Article Inhibition of YTHDF2 triggers proteotoxic cell death in MYC-driven breast cancer Graphical abstract Authors Jaclyn M. Einstein, Mark Perelis, Isaac A. Chaim, ..., Siddhartha Tyagi, Thomas F. Westbrook, Gene W. Yeo Correspondence
[email protected] In brief RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) are aberrantly expressed in cancer, but they remain largely unexplored as drug targets. Using RBP-focused CRISPR- Cas9 screening, Einstein et al. uncover an essential and selective role for YTHDF2 in MYC-driven breast cancer, highlighting the utility of discovering RBPs as safe and effective therapeutic targets. Highlights d RBP CRISPR screening identifies 57 candidates that maintain MYC-driven cell survival d YTHDF2 depletion triggers apoptosis in triple-negative breast cancer cells and tumors d YTHDF2 maintains mRNA homeostasis by limiting the number of translating mRNAs d scRibo-STAMP reveals proteomic heterogeneity in triple- negative breast tumors in vivo Einstein et al., 2021, Molecular Cell 81, 1–17 August 5, 2021 ª 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. ll Please cite this article in press as: Einstein et al., Inhibition of YTHDF2 triggers proteotoxic cell death in MYC-driven breast cancer, Molecular Cell (2021), ll OPEN ACCESS Article Inhibition of YTHDF2 triggers proteotoxic cell death in MYC-driven breast cancer Jaclyn M. Einstein,1,2,3 Mark Perelis,1,2,3 Isaac A. Chaim,1,2,3 Jitendra K. Meena,4,5 Julia K. Nussbacher,1,2,3 Alexandra T. Tankka,1,2,3 Brian A. Yee,1,2,3 Heyuan Li,4,5 Assael A.