Legend Legend ELU_summar Proposed LegHiellsn/Rdocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 Agriculture Agriculture A1 ProISp-oRseesiddential Hills/Rocky Qarueaarsry to Park Public uRtileitsy idEexnisttiainl gR3 Residential R2 Legend Commercial Legend Agriculture A1 IS-ResidentAiagAlrgicriuclutulturere A A12 IISnd-RuAQsegutsrraiiadcrleurylnt uttiorae lP Aa1rk IS-ResidentRiaeQRl cuereasiardrtyeio ntnot/i OaPlp aRerk3n space Quarry tRo ePsRaidrekesnidtiaeln Rtia4l R3 Residential R3 Defence area Commercial Proposed Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 Proposed Agriculture A2 Hills/RockIny dauresatrsial Agriculture A2 Public uIIntnilddituuyARs Egetrrxciiaaicrsellu tEialntutxgiirosent iA/nOg2pen space IRndeussidtreianltial RReRR2ceercesriadeteiaontniot/iOanl/p ORep4ne snp aspcea cEexisting RecreatiRoens/ROidepesenindti aeslnp Rtaiac5le R4 Residential R4 Forest Commercial Existing InduAsgtrriiaclu ilntu Rree Acr1eation/Open spaIAScge-Rriceuslitduernet RiAae1l sidential AgricultIuSr-eR Ae1sidentiaQl uarry tRo ePsaidrkential TransportatioQnuarry toR ePsaidrkential R3 Residential R3 AgricultuCreo mA1mercial IS-ResideInntdiaulstrial ExCisotminmg ercial Quarry Itnod PuCRasroetkrmciarmLel Eaeetxrigcoisinaeti/lnnOgdpen space ExisIRntidenusgsidtreianlt iEalx RisRR3tieencgsrideeantiotianl/ ORp5en space ExistinRgecreation/ROepseind esnptaiacle R E5xisting Residential R5 Legend LegenHidlls/Rocky areas Defence MineAsg raicnudl tQuruea Arr2ies ExistiLngegenIAngddruicsutrlitaulre RAe2sidential AgricultIunrdeu Ast2rial RecreatiRoens/Oidpeennti aslp taoc AegricultureR Ae1creatiRone/sOidpeennti aslp Ra4ce Residential R4 LegenAgdricultuCreo mA2mercial ExistingIndustrialIndustrial inC Roemcrmeearticoianl/ OEpxeisnti nsgpaRceecreatIinodnu/CROsoetprmsieaindmPl eisrennpor tcRapiiacaeolel c AsEregexaridsitctiouinnlgtu/Orep eAn1 spIRnadecuessidtreianlt iianl HRRRie4llecesrs/seRiiddaoetecionnknttyii/aa Oall rApTeegraanrsin cssupplatoucrretea tAio1n Residential RAPegusrbiicdliucel tnuuttriiaelitl y AT 1Eraxnisstpinogrtation Residential TRreasnisdpeonrttiaatli oRn2 Hills/Rocky areas PubLlice ugtileityn Edxisting Residential R2 Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 LPreogpeonsded Defence - Industrial MineCso/mQmuaerrrcieiasl PropoICsnodemuudssmttrrieiaarlc lEiaxRlisetsinidgential ExistinHgIinllsd/uRsotrcikayl EarxeisaRtsiencgreatiRoens/Oidpeennti aslp taoc Aeg ErixciusltPtiunurgebR lAiec2 curteilaittyiR oEnexs/iOsidtpienengnti aslp Ra5ce Existing ResidReenstiiadle Rn2tial R5 Commercial HInidllsu/sRtroiaclk Ey xaisretiansg Defence PRuebcLlriecea utMgitoilieinnty/neDO sEedp xfaeeinsnntd cisn epQgaucaerA rEgiexrsiics uEtilnxtugisrPeti nLEGEND:rAgo1poMsReiensdeisd eanntdia Ql IRSuR25a-eRrrseieisdsied Enextniiatsilat iAlngrHiciullslt/uRreoc Ak2y areaRsesidential MAQginuraeicsrur ylqt uutorae Pr rAaie2rsk AgP uAb1lic utilityR Eexsisidtienngtial tRo eAsgidriecnutlitaulr eR A31 Residential R2 LPreogpeonsded Defence Mines and Quarries Existing Residential Agriculture A2 Hills/Rocky arMeainses quarries Ag A1 Public utility Existing Residential R2 Agriculture A1 IS-Residential QuaPrrryo top oPasrekd Proposed LandAR usegersicidueltnutriea lA R13 IS-Residential Quarry to Park Residential R3 Proposed Hills/Rocky areas Forest Public uPtiSlitPyC Eoxmismtienrgcial Existing AMICRngodienrmusiecsidumstrel tieaaunrnlrtc iediani a lA RQlR 1eEue2sxaciidrseretiaeinntstigioanl /MOipneensI SsInp-Radecuessitdrieanl tiina lRReecsreidaetinoRtniae/lOs Aidpgeernnict uisalptl uatorce eI nAd1ustrQiaul aRrerys itdoe PnaRtiraekls Aidgernictiuallt uTrrea nAs1portation ResidReenstiiadle Rn3tial Transportation Defence - Industrial EXISTING RESIDENTIAL IN IS-Residential Quarry to Park Residential R3 ACgormicmuleturcreia Al E1xisting ISnd-Rusetsridael innt iRalecreation/Open space QReusairdrye ntoti aPl aArgkriculture AA1griculture A2 RESIDENTIALMR R1ienseisd/eQnutiaarl rITRiner3dsaunsstprioarltation Residential ERxeisctrienagtion/Open space Residential tRo eAsgidriecnutlitaulr eR A42 HillsL/Reogckeyn adreas Defence - Industrial PubPlicr ouMtpiliinotyes sEe/xQdisutainrgries HRiellss/iRdeonctkiAGRICULTUREayl aRrR A1e2easidential Existing Public utilityM Einxeissti nqguarrie Ag A2 Residential R2 Proposed Defence - Industrial Mines/Quarries Residential Existing EXISTING RESIDENTIALMin IN es quarrie Ag A2 Agriculture A1 RESIDENTIALIS R2-Residential Quarry to Park Residential R3 Agriculture A2 Industrial Legend Recreation/Open space ARgersicidueltnutrieAGRICULTUREa lA R2 A24 Industrial Recreation/Open space Residential R4 Agriculture A1 IS-Residential Quarry to PDarekfence PMRSienPseisd eanntdiEXISTINGa Ql R RESIDENTIALu3ar rIN ies Existing Residential Agriculture A2 Residential to Agriculture A1 RESIDENTIAL R3 Defence Mines and Quarries ExFisotirnegst in Industrial ResidenPtiSaPl FA oEgrxreicsutinltugre AC2ommercial APDRgSeerPfsiecidunelctunertieMINESa lA R/ QUARRIESIt2noed sAuigdsretirnciautilal tEul PxreiSs AtPin1gInMduinsetrsia al nd QuRaerrsieidse nETtxiraiasl ntMRisnpiegnocersetaatitoionn/OpenR sepcRarceeeas tiEidoxenins/ORtinapegles Anidg esrpnicatiuaclelt utRore eI nsAidd2uesnttriiaall R5 ResidReenstiiadle Rn4tial to Agriculture A1 Agriculture A2 Industrial Recreation/Open space ResidentiEXISTINGal R RESIDENTIAL4 IN Forest PSPAgriculture A1 RESIDENTIALIS R4-ResidentiaRl esidential Mines Quarry to PRareksidential to Industrial Residential R3 AgricultuFroer Ae1st IS-ResidePnStiaPl Hills/QRuoacrkryy atore PaARasgrekrsicidueltnutriea lA M2ines PRuebsliicd euntiltiitINDUSTRIALayl ERRx3iestsinidgential to Industrial Residential R2 Commercial Proposed Industrial EXISTING RESIDENTIAL IN Recreation/Open space Residential R4 Industrial Existing RecreatHioinlls/O/Rpoecnk ys paarecea sExisting COMMERCIALCRoemsimdeenrctiiaallP Ru5blic utility ExistIingdustrial Existing Residential R2 Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 Agriculture A2 Industrial Proposed Recreation/DOepfeenn csep a- cInedustrial MCRoienmseimsd/eQenructiaiRECREATION/aarll rRie OPEN4s SPACE Industrial ExistinRgesidential Existing Recreation/ORpeesind esnptaiacle t oE xAigstriincgulture A2 Residential R5 Gaothan Residential Public utility Public utilEXISTINGityR INDUSTRIALes iINd ential R/OS Transportation Existing INDUSTRIALCommercial Industrial Existing Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 DCeofmenmceer c- iaInldustrial MInidnuesst/rQiaul aErxriestsing Forest in Industrial RecsrideeantPitoSianPl/ FAOE oEgpxrrxieiscisnstuit tn lsitingnupg raIenc edAC u2Eosxtmriisamtilnegrcial ExisIPDtRninSedegPfusesi dnEtrecxianeislt ti-RECREATION/ai nIln gItRnodR OPEN5d uAe SPACEusgsstritdircaieaulnll ttiuniar eRl PeASc2rPeMationne/sO/Qpeuna rsrpieRasceecsrideeantitoianl/ TOPRrpSaeenPsnsid pseopnrattiacaetli AongricultuRree Asi1denRTtiraeals nEidsxpeionsrtitanalgt iRoRn4esidential TransportaRtieosnidential to Agriculture A2 Agriculture A2 Industrial Agriculture A1 IS-ReRseidcreenatitaioln/Open space LegPUBLICeQ n/ SEMIRu PUBLICdeasrirdye tnot iPQUARRYaal TORr kPARK4 Residential R3 CommerFcoiarle Estx isnt iInngdustrial Industrial PinS RPe EcrxeisattiinognA/Ogpriecunl tsupraec Ae1 ResidenIStia-Rl CRAeoegsmsirdiicdmeueneltntruiatcriialeal l AP1SP ICRnodemussimdtreeianrlct iEiaalxlQ TiEsuTrtxaairninasrgrsntyipns togporo tParttaaiortkinon Industrial in RecRrecarteioant/iROoenps/eOidnpe senpntia asclp eRac3e ExistRinegsidential ARgersiicdueltnutriael AR15 Residential Transportation Commercial Industrial Existing Recreation/FOopresnt space Existing LegPUBLICe nUTILITYPRSdePsideReservationsntial R5 Residential Mines Residential to Industrial Gaothan Residential CRoemcrmeaetricoianl/ oEpxeisnti nsgpace Industrial in Recreation/WOapteenr sbpoadciees Residential Agriculture A1 Residential Transportation Forest R4PSP R_PedstrianResidentia l Mines PFRuoebrselisdct euntitliiatyl to Industrial PSP Residential R/OS ResidenTtiraal nMspinoerstation Existing Residential to Industrial Commercial Existing Defence RECREATION/ OPEN SPACE Mines and Quarries Existing R1 IS-PS3 (Improvment Scheme PubADVSlic & Semi Public 3) Residential Agriculture A2 Residential to Agriculture A1

