April2013 Volume 92, Number 4 PITTSBURGH PIPELINES N EWSLETTER OF THE P ITTSBURGH C HAPTER OF THE A MERICAN G UILD OF O RGANISTS 144 North Dithridge Street, Apartment #307, Pittsburgh PA 15213 www.pitago.org Inside this issue: Martin Neary - Formerly Of Westminster Abbey - To Dean’s Notes p. 1 Perform At Calvary Episcopal Church By John Henninger - Director, OAS (
[email protected]) March Meeting p. 7 The internationally known musician Martin Neary, former organist of Westminster Abbey in London, England, will be our featured organist Noteworthy on the last concert of our 34th season on Sunday, April 21, 2013 at Events p. 2 Calvary Episcopal Church. The concert is co‐presented by Calvary Episcopal Church as the Donald C McVay Organ Recital. Martin will Positions p.6 also be the featured speaker at the subsequent Chapter meeting the Substitutes p.8 following Monday. Mr. Neary has developed a reputation both as a leading exponent of Chapter Election contemporary British church music and as an imaginative interpreter Materials P.3‐5 of keyboard works by J.S. Bach and Henry Purcell. He has received numerous awards. Among them are an honorary doctorate of music from the University of Southampton and his appointment as Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order the Queen, in recognition of his services for choosing and directing the music Martin Neary at the funeral of Princess Diana. Please join us at 4:00PM for the program at Calvary Episcopal Church. A reception with wine and light refreshments follows the program. You can find more information at www.oas‐series.com or call 412.243.2787(arts) if you need additional information.