Passing the Torch of Faith and Liberty PAGE 14 of America

“To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see.”

HEBREWS 11:1 Hearts Made New LEADERSHIP A message from Robert Briggs, Chairman of the Board Jeffrey Brown American Society President and CEO INSIDE SPRING 2021 | VOLUME 167 | NUMBER 1 President and CEO Robert Briggs Leadership Team John Clause Janet Grell Steven Kao 6 Military Miracles Whitney Kuniholm Dear Friends, Nicole Martin You helped U.S. Army Lt. Tianna Ren James Puchy Mark Wilson Many people are longing for a fresh start in 2021 after the many find strength in God’s Word

RECORD STAFF hardships of this past year. (Perhaps you can relate!) Executive Editor Bran Van Deinse So, as the flowers in your garden begin to bloom and the fresh 10 Bible Updates Editor-in-Chief Laura Chan hope of Easter starts to stir in your heart, take a quiet moment Snapshots of how God’s Word is Art Director Caleb Komorowski to close your eyes and bask in the beautiful promise of Jesus in changing lives, thanks to you Production Revelation 21:5a: Brian Maloney CONTACT “I make all things new.” 29 Quiet Time American Record [email protected] Find comfort in a changeless God Bible-A-Month™ Partnership Praise God! Thanks to your steadfast partnership with American amid challenging times 888–227–8262 [email protected] Bible Society, millions of people around the world are also Bible Requests experiencing a fresh start in Jesus Christ. 800–32–BIBLE 30 In Memoriam .com [email protected] 14 In this issue of Record magazine, you will meet some of the grateful Gift Planning Programs Remembering our loved ones who (for Stock or Real Estate Gifts, Gift Annuities, souls you are reaching with the life-changing message of the A Legacy of Charitable Trusts, Bequests, Wills, and free have gone on before us Estate Planning Services) 215–309–0900 or Bible—from a chaplain in the U.S. Army to a Deaf community in [email protected] Vietnam to a resilient daughter in Colombia. Partner Care Faith and 866–895–4448 31 When You Give, You Receive [email protected] You will also meet some remarkable families who, like you, are Discover how to support Bible ministry GET UPDATES committed to passing the torch of Christian faith and God-given Liberty and secure a lifelong income stream liberty to the next generation of Americans.

ABOUT THE COVER As you read these stories, be encouraged! God is using your prayers In May 2021, the Faith and Liberty Discovery Center will and your gifts to change lives. Because above all, Jesus delights to officially open its doors in historic , so that students and families from across America and around the give us new hearts through the power of his Holy Word. world can experience the history-changing message of the Bible. Photo Credit: Getty Images, aldomurillo. Yours in Christ, The mission of American Bible Society is to make the Bible available to every person in a language and format each can understand and afford, so all people may experience its life-changing message. American Bible Society is a 26 member of United Bible Societies, a fellowship of Bible Societies throughout the world cooperating to make Scriptures available to people everywhere in their own language. Cancer, Published since 1818, American Bible Society’s Record is the official periodical of American Bible Society and the second-oldest continuous publication in the United States. It is sent to as many of our supporters as budget allows. Postage is paid in Philadelphia, PA, and additional mailing offices. Quarantine, Other publications are encouraged to reprint the text of any Record article, but prior written permission must be obtained from American Bible Society Record to reproduce any images. Publications reprinting the text of a Record article Robert L. Briggs must include a credit line. Please send a copy of the issue to the Record at 101 North Independence Mall East FL8, Philadelphia, PA 19106–2155. Questions for and the Record editor can be emailed to [email protected].

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture references are from the Good News P.S. Thank you for doing your part to help people in our nation and; OPENING PHOTO: Doug Nottage, American Bible Society; OPENING PHOTO: Translation® © 1992 American Bible Society. All rights reserved. around the world experience new life through the Bible! God’s Word COVER PHOTO: PHOTO: COVER RIGHT PHOTO: of the Rogers family; BOTTOM Courtesy RIGHT PHOTO: TOP “It literally changed my life!” Tiana says. I SERVED To understand why this particular Bible meant so much to Tianna, you have to know a little THE something about her past and the many miracles that brought her . . . and you . . . together CHURCH in God’s Word. IN THE FIRST MIRACLE: CONVERTED FOR FIVE MILITARY “In China, most people are atheists.” YEARS, This is Tianna’s candid and accurate description PREACHING of her home country. Sadly, it would take a miracle for a little girl born in China 40 years AND MIRACLES ago to grow up in a Christian home. VISITING But in the nick of time, that’s exactly what God provided for Tianna. PEOPLE.” “I was born in 1981,” Tianna explains. “But in 1980, a missionary came to Shanghai, and my mother and grandmother were converted to YOU LIFTED UP Christianity.” ONE MILITARY Against all odds, Tianna grew up with not “I served the church in China for five years, CHAPLAIN IN HER one, but two godly role models in her life—an preaching and visiting people,” she says. “In HOUR OF NEED. extraordinary gift that bore great spiritual fruit fact, I served in one of the biggest churches in U.S. Army Lieutenant Tianna Ren is no stranger in Tianna’s life as she grew up. China with 20,000 members!” to miracles. Her life story is full of them: By Jack Newman “During my first year of high school, I was born Despite a thriving ministry in her home The fact that she lives in America rather than again—very clearly,” Tianna says. “I met Jesus! country, an impossible dream was growing her birth country of China. The fact that she is He died on the cross for me. God shined a light inside Tianna’s heart: She wanted to come to a military chaplain. The fact that she is even a into my heart, and it forever changed my life.” America . . . and God provided another miracle. Christian at all. “God miraculously opened the door for me But Tianna recently received a miracle so THE SECOND MIRACLE: CALLED to come to the United States!” Tianna says. “I extraordinary, that she simply can’t stop talking applied to Yale Divinity School and got accepted. about it: Eager to serve her newfound Lord and Savior, They even gave me a scholarship. There was no Tianna decided to attend Nanjing Seminary in way I could have come here financially without The Bible that you gave her. China after graduating from high school. that scholarship.” COVER PHOTO: PHOTO: COVER