A1: PRrimaInile_d RAugisgrthircitauolflt uwinrae Ry ecreation/OpeRn2 space Residential CAogmricmuIeSltru-cRrie1a lA(Im1 provment SchemSIRnetad eRtuisoesindstriedianeltn iTRIBALEatialx WELFARE lTi s1rt )SCHOOLainngsportation Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5

Commercial Gaothan Residential Pu bIlSic B uotunilitdyaries Residential R/OS Transportation Existing A2: AgrIincudlutusrterial EAxgisrtiicnuglture A2 IndusRtreiacrl eation/Open space Existing RReecsreidaetinotnia/Ol Rp5en space Residential R4 R3 CommIeSr-cWiaBl (EImxipsrtoinvgment Scheme Water BAGRICULTUREodie PRODUCEs) Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 DEFENCESI AREAntadtuiosntrial in Recreation/Open space Residential Agriculture A1 Residential Transportation ORR_POLY_BounDefendcareGyaothan ResidCe: nCtoiBamulMmffeienrr_ecKisaa lalmndesP uQhbwulaaicrr ruietisli tEyxAisgtirniRcgu4ltureC A/B2G: CremaRtoersiuidme/Bnutiraial RSlA gPegrAsor_biiucdnueoRdlutns_untPridaeeald r ARise2trs/iOanS PropoDsReeefsdeindceAPMCential toT Aragnriscpuoltrutareti oAn1 Existing Commercial Existing MFD: :eM FfeionnreceseIsntdustrial in RecreatioLnaye/OpreRn5 space ResidenIntiadul FSANsottMagrrtireiaiocslnutK litnaunh rIena dAnu_1spterinaclh PDRSeefPsei ndEcexenisttiMARKETainlR gTeracnresaptoiortna/tOiopnen Mspinaecse and QuarRrieessi dEexniRstitaeinls gPidSePntial R4 Residential ATrgarnicsupltourrtea tAio2n Residential to Agriculture A1 TRANSPORTATION Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 R1 IS-PS3 (Improvment Scheme PubBTlic & Semi Public 3) FDoerfeesntc ien Industrial AI: 2Ind: AuRIgSsr5PM_itcurRiSainollPteua rsdEeR xaOinsWdti nQguarries ExistinRg2 Kanhan_penRchesidential APgSrPicuISltu-Rre1 A(DIm2epferonvcmee -nP It nrSdocuhpseotmRrDRFsRTieaaoeere eillaRfrs_sdeeneRiindsdsicgetpied ehoinentrtno itBUSaItfai nTERMINALawltl dilMto ao1uyni )snAtegrsira/icQl uultaurrreie As1MPinSePs aEnxdis Qtinugarries ExistingResidential ExistiRnegsRideesnidtieanl AWtiagarl tiPceurS lbtPuordei eAsR2esidential to AgRriceuslitduTerena tnAias2lp toor Atagtrioicnulture A1 C: Commercial R3 CSPoAm_bmoIeSur-ncWdiaaBlr i(EeImsxipsrtoinvgment SchMINESe ANDmIn QUARRIESed uWsatrteiar lB ino dRieesc) reation/Open space Residential Agriculture A1 Residential Transportation ORR_POLY_BounDCeofmenmdcearer c-y iaInl dEuxsistrtiianlg NDMD: eMZf:ei nNnBecosueI nfDfederuv_esKltopurihamil ienCn tRo ZmeocnmreeearctiioLaHnayeli/lOlspreRFn54P space IndusRtreiasild EexnPitsuiatibnl DSRlAOgictaeagR ilfturG_eiiotcRninulciiKRgtletyah_u nhtPEoreefxa d wAinssa_1trtypiinaegnnch RRAMRaegieilncr_sirecReisduai gelatCBGhiunnotrtondieCREMATIONaf / OQwlA Ta 1up/ BURIALRryaeae GROUNDrnnrs siseipdpsoea Ernctaxteiita siEolt ixnRnigs2tiInSg-ResidentRiaelsiRdensitdiael nRti5al WAgartiecru lbtuordei eAs2 Quarry to PaRreksidential to Agriculture A1 Residential R3 Hills F: ForeMstines/QuPaurrbielisc utility ECxoismUtimntiligetyrcial ResidenIntiadul REsetxrsiasidtl ineEKgnaxtnhisiatailn nRg_2pench_buffer1AGRICULTUREDR eA1efseindceen t-i aInlR tdoeWu cAsartgertireaaicrtli uoblntou/dOreiep Asen2 Mspinaecse/ QEuxiasrtriniegs Residential R5 Residential Existing Residential to Agriculture A2 CH COMMUNITY HALL Mines/Quarries Residential Existing Residential to Agriculture A2 Inside_site_BDo_ekfaelnmceeshwar I2: :Ind HauUzstaMtilirritdaiynoolesu sa exndp lQosuivaerrsies ExistinRg23 Kanhan_penRch_esbiudfefenrt1ial GAagoritchuaISltnu- RWRre1Be A( sI(mI2idmpeprnorotvivammleeLnnt tS SecchhegemAmPRegue eeRrb Wsicleidcuasn ietldteuunert irtndBlieiattoi yalAd lt i1o1e )sA)griculture A1IS-Residential Residential R/OS Quarry to PaTrrkansportation Existing Residential R3 Gaothan Residential AGRICULTUREDTre A2afennscpeo r-t aIntidounstrial Mines/Quarries Residential Existing Residential to Agriculture A2 C: Commercial Residential R/OS TranspCOMCortation Existing Public utility Forest IS_RoadROCOMMERCIALW CENTRE ORR_POIL2Y: H_aBounzDaredfooenducsare ex -y pInlodsuivsetsrial SNDMoD: lieMZfdw:ei nNnecosaseM Dientvee_eslop/fQacimuaenrlritti eZysone LayerRF45P Residential DSEteaxftieisontnincKRega_nhPeadns_trpiaennch IMGSR_iaenRoseoitsdah edaaRnntO diRaW Qle PtusoSia dAPrergineritscia uElltxuirseti nAg2 Public utility Residential ARgersicidueltnutriea lA M2ines ResidenRtiaels Rid/eOnStial tRo eAsgidriecnutlitaulr eto A I1ndustriaTlransportation Existing F: FoBreuMsftfeinr_esas aonedr CQoumarmriesrc Eiaxl iEstxinisUgttiniligty IndusRtreiasild ine nRtieacl DRrAeaegailfr_etiicRnoucinKgle/tahOu nht-orp efIa en wAnnda_2 uyspspetnariccah_el buffer1FORESTRARegesrsiicdidueelntuntirtaieal lA tg2or Aicgurlticuurelt uAr1e A1Industrial Residential Transportation Recreation/Open space Residential R4 OS: Open Space & recreation IS-C3 (Improvment Scheme CommIPSA_RerocaiadlR 3O) W Mines/QDCC uarries Residential Existing Inside_site_BFo_okrealsmteshwar I2: :Ind HauzsaPtrriSdaoolP us explosives ComTm: Terracnisapl oErtxaitsiotinng ResidenIntiadul Mstriniael siNDn RZe_cOrSeationL/Opeeng spaeFRcoernseisdtedntiDISTRICTalR COURTtoe COMPLEX sIniddeunsttiraial Al gricuPltSuPre A1 Residential TransportRateiosnidential RMeinseidsential to Agriculture A2 Residential to Industrial Defence - Industrial T: MTriannessp/oQrtuaatiorrnies R3 NDZ_OS Residential ExistinISg-WB (Improvment SchWATERe BODIESAmFRogeer Wseicisduatetletunr rtBieao lAd ti2oe sA) griculture A2IPnSdPustrial RReecsrideeantiotianl/ OWMpianeteensr s bpoadciees RReessiiddeennttiiaall Rto4 Industrial R4 R_Pedstrian EXG ORR_POLY_Boundary LoNDMD:ca eMZf:ei tnNnieocose nDevelopment Zone LayerRF5P Rail_RiKgahnhtofa wnFa_oypreensct hin IndustriFaWloaretesrt boEXHIBITIONdies CENTRE PSP Residential Mines Residential to Industrial Forest OFS:: FOopreePsnt SSPpace & recreation UISti-liCty3 (Improvment RSechseidmeen tCiaolmm DMeifneerencsicKaela 3 nh-) Iannd_upsetnricah_l buSffoerli1dwCANAL RIGHTWMHR asOFiiea lnWAYlsteetisde_r/e Qbnfoutaciidaarile rPtlisoeiSt syIPn dEuxsitsrtiianlg Public utility ERxeisstiidnegntial ERxeistidinegntial PSP Residential R2 Transportation Water bodies IS_RoadROW FR Residential to Agriculture A2 Inside_sNitaeg_pBuDo_r eckiftaeyln mrcoaeesd h-s wInadr ustrial PSI:2 P:Ind H: PauVuzsillaMbtrarliidaigcnool ese ebosum/sQu iex npuudapabDrlrorliieiesceifsvseensce TIS: T-MraRMn s:( pIMmoirtpnareotsivoMmniennetRs M eaisxniedde QRnuteiasilrd rPEeieGnxstiis aLEtli ayenx1NDig)stZinr_gOS SolidwRCReasoesmsidtimde_eenentrfictacaiFIREiala STATIONlAl iltgoitr Ayicgurlticuurelt uAr2e A2Industrial ERxiestsinidgential to Agriculture A1 Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 Proposed_RFOoWre_sDt isns Ionlvdeu2strial Existing_road_ROW Inside_site_Bo_soaner SolidwFoasreste_tpofwacierplanityt NAGPURP DISTRICTS P Residential Mines Residential to Industrial PSP Existing Defence ResidenMtiainle PsS aPnd Quarries Existing FTorarensstp ionr tIantdRiouensstridiaelntial AgricuPltSuPre E Ax2isting Residential to AgricultRueres iAde1ntial PSP Transportation Proposed Landuse Zones M: MinIensside_site_Bo_soaner R4 powerplant R_Pedstrian BOUNDARYForest iHn IHOSPITALndustrial PSP Existing Residential PSP Transportation Forest PSP LayerR5 Residential MinesKanhan_pench CRoemsimdNeenrMctiiaall Ato _IndFusitnriaal l_BIndousutrinal dExaisrtinyg Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 NDZ: No Development Zone FP METROPOLITAN NMA_Final_Boundary F: F oIrnessitde_Site_Bo Utility Kanhan_pench_buffer1 Forest in Industrial PSP Existing Residential PSP Transportation OS: Open Space & recreation IS-C3 (Improvment Scheme CommIS_RerocaiadlR 3O) W AREA BOUNDARY

