~~D N lOth september. 1928.


© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES The monthty meeting of the exford County Council was held in the County Council Chamber, li'ortview, ,lexfora. on lOth September,

·~r. J: •• lchael D:>yle, Cha.1rman, presidingJ also:- .lessrs. John Brennan, James Clince, Patricl{ Colfer, Thomas Cooney, Richard Cor ish, John Culleton, John Curl1'nins, Timothy F. D' Al'cy, John !))ran, James Gaul, Col. C. ::. Gibbon, James Hall, Patrick Hayes, ichael Jordan, illiam F. Keegan, Thomas !ayler, Thomas .... cCarthy,

John '~urphy, sean O'Byrne, uiss Nellie Q'Ryan, Col. R.P. emyss ~uin, 1.M. Roche, James Shannon, .ijles Smyth, and James E. Walsh. The Secretary, The County Surveyor, and U'. John 1gee, Solici t:)r, ere also in attendance. The ..1inutes of last meeting ere read and confirmed.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES i a 00 00 0 , , 0 • 1 8 . t:-- 1 (0 ) ,- 1 1b n, r • J • ur y, t , 1, •

o 1


t o .• tnd •


The folIo ing minutes of inance COl!1:Ji ttee meeting in respect of meeting of 16th August, 1928 Mere submi tted:-

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES The fortnightly meeting of the Finance Committ~e was held ~ in the County Council Chamber. , Fortview, Wexford, on 16th August, 1928. Present:- Mr. M. Doyle (Chairman) presiding; 81so;­ Messrs. 8eah o'Byrne , John Murphy, M.M. Roche, John Culleton, Ra.rp9s Hall, J.E. Walsh, James Shannon and Thomas McCarthy.

The ~sistant secretary and Mr. Elgee, Solicitor were also in att endance. The minutes of l ast n:eeting were read and signed.


Colonel Gibbon wrote, under date 11th August, 192e, that, as he was going to Belgium he could not attend the meeting of tbe Itnance Conl!1li ttee. Rate collection.

The state of the Rate Collection, .hoWing the fo11aawing amounts outstanding in re spect of the 1928 Rate, was considered:- J. Quirke, £168-14-4; T. Sutton, £365-11-3; J. Quirke (No.3) £392-13-1; P. Furlong, £352-6-6; M. McCarthy, £895-14-7; M.M. Kelly, £451-1-4; M. reegan, £313-5-7; J. CUmmins, £252-4J:-2; P. O'Byrne, £364-12-11; S. Gannon, £212-0-5; w. Cummins, £232-5-7; P. ~nohoe, £273-9-1; J.J. O'Reilly, £21-3-5l J.J. Kelly, £969-19-~ J.J. O'Reilly (No. 15), £1254-0-5; J.J. Sinnott, £194-1-(3; E. J. Murphy, £50-8-11; T. Rowe, £41-8-9; J. Doyle, £137-1-6;

J. Curtis, £71-7-1; B. Cleary, £437-4-9; total, £7501-14-6; ~ the percentage of the 1~28 rate outstanding in each being:-

J.J. O'Reilly (NO. l~), .28; E. J. Murphy, .75; T. Rowe, .83; J. Curtis, 1.29; J. Quirke (No.1), 2.45; J.J. Sinnott, 2.58; M. ~egan, 3.16; J. D:>yle, 3.64; J. Cummins, 3.68; S. Gannon,4.57;

W. ~ins, 4.70; T. Sutton, 5.13; P Donohoe, 5.39; P. Furlong, 5.44; J. QUirke, (No.3), 5.b7; B. Cleary, 6.62; P. O!\Byme, 7.14; M. M. Kelly, 11.34; M. Mccarthy, 11.62; J.J. O'Reilly, (No. 15), 12.93; J.J. Kelly, 15.31; average 5.56.

Arrears of Rates outstanding in Ie spect of previous year s amounted to £186.0-12-4. It was deCided, on the motion of Mr. OIByrne, seconded by Ml'. Walsh, that the surf ties of Collectors M.M. Kelly, J.J. Kelly, and Charles Mccarthy be called upon to lodge amounts of bonds (£200 in each case) owing to the 1axge amount of rate outstanding f in these Collectors areas. It was further deCided, to K:i:i notify the three Collectors

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES oomcerned that, unless their collections axe in a satisfactory state at ne~t meeting of the Finance Committee, the County council will be recommended to take drastic action in their cases • Mr. John Curtis, Rate Collector, submitted. correspondence he had received from Mr. Cado gam , Newbawn and Mrs. Maria Murphy, CorderrauIl, asking for an extension of time for payment of rates due. f.b.e ratepayers concerned promised payment on the 1st september. Mr. Curtis stated in his lbette:c :- If the Finance Committee WiShes me to distrain on these lands for outstanding amounts, I will do so, but then I will never get rates on these holdings again". It was aielOetlililMal x: decided, in the speaial Circumstance s to agree to +tension of time to 1st september, Colledcbr' Curtis to secure an Order on the Auctioneers for the payment of rates in these cases by the 1st. September. Industrial Schools. mnder 8th August, 1928, Mr. D. Dbran, District Court Clerk, Ennis cor thy , wrote, stating that an application would be made at Eqrriscorthy District Court on 16th August, 1928, for the COImli ttal of Jamed Gahan, Ross Road, Ennlscorthy, to an Industrial School. Bovine Tuberculosis Order-Remuneration of Veterinary Inspectors.

Letter from Depaxtment of Agriculture, regarding the re-distributi

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Wexford, £40 per annum; Mr. J. Lynch, V. S. New Ross, £22-10. per annum; Mr. F: W. Taylor, V.S. New Ross, £12-10-0. per aJIlIDllIl1. The number of cases dealt with was :- Mr. Mernagh, V.S. Nil; Mr. Hayes, V.S., nil; Mr. R. Malone, V.S. 3; Mr. J. Lynch, V.S.3; Mr. F. W. Taylor, V. s. 15. A letter was received from Mr. Hayes, V.S., stating that the repaEtment were in error in stating that no case was reported lnhis area as he had. dealt with five cases which had ba3n duly reported to the J:epartment. Mr. Malone, V: S. , forwarded particulars of ten cases dEBs 1 t wi th be him and reported on. Mr. Lynch, V.S., gave the names of the owners of five rolimals which had been 'inspected an reported on by him. Mr. Taylo1{, V.S. stated that the number of cases dealt with in ~is area was 16. Mr. Lynch in his letter stated that, if there was to be a re-distribution of allowances under this Order, the distances tra:velled should be considered. It was pointed out that, as regards New Ross Urban area, a considerable number of animals had been returned from Waterford . port as showing suspicious s}mlPtoms of tuber culosis, and, in the vast majority of cases, on inspection by Mr. Tayloi", V.S. were :f(!l)uhd to be non-tubercUlosis. It Was decided to submit the correspondence to the County Committee pf Agriculture and Technical Instruction and ask them to ~ representations to ehe J:epaatment De gar ding the number of non-tuberculosis animals returned from Watecrford Port and the hardship thereby inflicted on stocko1lD.ers and exporters. secondary Scholazships. A letter lID from the office of Natioru4 Educat ion under date lOth August, 1928, with the result of the recent examination for t~

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES award of Scholarships from primaxy to secondary schools, was submi ttea. The following axe the names of the candidates who passed:- James, Donnelly, Katie Doyle, Johanna Cooney, and Patrick Sheehan. It was pOinted out that Patrick Sheehan lived within ~ two miles of a recognised secondary School, and he would be entitled only to a. bursary. It was decided, on the motion of Mr. o'Byrne , seconded by Mr. Hall, that Scholarships in accordance with the conditions of , the scheme be awarded to James Donnelly, Katie Doyl'e, and Johanna Cooney, and ft that a bursary of £15 be awarded to Patrick Sheahan. The Committee on examining the list of candidates noted that there ere 13 approved app11cants and that the scheme of the county Council allowed of six Scholarships being awarded. It was dec~d on the motion of Mr. McCarthy~ seconded by Mr. Hall, that the secretary of the Irish National Teachers' Organisation be in:t'orrned that the County Council are gr eatly surpriseul at the standard of education fbeing so low in the County, judging by the results of the recent eliaminatlon for the awaJtd of County Council Scholarsh1ps from Pr imary to Secondary Schools, conducted by the ~partment of National Education, When only three scholarships were awarded although six' were provided under the scheme. It was DEiB'liri decided on the motion Of Mr. O'Byrne, seconded by Mr. Hall, that continuing Scholarships be aJi'arded to the following students, subject to sanction of the Department of Education:- Eileen Cadogan, Patrick Doyle, Thomas Cogley, J.F. O'Brien,

Jos~:phFlynn, Thomas Higgins, R.T. ]):)yle, Laurence J. Butler, MiSS Mary Kavanagh, Patrick J. 0 'Reilly, and re newal of bureary to James Hargadon.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Un1 ver s1 ty Scholarships.

Letter was read from Mr. T.F. White, Wexford, holder of universi ty SCholarshiP) asking for balance of first year Sch~larshiP • Mr. White stated in his letter that there was no reference in the Univer si ty Scholarship Scheme as#to non-payment of Scholarship money in case of illness, . bei ther was the!ee any stipulation as to the money being for bOEU'd in Dublin. It was deciE!ed on the motiOn of the Chairman that the balance of the Scholarship be not paid until Mr. White resumes lectures at University College, When amount of balanre will be paid by

DlUm'.l!il instalments, as Scholarships are tBftable only at a universi ty, and the Finance Committee cannot see their way to make payment of Scholarship excei't for period during wnich Scholarship holder attendS University lectures. Let ter was read from Mrs. McAul iff e, Mother of Mr. tonal. d McAuliffe, third ¥ear Scholarship holder, stating 1bhat, OWing t:l illness, he~son had been unable to sit for Uniw.sity Examinations in June or in September,. and that she was asking University Authorities :to recommend renewal of his scholarship for a fourth year with a v.iew to his attending lectures for the Higher Diploma in Education, and sitting both for the latter examinaJt10n and B.A. degree next Summer.

It was MQe~Q« decided on the motion of Mr. McCarthy, seconded - by MI. Shannon, that Mr. Don21d MCAulliffe's scholaxship be extended 10r a fourtn yaar to enable him to secure the Higher Diploma in Education, subject to the approvaJ. of t he Uni versi ty Authori ties.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Advance, Registration Account.

Mr. J.N. scallan, County Registrar, appl ied for the sum. of £250 to meet the expenses of the preparation of the 6th Register of Electors. It was decided, on the motion of Mr. Mccarthy, seconded by Mr. MurNY, that the application be postponed m:tx until the next meeting of the Finance Comnittee, Mr. Scallan to furnish statement of account in support of his application.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES The following resolution Was adouted on the motion of l •.r . ~lcCal'thy, seconded by J.IU: . 0 t Byrne: - "That the minutes of Finance CO£L:.1i ttee in respect of meeting held on the lbth August , 1928, be and are hereby confirmed.



me .l(inutes of Finance Committee of 30th August, 1928 were submi tted as follows:-

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 'lte fortnightly ' "&1z of the Fina.~c C on 30th August 1 1928. ent :- Mr. J. ) m 1d1ng;

ccarthy, . . Boch , J. Cull ton, J~ H 1,

s1stant RAt'tPa loin a.ttendance. Th minute ot th t1ng r r d signed.


Under date 25th ugllot, 1928, Colonel GIbbon ote that, as he would be busy . t t he ford Sho on 30th instant, he could not a'ttend :me eting of the Finance tt e to be held on that d teo te Coll etlon.

Tb t te of the te Oollection was tibmitted Showing the follo lng mt of 1928 ate outst dIng 1n each. d1strict:- J.J. O· 111y, ( • 13), £19-7- 2; . B 0, £41-8-9; E.J. phy, £. 11; J. Ourt! , £71-7-1; J. yl, £134-14-10; J. QuIrke, £15 17-3; J.J . S1nnott, £172- 7- 11; . Gannon, £204-15-11,

P. D:>noho t £241- 11- 2; J. ns, £252-8-6; v-.....,..I , 1274-11- 9; li. egan, 1291- 17-6; T. ;, tton, £334-17-5; . ur1ong, £346-17-6; P. O·ByrOO, £35 1 1; P. . 01 , £429-; 2; li.ll .. Kelly. £44.8- ; 1l. ccarthy. £81f" 14- 7; J .J . K l1y. 6-1&-4; J.J. O'R illy, ( o. 15), 20 18-9. Tot £7114-5-3. und r date 29th Augu t, 1928, th folIO ing letter was read e om 0'>11 ctor •. 11y:-

'Wlth ref renee to your lette of the 20th 1 t . l' a.te

of my Collection, I have don ~ eVi rythi ssibl to collect th

. ount outstand1ng. I handed & list to r. Bolg r 1 olicitor, to proceed against th but In nearly

.to proceed nst th • as tb r 1 nothing t ~---- 1ze on, and I would obly b utt1ng ne in

\ tb: pt. -The or1ty of th d atll ters promi... d to pay me 1fb. n they thr _. In a good many c s I a:.n compelled to wa,1 t until the pl e sold out. HopIng you 111 not de too dr tically with seour1t1 s, I am hone t1y doing my best to collect. "

Under d~te 29th AU t, 1928 , the tollo 1ng 1 tt r ., read from COllector J .J . 11y:- I h :va called on 1 Ra.tepayer who are out.· tand1n 1n y t distr1ct and I have received b rs of prom1ses to pay on . day and © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES

-- --.:::.....--~ -. /~

Saturday ne t , F 01' ¥s 1n Gorey.

Please acquaint Co 1 tte"" of this fact. If um.er 28th August, 1928, the foll 1ng latter .as read from e. . , SUrety for Ckllle or U. 611y:- He yours of tlle 23rd, I as speaking to • Kelly anc( I undsrst d r that b.e left no stone, untl.lrned to colleot rates, but. C! th pooPle in h1s 1strlc,t will soon I :ve th~ir corn to sell if h ot l~ttle tlme he 'coUld ake it al", right. Fully reoogni ing t.'l difficult position the C-ouncl1 is in for !lmds we 0 d sam it a great favour if this request could be grant d. ASsist t secretary stated that Collector . ccarthy attended and stat a. that he had b n promised s amounting to bet san £400 and 500 on 3rd sa bel', the date of e:;:~ord F 1r. The me ting haVing cons1dered tne ounts collected by aoh Rate Collector during the p t fortnight, and so the partlouJ. c1rcumstance in acn coll ctor ts district, t, follo 1ng r solution

1Wl .. do ted on the motion of the Chair , seconded by r. H 1 :- "That the state of the Collection in the r . li, . Kelly, cCarthy and J .J. 11y b speci 1 'consider d at next meet1ng of the inance Com..-rru ttee. IIJ hat tl1 se three Rate Collector be instructed to attend saldeet1ng d tha they be ax~d that definite tion w111 be t~ ~ n on that da.te ~ unles .,. in the . opinion of t he i'lnance

Comm1 ttee I their coll ,ctions are in a s ti tory tate. Th t these colleftol's be further Inf ormadt the Finance '-'O~llni tt e 111 In 1 t upo the lod---'ment of the amounts of ~ e BondS of the personal suret--- ies 1n e so. . 1y atter the De t tin. unless all collactabl rate 1 been lodged. ~ . , Mr . ins, to (l)llector. ,...asklng 'or 1nstruotions regarding rates on a holdIng fo erly in the oupatlon of


J t Ballycourcey Big, G1enbr1en. Th ra.tes had not b ~n paid for th hold1n for the p t and it as n relict. 011el tor, had made an offar to

K v' naft)l ' s tap aught r, ho tnt nd d to go int a 1o~. t the PI' 1 es.