6 RECORD // SPRING 2021 AMERICANBIBLE.ORG 7 THE THIRD MIRACLE: YOU In addition to the 75-day Basic Training in the Bible reading challenge, it contains articles, After Tianna graduated from Yale, God devotionals, and biblical commentary written continued to bless every step of her miraculous by Christian military personnel on topics that journey. After getting married, she decided deal with military life issues. to join the Army in order to obtain a path to U.S. citizenship. “It’s the best Bible I’ve ever read,” Tianna says. “It was so relevant to my military experience, But as a U.S. Army Chaplain, all of Tianna’s because it was written by military chaplains spiritual training would be put to the test on the using military terminology. They’ve been in battlefield of spiritual warfare. the war zone. They understand what military life looks like. It showed me a different angle Tianna spends her days pouring out her life of viewing God as a warrior and Jesus as our for the women and men sacrificing so much commander-in-chief.” for our nation through military service. For For more than 200 years, the Armed Services Ministry of American Bible five years now, she’s cared for Service members Society has been the only ministry that offers military-specific Scripture who have turned to alcohol to cope with the resources to our Military members and their families. Thank you for making GOD USES this impact possible! pain of military life, as well as married couples struggling to reconnect after a deployment. WHATEVER “Reading the Bible is just like eating. We have The problem was, Tianna spent so much time to do it every day!” Tianna explains. “Every ministering to the spiritual needs of others, she YOU GIVE morning is like manna from heaven—like eating did not tend to the deep needs of her own soul. a spiritual breakfast. Thank you for helping me TO MAKE develop that habit myself and for helping me U.S. Army Lieutenant “One year after giving birth to my second girl, I share God’s love with others!” Tianna Ren proudly displays her Warriors was very down spiritually. Life was consuming MIRACLES Bible from American me—spiritually and mentally—with two little Tianna wants you to know how grateful she is Bible Society’s Armed Services Ministry. Thank kids at home,” Tianna says. “I didn’t have a good HAPPEN.” for the military miracles that you make possible. you for sending her this plan for staying connected with the Bible. As a life-changing Bible! busy mother, I was not spending enough time As a seminary graduate two times over, Tianna “Just like he used five loaves and two fishes, on my relationship with God.” admits that she wasn’t expecting to stumble God uses whatever you give to American Bible across such a life-changing Bible resource in the Society to make miracles happen.” Tianna says. Wounded and weary, Tianna trudged into her middle of her life’s journey. “It’s a good stewardship of your resources, and I office lobby one morning when the glimmer of want to say thank you!” another budding miracle caught her eye. “I found so many new insights from the passages that I had never found there before—and I “I saw a copy of the Warriors Bible from know Greek and Hebrew!” she laughs. American Bible Society’s Armed Services Ministry sitting on our ‘free resource’ table,” You can help military heroes Tianna says. “Someone had left that Bible in the YOU MAKE MIRACLES HAPPEN! + entrance of my office for any Service member like Tianna anchor their to take.” For Tianna, the provision of this customized service in God’s Word. biblical resource was just another example of The Warriors Bible is a copy of God’s Word God’s miraculous intervention in her life—and Visit to custom-built for Military members like Tianna. it was a gift that keeps on giving. support our troops today! PHOTO: Courtesy of Tianna Courtesy Ren PHOTO: Mary Keller PHOTO:

8 RECORD // SPRING 2021 AMERICANBIBLE.ORG 9 One Million Bibles 35 for Latin America 275 2 Over one million people in Latin America who didn’t have access to God’s Word are now reading the Bible and being shepherded toward Sign languages Sign languages a relationship with Jesus—all thanks to the still waiting for with some God-given vision and generosity of some very God’s Word Scripture portion special American Bible Society partners.

