Taking Student-Centered Learning and Equity to Scale
DEEPER LEARNING NETWORKS SERIES Deeper Learning Networks Taking Student-Centered Learning and Equity to Scale Laura E. Hernández, Linda Darling-Hammond, Julie Adams, and Kathryn Bradley with DeAnna Duncan Grand, Martens Roc, and Peter Ross OCTOBER 2019 Deeper Learning Networks: Taking Student-Centered Learning and Equity to Scale Laura E. Hernández, Linda Darling-Hammond, Julie Adams, and Kathryn Bradley with DeAnna Duncan Grand, Martens Roc, and Peter Ross Acknowledgments The authors thank the leaders and educators at Big Picture Learning, Internationals Network for Public Schools, and New Tech Network, without whom this case study would not have been possible. We also appreciate the educators at network-affiliated sites who shared their insights and opened their classrooms during site visits. We are especially grateful to the following individuals for graciously sharing their time, resources, and thought partnership through the research and revision process: Andrew Frishman, Lydia Dobyns, Joe Luft, Marguerite Lukes, and Carlos Moreno. We thank our current and former Learning Policy Institute colleagues Barbara Escobar, Sharoon Negrete Gonzalez, and Charmaine Mercer for their editing, review, and thought partnership. In addition, we thank Erin Chase and Aaron Reeves for their editing and design contributions to this project and the entire LPI communications team for their invaluable support in developing and disseminating this report. Without their generosity of time and spirit, this work would not have been possible. This research was funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Core operating support for the Learning Policy Institute is also provided by the Sandler Foundation and the Ford Foundation. We are grateful to them for their generous support.
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