Inside_site_BFo_okrealsmt einsh Iwnadrustrial I: IndusPtriSalP Existing T: Transportation Residential PSP NDZ_OGSaothan RLoescaidetnioTtirnaalnspoJ rtJAILatiPounblic utility Residential R/OS Transportation Existing

PSI2P: H: PaISuzab Brlidcooo unseudmsa irex ipuespbloliscives IS-MR (Improvment Mixed Residential 1) Legend

NDZ: No Development Zone FP Proposed_RFOoWre_sDt issolve2 Q: QuarrPy SP IInSs-iOdeS_ (sIimtep_rBoo_vmseonatRn SeecrsheidSmeoneli tOidwapl FePHMnoas irnSCeepstae_stpcoefw &acie rZpulanditpyti JungleLo) caPLANNINGtiPoR AUTHORITYSnePs idential to Industrial Residential Mines Residential to Industrial Defence - IndustBriuaflfer_KalmesMhwinaer s/Quarries C/BG: Crematorium/BuBOUNDARYriaRCl georsmoiudmnednestricaila El Exixsitsintigng Residential to Agriculture A2 Proposed Landuse Zones M: MineInsside_site_Bo_kalmeshwar LocatiFoonrest in Industrial PSPN EMxLIBistALIBRARYing_Final_BoInduusntrdiala inr RyecRreeastidioenn/Otiapl ePnS sPpace Residential ATrgarnicsupltourrtea tAio1n Residential Transportation Gaothan Residential BuPffuebr_liKca ulmtilesityhwar LayeDefreRn5ce - CIn/BdGus: tCriraelmaRLtoeresiuigdme/BnnMutidrainiale lR sg//rOQouSunaKdrasrnhiesan_pench #0 GTraaonthspaonr RtaetRisoeinds eEidnxetinsatlinagl ExistinPgublic utility Residential to AgricultRueres iAde2ntial R/OS Transportation Existing NDZ: No Development Zone UFtPility Kanhan_pench_bLufefegr1EeMIHANLEnC BOUNDARYTGRdICa POoLEtSh_MaAYn15 _R201e2 sidential Public utility Residential R/OS Transportation Existing OS: Open Space & recreation IS-C3 (Improvment Scheme Commercial 3) RESERVED FOR Inside_site_BFo_okrealsmt einsh Iwnadrustrial I: InduOsuPtrtisSaidelP E_Sxiitset_inBgo T: Transportation Residential ELEPSVAPTED NDSERVICEZ_ OS ICnTsoriamdnems_SpeMAHoirtecrt_iaaBtli ooEnxisting Industrial in Recreation/Open space Residential Agriculture A1 Residential Transportation PSI2P: H: Pauzabrlidcoo seums iex pupbloliscives IS-MR (Improvment Mixed Residential 1) Gaothan RAFFORDABLEes iHOUSINGdential Public utility Transportation Existing IMPROVEMENT SCHEME Residential R/OS Inside_site_Bo_soaner powerplant ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !NATIONAL HIGHWAY Proposed_ROW_Dissolve2 RESIDENTIAL R1 PS PRIMARY SCHOOL UESR ! Gaothan Residential Q: Quarry IS-OS (Improvment ScheSmoeli Odwpenas Sptae_cef &aci Zulditpyi Jun! gle) Inside_Site_Bo Water bodies SPPAu_bbloicu nudtialirtiyes BufferO_SK:a Olmpeesnh wSpaarRcee s&i drecnrteiaalt ioRn/OSC/BGI:S C-Cre3m (aImtopriruomvm/BeunBOUNDARYrtia SlT cgrhraoenumsnepd soCrotmmatioenr cEiaxl i3s)ting Nagpur city roads R1 IS-PSM3: (IMminpersovment Scheme PuFRESEPboKlirceR VOIR&s tS inem Ini dPuusbtlircia 3l) Existing Road networMDk_NMA Proposed LanduFseore Zston in eInsdustrial M: MinesPSP Existing LayerBuffer_Kuhi ResidLoencatiatl iIPnosSnidPeL_ayeSite_rBo PTSraPn sEpxoisrtMEDICALiantg iFACILITYon Residential PSP Transportation LayerInside_site_Bo_FoKruehsit ! NDZ: No Development Zone PSP ! RDeesfeidnecnetial Mines Residential to Industrial Existing_road_ROW FP Gaothan Residential TEHSIL BOUNDARY Mines and Quarries Existing Residential Agriculture A2 Residential to Agriculture A1 OS: OpBeunff eSrp_aKcueh &i recreation ForeUIsStti-liCty3 (Improvment SchemeNP CaSogPmmpur ecritcyiKa rloaa 3nh)dsan_pench_buLffaeyerr1 PWuabtleicPr ubtolialditiyenRsensiidnengtia_l MainuesthoMr: tMiiyne_s bRoeusidnendRtiaeals Rridi/eOenStsial to Industrial Transportation Existing Water bodies Inside_site_Bo_kalmeshwar T: Transportation NDZ_OS NEXISTINGagpur ROAD cMETDity RIGH METROroa DEPOTT dOFs LayeM:r Mines PSP: Public semi public IS-MR (Improvment Mixed Residential 1) ! Planning_authortiy_boundaries Water bodies Gaothan Residential I2: HaWzaCrLd ooPruosp oesxepdlo asriveeas Inside_site_Bo_soanLeregend FIRE STATIONpowerplant ! Existing_road_ROW Layer Proposed_ROW_Dissolve2 Q: QuaRESIDENTIArrPy ublicL R2 utility SS SECONDAIS-OSRY (I mSCHOOLprovmentR SecsheidmeFRne tOiapl eRn/ OSpSace & Zudpi Jungle) SECTOROD BOUNDARYTuertafsenidenscp_eoSritea_tiBoon Existing Mines and Quarries Existing Residential Agriculture A2 Residential to Agriculture A1 Buffer_Kalmeshwar Location C/BG: Crematorium/BuMrDiRa_EWl xAgisYtirn (ROW)gounds MULTI MODAL TRANSPORT Existing_road_ROW Water bodies R1 IS-PS3 (Improvment Scheme Public & Semi Public 3) MMTH Station O! utside_Site_Bo Proposed LRaanildu_linsee_c Zoaonlmienses M: Mines PSP: Public semi public Inside_Site_Bo ! R2 LayerBISu-ffRe1rND_ (KImZuh:p iNroov mDenvet lSopchmeemnet ZRoensePidaernktial 1) FISP-MR (Improvment MWixaetde rR beosHUBdidieenstial 1)

NDZ: No Development Zone NDZ: NFoP Development Zone BFuPffer_saoner GOuatostideha_nS Ritee_sBidoential VILLAGEP BOUNDARYublic utility Residential R/OS Transportation Existing