The 1 Million Bible Project, which ran from Today 35 Sign Languages have access to some 2018 to 2020, provided more than 1 million Scripture. But 275 languages are still waiting, people with their very own copy of the New making the world’s 300 million Deaf people one Testament as well as a personal spiritual mentor Bible Ministry of the largest unreached people groups. to help them read and understand God’s Word. Thank you to the faithful partners who made But thanks to you, change is coming! Deaf this Great Commission vision a reality! communities are celebrating the completion of Updates from the American Sign Language Version (ASLV), the first complete translation of God’s Word A Bible Miracle in Latin America! into a Sign Language—a project taking 53 Around the World translators and 38 years to complete. 1,150,000 Glimpses of how God’s Word is changing lives, thanks to you. With the ASLV Bible completed, future Sign New Testaments distributed Language translation projects have a template Your Deaf brothers and sisters in Vietnam want to say “Thank you!” for bringing them the good news of God’s Word in the language they use every day. to follow. Technological advances and growing 928,000 digital access in Deaf communities will People discipled accelerate the distribution of God’s Word. 11 The Bible in published by Vietnam Bible Society. “I’ve You brought the full Countries participating watched each video more than 10 times,” she 1 Sign Language said. “It is so wonderful to meditate on the Bible to life in Sign Word of God at home. I hope to have more Language for 400,000 1. Nicaragua Bible story videos.” 2. Argentina Jade will never forget the first time she Deaf Americans! 3. Bolivia encountered God’s Word in her heart language. For international Deaf communities, Bible Instead of holding a Bible in her hands, she translation has been a long time coming. Five Thanks to your generosity, people like J.P., 4. Uruguay watched the Scriptures on the big screen, percent of the world’s population experiences a young Deaf man, are seeing their lives 5. Paraguay brought to life by Vietnamese Sign Language disabling hearing loss, and millions of people transformed. “I become so engrossed in it that I 6. Ecuador interpreters. communicate, think, and pray in Sign Language. watch some parts over and over again,” he says. 7. Peru But for most of the Deaf population, the Bible is “Sign Language is beautiful and exciting, and it 8. Guatemala “My heart was overwhelmed,” Jade said. When still only available in a written format. For those draws me into God’s Word.” 9. Venezuela she returned to her village, she saved enough who can read, the printed Bible often lacks life money to buy a smartphone, which allowed and clarity. For those who cannot, God’s Word Thank you for bringing the Bible to life for Deaf 10. Cuba her to access the Bible stories translated and remains out of reach. brothers and sisters around the world! 11. Chile PHOTO: Courtesy of Vietnam Partnership Courtesy PHOTO:

10 RECORD // SPRING 2021 AMERICANBIBLE.ORG 11 12 + RECORD // SPRING2021 now Ihave my own.” and Ididn'thave aBible. But pandemic my closed church, in my life.COVID-19 The Bible came at right the time world.” She writes, “This with “the greatestthe in gift her and her community Mozambique, you provided According to Ivone in Mozambique toys for theirfamilies at aSalvation Army drive-through toy drive inHarrisburg, PA. Thank you for blessing thoseinneedwiththegiftofGod’s comfort andjoy! You gave thebest Christmas giftever—the good news ofGod’s Word—to families struggling because oftheCOVID-19 crisis.These grateful women received Biblesand 3 in this unprecedentedin this of distress. season global faster than any thanks to your virus generosity God’s message of hope and healing is spreading

Send more Bibles to thoseinneed! Emergency Relief COVID-19 the Lord!”the pastor, “Many of met them migrants. According to one and Bibles to homeless the to giveBible food Society Churches partnered with the with nowhere to stay. many migrants were trapped dueclosed to COVID-19, When Panama’s borders Panama spiritual relief that you provided. Panama Marco leader Gomez of emergency the of intense the says of desert!” Bible Society finding oasisan freshof water the middle in to shutter for “It good. ministry their was like that would forcedSocieties have been otherwise $4million haveOver gone to sustain 35Bible book, andbook, card. aChristmas Disaster offered Bibles, our distribution, families were drive-through toy Christmas year.every At year’s this resources to people inneed you provide Bible critical with Salvation the Army, Throughpartnership a United States trauma healing Beyond Beyond

PHOTO: Courtesy of Metropolitan Division

PHOTO: Andrea Rhodes 4 with excitement and endurance. people this finish this seeing fills line group Chikunda is due for completion in 2023—and Biblea new translation language inthe of country. Thanks to your prayers and support, But hope is rising southern inthis African vendors or subsistence farmers. most Zimbabweans to scrape aliving as street populationthe is officially employed,leaving economic crisis.Only around 5-10percent of hunger, Zimbabwe is grip of inthe adeep populationthe haswhich left half riskat of from one of worst the droughts indecades, before COVID-19. In addition to suffering Zimbabwe inneed—and is acountry that was Nearing Completion “It’s just what Iwanted!” in my languageuntil now.” “I didn’t have aBible back to church.” “I really needto get wanting aBible!” “Thank you, I’ve been In theirwords... Zimbabwe Bible for

own language. happy!” Iam very So understand Bible the myself it’s because inmy toneed interpret,” Tendai says. “I am going to “I read Bible the will and fully no one will Chikunda Bible. Tendai is eagerly awaiting firstfull very the Chikunda New Testament outside his house. Tendai Khatiza, 32,pictured below reading his involved with Chikunda the translation,” says “I would like to donors thank the are who Zimbabwe by theNumbers unemployment rate 90% at riskof hungerdueto drought 50% Chikunda speakers 500K population 14M 14 Faith of A Legacy Liberty and RECORD // SPRING2021

