or and Council External Corres ondence Summa (November 232009) H.01


816 J. Wallwork Letter of Appreciation CLERKS 103562

817 D. Welch, Policy & 2009 West Nile Virus Risk Reduction CA&ENV 103573 Program Officer, UBCM Initiative - Completion

818 J. Carline, Burns Bog Ecological ConseNancy CA&ENV 103633 Commissioner/CAO Metro Area - Use of Biosolids at Vancouver Vancouver Landfill

819 C.J. Callens, Chief Commercial Vehicle Safety on POLICE 103590 Superintendent, Deputy Highways in Delta Criminal Operations Officer "E" Division, RCMP

820 J. White 28 11l Avenue Option 28A - SFPR ENG 103572

821 R. Gordon Public Toilets (Ladner Exchange) ENG 103646

822 Hon . S. Bond, Minister Infrastructure Funding HR&CP 103591 Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure

823 Andy Burianyk, Director Information and Membership CP&D 103630 SAFERhome Standards Application Form Society

824 B. & D. McBride Questionnaires on Tsawwassen Area CP&D 103635 Plan

825 A. Jackson Recent Forum on South lands CP&D 103594 826 P Wiebe Southlands CP&D 103608 827 R. Keelan Southlands CP&D 103611

828 M. Rudolf Southlands CP&D 103607 , 829 S. Jones Tsawwassen Area Plan Committee CP&D 103576 75 Submissions Process and Tsawwassen Area Plan Review 103609

830 S. Jones, Save the 28-Name Email Petition re Save the CP&D 103632 Southlands Committee South lands

F:\CO UNCIL\Correspondence and Correspondence Usts\Corresp Lists\2009\November 23, 2009.doc Mayor and Council External Correspondence Summary (November 23 2009)


, 831 L. Ryall Southlands Development CP&D 103561 832 D. Bohmert South lands Area CP&D 103567

833 J. Crowley The Tsawwassen Area Plan CP&D 103568 Committee - Future of South lands

834 F. Rogers Comments on TAP Process CP&D 103634

835 L. Phillips & C. Burke Tsawwassen Area Plan - Public CP&D 103645 Input 836 N. Welsh "South lands" in Delta CP&O 103647

837 S. Forster Dangerous Trees - Needs PR&C 103762 Immediate Attention

F:\COUNCIL\Correspondence and Correspondence Lists\Corre sp Lists\2009Wovembe r 23, 2009.dOc 816

genda ,, \1'. 1 0 -,0.0 --FILE # U v

James Wallwork ~d: 604 946 0776

218, 4815 48th Avenue Delta. B.C. V4K 1 V4

'< Yf'~ : -'~~ OEPT: CltUD October 31 , 2009 AT #: It) 7;6102- 'NOS'~~Oq ~irMjjf~

To have such friends in one's middle years is the most wonderful present of all.

Thank you , Mayor Jackson & Council, for your good wishes.


An acknowledgement letter has been se nt advising the letter writer t hat their correspondence will be part of the November 23, 2009 Regular Meeting of Council. 81 7

Local Government Program Services ... programs to address provincial-local government shared priorities

~I ~~~~I COLUMnlA I M UN ICWAlmES , .

November 3, 2009 TYPE ?t6(Mtf ItwtJ?A­ Mayor Jackson and Council DEPT titftNV District of Del ta 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent A.T #: j,Q'OSl 3 Administration pro vid ed Comments: by UBCM Delta, Be, V4K 3E2 NOV 1'?/ ()OJ R#9U1cw f\IlW1VlQ Fu nding provided by Province of B.C. RE: 2009 West Nile Virus Risk Reduction In itiative - Completion

Dear Mayor and Council, ~~~~ Thank you for submitting the reconciliation report for base funding ... for activities undertaken under the 2009 West Nile Virus Ri sk BRITIS H Reduction Initiative. We have reviewed your submission and all COLUMBI A reporting requirements have now been met. 11l!.: Bc.~ r fllace on Earrh Your fi nal report notes a total expenditure of $55,073.00, Based on this, a cheque in the amount of $4,417,08 will fo ll ow shortly under For progra m separate cover. This cheque represents final payment of the grant for info rma t ion, visit base acti vities and is based on the total reported expenditure minus w ww.civi cnet.bc.ca the initial payment of $50,655,92 made in May 2009. under Program s & Serv ices Thank you for your participation in this program.

Local Gove rnme nt P rog ra m Services Sincerely,

LGPS Secretariat \()v0~ Danyta Welch Local Government House 525 Government Street Policy & Program Officer Victoria, BC, V8V GAB

Phone: (250) 356-5134 Fax: (250) 356- 5119 cc: Mike Bro therston, Manager of Climate Actio/'! and Enviro/'l/'/'!ent

Delta's 2009 West Nile Virus program primarily focused on mosquito habitat modification activities and was previously reported to Council. 818 A genda ~ FILE #Cb rJ-tO D-()/ met ro vancouver

4330 Ki ngsway, Bu rn aby. BC, Canada VSH 4GB 604·432-6200 www.metrovancouver.org

Office of the Commissioner/Chief Administrative Officer Tel. 604432-6210 Fax 604 451 -6614

October 29, 2009 File No.: PA-03-01-BBG-03-02 .,

Mayor Lois E. Jackson and Council The Corporation of Delta 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent Delta , BC V4K 3E2

Dear Mayor Jackson and Council:

Re : Burns Bog Ecological Conservancy Area - Use of Biosolids at Vancouver Landfill

As requested, Delta's concerns regarding the use of lona Island Waste Water Treatment Plant biosolids at the Vancouver Landfill, as outl ined in your August 18, 2009 letter and attached Delta Council report were presented to the Burns Bog Ecologica l Conservancy Area Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) at their October 13, 2009 meeting .

Attached, please find the draft meeting notes on the SAP discussion of th is item. The draft meeting notes will be reviewed by the .SAP members and finalized at their next meeting currently scheduled for Tuesday, November 17, 2009.

Yours trUly, As previously reported to Council, the 'City of Vancouver is not pursuing the use of biosolids in the Phase 1 closure works at this time. Staff will be meeting with Vancouver staff to discuss the ongoing /';Jo n Carli ne Phase 1 closure works and vegetation (; ~ issioner/Chief Administrati ve Officer planting plan and will be reporti ng back to JCIEAlmlt Council on this issue.


pc: The Honourable Jim Prentice, Minister of Environment Mr. Guy Gentner, MLA, Ms . , MLA, Delta South Scientific Advisory Panel Members Corporation of Delta Council George V . Harvie, Chief Administrati ve Officer, Delta Mitch Sokalski, Metro Vancouver Regional Parks, West Area Manager

004985406 Attachment

Use of lona Island Waste Water Treatment Plant Biosolids for Vancouver Landfill (VLF) Capping BBECA Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) Discussion Tuesday, October 13, 2009 BBECA SAP Meeting

General Discussion: • The double-ditch on the northern side of the Vancouver Landfill (VLF) consists of an outer ditch with bog water and an inner ditch wiih leachate from the Land Fill; the water level in the outer ditch needs to be kept higher (higher gradient) to limit the migration of leachate northward; the leachate in the inner ditch flows to Annacis Waste Water Treatment Plant;

• SAP noted that it would be useful to investigate the current operational effectiveness of the double-ditch by testing the soil chemistry of the catotelmic peat between the ditches, and measuring the water levels & water chemistry in the outer and inner ditches; as mineral waters migrate into the catotelmic peat (mineralization), it's ability to act as a barrier declines;

• The September 21, 2009 letter from BC Ministry of Environment to the City of Vancouver declining the City's request to use biosolids on a trial basis as a subsoil material in capping the Phase 1 closure of the VLF was shared with SAP;

• Phase 1 closure of the VLF adjoins the BBECA Provincial Lands, wi th the outer landfill ditch being approximately 30 metres from the property line of the BBECA;

• Former 'Parcel D' adjoined the VLF; 'Parcel 2' was transferred to the joint ownership of Delta and MV; 'Parcel 2' was created by dividing the southern 100 metres from the western part of the parcel and southern 150 metres from the eastern part of the parcel; the southern area remained in the ownership of the City of Vancouver;

• Parcel 2 contains some of the most pristine raised bog conditions in the ECA;

• A SAP member who was not able to attend the meeting (providing comments bye-mail), cautioned that biosolids characteri stics vary and thorough investigation is required;

Water Chemistry: • SAP recommended that no capping run-off be directed to the outer ditch, regardless of whether the capping material is clean fill, topsoil or biosolids, as the mineral waters would harm the bog;

• SAP noted that biosoli ds may be high in calcium and phosphorus, which are harmful to bogs, e.g. lowering acidity (raising pH), harmful to mosses;

• Run-off to the inner ditch could be problematic as well; higher water levels in the inner ditch (than the outer ditch) would encourage th e migration of minerals into the • • catotelmic peat between the two ditches, thereby compromising its ability to act as a barrier;

004985406 Hydrology: • SAP re commended that the capacity of double-ditch be studied in relation to the likely run-off from closed sections of the VLF, as well as proposed hydrologica l controls, to ensure that overtopping does not occur with the potential resulting flows of mineral waters into the bog lands; SAP suggested that the CH2MHili modelling of the bog might be used to test scenarios with la rge run-offs from the VLF;

• SAP recommended that grading of th e landfill to the south be considered, as well as the installation of a storm water ditch sO\lth of the double-ditch to ca tch and transport landfill capping run-off; .

• Planting trees (e.g . native willow) close together (i. e. bio-engineering approach) along with a native grass mix would provide a quick vegetative cover and greater eva po-transpiration capacity;

004985406 819

,~ . , ' • "< Royal Canadian Gendarmerie royale Security Classificat ion I Designation ." , A- Mounted Police du Canada Classificati on I Designation securitaire 657 West 37'h Avenue Vancouver, B. C. TYPE R~AtZ- ft176Wk V5Z IK6 DEPT _EQk:\.=::C0~.,.....- October 28, 2009 A. T. #: tY€)rt159'Olre reh~rence

Comments: 1 Mayor Lois E. Jackson The Corporation of Delta -, M)V 1-~~e ~~~:~et~ rto 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent Delta, B.C. V4K 3E2

Dear Mayor Jackson:

Re: Commercial Vehicle Safety on Highwavs in Delta

This is in response to yo ur correspondence dated October 20, 2009 addressed to the Honourable Kash Heed and Shi rley Bond, requesting the implementation of traffic control measures on the highways in Delta.

Pl ease be advised that your correspondence has been forwarded to Superintendent Norm Gaumont, the Officer in Charge of "E" Division Traffic Services. As the Officer In Charge he facilitates the overall direction and policies associated with both RCMP Municipal and Provincial traffic programs across .

Superintendent Gaumont can be contacted at 604-539-2717 or through email at nonn. [email protected].

Yours truly,

Staff has received for information.

C.J. Callens, C ef Superintendent Deputy Criminal Operations Officer (Contract) "E" Division

cc OIC Traffic Services Superintendent Nonn Gaumont

-Cana cl 'o,a ,'mEl ayo~ ' s 9rYJU :U@~FllE ~ eJ:;d hOill tile bhice oj: ." ,. , lJ' THE CORPORATION OF DELTA The Mayor, ,.-.~., Lois E. Jackson "

'We: Jill:'P_;---- DEPT --HE:e~l2-,..-=­ , > • October 20, 2009 . , AT # (O:Z~ r,; S; . '-I Co "en!.; ' C, The Honourable Kash Heed The Honourable Shirley Bond ". Minister of Public Safety and Sol icitor General Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure PO Box 9053, STN PROV GOVT PO Box 9055, STN PROV GOVT Victoria, BC V8W 9E2 Victoria, BC V8W 9E2

Dear Ministers,

Re: Action to Address Commercial Vehicle Safety on Highways in Delta

As a major transportation hub for Deltaport and the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal, the Delta community is increasingly concerned about truck traffic congestion and vehicle safety on our roads.