It was d~clded) n the moti n of r. O' Byrne, conded by

. Hall t to notify * • CUmmins that tb" County COlmeil llld be 1 in favout of hi ee ting three ye :rates in th .. , ec1al c1rcu.rns: nee . . Under date 25th August, 1928, . Jordan, .C.v., rot forw ding the folIo 1M lett r lch he had receiv d fro

co ur. JaI!!e li"enlon, Rahe na.~ '­• I '::tIll 1 t1-r to k --YO"I to dome a fa.vour by n to hold 0 r my r te 1 h ve no 1n l1ch t ay. h ~" 11 children and I h good or and ouid be able to p y it I g t time.

SO~ry or h 1ng to troubl y u.

It a dec ~ to n off1cial action, the e~retary to co mnic t with on, 'te Collector ) to u e his dlsc:i.. etlon in'the tt "r.

The fol10 Ing 1 tter a r· ad from ,. r;, Hogan, ain tr et, Gorey"

I h :ve rece1ved rom th') local

Collector for 5 -1 0) a,te due by m . SO] utely un ble to p y this amount all at once, ~<:; I be:ve l'-'rge 'l :11y to ort. I 111iT to cle off the debt in eek.1 .y in talmant of 5/-. I ve done this before in the p-yment 0 f my r te and th mat tar CJ oonsidered satt r ctory. I QuId be ate!ul if you ould ouept "tis offer 0 instruct . 0 'R 1lly to do so. I will y the 1nst ment ell eak into the off1ee

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES It of lit. O'Re1lly ' Soli c1tor ~ or an h ..iSbe. I11ng th1s I cannot do 1,") tt r d ould b very gr t fUl for your k1nd lnterventio in the matt r . Ple e 1 t if my offer is ace table you.

It 1f r . Hogan . t 't£}

Finance 00 itte . C ot in rf ere i th e whlch ollaotor O'R 111y make regard his oallection he bound under bond to alo$ h1 warrant r iod. The ant of LOcal Government rote, under te 22nd August, 1928, ( o. ' . 58021/1928, Loch • that the rai ad no fur er obj etlen to the roposad al10 anoe of £2.7 ri 11e for an c ng the Ba.te llectors' ocounts for Gar y

Un er data 29th .. :o._~_t , 1928, the follO lett r as read from Rat llector P. Donahoe :- 100 p 1 tll)n for Poun' e I have only receival ..3l. for 1 t eight ontbs . I would like to mow y poundage 1 held b ok I 01 to have my colleotion in as good a. st- te as the majority of Collectors. I hav~ a old ates tha.t 1t i s PO sible to get t th prase t 0011 c ton, nd 1 don't ee trhy the Counc1l an "'ct e to ork f 01' n thing. It .1s or enoour t to man ' at he can' t get tr e other en he 1s do' hi best.

Pleas, being t ~ 1..:1 under toO e not1ce of yom Finance Co itte, obl1ge.

It ,., as deoided on th t10n of the Cha1r~, that tlw ver ' ent be re uest to s- ction payment of 8 r cent Qf pounda to ollector P. D.:>nohoe on 10 gants ade to 31st JUly,l928.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES _Contro of Rate Colleotor . Clreu1 1 tt r uncI r date, 24th ugust, 1928, • G. 59042/1928, 1'.gb. (L). r d from the art nt of LO Government reg ding the control ~ at ' ColI etc and setting uv ~ forth the ugge tlon of th Ulni t r the b t to 1\ b lons on the rt ,•

iOI ar n infor tiOD 1 dl~t ly th r 1s y d.efaul t in the led ent ot r te n1 s. Th in1 tel' turt r gP. te th t the County eret y nould uthorls d to duty any Rate Colleotor Whose conduct- roves unsat1sfactory. It decid d on the t 1 n of r. 0 'Byrne, oonded cCarthy, that the Sec t ary be uthori ad t ar an infor ;( n .inst any .COllector ma fatl to lodge unt r tas collect by him without direct10n from th tt e or e County Council. I nstrlal SChool pllcatlons.

A letter re fromllr . J. La , Inspector, F. .S.P .C.O., st~ting that intended app11 tlon on 30th uru t,

1928, at lscor r y District Court !or~e Oll lttal of thr t

Children, d Thompson, to an Industrl ~chool . , It was deoided that ' . gee, Solc1 '~lor, b r uestecl toe cmnrQ.nl -:t e all cases with th nearest COL cillo1' in or to secure information '/€z'vll g ith a vie to opJosing all se mich it 1s considered c ttals shoUld not . d • The Assist ecretary pointed out thu.t the c utributlons payable ' by psrents of childre co . tted to Industrial Sohools

re ~.id LTl to the Exche u :r un r ~eotlon 75 (7) of the Chi11rent s Act , 1928.

ne suggested that stevs ~hou1d b tc en to ncure • th t sums received frc·m -,&rent ehoul d go to the rel~f of rates.


- - ~-- -- letter Dr. Co! Y, Pr s1d nt of Un1 rsity Colle lb1ins stating he had 1e'sure in reocmm!ldnQlItg e u11ff for .I xtenn10 of his echol hip for to le him t o t Dipl in ucatl this y are ppro d. Th foll0 1 tt r r a from the ~ecretnry, wni~ r tty COllege, l)lb11n:- Th f 110 1ng e t e ro ul t of the xru nation of at .ent holding · cholar hlp from your Council in the sion 1927-28 :- , L.

ort 111 ent after the ,xam1na ,t1on.

Bo r. Kat en .

-1r ,Vine n~ c.

e g. , Th . s . B. C I •

the 11' t Year Ulnas alOo ~.a,M;Llod fcAul1ffe s un.aole to s1 t for t hv

B., gree. gar t Berney did not enter for the ~cond ye i on in Comnerce. from 1s 110 fa1 ed t 2it

for the e,~J.&""""a.a. s .­ ie your e tel' receive tod 'y I could not do tbe econd Ye Co rce am.lnatlon, I h d a. sever 1y burned rl ;.ht hand w1th h1ch it w s oS.lble f r me to write. I was attending


st . Vincent ' ~ Ho. ,11 t Ith it ~ d got ~ I dical C rtlfic~te

Which, I gave to f therchari to you. arh p she did not dO so. was, as lready st!:'lted, bl to ita alf :t the t I w nt to my o:tessors ( they all e :t sfle . ith my reat and ~ll . nd for re f my Scholarship tthout the fo 'l11ty 0 t~'le nd Year to roce with my c unde:r tood tha.t th" Pre 1d nt, • .Cot sy h d a1 otio ~d thl •

~s 1 could not do the e amlnatlon. througt.1 no f t of mine , and I hop 1 h· t l sfactory u 11 of the County unc11 , I ho f vourable cons1der tlon, and rane , of my Schol 100

&~;UUl.....u'5 you or· ast f ;.TO and or not1ficatl n. c;'eor t ary t ted l1e had for r copy of !lisE lett r to t S cret~ry, Unl raity Calleg ,

• t .at r ... 1y of Uni¥ 1ty Colle e be sub Itted to the xt 3ting of th Irish TIle 8ecret ry, Il'j

r- v; nee for current nr in re ct of rate OJ truck

for tourist dc~ 10 e t.

It decided th t the pI ieat· on be ~ dj urn~ ~ until the current ate Colloctlon 1s more advanced.

Th~ follo lnu letter as re~d fr m 'r. J. . c811?n, eg1'tr ti Offic 1: :- Ref rring to y an .licatlon for a furt ..ler Advr:o cs of 0, to' at so .Xj1ensas of t h prep r tlon of t· e lxth Regl tar. I would like to point out th ( total · co t of the Reg1 tar


111 be £1411- 9-10 end this 11 1e va a. belance 111 to be id. I ¥ tnt out that praot1ce in all other

Count1e for th Reg1 tr tlon atfic r to recA 1ve the full vpn bafor to dl -{With the eg1str tion ork, and , I 'Or sum thl will be do , hen th venth Reglst r co s to

01 d on th mot on of • Roche, ct.;..:d d by th ..

Ch trman, th :t a furt r :v, LllOO of £250 be m to . J.~. Registration Off! r, to at eXPGIlSe incurr d L"1 the rep'" t1en of th lxth eg1st r of k}ectol" .

_ .. plioate p~ying Or

It waS deci d ~ t dupll t Pay1ng Order 1 sue to the

Rapresentat1v 0 of Cat rine Rath, rrlg en, rn, fer "0. 2608 , 1 ~ued on 10th July, 1 28, nd h1ch h b k to not1fied to c 1 or1g1nal Or r.

A letter wa r d t Colonel Glb n. tat1n th t , at th 1 t etlng of the Llbr ry , th Tru t had offered £250 for tb ur\.OL4(::iDQ of a Llbr y V • Colo 1 G1bbon .t t d that, hi 1111 t om y woUld by it u in cuttIng 111ng ot ~~ LIb rl -e,~ but so in the 0 1'1 Tn Llbr y d c1ded to f r ot to e " of the County Counc1l.

A r • It wa d 01 on~ ~~n t . O t ~r by )tr. Culleton, t t-the Couniy oune11 b ~ 0 nd -d to prove of th ac ptan ot th otf r of th C n1g1e Tr t t £250 for the purch of L1brary ~ •

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES It was proposed by Col . Gibbon, seconded by , W~ . Corish and adopted:- "Toot the inutes of Finance CO r1I{nittee of 30th August , 19!8 be received and considered."

primary school Scholarships. The following r esolution as

adouted... on the motion of Col, . Gibbon, seconded by., r. Roche :- "That we ask t he Department of Education to fur nish the

exford ounty Counci~ with co ies of the eXamination papers set at the recent examination for Scholarsl ips from Primary to secondary Schools." Rate Co l lection.

"T'nat as previous discussi ) n~ in Eespect of ~te Collection hampered tha collectors in the discharge of their C 'J.ties tlle Council r 01 ve' itself into Corruni t tee fur the purpose of cons i dering the present position as regards the ~ te Collection. r This motion was not s e conded.

?ne folIo ing letter Was read from the Local Goverrrnent ::epartmemllt : -

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Ilepartmmt of nocal Government & public Health. custom House, Dublin, NINo G 59042/28. Ilgh. (8) 24th .

AA Chara, I am directed by the Hinister for Local Government and P'public Health to state that he has had under consideration the gEieneral question of the control of officers entrusted with the ccollection of public revenue. The cases of default which have al3.risen have given ri s e to consider able anxiety and the cir cum­ s·stances disclosed indicate a necessity for the adoption general­ l;ly of effective measures to secure the prompt collection and iri.mmediate lodgment of all monies collected as well as the accur­ a~te and careful checking of the accounts of the Collectors at ffrequent intervals. Rate Collectors have in many cases been in the habit of l,lodging public funds to their own accounts and then transfer­ rring such sums by way of personal cheques to the Local Authority t to close their warrants. Apart from the loss of the i:mrre di ate b benefit of the revenue by the Local Authority the procedure e enabled .cer tain defaulting Rate Collectors to convert substan- t tial sums to th eir own use. ,This practice must be discontinued a and Co l.lectors must under stand definitely that any public monies xxeceived by them should be lodged without delay in the nearest bbranch of the Bank keeping the account of the :lLocal. Authority'. ' lIt me.y be in some cases that a branch of the County Council's B.Ba:n.k is not within easy dis tanc e and that for th is reason a CUollector may have been in the habit of lodging rate monies to "h'his own account in a local Bank. In such circumstancBs he sshould arrange with his Banker to receive such monies for trans­ ffer to the credit of the Local Authority at their Bank. If nnecessary the general cir cumstanc es should be explained to the DnManager of the Bank acting as Tre asurer to the Local i!uthori ty ~wi th the obj ect of arranging through him for the receipt in out- . llying localities of rate monies in Branch Banks for transference tthrough them to the Local Authority's account and the issue of a tusual lodgment doc ket to th e Collector as a voucher for the rrmoney so lodged.

ThE) arrangements for checking Collector's accounts have not iin all cases proved satisfactory. A mere perfunctory reconcile.;.. rrment of the cash lodged wit h th e total of the counterfoils of tthe. receipts ascertained to have been issued since the previous cJhecking will not be sufficient. A complete scmutiny should be nmade at each checking to insure that no -;receipts are missing ssince the last previous checking which are not coveTed by cash J?:.odg,~d. An intelligent check will take cognis ance of the period­ l~C progress of the collection While scrutiLy of the unissued re­ cceipts might enable a wide awake Inspector to form an opinion as "tto whether there is a likelihood of any of the ratepayers con...:. (ce:rned having paid th eir rates without receiving too offioial 1 receipt. It is re alised that an Ins p ector will find difficulty j in detecting the over holding of monies by a Collector where the l:r eceipt remains unissued and every effort Should be made to € ensure th at rat epayers will i ,nsist on gett ing the off icials re";;' (ceipts witbDut delay. A press notice warning ratepayers of the jimportance of this and of the consequences which may follow their j failure to do so might be inserted if the Council considers such 1 publication to be necessary. The Demnd Notes might oontain a r notioe that payments · by ch eque, money order or po stal order


should te crossed and made in favour of the Local Authori ty . When issuing receipts for rates paid in t his manner the Col~e c­ tors would do well to record on the receipts and c ounterfoil that the paymoot was made by cheque or otherwise . The recei pt should be issue d without delay . If it is not convenient t') deliver the receipt personally it should be posted immediatel y . If an unc l osed envelope be used td . postage would suffice.

The requirements ·of the Public Bodies Order in regard to checking should be stringently observed . There should be close co- oper ati on bet ween th e Insp ector entr usted wi th th e checking of the Co l lector's accounts ~nd the County Secretary partioular­ ly in regard to the issue of form 60 to ratepayers whose rates appear to remain unpaid at tirres when it might reasonably be ex­ pected tr..at the sums due should have been lodged. The Inspector should pay due regard to the promptness with which the Demand Notes are issued and the subsequent periodic progress of the collection. Any dilatoriness should be speoially reported and Collectors should understand that regular and progressive lodg­ ments of rate s will be expected from the dates they receive their arrants until closed .

A feature of the cases of default which have come to notice has been the delay in swearing informations against the officers concerned owing to hesitation on the part of superior officers to take such course without the express authority of the Local Author­ ity. The rhnist er do ES no t cons id er it necess ary to stress the consequences which have ensued from this pro cedure but takes this · opportunity of requesting the Council to adopt at their next meet­ ing a resolution empowering $nd directing th cir County Secretary to make an info lIDation agaLnst any Collector who may fail to lodge monies collected on behalf of the Council to their credit . In the past it has been 0 bserved tba t on occasions ~ocal Authorities have received cheques from Ra te Collectors purporting to account for rate monies rec eived by them which on presentation have been dis­ honoured . The unauthorised natur e of the practice of lodging rate monies to a Col.lector' s private account has already been adverted to and the Minister woul d re gard a tr ansaction of this nature a s a clear ind ic ati. on that the money in que sti on had been wrongfully ~?nverted to "the Collector's use . Once a County Secret a:ry is satis­ Iled that a ~ ollector has misappropriated money he should immediate­ ly swear the necessary imo:rmation to s ecure the appreheYBion of the offender . 'It would be well tbat the County Secretary should also be autho~ised to suspend from duty any Collector whose conduct proves u.nsatlsfa~t ory .

. Ca~es bave been observed where the ;:3.1reties of defaulti ng ')fflce:{{s have proved to be worthless and the Minist eT desires that ~h e .C<0uncil should wher e personal sureties are to be accepted first satl..

A copy of this c ircul8.r should be issued to each Rate Collect­ ( or for his guidance and strict compliance with t he requirements c outlined . . The S,ecretary of the Board of Health should also be supplied \ wlth a CCOpy for th e applic ation of the prinCiples to Rent C ollect­ C ors and other afficia ls in the employme nt of the Board .