PHOTO: Do youDo hear of echoes your own intheirs? story of faithperpetuating alegacy and liberty. about families’ their histories and motivations their for Faiththe Center Discovery to more learn and Liberty of families have who these several generously supported American patriots and changemakers. We interviewed and love—are now guiding next the generation of Biblical values like these—justice, faith, hope, liberty, took great pains to religious instill freedom land. inthe Scriptures. William Penn, founded who , John Adams said that morality true is derived from the United States, of his views learned justice from Bible. the persuasions. , first the Chief Justice the of professed and how it influencedtheir lives politicaland complex stories of our Founders—of faith the many To tell that story, you inevitably have to tell rich and the influence greatthe on American experiment. of story the Bible’s the Philadelphia tell alost story: will Faith2021, the Center Discovery inhistoric and Liberty When its doors officiallyopen the to public in May by Laura Chan DISCOVERY CENTER. FAITH ANDLIBERTY FUTURE THROUGH THE IN AMERICA’S FAMILIES INVESTING HOPES OFTHREE HERITAGES AND DISCOVER THE AMERICANBIBLE.ORG 15 Our religious freedom came at quite a price. We have to be prepared to stand for our faith.” –Randy Rogers

the Rev. John Rogers, helped translate the first For Randy and Brenda, taking a stand for their Bible into English from the original Greek and faith like their ancestors includes investing in Hebrew. This translation work came at a great the Faith and Liberty Discovery Center. price—his life. But John Rogers accepted the translation task knowing the risk. William “Part of what’s so important about the FLDC is Tyndale had begun this translation and was that it helps preserve our nation’s history,” says martyred on October 6, 1536 for daring to make Randy. “It’s good to remember that although we the Bible accessible in English—accessible for were founded by sinful men and women, we all people and not just the elite who knew Latin. were also founded on biblical principles. I think many Americans don’t have a clue about that After Tyndale was burned at the stake, John historical aspect of our nation.” Rogers followed by the Rev. Miles Coverdale finished the translation, which became known These biblical principles are important to Randy as the Matthew Bible. In fact, the scholars and Brenda because they were both taught who translated the God’s Word from a young age. drew significantly from the Matthew Bible! John Rogers was subsequently also burned at the stake, and he died advocating for the truth of his beliefs. Like you, Brenda and Randy Rogers are staunchly committed to the cause of the Bible and to the importance of religious liberty in our land and around the world. On a family trip to England, Randy Both Randy and Brenda were born and raised and Brenda happened upon the in the Lone Star State of . Their three very spot where John Rogers had Randy and children all live near them, and they love been martyred on Feb 4, 1555. For their church and community. God has blessed Randy, that experience and his them with a profitable commercial real estate lineage are sobering reminders of Brenda Rogers company. In their circumstances, it might be the sacrifices that faith requires. Living Up to a Legacy easy to live comfortable and self-focused lives. But the Rogers do just the opposite. They’re “Our religious freedom came passionate about sharing the Good News of at quite a price,” says Randy. Jesus with the college students around them, “There’s a sense in America right Talking to Randy and Brenda Rogers is like and they’re strategically generous with their now that we’re losing some of talking to old friends. Brenda is quick and finances—desiring for God to grow their hearts those freedoms. I hope we’re compassionate, and Randy has the deliberate for the world around them. not part of the generation that gentility you expect from a Texan. And they learns what that’s like. We have both have eyes that sparkle when they talk This mission to spread the truth of the gospel is to be prepared to stand for about the Lord. part of Randy’s heritage. One of his ancestors, our faith.” The Rogers family (from left to right): Ryan, Austin, Heather, Brenda, Randy, and Bethany. LEFT PHOTO: Heather Rogers; RIGHT PHOTO: Mark Sykes Heather Rogers; RIGHT PHOTO: LEFT PHOTO:

16 RECORD // SPRING 2021 AMERICANBIBLE.ORG 17 “I was raised in a Christian home, and my The Rogers are excited to see how God mother from an early age would get up and read continues to grow their heart for the faith fabric the Bible to us, and we’d memorize Scripture,” of the United States through their support of says Randy. This practice of routinely engaging the FLDC. “Our nation has had the Bible for a in the Bible continued into Randy’s and long time, and we take that for granted,” says Brenda’s adult lives, and they’ve grown closer Randy. “We want to preserve our heritage.” to the Lord through His Word throughout their relationship. Brenda explains, “Early in our Randy and Brenda strive to instill biblical values marriage, the Bible came alive. We were seeking in their children and humbly pray that they out cassette tapes to listen to in order to learn honor the great legacy of faith that they’re a part about our faith. We were super hungry for more of. They hope for Americans to meet God and of the Word.” strive to honor Him, and they pray that they’ll be ready to answer for their faith—no matter This hunger has continued as both Brenda and what the future holds. Randy somberly asserts, Randy draw daily strength from the Bible. “If we’re a generation that’s called to martyrdom too, we hope we stand up too.” “The Bible is a lamp to my feet; it’s where I go to try to stay grounded,” Randy says. “When you’ve been as fortunate as we have and made a little bit of money, the downside is that you can Named after her Maine grandfather, Leon L. Bean, Linda Lorraine Bean is one of the founding partners of the Faith and Liberty Discovery Center. start believing you don’t need God. You have to Linda Bean take on the challenge to stay in the Word and try to stay grounded.” Supporting her ancestors signed the Mayflower Compact, the first social contract of the European settlers Biblical values One way the Bible has helped the Rogers stay Preservation to enable social and governing unity among focused on God’s purposes is by pointing them the diverse passengers seeking religious and are the glue of to deeper generosity. and Patriotism economic freedom. our society.” “I looked at the Sermon on the Mount where “I have a very deep feeling of commitment to our Jesus says, ‘Where your heart is, your treasure Founding Fathers all the way back to that time,” –Linda Bean will be also,’” Randy recalls. Reading Scriptures Linda Lorraine Bean exudes passion, whether says Linda. “They battled together against like these prompted Randy to decide to give 20 discussing her Maine businesses, America’s starvation and the cold of New England relationships need to be strengthened. Our percent of his company’s profits to ministries history and future, or the delight of gazing upon winters to explore unknown shores and to church relationships need to be strengthened. that share the Good News with people who are a dark, unpolluted sky filled with stars. She is build churches and homes on the edge of the These are the things that lead to a moral society.” waiting. Randy says that this decision to give is both informed and inquisitive as she approaches wilderness.” what has increased his awareness and love for 80 years. Looking to her legacy is a priority for For Linda, a focus on our nation’s future begins God’s people. “The more we started giving to Linda as she helps future generations learn and Linda admires how the early settlers—out in its past. “I’m a patriot. I’m very big on our organizations that were translating the Bible or guard America’s rich heritage. of necessity—created small, interconnected historic and patriotic heritage. To advance that feeding the poor, the more God gave us a heart communities based on biblical principles. in the minds and hearts of young people today for these communities. It’s not so much that The pursuit of a more perfect nation begins in “Biblical values are the glue of our society,” says is a personal mission of mine.” She has invested God gave us a heart for them and then we gave; Linda Bean’s own history. She traces her lineage Linda. “We need to feel like small communities in the FLDC because she recognizes it as an it’s that we chose to give in faith and then our back to several ancestors who sailed to America again and not just ‘numbers’ in a vast world opportunity to tell the untold story of the Bible’s hearts followed.” on the Mayflower for religious freedom. Eight of population. Our community and family influence in our founding—and to tell it right PHOTOS: Courtesy of Linda Bean Courtesy PHOTOS:

18 RECORD // SPRING 2021 AMERICANBIBLE.ORG 19 “Faith and liberty are the anchors in life,” says THE FAITH AND LIBERTY Linda. “The FLDC will tell this American story of how the Bible, the Constitution, and the DISCOVERY CENTER Declaration of Independence together shaped the concept a nation—our nation.”

Through centuries of struggle against our human imperfection, America has endeavored to stay within these founding documents. Grand Opening May 1, 2021 They, and America, have had a transformative influence in the world. It’s this biblical influence The Faith and Liberty Discovery Center that Linda hopes will be remembered and lived (FLDC) is an immersive Bible center that out for years to come. will share how the Bible guided our nation’s founders and continues to influence innovators and changemakers today. Faith and liberty are the anchors in life. The FLDC 250,000 Visitors will tell this We expect 250,000 people a year to on Independence Mall in historic Philadelphia. visit the FLDC and engage with the She says she’s excited about the location because American story.” history-making story of the Bible’s of its prominence with visitors and because, influence on America. “Philadelphia is a wonderful cradle of American –Linda Bean religious freedom.” “I’m thrilled with the prospect of the FLDC and Linda grew up as a believer and wants others to its lessons enduring far beyond my lifetime,” have an opportunity to learn about God’s work she says. in our nation. “I sort of had a natural childlike 25,000 Square Feet faith,” says Linda. “But to give full credit, my For this granddaughter of Leon L. Bean, it’s With 25,000 square feet of interactive parents made sure I went to Bible school.” important for each of us to do our part to gallery space to explore, guests will share the beauty of our nation. Linda loves have a lot to discover about America’s Although she drifted away from her faith as a introducing people to the rugged beauty of heritage of faith. teenager and adult, when she had children, she New England, to the specific “goût de terroir” TOP LEFT PHOTO: Linda Bean was excited to trace her family lineage in was reminded of the value of trusting God and (flavor of the land) of Maine lobster, and to the America back 400 years to the pilgrims aboard the Mayflower. Some of Linda’s brave ancestors even signed the Mayflower Compact in 1620. became what she calls an “excited Christian”— religious fabric that makes up the United States eager to apply her beliefs to her life. of America. She’s doing her part to pass on TOP RIGHT PHOTO: Linda cares deeply about passing the torch of faith and liberty to the next generation of Americans. Here she is enjoying the Maine these values and encourages others to do their outdoors with her granddaughter Eliza Grace Clark. Linda hopes to share the values of our founders part too. $53.5 Million Raised BOTTOM LEFT PHOTO: American history buffs Linda Bean, Tim and with the next generation. She particularly likes Carol Houseal, and David and Kelly Kullberg visit Philadelphia’s iconic 89% of the funding needed to complete the Independence Hall, which stands directly across the street from the new Faith the idea of children, parents, and grandparents “It is a privilege and a blessing to make a and Liberty Discovery Center. all learning together and having their values difference so that when the Lord takes us, we FLDC has been raised, with $17M invested reinforced by the religious giants who helped can leave something meaningful behind,” in FY20, keeping us on track for our grand make America what it is today. says Linda. opening in 2021.