Blitz commercial vehicle inspections in Delta consistently produce 40%+ failure rates, and almost weekly, it seems we are dealing with the aftermath of serious accidents involving large trucks and trai lers. More recently, we have been seeing long lines of trucks backed-up along Deltaport Way waiting to access the port.

We have been working with Delta Police, RCMP, Port Metro Vancouver and the Deltaport Third Berth Community Liaison Committee to develop a more effective monitoring and enforcement system for commercial vehicles. Port Metro Vancouver has been successful in implementing its Truck Licensing System, which is a key component in ensuring compliance with safety, environmental and traffic contro l regulations. However, in order to be fully effective , leg islative changes are needed to allow enforcement agencies to share information regarding traffic violations with Port Metro Vancouver. In relation to th is, at the October 19, 2009 Regular Meeting, Delta Council endorsed the following recommendation:

"THA T staff work with the appropriate Provincial Ministries and Port Metro Van couver to remove the legal obstacles to information sharing between law enforcement agencies and Port Metro Vancouver so that more effective penalties can be imposed on drivers who contravene speed and parking restrictions."

In addition, Delta Council, traffic enforcement agencies and Port Metro Vancouver are supportive of implementing the following relatively-simple traffic control measures:

iNFORlVlATiOhl TO COllNda., DATE C1;\ ra,J.iTf1 . \ . 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent, Delta, British Columbia, Canada V4K 3E2 Tel: 604 946-3210 Fax: 604946-6055 E-mail: mayor@coro delta bc.ca October 21 , 2009 Page 2

• Eliminating truck parking at the junction of Deltaport Way and 578 Street.

• Implementing reduced speeds for trucks on Highway 17.

• Increasing truck inspections and enforcement along Highway 17 and Deltaport Way.

• Installing electronic speed signs on Deltaport Way.

We would like to work with your staff to implement these measures as soon as possible.

With the new Deltaport third berth opening shortly and the anticipated growth in trade with the Asia-Pacific countries, the need to address these issues is becoming more urgent. Of course, the completion of the South Fraser Perimeter Road in 2012 will alleviate many of the traffic congestion concerns. Until then, however, we must do what we can to address the immediate concerns of speeding and parking violations and look at ways in the medium and longer term to improve vehicle safety standards and driver education, and achieve more effective ' enforcement.

We look forward to working with you to resolve these important issues.

E. Jackson Mayor

Enclosure: Delta Council, September 25, 2009 cc: Port Metro Vancouver Metro Vancouver Port Cities Committee RCMP "E" Division (BC) Deltaport Third Berth Community Liaison Committee Delta Council George V. Harvie, Chief Administrative Officer

-..-.- 820 genda Mayor Council FILE # 6'3dDQ·· 20!SFPlZ.

F rom : Dellis Rand [[email protected]) Sent: Thursday. November 05 , 2009 10:46 AM To: Mayor & Council Cc: 'Wendy Christoff; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: 28th Avenue Option 28A A ttachments: scanO.pdf

,'".. , Attached please find the following : ., Page 3 - overall map of the area Page 2 - SFPR drawing showing a "one land exit" marked "Exit in?" connecting the southern and northern portions of Highway 17 Page 1 - Option 28A showing a relocation of the south end of "Exit in?" to be swung over to feed off 28'h Avenue and 56'h Street instead of Highway 17. It also shows a new southerly exit and entrance' to and from 34B.

Our main Concern The 28'h Ave overpass will substantially increase traffic from both directions along 28'hAve. This will irrevocably alter the nature of the street negatively impacting property values. For horse people the attraction of 28'h is it's proximity to the dyke and trail system. You can tell a la rge number of horses use 28'h in the summer because th e grass on both sides of the road is totally eaten down. It looks like it has been mowed.

The benefits of Option 28A are many

1. Improved farm access - I feel this option will better satisfy the farmers' need for an east-west connection across Highway 17 than either the 28'h our 57'h street overpasses. I understand that originally. all our good and practical farmers asked for was a new southerly exit and entrance to and from 34B. This practical and cost effective request was turned down and rejected by our public authorities.

2. No 28'h Avenue overpass over Highway 17 - This option will not only ensure the safety of horse traffic using 28'h and 64'h Avenues and help preserve the property values for 6 out of the 8 properties that have significant investments in equipment and buildings which can house somewhere between 80 and 100 horses on our short Y. mile of road , but more than that the horses are an important part of our streetscape. People on the road get look at them, pat them talk to them etc. .

3. Benefit to local commuters of improved traffic flow -Drivers leaving Tsawwassen can decide at 56'h and/or 52" and highway 17 to go the old way or the new SFPR way . This can make a big difference when ferry traffic on Highway 17 is backed up to 52" on summer afternoons. Commuters from southern Ladner. trying to avoid traffic buildup on Ladner Trunk Road have a much smoother access to Highway 17.

4. Future benefits - The 28'h Avenue entrance will help alleviate pressure of future increased traffic buildup on the intersections of 56'h and 52" Streets and Highway 17.

5 The problem with "Exit in?" -There is something wrong with the design of the "Exit in 7" . It lacks intuitive appeal for people with local knowledge

6 .Cost Savings -Option 28A will not cost more money it will virtual ly save the cost one overpass

Thank you

John White Ie I{)\, <)'~. ~ f? 604-952-4476 'D0-1i1 dellisrand @telus.net Vt{ J..- d'"""'E

The Province has proposed a single lane overpa ss for 28'h Avenue which would be limited for agricultural, equestrian and pedestrian use. Gene ral pu rpose traffic would not be pe rmitted to use the overpass. Option 28A was reviewed by the Province and was not deemed feasible. writer in a meeting held on November 12. • 05'"' I VII I

GOL)8I~ maps Address Tsawwassen, Be l,l· ') .


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From: Ross Gordon [gordon_homeca@yahoo,caj T''I,- ,_ .Q~LU __;f1"tL~oq Sent: Thursday, November 05, 20094:00 PM To: Mayor & Council DEPT i~ -~.-- _ ~ Subject: Public toilets (Ladner exchange) . .T. # ,.lQ?,~~ Io~G-- ,U...JliV : '::;omr. 'ents \\);, ~ ~ :;>fOC) ~~"l~L>! i I recently started to use the bus service in Delta and was shocked to find there is no public washrooms at the Ladner exchange bus stop,

A person may have to wait up to 112 hr for him/her next bus and what do you do if you have to go? Walk to the hospital or rec centre, I th ink thi s is something that should be looked into by you or translink, Thank you,

Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr!

Bus exchanges fall under TransLink's jurisdiction. Staff will forward the request to TransLink for consideration and will respond to requestor,

1 822

...... genda BRITISH FILE # 0\2.1 () -dO COLUMBIA A --. ~-~~."'. -- ... -.- ~- The Best Place on Earth NOV 04 2009 Her Worship Reference: 181604 Mayor Lois E: Jackson The Corporation of Delta 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent ., Delta BC V4K 3E2

Dear Mayor Jackson:

R t~ InfrastnH..:turc Flinding

Thank yo u for your letter of June 26, 2009. and attachment, regarding the Building Canada Fund-CommLmities Component (BCF-CC). Please accept my apologies for the lateness orthis reply.

1 recognize the advantages that municipal infrastructure projects can bring to a community duri ng challenging economic times. For thi s reason, I was very pleased that your municipality was awarded over 8.5 million in BCF-CC fLU1ding, and I look forward to the economic and social benefits that these fi ve infrastructure projects wi ll bring to your community.

If you have any questions, pl ease don't hesitate to contact Kirk Handrahan, my ministry"s Executive Director orthe Infrastructure Development and Marine Branch. at 250 928-0678 or bye-mail [email protected]. He would be pleased to assist you.

T hank you again for taking the time to write.

"De lta's concerns regarding infrastructure funding were addressed with the recent funding ann ounce ments of $8.5 million for municipal projects."

Copy to: Honourable lela Chong Minister of Healthy Living and Sport MLA, Oak Bay-Gordon Head

Ki rk Handrahan. Executi ve Director Infrastructure Development and Marine Branch

Ministry o fTranspOrt31ion OffiCI;: of the l\,·LnJ srer ~ hni1,ng . \ddn:ss and Infras tru c ture Parliament Buddll1g:. , 'Lcro ria BC , 'S,' 1.:\-1 M ~i~~~ 0 \-010--01-'0 From the office or THE CORPORATION OF DELTA The Mayor. Lois E. Jackson i.t.. T l'PE: _",

DEPT: --,c,,-,~~rIld'" ,______J /S _

A. T. #: ---'-.:tr",-,)()::..:..a~:5,,-,= a,,-,-­ June 26, 2009 Comments': . , The Honourable Shirley Bond The Honoura ble Ida Chong Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Minister of Healthy Living and Sport PO Box 9055, STN PROV GOVT PO Box 9067, STN PROV GOVT Victoria, BC V8W 9E2 Victoria, BC V8W 9E2

Dear Ministers,

Re: Infrastructure Funding for Local Governments

On January 27, 2009, The Honourable . Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance, tabled a comprehensive budget pla n to stimulate economic growth, restore confidence and support Canadians and their families during a synchronized global recession. · One of the major components of the budget plan was a $12 billion commitment to take Immediate Action to Build Infrastructure across Canada. When th is action plan was announced to the public, Members of Parliament began encourag ing their ri dings to assemble a list of shovel-re ady infrastructure projects for submission to one of several new infrastructure funding programs. Since March 2009, Delta has submitted six eligible grant applicati ons, and to date there has been no decision from the Province on any of Delta's appli cations. Delta's submissions, in order of priority, are:

PRIORITY #1 PRIORITY #2 Recreation Infrastructure Canada Fund: Infrastructure Stimulus Fund: Sungod Expansion Boundary Bay Airport Aeronau tical Infrastructure $3,000,000 $14,200,000

PRIORITY #3a PRIORITY #3b BC-Building Canada Fund - Comm. Component BC-Building Canada Fund - Comm. Component Flood Protection - Westham Island Dyke Flood Protect ion - Boundary Bay Dyke Upgrade Foreshore Upgrade $315,000 $700,000

PRIORITY #4 PRIORITY #5 BC-Building Canada Fund - Comm. Component BC-Building Canada Fund - Comm. Component Ladner Trunk Forcemain Twinning Project Delta Archives Bu ilding Conversion Project $5,100,000 $675,000 June 26, 2009 Page 2

On June 22, 2009, Delta Council considered a report to discuss the lack of financial commitment (-$520 million) from the Province for the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund. Accordingly, a copy of the report is enclosed for your information. Delta Council is urging the provincial government to allocate dollars to this fund before the federal government transfers our province's share to other provinces and territories willing to make the necessary financial commitment.

In May 2009, the Corporation of Delta submitted an application to the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund but would also like to make it known that all of the projects summarized above are eligible for funding under this funding program. A detailed summary of these eligible projects are also enclosed for your consideration.

