Academic Report 2010–11

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Academic Report 2010–11 Academic Report 2010–11 Harish-Chandra Research Institute Chhatnag Road, Jhunsi, Allahabad 211019 Contents 1. About the Institute 2 2. Director’s Report 5 3. List of Governing Council Members 8 4. Staff list 10 5. Academic Report - Mathematics 19 6. Academic Report - Physics 59 7. Joint Colloquia 160 8. Mathematics Talks and Seminars 160 9. Physics Talks and Seminars 162 10. Recent Graduates 166 11. Publications 167 12. Preprints 180 13. About the Computer Section 191 14. Library 193 15. Construction Activity 195 1 About the Institute Early Years The Harish-Chandra Research Institute is one of the premier research in- stitutes in the country. It is an autonomous institute fully funded by the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India. Till October 10, 2000 the Institute was known as Mehta Research Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Physics (MRI) after which it was renamed as Harish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI) after the internationally acclaimed mathemati- cian, late Prof Harish-Chandra. The Institute started with efforts of Dr. B. N. Prasad, a mathematician at the University of Allahabad with initial support from the B. S. Mehta Trust, Kolkata. Dr. Prasad was succeeded in January 1966 by Dr. S. R. Sinha, also of Allahabad University. He was followed by Prof. P. L. Bhatnagar as the first formal Director. After an interim period in January 1983, Prof. S. S. Shrikhande joined as the next Director of the Institute. During his tenure the dialogue with the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) entered into decisive stage and a review committee was constituted by the DAE to ex- amine the Institutes future. In 1985 N. D. Tiwari, the then Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, agreed to provide sufficient land for the Institute and the DAE promised financial support for meeting both the recurring and non- recurring expenditure. In January 1990, about 66 acres of land was acquired in Jhunsi, Allahabad and the Institute came up at this site. Prof. Shrikhande was followed by Prof. H. S. Mani who took over as the Director in January 1992. With his joining and the shift to the new campus at Jhunsi in 1996, the Institutes activities picked up pace. This phase of rapid growth still continues. New Phase After a distinguished tenure of about nine years Prof. Mani retired in Au- gust 2001 and the charge was taken over by Prof. R. S. Kulkarni. After Prof. Kulkarnis tenure, Prof. Amitava Raychaudhuri took over as Direc- tor from July 19, 2005 to May 15 2011. The Institute will soon have a new director. The Institute continues to be devoted to fundamental research in 2 diverse areas of mathematics and theoretical physics. Research is carried out by faculty members, visiting members, post-doctoral fellows and Ph. D. students. Since 1992 the Institute has attracted worldwide attention, as is evident from the recognition received by many of its members. Among them are Ashoke Sen, A. Raychaudhuri, B. Mukhopadhyaya, Pinaki Majumdar, Ra- jesh Gopakumar are all winners of the prestigious S. S. Bhatnagar award. Ashoke Sen was also awarded the Padmashri and was elected to the Fel- lowship of the Royal Society. Prof. Rajesh Gopakumar had earlier won the Swarnajayanti fellowship of Department of Science and Technology and the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) prize for 2006. Re- cently, Prof. Ashoke Sen was chosen for the prestigious Infosys prize in 2009. Research in Mathematics The mathematics group at HRI carries out research in several areas. In al- gebra, work is done on algebraic groups and related structures, the theory of groups and group rings, representation theory, and infinite-dimensional Lie algebras. Work in analysis is in the field of harmonic analysis of Lie groups. Activity in geometry includes discontinuous groups and Riemann sur- faces, algebraic topology, variational problems on manifolds, Chow groups of rational surfaces, and moduli of vector bundles. The number theory group works on algebraic, analytic and combinatorial number theory, au- tomorphic forms and cryptography. Research in Physics Research in Physics at HRI is carried out in the fields on astrophysics, condensed matter physics, quantum information and computation, high energy phenomenology and string theory. In astrophysics, work is done on the cosmic microwave background, large scale structure formation and galaxy evolution. Main areas of activity in condensed matter physics are strongly correlated electron systems, mesoscopic systems, quantum Hall effect and superconductivity. In string theory, perturbative and non-perturbative aspects of string theory and quantum field theory are being actively in- vestigated. Research in neutrino physics, strong interactions, lattice gauge theory, supersymmetry and various aspects of physics beyond the stan- 3 dard model is done in high-energy phenomenology. The Institute is a member of the India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO) collaboration. Re- search in quantum information and computation includes quantum algo- rithms, quantum communication, quantum cryptography, theory of en- tanglement and other nonclassical correlations, quantum dynamical maps, foundations of quantum mechanics, geometric phases, information pro- cessing in the presence of closed time-like curves, the recently developing field at the interface of quantum many-body physics and quantum infor- mation, and other related issues. The Institute has a residential campus in Jhunsi, Allahabad with a library, state of the art computational facility and fast Internet link to the outside world. There is an active graduate program and a large traffic of visiting scientists and students. 