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Gaothan Residential OS: OpInesni dSep_ascitee _&B ro_eckreaalmtioenshwar IS-C3 (Improvment Scheme Commercial 3) ! Public utility Residential R/OS ! TraInSsp oBrtaotioun nExdistaingries Inside_site_Bo_kalmeshwar PPSropP: oPBuseubflfidecr _sLesaamoni ndupuerbFseliocr eZsont ine IsndustrTiIaS: lT-MraRn s(pImortparotivoPmnSePn t EMxiixsetdin RgPeoswideerlinntieasl 1ND) Z_OS NH RDPROPOSEDeesfeidnec nROADePGt ia-PLAYGROUND RIGHlI nPdSTu OFPs trial MineNDs/QZ:u NaorTr irDeaesnvseplopormtaetinot nZone FP Residential EWxaistetirn bgodies Residential to Agriculture A2 Proposed_ROW_Dissolve2 Q: QuaQRESIDENTIArruyarriesL R3 HForeIHOSPIInsSst- iOidnTeALS _I n(sIdimteup_srBtoro_viamlseonatn SecrhemSHeP OSpPeSLAUGHTER nE xSipsatpicn oHOUSEegw &e rZpulandpti Jungle) SURVEYP PARCELow erlines Residential PSP TransportatioNDn Z: No Development Zone FP R1 BISu-ffPeSr_3K (Iamlmperoshvmwaernt SchemNea Pgupbulir cc i&ty CS roae/BmGdi s:P Curbelimc a3t)orium/BuBOUNDARYriaWIWln AgCsYr i(ROW)oLdu ePn_rdsosipteo_sBeo_d akraelameshwar M: Mines Proposed Landuse Zones RM2: Mines LayerBISu-ffRe1r_ (KImuhpirovment Scheme ResInidseidneti_aSl 1it)e_Bo ODR_WDEWxisCetinagfLet ePnrrc obePKpo o-dPARKS sIiene ANDdds GARDENS uasretraial MinInessid/Qe_usaitreri_eBso_kalmeshwar Layer Residential Existing Residential to Agriculture A2 OSR:e Ogpioenna lS_pPalacne_ &ro raedLcsreeagtieonndROND3SZ: O: NpRIoeSa n-ilDC _Se3Rpv i(eagIlcmhopetpo m&rfo wervenmacty erZenoatn tSieocnheme CommVBFISiuPll-fafCWeegr3rcQOeB_ i ( a:SsaboI( mlIQ: m 3ouOpu)npnrapeordroervavynmrm iSeeespnnat tcS Secc h&he ermemecer Ce WaotammiWOSotenupCrtoe sLBrri tdecPosid arc_oilel Spu3sobi))tseIe_SdB- COoa3Sre (a(IImmpprroovvmmeennDAMStt SSEccxhheisetmimnege _ COroopammedn_ RSerOpcaiWacle 3 &) Zudpi Jungle) Inside_site_Bo_kalmeshwar A1: Prime Agriculture PKG PARKING Water bodies Proposed_ROW_Dissolve2 PSP: PIRESIDENTIAunbsildice s_esLm iR4tei _puBo_bGliacKouthhian ReVHsideInIVETERINAnStsi-aiMdleR_RY s(Ii HOSPImtep_rBToALo_vmseonatn Merixed RReasiliwdHeaT nLINESytial 1p)owerplant SCONGESTEDH EXISTINGW AREAa te RAIr bL LINEodies OS: Open Space & recreation IS-C3 (Improvment Scheme Commercial 3) Q: QuaVrirllyage boundaries IS-OS (ImprovPmuebnlti cS cuhetilimtye Open Space & Zudpi Jungle) BOUNDARYResidential R/OS Transportation Existing R1 Ashponds Ga oBtIhSua-ffPneSr R_3K e(Iasmlmidpeerosnhvtmwiaael rnt Scheme Public & CSe/BmGi :P Curbelimc a3t)orium/BuriaRFl agoilrrwoeuasnytds PSP OS: OpenR Sepsaidce n&t iraelc Mreianteiosn IS-C3 (ImprovmRenet sSidcheenmtiael Ctoo mmIndeursctiarila 3l) M: Mines Inside_sECite_EDUCATIONALBRo_e COMPLEXKsuidhei ntial R/OS Transportation Existing Proposed Landuse Zones Buffer_Kuhi PPouwbelircli nuetislity Quarries NDZ: No Development Zone FP RND2 Z: No Development Zone LayerFISP-R1 (Improvment Scheme ResOiduetsnitdeial_ 1S)ite_Bo IRRIGATION CANALS LegendR3 BISu-ffWerB_ sa(Imonperorvment Scheme Water Bodies) Outer FRinog Rroeadst PSIPnside_site_Bo_Kuhi Residential Mines Residential to Industrial

Inside_sRitoaeail__dBlbuio_neffk_eacrlommaeelmrsghienweasr OS: OpISe_nR SopaadcReO &W recreation VISill-aCg3RPSe (1boImPu:p nProduvabmrliiece snste Smci hpuembliec CommWCeLr cPiarol p3o)sIeSd- MPaSrRe3 a( I(ImmpprorLoLvevmegmgeeenenntn QtdIM ndSusicxaidherreedie_m Rseiet esP_iduBebo_nlicti ka&al l1Sm)eemshi wPuarblic 3)


PSP: Public semi public POWER TRANSMISSION PSP: Public semi public IS-MR (Improvment Mixed Res idIISeSn -BMtioaRunl 1(d)Imarpierosvment Mixed ResidQeunatirarile 1s) Layer Q: QuaARESIDENTIArr2y: AgriLcu R5lture MD MEDICAIS-OSL F ACILITY(Improvment Scheme OpeTRANSMISSIONn Space POLES& Zudpi Jungle) PLINESOWERLINES_MAY15_2012

Exis tiBngu_fferor_aKd_aRlmOeWshwar C/BG: Crematorium/Burial groPunldas nning_authortiy_boundaries

Prop oISse Bdoun Ldaanridues se Zones Rail_line_coalmines RAIL (ROR) PSP: Public semi public IS-MR (Improvment Mixed Residential 1) Proposed Landuse Zones R1 IS-PS3 (Improvment Scheme Public & Semi Public 3) Legend M: Mines Buffer_Kuhi POWER TRANSMISSION RH RURAL HOSPITAL Nagpur city roads RND2 Z: NSou bsDetavetionlopsment Zone LayerFISP-R1M (:I mMpinroevsment Scheme Residential 1) #0 RFaoilr_elisnte _inc oInaldmuinsetrsial PSP ExistinWg ater bodies PSP: PubRlice seidmein putiablli Pc SP IS-MR (ImprovmTernatn Msipxoedrt aRteiosnidential 1) Layer Buffer_saoner TOWER LegendRO3S: OpEexnis Stinpag_cero &ad r_eRcrOeaWtion VISill-aCWg3eB ( boI(mImuppnrordovavmrmieeesnnt tS ScchheemmeeR C aWoilwammWtaeCyre LBr cPoidaroile p3so))sed area PropCaEnoaLlAsEsesChpTdRoI CnL dPasOnLEduS_MseAY 1Z5_on201e2 s OS: Open Space & reWcreaatetior nbodies IS-C3 (Improvment Scheme Commercial 3)

Inside_site_Bo_kalmeshwar NagRp4ur city roads R_Pedstrian M: Mines VAPROPOSEDilslahpge_oBno dRAIuRPsnLd RIGHREGIONALaryT PARK OF Proposed Landuse Zones

PSP: Public semi public IISS -BMoRRun 2(dImarpierosvment Mixed ResidQeunatirarile 1s) IS-R1 (Improvment SFIncoshriedemes_te s iinRte eI_nsBiddo_uensKtiuraihal i1l ) Regional_Plan_roads PoSwQRoe5: rliQlindwueasCOMMERCIALIrSrasy-OSte_ (Imfaciprovlmiteynt Sche mSCe OpSeSPOKISnPa- ARnhSOTS_bpSQ aCOMPLEXa on:(c Iu_eQmnp u&pdear anZorrcrvuiyhemdspein Jtun Scghele)me OpANDeVnsHhp ZS:po Nancode sD &e vIZSeu-ldopOpSim J(eunImntgp Zlreoo)vnmeenHIGHt FLOODL Saye cLINEhe - RED mrFeP Open Space & Zudpi JunPgSleP) Existing Residential PSP Transportation R1 AC1: :C Pormimmee Arcgiarilculture IEnxsiisdteinI_Sgs-_iPtreoS_a3Bd (Io__mRkOparWlomvemsehnwt aSrcheme Public & Semi Public 3) GaotVhaRAIinllaLg (ROR)e_Boundary

Proposed Landuse Zones Buffer_Kuhi Regional_Plan_roads RLH RAIL LOGISTICS HUB Q: Quarry RND2 Z: NSoP AD_bevoeulopndmaerinets Zone FISP-R1 (Improvment Scheme Residential 1) HIGH FLOOD LINE - BLUE IS-OS (Improvment Scheme Open Space & Zudpi Jungle)

Inside_site_Bo_kalmeshwar RO3S: OpBeTn: BSupsa cteer m& irneaclsreation VBISiull-fafCWeg3rNDeB_ ( saboI(mIZmou:p npnNreordorvav mDrmieeesnvnet tlS opScchmheeemmneteR ZC aWooiln_ammeltienree B_rccoiodaaile l3ms))inFePs ExistinRSGAgeu1 agRbs:io oPotnahraitmdailon_ nenP esARlatgewnrs_iocirduorkleatu_dnrNsteiaMlA PublPSic uPt:i lPituyblic semi public Q: QISu-aMrrRyR (eImspidroevnmtiaenl tR M/OixSed ResidentiIaSl- 1O)S (ImprovmTernat nSscpheormtaet iOopne En xSisptainceg & Zudpi Jungle)

