburger ",sorte,d hand has had to Floyd b an d D to, and M rs. J U I'Iftn un.t Island COC� and cookIes were served was a See Tlckets_ other Q Merchant. for Fr"" ducer , on the oro, Sea scores Mrs. chIps to Miss '. W.M.U. Bank MI'. Norreli lind late weI.. sel'Ved. 'For hostess Miss Murl'UY and The recited the hIgh Beach . siding. group Monday. turned to her nome in of declmes Savannah. t�e Daytonll with With problems tlebBum Sr., won a china hot Ithe pink An cope with SCJ1pture reading, became whIle both l!:ddie attractive arrangement shar� watchword, Virgil friends Rushing after a visit with be,' son, J. P. Red_lery•tal compote. u�,.a�ed .Strauss. livestock values. The ulbmate 80- Mrs. E. F. TIen- •••• D�al �Iate and cut pri..s tn Mathew 25:31-46, by Hos- and Eddie won two pall' of [asters gladloh. HIgh of summcr ftowers was used on the AT LAK.E ALTOONA were at Genera) Rushing ding and family. She was accomp"- to this lies in increased mark and Mrs. J. O. CreaBeY, Lead�rs VISIT ThayCl: were won Mrs. Cedi Brun- ' lution problem patient;' boiled corn by and covers wel't! for - ... Tenn" In 1944. socks. A set of tuble and Mrs. Hinton Remington J}ital, N 'hVllle, Esquire nied home for a two-weeks visit by pieced ARTHRITIS". in the pr<)- Ml'. . demand to match increased produc- taking part Royal nen and Mrs. E. C, Oliver. Mrs, Seryice 'holders went to Mrs, Hal Waters fOl' Murray, Strau.s, Johnston, Jo, that gram Roland Starhng, and grand'son, Charles Hodges, are Mrs. Redding and children, Patricia, have been blessed In and' it is a noteworthy.fuct we�e.Mrs. �rs. Bl'8nnen also won a hand- wonderfully tlon, W, Bank AS JOHNSON SIMMONS II cut. GU""ts were Mr, and Mrs. Rush- dainty Atta M t A II D kl J ean U, Sta,rlmg, Bulloch SIL argUl·e· nee, to active after Wllhams, at Lake Altoona J' an CI de. bein" life ... 'have shown I spending the week Immy d y �ny" restore� �- tlte live.tock S'. ehlna and produce Mrs. E, F, Denm",I., MIS, J. A, Cour- will' learn Waters Mr. and painted piteher � lovel)l rhelma Fordham and the m m . County Relatives and friends Mr. and Mrs. Martin, In@' cnppled nearly every joint Culbreth ing ' .. k for t with Dr. and Mrs. Wayne inchnatIon to as govemmen Wil- . .. no 'sey, Mrs. Carl Starling and Mrs. and frienus will learn and h chma, vaRe went to Mrs. I my body and with muscular so"'n_ as Relatives Mrs. AlVin Wllhams, Mr. 'M MAYNOR HONORED hostess. the was ad- line! sons. were lIecompanied MRS. �d-pamted !lead I Rbeum8- know that long-term liam The They �s. - foot. had ald. They Starling, meeting with regret of the �expectd death BIll Ohver. For low euta hand painted • • • • fr?m .1? IJ· Fred Hodges and Mr. and Mrs., Mrs. Velma Maynor, of Oneonta, oC the with & chain Hodges, and other forms Interests of nil are best sen·.d by prayer. ;rail' as Atilllntu by Ru.1ty IOf little SII..s Johnson Simmons n, Willis Art,hrltl. Newton llhina ashtray. went to Mrs. 8eTved delicio"" re- Olliff. Mr. and Mrs. Dent Ala. for"",,' to ' LADIES' AID MEETS tRoh,deumntls1U, hands deformed and my The with his oon or Mr, and Mrs, missionary. market. Ijoumed hostess, who wi11 visit there aunt, three-weeks-old b' 1,'t!e .. ( C0 b and Mrs. Frank Grimes. were our.' ea IIe . ankles set. ______'freshments the soclol oc- Mrs. Fl'ed d' week here .. . durmg and fnmilY. Johnoon death and Mr, and Darley wIlo spent several days last Ladles AId of thJ REPORTER. Mrs. Creighton Perry, S,mm?"B, whos� Socmty Limited space prohibits you . telling at . ' curred for l't!freshments. with !IeI' friend, Miss Rubie Lee, al80 Th? SUNDAY GUESTS h?me In. RETURN FROM' OUTING P11mttlve Baptist church met Mon- I here but if you will write me Dp.)lt,ona . mol'� Fla. •• •• . dinner th'l,,;unetnl R former Korean missionar was the Mrs. Charles Nevils had as �� ��neh, H�rvlce8 y, Mr. and Mrs, Hudson Wilson, Miss aftel1loon with Mrs. Shelton 1 WIll reply 'lOt once and tell you how' !:. of 18Kt weflk f"ere. . uay ... ,a,"���, ,,.,Id ,:"m PRIMITIVE CIRCLES wonderful on Fair .. W,ednosd!,y lit a I received this relief. Sunday at her !lome honor guest dehghtful Dot Wilson and Rufus Wilson have Mikell. After II ue"otional led guesta FOR RENT-Furnished for FOR apartment LQTS FOR SALE-We have sev�,.al �acon. The Ladies Circles of the Primitive p�rch p�r- hy and be" und supper Monday evening I . ,. Murray , and Mr. and' Mrs. Eldwin WER"phone"698-J.: (l6juI1't!p), 'TY CO., mc. (Hp) co.,'rN'c.···, (ltp) lUIs F�nce,,:S;m�6�., hostesses. Twenty-seven guests en- P. O. 80]( 8122 Dllvi. Sr. I Ncw York C· W a8 h' D. gocml hour the' halteR" serv'eci. a s:dad Ity, mgton, CO, . I ami cure annex. .. lnlmOnR rom C 'II B. h h . Theatre, S· f o'clock ut the State 0, led MIMI.. of Mr. and' Mrs. As- I&Ptlst old populllr songs Jack80n 7, ippl Nevils; Joyed smglng the EndleR8 Caverns. Proctor, and I' courRO. . Debrell Proctor, of Mrs. Z. S. Henderson, who accom- - tor Proctor a'ld . !iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiJiiij by and' an inter- Brooklet, and Mrs, J'. W. Cooper panied with her accordion; \' Ilhildren, Vidulia. IIKILLERS ALL1' .,sting talk lliven by M,·s. Maynor, Towns who related a number of her experi­ LOSES the In ALFRED DORMAN and closed with -. BR·OS. the ell 1953� Georgia ALDRED ences, party 'Wh" fr·leq(Js· drop· HIS SISTER IN ALABAMA MONDAY, AUG. 3rd 'singing of Invely !Iymns. Delicious Alfred Dorman were Chump/on AND GROCERIES Mr. and Mrs. QUALITY MEATS ;refreshments cossisted o.r a variety --SEE-- tiO"H' low" (ofllft\t ""lied to Tuscaloosa, Ala., Saturday FRESH VEGETABLES of cookies and punch, The host""ses SUV4e the death of his sis­ lind deS beeause CO' of only Mrs. Mikell .