~ 1ise, le meas, E P McC arr ,on ~ To 6'0 ach Count;)' Counc i 1, Runaid he

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES The Secretary stated that copies of the circular letter from the Local Government tepartment be. d been furnished the ate Collectors and secretary of the County Boarl of Health.

Col . uin oved, and IT. Hall seconded the folIo ing

0- resolution hiGh was adopted ~ con o . "That our secretary be empo ered to take up t.1e collectbing bookS. of any Collector VTho , in his opinion is guil t y of any malpractice, or who is not d~ scharging his duties as to i s-ue of official rec ipts, uending r8 orting the m8tter to t~1e next a:Vailable meeting of the inance Corru,littee. An Order was made that the Secretary issue an advert isement in the three local )apers pOinttng out to ratepayers fhe necessity for obtaining off icial receipts of the County Council for 8ny payments YI:,:'de for rates. In cOIll1ection Tith collection diatript 15, the follo ing resolution was moved by jr. ~cCarthy and seconded by Co l. -.uin:-

11 That Collector 0;.)£ rles l ...cCarthy be called upon to reSUlle

duty hy the 8th October. tI

Col . Gibbon proposed and ,;,.1' . Keegan seconded the folIo i oo :­ "That collecting books for current r ate collection be

:frurnished .,.r . .. icha.el .... cCart' ... y, deputy for' is brother, LX.

C'narles, cCar thy , and that .x . Charles ~cCarthy be informed that i f he does not tal{e up duty Wi thin two months from this date the COlIDCil wil". not extend his sick leave, but will proceed to a new appointment . After disamssion XNR Col . Gibbon withdrew his motion and proposed the following:- "That collecting books for current rate collection be furnished ... ' r . J: .... ichael 1 cGarthy forth i th Wi th a directi on from the Coun ~il that if his collection does not progress to the satisfaction of the iinence Com:.ittee and in accordance ith tIe

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 7 progress made by other collectors the Co~cil wil~ roceed to the apPointment of a tenmora.ry collector pending the appmintment of a permanent collector . Tha t J.'I.r . Char 1 e s

•'J.cCarthy be informed that if a.t til.e end of t 0 months from this date be does not return to duty the Council ust decl ine to grant him further sick leave, and will hav to proceed to the apPointment of a ne Collector. Thta motion after discuseion Was also withdrawn.

Col . Gibbon then moved , cand J. r . Keegan seconded the following : - "That the question of Hate Collection i n Ho . 5 District be left i~ the hands of the ~;I'inance Com: .. i ttee i th po er to issue collecting booles for the current collection to

. .r . :._ichael !cCarthy. ShlUld ,inance Co~~ittee decide not to issue books to 1. r . Mc8arthy we reauest them to make a recomnendation to the Council which wi~.l allow of the current rate being put into course 0: collection at 2S early a. date as is posrible.

!JJ.' . ~cCarthy and Col . '"juin wi tlldre their mot ion in favour of t' e proposal o~ Col . ~'boon to place the ratter in charge o~ the inance COl:L.i ttee which 'cher: passed without dissent. Col . Gibbon proD'yed and the chairman seconded the folIo irg resol ution hidl as ado ted:-

"Th8t . ...l' . lJD.arles ... f.cC ar thy , Ra.t e CoIl ctor for No. 5 District be informed th,Bf he does not return to duty by the 1st November , 192~, i sic~ le8ve list be cancelled and the Count:- Council will J~,oceed to appoint a neV' cOl eector n his pl ace . (

The following resolution was adopted on the mo~ion of Col. Gi'..-bon secOIr.ed by 1t . C:orish:- "That the anutes of Fnance Com i ttee i n re,snect of meet­ ing hel d on 30th August , 1928 be and are herehy confirmed

except i n so far as s ame h~e be8n altered er amended by © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES resolution adopted at this meeting.

Roads ( Committee. ',L'he Unutes of Roads I Com,.:ni ttee in respect of meeting held on 3rd September, 928 were submitted as follows:-


© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES The monthly meeting of the RoadS Committee was held in the county Council Chamber, Fortview, Wexford, on 3rd September, 192&·

present:- Colonel Gibbon, Colonel ~n, essrs. R. Corish, Sean O' ~T.F. D'Arcy, P. Hayes, J. CUlleton, P. Colfer, M. Jordan, W.P. Keegan, J. Hall, T. McCarthy, M.M. Roche, T. Maylor and M. Smyth. The Secretary, the County Surveyor, the six Assistant

s~veyors, and Mr. Elgee, SOlicitor)were also in attendance. On the motion of Mr. o'Byrne , seconded by Mr. Hall, the chair was taken by Colonel Gibbon. The Minutes of last meeting were read and signed. The Chairman (Mr. M. Doyle) attended after the minutes of last meeting had been read and signed and presided during the remainder of the business. Mr. J. Sharmon (Vice-Chairman) also attended atter the reading of the Minutes.

Report of County Surveyor. TIle following report Was submitted by tha County Surveyor:­ "DUring my absence on holidays the County works have been carried out by the Assistant Surveyors in a satisfactory manner and there is little requires special mention. There were a number of special works for Which proposals ,were approved and these have now nearly all been completed, and. the others are well in hands. The road maintenance work is proceeding and I am no ~ getting a great deal of side cleaning of drains done, in preparation to meet the Autumn floods. As far as poss ible the material is got out on the roads for the Winter maintenanoo but in many places I have carried out SUmmer work with tar or other similar binders using gravel or screenings, cmld in some places broken stone, and this will matea:ially assist in the Winter

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES maintenance though .. it leaves very little to vover any special break-up that may happen. I have found that, with the great increase of traffic, the Summer work 1s essential and is the only ay in which we can·maintain the roads, as ordinary stone spreading will not bind without the iron shod traffic which is much reduced now. The bitumen spraying work has been carried oll1t as far as possible but the very broken weaiher mater ially a;ffecteli. t=:e- progress. The Rosslare road, beginning at the town boundary No. 23W, is no being coated with taxred stones which had been provided by tIle County CounCil previously; the finishing of the surface by the sprij,ying and treating with screenings is being carried out under the spraying grant. This work I believe will be satisfactory and I consider that such treatment if carried out

on the le~ of the Rosslare road will make a good job at a reasonable cost. The road at present is very fair considering we had no special expenditure on it, but, it must be put in hands at once either under grant or direct proposal from the county Councilor by loan. The grouting worle from the end of the quays in exford town to the eat Factory is nearly completed

~,.., as already reported, the section at the other end of the town had been done in concrete. When this is finished the Urban Grant for (})unty roads will be completed. The Grant for the quays WhiChfs not ~ Cotinty Road but under the Harbour Board is nearly completed. At present I am putt ing up small retaining wall with post and chain guard on top here road runs around the crescent and there is a section of the surface opposite the end of King street st ill to be concretes. The three grants under the National Road Scheme- from Gorey to Ferns through Qamolin, from ScaraWalsh to Enniscorthy, and from Enniscorthy to Palace, are progressing as well as the bad weather would allow. The first section has been completed to

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES I camolin and I am now working back from the finished road surface at Bay Bridge towards Camolin. Between Scarawalsh and Enniscorthy the work has been carried down to the bend at the cemet~y,... but possibly I may not be able to run to the Urban Boundary with the money available, and, if so, there will only be a small length not completed Which will be dealt with later. From Ballymackessy to Palace has been completed so that how there is a good road right

into ROSS. The grout ing work on the sect ion between Enniscorthy and Ballymackessy has been commenced at the Leap working towards Ballyrnackessy and prepara:trion work has been done on the remainder. Item 16 on the Agenda for the meeting refers to the condition of the road between Ballymaclcessy and Ballybrerman. I ha:ve frequently inspected this road and have men constantly engaged levelling up the bad cuts and so forth. On the 31st ult., I 1nspecteri the road and found it, as expected, still bad but until the heavy traffic from Ballybrennan to tIle grant work on the Enniscorthy road is completed we cannot deal with the road. The repair work at Kilmore Harbour has been completed and work at court own, Slade and carne is in satisfactory progress. At

B~lyconigar and Gush Gap I have completed the protection work by placing large concrete blocks, The protection work at

BannoW Bay, on 197W at Barrystown, and at st. Kearns, are '81 ther completed or nearly so. The improvement work at the corner at Fethard is complete and the ol'k at Duncannon at the end of No. 3bR is delayed waiting the removal of a Telegraph pole. AS directed by the Council I have obtained statistics on the Gorey-Wexford Road, and, judging by them, the traffiC does not

appear to be really abnormal. There is one point op~ious, and that is the comparatively small number of horse drawn vehiales,

and the conclusion I arrive at is the necessity for rol~ing work or using a tarred binder. If a loan be obtained for improvement work on this road, special treatment at wea.1{ pls ces, with general

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES attention to surface with tarred stones, will put the road in a reasonable condition, provided of course we do not have the very heavy lorries travelling the road atter a continuous wet period. Mr. CUllen reports to me that he interviewed Mr. Gallagher in regard to compensation for the corner at verona Bridge. The County Council mad e an offer of i/3 but Mr. Gallagher will not accept less than £l0. The roll ing work that I was carrying out under County na Council proposal on No. 83R between Ball~anogue and poulmounty is nearly completed and this road is much improved. The road from poulmounty to Ballywilliam, No . 8lR, ill require special attention as it is subject to , traffic with beet. It is not a M.. in Road though it takes a good deal of traffic and I consider that some pro~isio n Should be made to meet the case. Some time ago oomplaint was made in regard to a retaining wall on No. l25E between Ballycarney and strahart. I have had a special inspection madt1 of the place by r. Ennis and he report s that it will be necessary to at once deal with it at a cost of £44. A further length of road al so should be protected by a retaining wall of 28 feet and this will cost about £47. I suggest now that the repair work be at once put in hands and that I bring forward a proposal for the extension at the NovE!nber Meeting. The repair work to the side slips on the Road No. llW between Ardcandrisk and Latkin' s Cross is now nearly completed. somet ime ~o I was ordered to carry out the job by the County council but no allowance of money was made and I now ask to have £150 allocated fa' the work. On a recent inspection of New Ross Bridge I was informed that there were possibly, defects in the under structure but at the time I was not able to make an inspect ion, the tide not serving


I directedl~. O'Neill to examine the Bridge and he reports to me that there is nothing seriously wrong though the water appears to be coming through ih a couple of places. I shall myself make a further thorough examination at an early date.

On the 1st inst. I visited St . Helen's Harbour with ~r. Birthistle and met Col. Gibbon by appointment. We inquired into the local conditions and took measurements regarding the proposed improvement. The local representat i ve of the fishermen, Mr. orLeary, was present

~d informed us that the local people will do the cart ing of sand, gravel and cement from Kilrane Station which will be a saving on the ork and I est imate that it will cost more that has been

sug~ested, namely -£500. I am s~t1sf led that if £750 is put at my disposal I can make a satisfactory job. The following resolution Was adopted on the motion of Colonel Gibbon, sec·::>nded by Mr. 0 'Byrne:- "That the report of the County Surveyor be received and considered. Road between Ballymackessy and Ballybrennan. Mr. Hall mentioned that he had been requested by some people interested to bring before the Roads Cor:o:mi ttee tne condition of this road. It was irlr~ very bad state and the ganger or the Assistant surveyor WaJ3 aJ3ked on several occaSions to fill up the pot holes Wi th large stones, but~hiS had never been done. The County Surveyor stated that the p: actice of putting down l~ge stones to fill pot holes had been carried out duxing the Whole S1.lIlllYer, but the road Was in such a bad condition that new holes were constantly appearing and had to be deal t with. Corner At Verona Bridge.

After discussion the following resol'dlt.ion was~ 'lCiopted on the motion of Mr. Hall seconded by IVa-. McGarthy:- "That the County Counoil be recon1l1;.ended to make an OrIer or

£lU to 1v:r. GaJ..La~rler a£1 compensa{'ion for land. taken in order to ease corner at Verona Bridge, this being recomrrended by the County

SUrveyor. II


Of.)ad 81R (Poulmounty-BallJWilliam). On the recommendat ion of the County Surveyor, a resolution aas adopted on the motion of Colonel Gibbon, seconded by lrU'. ccarthy', agreeing to provide from the Contingencies Fund, a a sum of £25 :eo put this road into repair. , . oload l25E (Between Ballycarney and strahart).!... r. O'Byrne proposed:- "That a sum of £44 be taken from Cont ingencies Fund to . re-epair retaining Wall on this road; as the Wall was a source of daanger to the public. II Mr. D'Arcy seconded. passed. Rotoad lli {,Ardcandrisk and Larkin's Cross). The folloWing resolution was adopted on the motion of Colonel :cQuin, seconded by r. 0 'Byrne:- "That a sum of £150 be taken from Contingencies Fund to make owing gOioo d the repair work necessElXy/to side slips on Road llW. II stt. He len's Harbour. The follo, ing resolution Was cadopted on the motion of CoJolonel Gibbon, seconded by Colonel Quin:- "That consideration of the reference in County SUl'veyor's r~eport to st. Helen's Harbour be adjourned to next meeting or urmtil such time as official application is received from those cooncerned for ' the County Council to deal with the matter. II On the motion of 111'. O'Byrne seconded by Colonel uin, the fdollowing resolution was adopted:- "That the report of the County Surveyor, as submitted to tlthis meeting, be and is hereby approved. II Attendance of Assistant Surveyors at Roads Committee Meeting. C Colonel Quin called attention to the fact that two of the A Assistant SUl'veyors were not in attendance to answer questions a al'ising out of the County Surveyor's report. The following resolution was adopted on the !potion of the

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES (fnairman, seonded by Colonel Quin:- "'mle Roads Committee desire to point out to the Assistant Surveyors the necessity for their attendance irfue time at the meetings of the oads Comnittee etc". subsequently the two Surveyors concerned (lJ.es srs. Ennis mmd CUllen) attended and explained their delay in attending the meeting arose owing to the fact that they had some urgent work to $ attend to on the morning of the meet ing. Flood at Carriganeagh, Gorey. In connection with this matter a letter Was read fro Mr. T. Treanor, ASsistant Surveyor , under date 1st. september, 1928, tha.t the road at carriganeagh had been under water on atjleast two occasions within ten days, due to ill owner , s neglect in not having gate s kept open. '{r . Treanor recommended Mr . E1ge~ Solicitor, tOo proceed against i11iam Cousins, Ballycale to compel him to have li S lway" made in dam wall to obvia.te any fut ure flooding. The following resolution was adouted on the motion of Colonel Quin, seconded by Mr, Hall:- "That Mr . Elgee, Solicitor, be instructed to proceed against William Cousins, Ballycale, in conformity with the report made to this meet ing by Y.il' . Treanor, Assistant surveyor" . Flooding at Ballymorel, Ki11inick. Colonel Gibbon called attention to the flooding of the road between Ballymore and ountfield.

It Was decided that the matter be referred to N~. Birthist1e, Assistant SUrveyor, to see what can be done to t:amady the matter . Obstruction by Road Material at Inch Creamery.