NagRPSp4uPr :c PitMyu :br oaMlici ndsesesmi public RIS_-PMeRd s(Itrmiapnrovment Mixed ResidQMeu:n aMtirarinile e1ss) SC SPORTS COMPLEX Inside_site_Bo_kalmeshwar Railway_Merged IS Boundaries PROPOSED METRO A1: Prime Agriculture PowQRe5: rQlinueasPUBLICrry / SEMI PUBLIC CC LCOMMUNITKISayea-nhOSRar n3(YI _CENTREmppernocvhment SchemPKe OpANDePARKSnshp ZS :p&o NaGARDENSncode sD &e vIZSeu-ldopWpBim J (eunInmtg pZlreoo)nvme entLS PROPOSEDSayeucbshetamrtF ieMETROonP Wsa LINEter Bodies) ORR_ERxPOoisatidnLbugY_fr_foeBounarmd_eRrgOedWary RaLoilRUw1tiacaliytytiIoSn-PS3 (Improvment SchemEexi sP tuiSnIKbSgPali-_AcnhPr _boS&Raa3 onS1d u(I__enpmRmdeOpian rPrWcoiuh_evbsmlibecu nf3fte) Sr1cheme PuSOVbuSMlibc: s O&tap tSeionenm sSi pIPSau-cPbeliS &c3 3 r(Ie)mcrperaPotviropomnenotG seSacohdte hLmIaSaen- nC PRdu3ue b(sliIsemcid p&e r ZnoSvtoneimamleie nPst uSbclihce 3m)Peu Cbolimmc uteilrictyial 3) Residential R/OS Transportation Existing Proposed Landuse Zones InsideS_tsaittieo_nBo_kalmeshwar SLAUGHTER HOUSE Railway_MergSH ed I2: Hazardoous explosives R2 AD2e:f eAngcreiculture IS-R1 (Improvment Scheme Residential 1) EXISTING ROW Insid e_site_Bo_Kuhi

RO43S: OpSetant iSopnace & recreation BVRISiull_-fafPCWege3rOeB_d ( SsabosI(mItr:m ouiOpanpnrnpeordoervavnmrm iSeeespnnat tcS Secc h&he ermemeceRr Ce oWaoatammdiotbuenre fBfrecorimdaile 3srg))eIS-C3 (ImproLvLamAyeYenrEtR RSocahdebumeff eCrommmergeercial 3) R1 R1 IS-PS3 (Improvment Scheme PublicI S&- PSSem3 i(I Pmupbrliocv m3)ent Scheme Public & Semi Public 3)

TT: Truck terminals TT TRUCK TERMINAL

Nagpur city roads PSP: Public semi public IISS -BMoRMun :( dIMmairpniereossvment Mixed Residential 1) PROPOSEDA ROW2: Agriculture PowQRe5: rQlinueaNDsIPUBLICrnrsyZid: e UTILITN_osi YtDe e_vBeo_lopKmuheint Zo nDCCe DISTRICKISa-nhOSTa COU Fn(I_PmRTppe COMPLEXrnocvhment SchemPGeR OegpiANDeoPLnsnAhp YGROUNDaZSl_:pLo PNanayeclodae snD &_err voZeaulddopspim Jeunntg Zleo)nBTe BBUST: TERMINALBusF tPerminals Q: Quarry IS-OS (Improvment Scheme Open Space & Zudpi JunWagltee)r bodies RailRUw1tialiyty Existing_road_ROW SIKSPa-AnhP_bSa3on u(I_npmdepanrrcoih_evsmbeunffte Sr1cheme PuObSlic: O&p Seenm Si pPaucbeli &c 3re)creation BT: BusIS te-Crm3 in(Iamlsprovment Scheme CAo2mm: Agerricucialtlu 3r)e Inside_Site_Bo StatioRn4 Substations R_Pedstrian LAYEPROPOSEDRA ROAD1: Prime AELEVATEDgri SERVICEcu lture Proposed LInasniddue_sseite_ ZBo_onkealsmeshwarRailRT_:2 lTinrea_ncsISopa-oRlrtm1ai tn(iIoemnsprovment Sche mIen sRideesNDIi_Sdse-iRZtne1t_R_ia O(B2lI Smo_1)pkraolvmmeesnhtw Sacrheme ResBPSidTe:P nB:t uiPasul t1be)lricm IsiSne-amRlsi1 pu (Imblipcrovment SchemeISUESR R-MesRid (eImntpiarol 1vm) ent Mixed Residential 1) Rail_Rightof way MDR_Existing RESERVIOR Insid e_site_Bo_Kuhi WIDENING

I2: Hazardoous explosives R43 RCFa:: ilFC_ooRrmeigsmht teorfc wiaal y ProposedV RILSill_-aaPWgneeBdud bos(Itrmseuiapnnrd oZavronmieesents ScheNmReP _rWoCopaotesrrire dB_odoodrirers_c) ommercial Broad gauge R2 IS-R1 (Improvment Scheme Residential 1) Water bodies PSP: Public semi public IISS -BMoRun (dImarpierosvment Mixed Residential 1) RAIL LINE BROAD GAUGE UESS ELECTRIC SUB STATION Rail_line_coalmines QR5: QuaTRECRErrraynsATIONpor /t OPENpatc ShPACE GO SGOVERNMENKISPa-AnhO_bSPSa on(Iu_PTm npUSE:p dePranourcvibhemlsice snet mSci hepumbRPliec OpeREGIONAn SpaL PcARKe & IZSu-dMpRi J (unImgplreo)vTTmentP CTRUCKMro:i pxCeo oTERMINALdsme Rdme_esorirdcreianltial 1) R2 IS-R1 (Improvment Scheme Residential 1) RailUwtialiyty OS: Open Space & recreation KanhNDaInS_Z-pC: eN3n oc(I h_mDepbvruoefvflopemr1emnet nStR cZhooeanmdOebueS C:f fOeormmpmeener gSrecpFiaPcl e3 )& recreation BTroTa: dT rguacuISgke- tCe3rm (Iimnaplsrovment Scheme CoRmm1 ercial 3) IS-PS3 (Improvment Scheme Public & Semi Public 3) Proposed Landuse Zones R1 SISta-PtioSn3 (Improvment Scheme PuSbulibcs &ta tSionemsi Public 3) SEWAGE TREATMENT C: Commercial RaPilRT_:rop2 lTinrea_oncIssenopsaoidldrtmea i_Ltnisoeaintsne_duBo_seka Zlmoneshew sar NDZ_OS PSP: Public semi public RAILN LINEHT NARROWT: TGAUGErucISUSTPk- tMerRm (iInmaplsrovment Mixed Residential 1) Outside_Site_Bo InsideRI_Sas-iliRt_e1RR_ i(B5gImo_htpoKrfo uwvhmai yent Scheme ResBidTe: nBtuiasl t1e)rmKinaanhlsan_pench A2: AgricultPLANTure OI2:RR Haz_InaPOsrdidooeL_uYssi t_exe_BounpBlo_osiKvuedhsiary RegRInio3snidael__IPIs:S ilIta-ndeWn__uBrso o_(tarImidsaoslparonvemr ent Scheme W aIpIStSeo_-rwWR BeoRBorapd 3d(lianIeRmsOpt) rWovment Scheme WaTQlBs (ImprovmentN Sarcrohwe mgIaeSu g-WOe aSt e(Irm Bpordoivems)ent Scheme Open Space & Zudpi Jungle)