�e M'ake NEWS were assis\ed by llob and sna' whO�tt unex� ter, Mrs. N. J. 3'alantis, JOHN DILLINGER M.I'S. Brooks Mikell. Satu,'day after­ last peeted death occu�red Saturday noon a courtesy to Mrs. Muynor waH Tuscaloosa. Sometimes you're expecting guest&- at her home in BOY" FLOYD informal Ikrs. mqrning . '.'PRETTY the party given bl Dormun returned home Mr. and Mrs. "MACHINE GUN" KELLY Brooks Mikell at her home on Ba.t IIOIDetimee you're not. But you're always prepared Monday. Main, to which a few friends were • MANCHUTER ' CLYDE BARROW invited. Home... made ice cream, and tid·bite on hand. "GUN CRAZY" ...... peach witb Coke tasty _ BRASWELL MANAGEMENT Ho'iii: sel'ved. PARKER : Copiea of a Ipecial Champion cookies and salted nuts 'gere IMPORTANT PERSONNKL "CIGAR SMOKING" BONNIE were 70wn edition of the town Sunday evening Dr. and Mrs. Cnrroll of the raper Wel!bon Dupree, formerly 'auctiooed olr at a colDDlwuty meeting Mrs. See What Makes Them Kill. Moore were dinner hosts to C.r(!orgiu Experiment Slation, at Grif­ tD raill6 to for a &erap· neeDtly money pay 'Maynor at their home on Park Ave­ to Ais dollsn. fin, is now permanently employed by 1I.ok: Bid. ranged from one . See the Actual Death Car on Display in Other guests were D. G" Lee, the Braswell Company as food tech­ SUNNYLAND BRAND (4 to 6 pounds) Jnue. Theatre. ----IIIlII!-----, Misses Rubie and 'Nelle Lce and Mrs. R. L. Winburn is the Bras­ Front of sieian. Brohks Mikell. 'wells' office manager. Front of Theatre. See Lobby Display in Picnics' FOR SALE D. CLUB Smoktd': PIANOS POPLAR SPRINGS H. - who , Gunmen Meet Their WANTED Responsible party l'he Poplar Springs Home Demon­ Sjx Desperate Vicious SUNNYLAND BRAND (cello ,�J�ped) " .. can make reasonable down payment t1tl'8tion Club held their regular meet­ Match G-Men Guns. . �( end Bsssume minimum monthly pay­ Tuesday afternoon, July 21st, at by Ing to buy Spinnet, like new, Hnd the home of Mrs. A. R. Clark Sr., with Iments matching bendh. 'For pa�-ticullll's, Mrs. A, R. Clark Jr, as co-host... s. Welners write Finance Department, 62 Pryor Mrs. Clark Jr. gave the devotional Don't Forget-One Day Only, Monday. 1------I St., N. E., Atlanta, Ga, (30juI4tc) with each one joining in the Lord's �IDALIA 3rd- \ Vitamin C Enriched (46- oz. OIUI) PI'llyel'. Ml'S. Womack, our vice­ AUGUST pl'esident, presided ov-cr the meeting. Ad'mission-25 and 60 Cents. I Mrs. Luke Hendrix read the minutes of the last meeting and called the \ ?:i .� ana FACTS roll. Each member was asked to tal{e HI-C Orange their pl'oject reports to the next meeting. Due to the absence of our SUN-RICH .' WELCH'S llome demonstration agents, Miss Ver­ demonstration on Ba Collins gave a AND DEPENDABLE making hairpin lnce. PROMPT Pri� were won by several mem­ Juice ber8 of the club during the social tALHOUN Tom�to hour. The hostesses served plain will be DELICIOUS eake and Coca-Colas. Ambulance Service 'A. community, recreation feetival HUNT'S dedicate the hold_here on Augnst 26, to "COW BOY" BILL AKINS be an all-aCter­ � Dew ewimming pool. It'. to .Anywhere Any Time with ANNOUNCES NEW DEVICE j' Doon and evening alrair complete Halves dance. Peach. .quare Dear Mr. Editor Bulloch Times: , . parade, �eld e.vent� ,and.s this as a I hOlle you can publis;, ------FOR ICE CREAM news item. Cowboy Bill Akins work� out details for a new kine of engine, en­ FUNERAL and hopes to build one of these BARNES HOME gines in the early futUrE: in Statcs­ !boro to see what results they are to Phone NigU Phone Waffle the detnil works for his' ellginf::. Day CuplelsH,: COWBOY BILL AKINS, 467 465 Ta\'ern Appetizer PUMPERNIc;Kt;L QOx 10 Habel'sham Stl'eet, F.F.V. "Of cOllre I appreciate the Savannah, Gn. LITHONIA mink coat 1 But I would have �����������������������������: ------lit The CRT youth ·committee is sponsoring preferred a Steak Dinrier home canteen 33c T'lke enough a sub-teen for the 10 to 12-year­ Crackers FRA'NKLIN'S DRIVE-IN 5 1949 PLYMOUTHS olds one �ght a week. The program i8 today.' • WANT TO BUY GOOD TOBACCO FARM REAL-KlLI_ CAN RESTAURANTl" $300 EACH supervised completely hy teen-agers who Push Button Bomb WITH FIVE TO TEN ACRES TOBACCO ALLOTMENT_ conceived the idea fer the project.' 1 1950 FORD $350. STATE SIZE OF FARM, ALLOTMENT AND ------All Kinds of AutlJ Part". 98c Also WHETHER CASH OR TERMS IN Bug Killer Apply FIRS'!' REPLY_ (bath size) 2 BARS GEORGIA POWER Valua:ble Coupons-OCTAGON Clark's Auto Parts lonUD UNDER AUTHORITY Of THE COCA·COLA COMPANY IY ,W. C. CAMERON � t)�«4IMt ST�TESBORO COCA·COLA �OTI'LING CQMPANY RAEFORD, NORTH CAROLIN A Toilet Soa� SIX

TIlURSDAY, JULY 30, 1963 TIMES AND STATESBORO Jacksonville, a& assistant BUJ.LOCH NEWS._ Fla., region­ Edenfield, Mrs. Paul Edenfteld, Mrs. BEVE.� al sales Southeaat BROOKLET NEWS ·Irwnager, Region PORTAL Herbert Stewart and Mrs. Jomn Saun­ NEWS �------I ¢Ii1dren, of Albany, In Cheater, Pa, Mr. Warnock-FI'ed- ders. ·:.�p:e:n;t�t:h:e�w:ee:klir·iii�.��:��iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii';;;;;::; Mrs. Woodcock and with Mr. and' Mrs. W. W. Jones. Floyd children, erick Us he is known in Brookeb=- Mrs. George Turner and Jack Tur- Farm 'DENMARK NEWS On Tuesday Miss DeLoach was 'hon. The Churches Burea" of visited relatives here Mrs. Genie Bland Mrs. Savannah, is the son of L. A. of. At. apent the week end in Atlanta with J!f..1 and Arlene Warnock, ,'ner ored at a luncheon at the home of The True Memorial this week. Mack Jackson, of MiIlf;m, ·is visiting of visited" Mr. lunta, and the late oM rs. Wurnock, Mr. and ·Ml'S. Vernon McKee. Mu.I-tin, Statesboro, Mrs. Howell nom- Portal. Mrs. G. 0, who has been In DeLoach, 1lulloch Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Ginn. and Mrs. H. H. Zetterower White, who wem also fonnel' citi,l�ns of Miss Grace Bowen, with her County Activities Thursday 18 AN UNWRI'l"I'EN BUT BLOo guest, . Cuests included Mrs. John Saunders at I Mr., and Mrs. J. L. Lamb visited afternoon. tho Waynesbol'o is home He finished his Miss Cathetine of hospitnl, Broeklc]; high White,. Atlanta, Mrs. Buster Mrs. QUENT STORY Of" ALL THAT Flelris, Hel·hel·t TROPHY'S F.MOUS '�L...... � Statesboro BYRON relatives' in -Savamurh durlng' the MI'. and M,·s. Juck again. school at Russell School in At- spent last week end at Savannah Baptist. (By DYER) Ansley and High Stewart, Ml's. Paul Edenfield and . �II'. and Mrs. W. O. Denmark have Misa fJ� REV. GEO. LOVELL JR., P.stor. week. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. IS BEST IN LIFE. lunta and was Bench. C tt farmers 10 thiIS area children, Snipes Inter in Coast Guard Grace Bowen. VENETIAN GABARDINE on may MI'. M I·S. J ames Denmark and r a visit in SUNDAY SERVICES. und and .. end M I·S. O"CI\1'n turned '[I'Om ten-days For the he t MI·s. H. \V. Kenneth Wo- nee to exert more than Bobby, G.I'I'CI·t, duty. past several years Womack, • I.u.urlou...... " ....,."... 9S - do pressure Our ,",ark help. to relloet •• Fla. 10:00 a. m., school. litt! AI spent the week end with and children apent ut Savun- Sunf'crd, been mack and Mrs. Irvin Au- . hold cov- Sunday hue with the Ford Motor Com- Wilson, of w.s.c.s_ MEETS • YNr-rou"d ••,.1It 57. Sund�y nor-mal to the present luws . sptri� which prompts you to .� R. m., .relatives in nuh Beach. �11'. And Mrs. D. L. Alderman have visited M�rntng W?rShlp. Register. , in Jacksonville. • gusta, Dr: and Mrs. C. Millel' The rt .. 1�:10 the allot- the .!.nne •• an act 'J( pany W.S.C.S. of tho Methodist .•..... IIQrl". 2 for $15 6.30 p, m., Umon. ering proposed acreage ",ver_ . Misses Juno and Julia returned from a visit with relatives, • • • • Traml�g Bragan, M ... and Ml·s. sluek and . C. M. Portal Ansley and dovotion • •• Our Friday. : met at the home of Mrs. Hu- 7:30 p, m., hour. ments, Cowart, presr- uperl._ SAYI MONIYI ,HIe ....1It1... Wo�shlp 4-H Club members ar• ",cII'din this in )Iillmi. Sla. i., ' 01 g children und their Mrs. Os- 1 F.H A. Mrs. J. L. Juckeon and Ml'ii. 8:30 m., SOCIal hour. out to Thurs- guests, i. at your ••mea. . Smith 'The 1•• il.. direct 15 p. dent, pointed hIS group Monday, uf,..\'''·11O0,",8rt warned that the minori- guests · Home-makers Monday was directed •• _ THAYER by the president, Mrs.. CO�O". MONUMENT . . COMPANY and West. Fla. T...... T .LACK this week at Camp Fulton with other J. W. lit Brooklet, Key U Trapnell. E. N __ hr .... • 'ty In "the Amercran Farm Bu- Sykes pre-planning meeting Wednesday, L. Womacl,. ''' . Statesboro Methodist Church group A Sillet 1m three .----- NAVY· eopp•• members 01 the 4-H Club. MI'. and Mrs. W. H. Loca,J Industry Jackie Proctor is spending Rev. C. K. .------fert ,I 22, at the Steel The of wiIl • " reau haa to the to Zetterow�r July Br-idge. Everette, Dublin, CMA.COAL J. F. ugreed proposal WILsON, Pastor M.,' und Mrs. W. -H. nod as 10B'N'lt THAYER, i'ropl'illtor weeks with MI'. and Mrs. Churles I ' guests fOI' dinner _ pur-pose of the meeting was to plan .conduct services at the Portal. Baptist GUEST MINISTER 'BE ., fI.ll� .. .""". CM_...... shift some of the acreage from the .. Zottero,,:,er Tuesday 10:16. Sunday Sehool; W. E. Helm­ and the week end WIth at Unadilla. chul'ch ut .to IIy 1t.1.., pock.. LUII"A'" ••0_ spent Ml'. and Mrs. Joe .Jones, of Texas: Powell, for the Ja",s M'III er gave an IIIt 15 S nctay even'�.· 11:30. aennon endorsed legislation to chunge the Syrial Eld'el' P. of W_ I_ 'O.UT N' Morning" worship; by and Mrs. � Eugene May, Nashville, II".. .f1, and \'-isitod -Mr. . Mrs. J. A. Denmark and GOlle ble, Chir·i. Ryuls Mis. LiIt;'lI' Pa., the . Philadelphia, of tho Ml'S: I IIt... f1.I.. ' laws to effect. a I "pont mg rcpol't leadel'ship ·confcr- Wednesday G€I()j'g� Turner, Tenn., will be the speaker in both W".. M."'''... • N. .LU•. pa.tor. p"esent this Such ������R���r��t��:�\�M!.�I�n�8�treet������P�H�O�N�E�4�3�9����8�ta�����'�o..��� J. D. Laniel' last week. Johnson COP MA"'" "U' 7:30. EvenIng wOl'llhlp; sennon by as gucsts of Ml'. and Mrs. Ryals, of Brooklet. FOR SAl.E--Old C. ence that'she had recently attendcp. Oscar and Ml's. ,Fred sel'vi�es �t the Statesboro, Pl'imitive 5'_ Ir_ I. to 41 w.llt. SI.... move would ho helping the lal'ger cot- Sunday. W. Zetterowel' WANTEID TO RENT-District su- tile a of MI"S.-, ' 08h 170 116 in cul- Dl'. and Mrs. JRmes R. Church next for 44 t. SO , pastor. Strickland Those und place, Bryan. . at Pembroke. enjoying . acres, for Atlanta wereerest-I:dis- Miller were at a Sunday. Eldel' UTI.FACTION ,.. polr All .01_ I. .... �on .farrn�I's in the' Southwest he fry plc- ho!"c newspapers Many helpful suggostions • p 8:80. Foundation Fellow­ p�rvi.or with IS "UARA"ToaO o. WeBley at hoRt g'l'llrle to rent thl'ee-bedroom spent the weck end neous the river during the weok wel'e Illn.d; hou"", Augusta cussed and. WCl'e slated to teu Mi.s DeLoach. U to...... w-l I•.,. hi "-lit �tated , and cited to the Mt·. and Mrs. Julius Bonton and dealres. he brought honoring ��: Hour. figures :ffect !nic vo ml e8ab�olutolysouth of on NeVIls . or aIne II."UNDID ahlp �lVat,o�i 4.. mi8cella-IBI,lPtl�t as an MONEY . . M city 1 or sooner.1 thte nnuary, - by andotherd°.!1 . Sept. Jyouthful mind- . 11 . . M' an I 'I1" r.•m{I 'I rs. T ryan. Z" col_ cllolc. a" .11.... d A US',nl!>eS and B0b Mrs. Harold , .. that' In . ",rs. befol'.e the club when school opens. Hendnx, now .; the average farmer Arlzonn road; very tCI·ms. FOl' details cr. RBI doing good wOI'k among the ....T PO.TPAIO casy lkply RAY RUCHHOLZ, general Mrs. Chalmers \Voodnllllnd accompa.metl " or pl.l. fr_ ....r...... , M,'. and Mrs. HUI'old and Mr. and New officers fol' the next her Mr. and M"'3. churches. He ••r wi" ". PrimlUye Church. has acres of in California IChnrlespet', haa been set for 24th. by, Floyd contact JOSIAH ZE1TEROWER. Ga. scholastic p!lI'Onts, Slmp. is ' Baptnst '44.8 cotton; September (It delivery, Statesboro, (16julltp) �by d�cply cons�crated, 0.0•• TODAY''''''_''' SArli lunfumlShed, 80ns, of .(Ibnny, visited Mr. and Mrs. In love Fa"n little daughte., Mr. and Mrs. Kenny year arc: PI'Csilicnt, Barbara Grif- son, of Iva S. C., mQtored to Penn- W?" e�ucated, mUSICal, nnd _!!LDEU V. F. AGAN, Pastor. they have an avel'age of 36.1 acres of, The Bureau will pt'Ovide the 11S!.Cl"S1With hiS PIe.llId . D. L. Alderman this week. work. W.iSt Lltneth PI.ln 0" Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Jack und fcth; vice pr(�lident, ,Janis Miller; to. attend the mal'riage of Q....ntit¥ CHOICI COLO" .19:16 u. m.-Bible .tudy.. cotton. while in Georgia and South meat and the ladies in the community Ansley - ISYlvania -----.------_!!!!!!_ - . 11. and at � a. children and Mrs. Oscar Gnl'ciu lind 1\1I's. C. G. Free I . 