The following was ~eceived from Mr. G. W. Kinlay, I anager w- of Inch Co-operative ~iry Society, under date 31st A st, 19ae:- We beg to inform you that the following resolution Was' 9assed

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES at the la.$t meeting of OUl' Cornmi ttee:- T "proposed by :Mr. B. O'Reilly, seconded by Mr. I . D'Arcy and pa,Ssed:- "That we the Coromi ttee of the Inch C-operative Dairy Society Ltd., call on the County Council to rem01Ze the piles of stones outside the creamery at Inch and to erect danger signs at both sides of the Ra.ilway Bridge . In the meantime we hold the County Council liable for any accide:n::e that may occur to the suppliers or their carts. " It would be advisable to remove the stones fror a distance of 100 yards to either side of t-he Creamery Entrance, and to continue the water table on the South side of the Creamery gate. We would also thank you to - oonvey the surface water into the river which is at present flowing into the Creamery Re81de.~oe. ·· 1 member of the Council, Mr. D' Arcy, very kiindly came to inspect the road in question ,dnd doubtless will be able to advise you on the matter. The road measures approXImately 17 feet from one pile of stones to the other. Mr. D'Arcy pOinted out that 175 Carts used this Creamery every morning and the pile of stones Was really blcl>cking the traffic. After discussion, the following resomution was adopted on the motion of Mr. o 'Byrne, seconded by Mr. D'Arcy:- "That the County SUrveyor be instructed to hire a roller in order to ut ilise the stones which are at present causing inconvenience and ohstruction at Inch Creamery; further, that he deal with the drainage so as to prevent flooding of the premises in the occupat ion of the Creamery .1anager". IDnployment of en. The following, passed at a meeting of Gorey Unemployed Organisation, held on 1st September, 192C3, Was submitted:­ ,tlThat ..each District Surveyor be made primarily responsible for the employment of all men, either by day's work, carting, Contract, or otherwise."

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES The six ASsi$ ant surveyors stated that men were employed by them but in consultation with the ganger. They thought it very necessary that they shouSi have the opinion of the ganger in each case as to whether a proposed employee was 1 ikely to gi va sat isf act ion. Mr . Keegan proposed and Ar. D' Arcy se6onded:- "That the ASsistant Surveyors be made dire ctl y responsi ble for the emplolllIlfUlt of all men on roads and in quarries. " AS an amendment, Mr. McCarthy proposed:- "That the Secrefary to the Gorey Une11l91oyed Organisation be informed that the resolution which he had submitted, Was already in the books of the Council . That the Assistant Surveyors be instructed to exercise all care in having provisions of this resolution strictly observed in the future . " Mr. Hall seconded. After discussion .£r. Keegan wi thllla3e his motion, and Mr . McCarthy' s amendment was cmdopted. Carrigbyrne Quarry.

James Murphy, James 1cGrath, '" Patrick ~urphy and James Miskella, wrote that they were prepared to undertake to work ~ Carrigbyrne Quarry on piece work the price to be fixed by the County Surveyor. NiX . O' Neill, Assistant Surveyor , stated that the present gang employed in this quarr, would be able to provide the material necessary for the present seaSon.

It was decided to take no a~tion on the applicetion. Road wt Rectory, Inch. It WaS decided t hat the ±:ollov-fing sub- Committee should inspect road at the Rectory, Inch, and report to the next meating of the Ro ads Coromi t tee: - Messrs. D' Arcy, Smyth, 0 'Byrne, Keegan, Hall and cOloJ Quin, with the Assistant Surveyor for the d~ strict.


Road at Carley's Bridge. Under date 23rd August, 1998, Mr. G.J. owens, Carley's Bridge, Ennsicort~y, ~te asking that $omething be done with the road from carley's Bridge to Enniscorthy. The breakage of the pottery which he manufactured and which was of a fragile description, was something terrible owing to the jolting on this rou@1 road. Mr. Cullen, Assistant Surveyor, stated tb8t the road "ravelled" as fast as it was repaired. He was treating it witll tar as well as the money set ap:lrt allowed. It was decided to inform r. OWens t~t the Assistant

Surveyor was endeavouri:ijlg to keep the road in as good 0 rder as possible. c~urtown Harbour. The following report was submitted:- The Sub-Comili ttee apPOinted by the County Council at their meeting on 1st August, 1928, for the purpose of reporting on the present condition of Courtown Harbour and of making suggestions 8$ to it a improvement, met on 3rd August, 1928, a:, ~bour • The following were in attendance: - Masslla. sean 0 T.F. D' Arcy , W.P. Keegan, and Colonel Quin. The County Surveyor , the County Secretary, and ,11'. Treanor, Assistant Surveyor for the district, were also in attendance. The Committee s"Jent considerable time in their inspection and in considering their report, concentrati~g on the three following

heads:- 1. - The Sluice Gates. 2. - Provision of grab dredger. 3. - Dredging the Inner Harbour . and wh ich :.. are set out in the order in which they require attention. Sluice Gates. These were erected over half a century ago,amd, owing to wear and tear, re quire replacement . They are unable in --.--.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES their present comdition to hold the water for sluicing. One of the. paddles on the village side is unworkable, the bottom timbers 1.l1lder water allow of considerable seepage, the north heel-post bas . gone completely, and the gate rollers, one of hich became brol

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES A further suggestion as, to arrangement to be made in the flush so that plDrtion of the main current could be directed on to the 8e-nd bar was considered, but the SUb-Com.rni ttee did not consider this would be successful in clearing the Bar at all stages. The onty alternative is the grab dredger which can be worlced at any time and at any stage of tide. Consideration must be given to the t}lPe of grab dredger to be obtai ned, and the County Surveyor promised to make enquiries as to the most effective and cheapest appaxatus. Dredging the Inner Harbour. This is necessary owing to the fact that its present silted condition is a source of danger and delay to the fishermen in moving '$:t):eir boats. If the work were carried out, it would not give any stronger flush through the be sluice gates, but the flow of water oUld/for a longer period, and would in this way be mofe effective. The ;dub-commi ttee, while re cognising that this work is necessary, feel that, with all their present financial engagements, the county Council should not befasked to take it up until times impro\e. However, the question of providing new gates is one Which brooks no delay, and thex1ub-Committee feel that nothing can be gained by any further postponement in this matter. pUtting it off will mean increased outlay later. In t he Circumstances they recommended the Council to acbpt a l$solution to have this most pressing work carried out without delay, and suggest that the Council should apnroach the / inister for Fisheries with a view to obtaining a moiety of the expenditure, viz., £250. The County Surveyor submitted the report of the diver, Patrick Hobbs as follows:- I examined the Gates and floor under the Qates at Courtown Haxbour on the 3rd of AUgus t, and again on the 9th August. I found the bottoms of Gates in a very bad way. They are completely decayed. There is a stone sill 1 foot 6 inches high, Wi th a pieva

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES I of wood bolted: on top d f it wlhich the Gates fit cgainst. The water bu:tsts through the joints of these sills. Bottoms of styles are gone also; 'one paddle is gone altogether and the others are anything but water tight. The Gates axe all fallen to hanging sides and the wheels that were under t he cBdjusting rods are gone altogether. The flanges of the aijusting rotas on 'Which the wheels tra:velled have torn the floor vb ich the -gates worked on. The iron WOrk is rusted as at aome parts can be seen above the water. I would recommend a pair of new Gates and NeN floor for at present when the gates are closed there is. more water golng than is getting held. It is Only when the t ide is up against _ the back of them that they hold any water and that is no good as you want a lOTI tide ror fllls!t1ng. The following resolution Was adopted on the motion of

~. O'Byrne, seconded by Oolonel Quin:- "That the report of the SUb-Committee in connection with courtown Harbour be received and Oonsidered." In reply to Oolonel Giboon the Oounty SUrveyor stated it would not be possible to complete the work re commended by the SUb-Oomilli tt ee this year.

Mr. O'Byrne propose~- "That the recommendations of the Sub-Oommittee be carried out. That the Department of Fisheries be asked to contribute half the cost of tlle estimate of the Oounty SUrveyor, viz., £2130. That the moiety of the expenditure to be ppovided by the County Council vix., £1065 be raised by loan from the 'treasurer". o1t. D' AXcy seconded. Passed. The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Colonel Gibbon, seconded by Mr. Keegan:- flTbat, prior to the meetitlg of the County Oouncil, to be held

on lOth September, 192~, the Oounty SUrveyor prepare technical report as to the practicability of the carrying out of

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES the re corpmaooations of the SUb-Cemmi ttee, and also hcwe drawings , e.x;planatory of the work to be done , made . II Piers and Harbours Generally.

The following reso~ution Was adopted on the motion of Colonel GibbOn, seconded by Colonel Quin:- "That , as occasion allOws , Composite plan to "C'over all the Piers and Harbours under the control of the County Council be prepared by the CO¥nty Surveyor and placed in th~ County Council Chamber , for the information of the Councillors, paJ.~t icularly when works irformection with thes& p lers and harbours are under consideration. II Site of Wexford Courthouse. Under date 17th August, 1928, the Town Clerk, Wexford, wrote1., forwarding the following resolution adopted rat the meeting of exford Corporation on that da.te , with one . dissenti ent, and 21 members out of a possible 24 being present ~

II That the Vlexford Coooty Council and the Minister of Finance be r equested to have the destroyed Coooty Courthouse rebuilt ~ n its original site, as Commercial Quay, as the compensation awarded for the damage done on the building is ample for the purpose. II Colonel QUin mentioned thaa t he County Counc i l should ask the Corporation if they were prepared to pDovide the £5000, over and above the compensation awarded, necessary to restore the Courthouse on the old site. The Secretary stated the follo~ing were the groun~ rents payable in regard to the Old Courthouse premises at Comnerc ial Quay , Wexford:-

st. Vincent De Paul So c~ety £13 - 16 - 8.

Barry Estate. 12 - Q - ~ . Redmond Estate. 136 - 10 - 4. Hatchell Estate. 18 - 9 - o.

Total . £180 - 16 - o. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Colonel QUin, seconded by Mr . Corish:- "That the plans and estimates prepared '" in connection i th the proposals to restore the old Courthouse on "ilexford Quay site, and to provide Gourthoure at the old Jai 1 premises be submit ted to the f olloV' ing Sub- Co,;mi t tee : - .

Colonel Gibbon, Mes f- rs. CoriSh, Culleton, Cummi ~s , D' Arcy, !ccarthy, O'Byrne, Hayes and the Cha.irman. "That the attention of this Sub- Committee be drawn to the fact that the Council had already made an offer for the purchase of the interest of the Red.."norui Estate- 20 years purchase of the prof it rent plllus £40 for costs, total £1298, and tha.t the question of a similar offer Nl ! E!i:I8 for the profit rents of the other

ground landlords of the premises had been under cOnsider~t ion. II It was also decided that the Sub-Conrn.i ttee would deal with the complaint as to the manner in which the caretaker of the Courthouse premises at the Old Jai 1 had been carrying out her dut ies as regatds cleaning, etc.

~ew Ross- Camblin- Campile-Duncannon Road. The following letter, under date 9th August, 1928 (R/RG/32), from the repartment of Local Govelmnlent (Roads) to Mr. Cor ish, T . D. , was submitted:-

With reference to your representations in the matter ~ I am directed by the inister for Local Government and Public Health to state that he cannot cormni t the ~oad Fund in respect of the Loans

propose<& to be raised by the ey~ord. County Council for the improvement of the roads from Gorey to vexford and from New Ross through Camblin to Campile and Duncannon. T.£le matter was explained

to the County Council in this Department ' s letter of the 16th ~ay last, a copy of which is enclosed. I am , at the same time, to

state that the ~inister is prepared to consider the quest ion of

sanctioning a loan if application is made in · ~e ordi y way by the CountY' Council and on being furnished with the usual ptrticulaIS

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES in such case s . The necessary forms are enclosed. Mr. Corish proposed and AI'. COlfer eeconded:- "That a sum of £4000 estimate of the County Surveyor for repair of New Ross-Camblin-Gampile-Duncarmon road, be raised by loan from the Council I s Treasurer, period of repayment to be ten years, at the usual rate of Jnterest.. allowed to public bodies."

After a lon~ discussion a vote Was taken with the following resul t:- For- Colonel Quin, essrs. Cor ish, o'Byrne, D'Arcy, Hayes, Colfer, Jordan, Kee gru;l , ccaxthy, kaylor and Sharmon- 11.

Against- Colonel Gibbon, ~ssrs. CUlleton, Hall, Roche, Smyth and the Chairman.- 6. The Chairman declared the resolut ion carried. Gorey-Wexford Road. Mr. 01Byrne proposed and Ar. Hayes Seconded:- "That the Count y Council be recommended to borrow a sum of £5,740, to carry out the necessary repairs to the Gorey-Wexford road,

as per the County SUr~yor's estimate, period for repayment to be ten years; I nterest to be usual bank rate as allo ed to public bodies." After discussion a poll Was taken with the folIo · ing resul t:­

For- ~essrs.Corish, O'Byrne, Hayes, Colfer, ~cCarthy, and Shannon. - b. Against.- Colonel Gibbon, Colonel Quin, Messrs. D'ArCY, Culleton, Jordan, Keegan, Hall, Roche, 1aylor, Smyth and the caairman. - 11. Kilnahue Lane.-96G. Under date 13th August, 1928, Mr. T.E. Ireton, Greagp, Gorey, called attention to two very dangerous corners at above. At one of these he, had a narrow escape in his motor car in a voiding a collision with a horse and cart. At This point the road is only twelve feet wide.

Under date 17th August, 19~~, Mr. Treanor, Assistwt Surveyor, for the district wrote, stating he had inspected the road in company with the ganger and gave instructions to have bushes and

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES other obstructions cleared away. Mr. Ireton informed the ganger he woul d communicate wi th the 1 and agent as to the owner eil ip of the land concerned and furnish what information he received to the ganger. Up to the present, informa.tion as to ownership waS not forthcoming. The work in question would cost up to £15 but,' as the road was subject to a small amam: of traffiC, he (Mr. Treanor) did not consider it advisable to recommend the work. It was decided to make no order on the letter of Mr. Ireton. Tottenhamgreen Bridge-Road 1493. Letter was read from Mr. J. Kehoe, ASsistant Surveyor, under date 13th August, 1928, stating that part of the wall at Tottenham­ green Bridge had fallen and required rebuilding. As the foundatiQn was uncertain he considered £25 should be set aside f or the work. If the foundation was found to be good, there woUld not be mOle than 10 cubiC yards of work necess ary. Drai:ngge . att.ers. Circular letter fronfthe :OOpartment of Local Gover nmetrb , under date 3rd August, 1928, S. 55036/1928, Ilgh. (B.C.T.) relative to the Arterial Drainage (Minor Schemes) Act, 1928, Was read fD~ the meeting; also, petition from residents of Boira, Kilmuckridge; letter from Of ice of Public Wo rks lelative to i So Drainage SbBeme; letter from Ratepayers concerned i n this scheme; and letter from Mr. Philip Kel l y, Ashfield, FalBce, relatii.6 to drainage of 27 acres of his land. It Was decided that the above shouJil be dealt with by the special Drainage Cora:aittee, recently appointed by the Countty Council. The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Colonel Gibbon, seconded by Mr. D'Arcy:- '(i;hat the secretary purchase a copy of the Arterial Dra.inage (minor Schemes) Act, 1928, for the use of each of the members of the

Dr ainage Comni t t ee. II

Colonel Gibbon stated that he aished to have on 1'8 cord that no County Councillor accompanied the alief Engineer of the Office of Public Works on his recent inspection 'of the Sow district although

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES this statement appeared in the lette~ from the Office of Public Works, under date 16th August, 1928, (No. 16109/28.). Erection of Ove.rground Telegraphic Line • . UndeI' date 2nd August, 1928, the Chief Engineer, Department of Posts and Telegraphs applied for the consent of the County Council to the erect ion of an overground tele-graphic 1 ine along the road from Cairn to Borough. Boundary, Enniscorthy. The fOllOWi~eSolution Was adopted on the motioh of Colona! Quin, seconded by Ar. Hall:- "That the Roads Committee consent to the placing of an ove: ground telegraphic line along the road fr

the breaking up of roadS 8. nd footpaths, but care had been taken in the draw1ng of the plans and contracts to cause the minimum amount of disturbance. Provisio!lt had been made in the conditions of contract to avoid as far aejPoSSible damage to peEsons USing the roadWay and to tpe property of the County Council and Wexford Corporation. The following resolution Was adopted on the motion of UIT. 0'Byrne, seconded by Mr. Hall:-