R4 Proposed RL_aPnedudstrseian Zones EXISTING FACILITIES


A1: PIrSim Beo Aungrdicauriletusre Regional_Plan_roads QR5: QuaIDEFENCESrr_yRoadROW ORG SKIORGANIZSPa-AnhO_bSQaA oTIONn:( Iu_Qmnpupdearanorrcrviyhemsent OScRRhem_ePO OpeLnY S_pBounace & IZdSu-ardOpSyi J(unImgplreo)vmentN Sacrrheowm gaeu gOepen Space & Zudpi Jungle)R3 R3 IS-WB (Improvment Scheme Water BISo-dWieBs )(Improvment Scheme Water Bodies) RU1tility Defenceland IKSa-nhPSa3n (I_pmepnrcoh_vmbeunffte Sr1cheme Public & Semi Public 3) Defence SOLID WASTE TRANSFER RailT_: lTinrea_nPScsopaoPlrtm: aPitniuoebnslic semi public SNDtatZio_OnOISSS:- MOpRe (nIm Sppraocvem &e nret cMPreirxoaeptdiPSo RsnePeds: _iPdouerbrnltiica lIs S1e-)mCi3 pu (ImblipcroOvRRmenPROPOSED_Ot SDPOTR rc FACILITIESa_hnEeLsx mipYsteoIin_SUSWTS rgCt-BounpMoammRtc h(Iemrdpcariraolv y3m)ent Mixed ResRid2ential 1) IS-R1 (Improvment Scheme Residential 1) I2: HazaOrdRRoo_uPsr exoppolsoesdives RegRInio32snidael__WIAPsn1ilCstae:i nLd_P _eBPrr_ioo_mrsoaieptdse ooAs_sagBenro_diec ruaKlrtueuharei IRpISSao_-ilwWR_e1oRURBr api( t4gdI(illimanIhRmttypoOptrforW owvvmamyeennt tS Scchheemmee R WeasBTQitdTeT: :e:rQ TnBBurtuoiuaasdcrl rikt1eye )stre)mrRKmina_iannhPlaselasdns_trpiaenncNh_MbAu_ffTMCerr:ae1 CnrgsopemoIASmrtu-peOgarSTATIONSc3tci0 ah(_Ilmfoprreosvmtuepndt aStceheme ODpeefenn Scepace & Zudpi Jungle) RoaBRdu4buffefrfe_RrKm_aePlmregedesshtrwiaanr Proposed RCL_/aBPnGedu:d Cstrrseeiamn aZtoonriuems/Burial grounTRPdARCEr1sansL /p REVENUEortpat ch ISVM-PS3 (Improvment Scheme Public & Semi Public 3) Proposed Landuse Zones VEGETABLE MARKET Nagpur city roads R5 FITRANSPO2:: FHoarzeRTAasrtTIONdoous explosiveSsVMoAli21:dw APgrVEGEKirmasaicnheuTABLE ltAMtae_ugn:r rMARKETe_Micfpaciuienlnteucsrhleity PLU Layer VM SPA_boundaries R4 R_Pedstrian Roadbuffermerge SPRTUo:LU21t iTlirtdwyanEspxasoisrtttiane_tgio_nfroaciad_lRitOyW SNDIKStaa-nhRPtZioS1_Ran O3(n1I Sm(I_pmperpnorcvoh_mvmebneutnf fStLe Scraye1hcehmemre eR PesuBOUNDAibdliecn &tiRa YSl 1e)mi IPSu-PbliSc3 3 (I)mproNvMmAeSn_HtMF S:e cFrhogereemAsetu Pgu3b0li_cf o&r eSsetmuip Pduabtliec 3) R4 R_Pedstrian I2: HazaRradiloo_luinse ex_cpolaolsmivineess ReoTgaBRInPidou3sbun_1_fifdaefelrf_e_QAPrKsKm:2ilat aQe:Iel nmRA_ru_gBgeaMreroo_srircuahIyTdwslostaIuarrneer IRpCISSao/_-BilwWR_GeoRPSBr:ap iI CgdS(lanIPhRrm-etO:oO pmtPSfrW uaow (btvIaomlmiyrcipue srmnoetv /mOBSmiucRR epuhrineatbml _SligecrcPO oheWunamTQRLdtTe1e:Ys :r Q OT_BurpBounouaedcrnrikey Sste)prImadSci-arneMa &Rlys Z(IumdppriL oJayevunmgelnret<) DMaelli fxoeethndec rIeR Svlaea-lOPsnuiedSdSse3> (n I(Imtimaplp r1oro)vvmmeennt tS Scchehemmee OF P:Rp uFe3bonlir cSe sp&ta Scee m&i ZPuudbpliic J 3un) gle) IS-WB (Improvment Scheme Water Bodies) AN1a: tPiornaimel_ AHgigrhicwualtuyre ProPBRpropuo54fsfedro__QKseouurarhdrir ieLsanduse Zones A1: PrKRima_nhPe eATRad:gn5 sTr_trircpaiauennlntsucprhoertation TRCr2aonsmmpoerrtcpiaaltKNDchanhZ_aOnS_pencNotes:h DDeeffeennccIeeSla-Rnd1 (Improvment Scheme Residential 1) Utility ICINDUSTRIALK: aoIndnhmmuasnet_rcipaiael lnch LoSoCAcali2: :Cdw AtoiSgKmotrasaainmcnhtuieotlNDrtane_ucnira_eZlfp:aci eNnoc h_lDitebyvueffloper1ment ZonDeGAOTHANefenc BOUNDAelandRFYP O RT:2 TranIsnpsoidrtea_tisointe_Bo_kalmeshwar RNDISa-ilRZ_1_RR Oi(2gISmhtporfo wvmayent SchemeO RRRes_idEexnitsiatinl 1g) IS-R1 (Improv1.m Thee mapn shownt S isc forh thee purposem ofe documenting Res informationiden concernedtial 1) R5 Kanhan_pench I2: Hazardoous explosives LoRIn3scaidet_iositne_Bo_soaner pISo-wWeBrp (lanImpt rovment Scheme Water Bodies) ELwithU the_ preparationsOIu:RR mI ndof them_ DraftuEasr xDevelopmenttirsiatiln Plan.g Boundaries of R5 Kanhan_pench Regional_Plan_roads RoaBRdu4buffefrfe_RCrKm1:a Celmrogemesmhweracrial IRCS_/BPRGeoQ:da I:CsdS QtrRr-ePiuaOmSanWra3rt yo(Irmiupmro/Bvmureianl tg SrocuhneTRCONGESTEDdmr1saens Ppuobr ARElitpc aA& tIc SSh-eOmSi (PImubplirco v3m) ent SchemIeS O-PpSe3n (ISmpapcroev &m eZnutd Spic JhunemgeleI :P) RIund4bliucs t&ri aSlemi Public 3) R_Pedstrian ProBRpuo5fsferd__AAAGRICUKos1urhp:rh PioLrTUREnimdse A1 Agriculture SGUolidwGENERAKasanhtILane_ UTILITYns_idfpeacie_nscithleit_yBo_Lsayeoanerr DRe2fencelandpowerplant TEPLtehsils,_1_U _villagessFu andK:m revenue FImRo parcelsraMerI referencedsSIt-TR fromI1 individual (Im villagepr ovment Scheme Residential 1) Proposed_ROW_Dissolve2 Buffer_saoner A2: AgriculUtutriliety Kanhan_pench_mapsb anduP suchffOe otherWr1 relevantERL sourcesIN EareS indicative,_MA andY are1 provided5_2 to0 12 ORR_Proposed ORR_POTU:tL iTliYrtya_nBounsKpaonhrtaatnido_narpenych_buffer1 LoCca: CtoiINDKmnosanminhdZee_Ora_OcnSiaS_:ilt peOe_pnBeconh_ Sbpuaffceer 1& TrePcr_1_eatiRBOUNDACoK3noInRgResMY tIeTdI IS-C3 (ImproTvPme_1_nt SKchIeRmMeIS IC-TWoImmB (Iemrcpiraolv 3m) ent Scheme Water Bodies) I2: Hazardoous explosives RIn3side_IICnsn2isos:t ieniHdd_geeaBes__zo_Sastireittdseedooo__aBBnuo_oes rexKuphloi sives DefenRIpIScSaoe_-ilwWR_eoRBrapi gd(lanIhRmtoOptfrW owvamyent SchemeO RRWa_tePrr Bopoodsieesd) establish relativeAg locationricu oflt variousure plan elements. These maps should Utility Kanhan_pench_buffer1 ORR_RPOoadLbuYf_feBounrmergedary BRu4ffer_Kalmeshwar RC_/BPGeR:d 13Cstrreiamnatorium/Burial grounds IS-PWSB3 ( (IImmpprroovvmnotm beee scalednntOA torI Sg 2usedRRSrc:i forc hH ucalculationh_elaetPumzmrrea eoofe rareas pd WP oooandasu relatedetbuedli srmeasurements.c Be &xo pdS lioesmsi)vi ePsublic 3) R5 UtiliKtyanhan_pench Kanhan_pench_buffer1 ProBRpuo5fsfedr__RDAAGRICUKsao22eur:ofrh eAninLegTUREcreicu A2lture SWSolidwKWAasaTERnh tSUPPae_InS_L-YfpRacie1n c(Ihlmitpyrovment SOchRRemDRVILLAGE_ee23E fRxeines BOUNDAcstieindlgaennRdtYial 1) For any referencesCan relatedals to villageI orS revenue-RW parcel1B boundaries( I(mImp orp rorovvmmeennt tS Scchheemmee R IW2e:as Hitdeaerz nBatoiraddloo i1e)su)s explosives National_Highway ORR_POVTU:itL lliTliaYrtgya_enS BounsNDboupbsouZrtn_taadOttaiidoSonrniaressy LoCca: CtoiINDKmnosanminhdZee_BTra_Oc:un SiTaSf_firltepaeren__nsBKcpoah_olmrtbaeutsifofhenwr1arTP_1_RSTK4 IP62RMITI NDC/BZG_:O CSrematoareariu measurements,mC/IBo: muI revenuendrmiae recordsulr scgRit andar_oil relevantaPulen landd recordsstr fromia then I2: HazaRradiloo_luinse ex_cpolaolsmivineessLayer Inside_Esxities_tiBngo__Gsoaaonthear ns FD:e FfeonIOrpSecoues_wttRseiodePSrapd_lanPRS:Oi ttPeWu_bBloic semi public IS-MR (Improvmrespectiveen ttehsil M officesixe shalld be referredRe tos andid shalle prevail.n tial 1) Buffer_Kalmeshwar C/BG: Crematorium/Burial gNroautinodnas l_Highway6 2. The Proposed Land Use Map is to be read concurrently with the T: Transportation NDZ_OS R4 Outside_Site_Bo R_PeRd4strian R5 _Pedstrian Commercial 2 T: Transportation NDZ_OS PBropuffero_Kseuhdi Landuse Zones 60 National_Highway R5 FOREST SESolidwELECTRICKasanhtae_ SUBSn_fpaciTAeTIONnchlity TEHSIL6 BOUNDA/ RY6 DevelopmentGa Plano Reporttha andn the policies stated therein including the R2 1 3 4 IS-R1 (Improvment Scheme Residential 1)

Utility Kanhan_pench_buffer1 BUutiflifteyr_RFsa3: Foonreerst KanhaInS_-pWeBnc (h_Imbpuroffevmr1ent SOcRRheRm_3Pe rWopaotes6 er dBodies) IS-WB (Improvment Scheme Water Bodies) 1 Location B R Development Control Regulations. Proposed land uses indicate the future Inside_Site_Bo / ORR_POViLllaYg_e Bounboundadriaresy o R4 Defence aRre_aPedstrian C: Commercial TP_1_i KIRM3 ITI