11:30 \Vor children, assistant her ·brother. Itt. ·hip. Carolina have 7.4 acres. sweets, he stated. He expI'Cssd :iCCl'tuJ'Y, Mary Ansley; # l m.-Mo�nillg .• they only ithe 8:00 p Bamburg, S. C., visited hel' rathel', and· Mrs. chit- EMIT GROVE CHURCH '1'0' ! 2nd. .. m.-Eveolng North aC'"es the thnt Pl'ince children. Mr. --.- 4.0 and --- Carolina tl':lUSUrCl', Jane Cassidy; Roy Bl'llY --- worshIP.. I only per hope CongresKman by the guest . Preachmg . lust wtck. --I:,".L=------Mr llnd Mrs J . H . GI'IIn had as H. �l. RobeJ'tson, chairman, Betty S'nyder; dren, MI'. and Ml's. Thomas Williums HAVE UEVIVAL SERVICES mllllster'l farmer, and Alabama 6.6 acres. H Preston could be WIth them f01" pl'ogram Eldel' Eugene P. Ma'y, in both these , and I -P--I� '. Mr. and Hines find Paul Robertson pl'ojectl �I� Mrs. Mr. Mrs. Ilnd Miss. Williams I 116 FLO.lba The cotton in the far thIS annual ev"nt. guests Sunday Rudolph Marie ViI'. V":a • ,.. o.• TAM." se,."ices. I chail'man, Boydi historian, services arc to TIIOPHY IPOIITS\VIA�' D .....:- ox· •• production Dry atte�tled Special evangelistic �2': I children were of Mr. and MI'·s. Ple.,e Hod ,t.cka .. lodlcated, tiP. IDcl.O M.O. IDd.D lNo C.Q.I),'I m. of Atlantu; Mt'. and Mrs. Cleva guests "Unto These Hills" at Chol'okec" N. be held at Emit Grove � �t''''J 10:30 a. Saturday before euch Southwest is Rew, but it has been' One of the reully big Furm Bureau. Ginn, giniu Bragg; tl'easurer, Fay Newmullj I Baptist church Robertson Sr. this week. second M l'. and M I's. J. W. ' Sunday. Newton, Savunnuh; night at 8 o'clock flom . here fOI' more than 160 held in the each son.g leadel', Kay McCormicki honor C., SatUl'day night. AUif- "Ad ...... • grown yeal's, m¥ti·ngs c'Ounty nnd ust 10th Eal'l Ginn of 1'11'. and Mrs. John Shearouse ••• II throug� August Rev. al'e and it will be next and family, Suvannah; roll chairman liu- I These farms smull would year Thursduy altel'- Cleaners Angie \Vhite; pal �5. Church R. L. the WIll Al)DR&88 ...... ,� -\ :- .CaIvary Baptist' Shotts, pastor, . E. Ginn of Aug'ust:a, wel'e guoots MISS DeLOACH HONORED IHeuch .. lIoon late at Middle Gl'ounil Ml'. and Ml's.. M. and chil- ,j,ildl'Cn, m n urrun. .. be to the t' D'," sCl'a)lboo k on �� very unjust go beyond JK'es- school, I Qt. I5ll1ghtj the following subjects: God, C. G. GROOVER, Paitor. and M . Mrs. J. 1 Shearouse this week. . Rev. Ml's. o'f CITY ...... i II'I'6ft : cnt law und take cotton acre- when that hold. Its annu,,1 dren, Statesbol'o; chail'man Peggy Fordham! MisR Janette DeLoach was guest Hell und, awny gl'oup .. levery Holy Ma.n, 10:16. Sunda, school. Service is Our Motto u Spil'i�, of IInri others. Bobo Bryan has accept d' posi- Ch,l'lst,Heaven on from these small and L. Short, Cluxton, book ChUll11H.lIl, Kuthlcen Barnwell"lofCO-,f.:CI·ap- honor at a luncheon at the home of respective nlghts. ,======(A=dd=8:::1.=I.="=,,,=·=ra='�"='='.=U=I'='d='======,,�, '. U:30. Morning worship. ages producel,'s family night suppel·. �ion with the Nlutunl Bl.!ncfH HealLh . cia I WORK CALLED I'eprll·tm·, Janelle Beasley. : Frank Bentori in Savannah Fri. �e 8:16. B.' T .• U. give 'it to larger producers of the na, Ivannoe nlso meets next Friday FOR AND DELIVERED e y a I ace oru'a - and Accidcnt Asc;ociution in Savun- I presenMU'Sitcdandb speC vury,singinMC' wdill FOR - ...:. .ervice. FOR SALE Six-room hou"o with COLORED HOM��S ".80. Evangelistic nn- At the close of th-c business mcet- day. Besides Miss DeLoach guests ,HOMES Call FOR COLOR'ED Cali·R. tion, he declared. Mr. Cowart nnd will hold It. annual meet- Temple Hill and elito churches: M. Benson at M 8:00 Mid-wool· inight .creen porch g..rage, lot 200x 'PROMPTLY CHAS. E. .. at m., al\d CONE' CHAS'. E. p. Wed"".dIlY. . nuh'. ,Benson . COl\fE at the u IU:1ch. Mrs. B. E. Mrs. is nouneed that the annual community ing that time. inC' group enjoyed picnic 'were Smith, Noyce I Evel'yone invited to attend. REALTY INC. INC. ••,·vice. 200; home in excelhmt condition; IMI'S' CO., prayer � sev- (Up) REALTY CO., (ltp) M1'3. F. V\'. who . PHONE 375 Hughes, spent R./ (flight, when evcl'yone in the Portal I BJ'ooklet and Denmllrk do not meet home in beautiful luwn with plenty cral in the Hospital sca- of and shade tl·ce.. HILL days Oglethol'pO The Church Of God area, whether a Flll'm Euruu mem-I next week due to busy tobacco shruboory 27 West Vine Street :: Statesboro� Ga. in is at home much & OLLIFF, phone 766. (2jul) Savannah, again Inatltute Street ber Ol' not, will be invited in for sup- �on activities. . improved. II REV. BILLY HAMON, Paator ------Howul'd Wurnock, who has bCc.;.l Sunday school, 10 a. m. criticully ill in the Bulloch County Morning worship, 11 a. m. Hospital, is repol'ted to ho .slightly Evangeliatic """'ting, 7 :30 p. m. 7;80 improved. I Wednesday pnlyer meeting, p. m. . i'll'S. Felix PUl'I'ish has retul'n.Jd t Saturday night Y.P.E., 7:30 p. m. from where she I 'Before ... Duytona Beach, Li'lla., you truck Make the . buy any Hill utten,ded tfhe Hom,: Temple Bal,ltist Church•• <.-onvention. Firat and Third Sunday_) Demonstvation,! • CServlces FORD�S Rev. and Mrs. Cal'i E. Cussidy and 1l...... Bob Bescancon, Pa�tor 10:30 II.!!). Sunday school. Miss Jane, nl'C for your Cassidy visiting W IS-second S'IT U :30 •. m. Morning worship. two week in and Fait DOWN TEST Gadsden, Ala., 8:30 m. Union. I p. Training . W-aync, Ala. 7:80 p. m. Evenin" worship. )11'. und Mrs. H. G. PIIl1'ish Jr. and Macedonia Church 11:.