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES "That the County Council be recorfmended to give the necessary permissioh to the Electricity Supuly Board for the erecti h of Electric Light Stand§xdS, etc., subjec. to the worle being ~rried out to the satisfection of the County SUrveyor and also as regards Wexford Urban District to the satisfaction of wexford Borough Engineer' . Messrs. M.J. O'Connor, and Company, Solicitors, Gorey, wrote ot behalf of l1r. Terence Breen, Church Street, Gorey, objecting to the 8i te in hich it was proposed to erect an .d:lectric Light pole, by the ftectrici ty Sup--'ly Board op ')osi te his house and premi8etn st. ichael' s Place, Gorey. fne site selected was just outside his wall an the footpath . ..r. Breen was. quite will ing that an altenative site Sllould be given at the edge of the footpath about four feet further out. essrs. O'Connor and Co. stated thiL~the off icials of the ~rumon SCheme were satisfied with this site if the County Council agreed. ,--, The folloring resolution was aa opted on the motion of Mr. Keegan, seconded by }. r. Hal_:------"That permission, asked by r. Terence Breen, for change of site of ElectriC lighting pole at st. icll i£,s Place, Gorey, be granted, provided the worle is caxried d>ut to the sa.tisfaction of the County Surveyor." The following resolution waS adouted on the motion of Mr.Corish, seconded by Mr. D'Arcy:- "That, as regards erection of ElectriC lighting poles which require support, the County Surveyor communicate with the lectricity Supply Board and point out that struts Should be used to strengthen these poles where erected ill towns, cand not stays. " The following :re solution was adopted on the motion of ltr. Hall, seconded by Mr. 0 'Byrne:-

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES "That we protest against the pract ice of erecting poles in connection i th the Shannon Scheme on the footpath instead of at the kerb. We also desire to call attention ' of the Electr iCity Supply Boaxdto the ma.:nn$r in which their employees are restoring footpaths in towns. In Gorey, for instance, complaint has been made to the Council that no steps were taken to restore broken footpaths to their original conditio~." Closing of Road, IbbG. Sealed Order under date 11 th August, 192e, was received from the Department of Local Government (Roads) as to the closing of Road l66G, between Cullentra Bridge a nd turn at

KOOckadawk for the pe~od- from the date of the said order to and inclUding 30th September, 192e. Proposed Abandonment of Road. The folIo ing resolution was adopted on the motion of

{r. Hall, seconded by Mr . ~cCart11Y:- "That we apply to the .I:.'linister for Local Government and

~blic Health for an Order for the abandonment of portion of road adjoining Roaslare Coastguard Station (rJO. 235.) as it had become danger ous 0 1. ing to subsidence caused by coast erOSion. II Enniscorthy Roan . Under date 3rd August, 1928, ., letter Was received from Yjss Katie O'Flaherty, one of the Hon. secretaries of the Enniscorthy and istrict SOCiety :or the j'revention of Cruelty to Animals, pointing out that, as the poundkeeper at Enn1~corthy received no remuneration for the keep of stray animals, the latter suffered, and, in her capacity as jOint Hon. secretary of the Local SOCiety she put the ma.tter before the Council• in the hope that some sat isfactory arrangement Would be arrived at. The Nominal poundkeeper would be satisfied with £2 for to cover any cost incurred in dealing wi th stray animals. The secretary str ted that this letter had been submitted to ~,lr.lgee, SoliCitor to the County CounCil, --ho held, (as he had already advised )that the County Council had nothing to say to

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES poundS or the payment of the caretakers tllereof. • Ordered:- That a copy of the letter of Mr. Elgee, in connection with Ermiscorthy Pound be furnished iss otFlaherty for her information. Erection of cart House. Under date 13th Aggust, 1928, Ar. Martin Kelly, Castle Ellis, ap )lied for pexrmi ssi on to erect cart house beside the public road at Castle Ellis. '. Cullen, Assistant Surveyor , stated that the road at this particular place was 20 feet wide. It Was proposed to erect the new building wi thin two feet of the roadslde. It was decided tnat lJJ.l'. CUllen interview Mr . Kelly and expl ain to him that the County Council cannot agree to the erection of any building which Was wi thin 30 feet of the centre of a publ ic road. Kilnew Lane - Laying of Pipes. Mr. peter, Dempsey, Enniscorthy, applied for permission to ' put down 180 yaxds of It'" piping in Kilnew Lane, BlackWater, to

bring water to cattle on his land. 'rhe piping 1I0uld not CIDOSS the road at any 'polnt Clnd woul d be sunk a safe dist ance . Mr. Cullen, Ass i stant Surveyor, recommended that the

application should be grant~.d . The follov ing resolution was adopted on the motion of Colonel Quin, seconded by Mr. Corish:-

"That lar . Peter Dempsey, Ennis co l' thy , be allowed to lay piping at Kilnew Lane, BlackWater i n accordance with the terms of his letter of the 6th August, 192e, work to be carried out to the satisfaction of the County Surveyor . " Advertising Hoardings. Messrs . David Allen and Sons Billposting Ltd. , 40 pearse street,

Thfulin, applied, under date 19th August , 192~, for permission to erect two advert is,ing hoardings at Esmonde Street and Q.rklow Ho ad , Gorey , Which , they understood, might encroach on the roadway or

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES footpath to the extent of about, 9 inches. The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Colonel Quin, seconded by r. Hall:-

"That the application of ~essrs. David, Allen and Sons Billposting Ltd., 40 Pearse, street , Dublin, as to erectioh of advertising hoardings in Gorey town be refused." House at §pawell Road. essrs. . FUrlong & Sons, tenants of house owned by the County Council at Spa:well Road, Wexford, wrote under date 4th Aygust, 1928, that they received the letter of the Council refusing to accept their offer fo purchase their dwelling house at £100. They took it from this that the necessary repairs to the premises would be car:: ied out as soon a.s possible. Referred to the County Surveyor for detailed report as to repairs to eejPIeSentdld to next meeting of Roads COMai ttee.

New Ross- ~exford Road. Under date 31st August, 1928, Dr. W.F . Hearn, Bellevue, Newtown, New RoSS, wrote as a frequeBt and const2nt user of the above road calling the atfention of the County Council to parts not stearnrolled and on which the surface 'was very bad. While potholes had been fairly well filled they afforded no relief, since as soon as one was filled, another appeared. Traffic over the road had considera6l, increased and was still grOWing.

It as urgently nee~that steamrolling of the eleven miles still undone should be carried out. It was decided to inform Dr. Hearn that the County CounCil were doing whet they could to keep this road in order with the money available. Petrol Pump Licence. Messrs. Joran and O'Brien, South Street, New Ross , applied under date 31st August, 1928, for permission to erect pettol pump Standard at South street, New Ross . The tank Was on the ir own premises- . The carriage way at the particular paint at


which 1t Was proposed to er ect ilhe petrol pump standard waS 40 feet wide while the footpath Was ten fept wide.

The follo~ing resolution Was adopted on the motion of

Mr . Shannon, seconded by !.r. ~cCarthy :-

"Tha.t the application of l es~rs . [oran [and O'Brien, South street, New Ross, for permission to erect petrol pump standaxd be acceded to." Side filling- Enniscorthy Road. Mr • Hall gave not ice to the County Surveyor to have for the

~xf meeting of the Roads Committee particulars of the cost of the sidefilling of the concrete road between Wexford and J.!.rmlscorthy, giving the cost of material and labour separately.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Road at Inch Creamery. Col . Quin,' on behalf of the sub- Corm. it te e aPPOinted to deal with this road reported i n detail ps to defects of drainage, the blocking of the road by material for steam rolling and the neglect in removing margins. 'llie Chairman said all this was covered by the resolution of the r"\oads ' Committee. He thought the Sub- Comn:i ttee were making a mountain out of a molehill. up The County Surv3yor said he would bring/at next meeting of ... oads , Com.:?' i ttee a recoilli'nendaticm to carry out some draimge . as a tentative measure, and the report of the Sub- Cormni ttee could then be more carefully gone into. This was agreed to.

Road at ~ectory . Inch. The SUb-vOXL.li ttee appointed to -aisi t the r0 0 d at Inch Re ctory reported several defects as regards its present condi ti m.

It waS decided that the matter be referred to next meetin~ of the ~.oads ' Com:1i ttee . Courtb\ n Harbour-!- The County Surveyor mentioned that he id not think it pos sible to c11~nO'e the design Of/the sluice gates, but he intended puttipg in three slutce openings in each ate . The ~ork could be done locally.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES ~exford Courthouse. Under date 6th septeJ.nber , 1928 the following Was read frotn;:essrs . Delap and Waller, Northern Bank Chambers, 115 Grafton street , DUblin:» In reply to your letter of 5th inst . with reference to above , we beg to forward to you here i th 2 draft schemes, hich ha:ve already received your consider8tion, Scheme "A" having been estima.ted at a cost of £13 , ~oo and scheme "B " at £10 , 000. Both these estimates are approxllruations as no detailed estimate was got out pending the decision of your Council with regard to instructions to us to proceed in the matter . nth reference to first esti:=1ate, I beg to forward

copy of let ter to l,..r . Barry, date( 23/12/ 25 which exp18 ins itself . With regard to the second estmmate, you will xemember

that Scheme "B " 8S got out after consul ta,tion i th the Local Government Board and the reductions b----- 'lsed on their suggestions . ---- The following is co 9Y of letter f ro...:l l~essrs . Delap and Waller to County Surveyor under date 23rd December , 1925· Many thankS for yours of the 22n I note that you will be able to see ~ne on the 28th, and I shall call at your office with the plans about 10.30. I have been

into them very carefully with LI' . Orpen, cand I think we have got the accommodation tha.t was decided upon as being necessary. ~e have made an approximate estimate, go ng into the thing, as far as possible a,"this stage , ani we find that the cost of reconstructing the building as shown on these plans ill amount to about £13 , 000. When I met you last , our first dr aft plans were dicussed, modified and approved, your Com: .. i ttee gave me instruct ions to go ahead, and I am not quite certain hether they did not intend that e. should, ~i thout further reference to them get © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES out quanti ties and proceed to .ask :l!or tenders for the actual ork. Lr. Orp3m and I discussed this matter and we decided that we ould not be jus tified in going furIDher than e have -lo.ct done until we have your approval. If we .....gone ahead and asked for cont~act prices and got out Q. uanti ties, e would ha:ve made the County Counci~ liable for a considerable su m in fees for p~ans and quantities for a job that might turn out much larger than they had ant iCipated. Now, having aur approximate estimate of £l3,oot),the County Council, if they give us. instructions to go on, will knov pretty well hat they are rendering themselves liable for, and e ill feel much more comfortable. There is one other point, to hich I wish to refer, I rather ti1ink it would be more regUlar if we i1ad instructions

under the ~eal of the council, as I believe there is so e legal difficul ty about uaying fess for such a jObfoS this unless the whole procedure is absolutely in accordance with the lines laid down by the Loccl Government Board. Under date 7th September, 1928 the follo ing as read

from .r. James J. O'Connor, Solicitor, ~exford:-

"I have be ~ n instructed by a nU'l1ber of influential ratepayers oJ Wexford TOVlTn to 'act for them in cODlwtion with this matter (Wexfors. Courthouse). ..1 clients axe interested to ensure that. the Courthouse will be rebuilt on the site of the old courthouse. I understand the matter has now been referred to a committee of the County Council for consideration. I shall be if glad if you Wil ~ kindly let me know :fiB the comni ttee would kindly

all0 me to ap]ear at its meetings and to ~bmit my clients' vie s about the matter and e-aiEience in support of their case. I shall be lad if you o'-ld kindly ask the County Council to instruct the County Surveyor to let me have copies of the sCheme for the building of t:1e courthouse on the Old Jail si te, and all plans and particulars and estimates in cOruaBction Wi. th this and any otller alternative sche;e for t he rebui::'ding. of the courthouse so © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES that I WMJ have them examined. I would also be glad to hY;ve a copy of the estimate f mD the reconstruction of the courthoure on the old site. In view of the tnpritance of the matter an~~ tIle interest taken in it by t: e ratepayers and the public generally, I feal assured that the County Council will only be too anxious to supply all the inform8 tiitm that • y cl ients may requi:ue , so that the Whole matter may be ingestigated before any final decision is de . II In rpply to Mr . D'Arcy, the Chairman said the special com,li ttee had to go into tlle atter first and he did not think there was any necessity for the Co~¢i l to go into it . Ald. Corish - ' ight I ask that 1essrs. relap a.ad OrIS ns f s letter that the jail would not be an economic site be submitted ro the Comnittee also?

Ald. Corish, ith reference to _,.I . O' Connor ' s application said he did not thinl{ there wo~ld be any harm to listen to a stp.,tement from Mr . O' Connor, even though tlley could not give hi'n all he asked for .

The Chairman sug~ested thE't ,!r . O' Connor could call and see the plans, etc. r . Hall- Why should you haNe the presence of Mr, O' Connor at a special committee meeting? Ald. Corish- W1Y not? Don ' t you heer d putations every day, and you often hear a. solicitor 01 deputation? I don ' t suggest that Mr . 0 ' Connor should remain during the del iberations of the specia.l committee, but I suggest that we should hear him. Col . QUID proposed that all business with regard to the

Courthouse be le~t ' to the special committee , including .~ .

O' connor ' s let~er . :.iss ' Ryan seonded. Passed. The Cha i rman explained thtlt of course, t11e special corami ttee would on: have povrer. to mal{e recomrriendations to the Council . Col. r;,uin proposed:lhat the special corom i ttee be allowed to call

on Mr . ])al a")) if ne ces ~ary . ... r . Keegan SGC~nCi~d , and tIle prOposition Waf' ~as"ed . © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES L

Room at Old Courthouse for County Registrat. The secretary reported that Mr . O'Flanagan, of the l.:inistry of Justice had called with a view d to obtaining the permission of the Council to use the Judge's room at the old fourthouse, Wexford, for the County Registrar for work formerly performed by the shertff. The County Council were saving the salaxy of the Sheriff (£200 per annum) by the fact that hiis work waS notV performed in the of:ices of the County Registrar. Mr. Elgee, Solicitor., considered that the County Council were bound to provide premises for the County Registrar to carry out his duties. The follo ling resolution wa1adopted on the motion of CoL Quin, seconded by r. Reche:- "Th '=' t judge's room in old courthouse, Wexford, be made available for County '":egistrar to enabh, him to carry (Dut the duties performed formerly by the sheriff. The follo ing resolution VaS ad01)ted on the motion of Mr , Murphy , seconded by }Lr. D' ;;rcy:- "That the Ministry of Justice be requested to ay rent for the

use. of judge's room in old courthouse, ~exfordl vrhich is being Place(at the disposal of the County Registrar by the County Council to enable him to perform the work formerly carried out 'by the sheriff. It Was arranged that the Suh-Comnittee relative to County Courthouse si te meet~n County Council Chamber, Wexf ord on 25th September , 1928, at 2.p.m.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES ? 1'e Ross- camblin- campile- Duncarmon.. oad. After discussion as to the r ecommendat i ons of the ~oads ' Comnittee in this matter, • Gun ,.ins proposed and Col. Quin seconded the confirr.nation of the minute of tIle Gomrni ttee .

• IT . ulleton moved and :~ . Hall seconded the follo i ng -ronosal.. : - "That we diseent from the recont'!lendation of the Rads ' Committee to borro the sum of £4,00 for tIle improvement of .. Tew ~ OS8- Duncannon ... oad.

poll Was tak~n on the above mot10n with the fm l lo 'ing result :- 10 fonfirrp. the reOOJl .endEltion of the -,-,oads Comni ttee :- ...essrs . Clince, Colfer, Cooney, Jorish, Uumca1ns , D' Arcy, Gaul , Hayes, Jordan, Kee gan, J".ayler, LcCarthy, urphy, O'Byrne, Quin, s:.Ylannon, ahsh and J;~iss O'Ryan;- 18.