Without a provincial government commitment to match federal funding for the Infrastructure Stimulus Fund, or any other fund for that matter, many important infrastructure projects across the province wi ll not proceed. This will result in a loss of potential employment opportunities and will provide no benefit to the local economy. On behalf of Delta Council, I respectfully request that you evaluate the net benefit of infras tructure funding programs and immediately allocate the matchi ng dollars necessary to help local governments proceed with their municipal priority infrastructu re projects.

I look forward to your response.


Enclosures cc: John Cummins, MP, Delta- Sukh Dhaliwal, MP, Newton-North Delta Guy Gentner, MLA, Delta-North Vicki Huntington, MLA, Delta-South Gary Mcisaac, Executive Director, Union of Bri tish Columbia Municipalities v-8elta Council George V Harvie, Ch ief Administrative Officer Sean McGill, Director of Human Resources & Corporate Planning . or's \ ~1Jr&# 0 U X7\Y v FILE # .r1u.Op

.A bett't sUvu.latd 0/ &vtrUJ 1M November 03, 2009

Lois Jackson, Mayor (Chair) of Delta 4500 Clarence Taylor Cr. Delta , BC V4K 3E2 .,

Dear Mayor (Chair) Lois Jackson and Council,

The SAFERhome Standards Society had a booth at the UBCM conference in September, and took the opportunity to talk with numerous delegates from municipalities throughout the province. It became obvious SAFER home Standards has the tool kit to deliver the type of housing our communities desperately need.

SAFERhome Standards Society was fou nded in 2004 and is a non-profit public interest organization incorporated under the Society Act of British Columbia, and is funded through The Ministry of Housing and BC Housing. The SAFERhome Standards mission is to promote the adoption and use of housing standards and practices that are safe, healthy, and sustainable for everyone in the community. To achieve its objective, SAFERhome provides home planning assistance, and home inspection and certification programs for the new home construction industry. SAFERhome also provides educational programs, publications, seminars, and public speakers for functions while acting as a public interest lobby group with government and industry for the adoption of SAFERhome building standards and practices. A SAFERhome solves many of the dilemmas we face today like seniors aging in place, senior's safety in the home, child safety, independence through technologies. and environmental control and energy savings in the home.

• By 2032 according to Stats Canada, 48% of all Canadians will be over 65 years old . • Over the next 30 years the 85+ age group is projected to increase 3 fold (200% increase). • Urban Futures research shows a net increase of 142% for a total of 836,483 people over the age of 65 in BC alone over the next 30 years. • Seniors' demand for owner occupied , ground oriented dwellings will increase by 194% between 2005 and 2035. • Seniors' demand for owner occupied apartments will increase 156%. • In 2005 Vancouver Coastal Health lost over 14,000 hospital days, between $5000 - $8000 a day, to accommodating people in the health care system that could not access their homes after surgery. That translates into a $50 million expense in Vancouver alone. • Three billion dollars a year is being spent on hip replacement surgery for seniors nationally. • Approximately 30% of all seniors who require a hip replacement from a falling accident die within 1 year of the accident. Over 50% never leave the health care system ($$$). and never regain their independence.

#205·2006 WEST 10TH AVENUE, VANCOUVE, Be V6J 283 PH: 604-733-2224 TOLLFREE: t -877-944-2224 WWW.SAFERHOMESOCIETY.COM Making homes look beNer, work bener. and worth more! • Seniors are at the highest risk of having an accident in the home; children under the age of 5 are second. • Over 800 Be seniors died last yea r from falling accidents. • CMHC findings show we need to build 50 ,000 homes every year for the next 20 yea rs in Canada just to keep up with ou r seniors' housing demands. • 80% of children in Children's Hospital are there as a result of an injury in the home. • 11 % of al l annual ambulance calls are due to falling accidents in the home. • 90% of all accidents occur in the home. • 50% of home injuries happen on stairs. , Every individual municipality in the province is involved in looking for or developing the criteria to adapt housing to the changing community need. Even the Adaptable Housing Committee is working on a provincial level with the problem. This process is costing the ta x payer more than is necessary because of the redundancy of the work; further, the end products vary in their criteria based on the individual group's research.

The visible minority is now being measured at 51 % of the community ... in fact, it is now the visible majority. Traditionally we segregate and label these housing products .. . this is seniors housing, this is accessible housing. As a direct byproduct, we "label the people" who live in the environments.

So what can you do to reach and maintain a long term sustainability position while working in the community's best interest? How do you tap into th e largest community pool of people out there? In other words how can we build one product th at meets the needs of the majority of the public, rather than creating more segregated and negatively labeled housing ?

The answer is simple; it's called the SAFERhome Standards and it provides a home that looks better, works better, and is worth more. By adopting these stand ards you will make everyone aware of solid option, common sense, affordable housing soluti ons ... proven solutions like Universal Design and the SAFERhome Standards Toolkit.

SAFERhome Standards offers the only "Measurable Universal and Accessible to All Users" Building Standard" -- a simple "tool kit" for implementing effective and affordable change, change that meets the needs of sustainable communities, consumers, and developers. Currently the SAFERhome Standards Society provides the only certification program in Canada that addresses the issues of human sustainability, and the application of Universal Design.

The SAFERhome Standards offers governments the opportunity to build the first truly sustainable community models, ones that for the first time, include the human element. In other words, SAFERhome offers the opportunity to build housing that works for a multitude of potential buyer groups - Le. seniors, young and multi generational families, and ahyone with any form of special need.

The SAFERhome Certification Program has proven to have on-site constru ction cost of less than $1100 per housing unit for single family, and less than $700 for multi-family. The SAFERhome "tool kit" is a cost-effective and efficient means for consumers and developers to ensure housing meets the rapidly changing needs of our population.

The program is a simple 19-point design overlay (available free to members for download off ou r website) for any new residential or commercial building plan. The standards do not involve any changes to existing building codes or bylaws.

SAFERhome Standards Society 2 The program only needs the support of local and provincial governments to encourage and promote that Universal Oesign be incorporated into all new housing.

We are asking for your support in implementing these standards in your municipality through Municipal Membership or Municipal Sponsorship.

Municipal Membership includes ($1,300.00): 25% discount on staff training and seminars. Logo recognition on SAFERhome Standprds website Free handout materials for distribution through your planning department 50% discount on SAFERhome Standards manual for building department employees

Municipal Sponsorship includes ($2,600.00): 50% discount on staff training and seminars Logo recognition and link to municipal website on SAFERhome Standards website Free handout materials for distribution through your planning department Logo recognition as a sponsoring municipality on all new SAFERhome printed materials Logo recognition as a sponsoring municipality on all SAFERhome signage at conferences, seminars, and special events 75% discount on SAFERhome Standards manual for building department employees

For more information on institutional and charter membership, please contact us toll free at 1.877.944.2224 or our main line at 604-733-2224.

SAFERhome Certified houses are more saleable, and provide the purchaser with a va lue added real estate investment by delivering measurable Universal housing solutions. More importantly the community is healthier, both economically and emotionally, with tangible safety designs in their home.

Thank you for your support, please contact us for more information and we will be calling you shortly.

Sincerely ~~.. f Andy Burianyk, O· ector

SAFERhome Standards Society

SAFERhome Standards Society 3 ... ~. . . r." "The SAFERhome Society, which was established in 2004, is a non-profit, public interest organization, advocating a safer home environment and a better standard of living for all people through its certified building standards. SAFERhome provides home planning assistance, home inspection and certificatian programs for new home construction industry, in addition to providing educational programs, publications, seminars and conferences while acting as a public interest lobby group with government and industry for the adoption of SAFERhome building stondards and practices.

Staff will forward this informoti~n to relevant staff in Building & Inspections and to the Housing Task Force for their information." SAFERhome M~ mbership Application Form

Membership Categories include ... (Please choose one)

• lndi vidual $ 35 • CorporatelProfessional $ 1,000 • Municipal member $ 1,300 • Municipal sponsor $ 2600 • Institutional $ 10,000 • Charter $ 50,000

~ ------











PRINT application form and FAX or mail with payment to: SAFERhome Standards Society 205 - 2006 West 10th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 2B3

Please make cheque payable to:SAFER110me Standards Society 824 genda l3 DJ-D;tu/I?t' A FILE # Mayor _Council

From: Deborah McBride [[email protected] Sent: Friday, November 06, 2009 10:56 PM To: Mayor & Council; Heather King Subject: questionnaires on Tsawwassen Area Plan

Mayor and Council I have been trying to figure out why the Corporation of Delta has set up the TAP questionnaires in a format that will not allow direct email responses_ In the current format it requires that the respondent must download, print out and then manually \ill out the forms which then must be scanned if one would like to return the responses by email, faxed or dropped off at certain locations_ This requires the use of equipment that most people do not have or the access to is very difficult. It seems to me that with the technology currently readily available it would be far easier to say nothing of being "greener" to allow direct email responses to the questionnaires on line. This is done by businesses and governments allover the world and I question as to why it is not being done here. The availability of direct email is far easier than all the machinations that are currently required. I brought this concern up to both Councillor McDonald and Mr. Conkin at the last TAP meeting and wa s assured that this w Co uld be rectified to enable all forms to be direct email for the responses to the questionnaires. As of November 6,this was not done and because it wasn't I think that lack of useful technology has limited the availability of all those who would have responded by direct email has been unfairly hindered, I would therefore respectfully request that this technological lapse be rectified and the t ime limit for responses be extended by another month, This would then allow those who would like to be able to respond directly by ema il and in a far more energy efficient manner be allowed to do so. As myself and my husband had been counting on the ability to respond by email to all the questionnaires while we have been out of town, we would like to respond directly to at least the question put forward by the TAPC regardinq the change of designation on the property known as the South lands. We both strongly feel that the designation currently in the Tsawwassen Area Plan should rerT)ain in effect and the land should remain under the agricultural designation. Respectfully Bo b & Debbie McP',ride 1415 Duncan Dri'/f' Delta, BC V4L 111 5 604943-9615

St aff in the Community Pl anning &Deve lopment Department explored the option of on-lin e ques tio nnaires, but the time requ irements for the co ding by Informa tion Se rv ices made it unworkabl e. For the se cond ph ase of the public co nsultation process, we will work with Info rmation Se rvices st aff to d o our best to have forms available on-line for the nex t round of consultation which can be filled -ill and submitted on-lin e. We note for Council that despite the conce rn s about the lack of on-line submiss ion, we have received over 600 ques tionnaires fro m the October 24, 2009 Pu bl ic Forum .

1 825 genda Mayor _Council f!!:I.!J22..~ a -;}o I LO0.:. 6 7 17

From: Ian Jackson [[email protected] Sent: Friday, November 06, 2009 1204 AM To: Mayor & Council

Ladies and Gentlemen: My husband and J attended the recent Forum on the future of the Southlands. Although . the time we spent there was interesting it was disappointing not to actually have a forum.

The first hour was supposed to be an open house but they had miscalculated the number of people that would turn up and all the displays were covered by bodies standing around the room. The di splays and tables were eventually removed to make more room and Mr. McDonald arll10unced that we would just have to wait until 2p. m. before we could hear the speakers. I think some even left as they had better ways to spend a SUMY Saturday than waiting for an hour.

Finally the speakers started, but unless yo u were near the front yo u couldn't see them as they had not provided . podiums or platforms for them to stand on.

