Vol.27 No. 3 THE ASCENT TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1974 Inauguration Day A Kid From The City Makes It Big

by TONY VIOLA NTI “Dr. Marshall will provide a reasonable assurance of sta­ What kind of a day was bility,” continued Dr. O ’Brien. October 4, 1974 for Rosary “He will have an adventurous Hill? life as an adventurous presi­ dent. I hope the bust of M us­ It was the day that Dr. ■ IK solini can now go off his desk Robert Marshall was in­ and back into his cellar where augurated as the third presi­ it belongs.” dent of Rosary Hill. There were other people in It was the day that Dr. the crowded lounge. They too, Marshall’s close friend and shared in this moment for former boss, Dr. Richard Rosary H ill Among them: O ’Brien, gave the inaugural address for the new president. Mr. James Dillon (Member. Presidential Search Com­ It was a day of pride and re­ mittee): “I’m very pleased cognition for all members of with Dr. . Marshall. I’m the Rosary Hill community. impressed with his candor and freshness. If Dr. Marshall can After the inauguration live up to half of Dr. O ’Brien’s ceremony was over, most of description of him, he’ll be the participants proceded to quite a guy.” Wick lounge for coffee and pastry. It was in this relaxed Dr. Marshall’s wife Betty: “I atmosphere that many people enjoyed the ceremony very with one thing in common — much. I heard the speech at Rosary Hill — talked about home but it sounded better the college and the new presi­ here. It was enjoyable to see dent. the student participation. The whole ceremony was lovely.” “The city kid had reached the first part of his itinerary,” Ms. Allalee . Babbidge as Dr. Marshall said of himself (Member, Presidential Search in his inauguration speech. Committee): “Dr. Marshall The city kid’s father, Mr. has a flying start and it’s up to Joseph Maraschiello, stood in him from here.” the middle of Wick lounge holding a cup of coffee and Bill Moharsky (Student): ‘1 talked about his son. ‘W hat is thought it was a unique cere­ there to say? I always knew mony. It was all well done.” he’d go this far or even further. W e knew he was Mr. J.T. Maher (Member, going to be something big. He Presidential Search Com­ was an average boy who used H r mittee): “I enjoyed it very to get into some mischief. iu'#' much. It’s a very happy occa­ W e ’re all very proud of him,” sion for Rosary Hill.” Mr. Maraschiello said. Dr. Marshall, the former The coffee cups and spoons city kid, stood in the middle of were clattering as the people Wick lounge. Around him came up and congratulated were his friends, his wife, his Dr. Marshall. One of those father, his students and his people was a long, lean man, world. He had quoted Morris well over six feet tall with an Bishop in his inauguration English accent. It was Dr. speech saying “there can be Richard O’Brien, Dr. no great creation without a Marshall’s close friend. dream.”

“I thought the inauguration A s you saw the former city ceremony was absolutely kid standing there, proud and right,” said Dr. O ’Brien in his aware of his accomplishment proper English tones. “It was Dr. O ’Brien, who is Director Marshall and Rosary Hill. ‘1 role to play in education. They in life, you realized that brief, dignified and solid, of the Division of Biological like what I’ve seen of Rosary will have a tougher time sur­ October 4, 1974 was a day of more like a marriage than a Sciences at Cornell Uni­ Hill. The Rosary Hills of this viving than Cornell.” great creation for Rosary Hill funeral.” versity, spoke about Dr. country have an important and Robert Marshall PAGE 2 THE ASCENT OCTOBER 15,1974

Editorial: AskThe The Misadventures of Hatman and Bobin President by D.D'.A. and S.J.D: Hatman: “ Yeah, I saw ’em ging device, and place a flashing with my own X-ray eyes.” red alarm light above my door . . It was a typical boring Sunday Commissioner: “ Is this true, night. Hatman and Bobin, the Bobin?” And so ends one of Hatman and crooked crusaders, were making Bobin (after Hatman pokes Bobin’s never ending battles the routine snoops. Hatman has a him in the ribs): “ Ah, yeah. I against truth, justice and the devious hunch: guess so.” “ Open Camp” way. Q. I low do you feel about changing the name of Rosary Hill College? Hatman: “ Bobig, I have a College? devious hunch. There’s some crime brewin’ at the camp next The matter of name change is a highly complex issue. In addition to door. Where we made that big "Crime in the dorms, hell! grappling with whatever legitimate logical issues arise, we also are bust irf ’73.” faced with deep emotional issues on both sides of the question. Bobin: “ Oh, yeah. I remember This is to protect me it well. For the sake of brevity I think I can safely dispose of all but the most Hatman: “ Let’s check it out.” from the Duo!" telling factors. Bobin: “ But what about our own camps?” Hatman does not If the name of Rosary Hill College has to be changed in order to in­ reply. crease enrollment of qualified students, if the name has to be changed With his X-ray vision, Hatman to moré accurately reflect some new purpose and structure of the could see straight through the institution, then it simply should be done and soon. brick wall of the camp next door. He was shocked, yet internally While the most persuasive arguments favoring the change of name delighted when . . . promise increased enrollment as a result, it should be equally obvious Hatman: “ Bobin, do you see that there are many students here at Rosary Hill College who are in what I see?” attendance because the name is Rosary Hill and they know what that Bobin: “ No, Hatman. My eyes stands for. The name change proponents feel that although we would aren’t as powerful as yours, nor lose some of these students, we would gain far more new ones attract­ my mind as bent.” ed by a more secular name. I hope you all realize that there is no way Hatman: “ That’s true. Well, to know whether or not this is correct. it’s those guys — Key, Sip and Pil. With members of the Before I can whóleheartedly, and with confidence, ask the Board of opposite gender in their confine­ Trustees to consider a name change I would like to know that I had ments!” received the broadest spectrum of opinion from the Rosary Hill Bobin: ‘ ‘But Pil went home for Community. I am particularly interested in students’ opinion since it the weekend.” would more accurately predict the attitudes of prospective enrollees. Hatman: “ So what? It’s his word against ours. And we’ve got Should we decide that it is in our best interest to change the name, authority. I don’t like him any­ then I think we should do it soon. However, as important as a name way, ever since he moved out of change is, a clear definition of why we are here, what we are about, my camp. Let’s report this to the and what values we hold. Commissioner.” Bobin: “ But. but. .. but . , . ” Hatman: “ No buts about it, Bob. We’re gonna get ’em this time.” Hatman: “I’ll swear it in a This story is based, in part, Dear Editor: The scene changes to Commis­ court of law! ” upon real events. The names sioner Hamburg’s office in Sick Commissioner: “ OK, Hatman, were changed to protect the Every freshman entering a new college must experience feelings of Center take it easy. I ’ll punish the whole guiity. tension and excitement. As I stepped into Wick Social Room I felt Hatman: “ Commissioner, as damn camp!” Warning: The misadventures apprehensive, wondering just what am I doing here. That first impres­ often as I feel it is my duty to Bobin squeaks: “ Even the of Hatman and Bobin, those in­ sion was soon changed as the feeling of warmth and congeniality report these indecent, unlawful innocent guys?” vincibly dumb-namic duo, may shown by the administrators, faculty and student representatives put happenings ...” The Commissioner does not continue! Lock your doors! Pull me at ease. Commissioner Hamburg cuts comment. the shades! Keep your voices in: “ Well, what is it?” The ratting on this incident re­ down, for they can pick up even -The hospitality did not end here. After a long day of informative Hatman: “ . . . I can’t believe sulted in the immediate repeal of the most infrasonic sound! And meetings, we were able to unwind with music and refreshments at the those guys could do such a dis­ the “ camp visitation” privilege. equip your camp with opaque Rathskeller. This too was a new experience for me since my previous gusting, dastardly deed ...” The scene emerges on Hat- steel! You never know where or educational experiences did not include surroundings such as these; A Bobin vainly tries to intercede: man’s private stable where he when Hatman and Bobin will closing treat was entertainment by a very talented faculty member “ But . . .” and the now notorious Bobin are trike again! who played and sang folk music. Commissioner: “ What guys?” deliberating their latest deceitful Hatman: “ Who else, but those tactics: I think Rosary Hill did an excellent job of welcoming incoming moral derelicts Key, Sip and Hatman: “ I ’ve got it! We students, and I am sure my fellow classmates join me in saying thank Pil.” attach a giant periscope from my you for making our introduction to college life so pleasant. Commissioner: “ Are you stable to the camp next door, positive?” equipped with an electronic bug­ Jim Lattner