20 RECORD // SPRING 2021 AMERICANBIBLE.ORG 21 American Bible Society is proclaiming truth in a relevant way that can be accessed by millions of people.” –Frank Kelly III

John, David, and Bryan, have overseen the changed the trajectory of his life—although he company’s operations and services. didn’t know it at first. In fact, in the first couple of “studies” he attended, he never found a single When you speak to any of the Kellys, you’ll Scripture they referenced because he didn’t quickly learn that they are interested in leaving know where to find them in the small Bible his more than just a business legacy in the world; dad had given him as a young teenager. Now, they want to leave a legacy of faith. Frank Kelly he says the Bible is a light to his path, and he III, CEO of Kelly Benefits, credits his parents’ wants future generations to also grow in their faith-grounded approach with helping set the relationships with God through the wisdom of business and the family on the right track. His Word.

“They modeled God’s love and truth through “Between me and my brothers, we have 22 their presence,” he says. “They modeled prayer kids,” Frank shares. “And we think a lot about with and for us, with their children and their generational impact, about wanting God and grandchildren. And they modeled biblical His Word to be honored for future generations.” values in their giving. Even before they started The Kelly family was able to visit the site of the making any money, they were generous givers FLDC while it was under construction and who faithfully practiced tithing-plus.” caught the vision for this space that talks about the biblical heritage of America. Frank and his For Frank III personally, it took a while to family view the FLDC as a monumental witness. From a young age, Frank Kelly III (front row, white shirt) remembers his parents, Frank and Janet (second row on right), living out the biblical values of winsome truth, fervent prayer, and generous giving. Those values have led to nearly 50 years of growth and success as a family business and will live on put together the puzzle pieces of faith his The Honorable Francis X. Kelly, Jr. (center) with Janet and their four sons (left to through the Faith and Liberty Discovery Center. parents had given him, but once he made the right): John, Frank III, David, and Bryan. Together they oversee the Kelly Benefits commitment to follow Jesus, he never looked companies. Their family and company motto is “God Is Our Tower of Strength.” ethics who exudes passion for the gospel. It’s back. His personal faith walk started in an telling that he spoke to us on his way back from unlikely place: in the middle of a lacrosse field The Kelly Family a venue the family was checking out for their at Cornell University. During a particularly son’s wedding. For Frank III as well as for his rough practice, it hit him that he couldn’t lead Proclaiming the Truth parents and siblings, God and family come first. a right and fulfilling life if partying and sports were his “little-g” gods. Recognizing that his of Jesus The Kelly family has a classic American dream only hope was the God his parents and a few story. In 1976, the Honorable Francis X. (Frank) teammates had told him about, he opened up Kelly, Jr. and his wife, Janet, started a small his heart on that field and prayed that even if health insurance agency in their basement. he never played lacrosse again, he wanted to Frank Kelly III is all business, all family, and all Forty-five years later, Kelly Benefits has a believe, receive, and prioritize a relationship faith. He is what you expect from a successful large headquarters, hundreds of employees, with Jesus Christ. CEO and a board member for the Fellowship and serves more than 10,000 clients. Since the of Christian Athletes: a man of confidence and 1990s, Frank and Janet’s four sons, Frank III, That step led young Frank to a Bible study that PHOTOS: Courtesy of the Kelly Family of the Kelly Courtesy PHOTOS:

22 RECORD // SPRING 2021 AMERICANBIBLE.ORG 23 TOP LEFT PHOTO: The sport of lacrosse runs deep in the Kelly family. Here is Frank III during his days playing for the Cornell Big Red in the mid-eighties.

TOP RIGHT PHOTO: In 1976, the Honorable Francis X. (Frank) Kelly, Jr. and his wife, Janet, started a small health insurance agency in their basement. Forty-five years later, Kelly Benefits has a large headquarters, hundreds of employees, and serves more than 10,000 clients.

LOWER PHOTO: Frank III gave his life to Christ after a particularly trying lacrosse practice at Cornell. He remembers praying to God, “Even if I never play again, I need You in my life.”

Faith and Liberty for All

Whether their last name is Rogers, Bean, or Kelly, the FLDC is now part of a family legacy that these remarkable individuals want to share “The Scriptures tell us that faith comes from in the name of Jesus. In the exhibits of the FLDC, hearing—and hearing from the Word of God. they hope curious people will recognize the Faith, Liberty, At some point you’ve got to proclaim the truth influence of the Bible in our nation’s history— so people can receive it,” Frank says. “American and seek God in the pages of Scripture. Bible Society is proclaiming that truth in a relevant way for millions of people.” Along with these stories, thousands of partners, and Justice like you, fuel the ministries of American Bible Some might hesitate to put their company name Society and proclaim faith and liberty through on a religious landmark, but not the Kellys. your generous support and passionate prayers. “We want our names identified with this effort, for All! because of our passion to proclaim God’s love Thank you for championing the life-changing and truth,” explains Frank. “We’re not ashamed message of the Bible in our nation and around of the gospel of Jesus Christ and of his Word!” the world!

The Faith and Liberty Discovery Center will tell the rich history of the Bible’s influence on America when it opens on May 1, 2021. Reflect on your own legacy of faith and explore the biblical + values that built America at As an American Bible Society supporter, you can get an exclusive sneak peek with a virtual tour of the center at:

24 RECORD // SPRING 2021 Andrea made the long trip to Bogotá to organize people, God met Andrea in her grief. One her mother’s affairs. When she arrived at her message in particular spoke to her about taking mother’s home, it still smelled like simmering her sorrow to Jesus. She says, “The lesson ‘If ajiaco, a traditional chicken and potato God Loves Us, Why Do We Suffer?’ helped soup—remnants of her mother’s rich cooking. me understand that there’s a meaning to our CANCER, Everything was how she remembered it, only suffering. It leads to the Cross, and when we’re nothing felt the same. there, our pain gets smaller.”