I would li ke to publicly apologize to Mr Pl owright, who spoke on Food Security for the Fraser Health Authority. A couple of attendees rudely asked him to "get on with it" when he started talking about breast­ feeding. I think Mr Plowright had been rail-roaded and had no idea what people were attending this forum for.

Mr. Hodgins spoke eloquently about his proposed development plans for Tsawwassen. I am not sure we needed hi s 40 minute speech as he has at great expense kept us up to date on this project with brochures etc. It would 'have been preferable if we could have asked questions then about the extra couple of thousand cars on 56th etc.

The most interesting speaker was Wend y Holm an agrologist whose parting words were that we shouldn't be planting houses on this valuable land.

We were supposed to break up into discussion groups, but that never happened, which was very di sappointing, as what residents wanted both those for and against, was an opportunity to give their own opinion and be able to enter into di scussions with their neighbours

tyPE R@L{lf frf£fvlCA Sincerely, A. Jackson, DEPT (]2.f)? AT # i{\')'YIL--! 10 Centennial Parkway, Comments: Delta, B.C. V4L 2H3 t'vW~ ~9IAarMtEh~

Staff in the Community Planning and Development Department anticipated a significa nt number of residents to attend the meeting on October 24 2009 at the South Delta Recreation Centre. The actual turn·out of over 800 residents was larger than anticipated, but th e meeting progressed along the format we had anticipated.

Given the large numbers expected, staff worked with the Tsawwassen Area Plan Committee to develop an alternative format which was utilized at the me eting on the 24'h Residents expected dialogue and deba te, but with the large attendance, that format would not be workable. It was decided in co nsultation with the Committee that a questionnaire survey would be utilized to ga ther comments on issues surrou nding agricultural land. genda A FILE # I3 2-'W , ,;2okucoc;{ 11 826 Michele Harris 'TYPE: fttJlMVZ IrtEWA

From: Paul Wiebe [[email protected]] DEPT: COW Sent: Friday, November 06, 200912:01 PM To: Mayor & Council Subject: South lands

I am emailingtovoicemyoppositiontothedevelopmentofSouthlands.This is valuable farmland and green space that is a true asset to ou r community. Its zoning should remain agricultural. Development of Southlands would change the nature of our community for the worse. Most people choose to live in Tsawwassen because it is a quiet place of ref(,lge in the lower Mai nland.

The plan proposed by the developer does not propose any methods of dealing with the traffic congestion it would cause - sayin g t hat residents of Southlands would make m inimal use of cars is unrealistic. Anyone who thinks the cu rrent road infrastructure in Tsawwassen could support the vehicles associated with 2,000 homes in Southlands needs to drive down 56th Street on a Saturd ay afternoon and try to park at one of the shopping centres or drive into Tsawwassen at 5 :00pm any day.

The developer is using "housing choice" as a reason to develop South lands. However, this housing choice already exists in Tsawwassen and additional choices will be coming once the Tsawwassen golf course is developed

We love ou r community, please don't let a well-funded developer with a sel f-interest in makin g m illions change it. .

Paul Wiebe ce l 604-418-0995 res 604-948-8809 '5 ;J ::; "'u.'2f-'<::>6An. ~ L. . IV t?vTl">fv L\. \., 'd- L.. d---

Council has directed that consideration ofthis application be set aside until th~ TAPyroc~ss i~ complete, Upon completion of the TAP review, staff will report back to Co ~ncil seeking dll'ectlOn as to whether or not to proceed with the processing of the Southlands applicatIOn, 827

Mayor _Council

genda , r) PWr.·='ltl From: Lois Jackson FILE # 13l'50-"",O UJJ Sent: Friday, November 06,2009 10:20 AM A To: Mayor & Council Subject: FW: South lands IYPE I2ebUi1112. Iltf;}J{j\ DEPT: epto · . . AJ. #: ==d,L:bDtQn!lfIp:l::I-)l====---- From: Keelcraw [mailto:[email protected]] G9rnmen,ts: . · Sent: Thursday, November OS, 2009 6:28 PM . i . . I ~ CII '2:?ICCi ~nult\V flAltMJ To: Tsawwassen Area Plan Review; Mayor Lois Jackson; Bruce McDonald; Heather King; vickihuntiHgton,mla@leg,iltca Subject: South lands

Pasted into this email you wil l find a letter composed by Peter Nemeth. This is such a sensible idea and I would like you to consider it carefully and implement it. Please be aware that those of us who are of th is community see a valuable resource and a wonderful community being sacrificed for the benefit of a few. Change for the worse is not inevitable and I · do not feel that we should respond to the smooth manipulation by those who wou ld benefit greatly (how many millions and how much prestige do you think?) from the development of the South lands. Rosema'ry Keelan 116 66A St Delta, BC 604-943-11 89

Re: The Tsawwassen Area Plan Committee

I am requesting that a public dialogue be held in which the community members can engage in a meaningful discussion on the future of the agricultural land known as the Southlands in South Delta ..

Currently, the Tsawwassen Area Plan Committee consists of 12 appointed members. After holding onl y one public meeting at the South Delta Recreation centre, titled "Urban Agriculture and the Urban-Rural Edge/Future of the Southlands", they will make recommendations to Delta Council on the future status of the Southlands. The meeting only offered four speakers and a questionnaire to be filled out. There was no opportunity given for ,community members to have any sort of meaningful discussions,

The issue of whether the Southlands should retain its very important agricultural status or be allowed to be rezoned to allow housing is the most contentious decision facing this community, Once valuable farmland is released to development, it is forever lost to food production. I feel that this is too important of an issue for a small committee to offer guidance to Council, and that members of the community should be given the opportunity to engage in dialogue in an organized fashion where ideas could be presented and exchanged .

.I respectfully ask that any reconunendations of the T APC to Delta Council be postponed until such public discussion or a referendum is held.

Council has directed that consideration of this application be set aside until the TAP process is complete, Upon completion of the TAP review, staffwill report back to Council seeking direction as to whether or not to proceed with the processing of the Southlands application.

1 828

Mayor _Council

From: Matthew Rudolf [matthew_rudolf@hotmaiLcoml Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2009 8:44 AM To: Mayor & Council genda Subject: Southlands A FILE # 13]'60 - ObiLUC6S7t {

Dear Co uncil and Mayor,

I am opposed to development of the So uthlands. Please keep the ag ri culture designation in the Tsawwassen Area Plan.

The Southlands and all remaining agricultural land is invaluable to not only our sustainable future but that of the wildlife that thrives there. Living off of the South lands for 10 years I have been privledged to see many coyotes, barn owls, harrior hawks, bald eagles, and thousands of mallard ducks call this beautiful area home. Other species rare as a Grea t Horn Owl, mother and young, had taken residence in a tree for weeks on the South lands. Thi s is to only na me a few of the animals, and hundreds of different species of birds that pass through the Southlands on the Nort h American flyway. Let's not sacrifice this precious land.

The proposed plans for development of the Southlands leaves very little land untouched and while attempting to rejuvinate the land for the better of all, co nfining the wildlife that is spread over the 500 acres of fields in to an area 1/3 that size is not a realistic improvement for much more than the humans that wi ll benefit with more housing.

Please protect this green space and rich soi l from any type of housing development that will co mpromise the primary function of the land, agriculture and animal refuge.


Matthew Rudolf ~ '-i -;).0 - >; ,r;yG . c ~T A- v/.t t-- lib! Windows Live : Make it easier for your friends to see what you're up to on Facebook.

TYPE: f2{ti)l-M' fr6mo./A DEPT cPeo AT # IO~\oO J Comments: , NOV 1:U1Pj \tf5viCtv (t.,Uiil ~

Council has directed that consideration of this application be set aside until the TAP process is complete. Upon completion of the TAP review, staffwill report back to Council seeking direction as to whether or 1I0t to proceed with the processing of the Southlands application.

1 829

Save the Southl ands Box 125 1, Delta, B.C. V4M 3T3

Mayo r and Council Tsawwassen Area Plan Committee Corporation of Delta 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent Delta, B.C. V4K 3E2 ,-.. , November 4, 2009

Dear Mayor and Council

Re: Tsawwassen Area Plan Committee Submissions

Dear Mayor and Council:

th On October 20 , 2009, the Save the South lands Committee submitted 89 coupons to Delta Council and the Tsawwassen Area Plan Committee in opposition to development on the South lands in Tsawwassen. Copies were made for distri bution to the Tsawwassen Area Plan Conunittee (T APC). - -::;5: Please accept a further ']A' coupons for submission to Delta Council and the T APC Committee. The coupons have been copied for distribution to the T APC.

Council has directed that consideration of this application be set aside until the TAP process is complete. Upon completion of the TAP review, staff will report back to Council seeking direction as to whether or not to proceed Susan Jon'es with the processing of the South lands application. Save the Southlands Committee

r------~Please clip & mail to: Save The Southlands Committee, P.O. Box 125 1, Delta, B.C. V4M 3T3 I ~ a m opposed to d evelopment on the South la nds I D"I want the South lands to remain zoned "Agriculture" I o I would like to see the Southlands returned to the Agricultura l Land Reserve, [3"1 enclose a donation. . •.

I Name (PLEASE PR INT) ~ ; 1/ AA.-#S J ~ I Address J > ~'f n- p .. , /2<.. / I) vitrl1 3J >...... Phone:.====__ ___ I email Signature ___...~Sif.=------I We would like to thank the m any p eople who contributeClfOWardS the cost of keeping the community informed. As always, more funding is needed so please continue to donate. 'I Please make cheques payable 10: Save the Soulhl ands or go to PayPal on our web~ite. I Mail to: Save the So ulhlands Committee P.O. Box 1251, Delta BC V4 M 3T3, f"'I .. ,.."" . ... Jh ", " ,,,h,..:+ ...... , ro .... u nthO'C' I"\I I+hl ::. nM c: r~ r.: nnt:::.r:t· infnfn)s;:J vethesQuthlands.ca genda \~'Oc -C;()/ A FILE # 0-1l00S]17-

1028 5 1A Street Delta, S.c. V4M 2X8 November 6, 2009

Mayor and Council & Tsawwassen Area Pl an Committee Corporation of Delta, 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent Delta, S.C V4K 3E2 mavor-co uncil @corp.delta.bc.ca T [email protected]

Attention: Delta Council and Tsawwassen Area Plan Committee

Re: Process find TS{fJVWflSSell Area Plall Review

I wish to thank the members of the Tsawwassen Area Plan Committee for taking the time to review the Tsawwassen Area Plan. I appreciate your service to the conumll1i ty

I have some comments about the process to date:

I. 1 would like to see more time spent on examini ng the CUITent Tsawwassen Area Plan and recognizing the months, ind eed years, which were spent in its preparation. The old adage of, "Doll 'r throw rhe baby ollr ""ifh the bath warer" is highly relevant. The only time we run into controversy is when we try to amend or change this plan. To call it 'out of date' is simpli stic and derogatory. It was planned by thoughtful peo pl e looking towards the future.

2. I was not impressed with the fo nnat of th e forums. Members of the public could have learned more from each other if publi c input had not been so orchestrated.

3, In many of the so-called public forums, the chosen speakers were not appropriate to the publicized to pi c. Some appeared to be promoting the Century proposal for housing development on the Southlands. This was refl ected in their language and references to the need to accOimnodate growth, advantages of higber density, affordable housing, pedestri an oriented communi ty, edges and paths, places to walk, and "skinny streets", They presented unachi evable wish li sts about providing all desired needs and services fo r the whole spectrum of society. The inference was that hi gher Town Centre density and housing development on the Southlands will fulfill all society's wishes. Housing development is not about philanthropy as suggested by the forums and discussions. It's about makin g money, nothing else.