T: Transportation NDZ_BOuSffer_Kuhi v

BT: Bus terminals r I2: Hazardoous explosives 6 Defence I2: Hazardoous explosives Layer IS Boundaries OutsideIns_idSeit_es_iBteo_Bo_soaner e R5 powerplant use of the property and have no impact on the lawful use of the land Proposed_ROW_Disso lve2 Inside_site_Bo_soaner Kanhan_pench Inside_site_Bo_soaner ORR_Exisptionwgerplant powerplant r Regional_Plan_roads F: FoWresCtL QPr:o Qpuoaserrdy area 5 IS-OS (Improvment Scheme Open Space & Zudpi Jungle) Buffer_Kalmeshwar C/BG: Crematorium/BuriaHl gingrounda_9 s Commercial Zudpi jungle I: Industrial NAGPUR METROPOLITAN 66 and propertyD as eit currentlyfen cexists.e Anyar developmentea work carried out Bor Inside_site_Bo_soaner powerplant

Proposed_ROW_Dissolve2 BRu5ffer_WAHILLSK1Cu:h L /P iROCK PrimroYep AREAS oAsgerdic ualrteuare SUSTPolidwSEKasaWnhAGEtRa e_TREn5_AfTMENpacienTc PLANTlhity Kanhan_pench subsequent to the adoption of this plan shall be as per the provisions of 7 Ri Inside_site_Bo_soaner powerplant Buffer_saoner 6 ver Proposed_ROW_Dissolve2 Utility LocatiKoannhan_pench_buffer1 0 9 8 8 R3 AREA BOUNDARY IS-WB (I5 mprovment Scheme Water Bodies) 6 Inside_Site_Bo R4 6 the DevelopmentFo Planre ands tthis ProposedR_ LandP Usee Map.dstrian T: Transportation NDZ_OS r

VT:i llTargaenR Isbo:p 4Iondurtnuadstaitorniaels NDZ_ORS_Pedstrian National_Highway 7

ORR_POLY_Boundary o r

I2: Hazardoous explosives Layer IS Boundaries Outside_Site_Bo R5 B e Kanhan_pench v 4 Defence ORRIn_siEdxei_sstiinteg_Bo_soaner poweBrpulfanfert_saoner i 3. The proposed road right of ways (ROWs) shown are proposed based on TT: Truck terminals 8 SPA_boundaries F: FoWresCtL BPuroffpeor_sKeda lamresahwar 58 C/BG: CR rematorium/Burial grounds Buffer_Kalmeshwar C/BG: Crematorium/Burial grounUdtsility Forest Kanhan_pench_buffer1 Buffer_Kalmeshwar ORR_PropCo/sBeGd: Crematorium/Burial grounSOLIDds WASTE DISPOSAL / NAGPUR DISTRIC4 T I: InduQsutraiarrlies 3 7 the minmum ROW width that is required as per the land use proposed Roadbuffermerge R1 IS-7 PS3 (Improvment Scheme Public & Semi Public 3)

7 r

7 Buffer_MINESKuh /i QUARRIES USWD r Waterbodies I2: Hazardoous explosives e o in the respective areas. In places where existing ROW is greater than the Buffer_Kalmeshwar C/BG: Crematorium/Burial grounds v Buffer_saoner i B Utility QAu2a: Arrgiersiculture LocatiPROCESSINGKoannhan_ FpACILITencYh_ buffer1 BOUNDARY 2 Hills/Rocky area R ORR_Proposed Village boundaries InsideU_tSiliitye_Bo 7 Kanhan_pench_buffer1 Buffer_Kalmeshwar C/BG: Crematorium/Burial grounds

T: Transportation ONDutsZi_deRO4_SSite_Bo R_Ped83 strian proposed ROW, the width of the existing ROW shall prevail. Inside_site_Bo_soaner powerplant I2: Hazardoous explosives IS BounRd5aries Kanhan_pench PropRo5sed_ROW_Dissolve2 2 Kanhan_pench Inside_site_Bo_soaner ORR_Existing powerplant 7 I2: Hazardoous explosives B WCL Proposed area 5 o 75 76 8 4. Existing amenitiesHill sand/ Rutilitiesoc areky mapped ar ebaseda on their current use and O RRSP_AP_bropFoou: snFedodarerisets Utility r Kanhan_pench_buffer1 Buffer_TKraanslmpeosrhtwpaatrch CREMC/BAGTION/V: iCll aBURIAregme Labo tourniudma/rBieusrial grounds R I: InduQsutraiarrlBieusffer_Kuhi 7 i Station Tehsil T: Transp1 ov rtation do not indicate the status of the propertyND ownership.Z_ O S e NatBiounaffel_r_HWKiAguTERhhwi BODIESay CBGI2: HaAzsahprdoooRn2duss explosives MIHAN BOUNDARr Y IS-R1 (Improvment Scheme Residential 1) Buffer_saoner Nag_River IGROUNDnsid e_Site_Bo 5. The high floodIn lined isu shownstr asia perl the data received from the Irrigation Buffer_Kuhi VillageA Cbos: hpCunoodmnadmrsieesrcial 6

T: Transportation NDZ_OS

5 Department.

T: Transportation 1 National_Highway IS Boundaries Outside_Site_Bo NDZ_OS Buffer_Kuhi 8 Inside_site_Bo_soaner pow eRrp5lant Kanh7a8 n_pench WCL Proposed area 5 Industrial Buffer_Kalmeshwar C/BG: Crematorium/Burial grounds Utility Kanhan_pench_buffer1

ORRBSutP_afAPftei_borron_UpoKoutaislinletmdydaersiehswar QCu/BaGrri:e KCsarenhmaanto_rpiuemnc/h_Bubriuaflf egrr1ounTd: sTra5nsportation NDZ_OS B NatBiounaffel_r_HIK:i gIundhhwiuasytrial IS Boundaries o 5

Defenceland I2: Hazardoous explosives IRRIGATION CANALS I2: Hazardoous explosives r 4 Rail_Rightof way AshpoBnudffser_saoner Inside_site_RBo_soaner powerplant

Buffer_saoner i Mines, quarries/extractive areas Proposed_ROW_Dissolve2 v SubstRat3ions IerS-WB (Improvment Scheme Water Bodies) Village boundaries 1 0 250 500 meters

ORR_POLY_Boundary Nag_update 5 N Buffer_saoner IS Boundaries Outside_Site_Bo

Substations Proposed_ROW_Dissolve2 ISnPsAid_be_Dosuietnefed_naBcro_ieessoaner WpoCwLe IPrnprsolanidpeot_sesidte a_rBeo_a soaner 52 powerplant Mines, quarries/extractive areas Buffer_saoner Buffer_Kalmeshwar C/BG: Crematorium/Burial grounds 53 ORR_Proposed StationT: Transportation QuarrUieNDtsilityZ_OS T: TransportaKtiaonhn a79n_p80 ench_buffer1 NDZ_OS Buffer_Kuhi NatBRiouanafilf_el_Rr_HiKgighuhthowif awyay Ashponds Inside_site_Bo_soaner Public Sepmoi wpuebrlpiclant

I2: Hazardoous explosives Village boundaries PrToVBIpSPiuoll__1_fsafRegorde_a_ sabodKRROoIuORnnWeWdM_raDrIiTeissIsolve2 SubstVSaiPtllionAag_bse obounudnadraierises Buffer_KaKhairilme 55shwar Scale - 1 : 10,000 C/BG: Crematorium/Burial grounds

BT: BuRs4 terminals R_Pedstria33 n

IS Boundaries Public Semi public wadgaon_buffer_fin WCL Proposed area Village boundaries BSuPfAfe_br_BFoKTu:a :nF lBmdoaureerssis ehtteswrmarinals C/BGB: uCffreerm_Kataolrmiuemsh/Bwuarrial grounds C/BG: Crematorium/Burial grounds Quarries Station 50 Village boundaries Buffer_Kuhi T: Transportation NDZ_OS National_Highway Ashp onds Public utility Inside_site9 _Bo_soaner powerplant Buffer_saoner Pr oBRpuoafsilf_eRrd__IinsagRshOiotdonWefe _w_rsDaityeis_sBoo_lves2oaner powerplant 4 Tehsil Hingna: Village Khairi, Gaurala Sheet No. Substations IS_RoadROW Buffer_Kalmeshwar C/BG: Crematorium/Bur ial grounds

Village boundaries Station 7

BT: BuISs Bteorunmindalrsies 4

IS Boundaries Buffer_Kuhi Public utility 4

TT: TrRuc5k terminals Kanhan_pen3 ch Solidwaste_facility 48

SPA_boMuanjodra_rSietrseams_Buffer15m 5 78 3 IS Boundaries

StationTI:T I:nd Truusctkri atel rminals Quarries

Buffer_Kuhi Recreation/ open space

AshpoBnudffser_Kuhi 6 4 IS Boundaries Rail_Rightof way Proposed_ROW_Dissolve2 Buffer_saoner SubstIantsionides_site_Bo_soaner 44powerplant Village boundaries

VISill_aRgoeaB boduRfufOenrWd_aKraielms eshwar BT: BusC t/eBrGm:i nCarlesmatorium/BuriaBl gurffoeur_nKdsaulhmi eshwar RecreatioCn// BopGe:n Cspraec91mea92 torium/Burial grounds 5

IS Boundaries 3 Rail_Rightof way 4 43 SPA_boundaries 6 Solidwaste_facility TT: Truck terminals Buffer_saoner Loca tiSoPnA_boundaries TransUpotilirttpyatch Kanhan_pench_buffer1 ORR_Proposed Station Residential 105 106 Minor_Streams_Buffer10m r Rail_Rightof way Ashponds Bo SPA_boundaries Buffer_TIsa2ra: onsHnaepzroarrtdpooatcuhs explosives SubstBautionffers_saoner 2 r 4 e SPA_boundaries

VISill_aRgoea bodRuOnWdaries Riv 23

BT: BuBsu ftfeerrm_Kinaallmseshwar C/BG: CrematoriumR/Besuidrieanlt igarl ounds IS Boundaries