The Ascent

Vol. 27, No. 3 Tuesday, October 15, 1974

Co-Editors-in-Chief ...... Darryl David Amato Tony Viola nti Managing E d ito r___ ...... Debbie Tocco Contributing Editor ...... Linda Neider Contributing Editor ...... John Wroblewski News S ta ff...... Karen Klinck, Kathy Jensen Marie Fortuna, Diane Krestos Sports Editor ...... Sylvia Andolina Layout Editor...... Kathy Titus Photo Editor . . . . ___ ...... John Robinson Activities Editor...... Liz Pilecki Business Manager ...... Chris Siembida Advertising Manager ...... Michelle Isabelle Art, Contributor...... John Keller

Staff: Janet Elmer, Dru Hattrich, Mike Ostrowski, Lynne Schimminger, Sue Moore, Mary Ramage, Denise Zazowski, Sue Fink, Shelly Bove. DEAR PRESIDENT FORD: HOPING TO BIND UP OUR NATION’S WOUNDS/WF HAVE DECIDED THAT PERHAPS AMERICA SHOULD BE GRANTED AMNESTY IF ITS LEADERS ARE WILLING TO WDRk FOR IT-.. PAGE 3 OCTOBER 20, 1974 THE ASCENT Inauguration Day, 1974


Rosary HilFs third president In his association with Dr. address the assembly gathered in was inaugarated Friday, Oct. 4, Marshall, Dr. O’Brien found that his honor. He spoke of the 1974. And with the induction of “ his goal was and should be to college’s reason for existence. He this man, Rosary Hill appears to lead a group such as this.” He offered his view of education and be moving in a healthy and hope­ praised Dr. Marshall’s proper called on the faculty, the admini­ fully long-lasting direction. use of authority and sensitivity. stration, the trustees, and the Dr. O’Brien talked of Dr. students to ask themselves how Richard O’Brien, a colleague Marshall’s relations with stu­ they are translatable into the and friend of Dr. Marshall’s dents and administration. He service of fellowman. Of what spoke on the new president’s ended his oration with the state­ value is education: Dr. Marshall behalf. He spoke of the dim ment that “ Rosary Hill should explained that it is for “ the picture for education in the years have a place in academic history, alleviation of human suffering to come. Enrollment will and I believe it will.” and elevation of human dignity.” continue to go down as there The driving force of education is As Dr. Marshall was sworn into become less people of college not facts learned in classrooms, office he pledged to “ conduct he believes, but the “ spirit” of age. He believes that the strength affairs with honesty, sincerity the people. He quoted, “ The lies in having “ diverse forms of and integrity” and to “ seek truth search for truth is proper human education.’’ Rosary Hill has an which humanizes and liberates activity.” Finally the doctor set “ enormously important role to men and women.” play.” high goals for the continuation of Rosary Hill by declaring that Photo by John Robinson -The newly inaugarated there is no education without a president then proceeded to dream. Brian M cQueen wins Community Service Medal

