E1678 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 17, 2018 RECOGNIZING THE BRAVERY OF mentary School’s hard work in creating an en- RECOGNIZING THE SERVICE OF DARRYL TRAPPS vironment for educational attainment that is TOM TORLAKSON recognized as a symbol of exemplary teaching HON. JOHN KATKO and learning. HON. MARK DeSAULNIER OF NEW YORK Lake Road Elementary provides a model for OF IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES success to all schools by creating a nurturing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES environment that promotes student develop- Monday, December 17, 2018 Monday, December 17, 2018 ment through problem solving and exploration. Mr. KATKO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Principal Erica Weadon inspires a passionate Mr. DESAULNIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today recognition of Syracuse firefighter Darryl and purposeful mindset that resonates with Congressman MIKE THOMPSON to recog- Trapps, who serves as an emergency re- throughout the entire organization, from the nize Tom Torlakson for his dedicated and pas- sponder at the Carrier Dome during Syracuse teachers, administrators, students, and par- sionate service to our community. A recipient of the Merchant Marine Service University basketball games. During the De- ents. This accomplishment will pay dividends Medal, Tom began his life-long commitment to cember 4th game against Northeastern Uni- for years to come as Lake Road Elementary service as a fireman in assignments such as versity, Mr. Trapps performed CPR on a pa- continues to grow and flourish. , Vietnam, and Thailand. After his serv- tron suffering from a medical emergency. The On behalf of the Eighth Congressional Dis- ice, Tom attended the University of California actions of Mr. Trapps and others in attend- trict of Missouri, it is my great privilege to con- Berkeley, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts ance saved the man’s life. gratulate the entire Lake Road Elementary in History, a Life Secondary Teaching Creden- Since 2004, Mr. Trapps has worked as an School community for this remarkable tial, and a Master of Arts in . emergency responder at the Carrier Dome. achievement. Mr. Trapps diligently monitors athletic events Tom has served as a teacher for the Mount Diablo Unified School District, a councilman for emergencies and, before December 4th, f no serious incidents had occurred during his for the City of Antioch, a county supervisor for tenure. However, before the December 4th IN RECOGNITION OF WALTER R. Contra Costa County, and as a legislator in game, a patron went stiff in his seat and BROOKS, JR. both the and State As- began suffering a cardiac event. Mr. Trapps sembly. During his tenure in the California recognized the severity of the situation and HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING State Legislature, Tom fought to increase jumped into action. funding for education, implement school nutri- OF MASSACHUSETTS Mr. Trapps arrived to the man’s section and, tion programs and physical education, and im- upon discovering the man had no pulse, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES prove school safety. He also led the charge began performing chest compressions. Mr. Monday, December 17, 2018 for making the California public school system Trapps was surrounded by concerned more inclusive by eliminating the achievement Mr. KEATING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in gap, reducing the dropout rate, and funding attendees but his emergency response skills recognition of the life of Walter R. Brooks, Jr., and training allowed him to block out any sort afterschool programs. founder of Cape Cod Today, who passed As the State Superintendent of Public In- of distraction. He administered chest compres- away at the age of eighty-seven. struction, Tom brought his experience and sions while a doctor performed rescue breath- Mr. Brooks has been a pillar of the commu- drive to the California Department of Edu- ing, both of them trying to keep oxygen flow- nity, serving as a voice for Cape Cod. Born in cation where he continued his vow to improve ing to the patient’s brain. 1930 to Walter Rollin Brooks, Sr. and Evelyn Emergency Medical Technicians arrived with our state’s public education system. During his Mae Brooks, he was raised as an only child in a defibrillator shortly after Mr. Trapps began two terms, Tom set new standards for testing Woodbury, Connecticut. At an early age, he assisting the man. They administered two student achievement, expanded programs that knew he wanted to follow in his father’s foot- shocks to the man’s chest with Mr. Trapps meet the needs of children outside of the reg- steps and pursue a career in journalism. Fol- continuing chest compressions between the ular school day, and oversaw a record high lowing his graduation from the University of shocks. On the third shock, the man’s pulse school graduation rate. Tom is also the chair Connecticut, Mr. Brooks went on to serve as returned and he was taken to Upstate Univer- and founder of the California Task Force on a publisher, managing editor, promotion and sity Hospital for further treatment. Mr. Trapps Youth and Workplace Wellness, where he has marketing director for the Village Voice, the had successfully saved the man’s life but im- continued to promote healthier meals and New York Post, the Greenwich CT Times, the mediately returned to his duty. physical activity for students. Naugatuck Daily News, the Amherst MA Jour- Tom Torlakson has left a positive impact on Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues in the nal-Record, the Enfield CT Press, the Cape the California public school system and its stu- House to join me in honoring the courageous Codder, and MPG Communications. dents, and the community at large. While his actions of Darryl Trapps. His composure dur- leadership and enthusiasm will be dearly ing this chaotic situation was no easy task and In 1959, Mr. Brooks spent a summer in missed in his official capacity, he will surely his efforts saved the life of another individual. Provincetown, where he met and married the continue to contribute to California. I join with I applaud Mr. Trapps, as well as first respond- love of his life, Patricia. Their love of Cape Congressman MIKE THOMPSON in thanking ers around the country, whose daily actions Cod would lead them to settle in Harwich in Tom for his service to our County, our state, save countless lives. 1965, where they raised their two sons, Todd and Jay. After moving, Walter and Patricia, and our students, and wish him the best in his f who were devoted to improving the accessi- retirement. RECOGNIZING LAKE ROAD bility of news outlets, launched a Cape Cod f ELEMENTARY SCHOOL tourism publication entitled Best Read Guides. HONORING ROBERT E. MOORE In 1998, his passion for his community led him HON. JASON SMITH to establish, Cape Cod Today. One of the na- tion’s first online-only local news websites, HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON OF MISSOURI Cape Cod Today has been an integral part of OF MISSISSIPPI IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Commonwealth. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, December 17, 2018 Mr. Brooks has always put the people of Monday, December 17, 2018 Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I rise Cape Cod first, constantly trying to figure out Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- today to congratulate Lake Road Elementary how to better his home. He has stepped up at er, I rise today to honor Mr. Robert E. Moore, School of Poplar Bluff, Missouri for being rec- every point to improve our schools and our a pillar in the Mississippi Delta. ognized as a National Blue Ribbon School in community by using his newspaper to hold in- In the year of 1945, Robert was born on the 2018, a distinction bestowed upon only 349 stitutions and individuals accountable to the 21st day of April. Raised in Greenwood, Mis- public and private schools across the country. people. sissippi, Robert received his undergraduate The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program Mr. Speaker, I am proud to honor the life of degree from Jackson State University and a recognizes public and private elementary, mid- Walter R. Brooks, Jr. for his dedication to graduate degree from the University of South- dle, and high schools based on their overall bettering our community. I ask that my col- ern Mississippi. academic excellence or their progress in clos- leagues join me in recognizing his commit- Moore was a Marine Corps ing achievement gaps among student sub- ment to journalism and the people of Cape Veteran. He served in Vietnam and was a groups. This award affirms Lake Road Ele- Cod. Purple Heart Recipient.

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