IS BounBudfaferire_sKuhi Buffer_Kuhi S olidwaste_facility TT: Truck terminals Buffer_saoner SPA_boundaries IS_RoadROW 2 LocatiSInotsanitdioen_Site_Bo TransSpotarttipoantch Village boundaries 1 Transportation

Defenceland National_Highway T: Transportation 0 NDZ_OS Rail_Rightof way 4

7 river_vena_Buffer 22

VISill_aRgoeaD bodeRfueOnnWdcaerlaiensd SBuT:b BstuVasitlli onategrsem boinaulsndaries 3 Transportation Station Station

IS Boundaries TT: TrBuuckff eter_rmKuinhails SPA_boundaries SolidwSPasA_bte_Bouuffnfaciedra_rsileaistoyner Buffer_saoner Town Planning Officer Chairman

LocatiSInotsanitdioen_Site_Bo Transportpatch Village boundaries 38 Water bodies Chairman

DefenRcaeilla_nRdightof way IS Boundaries 8 ROauilts_iRdeig_hStoitfe w_Baoy Solidwaste_facility 1 9 Dy. Director Town Planning, NIT Nagpur Improvement Trust

Inside_site_Bo_soaner powerplant

Proposed_ROW_Dissolve2 IS_RoawdaRteOrW_dpareabesa_BuffeTr1P0_1_mmBinKTo:Ir BRuMs tIeTrmI inals 3 Water bodies Rail_Rightof way

IS Boundaries

TT: TrIuSc kB oteunrmdianraielss

Rail_Rightof way SolidwTSPPas_1_A_bte_oKufnIaciRdaMrileIisTtyI Buffer_saoner

LocatiSInotsanitdioen_VSillitaeg_eB boo undaries Transportpatch Village boundaries PROPOSED LAND USE PLANScanned by CamScanner Station

Defenceland IS Boundaries ROauilts_iRdeig_hStoitfe w_Baoy IS_RoadROW Submitted to the Government of IWS_CRL oPardoRpoOsWed area TP_1_LoKcaIRtiBMounfIfTerI_Kalmeshwar SPA_boundaCri/eBsG17 : Crematorium/BuPublishedrial u/sg 26r oof theunds

r Maharashtrau/s 30(1) Regional of the and M.R.T.P Town Act, Planning 1966 Act, 1966. water_dpareabesa_Buffer15mmajor o r IS_RoadROW TT: Truck terminals B Solidwast e_facility e SPA_boundaries v TransSpoPrAtp_batocuhndaries i IS_RoadROW LocatiSInotsanitdioen_Site_Bo R

Village boundaries 5 Draft Development Plan Defenceland Rail_Rightof way

IS Boundaries IS Boundaries 1 ROauilts_iRdeig_hStoitfe w_Baoy IWS_CRL oPardoRpoOsWed area SPA41_boundaries Quarries TP_1_KI RInMsiIdTeI_Site_Bo Station Nagpur Metropolitan Area, Nagpur Solidwaste_facility Solidwaste_facility S olidwBuasffetr_e_Kufhacii lity Location Trans portpatch 1 SIntsaitdioen_Site_Bo DefenSctealtaionnd 8 Solidwaste_facility

Outside_Site_Bo m Rail_Rightof way

IS Boundaries 4 IS_RoadROW Solidwaste_facility IWSC_RL oPaSrdoPRpAoO_bsWeodu anrdeaaries SPP A_b133oundar3 ies R TP_1_KIRMITI r 1 Stao tion Quarries i B Outside_Site_Bo p v Ashponds Railo _Rightofe oway Solidwaste_facility r r s LocatiBounffer_saoner e 6 Location d 3 Inside_Site_Bo Defenceland 125 Ro 1 1 ROauilts_iRdeig_hStoitfe w_Baoy a 3 139 WCL Proposed area Rail_Rightof way d 2 Location IS_RoadROW TP_1_KIRSMPAIT_bI oundaries 138 Station Station 131 Nagpur Improvement Trust Location Quarries 1 35 RaGauralail_Rightof way 7 Solidwaste_facility

Solidwaste_facility 3 Ashponds WCL Proposed area Station Road, Kingsway,Head Office Sadar, Nagpur 440001 Inside_Site_Bo IS_RoadROW 1 LocatiSInousnbsideta_tSionites_Bo Village boundaries MDR 7 Station Road, Kingsway, Outside_Site_Bo 124 Technical assistanceSadar, Nagpur-440010 by the Consortium led by IWS_CRL oPardoRpoOsWed area Halcrow Consulting Pvt. Ltd. (A CH2M Hill Company) Inside_Site_Bo TP_1_KI RISM_IRToIadROW Bor Quarries 130 123 Consortium Members: Inside_Site_Bo Station 129 Riv Metro Office Rail_Rightof way Rail_Righo tof wayer SolidwAsashptoe_ndsfacility B B r r NIT Cultural Hall Complex, Near Dharmapeth Science College, o o B R or Location Location r IS_RoadROWB r 119 Substations i Inside_Site_Bo Quarries v 28 River ve North Ambazari Road, Nagpur-440010 Outside_Site_Beo 1 Ri 122 125 Rive 118 HCPDPM

BT: Bus terminals r 12 r

Outside_Site_Bo 0 HCPDPM HCPDPM

IS Boundaries HCPDPM QWuCaLr rPiersoposed area Solidwaste_facility Outside_Site_Bo Proposed Land Use SolidwAsashptoe_nISd_sfRacioadliRtOyW SolidwRaasil_Rte_ighftaciof wlaiyty IS_RoadROW Inside_Site_Bo Outside_Site_Bo LocatiSOIBnouTusn:bsti dsBeitdeua_stSi _ontiSeteristm_eBi_noBaols Ashponds Vision Document, Development Plan and Improvement WCL Proposed area WTTC: TL rPucrokp toesrmedin aarlesa WSPCAL_b Poroupnodsaeride sareaSolidwaste_facility Schemes for Nagpur Metropolitan Area QAsuhparroiensds Location WCL Proposed area LocatSiSOIBnoouTusn:libsti dsBdweitdeua_stSi _ontasiSeteristm_teBe_i_noBaoflsacility LocatiISo_nRoadROW Solidwaste_facility Outside_Site_Bo WCL Proposed area QWTrTuaC:a nsTLr rPpiueocrsokrtp ptoeasrtmechdin aarlesa SQutuabatsirortinaetsions LocatiInosnide_Site_Bo SAInusshpbsideota_ntSdionistes_Bo Quarries LoWOBTTTuCca::t sTLBi rdeutPuiscro _oktnSep troeitmsermei_ndBian oalasrlesa SolidwInsasidet_e_Sitfeaci_Bolity Location WCL Proposed area Quarries QATDrseuahpfansernropicenoesdrlsatpnadtch ARBsTahp:il _BoRunsigd thsetromf iwnaayls OInustidsiede_S_iSteit_eB_oBo SOBuTu:bst sBitdeuasti _ontSeristmei_nBaols Ashponds WTrTaC: nsTL rPpuIocrnokrstp iptdoeaesrt_mecShdin itaaerl_esBao Outside_Site_Bo Inside_Site_Bo Quarries Ashponds QADseuhpfaernroicenesdlsand LocatiSToTun:b Tsrtautcionk tesrminals Outside_Site_Bo TP_1_SBKuT:bsI BRtuaMsti ontIeTrsmI inals IS_RoadROW WCL Proposed area Nagpur Improvement Trust WTrTaC: nsTL rPpuocrokrtp ptoeasrtmechdin aarlesa WCL Proposed area Substations Substations QADseuhpfaernroicenOesdulsatsnidde_Site_Bo Inside_Site_Bo Outside_Site_Bo Ashponds Station Road, Kingsway, Sadar, Nagpur 400 001, BT: Bus terminals TP_1_SBKuT:bsI BRtuaMsti ontIeTrsmI inals BTrTa: nsBupso rttepramtcinhals QWuCaLr rPiersoposed area QTrTua:a nsTrrpiueocskrt pteartmchinals Solidwaste_facility BT: Bus terminals Maharashtra SADusehpbsfenotacnWtedionlCsanLsd Proposed area QOuatsrirdeies_Site_Bo WCL Proposed area Substations BT: Bus terminals TT: Truck terminals TP_1_BTKTT:: I TBRruuMsc ktIe TtremIrminianlasls TDTe:f eTnruccekla tnedrminals AQsuhparroiensds ATDrseahpfnsenopcnoedrlsatpnadtch Location TT: Truck terminals TP_1_SBKuT:bsI BRtuaMQsti onutIeTarsrmIrieinsals AWsChpL oPnrdosposed area Quarries BT: Bus terminals TT: Truck terminals TrTa: nsTrpuockrt pteartmchinals Transportpatch SAushpbstoantidons s Defenceland TP_1_InKsiIdRe_MSIitTeI_Bo R1 TP_1_SBKuT:bsI BRtuaMsti ontIeTrsmI inals Substations Transportpatch Transportpatch TT: TruAcskhp teormndinsals Quarries ASsuhpbsotantdions s TT: Truck terminals TDreafnsenpcoerlatpnadtch ODeuftesnidece_laSnitde_Bo BT: Bus terminals TP_1_BKT:I BRuMs tIeTrmI inals Defenceland TrTa: nsTrpuSocukrtbs pteatrtamcthiionnasls BATs:hp Bounsd tserminals Substations Transportpatch Defenceland TP_1_DKefIeRncMelIaTnId TP_1_KIRMITI TBTT:: TBruusc kte tremrminianlasls