The Community Service cases of child abuse and child junior counselor at the Medal, established at Rosary Hill neglect. Evenings and weekends, Dominican Boys Town in Pough­ College in 1968 to award the he volunteered his services to keepsie. student adjudged to have made work with teenagers living in the an outstanding contribution in an economically depressed areas of When asked how he felt after he area of vital community need the Capital District. received the medal at the was received October 4, by Brian October fourth ceremony, Brian Francis McQueen during There he assisted with emer­ said, “ I feel terrific, I’m glad my inaugural ceremonies for Rosary gency counseling, home visits, father, brother and family could Photo by John Robinson tutored young people and attend the ceremony. I learned a Hill’s new president Dr. Robert S. 35HSt!SH52SH525H5H5Z5H5H5HS2SH52S2SH5H52S2S25H5252Si25H5E5HSH5ESHS2S2S2S2S25HS2525E5H5c!Si5SH525 Marshall. organized recreational outings. lot this summer and I hope I can Brian McQueen, a sophomore put it to use for the good of the majoring in elementary Brian wrote on his application Rosary Hill Community.” education was selected for the for the Community Service honor from among seventeen Medal: “Both of my work Brian is the son of Mr. and Mrs. actively considered candidates. experiences brought me face to Joseph McQueen of Highland ^Poet’s Co/meft face with sadness and personal Avenue, Utica. He attended Notre Dame High School, Burr- tragedy but I feel that exposure Student response to Dr. Marshall’s inauguration While at home in Utica this to those situations will help me stone Rd., Utica. Brian’s brother, summer, Brian worked as an later in the' teaching profession Thomas, lives at Christ the King was given by Gerry Birk and Daryl Smith as they assistant in the child welfare and will also make me a better Seminary, East Aurora, N.Y. read these poems during the inauguration cere­ department of the Oneida County community member. Representatives of the student monies. Department of Social Services body, staff and faculty of Rosary where he investigated reported Last summer, Brian was a Hill College served as judges for the Community Service Medal. Upon the Inauguration of Dr. Marshall muffii § f gm ^ h i Others considered as Com­ munity Service Medal recipients A new hand holds the lamp of learning are: Jean Fote, George J. Gryko, New minds keep its clear fire Michele Harris, Thomas burning. Kowalak. Florence Leong, Barbara Lufkin, Linda Neider; The lamp o f Reason glows quietly Also, Cynthia L. Oddi, Johanna with dignity. Porpiglia, Daniel Rustowicz, Constantly rekindled it continues Anthony James Tramuto, Jr., Kathryn R. Walsh, Susan Nancy Fired by imagination Witcomb, Sophronia M. Steadied by centuries of Tradition, Williams, Paul R. Wolf and To help dispel the darkness o f Ignorance Marsha Jeanne Young. A new hand holds the lamp o f learning

Photo by John Robinson by Gerald Birk 74 The First Lady S O N N E T 7 What time does to us! these things do to me: by CAT1IY JENSEN night's hour peers first to drown scarlet clouds then heaven’s lamp rises to flood deep moonlight The spacious and beautifully there’s a lot of fun to go along Christine 14, and Eric 11, have decorated mansion at 109 with it.” begun to call Buffalo their home spreading Into the forests’ black chambers since school has started. Mrs. Getzville Rd. houses a very time chills the haze and sweetens mid morning articulate and charming woman “ The people here have such a Marshall explained, “ They were and family. The woman carries willingness to accomplish things. active with the theatre group at when the sun sends bright rays to cloak the moon Rosary Hill during the summer the prestigious post of being a We’ve found the students warm but yet — time knows to make us laugh, then weep (TOY co.) and enjoyed it but they president’s wife in a down-to- and receptive and helpful’ crawling seconds turn to short days and weeks earth manner. Contact with the students is a real had their doubts about the lift.” move.” Now Eric has been sunset after sunset finds us each night Walking through the yard at elected homeroom vice-president praying for another! but we must wait: Mrs. Marshall finds the and Christine has been accepted the back of the house ( it’s what a frightening sight — sunrise and moonrise complete with a fish pond), Mrs. doctor’s new position a thrilling on the Varsity gymnastic team at Marshall smiled and said, “ It’s a and extremely exciting their school. both to our eyes at the ceiling o f earth! good place to be.” experience. “ Bob is a man of what time does to things: but we cannot forget The Marshalls have lived all great hope and aspirations. His what naive beauty now will soon have met Sitting comfortably inside the becoming president was a joyous their lives in college-community formal living room, she moment,” she said. settings — Brockport, Geneseo, continued. ’‘ I'm very much over­ “ Inaugaration Day is the cul­ Cornell. “ I wouldn’t feel at home by Daryl Smith whelmed by this. I’d rather be mination of years of hard work without a college around the here than anything else .. . Every and hopes.” corner,” Mrs. Marshall remarked. day there’s a lot of work to do but The Marshall’s two children, PAGE4» THE ASCENT OCTOBER IS, 1974