~,ainst : - :essrs. Brennan, Culleton, .J...iOrElll , Gibbon, Hal ~ , Roelle , SYiyth and the Cha ir ,an; - 8 .

~le illlairman declared the motion confirming the recommendation of the COnlm_ittee carried. tJorey-:: Of Byrne - roposed and :.. r. Hayes seconded the following reso~ution :-

"That we di sc-ent fro:n the recommendation of the J. oeds ( Committee refusing to request the County Council to borrow £5740 for the improvement of Gorey- vexford Road . poll as taken ith the follOWing result .

For the resolution: - ~esers . Clince, Colfer, Cooney, Gorish,

Gummins , Gaul , Hayes ~cCarthy, O'Byrne, Shannon:- lD. Against : - lessrs. Brennan, Gulle ton, D' rcy, Doran, Gibbon,

Hall , Jordan, Keegan, .... ayler, .. ,.urnhy, J...lisS 0 'Ryan, ~uin, Roche , • Smyth , Walsh, and the C'.o.airman : - 16. The . Chair.Jan declared the resolution lost . Electttci ty SUp-oly poles. The following resolution was adopted mn the mot ion of lIa1 . eegan, seconded by .. r . Cor1s11 :-

That the follo~ in~ SUb- Gom..."!li ttee be apPOinted to ins:pect © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES electrici ty supply poles in Gorey town a n":- district , in consequence of complaints received by the County Council as to the unsuitability of the sites of said poles in some cases, and to report to the Roads( Oomnittee the result of their insnection:­ COL uin, l':essrs . eegan, l .A:rCY, Hall 018yrne, :3myth , ) U' . James Kelly, Ob.air an odS GDrey Torn vomm.issioners, and

.:1'. William ivalsh , To n Commissioner, in conjunction i th

~T. Treanor , Assistant Surveyor for the district . . hat we recommend the Roads I OffiLli ttee to conE'ider the r:tidvisabil i ty of appoint ing si:nilar SUb-COlltlli ttees \ for the tl1ree other distticts in the County.

,,,1' • .c.ilgee mmntioned tl1a.t ~.ev . CEnon Will is, The Rector,

~r,y, had called ~is at~ention to the position of a pole outside

the CLurcl1. and which ould nec~ssitate the cuttinn" do n of a

tree. The ~ector s anxious that the pOSition of the pole be changed to the othe1side of the street. The mat ter waS referred to the Gorry Sub- Comn .. i t tee .

Tlle follow.ing resolution was 8 do: ted on the motion of Col. Quin seconded by •. ..r . .._cC8xthy :- "That the ·l\.inutes 0:: the Roade::! 1 CO::l1 .. i t-:-ee in resnect of meeting held on the 3rd September, 1928, be and are hereby con:irmed exce1}t in so far as Saffle have been al tered or amended by resolution adopted at this meC'ting .

General Road ~tters . Col. Gibbon proposed:- "That t:le County Surv yor b, empowered to procure recent books on .I..oad 'la.. {ing 2nd I ~ovement cost not to exceed £3 . 7b.e :proposition was not seconded. Lr . Cooney called attention to portions of t: e Ue Ross­ reXford oad 1'I'11ich ere in a bad state. Referred to COUllty -urvey#dr.

r.:r. Hayes a sked if some arr 8ll,rTernent could be made · to employ

the n1")n recently engaged at hand- breal{ing a.n .I. orth .~ount8in as they were on the verge 0: starvation.

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES The COunty SUrveyor said he w uld look int the matter and s at next meet ing of the Roads I i ttee if anything coul d be done to et the request of • Hayes. Mr. Gaul ca· led attention t dangerous corner at Clonard cros o near exford. The county r yor sta ted he had a note to deal wi th th~ matter as soon as practicable.

The folIO Ing res~lution as adopted on the motion of Mr. Keegan, seconded by the Cb8.i an:- -That the unty sur yor be dir cted to put in f rce the resolutIon of the CouncIl as to h ~ nd-break1~~ of material in Gorey Hill Quarry. CloDhaston Qya ry. Mr. Shannon proposed and 11". OtE. rne second d the followi re olution:- "That the suspension b the County surveyor o~he four men in Clonhaston quarry ho have refused to bee members of a recognised trades union, be teonfirmed. A show of hands as taken when it as found that six were in favour and six against. The other me bers had left ,t this stage. The Chairman gave xu his casting vote a alnst and then declared the motion 1 t. r. annon said that the Chairman as il ty o'f an 1l1eg 1 act in voting against thiC!' resolution until such

time as the reoolution of the council, makir~ it obligatory on workers to be members of a recognised trade union had been

finally ar~ulled . The Cheirman said that Mr. Shannon could take any action

be desir~d as regardS his (Chairman's) action in this matter. tion TUbercul sis Hospital. The folIo inff moti n of hich he had given previous notice © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES was rmved by Mr. Gaul, seconded by C 1. Quin, nd adopted:­ "That the ex! I'd County Council hereby consents to the borrowing by the C unty. Wexford Board of Health of a sum of £3,052 for the purchase and Elqu1pment of Br Bu11d1n s as a Tuberculosis Hosp1 tal for the County". 001. Qu1n seconded the motion h1ah paseed 1thout dissent.

Petrol Pump at ~rey. The folIo 1ng motion of Which he had given previous notice as moved by Mr. Keegan, and seconde by Mr. D' Arcy:- " at the resolution of the County Council refusing to grant Messrs. Bates and Sons, Gorey, licence for petrol pump (the tank of hich 1s under footpath) be resc1r.tded and that said. licence issue. ' essrs. Bate and Sons are selling a cheap grade of petrol from pump 1n quest10n and hieb t:s a great convenience to a large section the public". A poll was taken on the motion ith the folIo ing result:- For- !essrs. Clince, Co ney, ins, DtArCY, ]))ran, Jordan,

Keega.."l, ~ Shannon, Smyth, Walsh, and ~iss o'Ryan ••... 12. Against- ssrs. Brennan, Corish, CUlleton, Gaul, Gibbon, Hall, Hayes, Mayler, icCarthy, O'Evrne, Quin, Roche and the Chalrman;- 13. r. Colfer declined to vote. The Chairman declar d the motion lost.

~ f ~ llouing re olutio? 'as adopted n the motion of l SS 0 P~ap deconde~ by .r Rall : - That steps sho'ld be t aken t o authorise Ir:",pectors UL'Qer eights and ~ easures ct s to t est the accuracy of SUD }i od of petrol from pe trol pumps ~



Road and ~uarry Workers as Trade Unionists. Councillor Jordan moved the follov ing of which he had given previous notice:- "That the resolution of the C01.mty Council oompellipg wo"rlwrs to be members of a trade4 union be rescinded". In moving his mot ion .u·. Jordan s aid he was influences principally by the fsct of the dismissal of men because theyftid not belong to a union. He maintained that they had no' right to force me~o join any organisation, and even if they had they shoUld no~ force them to do it. Mr . Hall seconded. Mr. Shannon said it appeared very strange to him that .r. Jordan or any member of his party should move such a resolution when they had stated from public platforms that every farmer in the County shaJd be a member of the Farmers' Union. The resolution referred to had be8n passed hen the farmers were in t:1e majority and at a time hen it Was not fashionable to be a ma~ber of the County Council. stramger still he saw in the papers a fe days ago that the chaiT an, at a meeting of the Beet Growers' As rociation, proposed that the Beet Factory put into their next agreement with the Gro ers that they should be members of the ASsociation. He held that the Associatior!md the union were mindred associations, and, therefore, he Was suprised at his friend and colleague moving that motion.

~ . Hayes said he held that there was very little use in saying anything in defence of the resolution, for, to his mina, it waS a}roregone conclusion, that it ould be removed. He had been closely connected with the union the resoluti0n applied to, and it should be borne in mind that the resolution


had served the best interests of the County Council, ruld that there haa not been one moment of a hold- up from the inception of the direct labour scheme to th+resent day. They could .-:- con.j;rast that state of -affairs with other counties, wn~re work was suspended. He kne well that the representatives of the farming comnunity on the County Counc i l had no love for the Transport union, b~t there was no use in anyone golng to get into his mind that the rescinding of the resolution oUld be the death knell of trades l.mionism, in the county. Trades unionism woUld live on. It would be detrimenta~ o the County Council to remove the resol uti0n, and it Was a very retrograde step to move that it be rescinded. He ... eld th8t there as no hardship to any :man that Was e1ll]lo~ed, and that it ~s an honourable thing to be a member of a trades union and an honour­ able thing for a farmer to be a menber of a farmers ' union . .iss O' Ryan sa.id it Was the old Sinn Fein County Cotmcil that put the resolution on the books, believing it Was fair and right , and she still held that Labour should have the protectiOn! f such a resolution. Sit as put on in good faith she ould like to see it continued, but she wanted to say that the Labour Pc-rty abuseC. the power given therp, 'nd tUl~ned it into a political ~to ::iLb-t tHeir ca npa.ign in election4 ,~... She r..a d the CBse of one .1 an she to be a road 'Worker, and because he was a ... ,e_ ublic8n they said he could not cont inue on.

alairman-~e don ' t want to de~elop into politics. fiss O ' Ryan-~e all have a right to our oWn politics. Continuing, Jiss Ryan said that another man in Tara Hill district apolied for embership and Was refused, being tol d that they had enoug..h .en on the roads. Sle held that the Labour Party had abused their power , but hoping that they would co e back and use it in the right direction, she thought it would be only right that the resolution should remain on the books . T'r1e Labour Feop_8© WEXFORD should get COUNTY protection, COUNCIL an--.. should ARCHIVES '_ave their 5/~.

J.11r. eegan said he thought .r . Jordan never moved his motion to injure the orker. He (:r . Keegan) was going to take no part in the discussion owing to the f2ct that it vas a quareel bet een two trades union bodies, of neither of , which l1e was a member. He could bear out 1 issO.l. yan' s state- ment i th reg rd to the pena,lisation of people, but at the same time there was no reason why ~resolution should be taken off the books. There WaS no doubt thpt it had been abused, but, perhaps the farmers ' union abused each other too. He wanted to have unity bet,eenall parties, and he did not think the people who sent hiL there ould ant him to create disE'ension bet een employers and employed. ...here had been a certain amount of abuse, but he had to say that if men of lhhe t e of Iderman Corish a nd others kne What ent on in outlying branches they would not tolerate it.

Alder.man Cor ish sa id one W Jndered hether i t W8$ orth while to Sas anything as to hether the resoluti)n ShO:"11d be left on t:le books or not. certainly he would not hesitate to give a bit of his mind to any official of the Union who auld a")use the resolution. He reme.llber ed well the day the re olution was pasEed, i mmediately subsequent to a County Council election. .l!:ven though on that Council·· ere certain men belonging to bOt~l Lao our and the Ear. ers' Party, they were all certainly Sinn ein in outlook, and the resolution to haae trades unionist workers in connection with the direct labour SChe!lle as passed unanimously. The Council at that time rec06 n ised the value of organised labour. They recognised that organised labour did its part every time it was called upon to do so , and it shoUld be recognised by fa!~ers that it was organised labour with Sinn Fein that prevemted their sons from being dr~d- out to fight for England, thou~ there erB men present Who , perhaps, ould be against organised labouX, bec>use they did that. He did not think that organised 1 about:

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES as a body abused any power . There might have baen oo casions when union secretnries did what they should not have done , and he had abus d them f or that . He did not think it wo~ld be any harm to ask .~. Jordan to adjourn his motion for theee months , and in the meantime there c~uld be an inquiry into matters . They never insisted that a man should pay do n money to the union before he as e."ployed, but afterwards they asked tha.t he should contribute to the association. He would ask Mr. Jordan in the interests of everybody concerned- in the in terests of the Co~c il and the ~orkers and people at the oment not workine; itll the council- to let an independent investigati on be made, ~nd he thought it would be found that organised labour WaS a!L~ious to co- operate with the Council in the best interests of the Council. Colonel Gibbon said he wished to st2te that when they had big agricultural troubles he WaS one of the parties that came to an agreement wi th the Transport Union, and th2 t agree- ment as faithfully carried out. As a. director of the carlo SUgan Factory, 11e also had dealings ith the union, and he had always found thel:1 carry out their side of the bargain Ho ever , f r om the County Council point of vie he was not quite certain that the arrangement ktl1 regard to labour as quite sound . They were co ~elling their orkers to belong to an organisation which was represented on the County Council by the elected representatives of tLe Tr~nsport Union. Tnose representatives ere in the County Council in a dual capaci ty __ they were there primarily looking after the interests of members of their union, but they should be there primarily

lo.:>king after the interests of the r~t , payers. Mr . Hayes-. So e axe . Continuing, 01 . Gib' on said that there Was too much of a tendency for the Labour representatives to , rightly or wrongl y vot e f 6r increases ~f money to be spent to keep the members of their union gOing , as opposed to the interests of ratepayers. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES He thought that wa,s a fUse position for the Labour representatives to be putting the selves in, 8nd he thougpt they should welcome a standing up in the Jouncil and not being compellen to vote for what they might see, i~ the interests of the Council, was ~ong.

~ . O'B~ne, s8id that Col.Sibbon W8S there in a dual capacity in the same W8Y as he mentioned that the me:nbers of the Transport Union l"'ere , as he WeB looking a.fter the interests

of the ~"'ar,ner s' Uni ou.. He challenged Col. Gibbon to sho that the _ransport Union advocated the snending of money, ithout v81 ue f or it. He held that they got value for the money

~pent , amd he did not think that anyone ould C8re more for value than the members of the Union. The biggest cause of the trouble with the union now was that the union stood for efficiency, and it Was the inefficient man 110 was kicking up

the ro . They h8d al ays sbood for a day's ork for E. day ' s ~b \I ages. They Qi no Jase for a man who W2S brought up for inefficiency, a nd they did not back up a man when it 'Could be shown that he was not givinG satisfaction. They kammered

into the people 110 were ·orkir..g the nece ss i ty of giving value for money, and the held out that they got tha.t . '.t'hey held that they got better value for money in the County than in any othef County in Ireland, and the man working am the road and the man who represented him on the Council were as anxious for success as any member could be. He believed if they took

the resolution off the books they WOUld not be glad~or having done so. tt . Roche held there was no similarity be een the Transport Union and the Beet Growers ' Assomiation. Mr . Shannon- They are kindred aSSOCiations .

U'. Roche said that men were paid by the Beet Gmowers '

Associatio~ to look after their produce in the factory. N~nety­ two per cent of the growers ere in the associa.ti)n, and eight per cent were not, and the eight pe ~cent were havi~g their work

done for nothing.' id _d'. Sl1arul)n think it fair to hElve beet © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES handled and sampled without paying for that work? He coul d not see how th'"'t compared With the Transport Union at al l . r , J ordan said there was not much to say in reDly to the reterences to his motion. ..cst of the remaris ere irrelevant.

They went back ei~lt or nine years , but he did not see what thpt had to do t h the matter at all . The impressi on would be tf-1ken from the speeches that he Was against trades unionis~ . Ald. orish- I did not say that . r . Jordan said he wcnted to get freedom for the me ~ o join or not join the union as they ished. He did not see ho that WES (3 gainst trades unionism. He thought that some one m~de a statement that ncfne WaS asked to pay m:mey before being taken on in emplo}rrnent, but he could ~ ntion cases ~here men were asked, and one ~ase of a man Who was out of employment for twel~e months . ll' . Corish proposed:- "T'nat consideration of r . Jordan' s notive of motion be adjourned for three months; in the meantime that the Council

I.ruce any in~estig8tioPs tney . ay consider neces0ary to ascertain any hardships which it is alleged ere i:r..flicted on worlcers, and as to hoy the resolut i ~n to employ only trades unionists had

~ffected road and quarry work generally in the County ."