Andrea mourned her mother’s loss in a COVID- For many like Andrea, simply acknowledging QUARANTINE, 19-style funeral. Five people were allowed to grief is an important part of loosening its attend. Andrea had to keep a distance from her chokehold. “Before I went through the healing relatives. They all hid their grief behind masks. group, I didn’t have a sense of how to walk There was no sense of closure. through grief. I didn’t understand it,” explains AND Andrea. “Now I understand the grief journey Growing up, Andrea’s mother had been her is a long journey. It can’t be rushed. There rock. “She was a woman of God and a woman are various stages in it, and it’s helpful to of much prayer,” says Andrea. “She decided to know about them to be able to advance to the GOD’S not develop her career so she could stay home next one.” and care for us and raise us.” Her mother took Andrea to church and taught her to love God. Through Bible-based trauma healing groups, When Andrea’s father abandoned the family, participants learn that lament is a biblical WORD irst came the distant reports: her mother took on the full burden of caring for response to suffering. Leaders trained through disease is spreading. Then the Andrea and her two sisters. So with her mother the local Bible Society help people apply the guidelines: stay 6 feet apart, wear gone, Andrea felt unmoored. truths of Scripture to their own grief journeys. masks, wash your hands. Then the shutdown: stay home, close your In her isolation, Andrea turned to God’s Word. businesses, limit travel. “The pandemic has changed my way of reading F the Bible,” she says. “Now it’s much more “THE YOU HELPED As in most of the world, COVID-19 put Andrea constant throughout the day.” Salamanca’s country of Colombia in lockdown PANDEMIC ANDREA from March through the end of August 2020. Andrea jokes that she’s spent the last five years OUR PAIN GETS SMALLER of her life in quarantine. That’s because she HAS MEET JESUS lives in the countryside outside of rural Viotá, Still, Andrea felt alone in her pain. She was where the animals outnumber the people and seeking God, but she was struggling to feel the CHANGED IN HER GRIEF. where thousands of insects buzz from dusk to release of the promise of Scripture. When a dawn. For her, it’s a treat to visit family in her friend at the local Bible Society told her about hometown—the not-so-nearby city of Bogotá. a Bible-based group study she was going to MY WAY OF by Laura Chan lead called “Healing the Wounds of the Heart,” Her last trip to Bogotá, however, was not so Andrea immediately signed up to participate. “I READING welcome. In February 2020, Andrea’s mother had knew my heart had been wounded,” she says. “I been diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma—a knew I needed this.” rare and lethal cancer of the bile ducts. Just one THE month later in March 2020, Andrea’s mother Through the group, week by week, God pulled went to be with the Lord. Andrea closer. In His Word and through His BIBLE.” PHOTO:

26 RECORD // SPRING 2021 AMERICANBIBLE.ORG 27 28 RECORD // SPRING2021 LEFT ME.” HASN’T AND GOD ALONE I’M NOT FELT LIKE “I’VE In first the group surprised God she led, for me, he can doit for others.” hasn’tGod left me,” says.she “If he’s donethis “I’ve friends. called felt like I’m not alone and what she’d She experienced. made posters. She Andrea didn’t want to waste any insharing time samethe healing journey. could who bringbecome aleader others along upsigned to train through to Bible the Society had found healing through ministry, the she so blessing of Bible-based trauma She healing. from Andrea God, was eager to share the Having received blessing the of rest and relief SHARING THEHEALING able to rest inHim.” enabled me to open my and to heart God, Iwas her. She says, “When Iwrote my lament, that He met her right where she was. He comforted she to was all paper carrying, pen to tell God hurt they’ve When experienced. Andrea put coming with honest to God words about the One exercise involves writing out alament—

wounds Help healed. us point to them You.” are who tosee people need have the who their asks you to “God, pray: open up space for us to keep her from reaching many for Jesus. She praying, however, that location her won’t rural to quiet the and spaces.She’s wide-open the Now, Andrea is back home inViotá—back possible. like you made whole who this healing process and is grateful for supporters Bible Society more Bible-based trauma healing groups soon enter Listen.God Let your heart.” She’s starting express she pain their so can tell “Wait. them, says she’s listening been to hear how others blessingthe of comforted being by Jesus. She of life without her mother, experiences she also Although sorrow the Andrea experiences still inyou.” trust their firm and keep purpose who their putto those of Isaiah 26:3: “You, as she presses forward, she clings to promise the same hope for healing with She them. says that itneeded most, Andrea was there to share the and inher Christ meet pain.when Then, others group where she could receive biblical truth most, invited her friend her to powerful this of community. Christian When it she needed For Andrea, storiesbeautythe reflect like these healing awound.”saw God with him. So, for me, was this one of ways the I was sayingGod that He was there, that He was rest. To pray. To and cry. cry And to feel that healing group man the activities, was able to end,in the through God’s Word, through the tojourney resting She says, inGod. “I saw how well.too Andrea was moved by man’s this abused him—something Andrea understood gentleman shared about how his father had conversation a about experiences, childhood On one occasion, during healing the group she didn’t know how they’d fully open up. her. She people would knew respond, but Lord , give perfect peace peace , give perfect