Around Campus At


Two comedies this month, “ THE APPRENTICESHIP OF DUDDY “ Four score and twenty years always complaining about the KRAVITZ” and “ CALIFORNIA SPLIT,” are intent upon showing us ago ...” neither Rosary Hill lack of activities on campus but two types of “ creatures” who “ kill” to “ succeed” — the compulsive College nor her Student Govern­ they won’t show up for anything capitalist and the addicted gambler. ment Association existed. Now, unless it’s free.” If a “real” twenty-five years after the first student activity fund is not put “ THE APPRENTICESHIP OF DUDDY KRAVITZ.” I know, a lousy Student Association constitution into effect soon, there apparently title for an inspired film. Call it Jewish Graffiti, for nothing, and that was adopted,* S.A. is beset with will be very little, if anything at includes the more popular “ Goodbye Columbus” and “ Portnoy’s problems. all, to “ show up” for. Complaint,” surpasses the examined satire (and love) with which this A major difficulty, as Beth movie accords the Jewish plight. Gustafson, Chairman of the Perhaps the most common Student Activities Board, notes, complaint heard about S.A. (by Mordecai Richler, working from his novel, scripts a lengthy, involv­ is “There’s a definite lack of those, at least, who know it ing success story about a sneaking, hoodwinking scamp who likes to commuters on all of the S.A. exists) is that it’s run by a pack of step on people. The people include his attractive paramour, his father Boards ... A lot of kids don’t even “ power hungry students” who and uncle, his epileptic business partner and assorted other suckers understand what Student usually turn out to be residents. who fall for his sly smile and stealthy speech. Association is all about.” What exactly is Student Janice adamantly states Ted Kotcheff directs us through the crammed Jewish ghettoes of Association (alias, S.A.), that “ We’re not power hungry — no Montreal and then counterpoints this with some scenes in a gaudy name so many of us have seen one else wants to do the job.” She Canadian country club swarmed with rich Hebrew charlatans. scribbled across posters adds, “ I had to, literally, beg my announcing mixers, lectures and friends to run for offices just to The movie is mainly about moneygrubbing and a boy who sub­ movies? fill the ballot slots.” Diane scribes to it with the greatest of alacrity. Duddy Kravitz is a success- Bates, Vice Chairman of Budget of-sorts when it comes to fortune hunting. He sets his green eyes on a Janice Kelly, Chairman of Boards acknowledges that most piece of land by a clear blue lake and plans to disfigure it by turning it Student Governing Board, S.A. members are residents and Photo by John Robinson into another vulgar resort area. As a feeling human being, Duddy is a describes Student Association as feels “ Commuters should want to dismal ne’er-do-well. being divided into three major get into it since they’re the The activities S.A. has slated boards which have equal majority.” She notes, however, for this semester include setting Traveling a similar route to “ Going Places,” ‘Duddy Kravitz’ functioning power. Janice that this is definately not the case up a volleyball and badminton proffers a despicable yet winsome, amoral and lecherous little punk explains, “ There is an Activities and instead, “ Everyone bitches court in Wick Social Room (the whom we very well know will go on his merry murderous way for life, Board which does basically what about S.A. but no one is willing to courts will be ‘put into action’ as but whom we can’t help feelirfj* a little solace for because he is such an its’ name implies (i.e., plans get involved or do anything for soon as the equipment arrives) engaging cur. activities), a Governing Board it.” and offering free J old) movies on which is concerned with Thursday evenings. Additionally, The movie is spiced with robust supporting players, but the ultimate academic and judicial matters, Why get involved? Why is the organization is trying to get accolade belongs to Richard Dreyfuse. In “ American Graffiti,” he such as appointing students on Student Association a worthwhile the " Rathskellar working played the intellectual whose main ambition was to shake hands with various college committees and a organization? continuously, is establishing President Kennedy. As the enterprising Duddy, Dreyfuss has set a Budget Board, which is allotted better relations with Phi Beta new goal — possibly the future acquisition of an Oscar for this present $11,000 per year and appropriates Janice Kelly feels that each Gamma Fraternity in order to candid performance. money for the various needs of student “should have an arrange larger mixers and is the Student Association.” allegiance to his school . . . he attempting to make arrange­ The perils and pleasures of gambling, not traditionally conductive to should want to make it something ments for RHC students to use cinema scrutiny, are excitingly canvassed in ’s wild Although $11,000 seems like to be proud of.” She adds that the Amherst High School gym. card, four aces entertainment “ CALIFORNIA SPLIT.” Mr. Altman enough money to initiate an “ One of my greatest experiences cannot lose when the deck is so well-stacked in his favor: amusement park atmosphere at at Rosary Hill has been learning According to Janice and Beth, and pair up as compulsive gamblers on a “ winning Rosary Hill, this apparently is about the actual running of the Student Association may be streak” ; An extraordinary cast of extras yields rich, motley comedy ; not so. Cindy Krupiarz, college . . Maybe a few years moving into a more optimistic the Joseph Walsh screenplay shuffles humor arid sensibility quite Chairman of the Budget Board, ago I couldn’t say it, but now I’m period. Beth observes that “ this liberally and conjointly. says that “ last semester we had proud that I go to RHC.” year’s freshman - class seems ’’California Split” both celebrates and castigates gambling. This is a to spend about $400 just on much more enthusiastic and complex, laudable achievement, and comes as no surprise to Altman’s supplies alone . . . It really adds Elections to the Student willing to get involved in campus steady patrons. He did the same to war in “ M + A+ S + H .“ up.” Additionally, Beth Association Boards will be held activities then previous classes.” Gustafson, stressed that “ S.A. prior to Thanksgiving vacation. Janice stresses that “ This spirit The co-stars deserve a paragraph of their own. They are vivid mini­ doesn’t get any money from the From January to the following is necessary if S.A. is to be an characters. First there’s the violent middle-aged man who accuses Student Activities fees — that fee January constitutes one term and effective group.” Segal and Gould (who at that point had not even met) of conspiracy at is just an increase in tuition.” the only prerequisite for holding the poker table. At the race track, we cross a young lady who vene- a major office is to have been Power hungry? Apathetic? mously throws curses and oranges in the way of the main characters To elleviate financial diffi­ previously on S.A. for one Don’t bother joining S.A. if those when she discovers that the horse Gould persuaded her not to bet on, culties, last semester S.A. semester. All Student Association words describe you. It is rather comes in first place for him. Comically peerless is he inebriated proposed to bill students a special meetings are open to anyone and evident that Student Association woman in the bar who goes on for ten minutes about her dog’s un­ activities fee. The proposal was in the works of Dawn Mancini, members are individuals who controllable bowel movements on the living room rug, her putrid defeated by the students and will Vice Chairman of Governing care — care not only about other husband’s infidelity and the “ rottenness” of the whole male popu­ be voted on again this year. Board, “ Suggestions are always students but for Rosary Hill, as lation . Most memorable is the sweet, pathetic trollup the boys be­ Janice states that “ People are gladly received.” well. friend. In a very affecting scene, she cuddles up to her compulsive gambling mother in an appeal for guidance and love (the two non­ material, rare commodities she so desperately craves).

Another scene, early in the film, in which Segal challanges Gould (with about $20 riding on the outcome) to name the Seven Dwarfs, Thanks to you strikes us funny at first. Before the “ dead end” climax, the bet is use­ ful as a poignant surface point in the picture. It illustrates how even it^s working seven innocent Disney characters can be .contorted to aid corruption. $Sed of Buffalo & Erio County Announcing Campus Movies Lennie Williams will head a committee to raise by DARRYL DAVID AMATO funds for the legal defense of three black men now awaiting death in the gas chamber at Raleigh, North Carolina. The three, Jesse This semester motion pictures the two semesters. Ms. Tassone Oct. 23 ‘A Star is Born” (1954), Walton, 24; Vernon Brown, 22; and Bobby Hines, will be presented with no admis­ expounds, “ We never make Judy Garland, James Mason. 23; are accused of having raped a white woman. sion charge to Rosary Hill stu­ money on any movies. In fact, we Nov. 6 — “ Second Chorus” dents, according to Activities always lose.” “ A lot of the more Nov. 14 — “ A Raisin in the Sun” recent films are being shown on Witnesses attest that the woman voluntarily Board Vice Chairman Jo Marie (1961), Sidney Poitier. Tassone. TV,” she continues, and in retort entered the car. the Board has acquired “ good, Nov. 21 — “ On the Waterfront” (1954), Marlon Brando. Last year the Board exhibited old movies.” Lennie Williams needs ideas for fund raising recent films such as “ Little Big Dec. 5 — “ Somebody Up There The films, all intended to be Man,” “ Cabaret” and “ The likes Me” (1956), Paul Newman. and helpers to work with him. Leave your name Candidate.” These pictures cost shown in the Rathskeller, in­ Dec. 12 — “ Bringing Up Baby” at Wick Desk if you are willing to help Lennie. about 200 to 300 dollars to rent, clude: (1938), Katharine Hepburn, Cary necessitating an admission fee. Oct. 17 — “ King Kong (1933), Fay Grant. _ Attendance was low throughout Wray. OCTOBER 15,1974 THE ASCENT PAGE 5