\)115, H:ank, SLevc and G,'egg, of in new Baptist Winchester, Ky., are visiting relativcd Driverized REV. MELVIN MOODY JR., Pastor' FORDS Cab . best herE" this week. siiJi4at· S;;hool, 10: 16 L m. Mr. and Mrs. HUl'ry \\'ron and Mornln" Worship, 11:3� a. m. m. buy! 7:30 p. Miss Jennie of vis­ Evening Worship, Wrenn, Atlanta, "WORTH MORE" IS THE ANSWER ••• IT' COSTS SO LITTLE TO BUY . . ited Mr. und Mrsl "'T. W. Mann and THE ASSEMBLY OF GOD Mrs. Acquilliu Warnock this week. ••• SO LITTLE TO RUN ••• AND HAS SUCH HIGH RESALE Invites you to attend Bervices each VALUE.I Ml'. and Ml's. J. D. Lanier left Sat­ ·Thursday night at 8 o'clock at the old ul'day night for San Antonio, Texas, house in Brooklet. Preaching The be.t buy in an automobile umally meana the Mileage Maker Six? Maybe it'. the eaay. way the wherc will visit theil' by the Rev. Elmer L. Green, pastor they daughter, _c,hOOI amount of and ..'inaction the owner car handle. with Fordomatic Drive, or Ford'. of Firat of God Temple. ple,Bure geta Ml's. J. R. Hinkle, and Mr. Hinldo. Assembly I Savannah. Sund�y athoo! each Sun­ from his original inveBtment, plw low day-to-day Master-Guide power .teering I Perhap. it's Ford'. Ml's. Wayne Swezey and sons, Mike uy .fternoon at 4 o'clock. Services running cost.. plw the amount of value he recovers an.ponded pedals, or Center�Fill Fueling or Full. and of Wash., Aldine R. Johnny, Tacomu, are In charge of Chapman. when he ",,11. his car. Circle I ' Visibility guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Proctor ...... ,. .... 1 ford'. foam­ Church. rubber CUahioDed eeat., front aDd What i. it that makea Ford beat 10 it it'a not one or two of the"" Sr., spent u few days last wec\< with Harville Baptist your buy? Actually, jwt .ny rear, are eor.-wide and 8O£...(t. .. If, all Mr. and Mrs. John Proctol' Jr., at (On Pembroke Highway the fine .tyling and craftsmanohip of ita Creatmuk fine thin!!;s that make Ford your beat buy. 01 I.terior (.brice, color-keyed to Vidali". M. D. SHORT, Pastor. ••• or its new "ride" with md Ford'. "Worth More" festurea combined • • • Rev. ford'. UDall outaide colora, would Body CW'1'e-hugginfi never before known in features which make Ford worth more wheu 1\[1·S. J. H. Hinton hus retUl"llctil 10:30-Slinday School every Sunday. Ire a onrtIil 10 ""1 .,.. at -1 price. bnmp-Ieveling quwtiea you 7:00 p. m., Training Uni"" every c.ra? Or ia it Ford'. flllDoao V-II or buy it ••• and 'worth lJlorc when you ",,11 itl fl'ol1l the FHA camp in Covington, low.priced Sunday. • • where she accompanied the follow­ 'I' Regular Chlri'cl. services on 2nd and ing girls: Barbara Grifreth, Janis o6th Sundays: morning services 11:30; MiIlcl', Marie Boyd, Hilda Deal and evenin(l' services- 7 :30. I Thursday nigfht Nesmith. ,Pmyer me9tl� �:I'nel-\�ine weekly at chuI'eh, 7:30, with pastor's "11'5. C. S. Cl'oml')' has r turned leadership. fl'om a visit with their daughter, Mrs. i Church Wendell Baltf'l', and �h·. Bakel' in Friendship Baptist UOY C. DRAWDY, Paotor. land, Pa. ne was accompanif'd by Rev. Elk." 1st and ard Sundays, 1\<11'. and' �Ins. Glenn HUl"pcr and chil­ Services 10:30 a. m. Sund"y School. dl'en, of New Orleans, L:l.. 11:30 a. m_ Morning worship_ ...... ,. *l1li1 ford'. ouo­ )(1'. and Mr,S. John C. Proctor Sr. m. worship. .,.' 8:00 p. Evening . meetlng. !",Dded pedal. operate mono easily II _I ford in ito field offe.. you a "lilt ..," Itt ;..., IIMrI.. 1 Ford'. Malter.Guide (available und Jackic Proctor, accompanird by 'Friday, 8:00 p. m., prayer "lilt..," ..... O,nly ••• eliminate dusty, dralt, Boor choice of V·8 or Sis. FOTd has built more V·8'.-over on all V·8 modds) 8uppliea hydr.ulic "musclea"-.uto. their daughter and children, Mrs. bol.,.. And ford drivera have a need do work of Oak Grove Church of Gild. 13,OOO,OOO-than all other makers combined. And Ford', matically whenever you tbem-to the Fordomatic .. car. Makes all \VaynC' Swesey, of T:lcOma, \Vush .. choice of Drive, Over Six-the most modern in the industry-with Overdri'Ye, steering for you. All you do is guide the JOE CLEGHORN, Pastor. Rev. M. drive or Conventional transmisSion. And 80 spent a few days last w(.lck wil h Mr.' won the Mobilgu Economy Run Grand Sweepatuea! driving easier, and Bafer. parking's easy! On 301 Highway North. and Mrs. Charles Powell, of Unadilla. 111:30 a. m.., Sunday School; Mrs. Powell rind her visitors spent-' 11:30 a. m., Morning wors�lp; three days in Homooassu, F'la., on a 8 :00 p. m., Evening worshIp. '. fishing trip. I Thursday 8 p. m., Prayer; I I Saturday, 7 J!. m., Y.P.E. )11·. and Ml's. WCbur Moon have I Illo\'cd to Mett.el' to Il'ake their horne. Elme.r Baptist Chu.rch. :'.11'. and 1\'lrs. A. C. DUl'ham and R. PAUL STRICKLER, Pastor. Mrs. Da\\'n of Durham, Washillgtol'l, 10:80 a. m. Sunday School. O. C., visib2d fl�li'\th'esc herc this 11:00 B. m. Worship Service. Union. week. Ml's. Durham is the. fotmel' 'liao pO' m. Training 8:30 m. E,'emng worship. Miss Jcan Pigue, of Statesboro. p. 8:00 m. Mid-week ,(Wjldnesday) · p. 11l1li 1 '­ :\'[1'3. G. P. "In!..," ...... Wb.� you G.rooms had 3S . 1 guests pl'aycr service., . all D�ed to "fill er up", you do it the last week Mr. and A'cordial invitotion extended to Mrs. A. R. Jack­ modern Ford with Center·FilI who wlIr worship with us. way son, Kay and Jimmy .rackson and And fOld'. Automatic Mis�cs Ann, Mary and MnJ'gar�t Power. Pilot givea you power to Grov;&j,tist Churtli . Emltl . '. May"" of Atlanta; Ml'. and MI". W. IIpare on a diet of regular 888. BOB SHOTTS, Pastor.,' I� O. MalluJ'd and It's a truck driver's dream Donnie Mallard, of cO� Sunday_ into t�.;'-'�9U'l1 Services Every 'J and Augusta, Mr. and Ml's. T. C. know it too, in the 15 B. m. aecon.da'you'take to .• ; Preaching, 11:80 1be a. Goo(fman a.nd Joe Goodman I woMs 10:80 of ' . tile Sunday School, "/.. . open wid6l' steel door • m. ·vanuah. SteP flIII,i", Df!w, safety ; ; 'Training nio·n, 7 :30 p. into the Preaching, p. m. Mr. and Mrs. William sfide wide comfortable seat with 81�0 Warnock, of Each WedlllidllY night, 8:30, Bible