4. It is important that the Tsawwassen Area Plan Review Committee not be persuaded by the constant sales pitch th at is being presented to them. There needs to be a serious study of the existi ng Tsawwassen Area Pbn (without interference and propaganda) and recognition of the li mitations of this finite area and available tax doll ars.

5. The fifth fOlUm on the urban-rural edge was particularly difficult as th ere was no opportunity fo r public in put. The speakers should ha ve been given a 20-min ute time limit. People should have been pennitted to speak. 'Why try and avoid controversy over an issue that is obviously highly controversial?

Staff will provide a copy of Ms. Jones letter to the Tsawwa sse n Area Plan committee, and will ensure that the iss ues ra ised rega rding env ironmental and wi ldlife issues area considered in the plan . Other issues such as traffic ~ nd lan.d use will also be con side red. Comments rece ived rega rding the consultation process and suggestions for Improvll1g the quality of public in put will be considered in planning fo r the next round of public consultation. 6. The forums failed to address probably the most important issue in Tsawwassen which is the enviromnent. This is not just because we have an amazing enviromllent. It is also because th is area, which is pmt of the Boundary Bay Fraser delta ecosystem. has international signifi cance as Canada's major stopover of th e Paci fi c Fl yway and as the Most Important Bird Area in Canada. Every new development in thi s area impacts the environment in a big way. The farnlland adj acent to Boundary Bay plays a criti cal role to birds of prey and shorebirds. The Southlands is of particular importance due to the adjacent forest. This interacti ve habitat is unparalleled around Boundary Bay. It is important that the Tsawwassen Area Plan include responsibility and recognition of the internat ional and national signi ficance of this area'and the need to protect thi s habitat.

7. The amenities of the adjacent dyke for walking, health and wil dlife viewing coupled with th e swimming beach in summer enrich thi s community beyond comparison. We have a responsibility to recogni ze, embrace and protect these valuable assets.

8. I suggest the T APC invite naturalist Anne Murray (Tsawwassen resident) to make a presentati on to th e TAPC about the envirolUll ent and heritage of thi s area. She is the author of two books: A Nawre Guide 10 Boundw), Bav and Tracing Gllr Past.

9. Having observed some of the forums and TAPC meetings, I think Committee members should ha ve been consulted more about the fo nnat of the meetings. J think the TAPe should have been given more opportunity to decide which speakers should be invited. 1 thi nk the TAPC is subj ected to too much mani pulation by staff and 1 would like to see a more proacti ve approach by the members.

10. Of p31ii cul ar concem are the questionnaires. Whi Ie appreciating the difficulty in producing questi onnaires, I think th ey would have been more appropriate if the TAPC members had provided more input. 1 found many of the questions loaded to wards housing and higher density. The language used was often parali el to the sales pitch by Century. I refer to questions about "small-scale urban fanning", "community gardens", "complete community', and "more housin g opportuni ti es'.

I I. The questionnaire o n climate change was s implisti c, misleading and insulting. The questions implied that staff has factual knowledge about climate change and are asking if the people of Tsawwassen know anything about it. Scientists don 't agree on the topic of climate change and impacts. This topic cannot be treated with such a glib approach.

12. The question about how we va lue aspects of agricultural land was like asking, "Do you love your mother?"

13. Many related issues remain to be addressed: infrastructure (sewage capacity. water ava ilability, size of water mains, drainage, dykes, seawalls) maintenance of existing roads, new sidewalks, upkeep of parks, GVRD lands. other large parcels of agriculhlralland and probably much more.

14. I am particularly concemed to learn that at the meeting of October 24lh, a Delta staff member purportedly told a group of people that th e residents ofTsawwassen have to come up with a plan for housing somewhere in Tsawwassen, and soon, as the Corporation needs money.

2 Firstly, thi s kind of comment is inappropriate. Se~o nd l y, increased density to date has meant higher taxes. It may bring an increase in the annual income to the M unicipality but it also raises operating and capital costs. The municipal NEED fo r money is not a good reason to increase density or pave fa11l1land.

15. One topic that needs discussion is the corridors entering and exiting Tsawwassen. There was an old plan to build a new corridor through Beach Grove and fannland to accommodate development on the Southland s. While there will be deni al abo ut plans to revisit the old plan, the TAPC should not be blindsided. One scenario is that you build on the Southlands and wait fo r traffic to be so h ori~ nd o u s that new citizens lobby for a new transportation conidor. This scenario is highly likely.

16. The T APC should look at the implications of a decision by Delta Counci l in January, 1009, to sUppOl1 a new overpass of Highway 17 at 2S Ih Avenue. There could be far-reaching implications fo r Tsawwassen. When the overpass is built, it would be quite simpl e to upgrade nih Avenue and build a link through fa 11l1l and to Tsawwassen. The result would be a new corridor to Highway 17, the South Fraser Perimeter Road, Deltaport, and Ladner (east and west).

17. The change in demographics, reduction in school emolment, along with problems associated with the lack of rental and affordable ho using, are not pecul iar to Tsawwassen. They are occurring in the who le province, indeed, the whole country. This fin ite peninsula cannot be all things to all people. We are doing a great job of providing mixed housing, community services, and a vari ety of ameni ties. These attributes need to be recognized in the Tsawwassen Area Plan.

I S. A significant increase in popul ation density in Tsawwassen wi ll degrade li vin g conditions. A change of the "agricultural" designation on the South land s will lead to housing development on fannland. Probl ems associated with the proposed trade-off will include significant loss of farmland, traftlc chaos, decades of trucks with fill and constructi on acti vity, costl y service upgrades, loss of intern ationally-significant habi tat and too many homes, people and cars on a finite peninsul a. The environmental, social , cultural and economic costs will degrade and alter this.special area beyond recognition.

19. [t is important to recogni ze and protect the attributes that make Tsawwassen the special pl ace it is.

Thank you for the oppo l1unity to provide input to the Review of the Tsawwassen Area Plan.

Si ncerely, gdLdr O__

Susan Jones

3 830

- genda 1?ld-00~cx!)( A FILE # LCl ODS] Fr-

Clerk's Office Municipality of Delta "


Attached are copies of 28 emails received between October 20 - 23, 2009 by in response to a fill-in form on the www.savethesouthlands.ca website.

On October 20, due to four instances of spam in our mailbox which would have been automatically forwarded to the Mayor & Council mailbox, we cut the direct link_ We reinstated the direct link on October 23 after the spam stopped. _ Thank you, 4 ------n~ Save the Southlands ~yf _ . _---- {/

attch: copy of web form copies of 28 emails received

Council has dil-ected that consideration of this application be set aside until the TAP process is complete. Upon completion of the TAP review, staff will report back to Council seeking direction as to whether or not to proceed with the processing of the Southlands application_ HOME THE ISSUES EVENTS MEDIA &. NEWS WHAT YOU CAN DO LINKS CONTACT US

2'11 am oppo!ied to development on the South lands

2'11want the South lands to remain zoned "Agriculture"

2'11would like to see the Southlands returned to the

Agricultural Land Reserve

If you agree to the statements above, then let Council know! By filling out the form below these 3 statements, along with the information you enter, will be sent directly to the City Mayor! You will receive a copy, along with the Save the Southlands Committee.

If you would rather emait the Mayor directly, click the following link:

[email protected],ca

- Denotes mandatory field



-Phone Number:

*Email: Message: ]

I Send Email to the Mayor-fr: ~ J I

C 2009 Cilyllne Weo" tes From: "michael ramsay" Subject: Save the Southlands! Date: Tue, October 20, 2009 10:09 am To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]

I am opposed to development on the Southlands

I want the Southlands to remain zoned " ; Agriculture" ; I woul d like to see the Southlands returned to the Agricultural Land Reserve


From: michael ramsay
Address : 19 50th street, delta , b . c . V4M 2S5

Email : 19 50th street, delta. b . c. V4M 2S5
Phone : 6049431935
Phone : 6049431935

From: "G uy Pickavance" Subject: Save the SouthJands! Date: Tue, October 20, 2009 4: 39 pm To: [email protected] Cc: guy @dccnet.com

I am opposed to development on the Southlands

I want the Southlands to remain zoned " ; Agriculture" ; I would like to see the Southlands returned to the Agricultural Land Reserve

" I am opposed to the proposed development on Southlands . Given the floodplain issue , the global warming issue , traffic congestion issue Large developments already o n the way Destruction of farmland issue ,

I would like to see the land returned to the ALR ,

Yours Truly, Guy Pickavance , Eleni Pickavance

From: Guy Pickavance
Address : 5416-58 Ave Tsawwassen

Email : 5416-58 Ave Tsawwassen
Phone : 604 943 7713
Phone : 604 943 7713

From: "graham lawson" Subject: Save the Southlands! Date: Tue, October 20, 2009 6:02 pm To: [email protected] Cc: suni [email protected]

I am opposed to development on the Southlands

I want the Southlands to remain zoned " ; Agriculture" ; I would like to see the Southlands returned to the Agricultural Land Reserve

" Our farm land is becoming more important every day and t very good farm land seems utterly beyond reason . It should be put back in the land reserve .

From : graham lawson
Address: 263 66a street delta b.c . v4l1m6

Email : 263 66a street delta b . c . v411m6
Phone: 604 943 8638
Phone : 604 943 8638

From: "Peter Pichler" Subject: Save the Southlands! Date: Wed, October 21, 200910:55 am To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]

I am opposed to development on the Southlands

I want the Southlands to remain zoned " ; Agriculture"I would like to see the Southlands returned to the Agricultural Land Reserve

., Further development of this community will create overcr appeal that makes Tsawwassen a desirable place to live. Lose of green space and the increased encroachment of concrete and traffic lights is certainly unappealing . In the short stretch between highway 17 and 6th avenue, we already have 10 , out of sync, traffic lights . Imagine what would happen to the t raffic with a developed Southlands. Of all people that should know this , it should be the current major wh o was concerned with the Deltaport traffic and additional truck traffic to the ferry terminal .

Driving down 56th is akin to driving through an outback highway strip mall festooned with a myriad of excessively loud commercial s ignage and replete with an over abundance of gas stations at the busiest corners . There is no need for such blatant advertisin g as this is a cul-de-sac bedroom community . The locals all know wh ere everyone is. Imagine what this would look like with a substantial r esidential increase . Additional restaurants and retailers would spring up with signage that would undoubtedly have to be larger than Alpha or Mario' s Kitchen , just to get every one' s attention . No amount of centre islands with foreign palms and carnival lamp posts will obviate the commercial nature of this area. I fear, given the predominant bias by our municipal governmen t over the last twenty years to develop , t he above scenario will be more than e xacerbated . Strip mall heaven ...

Leave the community as it is. Leave the land as it is. This community does not need or warrant more development and certainly not more density .