A Moment With Boz Scaggs Gordon Lightfoot at by KEVIN EDWARDS Klemhans October 18 Gordon Lightfoot must be one As erne reviewer once noted: of the best singer/songwriters of “ Lightfoot has been through the I must start on a rather basic takable manner. most cuts, and helps out with pro­ our times, and he will be appear­ musical mill getting, finally, to level, because most people duction. ing at Kleinhans Music Hall on where he finds himself. He has haven’t heard of Boz Scaggs at On this first LP, called simply Along with his musical ex­ Oct. 18. In addition to his writing emerged as a man for all styles, all. He’s one of the finest and “ Boz Scaggs,” there’s a tune pertise, Boz is an excellent and recording, he is a much informing his songs with the most versatile talents around, yet called “ Loan Me a Dime,” which lyricist . . . sought after concert performer. depths of his despairs, his insight his music is played only on pro­ has to be a classic. Boz wrote it, into social problems, and his gressive F.M. stations such as and Duane just plays his ass off. In my opinion Boz’s poetry is Born in Orillia, Canada, Light­ love. WPHD or WBFO. Therefore, if It starts out slow and lonely, and worthy of being bound between foot draws upon his own personal you’re only into A.M. radio, builds for twelve minutes into a leather covers, but I prefer it on experience for his music. “What I This will be a concert that you’ve never had the unmitigated screaming blues with horn selec­ record with the music it belongs write usually combines things should not be missed. Tickets are tion and organ so loud that Duane joy of getting into his music. with. Boz has a sensitivity in his that have happened to me in still available through the Festi­ has to turn up his amp in order to lyrics equal to Joni Mitchell’s or times past, but also about current val Ticket Office. There will be Boz started out playing with the be heard! After hearing it, people Bob Dylan’s, yet he hasn’t got happenings.” IF YOU COULD two performances: one at 7:00 Steve Miller Band back in the just lie back and say wow! their kind of audience, and this READ M Y MIND, and SUN and 10:30. days of “ Livin’ in the U.S.A.” In remains sort of an underground DOWN are an example of the ’69 Boz split with that group and Versatility is Boz’s forte, be­ favorite. The only way one ever Lightfoot style. He sings of his EXPERIENCE . GORDON cut his first album, with the help cause he can write and perform gets put on to Boz Scaggs is if native Canada, creating an at­ LIGHTFOOT IN CONCERT! of a few sidemen from Muscle music of any popular style. Blues, they have a friend who listens to mosphere of lyric and power and Shoals, Alabama. Along with country, rock, soul, and mellow him, and lets them listen to how assurance. these local boys, a gentleman by numbers: Boz plays ’em all, and great Boz is. That’s the only the name of Duane Allman lends does a hell of a job. He does all proper way to do it . . . not to go a hand, playing dobro, guitar, the lead vocals on his five scrawling newspaper articles and slide guitar in his own unmis­ albums, plays lead guitar on about him.

RHC Crossword Puzzle ^and DARRYL DAVID AMATO

New Co-Editor Named

DARRYL DAVID AMATO has been named co-editor- in-chief of The Ascent.

Darryl, a third year English major, has been writing for The Ascent for three years. His specialty has been movie reviews and feature articles.

ACROSS 17. Bar. 26. ''Tommy.'' by The Who. 1. Having moved forward. 18. Noah's 27. hat 2. Third President of RHC. 19. and gown. 28. RHC's tennis court lacks a 3. I.D. photo room. DOWN 29. Phi Beta . 4. RHC's home town. 1. Beer 30. Initials of female, dorm. 5. Dorm assistant. 8. Shout of disapproval. 31. Before second. 6. Appendage. 10. Opposite of future. 32. Mother. 7. Of, relating to, being. 13. Intravenous. 33. What you can do with'your 8. Water 14< Light my Alma Mater. 9. Little theatre. 20. Contraction of I am. 34. Major California city. 10. Opposite of fail. 21 They run Spring Weekend. 35. Parts of a play. 11. Sandwich cookie. 22. Music building. 37. Red rubber 12. Right 23. Initials of a U.S. President 38. Initials .of dormitory 13. Hypothetical possibility. and World War II General. government. 14. White lies. 24. The only thing commuters 39. Woman's name. 15. What residents had a sit-in for, can't do on campus. 40. What you are reading. and what 56 Campus lost. 25. Initials of the science Photo by John Robinson 16. R. concentration. Answers on page 8 OCTOBER 20, 1974 PAGE 6 THE ASCENT Zhe Public RHC Programming , Notification System Committee by JANET S. ELMER

