1389-1427 Stephan Lazarevic, son of Lazar I, is recognized by the Turks as the "Despot of " (Ruler of Serbia). 1391- Death of T~rtko I of Bosnia. 1427-1456 George Brankovich, nephew of Stephan Lazarevic, builds a new capitol in Semendria (Smedevo), to hold his empire against the Turks; this led to a Turkish invasion in 1439 and the total conquest of Serbia. 1444- George Brankovich, with the aid’of John Hunyadi, recovers his territorial possessions, and.a new Serbian state is recognized (Treaty of Szegedin). After this, George Brankovich defeated Hunyadi and tried to maintain his empire, by himself, through close relations with the Turks. 1456-1458 Lazar III, son of George Brankovich, leaves the kingdom at his death, to Stephan Temaschevich, heir to the Bosnian throne 1458- 1459. Stephan was a Reman Catholic and very much disliked by the . After 1459 he was never allowed to set foot in any Serbian territory. 1459- ~he Turks completely conquer Serbia. 1463- The Turks completely conquer Bosnia. 1483- The Turks completely conquer Herzgovina. 1499- ~he. Turks invade Zeta (Montenegro) but never completely conquer it. The State ceased to exist as a Kingdom, but the mountains were never occupied since the Turks dared to enter them. The secular power was, in time, taken over by the Orthodox Bishop. The same function was later inherited by the Dynasty of Pet rovich- Nyegosh. 1789- Austria captures . 1791- Austria, under pressure from Prussia, makes a separate peace in the Treaty of Sistova; returning Belgrade in exchange for a strip of northern Bosnia. 1804-1813 First Serbian revolt led by "Black George", or Karageorge in Turkish *i (1762-1817), Prince of Serbia 1804-1814. [Fig. ii] Married Helen Jovanovich. Fled to Austria in 1813. Assassinated in1817. 1815-1817 Second Serbian revolt led by Milosh Obrenovich (1780-1860). Supreme Prince of Serbia in 1817; [Fig. iii] Hereditary Prince of Serbia in 1830; dethroned in 1839; reinstated in 1859. 1829- Treaty of Adrianopole; guarantee of an autonomous Serbia. 1839- Milosh abdicates the throne on June 13, in favor of his sm~, Prince , who dies later in the month. 1839-1842 Michael III (1822-1868), second son of Milosh. Prince of Serbia 1839-1842 and again 1860-1868. Married Julia, Countess Hu~yady; assassinated in 1868. 1842-1858 Alexander I Karageorgevich (1860-1888), ’Prince of Serbia 1842-1858 elected by the Skupshtina (assembly) against Russian protest. Married Persida, daughter of Duke Yephrem Nenadovich. 1856- Treaty of Paris. 1858- Alexander I forced to abdicate the throne due to political intervention from Russia. 1858-1860 Restoration of Obrenovich monarchy. Milosh again elected Prince of Serbia. In 1860 he ,#as succeeded by Michael III. 1862- Turks bombard Belgrade.

*i Also known as George Petrovlc.