Peter Pichler

From: Peter Pich ler
Address : 783 Kingfisher Place Delta , British Columbia V4L 2J3

Email: 783 Kingfisher Place Delta, British Columbia V4L 2J3
Phone : (604) 943-l0l7
Phone: (604) 943-l017

From: "Siobhan Swayne" Subject: Save the Southlands! Date: Wed, October 21,2009 11 :36 am To : [email protected] Cc: swayne 1S@ telus.net

I am opposed to development on the Southlands

I want the Southlands to remain zo ned " ; Agriculture" ; I wo uld like to see the Southlands returned to the Agricultural Land Reserve


From : Siobhan Swayne
Address : Beac h Grove

Email : Beach Grove
Phone : 604 943 lS04
Phone : 604 943 1504

From: "Theresa Mcneil" Subject: Save the Southlands! Date: Wed, October 21, 2009 11:41 am To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]

I am opposed to developme nt on the Southlands

I want the Southlands to remain zoned " ; Agric ulture" I wo uld like to see the Southlands r etur ne d to the Agricultural Land Reserve

From : Theresa Mcneil
Address : Beac h Grove

Email : Beach Grove
Pho ne : 604 943 1598
Phone : 604 943 1598

From: "Mike Swayne" Subject: Save the Southlands! Date: Wed, October 21, 2009 II :42 am To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]

I am opposed to development on the Southlands

I want the Southlands to r emain zoned "Agriculture" ; I would like to see the Southlands returned to the Agric ultural Land Reserve

From : Mi ke Swayne
Address : Beac h Grove

Email : Beach Grove
Phone : 60 4 943 7109
Phone : 604 943 7109

From: "Sandra MacKinnon" Subject: Save the SouthJands! Date: Wed, October 21,20091:18pm To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]

I am o pposed to development on the Southlands

I want the Sou thlands to r emain zoned "Agriculture" ; I would like to see the Southlands returned to the Agricultural Land Reserve


From : Sandra MacKinnon
Address : 1448 Farrell Avenue Tsawwassen , BC

Ema il: 1448 Farrell Avenue Tsawwassen, BC
Phone : 604 948-1078
Phone : 604 948-1078

From: "Doug Chapman" Subject: Save the Southlands! Date: Wed, October 21, 2009 2:18 pm To: [email protected] Cc: dougchapman@telus. net

I am opposed to development on the Southlands

I want the Southlands to remain zoned "Agriculture" i I would like to see the Southlands returned to the Agricultural Land Reserve

., Please keep the farmlands as is .

From: Doug Chapman
Address : 1443 Farrell Ave Delta BC v4l 1v3

Email : 1443 Farrell Ave Delta BC v 4l 1v3
Phone : 604 94B - S478
Phone : 604 94B-S47B

From: "Keira Chapman" Subject: Save the Southlands! Date: Wed, October 21, 2009 2:27 pm To: [email protected] Cc: puresty [email protected]

I am opposed to development on the Southlands

I want the Southlands to remain zoned " ; Agriculture" ; I would like to see the Southlands returned to the Agricultural Land Reserve


I moved to Tsawwa ssen for the way it is , I do not want t because of this southlands proposal!

From ; Keira Chapman
Address: 1443 Farrell Ave . Delta BC V4L IV3

Email : 1443 Farrell Ave. Delta BC V4L IV3
Phone : 604 948- 5478
Phone : 604 948- 5 47 8

From: "Margaret & Ly le Warmington" Subject: Save the SouthJands! Date: Wed, October 21, 2009 7:5 1 pm To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]

I a m o pposed to development on the Southlands

I want the Southlands to remain zoned " ; Agriculture" ; I would like to see the Southlands returned to the Agricultural Land Reserve ., Delta is such a wonderful place to live so why not leave most people have moved here because of the farm like atmosphere. If we wanted big growth then we would have driven 20 minutes more to White Rock or Surrey .

From: Margaret & Lyle Warrnington
Address : 711 Underhill Drive Delta, B. C.

Email : 711 Underhill Drive Delta , B . C .
Phone : 604-943-1883
Phone : 604-943-1883

From: "HaJj it Bhambra" Subject: Save the Southlands! Date: Wed, October 21, 2009 8:19 pm To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]

I am opposed to development on the Southlands

I want the Southlands to remain zoned " ; Agriculture" ; I would like to see t h e Southlands returned to the Agricultural Land Reserve

., As a relatively new resident of Tsawwassen ( 10 years) I ffects any further development will have. Chose Tsawwassen over other areas of the lower mainland because of its small community feel and open spaces both of which are condusi ve to raising families. My view is that Tsawwassen has r etained its character because of its sma.ll size and limited access. One only has to look at any large community to see the down sides of increasing population density . Having experienced urban sprawl and over development in previous communities I have lived in , all the evidence points to detrimental effects being the otcome of further development . My proposal is that the effects of the existing developments be monitored before further development is sanctioned . The effects of scantioning the southlands development will be impossible to undue .

Regards Harjit Bhambra

From : Harjit Bhambra
Address: 5438 58 Avenue V4M lK5

Email : 5 438 58 Avenue V4 M lK5
Phone : (604) 9 43-944 3
Phone : (604) 943- 944 3

From: "Trent Hooper" Subject: Save the Southlands! Date: Wed, October 21, 2009 9:46 pm To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]

I am opposed to devel opment on the Southlands

I want the South lands to remain zoned " ; Agriculture": I would like to see the Southlands returned to the Agricultural Land Reserve

" I do not want this farmland developed .

From : Trent Hooper
Address : 1086 Walalee Drive Delta B. C.

Email: 1086 Walalee Drive Delta B. C .
Phone: 6049489355
Phone : 6049489355
< br> From: "milia hooper" Subject: Save the Southlands! Date: Wed, October 21,2009 9:49 pm To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]

I am opposed to development on the Southlands

I want the Southlands to remain zoned "Agriculture"I would l ike to see the Southlands returned to the Agricultural Land Reserve


From : milIa hooper

Address : 1086 walalee dr. delta v4m 2l8

Email : 1086 walalee dr. delta v4m 2l8
Phone : 604-948-9355
Phone: 604-948-9355

From: "J.MEISTER" Subject: Save the Southlands! Date: Thu, October 22, 2009 9:33 am To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]

I am opposed to development on the Southlands

I wa nt the Southlands to remain zoned " ; Agriculture" I woul d like to see the Southlands r e turne d to the Agricultural Land Reserve .,


From : J . ME ISTER
Address : 5 44 8 CANDLEWYCK WYN D DELTA , B. C . V4K lR9

Email : 5 4 48 CAN DLEWY CK WYND DELTA , B. C . V4K lR9
Phone : 604 - 943- 8698
Phone : 604 - 943- 8698

From: "Bob Potter" Subject: Save the Southlands! Date: TIm, October 22, 2009 6:55 pm To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]

! am opposed to development on the Southlands

! want the Southlands to remai n zon ed " ; Agricu ltur e" ; ! would like to see the South lands return ed to the Agricultural Land Reserve

Developing the Southlands is a l l about benefitting the C Tsawwassen as a community . Just remember , this is the outfit that gave us the strip mall look i n the first place . r have no interest in lining Century ' s pockets at the expense of the rest of us livin g in Tsawwassen who . like it j'ust the way it iS I apart from t he abundance of traf fic lights ... which will not improve with more residents usi ng t he one road out of town .. .

From : 80b Potter
Address : 240-52 Street Delta , 8 . C.

Email : 240- 52 Street De l ta , 8 . C .
Phone : 604 . 948 . 1146
Phone : 604 . 948 . 114 6

From: "Greg J.Edwards" Subject: Save the Southlands! Date: Thu, October 22, 2009 8:23 pm To: [email protected] Cc: greg.j. ed [email protected]

I am opposed to development on the Southlands

I wa n t the Southlands to remain zoned " ; Agriculture" ; I would like to see the Southlands returned to the Agricultu ral Land Reserve

Productive farmland shoul d be protected . Density can be the allowable height and increasing the construction standards of new developments on already settled land .

From : Greg J . Edwards
Address : 5078 Walker Avenue Delta, B. C . V4M lA7

Email : 5078 Walker Avenue Delta, B. C. V4M lA7
Phone : 604-948- 5l49
Phone : 604-948- 5l49

From: "Bruce H Edwards" Subject: Save the SouthJands! Date: Thu, October 22, 2009 9:01pm To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]

I am opposed to development on the Southlands

I want t he South lands to remain zoned " ; Agriculture" I would like to see the Southlands returned to the Agricultural Land Reserve

I would like to see the Southlands returned to the Aricu preserve the pricel ess tranquility it offers , Emphasis on PRICELESS TRANQUILITY. Please t hink long and hard on this matter . There will be enough disturbing traffic pressure with other planned development including Point Roberts expansion . Thank you .

From : Bruce H Edwards
Address : 5078 Walker Avenue

Email : 5078 Walker Avenue Phone : 604-9439157
Phone : 604-9439157
< br> From: "Mr Brian Morris" Subject: Save the Southlands! Date: Fri, October 23, 2009 4:34 am To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]

I am opposed to development on the Sou thlands

I want the Southlands to remain zoned " ; Agriculture" ; I would like to see the Southlands returned to the Agricultural Land Reserve


lam opposed to the southlands developement . Even Stevie W is about making money ..... LOTS of money .

From : Mr Brian Morris
Address : 795 56th st Delta
Email : 795 56th st Delta
Phone : 6044l82021
Phone : 6044182021

From: "M.Maidens" Subject: Save the SouthJands! Date: Fri, October 23, 2009 12:04 pm To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]

I am opposed to development on the Southlands

I want the Southlands to r e main zoned " ; Agriculture" ; I would like to see the Southlands returned to the Agricultural Land Reserve

Mayor and Counc il -- I am not in favour of d evelopment 0 matter wh at enticeme nts are put before us , the fact remains that there is o nly ONE way to exit Tsawwa ssen , and the proposal of the t r affi c frorn1900 mo re home s , in addition to the already approved estima ted 1500 units that will already be jockeying for position on that o ne highway is frightening . And t ·he thought of paving over e v en more viable farmland i s unconscionable . MM

From : M. Maide ns
Address : 5346 4 A Ave .

Email : 5346 4 A Ave .
Pho ne : 604 943 1445
Phone : 604 943 144 5

From: "Hans-Ulf Schellhase" Subject: Save the Southlands! Date: Fri, October 23, 2009 12:38 pm To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]

I am opposed to development on the Southlands

I want the Southlands to remain zoned " ; Agriculture"I would like to see the Southlands retur ned to the Agricultu ral Land Reserve


The Tsawwassen Area Plan Committee , Wo rshipful Mayor , and Delta Council :

I would like to advice the TAPC (Tsawwassen Area Plan Committee) that· I am opposed to the development of the Southlands .

I participated in the "Spetifore Hearings " eons ago and the proposed development was s o undly defeated; and for the same reasons I am still opposed to its development.

Mr . Sean Hodgins ' father purchased these lands at a price , which moved it Qut of the category of "agricultural lands " into the category of "real estate for future development". Hodgins, senior speculated with a commodity that effects our live style severely if developed here in Tsawwassen .

It was and is pure speculation with what is a very valuable commodity; and we are not prepared to pay f o r it with the loss of great agricultural lands .

All the testimony proves that it is what it is , namely : "Agricultural Land" !