What does college mean to this system to work by planning a Hi! I’m Liz. I ’ll bet a lot of you you? To some students at Rosary one-day .excursion to Toronto on don’t know who I am, so I’ll tell Hill it is just a place to come to October 26th. Another group has you. get a degree, but it can be much begun to plan for a weekend in more. Creating the other Toronto. There is room for all I was born many years ago experiences that college can offer kinds of ideas and plans. before any of you knew what and helping them to be realized is Rosary Hill was. I studied in spy the task of the Programming Should you wish to meet and school and I graduated with Committee. It’s main objective is discuss a book or investigate a special merit in snooping and to encourage and to create a problem, the committee will help sneaking. I am also an honorary climate of solidarity throughout you set up a meeting of “ Issues! ” member of the Order of Super the several concentrations while Then you go out and find other Snoopers. I am prepared to be at Photo by John Robinson at the same time, encouraging people who are interested in your my nosy best throughout the and increasing individual ideas or equipped with ideas of campus at RHC. Have you noticed how young What student personnel office expression. It seeks to stimulate their own. If you want to see a is now known as the “ contageou^ enthusiastic, intelligent show or take a trip to some My first assignment was as the students at RHC are getting? ward?” The regular secretaries, recreation through offering special place, see the committee Louella Parson’s understudy, The youngest attendee may be the substitutes and even the aides different points of view. and discover that they are the yntil I was asked to RHC this Mira Lee Rinehart, who was have taken sick at the Career Secondly, they want to help people who can help you to cut semester. I'm generally every­ seven months old in September. Planning and Placement Office. individuals to realize their own through the red tape. One of the where, where things are happen­ She accompanies her mom, To make things even worse, the wishes. A first step has been put nicest things about the Pro­ ing, but you may never see me, Bonita Rinehart a freshman in “ Balloon Man” got sick too. into action with a program called gramming Committee, however, because I ’m an excellent sneak! Elementary Education. “ Issues” which is planned is that they are always available. For instance, I overheard the Check every corner because periodically. It consists of a The members are people with planning of the Concert Will the person who borrowed Pat Stewart’s out for your blood! group of students and faculty whom you probably have already Committee's racy script called Mrs. Suhalla’s book “ We Do Not meeting together to discuss, as had contact. They are Mrs. Paule “ Linda Loveslace comes to Throw Rocks at the Teacher” Luckily, things at the Mrs. Paule Hennin puts it, “ the Hennin, Sister Mary Francis R H C at the Caffine House on please return it. Reward: one bag Admissions Office are really burning problenjs and also Parisi, Father Donald Wangler, October 9 That sure turned out to of rocks. picking up. RHC now has a new problems which are not burning, Peter Siedlecki, James Moran, be quite an affair. and Steven Cliffinger. It would be a lot easier to locate Admissions Counselor, Dee but should be.” Carbonelli. Dee is taking the Speaking of affairs, did you the president of Rosary Hill if he place of Ed Gailor who is now an The second part of the goal can So, if anything has stimulated know that Eva Schmidt and Dave had a sign over his door. Will we you lately, why don’t you try to have to padlock a new sign, or Admissions Counselor at only be achieved by you! One Rog have set their wedding date? stimulate one of them! wrll the old one be returned? Canandaigua College of the group of students has already put The ceremony is scheduled for Fingerlakes. If anyone is May 31. Glenn Pawlowski is also interested in recruiting students engaged. He plans to marry After 15 dedicated years as the president’s secretary, Mrs. Mary from various high schools, talk to (W ile DeSantis but they haven’t Dee in the Admissions Office. I set a definite date. Herrmann is leaving Rosary Hill. We thank you for being yourself know she’ll appreciate it. Thanks to you and best wishes on your Next time you have that un­ Well, good-bye now. May the controllable urge for onion potato retirement. I know that your Great Pumpkin be merciful to chips, don’t look for them in the position will be in good hands itYw orking all! bookstore. Right, Sister Phyllis. with Mrs.. Stewart. U nited Ed. Note: Got any gossip or W ay juicy news? Liz wants to know. Contact her personally or leave of Buffalo & your name at Wick Desk or in the Eri# County Young and Female Ascent office.

5 sjew Director of Alumni Relations Named Young and Female Edited bv Pat Ross hv RAI PH MAGLIETTE by DRU HETTRICH Vintage soft ! 1.50 Sister Patricia Russo, OSF, has At this period in time the women’s liberation movement has slowed, recently been named Director of just as Martin Luther King’s sit-ins lost their impact towards the end. Alumni Relations and Director of It seems as if people are tired of hearing about it, Men tend to laugh off Annual Giving. the “ lib thing” as silly, dikish or just a whim of the female populace. After all, they say, a woman doesn’t know what* she wants. Look how Sister Pat is well known on the they change their minds. Ha Ha. Rosary Hill Campus, having served for three years as the Yeah, ha ha I’m recommending this book to you men as well as to Director of Residents. In that women! It’s not an “ army boot to the groin” type of book. It’s simply position, she was responsible for eight women telling their short and to the point stories of how they the well-being of over three reached their emancipation. hundred young men and women who live on campus. Shirley MacLaine tells how she wanted to make something of herself and how her father couldn’t understand why she wouldn’t conform to In Pat's new position, she is the the conventional woman’s role of home-keeper. We all know how much college’s liaison with the alumni. she has done. She fyas become a well known actress as well as one of No stranger to demanding jobs, the ambassadors of good-will sent to China to reopen relations with the Sister Pat feels that her new U S Then there’s Shirley Chisholm, one of our more progressive position will be a challenge. “ But politicians. She writes about her college life and ambitions. Not only I’m going to enjoy it, I’m sure,” was she handicapped because of her sex but because of her color she smiles.

The infamous Margaret Sanger also gives us a little biography. My Sister Pat identifies the alumni goodness, she was that bad, bad lady who had the audacity to suggest as one of the most important educating women in birth control methods. She was attacked from all assets and extensions of the sides and she only wanted to cut down the number of unwanted child­ College. Pat, herself, is a Rosary ren that were unhappily raised. She was doing more to help the female Hill alumnus. She holds a sex then than anyone realized. And Dorothy Day, a woman reporter, bachelors degree in history and who picketed for women’s rights and was thrown in jail and held up to government from Rosary Hill Photo by John Robinson ridicule for her part in the movement. College as well as a masters from Niagara University. Sister Pat is already involved important liaison functions in the This book is not a radical one. It gives personal views on the subject with all of them. The “ Rosary College. of women by women who managed to unslot themselves and do what “ It is through alumni interest, Hill Response,” a tabloid they wanted to do with their lives. They are all articulate women and financial support, and loyalty to directed primarily to alumni, has “ It is hoped that the increased express their feelings and thoughts on their liberation very well. It is a the college that alumni can bring a section on what’s happening to interest of the alumni will help in short book yet it has more to say than many long-winded books on the others to know what Rosary Hill the individual alumnus — Pat broadening the contacts between same subject. The editor has written a short biography before each is — a total learning experience,” edits this portion of the the college and the community at essay that gives us the background, triumphs and accomplishments of Pat feels. And a large part of her “ Response.” She has been busy large,” Pat indicates. the eight women. The whole book is enlightening, interesting and job is to impart knowledge to the organizing fund raising and thought provoking. The rights women have now are taken for granted alumni. social events for alunni, and The alumni will enjoy an by a lot of us and it can only do us good to look back and see how it was being new in the position, exciting year, if enthusiasm and before. There are still areas that are closed to women that should be Many programs have been organizing herself for what dedication matter — ‘cause open before long. Let us hope that there will be more women like the established to keep the alumni in promises to be one of the most Sister Pat has plenty of both. ones in this book that will lead the way. contact with the college — and OCTOBER 15.1974 THE ASCENT PAGE 7 Don't Needle Patti Star Trekkies Unite Star Trek Fans — At a recent seem to feel that the young people By MARIE FORTUNA St. Con, Walter Koenig stated will not relate to William Shat- that Paramount has entered into ner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForrest Patti wore four needles taped serious negotiations with Gene Kelley, etc. anymore as they are with adhesive in a radial pattern Roddenberry to make a feature 5 years older. Please help us above one ear that first week at film and then bring the show back convince them that they are Rosary Hill. “ Acupuncture treat­ to T V. as a mini-series, (6 times wrong. Please have your ment,” explained brown-eyed a year, 90 minutes each). Some of members (and all the ST fans sophomore Patti Ann Brocato. the executives at Paramount they can find) write us the “ I’m taking it to help overcome want to change the show. They following information. nerve deafness in my right ear. want a new cast and crew. They I’m beginning to hear again.