MW eJ:clusiv0 . Angeles, Calif.: DI·. and Mrs. shock, snubber ••• S8-1 Iltudy.. I ' most' comfortable tru:ck __ , C.Lo,s111. 'cab! and children, of sweep your eyes acl'Ollll the new one-piece .. p.nmitive Baptist Ilanta, and Mr. and MI'S. 1'. E:. Wat­ I Opper Black curved windshield and back to the 4 ft. At-Ij �idf! Church. son. of,w�rnockLithonia, will enjoy a· family rear, window .•• l'c-union at the home of their' Pltr-! Elder W. Henry Wnters,.Pastor. _ MI'. and 'It� stretch out in each Sunday, p_ m. ents, Ml's. R. H. Warnock,! new! It� D,RIVERIZED'! big-cab roominess. Manl What B.Y.P.U. 6.i30 a Monthly worship· thiro' Sunday, week end w(>ek. Mrs 0. Wilp treat for a "lilt ...,.. • l1li IUIH Th. rougher working guy! m. nnd 7:80 p. m:' t�e .next .. I 11:16 al . lmgnam, a SIster of Mrs. W the road the better your Ford likell lH'nock, Here's cab Conference Saturday before comfort you never a th!rd Ford', Dew "ride" from is 'llso thought truck "Come thou WIth it becauee cut. Jackson, among the h"q)­ cOuld Sunday, 11::00 a. II\, have! Come in today, see all the the front ODd road obock """'" up to py family group. feature!! UB and we will do. good." -FORD it ! 80% ••. bAbi.. oyor Ibe has- you "tampa that make '53 Ford Trucks your best Only b�1 • ,• CUll 0& I...... Church ",d aideaway BROOKLET CITIZEN IS Clito Baptist GIVEN RECOGN"{T10N (On Highway 301) Milton B_ Rexrode, Pastor The Fo['d Division of the FOl'd Mo- Rev. 5.1 W. LEWIS, ,INC. I School, 10 :16 a. m. I W. Sunday tOl' announces the S. .. .. Company 8PI)oint_ LEWIS, INC. " 11:16 a, "!D. MontinI{ WOl'llhip, '38·42 North'Main Street .. .. ment of lrredcl'ick Ii'. Wal'nock, ot'! .. 1. 7 :30 p. m. 38 North Main Street .. 41 BBptiat 'l1rai�!'\8' U�ion, Phone Ev!l!!lngo,<}Vor�1ilp" 8,15 p.... \' �ye� I1J'Nlt a!ilFBlble Study every Tl)uraday, 8:00 p. m. BULLOCH TIMBS AND STATESBORO NEWS THURSDA):. J IJLY SO. 1968 I!!CKW�D LOOK I TEN YEARS AGO Mountain Cove' Farm iFrom Bulloch T,m ... , August 5, 19<13 County tax dlge"" for the yeal Bhows total valuation of $2,087.181, a SERVICE drop of $111,598 from MISS ANN REMINGTON H. D. Two last year LADIES RETURN Duroc Sales Plans for a STATESBORO WHERE special event m winch NEWS-STATESBORO EAGLE NEEDED .. WEDS EARL DA Big U S Personal. SWICORD FROM YTONA BEACH Hog Senator Purely Walter F and Congressman George Wednesday afternoon at A \\ onder ful time IS I to Hugh Peterson will he JUly 22, eported apecial BIIlJoeb orma... JD.tabUabed 1_ the FIrst been guests will be announced C-OUdaW Jovce Aldr-iuh IS spending' the week Baptist Church. Stateaboro, huve had by the HOllie Demon- within gta""" N-. EIItabltaW 1101 1-. 1', J,ft, at 6 30 the corning week. I wi th o'clock, MIss Arln .s� _'., .tabllebed hOI grandmother 111 Montrose Remington, stru ticn Club ladies from Bulloch 111'-00IllOlldaW n-a.. I, _ STATESBORO. GA., THURSDAY. AUG. 6. 1963 I daughter of MI and Mrs Hmton VOL. Mrs Wendcll Rockett and children I who attended Calluway's ,at I BU�I��h 6a-NO. 24 Remington, became the bride of Eal L Camp s���':i R�,:::r;.,m:�a:ftod�; :u e t relatives 111 Luther SW'COI d D,IY ona Beach , Fla Rest and VISiting Guinesville, Jr. son of Mrs Earl WO FI.I L Swicord Sr t of oung: I Savannah, and the laxution were two main features re-Iof havei:�I)7.:p�!�'8�1�,C�rc�����0 i��I:"�e I Iute Mr Swicord The I shipped a total of dress- Attomey� Miss Patrlcln Nichols 11l Reverend thc The tour 229.800 Get F�irs=t=Ope=n=Co=tt=on=====1 Visited program included St Ings of T�Y=====-=�CHAN�:=:G==IN�G=:P=U�BU�C�,Duties I Lovell d,fferent SIZes Important " li1 George Jr offlttated, usmg I -W==ARN=====ED====T�O�GU�AR�D�I Beaehes Leeal Metter last week with MISS Rae Pitt- with the hlatoric A soldier in Market the service m l:Augustme, many unilomn rode John I SO='=lJlT1====�TG=TIME=;:::==F=OR- the up to th!1 lIounds, cp01tcd to be t 'Jr, Baltlmole, Md, annOUl1c" th� I Ken, tOt nay Lamer dually Hairy SWlcord, of \\'n� Statesbolo tobacco The FoundatlOn said .� out- pel taut to thc Cnmson cI Savannah, nurrket, got a' 1.u'" gual'd� every Ilnd I IliS over. when Mns Eugcne D"Lopch, of of twms, a son, DaVId Inedy MIS H V Franklin MISS Clara summel, egru dless 01 the socond pl'OductlOn, a. propctiy Colum-lbllth Martin, JlIS good Stal t I IIldl-1I proVlouS balo - lHother's best man, and M!ondny w,th total ibr.....les 'VOl" Mn.h,p or Mrs W S �. LLnd a I servthgl pound., reported III PreetoTiUll, 01 handl e.d !u rms hes a thIrty-two wh� goO( I or bl,l, S C, fe" hOle thIS duubrhter, Chrystel Ela1l1c, as C alii;on , MfS GI Mrs doc�Oll1lg 10 to havlllg been luft 011 the gn.zmll' f spent days wcre Gene L. viy , FRIDAY, AUG. l4 age 15S,81)<1, medicatIOn, Lil pel i Metter mar usher-groomsmen S�ence average prtce $1491 I states )las been lahout .'X In Baltllnote MiS I IUllt yea I'. 3500 ment:Uly Indisposed for sev- cent It week \\ Ith MIS July 24th, Quat- SWllm"hOlO J Remer killiJ'g nearly of the case. died leot the month-; I. to Cccli Brannen Hodges. Clelghton Per DOlotily Whitehead and M,s" DeLoach, oolol'ed teNUIt on el.d No .pecihe day PI eceding 'l1te local btl Ie re.,�t"pt tlebnum was MISS FI ances • farm head of lIV'cstock The yeal'S Included In thiS cold In formelly 1952 1\11 Lind ry, Atlanta, DI ot Bruce e.pldemlc l'Csponsi- medICine or tlcatmellt Wll!O\ :lold thIS """'; It IS a Mrs Paul LeWls and sons, Wayne Culbreth, Joycc McDonald Olliff, Adahelle, sold, I for CUI"C'\\�S Intol 0'1 ad""ted to Martin, of Sttatesboro I first Will be ft'llda.y 8[OO111oon r_,lndale, Jack bale of cotton on local was murlwd the OCCUllencc of tIlC blhty the SUpel'VISIOn of .,.t1,- \\ule 01 of and M,s DeV'hn, Collegc Park, marl((�t by av,ul"ble, and Lhe Col so the 00",1; range sotl�, It an Atlanta, Paul Le'\lS S, C] eltl,c, got weh house "quale to Belk's Du- pluduces for 9% cents cxtemuvoe nb �d, Royce Mock. ColqUitt. and disease III new areas pi upertles of the late W 01 un{I unce a C BRIDESMAIDS many IlUrtment Reed that be ma- alc a vacdtlOlI III FlOrid" NEVILS-HENDRIX Florula school dIed. dCI)elldlng Ul)On •1..IS I CSISt� Stol'C for 4J) cents may spending L�NCHlpON .... authontles announce IS PlcctOllUS I�I ch Amca Mrs On I "TIllS 'seedling' (If new areas wlth ance ' IIy h d It 8 1\118 Charles Edwuld NeVils an� i rs U Ie 8 1 Wednesday of week MIS :rcsolutlOn �md ablht�r to 110unfi nrvcstc; I an exe"l. John EVClf1tt h�\(1 llR sp<'lld IV"MughnwDyel,ayno CStalbtesbtol'OttM"'d1 en e d h CI la�t Toomb��������Ckfrd that on!'y Flonda teachers COfle wlt.h the 111- 'I Will anthrax germs hdS lIlcleased the dan- lunt SOIL th·-d.l\ nounces Lhe 0 f h el I I Bu�tel as matt on of hOIlOI and serv- Cicighton Petry, of Atlanta, MIS G be given as I fl."'CtlOn, bUilder, and \a one of tu guest In!!