Sincerely, Hans-Ulf Schellhase

From : Hans-Ulf Schellhase
Address : 602 English Bluff Road Delta , BC Canada V4M 2N4

Email : 602 English Bluff Road Delta . BC Canada V4M 2N4
Phone: 60 4-943-4524
Phone : 604-943-4524

From: "Tim Hyshka" Subject: Save the Southlands! Date: Fri, October 23 , 2009 2:01 pm To: [email protected] Cc: n 1ap @dccnet.com

I am opposed to development o n the Southlands I want the Southlands to remain zoned "Agriculture" ; I would like t o see the Southlands returned to the Agricultural Land Reserve

We don ' t need to turn a unique and special place , that T into a mini Surrey _

From : Tim Hyshka

Address : 5298 St Andrews Place

Ema i l : 5298 St Andrews Place

Phone : 604-788-1 479

Phone : 604-788 - 1479 From: "Carol Flanigan" Subject: Save the Southlands! Date: Fri, October 23, 2009 3:41 pm To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]

I am opposed to development on the Southlands I want the Southlands to remain zoned " ; Agriculture" I would like to see the Southlands returned to the Agricultural Land Reserve ., I a m not in favor of further development . We will liter all the extr a cars exiting onto Boundary Bay Road and 56 th Ave. What if their is a major disaster - how do we get out. We like the peaceful rural setting and that is why we moved here. I would not like to under construction for many years . The extra noise of trucks will cause our homes it lose value . .

From : Carol Flanigan

Address : 129 6505 3rd Avenue Delta , V4L 2Nl

Email: 129 6505 3rd Avenue Delta , V4L 2Nl

Phone : 604 9435852

Phone: 604 9435852 From: "Peter Nemeth" Subject: Save the Soulhlands! Date: Fri, October 23, 20095:43 pm To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]

I am opposed to development on the Southlands

I want the South lands to remain zoned " ; Agriculture" ; I would like to see the Southlands returned to the Agricultural Land Reserve


Our family strongly recommends the return of the Southla stated in their mandate , "The purpose of the commission is to preserve agricultural land; to encourage farming in collaboration with other communities of interest ; and to encourage local governments , First Nations , the government and its agents to enable and accommodate farm use of agricultural land and uses compat i ble with a g r i culture in their plans , byla ws and policies . "
< br>

From : Peter Nemeth
Address : 163- 67A Street Delta BC V4L lL2

Email : 163- 67A Street Delta BC V4L 1L2
Phone : 604-943-2155
Phone : 604-943-2155

From: "Janice Crowley" Subject: Save the Southlands! Date: Fri, October 23 , 2009 5:49 pm To: [email protected] Cc: kids.art@telus. net

I am opposed to development on the Southlands

I want t he Southlands to remain zoned " ; Agriculture" ; I wou ld like to see the Southlands returned to the Agricultural Land Reserve

I am opposed to the urban development of t he South lands , to retain its agricultural zoning . I also have great concerns as to how any potential housing growth will impact our traffic and services .

from : Janice Crowley
Address : 163 67A Str eet Delta, BC V4L 1L2

Email : 163 67A Street Delta , BC V4L 1L2
Phone : 604-787-3963
Phone : 604-787 - 3963

From: "dale hughes" Subject: Save the Southlands! Date: Fri, October 23 , 2009 6:43 pm To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]

I am opposed to development on the Southlands

I want the Southlands to remain zoned " ; Agriculture" ; I would like to see the Southlands returned to the Agricultural Land Reserve

Wha t we need more of in our society is the protection of density of housing . This Southlands area is a reflection of the past that brought such richness to our lower mainland, why would anyone want to clutter it up wi th multi family d we lli ngs and roadways . Let the space that o nce abounded this wonderful area be preserved in it ' s ric h natural habitat , for birds, animals and most of all , huma n s to remember and enjoy the heritage of our past generations . Please stop pulling land out of the Agricultural Land Reserve and be honorable in your office of elected powers , respect the people who expected this land t o remain protected by you , from avarice and greed . Any mo n ey that will be gained short term, will r ob our children ' s chil dren of ever knowing the great open areas wh ere our forefather s developed farming and a lifestyle so beneficial to family and community .

From: dale hughes
Address : box 963 8951 Nash St Fort Langley BC V1M 2S3

Email : box 963 8951 Nash St Fort Langley BC V1M 2S3
Phone : 604-513-1952
Phone : 604-513-l952

From: "Ken Crarer" Subject: Save the Southlands! Date: Fri, October 23,20096:51 pm To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]

I am opposed to development on the Southlands

I want the Southlands t o remain zoned " ; Agriculture" ; I would like to see the Southlands returned to t he Agricultural Land Reserve

Where does i t end? Megawatt powerlines down the center 0 destruction of the bog with the perimeter road , and now you are con sidering destroying what should remain an agricultural land reserve for a few thousand more dwellings? Have you been pay ing attention to what ' s going o n around the planet??? WAKE UP ! ! ! ! ! !! We decided to raise a family in Tsawwassen for a reason, and you ' re attempting to destroy what we carne here for .

From: Ken Crarer
Address : 5242 9 Ave . Delta , BC

Email : 52 42 9 Ave . Delta , BC
Phone : 604-943- 6779
Phone : 604-943- 6779

From: "Debbie Crarer" Subject: Save the SouthJands! Date: Fri, October 23, 2009 6:5 I pm To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]

I am opposed to development on the Sou thlands

I want the Southlands to remain zoned " ; Agriculture" ; I would like to see the South lands returned to the Agricult ural Land Reserve

Where does it end? Megawatt powerlines down the center 0 destruction of the bog with the perimeter road, and now you are considering destroying what should remain an agricultural land reserve for a few thousand more dwellings? Have you been paying attention to what ' s going on around the planet??? WAKE UP ! ! ! ! ! ! ! We decided to raise a family in Tsawwassen for a reason, and you ' re attempting to destroy what we carne here for .

From : Debbie Crarer
Address : 5242 9 Ave. De lta, BC

Email : 5242 9 Ave. Delta, BC
Phone : 60 4-943-6779
Phone : 604-943-6779

831 genda I ~ -:1%0- &b /Loco "5l ll A FILE #

Lydia Ryall

Cropthorne Farm , {~E: -'-~",~t'~'~l.!i:::LNl.I,.Jf,~-;"N"",g\ _._ 3310 41B Street Delta, BC V4K 3N2 DEPT cpfD AT # i Qp5(0\ November 4, 2009 NOL~~fi;~q ~fY\t,V(~' y; Mayor Jackson, Counc illor Campbell, Councillor Hamilton, Councillor Hawksworth, Councillor King, Councillor McDonald, and Councillor Pete\son. 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent De lta, BC V4K 3E2

Re: South lands Development

Dear Mayor and Councillors,

When coming to my own personal decision about the fate of Southlands the theme of Food Security became pa ramount. Where are we without new farmers? Where are we without farmland? Where are we without food? These are important questions.

Engaging community members to participate in food production or to be ed ucated in the va lue of the work of local farmers is fundamental to sustainable growth. Community gardens and peri-urban farms are key in providing such sources of education. The Southlands proposal marries the urban-rural divide, but at what cost?

This proposal seems to Greenwash the fact that housing development will inevitably occur on viab le farmland . The Southlands proposal positions itself as a conservation minded urban development plan. Conservationist and philosopher, Aldo Leopold, suggested that, "Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land ... Harmony with land is like harmony with a friend; you cannot cherish his right hand and chop off his left. That is to say, you cannot love game and hate predators, you cannot co nserve the waters and was te the' ranges; you cannot build the forest and mine the farm". In the current context, conserving only one third of Southlands as -farmland does not support agricu lture.

California's Central Valley is in its third consecutive year of drought and projections suggest that this is not an anomaly. Fields that once were flourishing with exportable crops are left fallow from lack of water. We may not need to act ively farm Southlands today but Delta Counci l shoul d consider the need for homegrown food when products become unavailable either through Californian public policy or due to straight eco nom ics; the cost of Californian produce will be so high that we are not willing to pay fo r it.

Suggestions have been made that So uthlands may not be we ll suited fo r agricultural use. Just because potatoes, the cash crop of many Delta farmers, may not be suitable does not mean it is not viable farmland. Yes, irrigation, drainage and sa linity are issues but coul d crops such as gra ins, which would add to greater regional food security, be grown? A further investigation into what crops and livestock co uld be commercially grown is necessary before hastily deciding that this land is only su itable for urban agriculture use on a mere third of the agriculturally zoned land.

Council has directed that consideration of this application be set aside until the TAP process is complete. Upon completion of the TAP review, staff will report back to Council seeking direction as to whether or not to proceed with the processing of the Southlands application. Although I do not support development on farmland, we are not an island in Delta. Development will occur and densification of downtown Tsawwassen may be a viable alternative. Four storey housing above commercial businesses on the corner of 56'h Street and 12'h Avenue seems like a better option than paving over ou r fa rmland.

In terms of the question of "Where are we without new farmers" I see resurgence already. The UBC farm, community farm cooperatives and other regional farms are already providing opportunities for training tomorrow's farmers. I invite community members and Council to review the latest Colony Farm Sustainability Plan proposal submitted to Metro Vancouver. The proposal allows for such training, with involvement from academia and community stakeholders, in an urban setting, without losing land to housing development, all on Metro Vancouver's land.

I encourage Council to use the precautionary principal in their decision making. Do not develop this land until all development options in the urban community have been exhausted and un til our regional food security is assured for future generations in perpetuity.

Lyd ia Ryall Cropthorne Farm 832

Mayor _Council

From: Diane Bohmert [[email protected] . Sent: Wednesday, November 04 , 20096:42 PM To: Mayor & Council Subject: Re : Southlands area

Dear Mayor and Council,

As a long-time Tsawwassenite I write to urge you to turn down any housing development proposals . for this usable farm land near the beach. It is truly beautiful for wildlife and people. It is too bad that George Hodgins left this albatross for his son to manage. We have on the one hand a veteran developer who built Tsawwassen whose son now inherits a parcel that was meant to be treated like the rest of Tsawwasssen was for homes versus the same piece of land 30 years later unfortunately taken out of the ALR with more global awareness putting a voice out on how oLir land should be looked after. You've go t a huge dilemma, but I think if you read Wendy Holm's submissions she makes the most sense. One other thing, Sean could put up the land for sale. There just has to be . some millionaire who cou ld adopt some benevolent plan for it.

Sincerely, Diane Bohmert \/0')/ S;-\ Sf­ TYPE: ~6;t1tRk6DJDA t>L.~r-A- '>}L.\ «' 7ilR D<: CT 9PfD !~, 1.0_;6=(,:,.:;..7,,--_ .,,;;. j I(S~ NDV13foq RJgulCIY fI111;h"t

. . . f h' · a lication be set aside until the TAP process is Council has directed that conSIderatIon 0 ~ IS PPff' '11 rt back to Council seeking directioll as Iffo the TAP reVIew, sta WI repo complete. Upon comp e 10lld 'th the processina of the Southlands application. to whether or not to procee '~ I b .

1 833

Mayor Council

From: Lois Jackson Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2009 10: 14 AM To: Mayor & Counci l Su bject: FW: Tsawwassen Area plan committee and the fu ture of th e South lands.