“ It didn’t hurt a bit last March 1. Do they want the show back? . when Dr. Ng implanted eight 2. Do they want it back without Capt. Kirk, Mr. Spock, etc? needles in my right shoulder and 3. Do they want it back without William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, hooked them up to the electric etc.? current for my first treatment,” 4. Who is their favorite character and actor? (In the case of Patti said. “ Dr. Ng and I were specialized clubs, we already know who is the favorite but please' both nervous, but it didn’t hurt at include anyway). all.” 5. Name, Address, Age.

“ Now,” Patti confided, “ I do feel the two-inch needles. Maybe Sent to — I didn’t feel the first treatment STSTC (Save the Star Trek cast) least the main cast) the show will because the doctor used smaller P.O. Box 3432 fail again-and we will lose it needles. Probably it’s because I Pasadena, Texas-77502 forever. Help us now to show had no feeling on my right side them that ST is not just an adven­ then but I ’m beginning to have Please also write Paramount ture about a spaceship but that some now.” and Mr. Roddenberry directly. the crew of the Enterprise and But do write us also. Results will the actors who made them live When asked how she got start­ be compiled and they and the are an inseperable part of the ed with acupuncture Patti who original letters forwarded to Mr. “ magic” that is Star Trek. has had eight treatments so far, Yablans at Paramount. credited her father, her physical Thank you. therapist Barbara Reich, and Dr. We are afraid that if David Klein. Her dad’s interest Paramount brings the show back Live Long and Prosper was stimulated by what he read without the origional cast (at Mrs. C. Brownell, Pres. STSTC in the newspapers and magazines about acupuncture. Barbara Photo by John Robinson Reich, whose dad had been o a play see the Science Center successfully treated by this “ After the operation, I came up my strength. I are so many ■+- method, recommended it to her. home from the hospital with my square meals I turned into a o (/>* Dr. Klein, a neurosurgeon, right side paralyzed. I couldn’t blimp,” she laughed. o> mmm 0 thought she should give it a try. talk. I couldn’t feed myself. I Come to couldn’t even hold up my head,” NOt a blimp now, Patti, shapely o Before she had heard of she sighed. in her navy blue sweater and well a> -< acupuncture, Patti had already fitted dungarees, found that it u. o taken a year off from school in Now Patti can do all those was difficult to get back “ into it” O Toronto ■n order to use intensively---the things and much more. Patti said after letting a year lapse before A occupational therapy at Meyer that her mother helped her walk starting at RHC. c < Memorial Hospital. Barbara again. Not only did her mother $ Oct. 26th Reich gave her regular physical help her to learn to write with her “ I never thought I ’d make it therapy. He mother learned to left hand, but she gave her own that first semester,” she o CD give her physical therapy too. All courage to Patti. “ You can do it groaned. “ But the second semes­ c CO this was necessary because of Patti, You can do it,” her mother ter was much easier,” she added. O what happened to Patti seven kept repeating. 5 $6.00 per person years ago. Though she’s a social work o Patti chuckled as she remem­ concentrator, she really likes u O “ See this horseshoe shaped bered the one time that her special education. She’d like to Leave 8:00 a.m. scar,” asked Patti pointing to the mother’s encouragement ballon- work in that field. unnoticeable to most people. plenty of nourishing food to build been there.” > u m e s n y y o u d +u q p A o y a i | i 0 0 S


SIXTEEN YEARS AGO by LINDA NEIDER (October, 1958) Interestingly enough, Mary lady mayor.” Instead of ad­ invited by Daeman Mothers’ Club recent visitor had received on the Ann Heifer, Editor-in-Chief of vocating a massive bra-burning to attend a beauty counseling RHC campus. It stated, “ This is a It was in October, 1958 that The Ascent in ‘58, was very much ceremony, however, Ms. Heifer program, were watching the Franciscan campus where RHC’s “ Classroom- concerned with women’s rights felt women could change their freshmen class receive formal friendliness should be in the air Administration Building’’ (or, more correctly, ‘lack o f). In plight by “ terminating their academic attire at the Cap and we breathe... But a few students, received the name, Dun Scotus. an editorial she writes, “ The flight from responsibility and by Gown Ceremony and attended a old enough to act more respon­ An article in The “ Ascent” noted American woman pays 52 per turning to face the world . . . We convocation which stresses sibly, went out of their way that “ this title was chosen over cent of our federal income tax must base our actions on a deep “ opportunity, growth.” recently to receive a well-known several others, such as Lourdes, and controls the same percentage pride in our personal worth and visitor with calculated dis­ Francis or Clare, since it seemed of the vote. . . Yet we can cite not Christian dignity .” TEN YEARS AGO respect. Photographs prove it to best represent the synthesis of a single feminine governor; nor (October, 1964) and the smirks on the faces of intellectualism and Catholicism does any major city boast of a In October, 1958 students were some of the prepetrators showed for which RHC strives.” The title In this issue of The Ascent, Sr. a smugness about it that was selected to honor John Duns Angela, then president of RHC, probably sprang from Scotus, an eminent Franciscan announced that a bachelor of fine immaturity. . . The Kennedys philosopher of the thirteenth arts degree would be offered. deserve a more intelligent century. When the B.F.A. was first following than this.” The initiated, it was decided that, at Kennedy referred to was Robert, In hopes of raising money to first, art would be the particular who was then running for the help cover the cost of Dun Scotus specialization for the degree. Senate against Keating. (the building, that is), students Although they surmised a rallied together and staged a gradual expansion of the B.F.A. Ten years ago, Rosary Hill was Carnival Night. This event, very program into the fields of the stage of student-faculty > much analogous to the Mardi theatre, music and dance, as of coffee hours, became involved Gras held at RHC last year, 1974 this goal has not been with an Inter-collegiate Civil featured class competition in the actualized. Rights Committee and saw the selling of raffle and general formation of A Women’s Club admission tickets. In 1958, class A letter to the Editor (M. (composed of women faculty spirit could definately not be Patricia Hoftiezer) in October, members and wives of the men labeled as apathetic. 1964 derided the treatment a professors). PAGE 8 THE ASCENT OCTOBER 15.1974