� \\eek het Sl�tcl- engagement (nag' employment teach- , as ers In that F oun most lng brldesmatlts \\cre MIS L Sale state, 'fol five �r' the 'dation satd "All I've- IS vtgoroua CreJgh- onu - ul-Inw MIs. Lula of Iter, Maillyn Ann, to Ch.lrIcs Inman Hodges SwalnsbOlo, and Mrs starts at 1 m. each thousand Typhoid uf a .. grOWing clovers, Bl1tch, Suvlnnul. p. Chma group of d ton Perry and MIS (;ene L years hv�.d buck stock nusel� Jtt GASOUNEI 'rhe U of Pal tal Hodges day'" behllld these locahties must SALES cal:iOR S •• f..ll's' S C GIOOV&! Hendl1x, and StutcsbOIO, W,IYIICS Culbleth, Lilldale, entertalll� walLs., comudcled to be. uh OVER Depa�ment of AlI'rleul- leturned the bllcte'S SIStCIS, MISS Jenn� Dev- too" mfectlOll TEN MILLION son ot at MIS be alert for new out- Wlthm ture, Bureau of home a MI .Ind MIS Rulus B Hnnedy, to Wilham H tJ I Y \0\7UI10Il, pearls Clearance C M :If!!!:n .a ,,,,,,torlst, buys ten lI'allo"" 1952. of ha)". whUe D,x,e made S'ale! Curnlnhlg report that 2 6.5N us ll1e of luae '�emeJ( of hUll1JIn cx- poulldl, WBshlllgton, of MISS With deSigns th.o •• of Sallltaly dispu8al 'Gu, guests son of Ml and M' upphqued he to move to 11'&8 he I or Chades Leo plans Flor,da, ha. been - t:Odl.y. payS 87 cents in � 400 almo.t twice � Seiling' baa�"'-...,.... a .. .. and the sku t of over 1 �rcta , • as co-Lm_ Dluch .Nonll nylon tull� satm 1 rea.ectsr dav• Qumn here Statesboro ,. ".. WUI thirty-four and he GIFI,W,U " atllte n �.ommoll. ren, of Pulaalu MISS a yea?, "Y" and with I aoood I{cnneliy ex.tended mtlo ch'lpP) tl"mn He' Entire Summer • xe,.� t,,,,, federal. [Bred 4.000 laat 10ar• th" Statea- prodlMlt,on. comlJlOn rilade 270 JII1{my and GIClldl.L Powell hllve I c� Stocks closed out at drastic mark )8 tOQ old to bell'in mOY'}II8._ :f. Pasturizatlon of was down JO"�I In,llk gl aduated flom veIl ot tull(' With • Y ."Lk of ..... Stutesbolo � �d fingel ttP . Hloo • »oro .old pound. d High npphques 'W H _Printup, qut. � �rjret had A�n4 • Meetinl' po)��d 'I)ir- Tues. iiuIde 461 turned to Macon a Blitch,' freeently ,�.t '!:."""'ts. pnfdueta; throulI'li llftCI fow days' lace fell flam a of a�pom� ,aIui'Dlxie School In &he Will ICCl:IVC of JuiJet cup "'T-�"O"'7i...... 0, the to on 10 August postmaster. assumed hiS dutlCR thc M,s. June Sa.. WIll 4. )fr and Mrs L�\O(' Remlllgton nounced hiS States H,- , appro""d ROUlcea. II Johnston, Atll- a plans th,s • member of the "",r. roYenuo from • Home EleollOnllCH I The brlde't! mothCl \VU�i dle�sed 111 at tOOe atate S Thore baa hoen hWe planted overy yeoar. Thes" Announcement made that Congres. Blue Ridge. N C.• Augu9t ,fl. of other food Yery dluatla. recorde .ens, �pent the '\\eek end With theu George taxes SuperviSIOn .up- Club and the Wesley Found�ltlOn celestial blue chiffon 'Und chantIlly for the Entire T G roover gasohne alone had added to fnetlon on the from the Will - Savings heoome of thII 9-:16 The confarence b I up part of the ..e-,. agent WlU �n�� to phes and of food-handhnw II'ro Georgia Experiment Station mothers, MIS K Johnston and lacp over Family! I ._ , I" Grady taffeta Wit h which she" ote acticc.. MI Wallen was flom Savannah & Statesboro Railroad to _ $664.788.000 smce fint He ""th for ,ndlcate the MrR gl!ldll�lted outstondlng H,- 'i and Tn-HI-Y ,mpolled I 6 FI control priCes the vallO"" grade. of sU1l8riorl�y of DLXle crho- Vlrgllllu Evans Imltchlng aCCCSSOllCS nnet II lavendel sucoeed ,J T y and prvtectlon 9f St,ttcsboto School AftCI 3tH V Donaldson, wtw goes to contlnu�' tobcaco th,. son c I over OYer High 01 and common • chid The mothCl of the youd!. from ten Southem .. f SOSllOn. A'any .MISS Ada Lee Fulford has returned groom the Planter!! Cotton states. Over ,oods from fly contammat,on IIy IJ1 the {limed he Warehouse Ilfether W,th the URe of I mg fOICCK ,lttcndcd motor el" are wale smoked lacc und 700 arc ,ehlelett avel'8ll'mg bettel than Fanner. to hpr 111 glay nylon COII�reasman• R Lee an regtstered fOI the conference and use oC IlUK.'Ct'OIdes th.ey 'l'ho purehaae crll1Ulon homo S\\uinsboro aItel V1Slt- Moore st,lI on wcrcentng Gt .. n�t With I the Or!;UL Teachels Collc,ltc lind Lt scqum blJn and a plOk vel� nounoed an nse, the gw!ohnc tax did on their 1962 .en picked and thel'Il and 1\11 stl cet The camp Governor, Wa�t"Oss, Chrlstme II'oxe, 9 Instruction of convalescents and curd, though Williams, \VllIuUllS bllde's table, covere(t 58 Volth the 0 Insure a full I Health I Suits sale at rganlzed R",eseI'Ve COlpS, I return In road Improve IN much. yet to be malketed Department Geor WIth an eit,bol ute cutwOI'k held formerly $45·00, priced .$29.00 W�lyeros�, MarralY Mustel's and Jer- C h[OIlIC calilcrs III I I ge McKnight hu!oI retul ned to MISS WILLIAMS. clotlt, "ere about office,s In attend- me nts I01 persona lyglqna 4,OOC each d0 11 ar co 11 ected" Georgia's the tiered cake which was With I\n"e Ze Iff B runsw,ck J C I and Depattment of ,ffeaJth }us home 111 Mool C5\'llh,:, N C, after BRIDE-ELECT HONORED tOPP"d ry J, n.gram restl'a",t from actmg as food a of ,. - � • • ;has received Q bOllquet gIHde1llas and ,IS based Southeln States Y M C A Youth Sec- S $107,Sb2 gTant f,om spul1dIng a fow here as the MISS bl Ide Cl.;:lctl 'handlers Local Ball FI'eld days Betty Wllllc1mt!, On i=l8tlll and net I cncllci ,of who postofflce, W H,. Balney by Gao� Deal, Chto. year )len .. ilaV'C I e OUl progru.m. for three years .... Burgess spent la.t week her" With - ", ted fEUcl""o at ;\ Itelullnmgentt Mrs WalhR Cobb M,s h,m or from the U S C,v,l SerVIce GQm- ,;r mory m""",nty 'n Septcn.- ( �oqfel Hatry saw Sunda)" afternoon. co�p D I • years of hi h � h relatlves Guests were entol tamed on ALL RHYTHM • • • • college. OF HEARTS CLUB engi Mrs J P MIS H0l118 MISS , STEP .. The cl... , 10 QUEEN Fa:,,, and MISS TeresRa Flot�hel, Cannon, SUMMER SHOES ON SALE m'98,on WruUiif13t.olll 25. D, C po I I J ..,� n.xtj,ber largoest se.,eral the Grace I The Ml'S .Toe NeVille entertained the -enclosed and "wele Ee[v'�d _ FlIF'lTY YEARS AGO c.tII seventy-onl> �;.recorteda pb�b�C �e�cth :�Dl8tra� pOlch .\fGf.ay,.� I Foy have returned from a And�rson, I on .t;}''p,Q';tii!bt 'yeo&"". IIleludes about 50 co-ed8 Tina at Mrll�""")Et.1f;tt WIth' �"'�Rrdl'.Q1',U)If'!",� ,w_="_ stay . • aPPllcati' co �-- Mrs Thad Mrs C B .