From: Kids Art [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, November OS, 2009 9:49 AM To: Lois Jackson Cc: Tsawwassen Area Pla n Review; Bruce McDonald; Heather King ,,' " " 1 , /\1~ I t.:) . \ Subject: Tsawwassen Area plan committee and th e future of the Southlands. TYPE: ,',h), v if- V;wPl . DE PT cr-to~ _ _ _ Dear Mayor Lo is Jackson and Council, A T ,~ ~ c:. ~'5(,:;6. Re: The Tsawwassen Area Plan Committee. COITHllants: .. '). ~ . • . ~t" ~~I I L (j k.H) \ vlJL ~ nb I am requesting that a public dialogue be held in which the community members. in South Delta can engage in a meaningful discussion on the future of the Southlands. As a citizen of Delta who is greatly concerned with the loss of our farmland here in Delta and opposed to any development on prime farm land, I wish to have an opportunity to express my views. I was very unhappy to be told at the meeting that we who were worried about our farmland would have no opportunity to speak at the mike or in small groupings but Sean Hodgins of Century Group was given the floor to pitch his future plans for the Southlands fo r more than 30 minutes. The future of the Southlands in the Tsawwassen Area Plan is by far the most important issue facing the community, and no planning decisions should be made based only on li stening to four speakers and filling out a questiorUlaire, as was the case at the meeting on Oct. 24 at the South Delta Recreation Centre. That fo rum did not provide for public input or for a fair exchange of concepts. The members of the community have the right to be given an opportunity to engage in dialogue in an organized fashion where ideas can be presented and exchanged.

As, I respectfully ask that any recommendations of the T APC to Delta Council be postponed until such public discussions are held or a referendum is held.

Jarm Crowley, 163 - 67 A Street, Delta . C.c. to: Barry Konkin, Development Planner: T [email protected] Cllr. Bruce McDonald, TAPC Chair: bmcdonald(iil,corp.delta.bc.ca Cllr. Heather King, TAPC Vice-Chair: [email protected]

Council has directed that consideration of this application be set aside until the TAP process is complete, Upon completion of the TAP review, staff will report hack to Council seeking direction as to whether or not to proceed with the processing of the Southlands application.

1 834

genda I :;, ~~) O -cY-q Mayor .Council A clI i # L...L! oOS-:}-CJ: From: Lois Jackson Sent: Monday, November 09 , 2009 9:31 AM To: Mayor & Council Subject: FW: Comments on TAP Process I-'t:: _ ~v ~~'­ OEPT~t-n:> /" T. #: i\) ~ 'o-'~7-+.-:~ ::on1 Clel'lt",· rill .( 1-" Loq - fIe f," . t:;iJ.xrikc{iSr-r ! From: Frank Rogers (mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, November 07, 2009 10:18 AM ' To: Tsawwassen Area Plan Review; Mayor Lois Jackson Cc: Robert Campbell; Scott Hamilton; George Hawksworth; Heather King; Bruce McDonald; Anne Peterson; [email protected] Subject: Comments on TAP Process

I had planned to complete a questionnaire today, notwithstanding the fact that yesterday was the deadline. I assumed that no one would be working at City Hall on the weekend and assumed that as a grace period - my error. I should have known that like everything else in the process it would be carefully managed to ensure the predetermined ou tcome. Shame on you for taking the comment sheets down.

I am disappointed to not be able to comment.

For what it is worth here is what I think:

-I am unsure as to what is driving the "vibrant town centre" question and have to assume it is linked to the idea that 1900 additional dwellings means more people which will result in a "vibrant" town centre. I am quite happy with the current level of vibrancy and see no need to change it - unless you wanted to remove one or two stop lights.

With regard to farmland on the fringe or "urban" agriculture: -I see no imperative for development on Southlands at this time -I support increased density in the town centre and along major mass transit rou tes (there are many new possibilities in Vancouver and Richmond thanks to Canada Line)

- I have no problem with farm smells - it is the smell of food production -I am opposed to any development on that land -I would prefer to leave a legacy of open space in Tsawwassen to my grandchildren than know that I allowed development of another rabbit warren where use of the automobile is mandatory.

-I am very concerned with increases in traffic and access to Tsawwassen given that all of us mllst funnel out via two streets

-I do not believe any of the propaganda indicating that Southlands would reduce the need to use cars - the people that will live there will need to work and (un like lucky municipal workers and Shawn Hodgins) will have to leave the municipality to do so . Via those two roads

-I would support an increase in taxes to have Delta purchase the la nd - I would also commit to paying salaries for farm management and farm workers to work the land and would purchase as much local food as possible

-maybe we should look at a collective farm in South Delta

I am sort of opposed to Developing South lands. I am also sad to live in a community that is not only being manipulated by a developer, whose messages are so carefully crafted their guile becomes apparent, but also where Council and staff 'lPpear to be complicit in the manipulation.

1 Thank you .

Frank Rogers 1151 Fa irway Views Wynd Delta Be

To any councilor who read this far I than k you for your sense of duty and cari ng for this community. Please preserve by hand and heart.

This message is provided in confidence and should not be forwarded to any external third party without authorization. If you have received this message in error, please notify the orig inal sender immediately by telephone or by return email and delete this message along with any attachments.

Council has directed that consideration of this application he set aside until the TAP process is complete. Upon completion of the TAP review, staff will report back to Council seeking direction as to ,vhether or not to p.-oceed with th e processing of the Southlands application.

2 genda A FILE # From: Lois Jackson Sent: Friday, November 06, 20092:34 PM To: Mayor & Council S ubject: FW: Tsawwassen Area Plan Committee - Public Input

TYPE: Rtq,W A1eu7!l -----Original Message----- DEPT [Pey) From: Lester Phillips [mailto:[email protected]] AT # ( 03bc.( 5' Sent: Friday, November 06, 2009 2:33 PM Comments:f\Ll\j ''},"71C£/ UtiL,1Cll/ n/ ,Y1\\ To: Tsawwassen Area Plan Review; Mayor Lois Jackson; Bruce McOonald; Heather Kin~ J U ~ I ~~ L vicki.huntington.mla@leg . bc.ca Subject: Tsawwa ssen Area Plan Committee - Public Input

We are requesting that a public dialogue be held in which the community members can engage in a meaningful discussion on the future of the agricultural land known as the Southlands in South Delta.

Currently, the Tsawwassen Area Plan Committee consists of 12 appointed members. After holding only one public meeting at the South Delta Recreation centre, titled "Urban Agriculture and the Urban-Rural Edge/Future of the Southlands" , t hey will make recommendations to Delta Council on the future status of the Southl ands. The meeting only offered four speakers and a questionnaire to be fil led out. There was no opportunity given for community me mbers to have any sort of meaningful discussions.

We suffered through the sham of so-called public discussions staged by the school board prior to the closing of Delta Manor and Boundary Beach schools. In that case, the agenda and the outcome had already been set, and that any effort to consult the public was simply a meaningless inconvenience for the board . In fact, they are already reversing the statements made to the community in regards to renting out available school space, which was first · proposed by PAC groups (w ho had qualified organizations ready to move in), and rejected by the board . It is our fear that the process practiced in the school closure matter may become the new standard for so-called public consultation.

The issue of whether' the Southlands should retain its very important agricultural status or be allowed t o be rezoned to allow hou sing is the most contentious decision facing this community. Once valuable farmland or wildlife habitat is released to development, it is forever lost to food production and/or wildlife habitat.

We feel that this is too important of an issue for a small committee to offer guidance to Council, and that members of the community should be given t he opportunity to engage in dialogue in an organized fashion where ideas could not only be p'resented and exchanged, but acknowledged and considered according to their merit in regards to the best interests of the community, the environment, and impact on the quality of life .

We respectfully ask that any recommendations of the TAPC to Delta Council be postponed until such public discussion, and hopefully a public referendum, is held.

Lester Phillips & Colleen Burke Council has directed that consideration of this application be set as ide 33 - 67 Street, Delta BC V4L 1L5 until the TAP process is complete. Upon completion ofthe TAP review, staff will report back to Council seeking direction as to whether or not to proceed with the processing of the South lands application. 836 genda r??a?::A-'-c3D/ Mayor _Council A FILE # 1 jI !?O~t ( Ta

From: Lois Jackson Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 9:28 AM To: Mayor & Council Subject: FW: "South lands" in Delta

From: Nancy Welsh [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, November 07, 2009 8:43 PM ' To: Mayor Lois Jackson Subject: "Southlands" in Delta

Dear Mayor LOis E. Jackson and Council,

I wish to express my support for a position of keeping the 537 acre "South lands" land as agricultural. I understand it is no longer in the ALR but is in the Metro Vancouver Green Zone and in Delta's Official Community Plan as agricultural. I be lieve it is important to not on ly grow food locally so we don't rely on imports but the land itself cannot be paved over everywhere for more housing . All farm land we lose will be the food future generations won't have on t heir plate.

Thank you,

Nancy Welsh Council has directed that consideration of this application be set asid.e -:r\IO-~-8 tI'll/G · until the TAP process is complete. Upon completion of the TAP review, ifllv L~ ' , ~ staff will report back to Council seeking direction as to whether or not V~,o/~~ to proceed with the processing of the South lands application.

This message is provided in confidence and should not be forwarded to any external third party .without authorization. If you have received this message in error, please notify the original sender immediately by telephone or by return email and delete this message along with any attachments. genda A FILE # 0 ()~O -"W Sonja Lageweg 837

From: Sue Forster ([email protected]] Sent: To: Subject:

Novembe r 18, 2009

Dear Mayor and Council,

I am writing regarding dangerous trees bordering my property at 5116 Winskill Drive in Tsawwa ssen and the Brandrith Park parking lot.

This sum mer a tree pruner drove down the parking lot and hacked off any branches that hung over onto the parking lot. This was done by a very large machine, one that would typically be used on highways. It caused my house to vibrate. The debris from this pruning was left dumped on my property, blown over by the machine. I contacted Parks and Recreation and a fellow came by and assessed the damage. At the time he indicated to me that he didn't know who ordered this large piece of equipment to come down into the park, it should not have, and it damaged the trees as well as left a mess behind . He offered to clean up the debris. I spent the better part of 3 hours raking the debris on the side of the parking lot so Parks could pick it up, which they did the next day.

I also pointed out some trees that were partly dead and bran ches hanging in the hydro and telephone w ires, and he told me he'd send someone out from Urban Forestry to look at the trees. There was also a wasp's nest the size of a large watermelon in a municipal tree that he sa id he would get addressed. I ended up having the nest removed by Ted the Terminator at a cost of $13 5. This was in August . It is now November 18 and no one ha s contacted me or come by . I called again and someone at Parks & Re c said they'd send someone out. I don't remember exactly when that was, but sometime at the end of August.

On Monday I pointed out a dead tree to a municipal parks worker who was clearing leaves from the drains at the park. He said he'd get someone to come out. This tree is dropping logs, not just branches, on my property and the right-of­ way. These pieces of timber could kill a child. This tree is growing over the parking lot. It is only a matter of time before someone is injured or a vehicle is damaged.

This letter will document my repeated reque st for someone to come out to my property. Ple ase send someone who knows where the property line is. We had a bylaw enforcement officer come out to discuss some dumping on the right of way and he told me the property line was my fence, which runs back from my ca rport down the length of my property. This can't be the property line . The concrete footings for my carport and my shed wou ld then be encroaching on the right of way and I presume we would have been made aware of this when our survey was filed with the city at the time we purchased the property in November 2006.

I would also add that I am a good resident, I mainta in the right of way as best I can . For the last t wo consecutive years my hu sba nd and I have loaded and deposited at least 6 trailers of cedar and debris at the municipal yard waste depot at our own expense, the majority of which comes from trees that do not belong to me.

I ca n be con tacted at 604 619 6270 or 604 948 1270 or by email at [email protected] (do not reply to this add ress as it is my work address and I don't check it that ofte n). I work part-time so would be available to meet someone at my property with a bit of notice.

Thank you, -Urban Forestry Staff have contacted the resident at 5116 Winskitl Dr. and have arranged a site meeting on Friday November 20'h to address Susa n Forster their hazardous tree concerns.