PHOTO: L JOHN 16:33 suffer. Butbe brave! I have defeatedthe world!” by united being to me. The world make will you “I have told you that so this you have will peace Christ hasovercome The world isbroken—but Jesus Resurrection.the fromtruths Scripture as we prepare to celebrate of year. the Join me inclaiming four these Savior—bothRisen day Easter and this every and change, but we can find joyour the in We live inaworld of troubles, full upheaval, Lord” (John 20:19–20). “disciplesthe werewithjoy filled theseeing at changed overnight. Then Jesus appeared, and terrified of stepping out into a worldthat had followers were huddled inalocked room, Easter.first John’sGospel thattells us Jesus’s In last Easter felt fact, alot like very the felt unknown, unsafe, and completely changed. instead of around dinner the table. The world andfriends family through acomputer screen 4 verses to helpyou find comfort inachangeless Godamidchallengingtimes. Yesterday, Today, andForever Quiet Time instead of inchurch. Isaw I spent day the at home Jesus had risen. ast Easter, it didn’t feel like

HEBREWS 13:8 and forever.” “Jesus is same Christ the yesterday, today, Christ remains thesame The world ischanging—but Jesus ISAIAH 40:8 word of endures our God forever.” “Yes, grass withers and flowers fade, butthe Word iseverlasting The world isfading—but God’s REVELATION 21:3–5(ESV) said, ‘Behold, Iam things new.’” making all away. And he was seated who on throne the anymore, for former the things have passed there mourning,shall nor be nor pain crying, eyes,andtheir no more, death be shall neither his people .He wipeaway tear will from every dwell be will with and them, will they “[God] make allthingsnew The world issuffering—but Godwill AMERICANBIBLE.ORG by ElisabethTrefsgar

29 IN MEMORIAM “God blesses those people who grieve. They will find comfort!” When you give, MATTHEW 5:4 (CEV) you receive! in memory of in memory of my wife in memory of my husband Theodore “Ted” Shirley Warner Martin W. Kent Seldal “Give, and it will be given to you.” Batterman given by Albert E. Martin given by Mary Seldal given by the Batterman Family LUKE 6:38A (ESV) in memory of in memory of in memory of Jeannetta Miller Charles H. Smith, Jr. Delores Bennett given by Doug Miller given by Mrs. Sandra P. Smith given by Dr. and Mrs. James L. Banach in memory of in memory of Would you like to make a gift to provide Bibles and in memory of my father Esther Moore Joseph Sobaje Jere Lawrence Crook, Jr. given by Angie Dozier given by Mr. and Mrs. David G. Rogne receive a lifetime income from ABS? given by Jere L. Crook in memory of our uncle in memory of If so, a Charitable Gift Annuity with American Bible in memory of Arnold A. Ohst Dick Thomassian Society may be right for you! given by Debra and Philip Lange given by Bruce and Charlotte Ingmire Edward Devine Guaranteed Payouts given by W. Roy Grime in memory of my mother in memory of In 1843, American Bible Society pioneered the use of in memory of my husband June Camp Palmer Michael and Nora Vidinha Charitable Gift Annuities. For over 175 years, thousands Age Rate John B. Groff given by L. R. Palmer, Jr. given by Mr. Keith P. Robinson of Bible partners like you have received regular income given by Marian A. Groff payments from American Bible Society—and their gifts in memory of my husband in memory of have helped share the Holy Scriptures with the world. 61 4% in memory of my wife Hans Schafft Frank Wanicka June Handwerker given by Lillian Schafft given by Captain Stephen M. Bailey given by Bob Handwerker Charitable Gift Annuities are a win-win 75 5.4% in memory of ministry partnership! Charlotte J. Young 90+ 8.6% given by Dr. and Mrs. James Morse Over the course of all those decades, American Bible Society has NEVER missed making a payment Honor the memory of a loved one by providing Bibles to people who don’t yet have them. to annuitants—not even during historic economic Your CGA Benefits Memorials of $500 or more for one individual or family unit will be published in Record. downturns like the Great Depression. And unlike For further details about the memorial process, contact our Partner Care team at 866–895–4448 or with the info below. commercial annuity programs, we apply no commissions You receive a lifetime of secure income and no fees. for you and your loved ones. [email protected] American Bible Society | 101 North Independence Mall East FL8 | Philadelphia, PA 19106–2155 You may benefit from excellent tax Getting started is as simple as transferring cash or an deductions and partially tax-free income. asset to American Bible Society. In return, we will agree to make payments for life to you, you and a loved one, You support global Bible ministry and REMEMBERING A BIBLE LEGEND or another person. help fulfill the Great Commission. On December 7, 2020, Dr. Barclay Moon Newman, a beloved former employee and scholar of American Bible Society, passed away at the age of 89. Among his many lasting contributions to our mission, Dr. Newman chaired the groundbreaking Contemporary English Version (CEV) of Discover your personalized rates and benefits today: the Bible. “We are trying to set God’s Word free from traditional translations that don’t speak in Call 1-800-549-3328 down-to-earth language—that don’t use everyday colloquial English to express the meaning of the eternal Word of God,” said Dr. Newman. American Bible Society mourns the loss of this beloved Email [email protected] Bible legend and celebrates the great spiritual impact of his life!


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