Ur . G{lAU seconded.

A -)ol~ was taken on ~' Corish ' s arnendi11ent i th the fol ~ owing result:-

For- Miss 0 'Ryan, Ald Corish, ·I~essrs .. 01 ince, Colfer, Cooney, CUm :c ins, Gaul , Hayes, {eagan, 'cCarthy, O' Byrne and Shannon ..... 12 .

Against- Col . uin, Col . Gibbon, \~essrs Brennan, Coll

DOran , Hall , WaJ.sh,Jordan, J. ••ayler , ."urphy , Roche, Smyth and the Chairrnan ...... 14. The Amendment was declared lost .

. A poll Was then taken on r . Jordan' s motion ~i th the following result :-


For :- ,essrs. Brennan, Culleton, D'Arcy, Doran, Gibbon, Hall Jordan, ayler, J:.urphy, Quin, Roche , Sc.ayth, Walsh, and the Cb.airman...... 14.

Against :- l~essrs . Clince, Colfer , Oooney, Corish, Cill~TI ins,

Gaul , Hayes , ,cCarthy, o 'Byrne , ~iss Ryan, and Shannon ...... In. Mr . Ke egan declined to vote. The Chairman declarad the motion carried.

At the conclusion of the me"ting , .la'. O'Byrne gave notice of mo tion to rescind 1 r. Jordan 's resolution, and ~he secretary mentioned that \~ . Jordan's proposition could not be effective until's. O'Byrne ' s motion was disposed of , and no $teps could be taken to interfere with the resolution on the books in the meantime .

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Membershin of Qounty Board of Health. e folIo ing motion of hich previous notice had been given st d in the name of , Shannon:- -Th:t e, the C unty (X)uncil of Wex! rd County, consider the present constitution of Health ards, a far as numbers are c ncerned, inadequate to properly deal i th the rk entrusted to them. A member ip of ten spread 0 r a large area cannot h~ ~9.:: :~Lpersonal kno ledge of an r matters which i 8 essential. ,~{r Call on the vernnent to introduce legislation to ha the ~embership lncrea ed t t enty se tba 11 districts ill ha~ proper represe at ion. That copies of this resolution be sent to the Local Go ernment inister, the five T.D.fs f he County and all COunty Council s in the Saorstat and the General Ooun i l of County Councils". Under date 6th September, 192ti, the f 110 ing read fr m th To n Clerk, Enniscorthy:-

\' I am directed to acknowledge your letter f the 3th AUgi st, relative to the re resentation of Enndsc rthy town on the County Board of Health, and in reply t state that m Co .cil desire to rotest in the strongest ssible manner n he c nstit ti n of the He lth Board on hich Enniscorthy is no~ represented, 2nd requesting one of· the ',exfoI'd _ e r sentatives t r f:!irn to a1 OW 1/ a representative from Enniscorthy to be elected •

•lr . ShaPnon, in 'pr sing te!:l t n, seid 1 t i I)eo~ib e f r the present Hecl th Board in th.e County t do all its work because of the large area whiCh had no representation. There

as a membership of t enty on the Mental o~pltpl C .nmittee . con ection ith the County Health Board they had the administration of th CC)1 nty Hosuit ,the County Home, and auxllary ho ita sand cottages • . He believed his reso utlon d be f vourably

c ns dered by the vernment hen 1t as deal t i th b p the other public bOdies in the Saorstat. Mr. ,Po Keega, ec nding, Said that rey as ell as Eonlsc rth. v eo 1thout a re resentatlve on the Health Board. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES ~7 I ~~ey he ~ earest representative Was C 1. Quin, ho l1ved three miles from the to n, and Mr. Hall, ho lived

i~~ c nsequently inv~lved a certain amoWlt of hards 1 on the peopl e.

• Jorda , Chairman of the Hec~h Board, said it a hIs opinion that the present membership of that b0dy as Quite . suff1cient, and it ould be agreed that m re efficiency as obtained by hroling small membership. ihe ork of th Heatth Board Was of ,a general character, and he could not see any advantage in 1ncreas1ng the me bership. Mr. P. Ha s supported the mot1on. In reply to r, T.F. D'Arcy, the Secretary tated that the Mental Hospital Committee and the County C Jittee of Agriculture comprised twenty and t enty-f1ve members respectivel~ . D'ArcY-D:> you say those bOd1es have more to do than the v He- th Board.-

The Cha irman (Mr. M. Doyle) said be had no de re t s top the increase of membersh1p, but if they 1ncreased the number of members ,they would requ1re four days a month instead of t 0, as at present ) t do the '". ofthe Bard. He hat the or ~ of the Board was, and that it had been ound difficUl t to do it i th ten rnemb~rs two days. If the membership increased it auld probably take another day or toto do that or. At the present time they had an excellent staff of officlals. The

Interes $ "If the people ere not being neglected, and hf> ould not have it sald that they had been neglected. At the meeting of the General Council of· County liounclls, when the matter of increasing the mberShip of the Health B 2rd as dlscussed it as advocated that they be made smaller. He did n0t mind If they ~ncrea~ed the membersh1p, but In his opinlon the ork of the !oard ' ould not be as ef iciently done • . ~. Keegan- still hold that to ns like Uorey and Enniscorthy should h?ve representation.

Mr. Sbann~n s~ld he dld not ant to cast alY reflecti n

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES In .... I ey ~ re.., t representat ive was C 1. uin, h lived three miles fro the to n, and Mr. RaIl, ho lived y, nd iOO c nsequently in lved a certain amount of hardship on the people • . • Jordan, Chair an of the Recuth Boa d, said ita his 0 inion that the pr sent membership 0 thatb dy s quite , sufficient, and it ould be agreed that m re efficiency as obtained by having small membership. lbe ork of the Heatth Board Was of a ge eral character, and he could not see }my advantage in 1ncreasing the membership. tt. P. Hayes supported tle motion. In reply to r, T.F. D'Arcy, the Secretary stated that the Mental Hospltal Committee and the County C Jittee of Agriculture rised t enty and t enty-five members respectively . D!ArcY-Dl you say those bodies have more to do than the I,..- Real th Board.' The Chairman (Mr. '. DOyle) said be had no deSire t stop the "ncrease f membershlp, but if they 1ncreased the number of members tbey ould requIre four days a month 1nstead of t 0,

as at present) 0 thA rk of the Bard. He hat the orA~ f the Board as, and that it had en ouod difficUlt to do it ith ten members two days. If the' membership increased it ould probably take another day or two t do that rk. At the present time they had an excellent staff of officlals. The interes of the people ere not be1ng neglected, and he ould not na:ve--i t said that they had been neglected. At the meeting of the General Counc1l of' County l.i uncllS, hen the atter of

inoreasing the mberShlp of the Health B ard 8~ dlscus~ed it as advooated that they be made smaller. they increased the membershlp, but in his opinion the ork of the

~oard ould not be as ef loiently done • . ~. Keegan-I still hold that t ns 11ke . rey and Enniscorthy should have representation.

Mr. Sh ~n said he did not ant to cast anv reflect! n


The f~110 in c~ndidates ~ailed at examinatlnn:-

~eesrs . Patrick Tobin, Marshallsto _, Enniseort y; James French, Barysh2ne, Cam 1_:1. Rebert 'loul dS, Camolin.

~s. Margaret ~le, B llyco rc y , Enniscorthy; is Kenny, Bal_vconran, Craanford; Charles T. S::.it: ... , 63, !..&In street, C..orey;

Peter C~pnolly, 8 pearse. Street, Gorey;

~iCheel Breen Tinnashrule, Ferns; .o:rgan llUrnh , "",41 "" y Cottage, C"m"'1in; Peter Somers, Killo en, rey; Ph1lip O':e!ll, Ballyconran, Crean ord end

l1ichael Con~""en, K1l1ybeP'S, Inch. It as decided that a pol b taken bet e na1l eligible candidates. This resu_ted as folIo S:­ Fo!" Forde-Ntl. For D:>ra D'Arcy, Keegan, O' By!"n , and sh...... 4-

Fo!' Ke ~- Mes rs. C~f\ney, Corish, H..,yes and Shann n ...... 4.

Fer Dunne:-Mee~rs. Brennan, Cline , ~Cl.itlJton, Doran, ~ 1,

Gibbon, J rdan, .Llay1er, ...lcC rthy and .• r~ ~ ... 10.

For Smith~Messrs. S th and the Chairman •.. . ••...... • 2. F r Funge- A1sQ C'Rya."'1 ••...... 1.

F I' Bolger-Mes~r9 Colfer, ~ni ,Hall and Roche .•...... 4.

Forde and Funge ha ing dropped"" t c -ell TIa~ ~aken be een Meg 1'9. ran, y,ealv, Dunne, th and Bolger ith the following resul t :-

For ..... ran; .. lessrs . D'Altcy, Keegan, O' yroo, Wal~h, and ~lls~ ",' "'an...... 5.

Fo!" Kealy-Messrs. Coney, Corish, Ha~ es cmd Shannon ...... 4 For Dunne-Messrs. Brennan, itt!t:b1XX C11noo, Culleton, Doren,

Gaul, Gibbon, Jordan, 1a~ leI', Mccarthy nd 'urp'hy 1 • F r 8m th- Smyth and the airman...... 2 For Bolger- essrs. Cel er, Cummins, H2ll and 3 Che •...... 4. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES 1th ., . dr p~ .... f\ut and a poll .as taken n ran, Y.ea y, and ~ol r w1 the folIo lng resJ.l t:-

... or DJ:Lan-Messrs. D'.A!cy, Keegen, C'~ rne, Smyth,'lals and 1 s O· yan...... : ...... 6. For y-~es~ s ~~oney, Uor1Sh, H~yes and Shannon...... 4.

F r Dunne-Messr~. Er nnan, Clince, lleton, Doran, Gaul, G1bbon, Jor ., layler> ccarth. and Murphy ..... 10.

or Bolger-Messrs 0 lter, '~ in, I... 1, .oc.l1e and the

c:tl.a1 .. .an...... ~ ...... 5.

Kealy no d.r •.• d out "nd 1:' poll as taken bet een DOran, ~~e, and Bolger ith the foIl 1n re~u1t:- F r Doran- essrs D' !rcy, Keegan, o'Byrne , Smyth, Walsh and

Hiss OlR an ...... " ...... 6

For Dunne- .~rs. Bre n, 01 c, Culleton, Drrcn, GaUl, G1'bbon, Jordan, May· r, =_ccarthy, ...ur hy and am.on...... 11 For Bolger-Messr • C lfer, C~~ney, C o~ l~h, C 11 s, Hall, Ha. s, R ch , end th Chairman ••...... 8 e fina_ poll • ich s bet en d Bolger "'s then t~ken th th fo1lo lng resUlt:- D.mn.e- e srs. Brennru., Clinea, ulleton, D' Arcy, ran,

GaUl, Gibbon, Jordan, ~ yler, 1 cCarthy) "mr hy, a sr ...... 13. , C ney, C ri~h, Cummins, Hall, Hayes, Keeg , 0' ... ne, R che, .... m. th, '. s ,-.] n and the lrm-n...... 12.

C 1. Quin had ... eft be! re any vote ' as t~ken.

The Ch"'irman declared .a" . ted. e t· an..1<:ed the members f r h s eleetion end

PI' do ~ I • h1~ P er t g.ve satlsfecti0n in the dlsch I'~ f h1s duties. In l'e!)ly to the Ch::t1rman he sel e Uld re ide in he

ist~ict if necessary.

The folIo ,ing is a cony of ..r. nets a".licat1~n f r tre © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES poel 10n.

I be~ t app_v or the sit n fate C ect 'r f r}'T 15 di tl'ict (Gorey Urban, .... u ... al etc.).

I ~ ssaet falrly d stpndard f education, and if ap inted sh~ n sa ur ul 11 ~. dutie in ~ c~nsclenti u nnd efficient manner.

I enclose c : oOP refe e ...1ce r m • ~ ul,C.C. urt- nacudd" •

7 I • The folIo ing resoluti n a~ adonted on the m t1 n f o'Byrne, ... econded by 11r. cCarthy: - a1sh" .C.C. be app inted t'"l fil the vac ncy existlng n the !T. Old ge ension SUb-I" tte.

Un__ ~~~-===-=-=~ e C .~ittee f the Aca em! Council ~f nl rstty ~ lle , DJblin, rote un rae 5th ~ ~te bel', 1928 ree mmendlng tea ard of Univer tty Seho~ar hips to the 011 lng:- Thom B. L 1'ris ey, cann 1

p:'"l'et ... r yn ,C rtnaeud y, Enni e rt y. .03.1 !tar atrlc... c Hic:"ey, 7 'l ell 'e '!' r-ece, Ennl cor thy • The f 110 1n r~~ lution roeconded by . . ' O'B rne and do ted:- "That niversity cho1crsh1ps be aw dad T B. arrissey, erg et Frayne, and Patr 1ck H1ckey in accordance 1 th rec Dlm?nd­ ation of the Academic Council of Un1vers1ty College, Dub11n, an also in accordarice i th the a p ... lcatlon forms of the d students. "

'That the Uni rslty Authoritiew be requested to cons&der .the sirabl11ty of recomnend1ng the CounCil to ~ard University Scholar·ship to Joseph, G. CUlle , Ib Jonck treet, weXford, (bti7 mark) the Councll being of opinion that he 'Would . ben£~it by a Un! rslty course.

~t. Helen's arbour. e fol © WEXFORD COUNTYarlng COUNCIL a large numbe ARCHIVES of s1 as read:- 1 d d re ectf 1 as a fe momvnts

f ~ ur attent1on. e live in the dietr ct bet een Ro elare and C rnsore and e g eat r did d r!ve a go d po ti n f ur l1vin r m fish1ng. and! there' and even 1n our Fathers' tea risk teade as do n !1eh1ng in this locallty. of st Helen' Was in d rder, so t rt fishIng bOats mIght ent r or eave a; y et te of the t 1 • When it 1s st 1th tr th ti s ago almst hundred p _sons ere engaged at fishIng here: ..en. ex!ord to n h~d a large fle tof bOets l\,;h... n had to run here ... r helter:

.en al necessaries re upplled t The... skar atter it beln~

bull t over a hundred years ago, the i tance of thls f1~h1ng ort can be imag1ne • It is the nearest p 1nt of land t the TuSker ch 1s

. 1 ~ed u. n as one of Ir land's great st F r a v'rlety f rp. s ns S '! t e ax 1"e h'" ce n 1n lnt disuse.. e J.2.nd1n.g { a bee" Aver.' a!' .. re 1ff cu -. tIl at 1e t be H b lr tel. bloc d ¥f ~1sheri "slte ~ the plac r centl In 1 res 1 t .at if the t .. a rta1h

.un ll11n~ 0 ut an l.ID.t

ext l' C Unty C cl1 t 1 '

un n the pr ject e d n n t 1~h to be p.,s_tl 1st the d b

uld do all In T er t~ facIl1tate the c rting f materlal etc •

... t ~ ugh .ant of land1ng f c1t1t1es the fishing decl1ned

1t uld be t nauura1 toe _ ct t 8 t , . ere th ... al''' 1mpr red © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES the fishing 1~r ve in pr porti0n, thereby finding re!l1U1ler tive f toyment r a great n "nber"f .rsons. deputatlon fro~ o~r ai t upon the County

Counc~l and i_I, b~ prepured t 1\~ 'lll the lnforrD.8tl n in their "'!)o ere

(Si _ed). James ~'Arcy,C.C. K1lrcne, (Chalrman). trick O' B ien, Bal_. 11 , (cp.cre 8rw)'

J" .. ~ s Staffor , st. Helen' e, Kilrane.

Patrick rlon~, Churcht , Xl r8ne. Patrie Hagan, Ball gi lane Llttle.