4 Director’s Report This 2010-11 Anuual Report of Harish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI) is intended to provide a glimpse of the Institute, especially of the academic accomplishments in the past year. The Institute, with a focus on mathe- matics and theoretical physics, is internationally renowned and is gener- ously funded by the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) of the Govern- ment of India. HRI trains students who join after an M.Sc. (or a B.Sc.) for a Ph.D. (in- tegrated Ph.D.) programme. They are selected via a rigorous procedure to attract only the best. For example, in physics, the high-rankers in the JEST examination are invited to appear in a written test and interview, for selection. Only a small fraction get through. All students register with the Homi Bhabha National Institute for their Ph.D. On completion of their degrees, they are picked up by leading institutions, usually abroad, with post-doctoral offers. Afterwards, they are absorbed in the top research and teaching institutions in the country. Over the years, the Institute has made a concerted effort to enhance the student intake without making any compromise on high quality. The cur- rent student strength – around 60 – is being housed in two hostels, a mar- ried student apartment block, and from last year, in rented rooms in the city of Allahabad. A third hostel which should be able to accommodate another 60 students is under construction in the HRI campus. The Foun- dation Stone for this hostel will soon be laid by the Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission. HRI has also emerged as a thriving hub for collaboration meetings, ped- agogic schools, and focussed conferences. The locational advantage of a well-equipped centre in a peaceful non-urban setting, excellent support facilities and most importantly the high quality scientists present locally makes the Institute a popular venue. Like every year, this year there were meetings in mathematics and physics covering a wide range – sum- mer training courses for M.Sc. students to frontier research meetings and schools with wide national and international participation. Besides the new students’ hostel, work is now going on to extend the li- 5 brary building to increase, among other things, reading room and library storage space, provide more floor area to the Computer Centre, etc. These constructions are now on in full-swing. In addition, the ever-increasing number of short- and long-term visitors as also the regular scientific meet- ings necessitates an extension of the Guest House. This, and a new Con- ference Centre Complex, are on the cards. Needless to say, one must bear in mind that the Institute is located not in a metropolis. Hence infrastructural support is of essence for it to suc- ceed. The electrical power connection to the Institute is via an overhead line. On occasions, especially in the time of stormy weather, there have been breaches in the connection. For the essential services like the cluster computers, the internet links, etc., as a back-up two 500kVA DG sets have been installed in the past year. These will suffice at the time of power dis- ruptions. The lifeline of a research institute, that too in an isolated location, is its internet linkage to the world. Keeping this in mind the Institute internet connection bandwidth has been enhanced every year and now stands at more than 60 Mbps. Several service providers are utilised to build up re- dundancy. HRI continues to keep Outreach as one of its missions. Several faculty members participate in INSPIRE and other programmes to act as Resource Persons for the students. The Institute also organises a Talent Search Test for physics and mathematics students in class X and XII of the city of Al- lahabad. This Test has been a continuing success and the prize-winners have gone on to do very well in later life and in competitions like the in- ternational olympiads. During the last year one HRI-Triveni Lecture and three HRI-Girdharilal Mehta Lectures were arranged. Professor Vladimir Voevodsky of the In- stitute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA delivered the 5th HRI-Triveni Lecture entitled ‘Mathematics and Computers’ on 16th February 2011. On 19th July 2010 the 9th HRI-Girdharilal Mehta Lecture on ‘A Review of the Indo-US nuclear agreement and its ramifications’ was delivered by Profes- sor R.
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