•••. II • and ""'. a tbe assorted pal 8andWIchcs MorrlR, McAI- Ad;ual v,lues From Statesboro NPW'H. 2. 1963 III tho ""-�- Queen of H�"�s Club at del' trul tcr. home-.afety pro,",_ will N Coca�Colas, ty Aug. '. the first t,me that Emo • Ihghlands, C The Y were ac- $�2.�5 C,vll Serv,ce ExamlUers, ego, u�..,."mel ry h41. been I harel, Mrs Mrs Llll- I Inljlrstate d .lao a Loy ,.17-09 h ea Wutels, Savannah aNi Statesboro ra,lroad on, fh rd F .. noon at Ith a and cookies The waH Actual , '. oul'th and FI t'th A I_ I"" ty ftel ber home employ pubhc nurse. young hostess $ �95 vltues •.•.. noy to Saturday conlpamed Mrs Carl ton E open ,",omen studenta m all ..... b) Sanders, of Lamer and MIH N Brown /.'.$5.00 calTled 246 ta Commerce ComnuBslon. Wash,ngton. schoo... � •• Savannah. areas bl Ie .." aJth aSSisted pas.engers and on West Jones Indoor pu educa_r. ata_"tica1 by hel mother, Mrs Robel t Aftler .. MI Puert;erYl.... were held., th:e no,ng the middle 30's In WooneSday mornmg you wore a ter were wele from out 0 All Dtan and son served For high score Mrs J",' :leaYe th,. week for renll at Nancy Hamilton, Judy SmJth, Among those f'"own f01 $2.99 Shoos new Method,.t Church last Bub. and Mr and the clMs al.o Will be Some N""hYllle, .• Trlcemont. Hlghl.lllds, N C • Sunday. dre.s Of large purple and yellow young I1lI(ln S anej I the weddlOP: were M,. E L $2.00 Mrs R E Robert Tillman won a box of statlon- where their MISS Nelle Lee left y WilLJams, In d a CCItL<:oon, �tlO S'\Icold sel'V'ce. have been held 10 the Masonci pla,d. and Cribbs and children, of from daughter Grace Will le­ today for Jeff Sr and You. your b.u.�band only retunMng ove,seas duty, and Harry Swrcord, serv,ces have been held m the L a � "'" and ce,va Donaldson, }1�ay Noel Ben Sav.lIlnah, MEN'S Maaoruc 80n hve m a bnck home noar udow,c,. ",ere e�,., h-n-"-erchief cc.tume flow- her Maatar's Degree from Pea. erson, whele she \\Ilt VISit With her Brlmal1, MI and MLS WHITES AND COMBINATIONS lovely Sunday d'l'ner guests other ...teran. whO en I I.ted Elmer SWICOld, MI and room while chulch un- upon son, Julia Lodge the was town of Mr and Mrs er ror cut went to Mrs JacJ< on comun, MIS HO\\lud lJucilsman Sack, Kay Mmkovttz and MIS M1SS E. L. Cnbbs. frolll. school NorriS. body Collegoe Monday e""",Itg, Aug. MIS LeIOy S\\lcord, Rett" SWI I To An old ne\fro b)" the name of Boh If the descrlhed graduation hill''' and an. Cal''Oi $12.95 now . lady w,lI call at and 17 Mi... Bland M, IOd Mr:i values,' Sybil Che.ter was of MI98 for low Mrs E W Barnes was Jordan IS a n..mher of th.. Dadisman and l\11:sS Lee \\ III COlfi, Chmax, Jack $8.00 Cr,tendon IS held on of gue.t ;now eilglble for 00.,.. spend hemg charge the Times office she w,lI be gIVen collell'8 under, Devlin, MISS J-enny Devlin, M.I!=\ at IS I To 9.95 Mary Lee gtvell. coatu Others play- pubhe school III III $ now . ("hl� e\Jewolry faculty Jack.onvllle, sevel.11 da)" th� mouutalll9 dUllng LEE values, $6.00 du;turblnll peace, hol1ermg1and two tickets to the plctuIe, uHlIJ1s Gnffm. Sunday form of the Gl bill. prediCted REUNION Tl�ud\\ell, Butclno Mrs E more In" "flcud\\ell, slngmg has wrecked nerves than Chnstuln M HIS Jackie Brown t Do 'Were M1'II Tillman Castetler, Mrs Fla 'her vunt thel� C To 7.95 Anoolsen/' showulg to- was a recell Brook Relatives .lnd Aalon and $ now . fll-ends of the late Nnnclo M.uty values, a '" the declala- MI A..1I01l, $5·00 dISpensary would," day and Fnday at the Georgta week-end of J. B Wtlhams, MI'S Mark Toole and dnd Mrs Achllics • ,11 ot PUll" gUetit MI99 Shllba Jeen "Eycn Wlth Wilson, of Noble l...2e ale n Cnllege Md MI • the new the lIwttcd to attend tlon oC dlsPl'llsary advocate. Theater pohcy. ' Mu� Cnbba Mrs Gunt., OLD-TIMER VISITS Va, VISited Clclghton PCIIY, Atlunta "1ll11DI a number of Jimmy Alcxundlhl, Iclatlves In Lcz reUlllon to be held It Lake Little folk$ who enjoyed party at Aft"r t,er t,cll!!ts If WOJll8n students entenng Chapel and MIS recelvmg the 01"1 0 L of thiS thc Wayne Culbleth, Lmdalc, the home of Wilma and Cannne WIll Mr. a�d Mrs. Jllrume Lallier and Gpuld. Brun8'Vlck. commumty dunllg llol�t week ChU1Ch, 111 I Indy call at the Statesboro "".trlcted 'by lack of housmg." the natlye Appling COUllty, on th. Ml and MIS Gene L RECEIVES and time Hodges, Brown Included Bes... , Grace and oi DEGREE long reSident of Statesboro • .end, and \,ent flam hele to Sayan Rusty, Flo''B1 Shop she Will be a cJllldrcn, Savannah, were week end added. 'All of the second Sunday, AUKusL 9th TIllS Challes and Jm1 given registrar fre8hmen Dr and Dona!d F Hod!!,e�, S\'hlms�, Ruth MiliCI, Ruth GOOdWlll, E,fie With Mrs Hackett W"s a c"lIer at the 11meo dul'- nah fOI a VISit \, lovely olchld romphment. of 1 guests of MI and MI'9 C L Cnbb. women OIl'I"" bllcf Ith her chUich 16 locuted J>otO, Royce Mock, Minkovitz llve JO Atlanta. or Will mothe), ten miles ColqUitt, MIS Store TUl'1ler Pearl Mltch- stay \\el)t of W,lson, Mattie the Bill and small Alln Will Dept. proplletor, Holloway daughtel qrnve Ifl!!, �he week. the mu­ C Rose and DU:llng Mrs W 0 I)a VIS .Tohn Beasley and MIS Duke MalY Bath. of liBWith relabves m Atlanta" perloil 1£1\l-1 Jerry SCI'CVCIl, Gu ell Lena Belle S,mth, Melrose Wright, The lady descr,bed last week Willi' f,om Mo ------toeay Columbus, r where Dr. of vey, Glennv,lIe ton, have 'been yaca- nlclpal operation the hght plant• M;lared Ilnd Katherm. CeOI ge, Maude Mrs Thad who received speiidmg their Emory freshmen Will t ...... Mom.( tbe repol Sep- Hnr..kett attendcd sUlrunel seMol at ''Wti''V..LJW�\LA..L.A..i.A.L V"""------Wilma tion ere he was an membe, of and Bes81e Johnston, Watel'9, tlckets orch,d and h with B , II an d JJlCk Ie D m Important the �\L� "lid phoned to y rlg- te he r 16th for "per od 0f 0 nenta- I. Un,vedi I t 0f C 0 I um"I a , al,d re \ L,lhan Col);n. goera. clax-I y ","ork,nll' force••'nil 's IJOW Ethel, GU.JItoa. 'tion CI:aa"".. w,ll (t!tc employCc1 a.n�. e)(PJ'9@8,,-e�'aIl!lro!Cl.ti911 begin Sept 22nd. celved hla �b D thIS degree ,Bum"",r. IR tho ..... activity ,n B naw,ck.