FACULTY PROFILE 1) Name (Block letters) ` : Lingaraj C Kulakarni 2) Date of Birth : 22-05-1966 3) Mother tongue : Kannada 4) Blood group : B+ 5) Present designation : Assistant professor 6) Category : III B 7) Residential Address : Manjunath Krupa II Cross Jayanagar, Vidyanagar -Hubballi 580031 8) Permanent Address : Manjunath Krupa II Cross Jayanagar, Vidyanagar -Hubballi 580031 9) Phone Numbers : Mobile No: +919448367992 Email :
[email protected] 10) Academic Qualifications: (from UG course) Sl. Year of Qualification University Class Awards No. Passing st 1 B.Sc Karnatak science college Dharwad 1990 1 Class nd 2 M.Sc Karnatak University Dharwad 1992 2 Class 3 M.Phil Karnatak University Dharwad 2008 Award 4 Ph.d Karnatak University Dharwad Doing 11) Service particulars: Sl. Year Position Name of the Institution No. From To S.K.Arts and H S K Sci Institute Part time Lecturer 1992 2004 5. Hubballi 6. Lecturer 2004 2008 S S M S College Athani 7. Lecturer 2008 2010 R L Science Institute, Belagavi Till Assistant Professor 2010 P.C. Jabin Science College, Hubballi 8. today Research: M.Phil – :”Servay of Ethenomedicinal plants of Savanur Thaluk, Haveri District “. g) Projects applied/ : Title of Minor projects Grant (in lakhs) : Projects Title of the project Grant (in lakhs) Minor :”Servay of Ethenomedicinal plants of Rs 1,40,000 Research Belagavi, Bagalakot and Gadag District” (UGC Project sponsored) h) Projects completed/Submitted : Projects Title of the project completed/ Submitted Minor :”Servay of Ethenomedicinal plants of Belagavi, completed/ Research Bagalakot and Gadag District” Submitted Project i) Publications : International Peer reviewed journals Details: (e.g.: Title; Author & coauthor names; Name of the Journal; volume; Date; page numbers) 1.