~_chael erguson, Ba lygl ane.

JShn pierce, B~her .

J an \"Lc~mam, Waddlngsland.

illlam McCorma~ , Bi.g.

Rl c..~ard .. cCorma 0 , B ng. John Pitt, Bint".

J se~h P1tt, Blng. Wil' COdd , Bing. J hn Cleary, Ballykn ockan. J a."ll9 HageL'l, al1ygil ana. 111m-on yl J, Bal1yg __ aM.

N~cholas Pierce, Kllr~ne.

William T~bln, ~urcht ,Kllrane .wx e Ha es, H2rrlst n, K! ranee

Jo ..1J. Reyes, Harrl sto n, Kl rane.

Walter HOC r c, lng, Kilr~ne. John Hore, Boker, Kl1rane.

Wll11a~ Ferguson, Tenacre, Kllrane. 1il1l1am Leary, ...allalane , K11rane. John Lambert, Kill ane, Kl1rane.

mas Furl ng, ~t . Helen' s , Kilrane.

J"'Ih Carr, st. Hol n ' ~ , Yi_!'ane. Richard ·Leary" Kl1 ene, Xilrane. J s ~lc am, Rosolare Harb ux. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES om s Purcell, waadingsland. Gerald H':)re, B k r, Kilrane.

mas C~ , ,.... t. Helen' s KIlr?ne .

. chard ... enlon, Kilr~ 4 • attended The fo_lo Ing deputation/to ~UPD rt the me r1al:-

P • O'Btten, Secretarw t Fishermen' s ASC!! ciati n, ~. .Iic~{! am,

Cw: ai~ vf Ros~lare Life Boat, and Mr. O t Le~, a local fIshe~man . e Chairman e .. ;:pl ined t t s me :p arB ago there as a fl urishing industry L. connecti !1 • !.th the harb U!" ,-,ut fishIng

lapsed during the ar as ork on the land 28 more remunerative.

N~ things had altered a~d wor~ on the and nrt ~e1ng so ,r fltabl~

th '! shermen ad returned to their C I •• ~vocat1on . There ere 15 famil ies dependant .... n the indu try and the .tinieoter fo

Fisheries had promised th~t to1s Department 0 Id rovlde

£300 t anrds the repair of the H~rboUl· if the unty C uncil . put up £200, as ... t as calcula #d tbat the ep" irs ould c.... st £500.

Mr. O'Leary c.-tE'ted that s me ye~rs ago 4C fa'lli ies derived a

living from 1shl~ 1 c nLect1~n 1th the Herb ur.

Col . Giob n sald t - t t e pl r as orlGi~al ... ~I' maint2.1ned

':: . tre Landlord ho oave a cert~1n amolmt of 8 sC!ist8nce

himself ith free labour rr~m &11 the fishermen liv1ng 1n the

loca.1ty. ~1 t method of L~eu1ng the ier in rep 11' lapsed

a g()('Id ma'!' ye~!'s aeo, end , f c '·rs~ , as tlie ~_Clnd bad been

u cha~ed out there ndlord t help. mn ho l1ved near the p aoe _ rom1sed to ut the ler in order h the help

of the f1she ~n, b t, ~fortunptely he died a eek after he made

th promise. He (~l. Gibbon) agreed ith the est1llate of the

Count' Surveyor t at it t ~ut t e ~18ce 1nt

r condition ,1th al' the goOd ill in the ~rld the

Mlnister of or FiC"her1ec:- c uld t do anything 1.IDt1l the money had been"" rovi ed 1n tIle ne l'bt1t)nal udget.

'r. l!;l ae, Solicl t r, said thpt the leI' Was ~+ QC eduled under the _ ct of P2 1 iam nt and t e Co C unc '1 U d not © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES me mone on a.- ",. pi 8S not sc d e by statute. C 1. in rop s 0. n s c nded a re 1ution r ! r~_ng tne .at er t~ the R~~ s ' C mitt

Mr Kee~en pr :lsed he follo " g v:l en secon d b.l~ .... Gaul :­ "T ... &t his ..,':)uncil are prepare t 0 ntr "but 40 _er cent f the co t, _eue!~S t st S _ente Harb~u~ n - t t~ e not

yoeE>dine £7S0, and r Vi ed an: 1'... al in be . tter can be 0 ·erco " ter disc' 8 0 i 1'1, C 1. !.lin ~ thdre h _8 motion, anu at:of.AI'

~ ~.eed tc dles nt. ice .

. e County Librarian forwarded c y of the ~ _1 ~l~ 1 tter • teL cal Government paxt. e t, under d te 4th August, 1.;28, ' (NO G

~22l1/1928, L,ch Garman P.F.):-

Adverting t your letter f the 20t~ ' ultimo, transm1ttin~ co y of r~ rt on t e manner in ~ Ss f... istant Libreri ., dlschar d •. ~r ~ 1 S sin e f:!). "1nt ~nt) :: y e 'lnl~t r f~r L c 1 G vernm nt d 'b:1c Health to st- e t a+ he a~se_ts to 'the app"" n ment f ...ss D yle nape an nt as!s as ASs! ... ta!lt Li.nrC'rlan.

In c nnecti n ith the .1 r y pre~t~e" th L cal ~verr~~ nt

J):lp rtment -: arded co'" Y i)f he f (G. 00012/1928, L"" -

Garm!:l P.F.), 1.h.ich h d been forw rded t t e L1 rar r C

I am directed b' the ~ nlster _ r L~c~l vern ent arrd Public

Heal .h "'0 ackn ledge the receipt of your .etter -:-: the 2 t·. ul t i ,

and t att nt1 n t Sect1')ns 9 and 13 0 the bl c

Libr~r e (Ireland) Act, IH55, as adapted to C unt Co nci1s by Sectl n b5 : teL ca! ~, 1925. . s t10n f ne 11 rar} pr ·mises is u fOl

instance, and 111 ~equi~e t~e pri r sa ctton f this partm~nt .

the ~pecl:!1c ro eal sJ: ould be su mitted tr..r "€'h

t~e C ·.rot. C unoil f r t 1le (:n1 (:Iter' s constderutior-

•. 9 fOll~ ing res 1~t1 n ~ adopted n tIe moti n f C lonel Q11in, ,.. conded ./ Mr Hall:-

© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES .. at e h reby oonftrm the foIl ing res 1utl n adopted

.. 'Q~ 0.; ~ls Co 011 n the 11 ft. J ) -..I- .-. " t "'T't e C",un C", cl1 agr e I the Llbr!lr t ee rentlng the re!Ilise e or rent ." ...... esc:rs. r~, ... . y-J;4 an 4 !!i, pr m1 (lies t e eld free of a11 end tp. e te I ~ t be .etermm e at en.- tl colx nths' n~t ... o :!.n

~1tl n~ on e1ther slde.

The fo11 ing ~ esn! t1 n as ad ted on h m t 0 f C 1 QU1n, a11 :- " at, as reo ende by Lib ary C mmlttee , the npmes of ...lss O· ~ran, .(.C.C. and lis K thle Bro ne , Rathronan Castle, :rldget , be added to he Llbrary Co 1 tte ".

S~raY)Iluat10 • 'Flaherty, So1 1c1~ ~r

'Under dat 22nd Ug1 st, _92e , t:....., Lvoal OOp rtment

Ii 1st~r h '"' h s o ance f £1 ~-; 6 t ~ . B.J . y n l"eSpest of hls s r lces as

So110 ... t r t he late G~re" ~ur ~_s'"_ .' nfVw v...."1 C'l_. A"'J.dlt t . [Jnder dat 1st A t, ... 928 tIle !);lpartment f L cal

wrmnent r te I A. S. 53377/28 L ch G rl"'le !,b.) ."... g f -,f t" e .... ~ it 1" hi~ I)f the aocou t (}:) ty Counc11:-

t T "! b a to re, rt t~. C' ... .ave au lted t e DOOO lIT ~ unty C~ ci1 ! ~ th t 0 he_f - ears endE"

Cert1f!e oo~ies of the ab~trRots ~e f r c_ded h re _the

• _e fol 0 Ing tab 111 per~1t a compar1son ~~ thv rate

struc~ ~v . t~~ s~r ~ice ... t~e ~e ar ~27-28 ith the rate str c _ for the ye~r 1 9!-3- .... 4.



~ e<,t i th £. (General)

1, .... 4-

/A "S ta . 4/9 9IVI+ 9/4~ 9/5i

In 0 far &S t.e coupler~ f nce:-ned to e c.ot') re r te as = d ced b., 81_ in the

::. . ...n ... e nect f ",sch of thA fo ~ c. . .. tr ... cteo in - 913 -3~ ; ""'nd in the

he £ . t'le ...~ - ;L6 ....U to ...... s rep ~ e~entin~ the _1 lei~n of ~he Agricu tura1 rant ap~licc' 1e t t. r eo ective "ear . ... e .Go J.lctJ.t' r(J Grant !...... 132;- 23 I)uld

p e =~ 1tte ~_ a =e b at e c -/7),~ 1n he £. r nt of

1 . _D thp. £ .

" ~!'i tm-CL:.. len by r b t c1. able .

.. e C UI.c 1 's records ~ r 1913-11' "nd e me prevl')u and subeequ nt

ere str }ed in 1922 n c se nc a c ~cr1son • tn the

+- ~~ • :.t ss1ble.

_leo fnr... n !"'t The .... ate be- 15 district fall t l? c " mt th sum of £832 .1?c c r h1m nd I have d lis

ainst him oe th he nr vist n~ ect_on

2 f the 1"'C aJ ...? . lect r s h ever c v red : a fid 1_40 B nd, '.:I. he 1s8u ng C~ pn .. hes n c i tte . _., ab11i t. :-nd 1"' __ 1 , it 0., relrrb SA the

Oome l in the couroo tjf e ae r o .. e full e~ ten t')fthe

11 ins ~ c , r ne .L"" 1 " Bte. -Th © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES The _ cret"l' .. '" ,t) ... !"ted t. since las+ e t n ~f h u mcil .... oad Gr"nt am mt ing t., £ n r cei :r ."!l! th L cal G. 'V"9r . nt t . c+ .

Unde ~t, 1-,28 the rt nt ...... }_~ __ ~u1 ture + ... J (L . 26k~-...... t En f!1c .,. "" t b rtment

1es f ~u t r for anc1~'se8 ... t th f 110 _n~ places:-

_ew ... ~ ss 4: F rns:4: Bunclodv 4:

and rey 4. _ S ... les ta'{l'!ln ~ ro d tn be enuin.

+h t der date ..... r .. - 19 , t!1e _ ptional He 1 t Ins ance Comrnlssi~n .rote (9847/28) ~~at Mr. S nn ' B.~ne, .C.c. f t: ... e C')ur ... t} Insurance C". 1tteB and h in h1s pace.

The fo1 0 1ng resolutl~n c P d n the t1

Cul_et~ , sec

" ."!)t ~~r . Jam·s Ga 1, M.. C. C r"'igeen Str et, . xfnrd,

e appoInted a re r sentat1ve ") t e exford C unt oJ uncil C it e

ng eSQ.u 1 n as ad~nted n t e motion of

b~ ~~. Sh~~~n:-

un er P 1s ns 'lnd _-Fr oy ~ct i t

~ +loo. t ... eet, p. s rene ala ~~ 1cenc 8

ct i ... !=: C dd, 2..1 and 2 ~~L... C"t:: t,

Ennisc _+hY;Jose ... h J. H n, Fern , R nd ~_ob rt .eo"'r ,

K... 1 .ne, ~ 1 ~ crt

rep :!. t11)n • c 1ved fr C!t ath C 01 © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES £ 30 o I

It at t s !Jr...,:1 call _n h Go rru nt t abol s

_ . D. IS rt in the

:tter. re?d "'$ It ps dec:...de + ~t be re + ent ._et! ta ~- +1 ... c-.... d no ive he "" . ".cm es. d fr Kerr!' ... nun Y .L e "! llD.cl1 :- to B .::: t h C 011 the F ee e 1 e c .... -onerate ~rdlng 6 !'e_ 1 n to t se9 t e annu.ties ax n sp nt!.n hlf! C untry" U

-BESOL ~D : - Th~'" th C ULC':':

n tv ..... CC lth cent r nt from d.efa .... t1. g - in t ir az1n ",bt"lnl gal If)oal e

c1et~, as suCh S c ties, it _9 del' to d 11 ...

f ~Ullds ~ e Ag:rlcult1 ... _ i l' ~utur t s me tte n. fa te.s r..':'IV f y r 1€' arr r "1 _ ax en ed. The 1, and th cing at the . r C uncll~ pl'esent t lme . .co~1e t tb f the Free state. " '1s,,-, .... . :yan r pt')sed!:ln . . TI l .. cy ~9C n ~e' the

ad ~tl~n of the res lut~"'n . lr. "cOar' Y _ rijpos d an men ent tea opt ... "n

t i~ _ n _f t e ~ ret ~ar~gr ~h.

a~ carr.ed by nine ~ f1v .

other bel' th1s state

The f 11 fr m Gal y unty C uncil ''Ry~n and s c· me . Th?t tee nell "'nd f he Frs sta e rerru.ent © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES ( t)

the 1mmedl~te r 1 ase f all Re,ub11c~n Prlsoner~ in Irish Jei s. ... ?t c .. ,. reso uti n be sent to each County

C cl1 ln r d. II e Chairman d cline to cce t t e reso~uti ~~ e stated it as po_ltl a!. Women Prisoners' Defence League

Ules S~ :-

"Thpt the le"f1e rd d t s Oounci1 by the om n Pri oners' be the Press t ,.. uO'h . .&.he C unto

.l.'.'J.r.'l Ha ,es ... (,'1 • cCarth~r ft .J.- s~d:- • hBt the C c1 pr c ad t he pxt b ~ n s~.

~. Hall eec n_.e •

'?1e _ irman e eli accept "'he pr , s n ./ieq D'Ryan and said he the mBtt r out of orde~ '. ee •

t 1 .~O n the 2_th epte~ er, J28., C urth . e S b-C rnrnitte

n the 2.0 t c .. ok and he ..JJ1o..a.r."'sh ips Sub-C tee

n .&.he 29th Septem~,r, at lO.3_.a•. 1 ~t C unt Counci Chamber, . ex! rd.

:.:;.;.;;;=:.:::.::-..::.:...:..:::.;.:~.:.=...... !!..::a:.:::..r €it C • Lett r from Dublin Commi tt r "'b" as aid bet' e t

et ng, ut n ~ct_~n 88 t~ken.





The monthly meeting of the Wexford County ~uncil was held in County Council Chamber, ortview, exford, on 8th October, 1928. Present: Messrs. J. Brennan, J. Clinea, P. Colfer, T. cooney, R. Corish, J. Culleton, J. Cummins, T.F. D'Arcy, J. D:>ran, J. Gaul, Colonel. Gibbon, J. Hall, P. Hall9s, • Jordan, W. P. Keegan, T. Mayler, T. McCarthy, J. Murpl)y, seah-O' Byrne, iss Nellie O'Ryan, Colonel Quin, M.M. Roche, M. Smyth and J .E. alsh. The Secretary, As sistant Secretary, the County Surveyor, and Mr. John Elgee, 0 lcitor, ere in attendance. the motion of , . o 'Byrne, seconded by Colonel uin, the chair as taken by . 'rhoma... cCar hy. Subsequently.: D:>yle, . Chairman, attended (after the minutes had been read and signeo.) ~ and sided for the remaln4er of the bua- t'- iness • . Shannon (Vice-Chairman) also attended at the same time and as present for the rest of the business.

Confirmation 0 ~inutes of ommittees.

Finance Committee. The minute of meeting of inance ,Committee in espect of meeting held on 1 th Se tember, 1928 were submi tted:-