Grand Island Coffee House Debuts Sacred Heart vs. The Hill? Reading Conference The Coffee House in the Back Room made its 1974 debut in Wick by CINDY CARR 113 on the evening of September On Saturday October 5, at used to teach children how to 30. Despite a rather poor turnout, As of September 6, some of Grand Island High School, the read. Each publisher also had a the event was an artistic success Sacred Heart’s girls started Niagara Frontier Council of the supply of free material which will that had many people inquiring attending classes at Rosary Hill. International Reading be of benefit to many teachers. about when it will happen again. Through much frustration of Association held their Fourteenth Several interest group dis­ The answer to the question takes filling out forms and finding Annual Reading Conference. cussions and reaction sessions two forms: soon and never — rooms, we were able to make it Rosary Hill College was were held in various classrooms soon because the coffee-house through the day. In addition to represented by Mrs. Marion in the high school. Such topics as will be a regular every-second- the first day’s activities, I still Elmer, Professor in the “ The influence of reading on the Monday affair this year; and can’t find the book store in Wick Elementary Education self-image in the primary never because none of the others Center. (I was a victim of wrong Department, and several grades, ” ‘ ‘Developing Literacy will be like the first one. directions!) interested students. in the urban elementary school,” and “Literacy Volunteers and The first coffee house was The first few weeks went by The Conference opened with an developing reading skills beyond intended as a showcase for the rather smoothly but curiosity and excellent talk, by guest speaker the school setting” were topics of people who will be featured adventure still linger in the Dr. Daniel Fader, Professor at interest to many teachers throughout the year. Each per­ hearts of the girls. Teachers and the University of Michigan. Dr. present. former was given a “ spot” in students alike are extremely Fader spoke on “ Isolation and which he did three of four fascinating and the amount of Literacy.” In telling several numbers, so it became a parade campus gossip a person is able to interesting stories about children The Conference ended with of blue-grass, folk, ragtime, etc. hear in Scenck Main Lounge is and reading, Dr. Fader said that another talk by Dr. Fader on Subsequent Coffee Houses in the unbelievable! Although classes “ children are desperate to “ Developing Literacy K-12” and Back Room will feature only two are much longer than at Sacred decode the world around them.” a question and answer session. or three performers for the entire Heart, there’s always time for a Photo by John Robinson evening. laugh to be shared, be it in the The well known author of such This Reading Conference was yet expressed an interest in per­ middle of a discussion or in the books as “ Hooked on Books” and particularly interesting to the On October 21, for example, the forming but would like to be midst of writing obituaries for “ The Naked Children” explained students at Rosary Hill. It was in night’s entertainment will included in the coffee house journalism. that the greatest privilege a child direct correlation with the feature Maura Kearney, Kurt schedule should contact Tom can have is hope. Classrooms reading display outside of the Keller, Mike Morin, and Skip Dose of the Music Concentration Once the semester has ended, should always present some hope Teacher Resource Center on the Mahler. Any people who have not or Peter Siedlecki in English. I’m sure I’m going to miss to the child. If a child is taught to third floor of DS. With such Tuesdays and Thursdays at the hope and wait, the good things excellent resources as those Tournaments Hill (especially after so many will eventually come. available to our pre-service Dr. Miller Speaks offers!). To put it rather bluntly, teachers, they will surely have an how can a S.H.A. girl pass up the The Conference also had an excellent background of reading Slated chance to go traying down Duck materials in their future excellent educational exhibit of by SYLVIA ANDO LINA to Group Pond when one’s first relation­ various readers, series of books, classrooms. ship begins at the bottom . . . and other materials which can be Rosary Hill College is having a Dr. Thomas W. Miller, Acting pool and ping-pong tournament. Vice President for Student As of yet I have heard nothing Affairs and Associate Professor Hill College and non-professional about die ping-pong tournament, of Psychology,addressed the 82nd personnel at the Buffalo Come One and All but the pool tournament is going Annual Convention of the Psychiatric Center. to be held October 10, 11,15, and American Psychological 17. You can register at the Wick Association in New Orleans, Dr. Miller’s research findings Hear Dave and Carleen discuss Desk. The games will be fixed Louisiana on Monday, September suggest that when non­ around your afternoon classes. 2, 1974. professional mental health Everyone is welcome to register. workers are exposed to the The last time I looked at the list, Dr. Miller presented a paper “mentally ill” their desire to Teenage Alcoholism the signees were all male. Come entitled, Internal-External assist in the rehabilitation pro­ on, girls; let’s see some of you Control and Attitudes Towards cess of these people as well as pool players sign up. In this pool Mental Illness in Non-Pro­ their attitude towards the whole Lourdes Main Lounge tournament there is going to be fessional Mental Health Workers concept of mental hygiene some stiff competition. which emerge out of a joint re­ ideology tends to change in a Tuesday, Oct. 15, 1974 As soon as the bowling search effort between Rosary positive direction. Without such standings are given to me I will exposure attitudes towards pass them along. mental illness tend to be more 9 - 10:00 p.m. negative and much less under­ There was a flag football standing toward the plight of per­ meeting and a men’s basketball sons and emotional disturbance. Sponsored by LIVE AND LEARN meeting last week, both of which and RUFFALO COUNCIL ON ALCOHOLISM I was unfortunately unable to attend. I hope to have the information for you by the next Answers to Crossword Puzzle issue.


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